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Question 1 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0

1. S = (78) + (78+77) + (78+77+76) + (78+77+76+75) + ... + (78 + 77+ 76 + 75 + 74+ ... +4 + 3 + 2) + (78 + 77+ 76 + 75 + 74+ ... +4 + 3 + 2 + 1). Find S 161239 Checking...

Question 2 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0

Find the largest prime factor of 735695760561. Factor: A number which exactly divides a given number. Prime Number: A number which has only 1 and the number itself as its factors. Submit

Question 3 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0




Given above is a park of dimensions 10 km x 10 km. Each small square shown in the diagram is of side 1 km. A person can walk only southwards or eastwards and also only along the lines shown. There are two parks C and D through which alone one can traverse diagonally. If a person starts from A and needs to reach B, find the number of ways he/she can take the shortest possible route. Submit

Question 4 (Base Point:3) Attempts : 0

Let x be the total number of even terms in the Pascal Triangle from the 0th level to the 1048575th level. Find 10x + 37 Submit

Question 5 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0

A circle of radius 42 circumscribes a square. A second square is formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of the first square. A third square is formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of the second square. This process is carried out infinite number of times. Find the sum of individual areas of all such squares formed (closest to the nearest integer).





Question 6 (Base Point:5) Attempts : 0

If '2a', '3a', '4a' and '5a' contain the same digits, find the second smallest positive integer 'a' that satisfies this condition. Submit

Question 7 (Base Point:3) Attempts : 0

Let 'A' be the sum of the factorials of the first 'n' natural numbers. Let 'B' be the sum of the cubes of the digits of the sum 'A'. Find the value of 'n' for which 'A' equal to 'B'. Submit

Question 8 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

Michael knows an equation (1/a) + (1/b) = z (where 'a', 'b' and 'z' are positive integers), which has multiple solutions depending on the value of 'z'. Find the value of 'z' for which there are more than 1000 distinct solutions. Submit

Question 9 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

Find the number of numbers that are both triangular and happy below 1011. Triangular Number: A triangular number counts the objects that can form an equilateral triangle. The nth triangle is the number of dots in a triangle with n dots on a side. It is the sum of natural numbers from 1 to n. Starting from the 0th natural number, the series is 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36 ... Happy Number: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of squares of its digits and repeat the process until 3/9



the number equals 1. If it loops endlessly, then the number is not a happy number. Submit

Question 10 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0

Take a Fibonacci series where the first two terms are 1. Find 'n' such that in F(n) i.e., the nth term of the series, the first 9 and the last 9 digits contain all the digits from 1 through 9 in some order. Submit

Question 11 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

Let 'A' be a set consisting of all the factors of 3024. Let 'B' the proper subset of 'A' such that it contains all the elements of 'A' which are odd. Find the product of all the elements of set 'B'. Submit

Question 12 (Base Point:6) Attempts : 0

Abraham was studying about some strange properties of a few numbers. When he came across the number 512, he realized that 512 = (5+1+2)3 i.e., the number is equal to the sum of its digits raised to some power 'k'. He checked for this property from among other numbers randomly and found that 390625 = (3+9+0+6+2+5)4. So, proper analysis shows that t(2) = 512, t(9) = 390628, then t(20) = ?, given that t(n) is the nth term of the sequence and also that a number should have two digits to form a sum. Submit

Question 13 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0




Find the sum of the digits of all the numbers from 1 to Submit


Question 14 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

Find the number of numbers that are Gaussian Primes from 1 to 108 Gaussian Number: A complex number whose real and imaginary parts are both integers. Prime Number: A number whose factors are only 1 and the number itself. Gaussian Prime: A Gaussian number symmetric about both the real and imaginary axes. Submit

Question 15 (Base Point:5) Attempts : 0

A given number of cards can be stacked in different ways. Eg: 5 cards can be stacked in exactly 7 different ways; {5}, {4,1}, {3,2}, {3,1,1}, {2,2,1}, {2,1,1,1}, {1,1,1,1,1}. If I say 'n' should be a multiple of 105, find the smallest number of cards that can be separated into stacks in 'n' ways. Submit

Question 16 (Base Point:5) Attempts : 0

The divisors of 42 are 8 in number. They are 42, 21, 14, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1. Here, it can be seen that for any divisor 'd' of the number, d+ (42/d) is prime. Find the sum of all natural numbers 'n', less than or equal to 107, such that this property holds good. Submit

Question 17 (Base Point:3) Attempts : 0




Let abcdefghij be the last 10 digits of the sum S and S = 1 + 4 + 27+ 256 + ... + 20002000 . Find abcdefghij. Submit

Question 18 (Base Point:3) Attempts : 0

Some palindrome numbers can be written as the sum of squares of consecutive positive integers. Eg: 595 = 62 + 72 + 82 + ... + 122. Find the sum of all such numbers less than 108. Submit

Question 19 (Base Point:6) Attempts : 0

For some prime number 'm', there exists a unique positive number 'l', such that l3 + ml2 is a perfect cube. (Eg: If 'm' = 19, then 'k' = 8 and (8)3 + (19) * (8)2 = (12)3 . How many such values of 'm' exist below 106 ? Submit

Question 20 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

A test is conducted at a college. It has 4 parts. The first three parts carry 10 marks each. The 4th part carries 20 marks. There is no negative marking. Let 'C' be the number of ways in which a candidate can get 30 marks out of 50 marks. Find 'C'. Submit

Question 21 (Base Point:3) Attempts : 0

Let 'R' = {x/x is a prime number less than 30}. Rational Number: A rational number is a number which can be written in the form p/q 6/9



where q is not equal to 0. Find the number of different rational numbers whose numerator and denominator belong to R. Submit

Question 22 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

If January 1, 1921 was a Tuesday; how many Mondays will fall on the first day of the second week from January 1, 1921 to December 31, 2000. Use Gregorian calendar. Submit

Question 23 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

A perfect number is a number, the sum of whose factors is twice the number. (Eg: 6; the factors are 1, 2, 3, 6; sum of factors = 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 12 = 2*6). Let 'a', 'b', 'c' be the first three even perfect numbers respectively. Let 'P' = a*b*c. find the total number of even factors of 'P'. Submit

Question 24 (Base Point:5) Attempts : 0

Rachel took a natural number 'n'. If 'n' was even, she divided it by 2 to get n/2. If 'n' was odd, she multiplied it by 3 and added 1 to get 3n + 1. She repeated this process and eventually arrived at 1 going through a sequence of numbers. (Eg: If 'n' = 13; Sequence: 134020105168421, which is a sequence of length 10.) Which number below 105 will give rise to the largest such sequence? Submit

Question 25 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0




Let 'y' be the remainder when 2734

(27^34^19) is divided by 10. Find 12y + 37. Submit

Question 26 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0

Let the highest power of 3 that exactly divides the number 1011121314...676869 be z. Find z - 1. Submit

Question 27 (Base Point:4) Attempts : 0

(157)159 + (156)158 + (155)157 + ... + (n)n+2 + ... + (3)5 + (2)4 + (1)3 = A10. In 'ax'; 'a' is the index, 'x' is the base or radix or scale of notation. Find 'A'. Submit

Question 28 (Base Point:5) Attempts : 0

An old king of Ashravi made a 30 x 30 chess board. In how many ways can he place 20 rooks such that no 2 rooks are in a position to attack one another (Basic chess rules)? Submit

Question 29 (Base Point:3) Attempts : 0

Find the last 14 digits of 25731069 (It is a Tetration) 8/9




Question 30 (Base Point:2) Attempts : 0

LCM (x, y, z) = L . If 'L', 'x', 'y' are 808508427232, 88 and 61 respectively. Find 'z' such that the HCF of 'x' and 'z' is 8 and HCF of 'y' and 'z' is 1. Submit


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