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Can We Keep The APPOINTED TIMES/Feasts Outside of the Land?

by Ann Yahu (Notes) on Sunday, March 17, 2013 at 8:36pm

Can We Keep the Feasts Outside of the Land? Many groups today Teach that we are not observe the Mu`adym of YAHUAH because we are in captivity, and they can only be kept outside of the land of Yasharal. Does Turah support this doctrine? Should we keep the festivalseven in captivity? The Feasts of YAHUAH ( U-Yaqra/Leviticus) 23:1-4, 10although YAHUAH lists the festivals as His, verse 10 says when you come into the land, this is why many feel the feasts are only to be kept in the land. Faithlessness is the Reason Why Mu`adym Are Forsaken`(Abarym/Hebrews) 3:12 -19; 4:6-11; 11:27 & 28 faith and obedience are required to keep mu`adym. The Shabath: Outside of the Land( Shamuth/Exodus) 16:23 -30( B-mdbar/Numbers) 15:3241 The Pasach and Matsuth: Outside of the Land( Shamuth/Exodus) 12:3 -12, 14-20, 28, 38 & 39, 41 & 42the first Pasach and Matsuth were both kept out of the land.( B-mdbar/Numbers) 9:1-14 Yasharal kept Pasach in the wilderness.( Dabarym/Deuteronomy) 16:1 -16 Yasharal is Repeatedly told to observe the Mu`adym in the place where the Name dwells: in 2012, that is not in the land of Israel. Remember, where two or three are gathered in His Name, He will be in the midst (( MathathYahu/Matthew) 18:19 & 20). The gathering of the Name is the place where the Mu`adym are to be kept. The Conclusion of the Matter

During the wilderness period, Yasharal was taught to perform the Mu`adym outside of the land, so that they would know how to honor YAHUAH inside the land. In our Wilderness/captivity state, we, much like our brothers in the Wilderness, have to turn back to the time of relearning and following His Mu`adym, before we can enter into the land.

1 Corinthians 5:6-8 New International Version (NIV) 6 Your boasting is not good. Dont you know that a little Yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?7 Get rid of the old Yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch as you really are. For YAHUSHA, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 (Therefore Let Us Keep The Festival), not with the Old Bread Leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth.

In Addition To His Weekly Shabath (Sabbath), YAHUAH --BARUKH=blessed His People With Annual Gatherings (Mu'adym) That Were To Be Observed In Honor Of Him. These Were Not Jewish Festivals, They Were The Festivals Of Yahuah. Each Feast had Significant Meanings, and Foreshadowed a More Excellent Time In The Body Of Mashyach, that We Will Not fully Understand or Grasp until Yahusha Returns.

U'yaqara/Leviticus 23 Explains The Mu'adym(Appointed Gathering) Of Yahuah:

1. The weekly Shabath (Sabbath) 2. Pesach (Passover) 3. Matsuth (The Days of Unleavened Bread) 4. Bakurym (Feast of the First Fruits)

5. Shabua (Feast of Weeks) 6. Zakarun Taruah (Memorial of Trumpets) 7. Kapharym Yum (Atonement Day) 8. Ha Sakuth Chag (Festival of Booths) 9. Ha Shamyny Yum (The Eighth Day - Last Great Day)

Chazun/Revelation 22:11 Your servant in the work of YAHUAH and YAHUSHA Yachazyal YachazaqYahu Shalum

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