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Expat living is a page dedicated

to the issues that affect foreigners'
daily lives. It is your page,
where you can share stories about
your life in Korea. Send story
ideas to Matthew Lamers

PHOTO CHALLENGE — This September 2007 photo was taken during one of
the daily performances of 24 marital arts in Suwon.The performances run from

The indentured foreigner March until December. The styles involve the use of spears, swords, unarmed
combat, and horseback archery. Derek Winchester/

The law draws remarkably little

distinction between expatriate and
migrant. All foreigners are neatly di-
vided into those who need visas to
Lucy Johnson on Law
cultural management skills that
everything to lose if their sojourn
here doesn’t work out.
Korean immigration law binds the
migrant worker — regardless of na-
Ministry refused to recognize the
ruling, which is pending appeal. In
fact, the entire executive of the
Migrant Trade Union was arrested
live and work in their host country
and those who do not. Expatriates
and migrants invariably fall under
the first category. Legally, there’s no
difference. Socially, there’s all the
lead them into trouble with Korean
employers. One person, thinking of
the teaching profession only, called
for compulsory cultural training of
incoming English teachers.
tionality — to a single employer, and
in doing so gives that employer enor-
mous power over the individual.
For the well-heeled corporate expat
in Korea there is no problem. Her con-
and deported late last year.
Fundamental rights, though, are
recognized under international law
to apply to everyone. Though not
commonly acknowledged, making
great dilemma –
difference in the world. He was thinking like an expat, not tract is robust, signed in her home ju- visas dependent on the employer is
This brings us to this funny old
place, South Korea, which has
rather a lot of foreigners living and
working long term. Some are mar-
a migrant worker. Had he considered
himself lumped in with the plant
workers from Indonesia, Thailand,
and the Philippines, perhaps he
risdiction, is drafted to global indus-
try standards and subject to more rig-
orous employment laws of her coun-
try of origin — and her superiors are
arguably a form of indentured, bond-
ed labor, widely recognized as a hu-
man rights abuse and certainly
something which Korean nationals
bright sunlight
ried to Koreans, still more are guest would have arrived at a different set foreign. She works with — rather are not subjected to when they seek By David Smeaton A useful tip, where possible, is to
workers on fixed-term one-year re- of suggestions. While undoubtedly than for — indigenous companies. employment in the U.K., United move into the shade. That will help
newable contracts, filling gaps in the important, qualified instructors Where disputes arise, they are dealt States, or other developed nations. I always have trouble shooting in you control the amount of direct sun-
labor market or at the behest of for- teach in nearly every country in the with in the country of origin. (I cannot Without knowing, when a Korean direct sunlight. My shots are too light. But be careful: If it’s really
eign corporations investing directly world, yet only in Korea is so much imagine, even for a second, a foreign enterprise employs a foreigner they bright and overexposed. What can I do bright, you might need to use fill
in the Korean economy. made of their “poor” culture skills. corporate manager seeking redress are engaging in an international busi- to correct this problem and improve flash to prevent your subject from be-
The English field as a whole em- Cultural awareness is without for non-payment of wages at the local ness activity, and that foreigner will my photos? — Jason, Busan ing hidden in shadow. If you don’t
ploys about 30,000, who are engaged doubt important. Far more impor- labor board). Not so for the migrant judge Korea on the basis of their expe- want to use a flash, then a small light
in ELT and related fields. In fact, we tant though, are having effective ad- worker, who must often deal with em- riences with Korean companies. It’s ironic that a photographer’s best reflector would serve the same pur-
could probably better describe your ministrative and legal frameworks ployers who do not have strong ethics, Every unethical act committed by a friend is light, but our worst enemy is pose.
average EFL instructor as a white- for managing guest workers, a poorly drafted, unconscionable con- Korean employer against a foreign direct sunlight. It’s easy to overexpose The hardest part of shooting in
collar migrant worker. Certainly, strong enforcement of civil law, clear tracts, and poor working conditions. worker influences the international photographs. However there are a sunlight can be metering your shot.
their experiences here more closely contracts, and most importantly, the Korean civil law is notoriously weak, image of the country, and for this rea- number of useful tricks to avoid ugly Spot metering is a good method be-
resemble other migrant groups than employer should never have too leaving little room for redress through son alone, the state should seriously photos caused by harsh light. cause you can meter directly off your
they do those of the well-heeled cor- much power over the individual. the courts for contractual breaches. reconsider the visa issuance practices. The best way is to shoot in the subject. Or, pick an area in your shot
porate expat: they are subjected to Employers are interested primarily International Treaties do exist to Making a migrant’s visa country- morning or afternoon. Avoiding the with mid-tones so that you can ex-
dodgy recruiters and unscrupulous in profit margins, not in the human promote good labor practices, espe- wide, as it is in neighboring Japan, midday sun is a common photograph- pose everything evenly. Be careful
employers; counterproductive gov- rights of those they employ. One func- cially as the global workforce be- and permitting foreigners mobility is ic philosophy. Cloudy days are great not to meter off dark or bright sur-
ernment officials and a biased or un- tion of employment law in most comes ever more mobile. Korea is a relatively cheap and simple move for general shooting, as long as you faces, which will drastically overex-
caring media; they experience abuse, Anglophone countries is to keep in- signatory to several International which will effect sweeping, positive aren’t photographing landscapes. pose or underexpose your photos.
non- or late-payment of wages and dustry standards high by making it fi- Labor Organization Treaties, and changes over the long term, as it Alternatively, shoot in places away Take multiple shots and check your
unreasonable dismissals. nancially viable for employers to treat also the Universal Declaration of means that migrant workers can from glare. Water, glass, shiny metal metering and exposure. You can also
The difference between white-col- their employees well (or financially Human Rights and other instru- leave bad employers and invest their and bright clothes will all create an- try a technique called bracketing —
lar migrants and blue-collar mi- suicidal if they don’t). This concept re- ments which could, in theory, protect skills with good ones. Among other noying reflections. taking a series of shots at different
grants is mostly seen in terms of mains underdeveloped in Korea. the fundamental rights and free- things, it will have the effect of en- Generally, the best way to control apertures.
wages. White-collar migrants feel — In 2006 Amnesty International re- doms of everyone on the peninsula, couraging employers to clean up light is through shutter speed and aper- If you want to have some fun, take
possibly by virtue of the fact that ported many of the abuses that mi- Korean and foreign. their acts, and reward ethical busi- ture. Keep your shutter speed high and advantage of the bright conditions
they hail from developed countries grants complain about here, squared One could question, however, ness practices. your aperture low to reduce the amount and shoot silhouettes. Put your sub-
and therefore have much less to lose or cubed in severity for those foreign whether Korea is truly taking its re- Aside from serving business inter- of light coming into the camera. If you ject between yourself and the light
if their foray in Korea doesn’t work workers who, employed legally, experi- sponsibilities under international ests in the long run, freedom of have to shoot in bright conditions, try source, keep your shutterspeed high,
out — more comfortable about com- ence appalling treatment at the hands law seriously, even as a Korean has movement and association are fun- lowering your ISO to make your sensor and enjoy the dramatic silhouettes
plaining openly or seeking redress. of employers and recruiters in Korea. ascended to the lofty position of U.N. damental rights which are upheld in less sensitive to light. and negative space that can be creat-
Perhaps some of the exasperation They mention one case where three secretary-general, or intended for most liberal democracies can only re- You can also use a circular polarizer ed.
felt by corporate expats towards the months of non-payment of wages was foreigners to enjoy the same protec- flect well on Korea as it moves to- on your lens, which will reduce the Happy shooting.
ubiquitous “moaning English deemed insufficient to allow a Chinese tion of their fundamental rights as wards a service-driven, globally fo- amount of light and glare by two or
teacher” is down to a failure to un- migrant worker to leave her job and Korean citizens do. cused economy, and increases its three stops. Polarizers are very handy
derstand that migrant workers get a seek employment elsewhere on the The fundamental rights of free- stake in the international arena. to keep in your kit. They can make Send David a message at
different deal when working in for- peninsula. Unable to return home, dom of movement (if foreigners leave Until then, we are all indentured. your colors more vibrant, as well as or visit his
eign countries. Unfortunately, Korea and unable to leave her abusive em- their jobs, they lose their visa status, The difference is the length of the cut straight through water to photo- website at If
probably has one of the worst records ployer, and abandoned by the Korean and are thus illegal workers) and as- chain that binds us. graph what’s beneath the surface. A you want to be a part of the weekly
for the treatment of migrant workers justice system, she committed suicide sociation seem to be reserved for lens hood is another useful accessory, Photo Challenge, join the “Seoul Photo
in the developed world. by throwing herself under a train. Korean nationals, and there was no which can help reduce the amount of Club” group at flickr
Why is the experience of legal mi- The experience of being unable to intention of extending these rights to Lucy Johnson has an MA in inter- light hitting the lens and remove un- (
grant workers so negative in Korea? leave your abusive, unethical em- guest workers. national law from Handong Inter- wanted lens flares. — Ed.
A number of solutions to the prob- ployer and having to fight for your Migrant workers — pointedly — national Law School in Pohang.
lems of white-collar migrants have wages is a nigh-universal one here. cannot form trade unions to negoti- Nothing in this column should be in-
been touted recently in the Korean The difference between migrants ate collectively. Even after a Seoul terpreted as legal advice. The opin- In Regina Walton’s interview with Dorothy Nam published last Thursday, a
English-language press implying from rich countries and migrants court did rule that they do have the ions expressed here are her own. — copy editing error resulted in a spelling mistake. The correct spelling should
that it is the foreigner’s lack of cross- from poor ones is that the latter have legal right to form a union, the Labor Ed. have been Berklee School of Music. The Korea Herald regrets the error. — Ed.

Analyzing the long and short term costs of living in Korea

“Happiness is a positive cash flow,” fits offered in some employment con- at 3.99 percent, are only slightly portunities in Korea as an investment to increase them through finding
wrote Fred Adler. While money is not Daniel Costello on Finance tracts, or the quarter or annual per- above the overall average at 3.76 per- of time, but it is just as important to more lucrative positions, attaining
everything, expatriates generally formance-based bonuses in others. cent, which fares well for any long- envision a long-term financial future more education and making a greater
think about living and working in There are several useful budget In addition, some child-care bene- term plan of retaining work here. independent of short-term imposi- personal investment to your own fi-
Korea through comparing their in- calculators, spreadsheets and free- fits such as full or partial educational From a financial view, the first year tions, challenges or difficulties. The nancial future regardless of your
come at home and abroad. This long- ware programs available online that allotments may be available, depen- of employment in Korea can often ap- better you are at seeing the light at starting point.
term view is extremely important you can use to give you a better un- dent upon your employer, to further pear to be a neutral or even negative the end the tunnel, the greater the po- Moving from a short to a long-term
when considering potential maximum derstanding of where you can realize sweeten your financial standing. cash flow proposition, especially dis- tential of positive cash flows, despite view on your working life in Korea
income. increased cash flows. Try the Health and medical costs for insur- heartening for new graduates. But serious impediments such as the dai- may be exactly what it takes to move
Through increasing your capital in- Consumer Credit Counseling ance are often comparatively less ex- that, of course, probably isn’t the case ly challenges of living and working in you along your expatriate evolution
flows, you can realize your desire to Service’s online budget calculator at pensive here than in other developed if your stay in Korea involves working a foreign country — where the culture from spender to cash flow manager.
spend — which is, after all, a happy countries. for a multinational corporation. of working and doing business is com- AceMoney Lite 3.10 is a well-regard-
side effect of being an expatriate. Let’s It would also be a tasty tidbit of self- Extensive subsidized public trans- Too often, it seems a short-term paratively, if not entirely unknown to ed and reviewed software available
face it, most of us are here because the realization to assess your comparative portation makes vehicle ownership commitment to work in Korea is made you. at
money is good. Improving your cash budgeting requirements at home and much more of a luxury than a re- on the basis of one’s first employment Unfailing optimism will improve Lite/3000-2057_4-10747170.html?tag=
flow or income is all about adjusting in Korea. If you were working in the quirement, while entertainment and experience here, which is often tenu- your chances of success in moving lst-5
and focusing time-related goals. same field at home, how would your recreation options are often of mini- ous, but which acts as a proving from a short-term to a long-term fi-
Controlling your monthly cash flow costs and income in Korea compare mal cost. ground for whether or not you want to nancial perspective, whatever your
may often appear difficult, but formu- with the same situation at home? Cost of living indices such as those extend your stay here, move on else- situation. To contact Daniel, visit his website at
lating and maintaining a budget will One source of comparative salary available at the OECD suggest where, or head back to your country. Tending to the maintenance of posi- —
help you realize where it is all going. improvements is in the housing bene- Korea’s consumer price index gains, It is of course important to view op- tive cash flows often leads to a desire Ed.

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