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The Changes of Blooms Taxonomy

Criteria Structure

Original Bloom Taxonomy 1. Knowledge 1.1 Knowledge of specific 1.2 Knowledge of terminology 1.3 Knowledge of specific facts 1.4 Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics 1.5 Knowledge of conventions 1.6 Knowledge sequences 1.7 Knowledge of classifications and categories 1.8 Knowledge of criteria 1.9 Knowledge of methodology 1.10 Knowledge of universals and abstractions in a field 1.11 Knowledge of principles and generalizations of trends and

Resived Bloom Taxonomy 1. Remember Retrieving

relevant knowledge from longterm memory. 1.1 Recognizing 1.2 Recalling

2. Understand - Determining the meaning messages, written, of instructional oral, graphic

including and

communication. 2.1 Interpreting 2.2 Exemplifying 2.3 Classifying 2.4 Summarizing 2.5 Inferring 2.6 Comparing

1.12 Knowledge of theories and structures

2.7 Explaining

3. Applying - Carrying out or 2. Comprehension 2.1 Translation 2.2 Interpretation 2.3 Extrapolation using a procedure in a given situation. 3.1 Executing 3.2 Implementing

3. Application

4. Analyzing - Breaking material into its constituent parts and

4. Analysis 4.1 Analysis of elements 4.2 Analysis of relationships 4.3 Analysis principles of organizational

detecting how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose. 4.1 Differentiating 4.2 Organizing 4.3 Attributing

5. Synthesis 5.1 Production of a unique 5. Evaluating Making

communication 5.2 Production of a plan, or

judgments based on criteria and standards. 5.1 Checking 5.2 Critiquing

proposed set of operations 5.3 Derivation of a set of abstract relations

6. Creating - Putting elements 6. Evaluation 6.1 Evaluation in terms of internal evidence 6.2 Judgments in terms of external criteria together to form a novel, coherent whole or make an original product. 6.1 Generating 6.2 Planning 6.3 Producing example Knowledge questions Remembering questions

Outcome: Identifies the meaning of a Outcomes: Determines names related


to space. Cut out space pictures from a magazine. Make a display or a

Reliability is the same as: a. consistency. b. relevancy. c. representativeness. d. usefulness.

collage. List space words (Alphabet Key). List the names of the planets in our universe. List all the things an

astronaut would need for a space journey.

Key words: Recognising, identifying, listing, retrieving, describing, naming,

locating, finding Comprehension questions Understanding questions

Outcome: Interprets the meaning of an Outcome: interprets what aoustronaout idea. does in space.

The statement that test reliability is a Make your desk into a spaceship, necessary but not sufficient condition Make an astronaut for a puppet play. of test validity means that: Use it to tell what an astronaut does.

a. a reliable test will have a Make a model of the planets in our certain degree of validity. b. a valid test will have a certain degree of reliability. c. a reliable test may be solar system.

completely invalid and a valid test completely unreliable. Keywords: Interpreting. Exemplifying,

summarising, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining Application questions Applying questions

Outcome: properly outcomes

Distinguishes and improperly

between Outcome: using diary as question list stated to astronout, so the students can carrying out what only astronout does if there are phenomenon such that students ask.

Which one of the following learning Keep a diary of your space adventure outcomes is properly stated in terms of (5 days). What sort of instruments student performance? would you need to make space music?

a. Develops an appreciation of Make a list of questions you would the importance of testing. b. Learns how to write good test questions. c. Realizes the importance of validity. Keywords: Implementing, carrying out, using, executing Analysis questions Outcome: assumptions. Recognizes Analysing questions unstated Outcome: Comparing space programs. like to ask an astronaut.




following Make an application form for a person

comments a teacher made about applying for the job of an astronaut. testing. Then answer the questions that Compare Galileos telescope to a follow by circling the letter of the best modern answer. telescope. Distinguish

between the Russian and American

Students go to school to learn, not to space programs. take tests. In addition, tests cannot be used to indicate a students absolute Keywords: level of learning. All tests can do is Comparing, organising,

rank students in order of achievement, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, and this relative ranking is influenced finding, structuring, integrating






subjective opinions of the teacher doing the scoring. The teacher-

learning process would benefit if we did away with tests and depended on student self-evaluation.

Synthesis question: Directions: Read the

Evaluating question: following Compare the benefits of living on You can take

comments a teacher made about Earth and the moon.

testing. Then answer the questions that three people with you to the moon. follow by circling the letter of the best Choose and give reasons. Choose a answer. planet you would like to live onStudents go to school to learn, not to explain why. take tests. In addition, tests cannot be used to indicate a students absolute Keywords: level of learning. All tests can do is Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, rank students in order of achievement, experimenting, judging, testing,

and this relative ranking is influenced detecting, monitoring by guessing, bluffing, and the

subjective opinions of the teacher doing the scoring. The teacher-

learning process would benefit if we did away with tests and depended on student self-evaluation. Outcome:

Identifies relationships. Which one of the following propositions is most essential to the final conclusion? Effective self-evaluation does not require the use of tests. Tests place students in rank order only. Test scores are influenced by factors

other than achievement. Students do not go to school to take tests.

Which one of the following unstated assumptions is this teacher making? a. Students go to school to learn. b. Teachers primarily. c. Tests make no contribution to learning. d. Tests do not indicate a students absolute level of learning. Evaluation question: Creating question: use essay tests

Outcome: make judgement or values Outcome: plans advertising program. or materials

Select the most effective solution. Hire Write a newspaper report for the the most qualified candidate. Explain and justify a new budget! following headline: Spaceship out of control. Use the SCAMPER strategy to design a new space suit. Create a game called Space Snap. Prepare a menu for your spaceship crew. Design an advertising program for trips to the moon.

Keywords: Designing, producing, making constructing, inventing, planning, devising,

Bloom's(1956) Revised Taxonomy An excellent introduction and explanation of the revised Taxonomy by Michael Pole on the oz-TeacherNet site written for the QSITE Higher order Thinking Skills Online Course 2000. Pohl explains the terms and provides a comprehensive overview of the sub-categories, along with some suggested question starters that aim to evoke thinking specific to each level of the taxonomy. Suggested potential activities and student products are also listed.

Blooms Revised Taxonomy Another useful site for teachers with useful explanations and examples of questions from the College of Education at San Diego State University.

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