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Spiritual Fruit From God

Read Galatians 5:16 - 6:10

DeeDee Lee

When it comes to the fruit of the Spirit, I’m amazed by God’s plan for Christians to cultivate
these character traits as we grow in our faith. Galatians lists nine manifestations of the fruit,
and what a list (5:22-23)! Since we are given this fruit through the Holy Spirit’s work within
us, we should be filled with spontaneous joy (one of the nine)! One of my favorite Christian
writers, C. S. Lewis, wrote, “Joy is the serious business of heaven.” Praise God for this incredible
“fruit basket” of gifts to us.

Paul wrote this letter to the believers in Galatia. He wanted them to understand the meaning
of true freedom in Christ. His writings teach us that the Holy Spirit produces fruit within our
lives and leads us to be free to love and to serve. We are empowered to be more Christ-like
through the fruit of the Spirit as the Holy Spirit’s power becomes more evident in our lives.
Have you felt the power of the Spirit in your life lately? Jesus’ words in John 15:5 (NRSV)
remind us, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear
much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” We need to be connected to Christ
before we can be fruitful as we do His work.

Galatians 6 shows us that we cannot live only for our own self interests. Jesus Christ was our
divine example of a life that touched and reached out to others. Galatians 6:2 says, “Share
each other’s troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” In this passage,
Paul points to the need for us to be involved with each other’s struggles. For us to be effective
as Jesus was effective, our lives need to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. We need to draw
near to and “abide in” Jesus to live in freedom and to serve others.

Colossians 1:10,12 also tells us to please God by walking in the Spirit and by bearing fruit in
our lives.

Dear God, I want to experience joy and freedom in my life. Show me how to open my life
to better serve You and to display the fruit of the Spirit through the Spirit’s work within me.
Forgive me when I don’t stay connected to You – I want to bear fruit and be Your hands and
feet of love in the world. Help me refresh someone’s heart this week - I ask for the Holy Spirit’s
power to be displayed as I serve You. In Christ’s name, Amen.
DAY 82

How is the fruit of the Spirit being displayed in your life?

Memorize John 15:5. This will help you to bear fruit and live a life connected to Jesus.

Is God leading you to encourage someone this week and to be a burden-bearer?

Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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