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Guido Gentile*, Klaus Nöekel°, Lorenzo Meschini*

*Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade - Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma [guido.gentile, lorenzo.meschini]
°PTV – Planung Transport Verkehr AG
Stumpfstr.1, D-76131 Karlsruhe


Dynamic Traffic Assignment is the problem of loading a road network with time varying demand flows
from origins to destinations on shortest paths. In order to model this correctly there are several issues that
shall be addressed:
1) the presence of vehicle queues due to capacity reductions at intersections (bottlenecks), and the fact that
vehicles’ speed is a function of the their distance, i.e. of the flow density (fundamental diagram), make the
link travel times depend on the link flows (congestion), and since flows are time varying also performances
(travel times and costs) are such;
2) queues’ spillover on the backward links further reduce their capacity, making the arc performance model
non-separable both in time and space;
3) users departing from a given origin at a certain instant will perceive the cost of each link composing the
path that they have chosen to reach their destination at the time when they will actually travel on it, which is
given by the concatenation of the exit times of the previous links in the sequence;
4) the presence of tolls makes the problem of determining the dynamic shortest paths more complex than
that of finding the fastest routes;
5) different perception of link costs by different users requires to introduce random arc cost errors and to
model stochastic route choices;
6) high congestion in the peak hour induces users to modify their desired departure time;
7) the combination of congestion with the possibility of choosing the route and the departure time yields an
equilibrium problem, where a flow and performance pattern is sought such that no user has an advantage in
modifying his travel decisions.
Many of the existing models introduce rough approximations on some of these regards, so that few of them
are completely satisfactory in every respect.
The main differences among the approaches to DTA modelling pertain to the fundamental question of
discretization, which has deep implications also on the algorithmic side. This is a crucial aspect of the
solution to the problem, since it implies a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. In general, the more the
discretization is dense, the more the resulting model is accurate and the more its procedures are time
consuming. Indeed, computation efficiency is still a main goal in DTA modelling because, depending on the
solution approach and on the dimension of the road network, the simulation can be even slower than the real
system. On the other hand, DTA is often involved in real time applications, such as route guidance and

traffic control, and will be more and more utilized in the future for planning purposes where several hours of
the day are to be simulated.
We can identify three different levels of discretization:
1) flow discretization – traffic flows are indeed constituted by individual vehicles, which can be modelled as
single entities, whose positions can be tracked on the network;
2) space discretization – it is quite natural in traffic assignment to discretize the road network into links, but
in order to reproduce traffic conditions in detail some models split each link into segments or “cells”;
3) time discretization – most DTA models require a dense time discretization (say 1 second) since they
exploit “short time intervals” (the exit time from a link or cell during any time interval falls into the next
time interval or later), while few models allow for “long time intervals” (say 10 minutes).
In the last years we have focussed our efforts (Bellei, Gentile and Papola, 2005; Gentile, Meschini and
Papola, 2005; Bellei et. al., 2005; Gentile, Meschini and Papola, 2006) to address all the above issues jointly
by formalizing within-day DTA in the framework of functional analysis, that is to consider as model
variables functions of time instead of vector of numbers. However, when implementing, it is anyway
necessary to introduce some sort of time discretization. Our aim is then to reduce discretization as much as
possible. Therefore we adopt macroscopic flow models for whole links and long time intervals. On these
bases the equilibrium can be formulated as a fixed point problem in terms of link inflow temporal profiles
and solved through the MSA or with some other better performing algorithm.
This approach made it possible to achieve a good compromise between accuracy in reproducing the
relevant traffic phenomena and efficiency in solving large instances of DTA. The accuracy of the
representation is suitable for transport planning and flow or performance pattern estimation, while other
methodologies are more appropriate for the detailed analyses needed in traffic signal setting and geometric
design of links or intersections. The efficiency of the computation is suitable for simulating with a standard
PC the traffic of huge urban and regional networks during several hours. Indeed, the complexity of the model
is that of the corresponding static assignment multiplied by the number of (long) time intervals introduced;
which makes real time prediction of traffic conditions for large cities at hand.
In this paper we will discuss the role of discretization in DTA, by presenting a classification of the
existing approaches from this perspective. Then we will outline our model, with the aim of placing it into the
above classification and supporting the soundness of its mathematical formulation, underlying assumptions
and algorithmic features.
DTA models have two fundamental components: the network loading model, which propagates all user
trips on the current route choice pattern yielding an arc flow pattern consistently with the resulting travel
time pattern, where queuing and traffic congestion must be taken into account; b) the route choice model,
which reproduces the behaviour of a driver travelling from an origin to a destination on the road network in
terms of path (and departure time) decisions, that are taken on the basis of the performance pattern. These
two sub-models are somehow iterated in sequence until an equilibrium is reached.


Time discretization can be generally of two types: short intervals (a few seconds), long intervals (some
minutes). Also the space discretization can be of two types: short arcs (each road link is divided into
segments of 10-100 meters), long arcs (each link between two intersections is considered as a whole). In the
following we will see which models can adopt the “long features, that are more convenient from a
computational point of view.
But the main criteria to distinguish among network loading models is probably flow discretization. The
specific purpose of each methodology (from intersection geometry design, to traffic signal setting, until
transport planning) legitimates a great variety of approaches on this respect: from micro-simulation, where
the behaviour of each single vehicle (essentially, longitudinal and lateral acceleration) is connected with the
relative speed and position of the adjacent vehicles through car following and lane changing models; to
meso-simulation, where groups of vehicles (in case, a single vehicle) are handled as dense point packets,
while the interaction among vehicles is reproduced though macroscopic flow models; until macro-
simulation, where the continuous flow paradigm is fully accepted. To be noticed that the concept of meso-
simulation is somewhat vague in the literature, and the definition given above is merely our interpretation of
this idea.
There are two types of micro-simulation: time-based, which leads usually to the assumption that a vehicle
can traverse at the most one node during a single clock, thus involving also for simple models short time
intervals, especially on urban networks; event-based, which does not require to move each vehicle at every
clock, but only when a relevant circumstance takes place (such as: a vehicle has reached the head of the link
if no queue is present, a new slot becomes available at the tail of a link in spillback, ecc.) and other future
events are produced. Although the latter approach may be somewhat more complicated to implement, if a
simple model with few types of events under control is considered, it may lead to relevant savings of
computing resources.
Micro and meso simulation models are both affected by pseudo-random processes to generate vehicles
from centroids, and to assign them to a specific path or to divert them to a specific link at each node, in case
the routing is performed according to splitting rates instead of paths. This implies that the expected traffic
flow pattern could be actually retrieved only as an average among many simulation runs, which is almost
never the case, because each run is nowadays too expensive in terms of computing resources to be replicated,
so that the output of the model is indeed the result of a multivariate random variable. However, one could
observe that traffic flows on road links are usually made up by hundreds of vehicles, so that the variances of
the above variables should be relatively small.
Micro simulation (Barcello and Casas, 2002) usually requires lots of data which are often not readily
available, while meso and macro simulation do not require more data than static traffic assignment – besides
the modulation of the demand in time – which is a great advantage from the applicative point of view.
Moreover, with respect to static traffic assignment DTA models do not require to calibrate the parameters of
the volume-delay functions (e.g. alpha and beta of the BPR). The heavy data requirements of micro
simulation lead to the opportunity of meso simulation, which still moves single vehicles but according to the

much simpler macroscopic flow models. Two examples of this approach are Mahmassani (2001) and Mahut
et al. (2004), respectively adopting a time based and an event based mechanism.
Meso and macro simulation models consider typically two distinct flow conditions: hypocritical and
hypercritical. Hypocritical flow conditions are usually reproduced according to the Theory of Kinematic
Waves of Lightill, Whitham and Richards, which requires short arcs, or its first order approximation, called
the Simplified TWK (Newell, 1993). Hypercritical flow conditions are usually reproduced according to
deterministic queue theory (Arnott De Palma and Lindsey, 1990; Ghali and Smith, 1993), where often the
concept of storage capacity is introduced to comply with the spillback phenomenon.
Many DTA models (e.g. Astarita, 1996; Ran et al., 1997; Friesz et al., 1993; Tong and Wong, 2000;
Papageorgiou, 1990; Carey, Ge and McCartney, 2003) evaluate instead travel times through volume-delay
function that consider the speed corresponding on the fundamental diagram to the current average density of
the link. This approach appears convenient from a computational point of view, since it doesn’t require space
discretization and leaves a certain freedom in choosing the time discretization. However, it can be easily
shown that any model which is separable with respect to time will reproduce satisfactorily neither the
formation and dispersion of vehicle queues, nor the interaction of vehicles under hypocritical conditions.
Much better results are obtained applying space continuous models (e.g. METANET, Messmer and
Papageorgiou, 1990, which derives from a second order approximation to the TKW; the Cell Transmission
Model, Daganzo, 1994, 1995a, which is consistent with the first order approximation), that are formulated
through differential equations in time and space and solved through finite difference methods. Such models
yield accurate results, but their numerical solution relies on a dense space and time discretization, thus
requiring considerable computing resources. A suitable compromise between accuracy and efficiency can be
obtained by revisiting the STKW in terms of cumulative flows (Daganzo, 1997), which allows for preserving
a whole link approach by implicitly taking into account the propagation of flow states along the link. This
model, originally developed for urban arcs with a triangular fundamental diagram, has been recently
extended to represent extra urban arcs with any concave fundamental diagram (Gentile, Meschini and
Papola, 2005) and to address the case of spillback congestion (Gentile, Meschini and Papola, 2006).
Finally we present a rough discussion about complexity. We take as reference the road network of Rome,
characterized by the following dimensions for a simulation period of 3 hours during the morning peak:
nZ number of centroids 500
nA number of link 10.000
nT average number of trips travelling at the same time 500.000
nC average number of cells for each link 10
nIL number of cells for each link 10
nIS number of short time intervals (DTS = 6 sec) 1800
Each network loading costs the following number of operations, depending on the approach:
micro simulation a1 * nT * nIS = a1 * 900.000.000
meso simulation a2 * nT * nIS = a2 * 900.000.000
macro simulation a3 * nIL * nA * nZ = a3 * 150.000.000

CTM without destinations a4 * nIS * nA * nC = a4 * 180.000.000
CTM with destinations a5 * nIS * nA * nZ = a5 *
Clearly micro simulation requires a much higher number of operations to move each vehicle with respect to
meso simulation, so that a1 >> a2. Macro simulation requires just few operations to propagate the flow
forward (network flow propagation should be iterated to compute the dynamic network loading, but this can
be avoided leaving the task to the overall equilibrium procedure as illustrated later), so that we can
reasonably state a difference of one order of magnitude between meso and macro for a large network.
Clearly for smaller networks this difference is higher. Moreover DTL can go up to say 15 min, while DTS
can go down to 1 sec, so that the above difference can go up to two order of magnitudes.


Vehicles may divert at nodes: either following a given path; or on the successive link given by the
solution of the dynamic shortest path problem; or consistently with some splitting rates, specific of each
destination and time varying. In connection to this, the flows resulting from the successive iterations of the
network loading are to be averaged. One possibility is to consider path explicitly, and assign the demand to
the resulting proportions. A second possibility is to follow an implicit path enumeration approach, that is
averaging directly the link flows, and assign the demand all or nothing to shortest paths. A variant of this
approach is to average the splitting rates, typically when path choice is stochastic. In any case, the dynamic
shortest path problem lies at the heart of within-day dynamic traffic assignment.
We now focus on the route choice model in presence of time-varying arc costs and travel times, but
without the possibility of waiting at nodes, under the assumptions of perfect information and rational
behaviour of the drivers. This leads to deterministic models where drivers travel only on dynamic shortest
paths, i.e., paths with minimum cost. The cost of a path is given by the sum of the costs of its arcs, each one
evaluated at the time when the user travelling along the path enters it, while the travel time of a path is given
by the concatenation of the exit times of its arcs. As usual in transportation applications, we consider the
many-to-one version of the dynamic shortest path problem, since the main concern of the user is to reach his
Most of the literature address the discrete case (Pallottino and Scutellà, 1998), where it is assumed that
the time varies in a finite set of values and that the exit time from each arc evaluated at one of these instants
belongs to the set. In this case, the dynamic shortest path problem can be studied by introducing the so-called
space-time network, or diachronic graph, where each node of the original network is replicated into a vertex
for every instant, and an edge connects the vertex relative to the initial node of each arc at every instant with
the vertex of its final node at the corresponding exit time. The space-time network has no cycles, and any
chronological ordering of its vertices provides a topological ordering. Exploiting this property, it is possible
to solve efficiently the dynamic shortest path problem, by performing reverse chronological visits of the
space-time network. For more details about discrete formulations of the dynamic shortest path problem in
transportation networks, see De Palma, Hansen and Labbé (1993) and Nachtigall (1995).

The shortest paths may contain cycles, since it may be convenient to wait around on the network with the
aim of traveling on certain arcs later at a lesser cost. Moreover, in order to find the dynamic shortest paths
arriving to a given destination at a particular instant from each origin it is necessary to handle multiple cost
labels for each node, one for every instant. The most efficient algorithms to solve this problem introduce a
list of vertices to be examined with a bucket (Dial, 1969) for each instant. A vertex is extracted iteratively
from the latest non-empty bucket, so that each vertex of its backward star is updated in terms of shortest path
solution and inserted in the proper bucket, if its label can be improved through that edge. All labels are
initialized to infinity except the label of the origin vertex, which is initialized to zero and inserted in an
empty list.
A shortest path is said to satisfy the concatenation property if its two sub-paths from the origin to any
intermediate node and from this node to the destination are themselves shortest paths. In general, this does
not hold in the dynamic context. However, if the FIFO rule is satisfied for each arc, i.e., no overtaking can
occur on road links, then the concatenation property holds true with respect to travel times (Ziliaskopoulos,
1994). Moreover, if the arc costs are proportional to the travel times, this can be extended to costs, thus
inducing to study the deterministic model where drivers travel only on dynamic fastest paths, i.e., paths with
minimum travel time (Dreyfus, 1969; Cooke and Halsey, 1966; Ziliaskopoulos and Mahmassani, 1993).
Based on the FIFO rule, the fastest paths cannot contain cycles. Moreover, any classical algorithm with
only one label for each node can be applied in order to find on the space-time network the fastest trajectories
arriving to a given destination at a particular instant from each origin (Kaufmann and Smith, 1993), thus
solving the dynamic fastest path problem. In this case the bucket list paradigm, applied to the original nodes
instead that to the vertices of the space-time network, can be adopted to implement efficiently the label
setting approach.
Often is the applications to DTA the dynamic shortest path problem is to be solved for every arriving
time. For this case, Chabini (1998) proposed an algorithm that addresses all the temporal instances jointly,
and finds the next arc of the trip from any given node at each particular instant in order to reach the
destination at a later time with the minimum cost. This is simply achieved by comparing, among each arc
exiting that node, the sum between the arc cost at that instant and the minimum cost from the final node of
the arc to the destination, evaluated at the corresponding exit time from the arc. The above approach
underlies a temporal-layer structure of the solution rather than a trajectory structure, since the temporal
perspective is local.
The latter algorithm eliminates by its nature the need to handle multiple cost labels and, based on the
acyclic property of the time-space network, requires a simple visit of all its vertices in reverse chronological
order, while no particular order is to be maintained when processing the vertices of a same temporal layer,
which leads to an optimal running time. The only drawback of the above approach is common to all discrete
models based on the paradigm of the diachronic graph. This is the need to introduce a great number of time
intervals having a short length in order to reproduce the arc travel times with the required accuracy, since
these are multiples of such a length (usually 1 second, in urban contexts), which results in time-consuming

Continuous models, which do not introduce the space-time network but operate directly on variables that
are functions of time, have been analyzed by Orda and Rom (1990-1991). However their exact solution
approach seams to be unfeasible for large networks. We have explored the possibility of allowing some
approximations when operating on the temporal profiles in the algorithm, with the aim of achieving fast
heuristics. Specifically, we dealt with temporal profiles that are piecewise linear functions of time defined on
a pre-specified set of instants, and keep their form during any operation accepting the necessary distortions.
With this aim the trajectory approach has been simply extended, while the temporal-layer approach has been
more significantly tailored, to the case where costs and travel times are functions of time having a continuous
domain and range. Indeed, to avoid a dense time discretization in the temporal-layer approach, we have
renounced to the acyclic property of the space-time network, by letting the exit time from any given arc at
the beginning of a particular interval to fall within that same interval. This leads to the possibility of cycles in
the solution relative to a same temporal layer and therefore introduces the need to make some approximation.
Specifically, we force a label setting strategy and implement it through a bucket list.
In both approaches, the reference instants on which basis the piecewise linear temporal profiles are
defined can then identify time intervals of several minutes. This, on one side, allows to capture the features
of road traffic dynamic that are relevant for most planning purposes, and on the other side, results in much
shorter computational times. The more the time intervals are short, the more the proposed continuous models
tend to coincide with the corresponding discrete models. This property has been exploited in the validation of
the proposed heuristics both in terms of results and computing times.
Finally we present a rough discussion about complexity, taking as reference the case of Rome:
discrete shortest trajectories nA * (nIS) * nIL * nZ =
discrete fastest trajectories nA * nIL * nZ = 150.000.000
discrete shortest temporal layer nA * nIS * nZ =
continuous fastest trajectories nA * nIL * nZ = 150.000.000
continuous shortest temporal layer nA * nIL * nZ = 150.000.000


Recently, we proposed a new model for within-day DTA on road networks, where a user equilibrium is
expressed as a fixed point problem in terms of arc flow temporal profiles. The model integrates spillback
congestion into an existing formulation of DTA based on continuous-time variables and implicit path
enumeration, which is capable of representing explicitly the formation and dispersion of vehicle queues on
road links, but allows them to overcome the arc length.
By extending to the dynamic case the concept of Network Loading Map (NLM), stated in Cantarella
(1997) for the static case, it is no more needed to introduce the CDNL (Xu et. al., 1999) as a sub-problem of
the DTA, because the coherence through the arc performance model between the travel times and the flows
loaded on the network consistently to given path choices can be attained jointly with the equilibrium.

network demand arc conditional implicit path
loading map flows probabilities enumeration route

network flow
propagation model
maneuver flows arc travel times arc costs

network performance
arc performance model
Figure 1. Scheme of the fixed point formulation for the DTA.

The propagation of congestion among adjacent arcs is achieved through the introduction of time-varying
exit capacities which limit the inflow on downstream arcs in such a way that their storage capacities are
never exceeded. This approach is consistent with the definition provided by Adamo et al. (1999), where the
spillback phenomenon is characterized as a hypercritical flow state, either propagating backwards from the
final section of an arc and reaching its initial section, or originating on the latter, that reduces the capacities
of the arcs belonging to its backward star and this way influences their flow states. To determine the
temporal profile of these exit capacities requires solving, on the supply side of the DTA, a system of spatially
non-separable macroscopic flow models based on the theory of kinematic waves, which describe the
dynamic of the spillback phenomenon and yield consistent network performances for given arc flows.

performance model exit flow and travel time model arc travel times

physical capacities arc exit flows arc cost model

maneuver flows entry capacity model arc costs

saturation arc entry capacities


exit capacity model arc exit capacities

Figure 2. Scheme of the fixed point formulation for the NPM to simulate spillback.


Combining these results, we have been capable of proposing a macroscopic DTA model allowing for long
intervals and long arcs. This model, called DUE, has been implemented in an existing commercial software
for transport analyses (Visum – by PTV) and will then soon be available to many practitioners.


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