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--Original MessageFrom: Allen Weh To: Karl Rove Sent: Tue Jan 0921:27:40 2007 Subject: FW: iIIegals

DL litigation' You may have interest In this initiative Ihatl've just given our congressional delegation a heads up on

Will avoid sanding too much stuff from down in tha weeds sinca your Inbox volume is likely staggering

From: Allen Weh Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 6:43 PM T'l: 'HAWllSon 'Pearce, SIeve'; 'Bell, Stave (Domenici)' : Patrick J. Rogers; Mark Jarmie; Nina Martinez; 'Jay McCleskey - Political' tiubject: FW: iIIegals DLlitigation

FYI, I se'nt you a copy of an email regarding an active lawsuit we filed against Ihe slale of New Mexico, which is Ihe only one remaining of several we filed pre election day as part of our "ffort!l to deal with voler fraud. The below summary of Ihe issues at stake may give you an appreciation for what we are now dealing with.

This particular lawsuit has 10 do with the policy'of NM state govemment to issue drivers license 10 illegal aliens. Our discovery has .revealed a program Ihat has apparently allowed (or fails 10 prevent) drivers licenses to be issued 10 lois of people who aren't who they claim to be, and/or can'l be traced. It's a program thaI has been exploited for alilhe wrong reasons and its vulnerability clearly has nation security impllcalions. When we started Ihis case it was simply inlended 10 enable us III do a records check of those who were issued Ihese licenses against Ihe voler rolls 10 see how many illegal aliens were reglslered 10 vote. ThaI objective slill exists, but Ihe breach of national security inherent In this on going slale program makes it even more importanllhal we find a way 10 get this policy amended and under sane control. It is now obvious Ihe Richardson administration does not want us to have, or to get near, the records of this program as they have laken "executive privilege" to a whole new level. We inlend 10 contest the latter in court, and will explore any and all avenues to dtteln a remedy to this problem.

From: Lyn Ott 11: Friday, January OS, 20071t:36AM .: Allen Weh

HJC 11122

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