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General Instructions for Completing this Questionnaire Revised for completion on computer format


When first opening this document, please save the file before beginning to fill in the answers. While completing the questionnaire please save your answers . If you and a spouse/partner are both completing a questionnaire, please do not consult one another on your answers/opinions. Please complete each questionnaire independently. Please fill in all areas of the questionnaire as best you can. There is no right or wrong answer, your interpretation of the question and genuine response is all that is required. Please complete the questionnaire within one week of receiving it; it should only take about 10 minutes to complete.

2. 3.



Upon completing the questionnaire please attach and email to:

Your response will be submitted to a third party research assistant (Sarah Wren) of the Disability Studies program to ensure confidentially. The completed questionnaire will be forwarded to the research student.

Sincerest thanks for donating your time and energy in completing this questionnaire. Without your shared contribution, this research would not have taken place. Regards, C

Parent Questionnaire Seeking Sexuality The Missing Link in Inclusive Education Thank you in advance for completing this questionnaire. Your input as a parent is imperative to the success of this independent research study on sex education provided to children with disabilities within inclusive education. In completing this questionnaire, you acknowledge that you are aware that the information you provide will be used in the research findings for this study for Ryerson University School of Disability Studies. No personal or identifying information will be shared in the development of this project or the results. Thank you for your time, thoughtful responses and input. Please check/highlight the appropriate boxes below. Childs age ____ Childs sex (male) _____ ( female) _____ Institution currently attending Secondary _____ PostSecondary _____ Not in school ______ Parents age _____ Parent/guardians sex (male) _____ (female) _____ Educational Primary _____

1. Has your child received formal sex education? Yes _____ No _____ unsure _____

At what age did they first receive formal sex education? _____
2. Where has your child received their formal sexual health

education/information? (check/highlight all that apply, if other please name) _____ elementary/secondary school other _____ external organization (please name below) (please name ______________) ______________________ _____ health unit _____ family doctor _____

3. How do you know that your child has received sexual health education?

(check/highlight all that apply) _____ correspondence from school

_____ child discussed content with me _____ I assume that my child has received the education _____ I am unaware if he/she has received formal sex education 4. Have you discussed sexual health with your child? Yes_____ No _____ Planning on it _____

5. At what age did you start discussions about sexual health and

development with your child? Age _____ Havent yet _____ Intended age to begin discussion _____

6. Do you believe sex education is important for your child to receive?

Yes _____

No _____

Undecided _____

7. What aspects of sex education do you believe your child should be

educated on? (check/highlight all that apply if other, please name) _____body parts (male & female) _____ bodily functions _____ relationships Infections) _____ gender identity (masturbation) _____ sexuality _____ abstinence ____________________________________ _____ reproduction _____ birth control (safe sex options) _____ STIs (Sexually Transmitted _____ self-satisfaction _____ intercourse _____ other

8. Please indicate all sources where your child has gained knowledge about

sexual health. (check/highlight all that apply, if other please name) _____ school organization/support _____ peers _________________) _____ parent(s)/guardian(s) _______________________ _____ media sources (TV) _____ siblings _____ relatives _____ medical professional _____ internet _____community (please name ______ other

9. Do you believe that your childs formal sex education has met their


Yes _____

No _____

Undecided _____

To early to tell _____

Not evident _____

10. Do you feel it is the sole responsibility of inclusive education to educate

your child about sexual health and development? (Alternate idea, please share your thoughts type below) Yes _____ No _____ Alternate idea

11. Do you know if the sex education materials presented to your child were

modified in any way to accommodate a learning, developmental or communication need specified in their I.E.P.? Yes _____ No _____ Unsure _____

12. What future prospects in your childs life do you anticipate sex education

benefitting? (check/highlight all that apply) _____ friendships (husband/wife/partner) _____ sexual identity development _____ relationships (boyfriend/girlfriend) _____ marriage _____ parenthood _____self-advocacy

13. What concerns (if any) do you have regarding your childs sexual health

and development? (Please type response below)

14. In your opinion, how can sex education materials be best

developed/presented to meet the needs of your child? (Please type suggestions you may have below)

15. Which environment/setting do you believe would best meet the needs of your child in the delivery of sex education materials and resources?

_____ within a mainstream classroom parent(s)/guardian(s) _____ within an inclusive education setting, organization/resource but in a small group or individually Community Living, other)

_____ at home, educated by _____ through an external (ie. family doctor,

16. Do you believe there are barriers in society that may negatively influence

your childs sexual health, development or experiences? (Please type response below)

Please use as much space as you need to elaborate on any ideas, concerns or thoughts that you have about your childs sexual health and development. Sincerest thanks ~ C

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