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International Institute for Educational Planning

Vol. XXII, No. 1, January-March 2004

Teachers: Careers in Latin America
page 3

Teachers: a priority
Teachers are at the heart of the teaching/learning process. After many years of debate on the relative effect of schools and teachers on learning achievement, as compared to other socio-economic variables, it is now widely acknowledged that schools and, within schools, teachers can make a great difference on student achievement. This is something everybody knows intuitively.
OECD countries are also starting to experience severe teacher shortages, albeit for different reasons (cf. article p. 7). Large numbers of teachers will retire over the next few years and replacing them may prove difficult. Curiously, the status of teachers is changing and becoming noticeably diversified as a variety of specialists are called upon to meet all the requirements. How can good people be attracted to and retained in a profession which has lost much of its status and where salaries are no longer attractive? In Latin America, salaries are also low. An interesting survey carried out by IIEPBuenos Aires shows that for a good number of teachers, their salary is no longer the main source of income in the household (cf. article pp. 3-4). A non negligeable proportion of teachers (higher in some countries than in others) have an additional source of income. What are the consequences on how teachers perceive their role? Many do not see themselves teaching forever. How to create a career path which will attract competent people to the profession? Teacher professional development has become a topical issue as governments move away from teacher training and oneoff workshop models to package and more school-based solutions. Another important challenge is how to increase teacher effectiveness in the classroom. IIEP has just published two booklets on these topics (cf. pp. 4 and 6) which should prove useful to policy-makers and practitioners. IIEP will continue its involvement in teacher policies in the coming years.

Quality in Africa
page 5

Shortages in OECD countries

page 7

Education for All: Different paths for different countries

page 8

Skills development
page 10

Gender issues
page 11

Ethics and corruption

page 12

issues concerning teachers are burning ones and these are not necessarily the same in every region. In Africa, the problem is how to significantly expand the size of the teaching force, improve quality and still maintain costs within reasonable limits in order to attain Education for All goals. Martial Dembl (cf. article pp. 5-6) analyzes how meeting this challenge is affecting the recruitment of and training policies for teachers. Since pre-service teacher-training programmes are being increasingly reduced and the status under which teachers are hired more and more varied, what is the impact on quality?


IIEP 2004 Summer School

page 13

International Institute for Educational Planning ISSN 1564-2356

Franoise Caillods

In this issue
Teachers: a priority Editorial: Elevators and operators Teachers: Teaching careers in Latin America 3 Increasing teacher effectiveness Competent teachers for African classrooms: looking ahead 4 1

Elevators and operators
me report some findings made in a study of student achievement in Bergen, Norway, under the leadership of Hans-Jrgen Gjessing, some 15 years ago. He used as his point of departure the results from earlier research on educational achievement: that the socioeconomic background of parents was important, the influence of peers likewise, while the impact of the resources of the school accounted for little. From this, one might argue that teachers do not play a big role. Put sharply: what pupils learn depends on what they bring from home and get from other pupils. Learning is what pupils do on their own while teachers do what teachers do the connection is weak. If this were the case, teacher training would count for little, as would curricula, because student achievement depends primarily on parents and peers. Gjessings own research found something quite different, based on longitudinal data. There are great differences in what students achieve, they are systematic and depend on which school class the student is placed in. The key results can be summarized as follows. In the Norwegian system when children attend school they are put into different elevators, so to speak. How fast they ascend and where they end up, depends on which elevator they are guided into first. In other words, neither parents status nor personal capacities are decisive neither where they lived nor what knowledge they bring to school. Gjessings study showed more. First, that pupils who for some reason were at a disadvantage, functioned well if they were put in an elevator which provided a good lift up. Second, those who did function well, also liked what they got: there was no opposition between being pulled up and enjoying the ride learning, striving and progressing proved enjoyable. The weakest pupils academically felt best in the elevators that gave the most uplift. Third, differences established at the outset were reproduced at succeeding stages. This led to the question: What decided the speed of the elevator? The question turned out

Teacher professional development: an international review of the literature 6 Teacher policies in OECD countries EFA: Different pathways to EFA for different school systems Back to the roots: Refocussing on skills development 8 10

EFA Global Monitoring Report 2003/04. Gender and Education for All: the leap to equality 11 IIEP Seminar: Strategies to improve transparency and accountability in education 12 IIEP 2004 Summer School: Educational reconstruction in post-conflict situations: access and inclusion 13 IIEP/UQO 2004 International Summer School: New trends in managing international development in education 13 Recent IIEP and IIEP-BA Publications The Virtual Institute

14 15

Nice and Monaco: Study visit of IIEP trainees, 20-26 November 2003 15 IIEP and IIEP-BA Activities IIEP Governing Board meets 16 16

The IIEP Newsletter is published quarterly in English, French, Russian and Spanish. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor, IIEP Newsletter, International Institute for Educational Planning, 7-9 rue Eugne-Delacroix, 75116 Paris, France Telephone: + Fax: + E-mail: Web site: All articles may be reproduced without prior authorization, subject to the source being cited.

to be mis-stated. The appropriate question was: Who decided the speed of the elevator? The answer found was: the operator of the elevator, i.e. the teacher. The way the teacher interacted with the pupils the ways of communicating, structuring, motivating, guiding, supporting and providing feedback was decisive. This, I would venture, corresponds to the experience of all of us. An authoritarian, sarcastic and negative teacher can quash interest in a subject and harm a pupils self image. A good teacher, however, can inspire by encouragement, by providing experiences of increasing mastery, and by giving a positive response to progress and by fostering resolve to hold on, not to give up and back out when pupils do not succeed at once. Good teachers have a sure grasp of their material and know how it should be conveyed to kindle curiosity, ignite interest and win appreciation for the subject matter. Good teachers recognize that pupils have worth also when they are making little progress, are failing or floundering. Much of this can be taught. But teachers cannot be left to cope on their own: they need updating, supervision and inspiration as well. This is particularly the case when a society is undergoing rapid changes and old styles and modes are constantly challenged whether it is by phenomena such as economic change and mobility or technological changes providing the young with new behavioural models or advanced tools and gadgets. It is paradoxical that while the importance of education is increasing, as all countries move at uneven speeds towards becoming learning societies, at the same time the role of the teacher is becoming more vital and more difficult.

Gudmund Hernes Director of IIEP

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Teaching careers in Latin America

A survey in Argentina, Peru and Uruguay
Developing careers in education is being discussed in many countries and the rules that once governed teachers careers are being changed. A recent survey on teachers in Latin America, undertaken by IIEP-Buenos Aires, has raised a number of interesting issues on how they perceive their jobs and what their expectations are for future career development.

the current context of change and reform, the situation of teachers has come to the forefront of the education political agenda in a number of countries. Before leaping into quick-fix reforms, it is necessary to know how the teachers themselves perceive their jobs, their current situations as well as their future professional ambitions. A comparative survey on teachers and their careers undertaken by IIEP-Buenos Aires in Argentina, Peru and Uruguay has generated a lot of interesting data. On analyzing the data, a number of issues have come to light which should be of interest to education policy-makers.

The survey has also shown that teachers salaries, as a proportion of their total household income, fall into several categories (cf. Figure 2). A minority of teachers (significantly higher in Uruguay) see their salaries as a very small proportion (less than 30 per cent) of their total household income. In such cases, it is probable that the teachers job means less to him or her than it does to those teachers for whom teaching is the main source of income. However, those who depend on teaching for a living,
Figure 2. Teachers salaries, as a percentage of their total household income
35.4 27.1

their work, particularly within a group as large and varied as that of teachers. While some live to teach and teach to live, others may live to teach, but do not teach to live. What proportion a teachers salary represents in their total household income can result from other factors such as social origin, living and working conditions, gender, age, institutional environment, initial training and the availability of on-the-job training, etc. For the moment, however, analysis of the data is not sufficiently advanced to know more of the specific impact of the various factors on the different aspects of teachers conditions.

About the teachers ...

Most teachers in the survey have no other occupation other than teaching with teaching as their sole source of income. Only a few have other professional activities for which they are paid (cf. Figure 1). The data indicate that, on the whole, teachers devote all their professional energy to teaching, which is positive from the point of view of education and their pursuing a career in education.
Figure 1. Percentage of teachers who have another source of income
13.5 14.4 17.5


35.9 44.3 19.8 8.9 12.9


... and their ambitions

Any reform policy aiming to improve teachers working conditions must take into account their ambitions for the future. It is clear that the incentives offered should be tailored to meet a specific set of ambitions. Figure 3 (p. 4) shows that the vast majority of teachers in the countries studied intend to continue working in education in the years ahead. However, with the exception of Uruguay, only a few teachers wish to continue teaching in the classroom. Here, the situation in Peru is probably the most dramatic, since only one in five teachers wishes to continue teaching in the classroom. The survey has shown that teachers ambitions gravitate around two main poles. Either they want to work at the
IIEP Newsletter January March 2004

26.6 3

No reply

Under 30% 31-70%

Over 71%




Argentina No other income



Have another job

although they are the largest group, never represent more than 50 per cent (cf. Figure 2). It probably reflects that teachers relate differently to their jobs differences linked to different views, values and attitudes towards teaching and particularly affected by their working conditions, salaries, career openings, etc. When determining policies which would change the rules governing teachers jobs, these differences should be taken into account. There are a variety of factors which can affect the way teachers experience, perceive and value

Figure 3. Teachers aspirations

43.6 Continue in current job Take on managerial or director post Do the same job but in another school Do another job in the education sector Change career 5.8 7.7 3.2 2.3 10.6 7.8 21.5 32.5 16.1 20.4 19.8 24.6 10.2

Be an inspector Retire

2.6 1.8 3.8 7 2.4 3.7

Argentina Peru Uruguay

Don't know

school management or directorate level, or they want to progress to other types of education-related work, such as writing textbooks, educational planning, implementing projects with colleagues,

etc. Clearly, there are not enough jobs available to satisfy teachers demands. Finally, 52.6 only a minority (less than 10 per cent) wish to move to work outside the education sector. This variety of ambitions for the future suggests a need to give serious thought to the structure and dynamics of teachers career paths. Current rules as they stand in the three countries surveyed, offer few possibilities for advancement outside the classroom and within the system. At the same time, there are few attractive opportunities for advancement within the classroom, i.e. exercising the teaching profession. If these results are to be taken seriously, it is necessary to take a closer look at proposals for redesigning

teachers career paths. Introducing incentives which keep teachers in the classroom would seem to be the right solution. Establishing a hierarchy of levels based on teachers skills would be a step in the right direction. The same applies to redefining the division of teaching work, distinguishing functions and responsibilities by degree of complexity. For instance, one teacher could specialize in teaching mathematics, another could tutor new teachers, a third might be new to the profession, and a fourth could be expert in teacher evaluation, etc. In many countries, such issues are only just being recognized as important for discussion on the education policy agenda.

Emilio Tenti Fanfani

Increasing teacher effectiveness

Lorin W. Anderson
IIEP Fundamentals of Educational Planning Series. Forthcoming revised edition of Fundamentals 39

IRST published in 1991, this booklet has just been revised and up-dated, taking into account the knowledge accumulated over the past 12 years. Teachers salaries still account for 70 to 90 per cent of national education budgets in most countries and the success of the learning process is still largely dependent on the teachers and how they teach. Thus, much time and money has been spent on research to discover what key characteristics and activities make a good and effective teacher, but whatever the desired qualities, all teachers work within a specific school context with certain structures and curricula. Teachers plan the classroom environment, organize and manage the class, determine its sequencing and pacing, the overall structure of lessons, the homework to be set, evaluate each pupil and decide on the corrective measures to be taken. Some teachers execute these tasks better than others. So what is it that makes a teacher effective or not? In planning education, planners have not only to look after the infrastructure of a school, its material resources, curricula, supply of textbooks, etc. but above all they are responsible for ensuring the quality of the human resources put into that school. Do all schools in a country have the same quality of staff? What indicators in a database on teachers should planners use so that they can be reasonably sure about the equity of the supply? As Lorin W. Anderson points out, there are, of course,

other inputs to schooling that affect learning outcomes. But by considering those aspects of teachers and teaching that impinge on learning, planners will become more aware of what they, the planners, should be doing when planning the human resource input to schools. He also discusses the implications for those planning pre- and in-service teacher training at the national and regional levels, as well as for school inspectors, school advisors and those running educational resource centres. In the Appendix, Lorin W. Anderson provides several types of instruments used to measure different aspects of classroom teaching. New instruments have been added, as well as expanded versions of those given in the first edition. As the emphasis in educational planning moves on from ensuring that all pupils go to school to ensuring that they learn while in school namely from issues of quantity to issues of quality the role of the teacher becomes of crucial importance in the planning process. The booklet provides an excellent summary of knowledge on teacher effectiveness. It also provides those responsible for the planning of teaching in a country with the means to know what really goes on in the classroom. Extract from the Preface of the book by T. Neville Postlethwaite Lorin W. Anderson is a Professor at the University of South Carolina, U.S.A.

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Competent teachers for African classrooms: looking ahead1

Teaching is arguably the strongest school-level determinant of student learning and achievement. It is therefore important to pay attention to teacher quality and, by extension, to teacher preparation and the continuous development of teachers. This article broadly discusses how sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries are dealing with this issue as they struggle to achieve quality Universal Primary Education (UPE).
since the 1990s. The main thrust has been to shorten programme length. Concurrently, field experience has gained in prominence in programmes, but its nature and quality are quite variable. In addition, new terms cropped up regarding teacher status. There are civil service teachers, national service teachers, contract teachers, volunteer teachers, community teachers, etc. Guinea is a country that has experienced all three developments. Worth highlighting is the new two-year primary teacher education programme. Initiated in 1998, this programme delivered 7,612 new teachers by June 2003. Put differently, the programme delivered 1,522 new teachers per year, compared with less than 200 previously. The unit cost is estimated to be approximately US$677 (Dian B. et al., 2003)2. Importantly, the programmes graduates are reported to be at least as good as graduates of previous programmes (PASEC, 2002)3. The productivity of this programme and its lower unit cost are attributed to its higher student teachers/ teacher trainer ratio, its shorter duration (two years compared with three previously) and the year-long running of the teacher training colleges thanks to a two-cycle implementation strategy (cf. Box on p.6). This programme thus stands as a good source of inspiration for other countries, especially those at risk of not achieving UPE by 2015. With respect to practicing teachers, continuing teacher development in SSA has also been in flux. The emerging trend is characterized by a move away from the decried top-down, one-size-fits-all and one-shot workshop model, towards decentralized, school-based, teacher-led professional development activities. Examples abound: Aga Khan Foundationsupported School Improvement Projects in East Africa, Guineas Programme for small grants to schools (PPSE), School

formidable challenge for SSA countries today is how to expand the size of their teaching force while improving its quality. Table 1 below shows that to achieve UPE, SSA will need 1,361,000 new teachers between 2000 and 2015, or an average annual increase of 3 per cent (compared with 2 per cent between 1985 and 2000). Assuming that education systems will be able to attract enough candidates to fill this demand, the critical issue is how to ensure that the supply is of the quality desired. This, in turn, raises important issues of professional preparation. In addition, given calls for pedagogical renewal, the 2,491,000 practicing teachers will need to be provided with professional development opportunities.

A partial view of responses

With respect to new teachers, the varying circumstances of countries is reflected in how they are managing the dilemma of reconciling the need to deploy large numbers of competent teachers while ensuring financial sustainability. At one

extreme, one finds countries where there is a single route to the teaching profession, namely holding a professional certificate; and where both the entry level and the duration and institutional location of professional preparation programmes tend to be at the upper end, e.g. in Namibia where one must hold the three-year Basic Education Teacher Diploma (BETD) to teach in Grades 1 to 10. At the other extreme, one finds countries where one can access the profession through multiple routes, including the holding of a professional certificate. The majority of SSA countries tend to fall in the latter category. Their teaching force is composed of teachers with different entry qualifications, ranging from an academic university degree or a university-level teaching certificate to simply an end-of-primary school certificate. In between, the bulk of teachers hold a junior high school certificate or a high school diploma, with or without professional preparation. The teaching profession and preservice teacher education in SSA have indeed been continuously changing

Table 1. Increase in the number of public school teachers

Number of teachers (in '000) 1985 2000 2015 Anglophone countries Francophone countries Others Total Africa 1 191 601 57 1 849 1 557 825 109 2 491 2 180 1 512 160 3 852

Average annual increase 1985-2000 2000-2015 +1.8% +2.1% +4.4% +2% +2.3% +4.1% +2.6% +3%

Source: MINEDAF VIII Statistical document (World Bank data).

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004

Self-Assessment in Namibia, Ugandas Teacher Development and Management System (TDMS), etc. Overall, all these programmes/projects are effective in terms of process. Their next challenge is to ensure that impact on student learning is carefully monitored and used as a key input in the formative evaluations.

preparation may be a good option to make the cost of continuous development and support manageable.

commissioned by the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).

2 Dian, B. et al., (2003). La rforme de la formation initiale des matres en Guine (FIMG) : tude-bilan de la mise en uvre. Case study commissioned by ADEA for the Challenge of Learning Study. Paris: ADEA.

Martial Dembl University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM)


Looking ahead
For many countries, it is predictable that the trend towards hiring teachers with limited general education and/or without professional preparation will continue or even increase. This will result in the recomposition of the teaching force, a phenomenon that can potentially undermine the fabric of the profession, result in staff instability which, in turn, may affect quality negatively. Dealing effectively with this phenomenon may partly determine the achievement of quality UPE. Also, given this hiring trend, strengthening continuous professional development and support mechanisms becomes imperative for the countries in question in the medium-term. Ultimately, investing in high quality teacher

This article draws on work done by the author for the Challenge of Learning Study

PASEC (2002). valuation du programme de formation initiale des matres de Guine (FIMG) et de la double vacation. Dakar: PASEC.

Guineas new primary teacher preparation programme

The FIM-G programme is delivered in two ways: a short cycle (or formation durgence) and a long cycle (or formation rgulire). The short cycle consists of three phases: three months of coursework at the ENI (Teacher Training College), followed by nine months of supervized student teaching with full responsibility for a classroom in specially selected ordinary schools (coles associes), and finally three months of further coursework at the ENI. The regular model consists of two phases: 9 months of coursework at the ENI, interspersed with three periods of student teaching, followed by 9 months of student teaching with full responsibility for a classroom. In both cycles, coursework is focused on the teaching of the basic subjects, namely French, mathematics, science and technology, and humanities, as well as on educational psychology and learning assessment. The courses are taught by teacher trainers (professeurs dcole normale) and the periods of student teaching are supervized by pedagogical advisors (conseillers pdagogiques-matres formateurs) in collaboration with the host teacher (matre associ) and school head (directeur associ). Several student teachers are placed in a given school so that they can support each other as well as engage in peer socialization. The entry requirement of the programme is a high school diploma (the first part of the diploma for female candidates) and graduates are hired on the basis of renewable annual contracts. The two-cycle strategy helped increase the productivity of the ENIs. They have been operating 12 months a year since 1998 and have catered for 7 cohorts of prospective teachers from August 1998 to June 2003.

Teacher professional development: an international review of the literature

Eleanora Villegas-Reimers
Quality education for all series. Paris: IIEP/UNESCO, 2003. ISBN: 92-803-1228-6

policies can support teachers? While there is growing consensus around the world on the importance of supporting the professional development of teachers so that they can teach all children effectively, there is little consensus on how to do this. Teacher professional development: an international review of the literature examines the most recent comparative research on the preparation of teachers and their lifelong process of professional development. The book presents concepts and recent research findings in the field. It discusses why teacher professional development is important to the teachers themselves, to the students they teach, and to the educational reforms they effect and by which they are affected. Teacher professional development goes beyond the traditional view of pre-service training and in-service workshops. It is a lifelong process of learning and assessment. The book begins with an examination of the current trends that are seen in many countries of the world: a move from teacher training to teacher professional development, and a move from teacher-training institutions to agents of professional development which include teacher education institutions, schools, community organizations, and also local,

national, and international networks of teachers who support each others professional growth. The book examines in detail models of professional development that have been successfully implemented in a variety of countries. This presentation is divided into two sections: one that includes models implemented at a smaller scale (classrooms, schools), and another with models of systemic change implemented in school systems and/or entire countries. The book presents options in which teachers can promote their own professional development and that of their colleagues without having to rely exclusively or wait for major organizational structures to be in place to implement complex models of education. Finally, the book offers a framework to plan, implement and assess the professional development of teachers as a way to guide policy-makers, administrators and teachers. In this section, factors such as financial resources, time, stages of development of a school system, the role of Unions, etc. are discussed. In concluding, the book offers a list of policy implications and recommendations to support the transformation of teacher education so that all stakeholders can support teaching excellence.

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Teacher policies in OECD countries

After decades of research and experimentation on policies aimed at improving student learning outcomes through a better allocation of resources, more accountability, curriculum reforms and refined assessment systems, attention now seems to be focusing on an essential, but usually missing, element in

policy interventions: teachers.

concern over teacher policies in recent years among OECD Member Countries has been partly sparked off by the severe teacher shortages some countries are beginning to experience, or are likely to experience in the near future, due to an ageing teaching force. There is, however, very little concrete information on the exact nature and severity of the shortages, since the quantity issue is usually addressed by relaxing qualification requirements, promoting out-oflicence and out-of-field teaching, increasing teaching workloads, increasing class sizes, reducing time required for student learning and cancelling courses. This makes quantity a misnomer for what is a quality problem. In order to respond to this growing concern over the quality of teachers, OECD launched a study aimed at analyzing the factors that shape the attraction, development, recruitment and retention of effective teachers. Twentyfive countries are participating in the study and a final synthesis report will be published end-2004 (for more information cf. Some preliminary findings presented in June 2003 confirmed that all countries are concerned about quality, particularly the widening gap between the current teaching forces capacities and the new demands of schools. While the important role education plays in childrens development and growth is increasingly widely recognized, the status of teachers is declining. Generally they feel that their work is not appreciated, their autonomy and creativity have been curtailed by

more control and regulations, and that they are being asked to do more with less. Over the last decade, teachers salaries have fallen in relation to other occupations. However, the stability of teaching is appreciated, particularly where unemployment is high, and the profession is a preferred option for women, who find the jobs characteristics, workload and schedule more compatible with family responsibilities. Teachers tend to complain about the lack of variety and role differentiation in their careers. In addition, there are few incentives for teachers to improve their practice and develop as professionals. There are only very limited linkages between better performance, teacher compensation and teacher development. The departure of teachers from the profession is of more concern in some countries than others. Departure tends to be higher where economies are stronger, teacher salary scales are shorter making salaries plateau earlier, and teachers qualifications give access to other jobs. The changes generated by a knowledge economy and an increasingly diverse student population are creating new challenges for teachers initial training and professional development. There is a tendency to upgrade teacher training by placing it within a university framework and to provide a better balance between theory and practice, for both primary and general secondary, by making the school a real partner in teacher training and development. There is a shift towards an on-going career-long

development of teaching skills in order to help teachers adjust to the changing needs of school and society. There is increasing awareness of the need to provide support for new teachers through specially-designed induction programmes and to continue their professional development with opportunities more clearly linked to the school and career needs. Teacher shortages are stimulating the development of policies that facilitate entry into teaching for adults from other occupations, attracting former teachers who had left the profession early on and are rethinking the career as a short-term opportunity rather than a choice for life. These new entrants need to be provided with adequate training and support. Teachers want policies that promote professionalism, pedagogical autonomy, provide more help and less control from local and central authorities, as well as opportunities for career development. Countries with decentralized education systems are progressively leaving personnel decisions to the schools and beginning to offer different salaries for different skills. Countries with a more centralized civil service tradition are having to align their personnel management policies to teaching competencies needed today. It remains to be seen whether the professional recognition, career development and job status that teachers claim today can be offered and the stability, usually associated with their job, maintained.

Yael Duthilleul

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Different pathways to EFA for different school systems


Research results arising from SACMEQs second educational policy research project in Southern and Eastern Africa suggest that different countries need to chart different pathways towards the goal of Education for All (EFA).

Declarations of the 1990 Jomtien World Conference on Education and the 2000 Dakar World Education Forum both called upon the nations of the world to broaden their view of the concept of Education for All (EFA) beyond a concentration on increased participation in education. These Declarations emphasized that the achievement of EFA required expanded access to education to be accompanied by improvements in educational quality and equity. For several years, the IIEP has been working with the 15 ministries of education that together form the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) in order to explore a variety of approaches for measuring and comparing the quality and equity of primary education systems.

The research results

One of the innovative research approaches used by SACMEQ has involved making comparative assessments of (a) quality by comparing school systems with respect to average pupil scores on a reading test that was developed by experienced teachers and reading specialists in SACMEQ countries from a collaborative and agreed analysis of official school curricula, and (b) equity by comparing school systems according to their capacity to minimize the main components of variation in pupil scores on this reading test. Based on this approach, the SACMEQ school systems with higher average pupil reading scores were considered to be delivering relatively

higher levels of educational quality; and the SACMEQ school systems with lower variations in pupil reading scores (both between schools and within schools) were considered to be delivering relatively higher levels of educational equity. The most recent SACMEQ educational policy research study (SACMEQ II) collected detailed information between 2000 and 2002 on pupil reading achievement from around 42,000 Grade 6 pupils in over 2,250 schools. Some of the results of this research have been summarized in Diagram 1 on page 9 and then explained, using four school systems as examples, in the following discussion. Quality. The left-hand column of figures in the diagram shows the average pupil reading score for each SACMEQ school system. The average score for SACMEQ overall was 500. The averages for school systems ranged from a low value of 429 for Malawi to values near the SACMEQ average of 482 and 517 for Uganda and Mozambique, respectively, and to a high value of 582 for the Seychelles. (It is important to note here that the SACMEQ researchers expected to find this pattern of differences in average pupil reading scores because of the many differences in country-specific social, economic, and historical factors. To take just one example, the Gross National Income (GNI) per capita in the Seychelles was around 40 times higher than in Malawi). Equity. The right-hand column of figures in the diagram shows the total variation in pupil reading scores for each school system. The total variation for SACMEQ overall was 100. The total

variation for school systems ranged from a low value of 25 for Malawi to a high value of 154 for the Seychelles. The total variation for Uganda of 83 was slightly less than the SACMEQ overall variation, whereas the total variation of 42 in Mozambique was slightly less than half the SACMEQ overall variation. The total variation values were broken down into between-school and within-school components and then presented as bar graphs in the centre of the diagram. The graphs show that the between-school and the within-school components of variation for Malawi and Mozambique were both among the smallest for SACMEQ school systems. In contrast, the betweenschool component of variation for Uganda and the within-school component of variation for the Seychelles were the largest for SACMEQ school systems.

What they imply for policy

Given these research results, what can be said, at this point in time, about these four school systems as they continue to work towards Education for All? First of all, it should be noted that the Seychelles, Uganda, and Malawi have excellent participation rates for the first six years of schooling with Net Enrolment Ratios (NER) that approach or exceed 95 per cent. The participation rate for Mozambique is much lower with a Net Enrolment Ratio in the region of 70 per cent. When this access information is combined with the discussion of quality and equity presented above, it is clear that these school systems will need to chart different pathways towards EFA.

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004

The EFA challenge for Malawi will be to (a) maintain participation rates, (b) improve quality by directing efforts into raising the low average pupil reading score, and (c) maintain equity by ensuring a continuation of small variations in pupil reading scores both between and within schools. Uganda will have to (a) maintain participation rates, (b) consolidate quality by working to ensure that the average pupil reading score continues at around the SACMEQ average, or perhaps is increased, and (c) improve equity by reducing the between-school component of variation in pupil reading scores. In Mozambique, the challenge will be to (a) improve participation rates, (b)consolidate quality by working to ensure that the average pupil reading score continues at around the SACMEQ average, or perhaps is increased, and (c) maintain equity by ensuring a continuation of small variations in pupil reading scores both between and within schools. Finally, the EFA challenge for the Seychelles will be to (a) maintain

particiation rates, (b) maintain quality by sustaining efforts that will retain the high average pupil reading score, and (c) improve equity by reducing the within-school component of variation in pupil reading scores. These different pathways towards EFA will require the four school systems to address different target groups and to employ different strategies concerning the identification and deployment of required resources. Malawi will need a determined effort across all schools to increase the average pupil reading score. This will require substantial additional human and material resource inputs to be delivered to schools through long-term partnerships with external donors. Uganda will require a more targeted approach in order to identify and assist the subset of schools where pupils have low reading scores. This approach could be based on the implementation of a resource allocation mecanism that delivers supplementary resources to the most disadvantaged schools.

Mozambique will have to concentrate on community-specific methods for improving participation rates. The first steps will be to determine why participation rates are low and how participation rates vary across communities. This information could then be used to design a two-pronged campaign aimed at stimulating demand for education, and at the same time encouraging communities to form partnerships with government to ensure the provision of adequate supporting infrastructure and services. The Seychelles will need to make structural and teaching changes within schools. This could be achieved at relatively low cost by dismantling ability streaming at all grade levels, and then introducing teaching methods that are suitable for mixed ability groups.

Stphanie Dolata, Miyako Ikeda and Saul Murimba

Diagram 1. SACMEQ II Study: Average pupil reading scores and variation in pupil reading scores

Between-school variation
Average pupil reading scores
Seychelles (582) Kenya (546) Tanzania (546) Mauritius (536) Swaziland (530) Botswana (521) Mozambique (517) SACMEQ II (500) Uganda (482) Zanzibar (478) Lesotho (451) Namibia (449) Zambia (440) Malawi (429) 150 100 50 45 23 7 0 48 12 13 37 36 28 38 17 20 12 12 Sey Ken Tan Mau Swa Bot Moz

Within-school variation
Total variation in pupil reading scores
142 43 53 110 29 58 29 63 Seychelles (154)

Kenya (79)

Tanzania (81)

Mauritius (148)

Swaziland (47)

Botswana (78)

Mozambique (42) SACMEQ II (100) SACMEQ II Uga Zan Les Nam Zam Mal 18 50 100 150 21 30 49 36 37

Uganda (83)

Zanzibar (50)

Lesotho (34)

Namibia (75)

Zambia (72)

Malawi (25)

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Back to the roots

Refocussing on skills development
In 1990 the Jomtien World Conference on Education for All agreed that basic education should not be limited to formal primary education, but that the diverse learning needs of youth and adults should also be addressed. More than a decade

later it is clear that this expanded vision, which includes skills development, remains relevant and deserves more recognition on the education policy agenda.

Bungmati Community Learning Centre, Nepal

the follow-up to Jomtien, the Dakar World Education Forum in 2000 stressed the need to pay special attention to the social and economic integration of out-of-school populations, adopting the following goal in its Framework for Action: Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes. Vocational skills training can contribute to achieving this goal by equipping young people and adults to lead more fulfilling and productive lives. Skills development should also be recognized as playing an essential part in reducing poverty through education; it can provide opportunities to generate income for some of the most disadvantaged populations. However, as the EFA Global Monitoring Reports illustrate, efforts made by developing countries and assistance from international development partners tend to concentrate mainly on Universal Primary Education (UPE). Non-formal programmes more often give top priority to literacy whereas skills development is relatively neglected. Achieving UPE is obviously a key concern, but sometimes the strong emphasis given to this dimension has resulted in the exclusion of particularly disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Governments have focused less on these groups, whose needs were often left to non-governmental organizations. Yet, it is increasingly recognized that EFA

cannot be achieved unless more attention is given to the large numbers of excluded populations, such as the rural poor, ethnic and linguistic minorities, and those with disabilities. They all deserve access to basic education, including vocational skills, for full integration in society, both socially and economically. The studies conducted in 2003 in four pilot countries (cf. Box 1, p.11), with the support of UNESCOs Education Sector, Section for Technical and Vocational Education, and IIEP, showed that skills development for young people and adults is not given the attention it deserves in EFA National Action Plans. Where this component does appear, as in Nepal and Senegal, it has limited scope and does not benefit from appropriate funding. Although the studies identified numerous initiatives taken by different actors, both in the public and private sectors, to provide vocational skills training, these programmes are often short in duration, with limited impact and sustainability. In general, they highlight the fact that the skills needs of the most disadvantaged groups in society are more often overlooked. Most of the poor and the poorest people in the world live in remote rural areas where they have very limited access to social services, including education and skills training. Although poverty remains a predominantly rural phenomenon, EFA plans still do not clearly recognize this reality, nor do they allocate

sufficient attention and resources to rural populations. Apart from the impact on education, this neglect can aggravate socio-political tensions, as in Nepal. Similarly, in urban areas, poor populations mostly find work in the informal sector of the economy. In each of the four countries involved in the project, the labour market situation is worrying, particularly with regard to youth unemployment. The vast majority of new arrivals on the labour market are absorbed, one way or another, by the informal sector. Yet, despite this, policymakers, providers and trainers are often reluctant to redirect their efforts towards this sector. Out of the four countries, Mali provides the only example where specific training policies and actions have been conceived and implemented to facilitate and improve the integration of youth into the informal sector. Governments often consider that the basic training needs of disadvantaged groups should be addressed by existing technical and vocational programmes. However, this sector has limited capacity. Furthermore, by often recruiting students at the secondary or even post-secondary level, the sector automatically excludes disadvantaged groups. Similarly, another recent study conducted by IIEP on Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) shows that these instruments do not give sufficient attention to the learning needs of youths and adults (IIEP Newsletter, Vol. XXI, No.4, OctoberDecember 2003, p.4). Therefore, at the


IIEP Newsletter January March 2004

moment PRSPs do not necessarily provide an alternative solution for meeting the training needs of the excluded. Although the way forward is difficult to define, the project in the four pilot countries identified some principles and priorities. Targeting disadvantaged and vulnerable groups is probably the key approach to follow, provided sufficient political support is generated from powerful social actors. Generating such interest remains a challenge. The recognition of poverty reduction as the main focus for development interventions may contribute to such awareness. Inclusion represents another important ingredient for success. Promoting partnerships with civil society organizations involving the poor, such as community-based organizations in rural areas or informal sector associations in cities, constitutes a powerful strategy

(Lao PDR, Mali). Finally, three main priority areas seem to emerge, namely: policies and programmes to address the needs of rural people, policies to support and expand innovative training efforts for work in the informal sector, and reforms to shift the focus of technical and vocational education towards excluded groups.

This emerging policy mix can be developed further but it gives some ideas to governments and donor agencies on how to turn the expanded vision of EFA into reality.

David Atchoarena, IIEP Miki Nozawa, UNESCO (ED/STV/TVE)

Box 1: Skills development to meet the learning needs of the excluded

A joint IIEP-UNESCO Education Sector project
In an effort to assist Member States in implementing the Dakar Framework for Action, IIEP and UNESCOs Education Sector, Section for Technical and Vocational Education, launched a project in 2003 to technically assist four selected LDCs (Lao PDR, Mali, Nepal, and Senegal) to integrate a vocational skills training component in their national EFA Action Plans. Under this project, existing skills training programmes for disadvantaged groups were reviewed, policies and institutional environment analyzed, and possible strategies proposed. So far the project has succeeded in sensitizing ministries of education to this neglected aspect of EFA and in identifying the causes for current neglect as well as potential areas for intervention. At an inter-regional workshop held at the IIEP (Paris, 22-23 January 2004), the findings of the first phase of the project were discussed and suggestions for a more comprehensive approach to EFA put forward.

EFA Global Monitoring Report 2003/2004

Gender and Education for All: the leap to equality

that 54 countries may not even achieve it at one or both levels by 2015 In Dakar, the international community committed (cf. Figure 1 below). This means that achieving gender equality has still itself to eliminating gender disparities in primary and a long way to go. Of course, the Report is based on data on enrolment secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender which date back to 2000; it is thus not possible to check whether the equality in education by 2015, with a focus on Dakar Framework for Action has had any impact on this trend. ensuring girls full and equal access to and In this context, the commitment of the international community to achievement in basic education of good quality financially sustain those countries lacking the resources to achieve EFA (Goal 5). Entitled Gender and Education for All: the goals is crucial. The report stresses that both multi- and bilateral aid leap to equality, the EFA Global Monitoring Report to education fell between 1998/1999 and 2000/2001. The new Fast2003/2004 assesses worldwide progress towards Track Initiative (FTI) launched in 2002 tries to address this issue but the achieving EFA goals and highlights this particular goal. commitments made by funding agencies do not correspond with their The report makes a useful distinction between gender parity, a initial proposals nor to the resources required by the countries quantitative concept, and gender equality. The former refers to the endorsed for funding. According to the report, a 57 per cent increase equal participation of both sexes in different levels of education. A in current FTI commitments is needed to make up the difference and frequent indicator of parity is the Gender Parity Index (GPI), i.e. the allow the international community to keep its promises. female-to-male ratio for a given indicator. The concept of gender Candy Lugaz equality is more complex as it requires providing equal conditions for access, treatment and outcomes in education for both females and males. Based on figures from 1990 and 2000, the report gives a Figure 1. Prospects of achieving gender parity in primary and mixed picture of the current situation of gender parity in many secondary education, by region developing countries. During the period in question, the Net 60 Enrolment Ratio (NER) of girls in primary education has risen 54 52 Parity in 2005 at latest slightly in most developing regions except in East Asia and 50 Parity achieved by 2015 the Pacific where it declined. The GPI at the same level has At risk of not achieving parity at one or both levels by 2015 40 either remained stable or increased in all regions during this 30 period, significantly improving in South and West Asia. 22 Nevertheless, gender disparities in access to primary 20 16 education remain high in most developing countries. In 2000, 57 14 13 11 9 10 per cent of out-of-school children in these countries were girls. 7 6 6 6 6 5 4 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 Assuming that the past rates of change towards achieving 0 East Asia/ Latin America/ North America/ Central/ Total Sub-Saharan Central Asia Arab States South/ Pacific Caribbean Western Europe Eastern Europe Africa West Asia gender parity will remain the same in the future, the report Source: UNESCO, EFA Global Monitoring Report 2003/2004. Gender and Education for All: suggests that 76 among the total 128 countries will not achieve gender parity in primary and secondary education by 2005, and The leap to equality, Paris: UNESCO, 2003, Chapter 2, p.110.
Number of countries

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004



Strategies to improve transparency and accountability in education

The fight against corruption was on the Agenda of the international seminar organized by the IIEP in collaboration with the Mexican Secretariat of Basic Education, in Guanajuato, Mexico, from 3 to 7 November 2003.

research and policy seminar on Strategies to improve transparency and accountability in education gathered both international experts and high-level decision-makers. It was organized to discuss the findings of various studies conducted within the framework of the IIEPs project on Ethics and corruption in education, and to reflect upon the policy implications of these findings. There were about 60 participants, including representatives from 10 Mexican states. A panel of ministers (from Cambodia, Ecuador, Lesotho, Mexico, Mongolia and Uganda) started the debates. They expressed their main areas of concern about corruption in education, and described measures being considered, or taken, by their respective governments to reduce corruption and improve transparency in the use of resources. Discussions tackled a variety of issues, which the proceedings to be prepared by the IIEP will present in detail. They included: The merits of a number of approaches in increasing accountability in management in areas such as textbooks production and distribution or school nutrition. Attention here was drawn to the experience of Chile in introducing a standardized formulae for allocating meals to schools. Potential of methods for tracking public education expenditures in attempts to reduce leakages in the use of educational funds. A comparison was made between the experiences of Peru, Uganda and Zambia based on World Bank supported surveys. In three years, Uganda decreased the rate

of leakage in non-salary expenditure from 87 per cent to around 10 per cent by disseminating information about school expenditure and hence mobilizing the attention of local communities. The pros and cons for transparency of different criteria when designing formula funding. Participants were given a systematic review of the practices of Australia, Brazil, Poland and the United Kingdom, as well as the Indonesian case of using grants for schools and pupils. It was revealed that in some cases the use of formula funding has contributed to improving transparency in the allocation of resources, and in other cases, the impact of complex criteria for allocation is difficult to decipher. The value of self regulatory mechanisms such as codes of conduct and standards of behaviour (both professional and ethical) in the education sector. The Southern Asian experience (Bangladesh, India and Nepal) was used to illustrate the challenge of introducing, implementing and successfully enforcing codes of conduct. While the cases of Hong Kong and Ontario (Canada) offered inspiring approaches to building ownership and effectiveness in the use of codes. The importance and impact of the implementation of right to information laws which enable communities to exert social control on the use of educational resources. Reference was made here to some countries represented at the Seminar. The adoption and growing application of the right to information laws in several Indian states (Kanataka, Rajasthan) was recognized as a very promising trend. The Mexican Quality Schools

Programme was also discussed. Particular attention was paid to the link between promoting ownership and building accountability and transparency all crucial factors for its successful implementation. A visit to schools targeted by the Programme provided illustrative examples of the challenges faced. In conclusion, participants agreed that the topic of the Seminar was timely in view of the pressing demands on the education sector, and its significance in the International Agenda (cf. inset below).

Jacques Hallak and Muriel Poisson

A high-level political conference for the signing of the United Nations Convention against Corruption took place in Mrida (Mexico), from 9 to 11 December 2003. So far, 95 countries have signed the Convention.


IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Educational reconstruction in post-conflict situations: access and inclusion

UN/DPI/Eskinder Debebe

FOLLOWING the success of the July 2003 IIEP-World Bank Summer School on Post-conflict reconstruction in the education sector, IIEPs fourth Summer School will examine the same theme with a particular emphasis on access and inclusion. It will be held at IIEP Headquarters in Paris, from 28 June to 9 July 2004. According to Project Ploughshares, there were 37 armed conflicts in 2002. It is estimated that 43 national education systems have been affected by conflict since 1990. National ministries of education are faced with daunting challenges. Providing education in a postconflict setting is not always seen as a high priority by international agencies. Nonetheless, the likelihood of children leading a normal life again is substantially increased through the provision of good quality education, which also serves to give them stability, a positive identity and a brighter future. The main aim of the Summer School is to share knowledge and experience about one of the key themes in education in post-conflict reconstruction: access and inclusion, with and among middle- and senior-level staff of governments and agencies responsible for education in post-conflict situations. Throughout, there will be coverage of both policy-making and field practice.

The programme will provide an introduction to post-conflict reconstruction in the education sector, and include presentations on infrastructure, learning materials and supplies, rapid access to schooling, pro-active strategies for drawing children into school, and policies for inclusive access. All the sessions and documentation will be in English only. No interpretation will be provided. Participants must therefore have a high level of spoken English and comprehension. The facilitators will be international experts with solid field experience across several continents and they will employ a wide variety of pedagogical approaches. A flyer with detailed information on this Summer School, its contents and an application form is enclosed with this Newsletter. Deadline for applications: 7 June 2004. Course fee: 1,200 Euros. More information on the IIEP web site: E-mail contacts: Christopher Talbot: Erika Boak:



New trends in managing international development in education

IN collaboration with the Quebec University in Outaouais (UQO), the IIEP is organizing a second 2004 Summer School (in French only) on La nouvelle conjoncture de la gestion du dveloppement international en ducation (New trends in the management of international educational development). This seminar is a continuum of the IIEP 2002 Summer School, also organized in collaboration with UQO but held in Paris, on Towards operational management-evaluation of educational projects which brought together participants from several countries and provided access to a wealth of resources and data from leaders in international development such as the World Bank , OECD, universities and other institutions. IIEP, which regularly trains planners and managers in job-related skills, and UQO, which provides advanced training in project management, have joined forces and are proposing to ministries of education worldwide to immerse their most promising planners in a new experience which fosters professional, intellectual and personal development. The course also proposes to promote cross-cultural exchanges by introducing participants to different international educational project approaches. The programme The UQO/IIEP Summer School will focus on the problems and possibilities of most advanced management, through a series of lessons learned. Its main aim is to expose participants to best practices models with the up-to-date perspectives, and also to think and manage more effectively in a changing educational business world. The programme offers participants a very rich and broad choice of topics in three main areas: Developing a results-based management of programmes and projects. Developing an administrative decentralization: multi-project management and project management. Developing the competencies needed by educational development managers. The intellectually challenging programme will help education officers, senior executives and planners to acquire the tools they need to benchmark, enhance their leadership skills and develop a broadbased educational/business management outlook with a view to becoming better leaders and strategic actors in education Applications to attend the Summer School (open admission) should be submitted, with payment, by post or on-line at before 31 May 2004. Due to the limited number of places, early applications are encouraged. For more detailed information, please contact: IIEP Operational Activities Unit Elizabeth Kadri: or Lorraine Daniel:

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


Recent IIEP publications

Education for rural development: towards new policy responses. A joint study conducted by FAO and UNESCO co-ordinated and edited by D. Atchoarena and L. Gasperini 2003, 406 p. ISBN: 92-803-1220-0


Cmo articular competencias bsicas y tcnicas en la capacitacin de jvenes? Pedro Milos Hurtado. 2003, 151 p.


In pursuit of continuing quality in higher education through accreditation. The Philippine experience Adriano A. Arcelo. 2003, 134 p.


Demographic aspects of educational planning Ta-Ngoc Chu. (Fundamentals No. 72). 2003, 113 p. ISBN: 92-803-1219-5 Education privatization: causes, consequences and planning implications C.R. Belfield and H.M. Levin (Fundamentals No. 74). 2003, 79 p. ISBN: 92-803-1239-1 Planification des ressources humaines : mthodes, expriences, pratiques O. Bertrand. (Fundamentals No. 75). 2003, 125 p. ISBN: 92-803-2237-0 Les classes multigrades : une contribution au dveloppement de la scolarisation en milieu rural africain ? E. Brunswic and J. Valrien (Fundamentals No. 76). 2003, 121 p. ISBN: 92-803-2242-7 ICT in education around the world: trends, problems and prospects W.J. Pelgrum and N. Law (Fundamentals No. 77). 2004, 133 p. ISBN: 92-803-1244-8 Ingalits sociales lcole et politiques ducatives. M. Duru-Bellat (Fundamentals No. 78) 2003, 96 p. ISBN: 92-803-2243-5




Oramentos e despeses de educao: perspectivas em Cabo Verde, Angola, Moambique. I. da Costa and D. Oulai. National co-ordinators: Jos Pedro Delgado, Kavungu Joo Baptista and Zacarias Mazembe. 2003, 262 p.

La relacin entre la escuela secundaria y las organizaciones sociales. Experiencias en Argentina y Uruguay. Dana Borzese & Daniel Garca, Mara del Carmen Bruzzone & Mara Alejandra Scafati. 2003, 139 p. ISBN: 92-803-3246-5 Tendencias de la educacin tcnica en Amrica Latina. Estudios de caso en Argentina y Chile Mara Antonia Gallart, Martn Miranda Oyarzn, Claudia Peirano & Mara Paola Sevilla. 2003, 278 p. ISBN: 92-803-3247-3


Student loans in Thailand. Are they effective,
equitable, sustainable? Adrian Ziderman. 2003, 154 p. ISBN: 92-803-1231-6 A review of the student loans scheme in China Hong Shen and Wenli Li 2003, 120 p. ISBN: 92-803-1233-2 The student loans scheme in Hong Kong Yue Ping Chung. 2003, 72 p. ISBN: 92-803-1232-4 Student loans schemes in the Republic of Korea. Review and recommendations Anna Kim and Young Lee 2003, 104 p. ISBN: 92-803-1234-0 Student loans in the Philippines. Lessons from the past. I. Kitaev, T. Nadurata, V. Resurrection and F. Bernal. 2003, 108 p. ISBN: 92-803-1235-9


Adverse effects of private supplementary tutoring. Dimensions, implications and government responses. Mark Bray. 2003, 84 p. ISBN: 92-803-1240-5 Combating academic fraud: towards a culture of integrity. Max A. Eckstein. 2003, 101 p. ISBN: 92-803-1241-3



Surviving school. Education for refugee children from Rwanda: 1994-1996 Lindsay Bird. 2003, 140 p. Never again: educational reconstruction in Rwanda. Anna Obura. 2003, 239 p.

Education for rural people. Aid agencies workshop. Organized by FAO and IIEP, 12-13 December 2002, Rome, Italy 2003, 110 p.


Teacher professional development: an international review of the literature Eleanora Villegas-Reimers 2003, 196 p. ISBN: 92-803-1228-6 Dveloppement dun systme dindicateurs en Afrique de lOuest francophone. Le pilotage de lducation de base dans le cadre des objectifs de l Education pour tous . 2003, 97 p.



The management of university-industry partnerships in Eastern Asia Report of an IIEP/ESMU Distance Education Course, 2 April - 5 July 2002 Michaela Martin. 2003, 148 p.

To order IIEP publications, please contact:

Educacin media para todos. Los desafos de la democratizacin del acceso. Edited by E. Tenti Fanfani. 2003, 157 p. El papel de los medios de comunicacin en la formacin de la opinion pblica en educacin. J.C. Tedesco. 2003. Las nuevas tecnologas y el futuro de la educacin. J.J. Brunner and J.C. Tedesco. 2003, 136 p. Educacin y nuevas technologas: Experiencias en Amrica Latina. D. Filmus, O.E. Gonzlez Prez, M. Dias Pinto, C. Alvario, M.Ziga, I. Jara and E. Garca. 2003, 144p. Evaluar las evaluaciones. Une mirada poltica acerca de las evaluaciones de la calidad educativa. G. Iaies, J. Bonilla Saus, J.J. Brunner, P. Halpern Britz, M. Granovsky, A. Tiana Ferrer, F. Martnez Rizo, J.C. Navarro and E. Tenti Fanfani. 2003, 194 p.

To order IIEP-BA publications, please contact directly: IIPE-Buenos Aires, Agero 2071 Buenos Aires, Argentina Full text versions of all IIEP-BA publications are available on their web site:


IIEP Newsletter January March 2004

The Virtual Institute

THE reopening of the Network has generated many e-mails and much enthusiasm. The former trainees of the ATP 2002-2003 have been able to join their colleagues and benefit from the discussions and services offered by IIEP. As a first activity, an on-line discussion on EFA indicators focussed by theme has been proposed. Mr Said Belkachla, a former ATP participant who is currently working at the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, is moderating the discussion. If you have participated in the ATP and would like to learn more about this activity, please contact Tania Besimensky at: Using indicators in planning EFA: Teams from 11 countries around the world have been selected to participate in this course offered in English. Intended as institutional capacity building, the course is targeted at highlevel managers of different services in ministries of education. Education Sector Diagnosis: The course is being offered in French to selected teams among French-speaking countries (Haiti, sub-Saharan and North Africa). The demand for this course has been high, and in response, it is planned to offer it again to French-speaking countries in the Autumn of 2005.


Virtual universities and transnational education. Policy issues: What are they? And whose are they? Our first forum in 2004 generated a significant level of interest with 350 participants from around the world. It was organized in week-long sessions with each week focussed on a specific institutional model and case study. The report will be available shortly on the Forum link of the IIEP web site at: virtualuniversity/index.html Planning education before, in and after emergencies This second forum will be offered in September 2004. If you are interested in joining, please contact us and we will put your name on the list.

CONTACT FOR THE VIRTUAL INSTITUTE Susan DAntoni or on IIEPs web site at virtual/virtual.htm


Currently, two distance education courses are being offered to selected ministries and organizations:

Nice and Monaco

Study Visit of IIEP trainees, 20-26 November 2003

participants in IIEPs Advanced Training Programme in Educational Planning and Management (ATP) undertake, as a part of their training, a study visit in France to study in depth the French education system. This year, the French National Commission for UNESCO, which organizes these visits each year, chose the Academy of Nice, in the South of France. The IIEP group was thus able to visit the Rectorate and the Inspectorate in Toulon, as well as a number of primary and secondary schools where they met up with students, teachers and school directors, as part of their reflexion on decentralization, the eradication of school failure and the links between school and the world of work.

VERY year,

The visit was also an opportunity for IIEP trainees to discover the beautiful landscapes of the French Riviera, Provence and visit Saint-Paulde-Vence, Opio, Cannes and Grasse. Exceptionally this year, the group was invited to visit Monaco for a oneday briefing on the Principalitys education system. The group was welcomed by a senior member of the Council of State and the Director for Education, Youth and Sports. The visit, which included tours of both the Casino and the Oceanographic Museum, proved to be a very enriching experience for the trainees. As a large number of IIEP trainees are housed in the Maison de Monaco at the Cit Universitaire in Paris, they are reminded every day of their visit and

of the good relations between the Principality and IIEP.

Serge Pano

TO celebrate the New Year, the 2003/2004 ATP participants were invited to a reception on 6 January at the Town Hall of Paris16e the Arrondissement where the IIEP is located. It was a unique opportunity for trainees to talk with the Mayor and other town councillors who informed them of activities and services provided by the Town Council. In the rooms of the Town Hall, IIEP trainees and members of the French National Commission for UNESCO were invited to share the Galette des Rois the cake which is traditionally eaten in France on Twelfth Night the Feast of the Three Kings twelve days after Christmas.

IIEP Newsletter January March 2004


a learning organization

IIEP Activities
Workshop on Gender development, focus on education
Kabul, Afghanistan March 2004 Part of IIEPs activities for the reconstruction of education in Afghanistan, the workshop targets participants from the Ministries of Education, Higher Education and Womens Affairs.

Meeting of the Inter Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV/AIDS and education
Ottawa, Canada 12 -14 May 2004 This meeting, hosted by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), will discuss the outcomes of a survey that the IATT is currently carrying out on the readiness of ministries of education to address HIV/AIDS-related issues.

UQO/IIEP 2004 Summer School on New trends in managing international development in education
Gatineau (Quebec), Canada 4 9 July 2004 See p. 13 of this issue.

Policy seminar on Successful school management

Manila, Philippines 5 - 8 July 2004 Jointly organized with the Asian Network of Training and Research Institutions in Educational Planning (ANTRIEP), this meeting will be hosted by INNOTECH.

Workshop on Strategic management, academic staff and space in higher education institutions
Kabul, Afghanistan March 2004 Also part of IIEP activities in Afghanistan, the workshop is for participants from the Ministry of Higher Education, all universities and higher education intitutions in Afghanistan.

Seminar on Education facing the labour market and social inclusion crisis
Buenos Aires, Argentina 24 - 25 June 2004 This seminar is jointled organized by RedEtis (Education, Work and Social Inclusion Network Latin America), housed at the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES), Buenos Aires, and the Argentine Ministry of Education.

International seminar on Partnerships and innovation in education projects promoting development at the local level
IIEP-Buenos Aires, Argentina 20 - 21 May 2004 Marking the end of the IIEP-BA/Kellogg Foundation Cluster Evaluation Programme on the Community Learning Initiative, the seminar will discuss the research results and promote exchange between key actors from agencies and organizations working on social projects in poor areas.

Iraqi seminar on Raising public awareness

IIEP, Paris 3 - 7 May 2004 This seminar is a follow-up to the training on Strategic educational planning provided by IIEP for Iraqi Ministry of Education officials in Beirut in January 2004.

IIEP 2004 Summer School on Educational reconstruction in postconflict situations: access and inclusion
IIEP, Paris 28 June 9 July 2004 See p.13 of this issue and attached leaflet.

IIEP Governing Board meets

THE 42nd session of IIEPs Governing Board took place in Paris from 1 - 2 December 2003. Chaired by Dato Asiah bt. Abu. Samah, the Board welcomed three new members: Mr Jean-Louis Sarbib (World Bank), Ms Ester Zulberti (FAO), Ms Thelma Kay (UNESCAP) and bid farewell to Professor Klaus Hfner (Free University of Berlin). The Chairperson and IIEPs Director thanked him for his active participation in the Boards work. UNESCOs Director-General, Mr Kochiro Matsuura, also attended the meeting and, emphasizing UNESCOs commitment to EFA, paid tribute to IIEPs role in assisting Member States to achieve the Dakar goals. The Board members approved the Institutes activities. Some projects proved of particular interest and enriching discussions were had concerning training activities and projects undertaken in co-operation with FAO. The working groups allowed IIEP researchers to present some of their projects in a more detailed manner, thus benefitting from the counsel of the eminent education specialists on the Board. Dato Asiah also inaugurated the new Sylvain Louri Room, paying a moving tribute to a former Director of IIEP (19821988) in a ceremony to which all Institute staff were invited.


IIEP Newsletter January March 2004

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