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Ancient History 8/30/12 Civilization began in Mesopotamia, civilization being an advanced state of human society-government, culture, art, and

d science-from the latin word cuvis, meaning citizen, or someone who lives in a city. Civilization really means the beginning of cities. Mesopotamia is modern day Iraq. The agricultural revolution had a lot to do with producing an amount of food that was predictable and in surplus. A positive of the agricultural revolution was not starving and having more time to devote to developing other areas. If perishable food items are wiped out, there can be famine. Another negative is that they may have less of a broad diet and are making themselves a place to be attacked. It also created social classes, creating social inequality and greed. Women become caretakers and less economically important. It also created disputes over material property and land. The Urban Revolution Urbs is the latin word for city. Proto cities are created along the way, meaning agricultural settlements, religious sites, landmarks. Consequences of this close proximity are the spread of diseases, flooding if by the river, a hierarchy of classes, writing and history, organized religion overseen by individuals, economy driven by a market, luxury and goods, crime, competition, military and war, art and literature, mathematics, belief in afterlife. Mesopotamia means in the middle of the rivers. From greek words meso, meaning middle, and potmas, meaning river. Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sargon is the first historically identifiable person in the mid east. When born, he was abandoned and put in a basket on the waters of the river. He was sent off to die, but did not. Created an empire from Syria to the Persian Gulf. Ur flourishes during the times of 2119-2004 and many famous buildings begin to happen, including the famous ziggurat. Begin to trade overseas and the publication of a code of law occur. Mesopotamians believe that Gods create everything and that humans are the servants of Gods. No separation of church and state. People existed for the sake of the Gods. Kings are not Gods. Palace at Mari had 300 rooms. Wives and children do not have as many rights as the leader of the household. Earliest Cuneiform was in 3200 BC and used wedge shaped signs. Egyptian history is chronicled by dynasties. Promotes continuity and togetherness. King Narmer can also be called Menes, which is the Greek name. In Egypt a King was considered a God on Earth. Pharoh is Egyptian for big house and related to the God Horrace. Dead Kings are associated with Osiris. The King commanded the Nile. Unity was important to Egyptian kings.

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