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-Voudon SorceryBy: Carus Chapter Outlines Chapter 1: Introduction

A brief introduction (no history lesson) of myself and the Voudon system. Make the reader aware of the type of rituals and loa that will be presented throughout the work (short, sweet, to the point).

Chapter 2: The Grid

Explain the importance of Legba, Kalfu and Ghuede. How to consecrate an altar to the dark workings. Self-initiation. Finding Met-Tet.

Chapter 3: The Family

Describe and give veves of various loa (maybe a few personal anecdotes).

Chapter 4: The Sacred Objects

Explain Asson. The creation of the chicken bones and baptism water. The Poteau-demembre.

Chapter 5: The Weapons

Various wanga, powders and waters. Curses, cursed objects and bindings.

Chapter 6: The Death Embrace

Advanced workings with Ghuede and Ancestors. Attracting, serving, using shades and elementals.

Chapter 7: The Animal Within

Advanced workings with Kalfu implanting suggestions and demons within a person; opening gates to the underworld for benefit and bane; becoming an animal (predator).

Chapter 8: The Abyss

Advanced workings with the Baron of the Abyss and Damballah.

Chapter 9: The Chapel

Entering the trance exchange.

Chapter 10: The Father

Introduce Papa. Explain personal vision. Ritual of calling.

Chapter 11: The Gift

Putting it all together.

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