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2012 Pertussis Outbreak Chart

A version of this chart without the vaccination rates has been used attempting to link Pertussis outbreaks (and low vaccination rates) to non-medical exemption availability. Wisconsin has the 12th most vaccinated 19 to 35 month olds and 97.3% Pertussis coverage in Kindergarten, yet higher Pertussis incidence than states with lower Pertussis vaccination rates. Minnesota has the second highest Pertussis incidence but is very highly vaccinated- it ranks 6th in 19 to 35 toddler coverage, 94% Kindergarten Pertussis coverage and 99.2% middle school Pertussis coverage. Pertussis outbreaks occur in highly vaccinated groups. There is little relationship between vaccination rates and Pertussis outbreaks. Non-medical exemptions do not equal low vaccination rates.
Vaccination Rates for 19-35 month olds (United Health Foundation Ranking) Pertussis Cases per 100k Kindergarten & Middle School (when available) Pertussis Coverage per CDC Philosophical Exemption Availability.

314x431 UHF rank 12 6 39 49 11 24 32 37 17 35 47 18 34 5 26 25 36 43 16 45 46 14

State Wisconsin Minnesota WA Montana Vermont Maine Iowa Utah New Mexico Alaska Oregon Kansas New York North Dakota Illinois New Hampshire Arizona Idaho Pennsylvania Colorado Missouri Kentucky

Pertussis cases /100k 78.6 63.5 58.1 43.7 42.00 37.5 37 29.3 22.9 18.9 18.3 14.6 12.4 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.2 11 11 11 10.6 9.9

% Kinder Pertussis Vax 97.3 94. 90.9 96.3 91.6 96.7 90. 98.3 97.3 98.2 94.1 83 97.7 92.6 95.2 95.4 88. 92.7 92.6 97. 94.3

% 6th/7th /8th DTP / Tdap 99.2 83.6 95.7 89.9

Exemption PE PE PE * No PE PE PE PE * No PE

97 93.9 93.6 97.6 91.2 99.1 87.8


98.6 69.5

Sources United Health Foundation Ranking by Immunization CDC School Reports 2010/2011 (most recent available) States with Religious and Philosophical Exemptions from School Immunization Requirements

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