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RM L52Lll









By Arthur W. Carter and Roger V. Butler

An investigation was made at subcritical speeds Langley tank no. 1 in , of the flow field behind hydrofoil having an 8-inch chord an aspect a ana ratio of 10, and operating at depth of a 0.75 chord below the free-water surface. The downwash and water surface profiles were measured behind the hydrofoil over range of iateral and 1.ongitudkm.l positfons interest a of for tandem hydrofoil applications. experimental aata were compared The with theoretical predictions based on two-dimensional flow.

AB predicted-by theoiy, the displacement of the free-water surface and the angles of -dawnwash varied directly with lift coefficient. The & angles of downwash varied exponenttally depth below the water surface with as would be expected for gravity'waves. the region fnvestigated, the In s surface wave can be predicted by two-dimensioml theory from the trailing edge to the pointm xm m upwash, but only at low subcritical speeds of R f u and near the center &. e The angles of downwash can be predicted by two-dimensional theory over same range for which the theory accurately the predicts the surface wave. Outboard the centerplane, the surface of and downwash patterns were complicated by the tip dlsturbances no valid and cmparison with two-dimensional theory possible. was
As part of the genera .research on hydrofoils, a n investigation has been made of t e flow field behfnd high-aspect-ratio rectangular h a hydrofoil operating near the water surface.. The: purp0s.e of the investigation was to determine the downwash pattern behind the hydrofoil and to determine the regions over which predictions, available theory, were accurate. ui g s n Theoretical methods for calculatinglength and amplitude the SUTthe of face wave behind the hydrofoil and the angles of downwash below the freewater surface two-dimensional f o have been presented in references in lw 1. and 2.



The damwash and water-surface profiles behind a hydrofoil having an NACA 61t1A412 section and aspect ratio were determined Langley of 10 in tank no. 1, over a range of later& and longitudinal positions of-interest in tandem bydrafoil.applications. T h i s info.gnation of. is interest in . predicting the effects the front of hydrofoil on the characteristics of . " the second hydrofoil and dete.mlningt eo v e r - d l lift and in h ' drag &E w e l l control stability asand the system. of the









local lift coefficient


distance frm plane of symmetry, semispan chord depth depth .of of hydrofoil, ft hydrofoil, ft free-water




surface,- - ft-.


submergenceft ,


to due gravity (32.2), ft/sec2


mean depth of -tank (10.61, ft

distance aft of speed, f'ps


edge hydrofoil, ft of


distance aft; of quarter

chord hydrofoil, ft of


displacement of free-water surface, positive upward, chorda displacementoff'ree-watersurface, angle of attack, deg

. . .

positive ugmrd, ft


ft2/sec circdation,

. .

angle of damwash, deg wave length, ft




Ln l i n e with usual theories of w a v e motion, two d i s t i n c t l y different wave p a t t e r n s e x i s t i n s u m water: one i f the yelocity i s subcritical, t e other if the velocity i s supercritical. (See r e f . I.) The c r i t i c a l h velocity depends upon the depth of the channel and is defined by @ . i Ln Langley t n no. 1, t e c r i t i c a l v e l o c i t y is 18.5 f e e t p e r second f o r ak h t e mean depth of 10.6 -feet. h
A t subcritical speeds, the bound vortex of a &&ofoil operating near the w t r surface produces a deformatfon of the free surface i n ae such a manner t a a train o f t r a n s v e r s e surface waves i s generated which ht has a forward speed equal t o t e speed of t e hydrofoil. A t supercritical h h speeds, the transverse waves disappear. A t subcritical speeds, the damw a s h f i e l d behind t e hydrofoil will be modif fed by t e pressure f i e l d h h s e t up by the surface waves. According t o reference 3, the effect of the depth of water on the wave formation becomes appreciable for values of V2/gh greater than 0.5 i The present .investigation w a s 'made at two . values below 0.5 and one above.


The hydrofoil (fig. 1 had an NClCA 641A412 section, an 8-inch chord, 1 and an aspect- ratio of 10. The hydrofoil was supported by a single s t r u t which had &II NACA 6 6 l - O r Z i e c t i o s and an 8-inch chord. The intersection of the hydrofoil and s t r u t w a s n o t f i l l e t e d . A detafled description of t e hydrofoil and s t r u t and the section ordinates a r e given in reference 4. h
The hydrofoil and the supporting ga w h i c h were t e s er , h & as those h used f o r t e investigation described i n reference 4, were.mounted on a n auxiliary carriage ahead of the msin t wn carriage i n Langley t & no. 1 a ig a . Two 20-foot booms connecting the awdllary carriage t o the main carriage h served as a swport for the survey geaz (fig. 2 ) used t o determine t e flow f i e l d . The survey gear 'could be moved u. 1 d o h ti n a U g y and laterally i n o r d e r - t o survey any desired position i n the flow f i e l d of the hydrofoil.
The direction of the flow w a s determined fo photographs of tufts rm attached t o the survey gear. Four horizontal wires between two v e r t i c a l l L h c h streamline struts, 1 2 inches apart, served a s attachment points $ e o l h for the tufts. The wires were located 6 , 12, 18, iind 24 inches bw t e 1 undisturbed water surface. O f several types of wires investigated, - -inch 32 a i r c r a f t cable appeared t o be t e most suitable inasmuch aa this wSre was h relatively free from vibration. The tufts were 5-inch-long threads of

Fiberglas attache,d tu %he Center .of :the c&le - 8 0 that they were free t o turn about t e cable. Fiberglas was used because it was flexible, durable, h and easily photographed. Wool, n l n cotton, and linen tufts disintey , o grated a f t e r r e l a t i v e l y few

." .

.. I




The t d t s were photographed Warn the. sfde whose lens w a s - 1foot below the water surface. s o n i n figure 3 . % . v e r t i c a l hw bob l i n e i n the t n . Angles of downwash a k were reference.

of the tamk by a camera A typical underwater a reference plunb measured relative t o t h i a

. .~

The displacement of t e free-water surface was measured by me" h of t e surface prod shown i n figure 2. The prod was lowered .slowly u n t i l h contact w a s made wlth the water surface, thereby closing an e l e c t r i c a l c i r c u i t which tripped a camera and-photographed a- scale. . A water-level. . . recorder wa8 located a t each of the two t e s t s t a t i o n s i n t h e tank so that small changes i n the reference level caused by the surge i n t h e t a n k could be m d . The correctfon t o t e surface data because of t e surge ae h h was generally less than 0.1 inch.
The flow field-was investigated




.- .


.at- following the test--conditions:

. .


(a)Angles of attack:


4O, and

(c) Lateral positions: of spmetry

0.1, 0.5, -0.9, and 1.3 semispan f o plane rm


. .


Longitudinal pos.itions : . leading. e.dge t o 38. chord@behind t r a i l i n g edge of hydrofoil



. a "


The measurements are believed t o have the follawing accuracy: Angle of darnwash, deg Displacement of free-w-ater qurface,'Fn.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .


kO.2 50.2



The complex shape of the -water surf,ace,b e u u d aspect-ratio-10 . hydrofoil is shown in figure 4, which i s a photograph of a model of . a typical water-surface pattern. This surface pattern was developed fo rm the surface measurements made a t the f o u r spanwise positions and is symmetrical about -.the center line. The vertical scale of the model is increased five t h e s i n order t o show more clearly the shape of t e h

surface. The transverse lines are at 2-chord intervals frcan t e hydroh foil trailing edge whtch is indicated on the mdl oe . The surface behfnd the bydrofoil was not a simple transverse wave. The typical surface pattern in ffgure 4 was obtained a speed shown at corresponding to V2/& of 0.4 and an angle of sttack of 40. Disturbances, originating near the tips of the hydrofoil, traveled i n . . and intersected on the center line about 20 chords behind the trailing edge. Immediately behind t h e peak or crest formed by the intersection the of sharp depression w a s 'formed. Thus I even at the center disturbances, aline, the influence the disturbances of from the tips became evident at a relatively short distance behind the trailing the hydrofoil. of edge The tip disturbance, therefore, a pronounced effect the wave has on following t h e hydrofoil. The supprting strut createdm a U distura bance at the center, near the trailing edge. semispan, the strut 01 . At disturbance was negligible at the speeds used-in o w l the investigation. Surface Contours
, .

Longitudinal variation.Longitudinal surface profiles- behind the hydrofoil at the semispan position are presented figure 5 for 01 . I n ., h values of $/gh of 0.2, 0 4 and 0.6. The displacement of t e freew t r surface in chords divided the local lift coefficient 0 1 semiae by at . span has been plotted agaipst distance behind the trailing edge in chords. The l o c a l lift coefficient was used becawe this lift coef'ficient is significant a particular semispan position. The local. lift for coefficients were determined fran- the se s loading by the meth0.d i detern presented in reference 5. The hydrofoil lift coefficients used minhg the local lift coefficiente were obtained prevfoue force from measurements on the hy&ofoil a~ reported fn reference 6. TIE hydrofoil lift coefficients and the local lift coefficients are presented in table I When the displacementof the water surface for angles attack . . of of 2O, 4O, and 6O were divided by the local lift coefficient, e data t h collapsed and the displacement the free-water surface of behind -&he hydrofoil, therefore, varied airectly lift coefficient. with the data at each V2/gh. of Value the trough behind the hydrofoil to the free-water surface-or the point o f zero upwash to the fram point of maxhm upwash for the first wave. sine curve was started at a The point on the free-water surface directly above the quarter t e h chord hydrofoil .andWas extended to point just beyond the crest the fola of lowing wave.
A single curve was faired through A sine wave a s fitted to the data from w


Atthefirstcrestbehindthehydrofoil,theobservedamplitude greater t a that of the fitted wave at V2/gh of 0.2, but hn sine

ws a less at

higher spec-ds. The s M a c e disturbances originating near the tips of the hydrofoil appeared t o have an appreciable influence on the amplitude of the displacement of the water surface near t e crest o f . t k f o l l a f i n g h wave. Spanwise variation. - Longitudinal surface profiles behind the hydrof o i l a t a bo angle of attack for four sparYwfse positiona are presented td of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, in figures 6(a), 6(b), En 6(c) for values of respectively. In general, t e profiles approximated a sine function for h t e first half-length except a t t e 0.5-semispan position. The inflection h h i n the profiles at 0.5 semispan was caused by t e disturbance fram t e h h t i p of thehydrofoil. (See f i g . 4. )



As shown i n figure 6, t e maximum displacement of t e water surface h h i n t h e trough decreased and moved aft as the ,distance fo t e center rm h plane w a s increased. The decrease i n amplitude apparently was associated w i t h the decrease in local l i f t coefficients as t h e t i p s of the hydrofoil were approached.



In geqral, the water just behind t e t r a i l i n g edge of t e hydrofoil h h was displaced damward, except outboard of the t i p of t e hydrofoil where h the water surface was displaced upward. The distance a f t of t e hydrofoil h a h over which the w a t e r w s displaced upward and t e magnitude of this a s Placement increased with incwaae b.value ofV2/gh. This behavior would be expected because t e strength of the trailing vortices increases with h increase in speed f o r a constant angle of attack.
Ccanparisonof Surface Profiles With Theoretical


Two-DimensionalWaves The equation f o r displacement of the free-water surface dimensional subcritical flow has been developed byMeyer i n reference 2. The equation is as follows:

f o r twoand is presented

. .
" "


In the equation on the preceding page 1 1 indicates the absolute value x of x. The parameter ~0 is obtained from the transcendental relrttion

-h v2 u = talh(u) g
and vn
is the solution of V2 -v
gh = -tan(v)

These functions are plottedfigures 7 ead 8 As stated i referfn . n ence 7, the function tanh(u) is nonperiodic, 88 sham i figure 7 n . The v a l u e of u can be determinedfrom the intersection the curve , of

2 < 1 q = 0 for - = I, The funcv2 Hence, values for ~0 exist if = ; , gh ga tion tan(v) of figure 8 is periodicand using the above procedure for determination of vn the following solutions areobtained:

For V2 <I,

. .
v19 v29 v39 v4

The infinite-series term the Meyer equation of seems to reduce to zero for d u e s of 1x1 near one-quarter wave length. The series tern is important only i the vicinity the hydrofoil, n of and after the first quarter wave length the theoretical surface is a sine wave that corresponds to the first term the equation. The first of part of the f i r s t term of the eqmtion defines the amplitude this sine wave of which is dependent upon the circulation, velocity, depth of the hydrofoil submergence, depthof the channel, and the p r m t r s. As can be seen a a ee f r o m the equation, the displacement varies directly with the circulation I and, therefore, with the lift coefficient. this respect, ' In the experimental data were i n agreement with the two-dimensional theory. 5) (See fig. .

.. . . . .




The second p r of t e f i r s t - t g r m e f i w s t e wave length and this at h h pext of the Meyer equation i s identical with t e usual equation f o r the h wave length in shallow water. (See ref. 1.) The two-dimensional surface wave as calculated from the Meyer equation is shown i n f i g u r e 5 f o r comparison w i t h the .ex-perfme.ntal @-. . .

A t V2/gh o f 0.2, experlment and theory were-in good agreement f o r the first half-me length with the curves coincident from the trough t o the free-water surface. The sine mve that was f i t t e d t o t h e data agreed with the Meyer wave except over the f i r s t quarter wave length behind t e hydrofoil. This difference was due t o the second term of t e h h Meyer equation. A t VZ/gh of 0 4 the mx u amplitudes were approx., ai m m imately the s m e but the length of t e exgerimen-tal profile was less than h predicted by t e theory. A t V2/gh of 0.6, both t h e amplitude and length h of the experimental profile were less than the theoretical wave.

In t e region investigated, conqpwison of the.experimental profiles h with,the two-dimensional theory indicates that the surface wave can be predicted by two-dimensional theory f c n t e trailing edge t o the- point ru h of maxirmrm upwash, but only a t low subcritical speeds (V2/gh of 0.2) and near the center line. Even near the center line where agreement with the two-dimensional theory m h be expected, effects of fipite aspect i t g r a t i o apparently were large a t V2/gh of 0.4 and e f f e c t s of finite aspect r a t i o and probably t e channel depth were appreciable at V2/gh of 0.6. h Outboard of the center-line, the surface pattern w a s complicated by t e h t i p disturbances and no valid campaxison w i t h Meyer's two-dhmuional theory was possible. . .


Dowmmsh Depth variation.- A p l o t of t e m i a t i o n of t e angle of downwash h h

with distance bw the free-water surface a t 0.1 semispan f o r V2/gh e o l of 0.2 i s presented i n f i g u r e 9 f o r five positions behind the hydrofoil

and three angles of attack. As the distance below t e surface increased, h the angle of- downwash decreased and appeared 0 approach the zero downwash o r undisturbed condition asymptotically.
, According t o the t h e o r y f o r g r a d t y waves, reference 1 the angles of downwash would be expected t o decrease with distance below the free2~dc water surface by the factor e A. where ,is the distance between o r b i t centers of the generating circles of t e trochoidal w a v e . The angle h of d o m s h at the eurface was determined from t h c s l o p e of the theoretical' sine wave. B isn t e length of thfs sine wave- t e decrement w i t h depth y li g h h was calculated and i s shown i n figure 9. as the dashed line. In general,



t e experimental and the calculated results were i n good agreement f o r a h distance aft of t e hydrofoil of approximately 1 chords. A t distances h 1
greater than l l chords, t h e e x p e r b n t a l data did not agree with t e h calculated v a l i ~ s because of t e disagreement between the q e r i m e n t a l h and theoretical surface waves a t large distances behind the hydrofoil.
A t values of V2/gh greater than 0.2 and a t other spanvise .positions,

t e wave lengths and surface slops did not agree with those given by h two-dhensionsl theory and consequently t e angles .of downwash d i d not h agree. Further analysis of the data indicated t a t e measured values, ht h
i n general, varied exponentially w i t h depth as ,would be expected f o r gravity waves. Longitudinal variation.- The variation of the angle of donmash with distance behind t e t r a i l i n g edge of t e hydrofoil a t 0.1 aemisp&n is h. h presented i n f i g u r e s l O ( a ) , 10(b), and lO(c) f o r values of V2/gh of 0.2, . 0.4, and 0.6, respectively. Following the procedureused with displacement of t e water surface, the angle of dcnmwgsh i n degrees divided by h t e l o c a l lift coefficient i s plotted against fistance from t h e t r a i l i n g h h angles edge. When divided by t e local l i f t coefficient, the data for of attack of 2 O , bo, and 6 c m a p s e d and the angles of darnwash, there' f o r e , varieddirectly with l i f t coefffcient. The values of E / C Z f o r the theoretical sine wave were calculated and are sham as t e dashed h line f o r the f o u r depths below t e surface. h
A t V2/gh of 0.2 , the experhental data were in good agreement with the calculated values a t depths frm 0 . 7 5 ~ o 3.00~f o r t e first half" t h wave length behind the t a l n edge of the hydrofoil, t a i s , t o t e r ii g ht h point of maximum upwash. A of this point, the experimental angles of f t -wash were not i n agreement d t h t e calculated d u e s . This dish agreement mUdb&expected, however, &cause t e slope of t e exgerh h fmental surface profile differed fmm that of t e theoretical wave i n h this region.
. A t V2/gh of 0.4 (fig. lO(b)) and 0.6 (fig. lO(c)), the values of t e angles of downwash departed rapidly f r o m the calculated values as h the distance behind the hydrofoil w s increased. In t e region of Izpwash, a h t e m m experimental values were generally less-than the calculated h a x h u angles of upwash, and occurred a t different l o c a t i o n s behind the hydro.foil. T h i s difference i n location of t h e e x p e r b n t a l and calculated maxim^, which w a s particularly large at */gh of 0.6, would be expected h because the length of t e experimental surface profiles differed f r o m that of the theoretical waves. . The data of figure 10 indicate, therefore, that the angles of dawzrwash can be predicted by two-dimemioml theory over t e same range f o r w h i c h t k theory accurately predicts t e h h surface wave.

NACA R W 2 L l l M


SpaaTise variation.- Thc-.mriations of the angle of downwash with rm angle of attackarepresented distance f u the plane of symmetry a t in f i g u r e s U ( a ) , g(b), l l ( c ) f o r values of V2/gh of-0.2, 0.4, and and 0.6, respective-. ~ a t a arcpresented a t four spanwise locations, a t f o u r depths below the free-water surf'ace, and a t several stations bebind t e t r a i l i n g edgeof the hydrofoil. h The data have not been faired and the test-points haw simply been connected by straight Urns. The downwash p a t t e r n below t e surface became ccmglex as did the h water surface. Near t e surface,the spanwise variations in angle of . h flow were large and changed rapidly f r m -wash ta upwash. T h e angles were particularly large st the 0.9-semispan position where the t i p d i s turbance would be expected t o influence the direction of flow. At depths greater than 2 chords, t e anglet; o f dowIlxash and u h h were relatively s m a l l and did not vary greatly spanwise. C N L SO S O C UI N
The r e s u l t s of t e investigation of t e surface and damwash patterns b h behind an aspect-ratio40 hydrofoil led ta the following conclusions:
1 The displacement of the free-water surface . and t e angles of h dmw-ash vary directly wtth l i f t coefficient a8 predicted by two-

dimensional theory.

2. The angles of dowryash vary exponentially with depth below the water surface as would be expect@ f o r gravity waves.

3. In the region investigated, the surface wave can be predicted by two-dimensionaLtheory from t h e t r a f l i n g e d g e ' t o t e point of maximum h upwash, but only a t law subcritical swede and near the center line.
4. The angles o f ' downwash can be predicted by two-dimensional theory h over the same range f o r which t e theory accurately predicts the surface

5. Outboard of the center plsne, t e surface and downwash patterns h are complicated by t e t i p disturbances and no v a l i d comparison with h twO-aimensional theory is possible.

Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, National Advisory Camittee for Aeronautics, Langley Field, Va.



1 Lamb, Horace: moaynamfcs. Reprint of sixthea.(firstAmerican . ea.), Dover Publications (Hew York), 4 , ch. M, pp. 363-475. 1 5 9
2. Meyer, Rudolf X : .

Two-Dimensional Vortex-Line Theory of a Hydrofoil Operating in Water of F i n i t e Depth. Tech. Rep. E -, The Hydrofoil RI Corp., Nov.29, 1 5 . 90

3. Weinblum, GeorgP.: Analysis of W v Resistance. Rep. 7l-0,DEtvid W. ae

Taylor Model Basin, Navy Dept., Sept. 1 5 . 90

4. Wadlin, Kenneth L., Ramsen, John A., and McGehee, John R.: Tank Tests at Subcavitation Speeds Aspect-Ratio-10 Hydrofoil With of an a Single Strut. NACARM LgKlka, 1 5 . 90
5. DeYoung, Jobn: Theoretical Additional Span Loading Characteristics of Wings With Arbitrary Sweep, Aspect Ratio, and Taper Ratio. M E A

TM 1 9 , 1 4 . 41 97

L., Shuford, Charles . Jr., adMcGehee, John R : L, . 6 Wadlin, Kenneth .


A Theoretical and Experimental Characteristics of a Hydrofoil Speeds. HACA RM L5ZD23a, 1952.

Investigation the Lift of end Drag at Subcritical Supercritical and Tech.

7. Vavra , M. H. : Wave

Draaof Submered Foils in Shallow Water.


cz at 0.1b


a 3 5 2






Figure 2.- &tug for iwestlgation of aDwmraah behind hyamfoil.

Figure 3 . - Typical underwater photograph of t u f t s .

. .

" "

"""---Figure 5 .

IcmgitudFnal. surface profiles behind hydrofoil. at-0 1 s d s p e n . .





. . . .. . . . . .

.. . .. . . . . .. . .. . ..


~igure 6. L0ngituab.d

&ace prof i k s behind hyamfofl at 4O a & n attack for four spanwise positions.


. ..


' I

t ,


Figure 6.- Concluded.

; . .

. . ..

.. ..

. .

.. . . .

. .

. .. .

tr a

Figure 7.- Variation of tmh(u) with

U .

.. ... .. ... .... . . . . .. . . . . .. . .





.. .

. .
.. . . .

NACA RM I 5 Z L l l



ii -4

r m
l. 0 l2


-" a
" I


M/ " /--"

1. o 16

I -

1. c 42 0 1


Figure 9.- Variation of angle of downwash with distance below surface at 0 1 semispan. -oil . at three a n g l e s of attack; = 0.2.


E sh


2 E ='0.2.


10.-Variation of downwash


with distance behind tralilng efige o f hyamfou at 0 1 .

sma. es n ip


lrngls of attaok,
0 2

(L, de8


. _
" "

. .

2 3a





/ - " d




0 0




" "

. .




.. Ep

" "





r 4

" "
" " " " " " " " "

" " "



v2 = 0.6. iJ;


r l




. u



1. c 44


Variation o f angle of damwash with distance from plane of synmetry for f o u r depths below free-water surface. a = bo.


. .



- .


. .

H uE E

22 a .5





E = 0.6. gh

. .



1. b 74

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