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(U) NAME: Colone l Aviam Sella (SAY- LAH), Air Force.

( U) . POSITION: Current pos ition unknown
. IGNIFICA.NCE: : f colonel Aviam s recent
t in -covert actlvities against the U. S. had
prompted ' protest from the American government,
disiidssal from one of the::most plum"
;tn the: IAF as Officer-,Cciiiiiiiandtrigifi, (or
, f-
r. - r: - . - ,_ . .. ,
F . ; .
ft.:';_ -,_ ' : . . .
Colonel Avia m SELLA
20 May 1987
(U) 1987
f'lci!.He 1,1$"' C()or'TeCt.
biOQ<<>hiul dJt-1 by ... ,...., lo<w..-din;:
CO<tect;,.S And dect!y (0 OtA/06
W ashinqtOR. 0 C 203-<0.
ella possesses a cons
Colonel Aviam SELLA
20 May 1987
s married and has two sons. Mrs. is an attorney who spent 2 years as a
member of a large New York City law firm. Colonel Sella speaks native Hebrew
and excellent
Colonel Sella entered the IAF in 1964, completing flight
training in 1966. From 1965 to 1966 he was a pilot with an Ouragan jet
squadron. From 1963 to 1969 he flew Mystere participating in combat
during the 1967 Six Day War." During and after the 1967 War he vas-8.n
instructor at the IAF Flight School. He attended the Instrument Flying School
in 1969'to:l971 he __
4 Phantom squadron _comma_n,der ;,-v again-.participatiilg in numerous combat -missions
during the 1970 War 1971 he earned
to .
aircraft,-:: flftng Ivtth::the-:6tst-Squaarou: R.a.nUit: David. Airbruie-crffi""'1972:
From 1972 a
engaged 'in many .:7'From'i974 '"to 1976
:&;,;staff offic-er' in clUtrge :.of developing
remaining c<?mmander -for an
'w!_s the
._to ]_ose
... From
.. t'lcience -from
... of"the-Ramon'Airbase-in SeptembeJ:

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