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Research Question : Does a living organism takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and energy during respiration

Hypothesis : Oxygen is used and carbon dioxide as well as energy is released during the respiration process of living organisms. Apparatus : 2thermometer, 2glass tubing (transferring tube), 2 conical flask, 2 boiling tube, wire mast, 2 U-tube Materials : Germinating seeds, 80ml potassium hydroxide, , manganese, 40ml hydrogen peroxide Variable : Independent variable: Dependent variable : Constant variable : amount of germinating seeds used, temperature, molarity and volume of potassium hydroxide Experiment 1 Methods : 1) A boiling tube is filled with potassium hydroxide and using a wire mesh, germinating seeds are placed above the solution. 2) 2 conical flask containing solution of 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide and manganese are prepared as an oxygen source for the following experiment. 3) With an opening open, a transfer tube is used to connect the boiling flask to the conical flask. 4) Allow 2 to 3 minutes to pass to allow oxygen to fill the boiling tube. This is done to both the boiling tubes. 5) The transfer tube is the pulled out and with and a thumb is covered over the opening immediately to prevent oxygen from escaping. The boiling tube containing the germinating seeds is then quickly linked to a U-tube containing water. 6) At the same time step 1 to 5 is prepared on a boiling tube with no germinating seeds. This boiling tube is used as the controlled experiment. 7) After each 5 minutes, the indicator levels in both the U-tubes are observed and any changes in the water level are marked. The results for the experiment are recorded in table 1.1 prepared below.


Experiment 2 1) A boiling tube is filled with lime and using a wire mesh, germinating seeds are placed above the solution 2) At the same time, boiled germinating seeds are prepared and filled in another boiling tube with a wire mesh used to separate them from the lime water. 3) Both the indicator used is observed regularly for changes. 4) Observations are then recorded in table 1.2 prepared below.


Experiment 3 1) A thermos is filled with germinating seeds and a thermometer is inserted into the thermos. 2) The apparatus is then checked for every day and any change in the reading of the thermometer is noted down in table 1.3 prepared below.


Data Collection

Experiment 1 Time Rise in the Indicator level 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Legends : X / Experiment 2

(no rise in indicator level) (rise in indicator level)

Appara Change in colour of indicator. Legends : X /

Boiling Tube 1

Boiling Tube 2

(no rise in indicator level) (rise in indicator level)

Experiment 3 Change temperature reading after 2 days


Apparatus used Change temperature reading after 1 days

Legends : X /

(no rise in indicator level) (rise in indicator level)

Data Processing Intro Cell carry out thousands of chemical reactions. The sum of these reactions are called cellular metabolism. There are two main types of metabolic reactions : catabolism and anabolism. During catabolism, substances break down and release energy. During anabolism, chemical reaction takes in energy to synthesise complex molecules from simple molecules. Reaction that liberate more energy than they take in called exergonic ; those that take more energy than they liberate are called endergonic. In this experiment, we are only considered the catabolism reaction which is oxygen is used where else energy and carbon dioxide are produced. The chemical equation for the reaction is given as : C6H12O6 + 602 6C02 + 6H2O

Experiment 1 In experiment 1, the CO2 released is absorbed by KOH. With every interval of 5 minutes, the level of indicator is seen to rise at the 30th minutes. The rise of the indicator level in the U-tube, which acts as a manometer could be deduced from the uptake of O2 during the respiration of the germinating seeds. The rise is possible due to the decrease in pressure in the test tube. This allows the much higher pressure of the atmospheric pressure on the other side of the U-tube to push up and gives the rise of the liquid level in the U-tube. Hence the experiment shows that O2 is used during respiration.

Experiment 2 From table 1.2, the change in the colour of the indicator from red to yellow indicates that CO2 is released as a product of respiration. The data from the table 1.2 also indicates that respiration only occurs in living organisms. This is because the 1st boiling tube contains boiled peas whose cells are killed during boiling rendering it impossible for the cells to respire.

Experiment 3 Rise in the value reading of the thermometer indicates the release of heat during respiration. However the change of temperature is only seen after 2 days thus showing that only a little amount heat is released during respiration. Evaluation Weaknesses 1. In experiment 1, air might escape through the stopper and the tiny holes of the test tube containing the germinating thus causing a long time to pass before the level of indicator is seen to rise. 2. Clip used in experiment 1 is no tight enough to prevent air from entering the test tube. This could cause the experiment to be repeated several times before the results are achieved. Ways to Improve the experiment 1. In experiment 1 plastisin or other sealers could be used to prevent loss of air from the test tube.

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