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SJI International Job Specification 2013


Vice-Principal (Academic) - Job Description
Reporting to: Allowance: Teaching expectation: Principal This post is paid according to the Vice-Principal Salary Scale as well as an additional Responsibility Allowance of S$ 2000 per month. The post holder will be required to teach approximately 10 lessons per week.

Primary Responsibility: The Vice-Principal (Academic) works to ensure the smooth running of the school through effective planning and organisation of school structures and procedures. The VP (Academic) works to enhance the quality of student provision by ensuring that the needs of individual students and teachers are considered during the planning process. The VP (Academic) works to support the school in securing effective education for all pupils and the continuous improvement of teaching and learning in the school.

Specific Responsibilities: Teaching and learning Responsible for all aspects of teaching and learning across the School. To ensure that all teachers use a variety of teaching styles to develop students as independent learners, as per the schools Teaching and Learning Policy. To develop a collaborative approach to planning within and between departments, including peer lesson observations. Securing a collaborative school vision of excellence and equity that sets high standards for every student. Monitoring, evaluating and reviewing classroom practice and promoting improvement strategies. Acknowledging excellence and challenging poor teaching and learning across the school. To lead Teaching and Learning initiatives, as required (such as Formative Assessment). To ensure that SoW and Departmental Handbooks are in place, and that these documents meet the curriculum objectives and are regularly reviewed and updated. Chair the Academic Leadership Team, line managing the Heads of Faculty. To coordinate Teaching and Learning CPD and INSET and lead in Teaching and Learning based staff meetings

Curriculum Management Ensure that the curriculum is appropriate for the students in our school. Ensure that HoFs/HoDs are aware of future changes to the curriculum and that they plan for this, identifying future subject based CPD requirements. Keep up to date with changes to International Curricula and communicate this to SLT and staff providing links and documentation to staff.

BA Roberts January 2013

SJI International Job Specification 2013

Develop the school curriculum to ensure that the changing needs of the students are addressed. To lead the process of Curriculum Review, as required. Work with the Teaching and Learning IT Strategic Planning Committee to ensure that ICT is used to enhance teaching and learning across the school. To coordinate Curriculum CPD and INSET and lead in Curriculum based staff meetings. Ensure continuity of progression from Grade 6 to Grade 7, Grade 8 to Grade 9 and Grade 10 to Grade 11 - by developing effective system to enhance this process. Working with VP (Pastoral), evaluate the effectiveness of all transitions, developing strategies to improve this process.

Planning and Organisation Timetabling Line manage Administrative Officer in the production of student and staff timetables. Produce, together with the Administrative Officer, the annual school timetable based on school needs. Working with HoFs and HoDs, ensure that all staff are assigned teaching timetables that are fair and appropriate. Manage any subject changes, ensuring that students, parents and staff are aware of any changes. Produce student homework timetables (Grade 7 to 10) based on student and teacher timetables. Maintain effective and efficient management and organisation of the teaching facilities and resources of the school, including the allocation of classroom space (as per timetable needs). Student Subject Choices Produce and update the student Subject Option Booklets for Grade 8 and Grade 10 and the other Curriculum Booklets (as required). Manage and arrange the Grade 8 and Grade 10 Subject Choices process, including setting up Options Evenings and arranging for the completion of Options Choice forms. Use this data to develop the appropriate Option Blocks and timetable for Grade 9 and Grade 11. Once Options are confirmed, work with the Administrative Officer to ensure that student Options are recorded in SIMS, ensuring that this is updated as changes happen. Line manage the Administrative Officer in entering relevant information. Curriculum Based School Trips Ensure that all curriculum based school trips are arranged and led as expected by the school policies and procedures (Includes Risk assessments and other paperwork). Evaluate and enhance the quality of out-of-school trips. Calendar school trips to minimise the impact on the teaching program. Staff Cover Line manage the Administrative Officer to ensure that a Cover Policy and Rota is set up and that all absent classes are covered as per school policy. Organisation of examination (Internal and External) To produce an Assessment Calendar. Ensure the smooth running and organisation of Internal and Extermal Examinations. Oversee the production of an Exam Invigilation Timetables for both Internal and External Exams. Line-manage the Exam Officers to ensure that they have detailed policies and processes in place. Maintain an up-date school policy for exam invigilation. Ensure that an Exam Invigilation Rota is drawn up for all exams. Support the Administrative Officer to ensure that HoFs/HoDs complete all requirements as expected, dealing with any issues. Ensure that all exam requirements are in place prior to exams periods commencing. Monitor exam entries to ensure that students are entered correctly for all exams. Deal with any exam-related issues that arise.

BA Roberts January 2013

SJI International Job Specification 2013

Recording and assessment Administration, analysis and explanation of baseline testing and attitudinal surveys Manage Baseline testing (MidYIS, Yellis, ALIS and attitudinal surveys). Working with VP (Pastoral), identify areas of strength and/or development based on attitudinal surveys, and assist in developing action plans to improve the quality of student provision. Ensure that the Baseline Data is used effectively by staff to develop individual targets that are both challenging and realistic. Analyse the Value-Added data for exam classes and identify areas of strength and/or development as well as the identification of any trends. Arrange appropriate parental feedback. Working with the Exams Officers and Administrative Officer, prepare an External Exams Report after each exam, summarising the student performance and highlighting any outstanding achievements or areas of concern. Prepare the initial exam results analysis (VA / subject comparison / PG vs. FG). Direct and monitor subject leaders to prepare a full exam analysis for each class. Prepare the achievement data for the SEF. Analyse and use baseline, as well as end of phase data, to lead School Improvement where identified. Internal assessment and reporting Set up, manage and arrange the production of high quality student Settling-In Reports, Student Assessments and Full Reports. Ensure that staff follow deadlines for Report data entry and follow up on any problems. Ensure that the Report structure is in line with general assessment policies and that it allows parents to track student progress. Ensure quality and accuracy of student Reports. Work with the e-Learning Coordinator to produce Report Templates and set up SIMS assessment mark sheets. Work with the SLT to ensure that parents are fully informed about the targets, childrens progress and attainment in the High School. This will be achieved through a variety of methods including Reports and Parent Meetings. Ensure that assessment data is used to inform planning and to assess the effectiveness of outcomes.

Standards and quality assurance School Self Evaluation: Vice-Principal (Academic) should: Working closely with the SLT, develop and administer evaluation tools to facilitate the evaluation of the Teaching and Learning programme and Curriculum various aspects of the school. This will include surveys, focused lesson observations, work scrutiny and any other useful tools. School Improvement Planning Working with the SLT, develop a realistic yet challenging SIP that is based on clearly identified school Teaching and Learning and/or curriculum development needs. Accreditation Working with the SLT, lead the process of school accreditation. Performance Management/Appraisal Working with the SLT, assist in the development an effective and efficient PM process. Produce a PM calendar and monitor process. Evaluate the effectiveness of the PM procedure and suggest areas for improvement.

BA Roberts January 2013

SJI International Job Specification 2013

General Areas of responsibility Leadership and management The VP (Academic) should contribute by: Ensuring that the school and the people and resources within it are organised and managed to provide an efficient, effective and safe learning environment. Leading the school in the absence of the Principal, if required. Supporting the Principal in developing positive working relationships with and between all staff. Supporting the Principal in providing a clear direction for the development of the school. Ensuring that School policies and procedures, as defined by the SLT, are carried out by the teaching staff. Contributing to the establishing the core values of the leadership team and their practical expression. Contributing to management decisions on all aspects of policy, development and organisation by playing a significant role in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the schools improvement plan. Assisting in the recruitment and appointment of staff, as requested, and their deployment in the timetable to make most effective use of their skills, expertise and experience. Ensuring that all staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and to ensure staff share the aims of the school in promoting a high quality of learning in the classroom. Ensuring that the range, quality and use of all available resources is monitored, evaluated and reviewed to improve the quality of education for all students. Supporting the Principal and staff in the review, implementation, development and monitoring of whole school policies which promote the school's values, aims and objectives. Attending SLT meetings as required, and report back to staff when necessary. Establishing good relationships, encourage good working practices and support and lead teachers. Overseeing relevant aspects of the school organisation and management, including preparing agendas, chairing meetings and producing minutes, in order to ensure that school policies and practices are being delivered. Supporting the performance management process as required and use the process to develop own personal and professional effectiveness as well as those staff members assigned.

Personal development and well-being The VP (Academic) should contribute by: Securing and maintaining good working relationships with colleagues and students. Being an excellent example to pupils, staff and parents through their professional presentation and conduct in order to promote pupils personal development. Supporting the Principal in leading the development of the personalised learning agenda, raising achievement and improving the quality of teaching, learning and support across the school. Treating people fairly, equitably and with dignity and respect to create and maintain a positive school culture. Supporting the Principal to build a collaborative learning culture within the school and to look for ways to actively engage with other schools to build effective learning communities. Ensuring that parents are well informed about the Schools curriculum; its targets; students' attainment and their part in the process of improvement. Supporting staff to meet personal and professional targets.

People and Relationships The VP (Academic) should contribute by: Sustaining effective, positive relationships with all staff, pupils, parents and the local community. Working collaboratively and managing innovation and change. Managing and developing effective working relationships with Principal and senior managers in the school.

BA Roberts January 2013

SJI International Job Specification 2013

Resources Management The VP (Academic) should contribute by: Assisting in managing and producing the annual school budgets. Producing a budget that is based on priorities for expenditure for areas of responsibility.

General The VP (Academic) should contribute by: Taking on specific tasks related to the day-to-day administration and organisation of the school as requested by the Principal. Taking on any additional responsibilities that might, from time to time, be determined. Identifying and engaging in appropriate training opportunities to promote professional effectiveness in this role. Leading by example as a teacher and as a manager, achieving high standards of pupil attainment, behaviour and motivation through effective teaching. Reviewing long term planning to ensure adequate planning throughout the school.

Date of production of this document:


Date for next Review:

January 2014

(This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the Principal and the member of staff, and will be reviewed annually.)

BA Roberts January 2013

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