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SO Oxen al «A s . re ay ei" Look, Learn & Create Polymer EVs ty ’ | Oz 9 Copyright © 2011 Creative Publishing international, Inc. 400 First Avenue North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, Minnesota $5401 800-328-3805 worw.creativepubscom ISBN-g: 9781-58928:470'3 ISBN-10: 158923-470-7 Printed in China 10987654321 Digital edition: 9781-61059-599-3 Softcover edition: 978-1-58923-470-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mabray, Angela, Polymer clay 101 / Angela Mabray and Kim Otterbein. em. Inclides index. Summary, "Beginner's guide to crating with polymer clay, teaching all the basic techniques through easy projects. ~Provided by publisher. ISBN-3: 978:1-§8929-470-9 (hard cover) ISBN-20:1-58929-470-7 (hard cover) 4, Polymer clay eraft. Otterbein, Kim. IL. Tile ‘TT2g7Mz2 2011 ‘reB.'2-de22 2010016772 Photographers: Corean Kemarec, Angela Mabray Jeffrey Otterbein Photo Coordinator: Joanne Wawra Copy Editor: Ellen Goldstein Cover & Book Design: Mighty Media, Inc. Page Layout: Mighty Media, Inc Videographer: Tanner Herriott Visit wwrw.Craftside' for a behind-the- scenes peek at our erafty world! Due to differing conditions, materials, and skill levels, the publisher and various manufacturers disclaim any liability for unsatisfactory results ot injury due to improper use of tools, materials, or information in this publication, All rights reserved, No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or used {in any form or by any means—graphie, electronic, cor mechanical, including photocopying recording, taping of information on storage and retrieval systems—without the written permission of the publisher Acknowledgments Thanks to the online polymer clay community for the many things they've taught me and for the many friends I've made. Without them, there would be so much more error to my tral and error! Thanks to the Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild for help- ing me stretch beyond my comfort zone. Thanks to Christi Friesen for her giving personality and for her role in making this book happen. Iam grateful beyond words to my family for believing in me. And most of all, thanks to Billy for the adventures! Angela Td like to thank my husband, Jef, for being the cameraman and being the best clay conditioning “machine” on the east coast. Also, like to thank Pamela Cole for helping me with the text. Kime

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