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Kind of drugs
For this topic I’ll taking about different kinds of drugs,
their effects, and why people use them defferent drug are
acohol,nicotine,cracks,heroin,cocaine,PCPAnd acid (LSD). I’ll start
with marijuana. The active drugs in “weed” is THC, which reacts
with the chemicals in your brain. It is used Legally for medical
reasons, and illegally for recreational purpose. The effects are
usually relaxation or depending on the mood of the person, it
could make them violent or depressed. It s not physically
addictive but it can be psychologically addictive. Next I’ll cover
Nicotine.Smoking for the first few time may cause “headrush” or
dizziness , Numbness of the legs,Hyperactivity, etc, Depending on
the user ,may or may not be addictive, but the more you smoke
the more physically and psychologically dependent you become.
Now alcohol is a depressant found in drinks such as wine. Vodka,
whisky,etc. It is made by framenting certain things, like fruits
juice. If a person drinks enough, there body systems slow down,
they make poor judsment, and it can make you feel tired.
Depending on the mood of the drinker. It can make them happy,
depressant,violent, or maybe nothing at all wil happen.alcoholsm
can make the drinker psychologically dependent.

A.Statement of the problem:

The researcher will seek the following

1.Why are illegal Drugs Dangerous?

2.Why Do people use illegal Drugs?
3.Can I tell if someone is using Drugs?
4.What can I do to help?
5.What the problem with drugs anyway
Scope and Limitation:
My studies limit about different kinds of drugs. Their
effects and why people use them because there are so many
people use them even in whole world.

B.Signeficant of the study

I want to a prensentation on illegal drugs, so I was able to

learn some new information about drugs. I though drugs were
scary. I learned that drugs are harmful to our brains. Drugs
addictive want to stop taking drugs but their bodies still crave
them. It isn’t easy for addicts for stop using and abusing drugs. I
think It’s easy to get drugs. For example, cigarettes and alchohol
are drugs. In my opinion, we must try not to poison ourselves with
drugs. I want to learn more about drugs because there are so
many people abuse drugs all over the world. I want know why are
really like it even if them money waist in this kind of drugs. I
chose this topic because I don’t want to belong this people who
addict in drugs and to prevent the effects of drugs. In my self. I
heard that drugs brought so many harmful effect.

Definition of terms
Analeptic- a drugs that stimulates the central nervous system.

Analgesic- a drugs that relieves pan. See Analgenic.

Antiemetic- a drugs used to suppress nausea and vomiting see
motion sickness.

Anesthetic- General- an agent that produces loss of consciousness

see Anesthisea.

Antiarthritic- a drugs that relieves swelling if inflamed Joints

Antiboitic- a substance derived primarily from living


Anticonvulsant- a drug use to prevent conclusions.

Antidepressant- a drug used to treat depression.
Antihistamine- a drug that counteract the effect of histamine, and
substance that can cause.
The discussion of the statement of the problem

These day, drugs can b found everywhere and it may seem like
everone’s doing them. Many teens are tempted by the excitement
r escape that seems to offer. But Learning the facts about drugs
can help you see the risk of chasing this excitement or escape

These drugs are illegal because, like other

dangerous drugs, they can hurt people these kinds of drugs
are not mode in scientific laboratones with strict controls for
safety and furity, basement, garage or other places where
the sole motivation is not help people but to make money.
These drugs can seriously effect the brain the respiratory
system and the body’s internal organs. Also a person can be
taken advance of while of these drugs “date rape” drug but
can be use to violate the dignity of a human. That is simply
wrong so party drugs can be deadly and abuseive and they
are not safe. They are illegal. Drugs and that is all dangerous
drugs affected not just the person using the drugs but that
family. The wider family even their neighbours. It impacts
their job and fellow workers. It really has an affect on the
whole communities. It prevent the community from moving a
socially and economically retarded community.Cocaine,
heroin, Opium and other serious and dangerous drugs have
no place in a community that is wanting to develop itself to
improve the living conditions for all its members.
Inflammation may be defined as the reaction of having
tissues, to an injury. It is characterized by o swelling, redness
from the increase amount of blood in the injury tissues
increase temperature of the tissues, pain, and usually loss of
function of that part of the body. Like cocaine is a drug that
destroy human lives crack, a form of cocaine, is so powerful
that once it is taken a person loses the ability to stay away
from it they become slaves to their desire for the hit cocaine
rock can give them. Repeated used of crack cocaine destroy
the body and mind. A whole human being is simply
destroyed and never able to live up to the poteintial he she
once had.

Some kid and teens try drug to fit in with a group of

friends. Or they might be curious or just bored a person may use
illegal drug for may reason, as what I’ve said kid and teens try
drug to fit a group of friends because came of your friends may be
an a users of drugs and you are not a user, some of your friend
they don’t like you because you are the one who was not belong
on them. That why all of your friends tired you so much. That why
if your not welling to abandon your friends. You know how to
mengle them, because you have no choise of you like them, and if
you are now a user as the beginners. You will be able to spend a
lot of money to buy a drugs the fit of you and your friends. There
are some other friends that a user that respect you and not be
impluence to you. The fact if you are user you do the things even
if it is bad because you are belong now and addict to forget the
pain, but it is for the maintime to relive or escape your problem
and temporarily fell bether. But it is only until the drugs wear off.
Some commonly use drugs if you are bored, because your mind is
nothing. To have a beautifu feelings some people use it to have a
good day. Some teen use drugs to comport there self emotionally
to relief the problem of his/her family, or to experience the teast
of the drugs. Money is seen as “easy money” in a short time a
person can amases great wealth. Our modern way of life is more
stressful than that of previous decades. Today urban living, with
its competition and conficts, produces anxieties and tens. And
now, within recent years, drugs have been developed bearing the
enticing name of tranquilizer. They provide a means, under a
physician’s supervision of calming a nervous person tiding him
over difficult period of stress. A person who uses drugs can
become dependent on them, or addictive. This means that the
person’s body becomes so accustomed to having this drugs that
he or she can’t function well without it. Once a person is
addictive, it’s very hard to stop taking drugs. Stopping can cause
withdrawal symptoms, such as vomiting, sweating, and tremors.
These sick feelings continue until person’s body get adjusted to
being drugs free again, at least half of people who have PAD don’t
have any sign or symptoms may have pain when walking or
climbing stairs, which may relieved after resting. This pain is call
intermittent claudication blood brings oxygen to the muscle:
during physical activity or exercise muscle need more blood. If
there is a blockage in the blood vessel will not get enough blood.
A hallmark of intermittent claudication is that a brief rots relieve
the muscle pain because muscle at rest. Require less blood flow:
resumption of physical activity triggers pain ressurence.
Intermittent claudication is more like to develop in people who
also have atherosclerosis is the hardening and narrowing of
arteries such as the heart and brain atherosclerosis is the
hardening and narrowing arteries due to the formation of I
cholesterol plaques. About 10 percent of people with PAD have
intermittent claudication other sign and symptoms of PAD include.
Pain, numbness, aching and heaviness in the muscle. A weak or
absent pulse in the legs or feet. Cramping in the legs, things,
calves, and feet, sores or wounds on toes, feet or legs that heal
slowly poorly or not at all. Color changes in skin, paleness, or
blueness. A decrease temperature in one leg compared to the
other leg.

The best things to do avoid drugs is to tell adult that

you trust. A grown-up can help the person find the treatment he
or she needs to stop using drugs. Another way kid can help kids is
by choosing not to try or use drugs. It’s a good way for friends to
stick together. Understanding drugs and why they are dangerous
is another good step for a kid to take, below, we’ve lestend some
words that may be new to you. You should want to listen to the
teacher because its help you to how to avoid drugs or lestened to
coach of what opinion them given to you because its give you a
good moral. And be focus studies and other sports together with
your friends. And gave time to the church pray’s always how to
access you life right way. And be model of your self because we
have one life that give jesus to us. Its better to inporm the person
who use in your barangay so that no one be impudence, you so
much. Have need o help our self in being a good civilize person in
this intstitution. Much bette to menggle a good friends so that all
of your time much be useful, much better to live alone if there are
some people who drunk by the streets. Love your self, respect,
comport and mentain a good characteristic. Listen to the opinion
of your parents. Make some activites that you want to enjoy your
self. Cise such a swimming, cycling, walking: or participating in
some activity out door sports. One’s weekly program should be so
planned that a block of time- at least half a day – is filled with
pleasant activity that crowd out awareness of the week’s ordinary
routness. Important as is this weekly period o recreation it is not
sufficient to maintain physical fitness. Even though a person uses
his “half day off” to play eighteen holes of golf or three sets of
tennis, or to do the yard work, he still need daily physical
activities o keep his muscle in trim and to maintain the efficiency
of the organs if his body. In addition to the daily “let down” and
weekly recreation everybody needs a leisurely vacation period at
also at least one year. Best result are obtained when this is in the
nature of pleasant low-key outdoor undertaking. A camping trip is
preferable to a hasty cross county tour on a tight schedule. One
needs to establish is broad base of confidence in himself
confidence- in his associate, and trust in an overruling providence.
The best foundation on which to build such trust in the philosophy
of Christianity. The scripture are reassuring on this point: “ we
know that in everything god works for good with those. Who love
him, who are called according to his purpose”. Thos whose
accupation are strenouse or stressful should take time out for a
few minutes two or three times a day to rest their brain, their
muscle, or both. The best way is to lay down, close the eyes. And
the let the though drift in neutral. One need not fall asleep during
this brief period. The though should learning the fact about drugs
can help you see the risk of chasing this excitement to escape.
There what you need to know.

The deal substance thank to medical and drugs

research, there are thousands of drugs that help people.
Antibiotics and vaccines have revolutionized the treatment of
infection. Medicines can slow, or prevent desease, helping us to
lead healthier and happier lives. But there are also lots of illegal,
harmful dugs that people take to help them feel good or have a
good time. Drugs are chemical or substance that change the way
our bodies work. When you put them into your bloodstream and
are transported to the part of your body, such as your brain,
drugs may either intensify or dull your senses, alter your sense of
alterness, and sometime decrease physical pain. A drugs can may
be helpful or harmful. The effect of drugs can vary depending
upon the kind of drugs taken, how much is taken, how often it is
used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs food,
or substance are taken at sometime effect can also vary based on
the difference in body size, shape, and chemistry – although
substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of
harm to the body and brain, drinking, alcohol, smoking tobacco.
Taking illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious
damage to the human body. Such as driving under influence or
having unprotect sex. And just as there are many kind of drugs
available. There are as many reason or trying them or starting to
use them regurlarly. People take drugs just for the pleasure they
believe they can bring, often its because someone tried to
convince them that drugs would make them feel good or that
they’d have better time if they look them. Here are he facts on
some of the more common drugs.
•Cocaine and crack
•cough and cold medicines (DXM)

The drugs of addiction that are related to or derived

from the twenty or so opium alkaloids are too numerous to
be listened, and it would be pointless and tedious to attempt
to do so. In addiction to the hundreds of compounds derive
from opium and alkaloids there is a great variety of synthetic
drugs that have analgetic effect like those of morphine and
which are also addicting. Morphine was the first alkaloid of
opium to be (in 1803) and it serves us a standard of
comparison because it remains the most satisfactory pain –
relieving egent in medical practice. In the annual report of
the federal bureau of narcotic for 1965 (PP.11- 14) 57 kinds
of symthetics all eged to be habit forming are listed. Two of
these are: (1.) Pethidine, also known as (amidone and
dolopbine) demerosl o meperidine and by more than forty
other dames, and (z) methadone, also known as amidone
and dolopbine. Both are addicting, and both are in reality
reprensentatives of famities of related drugs with similar
molecular structures. Pethidine the oldest of the synbetic
equivalents, which was produce in germany in 1939 is
accompanied by in bureau’s list by so other names and
methadone by 62 these are althenative names for the drugs
or the names of other drugs of the same series. Drugs o the
morphine type range from a recen derivative known as
bentley’s compound, which is about 10,000 times as
powerful as morphine, to these of the codeine class, which
have a realitively slight analgesic and addictive potential. In
addition to heroin the following drugs are among those that
are more potent than morphine.

I found that this dugs are can be killed. And drugs are
chemicals or substance that change the way our bodies
work. It is so dangerous to our life because drugs find there
way into your bloodstream and transported to part of your
body. Such as you brain. And I found that drugs may either
intensify of dull your senses, alter your sense of alertness,
and sometimes decrease physical pain. It’s taken more
deases that I can be farmful to our body. I found that there
are so many teenager that use drugs. And they believe that
drugs will help them think better, be more popular, stay
more active or become better athletes. Others are tasted
because they are curious or depressed. And I found that
drugs can ruin every aspect of a person life. They make a
person less alert and herein lies some of the danger. I found
that if you one’s taken drugs they believe that they relieve
their pain. I found that drugs are harmful to our brains.
Drugs are addicts want stop taking drugs. But their bodies
still crave them. There are so many people killed by the
effect of drugs. I found that their are the best thing to avoid
drugs is to tell an adult that you trust. This could be the
parents, other relative, teacher, coach, or school councelor.
I recommend that all of us not use drugs because
it is not legally or safety for people use these kind of drugs. If a
persons who move this drug, sell it, or harbor it are part of the
destruction of a human life. They share in the violence and the
trauma of a family’s hellish life and they share in the wider impact
this has on the entired community. Drugs dealing is a tremendous
I recommend this because they lose interest in
school and learning, they may never achieve want, no job skill
and life becomes very difficult. And I recommend this because
when you using this drug while operating a vehicle or machinery
can lead to terrible accidents which could result in death or
serious injury also the violence that so often accompanies drugs
dealing can devastate families and local communities. It is
illegally because its not make in a laboratory.

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