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CORPORACION UNIVERSITARIA AMERICANA FACULTY OF LAW English Programme Full name: _______________________________________________________________ Semester: ____________ English level: __________

Date: September 18th, 2012 SIMPLE PAST OR PRESENT PERFECT 1. Has the time period finished? Rule Example Explanation

The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished.




(This week has not finished yet.)

movies this week.

The simple past is used when the time period HAS finished.

I saw three movies last week.





El pasado simple indica una accin que se desarroll y finaliz en el pasado.

When I was young I played tennis. El presente perfecto indica una accin que se ha desarrollado en un periodo de tiempo que an no ha terminado. This morning I have had a very tense meeting with my boss (an es por la maana). Today I have visited my parents (el da todava no ha finalizado)

2. Is it new information or old? Rule Example Explanation

The present perfect is often used when giving recent news.

Martin has crashed his car again.





The simple past is used when giving older information.

Martin crashed his car last year.





El presente perfecto se utiliza en general cuando queremos informar sobre acontecimientos, eventos recientes que tienen una conexin con el presente.

El pasado simple lo utilizamos para dar informacin sobre acontecimientos, eventos ocurridos que son conocidos por los interlocutores.

3. Is it a specific time? Rule Example Explanation

The present perfect is used when the time is not specific.

I have already seen that movie.

(We when.)



The simple past is used when the time is clear.

I saw that movie on Thursday.

(We know exactly when.)

El pasado simple indica una accin que se desarroll y complet en un periodo de tiempo ya finalizado.

This morning I had a very tense meeting with my boss. (Ya es por la tarde, la maana ha finalizado) Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. Cuando utilizamos el presente perfecto el contexto temporal no es muy especfico. En consecuencia, el presente perfecto lo utilizamos cuando nos encontramos interesados en el resultado presente de algo que ocurri en un momento no definido del pasado: The secretary has decided to look for a new job. (La secretaria ha decidido buscar un nuevo trabajo.) I'm afraid I have forgotten your name. (Me temo que he olvidado tu nombre.)

4. Has the action finished (sentences with for or since)? Rule Example Explanation

The present perfect is used with for and since, when the actions have not finished yet.


lived for

in five

Victoria years.






The simple past is used with for, when the actions have already finished.

I lived in Victoria for five years.

(I don't live in Victoria now.)

Con el presente perfecto utilizamos How long? (Cunto tiempo...?) en preguntas relacionadas con la duracin y for (durante) o since (desde) para las respuestas.

How long have you worked at OM Personal? (Cunto tiempo has trabajado en OM Personal?) Observa que usamos for para expresar la duracin de una accin, y since para indicar cundo comenz la accin.

I've worked here for twelve months (for twenty years, etc.).(He trabajado aqu durante doce meses (durante veinte aos, etc.). I've worked here since January (since 1990, since Christmas, etc.). (He trabajado aqu desde Enero (desde 1990, desde Navidad, etc.). Se utiliza el Past Simple en preguntas con When? que hacen referencia a un momento especfico del pasado: When did you buy your car? Si se trata de un periodo de tiempo acabado, lo que tenemos que decir es How long did you live in Paris?.

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