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Gittisham from old Elm Rd – 3.1 miles (5K) 430ft of climb. Steepest 13 %
Start from the bottom of Old Elm Rd and turn left up Hayne Lane – a steady steep climb. Turn right at the top
along Beech walk. At the junction turn right again down hill and enjoy the descent to Gittisham. In Gittisham
take the first right and follow the lane out to the old A30 and return to the start.

Hayne Lane is 0.6 miles long from the start point at the end of Old Elm Rd. Average gradient is 10% but it is
18% at the top.

Profile – Hayne Lane direction

Egland and Weston – 3.7 miles 320ft of climb Steepest: 11%

Start at any convenient place on the route. Steep climb up Egland hill until the first left turn. Follow this road
to the Awliscombe road and cross over then down Winneford Lane to Weston. The ford floods after very
heavy rain and the footbridge is not reachable unless you want to get your feet wet.
ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH – STONEY LANE ROUTE 2.4 miles 370ft of climb
steepest 19%
Go through church yard and follow path behind church and through the cemetery to Middle Hill – road up to
golf course. Just before the hairpin turn right onto Stoney Lane and follow all the way to the end. Turn right
and follow the lane to Honiton Bottom Rd. Turn right up the narrow lane (Higher Brand Lane) that runs
parallel with Weatherill Rd and return to the church.

370 ft of climb Steepest 19%

ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH TO NORTHCOTE HILL – 4.3 miles 500ft of climb
Steepest 15%
From church follow Waterleat Ave to Copper Castle. Cross Kings Rd and go down to roundabout. Turn right
along Monkton Rd. Follow along passed the garages and then turn up Northcote Hill under the railway
bridge. Climb the hill to the top (CARE: some blind bends). At the top turn right and follow the road round the
bend and keep on to Tower Cross (Axminster Rd A35). Cross over and follow the road ahead until it turns
sharply left (Manor House School playing field). Immediately round the corner turn right into Cuckoo Down
Lane. Follow this down to Middle Hill. Turn right and go down to the bend then turn up left into the church
yard. Through the church yard to the lytch gate.

Northcote Hill is 1 mile long and 300ft of climb

NORTHERN LOOP 2.8 miles 280ft of climb
Start at any convenient point

This route goes from the High St down Clapper Lane. Follow road towards Combe Raleigh but turn left after
Combe Wood. At the end of the road take the footpath to the left. Follow footpath (look out for the signs at
the gates and field boundaries) all the way to te A373 – very muddy in places. Turn right and follow the road
into town and complete the loop

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