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1. Write short notes on:

123456Hund's rule. Aufbau principle. Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Electron cloud. Defects of Bohr's theory. Excited atom.

2. Write scientific term:

1- Area of space around nucleus which has probability for finding electron. 2- Sublevel can be saturated with 2 electrons. 3- Sublevel can be saturated with 6 electrons. 4- Sublevel can be saturated with 10 electrons. 5- Sublevel can be saturated with 14 electrons. 6- Electrons occupy sublevels according to increasing energy. 7- Q. number which detects no of sub levels. 8- Q. number which detects no of orbitals and their direction in space. 9- Q. number used to detect direction of electron around its axis. 10- Amount of energy gained or lost to jump electron from an energy level to another. 11- The elements in which d-sublevel is filled successively. 12- The elements in which (3d) sublevel is filled successively. 13- The elements in which (4d) sublevel is filled successively. 14- The elements in which (5d) sublevel is filled successively. 15- The elements in which F-sublevel is filled successively. 16- The elements in which (4f) sublevel is filled successively. 17- The elements in which (5f) sublevel is filled successively. 18- Elements (s) and (p) blocks, except that of group zero. 19- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled. 20- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled except the external level.

21- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled except the two external levels. 22- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled except the three external levels. 23- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled except the 3rd 4th energy levels. 24- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled except the 4th 5th energy levels. 25- Elements which all their energy level are completely filled except the 5th 6th energy levels. 26- Elements which all their energy level is completely filled except the 5th 6th 7th energy levels. 27- Elements which all their energy level is completely filled except the 4th 5th 6th energy levels.

3. Complete:
1- Max. No of energy levels in the heaviest known atom is 2- An element is atomic no 16. The electrons can be distributed in .. E. levels . Sub levels and .orbital. 3- Orbitals of the same sub level are . In energy. 4- Energy of electron depends on .and increases as

4. Compare between:
123456Orbit and orbital. Principle, Q. no and subsidiary Q. no. Mag. Q. no and spin Q. no. Transition element. Lanthanides & Actinides. Period & Group

5. Give reason:
1- Its wrong to consider the electron as (-ve) particle only. 2- Any orbital can be saturated by 2 electrons although they are negatively charged. 3- The relation 2n2 can't be applied to O, P and Q levels. 4- Sub level 4s is filled with 10 electrons. 5- Sub level d is filled with 10 electrons. 6- Its impossible to detect both velocity and location of electron at the same time. 7- Energy level N is filled with 32 electrons. 8- Electrons of the same orbital spin in opposite direction. 9- Electrons of the same sublevel prefer to be unpaired before pairing. 10- Electrons prefer to be paired in a given sublevel than to transfer to a higher sub l- level. 11- Spectral line for any element characterizes it. 12- Lanthanides are called rare earth elements. 13- Lanthanides are similar in the chemical properties. 14- d-block consists of ten groups. 15- The 6th period is ideal period.

VI write electronic configuration for:Na11 , p15 , Cl 17 , Fe26 , Cr 24

VII- Choose:
1- 1st scientist defines the element is a) Dalton b) Rutherford c) Boyl d) Thomson

2- Substance composed of 4 components which are (water, air, dust and fire) was the idea of . a) Bohr b) Rutherford c) Dalton d) Aristotle

3- To prove that cathode rays taking part in all substances a) Have thermal effect. b) Transfer in straight line. c) Have tiny particles. d) Don't changing substance of cathode or kind of gas. 4-On heating gases or vapors under low pressure at high temperature a) Absorbs light. b) Gives light. b) Gives gamma rays. D) Gives alpha rays. 5- An element with atomic number 73 is a) Main transition element c) actinides b) Representative element d) lanthanides 6-The element 404 is a) Representative s-block c) transition from 2ndseries b) Representative p-block d) Nobel 7- An element with atomic no.34 its electronic configuration is a) [Ar]18 , 3d10 , 4s2 ,4p4 c) [Ar]18 , 3d10 , 4p5 b) [Ar]18 , 3s2 , 4p2 , 3d10 d) [Kr]36 , 4p4 , 5s2 8- Period 6 in the periodic table contains .. types of elements a) Six b) three c) four d) five Show by experiment how can obtain cathode rays. Explain Thomson's atomic structure. From Rutherford's experiment: Explain the following results: 1- Most of the atom is a space not solid sphere. 2- The atom has part characterized by more dense and have very small volume (nucleus). 3- Charge of the dense part which has most mass of atom must have +ve charge.

1- Write short nots on:
Hunds rule : No electron pairs with another electron in sublevel until each orbital has one electron. (2) Aufban principle : Electron enters each sublevel from the lowest sublevel to the higher one. (3) Heisenberg uncertainty principle: Both speed and place of electron cant be determined in the same time. (4) Electron cloud: Region which has high probability to find the electron. (5) Defects of Bohr theory: a- It cant explain the spectrum of any element except hydrogen. b- It considered electron as a negative particle c- said that its possible to determine both time and location but experimentally impossible. d- Hydrogen electron is a particle moving in a circular planer. But later was confirmed that hydrogen has three dimensional coordinates. (6) Atom which gained quantum. (1) 2- Write scientific term: 1. Cloud orbital 2. S sublevel 3. P sublevel 4. d sublevel 5. f sublevel 6. Auf ban principle 7. Subsidiary 8. Magnetic 9. Spin 10. Quantum

11. Main transition element 12. 1st transition element 13. 2nd transition element 14. 3rd transition element 15. Inner transition element 16. Lanthanides 17. Actinides 18. Representative elements 19. Nobel gases 20. Representative element 21. Transition element 22. Inner transition element 23. 1st transition element 24. 2nd transition element 25. 3rd transition element 26. Actinides 27. Lanthanides

3- Complete :
1. 7 2. 3 5 9 3. equal

4- Compare :
Orbit Its the circular path in which electron move (energy level) Orbital Its the region which has high probability to final the electron cloud Principle Q. no Subsidiary Q. no It's the number from 1 to 7 It's the number represents the Which represents the number number of sublevels in each energy of E. levels (k ,L,M,N,O,P,Q) level and it has sublevels = the number of level [ i.e n=h] ( S ,P ,d ,f) spin Mag Q. no Spin Q. no Number which represents the Number represents the number of number of orbitals in each electrons in each orbital and the sublevel i.e the (s) sublevel has direction of rotating of electron one orbital,(P) has three (+ve , -ve) = 2n2 orbitals st 1 transition series 2nd transition 3rd transition series series The elements in which The elements in The elements in 3d is filled successively which 4d is filled which 5d is filled successively successively Period Group Elements are arranged Elements are arranged vertically horizontally They have different properties They have the same properties and valences and valence They have different electron They are identical in electron composition of the highest composition of the highest energy energy level level They have the same The principal quantum number principal quantum number changes by one down the group

5- Give reason:
1. Because. It has a wave property 2. Because. The magnetic filled of one of them the opposite direction of another. 3. As its only applied for the first four levels 4. Has 5 orbital 5. By applying principles of quantum mechanics 6. Consists of 4 sublevels = 16 orbital = 38 electrons 7. To not repel 8. To be stable 9. To be stable 10. To be stable 11. No two elements have the some spectral line. 12. This is because their ores are found in the form of mixed elements that can't be separated by normal chemical methods. 13. Because they have the same valence electrons (6s2 / 5d1). 14. Because d-sublevel has five orbital and it is filled with 10 electrons. 15. Because it contains elements from the all block (6s/6p/5d/4f) and also contains elements from all types (Nobel, Representative, transition and inner transition elements).

6- Write electronic configuration for:

Na11 P15 Cl17 Fe26 Cr24 1s2 1s2 1s2 1s2 1s2 , 2s2 , 2s2 , 2s2 , 2s2 , 2s2 , 2p6 , 3s1 , 2P6 , 3s2 , 2P6 , 3s2 , 2P6 , 3s2 , 2P6 , 4s2 , 3P3 , 3P5 , 3P6 , 4s2 , 3d6 , 3d4

7- Choose :
1. C) Boy I 2. D) Aristole 3. D) dont changing substance of cathode or kind of gas. 4. B) Gives light . 5. A) 6. C) 7. A) 8. C)

8- Explain the following:

1. Because most of 2. Small percentage of 3. Some of rays hit the same place rays reflected back rays were deflected

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