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It is imperative of the UN today to set up a charter detailing

the basic rights of nations. There is no better time than now

for the whole world to agree on the need to set out clear and
unambiguous guidelines concerning inter-nation, inter-bloc-of-
nations and inter-continent relationships.

Basic right #1
All sovereign countries must be allowed the right to determine
if they wish to allow any foreign powers to establish military
bases or quarters on their soil. It must be declared illegal
for a country to use another country as a springboard to wage
wars against a third country. The reason is simple. If in the
future, war reparations or compensations are required of the
warring party, then the other ( unwilling ) partner would not
in any way be held liable. with the advent of smart & supersmart
weapons, long-range ultra-precision weapons and up-and-coming
sci-fi weapons incorporating cyber tehcnology, EMP, cloaking,
remote laser and super-stealth and other very highly advanced
technologies, there is really no need to use another sovereign
nation as an extension platform to wage war on another country.

Basic right #2
No one nation should ever be allowed to impose its cultural,
religious or political identity or way of life either wholly or
partially on another nation. Every single nation MUST always
be allowed to set up and establish ITS OWN SET of laws for its
own use. That is the real gist of the word 'sovereign'.

Naturally, every nation would want its laws to be simple, good,

sensible, useful, acceptable, reasonable , reflective of its own
social identity AND FREE of all foreign intervention, meddling
or control. Obviously, one's set of norms is inapplicable for
involuntary use by another. We are all born into this world
blessed with equal brainpower and who is he who says that he
is mentally superior to some others or even all the others.

Basic right #3
No country should be allowed to become a victim of any vicous
agenda by another country. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 is
still today a near perfect example of the evil agenda that
was illegally but successfully perpetrated by another country
against one particular country. Iraq had been strangled by
economic and financial sanctions, left weak, half-starved and
near-defenceless and severely crippled by constant punitive
airstrikes, then falsely accused of possessing WMDs and then
raped by a most powerful military air-sea-land armada, one not
seen since World War 2. Today, Iraq has been turned into one
huge sprawling human abattoir. Today the blood that flows daily
in the drains and streets in Iraq belong not to animals but

The "embedded" mass media as well as those "unembedded" ones

are in the pay of certain powerful blocs in our globalised
world and it is certainly no surprise that many conflicts
around the world are totally unsolvable. The new president
in the WH is in no position to dare try any move on the
Gaza issue but he has no hesitation to move immdediately
on Kabul. The reason is so simple: The mass media has turned
Gaza into a hot potato whereas Kabul is like mouldy bread.

Basic right #4
No country should be subject to internationl "sanctions".
The practice of gunboat policy is totally unacceptable now.
The world must reject the use of blackmail at gunpoint. No
nation must be allowed to use its warships to impose any
ecomomic blockade against another sovereign nation with the
participation of other third countries. Such an action merely
serves to prepare the 'victim' for the impending slaughter.

Economic sanctions do not work. No country worth its salt

would want to bow to foreign blackmail. In our civilised
world, it is better to solve issues using negotiations or
bartering rather than violence. However, terror groups and
murder organisations may not be covered. These groups get
their cash from external sources rather than internal ones
and therefore their external fundings should be subject to
international scrutiny.

Bassic right #5
Lastly, nations should desist from conducting whispering
campaigns or "disinformation" blitzes against other nations.
Such campaigns are often sustained by rivers of public money.
Lies, falsehoods and half-truths when repeated often enough
become the truth. Even the unethical practice of hiring 'spin
doctors' has become an important political tool in certain
places today. This evil situation is often very shamelessly
used to garner domestic support in a particular country
during times of a change of leadership. The focus of the
people is slyly shifted to the outside world when by right
the focus should be on the domestic front. This is why
we have so many financial crises happening all the time.
Ironically, it also gives the lie to the claim that so-
and-so system is the best in the world. Nothing is the
'best' in this world, only the timeless human attributes
of discipline, honesty and industry separate the wheat
from the chaff.

P.S. I wish that all those netizens out there would print
my article here and post one to Ban Ki-moon. Thanks.

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