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Dauphin Co.Pa.

l:;pecia11y to aCCOlllpruw

Boyd's Hanisburgllirectory.










[TRADE .Aalt.]




Compilers and Publishen.

Member of the Association of American Directory PubUshcrs.

FLEMING. BOOKSELLER, Room 8, 32 North Third Street.



Entered according to Act of Congreol. in the year 1904, by GUY KO.TI ..... BOYD. in Ibe office of the Librarian of Congr.... at Walblngton. D. C.

byGoogle .


M. KELLEY &CO'S~'=-=~{,~--:'~~
Table of Contents.

/3 '117/f?: /5
13 0 (

Table of Contents.
American Mecbanlcs..... .. ... .. .. .... Band. and MUilcal OrganlzatloDl.. . . . Bant.... '" .. ..... . .. . ... ... ... .. . . B'nal S'rlth ... ...... . ..... ............. Board of Trade ... .. . ... .. ... ...... Bnlldlng,l.oan and SavIng IDltltutlons BUllne88 Directory ..... ... .. ... . .. . Cburcbea .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. Daupbln County Oftlcers . . .. . . . . . .. . Fire Alarm BoXell and Location. . . nre Department . ... . .. ... .. . ... .. ... Grand United Order of Odd Fellow.. .. Harrisburg City Government .. ... . ... Harrisbul'J General Directory. .... .... HospItal..... ... ... . ..... .. . .. .... . . Improyed Order of Beptuopbs. . .. ... Kntgbll of Golden Eagle. .. ..... .. .. Knlgbll of Maccabeea ... . . . . Knlgbtl of Malta .. . . ...... .. ..... . ... Knlgbts of Pytbiu. ..... . .. .. ... . . ...
G. A . R .. .. ... . ............. . . .. .....
Page 47


42 98

1\6 114 'rl SO



28 96 38

43 .4 44 44

Page Labor Organlzatlolls.. . ....... . .. ... . 48 Map ....... . . .......... .. ....... opp. title Martet BOUfel ... . ..... .. . . ..... . .. . 38 Muomc 8ocIettea .. .. . ... .. .... .. . .... 41 Medical Societies . . ... ..... .. . . . .... 38 Military Organizations . ... . . . .. . ..... SII llIacellaneoUi 80cletlell .. . ..... .. .. . 49 NeWipapen .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .... ..... 39 Odd Fellow . . .. , ... .... .. .. ..... . .... 44 P_n,er Railway. . . ......... .. .. ... 40 PenDlylvanla State Government ..... H Public Halls ... ...... . ... . .... . . . .. ... 24 Red lien . . .... .... . . .. .. ....... .. . ... 45 Royal Arcanum .. ........ .. . .. ... ... 46 SCbool... ... ...... . .. .. ........ so Societies . .. .. ... . .... ............ 41 SoUl of America .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . 46 Steelton Directory ...... ... .. ... .... TIl/ Streell and Avenue. . .. . ...... .. ... .. 15 Temperance Societies . . ... . . . ... . .8 Trust Companies .. ... . .. .. ...... ... ... 32

Alphabetical Business Directories


Principal Towns in Dauphin County.

Page Bene1'Ue . ...... . ..... 819 Berry.burg ............. 8111 , entre VIew .. .. . .... 8111 CUrtIn .. . ...... .. . .... .. 819 DauphIn .. . ...... .... . 819 Deodale .. ...... . .. . .... 8'lO Derry Church . ... .... 8110 EMt Harrlsbnrg (lee Penbroot) ......... ... 8110 Elizabetbville.. .. . .. . 8110 Ellendale Forge (lee DauphIn) . ...... . ... . 8110 Enterline . .. . .. .... .. 811 FIIbervllle.. .. . .. . . . 821 Paae Port Hunter............ Htl Grantvitle.. ....... .. ... 8'Jl Gratz ..... ....... . ...... 8'll Halifax . ... .. ..... .. ... 821 Blghlplre . .. . . .. . .. . . 812 Hum melltown .. .... . Sllll Linglestown . ... ... . .. . 823 Loyalton .... .. ... ..... . 623 Lyten... .. ............ 828 Manada HIlI.. .. .... .. 824 MIddletown ...... . ..... 81' Millersburg ....... .. . 826 Oberlin . _ .. . _ .. .. 817 Page Pluton ............... SIT Penbroot ............ . 827 Pillow ..... .. ....... 811i Powl's VaHey ... . . ..... 8117 Progress . ...... .. .. .... 828 RockVille (see For t Hunter\. ...... ... .... 828 Swatara Station .. . ..... 8t8 UnIon Ueposlt ........ . 828 W. ynes vme . ... . . 828 West Hanover ... . ..... 828 Wiconisco . . ........ ,...: 818 WllIlalD8town .. /. .. 8tII

Number of names 190~ Directory, 28,622, mUltiply by 2t, Number of names 1903 " 27,475
*78,435 2,879


ames 1904 .. 1,047, multiply by 21, ew names added . . . . . . . . 0,283 ~ mes erased . . . . . . . . . . 4, 236 ovals, alteratione, &c. . . . . 6,459

I number of changes in 1904 Directory . . . 15,978 pulation in the Directory circuit (Steelton not in-

.., -1.. II-OND}~G~~~~{3d

and Rail Sts.

Digitizec by


.l. B. TACK} Wall Paaer and Window Shades {=~~

Index to Advertisements.


Index to Advertisement.s.
8pee.1al notice II called 10 the followIJIlr lodes to Ad vertisl'menlll of


en ,. ..,


Whom we I'llpeeUully ncommend 10 publlo paUOlUlp.


B~:~c/~~~ ~ ~.~~l.~~,.~e:vrlD. Butler .. Porry, National Parcel and llalrpge TraDsfer .................... 175 Case"E. Wallace, Ice cream mfr. ... 182 Central Guarantee Trust and tIaf. Deposit Co. . . . . .. .. . .... . . ...... & cen'ral Iron and Bteel Co........ . I Coder.t Miller. coutracton...... .. 191 Commonwealth TruIt Co... .. ..... D Cooper Eo N. &: Co., lion founden ... 1118 Cowden 111. B.o elvll engineer...c ..... tOl Coaoll 8., M\. Pleaaan. Hotel .... ... 20S CreIIcent Laundry Co ................. 2011 Dauphin DepoBlt Bank........... ..... 8 Diener P. G., Jew.ler .................. 2IIi BaIt End Bank .............. _ ....... 2:l9 Endera B. A., grocer ................. 147 PInk', H~ 8onI, brewen........... 8 I1rat Nation&! BlInk................... 6 PIIher C., contractor ........... .... 2It l'lIher B. A.. (en), wall paper, painter 2fl5 Fleming B. W'o bookseller, prlnt.-r. &c ooven ............ backbOne and i6Ii Poreman . 8., bottler .............. 171 Fonenbangh W. B produce .......... r.S :Frueh Prederlck c., Ice cream .... ~78
Gable H. A., hardware ............ '" lilt Galbraltb B. G., 116v1ng ............... t8Ii Geo~Cbarlea 1':. drugg\l\ ........... 8 Gohl 8 Palnt Bupply Co......... ...... 299 eorgu O. A., ditigjrlat ........ ClIIJItre lID. Granpner R. H .. brewer .............. 805 010lIl lfdward Z., druailt........ ..... 8 Guaranty and Trust CO ....... centre lID.. Bantzman C. P., coal ................. 821 Bantzman Fred B.o lUmber.......... 811 Harm BroI., coal. .................... SIt Barril J. P. & Bon, ut~~ra. ...... SIt BarrlIburs National ............ 2 BarrIIburg Pubillblug Co ...... back cover Barrl,burs li6'I'IDgund Loan AIIIOCfa. tlon .......................... centre linea Barrlaburc Telegraph..... .. .... ...... lit BarrIIbllllr Trull' CO.............. ..... 2 Bfckok W. O. Mfg. Co. .. ........ .... .. 4 BOlter Adam W., penlion atlOrney.... 8IS6

Page, Pap Antbraclte WII(IOD Co ................. 108 Hutter Frank L., bookbinder. ....... 8 ArmenlO tk LUarlDe, State capital JacklOn ),[flr. Co., lteel barroWI, .tc.. sea Botel .......... front cO'l'er Jacoba & Linn, proprietors Ke.7ltOne carpet Cleanlna Woru and Ke)' AIIOclatlon of American DI_1OrJ l'ubillben .... front cover and 7 ltoDe Rug Co ....... back co<er A.ugblnbauch C. E., bookbinder ...... 108 Keel)' Inlt1tute ...................... 882 Beck ThomaiJ. Co., bottlen .......... 121 Kelle), H. M. & Co., coal ......... top linea Beck & EaJrerc, dyen .................. 127 Lowe D. II., tlnlmlth ................. 4111 BernbeIMI"}>. & Bon, arcbltectl ... 181 Lyme I. R. " Co., plumbera. ........... 482 Blaek John, Barrllb1irB Btone Workl 189 ."Clune Thomaa R., picture tram.. S BollI C. Rca, watchmaker, ..C . 148 McKalllp Roben W., Park HoteL.... 4511 Boyd Addrellllq Co .. back cover McKenna Bank Safe Co.......... l1de IIn"l Boyd W. H, Co, dlNClOrJ pabll1ben II 1IIeNeU Medlcln.Co.............. top lines BuCk Cbeeter, IDllUIUlce ....... 168 M"rchantl' National Bank ... . 6



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.. ...

M~~~~. ~~:. ~.~.~~~~: .. ~e:~lnea Miller C. 8., contractor................ 471 Montgomery J. B., coal and wood .. . ... . . . ... .. baek cover and 488 Montgomery" Co., Pelpher line .... tIK 11 Montgomery .t Co., ltorage warehOUl8l ............................ 48Il Morrow J. W., plumber ................ 488 Neeley Jamea M., livery ..... : ......... 500 Neae J. D., contractor ............... 601 New York Life Inlurance Co.......... 501 NI.ley Harr), K .. Ilate roofer......... IiOfi NUll Plating Co., electroplatenL ...... IiOI Opperman H., conuaclOr.............. Ii09 Patriot (The), newlpap('r ....bottom lIDel PutangCemeter.\ AlIOClation ....... 519 Pennsylvania Bteel Co., Steelton .... .. .......... . .. . .... . ........ back eo'l'er Pottl Mallufacturlng Co., Ornamental Iron Workl..... ......... . ........ lSI Pownall J. B., carpet cleaning .... .. ......................... bottom llnea Pratt M. D. ~on.ultlng engineer ..... . ....... .................... baekco'l'er Quacll:enbush Edward W., Insurance 68S kedmond A bicycles ..... bottom lines


Itettew C. V.,lnanrance. &c ..... l1de lln.. RhoadsJ. E.. 00lI011sand, &c ......... 1148 RoberteEdw'dG.t.naurdnce .. bottomllDea Saul M. F., plumoer.......... .. ... 5Il9 IIOheltl'r T. P.oIe1t). boob, prlnter,.to. 611 Schmidt C. 1... florist, &c .... 678 Shoemaker S. W., paving ............. 6911 81~ W. R. R. pubillber Steelton Reporter ............................ 798 Spangler & Baker. furniture .......... 801 Star Carpet Cleaning Work ........... 618 Star Independent .. .......... ...... 9S Bteelton Planing Mill Co ............. SOl Bweeller 8. G., Electric Co ............ 847 Tack A. B. pap('rhanger. &c ..... top lines Title Guaranty and Tl'llIt Co ...front cover Towsen Tbomaa F., alate roofer.. ..... 868 United Ice and Coal Co., Icc, 00lI01 and eontractora .................. BldellDea zacbarI&s H. C., realeatate . l1de llnes


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

.I 15 -1

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


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First Ward-Bounded on the South by the southern city line, on the West by the western shore of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Paxton Street, and on the East by the eastern city line. Second Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Paxton Street. on the West by the western shore of the .....Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of fIJ Mulberry and Derry Streets, and on the East by the eastern city line. Third Ward-Bounded on the South-east by the center line of Mulberry Street, on the South-west by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North-west by the center line of Walnut Street, and on the Northeast by the center line of Fourth Street.



III1 j . . I' "II\pIII, R blill . ... InlB GUOronl, 0IId 1'nUll CO If - -... 1 . .CII'ract...... I.fir Ell...,.... tr , If .... 1tIIr II ,.... c.rt.



Fourth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Walnut Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Forster Street, and on the East by the center line of Fourth and Sixth Streets. Fifth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Forster Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the North by the center line of Verbeke Street, and on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Sixth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Verbeke Street, on the West by the western shore line of the Susquehanna River, on the north by the center line of Maclay Street, and on the East by the center line of Sixth Street. Seventh Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of Forster Street, on the West by the center line of Sixth Street, on the North by the centre line of Maclay Street, and also the northern city line, and on the East by the eastern city lines. Q Eighth Ward-Bounded on the South by the center line of (IIJ vVah1l1t Street, on the \Vest by the center lines of ... Fourth and Sixth Streets, on the North by the center line of Forster Street and on the East by the eastern city lines.

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=The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page

GIVES FU~'v::;~D~t~L ~t~gte bye


Bailey st N from 14 N 12th to 14th. Balm st N from 1230' Bailey to State. Barbara av E from 313 N Front to South. Bartine av N from 108 Forster to Sayford avo Basin av E from 1421 N 2d to 7th. Vacated from 3d to Fulton. Battis al N from Ktlker av to Boyd av, bet Fulton and N 5th. Beech st W from Walnut to State nr 18th. Berryhill st E from 452 S 9th to city limifs. Birch st E from S Cameron to city limits, bet Cedar and Poplar. .Blackberryav E from 14 S Front to Grace avo Bluebird av E from S 13th to city limits, bet Sycamore and Aspen (unopened). Boas st E from 1000 N Front to city limits (unopened from N Cameron to 15th). Bombaugh av E from 41 N 14th to 16th. Boyd av E from N 2d ab Reily to 7th. Brady av N from 1312 Market to State. Brakespeare av nr State Arsenal. Brensinger av N from Forrest ab 5th to Schuylkill. Briggs av E from 800 N Front to N 2d (unopened). Briggs st E from 800 N 2d to city limits (unopened from 10th to 15th).


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H M KELLEY a iCO. {I lfortla ... aa..... D. r 10C;b aDd 8tMe ....



Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.




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Broad st, see Verbeke st. Brook av N from 1525 Swatara to Drummond avo Brookwood st E from 800 S 15th to city limits (unopened from 15th to 19th). Brown av E from 815 East to city limits (unopened from Cowden to 15th). Buckthorn av S from 1316 Kittatinny to Berryhill. Buttonwood av N from 106 State to North. Calamus av N from 128 N Cameron to 13th. Calder st E from 1400 N Front to city limits (unopened from 7th to 8th). Calumet st from S Front to city limits. Cameron av at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Camp st E from 2300 N 5th to N 7th. Canal st from Walnut to North. Capital st N from 330 North to Verbeke. Carnation av E from 73 N ] 6th to 18th. Carson av from State to South avo Cascade av from Front to city limits. Catharine 5t E from 15th ab Naudain to city limits.' Cayuga st from Front to city limits. Cedar av N from 118 Liberty to North. Cedar st E from S Front to city limits, bet Hawthorn and Birch. Centre av N from 1150 Herr to Verbeke.


... Charles av E from 1210 N Front to Susquehanna. l&J Chayne av S from ]423 Shoop to Crabapple avo Cherry av E from 115 S Front to 4th. Chesapeake av W from Chesapeake Nail Works to river. Chestnut st E from 100 S Front to P. R. R. and from P. & R. R. R. to Cameron, and from Summit to 13th, and from 15th to city limits. Chiques st from Front to city limits. Christian st E from 165 Crescent to Mulberry. l&J Christianna st E from Cameron to Hancock, bet Wainut and State. Christie's av S from 422 Cranberry av to r 420 Walnut. Church av N from 206 State to North. Clinton av E from N Front, ab Harris, to 7th. z to 27th. t: Codorus st from CameronCo.'s Works. ~ Colder st at Lochiel Iron Cole av from North to North avo 53 Coleman st at Lochiellron Co.'s Works. !iii: Commerce st N from North to Cumberland, bet 7th and the P. R. R. g Compas av E from 418 S 14th to S 17th. ~ Conestoga st from Front to 27th. Conewago st from Front to 27th. c:; Conov st E from 569 S Front to Race. CD Cowd'en st N from 514 Market to Verbeke.

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A. B. TACK 1:~~'OIl PODerOlld IIndolaJOdeS ~1W.~'1l

Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


Cox av from 2d to the R. R. Crabapple av E from Chayne to city limits, bet Market and Regina. Cranberry av E from 213 N Front to 3d and from 4th to Short. Cream av E from 325 S 16th to S 17th. Crescent st S from 1125 Derry to Berryhill. Crooked av S from 1311 Market to Thompson's avo Cumberland st E from 1200 N Front to city limits. Currant av N from 639 Herr to Basin avo Curtin st E from 2500 N Front to city limits. Daisy av S from 1422 Kittatinny to Berryhill. Dauphin av E from N 2d, ab Kelker, to 12th. Delaware av E from N Front, ab Muench, to the Asylum (unopened from 7th to 8th). Derry st E from 101 S Cameron to city limits. Dewey st E from 17th ab Rush to city limits. Diven av N from 1034 Herr to Cumberland. Division st E from 3000 N Front to city limits. Dock st E from 900 S Front to Race. Dogwood av E from S 13th to city limits, bet Ash and Sycamore. Drummond av E from 1422 Kittatinny to S 16th. Dubbs av E from N 2d to N 3d, bet Forster and Briggs. East st N from 444 North to Forster.

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MILLER BROS.l BAKER~ "~~b~~1:.~V

Eaton av S from 1404 Mayflower av to Vernon. Eighth st N from P. R. R. and North to city limits. Elder st, see Capital. Eleven-and-one-half st N from 1130 State to Reily (unopened from State to Herr). Eleventh st, see Cameron. Elizabeth av E from S 10th to S Cameron, bet Hemlock and Elm, also Elizabeth av N from 610 Reily to city limits. Elm st E from 1049 S 9th to Cameron, also Elm st E from 16th to 18th, bet State and Walnut. Emerald st E from 2400 N Front to city limits. Ethel av W from 16th to city limits bet Park av and Market. Evergreen st S from 1223 Market to Derry. Fahnestock av N from Strawberry to Walnut, bet River av and 3d. Fahnestock st E from 6th ab Seneca to 7th. Filbert st N from 607 Walnut to North. Fir av E from 1513 Walnut to Bombaugh avo Florence av N from 1106 Herr to Verbeke. Forrest av S from Howard to Vernon. Forrest st E from 2100 N 5th to N 6th. Forster st E from 900 N Front to city limits (unopened from 11th to 15th). Fourteen-and-a-half st N from 1420 Walnut to State. Fox av N from Primrose av to Herr, bet 7th and P. R. R.











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IRWIN &. B.UTLEP.. DETECTIVE RGENCY {BUTLER,ARCH ~TRE~T:. ~H!~~;._~t<;~.~;.:<!- . \gle No.

IIcNliI's Pain EI1lrmlnator ~~ba-:':S~.lib~6~aoe"':~~


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.

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Fridley av from 207 Chestnut to Cherry avo Fulton st N from 458 Cumberland to city limits. Geiger av E from N Front ab Peffer to N 5th. George st N from Kelker ab Cameron to Muench. German av from 'W of 2d to Cherry avo Gooseberry av from 4th to 5th. Grace av S from 409 Market to Chestnut . Grand st N from 414 Forster to Boas. Granite av from 1713 N 2d ab Hamilton to 13th. Grape av N from GOG Herr to Cumberland. Green st N from 235 North to city limits. Greenwood st first st S of Brookwood, E of 19th Guy's av bel Lochiel Iron Works. Haehnlen av E from 227 Crescent to S 13th. Hage st N from N Front to junction of 4th and Maclay. Hamilton st E from 1700 N Front to city limits. Hancock st N from 'Walnut to Christiana, bet Cameron and 12th. Hanna st E from ~OO S Front to city limits. Hanover st E from 1304 S Cameron to city limits. Harris st E from 1600 N Front to 12th. Harry av at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Harvest st from 12th to city limits. Hawthorn st E from S Cameron to city limits, bet Magnolia and Cedar. nTtl .lAwn AI. nllT ce. {................... E_.......nll-.} .... h .........
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Hay av E from 1218 James av to Fulton. Hazel av from 637 Herr to Boas. Helen av W from 16th to city limits, bet Regina and Park I>avo E Hemlock st E from 1001 S 9th to Cameron. C Herr st E from 1100 N Front to city limits. ~ N from 704 Ie Hickorv av to Maclay. Herr to Verbeke and from no Kelker 0 ' U Highland st from Jessamine to Prospect. Hildrup st W from 16th to city limits, bet Austin avand ....I Mulberry. C 0 Hill av E from Hummel to 13th, bet Berryhill and L. V.

Hoerner st N from V\i alnut to State bel. 15th. Q Hogan av S from Derry to Crescent. E C Holly st E from 400 S 17th to city limits. Honey av S from Market to Thompson's avo W Hop av from Mayflower av to Vernon. U Howard av N from 564 Forrest to Schuylkill. Howard S 13th Q Hoyer avst E from 15Paxton to 14th. avo S from 167 to Indian W f- Hummel st S from 1233 Mulberry to Hill avo Hunter av E from 430 Crescent to S 18th. Z Hunter st, see Forrest. C:;) Indian av E from 525 Race to S 2d.


HY. Don't Rlad fbe PATRIOT You Don't 811 at Inl

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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


Iron av S from 140 Dock to Chesapeake Nail Works. Ivy av W from Moltke av to 7th, bet Maclay and Woodbine. James av N from 316 Briggs to Verbeke. James st N from 312 Verbeke to Reily. . Jessamine st from 21st to 22<1. Jonestown rd E from N Cameron to city limits. Julia av from Verbeke to city limits, bet 10th and N Cameron. Juniata st from Front to 13th. Juniper st E from 600 N 13th ab State. Kelker av W from 1512 N 5th to Fulton. Kelker st E from 1800 N Front to 12th. Kelly av E from 223 Pine to Cranberry avo Kensington st E from 420 S 19th to city limits. Kirby av, see Rose avo Kittatinny st E from 1421 Vine to Derry. Kline av N from 124 Locust to Cranberry avo Kunkle av E from 1012 James av to near 6th. Lemon av E from Brensinger av ab Camp to Howard avo Liberty st E from 600 N Front to 3d. Linden av S from 1250 Bailey to 1110mpson's av Linden st N from 1250 Bailey to State. Locust st E from 200 N Front to 3d. Logan av W from 320 Reily to Emerald. Love av N from 208 North to Briggs.


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Lynn st N from 1925 Walnut to Herr. Maclay st E from 2100 N Front to Penna. Insane Asylum. Magnolia st E from S Fr~nt to city limits, bet Hanover and , Hawthorn. . Mahantongo st E from 2900 N Front to city limits. Manada st E from 2d to city limits, bet Dock and Hemlock. Manada av, see Fulton. Maple av N from 622 Verbeke to Reily. Margaret st, see N 4th. Marigold av E from S 13th to city limits, bet Aspen and

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Marion st N from 400 VerBeke to Reily. ,. Market st from 1 N Front to city limits. Market is the N and S division line. Market House av S from 411 State to South. Mary's av E from 215 S Front to Meadow la. Mavflower av E from 35 Crooked av to S 16th. Meadow la E from 300 S 2d to Mulberry. Mifflin av, see Susquehanna. .. Minnie av E from 2026 Elizabeth av to l\Ioltke avo Moltke av N from 632 Muench to Maclav. . II. Montgomery st N from 436 Herr to Cumberland. Moore st N from 520 Maclav to Forrest. . Muench st E from 1900 N Front t~ city limits. __

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {x;rt.a-c='::: Btroogle

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Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


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Mulberry st E from 200 S Front to 13th, and from 17th to city limits. Myers av N from 435 Delaware av to Maclay. Myrtle av N from 234 South to Herr. Nagle st E from 700 S Front to Paxton. Naudain st E from 520 S 14th to city limits. Nectarine av S from 1217 Mulberry to Swatara. North av E from 513 N 4th to Poplar la. North st E from 700 N Front to city limits. North Cameron st from 1100 Market to city limits. North Court av N from 216 Market to South. North Dewberrv av N from 318 Market to Walnut. North Eightee~th st N from 1800 Market to city limits. North Fifteenth st N from 1500 Market to city limits. North Fifth st N from 500 Market to Walnut and from 442 South to North and from 500 Reily to city limits. North Fourteenth st N from 1400 Market to city limits (unopened from Walnut to Herr). North Fourth st N from 400 Market to North and from 338 Verbeke to city limit's. North Front st N from 1 Market to city limits. North Nineteenth st N from 1900 Market to city limits. North Ninth st N from 900 Market to city limits (unopened to Herr).



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North River av N from 118 Market to South, and from Maclay to Emerald. North Second st N from 200 Market to city limits. North Seventeenth st N from 1700 Market to city limits.. North Seventh st N from 700 North to city iimits. ::-.rorth Sixteenth st N from 1600 Market to city limits. North Sixth st N from 600 North to city limits. North Summit st N from 1212 Market to State. North Tenth st N from 1000 :\Iarket to city limits. North Third st N from 300 Market to cit v limits . North Thirteenth st N from 1300 Market'to city Emits (unopened from State to Herr) . North Twelfth st N from 1200 Market to Muench. North Twentieth st N from 2000 Market to Hamilton. North Twenty-first st N from 2100 Market to Hamilton. North Twenty-second st N from 2200 Market to limits. North Twenty-second-and-one-hal st N from :!230 Market to limits. North Twenty-third st N from 2:300 :Market to limits . North Twenty-third-and-one-haif 5t N from !!;l30 Market to limits. North Twenty-fourth st N from 240n Market to limits. North Twenty-fourth-and-a-half 5t ~ from 2-1aO Market to limits . North Twenty-fifth st N from 2500 Market to :imits.

AIDREW REDMOND J~G:'.i ;;~~ {3d and Rally SIL

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A. B. TACK}IILL PIPER e:::-N:'! I1IDOIIIDES{.;;:~8a.

21 Boyd'. Harrisburc Street Guide. North Twenty-fifth-and-a-hal 5t N from 2530 :Market to :J: limits. North Twenty-sixth st N from 2600 Market to limits. r North Twenty-sixth-and-a-half st N from ~6:10 Market to r limits. North Twenty-seventh st N from 2700 Market to !imit5. North Twenty-seventh-and-a-half ~t ~ from 2730 Market to :I limits. North Twenty-eighth st N from 2800 MarK!!t to !imits. Oak av from Hickory av to P. R. R. and from Six-and-a- t:l :J: half to Seventh, bet Maclay and \\1 oodbine. I Oil av from 6th to 7th ab Woodbine. Oliver av E from 709 Green to 3d. t:l Omega st S from Cameron ab State to Boas. :II Orange av N from Maclay bel 4th to Emerald. Ott av W from 503 Race to S Front. C Oxford st E from 6th ab Seneca to 7th PI Park la, see Division. Park st E from 25 N 16th to city limits. Paxton st E from 400 S Front to city limits. Pear av W from 910 N 6th to Capital. Peffer 5t E from 2000 N Front to Penna. Insane Asylum. Penn st N from 218 Briggs to city limits. PI . Pennsylvania av, see N 7th. Pequa st from Front to city limits.


,. en ,. ..,

Pigeon av from Paxton S to Hanna and from Hanover S to Hawthorn. Pine st E from 300 N Front to 3d. Pleasant av W from Summit to 13th, bet Market and Chestnut. Plover av S from Turtle av to 10th. Plum al N from 416 Briggs to Forster. Plum av S from 415 Cumberland to Boas. Poplar av N from 703 South to North. Poplar st E from S Front to city limits, bet Birch and city line. Poppy av from Cameron to 13th. Primrose av E from 707 East to N 7th and from 15th to city limits. Prospect st from junction of Whitehall and Highland to Market. Prune av S from 1247 Mulberry to Swatara. . Race st S from 117 Paxton to Hanna. Reel's av E from Paxton Creek to S Cameron, bet Aspen and Hemlock. Reel's la E from 2800 N Front to city limits. Reese av E from 328 Crescent to S 15th. Regina st E from 14 N 14th to city limits Reily st E from 1500 N Front to city limits. Roberts st S from Hill to Paxton nr Catholic Cemetery.




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=== Drug and Patent Medicine Ston{=~.u:-..

Boyd'. Harrisburg' Street Guide.


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Rose av S from 430 Boas to Pear avo Rosemary av, see Hildrup. Rudy st E from 300 S 18th to city limits. Rural av E from S Cameron to 15th, bet Hawthorn and Cedar. Rush st E from 15th ab Brookwood av to city limits. Salmon av from Paxton to Sycamore. Sarah av from 601 Herr to York avo Sassafras av E from 1124 N Front to Susquehanna. Sayford av E from 13H; N Front to 7th and from 8th to Cameron. Schuylkill st from Front to city limits. Seneca st E from 2600 N Front to city limits. Seven-and-a-half st, see Commerce . Shamokin st from Front to 13th. Shanklin av N from 120 South to State. Shannon st av E from 815 S 10th to Cameron. Shaonis st E from S Front to Cameron, bet Aspen and Arch. Sharon st, see 15th. Sheaffer av S from Berryhill to Paxton, bet 9th and 10th. Shoop st E from 51 ~ 14th to 15th. Short st N from 430 Walnut to Sout1t. Showers av S from 120 Conoy to Hanna. Shrub av E from 39 N 12th to 14th (unopened from 12th to 13th).

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Simon av at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. Singer av, see Fridley avo Six-and-a-half st N from 633 Maclay to city !imits. Smith av from 108 Boas to Herr. South av E from \Vest av to Poplar la, bet State and South. South st E from 400 N Front to R. R. South Cameron st S from 1101 Market to city limits. South Court av S from 215 :Market to R. R. South Dewberry av S from 319 Market to C. V. R. R. South Eighteenth st S from 1801 :\larket to city limits. South Fifteenth st S from 1501 Market to city limits. So nth Fifth st S from 501 Market to P. R. R. South Fourteenth st S from 1401 Market to Magnolh (unopened from Zarker to Veroon, and from Berryhill to Paxton). South Fourth st S from 401 Market to C. V. R. R. South Front sf S from Market to city limits. South Nineteenth st S from 1901 Market to limits (unopened from Market to Rudy). South Kineteenth-and-a-half st S from 1931 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from }larket to Derry). South Kinth st S from 901 Market to Kittatinny, and from Vine to Shaonis. South River av S from 115 :Market to Paxton and from Hanna to Chesape_ak_e __ ___ _ av_.


Boyd's Harrisburg Street Guide.


South Second st S from 201 Market to city limits. South Seventeenth st S from 1701 Market to city limits. South Sixteenth st S from 1601 Market to city limits. South Summit st 5 from 1213 Market to Mulberry. South Tenth st S from 1001 Market to Paxton (unopened from Mulberry to Berryhill). South Third st S from 301 Market to P. R. R. South Thirteenth st S from 1301 Market to city limits. Vacated from Sycamore to Hanover. South Twelfth st S from 1201 Market to Cedar (unopened from Market to Paxton. Vacated from Ash to H'i-'1over). South Twentieth st S from 2001 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Rudy). South Twenty-first st 5 from 2101 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Swatara). . South Twenty-first-and-a-half st S from 2131 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Derry). South Twenty-second st S from 2201 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Berryhill). South Twenty-second-and-a-half st S from 2231 Market to P. & R. R R. (unopened from Market to Brookwood). South Twenty-third st S from 2301 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened from Market to Berryhill).



~~ ::::}Harrlsburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. n:


South Twentv-third-and-a-half st S from 2331 Market to P. & R. R.:R. (unopened from Market to Brookwood). South Twentv-fourth st S from 2401 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-fourth-and-a-half st S from 2431 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-fifth st S from 2501 Market to P. & R. R R (unopened). . South Twenty-fifth-and-a-half st S from 2531 Market to P . & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-sixth st S from 2601 Market to P. & R R R (unopened). South Twenty-sixth-and-a-half st S from 2631 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). . South Twentv-seventh st S from 2701 Market to P. & R R R. (open from Brookwood to Derry). South Twentv-seventh-and-a-half st S from 2731 Market to P. & R. R. R. (unopened). South Twenty-eighth st S from 2801 Market to P. & R. R R. (open from Brookwood to Derry). Sprague av E from Brensinger av ab Forrest to Howard av Spring av N from 208 South to State. Spruce st, see 5th. State st E from 500 N Front to city limits. Strawberry av E from 17 N Front to P. R. R.

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H. M. KELLEY ,. cO.}Omces.l~r":.":!:}COAL AND WOOD

24 Harrisburg Halls. Susquehanna st N from 268 Herr to Emerald. ~ Swatara st E from 356 Crescent to city limits. Sweetbrier av 16th to city line. c:::a Sycamore st E from 1106 S 9th to city limits. a: Sylvan ter from 1150 Mulberry to Derry. Tanner's av N from 406 Walnut to South. Tansey av from Pequa to Harvest. i= Thomas st at Lochiel Iron Co.'s Works. a: Thompson's av E from 126 Summit to S 17th. Tulip av E from S 13th to S 17th, bet Manada and Ash. en Turner av N from Peffer to city limits. Turtle av from Hemlock to Elm. Tuscarora st E from 600 S Front to R. R. Union av E from 912 N Front to 3d. Verbeke st E from 1300 N Front to city limits. 1.&.1 Vern()n st E from 43 S 13th to S 17th. Vine st E from junction of S Front, Race and Paxton to' junction with Kittatinny. Violet av E from S Cameron to 14th, bet Hanna and Fulton, 1.&.1 also Violet av E from 2010 \Vood av to Turner avo 'Wallace st N from 621 Herr to Hamilton. \Valnut st E from 27 N Front to city limits (unopened from P. R. R. to Cameron). Z W a~hington ct bel Lochiel Iron \V orks. Washington st E from 300 S Front to 2d.




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W~st av N from 418 South to Briggs. 'Wharton av E from 5th, ab Woodbine, to 6th. Wiconisco st E from N Front to P. R. R. William st N from 324 Verbeke to Reily. Willis av N from 235 South to State. Willow av N from 214 State to North. Wood av N from 518 Hamilton to Maclay. Woodbine st E from 2200 N Front to city limits. Wyeth av N from 458 Verbeke to Reily. York av E from 917 N 6th to 7th. arid from 15th h) city limits. YOllsling av N from 514 'Peffer to :Maclay. Zarker st E from 9 S 14th to 16th. Ziegle~ av S from !W7 Cherry av to ~lulberry.



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Dunkle & Ewing's, 19361 Derrv Chestnut St. Market, Chest- Ensmitlger's, 3d c Cumberland nut c Court !:; City Gray's Armory, 2d c Fackler's. 1310 Derry Foerster's. 540 Race Forster ~ Dauphin Building, 15 S 2d G. A. R.. 26 N 3d, a05 Ver~ Dressel's, 207 Ohestnut beke, 120 Cowden

Assembly, 1114 Capital

:z Association, 114 N 2d

A. B. TACK}WaII Poar andWlDdn Sbadal{~K~

Harriaburg Halla.
Good Samaritan, 109 Cow2!)

den Grand Opera House, Walnut c 3d Gully'S, 25 S 13th Heffelfinger, 13th c Derry Harrisburg Board of Trade, 112-114-116 11arket . Hibernian Hall, 13 N 3d

Masonic, 222 Market Masonic, (Scottish Rite), 324 North Mauk's, 6th c Kelker National, State c 4th Odd Fellows', 304 N 2d, 321 Market and 4:~::! South Red Men's, 1300 Fulton


MILLER BROS. I: BAKERi "'~~t,~~-:;.~~"

Rodgers', Forrest c Moore Hoffman's, 1531 Derry Kelker St. Market, Kelker Russ Building, 15 N 2d c 4th Sible & Clark's, 1200 N 3d Kinnard's, 305 Verbeke Sible's, 1127 N 3d Knights of Pythias, 214i Union, Margaret c Basin av Locust Lyceum Theatre, 206-210 union Square, Howard ab I:' 14th Locust Market House Hall, Ver- Wyeth's,2 N Court av beke c Capital Zarker's, 13th c Market ~

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Pennsylvania State Government.

Pennsylvania State Government.

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Governor-Samuel W. Pennypacker. Lieutenant Governor-vViIliam M. Brown. Private Secretary-Bromley Wharton. Secretary of the Commonwealth-Frank t-.L Fuller. -Ii Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth-Lewis E. :Ii! Beitler. Chief Clerk-George D. Thorn. (/) Attorney General-Hampton L. Carson. Deputy Attorney General-Frederic "V. Fleitz. Auditor General-William P . SnYder. Deputy Auditor General-Sam 1iatt Fridy. ~ Chief Clerk-Jonathan N. Langham. Secretary of Internal Affairs-Isaac B. Brown. C Deputy Secretary I nternal Affairs-Theodore B. Klein.


j ..... fille GUaranlY ODd Tmel CO "Smatw. 1 leHa .' .....,.1'II,. E.".,.... lh'l hlltl OffIc, II UC) ...... C.tllcl1rl IN Ih CIIIItI f IUf" !'lit

Chief Bureau Industrial Statistics-Robert C. Bair. State Treasurer-\Villiam L. 1\h.thues. Cashier-To Stewart Pearce. Commissioner of Banking-Robert l\'lcAfee. Deputy Commissioner of Banking-John \V. Morrison. Superintendent of Public Instruction-Nathan C. Schaeffer. Deputy Superintendents of Public Instruction-H.!nry Houck and John Q. Stewart. Adjutant General-Thomas]. Stewart. Chief Clerk-Benjamin \V. Demming.. State Librarian-Thomas Lynch Montgomery. First Assistant State Librarian-Norman D. Gra\,. State Printer-William Stanley Ray. Superintendent of Public Grounds and BuildingsJames M. Shumaker. Superintendent of Puhlic Printing-A. Nevin Pomeroy. Commissioner of Insurance-Israel W. Durham. 1;&.1 Deputy Commissioner of Insurance-Samuel W. Mc~. Culloch. Q Commissioners of Soldiers' Orphan Schools-Hon. 1;&.1 Samuel W. Pennypacker, pres; William J. George, chief ... clerk. Secretary Board of Public Charities-Cadwalader Biddle. t:> Secretary Department of Agriculture-~. B. Critchfield.


The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVE<; Flr~~.::-~E~~L SCORES '-.:ruug Ie

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Dauphin County Moen.


Deputy Secretary of Agriculture-Algernon L. Martin. Chief Clerk-Marcellus D. Lichliter. Dairy and Food Commissioner-Dr. B. H. Warren. Asst. D~iry and Food Commissioner-Oliver D. Schock. Economic Zoologist-Prof. H. A. Surface. State Veterinarian-Dr. Leonard Pearson. Commissioner of Forestry-Dr. ]. T. Rothrock. Deputy Commissioner of Forestry-Robert S. Conklin. Secretary of Board of Health-Benjamin Lee,.M. D. Factory Inspector-John C. Delaney. Department of Mines-James E. Roderick, chief. Secretary of Game Commission-Dr. Joseph Kalbfus. Commissioner of Fisheries-William E. r-.teehan . .state Highway Commissioner-Joseph W. Hunter. STATE PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMINING BOARD. President-Louis Emanuel, Pittsburg. Secretary-Charles T. George, 1306 N 3d, Harrisburg. Treasurer-Paul W. Houck, Shenandoah. D. W. Davis, Scranton. W. L. Cliffe, Philadelphia.


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A:m:B~'L~ }Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {

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President Judge-John H. Weiss. Additional Law Judge-George K t1nkel. Sheriff-Charles W. Sellers. Deputy Sheriffs-Edgar C. Hummel, Geo. W. Mcilhenny. Prothonotary-John K. Royal. Deputy Prothonotary-Henry F. Holler. Treasurer-Isaac Lvter. Register-Bayard T: Dickinson. Deputy Register-J. Harry Stroup. Recorder-Dr. Henrv M. Stine. Deputy Recorder-William A. McIlhenny. Clerks to Recorder-Charles H. Small, Wilson F <Charles, Frank L. Jefferson, Joshua W. Gross. District Attorney-Albert Millar. County Detective-James T. Walter. County CommissiQners-John S. Longenecker, D. rJj Frank Lebo, John P. Dohoney. County Auditors-George F. Reigel, Elmer \V. Dockey, 4110 -charles S. Mattis. County Solicitor:-R. Sherman Care. County Surveyor-Christian H. Hoffer. Commissioners' Clerk-Edward S. Keiper. Coroner-George C. Krause. . Warden County Prison-John H. McIlhenny. QjO Directors of the Poor-We Scott Stroh, Joseph Earley, ;r Daniel D. Helt. Clerk. George A. L. Row. a


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M. KELLEY & CO. n:::::ls~a=-

Harrisburg City Ofiicers. Steward Almshouse-William Look. Prison Phvsician-Frederick \\'. Coover. Board of Prison Inspectors-Lane S. Hart, pres; William H. Ulrich, sec; Samuel S. Miller, Henry Cordes, Edward S. Keiper, W. B. l\Ieetch. Court of Oyer and Terminer-Quarter Sessions-January, March, June and September. Common Pleas-Jan-nary, February, April, May, October and November.

a City in 1860.

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Mayor-Vance C. McCormick. Treasurer-William H. Middleton. Controller-Henry W. Gough. Solicitor-Daniel S. Seitz . City Engineer-l\'1. B. Cowden. City Assessors-Albert B. Tack, Harry F. Oves, Ellis. W. Ford. \Vater Commissioners-John A. Affleck, pre's; Edmund Mather, George J. Hutton, Geqrge G. Kennedy, sec. Board of Revision of Taxes and Appeals-Martin G. Stoner, pres; William 1\1. Slentz, Charles H. Bernheisel,.. Adam G. Krieg, Charles E. ~Iurray, Cli.arles A. 1\Iiller,.. clerk. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1&1 GO R GAS} FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d SI. ... Sanitary Department-Chas. A. ~Iiller, sec; William D.



Block and David H. Ellinger, sanitary officers. City Clerk-Charles A. Miller. Superintendent Police and Fire Alarm-Clark E. Diehl. Delinquent Tax Collectors-Harvey T. Smith, D. H. Z Heisey, S. W. Fitzgerald, John l\lcDonough, John M. Jacobs, Oliver C. Bender, Oliver F. Ferree. Z Highway Commissioner-Charles B. McConkey. Building Inspector-Thomas F. Ferree. Supervisor-First District. Charles A. Tress. 1&1 Supervisor-Second District, George W. Kautz. Chief of Police-Joseph B. Hutchison. Lieutenant of Police-Edwin C. Humer. Sergeants of Police-J. Edward Warden, Charles J::::c O'Donnell, Joseph P. Thompson. t: Select Council-First Ward, Harry F. Sheesley. ~ Second Ward-Charles H. Bernheisel, pres. Third Ward-Christian Nauss. Fourth \\iard-Theodore G. Calder. Fifth Ward-Harry C. Wells. Sixth Ward-Benjamin F. Umberger. Seventh \Vard-Samuel H. Smith. Eighth Ward-Harry G. Walter. Ninth Ward-Harry F. Bowman .. Tenth Ward-William H. Moody.



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A. B. TACK ~FI:~~o~!lTrN:'tt.!ic~,,~fy~R{ 1216 NorID TDlrd

Harrisburg Fire Department. 29
Clerk of Select Council-J. Herman Knisely. Common Council-First Ward-George W. Fields, Frederick R. Smith. Second Ward-Charles E. Murray, Charles E. Pass, pres. Third Ward-Robert C. Neal, jr., J. Rowe Fletcher. Fourth Ward-Arthur D. Bacon, Augustus H. Kreidler. Fifth Ward-Adam G. Krieg, George A. Gorgas. Sixth Ward-William M. Slentz, Jacob E.Wagncr. Seventh Ward-Oliver P. Keller, Adam D. Houtz. Eighth Ward-Alexander S. Miller, Charles C. Steiner. : . Ninth Ward-Edwin C. Thompson, James McC. Foose. ; Tenth Ward-Oliver F. Ferree, Augustus Wildman. Clerk of Common Council-Charles A. Miller. Harrisburg Park Commission-John Hoffer, pres; ~ Marion Verbeke, sec; John T. Brady, Charles A. Disbrow, Samuel Kunkel, Joseph P. Luce. Board of Public Works-Spencer C. Gilbert, pres; Wil- I :z: liam L. Gorgas, A. Carson Stamm, sec.


Chief Engineer-George W. Lutz. Assistant Engineer, "== John C. Kindler. Superintendent Fire Alarm, Clark E. jC Diehl. ' ~

Harrisburg Volunteer Firemen's Beneficial Association ! !. meets fourth Wednesday of every month at the different en- til gine houses. C. D. Kramer, pres; Marion Verbeke, rec sec. ~ ~ Firemen's Union, composed of three representatives from ' each company and the chief and assistant engineers of the fire department. Col. H. C. Demming, pres; Charles E. :. Ripper, sec. Harrisburg Firemen's Relief Association, represented by three delegates from each company, meets second Wednesday of every month at the different engine houses. George W. Lutz, pres; Marion Verbeke, sec. Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Co., No.1; org-. 1858, 519 N 4th. Harry Q. Black, sec. Friendship Steam Engine Co., No.1, 3d c Cherry av; org. prior to 1801. Charles E. Murray, sec. Hope Steam Engine Co., No.2, 2d bet State and North. Charles E. Blessing, sec. Citizen Steam Engine Co., No.3, 103 N 4th. Harry H. Towsen, sec. Washington Hose and Chemical Co., No.4; org. Feb. 22, 1841; Chestnut nr 2d. Charles E. Ripper, sec. Paxton Steam Fire Engine Co., No.6, 2d bet Washington and Vine; org. Nov. 22, 1859. John A. Snyder, sec. Good Will Steam Engine Co., No.7; org. 1860; 6th c Calder. Charles R. Dunlap, sec.

MILLER BROS." BAKER~ ~15~b=~'t.~~1E -~--'--



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Harrisburg School Department.

_ 1

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Mount Pleasant Fire Co., No.8; org.1877; S 13th c Howard. Cyrus F. Benson, sec. Susquehanna Fire Co., No.9, 1128 S Cameron; re-org. Dec., 1899. . Lewis Tress, sec. Reily Hose and Chemical Co., No. 10; org. July 11th. 1885; 4th c Dauphin avo Harry Stroh, sec. Shamrock Fire Co., No. 11, Herr c 10th. A. A. Krebs, sec.

4 5 6 7



11.1 ..I

12 13 14 c( 15

Third and Market. State and Cowden. Second and North. Thirteenth and Market. Sixteenth and Walnut. Fourteenth and Swatara. Front and Dock. Race and Paxton. Cameron and Paxton. Second and Verbeke.

42 Second and Mulberry. 43 Third and Meadow lao 45 Seventh and Maclay. 51 Cameron and Herr. 52 Sixth and Forster. 53 Ninth and Sycamore. 54 Second and Harris. 61 Second and Cranberryav. 62 Fourth and Hamilton . 6;~ North and Poplar avo




16 Cameron and Mag112 Second and Strawnolia. berrv avo 17 Seventeenth and Market. 121 Third - and Reel's 21 Sixth and Dauphin. lao 23 P. R. Shops. >- 24 Sixth R.and Cumber- 123 Sixth and Mahantonga. z: land. 124 Sixth and Woodbine. A. 25 Hummel and Mul131 Fourth and Walnut. E berry. 134 Tenth and Market. o 26 Third and Muench. 141 Third and Woodbine. u :n Third and Reily. 142 Reily and Wallace. ~ 32 Third and Boas. 212 Third and Verbeke. C 34 Sixteenth and Derry. 21~l Fifth and Peffer. o 35 Seventh and Boas. ~14 Thirteenth and State. u 41 P. & R. Depot. 232 Fourth and State. Q Three times two taps (2-2-2) after an alarm signifies Z that the whole department shall respond immediately. Three taps (1-1-1) after an alarm signifies that the fire is (:&I under control.

C nl GUm" ODd Trust 00. "=~{ s.:=.-=~ ~~=-}~:-= ~.


SOHOOL DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Schools consist of I High, 52 Grammar and 126 Primary Schools, and 1 Teacher Training School.

A B TIC1}BmP""_IIaS~_kmell.heDceODIlC"{ Jr.1.le I" . . tIIri IIIId iDRI'a b. Warlt dooDe mlllly of lid II&.






City Superintendent, L. O. Foose. Secretary of the Board, D. D. Hammelbaugh. Directors, 1st Ward, William K. Hamer, John T. Cope and George G. Young; 2d Ward, Robert E. Burns and Elias E. Fry; 3d Ward, Benjamin D. Boggs, Benjamin W. Campbell and T. Jefferson Scheffer; 4th Ward, Charles B. Fager, 1\l. D.; Geo. E. Etter and Clark E. D~ehl; 5th Ward, George C. Fager, Frank C. Sites and Linwood B. Wanbaugh; 6th Ward, Wm. P. Clark, D. D. S., Wm. Pentz and Andrew S. Patterson; 7th Ward, James H. Worden, Howard C. Bratton and Christian M. Fager; 8th ward, Joseph L. Thomas and A. Wilson Black; 9th Ward, John C. Hanson, John H. Bolton and Edward F. Baum; 10th Ward, Adam Martz and David C. Wasson. SCHOOLS AND SUPERVISORY PRINCIPALS . High School Building, Forster c Capital, Prof. Samuel A. Baer. Lochiel Building, 12th c Magnolia, W. E. Kirk. Harris Building, Front c Paxton, S. P. Stambaugh. Paxtang Building, S. Cameron, Mary E. :\Iickley.. Stevens Building, Chestnut nr 2d, Mary G. Edwards. Fager Building, Walnut c River av, Clara L. Meredith. Willard Building, State c Myrtle av, Lile George. Boas Building, Green c Forster, Calvin F. Martz.

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-=--=:'i.tHanlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn.{~= ~ Verbeke Building, Verbeke c Susquehanna, Emily J. l> Adams. lJ Reily Building, Reily c Susquehanna, Isaac Lloyd. C
Hamilton Building, 6th c Hamilton, Martin H. Thomas. Penn Building, 7th c Cumberland, Amanda L. Crowe. Dewitt Building, Walnut nr 4th, Fannie L. Johnson. Calder Building, Calder c Marion, W. H. Marshall. Downey Building, 11! nr Calder, Percy L. Grubb. Maclay Building, 4th c Peffer, W. A. Hipple. Allison Building, 14th c Shoop, Anna Marshbank. Burns Building, 5th c Korth, Morris H. Layton. Webster Building, 13th c Kittatinny, Findlay I. Thomas. Springdale Building, Walnut c 18th, W. C. Heiges. Vernon Building, Vernon c 15th, Alice Ryan. Curtin Building, 5th c Seneca, Martin S. Taylor. Cameron Building, Green c Muench, John J. Brehm. Forney Building, 18th c Chestnut, George S. Machen. Wickersham Building, Briggs c Cowden, Anna V. Crowl. Teachers' Training School, (Stevens Building), Anne U. PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES.

3:. l>

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Cottage Ridge Kindergarten, Miss Elizabeth B. Coover, M ;i 1926 N 3d. Dauphin Institute, Byron E. Staley, director, 114 ~Iarket !!l


Harrisburg Banks, Trust Companies, &0.


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Harrisburg Academy, 405 N Front, Jacob F. Seiler. Harrisburg Business College, John E. Garner, 322 Market. Hebrew School, H. L. Meyerowitz, teacher, State c 4th. International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, 20:3 \\'alnut, \Vilson R. Houser, supervisor. ~ Kindergarten and School, Miss Evelyn Barrington, 2d c _ State. Kindergarten School, Annie Jenkins, 216 Harris. Kindergarten School, Margaret I. Charles, 1127 N :ld. Kindergarten School, Susan Seiler, 401 N Front. North Harrisburg Kindergarten, 1102 Herr, Eliza McCormick, sec. St. Genevieve's Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, 500 Maclay. Pro-Cathedral School, Liberty c Church av, charge of the Sisters of Mercy. St. Lawrence Parochial School, charge of the Sisters of :z: Christian Charity, 107 Short. School of Corn.merce, J. Calvin Shumberger and George c::a ~ S. McClure, 24-26 S 2d. en BAIrnS AID KUSICAL ORGAIUZATIOIiS. .. Ideal Band meets every Tuesday eve. at 138 Short. H. J. Kurzenknabe, mgr.




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Kurzenknabe's Orchestra meets Monday eve. at 1010 N 3d. F. W. Froehlich, leader; H. J. Kurzenknabe, mgr. Opera House Orchestra. Charles FishIer, conductor. Standard Orchestra meets every Thursday eve. at 138 Short. Edgar M. Peters, leader; E. Hatch Barrington, mgr Commonwealth Band meets at 1 S 4th every Monday and Friday eves. E. E. Eshenour, sec and mgr; C. B. Shope, musical director. Commonwealth Band Orchestra, 1 S 4th. E. E. Eshenour, C. B. Shope, leader. Harrisburg Maennerchor meets 121 Walnut every Sunday. Camp 15, S. V., Drum Corps meets every Wednesday eve. at 1507 N 3d. W. F. Raysor, mgr. Fountain's Orchestra meets everv Wednesdav eve. 593 S Front. \V. H. Fountain, leader. .,



BAli1[S. TRUST conAllIES, &0. Commercial Bank, 1217 N 3d. Capital, authorized, $2~0,000 ~ paid in, $50,000; undivided profits and surplus, $10>,000; me. 1901. D. W. Sohn, cashier. . Dauphin Deposit B.ank, 213 Market. Capital, '300,000 ; mc. 1834. W. K. Alncks, cashier. .

Redmond's Wagon Works {~~} 3d anllRell, Sla. Goog e

Digitized by


Harrisburg Board of Trade.


East End Bank, 13th c Howard. Authorized capital, .$100,000; capital paid in, ,50,000. A. U. Zarker, pres; Alfred K. Thomas, cashier. First National Bank, 222 Market, LaQe S. Hart, pres; James Brady; cashier. Capital, ,100,000; surplus, $385,000; undivided profits, '18,744.42; discount day, WednesHarrisburg National Bank, 16 S 2d. Capital and surplus, ,525,000; inc. 1814. Pres, Edward Bailey; cashier, WilHam L. Gorgas. Mechanics' Bank, Market c 3d. Capital and surplus, ,200,000. Cashier, C. A. Kunkel; assistant cashier, Samuel Kunkel. Merchants' National Bank, 1:!3() N 3d. Capital, $10(),000; surplus and undivided profits, ,76,27(). Hamilton D. Hemler, pres; H. O. Miller, cashier. Harrisburg Trust Co., 16 S 2d. Capital paid in, ,400,000; surplus, '225,000. Edward Bailey, pres; George W. Reily, sec and treas. . Central Guarantee, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., H. D. Hemler, pres; H. O. Miller, sec and treas, 1230 N 3d. Capital, '250,000, authorized; '125,000, paid up. Undivided profits, '80,650.







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Commonwealth Trust Co., 222 Market. Capital, '250,000; surplus, ,415,000; undivided profits, '35,557. Lane S. Hart, pres; W. H. Metzger, sec and treas. Dime Savings Fund, 223 Market. James McCormick, treas. Exchange Bapking Co., 3 N 2d. W. J. Lescllre, mgr.

BOARD OF TRADE. Harrisburg Board of Trade, 112-114-116 Market. Regular meetings of the Board, second Tuesday in every month at 8 p. m. Officers for 1904-Benjamin M. Nead, pres; W. A. Hiester, sec; W. L. Gorgas, treas; vice presidents, Spencer C. Gilbert, B. F. Meyers, E. Z. Wallower, Robert Snodgrass, H. J. Beatty, W. L. Gorgas, Charles S. Boll, J. T. Ensminger, J. C. Harlacker, W. L. Powell, Frank R. Leib, ~laurice C. Eby, Geo. A. Gorgas, E. J. Stackpole. Trustees: ]. C. Harlacker, chairman, 1!)()5; E. Z. Gross, 1905; David E. Tracy, 1905; Spencer C. Gilbert, HlO5; Chas. A. Kunkel, 1905: Charles S. Boll, 1900 :W. L. Powell, 1906; John F. Kerper, IH06: Joseph c. Smith, WIlIj: George A. Gorgas, 1906; E. Z. Wallower, 1907; Herman P. Miller, 1907; John P. Melick, 1907; Robe:t Snodgrass, 1907; S. W. Fleming, 1907. Auditors: H. C. Ross, A. D. Bacon, R. G. Cox. Byron E. Staley, assistant secretary.






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No 1230 ARCH STREET PHil h


Ranisburg Churches.


General Committee-Consisting of the president, secre-tary, treasurer, chairman of the trustees, and the chairmen of all the standing committees. Manufactures Committee-John A. Affleck, chairman;. David Fleming: John W. German, 'William A. Boll, George R. Bentley, Henry B. McCormick, John S. Sible. Real Estate Committee-Anson P. Dare, chairman;. =:i Arch. G. Knisely, John F. Rohrer, Edward Moeslein, W. Co2 Harrv Baker. _Legislative Committee-James A. Stranahan, chairman ;. William Jennings, Abram Fortenbaugh, Samuel J. 1\1. McCarrell, J. W. EIlenberger, M. D. u Transportation Committee-William J. Rose, chairman;. Henry C. Clevenger, William R. Fleming, Benjamin R. -Ii Boggs, John V. W. Reynders. :. ~lunicipal Committee-James H. \Vorden, chairman;. U\ Mahlon Evans, John P. Melick, Henry W. Gough, Herman VI Marks. Statistics Committee-James 1\1. Lamberton, chairman; J. Heron Crosman, jr., Edmund B. Rankin, Geo. F. Ross .. I- Charles A. Miller. Publication Committee-Darwin G. Fenno. chairman; J. Horace McFarland, William P. !\liller, Thomas 1\L C Jones, William H. Bennethum.



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man; o enstoe,William J.W.Calder, Mercer B. Tate, Clayton H. BackDaniel Cox. . o

Arbitration Committee-William :\1. Hargest, chair-

l\lembership Committee-Seymour S. Eberts, chairman;. Augustus H. Kreidler, Frank B. :\Iusser, Rev. Luther Dey oe, Clarence 1\1. Sigler. Reception and Entertainment Committee-\V. Spry Hurlock, chairman; William H. Bushnell, Harvey Y. Buttorff, Louis S. Kite, John Hoffer, jr., Alvin 1. Miller, M. D., George Doehne, Silas S. Pomeroy, Charles A. Disbrow, J. Hall :\fusser, George E. Etter, Galen Hain, Benjamin Strouse, Horace A. Chayne, Hamilton D. Hemler. Publicity Committee-Edward J. Stackpole, chairman; Elias Z. Wallower, Herman P. ~Iiller. Office of Board is open daily at 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Use of rooms for business meetings or entertainments can be arranged for at the building by application to secretary.

CHURCHES. All Saints Mission, under auspices of St. Stephen's Q Episcopal Church, 540 Race. Services every Sunday at 1&1 6.30 p. m. IA. M. E., State c West, Rev. T. A. Smythe, pastor. Asbury M. E. Church, lIt c Herr, Rev. Joseph W. Jack:=> son, pastor.

Harrisburg Churches.

:. r~

Augsburg Lutheran Church, 5th c Muench, Rev. Amos M. Stamets, pastor. Baptist Mission meets every Sunday morning and evening in Mauk's Hall, Rev. Willis W. Clippinger, pastor. Bethany Presbyterian Chapel, Cameron c Cumberland, Rev. Henry Cunningham, pastor. Bethlehem Lutheran, Green c Cumberland, Rev. J. Henry Harms, pastor. Brethren in Christ, Rev. George Detwiler, pastor, 1185 Bailev. 'Caivary Evangelical Lutheran, 332 S 13th, Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor. Calvary Presbyterian Chapel, S Cameron c SycamOl'e, Rev. H. B. King, pastor. . . Capital Street Presbyterian, Capital c Forster, Rev. Eugene Johnson, pastor. Chisuk Emuna, Oewish), Congregation, Filbert c North av, Rev. A. Rochman, rabbi. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Cburch, 13th c Thompson's av, Rev. M. H. Stine, pastor. Christian Missionary Alliance, 6th bel Verbeke, Rev. C. D. Sawtelle, supt. Church of God, N 4th nr Walnut, Rev J. c. Forncrook, pastor.

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Church of God, pastor Church of God, lli ab Cumberland, Rev. Marshall Walker, pastor. City Gospel Mission, 217 Mulberry Covenant Presbyterian, 5th c Peffer, Rev. Curtis O. Bosserman) pastor. Covenant Presbyterian Mission, 6i c Division, John B. Corl, supt. Curtin Heights, (Methodist), 6th c Wharton av, Rev. F. \V. Biddle, pastor. Derry Street United Brethren, Derry c 10th, Rev. J. A. Lyter, pastor. Epworth Methodist, Derry c 21st, Rev. William H. Stevens, pastor Fifth Street Methodist, (Episcopal), 5th c Granite, Rev. Barnett H. Hart, pastor. First Baptist, 2d c Pine, Rev. A. Freeman Anderson, pastor.. Fourth Reformed, Market c 16th, Rev. Milton H. Sangree, pastor. Fourth Street Church of Christ, 4th c Delaware av, Rev. - - - - , pastor. General Council English Lutheran Mission, 3d c Cumberland, services every Sunday at 3.30 p. m.
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Sallngs and Loan Assn.~:= :D North c Lynn, Rev. Orville E. Huston, C

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Jlarrisburg Churches.


German Baptist Brethren, Hummel c Haehnlen av, ;:::: Rev. Abraham B. ~Iartin, pastor. ~ German Evangelical Lutheran Zion's Church, Rev. H. F. ~ F. Lisse, pastor. !:C German Lutheran, (St. Michael), 321 S 2d nr Meadow la, ..... Rev. J. G. Pfuhl, pastor. A.. Gospel Mission Sunday School meets every Sunday afternoon at 1216 N 3d. IE Grace Methodist Episcopal, State bet 2d and 3d, Rev. c:a J. Wesley Hill, pastor; Rev. Frederick ]. Shannon, asst. :z Harris A. 1\1. E. Zion, Marion nr Calder, Rev. Isaac H. ~ Dorsey, pastor. -' Harris Street United Evangelical, Harris c Susquehanna, Rev.]. Willis Hoover, pastor. :;;: Kelker Street Church of God Mission, Kelker Street Marffi ket Hall, Rev. C. H. Forrest, pastor. A.. Kesher Israel, (Jewish), congregation, State c 4th, Rev. ~ J. Margolis, rabbi. :=:. Lochiel Mission, 39 Lochiel4th ;Row. Founded by Jacob LLI Fritz. Services conducted by T. M. HefHefinger and ~ others. ~ Market Square Presbyterian, Rev. J. Ritchie Smith. pastor. La.I Memorial Evangelical Lutheran, 15th c vValnut, Rev. D. Upton Bair, pastor.




Memorial United Brethren, Boas c Myrtle, Rev. Grant D. Batdorf, pastor. xfessiah 0: pastor. Lutheran, 6th c Forster, Rev. - - - - - LLI Messiah Rescue and Benevolent Home, 1185 Bailey, A. B. Martin, pres; A. B. Musser, treas; S. R. Smith, sec. Millenial Dawn Class meets at 401 Herr every Friday evening and every Sunday at 2 and).: p. 111. Nagle Street Church of God, Nagle nr Race, Rev. G. R. Hoverter, pastor. Ohev Sholom, (Lovers of Peace), Con~regation, 2d c South, Samuel Friedman, rabbi. Otterbein Church of the U. B. in Christ, Reily c 4th, Rev. E. S. Bowman, pastor. Olivet Presbyterian, Derry c Kittatinny, Rev. Joseph Stockton Roddy, pastor. Park Street United Evangelical Church Park c 16th Rev. William S. Harris, pastor. ' . ' People's Mission Church, Calder c William, Rev. George H. Schreiner, pastor. Pine Street Presbyterian, 3d c Pine, Rev. George S. Chambers, pastor. Reformed Zwingli, North c Church, Rev. Robert F. Reed, pastor.


ANDREW REDMOID1~G.!:i ~~~{ 3d and ReIJ IlL Google

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I. B. TACK}IILLPIPER e:.::-N::! 1I10ISHIDESh(~~..

Harrisburg Churches.

Ridge Avenue M. E., 6th c Herr, Rev. H. L. Jacobs, I: pastor. l> Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Cameron bel Paxton, Rev. J. C. Thompson, rector. Salem Reformed, Chestnut c 3d, Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, fI) pastor. Second Baptist Church, Cameron ab Market, Rev. D. I: Augustine Reid, pastor. Second Church of God, Green c Calder, Rev. David S. Q Shoop, pastor. Second Reformed, Verbeke c Green, Rev. Harry N. I: I Bassler, pastor. Seventh Day Adventists, 3d c Cumberland, Rev. William Q H. Smith, pastor. JJ St. Francis Roman Catholic, Market nr 15th, Rev. James l> McGrath, rector. St. Genevieve's Roman Catholic, 5th c :Maclay, Rev. C PI Francis J. Welsh, rector. St. John's Reformed, 4th c Maclay, Rev. J. Rauch Stein, pastor. St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal, Front nr Pine, Rev. l> "'I Ernest F. Smith, rector; Rev. H. S. Hastings, asst. St. Lawrence German Catholic, Walnut nr 5th, Rev. Ste- PI phen M. Wiest, rector.

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St. Luke's Methodist, Hi c Cumberland, Rev. S. S. Holland, pastor. . St. Patrick's Cathedral, State c Church, Rev. Francis J. Welsh, rector; Revs. William F. Boyle, William J. O'Callaghan. assts. St. Paul's Baptist, Cameron nr Herr, Rev. Lincoln Summer, pastor. St. Paul's Episcopal, 6th c Forster, Rev. Leroy F. Baker, rector. St. Paul's Methodist, Vine nr Paxton, Rev. Charles T. Dunning, pastor. Tabernacle Baptist, Forster nr 6th, Rev. William J. Lockhart, pastor. Thirteenth M. E., 13th c Vernon, Rev. Samuel D. Wilson, pastor. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1038 59th, Rev. R. L. Meisenhelder, pastor. Unitarian Church, 214i Locust, Rev. Charles P. Wellman, pastor. United Brethren in Christ, 18th c State, Rev. I. Newton Seldomridge, pastor. Wesley Union A. M. E. Z., South c Tanner's av, Martin L. Blalock, pastor. West End Mission, Division c 6t Conducted hy the Presbyterian Association.


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No 1230 ARCH STREET. PHllll , PA



== Drug ud Patlnt Medicine


StDrl~ ~~.u::..

Harrisburg :Medical Societies.

Westminster, (Presbyterian), Reily c Green, Rev. William McNally, pastor. Zion Baptist, Marion bel Calder, Rev. W. Toliver, pastor. .. Zion Lutheran, S 4th nr Market, Rev. D. M. Gilbert. "&1 pastor; Rev. Stewart W. Herman, asst pastor.

1i .,. Iii


State Lunatic Hospital, Maclay nr Cameron; opened 1851. J. Wesley Awl, treas; H. L. Orth, :\1. D., supt. The Harrisburg Hospital, Front c Mulberry; chartered; property owned by the corporation;2 membershipf30 ;supported by voluntary contributions. Henry B. McCormick .. pres; James M. Cameron, vice pres; James M. Lamberton. II sec; William L. Gorgas, treas. i!:i The Shope Hospital, 1700 N 2d; opened May, 1903. E ..!!!!I L. Shope, M. D., physician in charge. Maternity, 226 Liberty; opened 1892. Mrs. A. B. Black. pres; Mrs. T. 1\lcCamant, treas; Mrs. J. Riley, sec. Keeley Institute; opened June, 1892. John M. J. Raunf I) ick, physician in charge; C. W. Rank, mgr, 4th c North.



~ Chestnut Street Market Co., Chestnut c Court, William C J. Lescure, sec and treas. lIIIlIIJIDDIJ ODd llDSl CO. II ==r,{..m:=:::;. ~-=:= III



East Harrisburg Farmers' Market House Co., Market c 14th, Andrew U. Zarker, pres; D. M. Dull, sec. Kelker Street Market, Kelker c 4th, E. W. S. Parthemore. sec. State Street Market House, 4th c State, Augustus H. Frankem, supt. West Harrisburg Market House Co., Verbeke c 3d, John N. Kinnard, supt and treas.

~ Q



Dauphin County Pharmaceutical Association; org. 1883; meets every third Tuesday in each alternate month at Chestnut Street School bldg. Edward Z. Gross, pres; Croll Keller, sec. Harrisburg Academy of Medicine meets last Friday of each month, except July and August, at 319 N 2d. J. Z. Gerhard, M. D., pres; C. H. Saul, M. D., 1st v-pres; T. S. Blair, 1\1. D., vice-pres; C. 1\1. Rickert, M. D., sec; J. F. CuP. M. D .. treas. State Pharmaceutical Examining Board, 1306 N 3d. Louis Emanuel. pres; C. T. George, sec; D. W. Davis, Paul W. Houck, W. L. Cliffe.
------ - - -




Harrisburg Newspapen.
39 The Dauphin County Medical Society; org. 1866; meets ~ at the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine Hall, 319 N 2d, :iii quarterly; professional meetings monthly. David B. ~ Fraver, :\1. D., pres; Paul A. Hartman, M. D., sec. ~
lI(lLITARY. CD c= Co. D., 8th Reg., N. G. P., armory, 2d c Forster; Captain, E; Frank H. :\likle; 1st Lieut., Jerry J. Hartman; 2d Lieut., _ Edward H. Schell. Co. I., 8th Regt., N. G. P., armory, 2d c Forster; Captain, Maurice E. Finney; 1st Lieut., Nicholas Tack; 2d Lieut., Edwin H. Ridgway. Governor's Troop, 3d Brigade, N. G. P., army, Russ bldg, 15 K 2d; Captain, Fred M. Ott; lst Lieut., Charles P. ~ Meck; 2d Lieut., George C. Jack. K




The Patriot, published at 320 Market by The Patriot Co. Daily, published every morning, (Sunday excepted); delivered in the city by carriers at 6 cents a week; by mail, $3.00 a y e a r . . The telegraph is published every evening, (Sunday excepted), by the Harrisburg Publishing Co., 3d c Market.



GM :8:: ~ Harrisburg Sallngs and Loan Assn. {:: ::=

The Daily Telegraph is served to subscribers in the city at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscriptions will be charged $3.00, or 75 cents for three months, postage prepaid. The SemiWeekly Telegraph is published every Tuesday and Friday morning and is furnished subscribers at the following cash rate: Single copies, semi-weekly, ,UIO; 5 copies to one post office. ,4.1111; 10 copies to one post office, 'H.50; 20 copies to one post office, '15.00. Star-Independent. published daily, (except Sunday), 18 S 3d, by Benjamin F. Meyers. Terms, yearly, $a.:!5, or 6 cents per week. Weekly Star-Inde~dent is published every Saturday by Benjamin F. Meyers at 18 S 3d. Single copies, $1.00 per



> o

The Courier, published every Friday by the Courier Pub- :;: lishing Co. at rear :l20 Market. Single copies, '1.00 a c-D year. 0 Pennsylvania Staats-Zeitung and Dauphin County Jour- S: nal, published every Thursday by F. W. Liesmann, 534 c-D Race. Subscription, $1.60 by mail. _ The Pennsylvania Methodist. (weekly), 20 N 2d. Silas c. Swallow, D. D., editor. The Evangelical, published weekly, 201 N 2d. Rev. c-D Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. M. Stanford, A. 1\1., D. D., editor. ...

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H. M. KEllEY & CO.}ODICOS. :.r'.:.r..~~!:}COAL AND WOOD

40 Harriiburg Building, Loan and Savings Institutions.

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t:i Evangelical Bible Quarterly, published quarterly at 201 ~ :!d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke, t; editor. c::a Evangelical Bible Teacher, published Ihonthly at 201 N a:: 2d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke, iii editor. tEvangelical Little Folks, published weekly at 201 N 2d. t-a:::Z: Rev. S. L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke, editor. ~ Evangelical Visitor, published semi-monthly at 1185 Bailey. Rev. G. Detwiler, editor. . 1ft Evangelische Zeitschrift, published weekly, 201 N 2d. Rev. S. L. \Viest, mgr; Bishop R. Dubs, D. D., LL. D., :: editor. ;; Missionary Tidings, published monthly at 201 X 2d. Mrs. :=:. H. H. Smith, pub; Miss Estella Hartzler, editor. 1&1 The Keystone Citizen, published monthly by the Penna. Anti-Saloon League. Single copy, 50 cents per year. The Sun, published every Saturday morning by James H. Musser, 2119 Walnut. Terms, $1.00 per annum. 1&1 Sunday School Evangelical, published weekly at 201 N 2d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. W. H. Fouke, editor. Dauphin County Reporter is published every Saturday by Warren O. Foster. Terms. $5.00 per annum. High School Argus, published monthly at 320 ~Iarket. Emil Stuntz, bus mgr.





Patriotic Gleaner, (monthly), 20 N 2d. A. M. Hamer, editor. West End reporter, published weekly at 1405 to; 3d. C. G. Nissley, editor. Terms, 50 cents per year. Keystone League Journal, published monthly at 201 N 2d. Rev. Samuel L. Wiest, mgr; Rev. \V. H. Fouke, editor.

PASSENGER RAILWAYS Central Penna. Traction Co., 12 S 2d. F. B. ~Iusser, pres; "V. ]. Calder, sec and treas. ~ Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d. B. F. Meyers, !!! pres; W. ]. Calder, sec and treas. ..... Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d. H. A. :z: Kelker, pres; W. L. Gorgas, treas; Alexander Roberts, sec. !=. East Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., office, 12 S ::tI 2d. Edward Bailey, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. fE Harrisburg Traction Co., 12 S 2d. Edward Bailey, pres; W. J. Calder, sec and treas. Middletown, Highspire & Steelton Street Railway Co., 12 S 2d. W.]. Calder, sec and treas.

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BUILDING. LOAN AND 8AVINGS INSTITUTIONS. American Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday ~ c.:a eve., 314 Broad. Gottlieb Dapp, sec.

A.. B. TACK}Wall PUlr ud Wlod.. Sbad'I{~~~

Ha.rriaburg Societies.

Baker Building and Loan Asso. meets every Thursday eve., 429 State. Robert Washington, sec. Capital City Building and Savings Asso. meets every Wednesday eve., 313 Verbeke. C. Schell, sec. City Building and Loan Asso. meets every third Friday eve. of each month at Board of Trade bldg, 116 Market. A. F. Schafhirt, sec. Commonwealth Building and Loan Asso. meets every Monday eve., 12 N 3d. J. T. W. McLaughlin, sec. East Harrisburg Building and Loan Asso. meets every Friday eve., Zarker's Hall. S. P. Stambaugh, sec. Franklin Building and Loan Asso. meets every fourth Thursday of each month, 209 Walnut. J. H. ~lusser, sec; S. W. Fleming, treas. Friendship Building and Loan Asso. meets every Thursday eve., 421 Walnut. Charles A Klemm, sec. Harris Building and Loan Asso. meets every third Monday eve. of each month at Sible & Oark's Hall, 1200 N 3d. Sharon Stephens, see. Keystone Loan Asso., No.3, meets every Thursday eve. at 937 ~ 3d. Ferdinand Engel, sec. Home German Bau und Spar-V erein meets every Tuesdav eve. at 401 ~Iarket. Charles A. Klemm, sec. )'Ierchants' and Mechanics' Savings and Loan Asso. S. S. Page, sec, 103-105 N 2d.








Mount Pleasant Building and Loan Asso. meets every Tuesday eve., Derry c 14th. C. E. Aughinbaugh, sec. Mutual Saving and Loan Asso. meets every Wednesday eve., 937 N 3d. Ferdinand Engel, sec. Pennsylvania Building and Loan Asso. meets every fourth Monday of each month at 111 Market. F. I. Thomas, sec. Provident Building and Loan Asso. meets every Wednesday eve., 1113]1; 3d. E. W. S. Parthemore, sec. State Capital Savings and Loan Asso., 2 S 2d. John P. Melick, sec. Twentieth Century Savings and Loan Association meets last Monday evening each month at 1011 N 3d. G. A. Sei~rt,~ ~ William Penn Building and Savings Asso., No.2, meets ~ every Wednesday eve., 559 Race. F. W. Liesmann, sec. 6

MILLER BROS. & BAKERi"l5~b~2.-:'~~1E :a :E

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MASONIC. Harrisburg Sovereign Consistory, A. A. S. R., meets at .... Scottish Rite Cathedral, :124 North, second Friday of each g .. month. Jacob P. Barringer, sec. ~' Harrisburg Council, No.7, Royal and Select Masters, meets every third Monday eve. in each month in Masonic .... Hall. W. H. Smith, ree.








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Harrisburg Societies.

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Pilgrim Commandery, No. 11, (Knights Templar), meets Masonic Hall fourth Thursday of each month. A. W. Bergstresser, rec. Perseverance Chapter, No. 21, R. A. M., meets Masonic Hall first Monday eve. of each month. William H. Smith, sec. Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, F. and A. M., meets Masonic Hall second Monday eve. of each month. William H. Smith, sec. Lily of the Valley Lodge, No. 34, Lady Masons, meets every Wednesday eve. at Kinnard's Hall. Victoria McClure, sec. Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464, F. and A. M., meets Masonic Hall third Thursday of each month. Charles C. Schriver, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 629, F. and A. M., meets at Masonic Hall. 222 Market. first Thursday of each month. Benjamin W. Demming, sec. Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 43. F. and A. M., (colored), meets at 432 South every second and fourth Thursday of each month. James M. Auter, sec. Consistory of the Scottish Rite, No.8, (colored), meets at 432 South everv first Tuesday eve. of each month. Cassius M. Brown, ~ec. j . . . . ., ....... fir

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o 432 South fourth 'Wednesday of each month. Popel, rec.


St. James Commandery, Ko. 18, K. T., (colored), meets Joseph G.

Harris Chapter, No. 26, R A. M., (colored), meets 432 South fourth Wednesday of each month. John P. Scott, sec. Eastern Star Chapter, No.3, (colored), meets second and fourth Wednesdavs of each month at 4:{2 South. Margaret Darrow, \V."l\1.. Clara \VilIiams. sec. B'NAI B'RITH. Salem Lodge, No. 26, 1. O. B. B., (Israelites), meets 2d c South every other Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Solomon Kuhn, sec. G. A. R.

Post No. 58, G. A. R, meets College Block every Friday eve. Elias S. Gingrich, P. C. ~ Seneca G. Simmons Post, No. 116, G. A. R, meets Kin_ nard's Hall every Thursday eve. James;\1. Gihbs, P. C. David R Stevens Post, No. 520, G. A. R, meets at 120 Cowden every \V cdnesday eve. James ~I. Auter, P. C. Union Veterans' Union, Command Ko. 12, meets last Thursday eve. of every month, Union Hall, ~Iargaret c Basin avo C. \V. Scout, adjutant.

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES Fll~'l.::~EDBA~L SCORES

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...... allpeelalQ o f - {UISK.UM. PabUe BaDdIap 1D PlaID 'DDt. EaU_ a43

Harrisburg Societies.

Gen. John F. Hartranft Camp, No. 15, S. of V., meets third Tuesday eve. of every month, College Block. ]. W. Stewart, commander. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R., No. 17, meets every Tuesday ~ve., Kinnard's Hall. Mrs. Victoria McOure, sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R., No. 20, meets every Saturday eve., College Block. Clara E. N uII. sec. Ladies' Circle, G. A. R., No. 35, meets first and third Monday eves. of each month at 412 Cranberry avo Annie E. Amos, pres; Mrs. Hattie Briscoe, sec. GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Brotherly Love Lodge, No. 896, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South every Monday eve. Henry Herbert, sec. Past Grand Masters' Council, No.7, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South first Wednesday eve. of each month. Henry Herbert, s e c . ' Harrisburg Patriarchie, No.5. G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South every third Wednesday eve. of each month. Henrv Herbert, W. R. Armstead Roman Lodge, No. 3468, G. U. O. O. F., meets at 432 South every Friday eve. James Anderson, sec. Miriam Household of Ruth, No.1, meets first and third Thursday eves. at 4H2 South. l\lrs. Annie Davis, sec.





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IMPROVED ORDER OF HEPTASOPHS. Harrisburg Conclave, No. 42, meets every first and third Thursday eves. of each month, Sible's Hall. J. T. W. McLaughlin. sec. Dauphin Con dave, No. 96, meets every first and third Monday eves. of each month, Odd Fellows' Hall, 321 Market. W. W. Britsch, sec. Paxtang Conclave. No. 131, meets every second and -fourth Tuesday eves. of each month, Sible's Hall. Thomas D. MacAvov, sec. East Harrisburg Conclave, No. 150. meets every first and third Tuesday eves. of each month, Zarker's Hall. S. P. Stambaugh, sec. KNIGHTS OF GOLDEN EAGLE. Harmony Commandery, No. 39, K. G. E., meets every alternate Sunday eve. of eaC'h month, Sible & Oark's Hall. Albert McGann, sec. Capital City Castle, No. 40, K. G. E., meets every Thurs-day eve., 7.30 o'clock, in G. A. R. Hall, College Block. M. -of R., George H. Sechrist. Harmony Castle. No. 53, K. G. E., meets every Tuesday eve., Sible & Clark's Hall. M. of R., H. E. Stoner. Dauphin Castle, No. 250, K. G. E., meets every Monday -eve., Vnion Square Hall. M. of R., E. C. Duncan.

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Harrisburg Societies.

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Golden Star Veteran Castle, Xo. 190, K. G. E., meets every Friday eve. at Union Hall. ~I. of R., C W. Scout. Herculean Castle, No. 480, K. G. E., meets every Monday eve. at 1800 Fulton. M. of R., Frank C. Hoffman. Union Temple, No. 40, Ladies ofthe Golden Eagle, meets. evcry Friday eve. at Fackler's Hall. :\[innie F. Roller, guardian of records. Capital City Temple, No. 50, Ladies of the Golden Eagle,. meets every Saturdav eve. at Sible & Clark's Hall. Mrs. 1. B. Solomon, guardian of records. KNIGHTS OF 1\IACC\BEES. Tent 2fil meets second and fourth ::\londays of each month at Dauphin Hall, 15 S 2d. Lewis \\T. Turner, R. K. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Cincinnatus Commandery, Xo. 96, meets every :\londay eve. at K. of P. Hall, ~14! Locust. Robert Buck. recorder. Star of America Commandery, No. 113, meets every Tuesday eve. at G. A. R. Hall, 26 N 3d. George H. Sponsler, recorder. Egyptian Commandery, No. 114, meets every Friday eve . Sible & Clark's Hall. C E. Hambright, recorder . Nazareth Commandery, No. 125, meets every Friday eve.,. Lnion Square Hall. G. \V. Daugherty, recorder.

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St. John's Castle, No. 17, A. O. K. of 1\1. C, meets every Tuesday eve. at 821 Market. F. 1. Thomas, R. S. Harrisburg Castle, 1\0. 70, A. O. K. of 1\1. C. meets every ~Ionday eve. at 13th c Derry. J. G. Parthemore,. Z R. S. Capital City Castle, No. ~13, A. O. K. of ~1. C, meets every Thursday eve. at Mauk's Hall. Isaac Holmes, R. S. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Phoenix Lodge, No. 59, K. of P., meets every Tue:day 1&.1 eve. at K. of P. Hall, 214i Locust, Leonard E. Caum, K. of R. and S. Bayard Lodge, No. 150, K. of P., meets College Block every Wednesday eve. James L. Baker, K. of R. and S. :z: Endowment Rank, K. of P., Section 28t1, H. \V. Solo.... man, sec. E John Harris Lodge, No. 193, K. of P., meets every Wed~ nesday eve, at Union Square Hall, Howard c Forrest av .. ~ Jonas M. Rudy, K. of R. and S. :c ODD FELLOWS. City Lodge, No. :lOt, 1. O. O. F., meets 321 1\larket =' c:t every Saturday eve. J. 1\1. Reighter, sec. C Q Dauphin Encampment, No. 10, 1. O. O. F., meets 321 CD Market, first and third Friday eves. of each month. George W. Jackson, scribe.

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Harrisburg Societies. 45 Dauphin Lodge, No. 160, I. O. O. F., meets ::J21 Market every Thursday eve. George F. Schenoweth, sec. Fountain Lodge, No. 1120, 1. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday eve. at Mauk's Hall. George J. Buser, sec. Harrisburg Encampment, No. 301, I. O. O. F., meets first and third Thursday eves. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. J. K. Swindells, scribe. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 68, I. O. O. F., meets 321 Market every Monday eve. George V. Corl, sec. Miriam Rebekah Lodge, No. 12, D. of R, meets 321 Market the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs. ~ Elizabeth Cunkle, sec. ;; Olive Encampment, No. 56, I. O. O. F., meets Odd Fellows' Hall, 304 K 2d, first and third \Y ednesda), eves. of each month. C. E. Hambright, scribe. Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 69, meets every Monday night, Sible & Clark's Hall. Charles Hennig, jr., sec. State Capital Lodge, No. 70, I. O. O. F., meets Odd Fellows' Hall, 304 ~ 2d, every Tuesday eve. C. E. Hambright, sec. CD Susannah Rebekah Lodge, No. 247, meets the second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, Sible & Clark's Hall. G. A. Hollinger, sec.

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Past Grands' Asso., I. O. O. F., Southern District, Dauphin Co., Pa., meets in the different lodge rooms. John McDonough, sec. RED MEN. AUequippa Tribe, No. 57, 1. O. R :\1., meets ever)' Tuesday eve. at Dunkle & Ewing's HalL C. of R., George B. Sprottt. Cornplanter Tribe, No. 61, I. 0, R ~I., meets every Thursday eve., Union Square Hall. C. of R., C. \\-, Pressler, Ee-shah-ko-nee Tribe, No. 22, I. 0, R M., meets every Monday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeke. C. of R, H. F. Holman. Octarora Haymakers' Asso., No. 911, I. O. R M., meets every Tuesday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeke. C. of R, Charles C. Keely. Octarora Tribe, No. 91, I. O. R M., meets Red Men's Hall, 305 Verbeke, every Tuesday eve. C. of R, Charles F. Nolde. Pokoson Council, No. f;6, D. of P., meets at 304 N ~d. every Thursday eve. Lillian Harris, K. of R Pokoson Tribe, No. 3:U, I. O. R M., meets at Wyeth's Hall, every Saturday eve. C. of R, R S. Chellew. . Pokoson Haymakers' Association, No. a:nt, I. O. R. M., meets fourth Saturday of each month at \Vyeth's Hall. e. of S., T. H. Longenecker.










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Wauwasuem Tribe, No. 382, 1. O. R. M., meets every Wednesday eve. at Sible & Clark's Hall. C. of R., John L. ;j Rodgers. Wauwasuem Haymakers' Association, No. 382t, I. o. Q R. M., meets third Friday of each month at Mauk's Hall. 1! C. of S., J. E. Herbert. O~tarora Council, No. 50, D. of P., meets every Saturday eve. at Red Men's Hall;305 Verbeke. K. of R., Mrs. Vicu toria McClure. \Varrior Eagle Council, No. 63, meets every Friday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 1300 Fulton. K. of R., Mrs. Emma Gallagher. ROYAL ARCANUM.



Warrior ~agle Tribe, No. 340, I. O. R. M., meets every Wednesday eve. at Red Men's Hall, 1300 Fulton. C. of R., D. 'H. Ellinger. Warrior Eagle Haymakers' Asso., No. 3401, meets every Wednesday eve., Broad c Fulton. t. of S., H. S. Sander-

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Dauphin Council, No. 1101, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, Sible's Hall. George W. Cunkle, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 499, R. A, meets on the second and fourth Friday eves. of each month, at K. of P. Hall, 214i Locust. John M. Boyer, sec.

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Washington Camp, No.8, P. O. S. of A, meets Sible & Clark's Hall every Thursday eve. Edward H. Weigel, sec. Washington Camp, No. >- Block every Monday eve. 16, P. O. S. of A, meets College Aquilla B. Shearer, R. S. Z Washington Camp, ~o. 1:!(), P. O. S. of A., meets 1:n2 ~ A. Derry, every \Vednesday eve. R. V. Eckert, sec. Washington 500. P. O. S. meets IE ~Jal1k's Hall. 6thCamp, No.every Friday eve. ofJ. A., Shaff-. c Kelker, IVr. 0 U ner, sec. TEMPERANCE. ...:I ~ W. C. T. Prohibition Union meets every other Thursday 0 u afternoon at the homes of members. Mrs. W. B. Sloan, rec sec. Q Women's Christian Temperance Union and z: fourth Tuesdav of each month at homes ofmeets secondMrs. members. ~ S. O. Goho, sec. (;I;J C. T. and fourth Monday u of Y. W.month Union meets thirdthe members. Miss eves. each at the homes of Effie K. Guss, pres; Miss Clara S. Straw. sec. Q The Pennsylvania Anti-Saloon League, Rev. S. E. Nich(;I;J olson, supt, 213 Locust. ~ Frances C. Willard L. T. L. meets z: homes of members. Clarence Fry, sec.every Fridav eve. at .

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Harrisburg Societies.


Good Samaritan Council, No .. 1, I. O. of Daughters of Temperance (colored), meets every Tuesday eve. at 4a2 South. Mrs. Martha F. Saunders, scribe. Howard Bishop Lodge, No.7, I. O. of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, meets every Tuesday eve. 109 Cowden. Mrs. Hannah Jones, rec sec. Bethlehem Lodge, No.4, Juvenile Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria, mt!ets every Saturday eve. at 109 Cowden. Mrs. Frances Sturgis, P. G. E. M. Preston Loyal Temperance Legion meets every Wednesday, 4.30 p. m., at Hoffman';; Hall. ~lrs. Mary A. Hamilton, supt. Grand Council, I. O. of Daughters of Temperance, meets every second Saturday of each month at 4:32 South. Anna E. Amos, grand scribe. UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS. America Council, No.3, O. U. A. M., meets every Friday eve., 303 Broad. J. D. Saltsman, sec. Pride of the City Council, No.6, O. U. A. M., meets every Friday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall, 321 :\1arket. Geo. W. Straw; sec. Enola Council, No. 39, Daughters of America, meets every Saturday evening at IVlauk's Hall. Ellen Milligan, sec.


Savings and Loan Assn. {a::=

Fulton Council, No. 35, O. U. A. M., meets at Kinnard's Hall every Monday eve. H. H. Heicher, sec. Allison Hill Council, No. 82, O. U. A. M., meets every Thursday eve. at Heffelfinger's Hall. Amos C. Mumma, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 106, O. U. A. M., meets at Sible & Clark's Hall every Tuesday eve. A. G. Lehman, sec. Susquehanna Loyal League of the Junior O. U. A. M., meets monthly at the different Councils. Albert M. Hamer, sec. John Harris Council, No. 174, Junior O. U. A. M., meets 15 S 2d every Tuesday eve. Albert M. Hamer, sec. Capital City Council, No. :l27, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Wednesday eve., 321 Market. Charles H. Rich, sec. Harrisburg Council, No. 328, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Wednesday eve., Sible & Clark's Hall. C. H. Hambright, sec. Mt. Vernon Council, No. 333, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Tuesday eve., Union Square Hall, Howard c Forrest avo George W. Straw, sec. Camp Curtin Council, No. 629, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Monday eve. at Mauk's Hall. \V. D. Hoffman, sec. Robert Tippett Council, No. 736, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Monday eve. at 215 Market. J. P. Zellers, sec.

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Harrisburg Labor Organizations.

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Melrose Council, No. 928, Junior O. U. A. M., meets every Friday eve. at Dunkle & Ewing's Hall. G. B. Sprout, sec. Lady Alpha Council, No. 15, Daughters of America, meets every Friday eve. at Dauphin bldg, 15 S 2d. Albert M. Hamer, sec. ~ Perseverance Council, No. 72, Daughters of Liberty, :I meets every Thursday eve. at Mauk's Hall. Miss Huma C) Bird, sec. Lady Harris Council, No. 100, Daughters of Liberty, ~ meets every Tuesday eve. in Odd Fellows' Hall, 321 Mart::i keto Harry \V. Newman, sec. &&.I Silver Star Council, No. 130, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Thursday eve. in Kinnard's Hall. J. W. Magaha, sec. .". Mt. Vernon Council, No. 150, Daughters of Liberty, meets every Tuesday eve., Derry c 13th. John Shuster, sec.



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Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, No. 127, meets second and fourth Tuesday eves. of each month in Schutzen!! bach's Hall. A. D. Flickinger, sec. &&.I Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, No. 574, meets sec:c to- ond and fourth -Sunday of each month at 321 Market. W. B. Bennett, sec. ~ Carpenters' and Joiners', No. 287, meets every Friday 1&.1 eve. in Sible & Clark's Hall. 1. R. Smith, sec. Cigarmakers' Union, No. 244, meets every Frday eve. in Sible & Clark's Hall. Abraham Cook, sec. DcLoss Everett Division, No. 459, B. of L. E., meets every second and fourth Sunday 1 p. 111 at Mauk's Hall. William J. Kinsey, sec. Dorcas Lodge, Ladies' Auxiliary to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, meets first and third Thursday of each month in Mauk's Hall. Mrs. J. L. Yeater, sec. Ha~risburg L~dge, No. 74, B. of L. E., meets first Sunday mornmg and third Monday of each month at Kinnard's 1&.1 Hall. M. G. Stoner, sec. Harrisburg Lodge, No. 174, B. of L. F., meets every sec ond and fourth Sunday of each month at Mauk's Hall. John L. Redman, sec.

Brotherhood of Railway Trackmen of America, No, 108, z c meets every Friday eve. at 1903 N 7th. John Snyder, sec. a:

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Bricklayers' and Masons' International Union, No. 26, meets first and third Monday of each month in Hibernian . en Hall. J. Shannon Pike, sec. Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, No. 25, meets first and third Tuesday of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. A. S. Fox, sec .

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Harrisburg Jli.scellaneoua Societies.
49 Harrisburg Lodge, No. 383, B. of R. R. T., meets every first and third Sunday at Mauk's Hall. Henry G. Peters, sec. Harrisburg Typographical Union, 1\0. 14, meets first Friday of each month at 3! S 3d. c. E. Ripper, sec. Hod Carriers' Union, No.2, meets every Friday eve. at South c Cowden. Samuel Tillison, sec. International Asso. of Machinists, No. 16, meets second Thursday and last Sunday of each month in Hibernian Hall. George H. Black, sec. Iron Molders' Union, No. 312, meets in Hibernian Hall, 13 N 3d. W. C. Fishel, sec. Keystone Division, No. 47, Ladies' Auxiliary to Order Railway Condmtors, meets first and third Wednesday of each month in Mauk's Hall. Mrs. M. H. Adams, sec. Keystone Lodge, No. 42, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, meets second and fourth Sunday of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. J. Weaver, sec. Ladies' Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen meets second and fourth Thursday of each month in l\lauk's Hall. Katie Hertzler, sec. Ladies' Society to Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, meets second and fourth Wednesday of each month in Mauk's Hall. May Bless, sec.

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Order of Railway Clerks, No. 38, meets second and fourth Friday of each month in Mauk's Hall. R. c., C. J. Zimmerman. Order Railway Conductors, No. 143, meets first and third Sunday of each month in Schutzenbach's Hall. George 1. \V ood, sec. Order Railway Telegraphers, No.3, meets first Thursday morning of each month in Mauk's Hall, and the third Thursday of each month at some point on the Middle Division. Berton H. Saltsman, sec. Paperhangers and Painters of America, No. 411, meets every Wednesday eve. in Sible & Oark's Hall. C. L. Wallower, sec. Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 257, Ladies' Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, meets first and third Tuesday of each month at Mauk's Hall. Sue Kulp, sec. Plasterers' Union meets first and third Thursday eves. of each month at 13 N 3d. Jacob Matter, sec. Printing Pressman's Union, No. 123, meets last Saturday eve. of each month in 3i S. 3d. Elmer McCormick, sec. JlISCELLAliEOUS SOCIETIES. Ancient Order of'Hibernians, Division No.2, meets 13 N 3d the third Sunday of each month. Dennis F. ;\lcCarthy, sec.


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Harrisburg Jliscellaneous Societies.

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Arbeiter Kranken Unterstuetzungs Verein meets first SatJoseph Steckley~ sec. Ben Franklin Asso. meets every \Vednesday eve. at 1 S 3d. W. S. Black, sec. Capital City Beneficial Society meets third Monday eve. of every month in Y. M. C. A. parlors . Capital City Gun Club meets first and third Tuesday eve. of each month at Mauk's Hall. Harry Ream, sec. Central Lodge, No. 19, A. O. U. W., meets 321 Market every Saturday eve. Paul H. Chadwick, financier; George W. l\fcIlhenny, recorder. Central Pennsylvania Asso. of Life Insurance Underwriters meet last Friday of each month. W. K. Schick sec. Central Pennsylvania Conference Historical Society meets 20 N 2d. Rev. B. F. Stevens, pres. Century Club meets first Tuesday eve. of each month at 204-206 Market. John H. Kelly, sec. Chesapeake Beneficial Society meets first Saturday of each month at Foerster's Hall. George E. Kraber, rec sec. Children's Industrial Home, 19th c Swatara. Mrs. Chas. B. Fager, pres; Miss Agnes Felix, treas. Christopher Columbus Club meets 408 Market. Patrick Russ, pres; Charles Dinelli, sec.
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Court Royal, o J. A. Dyblie, sec.No.5, Order ofatthe Golden Sceptre, meets Ensminger's Hall. 11rs. every Monday of each month Dauphin County Bar Association meets at Court House second Friday of January, ?llarch, June and October; annual meeting first Friday of February. Hon. M. \V. Jacobs. pres; Eugene Snyder, treas; \V. :\1. Hargest, sec. Dorcas Lodge, No. 40, meets every second and fourth Thursday, 2 p. m., at Schutzenbach's Hall. Madge Hoffstot, sec. Engineers' Club of Central Penna. meets second Tuesday Tuesday of each month at :!d c Walnut. \Villiam G. Miller, sec. Eureka Foresters meet every Thursday at 214! Locust. John A. Brown, sec. . Fraternal Mystic Circle, instituted Feb. 2, 1~94, meets at the call of worthy ruler. W. R, George A. L. Row; recorder, A. C. Foltz. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Harrisburg Aerie, No. 122, meets first and third Sunday of each month, at 2 p. m., at 6th and Cumberland. A. R "Cpdegrove sec. Harris Lodge, No. 983, Knights and'Ladies of Honor, meets second and fourth Thursday eves. of each month, 148 S 3d. G. M. Harvey, sec.

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Harrisburg JliacellaneouB Societies. 51 Harrisburg Assembly, No. 25, Artisan Order of Mutual Protection, meets every first and third Friday of each month at 214 Locust. John G. Parthemore, recorder. Harrisburg Athletic Club meets second l\Ionday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. D. M. Gilbert, jr., sec. Harrisburg Benevolent Asso. meets at 205 South at cal! of president. C. A. Kunkel, pres; W. K. Alricks. treas; D. McCormick, sec. Harrisburg Branch, No. 500, National Asso. of Letter Carriers, meets Post Office bldg the first Tuesday of each month. T. F. Mumma, pres; Thomas J. Carpenter, sec; Harry C. Young, treas; A. Hummel Buehler, sergt-at.;atms. Harrisburg Camp, No. 5250, Modern Woodmen of America, meets every Thursday eve., K. of P. Hall, 2141 Locust. Edward A. Miller, clerk. Harrisburg Camp, No. 14, Spanish-American War Veterans, meets at G. A. R., 26 N 3d, first Friday of each month. Commander, Henry M. Stine; Adjutant, William P. Messenger. Harrisburg Chamber, No.8, O. C. F., meets every Thursday eve. at Ensminger's Hall. ~Irs. ),Iary Phelps, sec. Harrisburg Club, Front c Market. George W. Reily, pres.


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Harrisburg Coal Exchange meets third Tuesday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. Sharon Stephens, sec. Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works Beneficial S0ciety meets at the office of the company the second Monday of each month. E. C. Duncan, sec. Harrisburg Mask and Wig Club meets Tuesday of every week at 8 S 2d. W. T. Fitzgerald, bus mgr. Harrisburg Ministers' Asso. meets second and fourth Mondays of each month, Y. 11. C. A. parlors. Rev. Henry Cunningham, sec. Harrisburg Republican Club meets every Monday at 2 S 2d. Ashton D. Peace, sec. Harrisburg Underwriters' Asso. meets second Tuesday of each month at Board of Trade bldg. W. C. Armor, sec and treas. Harrisburg Wheel Club meets first Monday eve. of each month,3:1:1 Market. F. C. Carroll, sec. Harrisburg Workingmen's Beneficial Society meets first Saturday eve. of each month at 207 Chestnut. Joseph Steckley, recorder. Helping Hand Institution, for men only, open every day, .205 South. James K. P. Dumars, supt. Historical Society of Dauphin County, chartered, sup. ported by elective membership at $3.00 a year. Office and library, Court House. Dr. J. P. Keller, pres; W. C. Armor, sec. Donald C. Haldeman, librarian.
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52 Harrisburg Kiacellaneous Societies.
Home for the Friendless, 5th c Muench, meets at the Home last Thursdav in each month. Mrs. Elizabc~'lh C. Demming, sec; Mrs. Margaret B. Kunkel, pres; H. Reed, treas. John Harris Circle, No. 24, Brotherhood Union, meets every Saturday eve. at 1300 Fulton. John R. Smith, H.S.K. John Harris Memorial Committee meets at call of chairman at Board of Trade bldg at 8.:10 p. m. H. J. Beatty, pres; \Velling-ton G. Jones, sec. Keystone Camp, 1\0. 60, \Voodmen of the \Vorld, meets every Saturday eve. at 15 S 2d. Henry E. Klugh, clerk . Knights of Fidelity, No.4, meets first and third Sunday of each month at 306 Market. Jesse Hedrick, rec. Ladies' Home Communion, No. 40, meets every \Vednesday eve. in l\lauk's Hall. Mrs. Kate Kunkle, sec. Lalance & Grosjean Employees' Beneficial Society meets fourth Saturday of each month at 321 l\larket. W. H. Shetron, sec. Lotus Club meets every Tuesday eve., 121 Cowden. James Hunter, sec. Mt. Vernon Circle, 1\0. 67, Brotherhood of the Union, meets every Monday eve. at Fackler's Hall. \V. S. Reed, ~e_c.__________________________________________




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Muzzle Club meets once a month at the different newspaper offices. George D. Herbert, pres; Charles \V. Erb, sec and treas. Namon Tabernacle, No. 79, G. U. O. of Galilee Fisherman, meets Monday eve. at 120 Cowden. Mrs. Harriet E. Troy, sec. Natural Science Asso. of Harrisburg meets first Thursday of each month at 17 N 3d. B. W. Demming, sec. Patriarch Grange, No. 42, P. of H., meets Penbrook first Monday of each month. Mrs. E. O. Hassler, sec. Patriotic Americans, No. 37, meets every Friday eve. at Ensminger's Hall. Mrs. Sarah Sollenberger, sec. Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Christian Asso. meets first Tuesday of each month, Reily c \Vallace. Frank H. Gregory, genl sec. Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society, 4 N 3d. Hiram Young, York, Pa., pres; J. P. Nissley, HummelstO\yn, Pa., sec. Pilgrim Encampment, No. 83, Knights of St. John and Malta, meets every \Vednesday eve. at l\'lauk's Hall. John W. Fusselman, sec. Retail Grocers' Asso. meets first Monday of each month at 8 p. 111., at 13 S 2d. W. N. Kilgore, sec. Simon Cameron Circle, No. 70, Brotherhood of the Lnion, meets every Thursday eve. at 321 1farket. W.!\ . Shetter, sec.

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Harrisburg Miscellaneous Societies.


:t Sisters of Christian Charity, 107 Short. . Social Club, 3U2 Market. Thomas M. Jones, sec. Star of Dauphin Lodge, No. 21, Shepherds of Bethlehem, t meets 'Wednesday eve. of each month at Kinnard's Hall. t Mrs. Jane A. Dyblie, scribe. Star of" Harrisburg Lodge, No. 30, Shepherds of Bethle- (J) hem, meets every Thursday eve., Verbeke c Fulton. Wm. Sellers, scribe. State Capital Lodge, Knights of Honor, No. 2030, meets first and third Thursdays in each month, 1400 N 3d. Harry H. Freeburn, sec. State Pharmaceutical Asso. meets eyery June different parts of the State. Dr. Jacob A. Miller, sec. Susquehanna Beneficial Club, 1146 S Cameron. Thomas J. Gosney, sec.




Susquehanna Lodge, No. 48, Shepherds of Bethlehem, meets every Wednesday eve. at 321 Market. :Miss M. E. Young, sec. Woman's Aid Society of the Harrisburg Hospital meets first Thursday afternoon of each month at the Hospital. Mrs. W. P. Denehey, pres; Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, sec; ~Irs. Charles L. Bailey, treas; l\lrs. l\leade D. Detweiler, asst treas. Young Men's Christian Asso.; Free Reading Room, 2d c Locust. Hon. Charles A. Kunkel, pres; Homer Black, ;:. genl sec; H. B. l\IcCormick, treas; Franl<iin J. Roth, librarian. Young Women's Christian Asso., ] HI:! N ad. Alma L. ~ Pittman, sec; l\lary L. Freeman, as<;t sec.

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HOKE OFFICE: Wanner Bldg.
Reed Street, Corner Court,

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GUY M. BOYD, Mgr .

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Furnish Directories
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'fhe clrcn1atlon Is le.rger the.n the.t of any other de.lly In Centre.l Pennsylvania e.lld equal to the COD! blned circulation of all other Harrisburg dailies. SU('CC8S In husiness is the result of newspaper ad vertl<lnf,(. The STAR' INDEPENDENT has aD aotnal a"erage circulation of over 10,'00 de.fJy.



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The caslest \Va) to Rent a House, Rooms, or Farm, Is to advertise In the STARlNJlJ~PE~nENT Want Columns. Good tcne.Dts are looking every day to lIee your &d.

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


BOYD'S Harrisburg Directory

ABBUVJU'IONB U8BI) IN TaIS DIRBCTORY.-Ab., Bbove; BI., aile,.; BV., BVenue; bel., below; bet., between; bId,., bulldl~; bookkpr., bookkeeper; elk., clerk; c., corner; do.. ditto; E., eut; ft., foot; h., home; IUL. WUrBuce; lB., Jane; mfr DlBDufBCIurer; mgr., mBuacer; mkr mBker; Uf near; N., north; Pa., PenDBJlvula; rd., rOllll; R. R., railroad; IQ., lQuue; 8., lOuth; W., w.t; wid., widow.

Aaronson Benjamin, h 1121 N 2d Abbott Francis E., keeper, h 118 Locust Abbott Mary S. Mrs., dressmkr, h 1834 N 6th Abbott Sarah c., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 303 Calder Abbott William S. c., engineer, h 303 Calder Abel F. Hampton, U. S. N., h 1113 N 2d


SaYings and Loan Assn.{::=..r:

< ,. :u

,. :u


Abel Lewis, confectioner, h 1113 N 2d Abel Lewis M., linotype operator Telegraph, h 1113 N 2d Abel Warren L., brakeman, h 1113 N 2d Abel, see also Ebel Abell Harriet N., wid William W., h 2016 Briggs Abraham Edward, h 1407 S 12th Abraham Griffith, laborer, h 1407 S 12th Abramson Abram, (Abramson & Cohen), h 1109 N 7th Abramson & Cohen, (A. Abramson and M. Cohen), rags, 628 Briggs ACME GROCERY CO., (F. C. BENITZ), 438-440 Walnut Acri Albert, elk, 42 N 3d, h 208 Hamilton Acri Marino, (Acri & Magaro), shoemkr, 923 N 3d, h 208 Hamilton Acri Vincent, pipecutter, h 210 S 2d Acri & Magaro, (Marino Acri and Michael NIagaro), fruit, &c.,42 N 3d Acy Charles, laborer, h 1201 N 11i Acy Lizzie, domestic, 257 Kelly av Acy Mary E., laundress, h 257 Kelly av Adams Agnes, wid William, h 1018 S Cameron Adams Albert L., physician, 1734 Walnllt, h do Adams Boneta Mrs., lacqllerer, h 1156 Derry Adams Carrie L., h 121 Pine Adams Catharine J., wid George W., h 337 Chestnut

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H M KELLEY &CO I S-youDIamond. wben { 10lIl , U ....... BJaek I I.rt~ Shiel. uest order.St
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


~ Adams Charles, printer Patriot, h 26 S 3d . ;: Adams Charles A., salesman, 215 :Market, h 30 N 2d ~ Adams Charles c., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 1541 N 6th ; : Adams Charles E., laborer, h 563 Race Adams Christian 0., car inspector, h 2620 6t Adams Cora A., teacher, h 1422 N 2d Adams Cora c., press feeder, h I!!:!:! Swatara Adams Edward, driver, h 558 SlOth IE Adams Emily J., teacher, h 121 Pine ~ Adams Emma K., h 217 S 2d Adams Etta, domestic, 45 K 14th C ADAIIS EXPRESS CO., 401 Chestnut, 1116 N' 3d, 2027 N' 6th ;i! and 305 Market Adams Florence V., milliner. 3:l4 ~lkt, h 108 S Court av ClIO Adams George, laborer, h 911 SlOth ffi Adams George, laborer, h 1120 Cumberland Adams George E., laborer, h 563 Race :::. ADAIIS GEORGE W., furniture, carpets and bedding, 106 ==and 108 S 2d, h 217 do L&I Adams Harriet B., wid William J., h 217 S 2d Adams Harvey, telegrapher, h 20416 Berryhill Adams Jacob H., plumber, h 1225 X 11i L&I Adams James c., blacksmith, h 612 South av Adams J. Edward, laborer, h 330 l\luench Adams John E., lineman, h 1351 1\ orth







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Adams John F., h 217 Forster Adams John Q. Rev., missionary, h 102 Cherry av Adams Levi E., fir~man, h 2640 6i Adams Lizzie, domestic, 1185 Bailey Adams Martha 0., h 1422 N 2d Adams l\Iary E., wid Edward 0., h 628 Calder Adams Mary 1\1., buncher, h 563 Race Aqams Kathaniel, dep col int rev, P. O. bldg, h 24 S 4th Adams Perry, laborer, h 1120 N 111 Adams Peter J., laborer, h 2620 6t Adams Robert E., student, h 217 S 2d Adams Robert]., packer, h U,:?:J Logan av Adams Robert M., blacksmith, h 1013 Salmon av Adams Samuel A, boarding, 108 S Court av, h do Adams S. Elizabeth. teacher, h 121 Pine Adams Susan A., wid Richard, h 2H Forster Adams Thomas, supt S. H. and P. Co .. h 1422 N 2d Adams Thomas J., laborer, h 330 :\Iuench Adams William A., (W. A. Adams & Son), h 235 Hummel Adams William A, laundryman, h 2013 Moltke av Adams William A., switchman, h 53:? Peffer Adams William A. & Son, (William c., jr.), blacksmiths, Meadow la c Court av Adams William c., jr., (William A Adams & Son), h 235 Hummel

ANDREW REDMOND}~~~~ :ri~~~{3d and Rail, Sis. Digitized Google


I. B. TICKJlALL PAPER e:'.'::;:J':'~ 111001 SIlAOE3{N;~~':i8t.

97 Adams William H., waiter, h 40S N 5th l> Adams William H, laborer, h 1010 S Cameron Adams William S., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 24 Evergreen Adams Wilson A., planer, h 151 Paxton Addams Charles P., law elk Attorney Genl's Dept, Capitol, h Carlisle Addams Susan, wid John A., h 132 Walnut ADLER CHART.FB, insurance and real estate, 703 11 3d, h 1625 Green Adlestine Lewis, watchmkr, h US Short I Adley David A., laborer, h 1129 N 11i Adley Hezekiah A., porter P. R. R., h 343 Muench Adley Margaret Mrs., domestic, 105 N Front Adley Peter, laborer, h 1409 N 11i Adley Peter N., laborer, h 1409 N 11i Adley William H., shoemkr, h 402 Filbert Adriance, Platt & Co., W. S. Harshbarger, mgr, agrl PI implts, 10th c Market Adriance Thomas F., chief inspector highway department, l> h 110 N 2d Affleck John A., treas Hbg Shoe Mfg Co., pres and mgr 'TI Hbg. Mfg. and Boiler Co., h 32 N 16th PI Affleck Johl1 S., h 32 N 16th Agle Clarence E., brakeman, h 1905 Moltke av t; Agnew Atchison R., brakeman, h 114 Sylvan ter

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


r r



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ ~~~t,~~:'~~1I:

Agri Frank, laLurer, h 113 Dock Aikens Alfred c., laborer, h 1611 Logan av Aikens Andrew J., boarding, 403 Walnut, h do Aikens Elizabeth, h 702 N 3d Aikens James P., ins sol, 9 N 2d, h 403 Walnut Aker Arrian S., inspector water dept, h 224 Liberty Aker Eva, elk, 1408 Vernon, h 224 Liberty Aker Jacob H., music teacher, 30a Dauphin av, h do Aker Lizzie, bunch breaker, h 1076 S Cameron Aker Sarah, bunch breaker, h 1076 S Cameron ALBAlIY DENTISTS, 409 Market Alberson Mary, wid George, h 226 Boas Albert Catharine F., dressmkr, h 634 Harris . Albert Charles M., plumber, h 634 Harris Albert Effie No, nurse, h 634 Harris Albert Lydia, wid George W., h 311 Muench Albert Melanchton F., postal elk, h 634 Harris Albert Sherman J., car repairer, h 1937 North Albert \Villiam H., conductor, h 512 Calder Albright Albert, conductor, h 1932 N 4th Albright Alice J. :Mrs., h 1910 Susquehanna Albright Annie, h 1121 N Front Albright Annie S., wid James, h 1421 Penn Albright Benjamin R., carpenter, h 337 Hamilton


CLARK'S ==~ Drug and Patent Medicine Stare{'=:~u.

Albright Bertha, dressmkr, h 709 East Albright Charles, hostler, h 1213 Cowden l! Albright Charles C, tinworker, h 2047 Herr Albright Charles F., laborer, h 346 Hamilton .- Albright Charles W., steelworker, h 607 Showers av Albright Clarence M., laborer, h 337 Hamilton ~ Albright Cora, h 3119 Walnut =5 Albright Daniel A., laborer, h 1932 N 4th ~ Albright David, janitor, It aOl Dauphin av Albright David E., roller, h 17:n ~ 4th Albright Edward, laborer, h 1633 N 5th Albright Edward E., helper, h 1633 N 5th _ Albright Elmer G., carpenter, h 60; Dauphin av Albright George H., elk, 1228 N 3d, h 1633 N 5th _ Albright George W., h 1002 N 15th c: Albright Harry, messenger P. R. R., h 2333 61 Albright Harry A., foreman Dauphin Cigar Co., h 183j State fI) Albright Henry A., helper, h 1721 N 4th Albright Jennie 11., wid Edward C, h 1915 Moltke av Albright boilermkr. h 1&1 Albright John H., cooper, h 5412015 Fulton John J., Race .J Albright J Oh11 S., brakeman, h 337 Hamilton C Albright John W., huckster, 1407 N 6th, h do 1&1 Albright Malinda, wid Henry C, h 1633 N 5th



Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


I ,. =-

(,) Albright Maude W., saleslady, 1201 N 3d, h 337 Hamilton

. .- Albright Morris R., tinworker, h 1910 Fulton Albright Myron, tailor, 4115 :Market, >- Albright Samuel D., fireman, h 2333 h 709 East 61 ~ Albright Samuel H., conductor, h 1327 Kittatinny a.. Albright Walter L., boilermkr, h 1221 Wallace E Albright William, h 168 N o Albright William, car inspector, American15th Co., 213 representing Book U Walnut, h 28 Evergreen ..I Wiiliam H., lampman, h 3211 Chestnut ..: AlbrightJames B., storekeeper, h 1518 N 4th o Alcorn Robert L., molder, h 1518 N 4th u Alcorn Aldinger Catharine, wid Andrew, h Hn5 N 7th Q ALDINGER lOHN C., propr The Central, 311 llarket, h do Aldinger John P., confectioner, h 2108 N 4th ~ Aldinger Mary L., h 1815 N 7th lIoI ALDINGER (THE), William C Aldinger, mgr, 217 Market ~ Aldinger William C, mgr The Aldinger, 217 Market, h do Aldrich Catharine E., wid Otis, h 310 North ~ Aldrich Jay C, hats and men's furnishings, 1117 N 3d, h ~ 708 do Aldridge ~Iary L., wid William T., h 554 Primrose av ~ Alexander Aaron, fireman, h 1404 N 3d Alexander A. Louisa :\Irs., dressmkr, 2 Aberdeen av, h do



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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 99 :a Alexander Anthony, waiter 'Comwlth, h 2 Aberdeen av r; Alexander Carrie B.. watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do Alexander Carrie J., h 109 S Dewberry av Alexander Charles A., fireman, h 636 Reily Alexander Gifford, bellman The Lochiel, h do Alexander David c., conductor, h 1525 Penn Alexander George. bellboy C.omwlth, h 243 S 14th Alexander Harry A . clk, 2207 N 7th, h 800 N 6th Alexander Jacob A., car inspector, h 161 S Summit Alexander James, laborer, h 1232 N 11! Alexander John, laborer, h 243 S 14th Alexander Maggie, trimmer, h 109 S Dewberry av Alexander Margaret E., domestic, 3 S Front Alexander Samuel C., laborer, h 2149 N 5th Alexander Samuel H., engineer, h 1310 Maple av Alexander William W., brakeman, h 636 Reily Allabach Charles A., mgr, 11 N 2d, h 1323 Swatara Allegrini Caesar, cook, 1101 Market, h do Allegrini Giuseppe, cook, 437 Market, h do Alleman Edna G., saleslady, 334 Market, h Oberlin Alleman Manmirtus F., machinist, h 1427 Shoop Alleman Pearl c., saleslady, h 307 N 2d Alleman Samuel H., engineer, h 548 SlOth Allen Alice, charwoman, h 109 Tanner's av Allen An.nie ~., housekeeper, h 608 York av



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~ ::::}Harrlsburg
Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen

SaYings aad Loaa Assn. n:::..r:

Archie, driver, h 213 Cranberry av Austin C., fireman, h 1801 Penn Benj. T., 11lech eng F. and M. Wks., h 105 N 13th Catharine, wid Charles, h 315 Briggs Charles E., planer, h 119 S Cameron Charles W., cooper, h 326 S Court av Edward, brakeman, h Cameron nr Maclay Edward, scullion, h 328 North Eliza J., wid George, h 217 Briggs Emma M., wid Samuel M., h 1551 Vernon Frank, h 1247 Mulberry Frank, boilermkr, h 312 Kelker Frank W., repairsman, h 1637 Wallace George K., laborer, h 608 York av George M., finisher, h 1551 Vernon George M., laborer, h 1032 S 9th Harry M., motorman, h 1551 Vernon Harry T., cooper, h 1032 S 9th Hattie, domestic, 500 Strawberry av Hiram, driver, h N Cameron nr State Irene, domestic, 315 Briggs James B., machinist, h 640 R(!ily James Ro, machinist, h 210 Liberty John, laborer, h 1526 Vernon John, switchman, h 536 Violet av

> o :x > ;J .... > (IJ



H. M. KELLEY 8. CO. }On:ces. :.:::.r..~:':r!:}COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.








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Allen John B., restaurant, 622 Maclay, h do Allen John Y., machinist, h 608 York av Allen Lottie E., roller, h 1032 S 9th Allen Mary Mrs., cook, h 115 Tanner's av Allen Mary Mrs., h Fulton c Boyd av Allen Robert P., porter P. R R, h 527 ~laclay Allen Silas, repairsman, h 315 Briggs Allen Susan, wid Jacob, h 109 Tanners' av Allen Susan V., wid Thomas, h 516 Strawberry av Allen Walter, laborer, h 111 Angle av Allen Walter P., asst supervisor signals P. R R, h 1405 Market AJlen William, cooper, h 1032 S 9th Allen William P., machinist. h 527 Maclay Allison Adaline. bunchmkr, h 606 Shower's av Allison David B., laborer, h 238 N 14th Allison Eben, clk Aud Genrs Dept, h 641 Maclay Allison Edward. bellman The Lochiel, h do Allison Elizabeth S., clk Public Records, h 641 Maclay Allison Eugene B., h 641 Maclay Allison Florence, housekeeper, 606 Shower's av Allison Glenn G., express messenger, h 1243 Swatara Allison Hill Laundry, (Mrs. Ella D. and Layton L. Howard), 306 S 15th Allison Joseph B., engineer, h 1400 Green.


Allison Marcus W., brakeman, h 334 Hamilton Allison Matilda J., wid John, h 224 South Allison Sallie E., wid Harry H., h 606 Shower's av Allitto Gaitono, frut, 130 S 2d, h 210 do Allmond Stevens P., electrician, 227 \Valnut, h 2006 Green Alloway John W., driver, h 12117 Bailey Alloy Rose C, clk, 101! N 4th, h 343 S Cameron Alloy Samuel \Y., leather, 101i N 4th, h a43 S Cameron Allspach Ida, h 1123 Grape av All'stock Lavinia Mrs., h 507 South av Allwine Howard H., craneman, h 112 S 4th Allwine John. laborer, h 923 N 3d Al1wine WilHam B., contractor, h 1443 Regina Allwine William H., clk, 813 Market, h 1248 Kittatinny Alricks Clara B., h 215 N Front Alricks John H., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 7 N Front ALRICXS LEVI B., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 7 N Front Alricks Martha 0., h 215 N Front ALRICXS WILLIAM: X., cashier Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 215 N Front ALTHOUSE FRANX 1., druggist, 1276 M:arket c 13th, h 29 N 13th ALTHOUSE HARRY B., druggist, 1525 N 3d. h do Althouse Harry E., brakeman, h 1432 1\ lith Althouse Joseph L., clk, 1276 Market, h 1403 Regina


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A. B. TACK}Wall Papar and Window Shadash:::~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
. Althouse R':" Edward, conductor, h 1501 Vernon Althouse Reuben H., janitor, h 1403 Regina Altland Jennie, saleslady, h 271 Briggs Altland Jeremiah H., dyer, 1012 Market, h do Altland John, expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 1925 Derry UJ Altmaier Amelia, music teacher, 130 S 2d, h do l> AItmaier Henry J., lockmkr, h 130 S 2d Altmaier Peter A., gunsmith 130 S 2d h do PI Altman Emma J., housekeeper, 517 ~ 5th Altman Harry E., tailor, h 517 N 5th Altman Reuben G., switchman, h 517 N 5th Altman William H., artist, h 517 N 5th Aman Mary, domestic, 402 Forster Ambrose Charles, waiter, h 500i- South Ambrose Jacob, carpenter, h 148 Sylvan ter Ambrose Jacob, engineer, h 148 Sylvan ter Ambrose William E., news agt P. & R. depot, h 116 Sylvan ter American Harrow Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut American Seeding Machine Co., Superior Division, F. H. Marsh genl 2gt, fi:?5 \'lalnut; Empire Division, Bickford & Hoffman Division and Evans Division, 627 Walnut .AJ[ERlOAlI TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO., Elmer G. _ Markley, mgr, 210 Walnut


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ ~~~b~~-:'~~IE

Amich May, bonnetmkr, h 617 Kelker Ammon Cora 1., roller, h 1429 N 2d Ammon John L., grocer, 501 Hamilton, h 611 Dauphin Ammon Wiiliam, brakeman, h 704 East Amos Anme E. Mrs., h 432 South av Amsden Frank F., mgr Paxton Furnaces, h 215 S Front Anastasopulos Steven, bootblack, h :n 7 :\Iarket Anderson Abraham S., foreman Eagle "Vorks, h 123 Nagle Anderson A. Freeman Rev., h 216 Pine Anderson Annie G. :\Irs., h 322 Strawberry av Anderson Bertha, dressmkr, h 216 Chestnut Anderson Carl, telephone inspector, h 46 X Summit Anderson Charles E., motorman, h 639 Calder Anderson Charles H., fireman, h 1320 Fulton Anderson Charles R., jr., candymkr, h 68 X 14th Anderson Charles S., barber, 26' N 4th, h 408 S 14th Anderson Donald c., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 332 S 2d Anderson Earl R., laborer, h 332 S 2d Anderson Edith, domestic The Bolton Anderson Edward H., elk Post Office, h 309 Hummel Anderson Eleanor A., h 209 State Anderson Elizabeth, domestic, 636 Calder Anderson Ella M., cigarmkr, h 826 S Cameron Anderson Elmer, machinist, h 1197 Christian

Iclall's Complalion Pills :,~l::iJC:Od~!~..t!~ 306 Broad

i=.Pi ,...


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Emanuel T., fireman, h 1197 Christian Evan G., elk P. S. Co., h 332 S 2d Frank B., elk, 429 S 2d, h 332 do Franklin S., ins sol, h 24 N 5th Geo. F., foreman E. F. B. T. Co., h Highspire George H., molder, h 1946 North George H., puddler, h 338 S 2d George 0., usher P. R R, h 1106 Montgy George W., laborer, h 1929 Wood av Harry J., machinist, h 1946 North Harry R., stengr, 405 Market, h 513 Kelker Harry S., mgr, 200 Walnut, h Linden Harry W., machinist, h 2288 N 6th Howard, machinist, h 2288 N 6th Howard, molder, h 1110 James av Ida R, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 22 S 4th James, barber, 1403 N 4th, h do James, laborer, h 438 Boyd av James, laborer, h 306 Mulberry Jennie A., h 209 State John 0., foreman, h 1436 Regina John Z., laborer, h 1436 Regina Joseph, laborer, h 714 Capital Lawrence ]., darftsman, h 1110 James av Mary A., domestic, 310 Chestnut

Anderson . ". Anderson a Anderson -I! Anderson Anderson Anderson c:t Anderson Anderson Anderson w Anderson Anderson II Anderson Anderson Anderson -I Anderson Anderson -.- Anderson fI) Anderson II: Anderson Anderson 0 Anderson Anderson 0 Anderson C Anderson II: Anderson




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Anderson Mary C Mrs., h 1110 James av Anderson Mary E. Mrs., housekeeper, 712 Race Anderson Nettie]., housekeeper, h 414 S River av Anderson Oliver C., switchman, h 14:l6 Regina Anderson Oscar B., brakeman, h 1622 Fulton Anderson Paul A., U. S. A., h 14:l6 Regina Anderson Robert C, painter, h 331 Harris Anderson Samuel. blacksmith, h 1325 Green Anderson Samuel, machinist, h 305 Herr Anderson Samuel J., mgr Anderson's Detective Agency, 15 N 2d, h 1729 N 3d Anderson Thomas W., painter, 701) Race, h do Anderson Viola, h 1106 IVlontgomery Anderson William H., foreman, h 123 Nagle Anderson \ViIliam H., laborer;h ~26 S Cameron Anderson William ]., machinist, h ~09 Hummel Anderson William W., brakeman, h 1929 Wood av Anderson William \V., engineer, h 1106 Montgomery Anderson William Z., car inspector, h 1946 North Anderson Wilson F., machinist, h 10H~ S 2U ANDERSON'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, Samuei 1. Anderson, mgr, RulS bldg, 15 N 2d Andreini Fabio, cook, 4.37 Market, h do Andreini Luigi, lunch bar elk. 437 Market, h do Andrews Albert T., elk, 30 S 3d, h 1112 N 6th

Tba PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES F11IzLv:::ZJlA~B IICOBII:I!o

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-II A B TACK} FreHOJacI...

PubUc B


o f - {1.18N.UBi. pln PJaln TlDU btl. ._ '1_

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Andrews Charles, fireman, h 422 Harris Andrews Charles E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1650 Fulton Andrews Frank, fireman, h 946 N 7th Andrews Henry R., engineer, h 422 Harris Andrews James H., riveter, h 585 Showers av Andrews James W., supt, h 1816 State Andrews IVlary, wid Daniel, h 171 Indian av Andrews S. Grant, engineer, h 1621i Fulton Andrews William J., agent, h 917 Penn Andrews William M., engineer, h 1502 N 5th Angell Clara, wid Thomas B., h 812 N 2d Angle William, flagman, h 1302 Wallace Angstadt Horace E., helper, h 1316 S 12th Ansbacher Barney, peddler, h 125 Chestnut Anthony Charles W., driver, h 1215 Fulton Anthony Ellen, wid H. William, h 260 Herr Anthony George, brakeman, h 644 Verbeke Anthony Jacob W., h 941 N 7th Anthony Jane, wid Joseph, h 260 Herr ANTHONY MARK, civil engineer, 222 Market, h 260 Herr Anthony William H. H., engine hostler, h 941 N 7th .ANTHRACITE WAGON CO., H. W. Snodgrau, sec, treaB and gen! mgr, 1019-1025 Market Bee adv Antony Louisa N., twister, h 706 Green Antony Sarah, twister, h 706 Green

a =


.r:J.rU~~~~ } Harrllbuig SaYings and Loan Assn. {~::=:

Antony Theodore G., carpetlayer, h 271 Briggs Anwyll Arthur R., elk, a21 Strawberry av, h 1403 !\ Front Anwyll Harry L., agt Great Southern Despatch, 401 Olestnut, h 114 Herr . Anwyll Mary J., h 114 Herr Anwyll William E., elk, 223 Market, h 1403 N Front Apparel Mfg. Co., Dr. Harry Stites, pres; G. M. Harvey, sec and treas, weat:ing apparel, West av c North av Appell Adolph, merchant tailor, 9 S 3d, h 229 Boas Appell Bill Posting Co., (Nathan Appell), 9 S 3d

> o

Delivery Wagons i


B. W. SNODGRASI, Sec'y and Treu



1019-21-23-25 MAR-nET STREET.

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H KELLEY ClII. {I North ... 8tree&. U D. CO 10th and Slate ....


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.



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Appell Nathan, (Reis & Appell and Appell Bill Posting Co.), office, 1) Sad, h 229 Boas Appell Nellie K. Mrs., h 120 Chestnut Apple ~larial wid Benjamin, h 610 ~ 2d Appleberry Daniel, laborer, h 1126 N Cameron Appleberry George H., laborer, h 1126 N Cameron Appleberry Louisa, domestic, 110 Calder Appleberry William, laborer, h 1112 N 12th Appleton James, machinist, h 1127 Cowden Arbaugh Carrie, cigarmkr, h 1941 Kensington Arbaugh George, helper. h 1941 Kensington Arbaugh Harry L., barber, h 1941 Kensington Arbaugh Henry, blacksmith, h 1941 Kensington Arbogast John A., laborer, h 2141 N 4th Arbogast Sophia, wid John, h 510 Reily Archibald Elizabeth l\1rs., saleslady, 334 Market, h 235 S 2d Archibald Henry D., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h 235 S 2d Ard Charles S., asst supt, 9 S 2d. h 1738 N 3d Ard ~Iargaret ~Irs., h 1738 N 3d Arment Anna ~I., winder, 226 Boas Arment Edward S., watchman, h G57 Boas Arment Eva, weaver, h 657 Boas Arment Florence A., dressmkr, h 226 Boas Arment Harry R., salesman, 31 ~ 2d, h 657 Boas

~ 1&1



Arment 11ary G., wid Oliver, h 1114 N 2d Arment ).Iinnie P., bookkpr, 414 State, h 657 Boas Arment X ellie )'Irs., dressmkr, 226 Boas, h do Arment \Valter ]., brakeman, h 226 Boas Armento Joseph J., (Armento & Lazarine), h State Capital Hotel ARIIENTO & LAZARINE, (1oseph 1. Armento and David Lazarine), proprs State Capital' Hotel, 217 Walnut see 0: adv 1&1 Armold .las. A., photographer, ~14 )'Iarket, h 123.l Dailey ARIIOR WILLIAII C., notary, antiquarian bookseller, 4; and 6 N Court av, h 128 State Armonr Bertha .l., seamstress, h 152~t ~ 4th Armour Franklin G., pipe bender, h 1521'! X 4th Armonr John c., molder, h 152~t N 4th Armour John J., engineer, h 1528} N 4th Armpriester Barton A., baggagemaster, h 81 N 16th Armpriester George \V., stor:ekeeper C. 1. and S. Co., h I'iUl ~ 6th Armpriester Leila G., wid G. Warren, h 1637 N 6th Armpriester S. Raymond, conductor. h 910 Penn Armstrong Alice, saleslady, 215 l\larket, h 1205 N Front Armstrong Gable, waiter, h 326 Calder Armstrong George W., driver, h 604 South Armstrong Ida, h 1016 Green



~';{::~~:Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and R811y St~

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I. B. TACK f FI~~o~!'TTN:'AA~..'KC~A~:y~R ~ ~1610nn third hi

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 105
Armstrong Irvin E., helper, h 1839 Fulton Armstrong :Mary, elk, 412 Market, h 323 Crescent Armstrong Sarah A., h 1016 Green Army and Navy Record Co., Thos. M. Sykes, mgr, 14 S 2d Arndt Emery, bar elk, 21 Cowden, h do Arndt Frank, brakeman, h 1237 N 7th Arndt John H., laborer, h 1819 N 7th Arndt John S., driver, h 31 N 5th Arndt May C, seamstress, h 1819 N 7th Arndt Susan, wid Kunkle, h 1819 N 7th Arner William D., baker, h 1147 Bailey Arnold Ada M., wid John A., h 1740 N 3d Arnold Alfred, laborer, h 1328 Mapk av Arnold Amanda, domestic, 1013 SlOth Arnold Andrew, brakeman, h 343 S 14th Arnold Annie M., housekeeper, h 1338 Penn Arnold Arthur A., barber, 159! N 4th, h do Arnold Calvin M., druggist, 1601 N 6th, h do Arnold Catharine A., wid Abraham, h 1903 N 7th Arnold Charles, painter, h 1360 :Mayflower av Arnold Daniel H., motorman, h 421 Cumberland Arnold David H., carpenter, h 339 Boyd av Arnold Edith, knitter, h 625 Camp Arnold Edward, cigar mfr, 1338 Penn, h do Arnold Edward, painter, h 1313 Susquehanna

MILLER BROS. &: BA KER ~ ":5~b:l~'t.~~1

Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnoid Arnold Arnold Arnold Edwin M., car cleaner, h 1927 Swatara Emma 0., wid Joshua, h 1504 Walnut Ephraim, carpenter, h 421 Cumberland Ernest C, brakeman, h 17:34 N 7th Esther M., knitter, h 625 Camp George E., shipper, h 100 Conoy George W., repairsman, h 1~41 N 7th Gertha, domestic, 5 S Front Gertrude N., music teacher, h 1601 N 6th Harry, leveler, h 1915 Briggs Harry, lineman, h 1901 N 3d Harry A., valve tester, h 222 S 15th Henry L., carpenter, h 1629 Derry Jacob, laborer, h 1340 Fulton James F., machinist, h 1219 S 9th J. Frank, barber, 1427 N 6th, h 2121 do John, labort!r, h 942 S 19th John, jr., laborer, h 942 S 19th John B., painter, h 1841 N 7th John D., heater, h 419 S 14th John F., laborer, h 73 N 16th John S., foreman, h 4 N 13th John S., mgr. 213 Walnut, h 1509 Market Lewis W., laborer, h 1841 N 7th Lizzie B., seamstress, h 1340 Fulton
No 1230 ARCH STREET PHIL', nf,



.dell. PaIn Exterminator cures ChnleJ1l MorblJl, l'Ienlerr.Cram~ Dlarrb-. ColdI. QuiDI),. Rb4:umatilm. Too&baehe. Bore Tllroa&, Ague. DJtpepela. &C. _ .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

. . Arnold Lizzi(' M. Mrs., h 326 Strawberry av Arnold Lloyd R, conductor, h 1437 Regina Arnold Lura Mrs., h 316 Briggs Arnold Margaret A., wid William, h 608 N 2d 1& Arnold Mary F., packer, h 100 Conoy II Arnold Melchor M., laborer, h 1903 N 7th c$ Arnold Morris, fireman, h 2121 N 6th ~ Arnold M. Stella, dressmkr, h 1629 Derry ~ Arnold Philip, electrician, h 1331 N 2d - Arnold Philip J., machinist, h 100 Conoy Arnold Raymond, conductor, h 419 S 14th ..- Arnold Samuel F., motorman, h 430 Buckthorn av Arnold Walter, barber, h 1328 Fulton Arnold William E., ins sol, 15 N 2d. h 1329 Susquehanna _ Arnold William H., brakeman, h 525 Violet av _ Arnold William H., flagman, h 625 Camp . . Arnold William R., jr., brakeman, h 625 Camp Arnold William K., laborer, h 1002 Berryhill U) Arnold William L., electrician, h 1237 N 7th Arnsberger Martha E., domestic, 634 Reily t&J Aronson Arthur "V., circulation mgr Patriot, h i16 N 6th .J Aronson Joseph, grocer, 1423 N 4th, h do Aronson Meyer, grocer, 504 Walnut, h do ~ Arrington Bezelar, laborer, h 1164 S Cameron




".... DIIB I!IIftI'IIIIhr 0lIl nuS! 00 II ...... 1 llItlr .......... E....... lrJteal Be&ate OII1ce ........ j IIr BldS IIIi UUlllUIIIJ II III ...H II T.... Rear of POll
ARROWSMITH ELECTRIC CO., 1. S. KUSler, mgr, 10 S 2d Arter Chllrles, barber, h 26H Briggs Arter Fleming L., laborer, h 43lo\ Muench Arter Harr\' E., h 15 Lochiel 2d Row Arter Lincoln L., laborer. h 438 Muench Arter Minnie M. Mrs., h 584 Shower's av Arter Sarah, domestic, 32:1 N front Arter William H., laborer, h 15 Lochiel 2d Row Arter William H., jr., laborer, h 20 Lochiel 2d Row Arthur Edith S., housekeeper, h 180H N 5th Arthur Jacob, laborer, h 1633 N 4th Arthur John E., cigarmkr, h 1633 N 4th Arthur Kate S., 1809 N 5th Arthur Samuel G., conductor, h 1633 N 4th Ash Forrest B., real estate, h 222 Locust Ash Paul B., stenographer, h 222 Locust Ashby Charles, driver, h 125 Mulberry Ashenfelter Glarles E . messenger Adjt Genrs Dept, 716 State, h Mechanicsburg Ashenfelter Howard, laborer. h 2113 Sassafras av Ashenfelter Jennie, domestic, 115 State ASHLEW ZINC CO. (THE), A. W. Lewin, prel, Ipelter mfn,

l&J o _ i!: <


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Q 1&.1

445 S 2d
Ashton Cecelia A., milliner, 36 N ~d. h 62!l Cumberland Ashton Flora E. Mrs., cigar stripper, h 227 Mulberry

The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{SII C.nls a We8k



ICK} Bmplo)'l DODe bUt ftl'lt-cl_ workmen. bence ODI~{ N.Itd8t. 1.18 A B T Cllallvorl:andlnlUl'ellt. WOI'tdone1nuJ'p&rSof ."
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Ashton Norman, fireman, h 623 Cumberland Askew Hannah, wid David, h 5:l0 S Cameron Askin Harry M., elk Peipher Line, h 223 S lath Askin Herman 0., elk P. R. R, It 223 S 13th Askin Reynolds B., elk P. R R depot, h 122 Hoerner Askin Robert Y., elk, h :J5 N 12th A.SXIN & 14.ABlNE, Edward S. Collins, mgr, credit clothing outfitters, 26 S 3d Asper Alice, bunchmkr, h 129 Dock Asper Aller., driver, h :W5 l\'luench Asper Blanche ,:\1., seamstre!;s, h 205 Muench Asper Clarence, fireman, h 205 Muench Asper Samuel J., laborer, h 9th nr Hemlock Asseln Emii, draftsman, It 212 Cumberland .Associated Press, 26 N 3d Astrich Emma .:\Irs., embroiderer, 34 N 3d, h 1934 do ASTBlCH HERMAN, millinery, cloaks, suits, &c., 34-38 N 3d, h 1934 do Astrich Louis, mgt', 36 N 3d, h 1631 Green Asure Edwin, engineer, h 1911 Fulton Atchley Isaac X, laborer, h 49 N Summit Atchley Isaac \V., warehouseman, h 1324 Vernon Atkins Charles, engineer, h 339 Peffer Atkins Charies, laborer, It 1234 N 111

l:;-:~o;. } Harrisburg

Savings and Loan ASSD. i a:=

Atkins J. Albert, fireman, h 1309 N 3d Atkins Robert, asst storekeeper, h Paxton ab 13th Atkins Robert, jr., laborer, h Paxton ab 13th Atkinson Cora, dressmkr, h 226 Chestnut' Atkinson Cornelia, saleslady, 3.34 Market, h 1208 Derry. Atkinson Cornelia G., wid Benjamin F., h 1327 N 6th Atkinson Edwin S., tinner, h 537 Peffer Atkinson Forester T., telegrapher, h 1208 Derry Atkinson George H., ins sol, 21 N 3d, h 208 South Atkinson Hazel, elk, Mulberry c Crescent, h 1208 Derry Atkin'son J. Earl, telegrapher P. R R., h 1327 N 6th Atkinson Louisa Mrs., grocer, 208 South, h do Atkinson Maude E., h 1327 N 6th Atkinson William, laborer, h 103 Filbert ATLABTIC B.EFINING CO., Edwin . Singer, mgr, mfn of all products of petroleum, 2207 Ii 7th Attick Charles H., (Bogner & Attick), h Steelton Attick. Daniel J., supt, h 10! Verbeke Attick Maggie M., housekeeper, h 207 Harris Attick Sarah, wid George, h 1223 Green Attick William J., brakeman. h 427 Cumberland Atticks Bessie M., elk, 1012 ~ 3d, It Paxtang Atticks Bros., (George and John Atticks), bakers, 135 Evergreen Atticks George M., (Atticks Bros), h 135 Evergreen


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~c~ a:.'!!!.c: Weigh' ~ H.


I. KELLEY" CO. {I~~ =,.:...

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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t:; ..... a:::





Atticks John, (Atticks Bros), h 135 Evergreen Atticks John, h 1H11 Penn Atticks Walter W., (Atticks & Metzger), h 217 Verbeke Atticks & Metzger, (Walter W. Atticks and William A. Metzger), bakers, 217 Verberke Attilio Lovi, cook Hotel Columbus Auar Lewis. laborer, h a:u S 2d Auar Maggie, wid \Villiam R., h 334 S 2d Auchellbach John, elk P. R. R. depot, h ~23 N 6th Auchinvole Charlotte A., wid David, h 1303 N Front Auchinvole Hiram W., plumber, h 1303 N Front Aucker Charles H., laborer, h 2114 Turner av Aucker Harry E., car repairer, h 19li5 Moltke av Aucker Isuphena 11:. Mrs., h 2114 Turner av Aucker Jacob S., cleaner P. R. R., h 1963 Moltke av Aughenbach Annie 1Irs., housekeeper, h 119 Cherry av Aughinbaugh Bessie L., ruler, 4 N ~d, h 410 North AUGHINBAUGH CHARLES E., Telegraph Bindery, 4 N 3d, h 410 North see adv . Aughinbaugh Eliza 0., press feeder, h 265 Sassafras av Aughinbaugh Henry E., tailor, h 2G5 Sassafras av Aughinbaugh J. Roy, painter, h 131-1 N 7th Aughinbaugh Louisa 0., wid Charles A., h 21 S 3d Aughinbaugh Margaret R., domestic, 1238 Walnut Aughinbaugh 11ary 11., book sewer, 4 N 3d, h 410 North

GO- - - - FAIR - - - DRUGGIST {16 N. 3d St. R GAS} - PRICED --









~ General Bookbinding > Cor. 3d Ind Market Streets. 4th Floor, HARRISBUR6, PA,
Entrance, " North ad Street,
T .. legraph Bolldlng.

Aughinbaugh Nellie L., dressmkr, h 712 Green Aughinbaugh Orthea E., press feeder, h 265 Sassafras av Auker Myrtle, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Ault H. Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 924 Grand Aumiller Austin E., sealer P. R. R., h 218 Mulberry Aumiller Della, cigarmkr, h 218 Mulberry Aumiller Laura B., wid Edward, h 218 :\lulberry Auner Kate L., saleslady, 334 Market, h 228 Forster Auner Mary A., wid Ephraim D., h 228 Forster Aurand Edward L., laborer, h 1625 Logan av Ausberry Charles, hostler, h 616 Church av Ausberry James, hostler, h 616 Church av Ausberry William D., laborer, It Lochiel Farm Austin Harrison R., laborer, h 543 Woodbine Austin Mar\' A. Mrs., h 1735 N 7th Auter James 11., messenger Executive Dept, h 245 S 14th


Radmond'. Wagon Works {=~,!'f;b~;:~=} 3d aid Rally Sis. Google

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A. B. TACK ::::,t~~:n~ lOll Paper IIIId IIndol8hodeS P:lrJr~~1Jl

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Auter Milton H., student, h 245 S 14th Auxer Sarah L., dressmkr, h 407 Boas Auxt Jacob, laborer, h 1232 Herr Awl Fanny H., h 230 State Awl Francis A., U. S. A., h 234 State . Awl J. Wesley, jr., Hbg Nat. Bank, h 234 State Awl Mary E., wid Francis A., h 234 State Ayars Edwin, flagman, h 1608 Penn Ayars Raymond L., cashier, 331 Market, h 1425 do Ayle Hugh W., clk P. R. R., h 649 Maclay Ayle Lizzie A., wid Harry B., h 6351l\1uench Ayres Annie E., domestic, 1607 N 2d Ayres Mary, wid Wilmot, h 1839 N 6th 109

H Baab Annie E., wid Jacob, h 316 Verbeke ....Babb Anna B., domestic, 1401 N 2d I:D Babb Harry J., special agt P. R. R. depot, h Steelton Bach George, h 12116 Bartine av Bach Newton D., patternmkr, h 1109! Montgomery Bach Tillman H., elk P.O., h 1727 Penn Bacharach Saul A., elk Executive Dept, h 410 \Valnut Bachman ALram G., barber, 1127 IVlulberry, h 1439 Market Bachman Christian S., brakeman, h 432 Market Backenstoe Ambrose G., car inspector, h 1475 Regina

.. 5i

MILLER BROS.l BAKER~ ":!i~b~n~1E

Backenstoe Clara R., h 1528 N Front BACKEB'STOE CLAYTON H., lawyer, 14 N 3d, h 1528 N 2d Backenstoe Fannie, wid George :r-.r., h 1951 State Backenstoe J. 1\1 iles, live stock, h 1951 State Backenstoe Sadie E., h 1528 N Front Backenstoss Clarence 0., elk mayor's office, h 1426 Zarker Backenstoss Clifton D., barber, 304 Reily, h 2010 Green Backenstoss Edmund D., painter, h 506 Kelker Backenstoss Edward A., stenographer, h 506 Kelker Backenstoss Mervin E., painter, h 506 Kelker ~ Backenstoss Nellie 1\1., saleslady, 406 1\Iarket, h 460! S __ Cameron Backenstoss Rebecca J., h 460! S Cameron Backenstoss Ross E., barber, 317 Market. h 310 N 2d Backenstoss Stella M., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 506 Kelker Backenstoss William R., cab driver, h 460! S Cameron Bacon Anna E., wid Daniel, h 216 North Bacon Arthur D., (The D. Bacon Co.), h 216 ~orth BACON D. CO. (THE) (Arthur D. Bacon), wholesale confcctionen, 438 and 440 Market Bacon Harry W., driver, 304 Market, h 1116 do Bacon ~Iaria A., wid George N., h 3 S 13th Bacon William, me~senger, h 515 Primrose av Badorf Clair W., molder, h 906 S 201Badorf Harry A., clk, h 1847 Berryhill

i -


101.II's PaiD Ext.rmlnator :!ti~aba-:e~.:!ied1f,~&~aoe~~

110 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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~ Badorf Harry S., engineer, h 1111 N 7th ... Badorf Ida, wid Charles, h 906 S 20! Badorf James A. G., grocer, 1849 Derry, h 1847 Berryhill . : Badorf Michael S., carpenter, h 916 S 211! E Badorf Nathaniel S., carpenter, h 1~41 Berryhill Badorf, see Batdorf ..: Baer Andrew J., postal elk, h 131 S 14th ~ Baer Anna :Mae. trimmer, 6 S 2d, h u:n N 2d Baer Cameron L., mgr U. T. and T. Co., h 211 Walnut ~ . Baer Carl A., student, h 1615 N 2d Baer Charles M., painter, h 1106 Briggs B Baer Clara V., wid John H., 1199 Bailey Baer Cyrenius S., carpenter, h 1251 Bailey I::: Baer Daniel A., elk Post Office, h Blt9 Bailey fti Baer Edith M., weaver, h 1199 Bailt:y Baer Ella M., cigarmkr, h 421 S 14th George J., h (/) Baer George W.,machinist, 3131320 Maple av Baer driver, h Verbeke Baer Harrv D., hostler, h 421 S 14th Baer Harry H., clk P. R. R., h 1324 Penn Baer Hayes, hod carrier, h 1106 Walnut Baer Jessie c., weaver, h 1199 Bailey Baer John S., fireman, h Verbeke ab 4th Baer Katie, closer, h 1251 Bailey Baer Luther J., brakeman, h 205 Muench






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BAER SAMUEL A. PROF., sup prin High School, h l8l5N 2d Baer S. Clayton, brakeman, h 1251 Bailey Baer William A., car repairer, h 1856 Walnut Baer, see Bair, also Bear Bahn Charles W., collector, 21 N 3d, h 14031 Regina Bahn Maria, wid Henry, h 108 Locust Bahn Russel S., driver, h 18:{a N 6th Bailets Charles S., elk, h 713 S Front Bailets George 0., elk. h 121 Nagle Bailets Jacob A., grocer, 71:{ S Front, h 121 Nagle Bailets Rankin, h 713 S Front Bailets William, laborer, h 15th c Briggs Bailey Arthur H., mgr, 611-1 North, h Paxtang Bailey Catharine, artist, h 222 Locust Bailey Cecil A., machinist, h ~1:3!J N 4th Bailey Charles L., (estate), 14 S 2d Bailey Charles L., jr.. (\\-'olfe & Bailey), h 119 S Front Bailey Charles L. & Co., Incorporated, James B. Bailey, pres; E. Bailey, v-pres; J. C. Harvey, sec and treas; Chesapeake Nail Works, office and works bet P. R. R. and Front bel Dock BAILEY EDWARD, (Hammond & Bailey), prea Harrisburg National Bank, Harrisburg Trust Co., Central Iron and Steel Co. and chairman Central Penna. Traction Co., h 1517 N Front

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don't Gat tbt " Google
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~a:b~~L:';,~= 1011 Foper ond IlndOI SllOdes lrom A. B. TACK {N~:J:t. Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 111
Bailey Emma H., wid Charles L., h 31 S Front Bailey George, h 222 Locust Bailey Hamilton, (Eureka Coal Wagon Works), h 126 Locust Bailey Harry B., brakeman, h 2022 X 5th BAILEY J'AlrIES B., pres Chesapeake Nail Works and Lucknow Iron and Steel Co. and genl mgr and treas C. I. and S. Co., h 5 S Front Bailey John, Sllpt construction, 2118 \Valnut, h 1511 Green Bailey Mary L., wid John M., h 115 Hoerner Bailey Mollie, domestic, 206 Pine Bailey Orleans J., clk Post Office, h 222 Locust Bailey Walter J., florist, h'214 South Bailey William E., office, 14 S 2d, h 31 S Front Bailey William 1\1., engineer, h 1714 Penn Bailor Blanch, domestic, 9110 K 2d Bailor Charles ~l., brakeman, h 203 Hummel Bailor George, plumber, h 521 North Bairn Martin, laborer, h l:lth cAsh Bain Albert, laborer, h 911 SlOth Baine Bertha C, buyer, :.334 :Market, h 1018 Hemlock Baine Edward F., bricklayer, h HIl8 Hemlock Baine James V., printer, h 1018 Hemlock Baine Sarah J., wid Edward, h 1018. Hemlock Bainey Amos, butcher, h 405 Verbeke

I: l>

::a < l> ::a


Bair Bair Bair Bair Bail' Bair

Alice 11. ~lrs., h 2110 N 4th Alta c., weaver, h 2110 N 4th Annie E., domestic, 707 State Charles A., brakeman, h 601 Maclay Charles E., (C E. Bair & Sons), h Goldsboro Charles E. & Sons, (C E. & H. B.), cigar mfrs, 21 N 3d Bair. Clayton C, machinist, h 2110 N 4th Bair Dessie, dressmkr, h 338 Verbeke Bair D. Upton Rev., h 1311 Walnut Bair Frederick, barber, h 707 State Bair Harry \Y., carpenter, h 658 Sayford av Bair Harry W., elk P. R. R. depot, h Newport Bair Harvey B., (C E. Bair & Sons), h 1427 Market Bair Herbert ~L, pipeclltter, h 658 Say ford av Bair Horace E., barber, h 1333 N 4th Bair Ida Mrs., boarding, 338 Verbeke, h do BAm ROBERT C., chief Bureau of Statistics, 716 State, h York Bair Roscoe C, fireman, h 15:l5 N 4th Bair Saint D., conductor, h 2118 N 6th Bair Samuel, carpenter, h 1923 ~loltke av Bair Sylvester B., barber, 412! Verbeke, h 707 State Bair, see Baer, also Bear


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POWNALL'S PASTE WOhKS {;;":"l8c~';;!e= ~



Try a

Ton ~

H KELLEY 011 CO'S -),onDIamond. wben { ,'11ff.".SfJIII. P. BJaek II nezt order.- . . . . . . t.....
Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.



~ Baird Florence E., stengr State Treasury, h New Cumb



Baker Baker A.. Baker Baker Baker Baker ~ Baker CC Baker :;! Baker Baker ~ Baker ffi Baker Baker ::=. Baker ;> Baker I&J Baker ~ Baker ~ Raker Baker I&J Baker Raker Baker

= ==

=: _

~ Baker Abner, laborer, h 15a3 Logan av

Baish Rose, domestic, 102U Market


Adalene, bookfolder, h 5 SlOth Albert T., driver, 401 Chestnut, h 1207 Market Albert T., student, h 159 Paxton AIda, wid George, h 7 S 16th Amelia E. ~Irs., housekeeper, 116 State Andrew G., brakeman, h 2138 Atlas av Anna B., milliner, 710 N 3d, h do Anna .M., milliner, h 529 Muench Annie, wid John P., h 15 S 2d Augustus, laborer, h 1019 SlOth Benjamin F., brakeman, h 1625 Susquehanna Benjamin F., waiter, h 131 Linden Benjamin F., waiter. h 131 Linden Caroline A., domestic, 818 X 6th Carrie 1\frs., h 1321 N 4th Charles A., laborer, h 1625 Susquehanna Charles E., h 2140 Atlas av Charles H., houseman The Lochiel, h 123 Short Charlotte J., h 710 N 3d Daniel, roll turner, h 18:14 N 6th David H., molder, h 1461 Regina Dora F .. bookkpr, 318 ~larket, h 1100 N 6th


Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Raker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Elizabeth ~Irs., h 1100 ~ 6th Elizabeth Mrs., housekeeper, 1109 Hickory av Elizabeth 1\1. :\lrs., h 59 Balm Elizabeth S., teacher, h 159 Paxton Ella S. 1\1 rs., lodging, 19 S 3d, h do Emma 1\lrs., h r 510 SlOth Emma B., wid Oscar, h 418 Forster Emma E., wid George W., h 1404 N 6th George, brakeman, h 1711 N 4th George :\1., laborer, h 819 S Front George T., foreman P. R. R. depot, h 1708 Green George \V., conductor, h 529 Muench George \V., painter, h 1923 North Harry, roller, h 1933 N 6th Harry A., salesman, 19 N 3d, h 420 S 17th Harry E., assembler, h 15 S 2d Harry E., driver, h 25 N 10th Harry E., machinist, h 652 Boas Harry H., elk P. R. R., h 1712 Penn Harry H., shoe opr, h 1404 N 6th Harry R., coachmkr, h 2140 Atlas av Henry, engineer, h 1933 N 6th Henry, laborer, h 320 Kelker Herbert c., fireman, h 2039 Fulton Howard \Y . decorator, h 209 Boas




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ANDREW REDMOND} ~~~!:d :tc~~ {3d and Rally SII. Google

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I. B. TACK}lALL PAPER ~:!:~.:.~ 111001 SHADE3{N~;:}.-:rst.

Boyd'8 Harri8burg City Directo1'1. 113

Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker

lIAXER MATTHIAS G., house and sign painter, 230 Cranberry av, h 1005 N 2d Baker Kervin, laborer, h 1132 Market lIAXER OLIVER F., piano8, organs. and all musical good8, 1319 Ii 6th, h do Baker Oscar B., oiler, h 352 Crescent Baker Otto M., foreman Star-Independent, h 19 S 3d Baker Peter A., carpenter, h 1625 Susquehanna Baker Rachel E. Mrs., h r 510 SlOth Baker Samuel B., special police Capitol, h 710 N 3d Baker Sarah, h 2035 N 5th Baker Sarah E., wid Ferdinand, h 107 Cowden Baker Sonny, laborer, h 1002 N 6th BBakker TSuhsan hYl' dressm kr, h 1306 GrNeen h 7 a er eop 1 us, con d uctor, h 1 30 6t Baker Thomas J., watchman, h 624 Walnut Baker-Vawter Co., H. F. Rawll,. representative, account ants, auditors, devisors of busmess systems, mfrs, 1711

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{~=~b=~-::'~~1I: -< ~

Jacob L., screws man, h 5 SlOth Jacob L., jr., laborer, h 5 SlOth James, roller, h 159 Paxton James c., conductor, h 39 N 16th James L., printer, h 4:!5 State James L., foreman printer, h 4.25 State John D., brakeman, h 1627 N 3d John H., houseman Comwlth, h 18 N Cameron John R., tinsmith, h 1319 Green John W., bricklayer, h 1716! N 4th John W., machinist, h 2137 Atlas av Joseph c., laborer, h 624 Walnut Joseph W., blacksmith, 741 S 19th, h 913 do Leander F., collector, 1319 N 6th, h Riverton Lena C., h 112 S 4th Leroy F. Rev., h 812 N 6th Lewis A., laborer, h 1619 Logan av Lewis H., druggist, h 1911 Rhoads av Lizzie, cigarmkr, h 1933 N 6th Lucy A., h 1461 Regina Luke, yardman, h 1711 N 4th Luther J., bricklayer, h 1716 N 4th Lydia, domestic. 2204 N 3d Margaret, wid Simon, h 1711 N 4th Mary, domestic, 313 Market

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Baker W. Harry, asst elk Senate, h 205 Harris /Ill 7 Baker William, bricklayer, h 418 Walnut ~. Baker William F., dentist, 1404 N 6th, h do Baker William H., flagman, h 1536 N 4th ~~ Baker William H., warehouseman, 3.'J6 Market, h Me- 1:;. chanicsburg 14,.


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No 123C





CLARK'S =~:~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{=':~A.Du.

114 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Baker William H. H., elk ins dept, h 1604 Green .:::: Baker William T., elk, h 16~5 Susquehanna en Baker, see Baehker. also Becker -g Bakos Peter, bootblack, 317 ).larket, h do ~ Baldwin Alpheus H., conductor, h ~02 Hamilton ..: Baldwin Andrew ~1.. painter, h 2035 Fulton e ::a Baldwin Annie E., wid Frederick, h 128 S 2d ~ Baldwin Aubrey H., salesman, h 2109 ~ 3d .... Baldwin Ec..iith B., teacher. h 202 Hamilton ~ Baldwin Jesse B., flagman, h 1223i ~ 6th Baldwin John C, conductor. h 151:1 N 6th '1! :a Baldwin ~Iaud E., teacher, h 202 Hamilton ~ Bale John H., warehouseman, h 208 S Court av _ Bale Mary, wid John, h 204 S Court av .2 Bale Robert L., bottler, h 204 S Court av Bale Thomas S., bottler, h 204 S Court av .5 Balentine Sarah A., wid William, h 1201 l\Iulberry ~, Ball Joseph, carpenter. 232 Cranberry av, h 127 Pine. -- Ball Martha Mrs., h 1524 Vernon II) Ball Susie, domestic, 1524 Vernon Ball William G., contractor, 215 Pine, h do ..... Ball Wilson, laborer, h 128 Tanner's av ..J Balmer Benjamin F., plasterer. h 44 N 13th ." Balmer Benjamin F., jr., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 406 do ~ Balmer Charles E., engin~~~_~ 2345_6l-_~_ _ _ _ _ __



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Balmer George, laborer, h 122 Paxton Balmer :Uaude M., seamstress, h 630 Harris Balmer :Michael, laborer, h 122 Paxton Balmer Samuel A., engineer. h 630 Harris . Balmer Samuel H., elk, h 1631 Regina Balsbaugh Blanch, seamstress, h 17 S 13th Balsbaugh Emma C.. wid Edward. h 509 North Balsbaugh Henry, salesman, h 222 S 17th BALSBAUGH mRAM W., genl agt Union Central Life Insurance Co., 8 1-2 N 2d, h Hummelstown Balsbaugh J. Wesley. elk P. R R, h 2102 N 6th Balsbaugh Samuel E., elk, 70 N 13th, h Penbrook Balser Jesse H., laborer, h 1631 Susquehanna Balser Lewis, real estate, 1700 N 6th, h do Balser William L., elk, 1700 N 6th. h do Balsley George, grocer, 220 X 2d, h 222 do Balsley George W., engineer. h 220 Cumberland Balslev Helen M., elk, 272 North, h 220 Cumberland Balsley John, tinsmith, h 238 :'Ileadow la Balsley John .T., freight trainmaster P. R R depot, h 113 S Front Balsley Russell W .. salesman, 400 Market, h 30 N 5th Balthaser Daniel "C., harness. 1333-3- Fulton, h do Balthaser George. leverman. h 709 S 21st Balthaser Grace V .. cashier. 334 Market, h 1405 Penn

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Balthaser Jennie E., laundress, h 125 Dock Balthaser Melvin G., brakeman, h Dauphin Co. Prison Balthaser Rachel B., tailoress, 334 Market, h 1405 Penn ::! Balthaser Sarah, wid John, h 1405 Penn Balthaser William E., heater, h 124 Dock Baltimore Cecil c., laborer, h 334 S 15th Baltimore Frederick R., porter P. R. R., h 632 Briggs Baltimore Garfield, laborer, h 1431 Marion Baltimore George S., elk, 357 S Camefon, h do Baltimore George W., laborer, h ::l57 S Cameron Baltimore Jackson, waiter, h 516 North av Baltimore James, laborer, h 357 S Cameron Baltimore Life Ins. Co., J. A. Marshall, supt, 9 S 2d Baltimore Martha Mrs., h 1331 N 4th Baltimore Mary, wid Frank, h 417 West av Baltimore Mary E., trained nurse, h 514! N 5th lIALTI1IORE DRClIANDISE CO., INC., David Xaufman, treas and genl mgr, department stores, 4 and 8 S 2d lIALTDlORE ONE-PRICE, male outfitters, 304-308 Market andSN3d Baltimore Robert, laborer, h 357 S Cameron Baltimore Thomas D., laborer, h 357 S Cameron Baltosser George W., fireman, h 2112 Moore Baltozer Taylor Z., painter, h 1801 N 3d Bamford Alva M., milliner, 334 Market, h 106 Nagle


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SaYings and Loan Assn.{a:::

Bamford George c., draftsman, h 106 Kagle Bamford R. Edgar, laborer, h 612 Showers av Bamford Robert c., heater, h 712 Race Baney Frank, painter, h 312 S River av Banford James R., motorman, h 5J:1 Race Banford Mary L., wid James K., h 211 Calder Banford Rush E., painter, h 438 Muench Bange Aaron, laborer, h 421 Kelker Bangert CIl!ment, laborer, h 253 S Cameron . Bangert Frank, laborer, h 25::l S Cameron Bangert John A., huckster, h 253 S Cameron Bangert Martin, driver, 301 Chestnut, h 253 S Cameron Banghart Amanda, domestic, 1208 Bartine av Banghart Sarah, wid Thomas, 11 1208 Bartine av ~ Bankers' Life Ins Co. of N. Y., C. E. Frazier, state mgr, 321 Market :' Bankes Abraham, brakeman, h 640 Reily e Bankes Anna N., elk, h 1706 N 6th Bankes Caroline A., wid John, h 1813 K 5th Bankes Clyde R., cotmkr, h 1104 \Valnut Bankes Edward \V., brakeman, h 1952 K 7th Bankes Florence E., student, h 500 Woodbine Bankes George \V., car inspector, h 605 Peffer Bankes George W., laborer, h 142 Indian av Bankes Harry W., laborer, h 142 Indian av




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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}Oll:ces. :':'Ir~~..r:r;::}COAL AND WOOD

116 lloyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

I:U Bankes Jacob H., laborer. h 1104 Walnut . ...., Bankes Mae A., tel opr, 227 Walnut, h500 Woodbine Bankes Maud V., packer, h 1104 Walnut IiI'I Bankes Norman S . springmkr. h 173 S Summit ~ Bankes Roy E., springmkr, h 1104 Walnut Bankes Samuel W., car inspector, h 500 Woodbine ~ Bankes Virginia M., housekeeper, 1104 Walnut z: Bankes William c., elk P. R. R., h 1706 N 6th I:i: Bankes William :S., car inspector P. R. R., h 1700 N 6th ~ Bankes William H., flagman, h 1210 Wallace CD Bankler Elizabeth, dressmkr, h 702 East _ Bankler Elizabeth S., wid Motos, h 1327 James ::::: Bankler Frank P., engineer, h 2138 N 7th ........ Bankler Harry, laborer, h 702 East ; : Bankler Helen E. Mrs., h 702 East l&J Bankler Martin M., laborer, h 125 North Banks A. Bruc.e, brakeman, h 1557 Walnut Banks Alfred R., laborer, h 1843 N 7th Banks Augustus J., laborer, h 136 Indian av . l&J Banks Catharine M., housekeeper, 1122 Cumberland Banks Curtis, baker, h 173 S Summit Banks Edward c., tinsmith, l:UG N 4th, h 1537 Fulton Banks George, cook Comwlth, h 711 Race Banks Jesse, laborer, h 451 Hay av Banks John D., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 1557 Walnut



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a: GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRU6BIST{16 N. Banks Lawrence D., motorman, h 428 Hamilton >. Banks Lizzie !-.Irs., h 135 Short Louis, laborer, h 12 Cowden o Banks IVIary E., domestic, 209 State Banks

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Banks Mary}., tailoress, 334 :\Iarket, h 109 North Banks Urias P., laborer, h 1537 Fulton Banks William, laborer, h 1206 Apple av Banks William, laborer, h 1245 N II! Banks Williftm F .. brakeman, h 1319 Penn Banmiller John, baker, h 644 Verbeke Ranmiller Peter, baker, 644 Verbeke, h do Bannan Carrie B., tobacco stripper. h 713 Love av Bannan Emma, elk, 1015 X 3d, h 713 Love av Bannan George, painter, i24 Strawherry av, h 808 Green Bannan George c., painter, h ~08 Green Bannan George K . elk, h 713 Love av Bannan John H., plumber, h 713 Lm'e av Bannan Samuel T ... painter. h 121a N 7th Raptisti Eugene. bookkpr, 301 Chestnut, h 1202 do Baptisti Peter G.. (Gardner & Baptisti). h 1202 Chestnut BAPTISTI W. ARTHUR. mgr Commercial Accident Co. of Phila., room 3 Russ bldg. h 1208 1-2 Derry Barbee Jesse, laborer, h 1176 S Cameron Barber Asphalt Paving Co., C. H. Rurwinkle, supt, 7th c Boas
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REDMOND {3d and Ral" Sts.

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A. B. TACK}Wall Paper and Window Shadesh:::J:a:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
117 Barber George S., upholsterer, 321 Mkt, h Mechanicsburg Barber Spencer F., dairyman, h 133:l Derry Barbour Alexander E., butler, h 400 N 3d Barbour Charles A., carpenter, h 105 S Summit Barbour Charles F., elk, 717 N 3d, h 105 S Summit Barbour Wilbert J., laborer, h 105 S Summit Barbour. William F., brakeman, h 1118 Market Barbush Gito, fruit, &c., 516 Market, h 210 S 2d Bard Albert H., conductor, h 634 Muench Bard Sylvanus M., State sec, 16 ~ :?d, h 1411 Market Bard Thomas J., salesman, h 634 Muench Bardo Edward P., solicitor, h 1253 Kittatinny Bare Diller, h 424 North Bare John S., machinist, h 2124 6i . Bare Sarah J., wid Ulysses T., h 1733 N 6th Barger Anna B., wid William, h 1521 N 6th Barger Anna M., telephone opr P. R. R., h 264 Verbeke Barger Sarah, wid Charles, h 420 Cumberland Barger William H., flagman, h 1515 N 4th Barget Lizzie, milliner, 1225 N 6th, h do Barker D. Carleton, typewriter inspector, h 1611 Swatara Barker George B., trimmer, h 1:J50 Vernon Barker James W., mgr, 222 1vIarket, h 235 S 13th Barker Norma A., elk, 222 Market, h 235 S 13th Barker Wilbur S., elk, 222 lVIarket, h 235 S 13th

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Barker William, h 1348 Vernon Barkey James F., car repairer, h 2628 6i Barkley Alexander, laborer, h 1113 S 9th Barkley Mayme Ei> milliner, 8115 N 3d, h 309 Briggs Barksdale Nathaniel, laborer, h 622 Briggs Barley Adam, repairsman, h 1100 N 7th Barley Christopher, brakeman, h 42!} Verbeke Barley J. Frank, (Barley& Smith), h 1319 Swatara Barley Maude c., teacher, h 1319 Swatara Barley Ralph c., draftsman, h 1319 Swatara Barley Yensie c., It 131 () Swatara Barley & Smith, (J. F. Barley and ]. F. Smith), plasterers, 333 H ummel and 1319 Swatara Barlow Clara, domestic, 912 N 6th Barmont Peter, carpenter, h 562 Forrest Barnard George, laborer, h 1406 N 4th Barnard Henry A., postal elk, h 1608 Regina Barndt Julia, domestic, 313 Verbeke Barner Henry W., brakeman, h 1910 Moltke Barner Irvin W., engineer, h 1513 Hunter Barnes Annie, housekeeper, 1405 William Barnes Cora L. Mrs., 1704! Walnut Barnes CyntS c., car inspector P. R. R., h 510 Camp Barnes Edgar, messenger P. R. R., h 233 Verbeke Barnes Emory B., grocer, 15 N 3d, It do


No 1230 ARCH STREET. f'Hll'" . Pit



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

;;; Barnes Frank, laborer, h 515 State "'1:11 Barnes George A., laborer, h 1405 William Barnes George F., mess Dept Agr, 716 State, h do =e- Barnes George H., boarding, 918 N 6th, h do ~ Barnes George H., laborer, h 1158 Cumberland c.:a Barnes George N., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 233 Verbeke Barnes George W., court crier, h 110 South Barnes Harry M., brakeman, h Hbg Cemetery Barnes Howard, mill hand, h 233 Verbeke Barnes Jeremiah S., supt Hbg Cemetery, h do Barnes Lemuel, painter, h 1403 Market Barnes Mabel, domestic, 107 Chestnut Barnes Malinda D., cigarmkr, h 1930 Wood av Barnes Orval 0., elk P. R. R., h 918 N 6th Barnes Rebecca H., wid William E., h 233 Verbeke ....- Barnes R. Ellwood, printer, h Hbg Cemetery fI) Barnes Roy R., salesman, h 1615 Market Barnes Stephen, hod carrier, h 1410 William Barnes William H., elk, h 233 Verbeke Barnett Ellen, wid Jacob, h 508 South Barnett George R., lawyer, 207 Walnut, h 118 S 13th Barnett Joseph H., fireman, h 200~ N 7th Barnett M. Olive, stengr State Treasury, h N Cumb Barnett Robert, laborer, h 50~ South

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Barnhard Samuel W., shoemkr, 306 Reily, h do Barnhardt Harry E., tinner, h 701 N 19th Barnhart Benjamin F., switchman, h 2147 N 4th Barnhart Benjamin R., mailer Patriot, h 633 Camp Barnhart Caroline, h 224 Hummel Barnhart Carohne, wid Paul. h 224 Hummel Barnhart C. Frederick, h 633 Camp Barnhart Cyrus R., milk, 1430 Derry, h do Barnhart Elizabeth B., bookkpr, 3:l! ~larket, h 116 Locust Barnhart Emma S., packer, h 1f)26 Berryhill Barnhart Harry E., conductor, h 633 Camp Barnhart Howard L., paperhanger, h 1196 Christian Barnhart Howard M., carpenter, h 1930 Xorth Barnhart John F., carpenter, h 19ao North Barnhart John R., brakeman, h 1!~:15 N 5th Barnhart Lawrence, barber, 624 Yerbeke, h 511 Cumberland Barnhart Leslie L., driver, h 16.'U Fulton Barnhart Lillian E., domestic, 43R Boas Barnhart Matilda, wid Benjamin F., h 19:15 N 5th Barnhart Samuel S., brakeman, h 1727 N 7th Barnhart Seth H .. barber, h fia:1 Camp Barnhart William B., buver, :l34 Market, h Hil3 Swatara Barnhart William V., flagman, h 1804 Elizabeth av Barnhart, see Bernhardt

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Barnitz Callie E., elk, 210 Walnut, h 433 l\larket Barnitz George P., flagman, h 1009 Green Barnitz LaTrobe M., h 433 Market Barnitz Margaret J., h 200 N 3d Barnitz Mary H., wid Jerome, h 433 :\larket Barnum David A., laborer, h 419 State Barr Amanda, wid Daniel, h 319 Chestnut Barr Daisy A., weaver, h 321 Cumberland -:Barr Daniel W., ticket examiner P. R. R., h 408 Chestnut Barr Harry H., machinist, h 316 Reily -:Barr Harry P., barber, h 321 Cumberland Barr Herbert S., brakeman, h 1114 N Front -:Barr Howard S., machinist, h 1415 James -:Barr Hugh A., solicitor Miller Bros. & Baker, Locust c Court av, h Carlisle -:Barr J. Eimer, machinist, h 1213 Fulton -:Barr John, laborer, h 809 Green Barr John, patrol driver, h 1213 Fulton . -:Barr Mary J. Mrs., h 321 Cumberland -:Barr Samuel H., jr., brakeman, h 17:i6 Logan av cz:: -:Barr William, bricklayer, h 1213 Fulton ~ Barrackville Coal and Coke Co., 22:~ l\larket C; -:Barrick Dennis L., motorman, h 1936 Logan av -:Barrick Samuel W., brakeman, h 638 Woodbine -:Barrick William H., brakeman, h 1617 ~ 3d

,::Jl'~~:t~} Hirrisburg


Sayings and Loan Assn. {~::=



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Barringer Aaron H., ironwkr, h 314 Chestnut Barringer George F., drug elk, 449 State, h 18;~8t Derry Barringer Jacob P., h 919 Green Barringer John A., conductor, h 311 Chestnut Barringer Mary, wid Michael J., h 232 Forster Barrington E. Hatch, foreman, 138 Short, h Paxtang Barrington Evelyn, kindergarten, 2d c State, h Paxtang Barry James E., shipping elk, h 1600 Hunter av Barry Katharine, domestic, 107 N Front Barry Mary B., wid John, h 721 N 6th Barry Mary E., dressmkr, h 1600 Hunter Barry W. Foster, (Lochiel ~lerchamlise Co.), h 411 S 16th Bartelo Dominic, macaroni mfr, 214 S 2d, h do Barth Mary, wid John G., h 35 N 17th ~ Bartholomew John, civil engineer, h 202 Locust .......... Bartles Kate M., housekeeper, 1320 ~ 4th :;: Bartleson Evan E., bookkpr State Treasury, h 723 N 6th C'-I Bartley Annie M., wid William P., h 1336 N 7th Bartley George M., asst trainmaster P. R. R., h 228 Harris 5F 'Bartley J. Reilley, brakeman. h 1310 Market :Bartley Mary B. ~lrs., confectioner, 1310 ~Iarket, h do Bartley Nora c., bookkpr, 1022 Market, h 1336 N 7th Bartolet Adam F., conductor, It 110 S ]3th Bartolet Beulah E., press feeder, h 1111 S 13th Bartolet Charles E., shoe operator, h 110 S 13th
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Boyd'a Harrilburg City Directory.

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Bartolet Harry T., car cleaner, h 110 S 13th Bartolet William D., fireman, h 110 S 13th Bartoli Guiscppe, laborer, h 1001 Market Barton Annie, wid George, h 509 Filbert Barton Archibald, laborer, h 12 Cowden Barton Charles W., repairsman, h 1523 N 6th Barton Ephraim H., driver, h 1208 N 12th Barton Frederick E., salesman, h 1511 Derry Barton George, laborer, h Cowden nr Walnut Barton George c., helper, h 321 N River av Barton George W., laborer, h 1090 N 15th Barton Harry, laborer, h 1090 N 15th Barton John H., waiter, h 162 Indian av Barton Joseph, hostler, h 235 Blackberry av Barton Nevin, laborer, h 1523 N 6th Barton Oscar, laborer, h 1090 N 15th Barton Robert, driver, h 1432 N 6th Basco Andrew, laborer, It 56 Lochiel Cottage Row Base George S., shoe operator, h 1436 Derry Bashore Carl, laborer, h 430 Cumberland Bashore Clinton D., engineer, h 1513 Wallace Bashore Emma J., domestic, 223 Forster Bashore Ferdinand D., cigars, &c., 512 Market, h 422 do Bashore George K., ins sol, h 33 S 16th

I- Bashore Harry E., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 123 N 13th 1&1 Bashore Isaac, bartender, h 6114 South Bashore John H., machinist, h 1:!25 :-.J 7th Bashore John vV., sawyer, h 1U2:! State Bashore William, laborer, h Z Basilia Antonio, stonemason,1845 NS 7th av h 107 River Baskin i\lae, domestic. 5 S Front Baskin Mary A., wid Robert, h 211 State Baskin lI.fary J.. saleslady, 1:l1l0 ~ 3d, h 1001 N 7th I&J Baskin Oliver S., laborer, h 11101 N 7th Baskind Aaron, grocer, 410 Cranberry av, h do Baskins Charles E., plasterer, h 1510 Wallace Baskins Ira D., wiper, h 1613 Fulton Baskins Josiah c., flagman, h :n9 Dauphin av Baskins Louisa, wid Leonard.J . h 1613 Fulton 3i Baskins Walter c., laborer, h 319 Dauphin av Basom Samuel c., laborer, h 918 Penn Bass Esther, saleslady, 3:34 :\larket, h 17 Cowden Bass Herman J., salesman, 30 N 3d, h 415 State Bassett George, tinner, h 402 S 2d Bassh Jacob, peddler, h 509 North av Bassh James, peddler, h 509 North av Bassh Joseph, peddler, h 513 Cowden Bassler Harr" N. Rev., h 122n Green CD Bastian Hariy L., molder, h 2H2 Calder

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I. B. TleK} FI:~~O~!lTTN:V"A:-..~c~!f.,~R {~1610rtIJ lDlrd hi

Boyd's Harrisburg City


Baston Walter, fireman, h 21:J :\Iuench Bastress J. N. & Co., (J. N. Bastress), engineers and con tractors, 5 N 2d Bastress John N., (J. N. Bastress & Co.), h 214 Pine Batdorf Grant D. Rev., h 258 Herr Batdorf Irvin J., ins solicitor, h 2018 :N 6th Batdorf, see Badorf Bateman Alice, domestic, 1507 Green Bateman C. Parker, elk P. R R, h 426 Kelker, Bateman David 1'1., roller, h 115 Dock Bateman George R, craneman, h 115 Dock Bateman John T., motorman, h 426 Kelker Bateman Joseph ~L, h 1!l4 Dock Bateman Maggie C, press feeder. h 115 Dock Bateman Theodore, puddler, h 115 Dock Bateman Vrena S., saleslady, 225 1\Iarket, h 115 Dock Bateman William, laborer, h 134 Dock Bateman William 0., puddler, h 134 Dock Bates Arthur W., steel inspector, h 1619 :\Iarket Bates Charles E., puddler, h 349 Hummel Bates Clarence S., blacksmith, h 247! Hummel Bates Edward F., grocer, 1724 N 5th, h do Bates Edward F., jr., elk, 1724 N 5th, h do Bates Howard V., machinist, h 204 S 2d BATES 100 L., alderman, 200 Walnut, h 218 North

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ ~~~t,~~~~~.

Bates Joseph E., warehouseman, h 204 S 2d Bates Julia M., wid Jacob, h 622 Harris Bates Katharine A., saleslady, 308 :\Iarket, h 1734 N 6th Bates :Maria, wid Samuel, h 204 S 2d Bates Mary A., dressmkr, h 204 S 2d Bates Mary E., wid William H., h 1::;61 Walnut Bates Robert E., trucker, h Front ab Seneca Bates Samuel H., molder, h 1205 Chestnut Bates William 1\1., (Bates & Co.), h 268 Briggs BATES & CO., (W. Jrt. Bates and 1. LEssig), wholesale fruits and produce, 15 and 17 N 2d Batten George W., tooldresser, h 515 ~Iaclay Battis Forest H., student, h 141 Short Battis Frisby c., pawnbroker, 141 Short, h do Battis Frisby c., jr., V. S. storekeeper, h 141 Short Battis Paul H., student, h 141 Short Baturin Lewis, rags, 301 S Cameron, h 123 do Baturin Morris, rags, 301 S Cameron, h 639 Boas Baturin :\Iyer, jeweler, 506 Market, grocer, 1018 N 7th, h do Bauchman Frank A., laborer, h 39 S Court av Bauchman George, laborer, h 39 S Court av Bauchmoyer Sadie, wid Joseph, h 1004 S Cameron Bauchmoyer Christian H., craneman, h 948 Paxton Bauder Catharine E., collarmkr, h 4:15 State






~ Bauder David F., agt, h 4::\5 State Bauder Annie, housekeeper, 435 State Bauder Geo. W., resident physician Hbg Hospital, h do "'C Bauer Caroline, wid Nicholas, h 907 K 2d .: Bauer Margaret, h907 N 2d lj Bauerle John C., laborer, h 216 Cherry av ~ Bauerle Ida, housekeeper, 216 Cherry av a Bauers \VilIiam, brakeman, h 700 N 3d ~ Baughman Edward H., bottler, h 12::\ Balm Baughman Mae H., saleslady, h 123 Balm Baughman Therese, domestic, 116 S 2d BAD ADAK H., journalist, 1406 3d, h 1337 Fulton Baum Catharine Mrs., h 927 N 6th Baum Clara, waitress, 19 S 2d Baum David H., elk, h 808 ~ 3d Baum Edward F., adv mgr Independent, h 14:7 Sylvan ter Baum Ella ]., saleslady, 318 Market, h 927 N 6th Baum Frank L., salesman, 334 Market, h 927 N 6th ( /) BAUK HARRY C., mgr tel office P. R. 11.., h 126 Sylvan ter Baum Ida M., dressmkr, h 927 N 6th t&J Baum Jacob S., floorwalker, 334 Market, h 220 Boas .J Baum James W., h 432 Reily ter C Baum J. Lauer, draftsman, h 147SSylvan1502 State Baum Lewis, window oresser, 6 2d, h I.tJ Baum \Vellington \V., wheelwright, h 634 Boas __ _._--L.._




'IIeN.O'. PaiD Exterminator en", Cholera Korblla, D,.enteI'J,eram... Dlarrbma. QuJnay, Rbl!umaUuD, Toothacbe, Bon Tbroa\, Ague. D:fIPepeia. Ire..........


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Baum \ViIIiam R., postal elk, h 125 Sylvan ter Baumbach Adam, contractor, 42:-J Verbeke, h do >- Baumgardner Edith, vamper, h 1518 Hunter z.: Baumgardner Franklin, mason, h 1518 Hunter Baumgardner Joseph, mason, h 1518 Hunter a.. Baumgardner Lena c., h 1518 Hunter E Baumgartner Martin, tailor, h Berryhill nr Cameron C) Balls \ViIIiam, laborer, h 1321 Thompson av U Bausher Carmi I., civil engineer, h 136 ~ lath .-I Bausman Abraham, helper, h 502 X l:~th Bausman Benjamin, watchman, h 121 S Cameron C) u Bausman John, laborer, h 1412 ~ 7th Bausman, sec Bowsman Q Bax Adam, carpenter, h 1706 Fulton z.: Bax Adam c., tinworker, h 425 IVluench ..c Bax George F., shoemkr, h 425 Muench ~ Rax Harry J., roller, h 434 Hamilton u nax Louis J., shearsman, h 519 Camp 13ax Marv A .. foreladv, h 425 Muench Raxter Alfred c., ball' player, h 14n8 Fulton Baxter Edward Coo messenger sec Comwlth, h !l12 Green Raxter Lulu R., printer, h 1215 Derry Baxter l\largaret E .. bookpr. 10~ :'Ilarket, h Camp Hill Baxter ~lary E., wid Levi, h 1215 Derry Baxter Sarah E., wid \Villiam H., h Basin av nr Fulton


laJ nile GUoronw 0l1li Trust CO. II


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Employs none but ftnrt-elua workmen. hence A B TACK} daN t&1IlI'.hwd 1Daurealt. Work done In any panonly j/trft- { N.1.1S of 8&Me. ad


Boyd's Ranisburg City Directory. 123 Baxter William H., laborer, h 1426 N 4th Baxtresser Jacob H., elk Co. treas, C. H., h Middletown Bay Frank E." laborer, h 1005 Cowden Bay James G. 11., office, P. R. R. c State, h 9 N 5th Bay John Z., plasterer, h 1406 N 4th Bay Maggie Mrs., h 605 South av Bay Nellie M., looper, h 2117 Moore Bay Shoe Co., State c' Canal Bay Thomas F., brakeman, h 2117 Moore Bay William H., carpenter, h 1005 Cowden Bay William J., engineer, h 264 North Bayler Angeline, wid William A., h 616 Verbeke BAYLES HARRY T., wall paper and painting, 127411arket, h 1540 Derry Bayles J. William, plumber, 1611 N 6th, h do Baymiller Harriet E., wid John H .. h 1611 Hunter av Beachler Henry c., laborer, h 1520 Green Beachler John H., baggagemaster, h 121:J Chestnut Beachley Oscar, warehouseman, 226 N 14th Beally Samuel K., expressman, 15 N 3d, h 213 Crescent Bealor Frat:tk S., brakeman, h 621 Reily Bealor James E., wall paper, 1700 N 6th, h 604 Dauphin Bealor J. Henry, painter, h 1826 N 6th Bealor J. William, engineer, h 621 Reily Bealor Lydia A., h 2227 N 6th

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~e:'''=:'o:, ~ Harrlsburg-'-Sa-YI-ng-s-a-n-d-Lo--a-n-A-ss-n.-{-~-:v.e-Orth-t ~:

Bealor Martha, dressmkr, 2227 N 6th, h do :D Bealor Ross, elk, 1518 N 6th, h 621 Reily Beam John E., laborer, h 2120 Moore C Beam Samuel H., laborer, h 237 Sayford av 0, Beam SaQ1uel H., laborer, h 638 Harris Beam Samuel W., brakeman, h 923 N 3d N: Beamdaffer Annie E. Mrs., h 54 Lochiel 6th row Beamer Annie M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Beamer Charles C., ironworker, h 111 Hanna Beamer Flora Mrs., h 1149 Christian I: Beamer Harry f., flagman, h 425 Dauphin av Beamer Mary Mrs., layer out of the dead, 511 South av, :D. h do Beamer Mary E., wid Jacob, h 711 S 21! Bear;ner Maude M., cigarmkr, h 1194 Christian Beamer Milton E., laborer, h 1194 Christian Bean James, laborer, h 418 Cranberry av Beaner G. Ambrose, laborer, h 325 Cherry av Bear Charles, brakeman, h 2212 N 6th Bear Ella D., dressmkr; h 1835 N 7th Bear Frank M., machinist, h 422 S 16th Bear Harry A., car repairer, h 1718 Fulton Bear Harry A., painter, 209 South. h 1702 Green Bear Horace, barber, h 1333 ~ 4th Bear Jennie, wid Abner S., h 1835 N 7th

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- O U R MOTTO . - - t

BoDeat C~ BODest Weicht r . ,



1 .Grt~ U SIMI

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

z: Bear Samuel M., engineer, h 1835 N 7th

~ BEAR WILLIAJrt L, & CO" (Charles H. Kline), bankers and c: brokers, room A Bolton House ~ Bear, see Baer, also Bair

Beard Alice B., weaver, h 1304 N Front

a.. Beard Bessie M., warper, h 1304 N Front






Beard Cyrus A., carpenter, h 1304 N Front Beard Hannah l\lrs., notions, 1105 N 3d, h do Beard Harry B., (Hbg Harness and Saddlery Co), h York Beard Herman T., engineer, h 424 S Cameron Beard Katharine, h 1014 Hemlock Beard Lemuel R., telegrapher P. R R Beard Lizzie, cigarmkr, h 632 Briggs Beard Lizzie E., shipper, h 545 SlOth Beard Lulu c., warper, h 1304 N Front Beard Margaret, janitress, h 225 Briggs Beard Mary J., domestic, 216 North Beard Maurice c., telegrapher P. & R h 20 N 14th Beard Minnie Mrs., h 114 Ann av Beardsley Willard P., dist supt, 227 Walnut, h 218 Briggs Beasley Edward, laborer, h 1424 Fulton Beasley Lewis, laborer, h 13:34 Mayflower av Beasor Howard, engineer, h 526 Woodbine Beasor Irvin c., engineer, h 528 Woodbine Beasor Louise, wid Joseph, h 526 Woodbine


Alfred M., conductor, 11 1907 N 6th Anna M., wid Robert ]., h 1907 N 6th Annie, h 239 State Catharine, wid John, h 23 S 4th Catharine, wid Robert T., h 512 N 3d Catharine S., h 207 N Front Charles, driver, 401 Chestnut, h 23 S 4th Charles E., weaver, h 1907 N 6th Charles R, conductor, h 215 S 15th Emma F., teacher, h 11)7 Paxton G. Irwin, h 207 N Front Henry J." h 207 N Front James E., letter carrier, h 626 Harris James H., (Beatty & Bro.), h 23 S 4th Jane, wid Archibald, h 624 Harris John, (Beatty & Bro.), h 23 S 4th Margaret A., seamstress Lunatic Hospital, h do Mary A., wid Joshua, h 622 North Mary E., bookkpr, 210 Walnut, h 23 S 4th Olivia, domestic, 202 Walnut Samuel E.~ laborer, h 1818 N Cameron Samuel K., expressman, h 213 Crescent ' Sarah H., h 107 Paxton Tracy E. Mrs., dressmkr, 700 N 3d, h do William, h 700 N 3d
Digitized by


Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty .Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty Beatty

Radmond's Wagon Works {::JI~':.lf;b,!:P~~~~1:' 3d anllRailv Sis,


A. 8. TACK t:t~:s:}IOII POOerOOd IlDdolShOdes R,1\~8~Tt:

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Beatty William J., carpenter, h 107 Paxton BEATTY & BRO., proprs Keystone Karble and Granite Works and general stone contractors, Cameron nr State Beaumont Harvey L., cigars, 1846 Green, h do Beaver Charles, fruit, &c., 805 N 3d, h do Beaver Geotge, laborer, h 1146 Market Beaver Harry P., laborer, h 1014 Berryhill Beaver Irvin, barber, h 1203 N 7th Beaver, see Biever Beaverson Grace c., saleslady, 221 Market, h 335 Walnut Bechtel Harry A., engineer, h 561 S Front Bechtel Henry E., carpenter, h 516 Maclay Bechtel John A., heater, h 911 S Front Bechtel Joseph F., stonemason, h 1740 Herr Bechtle Tohn c., h 320 Crescent Beck Amanda E., wid Samuel, h 1200 Bailey Beck Andrew J., driver, 401 Chestnut, h 234 S 14th Beck Bessie E. Mrs., h 230 Cherry av Beck Charles H., laborer, h 1321 Penn Beck David M., sales agent, h 1400 Regina Beck Elizabeth J., wid Benjamin F., h 213 Forster Beck Elmer, cooper, h 106 Dock Beck Flavius A. J., cabinetmkr, h 22 N Summit Beck Florence E., student, h 213 Forster



;: ;:;::

Beck Grant, laborer, h 1219 Bailey Beck Harry M., brakeman, h 124 Charles av Beck Harry 0., propertyman, h 1302 lHayflower av Beck H. Augustus, laborer, h 37 N Summit Beck Howard A., laborer, h 37 N Summit Beck Ida, weaver, h 218 Reily Beck Jacob F., engineer, h 623 Kelker Beck J. Augustus, artist, 265 Boas, h do Beck John C., laborer, h 742 S 21st Beck Joseph A., (Beck & Eggert), h 1248 Market Beck Louisa H. Mrs., dressmkr, h 208 South Beck Lydia A., bookkpr, 428 Market, h 1400 Regina Beck Maggie D. Mrs., h 1227 Cowden Beck :Marian, artist, h 265 Boas Beck Martha T., bookkpr, 12 N 3d, h 213 Forster Beck Martin F., laborer, h 1204 Bailey ~ Beck Martin L., laborer, h 1204 Bailey C'-t Beck Martin S., carpenter, h 1212 Bailey 0 Beck Mervin L., salesman, 3~4 :Market, h Mechanicsburg ~ Beck Myrtle, cigarmkr, h 1942 State BECK ONESDIUS H., express, 320 Strawberry av, h do Beck Perry L., bottler, h 1251 Market Beck Peter S., contractor, 1219 Bailey, h do Beck Solomon, brakeman, h 2212 N 6th Beck Thomas J., mgr, 620 York av, h 1251 Market

MILLER BROS.l BAKER{ "~~bl~l:.~~ if ------




Boyd's . 126 THOMAS 1. Harrisburg City Directory. c:; BECK CO., T. 1. Beck, mgr, mineral water








';a 2




Beckwith Frederick, laborer. h 20(17 )J 7th Beckwith Sarah A., wid Daniel. h l~:n Rudy Bedell 'WilIiam D . express messenger, h 28 S 3d >- Beecher John :\1.. draftsman F. & ~l. Wks. h 1601 N 2d Z Beecher Robert S., chief draftsman F. & :'II. Wks, h 1601 < N 2d A- Beelman Carson S . carpenter, h li3:~3 )J 6th E Beelman Christian H., carpenter, h 15:13 N 6th o u Beers Josephine ~I., domestic, 1806 Green Beetem John E.; supt Glen Mfg Co., h 1230 Bartine av ....J Behan Rosa B. l\[rs., h 201 1\1 ulberry C Behm Frederick, o Behm Harry, car laborer, hh 911 SlOth repairer. MJ9 Verbeke u Behm Jacob C., h 207 Harris Q Behney Elvina, wid Henry, h 266 Briggs Z



bottlers, 820 York c Ash av see adv Beck WaIter, photographer, h 121 Washington Beck Wilkes G., bookkpr, 620 York av, h 1251 Market Beck \Villiam, foreman, h 127 Hanna Beck \Villiam A., miller, h 1440 Zarker Beck. William H .. carpenter, h Ul42 State Beck William J., brakeman. h 1745 )J Cameron Beck W. Wright, adv mgr, h 1803 ~ 2d BECK & EGGERT, (Joseph A. Beck and Emil Eggert), dyer., 1248 Market Bee adv opp page Beck, see Bueck Beckenbaugh Edgar L., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 234 S 13th Beckenbaugh Lillian E. ~Irs . elk, (i S 2d, h 1425 Shoop Beckenbaugh l\Iary I., h 234 S 13th Becker Charles P., rope splicer. h lG09 Susquehanna Becker John c., linotype operator, h 1736 Walnut Becker l\Iary, wid John. h 1221 N 6th Becker \Villiam U., supt, 16 N 2d, h 544 Race Becker, see Baker Beckley Ellie ~L, wid Daniel A., h 251 )Jorth Beckley ~Iorris J.. (Soper & Mann). h 418 S 13th Beckley Oscar P., photographer. h 1257 Kittatinny Beckwith Edward J., laborer. h 2007 ~ 7th
nTLE IUAI" nUIT co. {INtI AII.'.'"1a h.elt.... aUrd ..... } 1111 bill'. - I I Se"n'... h .... Tro"..' .n. III D,h .. kl ' JudlIIIII.." .... 11 h.1 Ohl..


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RDCDII. Iron Ale, Celery,CDII, Pepsin-Oil Ind "CI..erdlle" Artesiln lHhil Wlter, ..ture's Hellth Re.tonr. , . , c:::;, 620 York, Corner Ash Avenue. HARRISBURG, PA,


Bottlers' Shippers of High-Grade Beverages

.....,....-- AND SOLE DI8TRIBUTORS---

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don't 6at tile Ins Digitized Google

Y':~L:V:O~= IOU moor ODd 1101101 ShUdes lrom A. B. TACK {""::~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. . 121
Behney Harry, cigarmkr, h 131l2! N 6th Behney Ira L., bookkpr, 206 Market, h 70 N 12th Behney John, laborer, h 13112! N 6th Behney John H., grocer, 329 S 14th, h do Behney Katharine, h 266 Briggs Behny C. Thomas, elk, h 235 S 14th Behringer Abram E., carpenter, h lI05 N Front Beible Andrew E., car inspector, h 1930 Fulton Beidel (larence, barber, h 410 Strawberry av Beidelman Ella W., feeder, h 161'1 Derry Beidelman Joseph B., cigarmkr, h HiVI Derry Beidelman Scott B., pressman, rear :120 Market, h 1403! Regina Beidleman Akolena, wid Newlin D., h 1631 Regina Beidleman Bertha A., elk div public records, h 22 S 13th Beidleman Edward R, molder, h 218 Crescent BEIDLEKAIi EDWARD E., lawyer, 16 N 2d, h 29 Evergreen Beidleman Emma B., h 1200 Chestnut Beidleman Theresa, domestic, 219 S Front Beidleman Thomas D., overseer, h 22 S 13th Beidleman William, h 21R Crescent Beidleman William, salesman, h 21~ Crescent Beidleman William c., foreman mailing div P.O., h 1200 Chestnut Beidler Philip, laborer, h 419 Hamilton

.!:;~~~~O:D }Hanlsburg - - - Sayings ---

and Loan Assn. {:

Beigh Harry D., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 118 Evergreen Beigh Jerome R, laborer, h 118 Evt:rgreen Beigh Susan, wid Henry, h 512 Cowden Beil Jacob, packer P. R R., h 12;n Swatara Beil Norman W., elk, 1239 Swatara, h 1237 do Beinhauer Carrie, elk, 58 N 13th, h do Beinhauer llary E. Mrs., h 1905 N 7th Beinhauer Otto, fireman, h 1l:l4 Jonestown rd Beisel Charles ,\'1., brakeman, h 1912 Fulton Beisser William, printer, 201 N 2d, h 1804 Penn Beistline Effie E., tailoress, h 228 Verbeke Beistline Florence J., wid Joseph, h 1411 Wallace Beistline G. Morris, foreman P. & R, h 1639 Market Beistline Ivy, book folder, h 1639 Market

< l>

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No"":"I8C~':!.!!:by'-.:rOOgIe ~

1 Digitized


Toa of

H M KELLEY GIl CO'S -JonDlamondll when { 101b I" 3d 'IfIlL P. Black 1 .1Ifl~ nest order.It." Ita.
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,



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Beistline Mvrtle A., weaver, h 1639 Market Beistline K~lIie, bookkpr, 8 S 2d, h 12~5 Swatara BEITLER LEWIS E., dep sec Commonwealth, Capitol, h 20N 4th Beitman Sue K., milliner, 36 N 3d, h Carlisle Belford Eliza A., wid George W., h 1846 Hickory av Belford Margaret R, charwoman, h 184:6 Hickory av Belford William W., laborer, h 1846 Hickory av Bell Abraham, laborer, h 1135 Market Bell Abram, laborer, h P. R. R. nr Walnut Bell Amos A., puddler, h 91:1 S Front Bell Anna 11., h 1832 K 6th Bell Augustus P., laborer, h 230 Charles av Bell B. Frank, sawyer, h 825 S Front Bell Catharine, h 2114 Chestnut Bell Charles W., student, h 1437 :\1arket Bell Clara M., h 2110 Chestnut Bell Daniel, laborer. h P. R R nr Walnut Bell Daniel W., laborer, h 1~29 Wyeth av Bell Edward F., laborer, h 825 S Front Bell Edward T., painter, h 820 1\ 3d Bell Elizabeth, h 204 Chestnut Bell Fannie, domestic, (121 N 2d Bell Frank H., painter. h 820 N 3d



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Bell George B., confectioner, 33 S 2d, h 200 Chestnut Bell George \\ ., brakeman, h 1426 William Bell Irvin G., carpenter, h 556 Forrest Bell James W., machinist, h 1832 N 6th Bell John A., toll collector, Front ab Division, h do Bell Joseph L., letter carrier, h 801 S Front Bell Joseph R.. inspector, h 1107 K Front Bell Lawrence ~I., car inspector, h 556 Forrest Bell Lewis, laborer, h 1:J31 N 4th Bell Louisa G.. domestic, h 1329 Wyeth av Bell M. Alice, h !!Oll Chestnut Bell Mary, domestic. 1213 N 11i Bell Mary R., saleslady, 2~5 Market, h 913 S Front Bell Nina, h 419 West av Bell Sabra ~I., wid \-Villiam A., h 1610 N 3d Bell Shelley K., brakeman, h 527 Camp BELL THOMAS 1., clk supt public printing, h 1437 Market Bell Thomas J., painter, h 319 N 2d Bell Thomas \V .. machinist. h 1832 N 6th BELL THORNTON A., painter, 819 Myrtle av, h 820 .. 3d Bell Tryphena, seamstress. h 507 South Bell "CIvsses S., driver, h 5 N 9th Bell Viola, h 913 S Front Bell Wayne S., h 2:12 Xorth Bell William A., laborer, h 825 S Front

ANDREW REDMOND}~~.!:i~~~~{3d and Rally StS. Google

Digitized by

A. B. TlCK}lALL PAPER ~:'e'::'~ "1001 SHADES{N;~~~St.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Bell William B., brakeman, h 1317 l\'larion Bell William C., conductor, h 421 Muench Bellevue Kurseries, (L. F. Haehnlen), Holly bel limits Bellevue Wine Co., (L. F. Haehnlen), Holly bel limits Bellman Francis M., brakeman, h 1603 N 3d Bellman Helen 1., wid John H., h 2112 N 4th Bellman Margaret E., wid Jackson, h 426 Muench Bellman Martha M., folder, h 426 Muench Bellman Pamela, folder, h 426 Muench Bellman William, salesman, h 131 Balm Beltz Percy I., elk, 410 ;\larket, h 1246 do BEILUi ROY D, chief elk State Highway Dept, h 1603 Green Bendall John H., bookkpr, 308 Market, h 314 Herr Bender Anna F., elk, 1531 N 3d, h do Bender Anna M., teacher, h 1621 Green Bender Benjamin S., h 1223 N Front Bender Ch~rles A., machinist, h 63 N 16th Bender Edgar, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bender Emma M., seamstress, h 1223 N Front Bender Ephraim, laborer, h 1420 N 4th Bender Frederick, barbers' chairs, supplies, &c., 520 Walnut, h 302 Boas Bender George B., painter, h 640 \Voodbine Bender George H., salesman, 334 Market; h Lemoyne

,. r

t ;l


,. ,.




." III


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER! "~~b~~I.~~a

Bender George K., conductor, h 1242 Market Bender Grant, puddler, h 3 Lochiel1st Row Bender Harry H., elk, 37 K 3d, h 67 X 16th Bender Henry, trucker, h 7th c Mahantongo Bender Henry E., elk, h 1421 N 3d Bender Herbert c., machinist, h 1621 Green Bender Joshua ""'., laborer, h 7th c :\lahantongo Bender Laura c., wid Irwin, h 5 N 13th Bender Lovina, domestic, 1234 N 6th Bender Maria, h 1217 N 6th Bender l\Iary, h 1621 Green Bender Mary Mrs., housekeeper, 134 Verbeke Bender McClellan, helper, h 637 Camp Bender Oliver c., P. O. messenger P. R. R., h 1606 Regina Bender Reuben, policeman, h 1621 Green Bender Robert S., laborer, h 422 Muench Bender \Vade P., brakeman, h 2127 Atlas av Benedict Horace, caller, h 1~4 S 2d Benedict Lisle, laborer, h 1212 Apple av Benedict Ralph c., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 721 N 6th Benedict Robert, bartender, 503 State, h 520 do Benfer John c., ironwkr, h 12 N 13th Benfer Joseph H., (Stapf & Benfer), h 1620 Chestnut Benfer Lydia B., milliner, 36 N ~d, h 12 N 13th Benion Harry, machinist, h 3d c Seneca

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No 1230 ARCH STREET PHll.\


CLARK'S ::=~~ Drug ,and Patent Medicine Stor8L=,~u.

130 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
. . Benion 1"1. \Villiam, h :~d c Seneca - Benion Sidney :\1., machinist. h ad c Seneca Benitz Constantine, h 4411 Walnut _ Benitz Frederick C, (Acme t;rocery Co.). h 1111 Short Ii Benjamin Elizabeth H., h 8111 N 2CI "C - Benner X 6th .- Benner Abraham S., conductor, h 2216 Front E Annie :\1., cigar roller, h n:l:J S c5 Benner Arthur J., real estate. 14114 Derry, h do ..: Benner Charles P., brakeman, h 1i4:) :\Iaelav ~ Benner Cloyd E., laborer, h :!1:~ S 15th Benner Frank J., car repairer, h 21:1 S 15th 1! :a Benner John :\1., repairsman. h SHH:~ :\loltke av Front to- Benner Joseph, laborer, h uta Benner Linley c., carpenter, It 1!10'i! X 7th :: Benner Peter, car inspector, h 1:l21 Howard ~ Benner William, laborer, h ]:121 Howard c: Benner \Villiam, laborer, h fi:1:J S Front . "iii Benner William B., brakeman, h 424 Hamilton !! Benner William E., watchman, h :1:1 Balm Benner William K., salesman, h :n 1 Chestnut Bennet W. Edgar. elk .\ud Genl's Dept, h Ii S 3d BENNETHUII WILLIAII H., mgr, 334 lIarket, h 2009 Ii 3d Bennethum \Villiam H., jr., advertiser, !l!l4 l\farket, h :\Jechanicsburg Bennett Addie, charwoman, h 215 Cranberry av

-----------------------Bennett Amv Mrs., h 1123 ~ 6th l&J Bennett An~ie L., wid David E., h r 512 ~ 5th (,) Bennett Annie 1\1. l\I rs., dressmkr, h 2:141 til - -. Bennett Anselm W., foreman P. R. R., h 214 Hamilton >- Bennett Brainard H., salesman, 15 N 2d, h 1717 Hunter Z Bennett Calvin F., switchman, h 2411 Harris Charles, driver, h las S Cameron a.. Bennett Charles F., laborer, h 1312 Wallace Bennett IS Clara E., elk, 14U~ Vernon, o Bennett Esta, h 11iO S Cameron h 1717 Hunter av U Bennett Bennett Frances Mrs., boarding, 4110 N 2d, h do ...J Bennett George, laborer, h 140 S Cameron . o Bennett George W., brakeman, h 21127 N 5th u Bennett George W .. elk, HUH Vernon, h laa5 do Bennett Harry, laborer, h 1411 S Cameron Q Bennett Henry L., baggagemaster, h !):n N 2d Z Bennett Horace B., janitor P.O., h 215 Cranberry av Bennett Howard, laborer, h 12 Cowden ' W Bennett John, laborer, h 1123 N 6th U Bennett John F., brakeman, h H~20 Logan av Bennett John F., lahorer, h 140 S Cameron Bennett John N., watchman, h 1123 N 6th Bennett John T., engineer, h HI:l5 N 7th Bennt'tt John \V., brakeman, h 1221 Currant av Bennett :\Iartin L.. painter, h 1n2 Fulton

---I!lIOronlY ODd Trusl CO IF SCUITOI, 1 FIllfllIu".... t~- r BealBaeue OftIce j - ...,. l Wde Tille a PEI.A. " ca.t,.ct. Rear of PCl8&




Read the PATRIOT} ~ENNET {HarriSbUrg:i!tiz~de!t!~'~~f~r



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 131

Bennett Mary G., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1717 Hunter Bennett Nellie J., music teacher, 1335 Vernon,h do Bennett Oliver L. C, laborer, h 215 Cranberry av Bennett Thomas, laborer, h 824 N 6th Bennett Thomas E., fireman, h 1732 Fulton Bennett William, driver, h 140 S Cameron Bennett William, watchman, h 508 Walnut Bennett William B., brakeman, h 201 Harris Benning C Leonard, brakeman, h 124 Sylvan ter Bensinger Henry F., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 2021 Swatara Benson Anme 1'1., winder, h 1207 N 6th Benson Cyrus F., foreman, h 240 N 14th Benson Harry G., watchman P. R R, h 1207 N 6th Benson Harry R, condu(;tor, h 1112 Penn Bent George C, special agt P. R R, h 7 S Front Bent Henry B., engineer of tests, h 207 State Bent Mary K., teacher, h 31'S Front Bentley Abram H., machinist, h 15 S 2d Bentley George R, genl supt C. 1. and S. Cn., h 121 S 2d Bentley J. Frank, screwsman, h 121 S 2d Bentley Walter S., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 121 S 2d Bentz Emma, laundress, h 1417 Fulton Bentz John A., car repairer, h 267 Sassafras av Bentz Joseph, laborer, h 1014 S 21-!

.,. ...

~~ :8::} Hanlsburg SaYings a-nd-Lo-a-n-A-ss-n-,~-~-8~-o-r:

Bentz William. helper, 28 S 2d, h Shiremanstown Bentz William A., brakeman, h 624 Hamilton Bentzel Carrie E., elk, 414 State, h 927 N 2d Bentzel D. Edward, brakeman, h 1115 Plum av Bentzel Edith M., elk, r 1222 K 3d, h 927 N 2d Bentzel Elmer D., fireman, h 714 Capital' Bentzel Flora B., teacher, h 927 N 2d BENTZEL lOHN E., grocer,.416 Forster, b do Bentzel Sarah E., wid William, h 927 N 2d Benzinger Carrie M., weaver, h 907 Capital Benzinger Charles M., painter, h 2007 Swatara Benzinger Frank, ins sol, h 2039 Kensington Benzinger George B., driver, h 907 Capital Benzinger Laura, weaver, h 907 Capital Bereghy Arpad von, printer Telegraph, h 211 Verbeke Bereghy Julius von, music teacher, 211 Verbeke, h do Berg Edwin, brakeman, q 407 Market Berge George J., puddler, h 15:l3 Swatara Berge John A., boilermkr, h 15,'l3 Swatara Bergengren Fritz, (Stulen Co.), h 107 Chestnut Bergengren George, (Stulen Co.), h 107 Chestnut Berger Harry, mill hand, h 127 Hanna Berger Louis, mill hand, h 127 Hanna . Berger William, bartender, 2101 N 6th, h 916 N 3d Berger, see Burger


> o

> ~ > ~


H. M. KELLEY & CO.}OIl~Ces. :1I-r.:~~.::r:!:}COAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


c::a BERGHAUS V. HU'MXEL, 1R., city editor Patriot, h 1100 a:: N Front
:;: BERGNER CHARLES H., lawyer, 4 N 3d, h 3 S Front .... Bergner Elizabeth, wid George, h 225 :Ylarket Bergner George S., student, h 3 S Front a:: Bergner William S., (Bergner & Neal), h 3 S Front ~ Bergner & Keal, (W. S. Bergner and H. C. Xeal), coal and scrap iron, 4 N 3d CD BERGSTRESSER AJ.F!XANDER W., wall papers, window shades, 12 S Front ....... Bergstresser&c., 113W., Market, h 105 h 1432 N 6th Alick paperhanger, Bergstresser Edith B. Mrs., boarding, 1432 N 6th, h do Bergstresser Edwin R., ore sampler, h 105 S Front IIJ Bergstresser Effie J., housekeeper, 120 Nagle Bergstresser Elizabeth Mrs.,"h 113 Washington Bergstresser Jesse Rev., h 120 Nagle IIJ Bergstresser William E., painter, 118 S Court av, h 207 S River av II: Berkheimer Ada J., stengr, 10 S 2d, h Williams Grove Berkheimer Raymond E .. brakeman. h 1534 Thompson av Berkheiser Maude E. Mrs., h 925 N 6th Berkley Margaret Mrs., boarding, 1205 N 3d, h do

t; Berghaus Valentine H. Rev., h 1100 N Front

~ Berghaus Mary E., h 209 S Front

Berghaus Clayton, foreman, 7th c Boas, h 1100 N Front




Bernhardt >. Bernhardt Annie, stripper, hh 551 SlOth Charles, molder, 551 SlOth Bernhardt Emma, packer, h 551 o Bernhardt Jacob F., shearsman, hSlOth River av 310 S ....

IIJ Berman Max, jeweler, 705 N 3d, h 712 Cowden



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!2 ~
_ ;:


Bernhardt John, Taborer, h 1513 N 4th Bernhardt Lewis, h 551 SlOth Bernhardt Lewis H., laborer. h .551 SlOth Bernhardt Lillie, \>ul1chmkr, h 310 S River av Bernhardt Samuel D.,. collarmkr. h :no S River av Bernhardt, see Barnhart, also Bernhart Bernhart Elizabeth B., bookkpr, h 116 Locust Bernheisel Charles H., (P. Bernheisel & Son), h 223 S 14th Bernheisel C. Norman, machinist, h H16 Derry Bernheisel James S., blacksmith. h 114 S 1:1th Bernheisel Lewis C., elk P. R. R .. h a36 S 16th Bernheisel Luther, merchant tailor and ladies' coatmkr, 1001 Green, h do BERNHEISEL P. & SON, (P. and C. H.), architects, 5 N 2d see adv opp page Bernheisel Peter, (P. Bernheisel & Son), h 22:~ S 14th Bernheisel Robert N., asst foreman Independent. h 1412 Zarker Bernheisel Valentine H .. brick laver. h H16 DerT\" Bernhisel Lucille L.. ste;lOgrapher, 7 S 4th. h Paxtang


REDMOND {3d anllRally lis.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK} Wall PaDer and Window Shades h:::K?:i~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 133
Bernstein Celia, saleslady, 334 Market, h 127 S Cameron Bernstein Jacob, bottler, h 127 S Cameron Berr Aaron, grocer, 633 Walnut, h do Berrier Harry J., pumpmkr, h 1204 N Front Berrier Augustus P., driver, h 20 Cowden Berrier Joseph, asst game warden, h 1210 N Front Berrier Joseph A., elk, 27 N 2d, h 1204 N Front Berrier Mary A., teacher, h 1204 N Front Berrier Mary A., wid Joseph, h 1210 N Front Berringer Abraham E., carpenter, h 1105 N Front Berrman Joseph, elk, 600 North, h f,.33 Walnut Berry Agnes R., wid Charles B., h 124 Vine Berry Bertha A., bookkpr, 915 N 6th, h 421, Peffer Berry Bessie B., charwoman, h 242 Liberty Berry Bessie B., charwoman, h 554 Primruse av Berry Cecelia, charwoman, h 112 Angle av Berry Daniel H., machinist. h 812 S Cameron Berry, Elizabeth, wid John c.. h 452 SlOth Berry Frank H., laborer, h 402 S 2d Berry Jane P., wid John, h 242 Liberty Berry Jasper, engineer, h 421 Peffer Berry John B., elk, h 452 SlOth Berry John c., machinist, h 1222 Swatara Berry Joseph F., machinist, h 242 Hamilton Berry Maude M., nurse, h 242 Liberty


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER {~~~t,~~1:.~~& ~ :a Berry Page, carter, h 1418 Marion
Berry Rachel M., wid James, h 35:l Hummel Rerry Robert N., porter P. R. R. passenger depot, h 328 Muench Berry Roy E., pressrrian, h 35:l Hummel Berry Theodore, machinist, h 353 Hummel Berry Thomas c., machinist. h 812 S Cameron Berry Thomas W., laborer, h 2640 6t Berry William, coachman, h 119 Cranberry av Berry William B., letter carrier, h 402 S 2d Berryhill Annie E., tailoress, :l34 :Harket, h 1108 Montgy Berryhill Joseph A., machinist, h 1 UJ8 ~lontgomery Berryhill Sarah, h 1108 Montgomery Berthel Charles, laborer, h 345 Crescent Berthel Frederick 0., laborer, h 345 Crescent ~O

, PI. g.



Architects and Superintendents,

- - - 0 ....... 0 & : - - -







No.5 North Second Street,

Harrisburg. Pa.






McNeil's Complellon PUIs :.W:J~C::~: 306 Broad

134 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Berthel Henry W., laborer, h 345 Crescent ;; Berthel Henry W., jr., pressman, r :{20 Market, h 1425 Derry Bertolani Victor, restaurant, 24 Grace av, h Hotel Russ "C Bertolet Heyman E., rodman P. R. R., h 44 N 12th Bertolucci Emilio, waiter P. R. R. dining rooms. h 24 Grace av ~ Bertolucci Luigi. lunch bartender. 441 Market, h 1101 do ;5 Bertram Simon c., carpenter, h 106 S Court av ~ Beseler George E, agt, 7 N 2d, h 114 do Beshore Andrew F., huckster, h 338 Verbeke Beshore Charles, huckster, h 1605 N 5th _ Beshore Robert, huckster, h 3:38 Verbeke u ~ Beshore Theodore, huckster. h 1533 N 4th Beshore William H., laborer, h 632 Reily Besom Mary, h 215 -I Besom Sarah, trained nurse.1411 N Verbeke cigarmkr, h 6th :IE Besore Isaac K.. bartender, h 224 Liberty (I) Best Albert T . grocer. 515 N 2d, h do Best Austin, druggist, 723 S 19th, h do Best Carrie M., book sewer, h 1500 Penn Best Daniel c., laborer, h 1531 Logan av Best Daniel c., jr., laborer, h 239 State Best Ethel R.. saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 151S Penn Best Sadie l\Irs., h 1417 N 4th



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Best Susan l\Irs., boarding, 207 N 2d, h do Best Warren A., postal elk. h 151~ Penn Rest William H .. baker, h 170:li N 4th Betser E. Benjamin, foreman, h 1!l2!l S Cameron Betz Alice c.. saleslady, h 4241 ~Iarket Bevard Wilbur W., elk. h 571 Race Beveridge William Rev . h 1721 Penn BeverlinQ Frank, fireman, h 615 Harris Beverly Alice 1\Irs., h 1172 S Camcron Beverly Charles ~I., shearsman, h 1427 Reese av Beverly l\Iary, cook, 1715 N 2d Beverstock Charles E., civil enginecl, h 214 Pine Bcwley Alice c., cigarmkr, h 2030 Fulton Bibb A. Dennee. barber. h 100 N 10th Bice Ida, h 6415 Forster Bickel Adda F . bunchmkr, h 415 S 14th Bickel Annie c., domestic, 1R21 N 2d Bickel Blanche E., music teacher. 1:jHi Derr\,. h dn l;I.J Bickel Celia, bonnetmkr. h !l22 Hamilton . ~ Bickel Curtis 1\1.. fireman, h 216 Peffer Bickel Florence E., domestic. 220 Pine Q Bickel Henry 1\1., salesman. :la() Chestnut, h 1:{;l7 Derrv l;I.J Bickel John 'E., foreman, h 2R Linden ' Bickel Lvdia. wid Henrv. h 322 Hamilton IE Bickel 1\iay. elk. 213 S 2el, h do t:J
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- M a l l e a a 8peeialt;y 0 1 - {1l118N.8dSt. FreIICloiOC PubUc BaIlcUDp In Plain Tlnta hU.aWl I,.."

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Bickel Minnie, finisher, h 322 Hamilton Bickel Oscar c., salesman, 334 l'.Iarket, h Steelton Bickel William, foreman, h 1157 Derry Bickel William, foreman, h 184a Swatara Bickert Kate, wid Christian, h 1712 Fulton Bickert Paul, baker, h 45 N 14th Bickett Mary A., wid Samuel, h 430 S 2d Bickle George W., brakeman, h 635 Boas Bickley Kate, wid George W., h 1600 N 6th Bickley William H., machinist, h 1425 N 3d Bickley William H. H., asst foreman, h 1629 N 3d Bidaman Charles H., steam fitter, h 4:16 Cumberland Bidaman Charles N., conductor, h 4a5 Cumberland Bidaman Georgianna, h 4a6 Cumberland Bidaman Kate, dressmkr, h 436 Cumberland Bidaman Ross E., painter, h 436 Cumberland Bidaman Walter G., caller P. R. R.. h 436 Cumberland Biddaman James B., foreman, 627 Walnut, h 917 N 6th Biddaman Margaret, wid George, 1\ 1619 Fulton Biddle Fletcher W. Rev., h 22:17 N 6th Bierbower Anna S., saleslady, 3U8 Mkt, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower Chas.. R., printer Telegraph, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower Edward M., printer Telegraph, h 96 Tuscarora Bierbower Ellsworth E., foreman, 201 N 2d, h 1205 IVlulberry

J:~::'~':,~} HaRisburg

Sa,lngs and Loan Assn. {:

Bierbower Emory, produce, 246 Mcadow la, h do Bierbower J. Wesley, laborer, h 244 Meadow la Bierbower Lewis H., h 228 Cherry av Bierbower Margarette J., saleslady, 30S Market, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower Minnie 1'.1., gold layer, h 21~ Locust Bierbower Raymond, driver, h 246 rvfeadow la Bierbower Shelly E., elk, 308 :\Iarkci:, h 209 Cumberland Bierbower Washington, janitor, h 218 Locust Bierer Mary E., milliner, 36 K 3d, h 1408 Regina Bierman Charles, elk, 540 Race, h H07 :\larket Biery Charles A., wirewkr, h :~22 S 14th Biery Frederick A., baker, h 48 N l:{th Biery John A., elk, 113 N 2d, h 322 S 14th Biesecker Ellen J. Mrs., domestic, 118 Chestnut Biester Charles A., blacksmith, h Hi Cowden Biester Ella, housekeeper, :338 S 16th Biester l'.Iargaret. wid Henry P., h 1510 N 4th Biever Jonathan D., carpenter, h 412 Cumberland Biever Theodore, bridge builder, h !124 Ash av Biever William H., elk, 2~ S 2d, h 1252 Walnut .Biever, see Beaver . Biggan Catharine. wid James, h 633 Forster Biggan James F., bartender, 501 State, h do Biggan Mary, h 635 Forster

l =:




> ~.




I e



H M KELLEY & CO {I North lid !!trees. 10th and State 8t&.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


i= g;

en ::: -




Biggan Timothy, bar elk, h 635 Forster Biggan William E., brakeman, h 6;~5 Forster Biggs Beulah, h 410 Briggs Biggs George W., brakeman, h 601a Peffer Biggs Harvey, elk, 117 S 2d, h 60la Peffer Biggs Mabel A., dressmkr, h 601a Peffer Bigham John W., elk Hbg Nat Bank. h 708 N 6th Bighan Caroline, wid Solomon, h 62-1 Delaware av Bigler Annie E. Mrs., h The Commonwealth Bigler Carrie, h The Commonwealth Bigler Casper S., (Samuel L. Bigler & Co.), lawyer, 222 l\Iarket, h 1011 !\ Front Bigler Gertrude F., domestic, 1210 Chestnut Bigler Haldeman S., chemist, h 222 Chestnut Bigler Ira E., salesman, :m4 Market. h Camp Hill Bigler John A., h 1011 N Front Bigler Samuel L. & Co., (Casper S. Bigler and J. M. Rhoads). brick mfrs, 222 Market Bihl Albert W., butcher, h 18.'13 Rudy Bihl Victor H., laborer. h 1409 Regina Bikle Daniel B., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 12:14 Walnut Bikle Elsie, cigarmkr, h 12:14 Walnut Bikle Mabel A., cigarmkr, h 12a4 Walnut Bill George E . physician. 255 ~orth. h do ~il~}-!_e_n_teado, student, h 255 North


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Bill Sarah P. l\Irs . vocal teacher. 255 North, h do Billet Cyrus S., flagman, h 438 Peller Billet Frank S., (~iemeyer & Bille~), h 1221! Bailey Billet Harry, shoe operator, h 1l!J Balm Billett John, watchman 1st Xat Bank, h 119 Dock Billett John, jr., feeder, h 119 Dock Billett Samuel, laborer, h 119 Dock Billman George W .. elk ins dept, 7tH State, h The Lochiel Billow Emma J., silk picker, h 626 Calder Bindle Herman, h 1422 :\larion Bingaman Bessie, wid Charles. h ~lIi ~ lith Bingaman Carrie; printer, 2U X 2d, Ii 7 S 16th Bingaman Charles H., driver, h 7 ~ 16th Bingaman Emma G., demonstrator. h 44 S Court av Bingaman Ephraim, screwsman, h H S Court av Bingaman Esther :'II., demonstrator, h 44 S Court av Bingaman George \V., shearsman. h IUt) Hanna Bingaman Jacob H .. laborer, h 7 S Hith Bingaman Sophia, housekeeper. h 1207 Wallace BingamaI:1 William, driver, h 7 S 16th Bingamin Fannie R, demonstrator, h 44 S Court av Bingham James. oarber, h 1939 Logan av Bingham John, ins sol. 15 X 2d, h 11129 Logan av Bingham John A., messenger P. R R, h lIt!!) Logan av Bingham Sadie, cashier. h 1929 Logan av

~~.s:.!Ue:~~ ANDREW

REDMONO{3d and R811r StS.

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A. B. TACK ~ FI~~o~!lTr":'AA!-..'iqfA~f.,~R {12161orlb mini hf

Boyd'i Harrisburg City Directory. 137 Bink Frank W., ins sol, 21 N 3d, h 1312 Green Bink Harry G., butcher, b 1422 Green Bink Henry, butcher, h 125 Mulberry Binkley Howard W., fireman, h 628 Herr Binnix Frank K., supt "Cniversal Mill C. 1. and S. Co., h 305 S Front Binnix Mary, wid John N., h 621 N 2d Birch Charles A., laborer, h 1020 Herr Bird Charles W., h 1223 N 7th Bird Eliza A., wid James, h 32 N 5th Bird G. Edwin, boarding, 3 N 4th, h do Bird Isabella, domestic, 1501 N Front Bird Isabella, wid Frank,h 613 North Bird Margaret, ~id Abraham, h 656 Say ford av Bird Myra F., stitcher, h 542 North Bird William B., brakeman, h 2012 N 6th Bird, see Burd, also Byrd Birkinbine Sara L. H., elk. h 2110 Derry Birmingham Annie, forelady, h 1103 Capital BIUINGlLUI: ROBERT C., propr J'ackson House, 1306 Ii 7th, h do Birth Edward, waiter, h 516 South Bischoff A. Eugene, printer, 201 N 2d, h 814 Green Bishel Rose L., domestic, 1608 Susquehanna


Bishop Aaron L .., student, h 1631 N 2d Bishop A. Mabel, elk, 32 N 3d, h 318 Crescent Bishop Annie, h 702 East Bishop B. Frank, salesman, h 318 Crescent Bishop Charles, laborer, h 520 Curtin Bishop Charles, laborer, h 2027 Kensington Bishop Clarence B., student, h 1631 N 2d Bishop Eliza A., teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop Grant, laborer, h 654 Reily Bishop ,Jacob, brakeman, h 612 Verbeke Bishop Jennie F., weaver, h 939 N 7th Bishop John H., blacksmith, h 939 N 7th Bishop Julia, music teacher, h 211 Pine Bishop Mabel B., cigarmkr, h 654 Reily Bishop Maggie, wid Adam, h 520 Curtin Bishop Mary L., boxmkr, h 520 Curtin Bishop M. Elizabeth, dressmkr, 318 Crescent, h do Bishop Morris H., barber, 1731 N 4th, h do Bishop Morris W., h 2139 Atlas av Bishop S. Snively, physician, 10 N 2d, h :\Iechanicsville Bishop Stella, boxmkr, h 520 Curtin Bishop Susan, wid William, h 32 Balm Bishop William 0., real estate and general insurance, 1302 William, h 1631 N 2d

- - - - - - - - - . - - - --

- -


-------------------No 1230 ARCH STREET PH



lIleNeWa Pain EztermJnatorcuree Cholera Morbua, Dytoenlery,Cram~ Dlan'bma, O()OIda, Quln.). Rheumatlam, Toothache, Sore Tbroat, Ague, D,lpepa!a, &C. _ .......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t&I III lin ........ j BIdS II I" ........ III T,... Rear of POl~ Q TIIiii GUOrOnlY 0IIII Tm31 00. III ..... 1 II,." ........ E.."'" lf Real Estate om~...

. . BISHOP wnTJAlI T., M. D., medical examiner Penna. B.. ~ B. Voluntary Belief Dept, office, York, York Co., Pa., ... h 211 Pine Bissel Chilled Plow Wl)rks, agl'l implts, 627 Walnut "'C Bissinger Charles, leverman, h 110;~l Cowden .: Bistline James E., fireman Lunatic Hospital, h do ' Bistline William H., driller, h 1626 Park ~ Bitner Bella Mrs., domestic, 405 Verbeke =5 Bitner Edward, baker, h 206 S Court av ~ Bitner Edward, carriagemkr, h 39 Balm Bitner Edward S., car repairer, h 240 Hummel Bitner Frederick, actor, h 120 Short Bitner Harry, slater, h 26 S 3d Bitner Harry B., carriagemkr, h 39 Balm Bitner Harry C, brakeman, h 116 SylvaQ ter Bitner Harry H., jr., carriage painter, h 21 Forrest av Bitner Herman, U. S. K, h 120 Short Bitner Joseph M., flagman, h 1431 N 2d Bitner Martina, garmentmkr. h 120 Short (/) Bitner Mary E., wid Nicholas, h 1539 N 6th Bitner Michael C. carpenter, h 32:1 Granite av Bitner Samuel L., carpenter, h 118 Hoerner kI Bitner Stephen, shoemkr, 120 Short, h do ..J Bitner Stephen A., machinist, h 120 Short c( Bitner William L., laborer, h 39 Balm



Bitne" see also Bittner Bitting Agnes E., cigar packer, h 1217 N 7th Bitting Emanuel K., shoemkr, 609 Verbeke, h 1217 N 7th Bitting Harry J., trimmer, h 1236 Dailey >- Bitting S. Anna, stenographer, 227 Walnut, h Fort Hunter Z Bitting William H., brakeman, h 1217 N 7th a. Bittinger John H., brakeman, h 1825 Rudy Ie Bittner Conrad J., machinist, h 1943 N 6th .0 Bittner Elvin, postal elk, h 1241 Swatara u Bittner, see Bitner ...,J Bixler Edna 1\1., domestic, 203 S Front ~ Bixler Emma, 1417 Fulton o Bixler Gibson, fireman, h 446 SlOth 'U Bixler Ira B., conductor, h 602 State Bixler Isaac P., elk, h 20 Evergreen Dixler Jacob A., brakeman, h 1104 N 6th Bixler John C, flagman, h 2120 6f Bixler Minnie, stenographer, 210 Walnut, h 107 N 1!lth Black Abraham S., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 207 N 2d Black Albert. elk Grand Hotel, h do Black Albert T., driver, 401 Chestnut, h Mechanicsburg Black Alfred T., bricklayer, h Ha4 1'\ 2cl Black Alice, domestic, 656 Cumberland Black Amy C, elk cliv Public Records. h 131 State Black Andrew K., jr., inspector, h 934 N 2d


The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{SII Cents a Week

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Emplo,1 none bul8rst-ill_ workmen, hence onl, /lrll' A B TACK} aIaai_.tIlllc1Wlll'eIIlt, Work done man)' panof8t&te. { N.1818 8d 81.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Black A. Wilson, conductor, h 139 N 13th Black Bertha. domestic, 1814 State Black Bertha, elk, h 22 N 5th Black Caroline H., saleslady, 318 Market, h HH Green Black Christian H., elk, h Peffer c Ridge Black Clinton B., tinsmith, h 125 State Black Edith D., asst cataloguer State Library, h 125 State BLACK EDWARD B., artist and art store, 117 Market, h 222 Pine Black Ella, domestic, 1814 State Black Ella l\lrs., h 1418 Marion Black Frances R., saleslady, 406 Market, h 22 N 5th Black George B. Me., conductor, h 329 Hummel Black George L., flagman, h. 9 S 14th Black George W., carpenter, h 1914 State Black George W., machinist, h 1:314. Wallace Black Harry Q., salesman, 4t1l Market, h 22 N 5th BLACK HOlIER, genlsec Y. M. C. A., h 218 Forster Black Howard c., boilermkr, h Hl4H ~ lith Black Jame's, laborer, h 116 Angle av BLACK lOHN, Harrisburg Stone Works, 17th and Mulberry, h 211 Harris see adv Black lohn H., laborer, h 403 N 5th Black Joseph M., h 12:3 State


]:a Black Josie E., h 306 Kelker Black Kate R., shoe operator, h 41:l Boas :D Black Katharine L., plate tipper, h 1109 Penn C Black Margaret E., milliner, 334 Market, h 329 Hummel Black Margery A., wid William S., h 1414 Green Black Marv F., wid T. Jefferson, h 125 State BLACK lU.TBANlEL R.;sales agt National Cash Register N Co., The Bolton, h do Black Rachel A., wid Matthew B., h 1109 Penn 0 Black Ramsey S., brakeman, h 934 N 2d Black Rebecca 1., wid Andrew K., h 131 State ::t Black Robert, waiter, h 4:31 State Black Rosanna, wid William, h 304 Crescent :D. Black Ross E., car inspector, h" 1814 N 6th

:D Sayings and Loan Assn. {~::= <.

::t. .,.


JOHN BLACn, Proprietor.
17111 lid Mulberry 8treets,
Po.t Ol"oe Boa 891S.

,. ,. ,-.



RESIDENCE, 211 HARRIS STREET. OODneoUoD. JrBatimateli Furnl.lled lor aU kind. 01 STOSE WORK. Penonal l!Iuperrialon given to aU Work .




I e




, Black Bhck &.&.I Black ~-'" Black g: Black Black ~ Black ~ Black m:s:s Black ~ Black

Boyd';; Hanisbu;;g Citg

:z Black Sarah, wid John W., h 1948 N 6th


Sarah wig h n5 5th Sarah stenogr1lpher, 101 Market, h Carlisle Thomas Ph machinist, h 919 Grand vv'alter h 1;;>20 ~Penn William, waiter, h 431 State ~illillm c., anginl'er, 151g 5th William H., inspector, h 1619 Fulton \VillillIH S., , h 809 Gl'l'en 1VilliaEk S.,., , h son Gnllln William R., stenographer Dept of Fisheries, 26 N




Blackburn George P., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 212 Cumberland BLckec Gemge ., machinist, h 31:; S 2d Blacker James Sh elk, h 313 S 2d Blacker \Vilhimillll, wid Jama;;, h 13 SOd Blackman Frank E., draftsman, h 1251 S 13th Blacksmith Hg., printer Teleg1l1ph, 911 3S Blacksmith iIIiam A., elk P.O., h fill N 3d Blackwell Jennie, housekeeper Hottl Cdnmbu1 Bbde nrjdg'~l wid amp'l h 0 r~1,nrt BI~de Patrfck,' wat~ertende'r, h 115'}janna Bbtles ~homcs, 141,d Rcc1~e all Blaikie Julia B., teacher, h 17 N Front


I- ~::i~ tl~~:r~'is~I~C~BJ~ ~il~f;t~'~~~;\~l~~~ N 3d


,,' Blaikie Lilliu1 S., llachlll h N Front 2: Blair Alexander G., shearsman, h 4U5 S 14th ~ Blair Charles E., butcher, h a21 Hamilton ~ Bhir C . & 'ton, (c. J and :\1.), prinTeas, hd7 ;-sd ~ Blair Cornelius]., (c. J. Blair & Son), h 2012 Green Bbr Fmnk priHler, 26H '~S:qrt :::c Blair George M., meat, :n9 Hamilton, h 1()25 N 3d ~ Bhir G Irenzl, bOHHetrnj,~r, h 1+#25 3d , . Blair Rllrry J., engineel, h Uu,~ Penn limit Blair Harry M., hostler, h 5;~5 Peffer

t.d Bb11 William



Blair Thoma1 S., Uhvskilm, 441:1 N 41d, h meat, iH;~ halnur, h 1,->UO do Blake George, hostler, h 2016 Wood av Bb l~ev ~arr;p donH'sti" '111 Frnnt Bi~i~ck Mar~t~i~ L:Rev:~,' l~ 413 FiIl;~rt Blamer John, lampman, 19d1, Ellllkbeth av Bland Gbraham, driver, h 115 fvllliberrv Blane Logan, laborer, It 29 LochH ad-Row Bbmham JOhll, drillHr, 43 Balm



Blankenhorn Anna c., h 300 S 2d Bllmkenhorn Hanl firen1an, 13~1

~l~~t ~::;~rd F11~:,I,e~:~~cdi~~;~(~~ 2~d,


\Vi Ham

Redmond's Wagon Works {::JIdR':.tb!:~=} 3d and Reily Sts.




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Blankenhorn John. foreman, h 606 Race Blattenberger Daisy B., h 1507 N 6th Blattenberger M. Lillian, wid Horace, h 24 S 3d Blecher Edwin A., postal elk, h 426 S 13th Bless John G., fireman, h 620 Calderl Bless l\Iay J., housekeeper, 620 Calder Blessing Amanda, packer, h 41 Balm Blessing Annie M., h 410 S River av Blessing Charles D., driver, h 40 S Court av Blessing Charles E., plumber, h 101 South Blessing David S., elk, h 1211 X 3d Blessing Edgar F., chemist, h 126 Hoerner Blessing Francis, coffee roaster, h 126 Hoerner Blessing Frank G., paperhanger, h 108 South Blessing Frederick F., paperhanger, h 108 South Blessing Isabella, wid Jonas, h 158 ~ 15th Blessing Jeremiah, puddler, h 410 S River av Blessing John A., repairsman, h 234 Hummel Blessing John W., plumber, h 108 South Blessing Joseph, spices, 107 Cherry av, h 104 do Blessing Marion B., car repairer, h 330 Hamilton Blessing Mary A., wid Alexander, h 1211 N 3d Blessing Mary E., domestic, 701 Green Blessing Nellie E., bookkpr, 108 l\Iarket, h 108 South Blessing Sallie S., domestic, 1619 Green

13lessing Sarah A., wid D. Frederick. h 108 .South Blessing Susan, wid William, h 422 Reily Blessley Annie E. Mrs., h 112 Tuscarora Blessley James W., agt, h 909 S Front Blessley Levi, h 909 S Front Bleyer Agnes A., forelady, h 257 North Bleyer Mary, h 257 North Bleyer Robert E., foreman, 153 N 4th, h 257 North. Blizzard Helen, wid Isaac, jr., 936 Penn Blizzard Helen M., weaver, h 936 Penn Blizzard Isaac M., loom fixer, h 215 Boas Blizzard Ora, fireman, h 1227 N 6th Block Harry, brakeman, h 628 Reily Block Lewis, baker, h 1217 Currant av Block Stella, h 25 N 5th BLOCK WIJ,TJAM' D., sanitary officer, Court House, h 1235 Chestnut Bloom Barnet, tailor, h 513 Spruce Bloom Nathan B., dental supplies, h 600 \Valnut Bloomenshine Peter M . laborer, h 427 Kelker av Bloser David, laborer, h 1212 Susquehanna Bloser Edward G., miller, h 42t N Summit Bloser Harry M., carpenter, h 1242 State Bloser Henry, engineer, h 440 SlOth Bloser Jay Lynn, elk, h 1212 Susquehanna


No 1230 4RCH




McN.ll's Pain Exterminator ~r,w:baa:e="o':iect"~~{ "'l.J;~ aoe

142 _

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.










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B10ser Joseph E., painter, h 440 S Wth Blosser Alfred c., grocer, 1605 N lith, h do Blosser A. Lincoln, brakeman, h t;:W Cumberland Blosser Charles W., elk P.O., h ti:!II Cumberland Blosser Edward D., fireman,h 1415 Wyeth av Blosser Elizabeth. wid Peter, h 1(;05 ~ 6th Blosser George H., brakeman, h a:H Reily Blosser Levi S., beamer, h 620 Cumberland Blosser Robert ~L, fireman, h N Cameron ab Maclay Bloss,er William, conductor, h ;{29 Reily Blosser William L., elk, h a:w Reily Blottenberger Amos G., laborer, h 4:m lloyd av Blottenberger Harriet, wid John, h 4:m lloyd av B10ttenberger John 1\1., laborer, h 42H Kelker av Blouch Abraham H., watchman. h 1427 Vernon Blouch Cora 1VI., folder, h 1427 Vernon Blouch Edwin c., laborer, h 1836 Korth Blouch Gertrude J., shoe operator, h 1427 Vernon Blouch Henry A., car repairer, h 18:m North Blouch Minnie M., cigarmkr, h 1~:lf) Korth Blouch Sarah, wid Henrv, h 183ti North Blough Bert F., (Blough l\lfg Co.). treas E. H. Waters Co., Inc., h 1701 Green Blough Coleman, elk, :l:~4 Market, h 123 S Dewberry av Blough David S., patternmkr, h l(i23 Regina
nTLE '''lAln All nUll co. { ....., Ene........... I .., Etbtll ..... --tI Sellnill.......Tru.t.....d .".,~" ~.d , JIdI.I., 111110 a ,,, r.t l1li.. ..



'II. }

Blough Forest J., motorman. h 2143 Atlas av Blough Jacob, peddler, h 12:3 S Dewberry av Blough Jennie, grocer, 123 S Dewberry av, h do Blough Joseph, shoemkr, 1913 Derry, h 1847 Swatara BLOUGH IIFG CO., (B. F. and W. R. Blough), mfn lun bonnets, office, 1701 Ii 3d; factory, 302 to 318 Hamilton Blough Mary, elk, 628 North, h 123 S Dewberry av Blough Susie E., milliner, ali N :ld, h 1R47 Swatara Blough Wilson Ro, (Blough :\1fg Co.), h 1821 N 2d Blumenstein Anna 1\1., seamstress, h 1529 X 4th Blumenstein Carrie \\"., dressmkr, h 1438 Derry Blumenstein Catharine, saleslady, h 15:.!9 N 4th Blumenstein Conrad, grocer, 1438 Derry, h do Blumenstein Edna :\1., saleslady. a:u l\larket. h 1529 N 4th Blumenstein Elizabeth, seamstress, h 15:.!!1 ~ 4th Blumenstein Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 14:l8 Derry Blumenstein Frank, papercutter, h 1227 Swatara Blumenstein Frederick, laborer, h 1529 ::-.; 4th ~ Blumenstein Frederick c.. plasterer, h 2417 Sayford av Blumenstein J. George, carpenter, h 1411 N Front Blumenstein John H., helper, h 1411 N Front Blumenstein Katharine, saleslady, 1:UlO X :ld, h 1529 N 4th BIt1men~tein ~lary, dressmkr, h i4:~8 Derry Blumen<:tein Samuel A., plumber, h 1411 N Front Blumenstein \\'i\Iiam H., fireman, h 1411 N Front

~b~:':~:: IOU FOOOf OOd II0dOI_ Ifom A.

B. TACK {N.~:J:t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Blumenstine Augustus, foreman, h 1814 N 2d Blumenstine Edward A., electrician, h 1314 N 2d Blumenstine William, cooper, h 1:!50 State Blumenthal Lena, h 115 North Blundall Harry, elk store room The Lochiel, h do Blunt Frank B., laborer, h 1430 Marion Blunt G. Robert, driver, h 504 South av Blust Barbara A., saleslady, 3:{4 :'IIarket, h 1324 Susq Blust Ethel, housekeeper, 1324 Susquehanna Bluste Adam, conductor, h 1909 \\' ood av Bluste Harry, laborer, h 1909 Wood av Blyler Pearl E., domestic The Central Blyler William, car repairer, h 269 Calder Blymire George, bricklayer, h 1342 Penn BIymire Jacob, laborer, h 1327 James Blvmire Michael, laborer, h 1226 Bartine av Boak Abraham, h 121 Verbeke Boak Albert, painter, h 552 Race Boak Charles L. B., cigars, 1222 N 3d, h 121 Verbeke Boak Clara, elk, 131 Verbeke, h 121 do Boak Ella 1.1., h 552 Race Boak Emma, h 1223 Fulton Boak George R., laborer. h 509 Race Boak Jacob S., tinsmith, h 29 Balm Boak Jennie N., seamstress, h 29 Balm

J: l> lJ

r!:;~=O[D} Harrisburg

Boak Boak Mary E., stenographer, 228 N 3d, h 29 Balm (') Boak Robert N., machinist, h 121 Verbeke Boak William A., grocer. 131 Verbeke, h 121 do Board of Public Works, Spencer C. Gilbert, pres; Car- N son Stamm, sec and \Villiam L. Gorgas, commission- l> (') ers, 27 S 2d; laboratory. Island Park BOARD OF REVISION OF TAXES AND APPEALS, Court J: House BOAS C. ROSS, watchmaker and jeweler, 214-216 Market, h l> lJ 404 11 2d see adv BOAS DAliIEL D., (est), Harrisburg Planing Mill, 2d nr l> Vine Boas Emma E., h 213 Pine Boas .Henry D., mgr, 2d nr Vine, h 213 N Front .po. ESTABLISHED 18DD~.====~------- 6'1

SaYings and Loan Assn. U: ::= lJ C John, heater, h 552 Race

< l>



- - - D E A L E R IN


Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry


214 and 216 Marllet Street,



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Tr7. T_ 01

H M KELLEY C CO'S -youDlamoDd. wheD J tlltlo .... 1II.1fIIl. D. BJaek Dellt order.-l t ."'~ ltal, ....
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Boas John S., inspector, 12 S 2d, h 124 Walnut Boas Margaret I., h 213 Pine Boas Mary M., wid Irvin S., h 124 Walnut Boas Murray K., policeman, h 1634 Park Bobb Mary, wid Joel, h 1108 Montgomery Bobb Samuel, laborer, h 1608 Logan av Bobbs Oscar V., laborer, h 300 S 13th Bobbs William, laborer. h 1020 Herr Bock Philip, asst eng Paxtang Electric Co., h 1253 S 13th Bockius Frank E., salesman, 4 S 2d, h 1013 Green Bockus John R., conductor, h 16a6 1\ 3d Boden Charles J., molder, h 104 Linden Borten John, shoe operator, h 1258 i\larket Boden Julius, machinist, h 1258 l\Iarket Boden William H., coachman Lunatic Hospital, h do Bodenhorn Harry 0., painter, h 213 Herr Bodley Charles W., brakeman, h 1409 Green Bodley William c.. carpenter, h 1409 Green Bodmer Clarence F .. salesman, 4 S 4th, h 1421 Shoop Bodmer Edward W., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 55 N 17th Bodmer Hillorius A., wall paper, 819 N 3d, h 109 S 14th Bodmer Israel c., paperhanger, h 13 Linden Bodmer Justina, seamstress, h 1534 Walnut Bodmer William H., mason, h 1534 Walnut Boe Albert, elk Han'isburg Club, h 433 South

Bogar George W., elk, 12 N 2d, h 2:14 Hummel Bogar John A., flagman, h 1413 N 6th Boggs Benjamin D., solicitor, 227 Walnut, h 115 Chestnut BOGGS BENIAl't1IN RANDOLPH, div freight agt Phila. &; Reading Ry., 18 N 2d, h 238 do Boggs .James, h 1~37 North Bogner Agnes :\1., domestic, 2225 N 3d Bogner George W., flagman, h 1510! N 4th Bogner Harry E., cab driver, h 1123 Grape av Z., Bogner Mervin B., driver, h 802 Salmon av Samuel V., (Bogner & h Steelton C' Bogner Susan E., wid Sampson,Attick),Cumberland Bogner h 507 I~ Bogner 'Walter T., laborer, h 802 Salmon av Bogner & Attick, (S. V. Bogner and C. H. Attick), cigars, &c., 0" Boher J. 1030 Market 209 Market, h 401 N 2d Heck, druggist, Z.!: Cot Bohl Andrew J., elk, 7th c North, h 1725 Market Il- Bohl Catharine, wid William H., h 221 S 14th A., molder, h l" Bohl Charlestailoress, h 2211725 Market Bohl Mary, S 14th Bohlen Minnie, wid John, h 229 Liberty Carrie . saleslady, h -Z Bohner WilliamE H., carpenter, 222 Peffer Bohner 222 Peffer W, Bolan Charles, engineer. h 472 h Cameron I: Bolan Edwin H., elk, 24 :K 3d, hS1456 Regina 1-~



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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 146
Bolan George W., laborer, h 1246 N Cameron Bolan Ida V. Mrs., h 1456 Regina Bolan Louisa, stitcher, h 1456 Regina Bolan Roy B., laborer, h 1456 Regina Bolan Thomas, laborer, h 1935 S 21st Boland John, engineer, h 1610 N 5th Boland John, jr., brakeman, h .233 Kelker Boland Margaret, domestic, 1237 N 7th Boland Stephen G., plumber, h 333 Dauphin Boland Thomas, chemist, h 105 Hanna Bolen Cornelius, laborer, h 1208 Cowden Bolen John T., machinist, h 611 Boas Bolen Joseph, h r 1122 N 2d Bolen Nora, tailoress, h 1208 Cowden Bolen Pierce J., shoemkr, 213 Barbara av, h do Boll Bros. Mfg Co., C. S. Boll, pres; W. A. Boll, treas; mattresses, spring cots, &c., 630 Walnut Boll Charles S., pres Commercial Bank and Boll Bros. Mfg Co., h 715 N 3d Boll William A., treas Boll Bros. Mfg Co., h 227 North Bollendorf Matthias, grocer, 24 N 17th, h 26 do Bolles Benjamin, waiter, 204 State Bolling Abraham L., porter, 6 S 2d, h 114 Liberty Bollinger Arthur, engineer, h 337 Reily Bollinger Caroline ~., housekeeper, 406 Harris

::t ,.


:I: :I:


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Bollinger Catharine A., wid William, h 1108 Capital Bollinger Charles V., switchman, h 411 Woodbine Bollinger Cornelius, carpenter, h 271 BrIggs Bollinger Dick W., floor mgr, 334 Market. h 1108 Capital Bollinger Elizabeth, wid John. h 108 South Bollinger Estella, milliner, (i S 2d, h 214 Chestnut Bollinger Harvey, laborer, h 529 Filbert Bollinger John, saloon, 214 Chestnut, h do Bollinger !l.lervin G., brakeman, h 2022 N 5th Bollinger Cmphrey U., bartender, 29 S Dewberry av, fi 1229 Bailey Bolt Charles A., salesman, h 121 Short Bolt Felix S., decorator, 6 S 2d, h 121 Short Bolt Rosanna, wid Charles, h 121 Short Bolton Annie E., wid Joseph K., h 1107 N 2d Bolton Edwin E., elk Hbg Trust Co., h Hummelstown Bolton Edwin G., asst baggage agt P. & R., h 228 N 15th Bolton Eva M., bunchmkr. h 1832 Derry Borton Gertrude M., elk, 408 Market, h 1832 Derry Bolton John H., grocer, 1301 Market, h do Bolton Levi, farmer, h 2001 State Bolton Nora E., milliner, 36 N 3d, h Steelton Bolton Sarah A., stengr, 227 Walnut, h Hummelstown BOLTON (THE), 1. H. & It. S. Butterworth, 2d c Strawberry av






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No 123C






CLARK'S ::=~ Drug and Patent Medicine StDra{=~u.

146 Boyd's Harrisb:urg City Directory.




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J -".,.IIHI llItBldg. PEllA. Rear of Pol, C Tille GUarOOIJ und Tru31 CO Of le.AITOI, 1 fo",III., C.tracll I( Beal Eslate Olllee



Bolton Thomas J., carpenter, h 18!l2 Derry Bolton William H., carpenter, h 123 N Cameron Bomberger Agnes L., h 1945 N 6th Bomberger Catharine, wid Jacob, h 1407 Zarker Bomberger Cyrus, fireman, h 1616 Green Bomberger Fannie E., h 1945 N 6th Bomberger Harry c., conductor, h 1407 Zarker Bomberger Joseph E., elk, h 629 Hamilton Bomberger Joseph K., grocer, 194i; ~ 6th, h do Bomberger Joseph W., elk, 1945 N 6th, h do Bomberger Walter S., elk, h 629 Hamilton Bomgardner Abraham, shoemkr, 1260 Market, h 1421 Regina Bomgardner Alfred, machinist, h 640 Harris Bomgardner Benjamin F., helper, h 435 S 13th Bomgardner Clara Mrs., h 17 N 15th Bomgardner Emma E., dressmkr, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner. Frank H., mason, h 450 S 17th Bomgardner George, bar elk, h 432 Market Bomgardner Harry, laborer, h 1427 Regina Bomgardner Harry, machinist, h 604 Boas Bomgardner Jane E., wid Thomas,- h 11 Evergreen Bomgardner John W., lather, h 696 S 20th BOMGARDNER lOHN W., plumber, gas and steam fitter, 211 S 2d. h do

l&.I Bomgardner Joseph E., machinist, h 444 Walnut (J Bomgardner Margaret, shoe operator, h 1427 Regina



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Bomgardner Raymond G., laborer, h 563 Forrest Bomgardner William, laborer, h 1120 Cowden Bomgardner Wilson F., stock grader, h 1400i- Regina Bomgardner, see Bumgardner Bonawitz Jonathan G., fireman, h 2021 Kensington Bonbright Cecelia H. Mrs., h The Bolton Bonbright John Miller, student, h The Bolton Bond Frank, helper, h 407 Market Bond James, laborer, h 432 State Bond Laura L. Mrs., dressmkr, 147 Balm, h do Bond Lawrence, stonecutter, h 1214 Wallace Bond Michael, coremkr, h 1214 Wallace Bond William, blacksmith, h 432 State Bond William, jr., printer, h 432 State Bond William H., h 500! South Bond William H., jr., letter carrier, h 147 Balm Bones Agnes, domestic; 132 Walnut Bones Florence A, nurse, 1617 N 2d Bones John c., laborer, h 1524 Vemon Bongart Charles A., driver, h 1524 Derry Bongart Philip, driver, h 1524 Derry Bonisteel Milton F., h 719 N 2d

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Bonner Harry B., brakeman, h 1917 Fulton Bonsall Harry, h 1316! N 7th Bonsall Orlando, engine inspector, h 1316i N 7th Boob John E., wagonmkr, h 1207 Market Boob Julia M., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1207 Market Boody Guy E., mechl dentist, 15 S 2d, h 345 Boyd av Book Edgar S., brakeman, h 1540 N 6th Book Edward I., salesman, h 1727 N 6th Book George, butcher, h 5 r 1028 State Book J. Thaddeus, conductor, h 1522 N 6th Book Mabel G., h 1522 N 6th Booker Bathilda R., wid John E., h 530'Maelay Booker James, driver, h 130 Cranberry av Booker Olga V., dressmkr, h 530 Maelay Bookman Samuel, sergeant police Capitol, h do Bookman Walter, plumber, h 432 Market Books Elias B., brakeman, h 1640 Market Books George, butcher, h r 1036 State Books Harry T., laborer, h 120 Conoy Books Jeremiah G., laborer, h 615 Delaware av Books J. Harry, inspector P. R. R., h 645 Calder Books Leah, wid Thomas, h 1640 Market Books Rosie M., seamstress, h 1315 N 2d Books Sarah J., wid Jeremiah, h 615 Delaware av


i= :x


Sallngs and Loan Assn.n:=

Books Solomon, lumber, h 438 Boas Books Thomas c., laborer, h 2006 Berryhill Boon Charles P., draftsman, h 230 N 2d Boone Annie Mrs., boarding, 313 Chestnut, h do Boone Annie Mrs., cook, h 436 South av Boone Bessie Mrs., h 1109 Grape av Boone Clarence H., brakeman, h 2015 Moltke av Boone Gawin H., blacksmith, h 308 Cherry av Boone John D., car inspector P. & R., h 1633! N 4th Boone John H., barber, h 436 South av Boone John Y., molder, h 611 State Boone Maggie, charwoman, h 436 South av Boone Samuel, laborer, h 408 ~ 5th Boone Thomas, boilermkr, h 116 S Court av Boone William E., blacksmith, h 1516 Wallace Boose Charles H., conductor, h 1921 North Boose Daniel, h 1921 North Boose Edwin c., carpenter, h 1921 North Boose Harry D., plasterer, h 1921 North Boose Thomas V., h 1830 Green Booser Bessie B., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 152 Balm Booser Blaine A., salesman, 311 S 2d, h 1629 Regina Booser Charles E., elk, 210 Walnut, h 70 N 13th Booser Eden H., baggage agt P. & R. depot, h 152 Balm Booser Harry W., salesman, 336 Chestnut, h 28 N 13th

> o :x > iJ .... > (IJ


H. M. KELLEY &CO.}Oll!ces, :.:n.:.r..:rr.!JCOAL AND WOOD

148 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.








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Booser Henry, elk, 7 S 2d, h 70 N 13th BODser J. Emmett, elk, 336 Chestnut, h Penbrook Booth Mary c., elk, 101 N 2d, h 220 Hamilton Booth William, salesman, h 220 Hamilton Boothe Clarence E., collector, 1516 N 3d, h 1727 Fulton Boothe John W., elk, 827 Green, h 1727 Fulton Boothe Rebecca, wid John, h 1521 N 5th Boova Philip, fruit, h 122 S 3d Booz Charles H., flagman, h 1833 N 3d Boozer Nora H., wid Harry F., h 2fi! N 2d Bope George E., elk, 1031 Market, h 1104 Walnut Border Benjamin F., driver, h 1505 Logan av Border Charles M., foreman, h 1715 Market Border Ella Mrs., domestic,.131 N 13th Border Frank R, stockman, h 116 Balm Border George M., bookbinder, h 142 Balm Border Paul S., laborer, h 116 Balm Bordlemay Jacob D., car repairer, h 1512 Wallace Bordner Anna, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Bordner Elmer c., fireman, h 1826 Penn Bordner George F., elk, 424 Market, h 1323 Fulton Bordner Lillie J. Mrs., dressmkr, 1323 Fulton, h do Borell Jacob c., bricklayer, h 345 Hummel Boreman Ella, domestic, 513 N 4th Boring John H., agt, h 1405 N 2d

-= a:: == !!!

a: bricklayer, h ..... Borke George, E., brakeman, Keystone House ' Borsdorf John h 110;) Cowden 'Bortner Arthur, machitlist, h 2126 N 4th > Bortner Howard S., tinsmith, h 2014 Kensington



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Bortner Rufus, laborer, h 1818 North Bosch Frank B., pres, 222 Market, h 413 Walnut Bosch Joseph J., riveter, h 112 Herr Boschelli Antonio 'A., mgr, 923 X 3d, h 2U8 Hamilton Boschelli Lewis, shoemkr, h 1525 Fulton Bose Frank, laborer, h 125 Short Bose Harvey E., molder, h 922 S 21} Bose Lewis, warehouseman P. R R frt depot, h 922 S 201 Bosler David c., conductor, h 647 Boas Bosler Walter W., conductor, h 636 Boyd av Bosley Harry c., salesman, h 223 Pine Bosley John, foreman, h 238 Meadow la Bosner Annie M" salesladv, 1300 N 3d, h 1602 ~ 5th Bosner Arthur R, tallyman P. R R, h 1942 Briggs Bosner Catharine, wid Charles, h 1602 N 5th Bosserman Curtis O. Rev., h 1937 N 3d Bossner William F., solicitor, 2()0 Walnut. h 1602 N 5th Bostick William F., laborer. h 313 Cherry av Boston Daniel, laborer, h 516 North av Boston Edward, laborer, h 412 South

iilC~m~BB} ANOREW R-EO-M-O-N-O-{3-d-an-dR-.-II,-St-s.

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A. B. TAC Wall Paper and Window Shades {I:::l.a:~ K}

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Bosum David H., salesman, 334 Market, h 129 Sylvan ter Boswell Mattie, domestic, 25 N Front Boteler John H., coremkr, h 902 Capital Boteler Mary, h 902 Capital Bothwell George S., electrician, h 12;n N 7th Bothwell Maude H., public stengr, 14 S 2d, h 1231 N 7th Bothwell William A., laborer, h 1231 N 7th Bottino Bottini, scullion State Capital Hotel Botts Joseph, laborer, h 517 State Botts Mahlon L., postal elk, h 1647 N 6th Botts Martha L. Mrs., dry goods, 1647 N 6th, h do Bottz Lizzie B., h 411 Market Boude Samuel B., sec C. I. and S. Co., h Ingle Nook Boughter George M., tile setter, h 652 Verbeke Boughter James M., laborer, h 619 Mahantongo Boughter John, laborer, h 455 S 13th Boughter Thomas J., catcher, h 619 Mahantongo Bouse Newton A., salesman, h The Bolton Boush J. Frank, salesman, 11 N 2d, h 920 Penn Boush John W., carpenter, h 407 Kelker Boush Sherman 1\1., elec eng, 208 \Valnut, h 1333 Green Bousum David H., salesman, h 129 Sylvan ter Bousum :\Iinnie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Bousum William R., elk, h 129 Sylvan ter

MILLER BROS. l BAKER i ~:i~~~:-:;'~~IE

Boward John W., plumber, 1115 James av, h do Bowen Chi-rles F., salesman, 32 N 3d, h 305 Market Bowen Rupert L., trav salesman, h 434 North Bowen \ViIliam, brakeman, h 322 Crescent Bowen William A., trav sec, 16 N 2d, h 20 N 16th Bowens Anna, wid John, h r 14:n Marion Bower Aaron W., barber, 1815! N 7th, h 603 Peffer Bower Annie C, tailoress, h 1~34 N 6th Bower Armstrong, carpenter, h 428 Herr Bower Emma J., wid John A., h 310 Cumberland Bower Emma 1\1., bookkpr, 330 Verbeke, h 1412 Wallace Bower Frank P., barber, h 257 Briggs. Bower Giles H., barber, 1200 N 6th, h 310 Cumberland Bower Jennie E., dr\!ssmkr, 1115 N 6th, h do Bower John, brakeman, h ;no Cumberland Bower Joseph I., laborer, h 106 Linden Bower Katie, weaver, h 61H N 2d Bower Nora C, weaver, h 310 Cumberland Bower Theodore, carpenter, h 1412 \Vallace Bower William, molder, h 106 Linden Bower William H., laborer, h 535 Woodbine Bowt!rmaster Benjamin, bricklayer, h 7118 Race Bowermaster Chambers, laborer, h 708 Race Bowermaster Jessie M., h 708 Race Bowermaster Lawrence, electrician, h 307 Cumberland

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Ho 1230





1.leU's COlDplelion Pills :.Ij~':Dct~~':=J'!~ 306 Broad

15u Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Bowers Ada, matron P. R. R. depot, h 931 N 6th ;; Bowers Albert B., molder, h 1822 Derry .... Bowers Anna, domestic, 7 N Front Bowers Anna, dressmkr, h 1922 Briggs 1i Bowers Anna L., housekeeper, 634 Verbeke Bowers Archie T., laborer, h 1304 Susquehanna Q Bowers Benjamin H., undertaker, h 304 Cumberland Bowers Charles, laborer, h 420 Kelker Bowers Charles M., wall paper, 600 Showers av, h 627 S Front Bowers David D., laborer, h 634 Verbeke Bowers Earl B., salesman, 334 Market, h 1228 Bailey Bowers Edgar, blaeksmith, h 1933 Briggs Ci Bowers Edwin, h 318 Curnberland Bowers Elijah, shoemkr, 735 S 211, h do : . Bowers Ella N., weaver, h 1330 Penn Bowers Frank P., brakeman, h 420 Kelker (/) Bowers Franklin P., huckster, h 338 Verbeke Bowers George \V., contractor, h 313 Peffer Bowers Gertrude E., domestic, 1201 N 2d Bowers Harry T., brakeman, h 6.14 Verbeke Bowers Harvey, laborer, h 313 Peffer O Bowers Hattie L., h 6.'14 Verbeke c( Bowers Helen M., teacher, h :h8 Cumberland




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Bowers Henry L., bookkpr, 117 S 2d, h 1322 Vernon Bowers Jennie, dressmkr, 1003 Paxton, h do Bowers Jessie c., teacher, h :n8 Cumberland Bowers J. Frank, weather strips, h 183:l Derry Bowers J Leroy, car cleaner, h 4:!8 S 2d Bowers John E., brakeman, h 1606 N 5th Bowers John F., brakeman, h 668 Boas Bowers John H., carpenter, h 1228 Bailey Bowers John H., cigars, 1902 State, h 1903 do Bowers John H., jr., salesman. 42 Balm, h 1228 Bailey Bowers John P., boltmkr, h 420 Kelker Bowers John W., special officer, h 1330 Penn Bowers Joseph c., engineer, h 1734 N 7th Bowers Leah, wid Israel, h 1228 Bailey Bowers Lillian c., gold layer, 10th bel Market, h Wormleysburg Bowers Lucetta, attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Bowers Maggie I., housekeeper, 1007 1\ 7th ~ Bowers Mary Mrs., h 220 Cumberland ~ Bowers Mary A. Mrs., boarding, 634 Verbeke, h do Bowers !\[av E., sorter, h 7:\;j S 2H Bowers Michael, tinsmith, h 1312 State Bowers Nettie G. Mrs., bonnetmkr, h 649 Cumberland Bowers Oren E., salesman, h 13:~1) Penn Bowers Otho 1\1., driver, h 1513 Derry

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~. . . PubUe BaIldJDp 1n Plain TlDa.

- M a k e . a 8eclalty 0 1 - - {la18N.8clS&'
E.U..... til.."

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Bowers Paul, heelmkr, h 1933 Briggs Bowers Ralph W., student, h 1322 Vernon Bowers Reuben, blacksmith, 1900 State, h 1933 Briggs . Bowers Samuel, helper, h 123 Mulberry Bowers Samuel 1., driver, h 1734 N 7th Bowers Samuel M., repairs man, h f,.'l4 Verbeke Bowers Scott, leveler, h 2004 State Bowers William, puddler, h 2117 Brookwood Bowers William A., policeman; h 1213 Wallace Bowers William D., fireman, h 2017 Fulton Bowers William G., fireman, h 1015 N 7th Bowersox Ethel B., domestic, 215 Forstet Bowersox Luella M., pairer, h 1920 Elizabeth av Bowie Henry, coachman, h 245.N River av Bowling Abraham L., porter, h 114 Liberty Bowman Agnes Mrs., domestic, 15 S 2d Bowman Albert T., laborer, h 1231 N 11i Bowman Benjamin H., yardmaster, h 656 Verbeke Bowman Christian E., salesman, h 316 N 2d Bowman Claude c., laborer, h 504 Emerald Bowman Clifton, laborer, h 204 Mary's av Bowman David G., (Hbg Couch Co.). h 1246 Derry Bowman David W., plasteret, h 1728 N 4th Bowman Edward c.. motorman, h 542 Sprague av Bowman Edward S., machinist, h 306 Crescent

.r:.uo~':r'::. ~ Harrisburg
Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman

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Edward S. Rev., h 343 Reily Emanuel, laborer, h 1416 S 13th F. Myrle, elk, 211 Chestnut, h 213 Briggs George, machinist, h 2120 6l Harry E., conductor, h 2134 Atlas av Harry E., trav salesman, h 1127 Derry Harry F., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 1306Vernon Harry H., salesman, 318 Market, h 805 N 2d Henry c., conductor, h 504 Emerald Herbert L., janitor P. R. R., h Steelton Hildah V., h 504 Emerald Irvin P., lawyer, 2 N Court av, h 218 Harris ~ Isaiah T., h 1728 N 4th James M., carpenter, h 1342 State Jessie c., bookkpr Independent, h 1728 N 4th John c., laborer, h 1416 S 13th John K., (Bowman & Co.), h 805 N 2d John W., molder, h 1503 Derry J. William, (Bowman & Co.), h 211 Forster ~ Lewis H., policeman, h 1011 Hanna ~ Martha K., elk, 903 Cowden, h 458 Cumberland ~ Mary c., wid John c., h 316 N 2d Mary E., wid Charles L., h 1209 Bailey Maynard J. F., cashier, 14 S 2d, h 1808 Green M. Luther, elk, h ;U6 N 2d

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H M KELLEY &CO {I l'1orth lid Rtree&. IOtb and state ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Bowman Peter, carpenter, h 1505 Derry Bowman Peter Rev., h 1841 Fulton Uowman Ralph H., tin opener, h 5114 Emerald Bowman Rebecca, charwoman, h 327 l\luench Bowman Robert G., brakeman, h 631 Boas Bowman Samuel, grocer, :!11 Chestnut, h 316 N 2d Bowman S. Ort, salesman, :l36 Chestnut, h :UH N 2d Bowman William A., conductor, h 1617 N 4th Bowman William H., laborer, h 10lt Hanna BOWlr1AN & CO., (lohn K. and 1. William Bowman), department store, 318 Karket Bowsman George, janitor, h 52 N 10th Bowsman Harriet, wid George W ., h 1828 \Vood av Bowsman, see Bausman Boyce l\lary Mrs., domestic, 413 Briggs Boyd Albert B., elk, ] 17 S :ld, h l:t!R Green Boyd Annie E., wid William B. C. h 1728 Logan av Boyd Caroline E., wid Peter K., h 200 ~ 3d Boyd Charles I., elk, h 2116 N 4th Boyd D. Truman, elk P. R. R. ticket office, h 70!) N 2d Boyd Elizabeth C. wid J. Brishen, h 111 S Front Boyd George W., fireman, h li14 ~ 4th Boyd George W., laborer, h 421 Boyd av Boyd Helen, asst cataloguer State Library, h 222 Chestnut ~oyd H~nrietta.wid G~_rg~ W~ 222 C~e_s_tn_u_t_ _ __

l&.I GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRUGGIST{16 N. 3d St. - ------t- - - - - - - -laborer, h :~2ri Granite av Boyd Howard A., I- Boyd Hugh S., roll turner, h 47 N 17th l&.I a:

Z o

Boyd Isabella T., elk, 5 N 3d, h iO!) N 2d BO}'d Jacob H., laborer, h :~:n Granite av BOYD lAMES, (Boyd, Stickney & Co.), h 211 Ii Front and Boyd Station Boyd Jennie H ., seamstress, h 46 S Court av


a: l&.I >

BOYD W. E. CO., Guy Boyd, mgr, publishers Rarrisburg City and other standard directories, 32: N 3d; home office, 27 and 29 Reed. c Court, Reading, Pa.




Boyd John H., laborer, h lIil q Fulton Boyd John ~I., brakeman, h 2111i ~ 4th Boyd John T .. telegrapher. h lR:m ~ 7th BOYD IOU Y., (Boyd, Stickney & Co.), h 124 Pine Floyd Joseph, lahorer, h 1714 N 4th Boyd Margaret J., boarding, 211H ~ 4th, h do Boyd ~rary J., wid John G., h 42H State

~~::~.~~:~ ANDREW


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I. B. TleK } FI:~~o~!lTT":WAA!,~'&c~!ry~R { 121610nb lDlnI.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'Y. 153
Boyd Peter K., (est), undertaker, 128 Chestnut Boyd Rebecca, wid Jacob M., h 316 Boas Boyd Samuel K., salesman, 22 N 3d, h 212 Verbeke BOYD, STICKNEY & CO., wholesale coal shippers, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market Boyd William, laborer, h 416 South Boyer Abraham F., laborer, h 607 State Boyer Alexander, rigger, h 946 N ith Boyer Alice Mrs., h 1128 Wallace Boyer Annie L., elk Soldiers' Orphans' Com'n, h 819 N 2d Boyer Brooks E., machinist, h 53 N Cameron Boyer Bros., (Edw. M. and George M.), meats, 758 S 19th Boyer Charles E., lineman, 71 N 3d, h 1205 Bailey Boyer Charles E., tallyman P. R. R. frt depot, h 321 S 15th Boyer Charles I., shirt mfr, h 212 S lath Boyer Charles J., brakeman, h 653 Boas Boyer Chester W., laborer, h 1409 James Boyer David, foreman, h 1441 Derry Boyer David c., carpenter, h S 13th nr cemetery Boyer David 1\1., laborer, h 2(i3 Delaware av Boyer Edith M., h :UO Harris Boyer Edward, h 12t.i Walnut Boyer Edward B., stengr P. & R. frt depot, h 126 Walnut Boyer Edward :1\1., (Boyer Bros.), h 1831 Rudy Boyer Elias, bartender, 1101 Market, h 53 N Cameron Boyer Frank c., brakeman, h 2152 N 7th Boyer Frank D., upholsterer, h 261 Herr Boyer Frederick W., machinist, h 20t\ Liberty Boyer George, brakeman, h 443 Delaware av Boyer George M., (Boyer Bros.), h S 13th nr cemetery Boyer Harry A.,machinist, h 304 S 15th Boyer Harry A., molder, h 1635 Fulton Boyer Harry I., brakeman, h 2151 Atlas av Boyer Harry J., salesman, 334 Market, h 255i Boas Boyer Harvey c., bridge bitilder, h 1417 Swatara Boyer Harvey L., laborer, h 64Q Calder Boyer Herbert, laborer, h 313 Muench Boyer Isaiah, driver, h 319 S 15th Boyer Jacob L., plasterer, h 412 Herr Boyer John E., foreman, Cameron c Paxton, h 122:~ Currant av Boyer John M., salesman, 311 S 2d, h 316 Hummel Boyer John P., sheet metalworker, h 1128 \Vallace Boyer John S., brakeman, h 625 Calder Boyer Julia E., h 208 Liberty Boyer Laura E., dressmkr. h 5~ N Cameron Boyer Linn H., laborer, h 556 Woodbine Boyer Lowry W., laborer, h 263 Delaware av Boyer Marcella, housekeeper, 3111 Harris Boyer Margaret, wid John. h 322 North

MILLER BROS. &: - - - .- - --:~~b~2.-:;'~~ BAKER{ --.


No . 1230 ARCH STREET . PHllA .. PA


. .deU'. PaiD EllfAirmiaator 00_ Cholera lIorb... D7am'eJ'1,Cr&m~ Dlan'bcBa, Void&, Qulll81, Rheumat1ml, Tootbaehe, Sore Tbroa" Aaue, D,.pepUa. &c. _ .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Boyer Mary E., h 908 Green Boyer Mary J., cigarmkr, h 263 Delaware av Boyer Mina W., dressmkr, h 208 Liberty Boyer Ray, laborer, h 310 Harris Boyer Scott E., driver, h 53 N Cameron Boyer Simon c., salesman, 221 ~larket, h 1609 Derry ~ Boyer Vesta, wid William E., h 408 S 19th c:a Boyer Walter L., news agt, h 212 S 13th Boyer William, driver, h 319 S 15th Bover William F., shoe cutter, h 53 N Cameron Boyer William H., coremkr, h 516 Cowden Boyle Agnes M., dressmkr, h 253 Briggs Bovle Charles S., bottler, h 1109 N Front Boyle Daniel F., carpenter, h 1109 N Front Boyle Daniel P., bricklayer, h 1109 N Front B'oyle Edward J., rougher, h 1322 N Front Boyle Elizabeth M., shirtmkr, h 1109 N Front Boyle Harry, ,machinist, h 518 Hamilton Boyle Henry L., machinist, h 1108 Wallace Boyle J. Charles, pressman, h 1735 N 4th Boyle John, trackwalker, h 701 State Boyle John A., flagman, h 225 Reily Boyle John c., pressman Telegraph, h 1735 N 4th Boyle John F., stonemason, h 518 Market

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Boyle Josephine Mrs., h 240 Harris Boyle Julia A., tailoress, h 1109 N Front Boyle Lizzie, chambermaid The Commonwealth Boyle Mary H., wid Alexander, h 12m Wallace Bovle William F. Rev., h 212 State Boyles Amy ~l., weaver, h l531 N 4th Boyles Atchinson G., elk, 923 N 6th, h 1415 Currant av Boyles Howard E., laborer, h 15:n N 4th Boyles John, car cleaner, h 1531 N 4th Boyles John S., laborer, h 1531 N 4th Boyles Reuben E., painter, h 1116 Grape av Boyles Robert M., huckster, h 217 South Boynes Annie, wid John, h r 1419 Marion Boyson Albert M., boiler inspector, h 15:~0 Walnut Boyson Andrew, machinist, h 610 Oxford Boyson Andrew 0., boilermkr, h 610 Oxford Boyson \Valter B., tinner, h 610 Oxford Bozaro \Vallack, laborer, h 49 Lochiel 5th Row Brackbill Charles H., laborer, h 1134 Market Brackbill Ella, wid "Villiam, h 1134 Market Brackbill Lemuel c., insurance, 2138 N 5th. h do Bracken Matthew N., bartender, 300 Verbeke, h 107 Calder BRACKENRIDGE ALFRED, notal'Y public, 125 Washing:on, h300S2d

The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{Sil Cents a We8k Google

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Employ. hence A B TACK} . . . _I: none but ftrat-elua workmen.&DJ panonly", { N.1818 and i'- Work done ID of 8tMe. lkl


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 15.5 Brackenridge John G., h 300 S 2d Brackenridge V. Hummel, foreman Telegraph, h Penbrook Braconey Harry]., grocer, 1100 N 6th, h 1103 Montgy Braconey ~lary, wid Henry, h 1118 ~Iontgomery Braddock Harry, coachman, h 1924 ~ 3d Bradigan Emma R, wid Henry, h 131 K 10th Bradigan Harry W., laborer, h 131 N 10th Bradley Eliza c., wid William H . h Front c State Bradley Florence ~f., teacher, h 802 Capital Bradley James, fireman, h 333 Reily Bradley James, jr., laborer, h 343 Calder Bradley Joseph F., chemist, h 423 Boas Bradley Mary E., h 423 Boas Bradley Pierce, blacksmith, h 423 Hoas Bradley Pierce J., plumber, 341 Reily, h 423 Boas Bradley Samuel, laborer, h 1247 K lli Bradley Susan, wid Henry, h 802 Capital Bradley William, laborer, h 423 Boas Bradley William H., barber, h 1336 Fulton Brady Alonzo E., clk, h 129 S 3 d ' Brady Anna R, asst cataloguer State Library, h 211 S Fronr Brady Benjamin, laborer, h 112::l N 7th Brady Benjamin, shirtmkr, h 149 Balm

~ ~












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~~':=::i.} - Charles Harrisburg _.- 1001 X Loan Assn. {:: -architect, h --._' - Sallngs and Front Brady D.,

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Brady Charles G., laborer, h 627 Maclay . Bradv David, laborer, h 35 Lochiel 3d Row Brady Edward H, clk sec Comwlth, Capitol, h 251 North Brady Edwin G., elk P. R R depot. h 211 S Front Brady Frank J., clk W. O. Hickok Mig Co., h 1001 N FroGnt Brady eorge T., inspector, h 2024 N 5th Brady Harry c., carpenter, h 1452 Regina Brady James, cashier 1st National Bank, h 510 N 2d Brady James J., engineer, h 1732 Green Brady John R, car inspector, h 1421)1 Susquehanna Brady John R, U. S. N., h 510 N 2d Brady John R, jr., junk, h 12th ab Hamilton BRADY 100 T., lawyer and notary public, 222 Market, h 211 S Front Brady Joseph J., brakeman, h 1732 Green Brady J. Stewart, stenographer. h 1001 ~ Front Brady Minerva, domestic, 705 South Brady Sarah A., wid John, h 1001 N Front Brady Sidney, laborer, h 1626 Walnut Brady W. Burke, electrical engineer, h 104 State Brady William E., insurance. h 1001 N Front Brady William H., blacksmith. h 610 Willow av Brady William L., bookkpr, 28 S 2<1, h 2024 N 5th


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- - O U R MOTTO,-Usmsst C_i, HODesS'k'S'ei"ht


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Ethyard, , h 09 S Bryn Chnrks \\., carpeyter, H~7 av Bran John S., carpenter, h 1127 Rose av Brench Mnssey wid hW7 Tenner't Brandane (;ollie Kennels, (John Black), 17th nr Vernon ~randt Aaron E., lawyer, 222 Market, h :Middletown Bt>lttdt klbert physician, N h do Brandt Arthur D., elk, h 430 Reily Brandt B. Lloyd, elk P. R. R., h 121 Hoerner BrnmIt (;harles PoS;} elk 29 hununit Brandt Daniel, warehouseman, h 1217 N 6th Brandt Daniel I-L salesman, h 1364 Mayflower av ,,' Bsandt Bailay (Payton Floar and Feed (:0.); s,sc arty; .~ treas Hbg Storage Co., h 116 Chestnut Brandt Jacob, elk, 321 Market, h ~Iechanicsburg ,~ Brandt (PaxTon FI;;;;r and Feed cio.) , +>03 Front Brandt John R; laborer, h 230 S 15th Brandt John J., sidesman; 15 hd, h N BRANDT LEVI, (Paxton Flour and Feed Co.), h 116 Chestnut Braodt Snmuel, rtable :;:2 S C;mefGn Brandt Thomas c., fireman, h 1120 N6th Brandt. see Bryant



Brank Amndeo, tailor, 4th; 13;W Thompson BralLe Ga;;rge moldnr, h 811d East ~ Brant Pearl, bookkpr, h 805 East av, h do Braselman F. Ruth, proof reader, h :t~fi S 14th h Sa;;;uer 2f3 ., Green Bratten AIda P., bookkpr silk mill, h 308 North Bratten (:arlton p" saksman, ~n4 korth Bra%ten Clwood cigarmkr, 1500 Penn Bratten Frank, electrician, h 109 Locust Breiten Frank warehous;eZ11iill, ;lOS l(orth Brite en James 1l!! !'.Iarket, h Green Bratten Landis, grocer, 921 N 6th, h 923 do Bratten 'i;sf;,slady 15 S h North Bratten {,tenogr:,pher, 3d, 11 l50d Penn Bratten Sarah M., picker, h 308 North Baetten Ous;an tearhar, h b08 Penn Bri;l on Howard c;;mluctor, h (;;..!sf Reily Bratton Sarah B., h 627 Reily Braurh Msa" h r 11i14 H dth Bra;;ght Amanzf;l Mrs., boarding, l3dh Vernon, h do Braun Conrad, sexton, h 315 S 2d . Brs;;m M.; dsocer h:!:l ;[0

~:,;:~~:~ f~:~7nia i,l~s.I,; bo~r~i;;g, ~51f ~;~~~wberry


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Redmond's Wagon Works ~::JlI~~f;:e:P;:~::~:. 3d and Reily Sts. GI ~l( Digitiz

A. B. TACK ='~D:~ Ion PDDer 0III1IDd011. ~lHr~ fJ~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 157
Braun Maria Mrs., layer out' of the dead, 315 S 2d, h do Braun, see Brown Braunagle Irvin L., laborer, h 121 N Cameron Braunagle Jno., news agt P. R. R. depot, h 121 N CamerOn Braune Gustave M., draftsman, h 230 N 2d Braxton Elijah, brickmkr, h 107 Tanner's av Braxton George, laborer, h 418 Crescent Braxton Martha A. Mrs., h 422 Cranberry av Braxton 'William, laborer, h 418 Crescent Braxton William, jr., laborer, h 418 Crescent Breach Albert E., laborer, h 3d cReel's la Breach Osmond, tree trimmer, h 3d cReel's la Breach Raymond, brakeman, h 1719 K 7th Breach Thomas W., track hand, h 321 Hay av Brechbill Lee D., mgr, 10th ab Division, h 444 Walnut Breckbill Cora M., cashier, 425 l\brket, h 511 Harris Breckenmaker Abraham K., harness, 24 S Dewberry av, h CD 1401 Vernon !:. Breckenridge LeRoy S., bar elk, 1303 N 3d, h do Breckenridge Mary E., wid John E., h 1711 N 5th Brehanv Catharine, domestic, 1517 N Front Brehm 'David \V., foreman, h 1943 Boas Brehm John J., sup prin, Green c Muench, h 810 Green Breidegan Elizabeth, wid Daniel. h 5:l6 Race Breininger Bertha 1. Mrs., h 17 Brady av


BAKER{~I5~b~~-:;'~~1I: ~

Breininger Louis, bartender, 423 Market, h 337 Hummel Breininger Louis c., machinist, h 337 Hummel Breitinger Edith L., stengr Hbg Trust Co., h 918 Green Breitinger Sophia, wid William H., h 918 Green Breitinger William M., elk C. 1. and S. Co., h 918 Green BRELSFORD PACKING AND STORAGE CO., wholesale provisions a.nd storage, 7th c North Brendle Ira H., flagman, h 1240 Thompson av Breneman Anna B., candymkr, h 606 Peffer Breneman Benjamin' c., telegrapher, h 606 Peffer , Breneman :Margaret J., wid Christian, h 606 Peffer Breneman Victor L., tinsmith, h 606 Peffer Breneman William H., ice cream, 1406 Vernon, h do Brenisholtz Charles 1., elk, 337 l\larket, h ()27 Herr Brenisholtz Charles W., conductor, h ()27 Herr Brenisholtz Irvin J., driver, h 627 Herr Brenisholtz Mary J., ruler, h 311 Market Brenizer A. W., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Brenizer J. Charles, tinsmith, h 1707 N 2d Brenizer Samuel "V., laborer, h 1020 Herr Brennan Daniel, track hand, h 565 Race Brenneman Adam H., ins sol, 14 S 2d, h 210 N 15th Brenneman Amos, engineer, h 1939 N 4th Brenneman Edward S., ice cream and mince meat, 108 S 13th, h do



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No 1230 ARCH STREET PHil.l,


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

stennJ;rapher, S 2d, kenbwoh h 21f:0 6th : ; Brenneman Grace E., h 418 Market 1i Brenneman Harry S., car cleaner, h 1112 Plum av ~ BRgRNEtttklo J'ACkk D., 11th Reily 021 WR, c5 Y5ut, h ..: Brenneman Joseph, switchman, h 243 North


~ ~~~:~~:::~ ~:~~i:i h 159 N 4th


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Z : -Brensinger Mabel V., teacher, h 1427 N 6th Brrnsinger ., tailoress, h N 5th Bsem;ingel looses h 14h7 6th Bressler Charles, harnessmkr, h 23 S 2d Bressler Robert, installer, 210 Walnut, h Steelton BTsk Canie Ho, cigannkr, h N Summit En::!z Charks E.~ fireman, h Harris Bretz Charles F., laborer, h 1031 S 9th Bretz Charles H., shoe operator, h 1354 Vernon Bretz Edward, nail h dd4 Cowhen B~"" Edw,,~,t C d~",,,~ 1f:'" N 7th . B~~;; Elizab'~~h, do~~~;ic, 107-Reily Bretz Grace, saleslady, 221 Market, h Camp Hill BRE'hZ HARRY M., lnmder aotard, h72 Ma,aket, h 27d


334 arket, N 17th Rrenneman loargaret M., dres,mkr, :!10 N Brenneman Oscar G., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 210 N 15th Brasmeman WilliazH C, bartender, 29 S Dewberry av, h I'enbrooh Brennen Marie, seamstress, 0:243 S'}0}0tara Brenner Benjamin, h 651 Cumberland Beenner hend, elk, h 563 SlOth Beenner J3KOh B., h606 Brenner James H., Brenner), Walnut, h do Brenner b tokkpr, h 426 Walnut Brenner 424 nlnut, Kt)men's ""ear, h do Brenner Solomon, grocer, 563 SlOth, h do 13sen ,tingee Cl;Lra M" book ser,,'er, h 1601 N 5th



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~ Bret;~i~~ L., wid Jeremiah, h 102 Short

Brete John J laborer 7 1420 4th ~ BnTte John J watchman, h South Bretz John M., general contractor, 34 S 13th, h do Bretz John brakeman, h 4 Argyle . Beete Kate h N Beet, Maggie 1., seamstress, z$23 Calder Bretz Mary, vamper, h 1354 Vernon Bretz Mary E., domestic, 102 Short

cC Bretz Jennie, housekeeper, 102 Short


PATRlljI You



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Bretz Minnie R., ~igar roller, h 102 Short ~ Bretz Myra E., elk, 14tl8 Vernon, h 1354 do rBretz Niles 0., electrician, h 1354 Vernon CI) Bretz Norman W., laborer, h 656 Reily -t Bretz Samuel c., conductor, h 623 Calder aBretz Thomas J., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h 1:~54 Vernon -t Bretz Warren B., shoe operator, h 623 Calder Bretz William, laborer, h 54 N 14th m Q Bretz William, laborer, h 241 Crescent Bretz William H., driver, h 33 N Cameron C") :z: Breu Henry H., harnessmkr, h 7 S 4th Breuninger Gottlieb, elevatorman, 227 Walnut, h 630 Herr -t Brian Harry, helper, h 16.'36 N 6th aBriar Harry R., waiter, h 802 Capital CI Briar Mary, wid Oliver, h 802 Capital CI) Brice James A., engineer, h 621 Kelker Q Bricker Alice, cigarmkr, h 1604 N 3d rBricker Benjamin, laborer, h 2124 N 7th CI Bricker Charles D., cigarmkr, h 1604 N 3d Bricker David, carpenter, h 22:15 N fith :J: Bricker Edward c., elk, 1734 N 6th, h 2009 do Bricker Eliza, bunchmkr, h 1618 N 5th Bricker Elmer E., Illborer, h 6:18 Hamilton Bricker Emma, domestic, 1409 N 6th



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. Bricker Emma B., buncher, h 1604 N 3d Bricker Esther, wid Albert, h 109 South Bricker: George, electrician Lunatic Hospital, h do Bricker George W., brakeman, h 6.~R Hamilton Bricker Jennie, wid Henry, h 1604 ~ 3d Bricker John K., hardware, 17:12 N 6th, h 1134 do Bricker Victoria Mrs., h 522 Basin av Bricker William H., grocer, 2100 N 6th, h do Bricker William S., conductor, h .'314 Clinton av Brickley Elmer E., carpenter, h 21 Balm Brickner Charles J., plumber, h 1611 N 6th Bridge George W., carpenter, h 2111 Herr Bridget Harriet Mrs., domestic, 1331 N 4th Bridget John, laborer, h 636 Briggs Bridget Lizzie, domestic, 1152 Mulberry Bridget Luther, laborer, h 201 Nectarine Briggins Emma, wid Samuel, h 244 Liberty Briggins Samuel, jr., warehouseman, h 288 S Cameron Briggles Barzellus, h 134 Vine Briggles George B., fireman, h 1316 Green Briggs Anna Mrs., h 342 Muench Briggs Julia A., wid John H., h 17 N Front Briggs Rachel T., h 17 N Front Bright David J., mgr, 35 N 3d, h 225 S 13th Bright Elizabeth, wid Washington, h 1100 Market

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No~C:':'=S;: 8 Google

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H KELLEY & CO'S -),oa1Mam00de ...... { 10Ib ..til........ BJaek DelEt order.- 1."'.1111...... U
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Bright Frederick, hat room The Comwlth, h 507 South Bright George H., laborer, h 47 N Cameron Bright Harry H., shoecutter, h 1100 l\larket Bright U. Grant, bricklayer, h 227 Hummel Brightbill Bertha, bookbinder, h 1319 Vernon Brightbill Charles H., laborer, h 1319 Vernon Brightbill Charles H., steelworker, h 1134 :\larket Brightbill Oara L., saleslady, h 3:!6 S 16th Brightbill Cora, seamstress, h 511 Harris BRIGHTBILL DAVID E., insurance, with C. Vernon :Rettew, 1119 N 3d, h 1437 Zarker Brightbill Edgar B., pressman, 329 l\lkt, h 229 Crescent Brightbill George A., elk, laoo State, h 1308 do Brightbill George B., engineer, h 918 Capital Brightbill James D., (est), grocer, 1300 State Brightbill James D., jr., elk, 1300 State, h 1308 do Brightbill James H., elk, 5 S 3d, h 413 Kelker Brightbill John, pressman, 201 N 2d, h 229 Crescent Brightbill John C, carpenter, h 1817 Green Brightbill Kate, wid Peter, h 229 Crescent Brightbill Leah, nurse, h 316 Briggs Brightbill Margaret, wid William. h 1134 Market Brightbill Mary, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Brightbill Mary A., wid Benjamin, h 1319 Vernon Brightbill Maude E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 326 S 16th





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Brightbill Mertie A., wid James D., h 1308 State -Brightbill William E., express messenger, h 326 S 16th Brightful Joseph, hostler, h 516 Strawberry av Brightly William F., laborer, h 1425 Reese av Brighton Charles W., cigars, 1300 N 7th, h do Brimmer Ralph B., foreman P. R. R., h 1503 N 6th Brindle Carl L., drug elk, 1255 Mulberry, h do Brindle Mary 1\1 rs., h 418 Cumberland Brindle Peter D., salesman, 400 Market, h 134 Sylvan ter Brine Alfred, policeman, h 1815 Berryhill Bringman Cora A., domestic, 1609! N 3d Brininger Hiram McG., checkman P. R. R., h 1315 William Brininger John W., molder, h 1315 William Brininger Louis K., elk, 30 S 3d, h 146 Sylvan ter Brink Daniel, molder, h 1209 Market . Brink Edward, fireman, h 1620 N 6th Brink Wesley c., fireman, h 1233 Cowden Brinkerhoff George, conductor, h 1623 Penn Brinser Alberta, tailoress, h 725 S 21st Brinser Annie G. Mrs., h 433 Kelker Brinser Bert, flagman, h 458 Cumberland Brinser Caroline M., housekeeper, 725 S 21st Brinser Christian L., hardware, h 1600 N 3d Brinser Claude E., hardware, h 1600 N 3d

A. B. TICKlIAll PAPER I!::e~~ IINDOI SHADE3{N~~-:r8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Brinser Eva A., ruler, h 1351 Vernon J: Brinser George 'ltV., printer, h 1351 Vernon ~ Brinser Harry L., U. S. N., h 1600 N 3d Brinser Jesse, steelworker, h 725 S 21st Brinton Alonzo, laborer, h 40 Balm Brinton Annie, domestic, 42 Balm Brinton Catharine, wid John, h 811 N 3d Brinton Charles L., asst engineer of tests C. 1. and S. Co., J: h 12 N 16th C) Brinton Civiila, wid Jacob, h 210 Hummel J: Brinton Everett 0., car inspector, h 1~8 North I Brinton Frank E., electrician, h 587 Showers av C) Brinton Frank S., bookkpr, Canal c State, h '46 Balm Brinton George, h 1735 N 4th Brinton George W., (M. J. Brinton & Son), h 12 N 16th ~ Brinton Harry A., c1k, h 12 N 16th Brinton J. Bertam, car cleaner, h 811 N 3d PI Brinton Jennie, elk, 813 N 3d, h 811 do Brinton John c., collector, 1127 N 3d, h 12 N 16th Brinton Mary J., (M. J. Brinton & Son), h 12 N 16th ~ Brinton Mary P., bookkpr, 1408 Regina, h 12 N 16th ." Brinton M. J. & Son, (rvlary J. and George W.), grocers, PI 1408 Regina Brinton Ross E., laborer, h 811 N 3d

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Brinton Sarah, wid Caleb, h 231 Hummel Brinton William A., driller, h 38t N Summit Brisco Sarah, wid George W ., h 23:! S 15th Briscoe BelIa, cook, h 127 Short Briscoe Harry S., butler, h 424 Cranberry av Briscoe John F ., coachman, h 434 S 2d . Briscoe John F., laborer, h 503 N 10th Brisentine John, laborer, h 1321 Howard Bristow Angeline, nurse, h 1847 N 7th British Medical Institute, F. A. Watkins, physician, 32 N 3d Britsch George W ., laborer, h 1512 N 4th Britsch ,Mildred T., milliner, 334 Market, h 1248 State Britsch Viola M., saleslady, 215 Market, h 1248 State Britsch William W., elk P.O., h 1248 State Brittain Malinda, wid Samuel, h 141 N 13th Britten Cleaver c., elk, h 1009 N 3ri Britten Francis M., roller, h 637 Herr Brock Essie L. Mrs., h 21 Lochiel 2d Row Brockway James B., postal elk, h 1729 Market Brodbeck William E., janitor, 222 Market, h do Brode Philip, meat, 121 Angle av; grocer, 514 N 5th, h do Brode Sarah L., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 514 N 5th Brooke BelIa 1. Mrs., h 638 Herr Brooke Frank A., carpenter, h 1635 Susquehanna

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CLARK'S ='::.~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{=~u.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


, . Brookens Charles G., carpenter, h 1124 N lli Brooks Balaam c., laborer, h 1256 Swatara -~ Brooks Charles, laborer, h 521 South Brooks Charles H., elk, h 644 Briggs 1i Brooks Emily D., wid George A., h 21 S 2d ,If2 Brooks Frank, machinist, h 644 Briggs Brooks Jeremiah, laborer, h 1!l28 Mayflower av c:. Brooks John W., plasterer, h 114 Liberty :5 Brooks Julia, wid Henry, h 171 Indian av u Brooks Margaret, h Home for the Friendless Brooks Mary, wid Joshua B.~h 117 Vine Brooks Nelson, laborer, h 16:18 Walnut Brooks Susan Mrs., housekeeper, 114 Liberty Brooks Virginia]., dressmkr, h 11:10 :\fontgomery Brookwood Improvement Assn, A. Boyd Hamilton, jr., i!:i agt, Naudain and Argyle and room 4, 320 l\1arket .55 Broomall Ulysses G . engineer, h 218 Harris :I Broomhead Robert, boilermkr. h 1025 S 9th Broomhead Robert, jr., laborer, h 1(125 S 9th fI) Broomhead William, ironworker, h 1025 S 9th Brose Clarence, teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Brose Harvey, jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do 1&1 h 231 ..J Bross Emma M .. printer N 2d Brough John S., Independent, h 761 S 19th C Brough Sarah, cigarmkr, h 761 S 19th




/1ft j -111111 Blq. TIIIIII!MronlY OIId TmSI IIU. Df SCUI'OI. 1 fllllll~t.... tM- fl BeaJ. -..ate Oftlce Jlj auu PEl... " Cletrae" Bear of Pod



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Brougher Catharine A., wid Jacob S., h 1607 N 3d BROUGHER 10HN A., Washington House, 517 Walnut, h do Brougher John W., mgr, 1004 N 3d, h do Brougher Mary G. Mrs., h 817 Green Brougher Minnie c., h 656 Reily Brougher Minnie E., h 817 Green Brougher Russel W., conductor, h 1006 S Cameron Brought Eliza, h 559 Camp Brought Rebecca, wid John, h 559 Camp Brought Sarah, dressmkr, h 559 Camp Brouse Charles H., grocer, 2000 N 5th, h 1923 N 7th Browell Robert J., drug elk, 133 State, h 1617 Green Brown A. C. Mrs., hairdresser, 267 Briggs, h do Brown A. Laura, saleslady, h 354 Crescent Brown Albert M., painter, h 239 State Brown Alice, domestic, 2i1 S River av Brown Allen, laborer, h 163 Indian av Brown Anna M., h 345 Kelker Brown Barnhart, baker, h 420 Reily Brown Belle, charwoman, h 554 Primrose av Brown Benjamin, laborer, h Riv~r av nr Vine Brown Byrd H., waiter, h 606 South av Brown Calvin A., blacksmith, h 2031 N 7th Brown Calvin S., laborer. h)116__ a_I_Ia_c_e___________ \\_'


Read the PATRIOT} ~~N-=" {Harrisburg's Bast .nspaper Google

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Boyd'. Harriaburg City Directory.
Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Calvin S., laborer, h 1155 S Cameron Carter, bootblack, h 515 State Cassius M., barber, h 267 Briggs Cassius M., jr., stenographer, h 267 Briggs Catharine E. Mrs., h J200 N 12th Charles, elk, 12 S 2<1, h 410 Chestnut Charles, driver, h 719 State Charles, lab, h 505 South av Charles, laborer, h 327 Basin av Charles A., fireman, h 1513 N 5th Charles E., teamster, h 707. North av Charles F., car repairer, h 29 S 16th Charles H., laborer, h 175 Indian av Christian S., fireman, h 1261 Bailey Christiana, wid Wallace, h 1406 State Cornelia S., hairdresser, h 267 Briggs C. Sumner, barber, 419 Walnut, h 267 Briggs Dair W., harnessmkr, h 712 Showers av David M., elk, 210 Walnut, h 1302 N 3d D. Frederick, draftsman, h 109 N'13th D. Howard, foreman, h 1302 N 3d Edward, laborer, h 707 North av Edward N., laborer, h 1200 N 12th Edward T., laborer, h 163 Indian av 163

~ ::::}Harrlsburg SaYings and Loan ASSA.

Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown

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Eleanora E., wid Clark ~I., h 530 Cowden Emma Mrs., h r 104 Filbert Estella Mrs., h 709 North av Estelle M., shoe opr, h 327 S 15th Eugene, laborer, h 1239 N 11i Fannie, domestic, 142.'l N Front Frank, laborer, h 640 Walnut Frank, steelworker, h 213 Crescent Frank, waiter; h 420 South Frank N., painter, h 626 North Franklin P., elevatorman C. H., h 1530 Logan av G. Earl, elk, h Kensington nr 20th George, laborer, h 1322 Marion George G., bridge builder, h 104 Dock George H., janitor, h 113 Tanner's av George K., carpenter, h 144 S Court av George L., steward, 23 S 2d, h do George W., hostler, h 1209 Wallace Grace B., domestic, 428 Cranberry av Grace L., laundress, h 503 North av Hannah, housekeeper, 1R22 Logan av Harry, salesman, 32 N 3d, h 1402 do Hayes, laborer, h 1205 N 11t Herbert L., stenographer, Herr clOth, h 1809 N 3d Herman E., postal elk, h 1333 Kittatinny

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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.}OR:COS. :.::.r..~"=:}COAL AHD WOOD

164 , Boyd'. Harrilburg City Direotory
~ .... Brown Howard D . barber. Court av c Strawberry av, h .... 420 South Brown Howard M., brakeman, h 638 Reily .". Brown Hugh T., cooper, h 339 Chestnut c::a Brown Ida E., teacher, h 104 Short !5 Brown Ira M., plumber, h 18021 N 5th BROWN ISAAC B., lec Internal Main, 718 State, h 408 ::a:: North ~ . Brown Jacob, laborer, h 257 S Cameron !i Brown Jacob F., cigars, 1744 N 4th, h 345 Kelker Brown Jacob H., mason, h 327 S 15th ~ Brown Jacob V., laborer, h 1016 Fox av :: Brown James, laborer, h 108i Christie's av !:: Brown James, laborer, h 807 SlOth ::::. Brown James, laborer, h 514 Primrose av ~ Brown James A., machinist, h 1414 N 4th I&J Brown James E., engineer, h 410 Chestnut ... BROWN lAKES II., II. D., medical examiner P. B.. B.. Vol... untary B.e~ief Dept, 413 lIarket, h Spruce Creek I&J Brown J. Edward, hostler, h 324 Blackberry av Brown Jesse H.,' grocer, 1317 William, h do Brown Jesse J., laborer, h 1816 Wood av Brown John, laborer, h 404 Hayav Z Brown John A., coach painter, h 414 Forster Brown John B., laborer, h 21 Lochiel2d Row






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Brown John E., driver, h t'J2 N 10th Brown John E., driver, Ii 234 S 15th Brown John M., salesman, 215 Market, h 601 North Brown Joseph, train despatcher P. R. R., h 415 Maclay Brown Judge D., sales and exchange stables, 505-507 Strawberry av, h 1508 N 4th Brown Julia Mrs., h 623 Kelker Brown Julia, wid Michael, h 1334 Vernon Brown Julia A., wid William, h 1118 N Cameron Brown Kate 111's., h 163 Indian av Brown Katharine Mrs., h 1200 N 12th Brown Katharine M., domestic, 226 Hamilton Brown Lee, laborer, h 110 Christie's av Brown Lena M., grocer, 1601 Hunter av, h do Brown Le't'inia, wid George W., h 1003 N 3d Brown Lillie M., seamstress, h 1816 Wood av Brown Lona M., milliner, 334 Market, h 1327 Derry Brown Lucretia, wid Henry, h 716 North av Brown Lucy Mrs., dressmkr, h 516 Strawberry av Brown Malley, domestic, 719 State Brown Marshall E., postal elk, h 1327 Ki:tatinny Brown Martha Mrs., h 1333 N 6th Brown Mary, domestic, 117 Cowden Brown Mary, WId Jacob, h 1816 Wood av Brown Mary A., wid John \V., h 2Ul Pine

mC~~':,BB} ANDREW REDMON~g~i!~ b~~~~~f~S.

.l. B. TACK}Wall Paper and Window Sbadal{=J.'::~

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.
Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown BJ:own Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Mary E., wid Cyrus G., h 1327 Derry Mary E., wid Emanuel, h 414 Forster Mary M. L., wid Harry c., h 1156 Cumberland Maud M., charwoman, h 1200 N 12th May, h 635 Camp Minnie, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Nancy A. Mrs., h 410 Chestnut Oliver, machinist, h 2031 N 7th Rachel A. Mrs., h 1205 N 11i Robert, waiter, h 118 Cowden Roy, warehouseman, h 257 ~. Cameron Sadie E., seamstress, h 1816 Wood av Samuel E., puddler, h 607 S Front Samuel J., bricklayer, h 1948 Kensington Sarah, wid Henry, h 642 Peffer Sarah A. Mrs., dining room, 410 Chestnut, h do Sarah E., domestic,' 806 N 2d Singleton G., barber, 26 S 4th, h 269 Briggs Smiley, fireman, h 1116 Wallace Susan M., wid Rev. John D., h 512 Emerald Teresa, nurse, h 529 Filbert Thomas F., laborer, h 125 Mulberry Turner, laborer, h 220 S Court av Wilbur c., fireman, h 1327 Derry William, laborer, h 232 N Court


en ,.
." 1'1



Brown William, laborer, h 1724 Walnut Brown William, laborer, h 2005 Kensington Brown William, waiter Comwlth, h 2 Aberdeen av Brown William c., conductor, h 519 State Brown William c., paperhanger, h 5aO Cowden Brown William E., stonemason, h fio1 Linden Brown William G., repairsman, h 2120 N 4th Brown William H., hostler, h 1414 N 4th Brown William H., mgr, 330 Verbeke, h 1603 Green Brown William ]., salesman, 112 Cowden, h 345 Kelker Brown William L., cashier, 7th c Boas, h 2 S 4th BROWN WILLI.A1tt II., lieutenant governor, office, 21&5 Walnut Brown William N., h 306 Chestnut Brown William W., asst treas, h 1302 N 3d Brown, see also Braun Brownawell George ,"Y., machinist, h 2007 Penn Brownawell Joseph c., carpenter, h 2037 Logan Brownawell Kiner, laborer, h 2037 Logan Brownawell Milton E.; barber, h 2012 Penn Brownell John R., civil engineer, h 847! Crescent Brownewell Florence, picker, h 427 Verbeke Brownewell John Q. A., assembler, h 51 N 10th Brownewell Ralph, laborer, h 427 Verbeke Brownewell Simon, salesman, 325 Market, h 114 Verbeke

MILLER BROS.' BAKER1"~~t,~~I.~~1I: :E -


No 1230 ARCH STREET PHil.'



IIcllO's Complellon Pills :,~~o::~.; 306 Broad

166 Boyd's Harrilb111'g City Directory.

r c a: r nile GDoronlY IIIfI nusl co. . z Bruce John H., brakeman, h--=:!='I!':~~=' :::=::t2116 N 6th

;; Brownewell Walter 1\1., laborer, h 1424 Green _ Brownewell William H., watchman, h 427 Verbeke m Bruaw Harry, (Gohl & Bruaw), h 1631 Wallace Bruaw Michael, engineer, h 1229 Wallace Brubaker Charles, brakeman, h 2244 6! :II ~ Brubaker Charles ~1., machinist, h 1405 Green :& Brubaker Daniel W., elk, 421 N 2d, h 1101i Capital ~ Brubaker David, roller, h 1203 Swatara Brubaker David H., salesman, 219 Market, h 226 Locust llrubaker David M., fireman, h 1640 N 6th .. Brubaker Ethel, saleslady, 334 Market, h 2244 N 6th II Brubaker Floyd, driver, 1500 N 3d, h 2022 Wood av i!!5 Brubaker Henry M., machinist, h 1405 Green . ; Brubaker Isaac \V., helper, h 132 Vine : . Brubaker Jacob E., painter, h 62 N 16th Brubaker James, machinist, h 405 Verbeke (I) Brubaker Joseph E., machinist, h 1101i Capital Brubaker Muriel, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Brubaker Samuel, laborer, h 1736 Elizabeth av Brubaker Sarah, dressmkr, h 629 Walnut Brubaker Verner c., fireman, h 6741 Boas (,) Brubaker William L., brakeman, h 925 N 3d Bruce Bertha B., bookkpr, 1113 N 3d, h Wormleysburg Bruce Charles P., waiter, h 56 N 14th


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Bruce Maggie, wid Andrew, h 232 N Court av Bruckart B. Hays, liner, h 513 Race Bruckart Charles W., brakeman, h 1250 Swatara Bruehl Herman, watchman, h 1522 Walnut Bruehl Paul F., brakeman, h 1706 N 5th I~rl1ehl Walter B., carpenter, h 1522 Walnut Bruhl' Clara M., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 1314 Vernon BMlmbach Ella E., wid Charles. h 202 l\1ary's av Brumbaugh Annie, h 11~5 Bailey Brumbaugh John W., h 318 Mulberry Bruner Alice Mrs., h 817 Myrtle av Brun<.r Edward A., brakeman, h N 7th ab Boas Bruner Elijah, brakeman, h 3:~3 Harris Bruner Iber L. A., baker, h 1831 Susquehanna Bruner James M., waiter, h 422 Cranberry av Bruner Stewart L., brakeman, h 1723 Fulton Brunm'r Charles D. F .. driver, h 1122 Herr Brunner Charles E., laborer, h 1122 Herr fjrunner Edward ]., car repairer, h 943 N 7th Rrunnt'r Eugene, engineer, h 1628 Susquehanna Brunner Howard v.,' .. laborer, h 1104 Wallace Brunner Jennie. wid Joseph. h 1721 K 4th Brunner Joseph, laborer. h 1122 Herr

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page G1VI!'S FUi\:'::EJlA~L SCOB_ byeoogLe



Fre-m&, PubUe BafidlDp lJl PlaID TID.. E. . . . .,.."

- l l a k e e a 8i>eeialtJ' 0 1 - { . .

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.

Brunner Samuel A., grocer, 1800 N 5th, h do Brunner William B., mgr, 1647 N 6th, h do Bryan Alvin P., elk cigar stand Comwlth, h 101 N 4th Bryan Anna M., saleslady, 312 Market, h 1408 do Bryan C. Carroll, conductor, h 1408 Market Bryan Charles W., carpenter, h 927 Rose av Bryan Cora E., wid Edwin C, h 1408 Market Bryan Dempsey D., tailor, 18 S 4th, h 205 Hummel Bryan Eugene, elk, 7} N 3d, h 1737 do Bryan Harry C, cigarmkr, h 1737 N 3d Bryan John S., canvasser, h 927 Rose av Bryan Mary Mrs., h 723 Showers av Bryan Mary A., domestic, 1707 Green Bryan Robert, laborer, h 14 S Court av Bryan Robert H., rodman P. R R, h 59 N 13th Bryan Samuel M., conductor, h 516 Kelker Bryan William C, elk, h 177 N 15th Bryan William C, electrician, h 38 N 12th Bryant John H., brakeman, h 1068 S 9th Bryant Mary Mrs., h 48 Lochiel 4th Row Bryant, see Brandt Bryce Edward H., supt, 2d c Vine, h :l07 S 2d Brymeser Charles F., packer, h 1805 Berryhill Brymeser Frank B., laborer, h 1805 Berryhill Bryson Isaac M., flagman, h 1824 Logan av



} Harrisburg 'Savings and Loan Assn. {: =::


Bryson Joseph ]., flagman, h 1505 Wallace Bryson Kate E., housekeeper, 1824 Logan av Bubb Franklin E., nailer, h 597 S Front Bubb Margaret A., wid Franklin, h fi95 S Front Buch Ada C, weaver, h 1320 N 4th Buch Addison C, paver, h 1320 1'\ 4th Buch Charles C., huckster, h 1320 K 4th Buch Henry, cigars, 2002 N 6th, h 2038 Fulton Buchanan Irene S., wid James, h 216 Pine Buchello Michael, laborer, h 49 Lochiel 5t!y~w Bucher Annie T. Mrs., domestic, 1105 N ad Bucher Charles, laborer, h 105 Tuscarora Bucher Herman J.. mason, h 1416 Derry Bucher John H., molder, h 1825 Briggs Bucher Julius H., mason, h 1414 Derry Bucher Richard C., mason, h 1414 Derry Bucher & Gibbs Plow Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Bucher, see Booher Buchignani Angelo, chef P. R R dining rooms, Grace av Buchignani Egisto, hostler, h 423 Market Buchignani Guisseppi, scullion Hotel Russ Buchignani Louis, laborer, h 24 Grace a v Buchignani Olivo, scullion, h 501 Market Buchner Minnie F. l\lrs., dressmkr, h 1117 1'\ 2d
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> o > :3j ... > (IJ



POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {N;~c~':e= lJt;'oogle


H KELLEY 8. CO {I North lid Street. U 10th and State SUo


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,

t;:; ..... a::



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... ..

Buck Andrew l\f., car repairer, h 1916 North Buck Charles F., machinist, h 652 Reily BUCK CHESTER, dist supt Connecticut lIutual Life lnaur ance Co" Weakley bldg, 7 Ii 2<1, h 400 Briggs see adv Buck Elizabeth]., bunchmkr, h 1317 Fulton Buck Frank Mce, engineer, h 1232 Cowden Buck H. Clyde, pressman, h 1719 N 3d Buck James, engineer, h 1719 N 3d Buck James W., laborer, h 645 Boyd av Buck John e, machinist, h ()29 Reily Buck John e, jr., boilermkr, h 1652 Fulton Buck Robert, piano tuner, h 2130 N 4th Buck Walter S., ins sol,7 N 2d, h 400 Briggs Buck William A., laborer, It 1155 Cumberland Buck William 0., fireman, h 1129 X 7th Buck William P., salesman, 213 Walnut, h The Central Buck William R., brakeman, h 2214 N 6th Buckalew Edmund B., railroad sec, 16 N 2d, h 2'29 S 13th Buckalew Frank H., brakeman, h 331 S 14th Buckingham Albert A., foreman, h 15:l2 Green Bt~ckwalter Harry, fireman, h 634 Verbeke Buckwalter John H., mail elk, h 2019 N 6th Bucmani Eugenia, porter Harris House Bucrieri Joseph, laborer. h :318 S River av Buehler Agnes L., wid Samuel, h 1125 Cowden

Buehler A. Hummel, letter carrier, h 601 Boas
BUEHLER DAVID A., druggist, 918 Ii 3d, h 1408 Ii 2d Buehler Edgar, fireman, h 1125 Cowden Buehler Elizabeth H., cigarmkr, h 1125 Cowden BUEHLER JACOB, leather and findings, 104 Ii 2d, h 108 doBuehler Martha W., h 232 N 2d Buchler Sarah, salesladv, It 601 Boas Buffington Ada, WId William, h 426 Reily Buffington Annie, domestic, 406 N 3d Buffington Charles J., conductor, h 1218 Derry Buffington Ella, h 246 Hummel Buffington Ellis F., elk P. R R, h 2339 61 Buffington Frank S., conductor, h 2:~39 61 Buffington Frederick, driver, h 415 Strawberry av


I&J Buehler Charles 0., carpenter, h 1729 Fulton


Z a: I&J >



Mutual Life Insurance Company

CHESTER BUCI, Dial. Supt. af 19ancila for Plnnsyf,il Ind DIIrl.


Agent.. Wanted.

Liberal Contracts to Experience.1 Men


Office: Weakley Building, 7 N. 2d St., Harrisburg, Pa..


~~~~c::Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d aod ReUI Sts.

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I. B. T ~ FI:~~o~!lTrN:',.A:-~lac~!:y~R {121610rtlllDlr1l SIIeel lei

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 169
Buffington Henry F., elk commrs, C. H., h The Central Buffington James, carter Lunatic Hospital, h do Buffington John H., machinist, h 640 Boyd av Buffington John M., brakeman, h 634 Peffer Buffington Laura J., laundress, h 58 Balm Buffington Lillie Mrs., domestic, 1000 N 3d Buffington Mabelle, domestic, 1420 State Buffington Mary, charwoman, h 427 Strawberry av Buffington Mary, wid Alfred, h 58 Balm Buffington Murl E., elk, h 1607 N 5th Buffington Samuel P., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Buffington Sarah, laundress, h 810 James av Buffington Wllham u., printer Independent, h 1320 N 2d Buffiap Christian, laborer, h r 1001 Cumberland Builders' Exchange, Harry T. Bayles, sec, 23 S Hd Bulger John I., foreman, h 1108 Plum av Bulick Thomas :M., physician, 317 N 2d, h do Buller Irvin, coremkr, h 1212 Wallace Buller William, molder, h 1943 N 6th Bumbaugh Charles E., oiler, h 122 Ann av Bumbaugh Cornelius, engineer, h 114 Ann av Bumbaugh Harry, helper, h 114 Ann av Bumbaugh Isaac, foreman pipe line, h 28 N 14th Bumbaugh James H., laborer, h 114 Ann av



11 1'1

Bumbaugh James R., painter, h 1708 N 3d Bumbaugh John A., pipe bender, h 25 Brady av Bumbaugh M. Lillie, elk, 7th c North, h 1708 N 3d Bumbaugh Sarah Mrs., h 318 Mulberry Bumbaugh William K., plumber, 5 N 13th, h 114 do Bumhaugh William W., h 114 Ann av Bumgardner Lucy]., wid George A., h 446 S Cameron Bumgardner, see Bomgardner Bupp Joseph W., carpenter, h 1312 Shrub av Burch Catharine E., h 119 South Burchfield Edna, housekeeper, 1611 N 5th Burchfield James B., carpenter, h 1611 N 5th Burchfield James D., storekeeper, h 1611 N 5th Burchfield John B., foreman, h 1603 N 5th Burchfield Martha, weaver, h 1515 Green Burchfield Mary L., elk, 34 N 3d, h 1515 Green Burchfield Maud, weaver, h 1515 Green Burchfield Sarah E. Mrs., h 1515 Green Burchfield Theodore, watchman State Library, h 207 N 2d Burd Andrew E., foreman, h 2462 N 6th Burd Andrew L., brakeman, h 2148 N 7th Burd Cumi, tailoress, 207 Locust, h 116 Evergreen Burd Edward, laborer, h 1623 Green Burd Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 2148 N 7th Burd Ella, domestic, 431 Hamilton

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00IdI, Quina" &beumatlam, Toor.baebe, Bore Tbroat, Aaue,


Pain ''%In,,ll~n'iC~tor curea nnhnn'c= "%Janus, DytennilSll ,CramJll, Dlr.rrhn~<

D7I~ .toe.

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,







George Tinsmith, Woodhine Harriet dk, h 16hi5 ~rren James, n'TIhHteer, h Hsh;~ ;reen Burd Jane, h 1623 Green Burd J. Foster, driver, h 1935 N 6th Burd John W,~ fireman, h 1315 Penn John W h Wood av Mary Jeremin,h h 240 av Burd 1Iilton J., lahorer, h 7th Burd Percival N., ironworker, h 240 Cranberry av Burd Ralph, brakeman, h 333 Hamiaon see Bird, Byro Charles tdegraphn~'c R. R., h N 6th Edwin 19akeman, Ie'cshey HOEiSgl Burg Oliver c., engineer, h 610 Reily Burganstock Daisy N., shoe operator, h 229 S 14th Burganstock Edgar T., foreman, h 229 S 14th acob~ fireman, 229 S 1bth mnie F., Sh(l(l operator, h 14th OSCll'c foremae~ l26 N 5th Burger Bessie E., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1714 N 6th Burger Charles E., brakeman, h 562 Camp Burger Charles W., salesman, 334 Market, h 228 Peffer dilr Edna saleslady ~ Peffer


Burger Emma R., elk, 1015 N 3d, h 228 Peffer Burger Jacob E., engineer, h 1~10 N 6th Burber Luther K, elk, h 1323 Derry ~ Ray student, h Peffer W{UiaHl machinil,l 714 N i',77nYi'r William ., salesmun, 228 PeIIn:r Burger, see Berger Burgess Clarence H., fireman, h 2345 61 Burdies Mary E. Mrs., h 12m~ N Cameron Ellen Tl" h 709 Elmer laborer, State rurgner Harry, saksman, 7th, h ,emoyne Burgoon Carroll F., elk, 1317 N 6th, h 2110 Turner av Burgoon Herbert c., grocer, 14119 K 6th, h do Sarah c., bonnetmkr, h 2110 Turner av \Villial}i studenl d110 Turn(ir K 6th, Turnes ;""boOn \Villii1m ., grocer Buringer Ralph solicitor, 228 N 3d Burk Catharine J. Mrs., h 714 South Hurk James M., laborer, h 714 South fhrk John, shoGHkr. 1638 \-VdlElt. h do Helen, David, h < orth Jane. Tnry, h Pbckbern' Burke J. Harvey, (Cleckner Burke). h 5::8 ;reen Burke John, engineer, h 253061

The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{SII CaRts a Week



Bmploy8 but tlm-eJ_ workmen, benee A B TACK} dcuI tIIIlrt noneinlUl'eIIll. Work clonelnaDy.-not and

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1818 N. lid II&.



City Directory.


Burke John D., helper, h 2122 6! Burke Margaret, wid Packer, h 925 Grand Burke Martin, laborer, h 49 N 10th' Burke Mary E., charwoman, h 1253 ~ 11} Burke Mary E., h 1528 Green Burke 'Matilda A., saleslady, 334 Market, h 709 North Burke Nicholas J., helper, h 248 Meadow la Burke Thomas F., telegrapher P. R. R., h 709 North Burkepile Benjamin F., laborer, h 441 SlOth Burkepile James R., helper, h 441 SlOth Burkett Mamie, domestic Hershey House Burkey Benjamin, laborer, h 1101 Calder Burkey Clark H., laborer, h 1236 N Cameron Burkey Cora, cigarmkr, h 1403 N Cameron Burkey Edmund c., machinist, h 140::1 ~ Cameron Burkey Fannie L., stripper, h 1403 N Cameron Burkey Harry, laborer, h 1413 K Cameron Burkey Samuel, carpenter, h 1403 N Cameron Burkey Samuel, jr., laborer, h 1403 N Cameron Burkhart Joseph H., motorman, h ~n9 Clinton av Burkhart William IVI., helper, h 1942 N Cameron Burkholder Albert E., printer, h 522 Peffer Burkholder Carroll W., elk P. R. R., h Wormleysburg Burkholder Charles W., elk P. R. R., h 1101! Capital

~~:::.O~} Harrisburg

Savings and Loan ASSA. {

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N: l>

Burkholder Eleanor B., saleslady, 1206 ~ 3d, h 417 Herr Burkholder Gertrude A., student, h 113 S Front Burkholder Howard L., brakeman, h 1053 S 9th Burkholder Jacob c., baggagemaster, h 1101! Capital Burkholder Jacob E., plumber, h 630 Woodbine Burkholder J. Jacob, h 417 Herr Burkholder John E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 413 Herr Burkholder J. Reese, elk P. R. R. Crt depot, h 417 Herr Burkholder Nathan, furnaceman, h 1213 S 9th Burkholder Samuel A., salesman, h 1310 N 2d Burkholder Wahl McC., elk P. R. R., h 417 Herr Burlew Charles H., fireJpan, h 1229 N 7th Burlew James A., watertender, h 108 Sylvan ter Burlew Jesse A., fireman, h 108 Sylvan ter Burls Clarence, driver, h 8 N 9th Burn Christian M., h 1403 N 6th Burn Henry, salesman, h 1403 N 6th Burn Herbert A., elk P. R. R. depot, h 1220 l\larket Burn Lizzie J., h 1220 Market Bum Rachel A., seamstress, h 1220 Market Burn William, conductor, h 1312 Walnut Bum William H., elk P. R. R., h 1312 Walnut Burnell Henry L., stenographer, h 211 Boas Burnell Leslie S., mgr, 213 N 2d, h 211 Boas Burnell Lewis M., printer, h 211 Boas

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Digitized by


M. KELLEY" CO.{,':"~:'':..




> o

BURNS & CO., (B. F. Burns), furniture and carpets, instal ment, 24-28 S 2d . ~ Burr John C, brakeman, h 632 Camp III: ::I Burrell John A.. conductor, h 1841 Susquehanna 64 Burrill Mary, wid William, h 7U6 N 7th u .I Burris Amos, engineer, h 518 Maclay ::c Burris Charles, h 3:!6 Calder Burris Charles A., brakeman, h 1737 N 7th Burris David, driver, h 1420 ~ Burris Lawrence A., fireman, William N 5th h 1720! III Burris Sylvester E., waiter Hbg Club, h 1420 Willia.m Burris William, laborer, h 1-12U William Burris William H., engineer, h 1615 N 3d I.&J BurrIs Jane, wid Thomas, h 245 N River av BurrIs John T., laborer, h 112 Angle av Burroughs William, engineer, h 313 Verbeke Burrows Bessie A., tel opr, 210 \Valnut, h 1526 Green Burrows Charles A., engineer, h 1526 Green Burrows Harry A., barber, h 322 Calder Burrs Charles, laborer. h 326 Calder Burrs Della Mrs., h 1417 l\'larion Burrs Edward, laborer, h 319 Calder I.&J Burrs Edward J., laborer, h 1338 Mayflower av Burrs Elizabeth, domestic, 814 Burrs George, h 1430 Fulton James av


Burnite Mary E., wid David C, h 1420 N 2d Burns Ann, wid Samuel A., h 2011 N 3d 5:; Burns Benjamin F., (Burns & Co.), h 2011 N 3d ~ Bums Charles A., bookkpr, 28 S 2d, h 2016 N 3d ~ Burns Clara E., cigarmkr, h 1~17 S 12th g: Burns David A., salesman, 32 N 3d, h 802 do Burns Forrest N., bookkpr, 7th c Emerald, h 1413 Penn Burns Frances, nurse, h 9th c Reily Burns Frances Mrs., milliner, 802 N 3d, h do Burns Frank, baggagemaster, h 1514 \Valnut Burns Genevieve, teacher, h 9th c Reily Burns Herman L., policeman, h 19:14 Logan av tBurns James M., salesman, h 224 Verbeke a: Burns John C, laborer, h 1112 Calder t; Burns Joseph F., inspector, h 1814 Susquehanna c::a Burns Marie V., clk, h 224 Verbeke III: Burns l\1. Viola, dressmkr, h 1764 N Cameron ! Burns Patrick F., blacksmith, h 224 Verbeke z Burns Robert E., heater, h 2~5 S 2d t - Burns Robert 1\1., brickmkr, h 1764 N Cameron a: ~ Burns Rose E., 12.'1 Sayford av Burns Thomas F., foreman, h 9th c Reily CD Burns William, driver, h South av nr 5th _ Burns William, machinist, h 435 Walnut Burns Winifred, wid Thomas R., h 434 SlOth



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Redmond'sWagonWorks {::~~b~} 3d and RIIIJ Sta.

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A. 8. TACK ~t~e:'u:Uo1I0U PllDer IIId IInl1018IJOdeS ?:lH.~:rlll

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 173

Burrs George, jr., driver, h 1408 Fulton Burrs Harry, messenger Capitol, h 1430 Fulton Burrs Jennie, domestic, 814 James av Burrs John, laborer, h 1406 Marion Burrs Kate, wid John, jr., h 1325 N 4th Burrs Mabel, charwoman, h 1423 Marion Burrs Sanderson, laborer, h 1423 Marion Burrs Stephen, laborer, h 1414 Marion Burruss Charles H., meat, 1218 Bailey, h 1716 Walnut Burruss Jordan U., laborer, h 1716 Walnut Burruss Jordan \V., laborer, h 1716 Walnut Burruss Mame, music teacher, 1716 Walnut, h do Burth Edward H., front houseman, h 516 South Burtner A. Tennyson, private sec, 14 S 2d, h '922 Green Burtner Blanche, domestic, 1426 N 2d . Burtner Jefferson, clk Aud Genl's Dept, h 922 Green Burtnet George T., elk, h 1926 Berryhill Burtnett Charles \V., (Evans-Burtnett Co.), h 2023 N 6th Burtnett Harvey 0., salesman, 7th c North, h 1447 Vemon Burtnett John B., elk, 6 N 3d, h 1447 Vernon B~rton Charles, hostler, h 1122 Green Burton Rachel, wid William, h 634 Briggs Burwinkle Charles H., supt, 7th c Boas, h 1901 Green

Buser George C. B., elk, 208 Walnut, h 1946 N 6th Buser George J., carpenter, h 1946 N 6th Buser Grover c., printer Independent, h Hummelstown Bush Annie, wid Elmer, h 229 South Bush Annie Mrs., h 520 Basin av Bush Bertrand, stenographer, h 612 N 2d Bush Caroline, wid Sal'nuel A., h 207 North Bush Charles J., machinist, h 1465 Market Bush Charles V., painter, h 2034 Kensington Bush John E., laborer, h 1221 N Front Bush John T., foreman, h 518 Walnut Bush Mary A., wid William H., h 1409 N Cameron Bush William T., engineer, h 1340 N 3d Bushey Qlarles M., huckster, h au Hamilton . Bushey Fillmore, carpenter, h 627 l\-faclay Bushey Fremont R., elk, h 627 Maclay Bushey John M., salesman, 334 Market, h Boiling Springs Bushman Arthur \V., patternmkr, It 2003 State Bushman ~lervill E., h 6:! i\ 14th Bushman W. Theodore, carpenter, h 62 N 14th Bushnell Walter D., insurance, h 414 Briggs Bushnell William F., asst supt, 14 S 2d, h 1836 Derry BUSHNELL Wfl,T.TAJ( H., supt Prudential Inlurance Co., 14 S 2d, h 414 Briggs Bushyniani James, waiter Harris House, h do

-= -.






lellll'l Pain EIIerllnator !!~ffJ,~\a-:'~JI.:'& { 808 ~~

174 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory ..; Busler Bertha Mrs., asst matron, 213 Verbeke, It do .,., Bussard Charle'S S., postal elk, h 1201 Derry 'g Buterbaugh Llysses S., postal elk, h 114 Calder ftI "C Butler Alonzo, coachman, h 2007 ~ 3d Butler Anna, domestic, 1429 N Front Butler Anna, dressmkr, h 418 l'darket ~ Butler Blanche E., copyist Dept Int Affairs, h 1716 N 3d ;$ Butler Charles, hostler, h 1230 Cowden ~ Butler Charles A., engineer, h 141:~ I\ Cameron -a Butler Cora Mrs., domestic, 404 Ha\' av ~ Butler Cora c., housekeeper, 1214 Fulton :: Butler Cora J., saleslady, !J12 Market. h 418 do Butler Edmond K., decorator, h Hershey House c: Butler Edward, teamster, h 234 S 15th . . Butler Elsie L., teacher, h 1716 N !ld !! Butler Elsie R., wid John W . h 1711. ~ 3d U) Butler Frank, laborer, h 109 Tanner's av Butler Frank 0., cook, h 314 Market Butler George, laborer, h 1151 Cumberland Butler Henry, laborer, h 507 N 5th I- Butler Henry, jr., laborer. h 507 N 5th BUTLER, IRWIN & BUTLER DETECTIVE AGENCY, 1230 Arch, Phila ,see adv bottom line. II( Butler James, laborer, h 1301 N 2d



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Butler James, laborer, h 1108 Cowden Butler James J., elk, 26 Grace av, h 1607 Green Butler Jennie, domestic, 806 N 6th Butler John, laborer, h 321 S River av Butler John H., waiter, h 524 West av BUTLER lOHN L, statistician factory inspector, 216 Wal nut, h Carlisle Butler Mary, wid Frank, h 709 North av Butler Mary, wid Hiram, h 234 S 15th Butler Nicholas L., barber, 513 South, h do Butler Robert, elk, h 1716 :\ 3d Butler Robert, laborer, h ~Ol SlOth Butler Sarah E., wid William E., h 515 Primrose av Butler Sarah K., nurse, h 418 Market Butler Thomas, bricklayer, h 269 Sassafras av Butler T. Robert, elk, h 1716 N 3d Butler Walter, laborer, h 717 Race Butler William, laborer, h 1214 Fulton Butler 'William, waiter, h 239 Cranberry av Butler William H., laborer, h 1330 Mayflower av Butler William H., Windsor House, 4is Market, h do Butler William T., (National Parcel and Baggage Transfer), h 60 Balm

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


BUTLER & FORRY, (William T. Butler and H. Ed. Forry), National Parcel and Baggage Transfer, 1022 Market see adv Butterworth John H., (J. H . & M. S. Butterworth), h The Bolton BUTTERWORTH 1-: H. & M. S., (1ohn H. and Mordecai S.), propra The Bolton, 2d c Strawberry av Butterworth Mordecai S., 0. H. & ?\J. S. Butterworth), h The Bolton BUTTORFF HARVEY Y., wholesale confectioner, 110 liar ket, h 227 N 2d Butts James A., puddler, h 1112 S 9th Butts Pluriler, puddler, h 580 Showers av BUX CHARLES S., agt F. A. Poth & Sons, 818-820 Market, h 1810 State Buxbaum Otto]., sec and treas, 221 Market, h 1613 N 2J Buxton Charles \V., driver, h ~19 Dauphin av Buxton Harry, barber, h 6(19 S Front Byerly William H., elk The Lochiel, h do BYers Clifford, mail elk. h 1149 Bailev B)'ers James C. car repairer, h 50:~ H'amilton Byers Jennie Mrs., seamstress, h 253 ~orth Byers Lovato Mrs., laundress, h 818 James av Bvers Rebecca, wid Ellis, h 647 :Yfac1av B)-ler Cyrus A., flagman, h 1333 N 6th

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Sayings and Loan Assn. {~:~~

Byler Heister H., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 266 North Byrd Annie, chanvoman, h 118 Libertv B)-rem Edwin C, repairsman, h 615 Kelker Bvrem Laura 1\1., h 141 N 4th B"rem Mary S., wid Levi, h 615 Kelker

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Byrem Byrem Byrem Byrnes Byrnes

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Samuel, linotype opr Telegraph, h 266 Oliver av Sylvester, cutter, h 264 Oliver av William W., linotype operator, h 119 S 14th James M., flagman, h 532 Maclay Rachc:l, wid John, h 532 Maclay

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~ Cadow Josiah C., cigars, 400 Walnut, h 44.1 do

Cadow Nora Mrs., domestic, 407 N Front Cadow Richard P., plumber, h 1317 James Cadwallader David R., mspector P. R. R., h 26 S 13th Cager John \-V., huckster, h 50 Linden Cager Rosa, wid Moses, h 50 Linden Cahaley WIlliam T., chief elk, 16 N 2d, h 333 Market Cahill Ellen, h 126 Sayford av Cahill Julia, h 126 Sayford av Cahoe Lydia A., wid Daniel F., h 10 N Cameron Cail Amos, ironworker, h 134 Hanna Cail Catharine, wid Matthew, h 134 Hanna Cail Frederick, piler, h 134 Hanna Cail Sophia, vamper, h 134 Hanna Cail, see Kail, also Kahl Cain Albert, conductor, h 1932 \Vood av Cain Charles C. brakeman, h 519 Kelker Cain Edgar, laborer, h 1932 Wood av

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Cain Jessie M., domestic, 1932 Wood av Cain John D., machinist, h 542 Woodbine Cain Samuel, machinist, h 542 Woodbine 0: Cain, see Kane, also Kain l&J Cairns Isabelle, domestic, 215 N Front Cairo l\Hchael, clk, h 315 S River av Calder Alice V., h 1516t N 5th Building, 2d ...... Calder Elizabeth,16 N John, h 1516! N 5th . Calder wid Calder Margaret C, wid William, h 1262 Walnut ~. Calder Mary K., h 319 N Front Calder Theo. G., mgr City Transfer Co., h 319 N Front CALDER WILLIAlIl., ~ec and treas Central Penna. Traction Co., 503 N Front 0,. Caldwell hJames W., butcher, h 516 Korth z~ Caldwell John K., clk P. R. R., h 23:) Sayford av ~.c C, stenographer, 213 N .1- Caldwell Lillian E., laborer, h 26.'l Say ford 2d, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Ralph av l.c Caldwell Rankin S., clk, h 501 Calder Caldwell Samuel G., molder, h 1309 Penn Caldwell Sarah, wid William W., h 501 Calder Caldwell Thomas D., employee Arsenal, h 1309 Penn W. Caldwell Thomas D., jr., tinsmith, h 501 Calder ' I: Caldwell William W., bricklayer, h ,1309 N 2d 1-- Caley D. Ashmore, chief clk The Bolton, h 14 N 2d




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ANDREW REDMOND}~~~~~~~{3d and Reily StS. Digitized Googfe


I. B. TlCK}lALL PAPER ~:.::;!...':.'! 111001 SHADE3{N;;:~':iS&.

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.
177 Calhoon George D., laborer, h 1921 Berryhill Calhoun Mary A., wid John M., h 125 N Cameron Calhoun Thomas F., brakeman, h 919 Ash av Call May L., weaver, h 531 Cowden Callahan Daniel, laborer, h 1212i N 7th Callender Norman, cigarmkr, h 421 Boas Calmon Grafton, laborer, h 1111 Grape av Calvert Herbert G., paperhanger, h 1329 Thompson av Calvery Caroline, wid Thornton, h 1405 William Cambleso Donato, laborer, h 1132 Market Cameron C. Duncan, pianos, 2112 N 3d, h do Cameron Cora M., milliner, h 2112 N 3d Cameron Eliza, h 214 Briggs Cameron James M., 223 Market, h Front c State Cameron J. Donald, elk Adams Ex. Co., h 214 Briggs Cameron J. Donald, h Front c State Cameron Peter D., supt open hearth plant C. I. and S. Co., h 1806 Green Cameron Samuel E., h 2132 Herr Cameron Violet, h 135 S 2d Cammerer Daniel, fireman, h 1319 Fulton Campbell Alice, wid Abraham, h 424 South av Campbell Benjamin W., heating apparatus, 19 S River av, h 324 Chestnut

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MILLER BROS. I: BAKER~ ":5~bri~1;.~~1E

Campbell Co.), Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell land Bernard J., (Keystone Dyeing and Cleaning h 1512 N 3d Carter, driver, h 108 Cherry av Catharine, wid John R., ~ 138 Vine Clyde B., brakeman, h 1700 Green David, driver, h 506 South av Emma Mrs., h 2149 Atlas av Florence, nurse, h 1607 N 4th George, laborer, h 424 South av Gertrude, milliner, 14 N 3d, h Steelton Grant, laborer, h 1705 Elm Harry V., brakeman, h 1813 Market Harry W., foreman, 630 Walnut, h 1607 N 4th H. Ellsworth, carpenter, h 2105 Greenwood Henry, laborer, h 1407 N 4th Hugh, molder, h 1218 Market James, conductor, h 1947 N 7th James, plumber, h 1552 Fulton James A., machinist, h 2026 N 6th James c., laborer, h 2026 N 6th Jeremiah, laborer, h 108 Cherry av John, steelworker, h 105 Locust John c., laborer, h 1933i Logan av John H., draftsman Int Affairs, h 254 CumberBUTLER

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CLARK'S =:-~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{=(:~u.

178 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

. . Campbell Lawrence H., switch planer, h 334 S 14th ,i; Campbell Lawrence V., weaver. h 2026 N 6th v.t Campbell Lillian]., dressmkr, h 113 Locust Campbell Loretto Mrs., h 808 Cowden ftI -;::: Campbell Orrin M . brakeman. h 1015 Market .: Campbell Robinson H., painter. h 1822 Penn e Campbell Thomas J., laborer, h 1625 Wallace ~ Campbell Walter W., brakeman, h 2013 N 7th =:; Campbell William, laborer, h 138 Vine c,:, Campbell William A., trimmer, h 1218 Market Campbell Winfield S., conductor, h 1625 Wallace CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO., George A. Killer, mgr, Weakley bldg, 7 N 2d Cann Joseph B., waiter, h 120 Liberty :: Cann Ralph, bootblack, 320 Market. h 120 Liberty Cann Sarah, h 120 LIberty c:: Cann Zillah, wid John, h 120 Liberty fti Canning Geo S . draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 721 N 6tb !! Cannon David K., (Thomas & Cannon), h 202 S 13th (J) Cannon Ellen, wId Michael, h 1113 Cowden Cannon George R., laborer, h 404 Hay av Cannon Jesse, carpenter, h 554 Primrose av III Cannon John J., marbleworker, 1535 N 3d, h do ..J Cannon Lewis, laborer, h 1113 Cowden C Cannon Louise C. Mrs., h 404 Hay av




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Cannon Michael H., laborer, h 1113 Cowden Cap Irvin E., stonemason, h 1012 State Capella John. elk The Lochiel, h 229 S River av Capin Abraham, tailor, 103 N 2d, h 511 Cowden Capin Hyman, tailor, 503 Cowden, h do Capin Ida Mrs., h 610 State Capin Louis, tailor, 515 Walnut, h do Capin Michael, tailor, h 1212 Market Capin Samuel, tailor, h 46 Linden Capin Solomon B., tailor, h 515 Walnut Capital City Cafe, (Rodenhaver & Filbey), 2 S 4th Capital City Cigar Co., (Harry S. Weibley), 4 S 4th Capital City Quarries, (c. P. Walter), Cameron c PaxtolT Capital City Repair Co., (W. H. Waterbury), lock and gunsmiths, 411} Market Capital City Steam Laundry, M. T. Maguire, mgr, 305 Mkt Caplin Harris, tailor, h 522 Brown av Cara Mae. dermatologist, 213 Walnut. h do Carberry Bertha A., saleslady, 308 Market. h 117 North Carberry David J., stahle boss, h 42 N 10th Carberry John, elk, 11 N 13th, h 37 Balm Carberry John J., driver, h 37 Balm Carberry Pearl E., shoe operator. h 37 Balm Carberry W. Harry, painter, h 117 North

Read the PATRIOT} ~II:NNII:T {HarriSbUrg'D~git~e~~~~'~~~~~

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--- - - - - --=------------


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 179 :., ~ _ .CARE R. SHERV A Jr, lawyer and county solicitor, Court Houle Annex, h Linglestown Carey John, scullion, h 418 Cranberry av Carey Lizette F. Mrs., h 1726 N 6th Carey Mary Mrs., h 608 North av Carey Sadie Mrs., h 1203 N 11i Carey Theodore P., machinist, 25 N 3d, h 1809 Market Cargill Jeremiah D., car repairer, h 1914 N 7th Carl Charles E., craneman, h 1317 North Carl David B., elk, 9th c Shaonis, h 121 Strawberry av Carl Elmira, wid John, h 1638 Fulton Carl Emanuel J., barber, h 207 N 2d Carl Frederick, laborer, h 253 Hummel Carl George A., machinist, h 1949 Swatara Carl Harry L., bookkpr C. 1. and S. Co., h 1618 Hunter av Carl Jeannette, housekeeper, 709 North av Carl John B., tinsmith, h 134 Hoerner Carl Kate, dressmkr, h 16.18 Fulton Carl Mary, cook The Commonwealth, h 131 Short Carl Mettie, housekeeper The Bolton . CARL ROBERT A., real estate and insurance, 29 Ii td, coal and wood, c S 9th and Shaonis, h 121 Strawberry av Carl Simon, steelworker, h 120 Chestnut Carl Stewart, laborer, h 131 Short Carl William W., engineer, h 617 North




~~ ::::} Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. ~::

Carlile Alex. W., (Pa A. and F. Works), h 413 Maelay Carlin James, sweeper P. R. R., h 1421 Derry Carlin John J., porter, 406 Market, h 412 do Carlisle Hannah J., cigar roller, h 103 Ann av Carlisle John H., nail header, h 103 Ann av Carlisle Lydia c., stripper. h 103 Ann av Carlisle Sarah, wid John A., h 103 Ann av Carlisle Thomas E., nail feeder, h loa Ann av Carls Cora M., domestic, 425 Forster Carmany Charles A., carpenter, h 223 Briggs Carmany Edmond R., baker, h 1128 Montgomery Carmany Frances N., wid John E., h 223 Briggs Carmany J. Levan, timekeeper, h 1128 Montgomery Carmany John A., elk, 318 Market, h 1128 Montgomery Carmassi Casimiro, lunch bartender, 5th c P. R. R., h do Carmichael Grace M., stripper, h 612 South av Carnahan Annie E., wid Madison A., h 501 Reily Carnahan David, plumber, h 501 Reily Carnes Fred B., grocer, 1100 N 7th, h 581 S Front Carney Harriet, wid James, h 1227 N Hi Carothers Josephine, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Carpenter Barton J., blacksmith, h 1331 Penn Carpenter Bertha V. Mrs., h r 109 Tanner's av Carpenter Charles, laborer, h 1249 N 11i

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Boyd'. Haniaburg City Directory.



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Carpenter Charles W., leverman P. R. R., h 521 Cowden Carpenter Duncan, h 2019 Fulton Carpenter Elizabeth Mrs., dyer, 221 Herr, h do Carpenter Frank, bartender, h Verbeke nr Capital Carpenter Frank B., laborer, h 1331 Penn Carpenter George R., pipe bender, h 1315 Maple av Carpenter Harry E., ball player, h 2213 Brookwood Carpenter Ira J., laborer, h 1315 Maple av Carpenter James S., hauler, h 9118 S 20i Carpenter John H., mechanic, h 1955 Berryhill Carpenter Lewis H., salesman, 336 Chestnut, h 226 Crescent Carpenter Mary L., weaver, h 1331 Penn Carpenter Priscilla, wid Israel, h 426 North av Carpenter Stephen H., laborer, h 3491 S Cameron Carpenter Thomas B., pilot, h 2019 Fulton Carpenter Thomas B., jr., brakeman, h 2019 Fulton Carpenter Thomas ]., letter carrier, h 918 S 9th Carpenter William B., puddler, h 221:1Brookwood Carpenter William H., carpenter, h 558 Race Carpenter William H., laborer, h 426 North av Carr Charles B., molder, h 82.~ N 3d Carr Emily M., bookkpr, 214 Locust, h 1102 N 3d Carr George, foreman, h 1729 N 5th Carr George W., carpenter, h 1735 N 5th








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Carr James F., electrician, h 23 S 2d Carr Lillian, weaver, h 823 N 3d Carr Mary, wid Harry, h 1217 N Front Cart :\Iyron H., machinist, h 1944 N 6th Carr Sarah ~hs., h Strawberry av nr Cowden Carrigan Thomas A., warehouseman, h Paxton ab 13th Carrington Frederick, waiter, h 137 Short Carrington Robert, laborer, h 1517 Derry Carroll Anna c., stenographer, h 6~~ Briggs Carroll Annie 1\1., wid Peter, forelady, h 1416 N 3d Carroll David 1\1., laborer, h 35 Sassafras av Carroll Elizabeth 1\1., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 633 Briggs Carroll Frank c., elk F. and M. Works, h 1437 Vernon Carroll Garnett, laborer, h 306 S Court av Carroll Genevieve F., stenographer, h fi33 Briggs Carroll Gilbert J., bookkpr F. and M. Works, h 1124 Mkt Carroll Grace M. Mrs., tailoress, 334 Market, h 2038 N 5th Carroll Harry 1\1., machinist, h r 12]2 :\Iarket Carroll James, machinist, h 1072 S 9th Carroll James L., telegrapher P. R. R.. h 30 N 5th Carroll Lulu. milliner. 1300 N 3d, h 6.'1:1 Brigg-s Carroll l\fansfield c., justice, 18th nr Walnut, h do Carroll Marv E., elk, 4 N 3d, h 1416 do Carroll Michael, laborer, h 408 Filbert

Blcv~t]~~iE} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and RIll,. StS. Google

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A. B. TAC Wall Paper and Window Sbades {.:::l~:s&. K}

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 181 Carroll Michael F., laborer, h 1228 Wallace ~ : :I Carroll Patrick, laborer, h 6.'~3 Briggs -< Carroll Priscilla, wid Marion, h 1437 Vernon 0 c: Carroll William H., puddler, h 30 S 4th Carson Edward, screwsman, h 202 Herr Carson Eveline E., wid Franklin, h 202 Herr CARSON HAKPTON L, attorney-general, Capitol, h The "'1 Lochiel 1"1 Carson James, conductor, h 1013 N 7th CD Carson John , painter, h 131:3 Penn I ;;;t Carson John H ., flagman, h 1913 N 7th Carson John H ., jr., brakeman, h 1913 N 7th 0 Carson Joseph F., repairsman, h .n Balm ~ Carson Xellie E., mittiner, 1300 N ad. h 202 Herr c: Carson Oscar \V., laborer, h 20:l! Sassafras av I ;; Carson Sadie Mrs., cook, h 1416 Marion Carson William, laborer, h 1419 Marion 0 n Carson WiJliam F ., janitor, h 127 Hoerner a. Carson William S., conductor, h 501 Cowden c:::: Carst Jesse, machinist, h 1400 North c: .:Carst Lydia A. Mrs., h 1400 N 3d Carst Mary, domestic, 1621 N 4th CarstettIer Emma Mrs., h 8 N 5th


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MILLER BROS.l BAKER{ "~~t,~~J;;.~~1I: :IE

Carter Annie ~I. , domestic, 15 N Front Carter Benjamin, waiter, h 243 X River av Carter Bertha A., housekeeper, 1428 Fulton Carter C. Gilbert, draftsman, Iii N 2d, h 421 Walnut Carter Charles H., laborer, h 711 North av Carter Clemm L., janitor, h 240 Liberty Carter Cora L., h 309 N Front Carter David, laborer, h 164 Indian av Carter Ezekiel T., laborer. h 516 Primrose av Carter George, elevator opr Comwlth, h 709 North av Carter Harry, brakeman, h 602 South Carter Henry, laborer, h 1714 Walnut Carter John, laborer, h P. R. R. nr Walnut Carter Louis, waiter, h 240 Liberty Carter Mary, domestic, 406 Cranberry av Carter Mary A., wid Lewis L.. h Ii.tll Reily Carter l\Iay, stenographer, 208 \Valnut, h 421 do Carter William, laborer, h 209 X nth Carter William A., letter carrier, h 328 North CARTER W. lUSTIN, lawyer, 17 S 2d, h 527 Maclay Cartwright Catharine, cigarmkr, h 135 S 2<1 Cartwright Rosa A., wid Jacob, h 1:{5 S :ld Cartwright William A., ice cream, 1323 N 3d, h do Case Araminta]., saleslady, 909 N 3d, h do

DETECTIVE HDEUCY,~ {, BUTLER; IRWIN '&,PH,BUT~ER 123l?,.~Rf~~~!Rf.:~ET: II.~,. ~', ~ :

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182 _

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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CASE E. WALLACE, ice cream mfr, 909 Ii 3d, h do see adv Case J. I. Threshing Machine Co., G. W. England, agt, 429S2d Casey Arthur, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Casey Ellen, h 425 State Casey John, fireman, h 644 Verbeke Casey John, laborer, h 135 S 2d Casey John J., policeman, 716 State, h 1947 Boas Casey Marne, 1311 K Front Casey Maria, wid John, h 425 State Casey Michael, laborer, h 903 Shaonis Casey Michael, policeman, h 629 Forster Casey William, salesman, h 629 Forster Cash Harry, laborer, h 1624 Walnut Cash John W., laborer, h 1624 Walnut Cash Matthew, laborer, h 1624 Walnut Cashman Charles W., engineer, h 1227 Derry Cashman :John, engineer, h 305 Crescent CASINO, (Snoddy & Russ), bowling and billiarda, Court av c Strawberry av Caslow Annie, domestic, 441 Market Cass Harry M., brakeman, h 644 Verbeke Cass Marion F., elk Dept Public Instruction, h Carlisle Cass Rebecca, wid Henry, h 1256 Swatara Cassel Abner, h 933 N 3d
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Cassel Alfred, laborer, h 2028 Boas Cassel Amos, confectioner, h 1119 Derry Cassel Carrie 1\'1., h 116 S 14th Cassel Edward, laborer, h 1919 Forster Cassel Frank B., confectioner, h 1119 Derry Cassel Frank H., driver, h 171 N 15th Cassel Isaac R., cutter, h 116 S 14th Cassel Jessie, stitcher, h 116 S 14th Cassel John, laborer, h 259 Delaware av Cassel John c., carpenter, h 29 S 13th Cassel Lizzie]., wid Jonas A., h 11112 N 7th Cassel Malinda. wid Simon D., h 16 N 15th Cassel Maude M.. stenographer W. O. Hickok 1\1g Co., h Camp Hill Cassel Michaell\I., miller, h 1515 Walnut Cassel 1\1innie, h 134 S 3d


Ice Cream and Water Ices

Wholesale aDd Retail. A.U Flavon Delivered to any Part oftbe City.

TelephoDe CoDDectioD.


Digitized by

Thl PATRIOT'S Sporting Pagl OIVE.~ FU~tv::~ED~:,\:~L SCORBS Google

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FJoe~ PubUc BuIlclIDp ID PlaID TlDtII

Mak.8 a 8J>eeIa1ty 0 1 - - {1818 N. 8cI II&. Eat/lit." fll_

:Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Cassel Norman W., elk, Herr clOth, h Hummelstown Cassel Ralph M., shoe opr, h 1515 Walnut Cassel Rebecca E. Mrs., h 113 Market Cassel Samuel B., watchman Dauphin Co. Prison, h Penbrook Cassell Irwin M., barber, 1438 Regina, h do Cassell John J., laborer, h 2045 Herr Cassell Lizzie, domestic, 411 Market Cassell Marne, h 120 Chestnut CasseO Minnie E., h 342 S 17th Cassell Oscar, carpenter, h 658 Woodbine Cassell William E., elk P.O., h 1643 N 6th Cassell William H., carpenter, h 16a7 Market Cassidy Peter c., engineer, h 1206 Derry Caster Edward F., restaurant, 407 Filbert, h do Caster Harry W., elk, 27 N 2d, h 311 Briggs Castner Edmund L., conductor, h 19 S 3d Castrow Elizabeth, wid George, h 73 N 16th Cathcart Bessie, artist, h 106 N 2d Cathcart M. Elizabeth, wid William A., h 106 N 2d CATHEBJLAN GUSTAVUS, mgr Western Union Telegraph Co., 11 N 3d, h 216 Harris =Catherman Harry L., machinist, h 1617 Penn ~ Catherman Jesse K., elk, h 216 Harris C; Cato John, laborer, h 113 Christie's av ~

.rt.:r~~'m. } Harrisburg

Caton John, blacksmith, h 1243 Bailey Caton Samuel 0., (Caton & Co.), h 112 Cumberland Caton Thomas, salesman, 460 Verbeke, h 124 Charles av Caton & Co., (S. O. Caton and H. W. Fishel), shoes, 1210 N 3d Caufman Emma R., charwoman, h 306 S Court av Caum Edward L., h 1012 N 7th Caum Leonard E., machinist, h 1012 N 7th Caveny Charles, elk P. & R. frt depot, h 1211 Chestnut Caveny R. Frank, printer, h 338 S 17th Caveny S. Brady, insurance and alderman, 237 S 2d, h 338 S 17th Caveny S. Brady, jr. elk P. & R. frt depot, h 338 S 17th Cence Thomas J., leverman P. R. R., h 649 Cumberland CENTRAL :BOOKSTORE, W. A. Laverty, mgr, 329 Market ~ Central Coal Co., (Charles E Covert), 222 Market ......... CENTRAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY CO., Frank :B. Bosch, pres; Harry B. Taylor, treaa; Charles E. Covert, ~ sec; 222 Market CENTRAL GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., S: 1230 N 3d see adv CENTRAL mON AND STEEL CO., Edward Bailey, pres; ~ lames B. Bailey, treaa and genl mgl; mfrs boiler plate 64 and tank iron, office and works, bet Front and P. R. R. ;r bel Dock see adv page 2

Sayings and Loan Assn. {a:::;: I


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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;J..-c:!.:::byGOOgle



H M KELLEY " CO {I North Id SCree" o. ' . 10th and State Ii&e.




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184 Boyd's lIa.nisburg City Directory, CDTBAL IROll WORXS, Edward Bailey, v-prea; S. B. Boude, aec; mfra boiler plate and tank iron, oftice and works, Front bel Dock lee adv Central Lyceum Bureau, John S. Arnold, mgr, 213 Walnut CENTRAL lULL AND LUIIBER CO., B, H. Engle, supt, all kinds of mill work and lumber, N 9th Dr Market CENTRAL PENN'A AUTOMOBILE CO., (I. W. Dill), 216 Strawberry av c Court av CBlITRAL PElIlI'A TRACTI')lI Co., F. B. Kusler, prel; W. J . Calder, sec and treas i 12 S 2d CENTRAL PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, W, A. Laverty, mgr, 329 Market CENTRAL (THE), John C. Aldinger, 311 Market Cephas Joseph, laborer, h :!O!l X 9th Cerjancu Peter, tailor, 3:!.l Market, h Steelton Chadwick Kate B., wid William B., h nos Green Chadwick Mary E., stenographer, 210 Walnut, h 908 Green Chadwick Nellie B., bookkpr, 119 Market, h 908 Green Chadwick Paul H., elk, 210 Walnut, h 908 Green Chadwick William P., adv writer, h 309 Market Challenger David, constable, 1 S 4th, h 64 N 14th . Challenger Oliver, pr1l1ter, h 64 N 14th Challenger Sarah, wid William, h 222 N 15th Challenger Sarah V., stenographer, h 64 N 14th Challenger William 0., shoe~kr, h 64 ~_1_4_th _ _ __ _

1&1 GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRUGGISH16 N. 3d St. - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - ~ Chamberlain Albert L., barber, :l:n l\luench, h do Chamberlain Clinton E., dispatcher, h 1540 Walnut 1&1 Chamberlain John J., cigar mfr, 120~ N 3d, h 304 Cumberland Chamberlin James I., lawyer, 222 1Iarket, h 323 N Front Chamberlin Mary H., wid Horace, h 1928 N 3d Chamberlin Rollin S., genl supt, 208 Walnut, h 1928 N ;ld Chambers Arthur D., waiter, h l:l:t! Thompson av Chambers Charles H., molder, h 1425 Shoop 0: Chambers George R, watchman Capitol, h do 1&1 CHAMBERS GEORGE S., pastor Pine Street Presbyterian Church, h 216 State Chambers Hannah, domestic, 208 Pine Chambers Joseph H., cleaner P. R R depot, h 1425 Shoop Chambers :l\1arv M., domestic. 209 S Front Chambers Rhoda 1\lrs., h 143 N 4th ~ Chambers William A., floorwalker. G S 2d, h 1425 Shoop Champion Robert J., driver, h 1209 Bailey . ~ Champlain Alfred B., weighmaster C. I. and S. Co., h 1:327 !2 S Cameron Champlain Harry L., jr., student, h 132; S Cameron Champlain Henry L., sec, 14 S 2d. h 1327 S Cameron c,:, Chance .Mary c., laundress, h 639 Briggs C Chandler George P., bag~age agt P. R R. h 310 Crescent I:::Y Chandler Henrietta, wid William G., h 220 South

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~~.s:!UC'::Q! ANDREW

REDIDND{3d aad Reily Sfs.

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I. B. Tiel} PIJl&~~~T.. :W"A:-"~G~,,~fy~R ~ 1216101lb tnlld

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 18.1)

Chandler Walter R, laborer, h 919 S 201 Chandler William R, conductor, h 610 Reily Chaney Charles C, policeman, h 1810 Susquehanna Chapman Betty, domestic, 1711 N 2d Chapman Charles M., U. S. A., h 500 Market Chapman Evan L., draftsman, h 1427 N Front Chard Stephen A., conductor, h 1425 N 6th Charlen Benjamin, shoemkr, 1541 N 6th, h Steelton Charles Arthur H., steam fitter, h 1506 Wallace Charles Charles C, pool, 235 Walnut; livery, Sassafras av ab Green, h 1012 N 3d Charles David, laborer, h 139 Hanna Charles Ella V., wid Steriger H., h 216 Crescent Charles George L., laborer, h 1409 S 12th Charles Grace, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Charles Harry B., brakeman, h 416 N 3d Charles Helen J., teacher, h 268 Herr Charles Jacob 0., repairsman, h 524 MacJay Charles John F., meat, 7 N 14th, h do Charles Lillie, cigarmkr, h 1409 S 12th Charles Lillie, wid John D., h 1328 N 7th Charles Lizzie, cigarmkr, h 1409 S 12th Charles Mabel A., h 326 North Charles Margaret 1., kindergarten, h 268 Herr Charles Mary E., wid Jacob, h 1506 Wallace
----------~ ~~


Charles Ross J., blacksmith, h 1506 Wallace Charles Willard G., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Charles William C, puddler, h 14mJ S 12th Charles William F., laborer, h 1409 S 12th Charles William J., shipper, h 139 Hanna Charles Wilson F., elk recorder, C H., h Lykens Charters Annie, dressmkr, h 119 Vine Charters Charles T., elk Chesapeake Nail Wks, h 227 S 2d Charters Elizabeth, housekeeper, 227 S 2d Charters Elizabeth, wid William, h 119 Vine Charters Emilie N., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 119 Vine Charters F .. Salome, saleslady. :U S 2d. h 119 Vine Charters George W., constable, 237 S 2d, h 227 do Charters Harvey F., actor, h 227 S 2d Charters Horace T., salesman. h 227 S 2d Charters John, boilermkr, h 1341 Vernon Charters William H., bar elk Grand Hotel, h 227 S 2d Chatman Bertha, domestic, 1711 N 2d Chauncey Amber C, elk, 712 ~ 3d, h do Chauncey Frederick C, actor, h 120 Short CHAUliCEY wrr.LTAK ]1[., mgr White Sewing ]l[achine, office, 712 N 3d, h do Bell 'phone Chavers John H., laborer, h 1407 X 4th Chayne Catharine, wid Augustine L.. h 31 N 2d Chayne Horace A., bookkpr, 2d nr Vine, h 407 N 2d




lIleNeIl'. PaiD EnermlDator CUI'III CholeIa lIorbal, DJlmter)',CramJlll, DlarrbaJa, 00ld8. QulD8,. RbeWllatlam, Toof.hacbe, Sale Tbnla" Ape, D7BpepU. <to. _ .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


Chayne Sarah B., artist, 117 1\Iarket, h 31 N 2d Chellew George, roll hand, h 1022 S Cameron Chellew Richard S., employee Arsenal, h 1022 S Cameron Chellew Robert, laborer, h 1022 S Cameron Chenoweth Arthur T., laborer, h 58:1 Showers av Chenoweth George F., foreman, h 20 N 5th Chenoweth George M., elk. h 20 N 5th Cherny Mary, domestic, 309 Market Chessman Clarence, printer, h 19 N 4th Chessman Dallas c., linotype opr Patriot, h 19 N 4th Chester James \V., conductor, h 2H3 Hamilton Chester John, laborer, h 1619 Fulton Chester Louis P., timekeeper P. R. R.. h 1115 Kittatinny Chesterman Sarah E., wid John, h 270 Calder Children's Industrial Home, 1900 Swatara Childs Albert P., postal elk, h 33 N J2th c: Chisholm Clinton D., repairsman, h 523 Dauphin av .-;; Chisholm Edward E., ice creammkr, h 523 Dauphin av Chisholm Elsie, dressmkr, h 1634 K 6th Chisholm Wilhelmina, wid Jesse, h 611 Walnut UJ Chism Simon, laborer, h 508 South Chism William H., hostler, h 217 Blackberryav 1&.1 Chorpenning Reuben, puddler, h 1321 S 12th ..J Chrisman Annie L., milliner, h 261 North c( Chrisman M. Bertha, teacher, h 261 Korth

TIlle GUoraOl, ond Trust co. "Ct., {~I-=;~ ~,=- }~:= ~~.
Chrisman Morgan B., h 261 North Chrismer Calvin C., salesman, 334 Market, h 414 Reily Chrismer Julia E., wid Calvin c., h 414 Reily Christian James 1\1.. elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 925 N 6th Christian William P., fireman, h 661; Boas Christley John 0., postal elk, h 351 S 13th Christman Laura E., housekeeper, h 1;~35 Derry Christman William P., paperhanger, h 1:~35 Derry Christy Jane E., charwoman, h 207 l\larket House av Chritzman Frank 1\1., tray salesman. h 1222 Market Chritzman J. Harris, motorman, h 1222 l\larket .Chronister Carrie B., knitter, h 1607 Logan av Chronister Charles, carpenter, h 411 Market Chronister Curtis 'V., student, h 1607 Logan av Chronister David E., carpenter, h 172H N 7th Chronister Frank S., bookkpr. 27 K 3d, h R24 N 6th Chronister l\Iary G. Mrs., h 1517 N ;{d Chronister Raymond, carpenter, h 17:m X 7th Chronister Sallie. housekeeper. }flO7 Logan av Chronist'er Tillie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Chronister \V. Curtis. motorman. h :{ClIi Muench Chronister William R.o laborer, h 1(,07 Logan av Chubb Abraham L., driver, h 1722 Logan av Chubb Alice M., weaver, h 262 Verbeke Chubb Jacob E., laborer, h 1722 LOllall av
----- -

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The PATRIOT} A Newspaper for the Home {SII Cents a Weak Digitized Google

Employa none but ftrat-cl_ workmen, henee onl,=: I.US A B TACK} oIuIi_A:Uldlnlureal" WorltdonelnaD),partof. { N.lId"

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


Chubb John, car repairer, h 320 Harris Chubb John H., janitor, h 1111 Bartine av Chubb Phoebe, weaver, h 1111 Bartine av Chubb William A., bricklayer, h 1235 Cowden Chubbuck Lucy 1\1., h 1622 Penn Chubbuck Manley T., salesman, h 1622 Penn Chum Robert, laborer, h 562 SlOth Church Edith M., wid Robert, h 412 Muench Church Edna, stengr E. H. Waters Co., h 412 Muench Church John G., engineer, h 2239 N (ith Church Martin B., train dispatcher P. R. R.,h 212 Chestnut Church William, machinist, h 1828 Green Churchill George W., laborer, h 1325 N 4th Churchill Nelson, laborer, h 320 Calder Churchman Hugh L., laborer, h 121 Cherry av Cilley Charles A., constable, h Harris House Cilley Harry M., molder, h 301 Calder Cilley John, bar elk, 314 Market, h 924 N 2d Cilley Katharine L., copyist Dept lnt Affairs, h 619 N 18th Cilley Lewis L., postal elk, h 619 N ]8th Cilley William, molder, h 924 N 2d Citizens' Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d City Gray's Armory. 2d c Forster CITY STAR LAUNDRY, (W. E. Orth), 414-418 State; branch o:fti.ce, 1224 N 3d

~~-==-o:.} Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. {~ ::= :II

CITY TB.ABSFER CO., T. G. Calder, mgr, passenger and baggage tl'aufer, office, 18 N fad :II Clagett James, laborer, h 315 Forster C Clancy B. Regina, saleslady, 318 Market, h Steelton Clancy James P., piler, h 844 S Cameron O Clare Mother l\lary, asst superioress St. Genevieve's Convent N Clark Abbie, wid James W., h Home for the Friendless Clark Anna E., stripper, h 909 S 20~. Clark Arthur A., (Lochiel Mdse Co.), h 109 Reily :1:. Clark Charles c., brakeman, h 405 Filbert Clark Charles L., shoe operator, h 442 Boyd av Clark Daniel, laborer, .h 123 N 16th JJ Clark Edward E., laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do Clark Florence, stripper, h 909 S 20i Clark Frederick B., patent medicines, 1836 N 7th, h do CJ) Clark George W., foreman, h 1947 Kensington Clark Harry H., fireman, h Verbeke c Wallace Clark Helen c., h 212 North Clark James H., machinist, h 1732 Green Clark James R., laborer, h 646 Boyd av Clark Jay H., elk R. M. S., h 1433 Market Clark Jennie Mrs., h 512 Strawberry av CLABX 1. BELSON, physician and druggist, 308 Verbeke, h 1111 N 3d


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a;;;;;;;oc'!!a.~~.C:WeiCM}H. I. KELLEY &. CO. ~ 1~.::':"=~ .

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

:z: Clark John B., brakeman, h 619 Harris c: Clark John E., brakeman, h 6:~4 Boyd av ~ Clark John J., laborer, h 1338 S 13th ~ ~ Clark Joseph N., jr., elk, 306 Verbeke, h 1111 N 3d I~ c:: Clark Julia, domestic, 206 Walnut .a: Clark Lanah, stripper, h 909 S 20} a.. Clark Mary A., trained nurse, h 1102 N 3d o~ ~ Clark Mary E. Mrs., h 442 Boyd av Clark Mary L., wid Luke, h 909 S 20! c:: ~ Clark Oliver, laborer, h 634 Boyd av CD ..:: Clark Robert H., laborer, h 1963 l\loltke av Clark Rose, h 1435 Market .~ ~ Clark Samuel D., buyer, 334 Market, h 216 N 15th ~ a: Clark Thomas, stonecutter, h 1246 Kittatinny t; Clark Thomas H., laborer, h 18.36 Walnut .CI Clark Thomas H., mgr. 32 N :~d, h 116 Locust a: Clark P., z Clarke WilliamH.; hdentist, 20 N 2d, h 1610 N 3d Anna 206 Kelker ~ Clarke John c., elk, 12]8 N 3d, h 273 Herr :z: J:c Clarke Sadie, wid William, h 206 Kelker c:: Clarkson Emma. domestic, 216 Pine :z Claster Henry c., pawnbroker, 339 Market, h 1015 Green en Claster Joseph, notions, 112 Market, h 1121 N 2d Claster Samuel W., bookkpr, 112 1\larket, h 1121 N 2d Claster Sarah D., wid Hayman, h 1015 Green :z

..... =







Clausen Jens, draftsman, 19th c Derry, h 1805 Market :z Clawson Eugene, elk P. R R, h 115 Hoerner Clay Alfred 1\1., conductor, h 230 North ~ Clay Alice, charwoman, h r 1322 :\[arion !! Clay Alivian, wid John, h 810 James av Clay Ann, wid William, h 1725 Green :z: Clay Annie S., wid Linford, h 1725 Green ~ Clay Daniel Wo, driver, h 1944 N Cameron Clay Edward Wo, inspector, h 703 N 18th Clay Henry S., conductor, h 913 S 20} Clay Jacob, laborer, h 998 Cowden Clay James F., carpenter, h 2016 Briggs Clay Joseph D., motorman, h 1440 Vernon Clay Katie, seamstress, h 311 Muench Clay Milton c., grocer, 1002 N 3d, h 30 S 13th Clay Samuel H., brakeman, h 2347 6} Clay William H., elk, h 1725 Green Clay William S., salesman, h 205 Chestnut Clay William S., steam fitter, h 162 N 15th Claybaugh Anna Po, domestic, 435 Strawberry av Claybaugh Sarah A., vestmkr, h 703 South Cleary Mary, h 1333 Susquehanna Cleary Mary, wid James, h 1333 Susquehanna Cleary Sarah, saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 1333 Susquehanna Cleckner Frederick. (Cleckner & Burke), h 1530 Green

Radmond's Wagon Works {:~Jd~'!~~} 3d and RIlly Sta.


A. B. TACK ~~-=~ 1011 POper IBId IIndOI ShOdes P:,R~ aCJIl

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 189

Cleckner Frederick, laborer, h 1727 Walnut Cleckner Frederick F., theatrical mgr, h 309 S 2d Cleckner John M., printer, r 320 Market, h 1018 Green Cleckner Kate M., dressmkr, h 15:~0 Green Cleckner Sarah G., h 308 S 2d Cleckner Thomas A. H., postal elk, h 308 S 2d Cleckner Thomas A. H., jr., student, h 308 S 2d Cleckner William H., hardware, 408 Market, h 409 Boas Cleckner & Burke, (F. Cleckner and J. H. Burke), stoves, tinware, housefurnishing goods, &c., 1226 N 3d Cleland Edward H., brakeman, h U)36 North Cleland Harry H., laster, h 127 Linden Cleland Maggie E., wid David, h 636 Reily Clemens Wesley E., conductor, h 60l::! Granite av Clemens William J. H., laborer, h 1417 Marion Clements Charles \V., coremkr, h 19~2 N 6th Clements George M., feeder, h 537 Woodbine Clements Sarah A., wid Jesse, h 597 Emerald Clemm Blair D., conductor, h 1507 Vernon Clemm Edward, laborer, h 400 Verbeke Clemm John L., brakeman, h 1908 N 5th Clemmens John H., conductor, h 103 N 13th Clemson L. Calder, asst foreman P. R. R., h 2152 N 6th Clendenin Lucinda, wid Cosmos S., h 214 S 13th Cless Charles H., brakeman, h 2004 'Wood av

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MILLER BROS.' BAKER~ "~~b~~l:.~~E

Cless Clarence W., letter carrier, h 2111 Moore Cless Daniel, laborer, h 516 Peffer . Co4 Dr Cless Emory L., laborer, h 516 Peffer ar Cless George W., brakeman, h 516 Peffer Cless Harry F., fireman, h 2113 Moore ~ Cless Russell c., upholsterer, 1719 N 6th, h 516 Peffer Cless Thaddeus S., laborer, h 516 Peffer lIE Cleveland Alfred M., h Hershey House Cleveland Jennie F. B. Mrs., h 118 Chestnut CLEVENGER HENRY C., genl freight agt C. V. R. R. Co., 401 Chestnut, h 1010 N 2d ~ ;;Cliffe Walter R., supt, h 1400 State Clifton Edward, laborer, h 727 State -< 0 I: Cline Annie, wid John c., h 408 Boas Cline Emma, h 116 South Cline J. Blaine, salesman, 310 Market, h 718 Capital Cline Ralph M., coach trimmer, h 408 Boas ~ CD Cline William, janitor, 125 Locust, h 116 South Co4 Cline, see Klein, also Kline 0 I: Clingan George W., blacksmith, h 1600 Logan av ~ Clinton Franklin S., flagman, h 6:~6 Herr Clinton Howard W., brakeman, h 1816 Susquehanna Clippinger Willis W. Rev., h 347 Harris Co4 Cloud Charles B., teacher, h 202 Kelker =r Clouse Samuel J., brakeman, h 1010 Berryhill

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McNeil's Pain EI1ennlnator ~iiirO:~:e ~t::iel':fi{ aoen:~~


Boyd's Harrilburg City Directory

a: z

..= Clouser Anna E., housekeeper, h 1707 ~ 4th Clouser Charles, brakeman, h 205 Muench -g Clouser Claude L., cutter, h 74 N ~ Clouser Cora, domestic, Cameron nr l\laclay . : Clouser Daniel W., carpenter, h 1822 ~orth Clouser David 1:.., cabinetmkr, h 74 N 14th Clouser Earl U., painter, h 1~!!2 North ..: Clouser Jacob, laborer, h 1707 N 4th ~ Clouser Jesse A., shoecutter, h 1822 North Clouser John A., fireman, h 18:n Logan av Clouser Simon W., h 1707 N 4th Cluck Adeline, wid Simon. h :l20 Woodbine :: Cluck Edward, h 320 Woodbine Cluck :Margaret, warper, h 412 Herr c::: Cluck Martha A. Mrs., h 1329 Susquehanna fti Cluck Mary S .. nurse, h 320 Woodbine ~ Cluck Simon N., upholsterer, 322 Woodbine, h do Clugston John C, plumber, h 703 East ,., Clush John F., laborer, h 2005 N 7th lAo Clute Horace E. Rev., h 313 N 2d Clute Mary A., wid Horace A., h :H:~ N 2d ~ Coaklv Charles, laborer, h 115 Cowden Coart" James H., machinist, h 1001 ~ 7th Coart Walter E., machinist. h 910 Cowden c:[ Coates Catharine 1\1., wid Charles F., h 216 Briggs nru lUAUI" AI. nUll ca. {...~., A~.'''.'..t.lI. E_'.......,.,.... } ...1 E.... IIIII-


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Coates Charles H., printer Independent, h 110 Boas Coates Frank P., stenographer, 4I:~ l\larket, h 216 Briggs Coats Elijah W., piano mover, 9 S .2d, h 1:n4 Penn Cobaugh Charles E., (Peerless Portrait Co.), h 63 N 10th Cobaugh George A., patternmkr, h 5ml! l\fuench Cobaugh George H., machinist, h 5091 Muench Cobaugh Joseph B., engineer. h.211 Briggs Cobaugh Samuel S., engineer, h 2016 N 6th Coble Abraham, blacksmith, h Seneca nr 6th Coble Carrie E., dressmkr, h Seneca nr 6th Coble Charles T., shoemkr, h 613 Boas Coble Earle W., salesman, :l24 l\larket, h W Fairview Coble Emanuel W., laborer, h 138 S 13th . Coble Grace M., bunchmkr, h 719 Showers av Coble H. Baker, fireman, h 172:l N 4th COBLE HENRY U., marble and granite dealer, 13th nr State and Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co., h 814 Briggs Coble John D., foreman, h 33 N 16th Coble John W., laborer, h 719 Showers av Coble Mary, wid Henry, h 138 Indian av Coble Mary S., roller, h 1310 S 12th Coble Pearl L., wid William, h 597 Emerald Coburn Alice M . seamstress, h 1005 Hemlock Coburn Charles F., fireman, h 1005 Hemlock Coburn Harry E., laborer, h 1005 Hemlock

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y.:.::~~= II Fooor ODd IBIdOI_lfOIII A. B. TACK { I:Jt. ..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 191

Cochlin David W., carpenter, h 441 Delaware av Cochran Bertha M., domestic, 2150 Atlas av Cochran R. Howard, buyer, 334 Market, h 122 State Cocklin Alfred B., steelworker, h 302 North Cocklin Andrew R., repairsman, h 906 Penn COCKLIli CHARLES C., physician, 28 N 3d, h 1612 do Cocklin I. James, conductor, h 1630 N 5th Cocklin James 0., pipe bender, h 163;{! N 4th Cocklin John Ho, laborer, h 302 North Cocklin Lavinia, wid Peter, h 121 Nagle Cocklin Michael G., bookkpr, 22a :\larket, h 1206 N 2d Cocklin Orlando L., brakeman, h 1H31 Vernon Cocklin Roy L., caller P. R. R., h 1630 N 5th Cocklin William H., letter carrier, h 1403 Green :;II Cocklin William L., brakeman, h 1106 Wallace CI Cocklin William R., elk, 323 Verbeh, h 1826 N 6th Coder John G., (Coder & Miller), h 500 N 3d CODER & JtIILLER, (lohn G. Coder and William S. lfiller), contractors and builders, 600 N 3d and 1207 N Front see adv Coe Joshua c., bricklayer, h 1517 Penn J: Coeyman Annie Mrs., h 1915 Moltke av :J> Coeyman George J., laborer, h 622 Verbeke ... Coeyman Jacob. conductor, h 622 Verbeke <.A# Coeyman John E., elk P. R. R., h 1616 ~ 4th



} Harrisburg Sail ngs and Loan Assn. {:




Coeyman Samuel P., conductor, h :n4 Reily Coff James M., hod carrier, h 1206 Apple av Coffee Jacob L., elk, 518 South, h GO Coffee 1\1. Ellen, ice cream, 129 N 4th, h do Coffman Charles W., bookkpr, 429 S 2rl, h 202 N 2d Coffman Charles \V., brakeman, h 636 Reily Coffman George M., engineer, h 1325 N 6th Coffman John A., electrician, h 1064 S Cameron Coffman Marie E., wid Thomas, h 28th c Derry Coffman Samuel, carpenter, h 1064 S Cameron Coffman, see Kauffman Cogan Frank J., bookbinder, h 607 Boas Cohen Abel, h 10 S 4th Cohen Abraham, shoemkr, 123 Cowden, h 713 do Cohen David B., tailor, 506 State, h do Cohen Dora Mrs., grocer, 1221 Cowl-Jen, h do





500 Nortll 3d Street and 1207 North Front Street,



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Contractors and Builders (



POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;;J..-t..';:!.!: by'-.:rOOgIe s~


Tr:r. '1'_ or

H M KELLEY 8. CO'S Black DlamODd beD { 1II1II ........ III. order.- , .... ".1nIL
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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Cohen Effie E., saleslady, 406 Market, h 119 Short Cohen Frank, furniture, 504 South, h 403 N 5th Cohen Frederick ,"r., mechanical engineer, h 9 N Front Cohen Harris, notions, 202 Market, h 20 S 4th Cohen Harry, pictures, 121 Market, h do Cohen Harry 1., grocer, 931 S 20!, 11 527 South Cohen Hyman, tailor, 417 \Valnut, h do Cohen Hyman J., clothing, 522 Walnut, h 102 Cowden Cohen Ida Mrs., grocer, 713 Cowden, h do Cohen Israel, peddler, h 604 State Cohen Lewis, furniture, 114 Short, h do Cohen Louis, tailor, 119 Short, h do Cohen Marks, (Abramson & Cohen), h 720 N 7th Cohen 1Iax, clothier, 332 Verbeke, h Steelton Cohen Moses, peddler, h 527 South Cohen Mver, driver, h 520 Brown av Cohen Nathan, clothier, 446 Walnut, h do Cohen Rebecca, tailoress, h 506 State Cohen Sarah E., (Cohen & Son), h 10 S 4th Cohen Solomon G., (Cohen & Son), h 431 Market Cohen & Son, (S. E. and S. G.), pawnbrokers, 4:n Market Cohill John A.. laborer, h 16:J8 Fulton Cohn David, clk, 402 Walnut, h 523 N 4th Cohn Levin, (L. Cohn & Bro.), h 718 N 7th Cohn Levin & Bro., (l\Ieyer), hides, 631 Primrose av


Cohn Meyer, (L. Cohn & Bro.), h Lancaster h 13H2 Penn Z Coken Harry, laborer,charwoman, h 49 N Cameron Colbert Amelia 1\lrs., Colbert Charles W., cigarmkr, h 20:37 Kensington LLI Colbert Harriet Mrs., h 305 Chestnut Colbert James, laborer, h 3!l1 Calder Colbert James, laborer, h 660 Sarford av Colbert John, laborer, h 660 Sayforcl av ....- Colbert John, laborer, h 1210 X 7th Colbert William, laborer, h 614 Kelker Colburn Joseph A., driver, h 1406 Marion Colburn Sidney, domestic, 512 South av Coldren Charles A., shoe operator, h 4:J8 S 14th Coldren James \V., engineer, h 211f1 Greenwood 0.. Coldren Lyman, fireman, h 436 S 14th Z.!: Coldren Pierce D., telegrapher, h 1:-:21 Swatara Col: Coldren Thomas H., laborer, h 436 S 14th Coldsmith Samuel G., steelworker, h 585 Showers av lol: Cole Anna 1\1., saleslady, 318 Market, h 1331 N 6th If Cole Charles L., butcher, h 1331 K 6th Cole Clara Mrs., cook, 541 Primrose av Cole Jemima, laundress, h 510 South Cole Levi, engineer, h 1331 N 6th I: Cole Nephi, machinist, h :142 S Riv~r av Cole R. Leslie, waiter, h 410 South

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ANDREW REDMONDJ~~ ~m~{3d and Rally SII.

Digitized by


I. B. TACK}lILL PIPER l::=~-::! 1I1D00IHlDES{Jf~~8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.

J: Cole Samuel G. W., waiter Commonwealth, h 721 State Cole Samuel J., laborer, h 2034 N 4th Cole Sarah, domestic, 541 Primrose av (:ole Secil A., photographer, 16 N 3d, h 1022 Green Coleman Alice L. Mrs., h 239 State UI Coleman David, hooker, h 1257 Walnut Coleman Edward, watchman, h 1257 Walnut J: Coleman Ellen, wid James, h 1421 Marion Coleman Fenton, bell boy Comwlth, h 516 Strawberry av c;') Coleman George, pressman Independent, h Wormleysburg J: Coleman J. Daniel, rougher, h 614 Showers av I Coleman Jennie, cook The Commonwealth c;') Coleman Jennie V., bonnetmkr, h 16118 N 4th Coleman Jesse, hostler, h 312 Blackberry av Coleman John E., engineer, h 1515 Wallace Coleman John W., driver, h 129 Short D Coleman Joseph, elk, h 1056 S Cameron PI Coleman Joseph D., fireman, h 442 S 2d Coleman Joseph D., jr., fireman, h 442 S 2d UI Coleman Mary E., wid Benjamin, h 1303 N 111 Coleman Patrick, rags, 1301 N HI, h do ." Coleman R. Emma, teach~r, h 222 Harris PI Coleman Sarah Mrs., h 222 Harris Coleman Sarah, teacher, h 1056 S Cameron UI Coleman Thomas, grocer, 1056 S Cameron



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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER~ "~~b=2.:'~"tc1l:

Coleman William, h 104 Short Coleman William K., laborer, h 52!) Race Coleman William W., h New U. S. Hotel Coles George W., lawyer, 3 N 2d, h Lykens Colestock Annie E., seamstress, h 213 Reily Colestock A. Ramsey, switch repairsman, h 1237 Chestnut Colestock Edward R., machinist, h 1237 Chestnut Colestock Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 213 Reily Colestock George, student, h 1237 Chestnut Colestock Henry H., carpenter, h 213 Reily Colestock Jesse B., elk, h 1130 Market Colestock John W., baker, h 1824 Swatara Colestock Mary, h 122 South Colestock Minnie M., h 1237 Chestnut Colestock Samuel H., carpenter, h 1327 Maple av ColI Hugh, postal elk, h 406 Briggs Collicott William H., expressman, h 2026 Kensington Collier Alice, cigar stripper, h 602 Showers av Collier Charles A., solicitor Patriot, h 60 N 16th Collier George C., doubler, h 506 Emerald Collier John, laborer, h 14 S Court av Collier Samuel, h 808 East Collier Warren D., elk Dauphin Dept. Bank, h 808 East Collier William A., laborer, h 602 Showers av Collins Alfred, carpenter, h 2120 Moore



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CLARK'S ::t~~, Drug and Patlnt Medicine Stora{S::,:~u.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

SCUilOl, J -",,.1 l C nile nnnmnl' 0110 Trust"" If "10. 1 Mil_at ta- rBeal ...... BJda'o. UUUI!Ill \IV. ., Clllllcia Bear of Poll 0lIIc8


. . Collins Alice, domestic, 407 X Front J: Collins Annie Mrs., h :l38 Meadow la ClIO Collins Clarence R., painter, h 417 Pear av Collins David W., painter, h 1806 Elizabeth av COLLINS EDWARD S.,mgr Askin & Karine, 26 S 3d, h 214 .ct N 3d Collins George, confectioner, 1323 :\Iarket, h 1503 Vernon ~ Collins Grant, laborer, h 1108 N 12th =5 Collins Ira, elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1503 Vernon ~ Collins James, h 603 Race Collins John H., engineer, h 608 Kelker Collins Katharine R., 'phone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1422 do Collins Maggie E., saleslady, :~08 Market, h 2118 N 3d a; Collins Nora H. l\Irs., dressmkr, 417 Pear av, h do Collins Plow Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut c= Collins Samuel, porter, 1237 N 7th, h do :; Collins Sarah Mrs., h 104 Filbert :E Collins Thomas, engineer, h 13 N 5th Collins William c., hotel. 208 S 3d, h do (/) Collins William E., jr., fireman, h 926 S 20t 0: Colsher S. Cameron. plumber, h 124 Verbeke l&J Colsher William H .. U. S. K, h 124 Verbeke Colsten laborer, h Indian ..J Colston Jacob.W .. driver, h167 Lochiel av Row John 37 4th c( Colt Sarah E., wid Henry A., h 1224 Mulberry




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Columbia Coal Mining Co .. W. P. l\Iaguire, rep, 14 S 2d Colyer C. c., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Comfort Annie M. Mrs., boarding, 24 S 4th, h do Comfort Laura, wid Henry D., h 1211 Bailey Comfort Mary, shoe operator, h 1623 Derry COJD[ERCIAL BANK, 1217 N 3d Commings Burton E., elk, 14 N 4th. h do Commings Charles B., watchmkr, 411 Market, h 14 N 4tb Commings Edward, laborer, h 94(; N 7th Commings Emma c., wid Oharles R., h 628 Boas Commings Frank E., watchmkr, 411 Market and 14 N 4th, h do Commings Harvey R.. elk. 217 Market, h 1210 N 2d Commings Jesse E., elk. 14 N 4th, h do Commings :\lary ~1., 'phone opr, 210 Walnut, h 628 Boas Commings, see Cummings Commonwealth Cigar Store, J Russell Saul, mgr. 5 S 2d COltUIONWEALTH (THE), lames Russ, Market c S 2d COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., 222 Market see adv Comp Amos, brakeman, h 303 Dauphin av Camp Daniel A., carpenter. h 422 Hamilton Comp Elizabeth Mrs .. domestic, 406 Xorth Comp Florence, domestic, 1528 X 6th Comp Georg-e W .. flagman, h 629 Emerald Comp Harry, laborer, h 8~8 Verbeke

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 195

Comp Henry, h 1825 N 4th Comp John W., carpenter, h 1242 State Comp Sarah E., domestic, 1000 N 6th Comp Wilson, brakeman, h 2120 6! Compton Emma F., bookkpr, 22 N 2d, h 308 do Compton John N., elk, 22 N 2d, h 717 do at Compton .Mary A., night supt Hbg Hospital, h do c: .cOJlPTOli SAllUEL :0.., hardware, 22 li 2d, h 308 do ~ .cOJIPTOli WALTER STEAl{ DYEIN'G AIm FREN'CH _ CLEAlUliG WORKS; branch office, 32 S 3d j main oftice CD and plant, loo6li 3d, h do Compton, see Cumpton Conavey Moses, artist, h 416 South Condran Agnes, stitcher, h 19 Linden Condran Daniel J., lather, h r 121 N Cameron Condran Edith M., stenographer, h 3.'l5 Reily Condran Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 1423 Regina Condran Mary, wid Edward, ill 335 Reily Condran Mary F., lacquerer, h 19 Linden Condran Sarah J., wid Cyrus, h 19 Linden Condran William c., salesman, 32 N 3d, h 1505 Vernon Condren William F., fireman, h 335 Reilly Condren William G., elk, h 335 Reilv Coney Richard H., fireman, h 621 Harris Coningsby Alfred, jr., machinist, h 201 S River av


~:8::}H.arrlaburg Sayings and Loan Aasn.{::::=

Conklin Ezra W., conductor, h 238 North COliXLIN' lOB 1., iawyer, Calder bldg, 16 li 2d, h 238 liorth ,COliXLIN'ROBERT S., dep commissioner forestry, 718 State, h liational Hotel Conkling John, U S immigrant inspector, h 1926 N 6th Conkling Ruth S., music teacher, 1926 N 6th, h do Conley Beulah M. l\Irs., h 1308 Currant av Conley George H., bar elk, 523 State, h Wormleysburg Conley Johu, firtman, h 511 Cumberland Conn George, h 126 S 13th Conn Jesse R, elk P. R R depot, h 119 S 2d Conn Minnie 1., teacher, h 126 S 13th Conn \Varren L., brakeman, h 1~6 S 13th COliliECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURAllCE CO., Chester :Buck, dist supt, Weakley bldg, 7 N 2d see adv Connelly Bridget c., tailoress, h 14 16 ~ 3d Connelly Katharine M., saleslady, :n8 Market, h Wormleysburg Connelly Lillie, binder, h 815 Green Connelly Myra, teacher, h 815 Green Connelly Sarah, wid Michael, h 1416 N 3d Connelly Sarah, wid William R., h 815 Green Connelly William E., elk Hbg Trust Co. h 81;) Green Conner Anna M., nurse, h 1620 Hunter Conner Edith P., milliner, h 1320 N Front

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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}Orr.ces. t:r'.:.rJ."=:} COAL AND WOOD

t; Conner George Wo, policeman, h 927 Grand &&.I

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




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Conner Henry Wo, laborer, h 1620 Hunter av .". Conner Ida Mo, dressmkr, h 1312 Susquehanna ICI Conner Joseph, engineer, h 1533 Vernon ; Conner Joseph Ho, h 1620 Hunter av ~ Conner Margaret, domestic, 1011 Berryhill Conner 0o Fitzallan, shoemkr, 1326! N 3d, h 1312 Susq Conner Scott E., foreman blacksmith, h 1320 N Front II: c= Conner Solomon L., laborer, h 1066 S 9th Conner Walter J., supt, 208 Walnut, h 104 State en Conner William, laborer, h 414 Delaware av Conner \Villiam C, brakeman, h 11!J5 Bailey Connor James, iaborer, h 414 Delaware av Connor Margaret E., h 315 Hummel Connor Thomas, watchman, h 414 Delaware av l&J Connufski Lawrence, laborer, h 50 Lochiel 5th Row Connufski jVlichael, laborer, h 50 Lochiel 5th Row Conover Curtis L., cabinetmkr, h 113 South Conover N 2d l&J Conover Elmer ]., telegrapher, 7t2114 3d, h 905 hN113 South Harry F., stenographer, ~Iarket, Conover Jane, wid Elias, h 117 South Conrad Anna, wid Michael, h 1430 Susquehanna Conrad Chalmer E., finisher, h 619 Kelker Conrad Charles, barber, 1129 N 7th, h 1217 Currant av Conrad Daisy M., knitter, h 1830 Derry


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Conrad Edward, motorman, h 1()()4 S Cameron Conrad Edward E., carpenter, h 4111 Harris Conrad Edwin C, policeman, h 1624 X :5th Conrad Frank M., brakeman, h 331 Dauphin av Conrad George, messenger Po R. R., h 1126 Penn Conrad George S., fireman, h 1734 Fulton Conrad George W., laborer, h 1708 Briggs Conrad Harry, painter, h 423 Strawberry av Conrad Ida 1\1., housekeeper, 1H3() Derry Conrad Jacob C, restaurant, :5J 1 Walnut, h 310 S River av Conrad James H., motorman, h 225 S 2d Conrad John C, brakeman, h 1514 N 4th Conrad Joseph Ao, laborer, h 17118 Briggs Conrad Laura, elk, h 1808 N 5th Conrad Oliver, conductor, h 18418 N 5th Conrad Sarah J., wid Thomas, h 916 Cowden Conrad William A., flagman, h 1821 N 5th Conrad William C, U. S. N., h 619 Kelker Conrad William E., engineer, h 619 Kelker Conrad William H., brakeman, h 1006 Berryhill Conrad Winfield S., peddler, h 926 Penn Conradi William F., flagman, h 22 N 15th Conroy Beulah Mrs., h 1~1I8 Currant av Constiano William, candymkr, h 4:;:3 State Consylman Frank J., salesman, 334 1\Iarket, h 721 S 19th




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REDMOND {3d and Reily Sfs. Google

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A. B. TACK}Wall PaDer and Window Shades{1JIa::!i~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 197
Consylman Harvey A., elk, h 2130 N 6th Consylman Nellie G., h 2130 N 6th Consylman WilHam, conductor, h 2130 N 6th Consylman William c., elk, 1117 N 3d, h 2130 N 6th Con tee James, hostler, h 416 Strawberry av Convent of Mercy, Maelay c 5th Convis Frank "V., paperhanger, h 1811 Market Conway Bernard, fireman, h 916 Sarah av Conway Bridget, seamstress, h 654 Cumberland Conwa) James, laborer. h 654 CumberlanJ Conway J. Ross, h 24 N 10th Conway Margaret P., domestic, 11 N Front Conway 1fichael, laborer, h 654 Cumberland Conway Michaei, jr., laborer, h 654 Cumberland Conway Thomas J., laborer, h 654 Cumberland Cook Abraham E., cigarmkr. h 308 Boas Cook Adessa, Inmchmkr, h 129t Dock Cook Albert T., fireman, h 627 Mahantango Cook Annie Mrs., h 4:lS S Cameron Cook Charles A., machinist, h 558 Woodbine Cook Charles E., laborer. h 11116 Berryhill Cook Clarence B., salesman. 318 l'vTarket, h 1929 N 7th Cook Curtis E., student, h 486 North Cook Edward W .. cook, h 627 rvlahantongo Cook Edwin, elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 20 S 18th







Cook Frank L., mgr, ;- Market, h do \08 Cook Franklin E., engine hostler, h 2112 Moore Cook George D, mgr, aos l\Iarket. h 1109 N 2d Cook George F., brakeman, h 1G3:~ Fulton Cook Grant W., laborer, h 1174 S Cameron Cook Hannah E., cook, 21105 N 3d Cook Harry H., clriver, h 1204 Derry Cook Harry "V., photographer, h 1426 Penn Cook Henry, h 1123 Green Cook H. O'scar, brakeman, h 2112 Moore Cook James M., h 1:~U7 Market Cook J. Emory, laborer, h 146 Balm Cook John, laborer, h 1409 Vernon Cook John W., photographer. ~15! N 3d, h :U2 Herr Cook Joseph 11., merchant tailor. 10m ~ :ld, h 935 N 2d Cook Joseph \V., laborer, h fi27 ~lahantongo Cook Lewis, laborer, h 1176 S Cameron COOK L. W., drygoods, carpets, cloaks and suits, 308 M:arket, h Williamsport Cook l\lahla, wid William B .. h 2112 )'Ioore Cook Mar~ard. wid Josiah, h 14I1U X 3d Cook l\lary A., wid John W., nurse. h l:.!IIG ~ 6th Cook Mervine A., buyer, 334 Market, h 14:.!l:l Walnut Cook Raymond K., elk, 11 N 3d, h 312 Herr Cook Richard M., catcher, h 627 Mahantango


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NO . 1730 ARCH STREET . PHILA .. I'~ .


McNeil's Compillion Pills :.ljl!:;J~C:~~J-=--.,J!: 306 Bread

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory. COOK ROBERT F., genl art Southern Mutual Inveltment Co., 7 N 2d, h 1624 Wallaoe Cook Samuel \V., conductor, 1426 Penn "C Cook Sarah T., wid I. Elmer, h 436 North Cook Stewart, laborer, h 1162 S Cameron =- Cook Theodore W., fireman, h Globe Hotel o Cook Thomas T., elk, h 1428 Walnut =5 Cooke George S., supt, a22 Market, h 1308 Berryhill e Cook ley Charles E., driver, h 704 State Cook ley Samuel, waiter, 'h 512 North av Cooley Daniel, laborer, h ] 143 S 9th .. Cooley Shedrick, laborer, h 1143 S 9th U Coolidge George II., salesman, 311 S 2d, h 49 N lith Coons George M., telegrapher, h 219 Boas Cooper Abraham, (J. Cooper & Son), h 51 N Cameron Cooper Albert, foreman Eagle Works, h 621 Briggs Cooper Alex. S., chief elk city treas, C. H., h 1104 N 3d U) Cooper Alford L., cigars, 12!l9 Derry, h 1141 do Cooper Annie, domestic, 101 ~ Front Cooper Annie ~I., domestic, 327 Chestnut Cooper Bessie i\I., saleslady, 215 Market, h 1141 Derry Cooper Carrie H., teacher, h 621 Briggs Cooper Catharine M., wid Charles A' 1 h 1428 Regina Charles, c( Cooper Charles, inspector, 210 Walnut, h 1428 Regina Cooper machinist, h 1141 Derry




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1Ilie auorulllJ Ond Trust CO. If =:-- {"='~='=I:':.~' ~ :::~~.=

Cooper Charles E., engineer, h 915 S 20! COOPER CY E . bus mgr Patriot, 320 Market, h 2243 11 6th Cooper Daniel D., hutler, h 1710 Walnut Cooper David, (D. Cooper Co.), h 1219 Cowden Cooper David S., salesman, :ua Market, h 60() North Cooper D. Co., (D. Cooper and S. Kerson), junk, 411 Verbeke Cooper Edward N., (E. K Cooper & Co.), h Camp Hill Cooper Eliza .xII'S . h 525 Brown av Cooper Elizabeth Mrs .. h :l21 S River av Cooper Elizabeth, wid WiHiam, h 514 South av Cooper Elmer E., foreman, 5()O Race, h 246 Crescent COOPER E . & CO., (Edward N. and 10bn D. Cooper), iron founden and maohinists, 130 Short 0 South see adv COOPER GEORGE E., asst resident olerk H. of R., 215 Wal nut, h 1707 Green
J. D. COO,'B&

E. N. COOPER & 00.,

~ Foundry aod Machine Works


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CorDer Short aDd South Streeh, BARRIS.URG. PAo

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page G1VE.~ FU~~.::;ED~\~L SCOB_

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- M a k. . 8Deelalty B TACK} FreMlCtlq PubUe aBuDcllnp 1110 1 - {UleN.adlL. PlaID TlDta E.U. . . . . . . .

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Coover Coover Coover Coover Coover Coover Coover Coover Coover Coover

COOVER HARRY 1., sand, 935 N 3d, h 218 Herr Coover H. Ross, physician, 1623 N 6th, h do Coover John D., plumber, 412 Spring av, h do Coover Margaret Mrs., h 1 S Front )Coover Mervin, telegrapher, h 509 North Coover Rebecca A., wid \Villiam H., h 1926 N 3d Coover Sarah M., saleslady, 334 Market, h Mechanicsburg Coover Sarah R. Mrs., h 1011 N 3d Coover Seth, laborer, h 911 SlOth )Coover S. Reeser, elk, 615 Walnut, h 11 N 5th Coover William J., heater, h 1340 S l:lth ;0 Cope Edward M., fireman, h 1306 Maple av Cope Jennie Mrs., h 125 Evergreen )Cope John T., laborer. h 1401 S 12th Cope Lineas, steelworker, h 318 Blackberry av ~ Cope Mary L., wid John, h 1401 S 12th Cope Nellie, stenographer, h 1702 Susquehanna Cope William, helper. h 420 S 16th ~ Copeland Benjamin F., watchman, h 41jS S Cameron g Copeland Benjamin F., jr., car repairer. h 454 S Cameron ~ Copeland Frederick L., civil engineer, h 214 Pine Copeland Gertruue E., cutter. h 1252 Derry Copeland Harry F .. student. h 12::;2 Derry Copeland Harvey R., attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Copeland Harvey R., jr., craneman. h 1252 Derry

l .r:::mB~'t~ ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {~ ::e~ p


George P., mgr, 130 Short, h 203 Pine James T., conductor, h 1833 N 4th John D., (E. N. Cooper & Co.), h Camp Hill John M., brakeman, h 1411 James John W., laborer, h 525 Brown av Joseph, (J. Cooper & Son), h 51 N Cameron J. & Son, (Abraham), junk, 43 N Cameron Lillie, laundress, h 510 North av Ralph, waiter, h 500i South Rebecca E., wid Jeremiah, h 1712 Penn Samuel c., h 23 S 4th Sarah E., domestic, 25 N Front Simon, horse dealer, h 600 Korth Thomas, coachman, h 321 S River av Turner, waiter, h 1610 Elm Amos, carpenter, 118 Mulberry, h do Carson, student, h 214 N 2d Edward J., salesman, 324 Market, h 1113 Green E. Hummel. timekeeper, h lUll N 3d Eliza, wid Solomon, h 259 Herr _ Elizabeth B., kindergarten, h 1926 N 3d :; Elsie, wid Dr. Eli, hIS Front ~ Frank E., bookkpr Hbg Trust Co., h Kew Cumb c; Frederick W., physician, 214 N 2d, h do :-= George W., elk Post Office, h Lemoyne



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H M KELLEY C I I . {I !forth ad I!ItNeI. o. CO 1Ot.b and State ilia.

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Copeland Lucius F., lecturer, h 214 Pine Copelin Owen M., elk, 2:?"2 Market, h 111 Reily Copenhaver, see Koppenhaver Coper Harry, laborer, h lo.~ Filbert Coplinky Abram, elk, h 118 Short Coplinky Joseph, upholsterer, h 118 Short Coplinky Samuel, peddler. h 118 Short Coppersmith George W., elk, 1945 N 6th, h do Corbett lames Too laborer, h 1130 Wallace Corbett William B., asst trainmaster P. R. R., h 14:15 Corbin Arthur, laborer, h 500 North av Corbin Mary J., domestic, 2.'-l N 5th Corbin Willis G., laborer, h 1746 Logan av Corcoran Alice E. Mrs., h 1412 N 7th Corcoran Edward, laborer, h 917 Grand Corcoran Edward J., laborer, h 929 Rose av Corcoran John, policeman, ih 928 Penn Corcoran Kate E., h 917 Grand Corcoran William, molder, h 917 Grand Cordes Warren R., fireman, h ]617 \Vallace Corish William J., engineer, h 1015 Hemlock Corish William J., jr., laborer, h 1015 Hemlock Corkle Clyde L., inspector, h 1256 State Corkle Elmer, laborer, h :n6 S ~ourt av Corkle Jerald F., U. S. A., h 31 N 17th






a: >.

Corkle John D., painter, h :U N 17th Cork Ie Louisa L., wid Charles, h 316 S Court av Corkle William D., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 329 Crescent Corkle William H., asst stationmaster, h 31 N 17th Z Corl Charles R., machinist, h 11 Evergreen Corl Daniel B., confectioner, 1014 N :ld, h 918 S 21st George Market, Ih Z Corl John B.,V., blacksmith, Of)O I~5a Fulton11 Evergreen Corl cashier, 3 N ::?d, h Corl John H., car inspector, h 1~5a Fulton l&I Corl Minnie V., dressmkr, h 11 Evergreen Corl Tacey, housekeeper, nIH S 21st Corl Uriah W., asst storekeeper P. R. R., h 1314 Green Corman Ida, domestic, 115 Pine Cormany Eva M., domestic, 114 Liberty Cornelius Charles E., brakeman. h 505 1Iuench 3i Cornelius John, brakeman, h 505 Muench Cornelius Scott, conductor, h 505 ~luench ~ Cornell Bessie, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 410 Walnut ~ Cornell Chester C. elk, 410 Walnut :c Cornell Warren "i., elk, :U!l ~Iarket, h 410 Walnut Sa Cornell W. Edward, conductor, h 410 \Valnut ~ Cornman Charles S., engineer, h 432 Harris C Cornman Clarence A., driver, h 1206 Bailev Cornman Harvey L . coachman Lunatic Hospital, h do CD Cornman Maud, roller, h 4a2 Barris


~~~.S:U~:~ ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and Rell, Sis.

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A. B. TACK fFI:~~O~!'TT":VAA:-"'&C~A~:V~R {~1610rlb lIIIIlIlil

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 201
Cornman. Parker E., watchman, h 173 K 15th COBlOlAN WILSON S., mil' The Commonwealth, h 111 S 3d Cornpropst Annie, h 404 Muench Cornpropst Harry M., repairsman, h Shoop nr 6th Corn propst Henry C., laborer, h 404 Muench Compropst Joseph E., driver, h 404 Muench Cornpropst Mary, domestic, 2228 N 6th Cornwall Harry c., conductor, h 254 Verbeke Corpman \Vinfield S., awnings, 11a6 Market, h do Corsey Chloe Mrs., h 1410 William Corsey Clinton, laborer, h 512 Brown av Corsnitz Nathaniel P., laborer, h 1823 Brie-rrs Corter Ossie, h 238 Cranberry av Cosgrove Jesse A., boilermkr, h 1439 Vernon Coslow Annie Mrs., domestic, 2101 N 6th Coslow William H., porter P. R. R., h 334 Muench Coss Benjamin F., brakeman, h 1333 Fulton Coss Roy, laborer, h 526 Cowden Costello James c., machinist, h 612 Forster Costello Mary, wid Patrick, h 627 Forster Costello Nicholas, bartender, h 8 N 2d Costley Alexander, laborer, h 1411 X Cameron Costley Elizabeth \V., wid Byron J., h 307 S Front Cottenham Elizabeth, domestic, 811 N Front

COTTEREL DAVID W., bookseller and stationer, U; S 2d, h 417 Boas Cotterel Emma, wid John, h 417 Boas Cotterel James K., photographer, 15 S 2d, h ~ew Benton COTTEREL 10D W., druggist, 1800 N 6th, h do Cotterel Mary M., saleslady, 15 S 2d, h 417 Boas Cottingham Annie, dressmkr, h 20fj South Cottinghal11 Laura, dressmkr, h 2U6 South Coulson Frank J., laborer, h 326 S River av Coulter Belle 1., domestic, 126 Cherry av Coulter Clara E., domestic, 408 Briggs Coulter Jennie S., seamstress, h 1913 Briggs Count Edwin, salesman, h 1260 Juniper COUlfTY COllllI88IOlfER8, oilice, Court HOUle C01.1p William M., flagman, h 1302 Wallace COURIER PUBLISlIING CO., (1. P. McCullough and H. E. Smith), r 320 Market COURIER (THE), Courier Publishing Co., publishers, r 320 Market Court House, Market c Court av Court Samuel M., waiter, h 1332 Thompson av Courter Sophia Mrs., h Liberty nr State Cover Alonzo I., fireman, h 1926 N 7th Cover Bessie A., dressmkr, h 213 Muench Cover C. Earl, barber, h 167 N 15th






Boyd's lIarrisburg City Directory.











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Cover Edward G., cutter, h 169 X 15th Cover Edward \'1., laborer, h 169 N 15th Cover George W., chief elk, 5 N 2d, h Highspire Cover Joseph c., waiter, h 169 N 15th Cover Myron A., ,brakeman, h 2017 N 6th Covert Charles E., (Central Coal Co.), sec, 222 Market, h 21 N 4th Covert George \V., bar elk, h 946 N 7th Covert Lucy A., wid J. Wilson, h 21 N 4th Cowan Benjamin F., packer P. R. R., h 248 Meadow la Cowan Frank, elk, h 1226 Mulberry Cowan J. Frank, elk, 401 Chestnut, h 115 Washington Cowan Robert c., jr., elk P. R. R. pass station, h Penbrook Cowden Edward L., mgr, 308 Market, h 19 S 4th Cowden Elbridge W., rodman, 222 Market, h 228 Boas Cowden Elizabeth, wid Frederick H., h 223 Forster Cowden Frederick H., jr., student, h 223 Forster COWDEN F. 1I. &; 80N, (1. W.), sewer pipe and stoneware, P. R. R. and Cumberland Cowden John W., (F. H. Cowden & Son), h 146 N 13th Cowden Mabel B., h 223 Forster COWDEN IlATTREW B., civil engineer and city engineer, Trust bldg, 222 Market, h 201 lIerr lee adv Cowden Myrtle, dressmkr, h 812 N 3d Cowden Sarah E., elk, 14(15 Derry, h 234 Harris



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Cowden Sarah E., wid Frederick H., h 223 Forster Cowen Benjamin, packer, h S 3d nr l\Iulberry Cowen Charles H., artist, h 642 Walnut >- Cowen Frank E., elk, mm N 3d, h 1226 Mulberry ~ Cowen John c., canvasser, h 326 Kelker a.. Cowfer Gilbert M., agt, h 1620 Susquehanna E Cox Daniel W., (D. W. Cox & Co.), h 1013 N Front o Cox David E., blakeman, h 1312 N 7th U COX D. W. & CO., coal shippers, 222 Market ....I Cox Earl W., elk, 222 Market, h 1013 N Front ..: Cox Ernest L., cik, h 205 S 3d o Cox Katharine H., h 307 N Front U Cox Louis B., inspector P. R. R., h 912 Cowden Q Cox Rebecca H., h 307 N Front . z: Cox Roy G., asst treas Hbg Trust Co., h 111 Locust


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Civil Engineer
Office: Trust Company Building, 222 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.


The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Homa{SII Cents a Week


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Employ. but ft18t-el... workmen. hence A B TACK} cIGII tIIriDODe1naurea 1t. Work done 111 &IIr partODl~ { N.1818' aDd of 3d 8L

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Cox Walter J., ins sol, 227 Walnut, h Lancaster Coxen Jonathan, laborer, h 314 S River av Coxeter Frank E., laborer, h 1113 lIontgomery Coxeter Henry, conductor, h 1620 Wallace Coy Stewart E., laborer, h 103 Tuscarora Coyle Annie, telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 1117 Wallace Coyle Daniel, machinist, h 647 Cumberland Coyle James, machinist, h 308 S 2d Coyle Miles, watchman P. R. R., h 1117 Wallace Coyle Miles L., engineer, h 1117 Wallace Coyle Philip F., machinist, h 632 Hamilton Cozzoli Adelino, lunch bar elk Hotel Columbus, h do Cozzoli Eugene, waiter, h 1101 Market Cozzoli Guglielmo, engineer P. R. R. dining rooms, h do Cozzoli Joseph, lunch bar elk Hotel Columbus, h do COZZOLI SEBASTIAN, Mount Pleasant Hotel, 1101 lIarket, h do see adv Cozzoli William J., elk, 1101 Market, h do Crabbe Charles F., plumber, h 1320 Vernon Crabbe Frank, baker, h 1256 Walnut Crabbe George W., artist, h 1256 Walnut Crabbe Louise M., teacher, h 1515 N 3d Crabbe Margaret, h 213 Hamilton Crabbe Rachel c., wid Henrv A., h 1256 Walnut Crabbe Wendell P., stenographer, 627 Walnut, h 1256 do


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l::',:::,o;. ~ Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~: ::=

Craber Rosa Mrs., h 1217 Cowden Craber, see Craver, also Kraber Craddick Elizabeth, wid Allen, h 931 Rose av Craddock CharlesW. P., insurance, h 1 S Front Craig Albert H., car repairer, h 163 N 15th Craig Belle, h 626 Walnut Craig Catharine, saleslady, 334 Market, h 335 Walnut Craig Charles, driver, h 429 S 17th Craig Charles E., signalman P. R. R., h 626 Muench Craig Edward, hostler Hershey House Craig Eli, driver, h 418 Cranberry av Craig Elizabeth M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 216 N 14th Craig George N., machinist, h 524 Filbert Craig James, laborer, h 712 North av Craig John T., laborer, h 1170 S Cameron



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Cor. Cameron and Harket Sb., Harrisburg, 'a.





Both Phones.

Open Day and Night.


Coi'D Proprietor. ;i Good Stabling. a


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a:.=WeiCh& ~ H. II. IEUEY ,. CO. {I':':r.:..~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

------------------------GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRU881SH16 N. 3d St. .=- - - - - - - - - - z c


Craig John W., conductor, h 1622 Green Craig Lettie, stitcher, h 1517 Walnut Craig Martha T., h 216 ~ 14th Craig Pearl c., elk, 1408 Vernon, h SII\:) East Craig Richard H., laborer, h lH:lO Elm Craig William D., laborer, it 1an7 Wallace Craig William K., lauorer, h 1;;23 Wallace Craig, see Krieg Craiger Benjamin F., puddler, h Holly beyond limits Craiglow :1\Joiris II., elk, 413 Market, h 1123 Green Crain Joseph R., teamster, h 114 Linden Crain Talbot c., shearsman, h 114 Linden Crall Willis, foreman, h 59 N 10th Cral1, see Crol1, also Crull Cramer Catharine l\Irs., h 439 Boyd av Cramer Clard B. :Mrs., dressmkr, 11164 S !lth, h do Cramer Clarence G., machinist, h 1064 S 9th Cramer Daniel H., foreman, h 1:152 Korth Cramer Edna E., cigarmkr, h 1;~:;2 Korth Cramer George B., fireman, h lIIH4 S 11th Cramer George T., brakeman, h l1:n Capital Cram~r Harry c., elk, h 619 Briggs Cramer Harry W., fireman, h 277 Calder Cramer Isabel1a, h 2i5 Calder Cramer Jennie, charwoman, h 2i5 Calder

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Cramer John c., blacksmith, h 1469 Re~na Cramer Naomi, hemmer, h 101)4 S 9th Cramer, see Creamer, also Kramer Cramp Edward A., molder, h 516 State Cramp Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 51H State Cramp Emma, housekeeper, 51f) State Cramp George D., h 51H State Cramp Jacob \V., contractor, h 51H State Cramp Lillie, h u16 State Cra11lp Stella 1. E., mil1iner, h 31H State Crampton Charles II., physician, 414 South. h 214 Pine Crampton Cpton H., butler, ~Oj SlOth Crane Albert L., carpenter, It 1530 \Vallace Crane Benjamin F., engineer, h 152:1 Wallace Crane Eliza, wid Benjamin F., It luao \Val1ace Crane Harry G., yardmaster P. R. R., h 333 Peffer Crane Irvin J., It 527 :Yluench Crane Richard L., supplyman, h 527 l\luench Crane Robert M., engineer, h H)1S ~ 7th Crane Thomas D., engineer, h 628 Boyd av Cranford Forest, brakeman, h 1014 State Cranston Florence L.. dressmkr, h 249 North Cranston Georgia 11., teacher, h 249 North Cranston Ida M. Mrs., h 24.!l f\'orth Cranston John P., elk, h 249 North

-----------------Radmond's Wagon Works {=~b~~} 3d Ind Reily Sis. Google

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A. B. TACK l:::tt~~:no~ 1011 POper l1li11111101_ Rl1\~fc.1Il,

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 205
Cranston Gna 1\1., teacher, h 249 North Cratzer George W., mgr, 307 Market, h 1014 Green Craver Albert E ., laborer, !h 153 Paxton Craver Jacob, laborer, h Z:~9 State Craver John W., elk, 1 N ad, h 153 Paxton Craver John W., jr., elk, 117 Paxton, h 430 S 2d Craver Mary c., cigarmkr, h 11)3 Paxton Craver Sarah J., wid Augustus P., h 653 Boas Craver, see Craber, also Kraber . Crawford Albert, elevatorman Hotel Russ, h 207 N 2d Crawford Albert B., elk R. M. S., P. O. bldg, h Mechanicsburg Crawford Oh'a rles, student, h 513 N 4th Crawford Charles G., brakeman, h 603 Maelay Crawford Charles V., baker, h 628 Walnut Crawford Christopher F ., elk, 701 Race, h 710 do Crawford Claude S. c., boxmkr, h ()4:~ Maelay Crawford Ella ]., wid John, h 628 Walnut Crawford Fannie R. , wid Dr. '--;eorge, h 513 N 4th Crawford Gertrude L., student, h 710 Race Crawford Henry T., hostler, h 634 Briggs Crawford Hiram S., switchman, h 1123 N 6th Crawford Marion, shoemkr, h 142 Cranberry av Crawford Philip S., flagman, h 109 Hanna Crawford Robert \V., boilermkr, h 710 Race


BAKER~ .,~~t,=~:::'~~1E

Crawford Sarah J. Mrs., domestic, 1613 N Front Crawford Susan ~Irs., boarding, 142 Cranberry av, h do Crawford \Valter B., doubler, h 2118 Turner av Crawford William H., laborer, h S18 James av Crawshaw Elizabeth, housekeeper, 615 State Creamer Harry T., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 619 Briggs Creamer, see Cramer, also Kramer Creek Clara, wid Cyrus, h 716 South Creek Cyrus No, elk, 443 Market, h do Creek Samuel, bookbinder, h 716 South Creep Harry B., watertender, h 181 N 15th Crego Curtis ] ., salesman, 308 Market, h 276 Briggs Crelier W. Harry, baker, h 305 Market CRESCENT LAUNDRY CO., Walter H. Cummings, mgr, 28 34 Ii Cameron; branch office, 1405 Derry see adv



lIeNlil's Pain Eltlrminator ~mr.!~ha-:e~~"~lt{808~~

206 Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.



CRESSLER CHARLES E., cigan, 501 Kelker, h 311 Cumber-













land Cressler Oarence C, cornicemkr, h 311 Cumberland Cressler Elva M., weaver, h 311 Cumberland Cressler Henrietta, wid George W., h 311 Cumberland Cressler Myrtle V., cigarmkr, h 311 Cumberland Cressman John L., postal elk, h 342 S 13th Cresswell Dale .\Irs., hairdresser, 19 S 3d, h do Cresswell Jesse \Y., emp State Arsenal, h 531 N Cameron Crew Richard, laborer, h 140a X 4th Crichton Celia, wid Thomas, h 601 Briggs Crider John "V., elk Banking Dept, 716 State, h 701 N 6th Crider Joseph B., driver, h 1631 N 4th Crider, see Kreider Cripple Charles E., boilermkr, h 2015 Logan av Cripple William H., h 2015 Logan av Crispen Clarence C, mgr, 216 Strawberry av, h 1208 Chestnut Crist Charles, fireman, h 1617 N 3d Crist Charles W., bookkpr, 311 S 2d, h 212 Reily Crist Clara, h 1630 Logan av Crist Cyrus B.,laborer, h 1121 N Cameron Crist Edith Mrs. shoe operator, h 32 S 2d Crist Frank H .. helper. h 1821! X 5th Crist George E., painter, h 2547 N 6th
TITLE ......" TT CD. { n, h_lll,trat.,., Ellcallrl....nll-.} .... Etta..... -If TI1III_ ,lid ,II IIIIIt Mid, If Jlldldllll11lh III, If Put DttI..

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Crist Harn', conductor, h 1506 Penn Crist Harry c., conductor, h 1111 CQwden Crist Manha A., wid Louis E., h 1515! N 4th Crist Mary B., saleslady, 1206 N 3d, h 2014 Green Crist Mary F., tailoress, h :!547 N 6th Crist Miranda K., wid George W., h 2014 Green Crist Rachel D .. dressmkr, h 2014 Green Crist Ralph F., installer. 208 Walnut, h 510 do Crist Sallie E. 11rs., h 1417 Wyeth av Crist Samuel c., engine hostler, h 317 Peffer Crist eriah S., shoemkr, :no Strwberry av, h 510 Walnut Criswell Andrew, plasterer, h 11!18 Bailey Criswell Frank F., agt, h S17 East Criswell George 1\1., carpentt'r, h 1HIS Bailey Criswell Hannah C, wid J. Vance, h 23 N Front Criswell Jacob H., carpenter, h 18 N 15th Criswell James P., elk, h 23 X Front Criswell J. LeRoy. machinist, h Front ab Seneca Criswell John E .. heater, h a15 Dauphin Criswell John L., laborer, h Front ab Seneca Criswell Tohn M., h 23 N Front Criswell Samuel F., h 817 East Criswell Samuel J.. car repairer, h 218 N 14th CRITCHFIELD NORJrlAN B., sec Department of Agriculture, 716 State. h 1604 Green

If You Don't Rlad thl PATRIOT .You ~~~i:!d ~~~o~r:s

r.:~:="*;== IOU rODer ODd ImdOlsnodeS Irom A. B. TACI {.Iri:.. Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 2u7
Crockett'Villiam, motorman, h 1514 Wallace Croft John Z., tinner, h 1330 N Front Croft Joseph L., brakeman, h 1466 Zarker Croft Martha E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 140 S 2d Croft William A., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 250 Meadow la Croll Harvey, fireman, h 1716 N 4th Croll, see Crall, also Crull Cromer Catharine, housekeeper, 327 Cherry av Cromer \Villiam, laborer, h 1074 S Cameron Cram leigh George W., foreman P. R. R, h 530 Maclay Cromleigh Harry H., molder, h 1321 James av ,Cromwell Harriet, wid James, h 712 N 7th Cromwell Thomas, carter, h 251 S 14th Crone Christian, hostler, h 13:!5 Wyeth av Crone Clarence H., steelworker, h '329 Cherry'av Crone Daniel S., conductor, h 11:!0 Market Crone Edna F., cigarmkr, h 13~a N 7th Crone Emma S., teacher, h 1225 N 6th Crune Harriet, wid Charles, h 13:~4 N 7th Crone Marion 0., h 705 ~orth av ~ Crone Sarah A. Mrs., h 705 North av :J> Cronican Earl, salesman, 221 Market, h Carlisle ::D Cronin David, iaborer, h 124 Ann av Crook Annie E., roller, h 1261 S 13th


Crook Crook Ellsworth J., pudJler, h 1319 S 12th Crook Emma, cigarmkr, h ';07 Showers av Crook Entest H., foreman, h 835 SlOth Crook Harris, laborer, h 1261 S 13th Crook Harry S., brakeman, h 17101 Wood Crook Helen A., h :!36 Harris Crook Herman, laborer, h 906 Hemlock Crook John F., foreman, Division nr 6th, h 236 Harris Crook John H., molder, h 707 Showers av Crook John W .. laborer, h :n 7 Reily Crook Margaret A., presser, h 317 Reily Crook Samuel, watchman, h 9211 S 9th Crook Susan]., wid George W., h 707 Showers av Crook Tressa, operator, h 920 S 9th Crook 'Valter, laborer, h 1(i09 Susquehanna Crook William, laborer, h 1261 S 13th Crook William H., special police Capitol, h 1403 N 3d Crooks Orlando G., laborer, h 1317 Maple av Crooks Samuel H., laborer, h 2016 Penn Crosby Anna 1'1., wid John H., h 925 Bartine av Crosby George, brakeman, h 217 Herr Crosby Harry L., brakeman, 11 39 Sassafras av Crosby John R., brakeman, h 925 Bartine av Croshy William L., brakeman, h 2li Herr

SaYings and Loan Assn.U:= ::D C Arthur W., rougher, h 1211 Mulberry

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H II 1\ "ELLEY at CO'S Blaell: DlamODd. Wh_{ 101f1 ... U ~f,",. D. 1 .... De:1tt order."811 .fI.

208 _
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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 1. HERON, 1R., sec and auditor Pa. Tel. Co., 210 Walnut, h 202 State _ Cross Alexander c., painter, h 1117 N jith ~ Cross Blanche K., saleslady, 406 Market. h 111 i N 6th !:C Cross Carl, elk, Herr c ll)th, h 1117 N 6th f - Crossley Charles B., inspector, h !3~5 Kelker a.. Crossley David E., veterinarian, H2t1 Verbeke, h do Crossley George B., conductor, h 4:30 Harris a: Crossley George \V., laborer, h 4ilO Harris a.. Crossley Sarah A., wid John B., h 325 Kelker ~ Crossman Annie, h 300 Verbeke c Crossman Edward A., bill poster, h !3t10 Verbeke ..... Crosson Victor E., brakeman, h 60~ Kelker Crothers James H., bartender, 451 State, h 419 West av ~ Crothers Martha, wid Charles, h 71:3 State a: Crotty Laura E., wid Michael, h 32 S 13th ~ Crouse Bentley, papercutter, h 507 Hamilton --- Crouse Clinton, machinist, h 400 S 14th Crouse Daniel \V., carpenter, h 4110 S 14th 1&1 Crouse Ethel n.. cigarmkr, h 400 S 14th I- , Crouse Harry \V., collector, '1:l N 3d, h 1829 Derry Crouse, see Krause, also Krouse I- Crow George \V., elevatorman, h 216 :Meadow la laJ Crow :\lary Mrs., h 167 S Summit Crow Ruth E. Mrs., housekeeper, 619 Boas



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CROW WILMER, business mgr Star-Independent, h 1512 Green Crowe Amanda L., teacher, h 446 Cumberland Crowell Ida, domestic, 317 S Front Crowl Anna V., teacher, h 629 Boas Crowl Emma R., wid Oharles A., h 515 Seneca Crowl Harvey, fireman, h 1il6 N 4th Crowl John A, foreman, lao Short, h 629 Boas Crowl Raymond D., repairsman. h 1412 K 3d Crowley John W., steelworker, h 2044 Kensington Crown Jacob S., car repairer, h 722 Race Crown Mfg Co., Frank A. Peddicord, mgr, agrl implts, Howard ab Forrest av Crownover l\lollie, dressmkr, 1335 N 2d. h do Crownover William, laborer, h 601 ~Iaclay Crownshield B. Frank, brakeman. h 160R N 6th Crownshield E. Grace, stengr, 17 N 3d, 11 1608 N 6th Crownshield Elizabeth A., wid Jeremiah, h 1608 N 6th Crown shield Horace E., grocer. t;)3~ N I)th, h do Crownshield Ross L., elk Hhg Trust Co., h 1608 ~ 6th . CROZIER DAVID E., teacher of piano and organ, studio, 30 N 2d, h 102 State Crozier (;eorge 1\1., bartender, 1303 N 3d, h 1702 do Crozier \Villiam B., elk, h Hi S Dewberrv av CruikSihank Helen ~I., saleslady, :l:!9 Market. h 1504 Green

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A. B. TICI} IILL PAPER e:e~~-.:! 111001 SHiDES hf~~~8t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directo1'1. 209
Cruikshank William, watchmkr, 214 Market, h 1504: Green Crull Charles E., asst foreman P. R. R., h 25~ Verbeke Crull Elwood N., elk P. R. R., h 1426 Green Crull Elwood R., machinist, h 2031 Fulton Crull Francis P., checkman P. R. R., h 3 S 13th Crull Jacob M., asst baggage agt P. R. R., h 304 North Crull Jennie E., dressmkr, h 263 Cumberland Crull John P., h 1402 Green Crull Lida R. Mrs., h 260 Verbeke Crull Margaret E., h 263 Cumberland Crull Mary L. Mrs., dressmkr, 263 Cumberland, h do Crull Samuel H., checkman P. R. R., h 102 Balm Crull William, foreman, 680 Walnut, h 59 N 10th Crull William M., engine inspector, h 263 Cumberland Crull Wilmer J., asst sec Y. M. C. A., h 304 North Crull, see Crall, also Croll, also Kroll Crum Catharine, h 1105 N 6th Crum Daniel, lock and gun expert with McKenna Safe Bank Co., 28 S 4th, h 1105 N 6th Crum Daniel, jr., shoe finisher, h 1428 Derry Crum Franklin E., fireman, h 2553 N 6th Crum George W., carpenter, h 20 Aberdeen av Crum Louisa, saleslady, 334 Market, h Progress Crum Mary, h 306 Cherry av Crum Milton 0., laborer, h 1105 N 6th





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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{~~~b=~-:;'~~E

Crum Priscilla E., wid John H., h 710 N 6th Crum Reuben E., engineer, h 1105 N 6th Crumbine Charles, h 209 Walnut Crumlich John, laborer, h 601 North Crumlick Rosa Mrs., housekeeper, 553 S Front Crummel Harriet, wid James, h 712 N 7th Crummel Jam~s, laborer, h 1509 Derry Crummel Sarah, h 210 Mary's av Crummes Amanda, domestic, 222 Chestnut Crump Charlote A. Mrs., charwoman, h 1118 Montgy Crumpsey Edward, laborer, h 400 Filbert Crumrine James, laborer, h 641 Harris Crutchley Asher L., upholsterer, h 423 Muench ()RUTCRLEY EDWARD, reporter Patriot, h 423 Muench Crutchley William, puddler, h 1339 S 12th Cuenot Paul A., h 306 Chestnut Cuff James, laborer, h 1206 Apple av Cuff Rebecca Mrs., laundress, h 1211 N 111 Culbert John, laborer, h 1210 N 7th Culbertson E. Viola, nurse, h 2216 N 6th Culhane Richard F., bartender, 501 Market, h do Culhane Thomas P., bartender, h 154 Linden Culhane William, elk Hotel Russ, h 501 Market Cullison Asa c., laborer, h 612 Church av Cullmerry Cora E., forelady, h 1429 Derry




BUTLE~ ,o~


CLARK'S =~':~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{~~u.

210 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


-;; Cull merry Gilbert L., notary public, 222 Market, h 1429 Derry Cull merry Harry G., machinist, h 1429 Derry Cullmerry Isaac D., molder, h 1429 Derry '1: Cullmerry Nellie Vo, dressmkr, h 1429 Derry . : Culp Ada, domestic The Lochiel Culp Anna Mo, h 1619 N 6th ~ Culp Annie, wid John c., h 112 Walnut =5 Culp Archie c., elk, 301 Verbeke, h ] 626 Fulton ~ Culp George A., conductor, h 21:!H N 6th Culp Harry Mo, draughtsman, 216 l\1arket, h 325 Hummel Culp Heister c., butcher, h 1215 N 7th Culp Jennie E., saleslady, 36 N ad, h 112 Walnut _ Culp Jennie L., wid Calvin P., h 325 Hummel Culp John F., physician, 211 Locust, h 234 N 3d ~ Culp John L., trimmer, h 112 Walnut ~ Culp ~laude, cigannkr, h 626 Race ca Culp Noah, nailer, h 706 Race Culp, see Kulp Cumberland Edward, waiter, h 236 Court av CUltBERLAliD VALLEY B. R. FREIGHT STA.TION, ft S 3d Cumberland Valley R. R., genl frt agt's office, 401 Chestnut Cumberland Valley R. R. Pass. Station, ft Chestnut; entrance, 419 Market Cumbler Melvin B., h 212 N 2d


J -"."11Ma tMTille I!IIftrooty ODd Trust CODf leUI'OI, 1 flllIll. . . If CIIlrlcta LHeal :Bnate Bid". auu rEII.o r Rear of PoI$ Olllce

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Cummings Carrie Mrs., h 261 Liberty Cummings Charles Eo, elk, 222, Mulberry, h 40 N Summit Cummings Homer H., machinist, h 2'28 Crescent Cummings Homer H., jr., machinist, h 228 Crescent Cummings Hubertis M., student, h 228 Crescent Cummings James, bartender, 306 Strawberry av, h 427 Kelker Cummings James E., tobacconist, 808 N 3d, h do Cummings Josephine Mo, teacher, h 228 Crescent Cummings Thomas R., tiagman, h 528 Maelay Cummings Walter H., mgr, 34 N Cameron, h 228 Crescent Cummings William H., motorman, h 1261 Walnut Cummings, see Commings Cumpton Charles, driver, h 202 Mary's av Cumpton Jacob E., waiter, h 308 S Court av Cumpton Jacob T., laborer, h 517 Brown av Cumpton, see Compton Cunkle Alpheus D., bricklayer, h 411 Herr Cunkle B. Frank, caller P. R. R., h 406 Reily Cunkle Charles E., fireman, h 406 Reily CunkleClara M., h 310 Market Cnnkle David L., h 310 Market Cunkle Edgar 0., machinist, h 1820 Green Cunkle Elmer ]0, foreman F. and Mo Works, h 1928 N 6th Cunkle Elva T .. music teacher, 179 N 15th, h do

Read the PATRIOn ~ENN-:"{Harrl.burg'. ae.t ,.pal. Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 211
Cunkle George T., caller P. R. R., h 179 N 15th Cunkle George W., solicitor, 227 Walnut, h 278 Briggs Cunkle George W., jr., lineman, h 278 Briggs Cunkle Harry D., laborer, h 406 Reily Cunkle Harry K., letter carrier P.O., h Wormleysburg Cunkle Jessie M., dressmkr, h 413 Herr Cunkle Leonard, jr., fireman, h 179 N 15th Cunkle Leonard G., warehouseman, h 123 Kor~h Cunkle Paul, messenger P. R. R., h 406 Reily Cunkle Samuel c., fireman, h 1610! Fulton Cunkle Thomas B., warehouseman, h 1635 N 4th Cunkle William E., laborer, h 406 Reily Cunkle William S., marble, 1133 Market, h 179 N 15th Cunkle, see Kunkle Cunningham Arthur B., bar elk, h 1109 Montgomery Cunningham Felix, saloon, 137 N 4th, h do Cunningham George, machinist, h 522 Muench Cunningham Henry Rev., h 144 N 13th Cunningham James A., laborer, h 119 S Cameron Cunningham James L., asst master mechanic P. R. R., h 114 N 2d ~ Cunningham John, barber, 702 State, h 700 do Cunningham Lizzie, housekeeper, 700 State ... Cunningham Margaret P., wid Moses, h 1911 Fulton Cunningham Mary J. Mrs., h 522 Woodbine


:M:8::}Harrisburg Satlngs and Loan Assn.{==

Cunningham William, machinist, h 522 Muench Cunningham William P., cashier P. R. R., h 522 Muench Cupp George, polisher, h 231 Liberty Cupples Annie M., ironer, h 428 State Cupples George VV., conductor, h 1316 Fulton Cupples Maggie, stripper, h 428 State Cupples Margaret, domestic The Central Cupples S. Harry, steam fitter, h 1421) Marion Cupples Stephen F., laborer, h 428 State Cupples Susan, ironer, h 42~ State Cupples William, h 1426 Marion Curley Joseph F., messenger, h 1320 S 13th Curley Julia A., wid John, h 1320 S 13th Curley William J., catcher, h 1320 S 13th Curns Henrv F., brakeman, h 1337 Fulton Currand Abram G., elk, 19 N 2d, h 508 Korth Currand E. Harry, elk, 19 N 2d, h 508 North Currano John E., printer, h 50t'l North Currand Mary A., vestmkr, h 263 Forster Currand William T., machinist, h 263 Forster Curry Edward, waiter, h 554 Primrose av Curry Claude, laborer, h 1213 :-,r 11i Curry Curtis, laborer, h 1844 Hickory av Curry George c., canvasser, h 1844 Hickory av Curry John A., painter, h 1610 Fulton

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H. M. KELLEY ,. CO.}OIl~ces, :.:r.:.r..r~'r.!:}COAL AND WOOD

212 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directorr.
Curry Joseph c., conductor, h ]101 N 3d Curry Mary, wid Curtis, h 300 Boyd av C'-t Curry Rachel Mrs., cook, h 1213 N 11} Curtis Adam K., machinist, h 515 Hamilton Curtis Charles E., hostler, h 16.14 N (jth .... Curtis Charles E., jr., brakeman, h 1614 N 6th ~ Curtis David K., laborer, h 1614 N 6th CIC Curtis Florence, domestic, 507 South av Curtis Mary E., housekeeper, 1604 N 6th CD Curtis Robert, waiter, h 127 Short Curtis Robert W., ir., laborer, h Ifl40 Fulton Curtis William N., blacksmith. h 1(;,)4 N 6th ::::. CtArvin Charles, laborer, h 18 Cowden __ Curvin Elizabeth, wid Lewis, h 18 Cowden III C"Urvin Eugene, machinist, h 1R Cowden Curvin James A., conductor. h ~138 N 7th 1II Cllsack Alice B., elk, 1015 N 3d, h 930 James av Cu!'ack Caleb c., elk, h 930 James av Cusack Edward J., laborer, h 930 James av Custer Morris B., carpenter, h 21-14 Howard av Cyrus Albert, laborer, h U6} Liberty . Czern~ski John, watchman Executive Dept Capitol, h 1224 Green

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Dace Arthur G., ele'ctrician, h 1~03 Cowden Dagg William c., freight agt, h 334 S 16th Daggett Bessie E., h 1424 N 2d Daggett George E., inspector, h 1424 N 2d Dagnell Agnes V., housekeeper, 2105 6i Dahl Harry, bookkpr, 319 Market, h 19 S 4th Dahr Henry H., laborer; h 311 S River av Dailey Cornelius, laborer, h 167 S Summit Dailey Edward, laborer, h 115 Cowden Dailey John M., elk Post Office, h 425 Herr Dailey Joseph S., machinist, h 1811 Market Dailey Julia M., h 425 Herr Dailey Kate, wid Michael. h 425 Herr Dailey Mary A., wid Patrick, h 942 N 7th Dailey Mary c., asst chief opr. 210 Walnut, h 942 N 7tb Dailey Michael A., helper. h 167 S Summit Dailey Samuel F., machinist, h 1300 Mayflower av Dailey William H., laborer, h 1300 1'Iayflower av Daily John, laborer, h 942 N 7th Daily J. Thomas, pipecutter, h 819 Myrtle av Daily Patrick, laborer, h 1310 Wallace .Daily, see Dailey. also Daley, also Daly Dainty Frederick c., engineer, h 1940 Berryhill Dalby Frances, milliner, 7 S 2d, h 1101 N 3d


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REDMOND {3d and R.I~ Sts.

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A. B. TACK}Wall Papar and Window Shadal{a:::J."~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
213 Dales John, h 1309 Market DaII C. Reuben, laborer, h 1215 Fulton Daile Fortune, laborer, h 1121 N 111 Daller Ottis]., driver, h 306 Boyd av Daly Rachel Mrs., h 1426 Marion Dampman Sarah J., h 1405 Vernon Dandridge Jesse L., waiter Commonwealth, h 42 N 13th Dandridge Laura A., chiropodist, 42 N 13th, h do Dangerfield Minnie Mrs., h 118 S 3d Dangerfield Wesley, steelworker, h 500 South Daniel James, laborer, h 71q North Daniel John E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1002 N 6th Daniel Leroy L., student, h 1002 N 6th DARIELL 100 F., district genl art lfichigan Mutual Life Insurance Coo of Detroit, 21. 3d, h 1120 Green Daniell Sewell So, special agt, 21 N 3d, h 1120 Green Daniels Charles Ho, brakeman, h 1928 Swatara Daniels Joanna, wid Lewis Po, h 504 North Daniels John S., conductor, h 1509 Wallace Daniels Rebecca, seamstress, h 500 Reily Daniels Mary Jo, dressmkr, h 2108 Turner av Daniels Susan Mo, wid Albert So, h 322 Harris Danner Adaline Yo, wid Reuben B., h 646 Reily Danner Clayton, engineer, h 1512 Hunter av Danner Elias, herbs, 1324 N 4th, h do
----------------- ------

MILLER BROS.l BAKER~ "~~b~~t.~~-=

Danner George, fireman, h 1001 Berryhill Danner George J., ins sol, 15 N 2<1, h 1404 William Danner George \V., fireman, h 2~2 S 20 Danner Isabel :\frs., h r 209 Verbeke Danner John K., fireman, h 646 Reily Danner Maggie, housekeeper, 1404 William Danner Mary Mrs., cigar mfr, 14M William, h do Danner Patterson, elk, h 1:l24 N 4th Danner Roy C, h 18:l2 State Danner Samuel, carpenter, h lR32 State Danner William, laborer, h ]8:32 State Danner \Villiam H., candymkr, h ()o7 Herr Danner William W., driver, alit Chestnut, h lau N 4th Dapp Charles F., student, h 314 Verbeke Dapp Conrad, bahr, h 151ln Logan av Dapp Edgar M., helper, h 424 Reily Dapp Gottlieb, hotel, 314 Verbeke, h do Dapp Gustave A., elk, 1:i06 N 3d, b :n4 Verbeke Dapp Harry G., plumber, h 314 Verbeke Dapp John F., staLle, 417 Verbeke, h Camp Hill Dapp.John Martin, boots, 424 Reilv, h do Dapp Louis G., helper, h 424 Reily Dapp Williatn A., baker, h 314 Verbeke Darby Frank, blacksmith, h 446 Cumberland Darby George Wo, mech engineer, h 253 Cumberland

1IIIIII's COlIIJlellon PUis :.~1::;J~~~~~: 306 Broad

214 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory
..: Darby L. Wayne, collector, h 446 Cumberland Dare Albert V., brakeman, h 1934 N 4th Dare Anson P., (E. O. Dare & Son), h 1527 Green 1i Dare Bros., (John E., Richard L. and William H.), coal 'II and wood, 18th c Vernon Dare Charles K., eating house, 1217 Penn, h do ~ Dare Cloyd E., laborer, h 11143 N 4th =5 Dare Elizabeth l'lrs., h 1518 Green ~ Dare Emery A., tin plater, h 1943 K 4th Dare Emery E., conductor, h 1943 N 4th Dare Erasmus J., grocer, 437 Reily, h do DAltE E. O. & SON, (Anson P. Dare, surviving partner), .I insurance, 19 N 3d Ii Dare George W., laborer, h 2120 Boas . . Dare John E., (Dare Bros.), painter, 65 N 16th, h do Dare Joseph G., trucker, h 21:!0 Boas Dare Joseph H., elk, h 1821 Korth U) Dare Richard L., (Dare Bros.), milk, 1458 Market, h do Dare William II., (Dare Bros.), h 1519 Vernon Dark Westley, fireman, h lS50 North Daron Addison P., laborer, h 815 S Front Daron Edward, h 47 N 13th Daron O Darow Mary A., wid Josiah, h 815 S Frontrestaurant, 445 Frederick "V., barber, 437 State; C State, h do





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DarT Anna, wid John K., h 710 East Darr Charles H., driver, h l-lL8 William Darr Henry, watchman, h 1520 ~ 4th Darr Marion E., h 1528 Derry Darr Mary, domestic, 1509 Green Darrah A. John, machinist, h 1443 Vernon Darrah George J., machinist, h 1443 Vernon Darrah Susan E., dressmkr, h 1443 Vernon Dase Amanda, wid Frederick, h 1626 Green Dase Jennie E., teacher, h 1626 Green Dasher Anna M. E., wid John J., h 122 South Dasher Catharine, wid Alexander, h 1004 N 15th Dasher Edward R., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 122 South Dasher Emma F., dressmkr, h 240 Hamilton Dasher Fred'k K., bookkpr C. I. and S. Co., h 1;112 Market Dasher Harvey R., salesman, 1001 N 3d, h 1460 Regina Dasher Samuel F., elk, 517 Willow av, h 718 Capital Dashiell Julius T., dentist, 218 Locust, h 17 S 3d Datesman Ambrose, elk, h 1703 N 5th Daugherty Frank H., hostler, h 153; N ~d Daugherty George F., carpenter, h 1217 K Front Daugherty George W., elk State Treasury, h ls03 K 6th Daugherty Hamlet, inspector P. R. R., h 1011 N 2d Daugherty Levan, engineer, h 1016 Green Daugherty Lydia C. Mrs., notions, 1803 N 6th, h do

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PabUe BufidiDp 10 PlaID TlDu


Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.


Daugherty Lynn, collector, 215 Chestnut, h 1803 N 6th Daugherty Ray, student, h 1803 N 6th Daugherty Reil, assembler, h 2113 Derry Daugherty William, hostler, h 1904 N 5th Daugherty William M., laborer, h 1904 N 5th Daugherty, see Dougherty, also Doherty Daum Harry H., puddler, h 1319 S 12th Daum \Villiam, repairsman, h 1108 N Cameron DAUPlID' CIGAR CO., C. E. KoCurdy, lupt, (Hiokok bldg), P. R. R. nr North DAUPlID' COUNTY LAW LIBRARY, W. H. Wyant, librarian, Court House Dauphin County Prison, 223 Walnut Dauphin County Reporter, W. O. Foster, pub, 213 Walnut DAUPlID' DEPOSIT BANX, 213 Karket see adv Dauphin Institute, Byron E. Staley, director, 114 Market Da.utario Domenico, laborer, h 1132 Market Davenport Caroline E., supt Hbg Hospital, h do Davenport Matilda, wid Frederick, h 1314 N 11i Davenport Most:s, laborer, h 1314 N 11i Davidson Charles W., car repairer, h 1410 N 7th Davidson David E., car inspector, h 648 Verbeke Davidson Eugene H., solicitor, h 45 N 13th Davidson Eugene R, h 45 N 13th Davidson Jennie, wid John, h 129 S 14th


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SlIIngs and Loan Assn. {:


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Davidson Kate, wid Henry, h 38 N 12th Davidson Merril 0., motorman, h 125 Sayford av Davidson Ralph, bartender, 1237 N 7th, h do Davidson Samuel R, laborer, h 1935 Briggs Davidson Sepharious c., machinist, h 1625 N 6th Davidson Sepharious c., jr., helper, h 1625 N 6th Davidson William, baker, 618 State, h do Davidson William W., yardmaster P. R R, h 1512 N 6th Davies Anna E., wid Newton H., h 106 Walnut Davies Eleazar T., conductor, h 609 Cedar av DAVIES GUY H., ohief olerk attorney general, Capitol, h Carlisle Davies John W., gas inspector, 27 N 3d, h 127 S 3d Davies Mary E. 1\lrs., h 1618i Fulton Davies Mary E., stengr city clerk's office, h 106 Walnut Davies Rawn V., elk c..r. and S. Co., h 10n Walnut Davies William H., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h Steelton Dayie'> William J., roller, h 5:!O Curtin DAVIES WJI.LIAX T., physioian, 288 North. h do Davies \\iilliam V., telegrapher, 7i N 3d, h 106 Walnut Davis Adin G., clk. lR49 Derry, h lR53 Berryhill Davis Albert W., confectioner, h 1718 Green Davis Alice V., domestic, 426 Cranberry av Davis Alva M., saleslady, 406 Market, h 816 S Cameron Davis Amos R, watchman P. R R, h 1511 Logan av



M. KELLEY" CO.n'::':'lttaS::

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.





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Devis Amos R, jr., driver, h 1916 State Davis Augustus, carter, h 234 S 15th Davis Benjamin F., motorman, h 816 S Cameron Da"i~ Benjamin F., waiter, h 426 Cranberry av Davis Bernhart, peddler, h 512 Cowden Davis Carl W., sec. Crescent c Mulberry, h 1427 N Front Davis Carrol W., printer, h 1427 ~ Front Davis Catharine A., wid John c.. h I:J05 ~ 3d Davis Charles A., sexton, h Hi211 Logan av Davis Charles c., elk P.O., h 250 Libertv Davis Charles E., watchman P. R R, h 418 Cumberland Davis Cbarles 1\1., machinist. h 1327 Green Davis Charles W., cigars, 1305 N 3d, h do Da\is Charles \\T., teamster. It 554 Primrose av Davis Cora, domestic, 1;-Ui3 Vernon Davis David R, rol1er, h 140H State Davis D. Clinton, civil engineer. h 1613 :\Iarket Davis Edward McC.. laborer, h 2:U Savford av Davis E. Jane, wid Evan. h 1613 l\hrket Davis Eliza V., wid John. h 413 Cranberry av Da\is Emilv A .. wid David F., h 1512 Green D,ayis EYeline Mrs., h 22 N 1:1th Davis Felix M., supt transportation C. P. T. Co., h 1831 N4th Dads Frederick H . mgr, 313 S 20. h Rockville


~ Da''l'is Geurge, wait~r. h 1-:n4 X 4th
~ Davis l&I Davis Dayis Davis Davi:; Davis Davis Davis Davis l&I Davis llavis Davis Davis Davis Davis ~ Davis ~ Davis Yo! Davis !iE Davis :iii! Davis Davis ~ Davis Davis ~ Davis



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George A., bookbinder, h 25 S 4th George H., boilermkr, h ll1th nr P. & R R R George W., machinist, h 112 S 2d Hamilton A., printer, 201 ).J' 2d, h 1629 Logan av Harry fl., laborer. h 415 Pear av Harry P., ins agt, !) S 2d, h 2Wl ).J' 15th Harry S., tnlckcr, h Front c Division Harry W., machinist, h 1916 State }-farve," L., hostler, It :.i13 Verbeke Helen; cashier, 1:11111 X ad, h 1718 Green Israel, saratoga chips, 17::6 Logan av, h do Jacob, laborer, h 505 Cowden James, laborer, It 1221 N 11i Tames A., laborer, h P. R. R nr Walnut "lames G., boilermkr, h 940 S 19th James H., cigars. &t:., 2107 Greenwood, h do James W., laborer, h 741 S 21t Jane Mrs., h 50:l North av John, fireman, h 1845 Swatara John, plumber, h 19 S 4th John, waiter, h 426 Cranberry av John H., brakeman. h 325 Dauphin av John N .. barber The Commonwealth, h 418 South John W., driver, h :\'Iaclay bel 3d
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I. B. TACI} FI!'~~O~!lTT":V,,A:-..~c~,,~~R {121610rlb mUd.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 217 Davis Joseph, master mechanic P. R R, h 404 North Davis Josephine Mrs., h 143 S 3d Davis Kate L., press feeder Independent.11 1105 Cowden Davis Katie, cigar packer, h 112 Vine Davis Linneas M., dispatcher, 12 S 2d, h 309 Dauphin av Davis Lloyd, laborer, h 123 Sylvan ter Davis Mark T., estimator, h 1321 N Cameron Davis Mary A., wid Harry, h 426 Cranberry av Davis Mina c., domestic, 607 N 2d Davis Minnie, charwoman; h 709 North av Davis Royal M., laborer, h 347 Reily Davis Samuel W., laborer, h 1421 Regina Davis Sarah E., elk, 23 N 3d, h 131 Evergreen Davis William A., confectioner, h 1618 N 6th Davis William c., trucker, h Front c Division Davis William J., doubler, h 520 Curtin Davis William ]., machinist, h 15 N 15th Davis William W., stonecutter, h 418 Market Davis Winter, blacksmith, h 1114 N Cameron Davisson Samuel, laborer, h 1935 Briggs Davisson William M., laborer, h 13 N 13th Dawson Cordelia, wid John L., h 418 Reily Dawson Earnest, laborer, h 228 Mary's av Dawson Edward, laborer, h 1225 N 11i Dawson Herbert, laborer, h 1531 Vernon


11 PI I

MILLER BROS. cl BAKER~":=i~b~~:'~~

Dawson Kate A. Mrs., dressmkr, 1539i N 5th, h do Dawson Samuel, laborer, h 326 N 15th . Dawson Walter R., pipe roller, h 143 N 4th Dawson William, elk Banking Dept, 716 State, h 804 N 6th Day Cnristian H., helper, h 1815 Wood av Day Claude S., shoecutter, h 516 Walnut Day Frederick W., engineer, h 324 S Court av Day Guy,, h 1422 N 6th Day Harry c., foreman, h 1638 N 5th Day Lida, cook, h 210 Mary's av Dazely William, elk, 6i N 2d, h Penbrook Deabler Alaria, wid George, h 1:138 N 7th Deacon George P., mgr, 19 N 3d, h 1834 Derry Deal George W., engineer, h 2108 1\ 6th Deal Reuben, fireman The Lochiel, h do Dean Albert c., stenographer P. R R depot, h 351 S 13th Dean Cassius M., shoemkr, h 613 Showers av Dean Catharine, teacher, h 931 N 2d Dean Charles W., laborer, h 113 N Summit Dean Edmund, h 616 Church av Dean Erastus F., watchman, h 1942 Derry Dean Frank, laborer, h 1411 N 11i Dean George A., laborer, h 1280 S Cameron Dean Harrison L., watchman, h 665 Briggs Dean Harry, engineer, h 409 N 5th

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'f.


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1&1 .J 1&1

Dean James L., elk, h 613 Showers av Dean James R, shoemkr, h 1219 N Cameron Dean James 'V., meat, J\1ulberry c Prune av, h 1247 Mulberry Dean Jas. W., shoemkr, 1008! Market, h 535 N Cameron Dean John A., laborer, h 611 Cumberland Dean John H., shoemkr, 207 Verbeke, h do Dean Joseph F., blacksmith, h 933 N 2d Dean Katharine, teacher, h 933 N 2d Dean Mary, wid Christian, h 126 Mulberry Dean Koel, machinist, h 126 Mulberry Dean Rosa Mrs., dressmkr, 802 N 6th, h do Dean Samuel c., U. S. A., h 613 Showers av Dean Samuel T., waiter, h 313 Blackberry av Dean Sarah A. Mrs., h 1228 Bartine a v Dean Thomas. piler, h 1280 S Cameron Dean, see Deen, also Doehne Deaner Philip S., conductor, h 146 S 3d Deaner Samuel E., conductor, h 1812 N 6th Deanis John, laborer, h 1215 Apple av Deanis Peter, laborer, h 1215 Apple av Deardorf Bruce S., postal elk. h 19 K 4th Deardorf Irwin, presser, h 512 Maelay Deardorf John F., postal elk, h 142 N 13th Deardorf Samuel G., repairsman, h 919 S 201_ _ __

IaJ nl G1DOn~ 000 Trust CO. "C-,{ ~== ~-=- }~~ ~.

(,) Deardorff Ada, domestic, 1306 N 3d
Deardorff Lewis. brakeman, h 1821 N Camf't'nn Deardorff Rebecca Mrs., h 271 Hamilton Dearing Alexander, laborer, h 414 'Vest av Dearing Ellwood, student, h 414 West av Dearing Ernest, laborer, h 7 Haehnlen av DeBell George W., salesman, h 453 S 13th DeBell G. Irving, student, h 453 S 13th De Berard Wolford W., civil eng. 27 S 2d, h 1836! Derry DeCarlton Lillie H., dressmkr, h 221 Briggs DeCarlton Margaret H., dressmkr, h 221 Briggs DeCarlton Sarah, wid Lewis, h 221 Briggs Decevee Alice K., wid Edwin J., h 607 N 2d DECEVEE EDWIN 1., conservatol'f of music, 07 N Sd, h do Dechant Jacob, foreman, h 203 Mnench Deckard Lottie, domestic, 621 Harris Decker Annie l\1rs., domestic, 422 :\Iarket Decker Annie c., wid Peter A .. h l:ns Fulton Decker Edward, laborer. h :U3 Verbeke Decker Jacob, broker, h 15 S :!<1 Decker Sarah A. 1\1rs., ice cream. l!l37 ~ lith. h 2112 do Deckert George \V .. motorman, h nail! \\'ood av Deckert William H., helper, h 313 Verbeke Deckman Frank, laborer. h 12~fi S Cameron Deeds Joseph. peddler, h 11:'> \Vashington

The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for Ibe HO~~i~Z~!~Y~O~~e8k

A B TACK} . .tIICirt IIIIClllllurellt. Work douetu

All)' pan of IliaIe.

N." . .


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Deen Carl K., salesman, 615 \Valnut, h 226 Forster ~. Deen Darwin c., elk P. R. R. depot, h 430 Boas ~. Deen D. Edwin, elk, h 4;~O Boas Deen J ra J., painter, h 2122 N 6th Deen Jacob H., engineer, h 533 Filbert Ci Deen John c., draftsman, h 2122 N lith ~ Deen :\lyrtle L., milliner, h 2122 X 6th l;. Deen Robert A., engineer, h 2122 N 6th ~ Deen William 1\., laborer, h 624 Calder . en Deen, see Dean, also Doehne -+ Deering Archie, laborer, h 163 Indian av i: Dees Edward B., bricklayer, h 18 Aberdeen av ~. Deeter Frank E., salesman, 110 S 2d. h 137 Hoerner ::zI Deeter George E., salesman, h 1:l9 Hoerner Deeter J. Xewton, (Deeter & Sherlock), h :'IItchanksburg c::II Deeter & Sherlock, (J. Xewton Deeter and Daviu G. Sher- K lock), engines, &c., 36 N 2d iii Defibaugh Chester, laborer, h 1440 Zarker G;. Defibaugh David F., blacksmith, h HlO5 North ;e:. Defibaugh George, baker, h 17113 Green ~ Defibaugh Roy l~., pressman Independent. h 1440 Zarker Defibaugh Watson c., carpenter, h 1440 Zarker :. DeGrant Wm. L., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 1725 N 3d Degray John, h 31 N 2d DeHart Clarence E., salesman, 3::J4 l'.Iarket, h 9!l9 S 19th l>






r:;~-=:.o;.} Harrlsburt SaYings ~d_~~an Assn., ~a::= ~: DeHart David, basketmkr, h 2 Lochiel 1st Row l> DeHart Edwin E., fireman, h 413 S 16th :D' DeHart Edwin E., nailer, h 818 S Cameron C. DeHart Elmer E., grocer, 501 Muench, h do DeHart George D., laborer, h 121 Mary's av O. DeHart Grafton F., driver, h Hm Linden DeHart Jennie L., cigarmkr, h mm S 19th
DeHart John D., laborer, h 121 ~Iary's av DeHart John W., nailer, h 822 S Cameron DeHart Margaret, cigarmkr, h 818 S Cameron DeHart Mary E., cigar roller, h 413 S 16th DeHart Milton R., engineer, h 1933 N 4tlh DeHart William E., heater, h 939 S 19th DeHart William F., nailer, h 818 S Cameron DeHart William T., molder, h 327 Crescent DeHaven E. Jernie, candymkr, h 252 Liberty DeHaven Esther M., charwoman, h 252 Liberty DeHaven George P., patternmkr, h 252 Liberty DeHaven Isabella, h 109 South DeHaven Sarah, wid Frederick H., h 929 N 3d DeHaven William A., elk, 909 N 3d, h 92.1 do DeHaven William H., woodturner, h 252 Liberty Dehner Albitine, housekeeper, 910 Capital Dehner Otto, brewmaster, 320 Forster, h 910 Capital Deibler Bertha M., cigarmkr. h 1117 Grape av Deibler Edna, waitress, 23 S 2d




a.;;;;;;oJ1,!..~'!~c: WeiCht} H. II. KELLEY" CO. ~ 1~~::'.:"'=!L


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ Deibler Harry D., laborer, h 1117 Grape av


Deibler Francis D., driver, h 1117 Grape av







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Deitch Celia, domestic, 600 K 3d Deitz, see Deets, also Dietz ~ Deitzel Charles, cooper, h 241 Crescent !! Deitzel Emma C. Mrs., h 824 James av .&&,I :z: Deitzler Amanda, wid Philip M., h ao S Cameron ~ Deitzler Kate E., h 30 S Cameron Deitzler Martin L. Rev., h 6a1 S Front ~ Deitzler Ruth E., cigar roHer, h 631 S Front b.I Delancey Michael, stonecutter, h 1024 Market Delaney Charles H., elk, h 500 N 3d DeLaney Edward R., flagman, h 946 N 7th Delaney George B., potter, h 648 Calder pelaney James K., elk sec Commonwealth, h 713 Capital DELANEY 10HN C., factory inspector, 2115 Walnut, h GOO N3d Delaney John M., teller Hbg Trust Co., h 221 N 2d Delaney LeRoy B., student, h 500 N 3d Delanter John E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Delaughter William, hostler, h Margaret nr Calder :r.tERCANTlLE CO., (Harvard C. Zaohariu), 1&1 DELAWARE Harrisburg National Bank bldg, 14 S 2d room 28 DeLay Roger, laborer, h 3 Lochiel 1st Row Dell Isabella, wid Henry, h 127 S 3d Dell Willia~l H., foreman gas works, h 127 S 3d

c:. Deiss 'William, druggist, 4th c Walnut, h 920 N 2<1 ;IE



en :: -

Deibler Mabel, waitress, 23 S 2d Deichler Emma J. Mrs., h 1309 N 3d Deichler Mary 11., housekeeper, 1309 K 3d Deihl August P., brakeman, h 2141 X 4th Deihl Catharine, wid Samuel B., h 52 N 10th Deihl Frank E., teacher, h 1a:-J6 State DEIHL GEORGE A., grocer, 1800 Regina, h do Deihl Harriet, wid Aaron, h :WS Charles av Deilhl John D., detective, h 404 Forster Deihl R. Irving, elk East End Bank, h 1600 Regina Deihl, see Diehl Deiker Ella R., saleslady, 3.14 Market. h 404 Chestnut Deiker George W., elk, '114 S 2d. h 1249 Market Deiker John S .. bartender, 404 Ou'stnut, h 90:~ S :W~ Deiker Marie E. Mrs., hotel, 404 Chestnut, h do Deimler Olh'er, painter, h 18:~2 Derry Deimler Philip H., painter, h 1615 Penn Deimler Raymond, painter, h 1S:~2 Derry Deimler Riohard R., painter, lS30 Derry, h do Deininger James c., elk sec Commonwealth, h 20 N 4th Deisroth George \V., rougher, h 141 Hanna Deisroth Martin C, roller, h H42 Paxton Deiss Anna E., h 020 X 2d




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Rldmond's Wagon Works {:~idi':.'f:.!;~:..n:} 3d ami Rilly StS. by Google


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Deller George, steam fitter, h 523 Race en Deller John, steam fitter, h 521 Race Dellinger Andrew S., train despatcher P. R. R., h 13:!1 Kittatinny Dellinger Emma Mrs., janitress, h 1708 Fulton Dellinger Henry K., coachmkr, h 1621 Swatara Dellinger John S., driver, h Hamilton ab 3d Dellinger Margaret, stripper, h 1621 Swatara Dellinger Mary, domestic, 607 t umberland Dellone Andrew J., lineman, h 1101 Cowden Dellone Louis, h 920 N 3d Dellone Louis S., student, h 920 N 3d Delmont Harry D., asst supt, 203 Walnut, h 313 Chestnut Delp Ailen K., bookkpr, 26 Grace av, h 111 N 4th Delvey Arthur M., salesman, h 2014 N 3d Demain Edw. R., weather bureau, P. O. bldg, h 308 N 2d Demay David B., laborer, h 1470 Regina Demay Oscar \'1., laborer, h 1470 Regina Demery Thomas R., (Hbg Engraving Co.), h 1645 Market Deming John H., conductor, h 507 Muench Demma Joseph, fruit, h 232 Cherry av DElIDIING BJUi.TA.IN W., chief clerk Adjutant General's Dept, 716 State, h 1162 Mulberry



DEKKING HENRY C. COL., verbatim reporter, geologist, :: mineralogist and chemist, 15 and 17 N 3d (3d and 4th loon), h 1152 lIulberry ~ Demming Viola M., teacher, h 1152 Mulberry F Demmy David S., postal elk, h 31 N 16th Demmy Edward F., carpenter, h 62 N 12th Demmy Jeremiah, h 1458 Market Demmy John L., laborer, h 2008 Penn Demmy Kate A., h 1621 Park Demmy Lavina, housekeeper, 254 North Democratic State Headquarters, 1 S 3d DeMoss Benjamin F., helper, h 25 Lochiel 3d Row Dempsey Bridget A., wid Andrew, h 607 North Dempsey Catharine, cigarmkr, h 607 North Dempsey James A., ironworker, h 607 North Dempsey John,laborer, h 607 North Dempsey Mary A., lacquerer, h 607 North Dempsey Peter M., ironworker, h 607 North Dempsey Thomas A., laborer, h 502 Cowden Demus Margaret Mrs., h 1416 K 4th Denehey William P., jeweler, 206 Market, h 107 Reily Denehey Wm. R., asst chief elk P. R. R., h 1423 N Front Denevan Jeremiah, laborer, h 701 State Dengler Lydia, domestic Hershey House Dengler Martin, puddler, h 1016 S Cameron Denk Harry, plasterer, h 1247 Centre av Denk Maggie Mrs., h 1247 Centre av
No 1230 STREET

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&. BUTLER PH"-~ , Pl


McNeil's Pain Extlrmlnator ~I~~~:e =~~~ls {808 ~~

222 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Denk William, laborer, h 1253 Centre av Dcnnee Alexander \V., barber, 430 Market, h 100 N 10th Denney .CIiftOll S., roller, h 556 Race Denney Washington 1., machinist, h 1200 Derry Dennie Mary J. Mrs., dressmkr, 223 Meadow la, h do Dennin Bernard J., driver, h 1407 William Dennin Edward L., cigarmkr, h 1407 William Dennis Charles H., janitor, h 1413 Regina Dennis Estella G., book folder, h 1413 Regina Dennis Gertrude, nurse, h 1715 N 2d Dennis Mary, domestic, 23 N Front Dennis Percy, elk, h 1413 Regina Denny Jehu D., fireman, h 1000 S 9th Denny L. Willis, messenger Payne & Co., h 445 State Dent James E., laborer, h 108 Christie's av Dent William, laborer, h 108 Christie's av Deppen Irvin E., elk, 1801 N 6th, h 1734 Elizabeth av Deppen William H., elk, 1801 N 6th, h do DePuy Pearson W., machinist, h 528 North DePuy Thomas E., patternmkr, h 1530 N 6th Derick Benjamin F., repairsman, h 1735 N 5th Derick Christian, machinist, h 1202 N Cameron Derick Joseph 1\1. H., car inspector, h 664 Woodbine Derick Samuel H., flagman, h 639 Woodbine Derickson John c., electrician, h 156 Sylvan ter
nnE IIAbin AID '1'1' CD. { ..... &11II1II.," ..... E_..... 1nll } , .., fall . . . . . -tf If Wldll "'11IIa


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Derickson William W., baggagemaster, h 156 Sylvan ter Derland Chas. L., elk Dept Int Affairs, h Boiling Springs Derosa Emma, wid Antoine, h 107 S River av Derr Anthony L., ticket examiner P. R. R., h 224 Forster Derr Catharine, wid Anthony, h 1122 N 2d Derr Josephine, h 1122 N 2d Derr L. Franklin, brakeman, h 2151 Atlas av Derring Archibald, laborer, h 163 Indian av Derry Coal and Coke Co., A. S. McCreath, sec, 121 Market Derstine George H., hostler, h 1308 N 6th DeSantis Gcnnarino, shoemkr, 210 S 2d, h 345 S River av Deshong Edward A., elk, 1402 N 3d, h 1633 N 4th DeSHONG lOES B., mgr, 1601 N 3d, h 40 Deshong John c., fireman, h 1724 Penn DeSilvey !\files A .. engine oiler, h fi:n Hamilton Desper Arthur, laborer, h 9th bel Paxton Dessanno Edward ]., laborer, h 605 South av Dessell Jeanne, student, h 207 Calcler Dessher Herman, agt, h 502 N 3d Determan Marv, domestic, 206 ~Talnut Dettling Amos; steelworker, h 1014 Hemlock Dettling Annie, stitcher, h 1600 Walnut Dettling August, bartender, h 1013 SlOth Dettling Clayton. molder, h 1937 State Dettling Edward, laborer, h 1013 SlOth

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
223 Dettling Elmer, driver, h 1600 Walnut Dettling Harry, painter, h 11)1:3 SlOth Dettling John, laborer, h 613 Race Dettling John, jr., asst, 524 Race, h 1014 Hemlock Dettling Joseph, blacksmith, h 1oI:!4 S Cameron Dettling Levi, molder, h 161H. \Valnut Dettling Peter, carpenter, h HiOO Walnut Dettling Saralh, h 1014 Hemlock Detweiler Abbey, domestic, It-l~5 Bailey Detweiler Bertha M. Mrs., stenographer, 321 Market, h Middletown DETWEILER IlEADE D., lawyer, 18 .. 3d, h 23 S Front Detweiler R. L. & Co., (R. L. Detweiler), stables, 35 S 4th Detweiler Robert L., (R. L. Detweiler & Co.), h Oberlin Detweiler Samuel, h 123 S 2d Detweiler Welles W., elk, h 123 S 2d Detwiler George, laborer, h 38 N 12th Detwiler George Rev., steward, 1185 Bailey, oil do Detwiler Hattie Mrs., matron, 1185 Bailey, h do Devan William, coachman, h Za2 N Court av DeVenney John C, physician, 1115 :N 2<1, h do DeVenney Samuel C, contractor, h 62;3 S Front Devennie Robert, driver, h 171 Indian av Devine Agnes, wid Patrick, h 615 Herr Devine Elizabeth, forelady, h 615 Herr


Devine James B., helper, h 110 Linden Devine John C, h 615 Herr Devine Laura Mrs., h 6th beyond limits Devine Mary, picker, h 615 Herr N Devine Thomas J . foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 1635 Market J> Devor Clara, weaver, h 1320 N 4th Devor Harry C, grocer, 224 Kelker, h do Devor Mary S., wid Edwin, h 1926 N 6th J> Devour George S., laborer, h 1124 Cumberland DeVout Anson S., bookkpr, 7th c North, h 1220 Chestnut DeVout Bartholomew B., car inspector, h 208 Hummel DeVout Carrie L., bookkpr, 813 Market, h 208 Hummel J> DeWald Rose C, stengr Dept Int Affairs, h 226 State Dewalt Catharine E., domestic, 6an Walnut Dewalt Charles, bridge builder, h Walnut c Linn Dewalt Dehlia :Mrs., h 19th nr Derry I: DeWalt Elmer, laborer, h 1!41 Swatara a DeWalt Harvey E., mgr United Ice and Coal Co., h 120 ~ Calder ~ Dewalt John S., engineer, h 905 S 20t DeWees Algie B. C, stenographer, 4 N 3d, h 218 Verbeke &. DeWees J. Milton, engineer, h 218 Verbeke DeWees William L., gateman P. R. R., h 512 Market Df'wey Edwin c., asst cash State Treasury, h 1523 Green

-------------------- < J> -=-'=:'fD}Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn.{~= :u Devine Francis A., wiper, h (n5 Ht'rr C







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R!:rH. I. KELLEY" CO'S ~an:=O:::':.~{,l..--:.a:.... ':.

224 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
~ Dewhirst Abraham ]., cigarmkr, h 107 South ;:: Dewhirst Anna E., stenographer, 4 N 3d, h 107 South ~ Dewhirst Elizabeth A., wid Stephen, h 107 South 1= DeWitt Joseph, glazier, h 1641 Susquehanna c Diamond Chemical Co., C. R. Weills, mgr, 1802 N 4th _ Dibeler Demas H., engineer, h 11131 N 4th a.. Dibeler George "V., conductor, h 624 Harris ~ Dibeler Joseph 1\., brakeman, h 1836 Fulton g: Dibeler Percy, coremkr, h 19:n N 4th Q Dice Charles A., driver, h 13113 Fulton _ Dice Jennie, wid George, h 1303 Fulton C Dice Wesley, brakeman, h 653 Dauphin ~ Dichert Harry, postal elk, h 406 Briggs Dick John L., watchman C. V. R. R., h 116 Mulberry ~ ..0 Dick Nanc)" h lIS5 Bailey f5 Dick Regina c., housekeeper, 116 Mulberry ~ Dickert Charles S., laborer, h 237 S 14th !:. Dickert Harry B.. dining rooms, 19 S 2d, h do __ Dickert Marian, waitress, 19 S 2d 1&1 Dickey Charles A., laborer, h 539 Race 1- Dickey Charles F., assessor, h 1217 N lli 1- Dickey Clarence, baker, h 640 Walnut ..... Dickey Edward T., huckster, h 1117 Plum av Dickey Emma N., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 1117 Grand



Z G 0 R GAS} FAIR PRICED DRU881S1 {16 I. 3d SL

Dickey Esther M., operator, h 311 Hamilton Dickey G. Calvin, painter, h 1411 N Cameron Dickey George, cigarmkr, h 118 Nagle Dickey Harry L., foreman, h 1309 S Cameron 1&1 Dickey Henry H., laborer, h 51 Balm Dickey John L., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h 233 S 2d Dickey John L., painter, h 170 N 15th Dickey Mabel B., seamstress, h 311 Hamilton Dickey Mary J., wid Samuel, h 233 S 2d Z.. Dickey Maude S., bunchmkr, h 233 S 2d CI Dickey Robert 1\1., molder, h 311 Hamilton Dickey Ross R., elk P. R. R., h 311 Hamilton Dickev Rov E., electrician, h 1117 Plum av III Dickey Wiiliam H., collector, h 170 N 15th 0" Dickinson Bayard T., register, Court House, h Steelton Z.!: Dickinson Ernest, laborer, h 1120 Hickorv av CJ: DICKINSON 1. EDWARD, physician, 230 S 2d, h 40; o81ce IIhours, until 9 a.' m., 1 to 3 and 8 to 8 p. m. lJ: Dickinson Lawrence, tin roller, h 218 S 2d Dickinson Lewis, laborer, h 47 Lochiel 4th Row ZI Dickinson William, laborer, h 1120 Hickory av -Z Dickman Theodore, boat builder, h 1220 Bailey Dickman William, salesman, h 1803 N 2d I: Dickson Alexander, helper, h 1073 S 9th 'to- Dickson Alexander, jr" molder, h 1073 S 9th



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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directo1'1. 225 l: Dickson Ira L, postal elk, h 1015 Market J> Dickson Marshall, barber, 512 Market, h 702 N 7th Dickson William M., molder, h 1073 S 9th Dickson, see Dixon Diebold Irene, seamstress, h 435 Strawberry av UJ Diehl Catharine, h 1185 Bailey DIEHL CLABX E., mgr Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. and supt l: Fire Alann and Police Patrol Telegraph, h 2215 Brigg. C) Diehl Edward c., carpenter, h 634 Delaware av Diehl Ethel, elk, 7i N 3d, h 225 Briggs l: Diehl John A., laborer, h ]803 Green I Diehl John W., elk, 1308 N 3d, h 273 Herr C) Diehl Luther S., engineer, h 1803 Green lJ Diehl Sevilla, wid Jackson, h 1528 Walnut J> Diehl, see Deihl Diener John M., conductor, h 164 N 15th C DIENER PETER G., jeweler and optician, 410 Jlarket, h PI 1226 do see adv Diener Robert E., machinist, h 329 S 14th Dieter Henry W., laborer, h H!l5 S ~lst J> DIETRICH ALBERT B., confectioner and caterer, 1011 .. 3d ." and 2215 Ilarket, h 1013 .. 3d PI Dietrich Annie S. Mrs., boarding, 10'22 Green, h do Dietrich Vrallk P., carpenter, h 2018 Briggs Dietrich George W., car illspector,h 2018 Briggs




Dietrich Walter E., mgr, 720 South, h 1616 Green Dietz Frederick S., postal clerk, h 27 N 13th Dietz George S., brakeman, h 1945 N 6th Dietz, see Deets, also Deitz Diffenderfer Carrie ]., wid William H., h 1711 Green Diffenderfer Charles B., machinist, h 1630 Wallace Diffenderfer Clarence E., laborer, h 1711 Green Diffenderfer Frank W., templetmkr, h 1719 Susq av Diffenderfer George L, blacksmitlh, h 180.'l Penn Diffenderfer George T., laborer, h Ul26 Fulton Diffenderfer Mary Mrs., h 609 North Diffenderfer Mildred c., housekeeper, 1130 N 6th Diggs Albert, laborer, h 1203 N 11i Diggs Charles, waiter, h 511 North av Dile Mary, domestic, 116 Pine Dill Annie, laundress, h 1325 Penn

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Jeweler and Optician ,


No. 410 Marhet Street, -

Harrisburg, Pa.





CLARK'S ::r.'i'~ Drug and Patlnt Medicine Storl{s::':~~

226 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

. . Dill George \V., brakeman, h 1426 Wyeth av Dill Harry A., elk, 411~ ~Iarket, h 1)10 Briggs ~ Dill Irvin W., (1. W. Dill Carriage and Automobile Works ... and Harrisburg Rubber Tin: Works), h :~no Crescent . ; DILL I. W. CARRIAGE AND AUTOllOBILE WOllXS, (I. W. ;& Dill), carriages aud automobiles, Mulberry Dr Cresoent ~ Dill Thomas J., sand flatter, h 12 Lochiel 1st Row S Dill William, draftsman, h 123 Pine ..; Dill William F., riverman, h 18:?7 N 5th ~ Dillen Edward D., conductor, h 1930 N7th Diller Benjamin E., elk, 4(Jl Chestnut, h Camp Hill Diller Benjamin P., carpenter, h 1131 N 6th Diller Jennie, domestic, 612 N Front Diller ~ewton \V., laborer, h !til5 Green 2: Diller Roy S., elk P. R. R., h Hil5 Green Dillman Allen, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Dillman Joseph, laborer, h 1213 Swatara , . Dillon Edward, cooper, h 1221 S 9th !! Dillsworth Fannie, wid ~Iarshall, h 514 ~orth av Dime Saving Receipt Co., (Doorly & Co.), trading stamps.. 215 Chestnut DDiE SAVINGS FUND, lames McCormick, treas, 223 Market 1&1 Dimm Lewis G., grocer, 345 ~fuench, h 344 do ~ Dimm Minnie B., domestic, 16 N 4th Dimm T. Benton, repairsman, h 508 Woodbine




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Dinelli Charles J., janitor, 16 N 2d, h 321 Strawberry av Dinger Anna, wid George, h 1418 Penn Dinger Anna :\'1., dressmkr, h 106 Cherry av Dinger Anna IV1., wid John G., h lOti Chery av Dinger Annie, saleslady, 36 ~ 3d, h 1510 Penn Dinger Frederick W., bricklayer, h 12~4 N Front Dinger George B., engineer, h 1510 Penn Dinger James B., bricklayer, h 1332 N Front Dinger James F., hostler, h 1510 Penn Dinger John A., frog builder, h 416 S River av Dinger John H., bricklayer, h 1321 N 2d Dinsmore Annie B., hottsekeeper, 212 N 3d Dintaman Anna E., weaver, h 1122 N" Front Dintaman Arlanda P., patternmkr, h 1122 N Front Dintaman Harvey, engineer, h 1220 Cowden Dintaman Jolm, driver, 3.'30 Verbeke, h 1220 Cowden Dintaman Joseph, engineer, h 1122 N 6th Dipner Charles D., elk, h 207 Kelker DIRECTORS OF THE POOR, Court House DIRECTORY OFFICE, (BOYD'S), room 7, 32 .. 3d Disbrow Charles A., pres, 17th c Derry, mgr Hbg Shoe Mfg Co., h 1815 ~ Front Disney Benjamin F., laborer, h 111 Ann av Disney ~lae L. E., copy holder Patriot, h 1236 Walnut Dissinger Bessie V., vamper, h :n2 Clinton av

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- Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Dissinger Daniel M., conductor, h 230 Peffer Dissinger Edward W., brakeman, h 2158 N 7th Dissinger Jos. M., telegrapher P. R R, h 620 Delaware av Ditlow Blanche, shoe operator, h 17 Linden Ditlow J olm, railroader, h 120 Chestnut < Ditlow Lizzie, domestic, 124 'Walnut "' Ditlow Maggie, wid David M., h 17 Linden all c: Ditmer Annie, wid Daniel, h 611 S Front Ditmer Elizabeth Mrs., boarding, 1205 Chestnut, h do ii Ditmer George, grocer, 1730 N .3d, h do CD Ditmer George M., paperhanger, h 611 S Front Ditmer Harry G., mattressmkr, h 2000 Penn Ditmer Jacob W., laborer, h 1205 Chestnut Ditmer John H., fireman, h 1721 N 7th Ditmer Mary R., seamstress. h 1205 Chestnut Ditmer William H., painter, h 208 Verbeke Ditty Bessie, cigar roller, h 819 SlOth Dival Ella R, h 1215 Swatara Divel Frederick W., huckster, h 917 S 201 Divel Joseph H., laborer, h 911 S 201 Divel Samuel, laborer, h 911 S 20} Divel Thomas, laborer, h 605 Showers av Diveley David M., painter, h 1209 N Cameron Diveley Isabella, wid William c., h 1131 N Cameron Diveley William W., laborer, h 1131 N Cameron

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Diven Diven Diven Diven Dives

SaYings and Loan Assn.{:=

Edward B., elk Dept Int Affairs, h 21 S 3d James R, h 722 Capital Jessie, shoe operator, h 26 Linden Joseph A., car inspector, h 427 S 17th Josiah, (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart), h Reading, Pa. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART, (Josiah Dives and George S. Pomeroy), "Great Department Stores," 332 to 340 lrtarket and 2 to 12 N 4th Dixon Annie M., domestic, 638 Briggs Dixon Eveline, seamstress, h 219 Meadow la Dixon Georgiana, charwoman, h 1418 Marion Dixon Henry S., watchman, 6 S 2d, h 219 Meadow la Dixon James, laborer, h 523 Brown av Dixon Maria, wid William, h 1418 IVlarion Dixon Marshall, harber, 512 Market, h 702 N 7th Dixon Mary, domestic, 27 Lochiel3d Row Dixon Oscar, hostler, h 118 Strawberry av Dixon Reuben, laborer, h 157 Indian av Dixon Robert, laborer. h 1605 Elm Dixon Ruth, h 326 Cherry av Dixon Simeon Rev . h 108 Short Dixon William, laborer, h 638 Briggs Dixon William H., laborer, h P. R. R nr Walnut Dixon, William T., laborer, h 349 Reily Dixon, see Dickson


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H. M. KELLEY" CO.}l:ces. ~-:.r..~'Tt!:}COAL AID WOOD

Doan Bessie E., cigar packer, h 224 S 15th Doan George, bricklayer, h 264 Oliver av Doan John E., puddler, h 1217 S 9th ~ Doan Margaret, cigar packer, h 224 S 15th a:: Doan Sadie, wid William F., h 1423 N 6th Doan Samuel V., puddler, h 1217 S 9th Doan Vincent, laborer, h 1217 S 9th Dobson George M., engineer, h 1338 N 6th : ; Dock Clara S., wid George, h 223 N Front Dock Emily G., h 1427 N Front en Dock Jacob B., policeman Capitol, h 236 Hummel Dockey Charles M., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 132 Balm Dodge George D., elk, 19 N 3d, h 25 N Cameron Dodge Harry c., hatter and furrier, 19 N 3d, h 25 N Cameron III Dodge Stanton W., fruit, 1014 Market, h 25 N Cameron Dodge Susan, \\;d Andrew, h 1:~2 Verbeke Dodge Susan, wid Harrv, h 25 N Cameron Doede Harry F., fireman, h 5th ab Harris III Doehne Char If's A., brewmaster, h 322 Chestnut DOEHNE GEORGE, brewer, 29 S Dewberry av; bottler, 28 do, h 322 Chestnut Z Doehne George L., bookkpr, 29 S Dewberry av, h 27 Evergreen Doehne, see Dean, also Deen

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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Doelker Addie, wid George W., h 1320 Green Doe1ker Charles E., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1:120 Green Doherty Robert M., machinist, h 521 Camp Dohner Emma, seamstress, Z.!1 :Market, h Hummelstown Dohoney Annie, h 623 Forster Dohoney Dennis P., driver, h 619 Forster Dohoney Edwaru, molder, h 704 East DOHONEY 10HN P., county commissioner, Court HOUle, h 1110 N 2d Dohoney Margaret, wid Patrick, h 619 Forster Dohoney Thomas, h 623 Forster Dohoney Thomas, jr., molder, h 62:1 Forster Dolan Arthur, puddler, h 12tH S lath Dolan Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 117 South Dolbin George, carpenter,/h 565 Forrest Dolbin Goodman, carpenter, h 2119 Moore Dolbin \Villiam, car repairer, h t410 N 6th Dolby Harry]., fireman, h 427 Maclav DOLD lACOB PACKING CO., George Katz, mgr, pork and beef, 317 Chestnut Doleman James, laborer, h r 110 Filbert Doleman John. laborer, h 1176 S Cameron Doleman i\lilford, laborer, h 517 State Doll Albert, laborer, h S17 M vrtle av Doll Charles I.. car repairer, 11 2012 Briggs



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A. B. TACK}Wall Papar and Window Shadu{~::';~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Doll Susan, wid Samuel, h 1830 North Doll William H., laborer, h 1830 North Doll, see Dull Dollar John, janitor, 'h 1715 N 3d Dolson Mae, book folder, 10th bel Market, h Steelton Dominko Antonio, peddler, h 637 Forster Dominico Banomo, laborer, h 2 Paxton Furnace Row Donache Samuel R., engineer, h 1806 Penn Donahue Charles W., motorman, h 1124 l\.farket . Donahue George, baker, h 1512 Derry Donaldson Jenni.e B., h 2005 N 3d Donaldson Joseph c., painter, h 1730 Wood av . Donaldson Sarah A., wid George A., h 1730 Wood av Donaldson William M., (Johnston & Co.), h 2005 N 3d Donbaugh Benjamin, cooper, h r 4:l4 S td Donbaugh Martin, cooper, h 218 S River av Donbaugh William, laborer, h 218 River av Donecker Blanche, housekeeper. 189 N 15th Donecker William, laborer, h 239 State Donecker William H., telegrapher, h 189 N 15th Donleay Ida, seamstress, h Susquehanna ab Harris Donley John W., steelworker, h 247 Crescent Donnelly Catharine, wid Patrick, h 1:l20 Susquehanna Donnelly James F., brakeman. h 456 Cumberland Donnelly John M., telegrapher, h 1225 N 3d

f =-

Donnelly John T., laborer, h 1:l20 Susquehanna Donnelly Mary c., domestic, 108 N 2d Donnelly William, brakeman, h 1001 Berryhill Donner Frederick W., h 430 Herr Douohoe Annie M., boxmkr, h 504 Cowden Donohoe David W., brakeman, h lIn1 Moltke av Donohoe Isabel, wid Thomas, h 504 Cowden Donohoe Joseph, machinist, h 805 N 3d Donohoe William J., barber, h :;114 Cowden Donohue James A., laborer, h 13111 Wallace Donohue John E., laborer, h 1~no \Vallace Donovan Daniel A., engineer, h H):.!8 N 5th Donson Lillie M., saleslady, 334 :Market, h 1252 Walnut Donson Lydia, wid John, h 1252 Walnut Doorly Frederick c., (Doorly & Co.), h 215 Chestnut DOORLY & CO . (F. C. Doorly), Dime Saving Receipt Co., trading stamps, 215 Chestnut Doran Thomall, laborer, h Hl~{) S Cameron Dvrman Isaiah, laborer. h 12:11) N Hi Dorman Samuel c., fireman, h :339 Granite av Dorn Effie V., music teacher, 1414 Derry, h do Dorn George ~L, barber. 3 S 4th, h 1414 Derry Dornbach Alice S., stengr, 36 N 3d, h Mechanicsburg . Dombach Edwin F., draftsman F. and M. Works, h 2104 N 4th



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lelall's ComplaxlaD Pills :.~~~~-=-,.J!: 306 Braad

230 Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.
_ Dorsey Arthur, laborer. h 804 Capital ;:;; Dorsey Bessie, domestic, 5L4 South ... Dorsey Qifford, laborer, h 123,1 N Hi "C.= Dorsey Edward, laborer, h 1227 N 11i Dorsey Frank, laborer, h 1408 :\larion 'II Dorsey George, brakeman, h 342 Hamilton .II Dorsey Harry, hostler, h 120 Mary's av Dorsey Horace, laborer, h 1034 S Cameron Dorsey Isaac H. Rev., h 1238 Cowden Dorsey John, shearsman, h 1034 S Cameron Dorsey Mary S. Mrs., laundress, h 511 South Dorsey Samuel, laborer, h 115 S River av :: Dorsey Samuel W., laborer, h 512 Strawberry av Dorsey Tyson, laborer, h r 1322 MarioH Dorsev William E., butler, 20~ Pine ~ Dorty' Edgar S., salesman, 15 S 2d, h 242 Hummel Dorwart James c., machinist, h 211 Hamilton Dorwart John S., blacksmith, h 579 S Front II) Dorwart John S., jr., warehouseman, h 579 S Front Dorwart Joseph B., laborer. h 1512 Drummond av Dorwart Mamie c., milliner, 334 Market, h 1739 N 6th Dorwart Paul J., elk. 1402 N 3d. h 211 Hamilton Dorwart William A., machinist, h 1739 O Dosey Elizabeth, domestic, 514 South N 6th ~ ..... Dostman Catharine, wid Jonas, h 619 North


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JblOronlJ ODd TlllSI CO. If=,~ {--=:='..":~~=' U::.: ~

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Dostman George, laborer, h 2013 Swatara Dottrow Harry c., flagman, h 1424 Wyeth av Douchterman Flora, tobacco stripper, h 450 Cumberland Dougherty Alexander, boilermkr, h 42 Linden Dougherty Andrew, laborer, h 1001 Cumberland Dougherty Annie. domestic, 1108 Market Dougherty Daniel A., steelworker, h 133 S 2d Dougherty David P., laborer, h 1412 S 13th Dougherty Edward, laborer, h 1824 N Cameron Dougherty Ellen, cook, 212 State Dougherty Emma, forelady, h 1321 Green Dougherty Howard, engineer, h 1717 Green Dougherty Hugh A., laborer, h 624 Walnut Dougherty James, fireman State Treasury, h 623 Briggs Dougherty James F., foreman, h 1412 S 13th Dougherty John, huckster, h 1731 N 7th Dougherty John, puddler, h 767 S 19th Dougherty John E., stengr C. 1. and S. Co., h 1412 S 13th ~ Dougherty John P., shoes, 318 Verbeke, h do ~ Dougherty Levi, driver, h 1950 Swatara Dougherty Mary, domestic The Lochiel Dougherty Mary, wid John. h 1212 Currant av Dougherty Mary A .. wid Philip. h 133 S 2d Dougherty Robert W., janitor, h 42 Linden Dougherty Samuel D., boilermkr, h 42 Linden

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 231 Dougherty Susan, domestic, 121 Locust Dougherty Thomas F., laborer, h 1731 N 7th Dougherty, see Daugherty, also Doherty Doughty Lillie, housekeeper, 925 Rose av Doughty Sallie R., wid William, h 2015 Logan av Douglas Sam'l McC., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 119 Cumberl'd DOUGLAS WJT.LTAV R., reporter Indepenc1ent, h 68:N 13th Douglas W. Wesley, heater, h 68 N 13th Douglass Annie, wid Michael, h 1203 Chestnut Douglass Benj. J. H., overseer, 414 State, h 1606 Green Douglass Carrie, wid Benjamin P., h 1152 Derry Douglass Helen L., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 518 do Douglass James W., carter, h 247 S 14th Douglass John L., laborer, h 1038 S Cameron Douglass J. Vinton, carpenter, h 1800 Wood Douglass Mabel G., dressmkr, h 247 S 14th Douglass Mary, domestic, 23 N Front Douglass Mary Mrs., laundress, h 512 South av Douglass Robert c., bricklayer, h 1203 Chestnut Douglass Robert L., cigars, &c., 518 Walnut, h do Douglass Thomas, laborer, h 164 Indian av Douglass William F., laborer, h 1038 S Cameron Douglass William F., jr., laborer, h 1038 S Cameron Douglass William T., physician, 1152 Derry, h do Douty Ida, nurse, h 1620 N 4th

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::t } Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Asan. {:: ::=



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Dovel Hiram, laborer, h 1120 Herr Dowhouer Michael, laborer, h 1112 N Front Dowhotler Stephen S., brakeman, h 414 Harris Dowhouer Walter L., elk, 320 Verbeke, h 414 Harris Dowhower Besie A., cigar roller. h 124 Hanna Dowhower Lillie, seamstress, h 124 Hanna Dowhower Mary A., seamstress, h 124 Hanna .Dowhower Mary A., wid Aaron, h 124 Hanna Dowling Margaret, wid Bartholomew, h 1617 Market Dowling William J., salesman, h 1617 Market Downey Charles E., laborer, h 712 North av Downey Daniel, carpenter. h 2"16 S 2(\ Downey Daniel, laborer, h 127R S Cameron Downey Daniel W., laborer, h 1278 S Cameron Downey David, laborer, h 162R El111 Downev Frank H., huckstt'r, h 1278 S Cameron Downey Frank H., jr., laborer. h 1278 S Cameron Downey Frank R., mgt', 31 S 2d. h 22fi do Downev Harn-, machinist, h 601 Cumberland Downey Ida, 'mrse. h 162...~ Elm Downey John W .. laborer. h 127R S Cameron Downey Mary Mrs., h 311 lllackberry av Downey Mary M .. elk, 1121 S 9th. h 1278 S Cameron Downey Samuel, laborer, h 1628 Elm Downie Catharine E., wid James A., h 517 Calder
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H I KELLEY c a . {I North ........... D. CO 10th aDd

State 11M.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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Downie James R., roll turner, h 517 Calder Downs Fred \V., asst engineer, 15 S River av, h Steelton Downs John H., fireman, h 13:~7 Susquehanna Doyle Cornelius, engineer, h 711 N 2d Doyle Edward. conductor, h ] 231 N 6th Doyle Harry C, salesman, 14 S 2d, h 413 Verbeke Doyle Henry, car inspector, h 1427 William Doyle James W., laborer. h 501 Hamilton Doyle Mary, wid James, h 13 S River av Drabenstadt Amos, policeman, h 829 S Front Drabenstadt Clifton, nail feeder, h 813 S Front Drabenstadt John, piler, h 104 Ann av Drabenstadt Oscar, laborer, h 813 S Front Drabenstadt Simon, laborer, h 813 S Front Drabenstadt William, laborer, h 813 S Front Drabenstadt, see Dravenstot Drake Albert B., ironworker, h 266 Herr Drake Benjamin F., porter, 3,'J4 Market, h 266 Herr Drake Charles H., bookkpr, 106 S 2d, h 266 Herr Drake Dehla, hookkpr. 210 Walnut, h 266 Herr Drake George P., elk State Arsenal, h 1617 Swatara Drake Graffius N., engineer, h 1326 N 3d Drake Henry, engineer, h 1617 Swatara Drake James A., helper, h 2]]0 N 6th Drake James B., engineer, h 132R Susquehanna


... Drake John L., engine hostler, h 11011 N 7th 1&1 Drake Sarah, h 1011 N 7th Drake W. Frank, c1k, 211 Chestnut, h 2'~ S 2d Drake William K., engineer, h 2110 N 6th Drake \Villiam K., jr., engine cleaner, h !!110 ~ 6th Dravenstot Alfred S., cigars, 3181 Reily, h do Dravenstot Emma C, wid Alfred A., h :H81 Reily Dravenstot, see Drabenstadt 0: Drawbaugh Catharine B., c1k, h 2:J S 4th (aJ Drawbaugh Clara C Mrs., layer out of the dead, 115 Ann av, h do Drawbaugh David H., carpenter, h 1929 N 4th (.) Drawbaugh Ella J., cigar brander, h 115 Ann av Drawbaugh Elmer, laster, h 1434 Derry ~ Drawbaugh Harry C, driver, h 122R N Cameron 3i Drawbaugh John C, blacksmith, h 115 Ann av Drawbaugh Joseph, helper, h 1823 N 7th ~ Drawbaugh ]o!;eph E., laborer, h 1122 Market Sii Drawbaugh Sarah]., wid John, h 1122 Market :c Dreese Arthur, laborer, h 16110 Broad Dreese \ViIliam, laborer, h 413 S Cameron ~ Dreher Mary A., wid George, h 251 Hummel C Dreher Webster D., checker P. & R., h 251 Hummel ty Dreher William G., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 251 Hummel CD Drennan Alice, trained nurse, h 1317 Kittatinny

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~_S:!U-::Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d aDd R811, Sts.

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I. B. Tiel fFI:'~l!o~!'Tr.:WAA:-'''&O~A~~~R ~ 121610rtb lDlnI.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 283
Drennan Edwin, elk Paxton Furnaces, h l:U 7 Kittatinny Dress Gertrude, teacher, h 233 Briggs Dress Harry L., student, h 233 Briggs Dress Julia, wid John, h 233 Briggs Dress Louisa, h 233 Briggs Dressel Christopher A., h 121 Washington Dressler Helen C, domestic, 114 Balm Drew Henry, waiter, h r 110 Filbert Drew Sarah, domestic, 207 N 2d Drewett Catharine S., housekeeper, 138 Vine Drewett David H., laborer, h 138 Vine Drewett George W., laborer, h 1622 Fulton Drewett James A., watchman, h 1806 Elizabeth av Drewett James W., laborer, h 1806 Elizabeth av Drewett J. Calvin, pressman, h 138 Vine Drewett Louisa E., shirtmkr, h 138 Vine Drewett Walter A., plumber, h 1407 Green Drexel James, conductor, h 517 Walnut Drexler Catharine A. Mrs., h 1301 N 3d Drexler John S., driver, h 405 Verbeke Drinkwater Edward, elk C I. and S. Co., h 536 Race Drinkwater Tamson, wid Edward, h 536 Race Drinkwater William H., elk C I. and S. Co., h 536 Race Driscoll Patrick, trav salesman, h 525 N 4th Driscoll Wade H., student, h 525 N 4th


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BAKER~ "=~b=~-:'~~IE

Drorbough Susan, wid Henry, h 310 Calder Drum Bartholomew B., elk, 100 N 2d, h 1604 Hunter av Drum Henry, butler, 612 ~ Front Drumheller A. Alice, wid Philip W., h 1321 Swatara Drumheller Charles H., student, 16 N 2d, h 335 Market Drumheller Floyd D., student, h 335 Market Drumheller Louis A., piano tuner, h 335 Market Drummons 11elinda, wid Henry, h 405 Walnut Dubbs Alonzo, laborer, h 12th nr Hamilton Dubbs Arthur, bar elk, h 1244 N Cameron Dubbs Bessie A., bookkpr, h 806 N 3d Dubbs Charles, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Dubbs Charles C, fruit, &c., 800 N 3d, h do Dubbs Frank, laborer, h 1221 N Cameron Dubbs John H., huckster, h 1244 N Cameron Dubbs John H., jr., laborer, h 1244 ~ Cameron Dubbs John W., (J. W. Dubbs & Son), h 237 Kelker Dubbs John \V., jr., (J. \V. Dubbs & Son), h 237 Kelker Dubbs J. W. & Son, (John W. and John W., jr.), brokers, 237 Kelker . Dubc\ William H., paperhanger.h 2005 ~ 5th Dubin Abraham, driver, h 51~ State Duhin Raymond, salesman, h 518 State Dubois Frank E., engineer, h 1523 N 3d Dubs Alfred W., student, h 226 Harris


No 123C






dell'. PaiD EztermlDat.or eureII Cbolera JlorbaI, nr-ter7,Crampe, DIarrbca, <lDldI, Qu1Da" Rbeumatlml, Too&JiaclIe, San TIuoM, .....

J)ppepIIa." _ ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


Dubs Rudolph, bishop amI editor, 201 N 2d, h Green c Harris Dudley Albert, driver, h 1530 Fulton ~ Dudley John, h 816 Cowden . :& DUEY C. RAYJ(OND, hats and men'. furnishings, 302 Ver' beke, h do Duey George S., cabinetmkr, h 1~27 North lJ Duey Jacob P., blacksmith. h 302 Verbeke Duey John W., laborer, h 1732 N 7th Duey Mary J., wid Frank A., h 2033 N 5th Duey Maude. tailoress, h 1827 North


Duty SmOIl, h 104 S 13th







Duey William H., carpenter, h 2034 Kensington Duff Edmund L., checkman P. R. R., h 511 N 4th Duff Stuart A., asst div opr P. R. R., h 1608 Penn Duff William L., physician, 930 N 6th. h do Duffan Alfred H., policeman, h 1206 Capital Duffan Fenton, laborer. h Send S Cameron Duffan John, hod carrier, h 1331 N 4th Duffan Joseph c. Rev., h 518 Brown av Duffin Thomas W., mason. h 12:l6 N lIt Duffins Joshua, laborer, h 515 Primrose av Duffins Manzilla, wid Joseph H., h 515 Primrose av

DUFFY CHARLES, propr The Lochiel, Karket c 3d, and Ult supt public grounds and buildings, Capitol, h The Lochiel l&J Dugans Dora Mrs., h 29 N 5th Dugalls Flora M., domestic, 131lg N 3d Duhendorf Dora, domel>tic, 30 K 2d Duke Albert, laborer, h r 208 Hummel Duke Mollie E., h 32 S 2d Duke William F., brakeman, h 232 N 3d Dukes Edgar S., packer, h :16 Linden Dukes William H., foreman, h 14 Cowden Dulaney Annie Mrs., h 1309 Wallace I >ulheath Richard, laborer, h Canal c Reily Dull Andrew J., h 101 S Front Dull Casper, lawyer, 26 N 3d, h 227 N Front Dull Daniel M., h 227 N Front Dull Emory, switchman, h 561 Forrest Dull Guy A . steam fitter, h 130 Linden Dull Helen Bovd, wid Andrew P. L.. h 211 X Front Dull John W., cabinetmkr, h 224 K 14th ~ Dull Mattie E., cigarmkr, h 153~ X 6th ~ Dull Wm. H., steward P. R. R. dining rooms, h 130 Linden Dull, see Doll Du:\1ars Anna 1\1., seamstress, h 22~ Boo!' Du:\lars Cornelius K., watertender. h 53 Balm nu~lars James K. P., supt, 205 South. h 2:!8 Boas Dumbrowa Augustus, laborer, h 1126 S Cameron


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.}BmPIoJlDODebu'IInt~I_WOI'kmen.benceOllI~{ 8 A 8 TAC 1\ "'_.1:IIIId lDIured&. Work dODeiD 1liiy N. 8d 8tpar&of

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Dumbrowa Theodore, laborer, h 630 Race Dumm Elizabeth A., teacher, h 1935 ~ 4th Dumm Frances P., elk, 201 N 2d, h ]935 N 4th Dumm John A., motorman, h 1!IX5 ~ 4th Dumm William H., laborer, h ]H:l5 ~ 4th Dumm William W., patternmkr, h ]935 N 4th DUll B.. G. & CO., mercantile agency, E. C. Baker, mgr, offioe at Reading, Pa. Dunavan Sarah J., wid Samuel C. h 1a::u Penn Dunbar Catharine S., wid Henry P., h 2,18 N 2d Dunbar Harry M., baggage transfer, h 1333 N 2d Dunbar Harry P.,jr.,elk P. R R frt depot, h 23 Evergreen Dunbar Joseph R, shoemkr, h 1646 Fulton Dunbar William E., student, h 218 N 2d Duncan Edith Mrs., h 263 Boas Duncan Edward C, foreman. h 131 Crescent Duncan George, porter, 946 N 7th Duncan George H., laborer, h 712 N' 7th Duncan John F., h 316 Herr Duncan John H., brakeman, h 1312 Wallace Duncan Samuel, brakeman, h 1304 Wallace Duncan Samuel L., inspector P. R R, h 1601 Penn Duncan William, hostler, h 14:l:~ F11lton Dunick Benson L., policeman, h 1310 N 6th Dunkel Cornelius, h 2626 6!


'=:--=:'0;" ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {~::=

Dunkel Daniel E., laborer, h 1!J48 Derry l> Dunkel Frank C, laborer, h 2626 6-l Dunkel Harvey B., laborer, h 740 S 19th C Dunkel Joseph H., laborer, h 740 S Hlth Dunkel Michael H., laborer, h 20.!9 N Cameron Dunkel Pauline H., wid Aaron K., h 13] 6 Derrv Dunkelberger Jacob, driver, h 1223 Bailey . N Dunkle Frank P., brakeman, h 1319 N 2d :z;. Dunkle George 0., driver, h 1~37 George Dunkle John, motorman, h 222 Verbeke Dunkle Samuel F., v-pres Hbg Mfg and Boiler Co., h 19th c Derry l> Dunkle William, brakeman, h 1734} N 5th Dunkle William B., conductor, h 441 Peffer Dunkle & Ewing, (J. A. Dunkle est and M. J. K. Ewing l > est), Eastmere Land Co., 1!J:~2 Derry Dunkleberger Irvin H., car repairer, h 30 S 16th Dunlap Alice M., seamstress, h 1829 ~ 7th Dunlap Bella, saleslady, 215 Market, h 1827 N 7th Dunlap Charles R, painter, h :t~3 Hamilton Dunlap Charles W., engineer, h 510 Woodbine Dunlap David, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap David, jr., special police, h 1244 State Dunlap Edward F., pass trainmaster P. R R, h 1713 N 2d Dunlap Emory B., painter, h 323 Hamilton


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KELLEY" CO. {":'::-.:"="

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Dunlap Fanny A., teacher, h S17 Green Dunlap James, engineer, h 1244 State Dunlap James G., plasterer, h 1127 Grape av Dunlap John, shipping elk, 324 Market, h 637 Verbeke Dunlap Kathryn J., saleslady, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap Margaret, cigarmkr, h 600 Peffer Dunlap Robert, attendant State Hospital, h 637 Verbeke Dunlap Robert B., brakeman, h 641 Verbeke Dunlap Robert ~1., dentist, t;16 N 3d, h 1829 N 7th Dunlap Samuei A., painter, h 641 Verbeke Dunlap William, fireman State Hospital, h 641 Verbeke machinist, h t:i Dunlap William J., wid William, 326 North Dunlevy Margaret, h 1062 S Cameron a: Dunmire John W., engineer, h 1619 N 3d C4 Dunmore William B., laborer, h t:l3j, Thompson av Dunn Alfred L., telegraph foreman P. R. R., h 112 S 13th Dunn Alfred L., jr., h 112 S 13th Dunn Annie, h r :l:~6 Cherry av ::z: Dunn Bridget, wid William, h 1340 N 7th ~ Dunn Catharine, shoe operator, h 1203 Chestnut ~ Dunn Catharine, wid Edward J., h 1112 Calder Dunn Catharine T., cigarmkr, h 1112 Calder eft Dunn Edward J., laborer, h 1112 Calder Dunn Edward L., lineman, h 4 S 18th Dunn Eliza. wid James, h 423 Herr



Dunn Frank S., laborer, h 1112 Calder Dunn Harriet E., domestic, 82l'1 Cowden Dunn John A., fireman, h 511 Kelker Dunn John M., laborer, h 1340 N 7th Dunn John T., conductor, h 917 Capital u.I Dunn Joseph, mason, h 828 Cowden ::z: t- Dunn l\Iary, shoe operator, h 1203 Chestnut Mary c., domestic, ~28 Cowden Dunn Robert A., laborer, h 2121 Boas I.a.I Dunn Rosalie, laundress, h r 512 N 5th .~ Dunn Sophia G., milliner, h 12113 Chestnut Dunnick Benson, policeman, h 1310 N 6th Dunning Charles c., teacher, h 116 Vine . Dunning Charles T. Rev., h 116 Vine Dunning James E., student, h 116 Vine Dunning Lona \V., teacher, h 116 Vine Dunsmore Benjamin A., sealer P. R. R., h 2134 Boas Dunsmore James D., laborer, h 1426 Marion Dunsmore l\lary, agt, h 1426 Marion Dunsmore Naomi,agt, h 1426 Marion 1&.1 Dunsmore Rachel E., wid James L., h 1426 Marion Dunson Charles, hostler, h 312 Blackberry av DURBIN h 717lf DURBIN 1.A1t1ES C., lawyer, 9 N92d, 2d, h 2218th LEOlfIDAS 1., lawyer, N do -(.)

-------------------GORGAS}FAIR - - - -DRU661SH16 N. 3d St. PRICED ----------------



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Redmond's Wagon Works {=~t=~-}3-d-an-d-R'-lly-S-ts-. Google

Digitized by

A. B. TACK l:::tt~:Do1I011 PUDer 1Bll1IIIIOI_1I11\~ml

Boyd'8 Rarri8burg City Directory. 237

Durboraw Addison H., elk M. W. & S. P. R. R., h 2124 N 4th Durborow Frank W., fireman, h 1728 N 7th Durborow George W., brakeman, h 323 Granite av Durborow Harry M., laborer, h 1728 N 7th Durborow Henry M., printer, h 133S S 13th Durborow Jacob A, conductor, h 1728 N 7th Dutborrow John, helper, h Lochiel nr river bank Durborrow John J., puddler, h Lochiel nr river bank Durborrow William, bookkpr, h Lochiel nr river bank DUlUIAlI ISRAEL W., insurance commi88ioner, 716 State, h The Lochiel Durkees Margaret ]., wid John D., h 314 S 2d Dumbaugh Benjamin, nail feeder, h r 21H S 2d Dumbaugh Ellie Mrs., housekeeper, 152!1 N 2d Dumbaugh John, laborer, h r 218 S 2d Dumbaugh Martin, cooper, h r 218 S 2d Durr Elizabeth]., buncher, h 1623 Swatara Durr Margaret J., saleslady, 221 Market, h 1623 Swatara Dustman Lydia, h 1322 N 6th Dutery George, car repairer, h 304 Calder Dutrow Albert F., driver, h 1308 N :3d Dutrow Joseph D., pipe bender, h 454 Cumberland Dutten Thomas, music teacher, 1953 Berryhill, h do Duttcn 'WilIiam, laborer, h 195:l Berryhill




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Duttenhofer A Bertha, saleslady, 226 Market, h 1424 Penn Duttenhofer A. Rosanna, wid Gottloeb, h 1424 Penn Duttenhofer Charles E., nailer, h 126 Hoyer av Du1tfnhofer Edward C, bar elk, 218 Cherry av, h 126 Hoyer av Duttenhofer Edward c., jr., driver, h 126 Hoyer av Duttenhofer Frederick A., (Phila. Shoe Store), h 1524 N 5th Duttenhofer George W.,laborer, h 1728 Logan av Duttenhofer Jacob F., conductor, h 1712 Green Duttenhofer John W., engineer, h 1424 Penn Duttcnhufer Mary A., wid Christian ]., h 15:W N 6th Duttinger Irvin L., brakeman, h 410 Harris Dutton John A, inspector, h 1833 1\; 4th Duvall Annie, wid George W., h 1214 Derry Duvall George 0., planer, h 1214 Derry Duvall George W., laborer, h 623 Race Dwyer Daniel J., machinist, h ::38 S 14th Dwyer Francis B., h 113 Calder Dwyer John H., printer, h U:J Calder Dwyer Kenneth c., paperhanger, h 113 Calder Dwyer Mary, wid John, h 508 SlOth Dwyer Michael F., printer Telegraph. h 113 Calder Dvblie Emil E., pipe bender, h 1114 N Cameron Dye John S., engineer, h 1240 Herr

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238 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

...= Dye J uniatta, cigarmkr, h 1240 Herr .". Dyer Catharine F. Mrs., h 511 Hamilton a! Dyer Franklin II., foreman P. R. R., h 2:!3 Reily ~ Dyer Harry H., engineer, h 311 .Muench . : Dyer Harvey G., engineer, h 223 Reily E Dyer Howard W., laborer, h 511 Hamilton .5 Dyer Ross L., brakeman, h 2242 6! ..: Dyer Viola 1\1., bookkpr, 213 N 2d, h 511 Hamilton ~ Dykeman Harvey M., brakeman, h 1213 Bailey Dyson Ella, domestic, 5 Haehnlen av
Eagan Leo, h 11 S 3d EAGLE WORKS, (W. O. Hickok JUg Co.), Canal c :Rorth see adv c:: "iii Eagle Thomas W., bottler, h 339 Chestnut Eakle Ervin S., bookbinder, h 10 N 5th -..- Earhart Samuel, fireman, h 1824 N 6th fI) Earhart Samuel Y., engineer, h 1824 ~ 6th Earisman Kate E., wid Jacob E., h 230 Cherry av Earley Carrie J., housekeeper, 309 Boas I- Earley Della, dressmkr. h 138 S ~d Earley Harry, laborer, h 1926 Kensington Earley Harry L., brakeman, h 1215 Penn Earley James W., postal elk, h :.l21 Maclay


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Earley John B., salesman, 104 N 2d, h 220 Locust Earley Joseph, director of the poor, C. H., h Deer P. O. Earley Mary L., h 220 Locust Earley Morris L., paver, h 220 Locust Earley Stella S., teacher, h 321 Maclay Early Augustus A., elevatorman, h 1117 Capital Early Daniel S., antique dealer, 1739 N 5th, h 1740 N 6th Early Gust A., elevatorman, 215 Market, h 1117 Capital Early John H., policeman, h 912 Green Early John J., laster, h 135 S 2d Early Minerva J., dressmkr, h 1740 N 6th Early Robert S., fireman, h 1421 Shoop Early Winfield S., elk, 1262 Market, h 1935 State Earlv. see H urlev Earriest Garfield: laborer, h 339 Chestnut Earnest James D., bridge builder, h 222 Boas Earnest James G., lampman, h 339 Chestnut Earnest Laura Mrs., stengr. 200 N 2d, h 210 Verbeke Earnest Mary E .. wid George, h 229 North Earnest MaryL., wid William D., h 222 Boas Earnest Oliver D., painter, h 229 North Earnest Thompson J . barber, h 70 N 14th EARNEST WILLIAM H., lawyer and notary public, 1 :R 2d, h Hummelstown Earnest. see Ernest

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don:tti!~t~dt~~\e

r~~;:;;"';o:':= 1011 FOper ond IlDdOl3hOdes IrOlD A. B. TACK {1I.1:J1t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 239
Earp Benjamin M., Ragman, h ;'l50 S 13th Earp Edward E., laborer, h 14~~6 Vernon Earp Harry E., printer, h 109 Paxton Earp James E., nail feeder, h 109 Paxton East Alfred, laborer, h 1202 N 12th EAST END BANK, 13th c Howard see adv East Harrisburg Cemetery Co., Herr beyond limits East Harrisburg Passenger Railway Co., 12 S 2d Easterday John, plumber, h 411 ).lyrtle av EASTXAN FRANK ., lawyer, 214 N 3d, h do Eastmere Land Co., (Dunkle & Ewing), 1922 Derry Eastright Alexander H., conductor, h 5:n Peffer Eastright Ralph H., elk P. R. R., h 531 Peffer Eaton Abram A., carpenter, h 1733 :\Iarket Eaton Frank S., postal elk, h 1735 ~farket EATON 10HN F., genl agt Northwestern Kutual Life Insur ance Co., 226 N 3d, h do EBEL FRED W., National Hotel, State c 4th, h do Ebt'l Walter M., newspaper cor, h Xational Hotel Eherhart Howard 'V., conductor, h Linden nr Walnut Eberle Amanda, wid Benjamin F., h 654 Verbeke Eberle Elmer E., flagman, h (iSO Cumberland Eherle Harry, car inspector, h 654 Verbeke Eberle William. brakeman, h 636 Reily Fberly Charles E., conductor, h 1323 Kittatinny

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Eberly Eberly Eberly Eberlv

Emory L., car repairer, 2122 ?\ 4th George F., boilermkr, h 1:~:i6 Vernon Harry, boilermkr, h 1054 S 9th Harvev L., boilermkr, h 1054 S 9th Eherl~' l\-lary wid Christopher, h 908 Cowden Eherly Weir B., salesman, 3(14 :Market, h Mechanicsburg Eberlv \\'illiam E., tinsmith, h 1317 X 6th Eherly \\;ilIiam H., blacksmith, h 1802 N 3d Ebersol Frank, plumber, h 226 S 15th Ebcrsol George A., hostler, h 1915 Fulton Eb('rsol Minnie C, wid Franklin, h 1321 Green


,. o

Capital Authorized, $100,000.

A. U. zABxBa, President.

E. A. BEFF:I:L1I'INGEB, 'Vlce.President. AL. K. THOMAS, Ca"bier. DIRECTOB8:-.John A. Affleck. Edward Bailey. John K. Kay,John J.lIlUer, C. C. Forney. So A. 1I'IIIhburD, M. P. JobnJon. , . . Loans Money on Mortgage... Pay. a per Cent. Intere8t on Time Deposit... ReDte Safe Deposit Bo"e8 In Fire and BurglarProof tlafe at ...00 per Year and Upward". PLBA8B NOTE THIS-OD Wednesdays and Saturdays Banlt wUl open as 8 A. M. On Saturday BveDlDp Bank will be opt"n from to 8 to ReceIve Depcllita from Pef1lOD8 who are unable to get to Banlt during th" Rt!gular Bualneae BOUD.

EAST ENDBarrbhrg, Pa. BANK 13th and Boward Streets, i


::D Capital Paid in, $50,000. ;;


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H II 1\ wELLEY at CO'S -,..* D. Blaek

IMam_d. wh_ { 1 Dest orcler.- ll1t11 .... I t.

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~ ~ Ebcr~ol

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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II: - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z GORGA~}FAIR PRICED DRU86ISH16 I. 3d St.

Samuel Mo, machinist, h 1913 Fnlton Ebersol William J., machinist, h 22(; S 15th Ebersole Annie Wo, wid Xewton So, h 25 S Summit Ebersole Cbarles So, electrician, h 237 S 14th EBERSOLE ELIZABETH II., stenographer, with C. Vernon Rettew, 1119 II 3d, h 25 S Summit Ebersole Ephrainl, warehouseman. 22:! :Mulherry, h New Cumberland Ebersole George L . sub letter carrier, h 25 S Summit Ebersole George H .. carp~nter, 11 2024 Kensington Ebersole James R.. brak~man. h 1527 Wallace Ebersole John R., patent medicines, h 1246 Kittatinny Ebersole Juliann, wid John Ho, h 1612 Swatara Ebersole Mary, nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Ebersole Mary, weaver, h 512 Walnut Ebersole Viola, domestic, 627 Boas Ebersole William P., laborer, h 744 S 21st Ebert Tacob, tinsmith. h 1503 N 6th Ebert. "Mav, tailoress, h 32H Chestnut Ebert Sarah A., h t;!1 N 10th Ebert William, stoves, &co, 418t Reily. h do Ebt:rts David Ao, machinist. 11 :~:~:! Hummel Eberts Elwood. salesman, h The Central Eberts Harry Ho, laboret:' h 12JS Juniper


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EBERTS SEYJ(OUR S., local mgr Penna. Tel. Co., 210 Walnut, h 332 Hummel Ebner Flora, stenographer, 9 N 2<1. h Kew Cumberland Ebner Georgt: F., flagman, h 615 :\fuencth Ebner Mary c., teacher, h 615 1111ench Ebright John Wo, barber, 606 i\Iaclay, h do Ebright William 0., switchman, h 606 :\Iaelay Eby Arthur F., piano tuner, 9 S 2d, h 1619 Derry Eby Benjamin Fo, sec and treas Harrisburg Woolen Co.; real estate, 1922 Derry, h 1321 do Eby Fannie Mo, h 2030 N ad Eby Frank, helper, h 436 Hamilton Eby George L., salesman, 334 Market, h 1838 North Eby Harry, machinist, h 1!?46 Market Eby Harry, brakeman. h 1119 Calder Eby Harry B., elk, h 916 S 2t).! Ebv Henr\", blacksmith. h l!)OO N 5th Eby Irene: h 2030 N 3d Eby John A., hostler, h 632 Boas Eby John W., salesman, 221 Market, h 218 N 15th Eby J. Walter, carpenter, h 21103 Briggs Eby Laura B.. millint:r. h 6!l2 Boas Eby Maurice c., h 2030 N 3d Eby Nancy L., wid George Wo, h 218 N 15th Eby Samuel, repairsman, h 1119 Calder Eby Samuel C, laborer, h 1!1l0 Hickory av

ANDREW REDMOlDJ~:::~~~~og~{3d and Reily StS. Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
241 Eby William If., h 239 State Eccleston Robert, heater, h 1307 S 12th Eckard Sylvester 1\1., flagman, h 1634 N 6th Eckelman Frank H., foreman, h 48 N 10th Eckelman Frank H., jr., painter, h 4S N 10th Eckelman Jean F., bookkpr, h 48 N 10th Eckels Anna c., h 313 Clinton av ECKELS BROS., (G .. and W. L), druggists, 133 State c 2d Eckels Carrie LJ. Mrs., h tt!9 Harris Eckels Charles, plumber, h 31a Clinton av Eckels Chester r\., baker, h 210 Calder Eckels Clara E ., housekeeper, 313 Clinton av Eckels G. Moms, (Eckels Bros.). h l\lechanicsburg Eckels Leroy, messenger P. R R., 'h I);t! Calder Eckels Mary A., wid vViIliam, h 10 N 5th Eckels Robert c., messenger P. R R, h 632 Calder Eckels Walter L., (Eckels Bros.), h 115 South Eckels William, jr., solicitor Patriot, h 134 Linden Eckenrod George W., driller, h 1055 S 9th Eckenrode John F., engineer, h 1215 Cowden ECKENRODE lOllN W., gen! mgr Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, 103 If 2d, h Lancaster Eckenrode Joseph A., insurance, 103 N 2d. h 1426 State Eckenroth Bessie L., finisher, h 313 S Front Eckenroth l\I. Alice Mrs., h 313 S Front


r r









Eckerd \ViIliam B., switchman, h Summit nr Walnut Eckert Aaron M., laborer, h 1224 Bartine av Eckert A. Elizabeth, stengr, 210 Wainut, h Wormleysburg Eckert Charles, mgr, ;)00 ~ 3d, h 1417 Market Eckert Charles, jr., clk, h 1417 Market Eckert Clarence W., shoecutter, h 840 S Cameron Eckert Cora M., stenographer W. O. HickOK Mfg Co., h \Vormleysburg Eckert David W., roller, h 1406 Zarker Eckert Edna V., stenographer, 28 S 4th, h Wormleysburg Eckert Fanny E., bookkpr, 323 Verbeke, h Wormleysburg Eckert Grace A., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 11 S 2d Eckert George, laborer, h 1002 Fox av Eckert Guy C. L., pressman Independent, h 11 S 2d Eckert John A., supt, 331 Market, h 1425 do Eckert Myra A. l\irs., nurse, h 11 S 2d Eckert Samuel B., brakeman, h 1520 Walnut Eckert Shoe Co., John A. Eckert, supt, :J31 Market Eckinger Charles G., h 205 S Front Eckinger Harry F., livery, 231 Blackberry av, h 205 S Front Eckinger Jacob, propr Lancaster HOllse, 21 Cowden, h do Eckman Rosa B., wid Charles T., h 40 N 13th Eck~ich Agnes, cigar roller, h R24 S Cameron Eckrich Annie M., roller, h 1138 S Cameron

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CLARK'S ==~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{s::,e(~u"

242 Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


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Eckrich Conrad, engineer, h lla~ S Cameron Eckrich Harry W., machinist, h 1138 Cameron Edens Paul J., bridge builder, h 76 N 10th Edgar David, laborer, h 120~ Bailey Edge Thomas J., h 707 ~ lith Edgerton Ralph W., draftsman, h 34 N ~t1 Edleblute J. Frederick, barber, h 1506 Thompson av Edmonds Arthur, lahorer; h 514 Strawberry av Edmonds William, lab, h 2a:! N Court av Edmondson James M., postal elk, h 1'i17 Regina Edmondson William P., elk, h 1717 Regina Edmonson Annie 1Irs., h Ion S Cameron Edmonson George 'V., laborer, h 109 S Cameron Edmonson Walker \V., laborer, h 631 Sayford av Edmunds William H., scientist, 205i S 2d, h do Edmunds William T., grinder, h 1854 Derry Edwards Barbara, wid Glarles, h 41H Crescent Edwards Cameron, salesman, h 262 Cumberland Edwards Caradoc, engineer, h J604 Logan av Edwards Ellsworth E., brakeman, h (;11 :\1 uench Edwards Emily, weaver, h 819 N 3d Edwards Ernest A., barber, 61 N 13th, h 175 N 15th Erlwards George L., brakeman, h 120 Sylvan ter Edwards George M., h 117 S Dewberry av Edwards Gertrude, saleslady, 35 N 2d, h 819 N 3d

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nile GuurnnlJ OIld Trust co. If Jm~~D., {firi~::::~~:'d. }Ba:!:= mrJ!'

Edwards Harry M., driver, h 107 Filbert Edwards Jacob, gasmkr, h 116 Angle av Edwards James c., salesman, 334 Market, h 721 N 6th Edwards James S., timekeeper, h 819 N 3d Edwards John, laborer, h 49 N Cameron Edwards John, shoemkr, 32-1 S 2d, h 223 Union av Edwards John, jr., helper, h 223 Union av Edwards John c., blacksmith, h 120 Sylvan ter Edwards Josephine H., h 1637! N 3d Edwards'Lewis P., electrician, h 711 N 2d Edwards Lizzie A., dressmkr, h 819 N 3d Edwards Martha Mrs., h 116 S Court av Edwards Mary A. Mrs., h r 209 Verbeke Edwards Marv G., teacher, h 226 State Edwards Sophia, wid Joseph, h 416 Crescent Edwards Theodore, laborer, h Verbeke c Fulton Edwards 'Thomas, roller, h 1348 State Edwards William, laborer, h 232 N Court av Egenrieder Annie, elk, h 1811 N 3d Egenrieder August, expressman, h 324 Reily Egenrierler Augustus, bartender Harris House, h 235 North Egenrieder Elizabeth T., dressmkr, h 1811 N 3d Egenrieder John. baker, 324 Reily, h do Egenrieder John, jr., baker, h 324 Reily



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Reafi.PA1R I01}~II:NNE'; {Harrisburg's aest Newspaper

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Boyd's Harrisburg City


Egenrieder John N., baker, h 315 Clinton av Egenrieder Joseph, baker, h 123 S 14th Egenrieder Mary A., teacher, h 1811 N 3d Egenrieder Thomas, baker, 1811 N 3d, h do Egert Frederick, paperhanger, h 824 Cowden Egert Harry, paperhanger, h 824 Cowden Eggert Emil, (Beck & Eggert), h 1248 Market Egle Catharine 1., h 305 N 2d Egle Eliza, wid William H., h 305 N 2d Egolf Adam D., contractor, h 218 Cumberland Egolf David P., carpenter, h 518 Forrest Egolf Edgar L., eyesight specialist and mfg optician, 807809 N 3d, h 1424 Walnut Egolf Lewis A., timekeeper, Herr clOth, h 518 Forrest Ehlen S. Fannie Mrs., dressmkr, h 1138 Market Ehler Annie, cigarmkr, h 931 Myrtle av Ehler Elmer W., student, h 1305 Fulton Ehler George B., lineman, 7! N 3d, h 931 Myrtle av iii Ehler George L., collector Telegraph, h 1305 Fulton Ehler George W" laborer, h 1305 Fulton Ehler Harry, driver, h 602 Church av Ehler Mary A., wid George W., h 562 Showers av Ehling Albert B., nail feeder, h 2 Chesapeake av Ehling Harvey M., brakeman, h 8 S 4th Ehling Henry, h 2 01esapeake av


~==}Harrlsburg SaYings ind Loan ASSD.{==


Ehlman Albert W., cooper, h 616 Peffer Ehman John G., sand flatter, h 1114 Capital Ehrisman Edwin, wireman, h 403 Walnut Ehrisman Murray, laborer, h 943 Paxton Ehrisman Robert, wiper, h 943 Paxton Ehrman Carrie, wid Colonel E., h 1:{24 N 7th Eichel Joseph H., laborer, h 634 Camp Eichelberger A. Scott, brakeman. h 2008 Green Eichelberger Elizabeth, wid Josiah, h 133.'l Penn ~ Eichelberger Elmer R., heater, h 2"24 S 15t11 Eichelberger Franklin P., repairsman, h 1721l N 4t1r Eichelberger George B., driver, h 1!)1 Verbeke Eichelberger Grant, elk, 12;~'1 Strawberry av Eichelherger Harry F., repairsman, h 1721 Fulton Eichelberger James, laborer, h 1012 Fox av Eichelberger John, h 527 Emerald Eichelberger Josialh 1\1., molder, h 133:J Penn Eichelherger Mina B., weaver, h 17Z1! N 4th Eichelberger Sylvester W., switchman, h 20()8 Green 0lIl Eichelberger ulys~es G., elk P. R. R. depot, h 1~-J Strawberry av :t Eichelberger. see Ikelberger -. Eichholtz Ella, domestic, 16,19 N 2d Eichholtz George W .. car inspector, h 1)99 Emerald Eicholtz Ira, fireman, h 1804 N 6th

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Einstein Celia M., h 124 Walnut EINSTEIN DRYGOODS CO., mc., loseph Stroule, pres j Otto t; 1. Buxbaum, lec and treas, 221 Market ~ Einstein Edgar V., h 230 Herr !5 Einzig Anthony J., laborer, h 42'2 Cumberland Einzig Frank L., basketmkr, h 1804 N 4th :z: Einzig Harman, basketmkr, 1316 William, h do ~ Eisely Edward F., cir mgr Telegraph, h 1301 Berryhill ~ Eisenberg ~Iargaret, milliner, 14 N 3d, h New Cumberland z: Eisenberg Samuel \V., tray salesman, h 1561 Walnut eft Eisenberg, see Isenberg Eisenberger Barbara, bllnchmkr, h 806 S Cameron Eisenberger Grant, bricklayer, h 806 S Cameron Eisenberger Harry, cooper, h 819 SlOth Eisenberger Hiram S., candymkr, h 630 Forster LaJ Eisenberger Jacob ll., engineer,lh 630 Forster Eisenberger Mary M., saleslady, 3:~4 Mkt, h 806 S Cameron Eisenberger Nettie V., bllnchmkr, h 80G S Cameron Eisenberger Samuel, bricklayer, h 806 S Cameron LaJ Eisenhart Emma M. B., stengr Bureau Statistics, h York Eisenhour Charles W., tinsmIth, h 266 Cumberland Eisenhower John, laborer, h 318 S 2d Eisenhower Samuel B., elk, h 318 S 2d Eisenhower vVarren J., tallyman P. R R, h 318 S 2d Eisenhower William E., laborer, h 143 Paxton


Boyd'i Harrisburg City Directory.





Eissner George \V., car repairer, h 2029 Forster Eissner Peter, ladies' tailor, 3 S 4th, h Pen brook itnier Samuel, repairsman, h 2016 Kensington Elberti Arthur No, truck repairer, h 1203t Mulberry Elberti Carrie, saleslady, 316 Verbeke, h 1708 N 5th Elberti John W., foreman P. R R, h 1708 N 5th Elden Mary A., wid Charles D., h 228 N 3d Elder Charles B., h 25th nr Derry Elder Charles M., engineer, h 509 Emerald Elder David R, elk P. R R frt depot, h 234 Harris Elder Edna L., teacher, h 1631 N 3d Elder Eleanor S., organist, h 234 Harris Elder Harry W., bar elk, 325 Walnut, h 17 N 17th Elder Herbert, electrical contractor, 1104 N 2d, h do Elder John, dairyman, h 24th ab Derry Elder Margaret C, nurse, h 1631 N 3d Elder Mary, wid James, h 509 Emerald Elder Mary A., wid Jacob, h 1631 ~ 3d Elder Matthew B., plumber, 224 N 2d, h Derry bel 23d Elder Perry G., lampman, h 17 N 17th Elder \Villiam C, elk, 303 Market. h 234 Harris Eldon Thomas, driver, h 120~ Daile v Eldridge George T., chief elk, 27 N :3d. h 271 Herr Eldridge T. Romeyn B., elk, 16 S 2d. h 211 Kelker Eleanor Iron Co., R C Neal, pres, Lochie1

o z: c









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mc~m~"iB} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and Reily StS.

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.l. B. TACK}Wall PaDlr and Window SbadlS{~J."a:r~

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


Elicker Charles L., conductor, h 2115 N 6th Elicker G. Edwin, watchmkr, 1804 N 6th, h 2117 do Elicker George W., blacksmith, h 2117 N 6th Elicker J. Calvin, elk, 222 Mulberry, h 904 Capital Elicker Lewis E., heater, h 2141 Atlas av Elicker Ralph K., checkman P. R. R., h 2117 N 6th Elicker Roy, brakeman, h 2115 N 6th Elicker William, carpenter, h 1310 ~ 6th Elicker William c., brakeman, h :n 7 Sayford av Elicker William E., motorman,h l'I2f) S Cameron Elk River Coal and Lumber Assn, ~3 'Market Ellenberger Harry L., flagman, h lil 7 Kelker Ellenberger Israel, furniture, 2:J3 State, h 2114 Harris Ellenberger John A., brakeman, h UI~'O Elizabeth av ;;:. ELLEBBERGEB. 1. WESLEY, physician, clinical X-ray lab- c:: oratory, 922 :N 3d, h 924 do Ellenberger ~Iargarct, wid Samuel B., h 9~ N 3d Ellenberger Pearl E., cashier, 32 N 3d, h 307 Verbeke Elienberger Samuel E., salesman, 33 ~ 3d, h 307 Verbeke Ellenberger Weston J., brakeman, h 64:1 Woodbine ELLI:NGEB. DAVID H., sanitary officer, Court House, h 403 Boa. Ellinger Elizabeth, wid WiIIiam, h 1201! Derry EHinger George \V., telegrapher P. R. R., -h 5U Emerald Ellinger Harry, laborer, h 414 S River av ;;


EIlinger Nathaniel, laborer, h 251 S Cameron ~ Ellinger Robert, laborer, h 406 S River av , ~ Elliott Clara S., stengr, 324 ~larket, h 409 W oodbine Elliott Emma J. l\Irs., h 407 N 5tth eooe Elliott Finley A., solicitor Telegraph, h 264 Herr ;. Elliott-Fisher Book Typewriter Co., Charles F. Laganke, supt, Send S Cameron Elliott James, machinist, h HlII East !l Elliott John G., bartender Hotel Columbus, h 518 Filbert Elliott Patrick, laborer, h ~10 East !!!I Elliott Sarah Mrs., matron, :?1:~ Verbeke, h do Ellis Edward K., laborer, -h 1112 Cowden ~. Ellis Frank F., machinist, h lIH)4 Cowden ~f Ellis George D., laborer, h 1105 N 7th M_ Ellis Howard, artist, h 65 Linden . ~:r Ellis John, blacksmith, h 1m Linden Ellis Kate, waist operator, h 65 Linden Ellis Lillie D., furniture wrapper, h 1105 N 7th 1OI\:r Ellis Mary, domestic, Wflfi 1\ lith =1 Ellis William B., machinist, li5 Linden d~ Ell!s W!ll!am M. c., glazie~, h :?0l5 Penn ~. Ellis Wilham W., blacksmltih, h 1326 Vernon ~S Ellis WiIIiam W., jr., blacksmith, h 213 Hummel

MILLER BROS. I: BAKER{ ~~~t.~2.-:;'~",;;-= :IE -- - -- - - - :a EIIinger J. Harry, telegrapher, 11 X 3d, h 403 Boas Ellinger Joseph H., laborer, h 206 S River av !F



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No 1Z30 4RCH STREET PHil' . PA



lolill's COmplll1tn PIUs :.~:-J~dcm!~~: 306 Broad

Elmer Bridget, wid Frank, h 318 N Court av Eischeid Augustus K., saloon. Court av c Cherry av, h do "5! EIscheid Hildegard, wid Richard. h 301 S 2d EIscheid John R., baker, h 3:l4 Strawberry av Elser Florence E., sub elk P.O., h Penbrook Elworthy Saralh F., nurse, h 124 Pine Ely Carl, h 116 Pine Ely James, steward Chifdrens' Industrial Home, h do Ely Laura B., milliner, 36 K 3d, h 6:12 Boas Ely Leander, laborer, h 2.'M bel Derry Ely Lydia N. Mrs., h 113 S Cameron Emanuel Annie T., \,,;d Solomon. h 624 Forster II Emanuel Daniel, molder, h 624 Forster Emanuel Harry]., constable, h 706 State Emanuel Joseph D., bar elk, 1023 N 7th, h 624 Forster Emanuel Kate, elk, 1 N 3d, h 519 State Embich Jacob, brakeman, h 1005 N 7th Emerick Benjamin F., repairsman, h 411 Filbert f/J Emerick Calvin I.., laborer, h 1849 N 7th Emerick Clara J. B., domestic, 1849 N 7th Emerick George W., brakeman, h 233 Crescent Emerick ~ Emerick J. Adam, plasterer, h 624 Walnut John, laborer, h Whitehall nr Walnut Emerick Mary, wid Levi, h 118 Dock ct Emerick Morris, elk Dauphin Dep Bank, h 35 Evergreen



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

i a -=





--a: o

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rIIIl CO If 1ctII1II. j ......,s.".,...., .. _ tl bllll . .,.... lUG ~ Title GooronlY OlIO T ...... 1 C.'lIctn ..... tit. cwta f a., If PItt 1tIIC.

Emerick Sarah Mrs., ice cream, 1017 N 7th, h do Emerick William, laborer, h 1849 N 7th Emerick William H., molder, h 68 N 14th Emerick William K., boilermkr, h 11117 N 7th Emerick William W., C. S. A., h 68 N 14th Emery Ellen M. Mrs., h 29 S 2d Emery Frank W., brakeman, h 601a Peffer Emery John H., telegrapher, h 559 Forrest Emig Elizabeth, housekeeper, 434 State Emminger Cloyd W., lineman, h 25 N 15th Emminger Frank P., shoe operator, h 25 N 16th Emminger George W., electrician, h 319 Cumberland Emminger James P., lineman, h 25 N 15th . Emminger John H., h :nn Cumberland Emminger Robert J., U. S. K, h 25 N 15th Emminger \Van'en D., lineman, h 342 Boyd av Enck Crayton H . baker. 45 K 14th, h do I&l Enck John C., driver, h 142!} Shoop y Enck Ora M., domestic, 1705 Green Enders Alice C. Mrs., h 1310 Currant av Q Enders Amos E., grocer, 70 N 1:1th. h do I&l Enders Annie E., wid William, h 912 N 6th 10- Enders Carson c.. sub elk P.O . h Penbrook z: Enders Della M., saleslady, 318l\Jarket, h 2024 Derry ~ Enders Emma E., domestic, 29 N 2d

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES FU~\::~ED~t~L SCORES Digitized Google



B TACK} Fre_iDc Make. aBaUdiDp1n0 1 - - {U1S N. ad M. ~ciaJt)' Plain TIBIAl lau_tea 111_ PubUc

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 247 Enders Frank, air tester, h 2132 N 7th Enders Harry B., laborer, h 1312 Currant av Enders Isaiah T., h 1801 N 6th Enders John H., fruit, 1250 Market, h do Enders Kate, domestic, 804 Green Enders Mason G., fireman, h 1802 N 5th Enders Nelson, watchman, h 1403 Bombaugh av Enders Pierce W., painter, h 2020 Elizabeth av :DDEllS ROBERT A., grocer, 1801 II 6th, h do see adv Enders Warren \"'1., car repairer, h 544 Woodbine Endress Frank, laborer, h 1224 Herr Endress Henry, foreman, h 1224 Herr Endress Theodore, conductor, h 261 Cumberland Endy Hattie B., domestic The Central Engel Ferdinand, tailor, 432 Boas, h do England George, machinist, h 23 S 2d C2 England George W., agt, 429 S 2d, h 437 S 14th I; Engle Benj. H., supt, N 9th nr Market, h Hummelstown' 5; Engle Catharine M., elk, 210 Walnut, h 432 Boas J:;:; Engle Charles A., assessor, h 14 N 2d Engle Charles D., laborer, h 924 Ash av c:: Engle Emanuel, blacksmith, h 1824 Penn Engle Enos B., nursery inspector, 213 Locust, h Hershey - I
Engle Ephraim, h 1185 Bailey



,J':.Ir~~'t~ } Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {

a::= l

Engle William F., switchman, h 1828 Penn Engler Emma P., domestic, 1815 Green Engler Sarah, domestic, 7()2 East Englert Sarah J. Mrs., h 2201 Mulberry :English B. Miller, conductor, h 607 Reily English Emma E., music teacher; h 4:l0 Peffer 'English George \"'1., engineer, h 1609 Hunter av English Harry T., brakeman, h 1700 Susquehanna English Isaac, carpenter Lunatic Hospital, h do English Isaac L., grocer, 430 Peffer, h do English John B., helper, h 623 Hamilton English John J., conductor, h 623! Hamilton 'Enney George W., h 1:l2:l Maple av Ennis Blanche, shoe operator, h 312 Kelker Ennis Bridget, wid Patrick, h 1336 S 13th
:J!'ree DeHvery.


> o l > ;j > rn


Courteou" Treatm4lllt.

- - - DEALER IN - - -

:Sfaple and Fancy6roceries !r ~


1801 North Sixth Street. - Harrisburg. Pa.

. - - - - - ---,---- --



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H M KELLEY &CO {I North 1M "'re.... and sate --.


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,



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-:;; ;:>

Ennis Ella B., h 312 Kelker Ennis John J., paperhanger, h 312 Kelker Ennis Walter G., paperhanger, h 312 Kelker Enright Anne R., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 344 S 14th Enright Catharine E., dressmkr, h 344 S 14th Enright Helen G., milJiner, 36 N 3d, h 344 S 14th Enright Mary E., saleslady, h 344 S 14th Enright Mary E., wid James, h !l44 S 14th Ensinger A. Leigh, draftsman, 10th c Herr, h 600 Race Ensinger Grace c., dressmkr, h 600 Race Ensinger Mary c., wid William H., h 435 Kelker Ensinger Samuel D .. stoves, tinware, &c., 600 Race, h doEnsminger Calvin A., laborer, h 1805 Berryhill Ensminger Carrie, milliner, 215 Market, h Lemoyne Ensminger E. Charles, elk, 100 S 2d, h 131 Chestnut EJ!sminger Ellen S., wid Philip, h 524 Forrest Ensminger Eugene M., treas and genl mgr, 17th c DerrYr h 1S46 Derrv Ensminger George H., student, h 131 Chestnut Ensminger Hannah A., wid Samuel, h 131H Wallace Ensminger Hattie R., shoe operator, h 1435 Zarker Ensminger Henry R., agt, h 14:l5 Zarker Ensminger John M., sec and asst mgr, 17th c Derry, h 1813 Derry


~ I-





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ENSMINGER lOHN T., auctioneer, furniture, 100-104 S 2d~ h 131 Chestnut Ensminger John T., jr., pharmacist, h 131 Chestnut Ensminger John \V., car inspector, h 623 Muench Ensminger Joseph, contractor, h 1901 Derry Ensminger Joseph, tinstuith, h 1!l16 Wallace Ensminger Lumber Co., E. :NI. Em-minger, genl mgr, 17tb . c Derry Ensminger'Maggie, housekeeper, lBOl Derry Ensminger :oIar)" domestic The Bolton Ensminger l\Iary J. Mrs., housekeeper, 110 Sylvan ter Ensminger Oliver F., roller, h 604 Race Ensminger Ralph, salesman. ::l::l4 Market, h 1435 Zarker Ensminger VitIa, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Enterline Clara, domestic, 143:! ~ 6th Enterline Salome L .. h 718 N lith ENTERPRISE PLANING )(ILL, Henry Geisel, jr., mgr, 7th c Emerald F.ntler Rosa :01., h 6li Forster Entrekin \V. Frank, engineer, h Hi44 N ad Entrikin Edith :\1., h 801 East Epler Catharine M. Mrs., h 211 Reily Epley Ercus, ciganllkr, h 330 Strawberry av Eppinger Edith :M., bookkpr. 1218 N ad, h Steelton Eppison \Villiam, laborer, h South nr :!d
- - - - - - --


~_s:!u-::8! ANDREW

REDMDND{3d IDd Rell, Sis.

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I. B. Tiel l FI:~~O~!lTT":VAA:-..I;C:~A~f.,~R i ~1610nD lI1InIlII

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 249 Eppleman George J., ironworker, h 135 Hanna Eppley Arthur, telegrapher, Division c P. R. R., h Marysville . Eppley David R., carpenter, h 619 Calder Epps Charles, hostler, h 554 Primrose av Epps Robert, foreman, h 519 South Epstein Fannie Mrs., h 429 Strawberry av EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, U. S., Henry D. Underwood, mgr, offices 3, 4, 5 and 8 Harrisburg :National Bank bldg, 14 S lIarket sq Erb Charles W., elk, 20 Sad, h 2~ Verbeke Erb Elmer, bookbinder, IIIth bel Mark<:t, h W Fairview Erb Emma H., wid Frederick, h Front c Division Erb Emory E., laborer, h 707 N 191'h Erb George H., laborer, h 219 Ildulberry Erb Harry H., brakeman, h 1731 N 6th Erb Harry W., engineman, h 65 N 10th Erb Henry, laborer, h 809! S Front Erb Isaac S., driver, h 1957 Moltke av Erb John H., brakeman, h 1731 N 6th Erb John M., elk, 210 Walnut, h 1615 Swatara Erb John M., laborer, 11 1217 Penn Erb Mary c., wid Allen, h 1623 Derry Erb Theodore c., machinist, h 273 Briggs Erb Theodore D., engineer, h 325 Crescent

Erb William E., laborer, h 707 ~ U1th Erger Julia, domestic,704 N 6th Erickson Alexander, chef, aon Market, h S Cameron nr Berryhill Erickson Charles L., h 30 S 4th Ericson Eric, cook, h 41i!I S Cameron Erion Lewis, laborer, h 1406 Green Ermentrout Turner :\1., brakeman, h 551 SlOth Ernest Herman L., brakeman, h 621 Calder Ernest Jacob N., brakeman, h 1724 Susquehanna Ernest John c., conductor, h 21UI ~.. fHh Ernest Thompson J., barber, h 70 N 14th Ernest, see Earnest Ernst Samuel, evangelist, h 12:18 N Cameron Errickson Edward, foreman, h 901 Shaonis Eschelman Jacob F., mail ag1, h 1Ii24 Penn Eschenbach Fannie R.. bunchmkr, h 40 S Court av Eshbach Horace W . elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 119 S 2d Eshelman Adeline :\lrs., h 604 Cumberland Eshelman Christian, bricklaYer,h 1128 ~ 6th Eshelman J. Fletcher, salesrilan, a:l4 ~lkt, h V12 Sylvan ter Eshelman Joseph c., postal elk, h 340 S 14th E~hc\man Marguerite, nurse Hhg Hospital, h do Eshelman Sarah 1\1., wid Anen H., h 132 Sylvan ter Eshelman William, engineer, h 914 Capital Eshenauer Joseph, janitor, h 1631 Derry








.dleD', PaiD ElttermlDator cu_ Cbolera KOI'tIaI, I>JIEteI'J',Cr&mJlll, DI.rrb~

QullllJ, RbeUJDat.llm. Toothaehe, Bare 'l'bnJat, Acn" ~s-ta. ac.

_ .,.

. !.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

"iii 11







en a:

Eshenauer Laura J., shoe operator, h 1631 Derry Eshenawer E. Lizzie, wiG Addison A., h 1:314 James Eshenhower Christian, bricklayer, h 1128 N" 6th Eshenour Elmer E., collector Independent. h 162;~ Swatara Eshenower Edwin E., corntgator. h 91H) S 20! Eshleman Cyrus H., asst observer \Veather Bureau, P.O., h 217 N 2d Eslinger Annie, h Home for the Friendless Esmer Edward W., elk, h HOi N 3d Espenshade Ira n., painter, h 2022 Kensington Espenshade William H., bookkpr, h 254 ~orth Espy Helen E., h 213 N Front Espy Rectina, elk State Librarv, h 321 N Front Essig Frederick. butcher, h 9:!:~ Sarah av Essig J. George; molder, h 711 State Essig John L., (Bates & Co.), h 8;~2 S Cameron Essig John W., elk, 17 N 2d, h 832 S Cameron Essig Ralph P., hostler, h 8a2 S Cameron Estep Bertha. cook, 334 Market. h 1001 Hemlock Estep Clarence R., salesman, 334 Market, h 100l Hemlock Estep Jesse T., laborer, h 1005 Hemlock Estep ~izzie B., cigarmkr, h 1005 Hemlock Estep Wilburt W., brakeman, h ]om Hemlock Esterline :Maude, domestic, 143 N 4th

m'l W. ...... J 1IIr ......... " ,.... l Rear of PoM BI.... C TIlle GuoronlJ ona t1110 11ft " ..... 1 .... III.... fir Ell...... r Real ...... 01'11,'"
Esworthy D. Milton, circulation mgr Patriot. h 120 N River av Esworthy Rebecca, wid Thomas, h :!:~9 South Esworthy Robert W., plasterer, h 120 N River av Esworthy Ross R., plasterer. h 120 N River av Esworthy Romulus \V., plasterer and contractor, 120 N River av, h do Etnoyer Elizabeth Mrs., h 924 Penn Etnoyer Wm., stable boss, 222 Mulberry, h New Benton Etsweiler Jennie, attehdant Lunatic Hospital, h do Ettele Truman P., postal elk, h 24 N 16th ETTER BEN1AltIN F., lawyer, 213 Walnut, h 208 Pine Etter Calvin, (Calvin Etter & Son), h 251 Boas ETTER CALVIN & SON, (Calvin and C. Ross), grocen, 801 State Etter Carrie, wid Daniel, h 631 Sadord av Etter Charles F., paying teller 1st Kat Bank. h 9114 N 2d Etter C. Ross, (Calvin Etter & Son), h 251 Boas Etter Elizabeth, shoe operator, h 1:3th nr Kittatinny Etter Elizabeth 1., elk, 1206 Derry, h 11:39 do Etter George, asst supt. 14 S 2d, h Steelton Etter George, it 411 Market Etter George E., real estate, &c., 21~ Wa1nut, h 2U!I Pine Etter George \V., carpenter, h HillO Hunter av Etter George \Y., catcher, h 1014 S 9th










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Tbe PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{Sil Cents a Weak Google

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Emplo)'ll but fil'lt-eJ_ workmen. hence A B TAC K} daN work noneIn.urea it. Work done In any panonl~:: { N.1.18 and of ad 8&.

Boyd's Ramsburg City Directory.


Etter \Y., iron" h Palk el Etter ., helper Etter Hekn . :'.irs., Etter Isaac M., h :!fi S 3d Etter Margaretta F., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 224 Briggs Etter M \\ h Pad, lotel ktter SamRTt'1 Derry, 159 do Etter Sarrh shoe , h 411 ;n'ket Etter Susanna Mrs.. Home for the Friendless Etter Washington J., laborer, h 229 Mulberry Etter William G., warehotlseman, h 303 Briggs

t~~~f;g;~ilb;;;; H., l~~~;;r :Z~:0~r~1r

bttinger;h',;;rd J., laho; ,h 1103 Ettinger William J., hostler, h 1103 Capital Ettla Anna C, h 4:~3 Boas Ettla Joseph L., elk H. of R., h 231 Liberty htzler Ahz house~,e;:p;:r 1616 Etzler An;;a ., sales\;;;h X 3d, Swatal;l btzler D;l;;;; h 161G Etzler Ed'Ward J., painter, h lIiHi Swatara Etzler Harry W., paperhanger, h 1fiHl Swatara Etzler Joseph S., engineer, h 1616 Swatara Etzweile;; F;;;ma, dOmZ'l,nC, 10U2 ~

:r )II


Harrisburg guuiogs


Eulen Anthony, agt, h 116i Liberty Eureka Coal Wagon \-Vorks, (H. Bailey), lil4-618 North bureka Laundry E. Glazi;;l); :W Jam{~, ::utzy laborer, ~_ Fr;);A; c,utzy H., flagman, ::mO S Evangelical (The), Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangelical Bible Quarterly, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evangeii;';ll hihle TeazZKc Rev. S kViest, nO! :-.J 2d Eyangelb;l ,ilt\e FoU,;" L. \Vie;;, ;;;;lI, 201 N Eyangelical Vjsitor, Rev. G. Detwiler, pub, 1185 Bailey Evangelische Zeitschrift, Samuel L. Wiest, mgr, 201 N 2d Evans Ann, wid John J., h 306 Boas hvans Bh';;';" D elk T Fisher;",; 203 S FcO;lt ;Ovans '" "'" ;,ai~slad: ~Iarket'" N 2d Evans B. Frank, mgr,' hel ::-'IarkaL '}31 N 2;1 EVANS-BUBTNETT CO., (Mahlon Evans and Charles W. Burtnett), wholesale grocers, 334-338 Chestnut Evans Celista A.. laundress, h 707 N 19th Fvans O;HcHe G., sttEk;;? 931 N 2d Evans Dae;;t hlacksmiHL k16 FilbeE ONans heater, Curtin Evans Dervin A., fireman, 317 Muench Evans Ebenezer, tin assorter, h 540 11aclay

< )II




)II ) II







M. KELLEY" CO.{1':-::.:II=ia.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Evans Edward S., coachman, h 814 East Evans Edward W., elk, h 267 Sassafras av Evans Elizabeth B., teacher, h 2113 S Front Evans Frank J., meatcutter, h 267 Sassafras av Evans James, telegrapher P. R R, h 1418 Berryhill Evans Jennie, charwoman, It 604 Church av Evans John, machinist, h 51H Filbert Evans Joseph, stonecutter, h 1:.;41 Vernon Evans Lorena G., teacher, h 916 N 6th Evans l\lahlon, (Evans-Burtnett Co.), h 412 N 2d Evans Oliver D., carpenter, h 1606 K 5th Evans Rachel, wid William, h 1530 Walnut Evans William, catcher, h 540 ~laelay Evans William c., foreman, h 226 Herr Evans \Villi:tm H., huckster, h 2fi7 Sassafras av Evans Winfield S., agt lJ. S. Express, h 328 North Everets Garrett, h 1429 N Front Everett Frank G., laborer, h 1321 S 12th Everett Michael S., laborer. h l:l21 S 12th Everett Moses, laborer. h :n5 Nectarine Everett William, molder, h 3 N 4th Everhart Henry, molder, h 214 N 3d Everhart Howard Vol., laborer, h 1527 Derry Everhart Margaret R Mrs., boarding, 214 N 3d, h do Everhart Thomas, painter, h 214 N 3d

----------------GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRU&&IST{18 N. 3d SL

Eves Howard E., postal elk, h 1223 Derry Ewell Lewis, laborer, h 143 S 3d Ewing Cicero M., (Ewing & Holmes), h 1500 N 6th Ewing Edward E., engineer, h 1208 N 2d u.I Ewing George \V., engineer, h 427 Maclay :z: t - Ewing John R., engineer, h 2109 Moore Ewing William R., engine hostler, h 101 Mulberry Ewing William K., hostler, h 101 Mulberry III Ewing & Holmes, (C. M. Ewing and R E. Holmes), physicians, 512 Reily EXCHAB'GE BANKING CO., W. 1. Lescure, mgr, 3 :R' 2d Eyde E. Clayton, train dispatcher P. R R, h 1412 Green ,kI Eyer Edward D., conductor, h 1116 Green Eyer Harry J., express messenger, h 124 Sylvan ter Eyler A. Jay, elk, h :n Evergreen 'Z Eyler Anna M., wid Andrew J., h 31 Evergreen Eyler Frank A., foreman, Crescent c Mulberry, h 112 N 13th .Z Eyler Gertrude, seamstress, h 1441 Regina Eyler Robert M., elk, 424 State, h 4 S 4th kI Eyler \Valter, pressman, h 31 Evergreen Eyles John, fireman, h 165 Paxton David; turner, h 1414 State Eynon William N., draftsman, h 1414 State Eynon Eyre Frank, elk sec Commonwealth, h Mechanicsburg




a: >

RadlORd's Wagon Works {~tb~:-;:=} 3d and Rally StS. Digitized Google


A. 8. TACK =,~~ 1011 Paper ontlllndOI mOdes r.;rL~ 8t.t~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Eyster Alice H., wid Alfred E., h 227 Boas Eyster Elizabeth, h :iOtl Calder Eyster John, engineer, h 306 Calder Eyster Lettie, seamstress, h 306 Calder Eyster Rosa, wid Edward c., h 306 Calder Eyster, see Oyster



Faber Margaret, ironer, h 525 Maclay Fackler Catharine N., housekeeper, 1505 Logan av Fackler Charles H., laborer, h 1944 State Fackler Daniel T., teacher, h 1844 State ~ FACKLER E. L, furniture, carpets and funeral director, 1312 ;: Derry, h 1314 do iii Fackler Elias J., news agt P. R. R. depot, h 1011 Market ~ 'Fackler Ellis, repairs man, h 414 S 19th Fackler Emma E. Mrs., domestic, 14 N 4th Fackler Emma]., wid Moses F., h 1944 State Eackler J. Garfield, elk Mer Nat Bank, h 1506 State Fackler l\finnie B., packer, h 1844 State Fackler Samuel S., carpenter, h 1614 Park Fackler Virgil, machinist, h !l32 S 14th Fackler Wendell, news agt P. R. R. depot, h 1429 Market Facks Peter, laborer, h lZ1 7 N 111 Faddis George J., elk And Genl's Dept, h 610 Briggs

MILLER BROS.' BAKER ~ "~~b&~1:.~"~

Fagan Anna P., .elk, h 1714 Logan av Fa~an Catharine, housekeeper, 818 Capital Fagan Elmer E., flagman, h 1714 Logan av Fagan Frank, laborer, h 1714 Logan av Fagan Ida M. Mrs., h 2m!) Elizabeth av Fagan John A., laborer, h ]002 S 9th Fagan Mary A., h 116 South Fa~er Albert, jr., salesman, 2207 N 7th, h 110 Calder FAGER ALBERT ;r., alderman, 922 N 2d, h do Fager Albert L., civil engineer, 9 N 2d, h 403 do Fager Annie E., h 105 Locust Fager Bella F., h 122 Walnut FAGER CHARLES B., physician, 120 Walnut, h do Fa~er Charles B., jr., physician, 120 Walnut, h do FAGER CHRISTIAN ., . , D., druggist, 1307 N 8th, h do Fager Edwin F., engineer, h 1314 N ad 'Fager Edwin J., ins solicitor, h 117 Reily Fager Eugene F., (Logan & Fager), h W Fairview Fager Florence 1\., bookkpr, 301 Verbeke, h 225 do Fager Frank H., bookkpr, 219 Market, h 922 N 2d Fager George c., (Fager & Maeyer), h 225 Verbeke Fager Harry B., printer, h 922 N 2d FAGER ;rOHN H., physician, 1234 N 8th, h do Fager John H., jr., physician, 120 Walnut, h do Fager Laura, h 1314 N :3d

i .


No 1230 ARCH STREET F ,,);1. ... P ~



McNeil's Pain Exterminator ~Ii~~:e =1~~b~D&~ 808 "":~~

254 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
;; Fager Lillie, h 122 Walnut Fager Lucy, masseuse, 12;34 N fHh, h do -g Fager Margaret J., trimmer, h !l2:! N 2d . .!!! Fager Martin \V., bookkpr, 219 1I.larket, h t::J3 State :.- Fager Mason, h 1314 N 3d Fager Paul, student, h 1234 N 6th c:: Fager Samuel, tinsmith, h 105 Locust :5 Fager Suie E., elk, 160'2 N 5th, h" 1314 N :ld c:: Fager V. Hummel, physician, ItO Walnut and .nO N 2d,. h do Fager William c., jeweler, 1215 N :ld, h 225 Verbeke FAGER & IIAEYER, (G. C. Fager and H. K.lIaeyer), stoveBr :: &c., 108 lIarket Fagley Minnie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Fahey Annie, wid James, h 1412 Green :; Fahnestock Elizabeth, student, h 18:n N 2d Fahnestock Emanuel, fireman, h 16 Argyle U\ Fahnestock .Frank G., civil engineer. ~l 106 South VI Fahnestock Hannah H., student, h 1837 N 2d Fahnestock Harry, elk, 200 Market, h 1226 Walnut Fahnestock]. Harvey, student, h 1837 N 2d ~ Fahnestock Louisa c., h 106 South Louise c., 1837 ~ O Fahnestock Maria, wid student. hG., h 112 2d Fahnestock Derrick Nagle c( Fahnestock William M., teacher, 'h 18.17 N 2d

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nlLE aU.I.ln .ID rlUIT CD. {I..... Ad.III.lral" Euctlln....,.I } 1111 EIIIh lid.. -II Pwu.r".I.., ,II .Im kit If Jl4llldal TIIII. If OttIlie




Fahrney Frances, wid Elmer, h 1508 Market Fahs Harry A., bookbinder, h 231 Huminel Fahs Jane, wid Philip, h 231 Hummel Fahs Mary, wid Henry, h 1221 Fulton Failey Elizabeth G., h 425 North Failey James, watchman P. R R, h 634 Woodbine Failey Mary A., wid Thomas, h {25 North Failey Sarah, warper, h 6~4 Woodbine Failey William B., telegrapher P. R R, h 407 Market Failey, see Faley Failor Frederick, blacksmith, h 1612 N 5th Failor Julia A., h 1612 N 5th Failor Mary, wid Wilson, h 1612 N 5th Fair John, car repairer, h 175 N 15th Fairfax William, scullion, h 127 Cranberry av Fairlamb Joseph V., student, h 1827 N 2d FAIRLAlIB ROBERT V., tobacconist, 210 and 337 Karket, and bowling, 12 N Court av, h 1827 N 2d 1&.1 Fairman Clarence c., elk, 12 N 2d, h 1212 Mulberry ~ Faley Ida Mrs., dressmkr, 1829 N 2d, h do Q Faley Thomas, postal elk, h 1829 N 2d 1&.1 Faley, see Failey ~ Falich Sarah, ironer, h 2034 Fulton Faling Rachel E., wid Michael, h 1413 North =:> Falk Charles A., laborer, h 601 Race

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 255
Falk Charles A., jr., laborer, h 601 Race Falk John c., stripper, h 601 Race Falk Mary, book folder, h 601 Race Falls Olive, saleslady, 215 Market, h 57 Balm Fals Ann, domestic, 260 Herr Falter Annie M., wid George B., h 7117 Race Falter Edward, barber, 707 Race, h do Famous John S., fireman, h 647 Dauphin Famous Rachel A., wid John, h 2244 til Famous \VilIiam H., warehouseman, 336 Chestnut, h \Vormleysburg Fanus Harry P., laborer, h 265 Delaware av Farace Samuel, confectioner, 1527 N 3d, h do Fardy Edward J., puddler, h 1312 S 12th Fardy Mary G., domestic, 209 S Front Fardy WilIiam 1'.1., laborer, h 914 Iron av Farhner William 0., brakeman, h 620 Kelker Faries Carrie L., teacher, h 312 N 2d Farleman Joseph T., repairsman, h 2012 N 7th Farley Michael E., patent medicine, 225 S 15th, h do Farling John, flagman, h 1907 North Farling John H., stoneman, h 1402 Regina Farling Lydia, wid David, h 1835 N 7th Farling Mabel, bunchmkr, h 238 Meadow la Farling Obadiah J. Rev., h 1402 Regina

.:;-.:=.o:-.}HaRisburg Savings and Loan


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J: l>

Farmer John H., machinist, h 1227 Fulton C Farmer \Villiam H., boilermkr, h 517 North Farner Annie M., buncnmkr, h 444 SlOth Farner John, elk Paxton F. and F. Co., h 1313 Walnut Farner ~ora 11., bunchmkr, h 444 SlOth N FARNER WU,TTAlf, Eagle House, 948 B' 7th c BoM, h do l> Farner William E" laborer, h 444 SlOth Farnsworth Anna, dressmkr, h 1929 Swatara FARNSWORTH WILLIAJI C" lawyer, B' 3d 0 Karket, h 21 J: S Front l> Farr William D" bar elk Hotel Columbus, h 26 S 3d :D Farrell Elizabeth, nurse, h 11!) S Front Farrell James H" foreman P. R. R., h 1632 Green l> FarreH 'William F., engineer, h 336 Boyd av fI) Farren James ]., draftsman Dept 1m Affairs, h 709 Capital Farver Frank \V" fireman, h 221) \. erbeke Fasick Charles W., brakeman, h 602 Granite av Fasick Floyd F" brakeman, h 314 Kelker Fasick James \V., brakeman, h 314 Kelker Fasick Maggie, wid Charles, h 322 Hamilton Fasick Ross, elk, 221 Market, h 314 Kelker Fasnacht Alvin E" printer, h 1231 Derry Fasnacht John F" photographer, !H4 Market, h 1234 Bailey Fasnacht, see Fosnaught Fast Jesse It, vostal elk, h 27 N 17th __


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I. KELLEY ,. CO'S ~a:=O:::';~{ 1~-::'a:.:..~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ Faster John H., bartender, h Friendship Engine House

==~ c

Faster John G., cabinctmkr, h :;:i3 Maclay


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Fauber Priscilla, lOi 1\ 13th Fauble Jennie M., stengr Exec Dept, Capitol, h 131 State Faughenrlcr Mary Mrs., h 1114 James av Faulds Mary E., wid William H., h :!3i Harris Faulkender Lucy, domestic, 1411 Market Faunce Lawrence A, eye specialist and jeweler, 1314 N 3d, h lS25 N 2d Faunce Sarah A, wid Joseph J., h 1825 N 2d Faus Emma L., music teacher, fW8 S 20!, h do Faus Esther F., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 707 S 21st Faus Jacob, h 162~ ~ 5th Faus Jacob, jr., milk dealer, 707 S 21st, h do Faus Martin L., ironworker, h 1628 N 5th Faust Albert, machinist, h 558 Woodbine Faust Daniel E., bartdr, 29 S Dewberry av, h 1236 Bailey Faust Elias E., brakeman, h 191~ Fulton Faust Harvey J . hostler, h 520 Peffer Faust Thomas H., teacher, h 410 Cumberland Faust WiIIi<!.lIl, laborer. h 125 Liberty Favinger Charles E., plasterer, h 32i Granite av Favorite Charles \V., (Finton & Favorite), h 527 Peffer Fawber Amos, laborer, h 1!l32 State Fawber Anna, domestic, 301 S Front


Fawber George, watchman, h 1835 Swatara Fawkes W. Franklin, puddler, h 18 N 14th Fay Francis, h 215 Forster Fay \Villiam, laborer, h HOI Herr Fayman George F., checkman P. R. R., h 436 S 16th Fayman Lenora K., bookkpr, h 436 S 16th Fayman Thomas W., machinist, h 436 S 16th Feagley Harry, polisher, h 142 S Cameron Feass Harry, elk, h 1127 N7th Feass Pearl D., elk, 215 Chestnut, h 1127 1'\ 7th Feaster Eudora, head nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Feaster Jerome, brakeman, h U09 Calder Featherstone \Villiam, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Febles Raymond, foreman, 500 Race. h 329 Chestnut Fee Jessamine, wid Seth H., h 25:3 North Feehrer A Ray, machinist, h 1134 S Cameron Feehrer Ellen 1'1., picker, h 1138 S Cameron F eehrer John A., tailor, h 110 Locust Feehrer Simon B., laborer. h 1007 Hemlock Feeman Frank I'lL, student, h 441 S 16th Feeman Ida Mrs., h 215 S 2d Feeman John A., elk Post Office, h 441 S 16th Feeser Alice, domestic, 101 S Front ' Feeser Jacob F., shoemkr, 326 Basin av, h do Feeser J. Henry, laborer. h r 413 State

ANDREW REDIOID}~~:::.~~r=s{3d and Rail, SII. Google

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I. B. TACK} IALL P~P~R ~:e'!:'~~ IIID0I3H1DE3 hJ';:~8t.

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.
Feeser John F., salesman, 101 S 2<1, h Penbrook Feeser Lusetta, bookkpr, 500 Race, h Penbrook Feeser Roy B., cab driver, h 238 Meadow la Fceser Salome, domestic Hershey House Feeser Vinccnt, brakeman, h UH4 North Feeser William H., carpenter, h 1518 Fulton Feevey Augustus A. , puddler, h 141Z Berryhill Feevey Henry, upholsterer, h 306 S River av Feevey Samuel, laborer, h :~06 S River av Fegan James E., caller P. R. R., 11 1880 N ad Fegley Francis F., steelworker, h 255 Liberty Fegley Harry, laborer, ih 17th c Vernon Fegley Henry, driver, h 17th c Vernon Fegley J . Henry, cleaner, h 228 S 15th Fegley Maude, nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Fehl John c., caller P. R. R., h 312 Clinton av Fehl John N., messenger P. R. R., h 31Z Qinton av Fchl Katc S., weaver, h 1333 Bartine av Fehl Mary E., wid Kicholas, h 1333 Bartine av Fehleiscn Herman L., cigars. uH'i State, h do Fehleiscn John B., fireman, h 1119 N Cameron Fehleisen Theodore, molder. h las Balm Feig David, brakcman, h 1210 Susquehanna Feig George ]., laborer, h 2.~ S 2d Feindt William F., baggagemaster, h 1212 Derry




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Feister Charity A., h 12J9 :\'1arket Fcister Harvey J., conductor. h U)3~ Swatara Feite Julia, bookkpr, 36 K 3d, h 12GU State Feite Samuel, laborcr, h 239 N 15th Feldman Max, tajlor State Arsenal, h 612 State Felix Adelaide H., h 10 N :!d Felix Agnes E., h 10 N 2d Felix Daniel F ., laborer, h 2114 Turner av Felix Frank, machinist, h 187 N 15th Felix George, conductor, 11 1816 Fulton Felix Hcnry K., stenographer', 14 S 2d, h 125 Herr Felix John L., laborer, h 2031 Logan av Felix Jones, driver, h 579 Showers av Felix Maria Mrs., nurse, h 125 Herr Felix Mary B., h 10 N 2d Felix R. P.,lineman, 227 Walnut, h 579 Showers av Felker Daniel W., flagman, h 444 Boyd av Felker Harry c., flagman, h 1422 Susquehanna Felker John, proof reader, h 1622 Wallace Fellabaum Henry J., laborer, h 319 Reily Fellers William H., motorman, h 912 Hemlock Fellows Annie, clk, h 139 Balm Fellows Evelyn, elk, h 139 Balm Fellows Frank J., machinist, h 222 N 15th Fellows Frederick F., blacksmith, h 141 Hoerner




CLARK'S =t'r~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store~=~u.

258 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ ~


'I ;;








Fellows Joseph, blacksmith, h l:l!) Balm Fells Augustus H., (Fells Bros.), h 2n08 Forster Fells Barbara 0., wid Henry, h ;)7 Balm Fells Bessie, domestic, 119 S Front Fells Bros., (A. H. and C. :\1.), painters, 208 Strawberry av Fells Catharine, wid George F., h 614 Muench Fells Glarles M., (Fells Bros.), h 57 Balm Fells Della, cashier, 312 Market, h 57 Balm Fells George F., jr., brakeman, h 614 ~luench Fells Mary B., cashier, 312 :\Iarkct, h 57 Balm Felsinger John, cigarmkr, h 13HtI Howard Felsinger Robert H., laborer, h ]339 Howard Feltenberger Frank, tinner, h 1507 \Vallace Feltenberger George, brakeman, h 1238 Thompson av Feltenberger Harry J., flagman, h 1507 Wallace Feltman :Max, tailor, h 612 State Felty Catharine IVlrs., h 120 Charles av Felty John G., salesman, 428 l\1arket, h Fort Hunter Felty John H., butcher, h 311 Briggs Felty J. Solomon, laborer, h 14:15 Regina Felty Mary E., charwoman, h ]211 Charles av Fencil Calvin G., office sec, 16 ~ 2d, h 37 S Summit Fendrick Eliza H., h 107 S Front Fendrick Ellen R., h 107 S Front Fenical Charles E., foreman, H08 Vernon, h 1348 do

lllll!MrnI'IlV lili UWIWIIJ

IBId Trusl"" If se...rol. 1 hIIlU...d" c.tracto r Real ...... 0tI0I j -II.,..... t..l Bl~ QU. Bear of PoI&


Fenical Ella E., shoe operator, h 1;J:~9 Vernon Fenical George F., elk Post Offi(:e, h 1215 Market Fenical George W., brakeman, h 1102 Wallace ....- Fenical Mary A., dressmkr, 1339 Vernon, h do Fenical \Villiam, florist, 1339 Vernon, h do Fenical William A., jr., shoe operator, h 1339 Vernon Fenn Julia E., saleslady, 334 :Mal'ket, h 28 S 3d Fennessy Thomas, bricklayer, h 120 Chestnut FENNO DARWIN G., editor-in-chief Patriot, h 224 N 3d Fenstermacher Anna, saleslady, h 403 vValnut Fenstermacher Charles W., printer, h 1410 N 3d Fenstermacher Harry W., elk, 230 Market, h 329 Keiker Fenstermacher William H., paperhanger, h 329 Kelker Fenstermacher William 1., laborer, h 329 Kelker Fenstermacher William K., brakeman, h 1123 N 3d Fenstimacher George S., wall paper, 107 S 2d, h 1424 State Fenzel Louisa, h Home for the Friendless rd Fergus James A., boilermkr, h 1118 Bartine av U Fergus Madge P., packer, h 1118 Bartine av Ferguson Agnes E., nurse, h 325 N Front Ferguson Andrew M., traY salesman, h 231 Forster Ferguson Anna, domestic, 1501 N Front Ferguson H. Frank, elk, h 238 State Ferguson Joseph F., printer Telegraph, h 8 ~ 2d Ferguson :\Iary, "id William G., h Hi:!l ~ 2d

Read the PATRIOn ~II:~II: {HarrISbUrg'~igi~Z~~!y~ga~!~ ...

- - - - - ----

-- ------------


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Direetory. 259
Ferguson Mary B., housekeeper. 325 N Front Ferguson, see Furgason -t Ft!rnau George W., hostler, h 232 South Fernow Rossiter R., civil engineer, 27 S 2d, h 1427 N Front ..... Fernsler George S., conductor, h 120 Hoerner ::c Fernsler Maurice E., laborer, h 610 Granite av rn Ferree Cora, shirtmkr, h 22118 N 6th Ferree Della, shoe operator, h 1505 Vernon Ferree Edwin S., bar c1k, 217 ~farket, h do Ferree Lawrence L . electrician, 206 Market, h 1415 N 3d Ferree Oliver F., contractor, 524 Camp, h do FERREE THOXAS F., building inspector, 4 N 3d, h 502 I:;



Ferree Uriah D., boarding, 411 :\farket, h do Ferrell Joseph, laborer. h 1622 Walnut Ferriday A. Reeder, paper box mfr, 101-107 N Cameron. h 226 N 2d Ferris James J .. steelworker, h 23 S 2d Ferry George V., elk, 813 Market, h 404 S 14th F'erst Isaac, instalment, 516 State, h 616 do Fesler Annie, nurse, h 542 Maclav Fesler Elizabeth H., saleslady, 334 Market, h 542 Maclay Fesler James G., barber, h 119 Strawberryav Fesler William V., flagman, h 18..'~ N 6th FEssler James M., yardmaster C. V. R. R., h 1236 Walnut

... II


~ ::::} Harrisburg

SaYings and Loa. Asu. {a :.~

Fessler Margaret E., saleslady, 334 Market,h 1236 Walnut Fc-sl'=ler Ruth A., wid James, h 542 ~:Iaclay I-essler, see Fesler, also Festler FEstier William F., laborer, h !136 Fox av Festler, see Fesler, also Fessler Festus Martha, domestic, 91S N 3d Fetrow Amos E., sexton, h 112 Barbara av Fetrow Annie M., domestic, 1017 N 3d Fetrow Charles M., brakemau, h 1715 ~ 7th Fetrow Ellie, wid William. h 1311 Penn Fetrow Frank S., laborer, h 112 Barbara av Fetrow George, fireman, h 1310 X 6th Fetrow Ida, domestic, 13 S Front Fetrow Jonas, laborer, h 634 Calder Fetrow Martha ]., wid Daniel, h 215 Barbara av Fetrow Walter, plumber, h 1311 Penn Fetrow Weldon A., restaurant. 1420 X 3d, h do Fetter Phares S., leverman, h 1341 Vernon Fetterhoff Charles F., salesman, 117 S 2d. h Lvkens Fetterhoff Harvey E., painter, h 5Ill Kelker Fetterhoff Jacob, milk, 1817 N Cameron, h do Fetterhoff L. Alfred, brakeman. h 1939 N 7th Fetterhoff Mary A.. wid Samuel J., h 1939 N 7th Fetterhoff Michael S., janitor. h f)~{!) Dauphin Fetterhoff Urban E., foreman, h 12th nr Hamilton


H. M. KELLEY & CO.}Otrces. :...a.:.r..~"=:}COAL AND WOOD

260 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



~ Fetterman Daniel A., laborer, h 810 Cowden

Fetterman B. Franklin, h 810 Cowden




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~ 1&1 >

Fetterman George, laborer, h 1416 Susquehanna Fetterman James, elk, 421 N 2d, h 222 Verbeke Fetterman Katie E., cigarmkr, h 810 Cowden Fetterman Maggie S. Mrs., h 810 Cowden Fetterolf Charles M . mason, h 1230 Bailey Fetzer William E., elk, 432 Market, h ~lechanicsburg Few John M., asst transfer elk R. :\1. S. depot, h Middle town Fickes Andrew, laborer, h 1242 State Fickes Andrew J., h 2289 N 7th Fickes Arthur, laundryman Lunatic Hospital, h do Fickes Charles R., engineer, h 423 Hamilton Fickes C. Olive, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Fickes Frank, laborer, h 1112 Bartine av Fickes Howard, laborer, h 1112 Bartine av Fickes Jane, wid Benjamin, h 2017 ::\loltke av Fickes John E., mason, h 1435 Market Fickes John S., engineer, h 1936 N 3d Fickes Lulu M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Fickes M. Della, stenographer, h 1112 Bartine av Fickes Walter, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Fickes William, foreman, h 1112 Bartine av Fickes William E., laborer, h 1435 Shoop


o -

Fickes Wm. H., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 1201 N 7th Fickes William M., jr., stengr, 5 N ;~d. h 1203 N Front Fickes Willis c., laborer, h 2017 Moltke av Fickinger George F., molder, h 22(1 S 17th Fickle Curtis c., brakeman, h 432 Kelker av Fickle Ella, wid Elmer E., h 1113 ~Iontgomery c a Ficklin Marshail, jr., bellman, h 516 Brown av Fickney Marshall, waiter, h 516 Brown av ~ Fidler Annie A., bonnetmkr, h 1632 N 6th Ficandt Lizzie, domestic, 214 Reily Fieg David, brakeman, h 1210 Susquehanna Fieg George J., foreman, h 2:l S 2<1 ~ Fields Arthur S., laborer, h 342 ~Iuench 1.1.1 Fields Charles G., cooper, h 11159 S Hth z Fields Edward L., conductor. h 1318 5tate Fields Emanuel. laborer, h 514 Primrose av ::::I Fields George W., laborer, h 12:m N llt fE Fields George W., roller, h l:WfI S lath Fields Henry, houseman, h 24:~ X RiYer av ~ Fields John W., engineer, h 105!1 S 9th E Fields Lewis, laborer, h 122!l N IH Fields Luther, hostler, h 231 Blackberry av ~ Fields \Villiam Rev .. h 12tKI ?\ ad en Fields \VilIiam H .. local expre~s. 4:!f) 5Ot~th, h do !i Fields \Villiam ]., cooper. h 11159 S !Ith ~ Fields William J., laborer, h 167 Indian av

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REDMOND {3d and Raily Stsl

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A. B. TACK}WIII PaDar and Window Shadls{JI:8'lC'?I:ka.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 261
Fife Bessie I., domestic, 1325 N 6th Fife Emma Mrs., housekeeper, 604 N 3d Filbey Amelia Mrs., h 2 S 4th Filbey Bessie Mrs., h 2 S 4th Filbey Thomas G., (Rodenhaver & Filbey), h 2 S 4th Filbey William \V., h 1531 1'\ 3d File Amos D., watchman, h 15116 Howard File Harry I., pastry cook The Bolton, h 918 S 21st File Samuel J., coachman, 315 N Front Filling Frank E., cafe, 1628 N 4th, h 1630 do Filling Frederick, soap boiler, h 2109 Boas Filling John W., laborer, h a05 Cumberland Filling William H., engineer, h 1408 ~ 6th Filling William H., jr., laborer, h 1331 Maple av Fillmore Jacob A., laborer, h 2240 6i Filson Maude E., cigarmkr, h 1126 ~larket Filson Samuel, engineer, h 1126 Market Filson Seba R., machinist, h 9:l2 S 21st Finafrock Harry J., machinist. h 637 Boas Findley Esther M., saleslady, 3:~4 Market, h 646 Muench Findley Jennie S., elk, h 646 Muench Findley John F., engineer, h 2120 ~ 6th Findley Laura, (Findley & Lehr), h 341 Peffer Findley :\Iilton H., engineer, h 646 :\Iuench Findley William, laborer, h 660 Sayford av

MILLER BROS. I: BAKER ~ ~~~b&~-::'~~& !IE:

Findley William S., laborer, h 130S ~ 7th Findley & Lehr, (L. Findley and G. Lehr), milliners, 1107 N 3d Fineburg Catharine :\-1., wid John H., h 211 Mulberry Finegan Elmer E., elk F. and l\L Wks, h 631 Mahantongo Finegan Grace, packer, h 6:l1 ~lahantongo Finegan John P., foreman, h 13(1!) S Cameron Finfrock Charles C, pipecutter, h 13():~ Wallace Finfrock Edwin W., brakeman. h 6:m Verbeke Finfrock Iva, loomhand, h :l27 Reily Finfrock Lewis, watchman, h 1303 \Vallace Finfrock Lewis. jr., brakeman. h laU6 X Front Finicle Joshua S., hostler, h Front ab Seneca Finicle Ralph, asst dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do Fink Andrew, conductor, h 522 Basin av Fink David A., butcher, h 1416 Zarker Fink D. Edward, fireman. h r':l7 Emerald Fink Harry, salesman, 324 MllJrket. h 1104 Plum av Fink Harry H., engineer. h H:l7 Emerald Fink Henry C, (Henry Fink's Sons), Ih !l2R ~ 3d Fink John W .. laborer, h 111 S 2d Fink Killian 0., grocer, 1545 Swatara, h do Fink Louis, mgr, 111 S :hl, h do F"mk Mary, weaver, h 1416 Zarker Fink Robert B., (Henry Fink's Sons), h 928 N 3d

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&. BUTLI'.:R



lIeNag'. C lIon PUis :.':ict~'=::==a= 306 Braad

262 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Fink U. S. Grant, physician, 2146 N 6th, h do . ; Fink William c., treas Penna. Telephone Co., 210 Walnut, h 1507 Green "'C FIlfX'S HENRY SONS, (Henry C. and Bobert B.), ale, por.:. ter and beer brewen, 312 to 320 Fonter see adv _ Fiilkelstine Harry L., (H. L. Finkelstine & Bro.). h 313 U Verbeke :5 Finkelstine H. L. & Bro. (William), varieties, 1209 N 3d c.:t Finkelstine Wm., (H. L. Finkelstine & Bro.), h 1006 N7th Finkenbinder Anna Mrs., h 708 Capital Finkenbinder Carrie ~I., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 708 Capital Finkenbinder Elmer c., elk Paxton F. and F. Co., h 1313 II Walnut Finley Charles A., driver. h 3:l5 Calder Finley Ella A., dressmkr, 1207 Mulberry, h do Finley Hannah J. Mrs., h 335 Calder Finley James P., brakeman, h 428 Muench h 1418 U) Finley John H., laborer.builder, Marion Walnut Finley John M., bridge h 1510 Finlev Patrick, coachman, 1263 S lath Finley William II., salesman, h 218 Chestnut Finn James, laborer, h lfiOR l\" 5th Finnen Daniel, laborer, h 478 S Cameron Finnen Ellen, wid Michael, h 478 S Cameron c( Finnen Harry E., helper, h 446 S Cameron






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Finnen James, laborer, h 478 S Cameron Finnen James. fireman, h 446 S Cameron Finnen Jesse, driver, h 446 S Cameron Finnen John W., laborer, h 446 S Cameron Finnen Joseph c., elk, h 44H S Cameron Finnen William, ho~t1er, h 448 S Cameron Finney Elmer E., nail feeder, h 12.'5 Dock Finney George, laborer, h 125 Dock Finney Jacob E., laborer, h 605 S Front Finney John E., laborer, h 1:!5 Dock Finney John W., laborer, h lao Hoyer av Finney John \V., jr., fireman, h 161 Paxton Finney Joseph B., brakeman, h 1322 Fulton Finney Luther, laborer, h 1:!5 Dock Finney Maurice E., paying teller Hbg Nat Bank, h 1407 N Front Finney William E., laborer, h 130 Hoyer av Finton Annie, domestic, 616 N 2d ~ Finton John W., (Finton & Favorite), h 1632 N tlth Finton & Favorite, (J. W. Finton and C. W. Favorite), Q shoes, 1632 K 6th ~ Firenze Guiseppe, waiter P. R. R. dining rooms, h 1101 ... Market Firestine George D., painter, h 2624 6! t:) Firestine Samuel, 11 2624 6t


Tha PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES FU~'v::;ED~\~L SCOBB8 Google

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I. B. Tlei} ~~~~ ~':'-~tylDo~.U:::;'-:':;

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 263
Firestine William F., carpenter, h 2624 6! Firestone John B., salesman, 318 ;\Iarket, h 231 South Firing Elmer E., die fitter, h 1312 N 7th Firing Harrison, puddler, h 1312 K 7th Firing Lester A., laborer, h 1312 N 7th Firing Olive, stripper, h 1312 N 7th Firl Anna E., trimmer, ij S 2d, h 909 N 2d Firl Robert, hostler, h 217 Blackberry av First Bertha L., dressmkr, h925 Myrtle av First Kathryn P., stengr Dept Economic Zoologist, h 202 Mulberry First Charles A., laborer, h 1115 S 9th First Charles B., fireman, h 120 Boas First Edward, brakeman, h 415 Reily First Edward c., stengr Dept Agriculture, h 20'~ Mulberry First George W., helper, h 1115 S 9th First George W., jr., laborer, h 842 S Cameron First Grace, domestic The Commonwealth First Grace M., cigar roller, h 127 Dock FIlIST NATIONAL BARK, 222 lIarket see adv First Nellie R., buyer, H.'l4 :Vlarket, h 202 Mulberry First Samuel, conductor, h 612 Peffer First Spencer S., salesman, 221 Market, h 254 Verbeke First Theodore, messenger C. v. R. R., h 202 Mu:berry First William, shearsman, h 127 Dock


.r:~~~~'Z:. }Harrisburg Sa-Yi-ng-s-a-n-d-Lo-a-n-A-s-sn-.-{8d-18-~-OItla-*

First William W., brakeman, h 1428 Green Firth Mary Mrs., boarding, 432 Market, h do Fiscel Mary M., h 1233 Bailey Fischer CharieR F., mason, h 1337 Howard Fischler Karl, civil engineer, 9 N 2d, h 280 Briggs Fisel Charles H., driver, h 15 N 13th Fish Caroline, wid Lewis, h 106 Tanner's av Fish Harry E., h 106 Tanner's av Fish William M., elk E. F. B. T. Co., h 230 N 14th Fishburn Adam P., h 324 S 15th Fishburn Edward, laborer, h 1128 Wallace Fishburn Joseph, laborer, h 324 S 15th Fishel Harry W . watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Fishel Henry \V., (Caton & Co.). pres Myers, Fishel & Co. 101 Market, h 216 S 13th Fishel Walter S., elk P.O., h 216 S 13th Fishel Warren C, fireman. h 35 Balm Fisher Amanda 1\1., wid Reuben. h 514 North Fisher Bessie J . cigarmkr. h 514 Korth Fisher Brenneman. barber. 507 Race. h do Fisher Bros., (Curtis W.). plumbers and tinners, 1IHI1-1003 Capital Fisher Calvin G., inspector. h 152:~ Penn Fisher Catharine, wid David, h 1121 Derry Fisher Cecelia c., housekeeper, 520 S l:Uh
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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {N;":"-c=.~ogle vV


H M KELLEY a lCO. {I North ad 8treeI. o. l 10th aDd State !ItA.

8 a:::


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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FISRE:&. CHARLES, bricklayer and contractor, 1323 B Front, h do see adv Fisher Olarlcs, brickmkr. h 520 S 13th . Fisher Olarles B., card writer, 6 S :?d. h 514 North Fisher Charles S., conductor, h 1611 Regina FiSher Charles T., brakeman, h 1824 Green Fisher Clara l\Irs .. h 14:!!l X 4th Fisher Clara 1\1.. teacher, h 6:!1 S Front Fisher Clarence E., molder, h 2106 X 6th Fisher Curtis W., (Fisher Bros.), h 400 Boas Fisher Daniel, hod carrier, h 12;n N 11} Fisher Daniel, laborer, h 413 Delaware av Fisher David W., tinner, h 1324} James Fisher Della, shirtmkr, h 17 ~ 15th Fisher Edith, domestic, 301 S 2d Fisher Elmer, conductor, h 1176 S Cameron Fisher Emma, domestic, 3115 N Front Fisher Emma M., teacher, h 259 Cumberland FISHER EMORY A., (est), painting, wall paper and window shades, 1017 N 3d see adv opp page Fisher Eva J., student. h Hi:!:! Green Fisher Ferdinand, brakeman. h 225 Hummel Fisher Frank C, variety, 1818 Swatara, b do Fisher Frank D., bookbinder, h 1121 Derry Fisher Fulmer F., chemist, h 1112 Plum av


... Fisher I&J Fisher Fisher Fisher Z Fisher Fisher Fisher Z Fisher Fisher I&J Fisher Fisher Fisher O Fisher Fisher :z: Fisher Fisher

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E .....

George W., laborer, h 25 ~ 10th George W., yardmaster P. R. R., h 1808 N 3d George W., jr., lineman, h 1~08 N 3d Gertrude, book se\ver, h 1305 l\Iarket Harry, driver, h Hl7 Cowden Harry, hostler, h 23:; Blackberry av Harry \V., brakeman, h 511 N 4th Henry, laborer, h 2:.)0 ~ 14th Jacob G., steelworker, h t:t05 Market James D., h 1922 N 4th Jennie G., h lilT Briggs John A., conductor, h :!5~ Xorth .. ..... John B., fireman, h l:lfl5 l\Iarket John B.. h 4111 Strawberry av John F .. (Fisher & Weiser), h 1120 X 6th John W., fireman, l_l_:~_:!8 H l_tm_m_e_l_________ _____


:c :::::t



Bricklayer and Contractor

~~::'Q! ANDREW

CD 'Iry LOII.t Estilliti. l.tlD It IDy tilll Ind Replir Work pnllptly atftnded te.


REOMONO{3d antHell, Sis.

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A. B. TleK } FI:L~o~!lTr":'AA!-"'&C~A~fy~R { 121610nn lII1rd SIIII

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 265
Fisher John "Y., laborer, h 554 Primrose av Fisher Joseph, barber, 443 State, h do Fisher Joseph H., screwsman, h 517 Race Fisher Joseph H., jr., draftsman, h 517 Race Fisher Kate E., dressmkr, It 138 S 3d Fisher Lewis R, student, h 1017 ~ 3d Fisher Lila R, elk, 1017 N 3d, h do Fisher Lottie :\1., bunchmkr, h 517 Race Fisher Lottie V., h 1922 X 4th Fisher Louis G., draftsman, h 1427 N Front Fisher Luella, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Fisher l\Iargaret :\lrs., charwoman, h 1813 Briggs Fisher Marshall, shearsman, h 349 S Cameron Fisher Martin, laborer, h 618 Boas Fisher Mary E., wid Albert S., h 421 Boas Fisher Mary R, h 1808 N 3d Fisher Milton C, foreman P. R. R., h 1523 Penn Fisher Oliver A., laborer, h 227 Herr Fisher .Oscar, fireman, h 1622 Susquehanna Fisher Rebecca, h f)1i Briggs Fisher Rebecca, wid John, h ~05 Herr Fisher Richard, conductor, h 22- ummel Fisher Sallie, salesladv, 2]5 Market, h 258 ~orth Fisher Samuel H., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 2106 N 6th Fisher Samuel H., musician, h 503 Cumberland



11 PI


BAKER~ ~15~b~~l:.~~-=

Fisher Samuel J., salesman. h 1523 Penn Fisher Sarah, wid George, h 1608 Green Fisher Susan, wid George. h 606 Forster Fisher Susan R, wid Emory A., h 1017 ~ 3d Fisher Thomas. laborer, h 2116 S River av Fisher Walter F., ~'ardmaster, h 324 Peffer Fisher Wesley, grocer, 12k Dock, h do Fisher WilIiam C, solicitor, h 617 Briggs Fisher William H., engineer, h 621 S Front Fisher William B., yardmaster P. R R, h 18114 N 3d Fisher William L., elk P. R R., h 18t!)! N 3d Fisher WiIliam S., salesman, ~'li Market, h 217 Boas Fisher William W., laborer, h U:W Korth av Fisher & Weiser. (John F. Fisher and Walter Weiser). fruits, 1114 N 6th Fishinger George, laborer, h 213 Blackberry av
--- ---"

- - - ESTABLISHED 1872. - - -


E. A. FISHER, (Eat.),
,-,D_ler In P.lnw....' SoppUeR, P.per, Pain.... OU8. V.rnI8hell, &c. WaD .... of Choice P.tterns .nd L.wst De.lgnR. PrleeR Very Good Work Ouaranwed. P.per B.nKlng .nd Decor.tlng. An Idnd. of Work In Both Branche. promptly .ttenaed to.

Paintin2, Wall Paper w.n Window Shades and



Store: 1017 North Third Street, . HarrisIJurg, Pa.




"dell'. PaiD EdermiDator cures Cho. . Vorbtw, DJMa'Ir7,Cram~ Dlarrb-. 00ldI, Qua)". RbeUJDatiam. Toodlaebe.1Iare TIIl'oa" Aaue. ~ ...........


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Fishinger Harry, salesman, h 213 Blackberry av Fishman Dora Mrs., clothier, 602 Walnut, h do Fishman Samud, mgr, 602 Walnut, h do Fisler Charles, laborer, h 1016 Fox av Fisler Charles B., brakeman, h 1411 N 11} Fisler Frederick S., laster, h 1511 Vernon Fisler Levin F., watchman, h 1216 N 7th Fisler Luther, painter, h Hill Vernon Fisler Roy, laster, h 1511 Vernon Fissel Bessie M., nurse, 1700 N 2d, h do Fissel Daniel F., laborer. h 144 S Cameron Fissel Elias J., h ISO!) N ;Jd Fissel George, machinist, h 11)00 N 6th Fissel Warren. fireman, h 35 Balm Fite George E., bridge builder, h ]302 N 2d Fite Samuel P., laborer. h 239 N 15th Fitting Annie, wid Leon, h 1::l25 Thompson av Fitting David. nickel plater, h 1854 Walnut Fitting Harry M., molder, h 170 N 15th Fitting John W., carpenter, h 225 Crescent Fitz Emma. domestic, 32 N 2d Fitzgerald Catharine D., wid James K., h 4]0 S River av Fitzgerald Charles B., engineer, h 52L Emerald Fitzgerald Charles M., laborer, h 245 Crescent Fitzgerald Clara, warper, h 522 Filbert

n. GUoroOIJ 000 Trust CO. "=. . ~ ~H'I:.1:.: ~-t::' }t: ~ ~~

Fitzgerald Ella, wid Michael, h 522 Filbert Fitzgerald Eugene, boilermkr. h 1806 K 4th Fitzgerald Frank E., troubleman, 2".!7 Walnut, h 1621 N 6th Fitzgerald George S., check man P. R R, h 11i21 N Gth Fitzgerald John F .. laborer, h 654 Calder Fitzgerald Joseph, laborer, h 1841 N 4th Fitzgerald Patrick, watchman, h 1841 1'; 4th Fitzgerald Ross E., c1k P. & R depot. h 1HZ1 X Gth Fitzgerald Samuel W., mgr, h 1621 N 6th Fitzgerald Thomas, laborer, h lSil N 4th Fitzgerald \Vallace W., steward, h :122 Calder Fitzgerald William, plumber, h 11:?5 Derry Fitzimons Lillian; teacher, h 17~ N lith Fitzimons Lizette, wid Thomas, h 1726 X 6th Fitzkee Harry F., car inspector, h ~l;n :\loon! Fitzpatrick John, laborer, h 2a S 2d Fitzpatrick John T., foreman P. R R., h Lli'l Cumberland Fitzpatrick Mary, wid Thomas, h 1841 ~ 4th Fitzpatrick Peter, machinist, h 1118 Cowden ,Q Fitzpatrick Wm. P .. lineman. 210 Walnut, h 1218 Market 01&1 Fitzpatrick W. Righter, electrician, h 441 Walnut Flanagan Cyril C, c1k, h 105 Hanna Flanagan Felix J., nverman. h 105 Hanna Z ;p Flanagan Matthew, riverman, h 105 Hanna

.... .-

The PATRIOnA Ne,spaper for the Home{Slx Cents a Week Google

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:BOyd'3 HarriBbUr:B City Dirretory"


Flanders Lucinda, wid James M., h 119 Chestnut Ylrndr3e Renee tnr,:hee h 1 01e:1tnu* ~!ande~s Susanna, wid Harvey, h 1\;135 N 4th n l:"ck :3dan1" cor:1nhkr" 19"z": RU:ly leck Murray, Hag~nan, 170hh N Fleck Charles, foreman" h 1249 Market leck Chadell T." brak::man" 64zz Peffee Fleck Charles policeman, h 132 Verbeke FLECYl YLARENb:B S. :BR., lZl:rge:::ll dezrtist, b13 ~"''" ..''w" 220 do Fleck Geon:e E." driver" h 640 Peffer b:Bck "\V lll1gi:heer, 13H& N Fleck Harry B., engineer, h 644 Verbeke FHECK l{EblYlY ": liueeb oiirdeslZ lZxcauutor: 1235 7th, h 1304 Wallace Fleck Jacob T., f1llicman" h 1422 Penn Fleck JGhn 11., eGbine1"r, h N Fleck John J., driver, h 640 Peffer Fleck lohn 1 enGine :"nde: 1:10b N Fleck "Kancy A.,~vid Alexander M., h 1606 Penn Fleck Semud" conduct1ll h 640 Peffer F~llckilliem C, braileman, 11: ~ :;th Fleck William H., driver, h 1156 Cumberland Fkegk Kittb: domzstic: 114 State Fleet Joseph A, salesman, h 2 S 4th



6 Flegeal Maude K, housekeeper, 1516 Penn Fl:"geal :larah A." "Svid H::vid R, h lh16 :enn ~SC1IlUNN & CO.,""compressedy~ast, 105 M~ket 3" klShll: HllZem "' clk Dept PuhllC Instn:euon: h 2fhl State Fl:isher John J., brakeman, h 612 Emerald Fleishllr JOhil \V locb:l1ith: POO 3d" df: Fleisher Margaret S., milliner, h 700 N 3d FI:ish:nan 1leginll" wid kbrahf"m h C:pital FLEITZ FREDERICK W., deputy attorney general, Fapito1, h The Lo:;hiel Flrmimr A. "egeRH:, cal lep:lller, h12h N 4th Fl~m!ng Bertha M., shoe operator, h 1211 Derry Fkmmhf Dan1el, hU1"tler" lIP Strev:berm" av Fleming David, (est), D. Flemil1g, executor, 16 N 2d FkminF Dauid, t: llllS F" and M. Works, h 325 N Front Flaming D. elk, 20;) h 3 CnmbarlanS Fleming Harry C, warehouseman P. & R, h 462 S CamerO:l Fleming Hugh P., elk, 222 Mulberry, h 612 N 2d F:"m~n;); Jeanette" n"", 'Yidr pr." h 612 r N ~ront " Flemmg Jenme 1\1., WId 1Clll};;r:! F., lLll""um1:erla:hzl Fleming Joseph M., carpenter,h 462 S Cameron Flnmin;) Leila R" wid C:"orge R, In "";tata

Fi~geai"For~t~r F., asstior~man- . R """ h






10: h

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KELLEY & CO.{ I~'='':''=''

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Fleming Millard F., car cleaner, h 1211 Derry Fleming Nannie B., cashier, 6 S 2d, h 1211 Derry Fleming Kannie V., shirtmkr, h 462 S Catlleron FLEIIING SAMUEL W., bookseller, steel and copper plate printing, also notary public, 32 11 3d, room 7 j asst postmaster, P. O. bldg, h 104 South see adv front oover Fleming William R, pres and genl mgr F. and M. Works, h 612 N Front Fleming Wilson I., elk sec Commonwealth, h 1 S Front FLESHMAN' 1. B. & CO., T. II. lIeloy, mgr, brokers, 2811 3d Fletcher Daniel \V., conductor, h 324 Crescent Fletcher Ernest, laborer. h 1116 Hickory av Fletcher Frederick W., flagman, h 324 Crescent Fletcher George W., steelworker, h 128 Sylvan ter Fletcher James, caller P. R R, h 1217 Wallace Fletcher J. Rowe, bookkpr, h 31 S 3d Fletcher Martha J.. wid John T., h 132 Sylvan ter Flickinger Amy M., elk, 1521l Derry, h 1518 do Flickinger Anna, laundress, h 614 Dauphin Flickinger Anna S., teacher, h 261 Briggs Flickinger B. Franklin, flagman, h 1606 N 5th Flickinger Edmond B., (Sides & Flickinger), h 1335 Derry Flickinger Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 261 Briggs Flickinger G. Clair, brakeman, h 2102 N 4th Flickinger George H., machinist, h 11 S 16th

Flickinger Gilbert M., elk, 306 Verbeke, h 261 Briggs Flickinger Grover C, baker, h 217 Verbeke Flickinger Harry, messenger P. R R, h 1534 N 4th Flickinger John, (Strominger & Flickinger), h 261 Briggs Flickinger John W., conductor, h 2102 N 4th Flickinger Josiah B., variety, 1520 Derry, h 1518 do Flickinger Lydia, wid William J., h 1534 N 4th Flickingoer Richard J., telegrapher, h 333 Market Flickinger \Villfield S., laborer, h 1534 N 4th Flinchbaugh James 1., waiter, 307 Walnut, h do Flomerfe1t Samuel L., piano tuner, 32 N 3d, h 2 S 4th Flood Albert B., elk, h 7] t) N 6th Florence Crittentol1 Home, 213 Verbeke Florey Emanuel, iaborer Lunatic Hospital, h do Flory Linnie Mrs., h 1219 Cowden Flowerfield Grace Eo, domestic, 25 S 3d Flowers Benjamin G., h 1316 N Front Flowers Clarence G., genl del elk P.O., h 1316 N Front Flowers Claude J. B.,- student, h 1316 N Front Flowers Elmer, elk Post Office, h 1316 N Front Flowers Emanuel W., baker, h 332 Reily Flowers Harriet, dressmkr, h 332 Reily Flowers Hiram, baker, h 613 Harris Flowers Lee W., P. O. messenger P. R R, h 613 Harris Flowers Maggie M., binder, h 332 Reily Flowers Mary L., wid Milton Y., h 304 Chestnut

GORGAS}FAIR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3d St. PRICED ORU881ST{16 N. - - - - - ----

Redmond's Wagon Works {~~} 3d and R811y Sts. Google

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A. B. TACK =,tb~:n~ 1011 PIlDerOOO IIIIGOI_ P:l~f"'ll.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 269 Flowers Ralph J., plumber, h 1255 Bailey Floyd Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 13th nr cemetery Floyd George A., machinist, h 508 Emerald Floyd Helen T., h 436 North Floyd Michael A., patternmkr, h 235 Briggs Floyd Olive, saleslady, 334 Market, h 5U8 Emerald FLOYD SAlrtUEL A., wholesale confectioner, 110 S 241, h 513 S 13th Flurie William H., brickmkr, h 135 N 4th Flynn Agnes Mrs., domestic, 1223 Wallace Flynn Albert H., laborer, h 1837 Swatara Flynn Annie Mrs., boarding, 13 N 5th, h do Flynn Francis 1., motorman, h 322 Peffer Flynn Harry J., bar elk, 212 Strawberry av, h 515 N 5th Flynn James, driver, h 1837 Swatara Focht Harry, molder, h 147 Ann av Focht Margaret Mrs., laundress, h 415 Strawberry av Focht Mary K., laundress, h 415 Strawberry av Focht Wilham D., laborer, h 415 Strawberry av Foerster George, h 530 Race Foerster Geo., jr., grocer, 540 Race, h 117 Washington av Foesel George, fireman, h 1136 S Cameron Fogarty Edward, laborer, h 915 Grand -a Fogarty Edward, jr., brakeman, h 923 Rose av ;. Fogarty Eugene J., plumber and gas fitter, 912 N 3d, h do


BAKER~ ~=~b=~-:'~~E

Fogle Albert H., brakeman, h 2145 Atlas av Fohl Charles S.; harnessmkr, 1008 Market, h 23 N 10th Foley Bridget, wid Lawler, h 1309 N Cameron Foley Edmund, h 13 S River av Foley James V., laborer, h 932 Grand Foley John T., elk P. R. R., h 1}32 Grand I Foley Kate, milliner, h 449 State Foley Maria, wid John, h 932 Grand Foley Mary]., saleslady, 334 Market, h Steelton Foley Michael, laborer, h 1309 N Cameron Foley Sarah, shoe operator, h 1635 Market -< Foley Susan E., proof reader Telegraph, h 932 Grand Foley William, telegrapher, h 407 Market Folgenak Frank, laborer, h 212 Mary's av ~ Folk Charles D., bookbinder, h 1110 Montgomery Folk Jesse C, sawyer, h 94!! S 19th Folk, see Foulk Follett Adassa M., housekeeper, 941 S 191 Follett William H., laborer, h 941 S 19! Follett William W., laborer, h 941 S 19! Follmer John G., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 207 K 2d Foltz Andrew B., h 114 South Foltz Augustus C, deputy revenue collector, P. O. bldg, h 4111 Walnut Foltz Catharine A., wid Samuel, h 1901 N 7th

= --



4.' Ie

lelell'l Pain Elternalnator !!;'fU,c;aha-:'~-l':& {aoe~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.
:;; Foltz Catharine G., h 222 N 2d . . Foltz Charles F., elk P. R. R. freight depot, h 247 Hummel :;; Foltz Frank, laborer, h 1901 N 7th li Foltz Grace K., elk, 210 Walnut, h 411i do "I Foltz Ira, brakeman, h (i20 Reily :::I Foltz John A., laborer, h 48 N l:uh ~ FOLTZ 10HN B., druggist, 2021 N 6th, h do ~ Foltz Robert, laborer, h 17~7 N 7th ~ Foltz William, h 247 Hummel Foltz William G., brakeman, h 1227 Cowden Foltz, see Foultz, also Fultz _ Farnan John, butler, h 500i South !I Fongaro Joseph, mason. h UOI Market c:i Foor Chester T., boilermkr, h 10:W Paxton -Ii Foor James F., car inspector, h 1020 Paxton :IE Foos ~Ifg Co., agrl implts, 627 \Valnut Foose Clarion c., carpenter. h 1510t Logan av fI) Foose Eleanor I., music 'teacher, 70;) X 2<1. h do Foose Ellen M., wid David H .. h 3.J,:! S 13th Foose Emma J., saleslady, 334 Market, h 23 N 10th Foose Frank c., elk. 121 Chestnut. h 904 Green ~ Foose Jacob A., foreman. h 1611i Hunter av Foose James, car inspector, h 511H X 4th Foose James McC., horseshoer, 111 Filbert, h 407 Market Foose James 0., machinist, h 1116 Bartine av
mLE nauln AD TIUT n. { ..........liliiii.... ~......_ } .... EIIah _ - I I ...........TrutMl UII .11 ...., kiM'" Jlldlcl.1 ,..... ...,,,




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Foose Lemuel 0., city supt. 12:{ Chestnut, h 705 N 2d Foose Samuel A., elk, h 50!} ;.J 4th Foote Anna M .. domestic, 1416 N' 4th Foote Daniel E., watchman Arsenal, h 1fl04 State Foote E. Louise. dressmkr, h 1416 N 4th Foote George B., janitor, h 1115 N llt Foote John i\J., special pension examiner, P. O. bldg, h State Capital Hotel Foote Stella L., stengr Dept Int Affairs, h 1804 State Forbes Abraham, laborer, h 10~9 N Cameron Forbes Harry, machinist, h 10t-tIJ ?; Cameron Forbes John, foreman, h Hllt7 l' 7th Forbes ]. Watson, engine preparer, h lOll N 7th Forbes Rush W., laborer. h 1208 N 7th Forbes Susan H .. milliner, 36 N 3d. h 1007 Cowden Forbes William H., restaurant, 832 1\lkt, h 1007 Cowden Ford Carrie Mrs., laundres3, h 107 Tanner's av Ford Daniel, laborer, h 128 Indian av Ford Ellis W., city assessor, h 210 Kelker Ford Frank, fireman. h 923 N 3d Ford Frederick W., brakeman. h l1l3 Wallace Ford George, molder. h 102 Short Ford Ida 1\1., wid Robert. h (i:l6 Briggs Ford James. laborer, h 210 ~eadow la Ford John F .. shearsman, h 1008 S Cameron

r':~L:V:O~= IOU moor ond IIndowShOdeS from A. 8. TACK {N.':J:t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 271 Ford Martin J., inspector, 210 Walnut, h H27 Briggs Ford :Mary, wid Martin, h 6:.'7 Briggs Ford Mary E., domestic, 636 Briggs Ford Robert H., hostler, h SiB S 111th Ford William, flagman, h 412 Reily Ford William, laborer, h 3 r lfl2S State Fordney Grace E., milliner, h 1221 :..; 7th Fordney Philip, engine inspector, h 1:!:!1 ~ 7th Fore John c., carpenter, h 5:~0 Emerald Foreman Carrie B., seamstress, h :!Ii.,l :";orth FOREMAN lACOB H., sec and treaa United Ice and Coal Co., h Carlisle FOREMAN lttAlILON S., propr Keystone Bottling W orkl, 114 S Dewberry av, h 210 Liberty see adv Foreman Sallie' E., wid Robert c., h un 7 Berrvhill Forman Amelia Mrs., h 1a18 N 2d . Forman Emil, machinist, h 1a18 N 2d Forman Jacob, furniture, 402 Walnut, h 528 N 'Hh Forman John, waiter, h 501'1 South Formwalt Birdie V. :\Irs., grocer. :t?1 Boas. h ':~H Verbc:'ke Formwalt Harvey J., salesman, a25 Market, h 1;Jf1 Vul'eke Formwalt, see Fornwalt Forncrook Jay C. Rev .. h 1119 Green Forney Amanda S., wid William W., h 51lt) \Voodbine

~:~=O:D} Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. ~:

,. < ,. ::=
:D :D C

FORNEY BROS. SHOE CO., C. C. Forney, mgr, wholesale boot and shoe mfrs, 428 Market Forney Charles :\'1., (Forney & Knouse), h Paxtang Forney C. Harvey, (Forney Bros. Shoe Co.), pres People's Ice Co., h 133U Derry Forney Christian H. Rev .. editor, h 1&16 Derry Forney Clayton c., (I. R. Lyme & Co.), mgr, 428 Market, tn'as People's Ice Co., h 1a:{2 Derry Forney Clinton J, florist, h 208 Strawberry av ' Forney Elsie H" centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Forney Emma, telephone opr, 210 \Valnut, h 522 Emerald Forney Harry G., brakeman, h 1531 Wallace Forney Henry J., treas Hbg Mig and Boiler Co., h Penbrook Forney J. Charles, elk, 615 Walnut, h 522 Emerald Forney Jeremiah c., laborer, h 3~ Linden


]::a ]::a ]::a






Telephoto ~ 114 South Dewberry Ave., Harrisburg. Pa.

18 Digitized


POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {NoJ..aa(;:.~~.!!:~ Ie by'-.:rOOg

TI7 of T_ -

H M KELLEY &CO' S-F01I01_....,..41. wbeD { ,1. UtIli....Ia. mack I d III Itlllt. OI'der.aes&


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ ;::::: ~ ;; -







1&1 1&1


o Z a: 1&1 >

Forney John H., conductor, h 15251 N 3d Forney Lydia A., editor, h 1336 Derry Forney ~Iabel E., stengr, 14110 N 3d, h 506 Woodbine Forney Mary E., wid George, h 126 Nagle Forney May C, bookkpr, 5~ N 13th, h 506 Woodbine Forney Michael W .. ticket agt P. R. R., h 522 Emerald Forney Sarah, wid John \V., h 13th nr cemetery Fornev William C. I., elk P. R. R.. h 506 Woodbine FORNEY & KROUSE, (Charles II. Forney and 1acob H. :K:nouse), druggists, 426 Market FORNEY & STEWART, (J. C. Forney (est) and Henry 1. Stewart), boots and shoes, 7 S 2d Fornwald Chas. A., stengr, P. R. R. depot, h 630 Verbeke FORNWALD 10SEPH, carpets, oil cloths, rugs, &c., 1405 N 6th, h 630 Verbeke Fornwald \Villiam F., salesman, h 630 Verbeke Fornwalt Anna 1\1., lauudress, h 1611 Wallace Fornwalt Dawson A., brakeman, h 1324 N 2d Fornwalt Ellsworth L .. conductor, h 1611 \Vallace Fornwalt Franklin E., foreman P. R. R.. h 11102 Green Fornwalt George E., brakeman, h 1611 Wallace Fornwalt, see Formwalt Forrer Clarence L., weighmaster. h 442 l\Iuench Forrer Edna V., seamstress, h 442 Muench Forrer Julia A., wid Tempest L., h 1605 N 6th



Forrer Tolbert ]., brakeman, h Seneca nr 6th Forrer V. Grant, foreman, Divisionnr 6th, h 336 Peffer Forrer Warren E., mgr, 331 Market. h 442 Muench Forrer \Vinfield S., motorman, h 442 Muench Forrest Abner B., foreman, 2d nr Vine, h 2114 Derry Forrest Charles H. Rev., h 311 l\laelay Forrest Harry A., laborer, h 2114 Derry Forrey \Vesley L., salesman, 324 Market, h 216 Chestnut Forry H. Ed, (Xational Parcel and Baggage Transfer), h 60 Balm Forry John, foreman, h 28 N 5th Forster Arthur G., elk, h 1618 N 2d Forster Benjamin :\1., lawyer, 32 N 3d, h 7 S Front Forster Eleanor R., dressmkr, h 1618 N 2d l' orster Henry R., foreman, h 531 Race :Forster J. Montgomery, h 303 S Front Forster Lydia, wid Thomas W., h 1618 N 2d Forster Maud R., h Hi48 N 2d Forster Olivia, saleslady, 221 Market, h 1618 N 2d Forster. see Foster Forsytli Charles, laborer, h 1841 Swatara Forsyth Charles N., foreman, h 1008 Berryhill Forsyth Edward A . steelworker, h 10:l Filbert Forsyth Emma, rolier, h 1008 Berryhill Forsyth Gertrude, polisher, h 1224 Derry Forsyth Harriet G., stripper, h 1O"~ Derr}'hill

AIDREW REDMOND}~::' :t~cl:B{3d and RIliII StS. byGoogle


I. B. TACK} IILL PIPER e:::~.::! 111001 SHADES{ N~~:iS&.

Boyd's Harrisbllrg City Directo1'1.

Forsyth John P., electrician, h 1224 Derry Forsyth May E., stripper, h 1008 Berryhill Forsyth William H., tinsmith, h 1224 Derry Forsyth William K., shoe tacker, h 1:!".!4 Derry (I) Forsythe John A., driver, 318 Market, h 1732 Fulton Forsythe Joseph C., laborer, h 1732 Fulton Forsythe Walter, elk, 1001 N 3d, h 1732 Fulton Fortenbaugh Abram P., bookkpr, h l:t!H Derry Fortenbaugh Anna E., h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Harry W., tinner, It 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh James P., painter, h 1323 Derry Fortenbaugh John, grocer, 1726 K 4th, h do Fortenbaugh John B., paperhanger, h 2146 N 6th Fortenbaugh John W., elk P. R. R., h 1806 N 3d Fortenbaugh Mary J., wid James P., h 1806 N 3d Fortenbaugh Mirrel M., cutter, h 265 North Fortenbaugh Phoebe, wid Peter W., h 1511 N 3d Fortenbaugh Steahley L., wall paper, 1002 N 6th, h do Fortenbaugh Sue M., elk, HIO'! N 6th, h 2204 do Fortenbaugh William E., mgr, 225 Market, h 39 N 17th FORTENBAUGH wnLTAX S., restaurant and produce, 1128 N 6th c Cumberland, h do see adv Fortenbaugh Wm. W., foreman Pipher Line, h 265 North Fortna Caroline R., forelady, 500 Race, h 417 S 14th Fortna Charles A., letter carrier, h 1211 Mulberry


Fortna David H., engineer, h 433 S 17th Fortna Rudolph K., letter c.arrier, h 609 N Front Fortney Charles H., motorman, h 1739 N 3d Fortney Edward, laborer, h 727 S IHth Fortney Ella, shoe operator, h 727 S 19th Fortney Ella R., stenographer, 2d nr Vine, h 2021 Fulton Fortney Ella V., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h H27 N 6th Fortney Harvey, engineer, h HI:! S 9th Fortney Harvey W., solicitor, 21 N :Jd, h 157 N 15th Fortney Isaac, carter, h 727 S 19th Fortney John W., machinist, h 1722 N !ld 1111 Fortney Laura A., dressmkr, h 927 N 6th ~I Fortney Lizzie, dressmkr, h 927 N 6th iii Fortney Margaret, wid Edward F., h 727 S 19th ~r Fortney Minerva R., wid George, h 1110 Cowden 6c Fortney Sylvester T., salesman, 222 Mulberry, h 1616 N 3d l'Itt

FURlENBAUGH'S CAFE Barrislnlrg, Pa,

1128 North 6th Street,
Side Entranee for Ladles oft' 6th Street. OPEN DA.Y AND NIGHT.






&-Iee Oream, Cakes and Candy. Strawberne", Watermelons, C_taloape8 and all FraltM in 8eallOn. Your Patronalre SoUclted.






CLARK'S ::::J Drug and Patant Madiclna Store{=~u.

274 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
. . Fortney Thomas, car repairer, h 1736 N 6th - Fortney \\"illiam A., engine cleaner, h 1110 Cowden ~ ~ Fortney William H., brakeman, h 1110 S 9th 11 Forward Joseph E., postal elk, h 3,13! Crescent ca Fosnaught Charlotte, wid John R., h ,129 l\1aclay Fosnaught E. Gertrude, teacher, h 429 ),laelay E Fosnaught, see Fasnacht c5 Fosnot Edward :\1., laborer, h 211 1Iuench ... Fosnot Gertrude J., housekeeper, It-:Ol N 3d ~ Fosnot George A., loom fixer, h 1~U1 N 3d Fosnot Joseph, fireman, h 313 Reily Fosnot Lola, toer, h 18m N 3d Fosnot Maggie, operator, h 18111 N 3d Fosnot Maggie A., wid Joshua V., h 1801 N 3d ~ Fosnot William, carpenter, h 18111 N 3d lC Foster Charles G., machinist, h 16119 X 6th ~ Foster Charles H., conductor, h 505 Reily ~ Foster Charles W., buyer, 2!!1 Market, h 113 Washington :IE F oster Edward L., brakeman, h 1004 Green ; ; Foster Eliza J., wid Wesley M., h 1609 N 6th UI Foster Harry R., elk P. R. R. depot, b 107 Washington Foster Helen J., stenographer. 4,15 S 2d, h 107 Washington I&J Foster Henry, contractor. h 834 S 15th .J Foster Leah)., wid Alfred B.. h 10(14 Green c:[ Foster Leona R., saleslady, 221 1Iarket, h 1004 Green



I&J 1lllo'SDoronlY ond Trusl CO Of SCRAln J) ""II"al.r Conlnel. r Real Ba&ate Bldg. -S., ...III. 1111- t 'UIA. Rear of Poet


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Foster Mary F., cigar packer, h 1609 N 6th Foster M. Emma, h 122 Locust Foster Sadie Mrs., laundress Children's Industrial Homer h do Foster Thos. C, shipper, Crescent c Mulberry, h 9 N 13th Foster \Varren 0., Dauphin Co. Reporter, 213 Walnut, h 1609 Green Foster Wesley E., engineer, h 621 Dauphin Foster, see also Forster Fought Catharine, bonnetmkr, h 1422 ~ 3d Fought Emma, wid Henry B., h 1509 Penn Fought Mary E., bookkpr, 10th eState, h 316 N 2d Fought Miles A.. salesman, h 217 North Fouke \Villiam H. Rev., editor, 201 N 2d. h 315 Kelker Foulk A. Lillie, bookkpr. 26 N Cameron, h 2023 N 5th Foulk Amos, carpenter Lunatic Hospital. h 2023 N 5th Foulk Charles H . (Hbg Couch Co.), h 5:15 l\1aclay Foulk George. engineer. h 313 Reily . Foulk Lillie 11., cashier, 310 Market, h 1312 Howard Foulk, see Folk Foulke Mary L . domestic, 819 N 2d Foultz John'B., brakeman, h 615 Calder Fottltz Stewart c., brakeman, h 1321 Wallace Foultz. see Foltz. also Fultz Fountain Carrie 1., booker. h 546 Race Fountain Elizabeth. tobacco stripper, h 593 S Front

Raad tha PATRIOT} ~EN -:" {Hanlsburg's aast .lIspapar .... Google
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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 275
x'ountain Elizabeth, wid Oliver, h 112 Tuscarora Fountain James, cook Commonwealth, h 227 N River av Fountain Nelson, electrician, h 1732 N 5th Fountain Oliver, laborer, h 112 Nagle Fountain Sallie, wid Nelson, h 206 S 2d Fountain Willis H., nailer, h 593 S Front Foust Harry, brakeman, h 12:~ Linden .Foust Lewis, carpenter, h 413 Pear av x'oust Samuel C, boilermkr, h 15 Linden Fowler Boyd S., brakeman, h 2166 N .7th Fox Adelaide, wid Richard, h 129 Walnut Fox Agnes, wid Peter, h 1:l8 Dock .Fox Amos R., flagman, h 1518 Wallace Fox Augustus, brewer, h 517 Walnut Fox Charles E., student, h 1319 Penn Fox Clifford c., fireman, h 1821 Swatara Fox Dale E., polisher, h 635 S Front Fox David, laborer, h 623 Herr Fox David H., art dealer, 1012 N 3d, h 1620 Penn Fox Elmer, laborer, h 147 Ann av Fox Elmira, wid Emanuel, h 347 S 13th Fox Hannah P., wid James T., h 65 N 14th Fox James M., engineer, h 220 Verbeke Fox Jennie, cigar roller, h 138 Dock Fox John, elk, 35 N 3d, h 1319 James

~~ ~8:: ~Harrllburg

SaYings and Loan ASSR. {::

FOX 10llN E., lawyer, 1 Ii 2d, h 322 do Fox John F., elk, h 1:319 James Fox John H., laborer, h 606 South Fox John T., laborer, h 422 Muench Fox Joseph B., tip-smith. h 1619 N ~th Fox Lawrence, elk. h 1~n9! N 5th Fox Lieuetta A., cigarmkr, h 18091 ~ 5th Fox ~1argaret, cigar roUer. h 1:3R Dock Fox Martha E., wid Wilson C, h 1440 Derry Fox Otto, Fluss Hotel, :1411 S 2d, h do Fox Richard M., painter. It 422 :\iucnch Fox Richard V., elk, h 12H Walnut Fox Sarah E., wid Harry E . h 1;~lH James Fox Uriah, conductor, h 180!)! N 5th Fox \Vallace C. pressman Telegraph. h 62.'3 Herr Fox William H., laborer, h 180H! N 5th Fox 'V. Stewart, flagman, h 527 Emerald Foy Alice J. :\hs., h lili1 Verbeke Fraelich Daniel. engineer. h 1624 Fulton Fraclich Emlin F., engineer, h 618 Reily Fraelich Henry, engineer, h 426 Reily Frae1ich Heston C. driver, h 618 Reily Fraelich Shcrman 'Y., flagman. h 1524 Susquehanna Fraelich \\r alter. fil eman, h 426 Reily Fraelich \ViIliam H., laborer, h 426 Reilv Fraelich. see Fralich, also Fralick, also f'roehlich

== o

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H. M. KELLEY &, CO.}Otr.ces, :.:r:~~..:~::}COAL AND WOOD

276 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t:; ...., Frailey Susan, wid Amos, h 1206 Penn

Frailey Susan B., wid Amos B., h 1206 Penn "" Fraim Alvin H., barber, 2024 N 6th, h 2231 do ~ Fraim Olarles W., carpenter, h 2229 X 6th a: FRADI HARRY S., contractor and builder, 612 Camp, h 2218 li6th :z: Fraim William A., gas fixtures, 1208! N 3d, h 1603 N 2d I - Fraim W. Leroy, student, h 1603 N 2d ~ Fraker Joseph E., ins agt, 104 S 2<1, h Steelton Fraley Isabella, wid Henry, h 419 North ~ Fraley John S., engineer, h 1645 N 6th Fralich George, conductor, h Globe Hotel .Fralich George, laborer, h 6:~6 Calder Fralich John H., flagman, h 2034 Fulton Fralich Lewis, salesman, 308 Market, h 636 Calder laJ Fralich Lewis L., conductor, h 63(; Calder Fralich Samuel K., flagman, h 521 Kelker Fralich Sarah 1\1., wid Jacob, h 2034 Fulton Fralich, see Fraelich, also Fralick, also Froehlich Fralick Daniel R, baggagemaster. h 913 N 6th Fralick Levi B., conductor, h i)2:J Camp Fralick. see Fraelich, ruso Fralich, also Froehlich Franc Isaac, janitor, h 327 Muench Francis William, laborer, h 1219 Apple av Franck George J., heater, h 1046 S 9th


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Franck Jacob J., laborer, h 131 Dock Franick John, laborer. h 1 Paxton Furnace Row Frank Alice, wid Irvin, h 122~ N Cameron Frank Anna C, teacher, h 1005 Green Frank Annie, weavet, h 1324 N 3d Frank Barbara, domestic, 602 South F rank Charles, h 107 S 2d Frank Charles H., brakeman, h 540 Sprague av Frank Charles R, bricklayer, h 1H27 :-.r 5th Frank Charles W., h 1927 N 5th Frank Charles W., huckster. h 114 Xagle Frank Emily M., wid John, h 1:t!4 X ad Frank G. Elmer, barber, h 19~7 X 7th Frank Harry, upholsterer, h 1400 :'.Iarion Frank Harry E., brakeman. h 2:135 Gt Frank Harry E., elk, 3:l:1 S Front. h 114 Nagle Frank Harry :\1., policeman, h 1214 X 7th Frank Han'ey, laborer. h HI~7 :-.; 7th Frank Ida :'.1., wid Robert C. h 1987 :-.r 7th Frank Jacob, furniture, 1235 Derry and 14011 Marion. h do Frank Jacob W., conductor. h HIS7 N 7th Frank Tames L.. brakeman, h 2::m7 (H Frank John R, laborer, h 627 Hamilton Frank John W., baker, h 217 Calder Frank Joseph. mgr, \Valnut cad, h do

1. B. TACK}Wall Paper and Window Shadesh:::J.=~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 277
Frank Leslie, helper, h 511 Cumberland Frank Lorenzo L., brakeman, h 548 Forrest Frank Lotta, domestic, 1419 N Front Frank Louie, restaurant, 40n Filbert, h do Frank Max, h 507 Walnut Frank R Bertram, laborer, h 751 S 191 Frank Rebecca, wid Michael, h 1214 N 7th Frank Samuel S., postal elk, h 2138 Moore Frank Simon, h 17 Cowden Frank William E., grocer, 1826 N 6th, h do Frank William G., engineer, h 652 Cumberland Frank William H., machinist, h 1404 Market Frankeberger Amelia Mrs., h 1614 Hunter Frankem Augustus H., supt, h 608 North Frankem Clara, milliner, h 6 S 4th Frankem E. Lawrence, level man, :!22 Market, h 6 S 4th Frankem Lillie, retoucher, h 608 North Frankem 1lary, elk, 12 S 2d, h 6 S 4th Frankem Sarah A., wid Edward L., h 6 S 4th Frankenfield Warren, steam fitter, h 509 North Franklin Benjamin, laborer, h 12:32 N 111 Franklin Caroline, wid Samuel, h 222 Boas Franklin Charlotte, wid Albert, h 1407 Marion Franklin Christopher c., porter P. R R, h 514 Brown av Franklin Elizabeth, wid Mathew. h 5;:i7 Camp

MILLER BROS. cl BAKER {~I5~t.~~:'~~E :E

Franklin Frank, laborer, h 1!!:~9 N U~ . Franklin George c., carpenter, h :lilt; Harris Franklin George W., laborer, h 118 Liberty Franklin Harvey, laborer, h 607 S Front Franklin Henry, laborer, h 608 ~orth av Franklin John, waiter. h 14:1 Balm Franklin Press, L. S. Burnell, mgr, printers, 213 N 2d Franklin W. DeWitt, elk, h 316 !\ Court Franklin William, laborer, h 12 Haehnlen av Franklin William, laborer, h 1118 Hickory av Franklin William E., laborer, h a06 Harris Frantz Anna X .. stengr Aud Genl's Dept, h ~oo ~ 2d Frantz Charles 0., laborer, h 1618 Park Frantz Clara E., bookkpr. h IS02 Green Frantz Clara S., wid Ezra W . h 16(12 Green Frantz Harvey, carpenter, h 1942 Xorth Frantz Joseph H .. grocer, 17f!:! ~ !ld, h 1716 Green Frantz Margaret 1., stengr, 222 :\Iarket, h 132 Sylvan ter Frantz Marv H., teacher, h 1420 Walnut Frantz Matilda. wid John. h 1618 Park Frantz Susan, boarding, 624 \Valnut. h do FRASCH FREDERICK C., ice cream, 1428 Market and 319 Walnut, h do see adv next page Frasch Frederick D., bar elk, 1108 Market, h do Frasch William F., baker, h 1517 Vernon Frawley John B., molder, h (j27 Forster




) No 1230 ARCH STREET PHIl l I'A

McNeil's Complexion Pills :.~l~~d~~:;=':tJ~~ 306 Broad


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


..: Fray Katharine. domestic, 5S Balm Fray Sarah G .. wid Simon G., h 58 Balm Frazer Edgar K, lumber, h 15~9 N 2d Frazer Frank. car inspector, h 407 11arket Frazer Miriam, housekeeper, 1529 N 2d Frazer Robert, elk, h 15:.m N 2d Frazier Charles E., sec, 321 l\larket, h :{26 Chestnut .; Frazier Edward C, puddler, h 1;~07 S 12th ~ Freaner Elizabeth, h li04 K 3d Freaner William, huckster, h 239 State Frederick Charles, laborer, h 1421 Wallace Frederick Glarles T., laborer, h 1206 ~Iarket :: Frederick .CIara B., dressmkr, h 1201) Market Frederick George W .. laborer, h 1206 ~1arket .s Frederick Mary E., wid George N., h 120U Market ftII Free Albert J., optician, h 4 Hi Herr Free Anna G., seamstress Children's Industrial Home,h do (J) Free Annie, milliner, h 1433 Walnut Free Benjamin F., machinist, h 1118 Green Free Glarles B.. plasterer, h 1926 N 5th Free Daniel, elk, 500 l\Iarket, h 14:13 Walnut ... Free Edward Woo brakeman, h 1427 ?\ lith Free Elmer, brakeman. h 54 Balm c:[ Free Frank H., messenger P. R. R.. h 1720 N 3d Free George H., conductor, h 1641 N ()th



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Setattt , Ell".,... ... .CMI, 1I11 ." I- Iitie GnomnlY ond Im31 CO tt ......... 1I ......'IIIIJM" ,.'er". Ceo". rl ...., II." 0111,. Z Free Harry S., engineer, h 1123 N 3cl
of .."

o o

Free Horace Boo fireman, h 12H:~ \Vallace Free Kate. \\id Benjamin F . h 1427 ?': lith Free Mahala, wid George \\'., h I>:!G Peffer Free ?\elson S., brakeman. h 1)25 Peffer Free Samuel :\1.. paperhanger, h lUi Herr Fret: Warren B., brakeman. h 1427 ?\ lith Freeburn Alice 1\1. ~![rs .. boarding. 125 S :hl. h do Freeburn Glaries \Voo engineer. h Iii::?::; Penn Freeburn Christian E .. pressman Patriot. h 17115 Penn FREEBURN EDWIN M., real estate and insurance, 16 N 2d, h 1623 N 3d Freehurn H;lrry H .. real estate. insurance and notary public. HHU ~ :1<1, h 140;-: l\ :!d Freeburtl John C. machinist, h 12:~7 X 7th




The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIn.:", FUi~.:.t;a,;Jl~.~L SC()RE~ COOS Ie
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fE: l:~~~~tl::. ~ 319 Walnut St.. and 1428 Market St,. Harrisburg, PI. t::l



City Directory.


Freeburn John M., jr., decorator, -834 Market, h Mechanicsburg Freeburn Ric:hard H., engineer, h 16~3! N 3d Freeburn Richard H., jr., paperhanger, h 2011 Logan av Freeburn Robert, engineer, h a01 Boyd av Freed George W., laborer, h 103 Hanna Freed Isaac, agt, h 1337 N Front Freed Jonathan D., h 103 Hanna Freedman Abraham, junk, h 5()() N 5th Freedman Albert, upholsterer, h 114 Short Freedman Dora, cigarmkr, h 114 Short Freedman Henry, grocer, 641 Briggs, h do Freedman Herman, elk, h 506 N 5th Freedman Joseph, salesman, 4011 Market, h 641 Briggs Freedman Wolf, (Williams & Freedman), h 506 N 5th Freeland George W., bar elk, 1415 N 3d, h do Freeland J. Herbert, ~tenographer, 222 Market, h Fairview Freeland Lola E., elk, 215 Chestnut, h 1344 Vernon Freeland Lottie M., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1:J44 do Freeland William, carpenter, h 1225 Mulberry Freeman Mary, wid William H .. h 18m; K 5th Freeman Mary L., asst sec Y. W. C. A., 1102 N ad, h do Freeman Winnifred, wid Henry, h 169 Indian av Frees Anna, wid Isaac M., h 14115 Vernon Freese Elsie L., stenographer, h 262 Korth

Freese Jos. B., ticket exam'r P. R. R. depot, h 262 Korth Freese Nora B., (Freese & Groff), h 262 North Freese Theodore, laborer, h 2d nr Vine F'reese & Groff, (Xora B. Freese and Edna E. Groff),. notions, &c., una Derry Freeston Harry F., elk sec Commonwealth, h 608 Forster F'rehn Jacob E., laborer, h 14:m Zarker Freiberger 1\loses F., shoemkr, 141H Wallace, h do Freidberg David, elk, h 422 Walnut Freidberg Nathan, furniture and bottler, 420 Walnut, h 422 do Fremell Carrie A., wid Theodore, h 1520 K 5th French George H., draftsman, 2lf.i :Vlarket, h 114 X 2<1 French Georgianna, domestic, 72:l State French Harry B., elk, h 1421i Regina French J. Smith, foreman, h 142H Regina mENCH mCHAEL W., cigar mfr and tobacconist, 416 Market, h do Frenie Ant!lOny, barber, h 2:l7 Harris Frey Anna :\1., miiliner. h :l24 Xorth Frey Caroline 1\1 rs., h :l24 X orth Frey Daniel B., currier. h 112:'; \Yallaee Frey Elvin C, elk P. R. R.. h 1fi1l!) ~ 6th Frey Eugene B., telegrapher, 7t N 3d. h 914 Sarah av Frey Jacob G., machinist. h 14:J2 Yernon Frey Jacob L., ins agt, 14 S 2<1. h 1125 Wallace




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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;.1..c=.:"aoDigitized



H M KELLEY &CO {I North ad !l1ree&. 10th and Stat......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t;:i Frey Jerome F., flagman, h 1310 Susquehanna

Frey Mary A., saleslady, 502 Market, h 1310 Susquehanna Frey S. A., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Frey, see Fry Freysinger Harvey K., laborer, h 552 Woodbine Freysinger Jacob, fireman water works, h 41 S Court av . Freysinger, see Frysinger Frick Olarles A., grocer, 428 Reily, h do Frick Louis H., trackman, h 8:?:J Myrtle av 'Frick l\lary, wid Augustus, h 428 Reily Frick William L., stereotyper, h 381 N Summit Frick & Co., J. E. Sheibley, genl agt, agrl implts, 21 N 3d Frickman Daniel E., fireman, h 314 Muench Frickman Henry, h 1725 Susquehanna FRIDY BAlI IlATT, deputy auditor general, Capitol, h lIrIountville Friedman Albert L., upholsterer, h 114 Short Friedman Samuel Rev., h 1515 Penn Friedrichson Christian, ironworker, h 1272 State Fries Harry, brakeman, h 602 Delaware av Fries John A., printer, h 807 S Front Friese David A., car inspector, h 5:J3 Violet av Friese Frederick 0., boilermkr, h 2207 B_e_r_ry_,I_li.l1 ____

t; Frey Rebecca, wid Joseph. h 134 Linden

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Frishkorn John H., (Frishkorn & Oberholtzer), h 1~46Swatara Frishkorn Willianl F . carpenter, h 218 S 15th l!'RIBHKORN &: OBE II HOLTZER, I John H.l!'rilhkorn and John H. Oberholtzer), boilermakers and general repairing of boilers, 1008 lIrIarltet see adv Fritcher Chas ..E., stengr sec Commonwealth, h 110 Walnut Fritcher C. Raymond. sec. ~ :ld c :\larket, h 110 Walnut Fritchey A. Viola. h 9IYJ N :ld FRITCHEY C. ALBERT, physician, 902 11' 3d, h do Fritchey Elmer E., foreman, h 2016 N 3d Fritchey GeneYTa, teacher, h !)()2 N 3d FRITCHEY JOHN A" physician, 902 N 3d, h 911 N 24 Fritchey John F., h 902 N 3d Fritche)' Ross H., student, h 902 N 3d



z a: IA.I >


BOILER BOilers, Tanks, Stacks, Etc. MAKERS seneral Repairing of



OfBce: 1008 Market Street, Your Patronage Kindly SoUclted.

Harrisburg, Pa.
B ..II Telephone lUa- w.

~~s:!ueeUO:Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and Reily Sis. Digitized Google


I. B~ Tiel l FI:&~O~!lTTN:Vf~"~C~A~:"~R i 12161011D TIIIrd II1II

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 281 Fritz Albert J., helper, h 11 Lochiel 1st Row Fritz Augustus, laborer, h 12th nr Muench Fritz Charles, puddler, h 3 Lochiel 1st Row Fritz Charles M., painter, h 235 North Fritz Frank A., molder, h 1346 Vernon Fritz Harry c., agt, h 906 Cowden Fritz John, laborer, h 12th or Hamilton Fritz Joseph, ba~ketmkro h 12th nr Hamilton Fritz Lewis, flagman, h 946 N 7th Fritz Maggie, wid Charles L., h 1352 Vernon Fritz Mav, h 906 Cowden Fritz Wiiliam L., machinist, h 13.1)2 Vernon Froehlich Albert, elk Comwlth Trust Co., h 9111 N 3d FROEHLICH CHARLES M., plumber, 1121 Market, h 1113 do Froehlich Dayton H., carpenter, h 1612 N 4th Froehlich F. William, (J. Froehlich & Son), h 300 Forster Froehlich John, (J. Froehlich & Son), h 91H N 3d Froehlich John H.o artist, 16 N 2d, h U'.oo Green FROEHLICH 1. & 8011', (lohn and F. William Froehlich), merchant tailors, 901 Ii 3d Froehlich Martin L., student, h 910 N 3d Froehlich Paul, student, h 910 X 3d Froehlich Russell J., electrician, h 1124 N 3d Froehlich, see Fraelich, also Fralich, also Fralick Fromm William H., baker, 1627 Swatara, h do

MILLER BROS. &: BAKERi "15~b&~:'~~

Frost George L., nail feeder, h 130 Hoyer's av Frost Hattie J., domestic, h 112 S 2d Frost Howard V., laborer, h r 326 Cherry av Frost John L., bar elk Park Hotel, h 19 S 3d Frowert Lucretia H., seamstress, h 624 Maclay Frowert Spencer G., car builder, h 624 l\Iaclay Frownfelter Effie V., cigarmkr, h 1519 N 5th Frownfelter Luther, repairsman, h 1245 Bailey Frutchey Laura 1\1., teacher, h 18:17 N 2d Fry A. Addessa, bookkpr, 500 Race, h 139 Paxton Fry Aaron, laborer, h 1000 Berryhill Fry Albert 0., laborer, h 625 Delaware av Fry Amos F., special police Capitol, h 205 S River av Fry Amos F., jr., mattressmkr, h 944 Paxton Frv Anna E., tailoress, h 635 Herr Fry Arthur F., fireman water works, h 205 S River av Fry Cha{les N., ironworker, h 1614 Green Fry Charles P., carpenter, h 1616 N 4th Frv Clarence F., laborer, h 107 Hanna Fr) Clarence L., student, h 1503 N 2d Fry Curtis, auctioneer, 614 N 3d, h do Fry Daniel W., engineer, h 438 S 2d Fry David R., shoemkr, l:m S 2d, h 635 Herr Fry DeWitt A., asst supt C. 1. and S. Co., h 111 EvergreE'n Fry Edward H., salesman, 440 Market, h 1719! N 4th Fry Edwin L., heater, h 51 N -17th







MeNeU'. PaiD Ezterm1Dator CtlI'l8 CIIGIera lIarbaI, o,.nll!r1,Cr&m~ D'arrb... Oolda. QulDl). RheWlllltlam. TooUuIeha, San TIlrOaI, Apa, DJapeJllla." .......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry

Elias E., stamp elk P.O., h 212 Crescent Ella M., housekeeper, 108 Dock Elmer E., driver, 401 Chestnut, h 1238 Market George W., barber, h67 N 10th Grace M., domestic, 335 Market G. Washington, flagman, h 1723 N 7th Harrison, screwsman. h 108 Dock Harrison, jr. ironworker, h 206 Herr Harry, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Harry, brakeman, h 428 Cumberland Harry M., ironworker, h 115 Dock Harvey L., laborer, h 107 Hanna Hattie H., cigarmkr, h 438 S 2d Howard, helper, h 824 S Cameron Howard W., elk sec Commonwealth, hIS Front Jennie, wid William c., h 1523 N 6th Jeremiah, laborer, h 911 SlOth John, driver, h 429 Verbeke John H., car inspector, h 629 Camp John L., ironworker, h 107 Hanna John P .. conductor, h 1721} N 7th Levi S . engineer. h 2036 Fulton Luella. stripper, h 1 N nth Malcolm A., postal elk R. M. S .. h fl25 Green :\Iary A., wid Amos, h 625 Delaware av


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Fry Mary A.. wid Jacob B., h 1000 Berryhill FRY IIILES D., billiards, pool and tobacconist, 29 :N 3d. h 320 Chestnut Frv Peter, h 13!l Paxton Fry Raymond W., blacksmith, h 140(; N' lith Fry Thomas F., yardmaster P: & R., h 1020 Paxton Fry William D., molder, h tn4 N 3d Frv 'WiIliam F., shoemkr, I.:W Race, h do Fry William H., bookkpr, 2:?:? Market. h :?II:J State Fry 'William B., conductor, h lOOt) Hemlock FRY WTT.I.TAK L., freight agent P. R. 11.., :N. C. 1I.y. and C. V. R. R. and agent Empire, Union and Anchor Transporta.tion Lines, P. R. 11.. freight depot, h 1503 :N 2d Fry see Frey, also Frye Frye Julia A., wid George, h 717 Cowden Frye Theodore S . barber, h 7L j" Cowden Frye 'William 11.. janitor. h 717 Cowden Frymire Flora. domestic. 3:.!;; \\'almlt Fr)singer. see Freysinger Fuertes Jas. H., consulting engineer, :.!7 S 2d. h New York Q Fuget !-.laucle, weayer, h 93!l S 1'I~ ~ Fuget William A., sawyer. h 9:m S 1!1~ _ Fuhrman Aaron. brakeman. h :.!;-:O S 1rilh z: Fuhrman Henry. (Xye & Fuhrman). h 1414 :\ 3.1 Fuhrmann Amelia. wid Ernst, h 1;n~ ~ 2d

The PATRIOnA Newspaper for the Home{S~!it~e~~~~o~g\e

Employ. bot ftnt-elua workmen, bence only JInI.{ A B TACK} e/aaitAriud lnaunwtt. WCldt doDetnaDy panoflliale. N.1.le . ...

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Fuhrmann Edna, bookkpr, 224 Harris, h 1318 N 2d Fuhrmann Emil E., machinist, h 131tt N 2d -c::.' Fuld Samuel L., dcpt mgr, 6 S 2d, h 329 Chestnut !5. Fuller Carson G., machinist, h 1401 ~orth J= Fuller Charles E., flagman, h 1244 Bailey c;: FulIer Frank C, supt, Herr clOth, h 1816 State :z FULLER 'RANK .,' lec Commonwealth, Capito~ h Hotel:';' Russ :D Fuller Walton B., draftsman, h 337 Crescent ~ Fullerton Capitola, wid John F., h 21.)9 Sassafras av ..... Fullerton John R., elk, 29 N 3d, h 21.m Sassafras av iii Fullman Mattie Nirs., h :554 Primrose av ~ Fulmer Henry S., carpcnter Arsenal, h 65 N 14th :D Fulmt:r Joseph C, millworker, h 12411 Swatara Fulton Ross A., fireman, h 1413 Korth CII Fulton William M., brakeman, h 322 Peffer .. Fultz, see Foltz, also Foultz ~ Funk Aifred A., civil engineer, h 1419 ~ 6th Funk Alfred J., engineer, h 1100 WalIace r-> Funk Alice V., saleslady, 3118 Market, h 24 S 3d 5: Funk Amos, laborer, h 1816 ~ 5th :z Funk Benjamin F., laborer, h :U6 Cumberland , ~ Funk Bertha, cigarmkr, h 402 S 2d Funk Bessie M., saleslady, :U8 Market, h 1100 Wallace Funk Charles E., salesman, h 2 S 4th ,.




~~-=-ba ~ Harrisburg Sa'ing~ and Loan Assn. {

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Funk Christian S., h 24 S 3d FUNK DAVID S., phys~cian, 300 N 2d, h do Funk Edward L., engmeer, h 410 Muench Funk George, rivet counter, h 316 Cumberland Funk George K., engineer, h 1101 N 7th Funk Grace Mrs., h :l21 Hay av Funk Harry A., elk P. R. R., h 612 Reily Funk Jacob, helper, h 1304 X 7th Funk J. Clarence, student, h 300 N 2d Funk Jennie E. Mrs., h 1101 N7th Funk John A., engineer, h 612 Reily Funk Laura P., saleslady, 308 Market, h 24 S 3d Funk Mabel E., boxmkr, h 321 Hay av Funk Margaret A., wid Erasmus. h 34:1 Reily Funk Margaret M., teacher, h 1419 N 6th Funk Margaret :M., wid Harrison, h 14U) N 6th Funk Robert R., machinist, h 141H N 6th f'tmk William H., flagman, h 516 Walnut Funk Wiliam S., driver, h 503 Woodbine Funkhouser Orville C, storekeeper P. R. R., h 1843 North Funston Emma E., dressmkr, h 4116 Filbert Fuqua John, laborer, h 1125 N 1l! FURBER IGNATZ, hotel, 542 North, h do Furman David, (Furman & :\fichlovitz), h 549 Primrose av Furman Robert, junk, h 549 Primrose av




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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Furman Samuel K., postal elk, h :.!7 N 16th Simon, junk, h 549 Primrose av ~ Furman & l\Iichlovitz, (D. Furman and A. Michlovitz), ~ rags, 6:!S ~ orth ~ Furst Emanuel, warenouseman. h 822 Cowden a.. Fusselman John \V., switchman, h 1627 Wallace

+= Furman

6 Gable Annie S., laundn:ss, h 11)4 Tanner's av Gable Blaine, fireman, h 651 Dauphin Gable Florence P. G., salesla.dy, :!lIto1 :\larket, h 611 Calder Gable George, fireman, h 1203 N 7th Gable George, laborer, h 1154 Cumberland Gable Harry C., jr., elk F. and M. Works, h 611 Calder GABLE HENRY A., hardware, l13115-117 Sad, hiM Chestnut see adv Gable Henry C, shoemkr. 643 Verbeke, h 611 Calder Gable Rena, wid William, h 1154 Cumberland Gable William T., grocer, 2ft!:! Derry, h do Gabriel Evan, floorman C. I. and S. Co., h 1271 Paxton Gabriel George, h 1154 Cumberland Gabriel Wiliam, laborer, h 1154 Cumberland Gabrier John, laborer, h 1UO Herr Gaebler John !\I., laborer, h 1311 Bartine av Gaeckler Charles A., fireman, h 1950 N 7th


Gaeta Cashmer, tailor, 235 Walnut, h 300 Boas Gaff Charles \V., postal elk, h 1011 Green Gaff John E., laborer, h 1227 Currant av Gaff Nancy E., h 1215 N 6th Gaffney Alice G., saleslady, 44 N 3d, h 950 Paxton .u.I Gaffney Celia, wid Charles, h 950 Paxton :c Gaffney Harriet Mrs., h 918 Cowden Gaffney James P., steel inspector, h 115 South Gaitor Benjamin B., elk, h 111i Tanner's av Gaitor Eleanora, dressmkr, It Ill! Tanner's av t&.I Gaitor John A., barber. 507 N 4th and 111! Tanner's av, hdo ~ .~ Gaitor John A., jr., barber, h Ill! Tanner's av 2d, h do I&J Gaitor Joseph H., restaurant, 202 S Chestnut Martha Mrs., domestic, 105 ,0: Gaitor Sarah M., dressmkr, h Ill! Tanner's av Gaitor

.... -3


H. A.. G)AElLE,
- - - WBOLE8A.LE A.ND R E T A . I L -



113115117 South 2d Straat, Harrisburg, Pal
lulldbli aDd WageD Hardware, Sasb, Doors aDd IIiDds.

Redlllond's Wagon Works {:~ldj':.t.!:P.;:~::} 3d and Raily StS. Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Gaitor Viola L., housekeeper, 202 N 2d GALBRAITH BERTRAll G., granolithic paving and build ers' supplies, 2109 N 3d, yard and R. B. siding, 7th c 6 Curtin, h 2109 N 3d see adv ~ Galbraith George, agt, h 402 Filbert QoID Galbraith James W., driver, h 1300 N Front :. Galbraith Lottie L., elk, 28 N Cameron, h 1300 N Front Galbraith Mary, elk, 1015 N 3d, h 1300 N Front Gale Mfg Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Gallagher Charles M., laborer, h 742 S 19th Gallagher Charles M. K., laborer, h 742 S 19th Gallagher Edward, brakeman, h 619 Harris Gallagher J. LeRoy, mtssenger P. R. R, h 1516 N 6th Gallagher J. Norton, foreman P. R R, h 209 Hamilton Gallagher John, engineer, h 1516 N 6th Gallagher Mary E., shl)e operator, h 742 S 19th Gallagher Samuel D., laster, h 742 S 19th Gallagher William R., flagman, h 1613 N 4th Gallagher William W., laborer, h 516 Hamilton Gallaher Sarah E., h 2d nr Mulberry Gamber Anna Mrs., h 605t State Gamber John W., driver, h 255 Sassafras av Gamber Mabel M., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1529 N 6th Gamber M. Virginia, seamstress, h 1529 N 6th Gamber W. Frank, carpenter, h 6051 State

------- ----

Gamber W. Harry, laborer, h 15Z.J N 6th Gamber William H., puddler, h 1529 N 6th Gamble Jennie S., wid Hugh A., h 607 Peffer Gamble Luella M., h 607 Peffer Gamble Luther, engineer, h 1203 N 7th Gamble 1Iaud 1., teacher, h 607 Peffer Gamble William L., laborer, h 1109 N Cameron Ganges Kate I., dressmkr, h 123 Short Gannett Farley, civil engr, 27 S 2d, h 1427 N Front Ganoe Edward, puddler, h Derry c 26th Gantt Amos L., flagman, h 2241 N (ith Gantt Forest B., brakeman, h 2134 Moore . Gantt Joseph W., h 2'J37 6t Gantt Laura E., h 2134 ~loore Garber Frank S., elk, 330 :\Iarket, h 309 Briggs Garber Jacob R., laborer, h 1735 N 7th




- - - - - - - - - co

And Dealer In Cement, Lime, Hair, Plaster and Seier Pipe.
Yard: Seventh an<l Curtin Streets, Harrisburg, Pa.
_ _ _ Residence. 111109 North Thlrd S t r e e t . -

i =,


No 1230





McNeil's Pain Exterminator i.:;)'J:~'h::e~~z~~edxb~Dft{ ac:)j~~

286 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
(;arber h 2nz cumberland ;arber h Cumberland ;arber F., firz'uEUn, h 1523 Garberich Charles H., machinist, h 11112 N 2d Garberich Hattie W., knitter, h 648 Boyd av Garberich John E., shoemkr, 202'2 Wood av, h do Carberich \hurren, lahorz:r h 42:3 ;arbericl: 'illiam E., :rer, h 6ich lkzd av Carberich, Ganed::h Garhrick Ella, boxmkr. h 4:35 Kelker Gardiner Laura, wid Thomas. h 1814 Susquehanna Gardiner }'labelle B., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h


B., & :37 nv ]., enicmEUr. h icth '" . Benjamin F .. carpenter. h l:n 1 N 6th ~ Gardner Cnarlcs E., lahorer, h 15U1~ Derry Gardner Charles J., laborer, h 2149 N 4th (~ARDNEC hllCRLES ilio::hinery iilipplies, Dut, Squa::ic Gardner H., er, ~ . h 1404 Gardner Clarence laborer, h 452 Hay av Gardner David R., craneman, h 1U)~1 Bailey Gardner Donald, caterer, :m!l Market, h do c( Cardner h 450 berland


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Edith P., h 112, Mulberry Edgar C, brakeman, h t:W2 N Front Elizabeth, drcssmkr, h 214 Forster 1., 1542 h 1631 h 450 mubz:riand ;corge V., pOSTal clk, h 61 icth George W., laborer, h 450 Cumberland George W., painter, h 2004 Berryhill H:ziz E., brakzmln, h 1528 \\" all ace ~I., dreS5Yl1kr, h 121 G .. bar!:l" Hi1:J kwin B., hud::ster, h 1226 James F., conductor, h 1302 ~ Front John S., engineer, h 20H2 N 4th Tohn W., nailerc h 112 Mulh:::n:: ;ardner~ E. Mrs, 1200 ~::f 4;th, h 400 Gumberland Gardner 'nul, caterer, Olarket, ~ Gardner Regina F., dressmkr. h 214 Forster _ Gardner Reuben S., baker, h r 332 Reily Gardner Rosa, dressmkr, h 501 Co'vden Canlner uti, fruiC 1:h4}:}~131l X do ;ardner :Td, cate:r:'r ::vIark::t, do Cardner h 5,lfz uodbine Gardner Thomas, student, h 414} Harris

Gardner Gardner Garrlner ;ardner (;ardner < Gardne'r A. Gardner IS Gardner ~d:: Gardner t~Jl: C;ardner li E C;ardner Gardner o Gardner U Gardner Gardner


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T,:.:t:':o:'= 101 PIQIr .IMJI _1111 A. B. TACK {.l::tL

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 287
Gardner William H., engineer, h 4i4i Harris Gardner William H., peanuts, h 1:t.!:!! James Gardner William J., foreman, h 255 Crescent Ganlner \VilIiam L., meat, 1542 X 6th, h 11i:n ~ 5th Gardner William M., coremkr, h 121 Balm Gardner William S., huckster, h 1322! James Gardner & Baptisti, (Alfred B. Gardner and Peter G. Baptisti), pro<:iuce, 301 Chestnut Garis Amanda, h 1185 Bailey Garland John, bridge builder, h :WOO N 5th Garland John K., druggist, 1~3a N 6th, h 2127 Moore Garland Samuel H., foreman P. R. R., h 2000 N 5th Garlin Harvey E., salesman, 22 N 2d, h Pen brook Garman Allen A, salesman, h 306 Chestnut Garman David, elk, 6111 Walnut, h 1827 Rudy Garman Dillie E., h 1841 North Garman George P., repairsman, h 1913 Briggs Gamlan Gertrude, press feeder, 10th bel Market, h Penbrook Garman Harvey, repairer, h 1~17! N 7th Garman Henry A., (Hoffer & Garman), h 70 N 12th Garman John M., carpenter, h 19:33 State Garman Laura]., h 1~41 North Garman Lizzie, domestic, 58 N 13th Garman Louisa c., wid Uriah B., h 620 Hamilton




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Sayings and Loan


Garman Margaret, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Garman Morris A., fireman, h 1505 N 5th Garman Stewart F., car inspector, h 642 Boyd av Garman Theresa, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Garman Warren, student, h 1606 Penn Garman William, elk, h 1246 Market Garman William r., conductor, h 1606 Penn Garman William H:, laborer, h 1827 Rudy Garman \ViIliam H., teamster, h 1905 Wood av Garman William M., salesman, 407 Market, h 1246 do Garmhausen Alfred D., painter, h 144 Linden Garmhausen Fred c., variety, 1730 N 4th, h 331 Dauphin av Garner Abraham, clothier, 1838 N 6th, h do Garner Alfred, porter, h 107 Cowden Garner Henry, laborer, h 41 Lochiel 4th Row Garner Jacob, salesman, 18:18 N 6th, h do GARRER JOHN E., Harrisburg Busineu College, an liar ket, h 1112 Green Garner Nettie, wid Joseph, h r 1424 Wyeth av Garner \Villiam, brakeman, h 1726 Susquehanna Garner William T., potter, h Cumberland bel 9th Garnett Richard, laborer, h 708 )J 7th Garonzik David, salesman, h 409 Cumberland Garonzik ::'.Iichae1, laborer, h 1523 Fulton

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Garreth Millie 0., bonnctmkr, h 1:J25 Wyeth av Garrett David, car repairer, h GOl Cumberland ~ ,arrett D., dail engineer, h Locu,st L&.I "Atrett h N {it h Garrett James, laborer, h 112 Ann av _ Garrett John F brakeman, h 108 Linden ~ Carrett l'if h 271 Hamilton ~ G;,rrett S 2li2:; g: Garrett, see Gehrett Garrow Edward G., ins sol. 15 1\ 2d, h 1429 Susquehanna ~ C;arschuta Max, l'3239 Mark,:t. 1001 C ,;Alver T\f;,ry E., snamstress. 121 .0''2st Garverich Charles A., patternmkr, h 1:306 Vernon Garverich Fannie, wid Harry, h 158fi Derry (tarverich Frank physidan, 1622 . . lZd, h ,;LiverichGforge laboanr h au; thinton Garverich Harry M., machinist, h 124 S 13th ........ Garverich Hattie. knitter, h 505 Hamilton GZATVcrich ohn E, asst bah:t;Olte ag4 R. R, 524 rest ~arverich expressman. h l- Garverich lV! orrisP.,"milliner. :3:l4 Market,Briggs N 6th Nellie h 1944 Garverich Ross E .. cleaner, h 11144 N 6th lLI Garverich h'Jsan, h 4Hi Briggs Carverich 27i1liam ST, h 50:l ;Amiltov

I! .,

'll'lt~~~ 1,mk A. ;:~~~;I;~:~~(ll:e~~c( h :l:!5 err Gastrock Frederick].. confectioner. h 825 Herr III Gastrock Jno., purchasing agt F. and 1'1. Wks, h 415 North . and I: ,llltrock ~ ......K"'ld~~l:tsl1lan ,'rth, h tVks, hmo!l N a",\IS, ('Hall" 411 do 1--

It '" Z -Z

"tfl'enC!l mer driller. u:.m Garverick Frank L., car repairer, h Cameron ab l\1aclay Z Garverick George carpenter, h 62i Dauphin Galverick ohn Ivl R. 1i2H I ';'l1phin Gorverick Itallie A .. il:amstreJi, h (ih;% Gan'erick, see Garberich Garvin Morris H., florist Capitol, h 3no Chestnut . chiet rlrrk H. 11.., 21( 27aInut, ch,kfiVIN ItHOMA( ,......... Hotel Hoss Z., Gary John, glazier, h fo'lH X 3d Gaskin Ida n., wid James. h :3~i Basin av Ctaikins Charles, hH5 S Frflnt ,alkins driver, h 12m: 12th III Gassner Arthur C. ins solicitor. 14 S 2d, h 12()5 N Front 0" Gastrock Albert E., elk F. and 1\1. Works. h 404 State rnolder 2()()4 . Z.!: ""strock Charles, n'l11eties. Bri~':r::s, h i1 C av C" Il- Gastrock Elizabeth S., saleslady. ti S:!d h 404 State Gastrock Elmer H .. printer, h 71 i Ash ~v


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I. B. TACK} IALL PAPER l!:e'::~-:.'! IIIDOIIHADES {l'f;;:~.s..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Gastrock Louisa, weaver, h 717 Ash av Gastrock Martin W., machinist, h 404 State Gastrock Mary A., wid Levi, h 717 Ash av Gastrock Mary C, elk, h :~~5 Herr Gastrock Rosa, wid Barthold, h 415 Korth Gastrock William A., elk, a37 Walnut, h do Gastrock William B., molder, h 717 Ash av Gastrock William E., steam fitter, Capitol, h :325 Herr Gastrock William J., merchant tailor, a:~7 Walnut: h do Gastrock William M., picture frames, 404 State, h do Gatchel Alfred L., elk P. R. R., h 7119 N 6th GATELY & FITZGERALD, Frank R. Downey, mgr, install ment house, furniture, carpets, clothing, &0., 31-33 S 2d Gates Daniel, laborer, h 45 Lochiel 4th Row Gates Eli, mattressmkr, h 7 S 10th Gates John C, draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 261 Briggs Gates Joseph P., elk Aud Genrs Dept, h 240 Hamilton Gates Linden, painter, h 701 Herr Gates William H., laborer, h 45 Lochiel 4th Row Gaugler E. Kurtz, photgr, 40S l\Iarket, h 14 Evergreen Gauker Adam A., brakeman, h 613 Peffer Gaul Charles, h Send S Cameron Gaul George D., farmer, h Send S Cameron Gault Edwin R., st~b letter carrier, h 1202 Penn Gault John S., rodman, h I:?02 Penn





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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER ~ "15~b~~-:;'~~1I: ;:.

Gault William S., elk, 1127 i\ :td,' h 1202 Penn Gaupp Dora, domestic, 711 N 6th Gaupp Mary S., domestic, 711H K 6th Gause Brinton C, fireman. h 1421 Green Gause Laura, librarian, 125 Locust, h 12~ Calder Gavrilovics Peter, orderly Hhg Hospital, h do Gayman Lewis, laborer, h l!.11 Forster Gaynor James B., mason. h 1~5 :\f 14Ith Gazette Charles M., brakeman, h 510 SlOth Gazette Harry. fireman, h 45 Balm Gearhart. see Gerhard, also Gerhart Geary Alexander, bricklayer. h 429 S 17th Geary Annie :\1., weaver. h 122 Evergreen Geary Edith M., stenographer, h 1513 Penn Geary Edward, bricklayer, h 2119 Boas Geary Edward L., jr., barber, h 21101 N 6th Geary E. Jane. topper, h 122 Evergreen Geary Evans H., brakeman. h 308 Crescent Geary John G., postal elk, h 1513 Penn Gebhard William n.. woodworker. h 1503 Wallace Gebhardt Carrie D., teacher, h 4:111 S 13th Gebhardt Edgar A.. elk, 7th c Schu)tlkill. h 430 S 13th Gebhardt Henry c., barber. 1013 N 3d. h 430 S 13th Gebhart Andrew]., caller P. R. R.. h 917 S 19th Gebhart Charles, cigarmkr, h :U3 Verbeke Gebhart Charles E., laborer, h 1230 Herr






CLARK'S ==-~= Drug and Patent Medicine StOrt{S:::~u..

290 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Gebhart George, brewer, h l:!:tO Herr Gebhart John. laborer, h Ii:!:! Showers av Gebhart John F . h I)~:! Showers av Gebhart ~Iary, wid Jacob. h !Il7 S 19th Geedv Thomas, blacksmith. h 5Iti Cowden Geering Frederick, laborer. h lfi:n Fulton Geering Mamie A .. bonnetmkr, h lti:U Fulton Geesaman Samttd W . brakeman, h 1:!41 Bailey Geesey Catharine, housekeeper. 14:\1 Shoop Geesey Daniel A .. laborer, h Ii Chesapeake av .Geesey George 'V., laborer, h Ii Chesapeake av Geesev Ira \V., fireman, h 1i:!7 RO\"d av Geesey John, laborer, h 1:114 ~ Cameron Geesey John H., laborer, h l:!U Dock Gehr John, engineer. h 1251 ~lttlberry Gehrett Amon F., car inspector. h 5D~ Emerald Gehrett George A .. brakeman. h 1!1H~ Elizabeth av Gehrctt John 'V .. cigars. Hill K lith. h Inos Elizabeth av Gehrett ~Iinnie B . seamstress. h 4211 Harris Gehrett Sarah H., wid John J.. h 1908 Elizabeth av Gehrett Wm. B., car inspector P. R R, h 405 Woodbine Gehrett, see Garrett Geiger Addie L.. h 703 Showers av Geiger Allison, laborer, h 1221 Swatara Geiger Ann, wid Peter, h 615 S Front

mwnronlJ tlltB1.... nUll UlRI IBId TJUSI co IF 'CIAUOI, 1 Flltlll_t.r CHIII.II lf BeaI . . . . . omce IIIi PEIH. Rear
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Geiger Carrie B., cigar roller, h 137 S ad Geiger Christian, laborer, h 1710 Fulton Geiger Edith, cigarmkr, h 615 S Front Geiger Elias K., roller, h 703 Showers av Geiger Elias K., jr., craneman, h 703 Showers av Geiger ElIa M.; saleslady, h 341i S 14th . Geiger Elvia H., bookkpr, 126 S 2d, h 703 Showers av Geiger George B., h 4U~ S 14th Geiger George G .. pipe fitter, h 317 Cherry av Geiger. Harry P., engineer, h 1017 SlOth Geiger Harvey C, laborer, h 21116 Green Geiger Herman E., candymkr, h 78 N 14th Geiger James, elk, 424 Market, h 615 S Front Geiger James A., electrician, h 703 Showers av Geiger James W., helper, h 409 S 14th Geiger John A., letter carrier, h 222 Crescent Geiger John W., mgr, 25 N 3d. h :'Ilechanicsburg Geiger R Pearl, clk. h 703 Showers av Geiger Simon S., engineer, h 1221 Swatara Geiger \Villiam A., laborer, h 137 S 3d Geiger \Villiam G., elk, h 121 S 13th Geiring Andreas, laborer, h 1219 Wallace Geisel Augustus A., hostler. h 329 Maclay Geisel Henry, foreman. h 1818 ~ 3d Geisel Henry, jr.. mgr Enterprise Planing Mill, 213 WaTnut, h The Bolton

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 291
-Geisel John F., gardener, h 2133 N 4th Geisel John F., jr., wood turner, h 1818 N 3d Geisel Lillian M. Mrs., h 422 Market Geisel Roy J., elk, h 1839 Susquehanna Geiser J. LewIs, painter, h 1300 N 2d Geisking Charles, genl foreman P. R R., h 526 Maclay Geisking Harry W., machinist, h 1710 Green Geisking J. Leroy, brakeman, h 1507 N 6th Geisking William, jr., foreman P. R R, h 1710 Green Geissinger James, engineer, h 1819 N 5th Geissinger \VilIiam M., switchman, h 631 Camp Geist Charles M., inspector, h 2041 N 5th Geistwhite Benjamin F., laborer, h 1324 N 7th Geistwhite Franklin 1\1., fireman, h 1959 Moltke av Geistwhite Levina, wid Joseph, h 1959 Moltke av n Geistwite Anna M., saleslady, 312 Market, h Steelton I; Geistwite George W., salesman, 304 Market, h 16 N 16th -a Geistwite John c.. fireman, h 2011 Penn Gelbaugh Annie, wid George, h 412 Strawberry av Geltmacher Frank, foreman Dauphin Cigar Co., h 22 S 4th Gembe Christian c., driver, h 330 Cherry av Gembe Frank M., paperhanger, h 37 S Court av Gembe Jacob, ironworker, h 1332 S 13th Gembe Mary Mrs., domestic, 329 Boyd av Gemmill John W., plumber, h 323 S 15th

~~ :~::}Harrisburg

Savings and Loan Assn. n:::.=


Gemmill Walter M., bricklayer, h 64 N 12th Gemperling Albert R., conductor, h 204 Hamilton Gemperling Frank, flagman, h 1719 N ~th Gemperling Frank A., conductor, h 1719 N 5th Gemperling Mary E., moccasinmkr, h204 Hamilton (') Gemperling Maude I., saleslady, 36 ~ 3d, h 1738 N 5th Gemperling Robert R, laborer, h 1738 N 5th Gensemer Agnes, wid Abraham, h 102 S 4th ) Gensemer Elizabeth F., tailoress. 3:34 Market, h 102 S 4th ~ Gensler Annie, wid Elias, h 1829 Derry Gensler Arthur G., barber, h f.;2-! N 3d ) Gensler Elizabeth, tailoress, 31H Market, h 132!1 Derry Gentslider Benjamin, laborer, h 1416 William ~ Gentslider Frederick, laborer, h 1416 William Gentslider Jacob J., grocer, 234 Verbeke, h 123 Sayford av Gentslider l\lary A., shoe operator, h 1312 N 6th Gentslider, see Golzenleuchter Geohringer Charles. laborer, h 122 Hanna George Annie 1\1., seamstress, h 1311 Maple av 00 GEORGE CHARLES T., druggist, 1308:N 3d, h do see adv George David P., laborer, h 17U~ Briggs g George Evan \V., elk, 1420 Wyeth avo h 1830 Fulton George Harriet, wid William, h 41 Balm . George H. Howard. fireman, h 11i:~2 Park George H. Melvin. cutter, h 1830 Fulton




H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OIr.C8S, ::.~r..::;::}COAL AND WOOD

292 Boyd's Harrisburg City .Directory.



George Jennie B., h 1001 N 2d George John c., conductor, h lfi31 Regina George tillie, teacher, h 107 Locust George Mary M., wid John H., h 1830 Fulton George Paul E., laster, h 1830 Fulton George Robert A., laborer, h 140~ Zarker George Samuel A., fireman, h 1924 N 5th George Thomas G., agt, h 1001 N 2d GEORGE WJT.T.TA'M' 1., chief clerk commission Soldiers' Orphans' Schools, 227 Walnut, h 1001 N 2d en Gerber George W., painter. h 15:U Fulton Gerberich Elizabeth, wid Herman, h 1403 Zarker Gerberich Frank H . elk Independent, h 1403 Zarker Gerbcrich Freeman c., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h Hershey House 1&1 Gerdes Anna, wid Bernard, h 1:!0 Cumberland Gerdes Augustus H . machinist, h 2212 N 6th Gerdes Bernard J., jr., salesman, 31 S 2d, h 116 Boas Gerdes bookbinder, h 1!!0 Cumberland 1&1 Gerdes Charles L .L.. bookkpr silk' mill, h 120 Cumberland Elizabeth Gerdes Harry B., elk, 4110 Walnut, h 120 Cumberland Gerdes William F., brakeman, h 219 Reily Gerdie Walter. laborer, h 233 Dlackberrv av GERHARD lEROME Z., physician, 29 S 3d: h do Gerhard Mary E . wid Jacob J., h 1905 Derry









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Gerhard, see Gearhart, also Gerhart Gerhardt Henry, laborer, h 1219 Wal\ace Gerhardt Reginald B., electrician, h 25!J Briggs Gerhart Charles, motorman, h 2(1;) Chestnut Gerhart Charles H., driver, h 524 Woodbine Gerhart George, huckster. h 524 Woodbine Gerhart George S., car repairer, h 1254 State Gerhart Lewis. puddler. h 8 Lochiel 1st Row Gerhart Margaret, domestic, 7 S Front Gerhart Peter A., laborer, h 1!!51'rt State Gerhart P. Frank, electrician. 12 S 2d, h 71 N 16th Gerhart Sadie, bunchmkr, h 9:l~ Paxton Gerha11 Titus, car repairer, h 1!14!l State Gerhart William, laborer, h 1258 State Gerhart, see Gearhart, also Gerhard Gericke Frederick, barber, h 240 North Gerlock Frank G., (Gerlock & Lutz), h 113 S lath Gerlock James A., wan paper, h 113 S t::Jth Gerlock ~fabel E., stenographer. Howard ah Forrest av, h 113 S 13th GERLOCK & LUTZ, (F. G. Gerlock and R. L. Lutz), stone, lime and builders' supplies, 812 Market German Caroline J.. h 'n:l:3 N ad German Emanuel S .. printer. :!l:q Chestnut. h 11113 ~ 2<1 German Jennie F., stenographer. :!"2i \Valnut, h :!j X 4th


ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily StS. Google

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A. B. TACK}Wall Pagar and Window Shad'I{Jl::l.':i~

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.

293 German John W., agt Mutual Life Ins Co. of N. Y., 8 S 2d, _ h 1338 State GEB.KAlI PBILIP, bookseller, 213 12 Chestnut, h 25 N 4th German William H., cashier, 27 N 3d, h 613 Boas Germer Charles F., laborer, h 3:!:! S Court av Germer Christopher, jr., blacksmith, h 110n Capital Germer George W., printer Independent, h :~ S Court av "TI Germer Harry D., telegrapher, h 1531 N 6th 1'1 Germer J. A. Christopher, asst foreman P. R. R., h 15:H N 6th Germer Kate A., twister, h 15:n N 6th Germer Mary, wid George, h 3:!2 S Court av G.ermer Susan Mrs., restaurant, Chestnut Street Market, h Sit 33 S Court av Germer William, laborer, h a:!'! S Court av Germeyer Edward H., engineer, h I:!:!:! Bailey Gerolika Areta, laborer, h 2Ul S :?d Gerry Edward B., U. S. gauger, P.O., h Lancaster Gerty Walter, hostler, h 2:n Blackberry av Gessner David, laborer, h 1146 Market CI. Getkin David, engineer, h (j4~ Reily Gettys Arthur E., carpenter, h 18:!3 Susquehanna Gettys Cora, bunchmkr, h 3114 Calder Gettys Laura G., domestic, h :!51l Hummel Gettys Malcolm H., h 1704 Penn


en ,.





Getz Dorothea, wid Henry, h 226 Peffer Getz John, printer, h 1310 :"vlarket Geyer Albert L., conductor, h 6(10 Dauphin Geyer Edward, engineer, h 1121 Cowden Geyer Harry, typewrjt~r adjuster, h 57!) S Front Geyer Lydia, waitress, 19 S Z<I Geyer William E., elk, h 1043 S 9th Geyer, see Guyer Gher Mary E. ~Irs., vestmkr, h :no Verbeke Giannelli John, cook Hotel Columbus Gibbins Alexander, puddler, h iol:n S Front Gibbins Bertha :\1., housekeeper, faa S Front Gibbins Charles E., shipper, h 61H S Front Gibbins Clarence P., laborer, h Hlt:! Hemlock Gibbins George C, puddler, h 61a S Front Gibbins George G., laborer, h (.i1;~ S Front Gibbins Harvey. pipectttter, h 111 Ann av Gibbins James, h 111 Ann av Gibbins John S., policeman, h 211 S 15th . Gibbins Ralph P., helper, h 613 S Front Gibbons Catharine l\lrs., h :!Hl Charles av Gibbons Earle C, brakeman, h 622 Peffer Gibbons Edith :\1., laundress, h Hl4 Tanner's av Gibbons Harold C, machinist. h G:!2 Peffer Gibbons Harry D., elk, I!) X 2d, h !WO S Cameron Gibbons Olive F. Mrs., h 104 Tanner's av





IIINIU'a CampllliaD PUla :.~~c::~g:; 306 Braad

294 Boyd's Harrisburg Oity Directory.
...: Gibbons William B., conductor, h 622 Peffer .". Gibbs Alexander, carter, h 12 Cowden Gibbs Elizabeth, music teacher. 2147 N 5th, h do ca "C. Gibbs Emma, bunchmkr, h :{04 Calder Gibbs Francis M .. teacher, h 1807 N 2d Gibbs Grace A., domestic, 428 :\ orth av c.::t Gibbs Henry, glazier, h 313 Verbeke Gibbs James L. W., chief draftsman, 9 N 2<1, h 1807 do c.::t Gibbs James M., elk, h 18H7 N 2d Gibbs John R., tinworker, h 2147 N 5th Gibbs Joseph c., driver. h 428 Xorth av Gibbs Lucy E., dome5tic, 42~ Korth av Gibbs Margaret, stenographer. H30 Walnut, h 2147 N 5th C5 Gibbs Rosa 1., domestic. 428 X orth av Gibbs Sallie M., teacher, h 181Yi N 2d . . Gibbs William H., motorman, h 1736 N 6th Gibson Andrew. coachman. h 247 N River av U\ Gibson Anna E. Mrs .. h 6US Church av VI Gibson Charles A .. laborer, h 113 Ann av Gibson Edith Mrs., charwoman. h 1219 N 11i Gibson Frank A .. mgr, 11 N 4th. h 15:.!5 N 2d ... Gibson George, laborer. h 11W N 12th Gibson O Gibson Nancy 1Irs., h H26 Fultonh 1525 N 2d Ora, pianist, 212 ~vlarket, C[ Gibson Reuben, laborer, h 1215 Apple av


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Z Gibson Robert, laborer, h 508 South Giddens Lewis, laborer. h 122:{ N Hi Giddens William H., laborer, h 1223 N 11} Giede Christian. h 250 Yerbeke Giede Frederick W., fireman, h 250 Verbeke Giede George W., printer Independent, h 1612 Green Giede John c., checkman. P. R. R., h 1:U4 Susquehanna Giffin Charles F., laborer, h 111:l Bartine av Giffin Frank E .. laborer, h 1113 Bartine av Gifford H. Arthur, bookkpr, 111th c Market. h 1205 N :M Gilberg i\lary E., wid Benjamin. h 51)71 11uench Gilbert Blaine H., plumber. h 125 Verbeke Gilbert Blair W .. laborer, h 1412 Zarker Gilbert Carlton P .. conductor. h l!l22 N 5th Gilbert David 11. Rev .. h 311 Walnut GILBERT DAVID 1400., managing editor Star-Independent, h31t Walnut Gilbert Edgar. fireman, h Cumberland bel lith ~ Gilhert Edward. fireman. h 511 Cumherland Gilbert En-in, lahoreI'. h 27 ~assafras av Gilbert Frederick :\1.. elk Dauphin Dep Bank. h l'axtang Gilbert Georg-e E., machinist. h :~25 S 11lth Gilbert George G., dept mgr, 4 S 2d, h Grand Hotel Gilbert George 1\1., elk P. R. R., h 1922 N 5th Gilbert George T., bartender, 1235 N 6th, h 125 Verbeke
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-Ha I B YACK} Fre-mCk e . Public

U=~ty o f - -

.lD Plaba TlDu ERI_ _ . . . .

{lSle 1Id M.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Gilbert G. Raymond, machinist, h 341 S 16th Gilbert Harry c., brakeman, h 1607 N 5th Gilbert Harry P . brakeman, h 4:14 Kelker Gilbert Harvey E., brakeman, h 11;0'.J X 5th Gilbert Henderson, elk, 219 Market, h 107 N Front Gilbert Henry D., elk, :no \Valnut, h 311 do GILBERT HElflI.Y & SOli, (Henry Gilbert's est and Spencer C.), hardware and oils, 219 llarket Gilbert Jacob S., painter, h 1414 William GILBERT 10D G., lawyer, 4 11 3d, h 311 Walnut Gilbert J. Wallace, machinist, h 339 S 16th Gilbert Lillie Mrs., dressmkr, 1026 l\1-arket, h do Gilbert Louisa, wid Charles, h 246 Meadow la GILBERT LYMAN D., lawyer, 219 Market, h 203 11 Front Gilbert Marion R., elk, 12 S 2d, h 311 Walnut Gilbert Milton J" laborer, h 27 Sassafras av Gilbert Naomi, domestic, h 618 N 2d Gilbert Peter, candymkr, h 433 State Gilbert Spencer C., (H. Gilbert & Son), h 107 N Front Gilbert Vermont, domestic, 1001 Berryhill Gilbert William H., driver, h 1118 Market Gilchrist Charles \V .. paperhanger. h 609! North Gilchrist Lydia M., liner, h 609! North Gilchrist Margaret. wid Robert M., h 609! North Gilchrist Robert M., laster, h 609! Korth









::~~:B~c:r~} Harrisburg SaY-ln-g-s-a-nd-Lo-a-n-A-ss-n-,{-~-:-=-,

Gilchrist S. \\"iestling, elk, 30 S 3d, h 609! Korth Gilchrist Thomas W., pressman, h 528 Filbert Giles Annie, laundress, h 5:54 Primrose av Giles Benjamin, driver, h 441 State Giles Charles, laborer, h 320 S Court av Giles Eva, saleslady, h 215 Hummel Giles George, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Gill Hayes W., engineer, h 340 S 17th Gill John, machinist. h 1439 Regina Gill John, tentmkr State Arsenal, h 1947 Boas Gill Lizzie, packer, h 101:1 S Cameron Gillan Lee E., laborer, h 524 Brown av Gillan :\Iartin M., conductor, h :U8 l\luench Gilland Walter, motorman. h 322 Peffer Gillen Emma Mrs., h 13 Grace av Gillespie Ida, designer, h 85 N 16th Gillet Joseph, janitor P. R. R., h 1222 Currant av Gillette Claude W., physician Lunatic Hospital. h do Gillette Thomas J .. agt, h 1414 N 7th Gilliland Annie, wid Thomas B., h 614 Reily Gilliland Frank P., brakeman, h 1716 Penn Gilliland Lila, housekeeper. 646 Boas Gilliland William 1'1., conductor. h 646 Boas Gillis Walter A., laborer, h 1519 Hunter Gillums Ellwood T., conductor, h 6:~5 Muench Gillums George c., fireman. h 9:l5 X 7th


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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;;;':"-c=e::OJh8&'




H II KELLEY G I l . {I North lid 8treeI. o. CO 10th State sa..




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.












Gillums John, conductor, h 1004 N 7th Gillums William H., conductor, h 935 N 7th Gilman Effie, stenographer, h 9:!9 N ad Gilman Harry E., h !I:!!l ~ ad Gilman Helen ~1., book sewer, h at)~ Crescent Gilman Mary L., wid Thomas J., h 9!!9 N :ld Gilman Reuben If., baggage master, h ails Crescent Gilman Samuel M .. express messenger, h 141 N l;~th Gilman Sarah C. Mrs., boarding. 4:"~1 Verbeke, h do Gilmer Charles G., plumber, 1115 Filbert, h do Gilmer lnarles R, baggagemaster, h ltH19 ~ 2d Gilmer Frank B.. plumber, h 1617 Fulton Gilmer George W., brakeman. h 1329 James Gilmore Adaline S., wid Jame!' S., h j02 lnestnut Gilmore Carrie, domestic. 125 S 3d Gilmore John A., machinist, h ;~02 Chestnut Gilmore Joseph, h 4 N ad Gilmore Rebecca, wid Henry, h :H Lochiel 2d Row Gllner Annie, domestic The Lochiel Gilner James, carpenter. h 41:J State Gilner Marv A., h 413 State Gilner Patrick. laborer. h 41:~ State Gimmell Walter. bricklayer. h (;4 ~ 12th Gingher Alice E . elk, 2ill Walnut. h 2111 S Front ~-;in~her Bertha ~.,_go~~layer,_I~ :!Ol S F_ro_n_t_ _ _ __


~ G~RG_~~}_FAI~~IC~DRU66ISTJ1~l. 3d St.
Gingher David E., wireworker, h 201 S Front Gingher Harry R, tester C. I. and S. Co., h 8:!j S Front Gingher John R, machinist, h :314 S :!d Gmgher Lizzie, wid James H., h ~2:: S Front Gingher Pamela, wid David, h 2111 S Front Z Gingher Sara E., stengr, :!(I;-J Walnut, h 211l S Front Gingrich Charles, telegrapher P. R R, h 1158 Mulberl,v Z Gingrich Charles A., postal elk, h 161!) N nth Gingrich C. Raymond, foreman, h 1!!59 S 13th Gingrich Elias S., foreman, h 18:n K 4th 1.&1 Gingrich Ella S., h 1l5~ ~Iulberry Gingrich Fannie V., weaver, h 427 Ke1kt:r Gingrich Florence, 'phone opr, 227 \Valnut, h 427 Kelker Gingrich G. Howard, brakeman, h 1)t)9 11aelay Gingrich Harry C, laborer, h till!! Maelay Gingrich Henry ?\., laborer. h 6t)lJ ~Iaelay ~ Gingrich Howard l\L, laborer, h 631 Peffer ~ Gingrich James A., brakeman. h 416 Harris u.I Gingrich James H., telegrapher, 7! }\; lld. h 14 X lath ~ Gingrich Louisa c., wic! Jacob S .. h 16HI r\ 5th =c Gingrich Luella K., saleslacly, :u~ ~Iarket, h ]l-l:n ~ 4th g Gingrich ~lartha, h 115~ ~'1ulberry c.:a (;ingrich Samuel 1\1., elk E. F. U. T. Co., h 1~2H State C Ciingrich Sarah, wid John, h 411 Delaware av t:i Cillgrich Walter E .. trac~man. h 427 Kelker CD (;ingrich \Vm., a!'st engr Paxtang Eiectric Co .. h Penbrook



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~S::::'Q! ANDREW

REOMONO{3d and Rell, S~

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I. B. Tlei ~ FI:~l!o~!'TrN:'t:-,,'&c~A~~~R {121610rtb tDlId

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 297
Gingrich William :\1., brakeman, It 427 Kelker Ginsburg Louis, peddler, h 1521 Fulton' Ginther Emma Mrs., h 110 Herr Giovannelli Emilio, waiter P. R. R. dining rooms, h 1101 Market Giovanniello Aurelio, tailor, h 300 Boas Giovengo ] oseph, h 1527 N 3d Gipe B. Franklin, painter, 123 Cranbcrry av, h do Gipe Fannie M., wid Cyrus M., h 948 Paxton Gipe Harvey A., brakeman, h 94~ Paxton Gipe Levi, bricklayer, h 31:~ Verbeke Gipe Mary A., polisher, h 123 Cranberry av Gipple Harry C, elk, h 1:t2 Linden GIPPLE lORN E., notary public, insurance and real estate, 13th and Walnut, h 132 Linden Gipple Samuel H., carpenter, h 1;{2 Linck!n Girvin Ovid R., contractor, 1700 Green, h do Gise Annie Mrs., h 5()5 Kelker Gise Clarence B., shoe operator, h 15:17 Swatara Gise William E., car inspector, h 15:ti Swatara Gise William H., laborer, h 15a7 Swatara Gitt Edward c., brakeman, h 1221 rvrarket Gitt Margaret, h HII5 N 3d Gitt Robert S., je,veler, 1304 :\farkct, h do Gitt Rosanna, wid Thomas W., h 1804 N 3d


BAKER~ ~=~b~~-:'~~II:

Given Oara ]., elk, h 2008 N 6th Given David E., laborer, h 934 S 19th Given Eliza R., wid James ]., h 321 Chestnut Given Elizabeth T., elk, 10th bel Market, h 321 Chestnut Given Elmer E., laborer, h 200~ N 6th Givcn Grace, dressmkr, h 60G State Given Harry R., engineer,. h 2008 N 6th Given Louisa, stenographer, 222 l\Iarket, h :J21 Chestnut Given Nathaniel, peanuts, 3d c Market, h 606 State Given Walter J., laborer, h 60B State Givcn William, brakeman, h 1aw~ N 7th Givler Adam, ticket exmr P. R. R. depot, h 525 Muench Givler Carrie c., domestic, 121 Pine Givler G. Hursh, baggageman P. R. R., h 525 Muench Givler Harry c., pipecutter, h 204 Charles av Givler Jennie, housekeeper, 121 State Givler John B., brakeman, h G1H Camp Givler Paul, machinist, h 525 :\Iuench Givler Theodore, laborer; h 1126 Cowden Givler William F., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 518 Market Glace E. Oyde, carpenter, h 2013 Fulton Glace George, carpenter, h 2013 Fulton Glace Isaac 1\1., flagman, h G06 lloas Glace Raymond W., carpcnter, h 201:l Fulton Gladfelter Homer L .. lunch wagon, ~:t2 Mkt, h 3:m Harris





()oJde, QUIDI),. Rbeumadlm.

MeNeU's Palo EztermlDator cures CbolerllJlorbua, ~teI'J,Cr&mlWt Dlarr~ Tootbaehe. 8CIIn TIIIOat, Aaue. ~ _ .......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,

Gladhill Howard J., brakeman, h 4:!8 Cumberland Glancey Edward J., elk 1st Nat Bank, h 105 Washington 04 Glancey James A., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 105 \Vashn . . Glancey Mary 1\1., wid Michael J., h 105 Washington ~ Glancy Annie, vestmkr, h 133 N 4th .: Gland Laura A. Mrs., h 1411 N 3d E Gland Lizzie, domestic, 803 N 2d :::I c:t Gland Samuel T., finisher, h 1113 Penn Giant B. Claire, milliner, h 413 Harris c:t Giant Clyde R., elk, 302 Verbeke, h 413 Harris Giant Eber M., laborer, h 1148 S Cameron Giant Harry M., puddler, h 116 Ann av Giant Jacob 1\1., laborer, h 1148 S Cameron Giant James H., engineer, h 413 Harris Giant John M., bridge builder, h 413 Harris _ Glaser John, tailor, 1720 N 4th, h do Glaser \Valter, engineer, h 1720 Susquehanna Glaser \Villialn G., laborer, h 26 Grace av !! Glasgow Alice c., dressmkr, h 226 Chestnut fI) Glass Alice A., dressmkr, h 823 S Front Glass Annie lVI., dressmkr, h 25 N 17th Glass Benjamin, planer, h 622 Race 1&.1 Glass Bessie, cigar roller, h 823 S Front ..I Glass Charles E., postal elk, h 25 N 17th CC Glass Delana, wid Peter, h 823 S Front



Glass D. Webster, laborer,.h 1243 Kittatinny Glass Eva, housekeeper, 25 N 17th Glass Grover c., student, h 1243 Kittatinny Glass Harry H., salesman, h 2129 N 4th >- Glass Lillie E., housekeeper, 1846 Derry z: Glass Martha J., wid John H., h 1635 N 7th oC Glass Mary, milliner, h 25 N 17th "- Glass Raymond E., car inspector, h 25 N 17th E Glass Sarah, domestic, 22 N 4th o Glass Stephen G., elk Adj Genl's Dept, h 823 S Front U Glass William McD., butler, 407 N Front ...I Glassmyer Emile M., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h Lemoyne -c Glassmyer Martin L., laborer, h 460 S Cameron o Glassmyer Mary ~\1kt, h 460 S Cameron u Glazier Daniel E.,E., saleslady. :n8Laundry), h 1113 James (Eureka Hand Q av z: Glazier Thomas, shoes, 308 Verbeke. h do oC Clen Mfg Co., (c. Thl. Thomson), infants' shoes. 414 State (~Ienn Archy D., elk Dept Public Instruction, h 221 N 2d Cilenn Charles, salesman, 8 N 2d. h Mechanicsburg Clenn Chauncey D., elk, 14 S 2d, h 110 Evergreen Clenn Emma, cook, 112 State Glenn Frank W., elk, h 110 Evergreen GLENN 10HN A., corp dep Aud Genl, Capitol. h 212 Chestnut Glenn Ora M., cashier. 324 Market. h Mechanicsburg Glennen Mary, trained nurse, h 1012 Green

1&1 Q 1&1

nil GuomnlY ond Trusl co. "=,,,~ "~I=': ~~="}= :r:: =~'


The PATRIOl}A Newspaper for the Home{SII Clnts a Weak Google

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I B TICK} aIaIi_hnd Inmreal\. WarkdonelnUl), panof8ta&e. N.Il116 Bmploya none but 1Iftt.c1_ workmen. bence onIY,",{ ft 3d 8L
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Glennen Nellie G., teacher, h 1012 Green Glennen Philip, h 1012 Green Glerkler Evo, brewer, h 126 S 2d Glessner Charles H., blacksmith, h' 330 S 15th Glessner Henry, h 216 Verbeke Glessner Milton F., acct, 1420 Wyeth av, h W Fairview GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, (W. & B. Strouse), clothing, men's furnishings, boots, shoes, &c., 322-324 :Market Gloss Franklin, shoemkr, 444 S ~d, h do Glosser Milton, fireman, h 1936 State Glosser Peter, fireman, h 1936 State Glover Beverly W., tailor, h 2~3 Pine Glover John W., merchant tailor, 12 N 3d,.h 223 Pine Glover Morris E., merchant tailor, ]2 .:-J 3d, h 34 S 3d Gochenour Lillie, weaver, h 35 S Court av Gochenour, see Kochenour Godscharles Catharine D., wid Charles D., h 1220 Derry Godshall Sylvester E., engineer, h 2131 N 4th Godshall, see Gottschall, also Gutshall Godwin Edward W., h 403 Walnut Goetze Barbara E., wid Theodore C. H., h 1320 .:-J 3d Goetze Gustave T., painter, h 1417 Green Goetze Lena A. E . h 1320 N 3d Gohl Charles H., baker, h 219 S 2d GOHL CHRISTIAN F., lour and feed, 3 Cowden, h 1003 N 2d

l:::*-=::'o.. ~ Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~ ::= lJ



Gohl Edgar F., student, h 1003 N 2d l> Gohl Frederick Mrs., baker, 2l!) S 2d, h do Gohl George A., baker, h 412! Spring av Gohl Grace 1., h ] 003 N 2d Gohl Harry W., painter, h 219 S 2d Gohl John P., (Gohi's Paint Supply Co. and Gohl & Bruaw), h 1416 N 2d N Gohl Mary V., milliner, 219 S 2d, h do l> Gohl & Bruaw, (John P. Gohl and Harry Bruaw), master painters, 305 Strawberry av GOHL'S PAINT SUPPLY CO., (lohn P. Gohl), 1 N 3d see adv I:

<. :u





Paints, Oil and Glass

.-;rVarnlllhell, 8hellacR. BruBheM, Floor Oll, Floor Wax an.l Paillt.. r.' 80ppUe.. Gold Leaf BronzeB, Brollze Liquid, Coloi'll in Oll, Colon ill Dl"temper and 81gn Write... lIlatertaili.

No.1 North Third Street. BOTH PHONES. LONG DI8TANCE.

Harrisburg. Pa.
P. O. BOX 268.





KEllEY" CO.~,~,='':..=''


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

+= c.:a
S IIIC D...... .....

c::. Gohn Rebecca






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Gohn Edward G., carpenter, h 2:l Balm J., domestic, lOi S Front Goho Stephen 0., sales agt, HUH N 6th Goldberg David Rev., interpreter P. R. R., h 109 Filbert Goldberg Marie, saleslady, h ton Filbert Golden Carolina, domestic, 2109 Boas Golden Caroline L., h 417 Boyd av Golden George B., agt, h 1612 Fulton Golden George F., variety, 7:!tI Race, h do Golden John. laborer, h aUi S 15th Golden Martin L., ice cream, 718 Race, h 1116 Green Golden ~Iary E., polisher, h 307 S 15th Golden Ora Mrs., h 411 Linden Golds William, carpenter, h 603 N Cameron Goldsmith Abraham, (Goldsmith & Son), h 706 N 6th Goldsmith Elizabeth F., teacher, h 264 Calder Goldsmith Hassinger. elk p, 0., h 264 Calder GOLDSMITH 10SEPH, upholstering and furniture, 209 Locust, h do Goldsmith Mary A. H.. wid William. h 264 Calder Goldsmith Meyer, (Goldsmith & Son). h 706 N 6th GOLDSMITH & SON, (Abraham and :Meyer), clothien, 224 Market Goldstein Eli, shoes, 460 Verbeke, h 626 Herr Goldstein Leon. elk. 460 Verbeke. h (i26 Herr

Golzenleuchter Rosina, wid Adam, h 12:~ Say ford av Golzenleuchter, see Gentslider C Gonfet Joseph, be<lmer, h 1126 N 6th a: :=:t Gonnella Pietro, (Rovai & Gonnella), h Harris House ~ Good Catharine. h 11H5 Bailev :K .::c Good Edmund grocer, -tal4:~ N 17th h do ..... Good George. G., elk, h Verbeke. ........ GOOD lACOB H., baker, 115 S 13th, h do Good Jacob 1"1., engineer. h 611i Forster Good John, engineer. h 212H N 4th 1&1 Good Mary W. Mrs., h 1M Linden Good ~Iaud 1.. stenographer. 20H Walnut, h 607 Forster Good Samuel E., cutter, h 12411 Kittatinnv Good Samuel J., machinist, h 12 K Cameron I&J Good Walter S., printer Patriot, h 410 Hamilton Good William E., huckster, h 107 Filbert . Good William G., flagman. h 523 Kelker Good William W .. driller, It l:lt Linden Goodall Maggie, wid John, h r 51)() SlOth Goodermuth Mary 1\lrs . h :{02 Reily Goodfellow George B., h 3:~5 Peffer Goodfellow George, mechanical engineer, h 3:l5 Peffer IIJ Goodhart Frank, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Goodman Annie. agt. h 111 S Dewberry av GOODMAN ANNIE K. DS., dre8smkr, 1437 Suaquehanna, h do (;)


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Rldmond'a Wagon Works {::~ld::'t~} 3d and RII~ StS. Google

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A. B. TACK =,~:Dc!} 1011 PUDer 1II11111ldOlbIIeS ~1W. ~'1:

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 301
Goodman Charlotte E., physician Lunatic Hospital, h do Goodman Esther, It 70 N 6th Goodman Harry L., car inspector, h 43:! Peffer Goodman Howard, fireman, h 6:~5 Harris 6 Goodman Jacob, laborer, h 1437 Susquehanna ~ Goodman John A., grocer, 1:!47 Mulberry, h :!43 Hummel c.4 Goodman Julia, wid George, h 611 Peffer :.. Goodman Latimer 0., flagman, h 611 Peffer ~ Goodman Oscar, notions, 61 N ~d, h 411S Korth Goodman Rose S., bookkpr, h 611 Peffer Goodman Simon, hatter. 4lH l\Iarket. h 'U!) N 6th Goodman William E., laborer, h :!:!~ South Goodrich ~linnie, laundress, h la;n ~ 4th Goodwin John F., laborer, h 140 Dock Goodwin IVlary, bunchmkr, h 140 Dock Goodwin Sarah, \vid Thomas, h 140 Dock Goodwin Thomas L., conductor, h :!11 Evergreen Goodwin William, machinist, h 14() Dock Goodyear Adam G., bookkpr, '1!\ 3d, h BIO!) do Good~ear Anna, wid Frederick A., h 1:!1:~ N 2d Goodyear Anna l\I.. wid Harry M .. h 1!11I9 !\ ad Goodyear Annie B., wid ~IarcllS E., h :!16 Reily Goodyear Bros., (C. ),1. and J. B.). waH paper, &c., 5 S 13th Guodyear Charles ~L (Goodyear Bros.), h 5 S t:~th ~ Goodyear Clarence H., repairsman. h :~ S 14lth


Goodyear Clyde R., elk P. R. R., h :!1(j Reily Goodyear Ella, shoe operator, h 1:!13 ): 2d Goodyear Frank J., laborer, h 17:W N 7th Goodyear George \"1., puddler, h W5 S Cameron Goodyear Harry J., elk, Wth c Herr, h 407 Walnut G00dyear John B .. (Goodyear Bros.), h 7 S lath Lizzie, domestic, l:!() \Valnut Good)'ear Martha 1\1., wid William, h ]!) Brady av Goodyear Rowena 1\[', shoe operator. h tH5 S Cameron Goodyear Sadie, domestic The Bolton Goodyear Simon \V .. laborer. h 1)21 :\Iahantongo Goodyear William, ins agt, h 21(; N :!{1 Goodyear William A., brakeman. h Market nr 4th Goodyear William J., storekeeper. h 1~:~4 Maple av Gordon Bertha. domestic, ] IH Tanner's av Gordon Edith B .. boxmkr. h 4:1!1 Herr Gordon Francis H., pres and mgr, 424 State, h 4 S 4th Gordon Ira L., elk, h 4H!I Herr Gordon Joseph, cigar box mfr, 441 Herr. h 439 do Gordon Laura, charwoman. h :~~:! Muench GORDON MFG CO., F. H. Gordon, pres and mgr, rubber collars and cuffs, 424-428 State Gordon Nora. seamstress. h 4~1 Strawberrv av Gordon William A .. salesman, ~:l4 Market, h lSaa Susq Gore Charles, laborer. h :!:t::? S 15th Gore Fred C, chf elk R. 1\1. . , P. O. bld~, 11 HHfI T 2d


NO . 1230 ARCH STREET . PHil A., PA .



le.III's PaIn Extlrmlnator ~liV::"::'~'~{ ... ~~

302 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Gore James, laborer, h 2.'12 S 15th .". Gorgas Albert R., coffinmkr, h 4:J2 Herr Gorgas Benjamin F., machinist, h 41 ~ 14th Gorgas Charles E., carpenter. h 646 Calder Grogas E. Dale, molder, h 135:J North GORGAS GEORGE A., druggist, 16 l'l 3d, h 262 Forster see adv centre lines ..: Gorgas Jacob P., carpenter, h Ian S 1:3th ~ Gorgas John E., machinist, h 1:W7 Eartine av Gorgas ~Iary C, elk, h 12~{5 Kittatinny Gorgas Mary E., liner, h la58 \' ernon Gorgas .Mary L., wid Adam D., h 12:l5 Kittatinny :: Gorgas Minnie F., dressmkr, h 41 X 14th Gorgas Wm. F., bookkpr P. & R. depot, h 12:m Kittatinny Gorgas William L., cashier Hbg Nat Bank, h 904 N 3d :; Gorkes Charles, foreman carpenter P. & R., h 1119 N 2d : . Gorkes Jennie, cop~' holder Independent, h 1119 N 2d -- Gorman John F., blacksmith, h ~7 X 16th (1) Gorman Peter, laborer, hI:!:!:! N Cameron Gormley Joseph, trainmaster, h 2:32 Kelker Gormley Julius, freight trainmaster P. R. R. depot, h 232 IKelker Goronzik Harn', furniture, 1401 ~Iarion, h 1327 N 4th Goshert Harry' N., h 4a2 Market c:[ Goshorn Edward S., telegrapher, h 12:H Kittatinny



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Goshorn Moses E., carpenter, h 132 Locust Gosney James F., policeman, h 825 S Front Gosney James K., laborer, h 241 South Gosney Thomas J., laborer, h 1028 S 9th Goss Ida E., bookkpr, 23 N 3d, h 1506 State Gossert May, domestic, HI08 N 3d Gothard Agnes, wid vYiIliam, h 1849 Fulton Gotta Emma J., wid Solomon D., h 1332 N 3d Gotta Minnie E .. teacher, h 1332 N 3d Gottschall Amos H., patent medicine, 250 Hummel,.h do Gottschall Edwin H., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1317 Derry Gottschall lVlinnie, h 600 South Gottschall, see Godshall, also Gutshall Gottshall Elmer F., molder, h 112 Conoy Gottshall Frank E., photographer,.408 Market, h Boiling Springs Gottshall Harvev c., machinist, h 1317 Green Gotwals David t., stengr Adj Genl's Dept, h 119 S 13th Goudie John S., mgr, 1!38 S 2d, h Hershey House Jill Goudy Alice ).1., tacker, h 1602 Regina U Goudy Annie K., lacer, h 1602 Regina Q Goudy George H., blacksmith, h 2008 Briggs Jill Goudy Harry E., nail feeder, h 1 Chesapeake av I- Goudy Jesse M., shoe operator, h 1602 Regina Goudy John B., shoe operator, h 160~ Regina o Goudy John R., cab driver, h 1602 Regina

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.:~:;:~~-= IOU Foper ond IlDdOlSlKJdes IfOBI A. B. TACK {11~=:t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 303 Goudy William, laborer, h 238 State Goudy William c., usher P. R. R. depot, h 1845 North Goudy William E., puddler, h 1 Chesapeake av GOUGH lIElfBY W., (H. W. Gough & Co.), city controller, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 1401 S Cameron GOUGH H. W. & CO., carpets and furniture, 109111 Market Gough Martin, conductor, h 15UI Wallace Gougler Benjamin T., baggagemaster, h 1244 Walnut Gould Christopher, grocer, 16tl Sylvan ter, h do Gould George \VO, elk, h 160 Sylvan ter Gourley Christie, h 306 S 2d Gourley M. Blair, elk, h 124 S 3d Gourley Nellie, bookkpr, h 124 S 3d Gourley Reuben H., salesman, h 124 S 3d Gove Ellanora, milliner, 7 S 2d, h 2211 Crescent Gove Helen, h 2:W Crescent Gove Josephine, wid Hiram, h 220 Crescent Graber Jacob, laborer, h 239 State GRABER LEON X., physician, 928 N 3d, h do Gracey Ella M., domestic, 412 Market Grady Annie, domestic . 3m N Front Grady Frank, foreman, 500 Race, h 329 Chestnut Grady James, boilermkr, h 23 Brady av Graeff Anna, wid Herman L., h 927 S 20! Graeff Edward J., fireman, h 1230 N 7th


SaYings and Loan Assn.{==

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Graeff E. Earl, book binder, h 927 S 20! C Graeff James, carpenter, h 1:.J36 Penn Graeff Peter B., stenographer, 16 N 2d, h 27 S 16th Graff Charles, laborer, h Cumberland nr Cameron Graffius John W., driver. h 4as S 14th N Graffius Lucy, wid Martin V., h 1226 N 6th Graham B. Franklin, fireman, h 130! \Vallace Graham Daniel F., watchman, h 1420 North I: Graham Daniel H., laborer, h 836 S Cameron Graham David, huckster, h 239 State Graham Franklin M., peddler, h 239 State ::IJ Graham George Do, engineer, h 402 Verbeke Graham Harry H., driver, 28 S 2d, h B03 Peffer (I) Graham Hiram 1",1., carter, h lOVJ Hemlock Graham Hiram :\1., jr., catcher, h U~ Tuscarora ::;Graham Howard c., foreman, h 804 S Cameron ~ Graham John, watchman, h 8 S 4th .. Graham John L., blacksmith, h fi N 9th == Graham J. Oscar, elk, 2~ S 2d, h 603 Peffer ~ Graham Julia l\lrso, h r 209 Verbeke .. Graham Malcolm, brakeman, h 11UI Calder Graham :\1inzie, asst machinist Lunatic Hospital, h 2023 _ N Cameron Graham Robert, florist, 2013 N Cameron, h do ; Graham Samuel, h 603 Peffer S

,. o ,. ,-.

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H I KELLEY .o.. CO'S - 7 _DIamoDUWb8D{ II.......... . . BJaek onler.- ,lilt..... ....



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Graham William c., engineer, h 1304 Wallace Graham William c., timekeeper, h 132lJ Maple av Graham William J., h 1329 Maple av Gramm Elizabeth \V., wid Jacob H., h 1611 N 3d Gramm Elmira, wid Jacob S., h 1825 Derry Gramm Harry F., paver, h 1521 Green Gran.m Irwin H., brakeman, h 1924 ~ 4th Gramm Jacob A., stenographer Hbg Rolling Mill Co., h 1825 Derrv Gramm John H., cigarmkr, h 1611 N 3d Gramm Mabel, cigarmkr, h 2110 Moore Gramm Mary A., wid John A., It 1019 N 7th :;! Gramm Mary E., dressmkr, 1019 N 7th, h do _ Gramm Muriel, cigarmkr, h 2110 i\tfoore ~ Gramm Samuel S., conductor, h 1934 N 4th ffi Gramm Tavlor c., molder, h 52 N 12th a.. Gramm \Vflliam F., baker, h 48 N Summit ::> Gramm William G., conductor, h 2110 Moore ::> GRAlfM"S HOTEL, Charles Spotts, propr, 1023li 7th 11.1 Grand Abraham, tailor, 509 Cowden. h do Grand Army Republic Hall, 26 N 3d Grand Hotel, (John P. Sidle), 314 :\farket Grand Opera House, (Reis & Appell). Walnut c 3d 11.1 Grand Union Tea Co., David J. Bright, mgr, 35 N 3d Grandone James, cafe, 200 K 2d, h 1925 Derry






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Grandone Oscar, waiter, h S River av bel Mulberry Granger Samuel, laborer, h 1210 Cowden Grannison Charles. teamster, h 416 S Cameron Grannison Edward, driver, h 1120 Kittatinnv Grannison George c., waiter Com'wealth, Ii 131 Linden Grannison John c., teacher, h 414 S Cameron Grannison William c., driver, It 416 S Cameron Grant Harry H., machinist, h !Ill N 6th Grant Harry T., baker, h 414 Cumberland Grant James \V., messenger, 413 ~Iarket, h 704 N 7th Grant James W. R., hostler, h 704 N 7th Grass Carrie E., wid Peter A., h 1:~()6 Wallace Grass Edna i\f., domestic, 1124 Wallace Grass Henry, carpenter, h 1418 North Grass John \V., laborer, h 1418 North Grass :\laggie. wid John F., h 171(1 N 4th Grass Mary H. Mrs., boarding, 414 Boas, h do Grass Ralph 1\1., plasterer, h 1710 N 4th Grass William c., fireman, h 626 Peffer Gratz John W., bookkpr. 615 Walnut, h 1228 Nlarket Gratz Lizzie i\Irs., boarding, 92:3 ~ 3d. h do Grau George 1\1., laborer, h 2046 Kensington Grau William P., baker, h 217 Calder Grauer Blanche K., h 1~39 N 6th Graul William B.. hatter. h 606 South

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I. B. TICK} IALL PAPER e:e~i!rt~~ 111001 SHiDES {N~;::~~St.

Boyd's Harrisbllrg City Directol'f. 305


Graupner Max R., elk, 829 Market, h 1005 do GRAUPNER ROBERT H., brewer and bottler, 829841 ]rIar ket, h 1005 do see adv Gray Andrew C, janitor Executive Dept. h 217 :\leadow la Gray Benjamin F., labor~r, h 1926 Berryhill Gray Benjamin J ., carpenter, h 192() Berryhill Gray Catharine, elk, h 1a19 Wallace Gray Clarence E., waiter Hbg Club, h 322 Calder GUY FRANK ]rI., lawyer, 204208 Market, h 284 Herr Gray George Z., fireman. h 649 Boyd av Gray Henry, laborer, h :518 Strawberry av Gray Ida M. Mrs., charwoman. h 1512 Vernon Gray Ira C, elk, 813 l\larket, h 11~{ Derry Gray James C, boilermkr, h tan Boyd av Gray John H ., laborer, h una K 4th Gray John M., laborer, h 1926 Berryhill Gray John W., cigars, 1338 ~ 4th, h do Gray John W., laborer, h 649 Boyd av Gray Katharine F., saleslady, :~:14 Market, h 649 Boyd av Gray Louisa, wid Jacob, h 12th nr Hamilton Gray 1\largaret, wid Charles H., h 105 ~ lath Gray Martha, wid William 1\1., h 4:!'J Herr Gray Mary A., h 105 N 13th ' GRAY NORMAN D., 1st alit State Librarian, Capito~ h 210 Pine


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MILLER BROS. "BAKER1"=~b=~"t.~"';.:K

Gray Philip c., fireman, h N 7th nr Calder Er Gray Rachel A. E ., wid John, h 162 Indian av Gray Robert, waiter Commonwealth, h 1 Haehnlen av _~ GRAY SAMUEL, electric, mechanical and light machine work repair8, &c., 12 S Court av, h do 5!: Gray Thomas A., carpenter, h 19~6 Berryhill Gray Thompson \V., canvasser, h 9:-t4 Rose av ~

ROBfRI H. GR~~P~fR ~

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Lager Beer
829841 Market Street,


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PA .


NO. 1230 ARCH STREET. Plm n .. !lA .


CWK'S =~~~ Drug and Patenl Medicine Slorl{=~u.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ ~









lIJ .J

fJ) a:

Gray William H., engineer, h 4:15 ~orth av Gray William H., laborer, h I:U9 Wallace Grav \ViIliam H., laborer, h r lU9 Tanner's av Gray, see Grey Graybill Clinton, fireman, h 429 Verbeke Gra"bill Elizabeth :\Irs., teacher, h :!64 Forster Gra~.. bill Harrv S., laborer, h Hlua :\larket Gra)'bill Jacob F., carpenter, h 146:1 ~Iarket Graybill John \V., draftsman, h :!()4 Forster Graybill Lloyd J., laborer, h H;tIj Elizabeth av Graybill .;\1argarct, wid Jacob. h 142fi Regina Graybill Xelson F., laborer, h 41H lloyd av Graybill Rebecca A., wid Thomas, h 421' Herr Gravbill, see Kravbill Gra'\'don Sarah S.. wid H. :\Iurray, h 210 Chestnut Grayer Cyrus, h 21121 Swatara . . Grayson Anna \V., wid John H., h 125 S 2d Grayson Maud P., teacher, It 125 S :!d Grayson Nathaniel G., U. S. ~., It 125 S:.!d Grayson Rebecca M., nurse, h 1:!5 S :!<l Gravson William c., laborer, h 125 S 2d Greager l'.Iinnie E., embroiderer, hill:.! N 3d Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., C. S. Shively, mgrr
t:.~118 ~ :~d

c:( Great China and Japan Tea Co., i:.!3 N _6t_h _ _ _ __ _

GREAT SOUTHERN DESPATCH, H. L Anwyll, &It, 401 Chestnut Greek Otis C, conductor. h 644 Peffer Green Alice A. Mrs., stenographer, 27 S 2d, h 216 N 2d Green Ananias, houseman. h 505 South Green Andrew, laborer, h 1~:!~ Hickory av Green Anna, h 56:3 Forrest Green Charles, laborer, h 14114 James Green Charles, window cleaner, h li04 Walnut Green Charles A., laborer, h 213 Cranberry av Green Charles E., laborer, h 2:39 State ~reen CCh aries !-Id 'CAh" WI aiter, h 426 State ureen lara, WI ar es. h 428 C ranberrvav Green Clarence L., laborer. h 646 York av . Green Daniel W., rpnsician, h 1842 Hickory av (;reen Emma, charwoman. h 1416 :\1arion Green Fannie Mrs., laundress, h r 11tl Filbert Green Florence E., dressmkr, h 1156 Derry Green Francis L., h 31 S 16th Green FranCIS L., jr. laborer. h 31 S 16th Green Frank M., draftsman, h 1026 S Cameron (;I'een Gabriel W . carpenter State Arsenal, h 1845 Herr Green Georgianna. domestic, 723 State Green Hays, laborer, h 1:!(I Chestnut Green Henry, laborer. h 11:!:.! Cumberland Grce~ Herber~~.~ale~man--,-2:!6 ~~ar~e_t-,- ~ 122 S 14th

lIJ {111n GUOrOnlY ODd TruSI CO If le.'ITOI. 1 fllftllI., Culnell lf Real . .aate Ollice. j -1II'''I'nl'lIIBid" Iii PEl". Rear of PoI&

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.
Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Hoover H., painter, h 631 Walnut Howard J., elk P. R R, h 823 N 6th Isaac, laborer, h 409 N 5th James, laborer, h r 1030 State James, laborer, h 214 Cranberry av James A., laborer, h 611 Cumberland John A., molder, h 1468 Zarker John B., laborer, h 20 N 13th John c., janitor, h 122 S 14th John D., laborer, h 400 Filbert Josiah \V., laborer, h 345 S Cameron J. William, waiter, h 644 Primrose av Kate, domestic, 213 Cranberry av Katie E. Mrs., h 228 Charles av Laura D., vamper, h 31 S 16th Lillie M., forelady, h 31 S 16th Lucy, domestic, 814 Capital Magdalena, wid George, h 1069 S 9th Mary, laundress, h 523 South Mary Mrs., h 514 Brown av ?\fary E., seamstress, h 31 ~ 16th. Mary I., wid Christ, h 400 Filbert Matilda, domestic, 804 Capital Nancy A., wid Charles, h 506 South av Nelson T., musician, h 1844 Hickory av


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SaYings and Loan ASSR.{==

Green Robert B., elk, h 1026 S Cameron Green Robert W., paperhanger, h 1026 S Cameron Green Rolland c., waiter, h 514 N 5th Green- Samuel, laborer, h 48 Linden Green Samuel B., laborer, h (;.16 York av Green Sarah, domestic, 608 Korth av Green Susan, wid Lexington, h lS44 Hickory av Green Walter, laborer, h 114 Liberty Green William, laborer, h r 110 Filbert Green William, laborer, h l1:H N 11 i Green William F., paperhanger, h 1 Hili Derry Green William N., elk, h 127 Pine Green \Villiam \Y., waiter, h 1115 Tanner's av Greenabaum George B., laborer, h li24 Delaware av Gree:1abaum George \V., yardmaster P. R R, h 17:!x N nth ~ Grel'lIawalt Agnes, h 1618 Green 04 Greenawalt Annie M., wid Lorenzo L., h 1235 Kittatinny Greenawalt Edward, fireman, h W!!t N Gth Greenawalt Edwin T., money order elk P.O., h 1:10 Walnut Greenawalt Francis, electrician, h 1fi1x Green Greenawalt George, laborer, h 1:~2:l N Cameron -. Greenawalt Harry J., engineer, h 161~ Green Greenawalt Jacob T., machinist, h 224 Locust Greenawalt Jeremiah K., h l:JO Walnut

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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}on~ces, :~~rll~'Tt!:}COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Steam Heat and Power Co., h 130 Walnut

Ii:; Greenawalt Jeremiah K., jr., sec and treas Harrisburg


Ii;; Greenawalt Julia A, wid Jacob, h 224 Locust


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Greenawalt Mary F., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1618 Green Greenawalt M. Howard, draftsman, h 114 Locust Greenawalt Regina C, h 130 Walnut Greenawalt Samuel W., engineer, h 412 S 16th Greenawalt Thomas A., conductor, h 435 S 16th Greene Charles A, brakeman, h 222 Cumberland Greene John R., cigarmkr, h 222 Cumberland Greene Samuel A, painter, 36 S 4th, h 222 Cumberland Greene William ~., engineer, h 425 Hamilton Greenewalt Harry C, elk State Treasury, h 14 S 4th Greenfield Charles R., driver, h 8 N 5th Greenfield Lawson, laborer, h 622 Briggs Greenfield Lillie, wid Irwin, h 606 Boas Greenfield Martha :M., cigarmkr, h 606 Boas Greenour Emma L., wid John. h 1421 James Greenour George, molder, h 2001 Penn Greenwald Francis C, wire chief, h 1618 Green Greenwood Irene,- cashier, 334 Market. h 15:15 N 6th Greenwood Ralph H., engineer, h 1:>35 N 6th Gregg Jason C, barber, h 1206 Penn Gregory Christina, saleslady, 409 Market. h 433 State GREGORY FRANK H., sec P. R. R. Y. It. C. A., h 1806 N 5th


Gregory Henry, h 10tH Green Gregory N annie J., nurse, h 55 ~ 13th Gregory T. Knox, salesman, h 5;) N 13th Gregory William H., salesman, h 1019 Green Gregory Wi11iam S., solicitor, 210 \\talnut, h 1019 Green Greider Christi~n S., buyer Hbg ~1fg and Boiler Co., h 1 S Front Greiner Emma, h 1138 Jonestown rd Greiner William A., piano tuner, h 1:12 Locust Grey Benjamin F., head waiter Comwlth, h 424 Herr Grey Eli, barber, 405 State, h 267 Briggs Grey Lewis, machinist, h 191:1 Rhoads av Grey Robert, waiter, h 1 Haehnlen av Grev, see Gray Gribbins Alice, h 1106 S 9th Gribhins Bertha. domestic, 309 K 2d Gribbins John H., laborer, h 1106 S 9th Gribhins Mary A., wid Hugh. h 1106 S 9th Gribbins William, laborer. h 1088 S 9th Gribhle Jennie, elk, 234 Verbeke. h 1:t!?4 N 2d Grieff Charles W .. vardma<;ter. h :!2~ S 14th Grier Charles C. plumber. h 229 S 2ci Grier Charles H .. painter. h 1~11 N' ;;th Grier Edward W., laborer. h 229 S 2<1 Grier Ella C, cigarmkr, h 1811 N 5th
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6 :IE


m~~ii} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and Rilly StS. Google

A. B. TACK}WaJl PlDer and Window Shades{J::lII~8d~

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.
Grieshaber Emma, h 103 Evergreen ~ :::II Grieshaber Johanna, wid Max, h 103 Evergreen Grieshaber Joseph A., elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 103 o -< c: Evergreen Griest Frank S., upholsterer, 212 Mulberry, h 26 S 3d Grieves Leroy S., laborer, h 1439 Vernon Grieves Robert, laborer, h 1439 Vernon Grieves Roscoe, U. S. A., h 1439 Vernon Griffee Catharine L., book folder, 4 N 3d, h fit4 Boas Griffee George J., blacksmith. h (i14 Boas Griffey Ada C, twi~ter, h 1115 Bartine av Griffey Charles, shearsman, h 705 Showers av Griffey Harry E., laborer, h 714 Showers av Griffey William. laborer, h 1115 Bartine av Griffin George F., blacksmith, h KJ4 S Cameron Griffin Gecrge L., waiter, h 233 Cranberry av Griffin Henrietta, wid Alexander, h 126 Liberty Griffin John T., caller P. R. R., h 411 Muench Griffin Thomas A., printer Patriot. h 435 Walnut Griffin Walter. conductor, h 1825 N 4th Griffith Anna, weaver, h 2156 N 7th Griffith John 0 ., bridge builder, h 23 N 5th Griggs D. Henry, boilermkr, h 129 S 2d Griggs Gertrude E .. cigarmkr. h 719 Showers av Grim Sallie, cook Children's Industrial Home, h do


Grimes Daisv }<I.. teacher. h 2H7 X 15th Grimes Geo;ge W., laborer, h 1627 Park Grimes Gertrude I.. saleslady, H18 ~Iarket, h 237 N 15th Grimes Henrietta, wid James S., h 237 N 15th Grimes James L., machinist, h ~7 N 15th Grimes W. Lloyd, barber, h 237 N 15th Grimm Edgar N., bridge builder, h ~7 S Summit Grimm Martha A., wid William 0., h 27 S Summit Grimm N. Lester, elk, 153 N 4th, h 27 S Summit Grimm Sarah C, stenographer, Crescent c ~Iulberry, h 27 S Summit Grimm Stella NI., teacher, h 27 S Summit Grimwood Sarah C, wid William H., h 228 Liberty Grimwood William H., brakeman, h :m N 12th Grinage Thomas W., laborer, h 1160 S Cameron Gripple William H., laborer, h 2015 Logan av Grisby George, driver. 11 7 Haehnlen av Grissinger Annie, dressmkr, h 1114 Penn Grissinger Daniel H., boilermkr, h 14;~2 Green Grissinger Jennie, nurse, h 1114 Penn Grissinger John D . watchnian. h 1400 Penn Grissinger John W., elk, 11 N 3d, h 24 ~ 10th Grissinger Rankin C, baker, h 211 Herr Grissinger Samuel C, postal elk, h 1412 Derry Grissinger Susan, wid Levi, h 24 N l()th


No. 1230 ARC" STREET. PHil A., PA ' .' . -, ,.


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1111111', Complilion Pills :.~:J':ndC::~-=~~: 306 Broad'

Grissinger William B.. boilermkr, h 24 N 10th . ". Griswold John K., molder, h 1:!49 Bailey ... Grobes William H., messenger State Treasury, h 429 State Groce James E., wheelwright. h lUi Linden . . Groetsick Peter, laborer, h 12111 Wallace E Groff Abram L.. sec F. and M. Works, h Derry c 27th 8 Groff Chalmer C. dk, h 1506 Penn - Groff Ouistian A., machinist, h :!1I8 Kelker Groff Ch1"istian C, repairsman, h 1505 Penn Groff Edna E., (Freese & Groff), h Derrv c 27th ~ Groff Edward, cigarmkr. h 1118 i\10ntgomery Groff Edward L., elk, 4th c Boyd av, h 202 Reily .I Groff Elizabeth Mrs., 109 Locust 15 Groff George E., barber, lila S Cameron, h do Groff Geocge M., h 256 North . . Groff Helen E., saleslady, :16 N ad, h 1118 Montgomery Groff Jacob B., carpenter. h 18:15 Susquehanna U\ Groff Jacob G., patternmkr, h 1143 Derry Groff John, bricklayer, h Green ab Peffer ... Groff John J., brakeman, h 20 N 13th Groff Katherine E., trimmer. h 114 Tuscarora Groff Maggie, wid \ViIliam D., h 15203 N 6th laborer, h 94 O Groff Peter, A., brakeman, Tuscarora Groff Peter h 584 Showers av c:[ Groft \Villiam, fireman, h 4a9 SlOth



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol1.

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II: Jille GDOrOOIY Ond In''1 CO ., Icrula. j ......, S,.IJUI, 'Ir E."..... l ...1 fill" . lUG ..... 1 Culrllellra 1lIIII1. II. Celll'l f , If Put Offleo Z Groh Sarah J., wid Simon, h 1416 Wyeth av

Groner Martha A., wid John, h :l:!1 Calder Groninger Charles E .. brakeman, h 1511 N 6th Groninger Edna, saleslady, a7 N :!d. h 1511 K 6th Groninger Edna 1., weaver, h 132 Sylvan ter Groninger Elmer L . lineman, 210 Walnut, h 121 Sylvan ter Groninger Rose A., wid Stewart, h 1511 N mh Groom William, laborer, h 1:!37 N 11i Grosch Ella, seamstress, h 1838 North Grosch Walter, bookkpr, h 1~3t' Korth Grosh Alice E., Wid Charles R., h 307 Verbeke Grosh Walter B., bookkpr, 22 N 3d, h 1t(3~ North Gross Alice, h 323 Kelker Gross Charles F., civil engineer, Herr clOth, h 1!150 State Gross David, watchmkr, 5lta "Valnut, h do GROSS EDWARD Z., druggiat, 119 Market, h 23 N Front see adv GROSS ELI B., tlour, feed and grain, 14th c Regina, h New ~ Cumberland _ Gross Estella M. :\1 rs .. h 1:1:'?6 N Front Q Gross Eugene, engineer. h 12:!:~i ;.; Hth . ~ Gross George. bootblack. h 4117 :\ Gth I- Gross Harry, driver. h5:!11 N 5th Gross Henry 1'1., student, h 2:l N Front Gross James. machinist, h 2110 N 4th


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- M a l t... a 8DecJaJty 01 _ _ {1.leN.IdA

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Gross John A., brakeman, h HtJ7i N 7th Gross John W., laborer, h 2ft Lochiel 3d Row Gross Joshua W., clk recorder, C. H., h Maple Grove Hotel Gross Kathryn, bookfolder, h 422 S 16th Gross Margaret J., wid Jacob, h 228 Chestnut Gross Meyer, grocer, 430 Walnut c Short, h 428 do Gross Norman W. L., barber, h 121 S Dewberry av Gross, see Groce Grossnickel Albert E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Grossnickel Harry, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Grove Abram, (A. Grove & Son), h 1314 ~ 6th Grove Andrew, laborer, h 1124 Hic'kory av Grove Annie M., music teacher, 1a14 N 6th, h do Grove A. & Sons, (A. J. K. and M. 1\1.), cigar mfrs, 458 Verbeke Grove Catharine, milliner, h 400 Verbeke Grove Charles, laborer, h 1605 S Cameron Grove Clarence G., clk, h 510 Filbert GROVE GEORGE H., architect, 213 Walnut, h Hummelstown Grove George H., supt Paxtang Electric Co., h 1247 Kit- c : tatinny Grove G. LaRue. clk. 1300 Market, h 1247 Kittatinny C; Grove Howard M., engineer, h 220 Harris Grove Irwin C, fireman, h 1310 N 6th

.r:~:B~'t~ ~ H~rrlsb~rj_ Sa,lngl_and

Grove Jacob F., salesman, 460 Verbeke, h 400 do Grove James II., janitor, h 424 l\Iuench Grove J. Dewitt, machinist, h 424 Muench Grove J. Ervin, shoe operator. h 400 Verbeke Grove John K., (A. Grove & Sons), h 1314 N 6th Grove Lizzie, domestic, 1519 N 6th Grove Martin A., teacher, h 229 Briggs Grove Mary A., wid John, h 2030 N 4th Grove Michael M., h Maple Grove Hotel Grove Morgan M., (A. Grove & Son). h 1314 N 6th Grove Oliver B., electrician, h 1247 Kittatinny Grove Sarah, wid William, h Hickory av nr Cumberland Grove Simon H., engineer, 7th c North. h 510 Filbert Grove Co Grant, machinist, h 52!! Maclay Grove Wells C, leverman. h 1508 N 5th Grove William E., trucker, h 2030 N 4th Grove William H., cigarmkr. h 429 North Grover Oscar L., civil engineer ..h 427 Hamilton Groves Lucy M., domestic, 323 N Front Groves William. laborer. h 205Nectarine Grubb Anna, domestic, !l11l N 2d Grubb Elizabeth V . dressmkr. h 11 N 4th Grubb George C, elk, h 512 Hamilton Grubb Harry. machinist, h 14n3 Market Gruhb Ida, dressmkr, h 11 N 4th Grubb Jesse. laborer, h Maclay bel Canal

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


ti:i Grubb John D., brakeman, h 626 Calder ..... Grubb Leonard L., conductor, h 713 Capital a: .... Grubb Percy L., teacher, h 71:1 Capital 010 Grubb 5ue A., wid Foster, h 512 Hamilton Grubb William H., inspector, h 1702 N 7th Gntber Andrew, brakeman, h 2140 N 6th .... Gruber Edwin, laborer, h 1020 Fox av Gruber Fannie 5., trimmer. h ~II~ East a: Gruber John, laborer, h 2 :'<oJ 9th ~ Gruber John H .. shoemkr, 164:1 Fulton, h 1224 Bartine av ~ Gruber Joseph, h 1716 Briggs :: Gruber Marv A.. wid John G., 11 ~n8 East Gruber 5arah ~I rs., h 2012 Briggs Gruber William, laborer, h r 560 5 10th C Grumbine James C, coremkr, h 117 Mulberry :E Grunden Harry H .. laborer, h 26a2 6~ ~ Grunden Percival E., drug elk, 421) Market. h 352 5 13th Grunden William H., laborer, h 1928 Wood av Gruver Andrew, elk. h 346 5 14th ~ Gruver Charles. paperhanger, h 1212 Bailey !!: Gruver Harrv, elk, h :l:Hi S 14th . ..... Gruver Jennic. saleslady. !l:~4 ~Iarket, h 346 S 14th z: Gruver John, laborer. h !l46 S 14th Gruver Julia. saleslady. :l!l4 ~larket, h 346 514th Gruver Ray J., elk, h 2H3 Hl1mm_e_I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

== = e:


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Guarin Edward P., foreman. h 12115 ~ 6th Guidi David, bartender The Dolton, h do Guilt"s Catharine, wid Clysses B., h 215 Hummel Guiles Charles H., pressman. h 1102 ~ 2d Guiles Christiann, housekeeper, 2):', Hummel Z Guiles Eva 0 .. saleslady, :l7 N 2d, h 215 Hummel Guiles Isaac W., h 215 Hummel Guinnivan Daniel, foreman. h 181fo: State Guinnivan Guv A., machinist. h 1818 State Guise brakeman. h 1512 III Guise Albert.C. housekeeper. 241Hunter av Clara Muench Guise Della, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Guise Harry A., teamster. h 1m 7 Elizabeth av Guise Jacob. laborer, h nan Fulton Guise John B., laborer. h 62~ Delaware av Guise ~Iarv A., wid \VilIiam E . h 241 ~Iuench Guise Webb A.. car repairer. h 1640 X 5th . Guise William E., painter, h l:llfl N Front Guistwhite Andrew Coo carpenter. h 277 Hamilton Guistwhite Frank ~I., salesman, 3!lO ~Iarket. h 116 CU 1nberland (;uistwhite Lizzie E . h 2!l N 5th Guistwhite Luther. hoarding. 2i:l Herr. h do !':": Cuist\vhite 1farion P . stenographer, :lfi X Cameron, h 277 CD Hamilton


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I. B. Tiel} FI:~~O~!lTTN:'t:-~'&c~~fy~R {~1610rm lIllI1ISIIiI

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 313
Gully Edward E., laborer, h 435 Kelker Gully James R, laborer, h 435 Kelker Gully John H., laborer, h 435 Kelker Gully Julia E ., dressmkr, h 435 Kelker Gully Nadel D., h 25 S 13th Gully Thomas R, molder, h 435 Kelker Gum Morgan T ., h 114 N 2d Gummo Edward \V., ironworker, h 1011 Hemlock Gummo Edward \V., jr., laborer, h 1011 Hemlock Gummo Jenny E., sticker, h lOll Hemlock Gump John F., brakeman, h 422 Harris Gumpert Glarles R, laborer, h 417 Kelker Gumpert Olarles W., actor, h 417 Kelker Gumpert Harry S., engineer,.h 408 Strawberry av Gumpert Harvey M., actor, h 417 Kelker. Gumpert William B., salesman, 440 Market, h 1720 Green Gumpher Annie, domestic, 1110 N Front Gumpher Esther, hemmer, h 1635 Susquehanna Gumpher H. \Ves!ey, brakeman, h 12:~4 Herr Gunderman Charles K.. brakeman. h 21]() N 4th Gundreman David B., fireman, h 528 11uench Gundrum Eliza, domestic, 309 Walnut Gunter Cora B., cigarmkr, h 123 Mulberry Gushard Harry, brakeman, h 432 Market Guss Effie K., dressmkr, h 615 Harris

MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ ~~~t,~~-::'~~K

Gussler Glarles c., laborer, h 3U3 Cumberland Gutelius Ellen L., saleslady, 28 N 2d, h do Gutelius S. Jennie, notions, 28 N 2d, h do Guthrie James ~L, jr., woodworker, h 1819 N 5th Gutshall Calvin, laborer, h 604 Delaware av Gutshall Daniel c., (G. F. Gutshall & Bro.), h 1400 N 6th ~ Gutshall George F., (G. F. Gutshall & Bro.), h 1400 N 6th Gutshall George F. & Bro., (G. F. and D. C.), grocers, 14011 :-J 6th Gutshall Wilson, blacksmith, h 1400 N 6th Gutshall. ~ee Godshall, also Gottschall, also Gottshall Guttt:nberg Myers,laborer, h Villi S 3d Guy Hunter D., car inspector, h 1704 N 5th Guy \-Villiam, fireman, h 2030 Fulton Guyer Jacob H., laborer, h 2fif) Calder Guver Lotta M., milliner. a6 N ad, h 2()6 Calder Guyer Ralph c., laborer, h 266 Calder . Guyer \Valter L., bookkpr, h 21i6 Calder Guyer, see Geyer Guyman Amos, laborer, h 502 Lynn

Haak Marv Mrs., domestic, l2;~7 N 7th Haak William. mason, h lOa!) S 2U Haas Albert B., laborer, h 1613 Re-gina


No . 1230 ARCH STREET . PHI!." .. P,. .


lIeNeU'. PaID Elrt.ermlDa&orcureaCholela Kana.. n,-terJ,CmmJl!l, DtarrbcBa, 00Ida. QulD81. RheWJlllUam. ToothIIdIe, Ban TIIIOaI, Ape. J>7IpeJl8la. _ _ ......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Haas Bertha L., weaver, h 1:-l25 Susquehanna av Haas Charles A., brakeman, h 21:l3 K 4th Haas Conrad, h !):!5 S 1H! Haas Cora \' .. milliner, h 1B13 North Haas Emma L., weaver, h 1:J2:5 Susquehanna Haas Harry, brakeman, h 1519 Penn Haas Harry A., brakeman, h 210 Verbeke Haas Harry J., upholsterer, l:t.. N 3d, h do '8 Haas Harry \V., bartender, 55H Race, h 532 do Haas Henry M., basketmkr, 1328 N 3d, h 1:t!5 Susq Haas James A., veterinary surgeon, 115 South, h do HAAS 1. FREDERICK, Grape Hotel, 659 Race, h do Haas J. Frederick, jr., plumber, h 10 S Cameron Haas John A., letter carrier. h 1504 Wallace Haas John G., helper, h 630 Reily Haas l\Iary, wid John K., h 212 Kelker H.aas Samuel B . watchman. h 131:~ Korth Haas William F., dyer, h 1006 N 3d Habbarde TIlOmas F., laborer, h 1735 K :td Haberstroh Julius, nurseryman. It 228 South Haberstroh Katharine, bookkpr. 1300 ~ 3d. h 2"11'1 South Hack Conrad, labor boss. h 1Z1!l WaHace Hackenherger Ellen. forelady, 421 Reily. h 651 Dauphin Hackenberger G. Alfred, brakeman. h ()29 Maclay Hackenberger Geo. H., foreman, 421 Reily, It 651 Dauphin

lllll!nllmnlJ Iii UUWU

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Hackett George E., h 1115 N :M Hackley Amelia, wid Fred, h 814 James av Hackley Lovelee. domestic. 711 I\" 3d Haegy'William A . stockman, h 42'1 S 16th Haehnlen' Christian A., h 124 Chestnut Haehnlen David D . frog planer, h HnH Green Haehnlen Ed\\,'d \V., upholsterer. trWi S 2d, h 5111 Muench. Haehnlen Frederick A., clk. ~13 Market. h at S 16th Haehnlen James W .. brakeman. h 652 Reily Haehnlell John R.. laborer. h 1B40 Penn Haehnlen Lottie R, teacher, h 124 Chestnut Haehnlen Louis F., Belle Vue Grapery, Belle Vue Wine Co. and Belle Vue !'\urseries. Hollv beyond limits Haehnlen Marv, wid William P., h 12-( Chestnut Haehnlen \Villiam H .. laborer. h 151) Linden Haen Adolf. brakeman. h 321 Ointon av Haerter Harry IT. G., bookkpr, 22'2 Mulberry, h 612 N 2d Hafer Edward E., fireman, h 144!l Vernon . Hafcr John n., laborer. h 1417 N 4th Hafer William E., cngineer. h lUll Verrion Hafer William E., jr.. turner. h 1449 Vernon Haflev Emma L.. salesladv. 30 ~ 3d, h 5:n Race Hagan James, messenger 'Ins Dept, 7W State, h 10 N 2d Hage G. 2'Iarie. h 605 N Front Hage Hother B., elk Lunatic Hospital. h fi05 N Front Hagen Elizabeth. h 120 Conoy

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


1.18 N.I4&


Hager William, laborer, h 1113 S 9th Hagerman George, driver, h 1227 Bailey Hagerman George F., bookkpr, 9 S 2d, h New Cumberland Hagerman \Villiam, salesman, 9 S 2d,. h New Cumberla,nd Hagy Florence E. Mrs., cigars, 466 S Cameron, h do Hagy Joseph 1\1., switchman, h 442 SlOth Hagy Morris \V., brakeman, h 466 S Cameron Hahn Annie B., domestic, 104 Verbeke Hahn Christma, wid Frederick, h 24to! Crescent Hahn Elizabeth, wid Frederick, h 1820 Swatara Hahn Herman F., elk, 208 Walnut, h 2221 N 3d Hahn Mary M., h 248 Crescent Hahn M. Matilda, h 915 N 3d Hahnlen William L., brakeman, h 1335 Fulton Haifleigh Anna M., h 1115 Green Haitieigh Caroline B., steogr, 210 Walnut, h 13:37 Penn Haifleigh Isaac, watchman, h Ul37 Penn Haifleigh Kate E., teacher, h 1115 Green Haigh Joseph W., brakeman, h 1330 N 6th Haigh Mary, domestic, 1237 N 7th Hain David, h 152 N 15th Hain Galen, dentist, 701 N 6th, h do Hain George, carpenter, h 431 S 1:-Hh Hain Grace M., tel operator, 227 Walnut, h 4:n S 13th Hain Harry H., proof reader Patriot, h Duncannon

l:;e:*.:=.o;. ~ Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. 1 ::.r: ~

'Hain Herbert H., elk, 431 North, h 152 N 15th Hain Jacob, teamster, h 1853 Berryhill Hain John L., postal elk, h 19 N 17th Hain Ross B., elk, 13m Market, h 152 N 15th HAIN WILLIAIIII" lawyer and pres Highspire Water Co" 306 ItIarket, h 808 N 2d Haines Augustus, puddler, h 132 Dock Haines Augustus, jr., helper, h 132 Dock Haines Catharine, h ] 185 Bailey Haines Charlotte, wid Harvey W., h 1624 N 6th Haines Emanuel P., cigarmkr, h 1624 N 6th Haines George N., laborer, h 132 Dock Haines John, blacksmith, h 202 Hamilton Haines John, stamper, h 107 Tuscarora Haines Joseph, laborer, h 132 Dock Haines Lydia, wid William, h 1241 N lli Haines Margaret, :wid Richard, h 1510 Logan av Haines Mary Mrs., nurse Harrisburg Hospital, h do Haines Thomas, laborer, h 1510 Logan av Haines, see Hanes Hair John, h 1808 N 5th Hake Alfred, cigarmkr, h 10 S Cameron HAKE DANIEL L., sporting editor P~triot, h 1803 5' 2d Hake Harry, elk, h 1012 N 3d Hake Harry L., salesman. h 3d nr Boas Hake Oscar, news agt P, R. R. depot, h 10 S Cameron

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Hake W. Eugene, salesman, h 3d nr Boas Halbert Edward, elk, 6 N 3d, h 1008 Green Halbert Ellen, wid Robert S., h 924 N 2d Halbert Harry, laborer, h ]416 North Halbert William C, elk, h 924 N 2d Halbleib Caroline K, wid John J., h 1315 James Halbleib George, brakeman, h 1:U5 James Halbleib Harry A., flagman, h 1733 Fulton Haldeman Albert G., foreman, h 1014 S Cameron Haldeman Caroline R, wid Jacob, h The Commonwealth Haldeman Catherine, proof reader, h 112 S 2d HALDEMAN DONALD C., lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, 222 liar ket, h 219 S Front Haldeman Edward, h 251 North . Haldeman Edward M., lawyer and notary, 222 Market, h :!6 S 3d . Haldeman Edward S., laborer, h 1010 S 9th Haldeman Elise E., h 219 S Front Haldeman Filmore, helper, h 112 Dock Haldeman Isaiah R, elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 612 Briggs Haldeman Katharine E., proof reader Telegraph, h 11~ S2d . ,en Haldeman Leonard L., helper, h 112 Dock Haldeman Lewis, laborer, h 211 Mulberry Haldeman Margaretta C, wid Richard J., h 219 S Front


Halderman Daniel H., engineer, h 1223! N 6th Hale August. machinist, h 1:J09 N 3d Hale Char:les, car repairer, h 550 Woodbine Hale George L., tinsmith, h !!2 Balm Hale Lewis H., butcher, h 129 S 3d Hale N' ora, domestic, Hit2 Green Haley Francis H., puddler, h 3a Lochiel 3d Row Haley John T., laborer, h 1253 Swatara Haley Thomas, laborer, h 1253 Swatara Haley Timothy J., conductor, h 125::1 Swatara Halfpenny William, conductor, h 624 Boas Hall Amanda, wid Samuel S., h 205 Calder Hall Annie E., laundress, h 412 South Hall Blanche E., stenographer, 5 N 3d, h 205 Calder Hall Clifford C, laborer, h 18118 Elizabeth av Hall Daisy, waitress, 2:{ S 3d Hall Daniel W., teamster, h 37 N 16th Hall Edward, laborer, h 1152 S Cameron Hall Edward F., asst foreman P. R R, h 1635 N 7th Hall Frances 0., wid John, h 616 Dauphin HALL FRANK, aalt chief Department of Jrlinea, 215 Walnut, h 108 do Hall Frank J" elk C 1. and S. Co., h 324 N 2d Hall George A., draftsman F. and :\1. Works, h 2101 N 6th Hall George F., driver, h :n:~ Forster
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Gc50gLe .

A. B. TACK t:,~:no1I011 PUDer IBId IIndol8llOdeS ~lR~ fc.av.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
317 Hall H. Xewman. h 14::?3 Regina Hall Irvm, machinist, h l():J~ ~ 4th Hall Isaac ~., porter, h 412 South Hall Jacob R., laborer, h 616 Dauphin Hall James L., laborer, h 320 Calder Hall John A., engineer, h 18()5 N 5th Hall John F., cab driver, h 37 N 16th Hall John P., laborer, h 1~5 Short Hall J. Porter, flagman, h 1202 Market Hall Joseph, fireman, h 213 :Muench Hall Leonard, waiter, h 3:W Calder Hall Lucy, domestic, 111 Angle av Hall Mary A., domestic, 1~5 Short Hall M. Grace, h 324 N 2d Hall Robert, brakeman, h H37 Muench Hall Robert, driver, h 104 Christie's av Hall Robert,. driver, h 504 South Hall Samuel F., laborer, h 412 South Hall S. Ray, machinist, h 630 Camp Hall Thomas, barber, h 412 South Hall Thomas, draftsman F. and M. Works, h 114 N 2d Hall Viola, domestic, 3::?0 Calder Hall VV. Herbert, cab driver, h 943 Paxton Hall William B., hostler, It 535 .Maclay Hall, see Haul



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MILLER BROS.l BAKER~ ~=~b=~l:.~~

Haller Daniel, laborer, h 432 North av Haller Edgar M., machinist, h 308 S 2d Hallman Henry T., clk Aud Genl's Dept, h 820 N 6th Hallman John P., paperhanger, h 165 N 15th Hallman Levi, laborer, h 144 Balm Hallman, see Haulman Hallowell Harry, laborer, h 402 S 2d a. Halsey Harry, steelworker, h 1321 Maple av Halter Edna, domestic Hershey House Halter Fiania Mrs., (Hartzell & Halter), h 1313 N 3d HaItocman John H., engineer, h 1303 N 3d Halterman William c., driver, h 1324 N 7th Hamacher J. Irwin, electrician, h 1215 N 6th Hamacher Sue M., wid Abraham, h 1215 N 6th Hamaker Fannie E.Mrs., h 208 Kelker Hamaker Harrison H., asst foreman P. R. R., h 650 Woodbine Hamaker Jennie, domestic, 725 State Hamaker John R., brakeman, h 650 Woodbine Hamaker Kate, wid Jacob, h 312 Hummel Hamaker Laura P., h 650 Woodbine Hamaker, see Hammaker Hamblin Harry \V., genlmgr Paxtang Electric Co., h 218 Hamilton a Hambright Amos B., telegrapher, h 30 N 16th



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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Hambright Charles E., asst storekeeper P. R R, h 505 Calder Hambright C Howard. elk P. R. R.. h 1 iU4 N 6th Hambright C. Keese\", h Ii21 Green Hambright Harry G.: elk, l~l;H N lith, h 231i Kelker Hambright Horace K., engineer, h 2:11j Kelker Hambright Walter B., elk P. R R., h IiOt; N 5th Hambright Walter R, oiler, h 5115 Calder Hamburger Sidney, SaleSll1an, 14 N :.!d, h do Hamelehle Annie, domestic, :.!2j ~ Front Hamer Albert M., mgr, 20 N 2d, h 1212 do Hamer Carrie, domestic, 812 Green Hamer Della W. Mrs., seamstress, h 136 S 3d Hamer George W., solicitor, 27 N 3d, h 812 Green Hamer IVlary ]., housekeeper, 812 Green Hamer Robert, car inspector, h 1!:l5 Linden Hamer William K., (W. Hamer & Son), h 149 Paxton Hamer William M., (\V. Hamer & Son), h 1100 N 2d Hamer W. & Son, (W. M. and W. K.), meat, Indian av c Race Hamersly William H., physician, 107 N 2d, h do Hamill Andrew J., engineer, h 640 Boas Hamill Brazillia, grocer, 400 Reily, h do Hamill Edward J., helper, h 1500 Penn Hamill Grace, cigarmkr, h 139 Ann av
nlLE ..AII.ln 'I' TlUIT co. { ....~., Ad.I.,.I'...... Encal.... a..nll.n.} 11..1 E ..... - . f acr,.......... 'rUllnId .11 _., kin" If J.dlel., trt. II.., If .... Olfle.





Hamill Harry E., elk P. R R., h 1620 N 4th Hamill James R., nail ieeder, h 13H Ann av Hamill Kate, wid Madison, h 640 Boas Hamill Marne G., h 623 Boas Hamill Martin, nail feeder, h 139 Ann av Hamill Pearl B., elk, h 62:1 Boas a.. Hamill Robert S., conductor, h ()23 Boas E Hamill Roy B., civil engineer, !) N 2d, h 208 Reily 0 Hamill Sylvester F., conductor, h 2118 Reily u Hamill William S., elk P. R. R, h 208 Reily H!)(ILTON A, BOYD, lr., managing editor Patriot, h 123 South -c 0 Hamilton Arthur 0., elk, 19th c Derry, h Penbrook u Hamilton B. vVallace, physician, 315 Walnut, h do C Hamilton Carrie L., saleslady, H34 Market, h Lemoyne z Hamilton Eben' B., student, h 1519 N 2d Elizabeth A., -c Hamilton Elizabeth M., wid John R, h a:n Kelker Kelker Hamilton stengr, 402 Verbeke, h 321 1&.1 Hamilton Frederick V., puddler, h u Hamilton George W., driver, h :~211(1114 S Cameron Kelker C Hamilton Harry, driver, fi S 2d, h 1618 Wallace 1&.1 Hamilton Harry C, cik, h 2d ab Harris Hamilton Harr)' Q., puddler, h 608 Showers av HAKlLTON HUGH, physician and surgeon, 315 Walnut, h do Z Hamilton John, hostler, h :l24 Blackberry av ~

0 0 ..>z -c

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Hamilton John A., conductor, h 1618 \Vallace Hamilton John R., jr., elk, h 321 Kelker Hamilton John W., cash boy, 324 ~larket, h 1618 Wallace Hamilton John W., janitor, h 320 Strawberry av Hamilton Lewis J., shearsman, h l!123t N 7th Hamilton Lizzie M., student, h 3:n Kelker Hamilton Mary W., h 211 Locust Hamilton Kaudain, real estate, 222 1Iarket, h 3 N Front Hamilton Nelson c., conductor, h 61la Dauphin av Hamilton Richard, hostler, h 331 Blackberry av HAIIILTOIf THOMAS H., architect, 6 1-2 If 2d, h 214 S 17th Hamilton Thomas P., student, h 211 Locust Hamilton Thomas \V., salesman, 222 :\brket, h 211 Locust Hamilton William. engineer, h llS Hanna Hamilton William, laborer. h 554 Primrose av Hamilton WiI:iam B., machinist, h 55!) Woodbine Hamilton Wm. B., asst transfer elk P. R. R., h 117 S 13th Hamilton \\iilliam T., machinist, h 638 Boyd av Hamlin Kate H., wid James F., h 2128 ~ 6th' Hamlin LuRhette, optician. 811t N 3d, h 700 do Hamm Titus, elk, h 1246 Market Hammacker Edith, domestic, 1;n5 ~ Front Hammaker D. Edward. blacksmith, h :?f109 ~ 7th Hammaker Jacob, laborer, h 1fI69 Moltke av Hammaker Jacob c., laborer, h 2045 Herr


3: J>


Sayings and Loan Assn.{==

C Hammaker James 1\.. brakeman. h 1141 \Voodbine Hammaker \Villiam S., student, h 61:3 Forster Hammaker, see Hamaker Hammelbach Daniel, machinist, h 606 Forster Hammelbaugh Charles F., bar elk. h 1437 N 2d N lLUI:HELBAUGH D. DANIEL, sec School Board, 123 Chest- J> nut, h 1437 If 2d Hammelballgh George B., elk, 210 Walnut, h 1423 N 2d 3: Hammelballgh Katharine G., teacher, h 1437 N 2d J> Hammelbaugh Mary A., wid Philip J., h 1437 N Zd Hammer Charles, gang boss, h 2 S 4th Hammer Edgar, timekeeper, h 2 S 4th Hammer Howard N., foreman, h W50 Derry Hammer Lillie, bunchmkr, h 1216 X 6th Hammersla Joseph, salesman, 117 S 2d, h Lemoyne Hammond Edward W., asst wire chief, h 1620 Green Hammond G. Porter. student, h 1609 N Front CooO Hammond William B., (Hammond & Bailey), h 1609 N Front -HA'MJ(OND & BAILEY, (W. B. Hammond and Edward 04 Bailey), general insurance, 22 If 2d Hamor Robert F., car inspector. h 135 Linden _ Hampton Charles S., laborer, h 132.1 Bartine av CooO Hampton Charles W., laborer, h 1323 Bartine av ;r Hampton Eliza, domestic, 3d cReel's la S.


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ Hamsher Ella 1\1., housekeeper, h 212S Moore

Hampton John, hostler, h 3:!4 Blackberry av

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Hamsher John \V., foreman, h 2128 Moore Hamsher Mary E., teacher, h 2128 :\'Ioore Hanawalt Catharine 1\1., dressmkr, h 52:~ 1\Iuench Hanawalt Edgar A., machinist, h 523 Muench Hanawalt Elizabeth 1\1., h 52:J l\Iuench Hancock Emma c., h lU01 Berryhill Hancock John 1\1 utual Life Insurance c., A. C. Mead, dist agt,9 N 2d Hancock Ora, charwoman, h 104 Filbert Hancock Ott G., foreman Paxton Furnaces, h 1029 S 9th Hand Lydia, wid Harry H., h 26 N 10th Handiboe Edward C, laborer, h 21;) Barbara av Handiboe Elizabeth F., wid John, h 215 Barbara av Handiboe Helen. lacquerer, h 215 Barbara av HANDIBOE 10HN, associate editor Telegraph, h 1152 liarket . Handiboe John \Y. A., printer Independent, h 1152 Mkt Handiboe William, laborer, h 215 Barbara av Handler Barnhart, carpets, 1212 N 3d, h do Handler Samuel, upholsterer. h 515 Cowden Handley Mary H., saleslady, 318 Market, h Steelton Handshaw Elizabeth F., wid William, h 233 S 15th Handshaw Harry F., foreman. 208 Walnut. h 900 N 2d

_G.qR~~~}FAI~ PRICED DRU88IST{~_6_~3(~1.

HANDSHAW HARRY 1., coaland wood, 924 Capital, h 900N2d Handshaw Henry, h 227 Pine Handshaw James Q., tray salesman, 222 1\Ikt, h 900 N 2d Handshaw Robert \V., laborer, h 2 S 18th Handshaw Samuel G., foreman, 824 N 7th, h 2 S 18th Hanes Harvey c., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 1410 Derry Hanes, see Haines Haney Charles P., bar elk, 325 Walnut, h 248 Liberty Haney Mary, bonnetmkr, h 1908 Moltke av Hankins David S., bookkpr, 336 Chestnut, h 230 Hamilton Hanlen Annie D., wid Christian, h 108 Locust HANLEN BROS., (Frederick G.), wholesale wines and liquon, 330 lIarket Hanlen Frederick G., (Hanlen Bros.). h The Bolton Hanlen Harry B., conductor, h 318 l\Iuench Hanlen Irvin B., h 122 Chestnut Hanlen Walter c., h 210 S 13th Hanmer Elmer L., elk P. & R., h 12 SCameron Hanover Shoe Store, Charles R. Knoll, mgr, 407 Market Hansen John K, laborer, h HI21 Moltke av Hanshaw Charles E., mgr, 1600 N 4th, h 1606 N 3d Hanshaw Daniel 1\1., (est), c. E. Hanshaw, mgr, coal and wood, 1HUU N 4th Hanshaw Emma, wid Daniel M., h 1621 N 4th

a:: l&.I >




.. I

It ..




AIDREW REDMONDJ~.!:i~~~{3d and Rail, Sts. b;COOgle


I. B. TACK }llLl PAPER I:::re~~ IIIDO'IHlDEUN;;:~8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 321
lIAliSOlf GUSTAV, lorist, 1221 3d and 1026 S Cameron, h 1307 do Hanson John c., conductor, h 32 N 5th lIAliTZlrtAN CRADLES F., coal, 660 Briggs, h 813 Forster see adv lIAliTZlrtAN FRED H., lumber, 880 Briggs, h 813 Forster see adv Hantzman Grace c.. dressmkr. h 613 Forster Hantzman John, molder, h 1521 Derry Hapito Nicolangelo, laborer, h 1132 Market Happle Charles W., laborer, h 1997 N 7th Happle Minnie A., wid Elliott E., h 561 Camp Happoldt Joshua, h 138 S 2d Harbison Frank P., switchman, h 549 SlOth Harbold Ella, wid William, h :~27 Cherry av Harbold James D., carpenter, h 271 Hamilton Harbold John M., laborer, h 2031 Kensington Harbold Lillie C. Mrs., h 13118 Market Harbson Frank, watchman, h 549 SlOth Harden David W., laborer, h 215 River av Harden George, laborer, h 211< S Court av Harden !\Iinnie L., domestic, h 15:n Vernon Harden Sheridan, waiter, h 143 S 3d Hardenbergh Charles H .. messenger Aud Genl, h 304 Boas Harder Frederick G., brakeman, h 617 1\ 2d


::J: (/) t ;)

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:u ,. c ,.




"'1'1 PI

.MILLER BROS. I: BAKER~ ~15~t,~~1:.~~1E

Harder Isaac, watchman, h 531 Violet av Harder John E., laborer, h 5:31 Violet av Harder John P., elk, h 2:n S River av Harder \Villiam D., repair5man, h 5:U Violet av Harder William P., salesman, h 1709 N 5th Harding Simon J., salesman, h 17 N lath Hardt Charles W., civil engineer, !) N 2d. h 125 Pine Hardy Agnes M., wid Edgar J., h 4:UI Korth Hardy Andrew, molder, h 1225 Cowden Hardy Annie 1'1., wid John, h 23 S 2d Hardy Francis :\1., laborer, h 1132 S 9th Hardy Luceta, h 2286 N 6th Hardy Mary, telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 23 S 2d Hare Charles H .. brakeman, h 1120 N 6th Hare Charles W.', laborer, h 1137 Market


f ~~~DS Lumber, Mill Work I Building Material ~. ~;



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Lyken. Valley and WllkesBarre .... Coal a S....clalty.....

Cor. Briggs Ind COlde. Sts


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~ Ie

CLARK'S =: Drug and Patent Medicine Store{=:~L4.r

322 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.







,. :.




a: I.&J

Hare Harry, driver, h 1109 N Cameron HARE HENRY :M., Hotel Hare, 421 Walnut, h do Hare }laggie, bunchmkr, h 1<14 S Cameron Hare \VilIiam F., cooper, h ~14 S Cameron Hargest George W., student, h 2204 N 3d Hargest Jane R., teacher, h 22114 X 3d Hargest John J., trucker. h 22M N 3d Hargest Thomas S., (Hargest & Hargest), h 1226 Derry I-largest William i\1.. (Hargest & Hargest), h 113 Reily_ HARGEST & HARGEST, (Thomas S. and William II.) r lawyers, 222 :Market Hargesty J. Robert, draftsman, h 2!lU X 2d Hargleroad Cam W., machinist, h 323 Hummel Harkelrode Elizabeth, wid Benjamin, h 426 North Harkins Percy, electrical engineer, h 22:l N 2d Harlacher John W., printer Telegraph, h 1(115 Market Harlacher J. William, layer out, h U)34 Swatara Harlacher Leila }1., trained nurse. Hbg Hospital, h do Harlacher Margaret A .. wid Charles, h 1015 Market Harlacher :Mary 0., h 1015 Market Harlacker John c., grocer, 17 X 3d, h 801 N 2d Harlacker Minnie Mrs., ice cream, 1203 Cowden, h do Harlacker Ralph R., elk, h 801 N 2d Harlan Frances Mrs., h 2006 N 5th I-Iarlan Joseph G., ins sol, 13 N 2d, h Steelton

loW C nl GllJIlIJ IIId Trosl m. =:a.r'" ~ ..m=...rn:::-~ta }~===.


Harlan Louisa M., saleslady, h 2006 X 5th Harland George W., brake~llan, h 2286 N 6th Harlev Alvin, laborer, h 327 Basin av ...- Harley Joseph, waiter, h 707 State >- Harlev Josephine Mrs., h 704 North av Z Harlev Sarah. chanvoman, h r 1421 l\larion Harling Edward F., repairer, h 1999 N 7th A.. Harling Frederick A., car inspector, h 630 Woodbine E Harling Percy, fireman, h 1410 K 6th o Harling Samuel D., repairsman, h 1226 Wallace U Harlow Robert, waiter, 309 Market, h do ...J Harm Amelia A., h 227 Crescent ..: HAD BROS., (Herman and Frederick 1.), coal, wood, sanel o and brick, 286 S Cameron see adv u Harm Frederica }lrs., h 2:..'7 Crescent


Dealers In.


!!e~ure~dK I

Lyhens Vailey



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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
323 Harm Frederick J., (Harm Bros.), h 510 S 13th Harm Herman, (Harm Bros.), h 114: Balm Harm Paul W. F., packer, 440 Market, h 227 Crescent Harm William, laborer, h 1714 Market Harman Amos, bricklayer, h 613 Herr Harman David W., foreman, 210 Walnut, h 1829 N 3d Harman Ella, domestic, 1525 Green Harman Harry E., brakeman, h 608 Peffer Harman Ira J., laborer, h 1409 North Harman Jacob, carpenter, h 1530 Derry Harman Morris G., engineer, h 1615 Hunter av Harman Oscar J., conductor, h 1617 Hunter av Hannan Ray H., laborer, h 1409 North Harman Rebecca N., tailoress. 318 Market, h 1615 Hunter av Harman William, butcher, h 140ft North Harman \VilIiam H., adv agt, h 308 Boyd av Harmon John B., inspector P. T. L., h 926 N 6th Harms J. Henry Rev., h 1525 Green Harner Amy R, stenographer, 210 Walnut, h 129 S 14th Harner Charles E., firetnan, h 1203 N 7th Harner Charles M., fireman, h 318 Clinton av Hamer F1orence, milliner, h 129 S 14th Harner John, court crier, h 1417 N 3d Harner John, salesman, 215 Market, h 2:n S River av

i= -1


SaYings and Loan


Harner John B., salesman, h 1411 Green Harner John T., carpenter, h H2 Market Harner Sarah M., wid William H., h 129 S 14th Harner \Villiam, artist, h 1417 N 3d Harner, see Horner Harnish Amos, coachmkr, h 2118 N 15th Harp Frederick, laborer, h 1908 N Cameron Harp Henry, laborer, h 9th ab Maclay Harp Upton D., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ;j Harper Andrew, laborer, h 239 State Harper Belle L., stengr Atty Genl's Dept, h Duncannon Harper Cath\Lrine, wid John H., h 1218 N Front Harper Catharine A., tel opr P. R R, h 1116 Montgomery Harper Edwin, patternmkr, h 113 Cumberland Harper Emma J., wid Alfred J., h 1116 Montgomery Harper George H., coremkr, h 113 Cumberland C4' Harper George W., cigars, 2219 Brookwood, h do 0 Harper George W., laborer, h 518 Strawberry av Harper Helen, saleslady, 215 Market, h 701 Green C4 Harper John H., plumber, h 1:l11 N 2d :I Harper Roy B., machinist, h 2"219 Brookwood == Harper Russell, messenger P. R R., h 1116 Montgomery Do Harper \V. Franklin, drug elk, 1839 N 6th, h 2127 i'>'1oore C4 Harper William E., laborer, h 911 Cowden ;r Harr John, salesman, ~:W Market, h 146 S 3d ~

> o

> ... > rn



H. M. KELLEY &. CO.}Orr.ces. ~~:.r.J.t'r.::}COAL AID WOOD



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.






1&1 1&1


o z

Harr Leonard 0., painter, h 146 S 3d Harrigan Martin, laborer, h 1307 S 12th Harrington Elizabeth B., wid l\lordaunt L., h 111 S Front Harrington Mary, h 234 Cranberry av Harris Abraham, bricklayer, h 455 S Cameron Harris Alexander c., laborer, h 1 Lochiel 1st Row .Harris Alexander E., laborer, h 1315 Howard Harris Alfred K., steelworker, h 1714 Market Harris Alice, domestic, 1411 Market Harris Burtise S., mgr, h 21 S 16th Harris C. Albert, salesman, 215 Market, h Carlisle Harris Charles, driver, h 404 Cranberry av Harris Charles E., brakeman, h 1408 N 7th Harris Charles W., elk, h 144 Indian av Harris Dallas T., laborer, h 1104 S Cameron Harris Daniel, steelworker, h 4:U South av Hartis Edward, laborer, h 107 Cowden Harris Edward F., driver, h 112 Hanna Harris Edward H., driver, h 110 Hanna Harris Ella M., quiller, h 1730 Logan av Harris Ellen C, wid J. Porter, h l(;2~ Green Harris Frank P . drug elk, 16 N :~d. h H27 ~ 6th Harris George F., fireman, h 1205 'Vallace Harris George J., gardener, 21 S Front Harris GeorgeW., laborer, h 1730 Logan av

1&1 Harris Harriet, wid Charles, h



o :.



== ..... ..... . a:



fiil Briggs Harris Henry B., real estate, 1401 Derry, h 1509b Vernon HA.RRIS HOUSE, Rovai & Gonnella, propn, 20 II 3d Harris Jacob R., conductor, h 5:~8 ~'laelay Harris James, laborer, h 12]5 N 111 Harris Jesse, waiter, h 215 S River av Harris John, laborer, h 15:l0 Vernon Harris Joseph, laborer, h 51H Stra\\berry av HA.RRIS J. PORTER & SON, (W. Domer), upholsterers, 17 S 2d see adv Harris Katherine E., wid William, h 13 S Front Harris Leo F., upholsterer. h ~:!:~ N (jth Harris Lewis, driver. h fijI Briggs Harris Minnie C. Mrs., h 521 South Harris Nathan N., helper, h 1849 Swatara





And Manufacturers of Awninll. Bedding. Parlor Suits. Divans. Couch". Chain. Htc ~ ~ ~
&-Dealen In Brass and EDameled BedR'ead~. ern,.. Bed !'prlD8B and Ma"~!!Ie&. Feathen and Dnwn, l'arPt"l~ and Matllnp.

I O. 11 S 2d St.
Digitized by

BlC~~~~c:,BE} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and Reily StS. Google

A. B. TACK}Wall Paper and Window Shades{~!1~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Harris Philip E., laborer, h 133 S 2d Harris Robert B., rodman P. R. R., h 709 Capital Harris Sallie L., h 117 S Front Harris Samuel H., boots and shoes, 1913 N 6th, h do Harris Samuel M., brakeman, h 1644-1 Fulton Harris Samuel R., elk, Ut:!9 N 6th, h 1927 do Harris Sarah R., wid Robert, h 207 Hummel Harris W. Domer, (J. Porter Harris & Son), h 1628 Green Harris Wilbur F., salesman, 14 S 2d, h Mechanicsburg Harris William, grocer, 1929 N 6th, h do Harris William, laborer, h 326 Calder Harris William, laborer, h 1104 S Cameron Harris William H., laborer, h 1315 Howard Harris William S. Rev., grocer, 201 S 2d, h 20 N 15th Harrisburg Academy, J. F. Seiler, principal, 405 N Front Harrisburg Academy of Medicine, 319 N 2d HARRISBURG ADVERTISING CO., H. E. Smith, mgr, r 320 Market Harrisburg & Steelton Coal and Lumber Co., Henry Geisel, jr., mgr, rooms 3-4-5, 21:t Walnut Harrisburg Auxiliary Fire Alarm Co., Clark E. Diehl, mgr, 15 S River av Harrisburg Blue Print Co., (M. D. Pratt), 18 N 3d HARRISBURG BOARD OF TRADE, W A. Hiester, sec, 112114-116 Market


en ,.
." PI


Harrisburg Bottling Works, (Max P. Johnson), 26 Grace

MILLER BROS. &; BAKER~ "~~t,~~-:'~~IE ::a :IE

~ Harrisburg Bridge Co., Willard S. Young, sec, 223 Market !;;; Harrisburg Brokerage Co., (F. A. ~nd A. S. Smith), mdse brokers, 2:W Pine ~ Harrisburg Burial Case Co., 10th bel Market HA'R.lUSBURG BUSINESS COLLEGE, (John E. Garner), 322 ~ket "" HARRISBURG CARPET CO., (H. G. Heyd), 321 Market Harrisburg Cemetery Association, room 7, 32 ~ 3d ,::a. Harrisburg Cigar Co., P. A. Keppel, supt, 500 Race l1li1 Harrisburg City Passenger Railway Co., William L. Gorgas, treas, 12 S 2d .., HARRISBURG CLUB, George W. Reily, pres; Edward 1. ~. Hilton, supt, Ftont c Market ISc Harrisburg Collar and Cuff Co., (W. G. Starry), Buck- tIf~ thorn av c Haehnlen av $I . Harrisburg Conservatory of Music, (\07 N 2d ~~ Harrisburg Couch Co., (Charles H. Foulk and David G. 1Il:r Bowman), 26 N Cameron OI!I HARRISBURG CUSTOM SHIRT CO., 10hn R. Rote, pres; g,.. F. L. Padgett, v-pres, 322 Market $I: HA'R.lUSBURG CYCLE AND TYPEWRITER CO., Harry C. t. Roll, pres; Charles E. Covert, treas; W. R. Denehey, lec; typewriters and supplies, 25 N 3d












IleNell's Complolon PUIs :.~~'=:':'~I;!: 306 Broad

326 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

..= HABRISBURG DIRECTORY OFFICE, (W. H. BOYD CO.), ...: 32 :N 3d, room 8 -- Harrisburg Engraving Co., (Thomas R. Demery), 1240 Market HARRISBURG FEED AN'D GB.A.IN CO., lames W. Barker, !iii mgr, 222-224 Market c:J Harrisburg Flour Sack Mfy, (l\1. H. Plank), 209 Cherry av HABBISBURG FOU:NDRY AN'D IlACHIlIE WORKS, 7th c c:J Curtin , . HARRISBURG GAS CO., L S. Williams, mgr, o:lll.ce~ 27 N 3d CP,t HARRISBURG GROCERY AND PRODUCE CO., W. L :: Powell, mgr, wholesale grocers, 222 to 230 Mulberry IE Harrisburg Harness and Saddlery Co., (Harry B. Beard), Q 307 Market oS HARRISBURG HOSPITAL, lames M. Lamberton, sec, Front :E c Mulberry ;;; Harrisburg Knitting MiII, (W. H. Sheafer), 2145 N 7th VI HARRISBURG LIGHT, HEAT AN'D POWER CO., E. Z. Wallower, pres j office, 153 N 4th j stations, 4th c South, 9th c Walnut I- Harrisburg Loan Co., Renn P. Kurtz. mgr, 5t S 3d HARRISBURG M.ANlJFACTURING AN'D BOILER CO., 1. A. .A1Iieck, prel and mgrj S. F. Dunkle, v-preSj H.l. Forney, ...... treasj G. W. Reiley, sec, 19th ~ Derry

.2 i

a: o

o o

I- lIlIllDIY ODd rnm CO. "=--~ a.:':~!,:,~. ~== Z HARRISBURG METAL WORKS, (Samuel O. and Willi&m

a: ---------------------------------



S. Reel), brass founders, 3 and 5 Chesapeake av HARRISBURG :NATIONAL BANK, 16 S 2d see adv HARRISBURG :NEWS AGENCY, (C. .A. Steinbright and Frank L Krause), all daily and Sunday Philadelphia, New York, Pittsburg and Baltimore newspapers, wholesale and retail, 226 Chestnut HARRISBURG OIL WORKS, Harry 1. Miller, mgr, Paxton c 9th Harrisburg Optical Co., Harry C. Ibach, mgr, 26 N 3d HARRISBURG PAPER CO., (M. H. Plank), paper dealers, 114 S 2d HARRISBURG PIPE AND PIPE BENDING CO., 1. Hervey Patton, preSj W. T. Hildrup, jr., sec and treasj D. E. Tracy, gen! supt j pipe and coil mfrs, Herr clOth HABBISBURG PLANING MILL, (Daniel D. Boas est), 2d nr Vine ~ Harrisburg Public Library Association, L. O. Foose, sec; ~ W. K Alrie-ks. treas. 125 Locust HARRISBURG PUBLISHING CO., 8 N 3d see adv HARRISBURG REAL ESTATE AGENCY, (N. K. Oyster),

=The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page


Harrisburg Roll Grinding and Corrugating Co . T. F. Newby, mgr. 423 South

GlVE.~ FV~~.:::ED~\~L SCORES
Digitized by


I. 8. TACK}~~::'~'t.~~uU:::;'a:,:;
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 327 ;:
~ ~

HARRISBURG ROLLING IIILL CO., R. C. Neal, pres and treas; C. E. Covert, sec; mfn of skelp iron, Lochiel Harrisburg Rubber Tire Works, (I. W. Dill), rubber vehicle tires, Mulberry c Crescent HARRISBURG SAVINGS .AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 10hn C. Wensell, genl mgr, 18 N 3d see adv centre lines HARRISBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT, offices, 121 and 123 Chestnut llARRISBURG SHOE MFG CO., C. A. Disbrow, pres and mgrj J. A. AfIleck, treas, 1408-1428 Vernou Harrisburg Silk Mills, (Pelgram & Meyer), Xorth c 2d HARRISBURG STEAl( HEAT .AND POWER CO., William lennings, pres; 1. K. Greenawalt, jr., sec and treas; T. Adams, supt, 126-128 Short Harrisburg Stock Yard, H. W. Spahr, supt, 2139 N 7th HARRISBURG STONE WORKS, (John Black), 17th and Mulberry lee adv Harrisburg Storage Co., D. Bailey Brandt, sec and treas, P. R R c South HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, Harrisburg Publishing Co., 8 N 3d see adv Harrisburg Title Co., real estate, 222 Market, room 4 Harrisburg Traction Co.. Edward Bailey, pres; William J. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S 2d





c: ;:: 5!




C; ~

.r:.Is-::B~-:r~ } HaRisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~::= ;:t

Harrisburg Trading Stamp Co., C. A. Maull, mgr, 101 N 2d c Walnut llARRISBURG TRANSFER CO., T. L Wallace, mgr, P. R. R. freight depot HARRISBURG TRUST CO., 16 S 2d see adv llARBISBURG UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION, W. C. Armor, see and treas, 4 N Court av llARRISBURG WATER AND LIGHTING DEPT, lohu A. Affieok, pres, Court HOUle, works, ft North Harrisburg Wheel Club, 333 Market Harrisburg Woolen Co., Frank R Leib, pres; Benjamin ;0 F. Eby, sec and treas, 7th c Schuylkill Harrison Annie Mrs., h 325 Cherry av Harrison Edward D., laborer, h 730 Walnut Harrison Elmer S., clk, 438 Walnut, h 119 S Dewberrv av Harrison Ida, h 515 Cowden . Harrison Jacob, h 515 Cowden ~ Harrison Joseph F., ice cream, h 515 Cowden Harrison Lewis I., elk, h 515 Cowden ~ Harrison Ralph F., laborer, h 1618 Walnut Harrison Samuel, peddler, h 515 Cowden ....:I Harrison Wm. H., car inspector P. R. R, h 1629 Wallace -. Harrison William B., jr., candvmkr, h 1629 \Vallare Harrison vVilliam R, labort'r, h :l25 CherrY av Harro Albert. Tl'pairsman, h :l1!l Hay a\'


> o
> ... > UJ







o. 011. {I Nortb ... III:reeI. loth aod State . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 328 ~ ..... Barro David, laborcr, h lS:l!) Rudy a: ~ Harro Howard H., foreman P. R. R., h 1I(j4 Calde! c...: Harro Salinda, nurse, h 1:52 Svlvan ter HARRY D. D., cigars and tobac'co, 3d c Walnut, h 1621 !T 2cl :z:: Harry George .M., mgr, :ld (' Walnut, h 15:!1 N 2d ~ Harry James B., music teacher. h lIiCl2 :N 5th Harshbarger Flora E. 1\1rs., hairdresser, 7 N 2d, h The a: Bolton ~ Harshbarger William S .. mgr, 10th c :\[arket, h The Bolton CD Hart Anne E., wid Franklin. h 11174 S Cameron ::: Hart Annie, domestic, 5:m Peffer Hart Barnett H. Rev., h 419 Maclay . ; Hart Charles 0., driver. h na Market C Hart Charles V. Dr., h a14 Chestnut :IE Hart Cornelius H., laborer, h 107S S Cameron ~ Hart Ella L., h :-:117 N 2d :z Hart Harry, track hand, h 122ai N 6th Hart Harrv N., laborer, h 1401 N Cameron Hart James, laborer, h 12;~4 1\ Cameron !! Hart Job, e1evatorman Capitol, h 16a:l Regina ..... Hart Julia. wid John. h 12:{,1 ).J Cameron :z:: HART LANE S., pres First National Bank, pres Common ~ wealth Trust Co., h 400 !T 3d ::::. Hart Salome, wid William B., h 807 N 2d ::> Hart Samuel, elk. h 1fI5 S Front


= =

~ Hart William F., Llacksmith, h

N. 3d SI.



z a: >

111~ S Cameron Harter Aaron H., enginecr, h 411 X 16th Harter J orclan F., brakeman, h 11114 X 6th Harter LeRoy, fireman, h 49 N Wth Z Harter Wallace B., laborer, h 4!l X 16th Hartman Barbara E. Mrs., h 1121 Capital Hartman Charles D., labort!r, h 1U~O S Hth Hartman Cornelius \\'., crancman. h a:m Kelker Hartman Edward H., machinist, h H N Cameron l&J Hartman Elhri(lg-e B., lumber, h 447 S 13th Hartman Elbridge n., jr., elk, !) ~ ad. h 447 S 13th Hartman Elmer, postal elk, h H:!5 N :ld HARTMAN G. WILLIS, physician, 1207 N 3d, h do :z:: Hartman Howard F., machinist, It 14 X Cameron ~ Hartman Jacob. shocmkr, h 1118 ~ittatinny 3i Hartman Jerry J., painter, h ;n:1 :'.1 uench Hartman Jessie R., teacher, h 447 S l:Uh Hartman John H., agt, livery, :t!4 B1ackherry av, h 442 \Valnut Hartman John H., machinist, h 14 ~ Cameron Hartman John :\1., (Morsch & Hartman), h 135 t\ 10th Hartman John :\., foreman, h 21!1 Crescent ~ Hartman :'Ilargic G., h l'o(U:~ X ad CD HARTMAN PAUL A., physician, 514 N 3d, h do Hartman Rufus :\., grocer, 17~9 X 4th, It do


~~~,s:uc::Q! ANDREW

REDMONO{3d and RIUr Sfs.

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A. B. TACK }FI:L~O~!lTT":Vf~."&c~,,1r.,~R{ 121610J1b tnlrd III

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 329

Hartman Sarah E., wid Jacob R., h t'oa N 3d Hartman Walter, decorator, h 618 Walnut Hartman Wilber, baker, h 611 State Hartman \Villiam E., brakeman, h 1506 N 4th Hartmire J. Frank, pressman Patriot, h 14~4 North Hartmire Willis, pressman, 201 N 2d, h 1424 North Hartranft H. Howard, salesman, h 230 N 2d Hartranft Wilson H., h 230 K 2d Hartwick Charles W., gauger, h 113 Conoy Hartwick Edward A., telegrapher, h 102 Tuscarora Hartz Adam, bartender, 324 Verbeke, h 1411 Penn . Hartz Adam, laborer, h 1417 Wyeth av Hartz Alice, wid David, h 319 Strawberry av Hartz Edgar W., ironworker, h 455 S 13th Hartz Emma, domestic, 215 S Front Hartz Emma, wid John, h 201 S 20 Hartz Francis, layer out, h 218 S 2d Hartz Frank, sand flatter, h 1322 Dartine av Hartz Frederick, plumber, h 2f19 Verbeke Hartz Jacob, laborer, h 1417 Wyeth av Hartz Lewis, sand flatter, h 1230 N Front Hartz Mary R., dressmkr, h 1411 Penn Hartz Samttel. engineer, h 218 S 2d Hartz Samuel, laborer, h 1322 Bartine av Hartz William, laborer, h H>10 N 5th


Hartzell Amanda Mrs., (HartzeiI & Halter), h 1313 N ad HARTZELL CHARLFJOI V. REV., chief elk factory inspector, 216 Walnnt, h 265 Herr . Hartzell Charles Z., brakeman, h 645 Woodbine Hartzell Delia A., shoe operator, h 5~ Balm Hartzell Jacob S., brakeman, h 643 Boyd av Hartzell John H., engineer, h 3:U Hummel Hartzell Lorenzo F., brakeman, h 1!l09 \Vallace Hartzell Mahlon P., conductor, h 14110 Vernon Hartzell Martha J., wid George L., h 15011 N 6th Hartzell W. Elton, oiler, h 1414 Wallace Hartzell WilIiam H., brakeman, h 216 Charles av Hartzell & Halter, (A. Hartzell and F. Halter), milliners, !l25 and 1313 N 3d Hartzler Henry B. Rev., bi5hop U. E. Church, h 1701 N 2d Harvey Gwin Jf., elk Aud Genl's Dept, Capitol, h fit9 Briggs . Harvey Jennie B., wid Frank C, h 6Hl Briggs Harvey John C, sec and treas Charles L. Bail~y & Co., Inc., h 106 South Harvey Laurence V., stenographer. 5 N 2d, h 619 Briggs Harvey ~Iason lVI., brakeman. h 2~1I Union av Harvev May H.. milliner, h ~27 X Bd Harvey Robert C, engineer. h Hill Hunter Harvey Thomas J., laborer, h 19:m Kensington

MILLER BROS. &: BAKERl"=~b~~~~"";.:-= -----------------------------



--------------&. BUTLER

No 1230 ARCH STREET i'II'1

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.McNeil'. PaiD Eldermlaator cures Cholera lIorbaa, D)wDterJ.Crt.m~ D1&rTbc:a, 'OoIcU. QoJD.,. RheumatluD. Toothache. Ban Tlamat, APe.~. _ _ ......

_ i __ __

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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1&.1 ..I


Harvey William, hostler, h 114 Angle av Harvie J. Donald, laborer, h 121 Cranberry av Harvie John H., machinist, h 569 Forrest Harvson Frank P., switchman, h 549 SlOth Harwick John c., laborer, h 108 Hanna Haselet John S., hostler, h 3f!:! )'1uench Hasselback Minnie, sorter, h 239 State Hassinger Isaac, car repairer, h 544 \V oodbine Hassler David B., laborer, h 654 Verbeke Hassler Eli !\I., supt Reservoir Park, h ,do Hassler Gilbert H., elk sec Comwlth, Capitol, h 810 N 2d Hassler Hervey G., repairsman, h 110 Tuscarora Hassler Ida 5., music teacher, h 1~04 N 4th Hassler Jacoh E .. carpenter. h 1858 Walnut HASSLER SAJroEL F., physician, 22 N' 4th, h do; o:IIice hours, until 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Hasson Annie Mrs., h 1215 Apple av Hasson Elizabeth, h 1301 Wallace Hasson Harry 11.. flagman. h 1:301 \Vallace Hasson SfI,muel A . condnctor, h 6117 Cumberland Hasson William H., conductor. h 1632 N 5th Hastings Allen D., machinist. h 309 N Front Hastings Harry \V .. teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do Hastings Herbert S. Rev., h :um N Front Hastings John M .. policeman, it6 State. h :U3 Verbeke


n. GuoronlJ ODd Trust 00. "=. . { ~,=-}~.!:r= =~. ~n'=.:

Hatcher Catharine, wid Thomas V., h 316 Boas Hatfield Emma, dressmkr, h 230 N Court av Hatfield George \V., fireman, h 1311 N Cameron Hatfield John D., flagman, h 111114 Berryhill Hatfield ~Iarv E., h 142a N 6th Hatfield William D., fireman, h 131 N Cameron Hatton John M., salesman, 308 Market, h 320 Crescent Hatton William H. D. Rev., h 1602 N 5th Haubert Harry J., fireman Lunatic Hospital, h 312 Boyd av Hauck Alfred B., foreman, h Front ab Seneca Hauck Harry, laborer, h 408 Walnut Hauck John G., cooper, h 2139 Greenwood Hauck William E., molder, h 2139 Greenwood Hauer Annie E., wid John M., h 113 N 4th Hauer Ellen M., dressmkr, 43 N 13th, h do Hauer Harry W., fireman, h 113 N 4th Hauer J. Edward, plumber, h 603 North Hauer Mary E., elk, 4 N Court av, h 113 N 4th Hauf John T., machinist, h 1711 Green Hauk John R., barber, 932 N 6th. h 918 do Haulman Allison M., salesman, :t!l :Market, h 110 Hoerner Haulman, see Hallman Haupt Charles \V., elk. h 116 Verbeke Haupt Harry H., barber. 662 Verbeke, h 1203 N 7th

Employs none botlirat-eJue workmen, benceonlY~{ A B TACK} daa_J:&Ild lnaureait. Work done In &Ily paRoflkaleo N.line 3d 8t..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


lIaupt Lester Ao, condudor h 125 Chertnut hause Nethnn E., Aud Dept, 1 Green Havens john J., fireman, h 116 N Haverstick Edward So, ins sol, 15 X 2d, h 142Hl Regina Haverstick Emma J. Mrso, housekeeper, 918 Capital Haverstick ~bry L., wid BttTljamin L, h 719 N 2d daverstodt :hrence E~, ttelesman, 8 h h 2039 aviland Eo, millim~tt 181a laviland ;eorge M., hi~ahtttnan, h Green Haviland Miles Bo, engineer, h 181!l Green Hawk Clarence R., laborer, h 337 Harris Hawk David R, carpenter, h 1129 lIawk milliner, 3d, h lawk Fre21k Ho, laster E10 av Hawk E., carpcnter, h 1814 Hawk Isaac, laborer, h 343 Harris Hawk James Bo, carpenter, h 337 Harris Hawk Mary E.~ cigarmkr, h 3:~7 Harris dawk Rohert laborer, Ed7 Korth awk R, cigarmkt' 337 Harrir lawk firemaTl, d03 N 64 Hawk William Jo, plasterer, h 13:n Howard Hawkins Earo, domestic, 1524 Vernon Hawkins Edward Go, brakeman, h 637 Emerald lIawkins ttnE't, wid h 1524 ",..a8maU tt='rta larr=m

HAWKINS l.Al1ES D., funeral director, 300 Cumberland, h 251 do lIawkins Ho, 11 1411 I1t" Jtttara lIawkins laborer 1005 Capital IIawkins NtmCd, wid Arrhihrld Ao, Hawkins Phoebe Ho, h 1007 Capital H~wman Charles H., engineer, h 1735 !IJ" 3d Hawn Alfred :Mo, postal elk, h 140 N 13th N depot, dawthom Dnniel v.';o, P~ 12th Hawthont ddmund c., Ottdt'nhanger~ Hawthorn Frank, fireman, h 640 Reily Hawthorn Franklin Jo, salesman, 215 Market, h 1315 James Hawthorne James "Vo, baggagemaster, h 110 South lay Charlt'r ~,conductoc h 425 Htll JohTl dhysician druggist, N 3d, day Lutb'rt ,\L, dccoratoc t:,WO N U02 do Haybcrger Charles Eo, warehouseman Po R. R., h 403 Filbert Haybourn David E., engineer, h 334 Peffer ayes Annn h 153d dmtter av Hayes Eo, h 144 Hayes ttdprentica, Market, 1tt27 SWtttocn Hayes Ellen, wid Joseph; h 1537 Hunter av Hayes Franklin Ho, elk, h 1537 Hunter av

N l>
l> l>





&o;;;t'J!!..,,~.: Wei;bi ~ H. II. KELLEY" CO. {1~~ ~.:..=..

332 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Hayes Harry F., (Ziegler & Hayes), h 1527 Swatara Hayes John R., huckster, h 1119 N 11i Hayes Margaret, wid William, h 1226 Herr Hayes Michael W., electrician Lunatic Hospital, h do Hayes William, telegrapher P. R. R.. h 317 Chestnut Hayes Williar.t P., tinner, it 706 State Hayman John W., switchman. h 637 Dauphin av Hayman Lewis, picture frames, 10 Aberdeen av, h do Haynes I. Warren, car agt. h law Derry Hayward Albert, laborer, h 203 N 15th Hayward Maggie T., housekeeper, 1416 N 7th Hayward Richard W., employee Arsenal, h 1416 N 7th Hayward Rkh. \Y., jr.. employet! Arsenal, h 1319 1\Iaple av Hazen John F., brakeman, h 273 Calder Hazzard Anna E .. wid John H., h 1411) N 6th Hazzard Ed\\'ard E., laborer, h t:HO 1'\ 7th Hazzard Miller, watchman P. & R., h 1416 N 6th Heacock William H., machinist, h 1226 N ith Head Thaddeus. laborer, h 337 S Cameron Heagy Abram L., engineer. h 1Sli:ii N 4th Heagy Clark G., elk, h 1H52 Derry Heagy Florence, milliner, i S 2d, h U~:13 Derry Heagy Frank P .. restaurant, 1238 N ith, h do Heagy George H., sawyer, h Ini Market Heagy George W., h 18:33 Derry

--------------------GO RGAS}FAIRPRICED DRU8GIST{16 N. 3d St.

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Heagy Harvey C, machinist, 11 1238 N 7th Heagy John, blacksmith, h 5113 Reily Heagy Levi, carpenter, h 1516i N 4th Heagy ;\Iary E., milliner, 7 S :!d, h 1833 Derry Heagy .\laud, stenographer, 17th c Derry, h 1833 Derry :z:: HEAGY IIORRIS A., Keystone Hotel, 727 and 729 State, h do t - Heagy Rebecca Mrs., notions, 1516 ~ 4th, h do Heagy Robert ;\1., warehollseman, h t~{;~ Derry Heagy \Villiam A., laborer. h 422 S 16th III Heagy William H., engineer, h 1516 N 4th Heany Lydia, domestic, Hbg Cemetery Heaps George \V., brakeman, h 1325 Derry Heaps Robert G., brakeman, h 4114 ~Iarket Hearn Bert M., fireman, h 148 Delaware av Heart Kate L., wid Milton, hIllS N 3d Heaton Glarles L., moccasinmkr, h UllO Susquehanna Heberlig George Z., carpenter. h 107 N 4th Heberlig Paul !-.I., machinist, h 107 N 4th Heck Harriet 1\1. l\lrs., apronmkr, h 1133 \Vallace Heck Heber, foreman, h Hershey House Heck Henry C, plumber. h 15:~ Walnut 1&1 Heck James D., laborer, h :n:l Dauphin av Heck John, laborer, h 124 Vine Heck John N., conductor, h 60fo; Peffer Heck Louise. bookkpr, 111111 Market, h Ui!l8 Walnut




Redmond's Wagon Works {=~~}D!i~Z!n~~~~!fre

A. 8. TACK l:::t'~~~:~ lOll Pooor 0110 IInOOl8lKlOOS ~1~~11l

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 333
Heck Perm ilia J., press feeder, h 4119 S 14th Heck Permillia, wid Andrew J., h 313 Dauphin av Heck Sarah, finisher, h 313 Dauphin Heck Tillie Mrs., domestic, 1113 ~larket Heckard Frank W., conductor, h 2006 N 4th Heckard John H., bricksetter, h 12th ab Kelker Heckard Samuel R., laborer . h 11.179 K 7th Heckard Willialll, laborer, h 1:!24 N Cameron Heckendorn Hannah, book folder, h 12tH vValnut Heckendorn L. Kate Mrs., dressmkr, 1261 \Valnut, h do Heckert EImer E., brakeman, h 4US Reily Heckert George \V., blacksmith, h 40~ Reily Heckert Grant, switchman, h 2136 Atlas av Heckert Jacob F., blacksmith, h 141!1t Regina Heckman Harrv A., conductor, h 1521 N 3d Heckman J. Warren, electrician, h 152~ K 3d Hedrick Jesse, office, 512 l\Iarket, h 518 do Hedrick Millard F., helper, h l:W:; Bailey Hedricks John W., laborer. h 1075 S 9th Hedricks Sarah A. Mrs., boarding, lH75 S 9th, h do Heefner Carl, elk Peipher Line. h 1244 Kittatinny Heefner Marion A., elk P. R. R. depot, h 506 Reily Heeter Jennie. domestic, 106 ~ 2(\ Heffelbower Nelson, carpenter, h 307 Clinton av Heffelfinger Carrie E., operator, h lOS Balm

MILLER BROS. &: BAKERP'=~b~~-:'~~& ~

lIEFFELFINGER EDWARD A., (He1reUlnger & Hoak) , c.. v-pres East End Bank; grocer, 13th c Derry, h 120 S 13th =._ Heffelfinger E. Gertrude, elk, 13th c Derry, h 120 S 13th Heffelfinger Ellis E., cooper, h 9 S 16th Heffelfinger Georgia, operator, h lOS Balm Heffelfinger Roger F., machinist, h 108 Balm Heffelfinger William H., cabinetmkr, h lOS Balm ~ Heffelfinger & Hoak, (E. A_ Heffelfinger and J. F. Hoak), ~ printers, 13th c Derry Heffinger Nelson, bar elk. 946 N 7th, h do Htffken Anna E., housekeeper, 1127 N 6th Heffiefinger T. l1ilton, cooper, h 1020 S Cameron -< REFFNER DANIEL F., (Peerless Hand Laundry), 206 == Chestnut, h do Heffner vViIliam, fireman, h 946 N 7th Heffner, see Haffner Hcfkin Hoyt H., elk, 20::?6 N 5th, h do Hefkin Samuel P., grocer, 2026 N 5th, h do Heicher Artemus \V., laborer, h 414 l\Iuench Heicher Harry H., printer, h 4!l9 S 14th Heicher Marion V .. masseuse, 409 Herr, h do Heicher Michael U., fruit. 19 N 2d, h 409 Herr Heicher Viola S., agt, h 1009 N 3d Heidlebaugh Harry T., brakeman, h 2020 N 6th Heiges George ., salesman, 334 Market. h 119 S 2d Heiges Harry n., car repairer, h 1425 North




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IIclell's Pain E1termlnator !!mk.ou.. -=:'~~"t-~ a:.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Heiges Monroe D., laborer, h 13li Howard Heiges Russell 0., elk, 416 Forster, h do Heiges WaIter c., teacher, h 119 S 2d Heik Fannie 0., nurse, h 230 Harris Heikes Artemas, printer, h 1319 Penn Heikes Arthur A., printer Patriot, h 1319 Penn Heikes Edward, piano tuner, 9 S 2d, h Carlisle Heikes EBen. wid Lemuel, h 1319 Penn Heikes Emma, domestic, 1513 N 6th Heikes George D., tinner, h 226 Verbeke Heikes Robert Y., mgr, 208 Market, h 1212 Mulberry Heikes Sarah, wid Levi, h 1319 Penn Heikes, see Hikes Heiland Jonas F., foreman, 500 Race, h 326 Crescent l-Ieilbronner Ida, h 925 N 3d Heilig Simon P., salesman, h 56 Balm Heilig Winfielri S., salesman, h 56 Balm Heilman Elizabeth, wid William, h 1933 Swatara Heilman Susan c., domestic, 205 Pine Heim Charles S., laborer, h 621 Delaware av Heim Elizabeth A., domestic, h 944 S 19! Heinl George W., warehouseman P. R. R., h 9 S 2d Hcim John H., driver, h 35 N Cameron Heim Mary Mrs., janitress. 9 S 2d. h do Heim Mary S., milliner, 6 S 2d, h 909 N 2d
nnE lhU." Til" CO. { ...........II.lIalln. ~IIn. hll1ll.... } lui Ellal_ -til 1crII11II. PIMa.Tml_ ... IU .1. . ~H'" WleI.1 1..... _ " .... DfIICI

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Heim Oscar A., postal elk, h 29 S Summit Heim Oscar S., caller P. R. R., h 216 :\lulberry Heim Serena L. l\,irs., dressmkr, h 12 Aberdeen av Heim Willoughby F., postal elk, It 18!i8 State Heimbach Charles, elk, 916 X 3d, h 228 Verbeke Heims Charles W., elk State Treasury, h 313 Verbeke Heinbach Edward D., brakeman, h 2043 N 5th Heinbach Wilfred F . foreman, h 439 S 16th Heiner John C . flagman, h 425 Dauphin av Heiner Susan. wid Frederick. h 42;') Dauphin av Heiney Emlin F .. engineer, h 1920 Fulton Heinlv Benneville, h 337 S 14th Heinl,' Marv A., dressmkr, h 337 S 14th Heinly WilIlam S., driver, h 1308 Vernon Heintzman Mary, domestic, 101 N Front Heinv Catharine. wid lacob S., h 811 Cumberland Heiser Harr\', fireman', h fi4~ lloyd av Heisev Annie. h 11~:'i Bailey Heise~' Christiana J\frs . h S'S 16th Heise,' Daniel H., school tax collector, h 504 N 3d Heise,' Henry L.. laborer, h :~;') N 12th Heise~' John ) ..... postal elk, h 1329 Kittatinny Heisey John :\1., painter, h 620 Forster Heisey Levi T .. telegrapher, h 333 ~Iarket Heisev :\Ian' E .. wid lacob S .. h IS12 Fulton Heise~' !\oah T., teleg.rapher, II 3:m ~Iarket

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Heisler George W., puddler, h 1326 S 13th Heisler Joseph H., special officer, h 28 S Cameron Heisler Martin L., insurance, 14 S :!d, h 1211 Kittatinny Heisler Newton, elk, 14 S 2d, h Wormleysburg Heist Caroline, wid Charles, h :J2:! S 14th Heist Charles, h 231 Strawberry av Heist Frederick J., barber, 613 Race, h do Heist George c., Eagle Hotel, 625 Race, h do Heist Harry c., bartender, h 231 Strawberry av HEIST WILLIAJI, restaurant, 231 Strawberry av, h do Heister Bella, nurse, h 123 S 2d Helem Benjamin F., brakeman, h 1510! N 5th Helfrich George W., painter, h 1511 N 5th Helfrich Henry R., conductor, h Hill N 5th Heller Barbara A., wid Edward L., h 553 Race Heller Charles, laborer, h 738 S 21st Heller Edna S., elk Div Public Records, h 1206 Derry Heller Edward L., h 237 Boas Beller Florence, trained nurse, h 237 Boas Heller George W., accountant Pat Canal, h 237 Boas Heller Jacob, variety, 314 Calder, h do Heller Jane, wid Abraham S., h 1206 Derry Heller John E., brakeman, h 509 Hamilton Heller William R., telegrapher, h 1206 Derry Hellerman Emory G., turner, h 1503 Penn

::u < ~~=-iD} Harrisburg SaYings Ind Loan Assn. {a::= ::u Hellerman 'Hiram, h 1127 N 6th


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Hellerman Joseph 1., elk P. R. R., h 1127 ~ 6th Hdlerman Sallie E., teacher, h 1127 N 6th Hellier George, steelworker, h 1617 Green Helm Eliza, domestic, 125 Short N Helman Eli K., machinist, h 1445 Vernon Helman Luther M., postal elk, h 1517 Green Helman Samuel P., engineer, h 16 Argyle :I Helms Martha E., domestic, 1217 Apple av Helping Hand, James K. P. Dumars, supt, 205 South Helt Daniel D., director of the poor, C. H., h Loyalton Heltzel George, painter, h 1824 State Helwig James R., car repairer, h 416 :'.1uench HEMLER HAlULTON D., pres Jlerchants' National Bank, (I) pres Ceutral Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., h 918 ~ N3d Hemminger Frank. machinist, h 670 Calder c: Hemminger John, h 670 Calder ~ Hemminger Wallace E., laborer, h 670 Calder Hempel Ernest, laborer, h 35 N 13th Hempel Minnie, cigar mfr, 35 N 13th, h do Hemperley Julius A., laborer, h 625 Peffer ~ Hemperley W. Scott, conductor, h 21 N 13th Hemperly Cyrus, stable boss, h 1110 Capital Hemperly Emily K.. dressmkr, h 1900 X 3d




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H II KELLEY III CO'S Black DIamoDd. Whea{ 101I......... .... P. DeS' order.- 1 .... III ShIIt.

:z ~ Hemperly Frank, brakeman, h 421'4 Cumberland


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory..



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Hemperly George W., traY salesman, h 1626 Green Hemperly Harry X., laborer. h 625 Peffer Hemperly John E., salesman. h :~OCJ Kelker Hemperly John 11., notions, wholesale, 1001 ~ 3d, h 1900 do Hemperly Kan. teacher, h Hi26 Green Hemperly Nettie P .. saleslady, 1201 K :kl. h 1110 Capital Hench Chas. F., asst storekeeper P. R. R., h :JIHI Hamilton Hench Frank H., elk, :un :'.Iarket. h :l4:~ Crescent Hench Harry E., laster, h 411 S 14th Hench Harry F., (Hench & Wilson), h ~19 North Hench Lottie. laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Hench McClellan T .. engineer. h 612 Kelker Benell Kicholas 1.. (X. I. Hench & Co.), h 1015 K Front HENCH N. I. & CO., (N. I. and N. P. Hench eat), notions, wholesale, 14 S 2d Hench R. Irvin, laborer. h 411 S 14th Hench Samuel A., shirt mfr, h SU7 Green Hench William S., student, h 1'107 Green Hench & Wilson, (H. F. Hench and H. B. Wilson), notions, :t~5 :Market Henderson Andrew, salesman, 412 Market. h 12!1 Linden Henderson Anna. hIll S Front Henderson Benjamin F . contractor, 1410 Market. h do


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Henderson Elizabeth :\lrs., h 13~'! :'.larion Henderson Ellen, wid Xathan, h :~-m Hamilton Henderson Emma L. E., domestic, 1322 Marion Henderson George S., brakeman, h 11 N 4th Henderson Harry C, linotype opr Independent, h 1:..~ S 2d Henderson Hattie \' . laundress, h 618 Peffer Henderson Jacob R., brakeman, h fil8 Peffer Henderson Malcolm D., carpenter, h 712 Capital Henderson l\lary, wid Joseph, h 712 Capital Henderson Percy S., ball player, h 712 Capital Henderson Robert J., elk Bureau Railways, h 716 Capital Henderson Robt:rt L., liveryman, h 966 S 21 st Henderson William, elk, 2HI Market, h 25 K Front Henderson William H., ticket agt P. R. R., h 111 S Front' Henderson William :'.1., draftsman, h 1410 Market Henderson \Villiam T., contractor, 712 Capital, h do Hendricks Charles, barrel dealer, h 72 N Hlth Hendricks Charles E., salesman, 8 N 2d, h Steelton Hmdricks Mary Mrs., h 1185 Bailey Ht:ndricks Matilda E., book folder, h 72 N 10th Hendricks Sadie E., book folder, h 72 N 10th HI!ndrickson Robert, janitor, 324 Market, h 4a3 South av Hennecke Frederick L., huckster, h 8:!5 N 3d Hennecke John A.. produce, 1a:m James, h 1337 do Hennecke l\lichael, h 1:-137 James

UDREW REDMOND}~.!:i:~~~{3d and Reily StS. Google

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A. B. TACK} IAlL PAPER ~:!:;;!J!~ IIID0I8H1DE3 {N;;::!:i'8&,

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Henney.Joseph E., carpenter, h 1117 S 9th Hennig Anna, music teacher, 203 Harris, h do Hennig Charles, foreman silk mill, h 203 Harris Hennig Minnie, dressmkr, h :wa Harris Henning Bertha E., cigarmkr, h 924 Penn Henning Elmer, laborer, h 924 Penn Henning John H, elevatorman, h 138 Indian av Henning Joseph, hooker, h 138 Indian av Henning Pearl M., cigar roller, h 138 Indian av Henry Aaron J., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 716 Capital Henry Adah M., saleslady, 215 l\larket, h 76 N 14th Ht"nry Amos F., repairsman, h 1918 State Henry Bertie, wid John, h 1f)1I7 Apricot av Henry Brine D., laborer, h 1:{22 Green Henry Catharine Mrs., h 614 Oxford Henry Christian c., canvasser, h 529 Peffer Henry E. Bertie, cigarmkr, h 104:1 S 9th Henry Edison R., leveler, h 76 N 14th Henry Edward, laborer, h IHOI Derry Henry G. Du Bree, laborer, h 1918 State Henry George E ., laster, h 1432 Derry Henry George H., carpenter, h 421 State Her,rv Harry, laborer, h 705 East Henry John; hod carrier, h llH8 S Cameron Henry John, laborer, h 19111 Derry


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MILLER BROS. , BAKER {":5~h=~l'.~";.;& ;:.

Henry John G., photographer, h 28 Balm Henry John S., molder. h 1:!55 S l:lth Henry :\Iinerva B., telephone opr. :!:!7 Walnut, h 76 N 14th Henry O. & Son, (O,ven and Thomas), oils, Paxton c 9th Henry Owen, (0. Henry & Son), h 18:{5 Derry Henry Patrick, salesman, 3::0 Verbeke, h 239 State Henry Reuben c., leveler, h 76 N 14th Henry Thomas, (0. Henry & Son), h 1835 Derry Henry William c., Il)older, h 1255 S I:Hh Henschen George K. c., teacher, h :!6H Herr Hensel Bertha Mrs., h 111 Calder Hensel Effie, wid John, h 1617 N 3d Hentsch Irvin, laborer, h 411 S 14th Hentschel Frederick, laborer, h 431 Kelker av Hepford Alice elk, 20 N 2d, h 2012 N 5th Hepford Charles W., brakeman, h 18115 N 6th Hepford David, hostler, h 2012 N 5th Hepford David G., trucker, h Front nr Seneca Hepford Herbert P., caller P. R. R depot, h 2012 N 5th Hepford John E., elk P. R R, h 1805 ~ 6th Hepford Jehn W., engineer, h 2(}:~4 61 Hepford Julia, wid John. h 1032 Herr Hepford Matilda, wid Samuel, h 1811;:; N 6th Hepford 1\1. Gertrude, teacher, h 2012 N 5th Hepford i\Iinerva S., teacher, h 2012 N rith

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No. 1230 ARCH STREET. PI'IIL~ P'\ .


CLARK'S ==-~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Storl{=~u.

338 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Hepford Xellie 1., milliner, h :!m~ X 5th ~ Hepford Samuel G., physical director, h 1805 N 6th ~ Hepkins Ella, milliner, 116 S 2d, h do Hepkins Jacob, salesman, 101 S 2d, h 116 do ~ Hepler G. Wellington, contractor, h :!ml Herr .: Hepler William B., laborer, h 1:W4 Vernon Bepner Harry W., brakeman, h 1501 Logan av Co: Heppensteel Joseph H., laborer, h 10~2 S 9th =5 Hepperle Barbara, wid George, h 565 Race Co: Hepperlc John, meat, 5:3~ S Cameron, h do Hepperlc John, jr., boilermkr, h 53:! S Cameron Herald Charlcs M., bricklayer, h 221 Crescent Hcrb J. Xewton. postal elk, h 28 S 13th _ Herbert Catharine E., teacher, h 323 Maclay Herbert Charles, rigger, h 1338 N 7th C) Herbert Glarles c., rigger, h 1338 X 7th Herbert Edgar J., leverman P. R. R., h 1107 N 6th ca :2 Herbert Frances, domestic, ;:;23 Brown av Herbert George. lahorer, h ltWi Apricot av HERBERT GEORGE D., associate editor Star-Independent,. h 323 Maclay Herbert Gertrude, domestic, 13i K 4th I&J Herbert Granville S., foreman, 2:!i \Valnut, h 323 Maclay .J Herbert Henrv, driver. h 719 Cowden c( Herbert Henr;", jr., laborer, II iUI Cowden



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-''''lIt... t.- l Rear of POO Rld". PE A" C Tille GUoranlJ ODd Tml CO OF ICIAITOI. 1 fltfUl...t If Cllfrlct. r R_l&tate OllIe"



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Herbert John, driver, 3nn Cumberland, h 1:!04 N 3d Herbert Paul E., pipe bender, h 110i N 6th Herbert William E., foreman. h 120 Chestnut Herbst Charles P., driver. h 31lS S River av Herchdroth Eli, fireman, h 630 Calder Herman Austin }J., bookbinder, h 504 S 13th Herman Benjamin No, bookkpr, 17(11 N 3d, h 534 Maclay Herman Charles H., engineer, h 504 S 13th Herman Edwin S., (J. C. Herman & Co.). h 801 N 3d Herman Elina 1\1., wid Christian, h 608 Dauphin Herman Ettie, housekeeper, 1108 N 7th Herman Frances]., (J. C. Herman & Co.), h 713 N 3d Herman Frederick P., laborer, h 1629 N 5th Herman George W., laborer, h 1629 N 5th Herman Harry B., photographer, h 504 S 13th Hernlan Harry G., ice cream mfr, 1214 N"Cameron, h do Herman Jacob W., conductor, h 504 S 13th Herman Jas. R., warehouseman P." R. R.. h 1001 Cowden" HERMAN lOD ARMSTRONG, lawyer, 306 Market, treas Highspire Water Co., h 9 N Front Herman John c., policeman, h 1414 North HER1IAN'10llN' C. & CO., (F. 1. and E. S. Herman), cigar mfrs and wholesale tobacco, 22 N 3d Herman John M., warehouseman P. R. R., h 14 Argyle Herman John 0., carpenter, h 249 North

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 339
Herman Lizzie, domestic, 1639 N 7th lJEBJIAN K. & SON, (Kanasieh and Kanasseh H.), lour, feed, hay, &c., 340 Verbeke (Broad) Herman Machine Shop, (M. P. Herman), r 320 Market Herman Manasseh, (M. Herman & Son), h 238 Harris Herman Manasseh H., (M. Herman & Son), h 238 Harris Herman Margaret G., stengr, 115 Market, h 534: Maclay Herman Melvin P., (Herman Machine Shop), h White Hill Herman Stewart W. Rev., h 313 Walnut Herman Thomas J., fireman, h 1001 Cowden Herman William, electrician, h 205 Chestnut Herman William H., conductor, h 1312 Howard Hermansderfer Elizabeth, h 533 Race Herr A. Jackson, (est), 14 S 2d Herr Alvin V., carpenter, h 1235 Bailey Herr Andrew J., painter, h 1208 Market Herr Annie C, wid John B., h 1847 Fulton Herr Oara Mrs., dressmkr, 1235 Bailey, h do Herr Daniel C, lawyer, 14 S 2d, h 19 N Front Herr Edwin C., farmer, h Verbeke c 14th Herr Isaac "V., blacksmith, h 1211 Swatara Herr John W., brakeman, h 1847 Fulton Hur Joseph, laborer, h 1235 Bailey Herr Manton M., stonecutter, h 1208 Market


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~~ ::::}Harrlsburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. {::

Herr Mary A., nurse Hbg HOSpital, h do Herr Nannie G., wid Andrew J., h 19 N Front Herr Ross, corcmkr, h 1208 :Market Herr Sadie E., wid Daniel B., h 1208 Market Herr Sarah A., wid David S., h 219 Pine Herr Sarah G., clk, 44:0 Market, h 1208 do Herr William D., teas. 703! N 3d, h 310 Verbeke Herre Lewis, laborer, h 536 Forrest Herring Annie L., wid Harry, h 1314 N 7th Herring Bertha B., teacher, h 1102 N 3d Herrmann Augustus W., molder, h 36 Balm Herrmann Frank H., laborer, h 36 Balm Herrmann Margaret F., housekeeper, 36 Balm Herrmann William F., laborer, h 7 Aberdeen av Herron Frank, machinist, h 405 Verbeke Herron Jennie, wid Amos, h 414 South , Herron William E., waiter Comwealth, h 327 S 14th Herschley William, laborer. h 34:2! S River av Herschlev Winfield S .. laborer. h 111 S River av Hersey Arthur W., civil engineer, h 43 X 13th Hersh John, repairer. h 1411) N 6th Hersh Samuel H., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1525 r\ :>th Hershberger J. Irvin. printer, 201 N 2d, It 203 Hamilton Hershey Catharine ~Irs., h 339 Harris

== P


> o

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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO. }Olrces, tat'.!- ~ta:."r.!:} COAL AND WOOD

340 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. HEBSBEY CHRISTIAN W., Hershey Cafe and Hotel; 309 :Market, h do . HERSHEY CLINTOB IL, civil engineer and surveyor, rooms 1:1 10 and 11, 9 S 2d, h 1336 B 2d a= Hershey Daniel E., molder, h 1:l:!2 William B.EB.SHEY DAVID U., Hershey Houle, 327329 J[arket, h do Hershey DeWitt, laborer, h 126 Hanna Hershey Edwin M., notary, 14 }.; 3d, h 1022 Green c Hershey Elizabeth E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1838 North Hershey Frank, student, 1110 N 3d CD Hershey Harry c., train dispatcher P. R R, h 1519 Green Hershey Harry E., h 1110 N ad Hershey Harry L., col int revenue, P 0 bldg, h 322 N 2d Hershey House, D. U. Hershey, propr, :~:!7 Market Hershey Justin D., elk C. I. and S. Co., h Steelton L&.I Hershey Laura Y., weaver, h 1551 Walnut Hershey Petu S., carpenter, h 122 Dock Hershman Luther F., polisher, h 1811 Market Herst Lizzie M., domestic, 1:1 S Front L&.I Hertz Edward, brakeman, It 645 Boas Hertz Josephine, domestic, 542 North Hertz Leroy P., machinist. h 41:~ Pear av Hertz vVilliam H., engineer water works. h 412 Forster Hertz William K., machinist. h 1517 N 5th Hertzler Albert A.I fireman, h 644 Verbeke








Hertzler Alice G., teacher, h 621 Peffer Hertzler Davis, conductor, h :l21 Herr Hertzler Howard D., cash P. R R frt depot, h 1401 N 6th Hertzler Paul M., salesman, 400 Market, h Mechanicsburg Hertzler Sam1lel M., engineer, h 14tH X 6th c Hertzog J. William, postal elk, h 411 )'1aclay :. Herzog Harry J., expressman. h :m1 llIackberry av ~ Hess A. Lafayette. car repairer, h 36 ~ Summit _ Hess Annie, saleslady. 3:14 ~1arket, h ~larysville Hess Benjamin B., roller, h 1:l25 :\Iaple av ~ Hess Charles, laborer. h l:3a41 Maple av ~ Hess Charles K .. asst shipper, h 126 Dock u.I Hess Christian, baker, 11 1225 Bailey Hess Christian, bookkpr, 100 N Cameron, h Steelton !:: Hess Christian :\I., cigar packer. h HlII ~ 6th ::::I Hess David, grocer, 1008 N 3d, h 1614 do fE HESS DAVID L, alderman, 1309 B 6th, h do Hess Delilah. wid JOlIO, h 126 Dock ~ Hess Edna E., wid Samuel C, h 1232 N Cameron Hess Edward P., templetmkr, h f):!11 Muench ~ Hess Edwin H .. druggist. 15:m ~ tith. h do :6 Hess Eleanor L. ~Irs., miIIiner. 14 ~ :M. h 11 II Iti :\ (ith Vol Hess Ellsworth, shoe operator, h !!H K 16th ~ Hess Emma, h 1:~!!1 ~ 6th Co: Hess Frank J., h 10116 N 6th

> o

A. B. TACK}Wall Papar and Wlnda. Sbadash:::J.~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 341

Hess Hess Hess Hess


Hess Hess H(ss


Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess

Frank T., brakeman, h 3l:! Korth George, canvasser, 20 S 3d, h 607 Cumberland George B., stonecutter, h 29 N 15th George E., flagman, h 12:30-! N 6th Hannah, wid Amos, h 1321 N 6th Harry, heeler, h 14::;3 Regina Henry, mason, h 29 N 15th James c., car inspector, h 1812 N 5th James T. B., laborer, h 413 S Cameron John, drivel', h 412 Cumberland John J., engineer, h 423 Cumberland John W., laborer, h 126 Dock Mary c., wid William, h l:U Balm Mary J., domestic, 622 Verbeke Mary M., milliner, ]8 N 4th, h :139 Walnut Nannie J., wid Philip, h 620 Muench Sarah. wid Simon, h Home for the Friendless S. Irvin,' foreman, h 1551 Walnut Susan Mrs., umbrellas. 3:J9 \Valnut, h do Susan, wid Jacob, h 111118 N 3d William, helper, h 412 Cumberland William E., elk, 1012 Market, h do William F., laborer, h 1702 Susquehanna William R., salesman, 331 Market, h 1555 Walnut Winfield S., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 224 N 15th



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MILLER BROS. cl BAKER{ "~~t,~~-:'~~K

Hessenberger Charles F., timekeeper, h :U1 Herr Hessenberger Emily '11., mgr. 806 N :Jd, h 311 Herr Hessenberger Mary, wid Charles F . h 311 Herr Hesser Frank S., huver, :i34 Market, h 1209 Swatara Hessel' Mary E., sea~stress; h 1209 Swatara' Hession Martin, laborer, h 113 Hanna Hession :Martin R., laborer, h 113 Hanna Hession Michael J., laborer, h 113 Hanna Hesson Edward F., brakeman, h 628 Reily Hetrick Aaron, carpenter, h 14311 \\-"alnut Hetrick Charles D., h 1459 Regina Hetrick Charles E., machinist, h Hi26 Logan av Hetrick Clemenceau Mrs., h 1820 Green Hetrick David H., carpenter, h 1459 Regina , HETRICK DAVID 10SEPH, physician, 54 N 13th, h do; oSce hours, until 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p. m. Hetrick Dora, elk, 141l~ Vernon, h 1459 Regina Hetrick Edward N., laster, h 15111 ~orth Hetrick Frank F., carpenter, h 145!1 Regina Hetrick Grace V., domestic. 1004 N 7th Hetrick Harvey E., supt, 1420 Wyeth av, h 43 N 13th Hetrick J(:rome I., grocer, 14110 Market. h do Hetrick La\\oftnce A., asst mgr, 3114 ~Iarket, h Progress Hetrick Mary A., wid John, h 1004 N 7th Hetrick Miley A., laborer, h 620 Calder


Ho 1130 ARCH STREE r "Hll A . f '

lelell'. Complellon Pills :.~l:iJC:-Dd~~~:=I~I!~ 306 Broad

342 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


...: Hetrick Minnie G., elk, 1400 Market, It do .., Hetrick Sarah, wid William, h 1400 Market Hetrick William A., salesman, 615 Walnut, h 1627 Regina Hetrick William H., student, h 145ft Regina Hetrick William S., carpenter, h 1501 l\;orth Hetterman John, driver, h 1120 ~ Cameron Hetzel August W., machinist, h 132!t Green Hetzel Lawrence, bricklayer, h :{:U Crescent Heuser George, gardener, h 1939 Boas Hevener Bessie M., h 1H7 Cranberry av Heverling Morris S., cigarmkr, h 192~ North Hewer Leonard, cashier, 7 N 2<1, h 114 ,10 Hewitt William, laborer, h 1414 N 7th Hewley Andrew S., local express. la:3!l Fulton, it do Hewley Effie I.. domestic. 13::l9 Fulton Hey Walter, foreman, h 511 Xorth Heyd Henry G., (Hbg Carpet Co.), h Mechanicsburg Heyd Matthew, laborer Capitol, h ao X Dewberry av U) Heyer Annie, cigarmkr, h 1040 Herr Heyer John M., h 1040 Herr Hibbs Frank W . elk P. R R, It 609 Muench Hibbs & Co., fiscal agts Oregon-Idaho Gold Mining Co., 28 S 3d Hibshman Anna E. Mrs., weaver, h 13al Penn C Hibshman Harry H., mac'hinist, h 1201 !\ Front


a: a:


o o

O. W. O. IE mCKOK W. 3d, MFGS. CO., Christian W. Lynch, pres;see ad" Hickok, sec; Schriver, treas, Canal c Borth
Hicks Elizabeth A . wid Phi limon. h 524 Forrest ~ Hicks Elizab~th :\1.. nurse. h 12~H Walnut _ Hicks Fannie. student. h ft:n I\ ad Hicks John W .. foreman. l"1!U~ \ernon. h PeJ1brouk Hicks '~largaret R.. supervisor, 210 \Valnut, h 1:!:W (10 Hicks ~laurice. (Iriver. h l:n CranberrY av Hicks William J., foreman. h 1~30 Walnut Hicks William L .. employee State Arsenal. h 1230 Walnut

Hibshman Lewis R, jr., turner, h 1146i Derry Hibshman Lucetta :\lrs., h 1201 !\ Frent Hibshman Sarah C, saleslady, (. S Z<l. h 3 SlOth Hibshman Thomas J .. auctioneer, h 142 S Cameron Hickernell Latimer, patternmkr, h 521 \Voodbinf' z Hickernell Mary E., stenographer, h 521 Woodbine C Hickey James F., salesman, !l20 Market, It 41l1:! Filhert AI: Hickey John, laborer, h 408 4Filbert h 411~ Filbert Hickev Man' G., salesladv, S :!d, u Hick~an W'iIIiam, brakeman. h 1116 N 6th ....J Hickok Caroline L., wid William 0., h 115 S Front ..: Hickok Louisa, wid \Villiam 0., jr., h 508 N :!d coal mining, h o Hickok Ross A., 0., 3d, sec W.221 State lIIfg Co., It O. Hickok u Hickok William 508 N 2d Q



Th. PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVK8 FU~~,::;I!:D'i~~L SCORES Google

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Make" a Specialty 0 1 - - J U18N.8dS&. Fre_1D1l PubUc BuildIDC" lD PlaiD TIDy lE.U 111_

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Hidley Charles i3., elk, 214 Locust, h 701 N 6th .HIESTER GABRIEL, h Eatherton, Harrisburg P. O. Hiester Linnic Mrs., h 1104 N 6th Hiester William A., sec Board of Trade, h 813 N 2d Hiester William S., electrical engineer C. 1. and S. Co., h 813 N 2d Higgins Joseph, driver, h 232 N Court av Higgins Josiah, watchman Senate, h 321 Muench Higgins Josiah, jr., barber, h 321 Muench High School Argus, E. Stuntz, bus mgr, 320 l\larket High William L., linotype opr, 201 N 2d, h 221 Boas Highlands Charles A., pa.inter, h 1722 Walnut Highlands Frank W. A., foreman, h 1619 Logan av Highlands John W., butcher, h 1722 Walnut Highlands John W. B., printer, h 1722 Walnut Highspire Water Co., W. M. Hain, pres; J. A. Herman, treas, 306 Market Hight James c., laborer, h 604 Cumberland Hikes Alice, asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Hikes Edward. watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Hikes, see Heikes Hilbish John E., flagman, h 200:l N 5th Hildebrand Annie Mrs., h 48 N Summit Hildebrand Franklin G. coremkr, h 420 Muench Hildebrand James A., coremkr, h 420 Muench




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. Digitized


H M KELLEY &CO {I Northd.d 8trees. 10th ... State-.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Hill Minnie, saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 315 Boas Hill Moses. hostler, h 12 Cowden Hill Nathaniel A. G., laborer, h 24 Lochiel 2d Row Hill Robert, laborer, h 121 Cherry av Hill Salem, laborer, h 53 Lochiel 6th Row Hill Sarah, wid Lewis, h 320 Muench Hill William, salesman, h 1321 N 4th Hill \Villiam M . salesman, h 1321 N 4th Hillegas Frank R., laborer, h 13;l Balm Hillegas Harry B.. h :l24 Kelker Hillegas Lydia, wid. Francis, h 324 Kelker Hillegas Josiah H., editor Courier, h 2114 N 3d Hillegass Louisa, wid Josiah, h l:WO N 6th Hiller George J., meat, 239 North, h do Hiller John, master carpenter P. R. R., h Lancaster Hiller S. Virginia, wid Mahlon. h 15Ha Swatara Hilmer George, driver, h 32;{ Dauphin av Hilmer Henry, laborer, h 1533 Logan av Hilmer John, laborer, h 335 Dauphin av Hilmer Theodore R., electrician, h 15:33 Logan av Hilner Alfred c., laborer, h 2212 (j~ Hilner George, laborer, h 503 Woodbine Hilner \Valter C, printer, h 2212 Hi Hilsey Guy H., draftsman, h 71)] N Hth ~jlton Charles H.., warehouseman, h 222 L_i_b_ert~y_ __ Edward J., supt Hbg Club, h 263 Liberty Harry D., rodman, h 2(;3 Liberty Joseph, foreman, h 1714 Market Sallie, domestic, 219 S Front C. Edward, coachman, h 1405 N 4th Charles D., elk P.O., h 1221 Green Charles. T., salesman, 324 :YIarket, h 3]3 Reily Cloyd, brakeman, h lti27 Fulton Frank NI., laborer, h 1308 Maple av



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1&1 lIIJrIES GEORGE W., stoves and tin store, 10 B 2d, h W

Fairview .

Hilton Hilton Hilton I-Iilton Himes Himes Himes Himes Himes

Himes Harry, laborer, h 28 K Wth Himes Harry M., laborer, h 2142 Atlas av ~ Himes Henry, h 212~ N 7th to- Himcs Katie B., domestic, h 1405 N 4th ~ Himes Martha, wid Jacob, h 2:1~ N 14th fB Himes Mary C. l\Irs., h 14115 N 4th to- Himes ::\lary E., dlessmkr, 2:3~ K 14th, h do :: Himes Robclt W., laborer, h 238 K 14th ::::: Himes Sadie, wid George A .. h 5n511Iuench Himmelrich Abraham, laborer, h mm Say ford av C Himmeiwright Frank, elk The Bolton. h do I:i:i Hina O1arles H., h 173fi N 4th CD Hina William H., laborer, h 1illti N 4th

~~~ s:!ueeU,,:~ AND R EW

R 0N {3d IDd Rally Sir.. EDM 0 Google

Digitized by

I. B. YACK l FI:'~~O~!lTTN:Vf:-,.~l!fy~R i 121610rlblDllllSllll

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 345
Hinds Alexander M., restaurant, Broad Street Market, h 1:U5 Walnut . Hiner Martin M., machinist, h Hi22 N 3d Hiner Samuel, stack inspector, h 2108 N 6th Hines Mary Mrs., domestic, 815 N 2d Hiney Catharine :Mrs., h 311 Cumberland Hiney Elmer M., laborer, h 1407 N Cameron Hiney Frederick H., conductor, h 1914 Elizabeth av Hiney George A., laborer, h l:n:3 ~ Cameron Hiney John W., laborer, h lal:~ 1\ Cameron Hinke John, molder, h 125 Chestnut Hinkel Nelson, !aboru, h IHI5 Cowden Hinkle Anna G.. cigarmkr, h 464 S Cameron Hinkle Charles B., steelworker, h 1618 Fulton Hinkle Elizabeth, h 1506 N 5th Hinkle James, laborer. h 6114 North' Hinkle John H., brakeman, h 1506 N 5th Hinkle Joseph II., moldtr, h 526 Filbert Hinkle Mary A. Mrs., h 725 State Hinkle Samuel n., h 464 S Cameron Hinkle Warren F., upholsterer, h 526 Filbert Hinkley Celia E., teacher, h 121H Market Hinklev William H .. conductor, h 12HI Market Hinnenkamp Bernard, laborer, h 221 N 15tli Hinnenkamp Joseph, baker, h 221 N 15th

MILLER BROS. cl BAKER{ ~~~b~2.-:'~~K

Hinnenkamp Mary K, weaver, h 2211\ 15th Hinnershitz Charles W., locator, 211!ot Walnut, h .. S 4th Hinton Albert, laborer, h 127 Cranberry av Hinton Charles E., porter P. R. R., h 1115 ~ Cameron Hinton Otho C, po~ter, h 1115 X Cameron Hippensteel Denton R., laborer, h lum S 9th Hippensteel Elmer, ironworker, h 114 Dock 'Hippensteel George \V., car repairer, h 1728 Susquehanna Hippensteel James, laborer, h 511 S Front Hippensteel Joseph, fireman, h 1022 S 9th Hippensteel Sherman A., laborer, h 3()O S River av Hipple Andrew D., h 628 Delaware av Hipple Benjamin, cupolatender, h 61:3 Race Hipple Cora, cigarmkr, h II!:!:! Market Hipple Elsie, cigarmkr, h HI:!2 Market Hipple G. Clifford, brakeman, h 1129 Cowden Hipple Harry, laborer, h 211 :\bry av Hipple Horace, carpenter, 2~" enion av Hipple Jacob A., helper, h 1221) Herr Hipple Lewis, packer, h !l4a S River av Hipple :\brv A., dressmkr, h 211 Briggs Hipple Renie, shoe operator. h 2:{9 State Hipple Robert, tinner, h 14111 Wallace J!ipple Samt1el R., h 211 Briggs Hipple Wesley A., teacher, h 415 Briggs




1230 4RCH STREET P'i'U

P Ie

"cNeIl'. Palo EztermJD&tol'cureaCbolenlIl~ ~t.."Cram... Dlur...... . ()olda. Quloay. &beuma&llm. Tootbacbe, IIDre TbIoII&, Ape. DppepU," _.,....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t&J - GooronlJ OIHI TOISIIlO. C

Hipple William, painter, h 1410 Waliace Hirschler Albert, mgr, r 320 !\1arket, h 29 N 2d Hirschler August, (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), h 29 N 2d Hirsh Simon, (The Hub), h Reading Hirtley Charles 1\1., helper, h 5491 SlOth Hirtley John, h 837 SlOth Hirtley John, jr., heater, It :0<20 S Cameron Hirtley William F., h 8.~7 SlOth . Hitchner Jos. C, window dresser, 304 Mkt, h 501 N Front Hite Maxwell, electrician P. R. R., h 59 N 13th Hitz Adam, h llEl5 Bailey Hitz Charles, machinist, h 1111 Capital Hitz Claire, weaver, 11 1317 N Front Hitz Jacob, bookbinder, h 1317 N Front Hoagland Fannie G., h 1401 N Front Hoagland Virginia, teacher, h 1401 N Front Hoak Andrew A., contractor, 1430 Regina, h do Hoak Frank, brakeman, h 1223! N 6th Hoak Jacob D., car inspector, h-1311 Howard fI) Hoak Jacob F., (Heffelfinger & Hoak) , h 1430 Regina Hoak Lillian B., seamstress, h 1311 Howard Hoak, see Hoke 1&1 Hoar Charle$ H., brakeman, h 1215 Susquehanna ..I Hoar Harry E., flagman, h 1928 N 4th C Hoart John W;, laborer, h 1223 Swatara





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Hobbs Alice, tobacco stripper, h 320 S River av Hobbs Amos, feeder, 320 S River av Hobbs Levi, leverman, h 320 S Riverav Hobbs Mary, stripper, h 320 S River av Hobbs Ross, leverman, h 320 S River av Hobbs Warner, trucker, h Island Park Hoch Frank K., conductor, h 1860 Walnut Hochschild Otto, stonemason, h 1H04 N 2d Hockenbrock Carrie, dressmkr, h 607 N Front Hockensmith Calvin, polisher, h 1156 Derry Hocker Albert C, carpenter, h IOU S 221 Hocker Annie M., h 641 Calder Hocker Daniel, molder, h 2024 Greenwood Hocker Daniel G., engineer, It 11127 Paxton Hocker David, baker, h 1736 N 7th Hocker Ethel P., tailoress, h 1041 S 221 Hocker Frank E., baker, h 1637 N 7th Hocker George L., jr., brickmkr, h 2024 Greenwood Hocker George L., brickmkr, h 21)24 Greenwood Hocker George L., milk, 30 N 13th, h do Hocker Harry A., boilermkr, h 1027 Paxton Hocker H. Hershey, salesman, 128 Dock, h 228 S 2d Hocker John A., foreman, It 1027 Paxton Hocker John C, brickmkr. h 1027 Paxton Hocker Martha, wid Adam, h 1700 X 2d

The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the HomefSl1 Ceots a Welk Digitized Google

Empl071 nODe but ftnt,.el_ workmen, beDeeOD1~{ 1.141 A B TACK} CIIaai_illoDClwUI'eII&. Workcloneln&llJ)lanoi N.84 ....

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 347 Hocker Murray W., bricklayer, h 1027 Paxton Hocker William A., driver, h 1422 Fulton Hocker William H., laborer. h 484 S Cameron Hockley Adam ]., janitor, h 505 Cumberland Hockley Arthur E., engineer, h 16411 Wallae(' Hockley Catharine A., forelady, 620 Harris, h 610 do Hockley Charles W., machinist, h 505 Cumherla:ld Heckley Harry E., machinist, h 6Hj Curtin Hockley Jess. V., stenographer, Howard ab Forrest av, h 610 Harris Hockley Samuel S., driver, h 622 Danphin Hockley Thomas, machinist, h 1112 Grape av Hockley Thomas Z., laundry, 620 Harris, h 610 do Hodge Annie E., charwoman, h 1427 N 4th Hodge Archibald, foreman P. R. R., h 1701 N 5th Hodge Archibald, jr., barber, 1302l N 6th, h do Hodge Clara c., charwoman, h 1427 N 4th Hodge David H., barber, 1401 N ad, h 1401! Green Hodge Edgar, cigar mfr, 1701 N 5th, h do Hodge Emma Mrs., h 420 Cranberry av Hodge Phylis Mrs., h Mary's av c Court av Hodge Robert L., restaurant, 349 Reily, h 1427 N 4th Hodge William, barber, h 1701 N 5th Hodgson Robert P., inspector U. S. N., h 209 State Hoe1!e G. Roy, laborer, h 229 Mulberry

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~e:'':::'o:.} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {

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Hoelle Lucas A., laborer, h 229 Mulberry Hoelle Lucas A., jr., trucker P. R. R., h 229 MUlberry Hoepfer Christopher, tailor, 1435 Derry, h do Hoepfer Elfreda E., h 1435 Derry Hoerner Alfred, drygoods, 316 Verbeke, h 1539 N 3d Hoerner Andrew, milk, h 41 N 13th Boerner Charles, driver, h 140 S 2d Hoerner David S., machinist, h 231 S 2d Hoerner Elmer E., laborer, h 2:n S 2d Hoerner F. Dale, apprentice Indpdt, h 432 Cumberland Hoerner Frank H., salesman, 3(18 Market, h 1417 Zarker Hoerner George A., laborer, h 553 S Front Hoerner]. Earle, printer Independent, h 1:l35 Susq Hoerner Marcus D., foreman Independent, h 184H Susq Hoerner May 1., cashier, h 1401 Market Hoerner William M., h 1401 Market Hoerner, see Horner HOFFA 1. wnsGB, pharmacist, 3d c Walnut and 1342 B 6th c Calder, h do Hoffer Aaron H., carpenter, h 1348 North Hoffer Addison H., (Hoffer & Garman), h 89 N 16th Hoffer Anna E., bookkpr, h 89 N 16th . Hoffer Christian H., county surveyor, C. H., h MIddletown Hoffer John, (Paxton & Steelton Flouring Mills), h 24 N 2d

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THE PNEUMATIC CARPET CLEANING WORKS h,.t~a:'':.'!..~:'''St. Digitized Google

- - O U E lI'IOTTO:--lH Ho_.t Coal. Honest Weight r

MKELLEY & W. ) fin



1 .ert~ III 1t,.1 d Slat, lin,:"


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


John, jr h 24 K Josiah carpenter, North Louisa bonnetmki. 7 !\ orth Hoffer & Garman, (A. H. Hoffer and H. A. Garman), flour. feeel and grain, Howard ab 14th Hoffert J. Raymond, h 2H2 Locust K ass h, :,ohcitor, :.,.}:~ :?inut, h HoUmcn Abrahcrn L., Ti;~4 Reily Adam :ndant Hospit:d, hG9 Forrest Hoffman Alice ?llrs., h 428 Cumberland Hoffman Annie, forelady, ?II ulberry c Crescent, h H S 18th Hoffman Annie, housekeeper, 1109 \Vallace Hnfhnan Anni:: nurse, S CanE lllii 1\ 7th Hdflnan Bcnjamm, (\V. & KeIkeE Hoffm:ll1 Bertha cashier, Market. Hoffman Bessie, press feeder. h 8 S 18th Hoffman Bessie l\L, h i'i8!l S Front Hoffman n. Franklin, laborer, h 1:!24 Wallace ::onductor hll4 Chestnut ::z: Hdfmon Calvin Chark:l, khorer, h 2c\ 1iC H C HoUm:lll Lharl:'l: hookkpr N 2c\. h i'ith HOFFliAN CHABI.ES H., supt letter carriers, P.O., 3d c CD Walnut, h 245 Hummel Hoffman Charles N., laborer, 11 1419 Green Huffnan Charl,:, hrakeman, 181:l N



.~ Hoffman Clarence S., laborer, h 12!lO Bartine av


a: H::ffm:m Dani:'L hm'kstcr,






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Hoffman Daisy L., 'phone opr. 227 Walnut, h219 Crescent 1H~~S Fulton, h do Huffm:ln David :t,achini:, tfi29 Derrd Hffffff1dAN DEkfd reportui' ffalagraph, dylvan Hoffman Edgar G., salesman, 817 Chestnut, h 210 Hamilton Hoffman Edward c., warehouseman. h 14! Balm HoUmun Edward bartendnr ;%:!;') Reilu 718 Kitta lii::V HoUman Edwin, h hth Hoffman Eli 1\.., laborer, h 1401 Zarker Hoffman Ella R., seamstress, h Hi13 Swatara Hoffman Elmer ]., laborer. h 11'51 Swatara Hoffm:::1 Elsie d! wid \Villi~ml h 5fi6 II Emma Mrs., (1 & h 19Hf ~~d Hoffman Emmet, teamster, h 18m~ Fulton Hoffman Erastus B., machinist, h 12:!!l Green Hoffman Fannie, saleslady, 1209 N ad, h 1006 N 7th Hoffman Frank C. printer, h Derry HoUman Frank 'dectrician, Pe:m H, Fran!: machinist :mOt Reih Hohman Frank S., salesman, ~ :~d, h Peffer Hoffman George. contractor. h :~nn ~Iarket

Rldmond'sWagon Works {::Jld~tb'!~p;:~::: 3d and Reily Sts,



A. B. TACK ~~-=:n~ Ion PllDer ODd IIndOl SbOdes P:,R~8~11l

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 349

:a:OFFJ4.AN GEORGE D., travelling salesman for Lutz & c: C '-I Schramm Co., pickles, preserves, &c., h 63 B 17th Hoffman George G., laborer, h 123 Mulberry Hoffman George 1\'1., flagman, h 15 Cowden Hoffman George W., h 1234 Bailey Hoffman Gertrude M., teacher, h 216 Boas Hoffman Harris W., fireman, h 615 Dauphin Hoffman Harry, machinist, h 701 S Front Hoffman Harry C, physical director Y. M. CA., h 23 S 4th Hoffman Harry C, warehouseman, h 1928 Kensington Hoffman Harry E., craneman, h 1213 Swatara Hoffman Henry W., elk, h 1742 N 3d Hoffman Jacob B., newsdealer, 43H Market, h 921 Penn Hoffman Jacob 0., baggagemaster, h 140 Sylvan ter Hoffman Jacob P., elk, 12 S 2d, h 1529 Derry Hoffman James L., laborer, h 202 Charles av Hoffman Jennie, dressmkr, 1115 Plum av, h do Hoffman J. Grant, bartender, 1HU6 N 7th, h 1705 N 5th Hoffman John, elk, h 11)01 N 3d Hoffman John C, brakeman, h 440 Muench Hoffman John F., car repairer, h 529 Peffer Hoffman John F., carpenter, h 1270 Juniper Hoffman John G., boilermkr, h U()1 Zarker Hoffman John H., painter, 1738 Elizabeth av, h do

Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman . Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman

John' W., postal elk, h 310 S 13th Joseph, tailor, h 921 Penn Joseph H., laborer, h 1109 Wallace Joseph H., salesman, 2 S 2d, h 1109 Wallace Lillian, book folder, 4 N 3d, h 1230! Derry Lillian, seamstress, h 1738 Elizabeth av Louis, shoemkr, 1223 N 6th, h 1006 N 7th Ii!. ~Iaggie C, wid Adam, h 216 Boas Mary E., dressmkr, 1529 Derry, h do Mary E., seamstress, h 1838 Fulton Mary L., dressmkr, h 1401 Zarker Michael, elk, 19 N ad, h 1006 N 7th Moses, tailor, 1423! N 3d, h 921 Penn Nellie V., saleslady, h (;28 Camp Nelson, chf elk P:R. R. frt depot, h 114 Vine Peter, baker, 420 Reily, h do Philip M., conductor, h 628 Camp Rebecca, h 214 State Samuel, engineer, h 16()9 Penn Samuel, shoemkr, h 8 S 18th Samuel S . carpenter, h IS02 Wood av Sarah, h 10fl(; N 7th Tillie, domestic, h 1249 Derry W. & D., (Wm. and Benjamin), shoes, 1223 N 6th _ William, (W. & B. Hoffman), h 1006 N 7th -



No 1130

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McNeil's Pain Exterminator ~Mro:\aa:e=~b~Dlt{lI08~~

350 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory






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Hoffrr,an William, laborer, h 4:JO South av Hoffman William, molder, h 8 S 18th Hoffman William D., laborer, h 14!!5 \V\"eth av Hoffman William E., fireman. h 20llH Forster Hoffman William H., shoes, &c., 153L Derry, h 1529 do Hoffman William H., laborer, h 1;)08 Howard Hoffman \\'iIIiam H., jr. car repairer. h Ul29 Derry Hoffman William L., polisher, h 1:!:~1I1 Derry Hoffman William R., laster, h Holly beyond limits Hoffman William R., machinist, h 701 S Front Hoffman \ViIliam S., machinist, h 415 Kelker Hoffman \Vilson 1., grocer, 1820 ~ 5th, h 106 Linden Hoffman & l\IcFalls. agts, eMrs. Emma J. Hoffman and Mary J. McFalls), grocers, 1901 N 3d Hoffman, see Huffman Hoffmaster Emma, charwoman. h ]22 Paxton Hoffnagle Jerome E., clk. 601 State. h 1409 Wyeth av Hoffnagle J. Frank, flagman. h ;)25 \V oodbine Hoffnagle l\Iary, wid Jacob W., h 42 X 10th Hoffnagle P. Gertrude, stripper, It 42 X 10th Hoffnagle \Vinfield S., barber, 1:!5H !\Iarkt,t, h do Hoffsommer Alfred F .. field sec, 16 N 2d. h 1712 Market Hoffstot Hane\". conductor. h 1804 K 5th J Hogan Clinton; laborer, h 1412 X 4th Hogan Mary H., teacher, h 111 Vine
mu ,u..ln AI, TlIST ce. { ..... _1.laInI'....

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Hogan Rehecca, wid Richard, h 111 Vine Hogentogler Bertha V., cigar roller, h 1024 S Cameron Hogentogler Chalmers C, hardware, 10110 X 3d, h 1201 Green Hogentogler Edward 0 .. catcher, h 1:!1~ Hanna Hogentogler Esther. wid Joseph, h 1505 Penn Hogentogler Harry G., laundry, 21O:~ Logan av, h 530 Maclav Hogentogier Joseph F .. shearsman, h ]024 S Cameron Hogentogler ~Iillie xIrs., h 13C1t Green Hogentogler Oswell, laborer, h 1021 S Cameron Hohenshelt H. Hayes, brakeman, h ufil Camp Hohenshelt William A., fireman, h 5111 Camp Hohl Annie, wid Henry, h 5 X 5th Hohmann Senerifa, wid Frederick, h 110 Mary's av Hohn Lewis J.. laborer, h 1072 S Cameron Hoke Adam. laborer P.O., h 236 S 2d Hoke Arthur \V., salesman, h 422 ?-Ilarket Hoke Charles A., casemkr. h 122H X 6th Hoke Edward, car inspector, h 1703 N 7th Hoke G. ).IcClellan, trackman. h 11112 Elizabeth av Hoke Godfrey. laborer. h 1229 X tth Hoke Howard A., machinist, h 1323 North Hoke Howard 1\1., private sec Atty Genl, Capitol, h 806 1\ 2d

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You DOn~~giti~e!ty~~~e

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Hoke John \'l., laborer, h 1907 Moltke av Hoke Margaret E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1229 N 6th Hoke Myrtle M., teacher, h 2U14 N 6th Hoke Sarah A. Mrs., h 1220 Cowden Hoke William G., foreman P. R. R., h 2114 N 6th Hoke William G., laborer, h 122H N 6th Hoke William H., laborer, h 236 S 2d Hoke, see Hoak Holahan H. Thomas, plumber, h 343 Peffer Holahan James R., conductor, h 1942 N 5th Holbert Elmer E., asst foreman P. R. R., h 1837 N 6th Holbert Jacob c., jr., grocer, 621 Hamilton, h do Holbert John T., baker, 226 Hamilton, h do Holbert Margaret, wid Jacob c., h 1635 N 7th Holbrook-Hunt Co., (Purple Premium Stamp Co.), 4 S 2d Holcomb George B., steel inspector, h 107 Chestnut Holdridge Edgar, U. S. A., h 5111 Market Holferty Rebecca, domestic, 23 S Front Hollam Morris D:, tailor State Arsenal, h 516 Cowden Holland George R, elk P. R. R., h Duncannon Holland Henry c., brakeman, h 2116 N 4th Holland Robert M., caller, h 2116 N 4th Holland Solomon S. V. Rev., h 1122 N 11i Holland William 1\1., yardmaster P. R R, h Juniata Bridge Hollands Bessie A., cigarmkr, h 1837 Berryhill

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Hollands William T., fireman, h 1837 Berryhill Hollar Elizabeth l\hs., h 319 Hay av Hollenbaugh Benjamin T., brakeman, h 529 Camp Ho:lenbaugh Charles, brakeman, h 1404 Vernon Hollenbaugh Charles D., fireman, h 517 Muench N Hollenbaugh Olive M., shoe operator, h 2116 Moore Hollenbaugh Willard S. M., engineer, h 2116 Moore Holler A. Lincoln, mgr, 8 S 2d, h 333 Crescent ::I: Holler Frank, draftsman, h 1319 Derry Holler Harry J., draftsman, h 1319 Derry Holler Henry F., dep prothonotary, C. H., h Hummelstown Holley David F., porter Hotel Rife, h 319 Strawberry av Holley Dwight E. Capt., D. S. A. recruiting office, 500 fJ) Market, h 127 Pine Holley Joseph H., butler, h 229 N River av Hollinberger Harry W., telg'r, 411 Chestnut, h 121 S 14th ... Hollinger Charles H., elk sec Commonwealth, h 225 Pine Hollinger Eli, carpenter, h 416 Muench Hollinger Ella, domestic, 1432 N 3d Hollinger Elmer J., fireman, h 269 Reily Hollinger George A., letter carrier, h 1337 N 2d Hollinger Rachel, h 225 Pine H ollinger Rebecca, wid Elias, h 225 Pine Hollinger Sallie A., wid Eli D., h 2015 N 7th

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M, KELLEY & CO'S ~:41O:===~.~{ ~~:-.:.~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.







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h 16:=:= DCrt"41 carpenter, 12 Ddawar<e av elk, h 19:n N 4th Holly J postal elk, U;;37 4th Dollv Ualivi~0, laundn"ss, hIlI5 Pth Hololan Henry, elk, h l'(211 N 6th 7th Dolman Hor;A<"e F uaintae 1-I1S T1"oln1'"" laP'\rer :<,U {,"iller i-[olm~; Frederick B., b~okkI;r, 9N 2d, h 14tH State Tlolmas HaRTT L., ~"pres and geHl,ngr, N Pautang Dolme<s Hennp, ponte41, h Mnench Holmes Ida, housekeeper. 115 Tanner's av 01me<5 IsainP S., blncksmith, h 7H7 N :"itl lohnes John, s,alesntan, :;:1 Hahn Holmes Uovd R.. laborer, h 1;~:3 Balm Holmes 1\la~y how,ekeeper l:llS Dolmes Mo"er, poet<"e, h Ib14 :\Lrrion Holmes Robert E., (Ewing & Holmes). h 1811G State Holmess Rob<er, ]., yard:master P. R h Ii N :'1 Iolmee ROd bL, dk, 405 ssrkeT, 170!? ;~d
Holmes Svlvia, sahsssbdv, 33 Lalm

HOLIIBS SEED CO., Harry L Holmes, v-pres and genl mgr, 9 N' 2d

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Hoisherg prit;ter, :l2U w Holsber;,; -Harry E.,<tontesti<"" r8111 XMarket, h Hummelstown Ida M., lith




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Il elk, Matl<<<t, Ii IP12 Name llolsbergerl~oy, laborer, hun:.; N Cameron Z Holsberger William. blacksmith, h 1812 N Camerun Holstein Harey 1\1., Verheke, 2G do l&.I HOLSTEIN HOWARD 0., hotel, 1303 N' 3d, h do Hol~tine John H., car inspector, h 181111 N Cameron llolstine Sansnel L_ brakernstl1, Is btU. Cam<I'dn Holt John E., tray salesman, h 525 ~ lth Holt Salinda 1\lrs., h ~:!!I State dolthus F elk . and ;\1. \Vonks. d039 bth Holton Clinton. porter, :U3 Verbeke. h 14HH N 4th Holtry Samuel M., engineer h fH4 Dauphin ae lIoltz l':mm:t 631 (;eeen Holtz Frank S., supt, h 251 Briggs ' Holtz Hannah S., wid lolm~ h ~15 East cltz Mabel { "D., dressrrilkr, "a2~ amibm Holtz Samuel A., ins agt. 14 S 2d, h ;J:!S Hamilton Holtz Savilla, book folcler, h 815 East fToltz Willi;tstrs W., P. R. h depoy, 32k Hamilton Holtzberger \\'111. H .. foreman. h S Cameron nr }Iulberrv Holtzen&11lar Frederick, engine hostler, h 111151 Cowdc~ IoItzcndollar John " laholer, H;~7 alnut" Holtzenclollar ~Ian A., wid 10hn I. h ();n \Valnut HOLTZINGER JOHN H., publishers h 810 N' 6th Holt7mnn h :=:m Stele

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Holtzman Charles F., driver, h 1247 Bailey :I: Holtzman Daniel H., elk, a15 Market, h 714 N 6th Holtzman David K, ins solicitor, h I:?"J7 Bailey Holtzman Frank J., meat, 11:!3 N Cameron, h do Holtzman George M., cigars, pool and bowling, :U5 Mar ket, h 714 N 6th Holtzman Oscar I., car repairer, h 615 ~1ahantongo Holtzman Ottilia C, music teacher, h 1~_'7 Bailey. :I: Home for the Friendless. 5th c Muench Home Supply Co., H. B. Harris, mgr, real estate, 1401 t ;l Derry :I: Honnafous Charles E., helper, h 2017 Penn I Honnafous John H., helper, h 2017 Penn t;l Honnafous John H., jr., helper, h :.)017 Penn Honnafotls Percy, laborer, h H07 N Cameron lJ Hood Carl, elk, h 413 N 2d Hood Emily B., elk, h 41a N 2<1 C Hood Grant, molder, h 141 N 4th PI Hood James W., engineer, h 413 N 2d Hood John, brakeman. h t5a Sassafras av Hood William W., puddler, h 253 Sassafras av Hood William W., jr., railmkr, h :!!j:J Sassafras av Hook John F., engineer, h 1714 Green "'11 Hooker Paul, civil engineer, :''7 S 2<1, h 1427 N Front PI Hoon Myrtle Mrs., shoe operator, h 162:l Derry

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ "::i~t,~~-:.~~&

Hooper John, laborer. h 11111 Angle av Hooper ~Iartha ~I.. wid Henry, h 15114 N 6th Hooper Philip S. Rev . h 1505 Penn Hoopes C Alfred, bookkpr, 4!!H Verbeke, h 917 N 3d Hoopes Emma. wid Isaac. h li:!6 :\Iaclay :HOOPES HAl:I.RY A., mantels, fireplace fixtures and tiling, 429 Verbeke (Broad), q 917 N 3d Hoopes Jacob B., tobacconist, 10'21 N 3d, h do Hoot Charles T., brakeman, h 51HI Clinton av Hoover Alhert E., elk, aU9 Market, h 2li 1\ 13th Hoover Albert W., foreman, h HI:!1 Derry Hoover Alice Mrs., h 1210 Apple av Hoover Alice E. Mrs., h 1121 N Front Hoover Alice J" stenographer, 813 Market, h 1323 Green Hoover Anna, wid Jacob F., h 1216 Derry . Hoover Benjamin F., foreman, 500 Race. h 110 Sylvan ter Hoover Benjamin 'vV., coachman, h 22"3 N River av Hoover Carrie. candymkr, h 222 N River av Hoover Catharine, wid Benjamin, h :n1 Boas Hoover Catharine, wid George, h 12a7 Bailey HOOVER CHA'B.I.E$ F., carpets, furniture, &c., 14115, 1417 and 1419 N 2d, h 1417 do Hoover Clarence, laborer, h 1700 Herr Hoover Cyrus, brick burner, h 937 S 19th Hoover David M., laborer, h 1921 Herr Hoover Edna, stenographer, h 1921 Derry





CLARK'S ==-~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Stor8{a:::~u.

, . Hoover S Hoover ColO Hoover Hoowr Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover .;5 Hoover Co:) Hoover Hoover 1! Hoover :a Hoover Hoov(r :: Hoover Hoover Hoo\'er -I Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover 1&1 HOO\'er ...I Hoover c( Hoover

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Effie E:, bookkpr, 14 S :!d, h 1523 Swatara Effie :\1., operator, h 12:li Bailey Ellsworth G . jeweler, :!:{ X ad, h 131 Evergreen Emma E., press feeder, h 141i5 Regina Frank E., painter, Ill;):! Swatara, h do G. Elmer. salesman. :nl S :!d, h Hotel Columbus. George, laborer, h :!25 S 2d George A., roller, h 4:!:~ Verbeke George H., elk, Ism x 6th, h Mechanicsburg HarrY, laborer, h 1iflfl Herr Harry, laborer, h 11121 Hemlock Harr~' F. Rev., h l~Cli X 5th Harr,' W., yardmaster P. R. R., h 21:16 N 5th Howani c.; flagman. h 1 i:l:l X 5th Ida l\I., \'amper, h 1216 Derry Ida S., drcssmkr, h 1:!1 i X lith Isaac \V., assessor, h 14:n Shoop Jacob, tinsmith, h 1~fl7 N 5th Jacob G., laborer. h ]i1l0 Herr John, m~at, !l22 S 16th, h do John A., repairsman, h 12:H Bailey John R., warehollseman. h n:l4 Penn John W .. blacksmith. h 1524 K 5th Joseph A., blacksmith, 65i Verbeke, h 934 Penn Joseph W., furniture. 334 Yerbeke, h 1323 GreeJP





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Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoowr Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover Hoover HoO\'er Hoover Hoover

J. Wesley, shipper, :n1 S 2d, h 1523 Swatara J. Wesley, shoe operator. h :!6 X 13th


J. Willis Rev .. h 2a6 Hamilton Lawrence, electrician, h 1068 S Cameron Lollis A., machinist, h 6ao Hamilton l\Iartha T., wid William 0., h 255 Liberty l\Iary, cigarmkr, h 222 X River av ::\farv A., wid 10el. h 1400 X 3d Merio. h rl3i S Hlth l\Ivrtlc, weaver, h \I:l4 Penn Oiive A., tailoress. h 21tH S 13th Osborne, brakeman. h 26 X 16th Otto 1\.. V. S. r-: .. h n:n S Hlth Sophia, wid 10hn. h 21f1 Boas riiah, foreman, h 504 ~orth Walter, laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do William, fireman, h 429 Verbeke \Villiam, salesman, 308 Market, h W Fairview William A., h 1952 Swatara William E., laborer, h 23d nr Brookwood William F., heater, h 257 Liberty William G., elk. 23 N 3d, h 1431 Shoop William H., student, h 1417 N 2d William W" frescoer, h 1524 N 5th Willis P., photographer, h 236 Hamilton

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 355
Hopkins Abraham L., laborer, h 341 S Cameron Hopkins Anme E. Mrs., h 502 Strawberry av Hopkins Harry, laborer, h 624 Walnut Hopkins John, laborer, h 1619 Fulton Hopper Arthur, twister, h 1826 Green Hoppes James G., telegrapher, 26 N 3d, h 233 S 14th Hoppes John S., stenographer, h 1607 Derry Hopple Edward L., bricklayer, h 207 Muench Hopple Michael H., engineer, h 207 Muench Hopple Tntbin c., cutter, h 207 ~1uench Hopton Mary Mrs., dressmkr, h Ill5 S 2d Horchler George M., elk, 16 N 3d, h 415 Harris Horchler John, bricklayer, h 613 State Horine Josephine, domestic, 119 S 2d 1I0U ALEXANDER D., steam fitter, 1000 Market, h 221 Hen ~ Horn David, jr., salesman, h The Commonwealth '"'II Hornafius William, brakeman, h 451 S 14th Hornberger Minerva, wid Zachariah, h 7]:3 N 6th Horner America M., wid John W., h 432 Cumberland Homer Andrew H., laborer, h 747 S }.9l Horner Eli S., furniture repairer, h 1124 Montgomery Horner John H., polisher, h 229 Liberty Horner Joseph, shearsman, h 341 S Cameron Horner May, saleslady, 215 Market, h 14th c ~Iarket

~~ ::::}Harrlsburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. n:::=

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Homer Paris L., gauger, h 1124 :\10ntgomery Homer William H., linotype opr Independent, h Oberlin Horner, see Harner, also Hoerner Homing Harry, brakeman, h 16t5 Wallace Horning James P., bookkpr Miller Bros. & Baker, h 1781 N 3d Horning John H., conductor, h 1731 N 3d Horning John H., jr., flagman, h 608 Dauphin av Horning Maggie, h 268 Calder Horning Rebecca, h 268 Calder Homing William J., laundryman Lunatic Hospital, h 3:35 11aelay . Hornscheldt Eva, saleslady, 215 Market, h 561 Camp ~ Horst Annie, domestic, 104 South Horst Charles F., steelworker, h 504 S Cameron .p.. Horst Emma E., wid Cyrus, h 1415 State Horst Jacob Y., elk. h 1840 N 7th Horst James L., ironworker, h 611 \Valnut Horst John, engineer, h 854 S Cameron Horst Laura c., cigarmkr, h 1415 State ~ Horst Luther M., elk, 812 :'.Iarket, h 1415 State g Horst Man', cashier, 318 Market. h 854 S Cameron ~ Horstick Edwin ::\1.. butcher, h 711 N 19th G4 Horstick George W., checkman P. R. R., h :no Crescen;: ;; Horting Anne K., music teacher. 6114 Forster, h do


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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}Olrces, :~~r"::::'}COAL AID WOOD

5 E == i!=


Boyd's Harriflburg City Directory.

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Hostetter Sarah J., wid Jacob c., h 1843 Fulton HOTEL COLUlIBUS, (Russ & Russ), 229-233 Walnut Hotel Hare. (Henry M. Hare), 421 Walnut HOTEL LYNCH, lames 1. Lynch, propr, 325-327 Verbeke ~ HOTEL RIFE, William H. Rife, propr, 325 Walnut c HOTEL RUSS, (P. Russ), 423 Market : . Hotz Mary A., tailoress, 4 S :!d. It 25:1 North ~ Houck Charles A., foreman, h 702 East ~ Houck David, clothier, a:15 ~1arkct, h 512 X 5th HOUCK HENRY, deputy supt public instruction, h Lebanon ;:: Houck James, conductor, h H3t Boyd av ~ Houck Joseph, laborer, h 21H S !!d Houck LeRoy S., window trimmer, 312 Market, h 307 ~ Verbeke ~ Houck Luther, laborer, h 1411 N 4th ~ NOTARY PUBLIC. LOANS NECOTIATED.



Horting Harry c., engineer, h 604 Forster Horting Martin L., car repairer, h 1121 Wallace Horting Matilda, wid David, h 1817 N Cameron Horton Harry L., student, h 1 S Front Horton Isaac N., brakeman, h 192:l! N 7th Horton Mary R., wid Oliver G., h 1 S Front Horwitz Joseph, peddler, h 520 Filbert Horwitz Michael, tailor, 127 Chestnut, h do Hosan Emory, laborer, h 1300 X Cameron Hosan Lvdia A., wid Henry, h 1300 N Cameron Hosan William O.,laborer:h 1300 N Cameron Hosfield Harriet E . dressmkr, h 1221 Green HOSLER BEN1Alr1IN W., milk and ice cream, 1004 If 3d and 138 S 2d, restaurant, Reservoir Park, h Carlisle HOSTER ADO W., pension, claim and patent attorney, 1848 Swatara c 19th, h do see adv . Hoster Adam W., jr., molder, h 1848 Swatara Hoster Frank c., U. S. N., h 1848 Swatara Hostetler Martha A., wid Jacob, h 516 Kelker Hostetter Chester D., checkman P. R. R., h 1f43 Fulton Hostetter Grace, diet cook Lunatic Hospital. h do Hostetter J. Mehin, storekpr P. R. R.. h 1~43 Fulton Hostetter Laura E., shoe operator. h 1843 Fulton Hostetter Maud. domestic. 224 Kelker Hostetter Maud N., h 1843 Fulton





= Nineteenth and Swatara Streets, -=


Pension and Claim Attorney



T"I .. p).nn" 698.

----------------------------------------mc=~~ii} ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily Sts.

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Take AW,on HIU CarB.


A. B. TACK}Wall PaDar and Window Sbadal{=JI~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Houck Philip, h 637 Briggs Houck Samuel M., bricklayer, h 307 Crescent Houdenshield Charles, laborer. h 171~ N 4th Houdenshield Jacob~ laborer, 1718 N 4th Honoeshel Daniel F., flagman, h 17tl'11 N 5th Hough Chl;stianna G., matron Lunatic Hospital, h do Houghton Harry F., brakeman, h 67n Boas Houghton. Harry L., engineer, h 279 Hamilton Houghton Howard E., fireman. h :...ltH16 N 4th Hounstine Edward C, brakeman. h 153:l N 5th Honse George C, laborer. h 177 Indian av Houseal Lot~is J., tailor. 21 N ad, h 4n7 Boas Houseal Sallie A. Mrs . h 122 Dock HOllseal William, nail feeder. h 122 Dock Householder Albert, elk P. R. R.. h ~na East Householder Annie, forelady. h 80:l East Householder Ella. wid Samuel. h ~t:~ East Householder Frederick. bricklayer. h 1!l17 Bartine av Householder William T .. h :H S 4th Householder, see Housholder Housel Addison C, elk, 2111 Walnut, h 209 Chestnut Houseman Charles, laborer, h 12th nr Hamilton Houseman Christian. grocer. 1726 !\ :ld. h do Houseman George W., laborer. h 12th nr Hamilton Houseman Jonas, laborer, h 12th nr Hamilton


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Houseman Joseph. laborer, h 12th nr Hamilton Houseman Marv E., milliner, :1'; N :1<1. h 1726 do Houser Amanda, domestic, 412 Cumberland Houser Annie C, wid James H., h :nH Boas Houser Carrie J., domestic, :Ut:l S Front Houser Catharine, domestic, :H1 State Houser Clark \'., laborer, h 4:...~ Strawberry av Houser Cornelius, laborer, h lU~4 S !lth Houser Cornelius, jr., laborer, h lH~4 S Hth Houser Frank L., embosser, h 41!I Boas Houser George H., assessor. h 211) Chestnut Houser Grace, domestic, ~11 State Houser Harry C . ironworker, h 11116 S nth Houser Henry, driver. h 127! Paxton Houser Isaac, rcpairsman, h 11:1 Linden Houser Jacob, machinist, h lann Green Houser John G. painter. h 11"111 Berryhill Houser Lizzie. wid Henry, h HI16 S !Ith Houser Mabel, seamstress. h IHO!} Green Houser Maggie C, domestic. :34m S Front Houser Mary, h 1!1:m Fulton Houser Mary E., wid John, h 667 Briggs Houser Mary L. Mrs . h 421 Strawberry av Houser Minnie M., wid Frank M., h 112(j Cowden Houser Robert M., stock !'orter. h 420 Herr



. Ie

lellil's Complllion Pills :.Ijl!:;A':i.t~=;,=:~: 306 Broad


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Houser William, janitor C. H., h ~liddletown Houser William C, laborer, h 538 Race Houser William S., carpenter, h 419 Boas . : Houser Wilson R., supervisor, 2113 Walnilt, h 313 ChestE. nut .$ Houseworth Jay S., propr New United States Hotel, 518 Market, h do Houseworth John H., salesman, h 19 S 3d Housholder Arthur G., bookkpr, h 420 Market Housholder Charles F., carpenter, h 415 Pear av Housholder Charles J., steam fitter, h 415 Pear av Housholder Edwin 1\1., policeman Capitol, h 412 Boas Ci Housholder Ella J. Mrs., boarding, 420 Market, h do Housholder Elmer E., carpenter, h 412 Boas -I Housholder ::Ylargaret, housekeeper, 412 Boas : . Housholder William, carpenter, h 412 Boas -UJ Housholder William 0., steam fitter, h 420 Market Housholder, see Householder Houston Bertha L., saleslady, 406 Market, h Penbrook Houston Charles. driver, h 719 State ~ Houston Charles 0., salesman, 334 Market, h Penbrook Hugh O Houston James, l\Ic., carpenter, h S264 Cumberland Houston salesman, h 1391 3d C Houston John, laborer, h 139} S 3d

. ; Houser Sarah F., saleslady, 3:14 Market, h 13&J Green


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Houston Joseph, laborer, h 608 North av Houston Ralph, elk, h 264 Cumberland Houston William A., civil engineer, h 212 Forster Houtz Adam D., cutter, :no Verbeke, h 1629 N 6th Houtz Etta L., wid Oscar S., h 248 North Houtz Harry C.. stenographer, 5 1\ ~d, h 248 North HOUTZ lOSEPH C., men's furnisher, 810 11 3d, h 248 lIorth Houtz William H., tailor, 310 Verbeke, h do Hoverter Abner B.. coach painter, h 1447 Regina Hoverter Annie E . wid George \V., h 32 Evergreen Hoverter Beulah S . stenographer. 210 \Valnut, h 1251 Mulberry Hoverter Charles A., painter, h 1257 Mulberry Hoverter Elizabeth B., bookkpr, 1311 1\ 3d, h 1257 l\Inlberrv HOVERTER GEORGE A., alderman, 1 S 4th, h 32 Evergreen Hoverter George R. Rev., h 1257 Mulberry Hoverter Harry B., cutter, h 1447 Regina Hoverter Harrv R.. bar elk The Lochiel, h 1152! l\larkct Hoverter John'B.. h 12;)7 ~Iulberry H0vcrter John P .. elk silk 111i1I. h l:~:t! N 2d HO\'erter 'Ross E., h 1257 Mulberry Hm'erter Ro~s W .. packag-e agt P. It R., h 1:n S:ld Boverter Samuell\1., driver. h 1:n S :~d Hovey John P., asphalt roller, h 531 Race

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~lq Public Bu1IdlDp lD PlaID TID..

- M a l t... a 8peelalty 0 1 - {UIS_.IdA feU.........

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Howanstine Oarence E., brakeman, h 1533 1\' 5th Howanstine John P., brakeman, h :U6 Muench Howanstine William ]., elk, 1518 N 6th, h 316 Muench Howard Alexander \V., porter, 221 ~1arket, h UH5 N 7th Howard Benjamin B., grocer, 1515 Derry, h 229 S 15th Howard Carroll, messenger Div Public Records, h 128 Walnut Howard Dwight L., fireman, h 1912 N 7th Howard Ella D. Mrs., (Allison Hill Laundry), h 306 S 15th Howard Elmer, laborer, h 710 Korth av Howard Harry B., machinist, h Hn5 N 7th Howard Irvin W., electrician, h 223 S 14th Howard James A., shoe operator, h 229 S 15th Howard James H. W., insurance, 306 S 15th, h do Howard John, whitewasher, h 824 Paxton ' Howard Layton L., (Allison Hill Laundry), h 306 S 15th Howard Rebecca Mrs., h 512 K 5th Howard Samuel D., telegrapher P. R R. h 642 Calder Howard Tabitha, wid Hamilton, h 512 X 5th Howard Taylor, laborer, h 1332 Mayflower Howard Viola, domestic, 105 Chestnut Howe George A., machinist, h 1854 Swatara Howe George B., motorman. h :J5 N 12th Howe Jesse K., telegrapher P. R R, h 145 Sylvan ter Howe Lavina J., wid Jesse, h 145 Sylvan ter

== ==~

rn ,....


Howe Mary, nurse, h 324 K 2d Howe Percy W., laborer, h 125 S 13th Howell Jenkin, foreman, Division nr 6th, h 2618 6i Howerter Alvin H., telegrapher, h 1405 North Howerter Annie, domestic, 119 State Howerter Susan, h 1409 N 2d Hoy Daniel F., labore!', h H23 Mahantongo Hoy Francis H., h 70H Green Hoy Francis II., jr., barber, 18 1\ 3d, It 223 Briggs Hoy George K.. electrician, h 103 South Hoy Jennie. domestic, 16:n N 2d Hoy Lucy H., domestic, 705 N 6th Hoy Kora c.. domestic Hershey House Hoy Robert W., electrician, 153 N 4th. h 902 Green Hoy William A .. brakeman, h 5081 Camp Hoyer George R. elk. 401 Chestnut, h 113 do Hoyer Roy, elk Lochiel l\Idse Co . h Steelton Hovert Elizabeth, h 1601 N 3d Hoyler Andrew. fireman. h n02 Race Hoyler Dorothea M., wid John ~L. h nOI Race Hoyler Frederick]., miller. h 10!} Tuscarora Hoyler John c.. barber. h 11 N Uth Hoyler John G . fireman. h 1412 Susquehanna Hoyler ~[ary. book folder, h tOH Tuscarora Hoyler Rose, cigarmkr, h :n7 S Front
- -- -

> o



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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No"~"c:a.:.::o-


H M KELLEY " CO {I !forth Id . . ...... v. .. ' . lou. aDd 8ta&e


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

HUB, (J'oseph Nachman and Simon Hirsh), clothiers and furnishers, 400 Market c 4th
Hubbs ~ Hubhs Hubbs to- Hubbs t - Huber a: Huber :ac Huber en Huber Huber Huber Hubt:r Huber :IE Huber ~ Huher Huber a: Huber Huber !! Huber Yo! Huber Huber Huber Emma J., wid George, h !!(H 7 Kensington John W., painter, h 641 Calder Lewis B . brakeman, h 641 Calder William E., U. S. N., h 641 Calder Annie E . packer, h 224 Hummel A. ""alter, fireman, h 17 S Iflth Benjamin F., engineer, h 1716 N 5th Charles A., laborer, h 1:.'-; Vine Chester G . brakeman, h 171() N 5th Daniel P., laborer, h 224 Hummel David, carpenter, h 40fi Verbeke Edith L.. h 2456 N 6th Ed\vard M., polisher, h 224 Hummel Edwin T., laborer, h 129 Vine Eva M., bunchmkr, h 129 Vine Frank B., rougher,h I:J7 Hanna Harry A., flagman, t{ 1104 N 6th Harrv B., brakel1ian, h 4:10 Hamilton Henr\', elk, 2;l5 Crescent, h do Henry, laborer, h 17 S lIith Howard l\L, ster:otyper Patriot, h 14351 Regina ~ ~u_b_e~ I vy_ E._,_st_e_n_og_~~p_h_er '-11 N 2d, h 1104. N 6th

Hoyt William H., repairsman, h I!J09 Moltke av


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Huber Katharine F . teacher. h 224 Hummel Huber Lydia E., wid George ~I., h 1435-1 Regina Huber l\lary E., beader, h 1441 Vernon Huber l\Jary M . telephone opr, !:!10 Walnut, h 1716 N 5th Huber )'1aud E., warper. h 14:l51 Regina Huber :\linnie M., seamstress, h 1716 N 5th Huber l'v1innie M., shoe packer, h 224 Hummel Huber M. Irene, teacher, h 17 S Hith Huber Susan, wid Daniel P., h 224 Hummel 11.1 Huber U. lirant, laborer, h 224 Hummel Huber Washington, laborer. h 1104 N 6th Huber William H., elk, h 127 Vine Huber \Villiam H., nailer, h 1441 Vernon H ubertis Stephen, bookbinder, 320 l\larket, h 22~ Boas Hubler Elizabeth C, wid Jdseph l\I.. h :W:~4 N 4th Hubler Harry 0., fireman. h 21136 N 4th ~ Hubler Ida, saleslady. h 2n:{4 N 4th ~ Hubley Alpheus T., (Weaver & Hubley), h 508 N 3d t - Huhley Alpheus T., jr., asst engr of tests C. 1. and S. Co., h 1IIlO Green Hublev Catharine 1\1., domestic. 12:{7 X ith 8 H uble)' Eleanora, wid Thomas. h 11112 ~ 7th C HlIbrosky Joseph, engineer, h 58 Lochiel Cottage Row ti:i H lIdgins Charles R., h 14:!li Green CD H lIdgins Dais.\' E., h 1Iill1 Susquehanna


o Z



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~'=~::Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d aDd ReUy Sfs.

Digitized by


A. B. TleK} FI:t.~O!!'TT"~,,A:-..,&l,,~:!.R {121610nn lDlm

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Hudgins Harry M., machinist, h l4a5 Susquehanna Hudgins John D., laborer, h 14:~5 Susquehanna Hudgins Rachel, winder, h 1435 Susquehanna ~ Hudgins Thomas J., bricklayer, h lIiUl Susquehanna , Hudson Archibald, laborer, h 520 S l:~th Hudson Harold \V., elk P. R R, h 720 N lith Huff Emma J., wid Elias, h 1~14 N 5th Huffer CIarmce Z., elk Commercial Bank, h 1308 N 3d Hutfman, see Hoffman Huggins Blanche, dome5tic, 94fi 1\ 7th Huggins Edward J., (William Huggins & Son). h 116 Evergreen :i Huggins Elmer E., painter, h 618 Curtin == Huggins Joseph, steelworker, h :w:n N 5th ~ Huggins Wm., (William Huggins & ~on), h 116 Evergreen HUGGINS WILLIAlrI & SON, (William and Edward 1.), ; merchant tailors, 207 Locust ~ Huggins William H., car repairer, h 21131 N 5th :Z: Hughes Aaron, brakeman, h 1514 Logan av == Hughes Albert, h 2:?21 K 3d ~ Hughes Benjamin K, huckster, h 3 Lochiellst Row Hughes Ellis M., laborer,h 614 Church av Hughes Frank A., engineer, h 1111 Cowden Hughes George B., bartender, h 11U8 Market Hughes James, laborer, h 53!) Primrose av

11 PI


Hughes James, livery. 416 Strawberry av, h 415 Walnut Hughes John 0., confectioner, 347 S 13th, h do Hughes Mahala, wid David, h 14a9 Shoop Hughes Mary, wid Thomas, h 614 Church av Hughes Maud, domestic, H;:? Indian av Hughes Otto, houseman, h P. R R nr 'Walnut Hughes Robert, cashier. Herr clOth, h 1118 N 2d Hughes U. Grant, laborer, h 14U9 Susquehanna Hughes William, elk, h :n 7 Hummel Hughes William, veterinarian, 4tH Strawberry av, h 415 Walnut Hughes WilIiam B., architect. Herr clOth, h 232 N 3d Hughes William C, h :?8 N Hlth Hughes W. Jonse, h 11118 ~Iarket Hull Charles G., elk, 2:?fi Chestnut, h 114 Locust Hull Ella S., milliner, :l:~4 Market. h New Cumberland Hull Frank W., engineer, h 1728 Penn Hull John, car repairer, h 501 Hamilton Hull John K., fireman, h 2t:~ :Yluench HuH Samuel T., laborer-, h 213 Muench Hultren Bror 0 .. asst supervisor. h 720 :t\ 6th Humbert Annie M . domestic, 514 N 5th Humbert Emma, housekeeper, 1H(I!) Susquehanna Humbert Emma, wid George, h 514 N 5th Humbert Randolph D., laborer, h 2Hi S Court av Humbleton Cecelia, domestic, 21a S Front





"eNen'. PaiD Enel'llliDator cures Cholera Korba., o,HDlerr,Cramre. DllIlTbca, oCDIdI, QuIDa,. RbeWlllltlml. Tootbaebe. Ban TbJoat, .APe. DJIPepIIa,"" .......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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.J C 1&.1

Humburg Andrew H., laborer, h 438 S Cameron Hume Ada M., stripper, h 106 Ann av Humelstein Aaron, conductor, h 1516 Susquehanna Hume1stein Harry, laborer, h 1516 Susquehanna Humelstein Marne, telephone opr, !!27 Walnut, h 1518 Susquehanna Humer Carson S., carpenter, h 1408 Derry HU"ler Edwin C.,lieut police, h 6 Argyle Humer John F., telegrapher, h 1408 Derry Humer Mary E., domestic, 904 N 2d Humes James "V., cal" repairer, h 1411 Regina Humes Laura E., wid Lyman, h 14011 Green Humes Lyman A., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 326 Reily Humes Sarah J . saleslady, 318 NIarket, h 616 Granite av lIUlD1EL ALFRED, contractor and builder, 623 Briggs, h do Hummel Bessie, domestic, 911 N 6th Hummel Bessie S., saleslady, 406 Market, h Steelton Hummel Carohne, wid David E., h 1731 N 5th Hummel Catharine E., wid Samuel W., h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Darius S., laborer, h 2036 I.;"ulton av Hummel Edgar C., deputy sheriff, C. H., h Hummelstown Hummel Edna P., saleslady, 406 Market, h 35 N 3d Hummel Edward F., h 330 S 14th Hummel Edward W., h 21 S 4th Hummel Eliza B., wid Richard H., h 107 S Front

1&1 Hummel Estella, folder ... h 1119 Calder

nil GUoronlJ 01111 Trust co. ...~ ~-::: c Hummel Elmer c., "eprothonotary, ~,=- ~'!!:r= ~.!. elk C. H., h Steelton
Hummel George, laborer, h 2002 Penn Hummel George W., h 330 S 14th Hummel George \V., conductor, h Penn nr Peffer Hummer Jacob L., trucker, h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Jeremiah, laborer, h 1236 Cowden Hummel J. Fred, tinsmith, h 1621 Penn Hummel John K., h 821 N 2d Hummel John W., laborer, h Reel's la nr 6th Hummel Martha N., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h Steelton Hummel Philip T., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 631 Maclay Hummel Revery L., agt, h 2139 N 7th Hummel William, cable layer, h 521 X 4th Hummel William c., patternmkr, h 1731 N 5th Humme1stine Harry, molder, h 101) Cowden Hummer Frank H., helper, h :n3 Herr Hummer Harry c., fireman. h 313 Herr l&I Hummer Mary l\lrs., h 313 Herr ~ Humphrey Anna E., wid John, h 1416 Wyeth av Humphrey John P., boltcutter, h 61m Calder Humphrey Thomas, florist, 101 N 4th, and Greenwood nr 19th, h do Humphreys Charles. bridge builder. h fi1R Wiconisco Humphreys Edgar A., foreman, h 1413 X 6th

The PATRIOTlA Newspaper for the HOme{~!!ze~~~~~~~t~ .

Employ. none but IInt-c11llll workmen. benee only JIrttI.A B lAC K} daa_tand1nluralt. Worltdone1nuy partofSw.te. { N.1116 3d St.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

umphreys lumphre}:s die B., Calder
YH~,an ~lrs" lImrich~mse Edgar


Hospitul, h 2120 N 7th Humrichouse Fred K., baker Lunatic Hospital, h 1531

l1nseckes Charles F., h 1:~'!1 Gssen Ihmsecker eid E., cht,tthman P. R 1511 Penn Hunsicker Charles 1., helper, h 1723 N 4th Hunt Florence L., h 142 Sylvan ter Hunt Robert C. yardmast~r P. & R. h 142 Sylvan ter Hunt Willinm . engineee 1246 . tinter Ct P., wid John, lialm l1nter fireman, 16 HamiHol1 Hunter Charles H., coa~hman, h 433 South Hunter Cordell, laborer, h 723 State . Hunter Edward A., checkman P. R. R., h 1113 Kittatinny unter Ehnn:s janitor, State tmter ' h 206 unter \V., condudttr, h 1610 frlh Hunter James H., restaurant, 601 South. h 7114 State Hunter Jennie :Mrs., laundress. h 175 Indian av Hunter Joseph c.; fireman, h 1508 Wallace linter ]tl1tttph W., h 3:H 15th

:r ,..
<. l> ::uo o


HarrlsburH Haalngs and

HUNTER JOSEPH W., State Highway Commissioner, 716 State, h 410 Briggs Hunter Oscar, driver, h 12 Haehnlen av . Hunter Robe,! L., h 1528 Hunter Roftet! W., h 6th hmter Sallie, waitress, Pine, h 1 hrape av Huntingdon Julia B. Mrs., music teacher, h 113 Locust Huntsberger David G., brakeman, h 422 Hamilton nntsberlitte Httvid \V , 217 Bleckberry av, h 326 StraVt av Elizabeth, 5 N 3d Huntsberger Joseph 1., laborer, h 436 Muench Huntzinger Benjamin K., sec, 1 S 3d, h 259 North Hurd Arminta, cigar roller, h 526 Cowden urley ,, ' North urley u;f9 Verbektt Hurley h 609 N otit Hurley William contractor, h :~8 ItaIm Hurley, see Early Hurlock Eugenia D., teacher, h 814 N Zd urlock W. Skry, dentiet, 2:; N 3d, h 814 N 2d Hursh Elwll" J" wid L.. h 3d ursh horse 44 Balm Hursh Jay., har elk, l\Iarket, N 3d ' Hursh Lawrence R., salesman, 31 S 2d, h Steelton






KEUEY,. CO.~1.1~::,:"="

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Hursh L. Minnie, teacher, h 224 Herr Hursh Sarah A., wid George R., h 224 Herr Hursh Sofle Mrs., h Seneca nr Front Hurst Charles, elk, :!4 K ad, h 1205 :'.Iarket Hurst Frank A., elk, ~O;{U X 7th, h 21:14 Atlas av Hurst James, helper, h 1401J Penn Hurst John W . laborer, h 1410 N 6th Hurst Joseph, brakeman, h 1:'~ Market Hurst Joseph A .. machinist, h 1:!lIu Market Hurst :Mabel J., h 1205 Market Hurst Ross J., elk, h 141m Penn Hurst \Villiam. warehouseman, h 1~:!6 N Cameron Hurst William M., brakeman, h t1:lli K 7th Husler Lizzie, domestic The Aldinger Husler Marv E., domestic. 4417 :\Iarket Husler William, furnaceman, h :!:13 Hummel Huson John, laborer, h 6:?8 Reily Huston Frederick \V., driver, h SH6 Green Huston George M., engineer. h 437 Verbeke Huston George 1\1., jr., machinist, h 437 Verbeke Huston H. Elizabeth, cigarmkr, h 4:J7 Yerbeke Huston John, engineer, h (;30 Forster Huston John B., engineer, h 1222 N 6th. Huston John L., elk, 210 Market, h 208 Liberty Huston John W .. laborer, h 1218 N lith

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Huston Joseph .M., architect, h 14 S :!d Huston Levi A., brakeman, h 114 Plum av Huston Lillie, h 408 Forster Huston Mary, wid William H., h 1-1.27 N Uth Hutcheson John L., carpenter, h 1724 Fulton Hutchinson Calvin P., engineer, h 11J18 N 6th Hutchinson Cedolia l\Irs., restaurant, 1918 N 6th, h do Hutchinson OlTistiana, wid Israel c., h 1111 Capital Hutchinson Robert A., laborer, h 608 North av Hutchinson Stephen, waiter, h 500! South Hutchison Alice 1\1., wid James 'IN., h 1511 Penn Hutchison Catharine, matron Home for Friendless, h do Hutchison Emma 1\1., wid Joseph B., h 224 Boas Hutchison George G., special agt Dept Agrl, h 606 Driggs Hutchison J. Frank, elk, 214 Market, h 228 Forster Hutchison Joseph B., chief of police, h 224 Boas Hutchison Joseph B., jr., elk, 1207 ~ 7th, h 23S Hamilton Hutchison Julian W., wines and liquors, 1207 N 7th, h 2:38 Hamilton Hutchison Margaret, nurse Home for the Friendless, h do Hutchison Sarah Mrs., cook Home for the Friendless Hutchison Sarah L., wid David H., h 326 North Hutchison William R., express messenger, h 1502 Penn Hutman Ethel M. 1\Irs., h 407 Filbert Hutman Frances 1.. stenographer, h 17113 N 3d

Radmond's Wagon Works {::lJ~t'::~}D~!Z~~! e~A~le

A. B. TACK l:::&~~e:D:n~ lOll PUDor IBId IIDdOl_lIll'f:l1l

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 365

Hutman George A., watchmkr, &c., 8113 N 3d, h 1i03 do Hutman Henry H., machinist, h 1426 Marion Hutulan Mary Mrs., h r 121 N Cameron HUTTER FB.A.NX L, bookbinder, blank book mfr, printer 6 and ruler, 329ltarket, h 806 N 8th see adv C':I Hutter John R., machinist, h 1813 N 6th C Hutter .Mary, h 1813 N 6th ,. Hutton George J., gauger, h 345 Muench Hutton George W., electrician, h 345 Muench C Hutton John c., physician, 5 S 4th, h do Hutzler Edward, hostler, h 1326 Marion ;:;::: Hyde Charles, foreman, h 222 Kelker . ~ Hyde Charles G., asst engineer filters, h 1935 N ad Hyde Curtis, foreman, h 416 S lith Hyde David, lather, h 103 Filbert Hyde John, lather, h IU:J Filbert Hyer Annie, cigarmkr, h 111411 Herr CD Hyer John M. h 10411 Herr Hyers Alice ~L. wid William E., h 423 Dauphin av ! :. Hyers Charles W . brakeman, h 423 Dauphin av Hyers Maud K., cigarmkr, h 423 Dauphin av Hynicka Edward 0., florist, h 113 Balm Hynicka George, contractor, h 11!{ Balm Hynicka George W., molder, h 113 Balm Hynicka Mary A., h 12H Walnut



BAKER~ ~~~bli~-:'~~IE 5'

Ibach Catharine, bookkpr, 500 Race, h 419 Strawberry av Ibach Harry C, mgr, 26 N 3d, h 4111 Strawberry av Ibach John 1., laborer, h 103 North Ibach Jos. W., elk Hotel Columbus, h 419 Strawberry av Ibach Lydia A., wid Charles, h 419 Strawberry av . Ibach Mark B., editor, h 103 North Ibach 1-1. Florence. music teacher, h 103 North Ibach William, ironworker, h 103 North Ickes Florence, domestic, 22a N 2d Ihling Chas. E., timekeeper P. R. R. depot, h 313 Chestnut Ihling Samuel W., cashier P. R. R. depot, h 313 Chestnut Ikeler Raymond G., livery, 914 N ad, h 111 South Ilgenfritz Kettie, cigarmkr, h 1940 Derry Ilgenfritz Robert, laborer, h 32!l S Cameron Imes Aura C, teacher, h 1419 Fulton Imes Cindie c.. wid George H., h 1419 Fulton Imes William S., laborer, h 12th ab Dauphin Imfang Anna M . wid Henry, h IU6 S Court av DlPBRIAL DRYGOODS CO., 1. W. Plank, pres, 215 lIarket Imperial Novelty Store Co., H. H. Kaylor, mgr, housefurnishings, 1201 N 3d Ingle J. Carl, salesman. h 307 Blackberry av Ingram Clara W., wid John, h 419 North


.: I -.

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No '230 ARCH STREET l'I"llA


lIolail', Pain E1tarminator ~T!trJ,~\a-:'~J(,:ls{ .. ~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.

0;:; Ingram Daniel, laborer, h 611 Mahantongo

~ Ingram ~lary, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do






II: o ...



II: ... Z

Ingram J. Geiger, salesman, 317 Chestnut, h 113 Market . Ingram 1[ary E., drcssmkr. h {ill :\1ahantongo Ingram Rachel G., dressmkr, 611 ~Iahantongo, h do Ingram, sec Ingream Ingream Charles E., laborer, h 114(i ~larket Ingream Flay F., laborer, h 1146 :\farket Ingream Frank, laborer, h 114H Market Ingream, see Ingram Inly Gertrude, ironer, h 431 Kelker Inly lVIargaret, bonnetmkr, h 431 Kelker IBTEDATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE S C H 0 0 L S 01' SCRANTON, W. R. Houser, supervisor; 11. D. Delmont, asst supt; N. K. Ho1fert~ solioitor, 203 Walnut International Harvester Co. of America, John G. Young, gent agt, 81a-~15 ~Iarket Irons Robert H., supt l\li1l No. I, eLand S. Co., h 102 State . Irrgang Edward L., asst baker Lunatic Hospital, h do Irvine Frank, stengr Aud Gent's Dept, h 212 Verbeke Invin Caroline L., milliner. h 419 Forster Irwin Charles 1\1., baggagemaster, h H9 Forster Irwin Edna F. Mrs., h 1103 N 3d
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Irwin George T., press feeder, h 225 Herr Irwin Howard C, elk P. R. R. irt depot, h 225 Herr Irwin Ida, forelady, h 2235 N fith Irwin James B., I~borer, h 1216 Hickory av Irwin John E., engineer, h 225 Herr Irwin Mary E., housekeeper, 1216 Hickory av Irwin Minnie H., stenographer Dept Mines, h 419 Forster Irwin William H., engineer, h UH2 Green Isaac Stephen E., solicitor, h 12061 Derry Isaacman Aaron, h 452 Cumberland Isaacman Benjamin H., grocer, 518 South, h do Isaacman Ida, elk, 45~ Cumberland. h do Isaacman Mary Mrs., grocer, 452 Cumberland, h do Isaacman l\Iax B., grocer, 1308 Wallace, h 1307.. do Isaacman Rebecca D., grocer. 1002 Market, h 452 Cumberland Iseman Catharine Mrs., h 945 N 7th Isenberg \Villiam J., lineman, 11 N 3d, h 1823 Fulton 1&1 Isenberg, see Eisenberg ~ Isenberger Jacob P., laborer, h 227 Herr Isett Harry C, conductor, h 1426 ~.Jarket Ishe)' Charles A., h 1128 N 6th Ishey Christian, switchman, h 1922 Wood av I ungerich Calvin L., salesman, h 158 N 15th Iungerich Isaac S., salesman, h 160; N 3d

If You Don't Raad the PATRIOT You Don't 6at Iba Naws
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'i'~lI~L:V;o~;: IOU roper ODd Ilndow bIleS Irom A. B. TACK {rc.1

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Jack George c., printer, h 342 Cherry av Jack Lydia, wid William, h 1010 James av Jack Theresa c., wid Joseph L., h 342 Cherry av Jackson Amanda, wid John H., h 234 Meadow la Jackson Ameiia, domestic, no Christie's av Jackson Andrew, letter carrier, h 15011 N 5th Jackson Andrew J., trimmer, h 418 S Cameron Jackson Andrew L., butler, h 325 S 14th Jackson Annie, button holemkr, h lOOO! N 7th JacksoQ Annie Mrs., h 11i nr Cumberland Jackson Apollo, laborer, h 341 S Cameron Jackson Baker, cook, h 408 Cowden Jackson Champion, laborer, h 1182 S Cameron Jackson Charles A., barber, 509 State, h 514! N 5th Jackson Charles A., butler, h 1204 Capital Jackson Charles H., laborer, h 1416 N 4th Jackson Charles W., laborer, h 811 SlOth Jackson Clarence, h 108 Short Jackson Clarence E., elk, 81:J Market, h Carlisle Jackson Daniel, driver, h 1201; Apple av Jackson David, laborer, h 824 Paxton Jackson David R., laborer, h 212 Meadow la Jackson Delilah, domestic, 507 N Front Jackson Edward, laborer, h 524 Brown av


~~=-o:D}Harrlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn.~~=

Jackson Edwin W., lawyer, 222 l\iarket, h 117 Chestnut Jackson Eleanora, domestic, 1237! Apple av Jackson Eliza, laundress, h 210 ~Iary's av Jackson Eliza K., h Home for the Friendless Jackson Elizabeth, wid Joshua, h :-l41 S Cameron N Jackson Ellen, housekeeper, 1417 ~Iarion Jackson Emma, charwoman, h 514 South Jackson Ennis, laborer, h 517 South ::J: Jackson Ernest, laborer, h 517 South Jackson Fenton, laborer, h 12:J7 N lli Jackson Fenton, jr., laborer, h 504 South av Jackson Frances, domestic, 108 Short Jackson Francis W., draftsman F. and M. Works, h 404 (I) Briggs Jackson George W., porter, h 108 Short Jackson Helen F. Mrs., dressmkr, 108 Short, h do Jackson Horace, laborer, h 1412 William Jackson House, (R. C. Birmingham), 1306 N 7th Jackson Isaiah, conductor, h 647 Boyd av Jackson Isidora, engraver, h 507 South Jackson James, student, h 117 Chestnut Jackson James H., pUddler, h 7 Lochiel1st Row Jackson Jennie Mrs., domestic, 127 State Jackson Joanna, domestic, 408 N 5th Jackson John, laborer, h 713 Race

,. ::a < ,. ::a


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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {NoJ:BC':!.:U\rll&. Ie by'-.:rOOg

I. Digitized

Tr7. T_ of

H I KELLEY m CO'S BJaek DlamODd. wIleD { tllttl IIMI.. It'"', 0, aest order.- t 1..0. 11111 ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Jackson John 0., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 4~~4 North Jackson John T., barber, 107 Sad, h 507 South Jackson John T., carpenter, h 2220 N 6th Jackson Joseph H., laborer, h 1202 N 12th Jackson Josephine 1\Trs., laundress, h 4:lli South av Jackson Josephine V., wid William, h 102 N 2d Jackson J. Roy, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Jackson Lavina 1\1., wid James, h 41 N Hith Jackson L. Estella, teacher, h 507 South Jackson Lillian, nurse, h 507 South Jackson Lizzie, charwoman, h 1417 Marion Jackson Lizzie, domestic, 12:l7t Apple av Jackson Lucinda, domestic, 127 State Jackson l\ialvina, domestic. 104 State 1ACKSON JIA.NUFACTURIBG CO., steel barrows, JDlD1Dg wagoDs, oharging barrows, &:c, William Jennings, sec and treas, 4th c Boyd av see adv Jackson Martha C. wid John W., h 813 SlOth Jackson 1\Iary, wid John, h 1204 Capital Jackson :rviary l\lrs., charwoman, h 1214 Christian Jackson Mary F., proof reader Independent, h 806 Cowden Jackson l\tary J., charwoman. h RHi James av Jackson May E., stengr Ins Dept, 716 State, h 102 ~ 2<1 Jackson M. Foster, salesman. 7th c North, h 2nH~ N lith


Moses, laborer, h 713 Race Myra, bookkpr, h 1500 N 5th Myrtle B .. music teacher, 1214 Christian Parker, laborer, h 12;19 N Hi Ric-hard E . scullion, h 5:!l'; West av Robert, waiter Commonwealth, h :-l41 l\luench Robert, bootblack Lochiel, h 4:U South Roger, laborer. h S :-.J' !Ith Samuel H . waiter, h 4:n State Simeon, blacksmith, 10:!:l Paxton, h 120 Mary's av S. l\Iatilda, wid :\loses, h 44~ S Cameron Stanton R., porter, nOR Market Sylvester, messenger, :!:!2 l\lkt, h 1214 Christian Thomas S., laborer, h 177 Indian av "'alter H., laborer, h 2;t4 l\Ieadow la William, laborer, h 120 Mary's av

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Jackson jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson l&J Jackson Tackson jackson Jackson Jackson Z., Tackson C. jackson I Jackson ., Jackson III Jackson 0" Jackson

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Steel Barrows
Mining Ca .... , Charging Darrows, Cllain Block.. , Wire Rope, ThImbles,


MDREW REDMONDJ~!:d:toyoo~{3d andJlAUI StS.

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:t Jackson William, waiter, h 2;{9 Cranberry av Jackson William M., laborer, h 9th c Paxton Jackson vVilliam 1\1., laborer, h 1434 Vernon Jackson Zachariah, puddler, h7 Lochiel 1st Row Jacobs Caroline, wid S, Kirk, h :{.1')4 Crescent Jacobs Charles H., helper, h :!144 N 7th Jacobs Ella 1., bookkpr, 9 S :!d, h 1326 N" 2d ::I Jacobs Elma G., wid John A., h l i~:!6 N :!d Jacobs George, h 1~'!6 ~ Front Cl Jacobs George W ., elk, :! S 2<1, h Carlisle ::I Jacobs Harry E., molder, h 6:~9 Verbeke I Jacobs Harry R., installer, ~'S Walnut, h 1223 Bailey Cl Jacobs Henry, huckster, h 1l:!~ N Hth . Jacobs Horace L. Rev., h lUlIO 1\ l.ith Jacobs John A., expressman C . S., h 1246 Market Jacobs John c., packer, h 1:!:!a Bailey Jacobs John H., cabinetmkr, h 12:!G N Front Jacobs John M., (Jacobs & Linn), delinquent tax collector, P1 h 2()24 N 6th Jacobs Mary, wid George L., h 405 Reily Jacobs ~Iary E ., domestic, 1~rJ Chestnut Jacobs Merkel H., student, h :!17 S Front P1 Jacobs 1\1. \\illiam. lawyer, :!22 Market, h 217 S Front Jacobs Russell 0 ., elk, 3:?:~ Verbeke, h 15;~:! Wallace ....Jacobs Samuel, plasterer, h 725 Showers av

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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~ BAKERl~=~bli~-:;'~~" ~

Jacobs Samuel S., brakeman, h 15:~:! Wallace Jacobs Sherwood S., cutter, h 1532 Wallace JACOBS & LINN, (lohn M. lacobs and lames It. Linn), . proprs lteystone Carpet Cleaning Works and lteystone Rug Co., 1115 Montgomery see adv back cover Jacobson Morris E ., elk, 6 N 2d, h 128 S 2d Jacoby Arthur M., agt, h :!66 Verbeke Jacoby Frank E., elk, 5 N ad, h 708 Capital Jacbby Harry G., conductor, h 70~ Capital Jacoby Mary E., wid David B., h 271 Verbeke James Charles H., lunch bartender, 441 l\farket, h 133 Cranberry james Elizabeth M., cigar packer, h 221 Meadow la ames HI" phdysician ~~8 ~[ ;~dd' h J ames sEugehnAe ., aun ress, h, 2:..1 ~\ ea ow dlo ara a James William, laborer, h 1603 Apricot av James William c., warehouseman P. & R., h 356 Crescent James William T., physician, 1900 N 6th, h do Jameson Adalina E., housekeeper, 12611 State Jameson Ger~l'ude, wid Rush E ., h 21 S 4th Jamison A. Eugene. electrician, h l:n3 Wallace Jamison Benjamin H., painter, h 941 N 7th Jamison Charles S., matcher, h 1213 N" flth Jamison Chestian D., laborer, h 1:n!l Wallace Jamison Daisy E. Mrs., h 1212 Cowden Jamison Jennie, h 1213 N 6th



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No. 1230 ARCH STREET. PHIl.A .. P'\


CURl'S =~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store {

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.








Jamison Kate 1Irs., milliner, 1:!13 N 6th, h do Jamison \V. Grant, engineer, h 614 Granite av Jarrett \Vm. B., telegrapher, 401 Chestnut, h 442 Walnut Jauss Anna c., wid Christian E., h 1113 N 6th Jauss Christian E., physician, 1:123 N 6th, h do Jauss David F., stoves and tinware, :W2 S 2d, h do Jauss David F., jr., driver, h 202 S 2d Jauss D. Luther, (D. L. Jauss & Co.), h 310 Chestnut lAUSS D. L. &; CO., coal and wood, 701 Race lAUSS EDWARD E., stenographer Dept Public Grounds anel Buildings, Capitol, h 633 Boas Jauss Harold R., stengr Soldiers' Orphan Com'r,h202 S 2d Jauss Lizzie F., teacher, h 2U2 S 2d Jauss William L., tinner, h 200 S 2d Jay William, h 211 Cumberland Jean Stanley G., elk, h 14211 State Jefferies Charles, hostier, h 231 Blackberry av Jefferies Charles A., mill hand, h 5;11 Race Jefferies Elizabeth A., wid Joseph c., h 529 Race Jefferies Fyanna, wid James 1\1., h 419 Cumberland Jefleries 1\Iyra D., student, h 419 Cumberland Jefferis Ellen L., h 2119 S 2d Jefferis Mary E . h 209 S 2d Jefferis \Villiam L., trav salesman, h 936 N 2d Jefferis \Villiam M., inspector gas works, h 209 S 2d

f!nnrOlltJ ..,,..,", 1"fltlll IIUU 0Ilt1 Trust 11ft OF ICIIAITOI, Ji ..-11111.... II CIa"'cl, fl Beal ERate Bid". iii W. PE.IA. Rear of Pol,





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- Read the PATRIOT}


Jefferis W. Murray, brakeman, h 1981 N.7th Jeffers Jas. c., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h The Commonwealth Jefferson Frank L., elk recorder, C. H., h Steelton Jeffries Arthur E., elk, h 519 Woodbine Jeffries Christopher, heater, h 504 Woodbine Jeffries Clarence, doubler, h 522 Forrest Jeffries George E., doubler. h 520 Forrest Jeffries Isaac, heater, h 519 Woodbine Jelley William E., salesman, h 22 S 4th Jenkins Albert, timekeeper, h 1701 Penn Jenkins Alfred, stenographer, 16 ~ 2d. h 125 Evergreen Jenkins Annie. kindergarten. h :!14 Harris Jenkins Edward L., elk Banking Dept, h 1701 Penn Jenkins Harry c., elk, h :!14 Harris Jenkins H. Stanley. civil engineer P. R. R., h 214 HarrisJenkins Jane M., stenographer. 2 S 2d, h 1701 Penn Jenkins J. Edward, sexton. h 1126 Herr Jenkins John, laborer. h 712 K 7th Jenkins John, waiter, h 519 Brown av Jenkins John W., laborer, h 9th ab Reily Jenkins Jonathan, mgr, h 919 N 6th Jenkins Lewis D., roller. h 125 Evergreen Jenkins Mabel, milliner. 6 S 2d, h 125 Evergreen Jenkins .Maggie, housekeeper, 1231 X 11} Jenkins lHary L., domestic, 712 N 7th


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 371
Jenkins Robert D., elk P. R. R., h 214 Harris Jenkins Samuel R., tinner, h 1917 IVloltke av Jenkins Thomas M., collector, h 1601 N 3d Jenkins Walter, laborer, h 9th ab Reily Jenkins William A., policeman, h 1012 Fox av Jenks Jonathan, supt, h 111 N 4th Jennings Elizabeth, domestic, 1416 N 2d Jennings Emma J., wid William W., h 223 State Jennings George W., laborer, h 7ll North av Jennings Harry E., engineer, h 638 Boas Jennings John, showman, h 1720 Logan av Jennings John c., (Jennings Mfg Co.), h 1426 N 2d Jennings Mfg Co., (John C. Jennings), shirt mfrs, 414-416 State . Jennings William, pres Hbg Steam Heat and Power Co., sec and treas Jackson Mfg Co., h 232 State Jensen Jens c., butler, h 917 N 2d -0 Jerauld Adeline W., wid Alfred, h ;J~l Evergreen :z Jerauld Arthur K., motorman, h 107 Linden _F= Jerauld Dwight, P., (Jerauld & Co., Ltsl.), h 33 Evergreen 1EBAULD & CO., LTD., booti, shoes, &c., 310 Ma.rket Jobe Ivan, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Johannes William, laborer, h 1116 S Cameron Johns Calvin B., carpenter, h 1812 North Johns Dora, h 28 S 4th
- - - - - - - - - ' ----=-------_. - - -

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SaYings and Loan Assn. {:::..~

Johns Eli A., laborer Capitol, h 1104 N 6th Johns Franklin H., policeman, h 1319 Bartine a'I Johns Harry W., bedmkr, h 263 Briggs Johns Paul F., pressman, h 1319 Bartine av Johnson Albert, laborer, h 1241 N Hi Johnson Albert c., hod carrier, h 11-110 Logan av Johnson Andrew, carpenter, h 327 Granite av Johnson Andrew, fireman, h 1069 S 9th Johnson Anna, stenographer Lunatic State Hospital, h do Johnson Benjamin F., helper, h 345 S Cameron Johnson Bessie E., 11 14::!9 Regina Johllson c., laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do Johnson Carrie, wid Peter D., h 1712 Market Johnson Catharine Mrs'., housekeeper, 401 Verbeke Johnson Ch~rles, laborer, h 1406 Marion .JOHNSON CHARLES, resident clerk House of Representatives, 215 Walnut, h The Lochiel J ohl1son Charles, waiter, h 414 South Johnson Charles A., conductor, h 617 Cumberland Johnson Charles c., huckster, h 509 Reily Johnson Charles E., laborer, h 227 N River av Johnson Charles G., supervisor Lunatic Hospital. h do Johnson Charles H., barber, 142:i! Derry, h 921 S 21st Johnson Charles H., laborer, h 503 S6uth Johnson Charles L., carpenter, h 707 State

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H. M. KELLEY & CO. }OIl~Ces, :OI~~~.::r;:!:}COAL AND WOOD

~ JOkl:;l (narkl1 janitor, Filber .... Julml1uE Chark:; laborer, HH1 RudE .". Johnson Oement B., elk Hotel Columbus; h 913 N 2d ~ Johnson Cora, h 705 South Johnson Cora A., h 1609i N 3d



Boyd's lIanisburg City



~ i~:::::~~:~ g~~!~J
Johnson Johnson Johnson JOhn:;OlI Jolm:;oll Jolm:;oE Johnson

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Edith E., warper, h ]581 Wallace Edward, laborer, h 723 State Eleanor, nurse, It 508 S 13th Eliza, John, h Im Ellen Homestil' N Fronk Elmer hllokkpr, Derry, E. Olive, weaver, h 1523 Wallace



l&J .Tohnllllln Frank N a: Jllhmukl George, cigarmkr, h 2:13 S 2d l:!th Frank h 52# Johnson Z Jehmon George. hod carritr. h 1124 Herr o Johnson George Q.. h 61] . Z J:=:::::::I21 g~~tn!~ W:l!~\r~f ;~::l~v~~~~eh m Tanner s a: ---PRICEE ERUDDISE 3d St. l&J G KGA 213 > Johnson Herhcrt, laborer, hh40!) Cranberry av Johnson Howard, waiter, 5th
~ol1(l~ctor,. ~Iac\ay ~

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Jchnz,on JObll,on Johnson Johnson Johnson JOhnsen J Ohill-Oll JolmllilTl JOhnson Johnson ~ Johnson .... JOhklSC i1 JOlmlllHl Johnson J Olml,lm :IE Johnson C) Johnson Johnson

Ida B._ h _iberty Ira M __ hlnkklman. h Boyd av Isaac, laborer. h 109 av Jacob, h ti54 Sayford av James c., foreman P. R. R., h fili Boas James hhorer. h X l:!th James ccmstable _ l;!~'l N James l-laiter, h N Ui James helper. h "/ Boas Jennie. domestic, un S Front John, fireman, h m:l Kelker John, h 114 Liherty John, , h 4111 John, h 1~42 J Ohl1 _., conductor, ~I llench John E., laborer, h :{i Lochiel!th Row John H., lahorer, h :!8H Liherty John H __ laborer. h 42~ South

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\ 1 JOhU.".l)l] ,Tulia I._. ~Iathew h Hill, Johnson Julius, hostler, h 11(12 Cowden J ohmon Landis. driver, h l:l:n Bartine av


DEW RRRi'hi'OND ~i'

1. B. TACK}Wall Papar and Window Shadas{~::'i:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Johnson Lavina F. Mrs., h 932 Penn Johnson Levi M., laborer, h 40a Kelker . Johnson Lewis, scullion The Bolton Johnson Lewis C, blacksmith, 130a N 4th, h 432 Reily Johnson Lillie, dressmkr, h 1200 N ad Johnson Lillie, wid Samuel, h liOn Elm Johnson Lloyd, laborer, h 515 Adams av "TI Johnson Margaret, charwoman, h 1417 :\1arion PI Johnson Martin, waiter, h 614 Church av Johnson Mary B. :'.irs., dressmkr, 12410 N ild, h do Johnson Mary E., domestic, 4~ South .JOHNSON :MAX P., Harrisburg Bottling Works, 26 Grace av, 51 - h 320 S 14th . Johnson Minnie B. l\Irs . dressmkr, 161~ N 4th, h do Johnson Nelson M., elk, n:l K :?d, h l:1.1l'! SUs(lu~hanna Johnson Oliver, lahorer, h 55~ SlOth Johnson Oscar G., boilermkr, h 1414 X I)th Johnson Peter, laborer, h 114 Lihert\Johnson Richard E., lahorer, h In~' Cumherland Johnson Robert H., druggist, h 122,1 Market Johnson Samuel, laborer. h 1:110 X 111 Johnson Samuel E., upholsterer, 1:1.1::! 1110111pson av, h do Johnson Samuel R., machinist, h 617 Boas Johnson Sarah, wid John, h 1246 N Cameron


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Johnson Selina, wid William, hIll Tanner's av Johnson Selina, wid William, h 121H) Apple av Johnson Seth B., laborer, h 1H(l7 Elizabeth av Johnson Solomon, laborer, h 412 S Cameron Johnson Stewart M., canvasser, h 1429 Regina Johnson Stewart :'.1., huckster, h ;?HlI) N 6th Johnson Thomas, waiter, h HI{I:? Cowden Johnson Vallie, domestic, h ;?;~5 Boas Johnson Walter J., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 309 Cumberland Johnson \Varren K., postal elk, h lII!I S 2d Johnson William, waiter, h r ~24 Paxton Johnson William H., brakeman, h Say ford av nr 7th Johnson William H., car inspector, h :~"9 Cumberland Johnson William H., hostier, h 5118 S lath Johnson William H., porter, h 614 Church av Johnson \ViIliam L., motorman, h 1:~.n Bartine av Johnson William T., boilcrmkr, h :?n~ Calder Johnson Wilmer, draftsman Dept lilt Affair!', h 820 N 6th Johnston Anna :\1., h 1~{)7 N :?d Johnston Dessie, domestic, 4117 ~ Front Johnston Edith, elk, Hi' K :M, h 117 Calder Johnston Edwin F., postal elk, h 12:18 Derry Johnston Frances, charwoman, h 11~ Liberty Johnston Frederick, bookbinder, ::W1 N 2d, h 207 do Johnston George F., bookbinder, :t~u Market, h 117 Calder




1.1111'. COlllPlallon Pills :,1jI:iJc:nd~~--=:tJ~~ 306 Droad

374 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Johnston Harvester Co., M. H. Whittaker, mgr, 214 ;; Locust __ Johnston Katharine M., wid Florian, h Verbeke c Capital Ii Johnston Louisa, forelady, 500 Race, h 112 Vine ::._ Johnston Marie, wid Daniel R., h 112 Vine Johnston Norbert H., drug elk, 16 N 3d, h 1224 Market c$ Johnston Paul, (Johnston & Co.), h 1721 N 2d Johnston Rachel J., h 1807 N td Iii Johnston Robert A., (Johnston & Co.), h Germantown c:a Johnston Stephen G., solicitor, h 1249 Market w Johnston Thos. H., rubber stamps, 418 N 3d, h 117 Calder cw:t Johnston Thomas 0., chief elk The Commonwealth, h do B Johnston Walter, elk, 11:~ N 2d, h 1338 Susquehanna E Johnston Wilbert, laboter, h 1215 Cameron i!5 Johnston William B., blacksmith, h 502 Cumberland . . Johnston William H., elk Ins Dept, 716 State, h 71111 N 3d : . Johnston Zachariah -Rev., h 428 South Johnston & Co., (R. A. and Paul Johnston and W. M. fI) Donaldson), wholesale paper and printers' supplies, 113 and 115 N 2d Jones Albert A., laborer, h 1415 Fulton Jones Alexander, laborer, h 812 James av ~ Jones Allen, laborer, h 27 Lochiel 3d Row Jones Anna B., domestic, 13 N Front Jones Annie, domestic, 512 West av

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Jones Annie Mrs., h 16 Haehnlen av Jones Annie C, wid Josiah, boarding, 607 Boas, h do Jones Annie E., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 621 Boas Jones Annie J., h :W.I Reily Jones Belle, domestic, !!3fj N Court av Jones Bertha :.'.1., saleslady, 334 Market, h 259 Sassafras av J ones Bertrand B., asst supt, 14 S 2d, h 422 Market Jones Burton A., chemist, h 618 Muench Jones Carrie A., saleslady, 334 Market, h 5ao Peffer Jones Carrie B., housekeeper, 424 Herr Jones Catharine Mrs., h 1182 S Cameron Jones C. Edward, molder, h 7 SlOth Jones Charles B., conductor, h 530 Peffer Jones Charles E., flagman, h 413 Reily Jones Charles F., laborer, h 2012 N 6th Jones Charles T., laborer, h 1:3:111 Fulton Jones Clifton, cook, h 14 S Court av Jones C Maude, stenographer Banking Dept, 716 State, h 1102 N 3d ~ Jones Crawford, laborer. h 715 Ash av Jones Daniel, engineer, h Park Hotel Jones David :.'.1., tit1\\'orker, h :iIS Emerald Jones Edward, molder, h 7 Sloth Jones Ella, domestic, 21414 Derry Jones Ellen, tailoress, :ns :\larket, h 612 N 2d Jones Edwin S., shearsman, h 621 Camp

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Paga GI\'ES FU~~.::;ED'lA!-L SCOBES




8 TACK} FreecolDck e s aBulldJDp luo f - 1 E.Ii.IJt 111_ -Ma SpecialtY J UIl8N.8cIS&. PubUc PlaID TlDta
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 375 Elmer, laborer, h 1512 Vernon Emma Mrs., h 109 South Emma, elk, 5 N 2d, h 621 Boas Emma E., wid Collin, h 1235 N 1l~ . Ephraim N., engineer, h 504 Calder Ethel C., bookkpr, h 263 Briggs Fannie, domestic, 1727 N 2d Florence, cigarmkr, h 333 S 15th Frederick H., messenger, h 434 South George, laborer, h 123 N 16th George, laborer, h r 115 Tanner's av George A., laborer, h 1915 Fulton George H., hostler, h 12 Cowden George K., driver, h 618 Muench George R., laborer, h 1603 Elm George "V., h 1128 N 6th Hannah Mrs., music teacher, h 134 Tanner's av Harriet, domestic, 812 James av Harrison, laborer, h 1245 N 11} Harry c., pianist, h 21 S 4th Harry D., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 358 S 13th Henrietta, wid Oscar, h 128 Indian av Henry, wood turner, h 621 Boas Hiram D., 'painter, h 1209 Mulberry Howard E., molder, h 1942 Kensington

Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones

= =~

J'ONES ROWAlU) W., supt St. Lawrence Life Auociation, 21 N 3d, h 439 Walnut Jones Isabel L., asst cataloguer State Library, h 1110 James av Jones James F., bar elk, 727 State, h do Jones James McC., boarding, '2118 Moore, h do Jones Jennie, stitcher, h 1233 Fulton Jones Jennie, wid Peter, h 432 South av Jones Jesse, laborer, h 27 Lochie1 3d Row Jones Jessie H., h 1024 Market Jones J. Miley, teller First National Bank, h 214 N 3d Jones John, laborer, h 421 State . Jones John F., laborer, h 315 Nectarine Jones John G., laborer, h 509 South av Jones John 1., brakeman, h r 1737 N 7th Jones John K., h 21 S 4th Jones John L., laborer, h 13 Lochiel 2d Row Jones John M., h 1622 Elm Jones John P., draftsman Dept Int.Affairs, h 214 N 3d Jones John W., laborer, h 3:~2 Muench Jones John W., molder, h 408 S 19th Jones John W., puddler. h 1022 Fox av Jones John W. Rev., h 1125 N Hi Jones Joseph R., supervisor signals P. R. R., h 1840 State Jones J oshtta W., h 214 N 3d

.rt.:rJ.~t1lJ:r }Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~::= ;t -------


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H M KELLEY &. CO {I North ad "treel. 10lh and State



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Jones Julia A., wid Lemon W., h 2029 N 5th Jones Kate, laundress, h 11~2 S Cameron Jones Leonard, h 1252 Swatara Jones Lewis, laborer, h 408 N 5th Jones Livingstone W., telegrapher P. R. R., h 501 Cumberland Jones Lizzie 1\1., wid George, h 512 South av Jones Lorenzo, driver, h 4:t! South av Jones Lucius, porter, h 406 N 5th Jones Madison, waiter, h r 104 Short Jones Maggie, domestic, 1246 Market Jones Marcus, laborer, h 1418 Wyeth av Jones Margaret 11rs., domestic, 5W ).Jorth av Jones Margaret E .. shoe operator, il 1942 Kensington Jones Maria, wid Henry E., h 812 James av Jones Marshall, laborer. h 16111 Apricot av Jones Martha 1\lrs . cook Comwlth, h 512 West av Jones Mary, wid Jeremiah, h 315 Kectarine Jones Mary, wid Joseph, h 436 South av Jones 1\Iary, wid Laurence S . h 2()!) Walnut Jones l\'[ary A. 1\1rs., domestic, 17 S Front Jones 1\lary E. l\Irs., h aU Primrose av Jones Mary J., wid Peter, h 4:l2 South av Jones Mary R. 1'.lrs., housekeeper, 1101 S 9th Jones Maud, stenographer, h 1102 ~ 3d

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Jones 1\lollie, laundress, h 515 South Jones Morris R., messenger P. R. R., h 4il4 Muench Jones :\rortimore, porter Hotel Russ, h 1610 Walnut Jones Nora, domestic, 812 James av Jones Norman M., brakeman, h 514 Maclay Jones Percy W., caller P. R. R., h 421 Kelker Jones Richard A., conductor, h 17:12 N 4th Jones Robert, laborer,"h :W) Reily Jones Robert R., electrical engineer, 8 S 2d, h 26 S 3d Jones Robert W., c1k, h 20211 N 5th l&I Jones Russel, laborer, h 12:l N 16th Jones Samuel, porter P. R. R., h 425 South av Jones Samuel E., laborer; h 1407 N 4th Jones Samuel J., janitor, 401 Chestnut, h 202 Mary's av Jones Samuel M., conductor, h 39 ~. Summit ~. Jones Thomas, waiter, h :no North av i: Jones Thomas I., fireman, h 21106 ).J 4th JONES THOMAS 11'., political reporter Telegraph, h 823 N 2d fa Jones Thomas :\1., salesman, l:mO N :~d. h 1024 Market ;;; Jones Thomas W., catcher, h 1:l24 S 13th Jones Walter W., asst wire chid, 227 Walnut, h 20n do g, JONES WELLINGTON G., reporter Telegraph, h 504 Calder ~ Tones William, h 214 N ~ld )ones "Villiam, wood turner, h t):!l Boas ti:i Jones "William C, molder, h l-11!1 Penn

~~":!u-::~ ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and Reily StL

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I. B. TleK } FI:"~o~!lTTN:W,,A:-..~c~,,~ry~R {1216 lonn lblnl

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 377
Jones William E., asst supt, 15 N 2d, h 1410 Zarker Jones William H., laborer, h ~145 N 4th Jones William H., laborer, h 1942 Kensington Jones William H., h 434 South Jones William H., physician, 402 State, h do Jones William H., elevatorman Capitol, h 702 East Jones William M., molder, h 1419 Penn Jones William T., printer, h 10"24 Market Joppey Robert, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Jordan Edward J., clk, 1!J N :Jd, h 129 Cranberry av Jordan Harry c., boltcutter, h 931 N 6th Jordan Richard, laborer, h 4:l Lochiel 4th Row Jordan Robert, laborer, h 43 Lochiel 4th Row Jordan Stephen, steam fitter, h 129 Cranberry av Jordan Thomas B. L., asst med exam'r P. R. R., 413 Market, h Maple Grove Hotel Josephson Ellen, domestic, 1109 Green Journey Edna I., bookkpr, 426 Market, h 1162 Mulberry Jourr.e)l William, loom fixer, h 1162 ~lulberry Joursock Juro, laborer, h 3 Paxton Furnace Row Joyce David ]., asst foreman, h 1415 N 3d Joyce William H., ins sol, 227 Walnut, h 19 N 15th Julius Curtis, machinist, h 12M N {jth Julius Forrest E., laborer, h 426 Hamilton Julius George H., painter, h 25 Balm



Julius Jacob T., foreman, h 42().i Reily. Julius John, fruit, h 92:3 Capital Julius M. Elizabeth, stenographer, 627 Walnut, h 25 Balm Julius O. Lincoln, elk P. R. R frt depot, h 648 Boas Julius Peter, fruit, h 9::m Capital Jung Hing, laundry, 618 N 3d, h do Jupee Ellen E., wid Joseph, h 1428 Marion Jupee Mary E., dressmkr, h 1428 Marion Juricks Caroline c., charwoman, h 167 Indian av Jury Hiram, conductor, h 1407 Currant av

Kable Levi B., brakeman, h 1620 N 4th Kades Samuel, (Miller, Kades & Co.), h 24 S 4th Kahle William A., laborer, h :!002 State Kahn Joseph, clothier, 304 Market, h ~03 N 2d Kaile Harry E., laborer, h l~:m Swatara Kain Catharine E., housekeeper, 11:111 S Cameron Kain James ~L, machinist. h Hil{j N ~th Kain :Martin P., blacksmith, h 11;:0 S Cameron Kain Nora, housekeeper, 11:~0 S Cameron Kain William M., madlinist, h ll!t! S Cameron Kain, see Kane, also Cain Kaiser Annie c., wid Dominicus. h 530 Filbert Kaiser Edward c., brakeman, h (i46 Calder







.cNeU.PalDEDeftmaacorC!Ul'l!8C11111e1aJl...... n,-terJ.eraa.... Dlarrbma, 'ColcU. QulDl1. RheUlllAdlm. ~ lin 'l'laroU, Aa'ue. D78PepIIa. lID. _ .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Direc1tory.

Kaiser Frederick W., laborer, h 1701 N 7th Kaiser John H., engineer, h 1062 S 9th Kaiser John W., stamper, h 1()62 S 9th Kaiser Missouri, h 1124 S 9th Kaiser Sarah, charwoman, h 1124 S 9th Kaiser Sarah, winder, h 11162 S 9th Kaiser Susan, domestic, 219 Pine Kaiser William, puller, h 1(162 S 9th ~ Kaiser, see Keiser, also Keyser ~ Kalbfus Joseph, dentist. 818 :t\ 6th, h do Kale Anna, domestic, 280 Briggs Kalma Freda. domestic, 124 Linden Kamarer Joshua c., postal elk, h 449 S 13th Kambeitz Lee A., confectioner, 124 Linden, h do : !liE Kamerer Andrew, contractor, N 9th nr Markt't, 11 '7 _ N 13th Kammerer George H., barber, 1n2 N !M, h 236 1I.Iuench . . Kammerer John A., machinist, h 2!-l6 Muench !! Kammerer Pedro J., printer, 20 N 2<1, h 2.16 Muenoo Kammerer, see Kemerer Kane Bridget, wid Dennis, h 1311 S 12th Kane Bridget !\L, wid Flan, h 3.14 Hummel ILl Kane Dennis, fireman, h 1225 Mulberry .J Kane Edward J., laborer, h 1311 S 12th C Kane Kate, domestic The Commonwealth

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&aJ TJl I!MrnnIJ ODd T"101 Pn " ...... J ...., ...... E...... l Real ...... BI.... UUWUII I UO IIV. .... 1 II III ...... If '1.1 r Rear of Pan Oftlc~

Kane Lawrenct' H., laborer, h 44 Linden Kane Maggie. domestic, 319 N Fr0nt Kane Michael W., laborer, h lall S 12th Kane Patrick, laborer, h 44 Linden Kane Sarah, milliner, a:~4 Market, h 438 Boas Kane \Villiam P., laborer, h 44 Linden Kane, see Cain, also Kain KAliN FRANK B., osteopathic physician, 315 N 2d, h do Kann William S., telegrapher, h 16118 N 4th Kantner \\layne. laborer, h 612 Verbeke Kantor Bessie P., cashier, 36 K 3d, h 1316 N 4th Kantor Mary Mrs., h 1316 K 4th Kaplovitz Heiman, laborer, h 506 N Cameron Kapp Arthur, car repairer. h 12184 Derry Kapp Lewis W . laborer, h 919 S mh KAPPHAN CHARLES L., hotel, 324 Verbeke, h do Kapphan Dorothy, wid Louis, h :J27 Sayfonl ,1V Kapphan Dorothy E., saleslady. 1:~l ~lkt, h .124 Verbeke Kapphan Louis V., h 324 Verbeke Karle Caroline H., wid Augustus, h :n~ Kelker Karle Henry A., elk. 416 Verheke, h :ns Kl,lh'r Karmany A"rma E., asst bookkpr \\". O. Hickok Mfg Co., h 2:U North Karmany Florence, shirtmkr, 11 2:n Xorth Karmany Kate Mrs .. h 2:H ~orth

The PATRIOT}A Nlls.paper for the


EmpJO)'l 00& ~ worlrma. A B TACK} daII tIJIrinoneIDa_it. Work cIoDe III beDc!e 0B1~ { K.1.1. aud JIU1 01 14 IlL

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Karns Bertha, domestic, 409 N 2d Karns Daniel Z., machinist, h U:H Crescent Karns Lavina, wid Augustus, h :l!3i Cresc\~nt Karper Charles A., laborer, h 2:-: N LOth Karper Nellie M., teacher, h I~J9 Swatara Karper Roy S., machinist, h 1:!HI Swatara Karper Samuel B., planer, h 1:!1H Swatara Karper Susan ~L, teacher, h :!OS S l:~th Karpf Harry, laborer, h 516 Cowden Karstetter Thomas F., brakeman, h 14:~2 N 6th Kase Jay H., postal elk, h 15 N 17th Kassen George W., laborer, 11 w:t! Herr Kassen John R., brickmkr, h 923 Rose av Kassen 1fary E . wid James, n !I:!!l Rose av Kassmer Anna 1\1., wid Bernhard J., h 1442 Zarker Kassmer John F., brakeman, h 1442 Zarker Kast Luther F., carpenter, l~n Susquehanna, h do XAST )fU.J.ER I., architect, 204 ltarket, h 241 North Kating Mary J. Mrs., h r 121 ~ Cameron Katz Ann Mrs., (J. G. Katz & Co.), h 512 ~orth Katz George, mgr, 317 Chestnut, h 28 S 3d Katz Hattie L., sec to editor Patriot. h 411! Walnut Katz Hayman, mgr, 600 Market, h 512 North Katz Henrv, elk, 422 Market, h 231 Boas Katz Jacob, peddler, h 111 S Dewberry av


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~':*-=-i.~Harrlsburg SaYings and Loan Alsn.{::::= ~

Katz Jacob W., grocer, 1101 Herr, h do ,. Katz J. G. & Co., (J. G. and ~frs. A.), notions, 600 Walnut Katz Joseph D., shoemkr, 1541 N 6th, h una Wood av C Katz Joseph G., (J. G. Katz & Co.), h 512 Filbert Katz Justine E., tailoress, h Hna Wood ;tv . Katz Meyer, notions, 510 Market, h 7 N r;th Katz Sabina, saleslady, 334 Market, h 111 S Dewberry av N Katz Sarah, saleslady, 334 Market, h 111 S Dewberry av , . Katzen Samuel G., clothier, 1316 N 3d, h 503 Cowderi Katzman Adolph, clothier, 516 Walnut, grocer, 630 Boas, .



Katzman David, clk, 1200 N Cameron, h do Katzman l\:[oses, grocer, 1200 N Cameron, h do Katzman Samuel, (Katzman & Yaffe). h l:!OO N Cameron Katzman & Yaffe, (Samuel Katzman and Harry Yaffe), varieties, 502 Market Kauffman Anna M., dressmkr, h 341 Reily Kauffman Charles E., brakeman, h 506 Camp' Kauffman Daniel B., stone mason, h 341 Reily Kauffman David A, foreman P. R. R. depot, h 2011 N 5th Kauffman Edward L., fireman, h 5-12 Forrest Kauffman Elizabeth. wid Isaac, h 232 N 3d Kauffman Elmer, laborer, h Harris nr 6th Kauffman Emanuel H., painter. h 1917 Briggs Kauffman F., laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do

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Kauffm;m Kauffm;m Kauffman Kauffman Kauffman Kallffmnn Kaufimnn ~ , Kauffn;;;;; ~ Kauffman c...: Kauffman Kauffman Kauffm;m Kauffm;;;; Kaitlfm;;n Kauffman Kauffman Kauffman Kauffmnn ~ Kauffman z: Kauffman ~ Kauffman Kauffmnn

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

;;nnie R, h }t;'ily (;rest A., . R. R., Camp Forrest A., o;'lghmastc" T'10 N 1;;;1; Frank, laborer, h :!1I1l N 7th Frank E., flagman, h 11IH N ad Frank D., conductor, h E04 ~ Gth Harry 1\1" cnlkctor, h blbcrt lavey, h 640 Jacob, painter, h l.n:~ Zarker Jacob it, fireman, h :!:3ij Sayford av Jacob C, conductor, h 15114 N 6th 1;; mes A. h 17ili 5 ulton \;mes B., HIHS h 1 h;mes B., , h U!fBl; Susquehann;, James H., engineer, h 6:31 Harris J. Elmer, fireman, h 611 Harris John, h 15fi Linden
kIm R., , h 16:lg g;h Joseph C, laborer, h H):~2 N 4th Lillian. wid Adam, h 1810 N 5th May Mrs .. h 182:{ N uth llton VI/" tOman, h


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Kauffman Paul D., cashier, :t.!'j Strawberry av, h 202 Locust Kauffman Sallie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kauffm;;;; Tl;eorus, h 611 . Kauffm;;n I;TlIIiam J Kauffn;;;;; 1;Villiam engines;, t;IHi Camp Kauffman, see Cauffman, also Coffman, also Kaufman :c Kaufhold Charles, laborer, h nIH Cowden ~ Kaufhold Emil \V., linotype opr Pol; h 1711 R;:vina Kaufhold ;;gdalena h !H8mvdan Kaufhold ;;rgaret, h Cowden Kaufhold Peter, molder, h :n 7 Clinton Kaufman Carrie \'., retoucher, 16 N 3d, h 1229 Derry Kaufman Charles C, driller, h 1223 Swatara Kaufm;;;; C\;;rence F :ntist, 26th Dvrry, h do Kaufmvn H., New en;; b;;;;\and Kaufm:m treav Co., I ni' 6'''1) N ';eI Kaufm~~ David L.,- ('KaUfman & Lesh), lawyer 321 Market, h Highspire K"ufman Edgar 11., ciVarmkr, h 16119 N 5th Kaufman Elizabeth, ' John F., c Derry Kaufman G;'orge C, d;;;;1rician, Green Kaufman george W., Ii004 Gre;;;; Kaufman Harry, news agt P. R. R. depot, h 232 N 15th

RadmoDll's-Wagon- Works {::ll~'!:p~~::: 3d and Rail, Sis.

ligitized byl


A. B. TACK ~~:no~ lOll PUDer OIId 11111101 SbOdes P:ll\~a~l!

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 381
Kaufman Isabella H., wid George W., h 1229 Derry Kaufman Joseph L., salesman, 213 Walnut, h New Cumberland . 'Kaufman Levi, grocer, 330 Reily, h do I:; Kaufman & Lesh, (David L. Kaufman and Daniel Lesh), ~ spirit level mfrs, 321 Market ~ Kautz Charles M., stamper, h 515 Race Kautz Christian L., helper, h 502 Reily c Kautz Frank j., driver, h 424 Hamilton Kautz George H., machinist, h 1312 N 6th Kautz George W., supervisor 2d dist, h 327 Reily Kautz James B., detective, h 515 Race Kautz James B., jr., elk P. R R frt depot, h 432 Hamilton Kautz J. Frank, trucker, h 5th ab Seneca Kautz John A., engineer, h 515 Race Kautz Laura E., wid Charles, h 1126 Cowden Kautz Robert E., laborer, h 409 Kelker Kautz Robert F., machinist, h 1:120 Penn Kautz Ross, tailor, h 1:l20 Penn Kautz Samuel H., solicitor Patriot, h 1214 N 2d Kautz Sarah A., wid Christian, h 409 Kelker Kautz S. Herman, repairsman, h 1116 Plum av Kautz Susan 5., wid Jacob, h 5th ab Seneca Kautz William H., elk, 27 N 3d, h 2,13 North Kautz William 5., engineer, h !l21 Sarah av

MILLER BROS.l - - - - - - - BAKER{ "~~b=~:'~~& 5i' s:

Kawel John H., shoemkr, 2291 Verbeke, h do Kawel Mary E. Mrs., h 37 Sassafras av ~ Kay Louis W., liquors, 600 State, h 1402 do F Kay Margaret, wid George, h 1320 Kittatinny Kay Mary c., buyer, 3:l4 Market, h l:~:W Kittatinny Kaylor Clayton B., bridge builder, h 332 S 16th Kaylor Daniel W., carpenter, h 332 S 16th Kaylor Harvey H., mgr, 1201 N 3d, h do Kaylor Henry, carpenter, h 905 S 201 Kaylor William E., bridge builder, II 332 S Hith Keagle Edward, h 222 N 10th Keagle Gertrude, asst forelady, h 425 Peffer Keagle H. Edward, warehouseman P. & R, h 218 N 10th ;:. Keagle John E., conductor, h 425 Peffer Keagle John W., tinworker, h 425 Peffer Keagle Ross E., molder, h 425 Peffer Keagle Thomas L., driver, h 222 N 10th Keagle William L., elk, 315 Market, h 222 N 10th Keane Dennis, engineer, h 516 Maclay Keane James, engineer, h 22!12 N 6th Keane John, engineer, h 628 Harris Keane Michael A., saloon, 167 Paxton, h do Keane Nora A., domestic, 167 Paxton Keane Patrick, fireman, h 167 Paxton Keane William A., fireman, h 514 Maclay Keane, see Keene





McNeil's Pain Exterminator ~ii~:haa;e =~r:nllb~" {808"'Jr~~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

.:: Kearney Catharine, wid Lawrence, h 9 Grace av Kearney George \V., laborer, h 9 Grace av Kearns Jos. E., watchman Capitol, h 1112 Montgomery ~ Kearns Rhoda, attendant Ltinatic Hospital, h do . : Keath Bertha F., dressmkr, h 1266 State E Keath John H., carpenter, 422 State, h 1266 do .$ Keath John H., painter, h 15:39 Fulton _ Keath, see Keith .!! Keck Mary, domestic, 412 ~ 3d Keckler Fleming G., laborer, h 1060 S 9th Keech Howard E., machinist, h 1614 N 4th Keech William G., conductor, h 946 N 7th B Keefauver John W., plasterer, h 27 ~ 10th Keefe Annie J., dressmkr, h 228 S 2d Keefe Margaret c., buyer, 334 Market, h 228 S 2d : Keefe :Mary ]., h 228 S 2d Keefe Rose E., buyer, 3::l4 ~Iarket, h 228 S 2d -..- Keefer Angeline, h 1631 N Front U) Keefer Caroline R., h Hi.'n ~ Front Keefer Charles, mattressmkr, h State nr 19th Keefer Charles S., policeman, h 1312 Vernon I- Keefer Elizabeth, wid Heilman H., h 338 S 17th Elmer A., salesman, 322 :\Iarket, h O Keefer Grace J., elk, 171 S Summit, h 1212Hanover Keefer Market c::[ Keefer Harvey, paperhanger, h 47 N Cameron


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Keefer John B., U. S. A., h 1631 N Front Keefer l\laggie, dressmkr, h 1217 Currant av Keefer Mary, wid Robert A., h 643 Dauphin Keefer Xora, bonnetmkr, h 643 Dauphin Keefer Samuel S., driver, h 11)29 Boas Keefer William, watchman, h State nr 19th Keel Charles. laborer, h 1327 Jame;; Keel Clyde, draftsman, h 1817 N 7th Keel Grace P., housekeeper, 1418 .N 7th Keel Irvin c., stock fitter, h 1418 N 7th Keel Jacob E., brakeman, h 1418 N 7th Keel John, puddler, h 313 Briggs Keel John c., draftsman F. and M. Works, h 1817 N 7th Keel Joseph W .. trackman. h 1817 N 7th KEELEY INSTITUTE (THE), C. W. Rank, mgrj 1, X. Raunick, resident physician, 4th c North see adv

;: THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 41:h 81:., Cor. Nor1:h,



BOX 594.




DrinK and Drug Addictions.


If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don't Gat the Google
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~~~=IOIlfooorond'lndOlshodeslromA. B. TACK{N.1
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Keely Charles c., conductor, h 21:~G Moore Keen Theophilis J., car repairer, h !W6 Chestnut Keenan Jane M., wid Francis, h :l:!CJ State Keene C. Edwin L., physician, 1849 Berryhill, h do Keene George W., photographer, 81:1 ~ ad, :1 do Keene, see Keane . Keenen Elmira E., wid James, h lall X Ca meron Keener Charles, machinist, h 1:l::i:l Mulberry Keener Elijah, blacksmith, h 107 Mulberry Keener Ellwood F., tobacconist. 2:>41 N lith, i1 do Keener Mary J., domestic, 507 Reily Keener Viola P., h 114 Mulberry Keener William, mailer Patriot, h 1253 l\lulberry Keener William H., cigarmkr, h 414 Clinton av Keener William H., painter, h 1253 Mulberry Keener \\1"111. H., jr., stereotyper Patriot, h 1253 Mulberry KEENEY IL\RTIN L, grocer and wholesale and retail dealer in pure Bradford county buckwheat iour, 114 Washington, h do Keeney \Villiam L., postal elk, h 400 N 2d Keenportz William H., carpenter, h 624 Camp Keeny Emma A., stenographer. 1 N 2d, h 25:J North Keeny John B., fireman, h l(){i Tuscarora Keepers Stephen, tinware, 502 Cumberland, h do Keepers Susanna, tailoress, h :)02 Lumberlancl

l!;'a:::::n } Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~:=:

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Keesberry John H., elk P. R R, h 2022 ;-J 'ltil C Keesberry :Maria E., wid John H .. h :!O22 N I;th Keeseman William H., driver, h 1341 Howard Keesey Thomas ]., linotype opr Telegraph, h ];)11 Penn Keet Alphonso G., asst foreman Star-Indpdt, h 315 5 Front N Keet B. Elinore, h 3155 Front Keet Charles R, trav salesman, h 317 Chestnut Keet Fannie, wid Ashel, h 806 N 2d J: Keet Frank 5., salesman, h 2.."6 N 2d XEET JrlARTI:R M., reporter Patriot, h 315 S Front Keet Wayne M., drug elk, 37 N 3d, h :U5 S -Front :D Keets G. Thomas, laborer, h 1225 Cumberland Keets Thomas J., driver, h r 413 State (I) Keever Allen K., molder, h 1201} Derry Keever Annie, cigarmkr, h 1520 Green Keever George M., planer, h 1421 Vernon C4 Keever John A., foreman, h 407 M~rket Keever Mabel, cigarmkr, h 1520 Green Keever Rebecca E., wid William W., h 1520 Green Keever William H .. brakeman, h lZl20 Green Keffer Annie M., wid Peter B., h 16&,Z Penn Keffer Charles F., cigarmkr, h 1602 Penn Keffer Edward R, salesman. 4a2 Market, h 14:l2 N 2d Keffer Frank M., bookkpr, 432 Market, h 1432 N 2d Keffer Harry G., trav salesman, h 227 Boas

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {Kor:.a-c:.:::s;: Google

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;:.:, H. II. KELLEY & CO'S ~al)!.a:z"r:::':~{ I~-:"'':'''':.

38i Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Keffer John]., (Smith & Keffer), h 1432 N 2d Keffer John ]., jr., civil engineer, 9 N 2d, h 1432 do Keffer Washington B., painter, h 1602 Penn Keffer William A., carpenter, h 1328 N Front Keffer, see Keefer, also Kiefer Kehl Caroline, wid William, h 533 Filbert Kehoe John P., machinist, h 2009 Moltke av Kehr Henry, mason, h 1318 Susquehanna Kehr Jacob, mason, h 1318 Susquehanna Kehr John W., foreman, h 637 Camp Kehr Margaret, wid Peter, h 637 Camp Keible Francis, machinist, h 3;W S lIith Keicher Christian F., laborer, h 418 Ointon av Keicher Ida S. Mrs., h 1612 N 6th Keicher Oscar, labo:-er, h 418 Clinton av Keil Benjamin F., barber, 1024 Market, h 238 S 13th Keil Benjamin F., jr., barber, h 933 Grand Keil Catharine E .. saleslady, 308 Market, h 537 Race Keil George :M., brakeman, h 238 S 13th Keil Harry, patternmkr, h 537 Race Keil J. George, planer, h 545 Race Keil John, butcher, h 537 Race Keil John, jr., machinist, h 539 Race Keil Mary, h 537 Race Keil William H., barber, h 238 S 13th

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-Z KEISTER CATHARINE MRS., wines and liquors, 1500 lIarket

c 5th, h 428 North Keister Daniel L.. supt, 10th bel Olestnut, h 316 Crescent Keister E(lwin. asst sec Hbg Trust Co., h 1526 N 2d

Keil, see Kyle Keiler George \V., grocer, 618 Cumberland, h do Keiler John F., policeman, h 1109 N 6th Keilholtz Charlotte, wid David, h 1429 N 3d Keirn Bertha, stripper, h 6:m Walnut Keirn Charles F., dentist, 225 N 2d, h do Keim Cora E., housekeeper, h 6a5 \Valnut Keim Mamie T., stripper, h 635 Walnut Keirn Warren D., draftsman Penna Steel Co., h 129 N 4th Keim, see Kime Keiper Edward S., chief elk County Commissioners, C. H., h :\fiddletown Keiser Elizabeth, wid Emanuel H., h 1940 Berryhill Keiser George G., engineer, h 1i22 Green Keiser Jesse E., engineer, h 1937 N 6th Keiser Joseph T., conductor, h 1832 Green Keiser Sallie C, domestic Hotel Columbus Keiser Samuel E., bookkpr. 22 N 2d. h 11011 do Keiser Willard F., laborer. h 2127 Herr Keiser, see Kaiser, also Keyser Keisling William, brakeman, h 1954 N 7th Keister Alice. saleslady, 334 i\larket, h 506 S 13th

ANDREW REDMOND}.~:!~G.!:i~~~{3d and R81~ III. Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 385

Keister Ellen B., warper, h 310 Boyd av J> Keister Harry, mgr, )00 Market, h 426 North Keister Joseph A., hostler, h It3:! Walnut Keister Kate E., h 1232 Walnut Keister Matilda E., press feeder, h 316 Crescent Keiter Frank M., engineer, h 237 South :J: Keiter Jennie, telegraph opr, h 25 N 13th Keith Henry c., laborer, 11 337 .Muench C) Keith Sallie Mrs., h 1225 Cumberland Keith, see Keath :J: I Kelchner Harry A ., butcher, h 123 Hoerner C) Kelchner Ida 1., weaver, h 1228 N 7th Kelchner Isaac S., butcher, h 122~ N 7th lJ Kelchner Isaac W., h 1228 N 7th J> Kelchner Jonathan, shoemkr, 312 Reily, h do C Kelker Frederick, h 5 N Front Kelker Henry A., h 25 S 2d PI Kelker Henry A., jr., h 25 S 2d Kelker John P., h 128 'Walnut Kelker Louisa, wid George B., h 309 Walnut J> KELKER LUTREll R., custodian public recorda, State ." Library, h 128 Walnut PI KELKER RUDOLPH F., h 9 S Front Kelker Rudolph F., jr., division engineer, h 128 Walnut . Kelker Street Market, Kelker c 4th



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Kelker William A., h 9 S Front Ken Bertha, domestic, 412 N 2d Ken Catharine, laundress, h 429 Pear av KeB Elmer J., laborer, h 418 Hamilton Kell Grace M., domestic, 1602 N 6th KeB Henry A., bricklayer, h 1216 N Front KelI Jacob L., laborer, h 1811 Berryl1iII KeIl Jerry, tailor, 4 S 2d, h ~lechanicsburg KeIl Josephine E., printer, 20 N 2d, h 1216 N Front KeIl Margaret, finisher, h 319 Clinton av Ken Myrrha E., packer, h 1811 Berryhill Ken Sarah, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 1622 Park OLLAII JEHU C., grooerie8, oonfectionerie8, tobaooo, &0., 174:0 Walnut, h do Keller Alfred J., brakeman, h 2027 Logan av KeBer Anthony, glass engraver, 3M Mkt, h 215 Herr KeIIer Barbara, wid Sebastian, h 742 S 19th Keller Catharine, wid Valentine. h 1522 Vernon OLLER CHARLES D., reporter Patriot, h 1803 11 2d Keller Charles H., hammerman, h ~35 Hamilton Keller Charles R., salesman, 3:~6 Olestnut, h 1537 N 6th Keller Charles W., laborer. h ] 60:! Susquehanna Keller Charles W., U . S. N., h 1(;20 N Gth Keller Christian K., druggist, 405 Market, h The Bolton Keller Christian K., jr., artist, h 37 K 2d

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.' NO. 1230 ARCH STREET . PH!LA . PA .


CLARK'S =:. Drug and Patent Medicine Stora~'::~u..


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller KelIer Keller KeIler KeIler K eller Keller Keller KelIer Keller KelIer Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller KeIler Keller KeIler

Croll, druggist, 405 Market, h 37 N 2d Edgar F., teacher, h 1537 N 6th Edith B., stripper, h 1(;20 N 5th Ed~vard C, salesman, h 227 Forster Elmer E., brakeman, h fl13 Capital Francis J., engineer, h 1537 N 6th Frank, elk, h :317 S Front George F., laborer, h 1211 Thompson av George N., laborer, h I:U6 Berryhill H arry, driver, h 24!l S Cameron Harry L., carpenter, h :!:H ~lulberry Henry R., h 1718 Susquehanna av Horace P., stonecutter, h l:n:l N' 6th James G. B., decorator, 400 Market, h Steelton Jesse N., machinist, h 426 Boas Joanna, roller, h 1045 S 9th John, laborer, h 904 James av John, laborer. h a04 S River av John F., flagman, h lfi20 N 5th John J., molder, h 60li Briggs John J., student, h 15:J7 :-.J' 6th Tohn P., h a7 N 2d john P., jr., elk ~fechanics' Bank, h 37 N 2d John W., carpenter, h 1322 N 2d Joseph, cooper, h 1045 S 9th

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Kate A., dressmkr, h 1322 N 2d Luther R., machinist, h 421 -Kelker L. Wesley, laborer, h 1322 N 2d l\laria, ''lid John, h 710 East Martha, domestic, 506 Filbert Martha E., housekeeper, 304 S River av l\lary A., wid John, h 17 Brady av Mary A., wid John, h 2a9 State l'vlary A., weaver, h 1322 N 2d N e!lie L.. stenographer, h 606 Briggs Oliver P., (ngineer, h 17:35 N 6th Raymond, brakeman, h 643 Boyd av Robert, cooper, h 326 S Conrt av Samuel c., machinist, h 13115 Green Silas G., cooper, h 924 S 9th William, carpenter, h 421 Kelker William H., frt receiver, h 1107 :'.Iontgomery William L., dentist, 37 N 2d. h do William V., salesman, h 227 Forster Annie, weaver. h 1112 Currant av Annie 1\1., wid John, h 624 Herr Benjamin F., car repairer, h 5:l4 S Cameron Carpenter H., laborer, h 534 S Cameron Charles E., bridge builder. h 1112 Currant av Charles E., laborer, h 1609 N 4th

Read the PATRIOT} ~ENN-:" {HarriSbUrg'!igi~~~!y~~sg~f~


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. 387
Kelley Elizabeth, wid Joseph, 642 "Valnut Kelley Esher, laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do Kelley Estler S., laborer, h 1430 Fulton Kelley Frank, laborer, h 505 South av Kelley George W., blacksmith, h 6119 N Cameron Kelley George W., laborer, h 1407 N Cameron Kelley Gertrude J., penmkr, h 1609 N 4th CD Kelley Harry S., (H. M. Kelley & Co.), h 253 Boas 5: Kelley Henry M., (H. M. Kelley & Co.), h 1545 Vernon I; Kelley Hiram, h Send S Cameron iii XELTEY H . & CO., (Henry]l. and Harry S. Kelley), coal CD and wood, 10th c State and 1 :x 3d (2d loor) see adv top lines Kelley James, laborer, h 1011 Berryhill Kelley James M., finisher, h 624 Herr Kelley James W., stonecutter, h 1009 Berryhill Kelley Jennie, charwoman, h 2109 Greenwood Kelley Jennie Mrs., charwoman, h 1414 N 4th Kelley Jerome C, plumber, h 11130 S Cameron Kelley J. Frank H., elk Hotel Russ, h 317 S Front XELLEY 10D E., shoes, 3 :x 3d, h 1011 Berryhill Kelley John J., engineer, h 1212~" N 7th Kelley John J., fireman, h 209 Mulberry Kelley Joseph H., shoemkr, 1027 Mkt, h 11.12 Cunant av Kelley Maggie E., weaver, h 624 Herr ----------------


SaYings and Loan" ASSD.{:=

Kdley Peter W., pipe bender, h 1103 N Cameron Kelley Richard T., engineer, h 609 Harris Kelley Thomas P., wiper, h 534 S Cameron Kdley William D., plumber, h 1011 Berryhill Kelley William H., elk, h 609 Harris Kelley WilHam L., engineer, h 542 Woodbinl! Kelly Alonzo, laborer, h 307 S 2d Kelly Charles, linotype opr Independent, h 1009 N 7th Kelly Charles E., bricklayer, h 22 Linden Kelly Edward, fireman, h 2148 N 6th Kelly George C, elk Adjt Genl's Dept, h 411.i Walnut Kelly Harvey, laborer, h 163 Indian av Kelly Honora, domestic, 307 N :!d Kelly Isaac, laborer, h 404 Cranberry av Kelly John H., salesman, 215 Market, h 300 Chestnut Kelly John W., waiter, h 118 Cowden Kelly James, news agt, h 389 Chestnut Kelly Martin W., stone mason, h 612 Curtin Kelly Nicholas, bartender, 517 \Valnut, h do Kelly Samuel R., laborer, h 450 Hay av Kelly Sarah. wid John, h 125 S 14th Kembale Katharine, h 1310 Berryhill Kc:merer Daniel L., fireman, h 1:U9 Fulton Kenlcrer, see fCamnlerer Kemp Oara, tailoress, h 21:"14 Union av

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H. M. KELLEY & cO.}On:ces. :.:--::,r..~T.:}COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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Kemrer William P., packer P. R. R. frt depot, h 326 S 15th Kendall Clemence, check man, h 129 N 4th Kendall Lizzie B., wid Henry, h 1507 Market Kendall Lucy, elk, 9 N 2d, h 1507 Market Kendall Deborah, wid William H., h 1428 N 2d Kendall Mary, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do KENDALL OPTICAL CO., (W. Fred Kendall), opticiana, 333 Karket Kendall W. Fred, (Kendall Optical Co.), h 1428 N 2d Kendig Abraham H., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 231 S 15th Kendig Bertha, weaver, h 302 North Kendig Daniel W., shoemkr, 717 North, h do Kendig Harry, carpenter, h 1736 N 6th Kendig John S., laborer, h 1816 Wood av Kendlehart John L., elk sec Commonwealth, h 20 N 4th Kennard Mary 11rs., h 945 N 7th Kennard, see Kinnard . Kennedy Andrew W., laborer, h 1166 S Cameron Kennedv Anna M., seamstress. h a56 S l:~th Kenned\' Annie V. !\1rs., h 224 Cumberland Kennedy Bailey, engineer, h H~O'! Green Kennedy Benjamin A., fireman, h 18H2 Green Kennedy Charles A., flagman, h 414 Cumherbnd Kennedy Charles E., laborer. h 519 Dauphin av Kennedy Charles G., h 300 Chestnut




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Kennedy Charles M., car repairer, h 1:J:!3 N :!d Kennedy C. Nelson, machinist, h 726 Race Kennedy Earl H., laborer, h 1126 S 9th Kennedy Edward, ticket agt, h 519 Dauphin av Kennedy Edward \V., florist, h 1413 ~ Camer.)n Kennedy Elijah C, laborer, h 1413 N Cameron Kennedy Frank M., puddler, h 12.6.1 S lath KENNEDY GEORGE G., supt Water and Lighting Dept, h 1414 X 2d Kennedy George M., conductor, h 18;14 N 7th Kennedy George W., rotter, h 1046 S Cameron Kennedy James, laborer, h 2:1!1 State Kennedy James P., foreman. h auG S lath Kennedy J. Calvin, tinsmith, h 141it N Cameron Kennedy J. Lemuel, engineer, h 508 Calder Kennedy John ~L, fireman, h HlUa Green Kennedy John N., millwright. h 7:!() Race Kennedy John W., grocer. 10~2 ~ Cameron, h do Kennedy Luther R., laborer, h 119 Hanna Kennedy Lydia A., wid John, h 2:!5 Briggs Kennedy Margaret A., saleslady, :U8 :\Iarket. h :l;,!; S l:l:h Kennedy Marian H., \>;;d Samue! H .. h IiI:! ~ :!d Kennedv Maude, teacher. h 50'-;:' Calrler Kennedy Nancy J., wid Robert, h !Il-l Graad Kennedy Noonie B., domestic. Utili S (:ameron


ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Raily SfS. Google

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A. B. TACK1Waii PaD.r and Window Sbad.s{=K~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
389 Kennedy Robert J., laborer, h 1709 Fulton Kennedy Rosa, wid John A., h Union Square Kennedy S. Alter, chemist, 121 Market, h 914 Grand Kennedy Sarah c., saleslady, 318 Market, h 356 S 13th Kennedy Shelburn W., inspector, h 51!' Dauphin rv Kennedy Thomas A., watchman Lunatic Hospital, 11 do Kennedy Virgil B., paperhanger, h 10:!2 Market Kennedy Wm. H., pat medicines, 30 S 3d, h McSparran Kennedy Wilson A., laborer, h 19~ Logan av Kennert Michael, plumber, h 321 S 15th Kenney Annie, chambermaid. 42:{ Market Kenny Frank, laborer, h 703 Race Kenny Mary, housekeeper, 705 Race Kenny Patrick J., piler, h 705 Race Kenny Peter, laborer, h 705 Race Kent Chester & Co., mfrs drugs, 627 Walnut Kent Orion H., car inspector, h 24 N Summit Kent Zach. B., vet surg, 225 Cranberry av, h 34 N Summit Kenyon C. Thomas, watchmKr, 23 N 3d, h 812 do Kepford A. Clayton, helper, h 117 Conoy Kepford Clyde D., craneman, h 117 Conoy Kepford George M., bricklayer, h 1534 N 6th Kepford Milton c., elk, 1532 N 6th, h 1534 do . Kepford Sarah E., housekeeper, 2020 Wood av Kepford \Valter R., elk P. R. R., h 1534 N 6th

Kepford \Villiam D., gasmkr, h 117 Conoy Kepford W. Melvin, policeman, h 117 Conoy Kephart Lena, cigar roller, h 1107 N 7th Kephart Margaret, wid John c., h 1107 N 7th Kepler Eldon, driver, Ii 1208 Bailey Kepner Benjamin L., car repairer, h 419 Harris Kepner Bessie, h 328 North Kepner Clyde L., jeweler, h 714 N 3d Kepner Cora, domestic Lunatic Hospital Kepner Edna D., stenographer, h 2020 N 6th Kepner Edward W., shoe operator. h 1547 Vvalnut Kepner Frank E., laborer, h 221 Mulberry Kepner George L., edgesetter, h a2R S 15th Kepner George L., real estate, 1141 Liberty, h do Kepner Jeanette, h 328 North Kepner Jno. A., bookkpr, 1408 Vernon, h New Cumberland Kepner Mary J., stenographer, 215 !l.larket. h 2020 N 6th Kepner Sallie R., wid Smith c., h 20:!O N 6th Keppel Philip A., supt, 50n Race, h :W5 S2d Kepple Amelia Mrs., h 253 Reily Kepple Catharine 0., hOl1sekeeper, h 255 Reily Kepple Edwin c., h 226 State Kepple Emily 0., teacher, h 253 Reily Kepple Henry L., h 255 Reily Kepple John A., h 226 State Kepple William H., foreman, It 1313 Green

f' \


IleNIII'. COlIQIllDon Pills :,lj'.::;J~C::~: 306 Broad

890 Boyd's Harriaburg City Directory.
Kerbaugh Edward, laborer, h 607 Cumberland ; ; Kerby Edna, packer, h 1021 S 9th . Kerby George J., nailer, h 912 Iron av :I Kerby George \'1., nailer, h 1021 S 9th 11 Kerby, see Kirby Kerchner Della, printer, 20 N 2d, h 670 Boas Kerchner Lizzie, wid Charles S., h 670 Boas Kern Franklin, steam heat inspector, h 1303 Green Kern Frederick J., blacksmith, h 1221 Swatara Kern Harry, shoemkr, h 2'20 S 2d Kern Luther, patrol driver, h 259 Liberty Kern Rachel, wid Jacob, h 1303 Gret~n II Kern William c., elk, h 1300 Green Kerns Anna E., nurse, h 1101! K 2d . Kerns Charles, elk P.O., h 1314 N Front -II Kerns Edward, laborer, h 1205 N ;~d Kerns George P., laborer, h 14:15 Shoop ~ fI) Kerns James A., engineer, h 14m Regina Kerns John F., elk, 1~ S 4th, h 1all;~ Green 0: Kerns Laura, wid John E., h :1011 Herr Kerns Mary, wid John, h 107 North ~ Kerns M. Elizabeth, book folder, h 150 Sylvan ter Michael, laborer, 257 Sayford O Kerns Rachel, domestic,h 210 Harris caV Kerns c( Kerns Sarah, wid John H., h 1314 N Front



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Kerns. Thomas, laborer, h 1205 N ad Kerns William C, elk P. R. R., h la03 Green Kerns William H., engineer, h 150 Sylvan tel' Kerper Elizabeth H., nurse, h 131.6 Penn Kerper Harry W., grocer, 234 Korth, h 701 Green Kerper John F., h 15 K Front Kerper John F., jr., student, h 15 N Front Kerper l\'1aria H., wid Samuel F., h 1311; Penn Kerr Alice S., weaver, h 268 North Kerr Charles A., baker, h 1415 Shoop Kerr Gertrude, milliner, 36 N 3d, h Mechanic>;ourg Kerr Harris, elk, h l!t!6 N :3d Kerr Independence, weaver, h 819 SlOth Kerr J. Albert, foreman, r :l20 ?vlarket, h 1719 Hunter Kerr Lydia, wid Peter J., h 1541 N 6th Kerr Marv W., h 25 S Front Kerr May: starcher, h 623 Cumberland Kerr T. W., cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Kerr \ViIliam W., conductor, h 1541 ;..; I;th Kerr X. Joseph, ironworker, h !1:~fI N td Kerson Solomon, (D. Cooper Co.), h IH!I Verheke Kerstetter Albert T., brakeman. h H4:{ BOHI lV Kerstetter A. Priscilla, wid Htnry, h 114 Ba: hara .lV Kerstetter David G., coachman, h lI12 Grand Kerstetter Dinan. jobber Lunatic Hospital, h do

Thl PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES FU~~,::~EJ'A'~L SCORES Coogle

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 391

Kerstetter George W., baggage master, h 122~ Mar:":~t ;: Kerstetter Jonathan, salesman, 334 Mkt, h 114 Barbara av ~ Kerstetter Millard M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do a; Kerwin Lizzie G., knitter, h 1961 Moltke av ~ Kessack Caroline R, wid George, h 44 Balm Kessack James, mason, h 44 Balm Kessack James H., elk silk mill, h 44 Balm' '= Kessler Annie L., picker, h Penn nr Calder Kessler Beulah 1., winder, h Penn nr Calder Kessler John H., molder, h 1225 Wallace iii Kessler Lenora, domestic, 801 N 6th CD Ketterman John, painter, h 329 S 14th Kettner Frank, driver, h 449 S 2d . Kevill Thomas H., brakeman, h 444 :Muench Keyes Olarles W., laborer, h 124 Paxton Keyes Florence Mrs., warper, h :n 7 Cumberland Keyes Samuel I., plumber, h 124 Paxton Keys Abraham L., shoecutter, h 1825 Briggs Keys Alfred C, nail feeder, h 103 S River av Keys Arthur W., nail feeder, h 122 'Mulberry Keys Charles H., houseman, h 712 N 7th Keys Clarence E., laborer, hIll;) N Cameron Keys Cornelia, domestic, 505 N Front Keys Edward, hostler, it 4:l4 Kelker Keys James "V., patternmkr, h 637 Harris

== 6 } Harrisburg Si-Yl-ng-s-a-n-d-Lo-a-n-'-ss-n-.{-:-:v..,-onb-,



Keys John, laborer, h r 1034 State Keys John, jr., laborer, h 434 Kelker Keys Joseph, hostler, h 514 South av Keys Louisa, wid John, h 434 Kelker Keys Martin L., nail feeder. h 10:l S River av Keys Mary. housekeeper, 402 State Kcys Rebecca Mrs., h 146 Indian av Keys R Edward, roller, h 1129 X Front Keys Samud T., flagman, h 4:34 Kelker Keys Stephen W., laborer, h 103 S River av Keys Sterling C, fireman, h 1154 S Cameron Keys William A., driver, 122 Mulberry Keys, see Keyes, also Kies Keyser Ada, waitress, h 117 Tanner's av Keyser John, waiter, h 119 Tanner's av Keyser Mary, wid John, h 117 Tanner's av Keyser, see Kaiser, also Keiser ~ XEYSTOJrE BOTTLING WORKS, Kahlon S. Foreman, propr, soda water bottlers, 114 S Dewberry av see adv XEYSTOJrE BREWERY, (H. Fink's Sons), 312 Forster see adv XEYSTOJrE CARPET CLEANING WORKS, (lacobs & Linn), 1115 Montgomery see adv back cover ColO Keystone Citizen (The), Rev. S. E. Nicholson, editor, 213 Locust ....


POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;rfa."c=e~~ Ie by'-.:JUog


D~::~G ~#D} H.

M. KELLEY 8. CO. nC::":l8'ta'::"

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Keystone Dyeing and Cleaning Co., (Bernard J. Campbell), 1512 N 3d KEYSTONE INDEJmITY CO., Dr. 1. E. DickiDlOD, prea; D. L. Kaufman, v-pres and treas; C. E. Frazier, sec, 32t. Market Keystone League Journal, Samuel L. \Viest, mgr, 201 N 2d KEYSTONE MARBLE AND GB.AlfITE WORKS, (Beatty & Bro.), Cameron Dr State KEYSTONE RUG CO., (lacobs & Linn), mfrs of ruga made from old worn carpets, 1115 Montgomery see adv back: cover Keystone Typewriter Co., Send S Cameron Kichler Clara, charwoman, h 32 S 2d Kichmann John, bottler, 900 Market, h Penbrook Kidman John P., yardmaster P. & R, h 759 S 19th Kiefer ~Iary, wid Andrew R., h 12:l:1 Mulberry Kiefer William, driver, h 1908 State Kienle George J., steward The Bolton Kies George A., driver, 301 Chestnut, h 228 Sayford av Kies Kate, nurse, h 1825 Briggs Kies Samuel, painter, h 7 SlOth Kies, see Keyes, also Keys Kiester Robert E., blacksmith, h 506 S 13th Kift Robert L., draftsman, h 1:U7 Derry

GO RG AS }FAIR PRICED D-RU-SS-IS-T{-'6-.-. S-t~ 3-d



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Kiger Crissie l\t, wid Warren E., h ]204 ~ 7th Kiger Harry E., laborer, h S07i S 2d LaJ Kiger William E., fireman, h 605 Boas Kiger William J., engineer, h 610 Beas Kilborn James W., elk Aud Genrs Dept, h 1121 Green Kile :\Ionroe W., fireman, h 612 Granite av Kilgore Adelia, h 2021 N 6th Kilgore Corine :\Irs., h 1602 N ad Kilgore Frank D., physician, 2021 N 6th, h do Kilgore William N., grocer, 2166 X 7th, h 2021 N 6th LaJ Killian Charles R., checkman P. R. R., h 21 N 15th Killian Elizabeth AIrs., h 1429 N 3d Killian John E., night wire chief, 22i Walnut, h 1331 Greem Killian John 1\1., inspector, h 1331 Green Killian William, foreman, h 1429 N 3d Killinger Amos D. E.. teacher, h 1941 State ~ Killinger Helen M. ~Irs., h 1731 X 5th Killinger Ira J., glazier. h 4a4 S 14th YoI Killinger Jerome JI., driver, h 1:124 X Front Killinger John, wheelwright, 1025 Paxton, h 1022 do :c Killinger John H., laborer. h 1074 S 9th g Killinger Sarah A., boarding, 1:l8 S 2d, h do ~ Killinger William, carpenter, h 4:l4 :3 14th KILLINGER WILLIAltI H., hardware, paint, oil and glass;. ~ 27 S 13th, h do

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~~~~~:a! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and R811J StS..

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I. B. Tiel f FI:~~O~!lTT":V,,A~..lac~,,~f.,~R ~ 121610nn lIlIId l111li

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. 393
Killough Mary, saleslady, 221 Market, h 603 N 2d Kilmore Harry, elk, 22 N 3d, h New Cumberland Kilpatrick Bertha Ro, bonnetmkr, h 1638 N 6th Kilpatrick Charles, bricklayer, h 1638 N 6th Kilpatrick Jennie, cook, h 1141 Liberty Kilpatrick Thomas, conductor, h 1638 N 6th Kimberlake Ray, waiter Park Hotel Kimburg Barbara A., wid Peter A., h 222 Pine Kime Charlel! E., brakeman, h 1331 Fulton Kime Joseph, laborer, h 112 Ann av _ Kime Mary E., wid Harry B., h 312 Verbeke XDIE SAlIUEL S., contractor and builder, 1824 Logan av, h 329 Boyd av Kime William H., h 329 Boyd av Kime, see Keirn Kimes Mary]., wid Benjamin F., h 1224 N 6th Kimmel Benjamin c., driver, h 1233 Cowden Kimmel Clarence, asst chef, 309 Market, h do :z: Kimmel Gertrude M., music teacher, 319 Verbeke h do jl Kimmel Lottie 1., elk, 319 Verbeke, h do Kimmel Norma B., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 319 Verbeke Kimmel Rov V., machinist, h 319 Verbeke Kimmel WiiIiam, grocer, 319 Verbeke, h do Kimmel William E., elk, 100 N 2d, h Lemoyne Kincade Peter, laborer, h 40 Lochiel 4th Row

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BAKER~ "~~b=~'t.~~K

Kinch Bella c., wid Charles J., h 565 Forrest Kinch Clara F., wid Jefferson, h 1825 N 4th Kinch Frank H., elk P. R. R., h 1825 N 4th Kinch Harry G., motorman, h 1S25 N 4th Kind Hudson A., brakeman, h 112 Calder Kind Sarah E., wid Louis, h 112 Calder Kinderman William, salesman, 1500 N 3d, h 421 Kelker Kindler Charles A., baker, h 415 Herr Kindler Frank L., paperhanger, h 618 N 2d Kindler John c., baker, 618 N 2d, h do Kines Bertha, watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do Kines Ellen Mrs., h 1111 N Front King Annie M. Mrs., h 1819 N 5th King Charles, brakeman, h 303 Briggs King Charles E., machinist, h 429 Hamilton King Clarence E., salesman, 334 Market, h 1410 Derry King Cornelius, laborer, h 1336 Mayflower av King Edward S., warehouseman P. & R., h 311 Hummel King Elizabeth, wid John, h 648 Verbeke King Fannie W., housekeeper, h 1828 Hickory av King George J., jr., brakeman, h 1902 N 5th King Harry B. Rev., h 445 S 13th King Henry G., laborer, h 1823 Hickory av King lone L. Mrs., elk div Public Records, h 1226 Derry King John, laborer, h 169 Indian av King John M., driver, h 306 Boyd av






_aNelI's PaiD EztermlDator CUI'eII Cholera 1Iana.. D,ieDterJ,Cl'ampe, Dlarrbca, <loldI, Qula.)'.~, Tootbache, . . . Ta-t, APe. ~ . . _ ......


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.



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King John 0., .flagman, h 1237 N ith King Joseph M.,laborer, h 1106 Calder King Joshua T., driver. h 1329 Penn King Leo, fireman, h 424 S Cameron King Mary E., wid Albert T., h 18U! N Cameron King Mary E. J., housekeeper, 1819 N 5th King Matilda Mrs., h 1408 Fulton King Sallie Mrs., h 512 Maclay King Searight H., puddler, h 604 North King Theresa, wid George K., h 2015 N 6th King William, brakeman, h 126 S 13th King William, engineer. h 1206 N Front King William L., warehouseman P. & R., h 604 North King William S., express messenger, h 426l Boas Kingsbury Bertha B., music teacher, 630 Muench, h do Kingsbury Walter E., music teacher, 630 Muench, h do Kinnard Harry H., salesman, 304 Market, h 946 N 7th Kinnard Henry, brakeman, h 1105 Cowden Kinnard James, foreman, Court av c Cranberry av, h do Kinnard John N., mgr. 305 Verbeke, h 1118 N 3d KInARD LEONARD H., (est), hats and men's furnishings, 305 Verbeke KmNAlI.D LEO.AllD H., genI mgr Penn'a Telephone Co., h 1116 N 3d Kinnard Mary E., wid Leonard H., h 1118 N 3d

nil GooronlJ ODd Trust CO. "=111,{'t1.-::.:. ~-=- ~:t= ~~~.

Kinnard, see Kennard Kinneard Lina Mrs., h 1008 N 3d Kinsey George, draftsman, h 162:1 Regina Kinsey John R., shoe operator, h 1623 Regina Kinsey William J., engineer, h 424 Kelker Kinsinger Samuel T., collector, h 119 Hoerner Kint John, laborer, h 12111 Wallace Kinter Anna E., marker Lunatic Hospital, h do Kinter Charles H., mgr, 15a N 4th, h ~04 N 2d Kinter Fannie A., wid Isaac, h 151J:J N 2d Kinter George, h 13 N 4th Kinter George D., engineer, h 210 Harris Kinter George G., repairsman, h 1624 N 7th Kinter George H., gate man P. R. R., h 13 I'\ 4th Kinter J. Carroll, conductor, h 408 Cumberland Kinter John F., engineer, h !!10 Harris Kinter Joseph H., car inspector, h 527 Violet av Kinter Katharine M., cashier, a:u !vlarket, h 2111 Harris Kinter Louis, grocer, 1218 Mulberry, h do Kinter Lydia A., housekeeper, h 2111 Harris Kinter Rachel, bookkpr, 1120 James av, h 210 Harris Kinter S. Wilt. conductor, h 14:ltl N 2d Kinter Walter ~1., repairsman. h 17:~1I Grecn Kinzer Harry M .. barber, 25 X 2d, h 11117 Penn Kipp Abraham, driver. h 1910 Susquehanna

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The PATRlOnA Newspaper for the Home{S~!iti~~~~t!o~gle


B TleK} elalltllrilllldS-l&. WwltdoaeIDUlyJ!U'of . . . . { N.USt. BmploJl DODe bat ftnt-cl_ workmen. beDce ODly", 1.1e ft
Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. 395

Kipp A. Russell, postal elk, h 229 Forster Kipp George H., brakeman, h 426 Hamilton Kipp James K., meat, 1724 ;..J" 4th, h do Kipp Jennie, elk, h 331 Kelker Kipp Laura A., elk, h 3!U Kelker Kipp Myrtle A., musician, h 1644 Market Kipp Peter, patternmkr, h 1644 Market Kipp Sherman W., salesman, h 1644 :\Iarket Kipple Emma, domestic, 1217 N 6th Kipple John P., car repairer, h 1535 Logan av Kipple J. William, laborer, h 1825 N 7th Kirby Annie, wid William c., h 922 N 6th Kirby Irene, h 310 Mulberry Kirby John A., broker, 15 N 2d, h 256 Cumberland Kirby William A., stable, James av nr Briggs, h 922 N 6th Kirby, see Kerby Kirchner Henry, engineer, h 1725 N 6th Kirk Ann D., wid John c., h 910 Hemlock Kirk Charles, huckster, h 1114 Montgomery Kirk Clarence II., signalman, h 1007 S nth Kirk Elizabeth. h 910 Hemlock KIRK GEORGE W., plasterer, 331 Boyd av, h do Kirk Harry B., signalman, h 100'; S 9th Kirk Jacob, plasterer, h 607 Calder Kirk James c., draftsman dept Int Affairs, h 820 N 6th

Kirk Jeremiah W., repairsman, h 424 Market Kirk Joseph Y., asst baggage agt P. R. R., h 26 N 10th Kirk Lizzie, picker, h 910 Hemlock OJ Kirk Martha, picker, h 910 Hemlock Kirk Peter E., brakeman, h Hmo Wood av (') Kirk Ralph G., student, h 607 Calder Kirk Samuel S., engineer, h 640 Hamilton Kirk Victor M., brakeman, h 513 N 4th Kirk William E., teacher, h 237 S 13th Kirk W. Scott, flagman, h 1114 Montgomery Kirkland Fenia l\lrs., h 133 Vine . KIrkland Jennie M., bunchmkr, h 13:~ Vine Kirkland Joseph A., grocer, 1(),21 Green, h ;;27 Cowden Kirkpatrick John A., cooper, h 605 ~[aelay Kirkpatrick ~Iargaret, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Kirkpatrick William J., elk, IOU N Zd, h 605 Maelay Kirkwood William 0., driver, h 1827 Logan av Kirkwood William S., salesman, h 111 N 4th Kischman Conrad, h 1435 Vernon Kischman Conrad, jr., laster, h 1504 Thompson av Kischman Frederick, laborer. h 14:15 Vernon Kise Aaron, grocer, 1538 N 4th, h do Kise Harry E., huckster, h 1538 N 4th Kishpaugh Cory :M., h 13.12 N 2d Kishpaugh Jessie B., elk Div Public Records, h 1232 N 2d

-=--=-0:;' Harrlsburl Satlnls and Loan Assn. {a:.:: < ,.


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KELLEY 'CO.~I~'=":"="

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.

Kisner Charles c., laborer, h 1a04 S Cameron Kisner Charles H., engineer, h 13M S Cameron Kissinger Catharine, seamstress, h 277 Hamilton Kissinger Elizabeth, h 10~ N 7th Kissinger Emanuel, laborer, h 15th c Briggs Kissinger Irvin M., laborer, h 1111 N Cameron Kissinger Joseph G., barber, h 1227 Bailey Kissinger William, messenger P. R. R., h 613 Cedar av Kissington Jacob, laborer, h 1939 Kensington Kissling Amos D., elk, 1800 N 5th, h do Kister John F., milk, 32".l Boas, h do Kister Julius, watchman P. R. R. frt d('pot, h 322 Bo~s Kister Vernon, stenographer, 720 South, h \Vormley:;burg Kistler Glarles, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Kistler Elizabeth, wid William H., h 14 Ll North Kistler Ella V., weaver, h 1411 ~orth Kistler James A., conductor, h 1524 Wallace Kistler Joseph D., laborer, h 1524 Wallace Kistler Martha M .. domestic, 218 N 2d Kistler Robert J., laborer, h 1411 North Kistler Sarah R., milliner, h 1524 Wallace Kistler S. Lyman, laborer, h 1524 Wallace Kitchen Amos H., h :ro15 N 7th Kitchen Amos P .. grocer, 1401 N 2d. h do Kitchen Clcmuel B., engineer, h 2015 ~ 7th


Kite Louis S., mgr, 211 Market, h 224 N 3d Kitner Claude B., porter Hershey House, h do Kittell Carrie]., bonnetmkr, h 1515 N 4th Kitzelman Charles E., fireman, h 336 Reily Kitzelman Charles H., carpenter, h 336 Reily Kitzmiller Augusta, h 1331 Derry Kitzmiller Clarence A., driver, h 1605 N 4th Kitzmiller Dixon G., station agt P. & R., h 1145 Derry Kitzmiller Edgar S., brakeman, h 5a7i Woodbine Kitzmiller Frank K., (Kitzmiller's Pharmacy), h 133L Derry Kitzmiller Ralph, molder, h 1803 Berryhill Kitzmiller William A., carpenter, 1402 Vernon, h 64 N 16th KITZJttILLER'S PHAR1IACY, (Frank K. Kitzmiller), 1325 12 Derry Kivell Alma, roller, h 1722 N 5th Kivell Minnie, weaver, h 1722 N 5th Klann Frank, bottler, h New U. S. Hotel Klawansky Elias, grocer, 329 Calder. h do Klawansky Louis, furniture. 1325 William, h 1327 do Klawansky Samuel, junk, h 1415 N 4th Kleeman Harry M., brakeman, h 1615 Logan av KLEIN CO., (Otto Klein and William B. Schleilner), oloth ing, hats for men and women and merchant tailoring, 30 Ii 3d


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o Radmond's WagoD Works

{=~t~} 3d and Rail, StS.

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A. B. TACK =t~~:U.:lIOU POoor IBId 1IOOO1_1I1W~'1l

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Klein Henry S., h 2:~4 N 2d Klein Otto, (Klein Co.), h Altoona J[LEI1I THEODORE B , dep sec Internal Mairs i supt Bureau Railways, 718 State, h 704 11 3d Klein, see Cline, also Kline Kleinfelter James, waiter, 309 Market, h do Klemm Charles A., h 727 S 19th Kline Abraham, driller, h 1835 N 4th Kline Amos R., driver, h 616 Forster Kline Andrew J., buyer, 334 Market, h 105 Evergreen Kline Caroline, weaver, h 125 North Kline Carrie, domestic, 304 Verbeke Kline Charles, flagman, h 1506* N 5th Kline Charles A., brakeman, h 611 Forster Kline Charles E., brakeman, h 621 Herr Kline Charles H., mgr W. L. Bear & Co., h The Bolton Kline Charles P., conductor, h 20UO N 5th Kline Clarence C, oilman, h 3 N 13th Kline Conrad, h 504 W oodbine Jp.INE CYCLE AND AUTOMOBILE CO., (lames A. Xline), bicycles, &c., 12 and 14 11 2d Kline Daniel, h 2G8 Briggs Kline David J., grocer, 1904 State, h do Kline Esaias S., laborer, h 332 S 14th


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Fannie A., elk, h 1904 State Flora A., 'seamstress, h 616 Forster Frederick K, cooper, h 706 South George, h 1506-! N 5th George, laborer, h Front cReel's la George A., postal elk, h 430 S 14th Harry, bar elk The Lochiel, h do Harry D., press feeder Telegraph, h 1239 Bailey Harry M., carpenter, h 1949 Briggs Howard 1., yardmaster, h 17UO N 5th Ira J., car repairer, h 428 Hen Izzie T., wid William, h 3 N 13th James, elk, h 718 Capital James A., (Kline Cyele and Automobile Co.), h 317 Front John C, machinist, h 1519 N 3d Josiah W., elk State Library, h 3 N 13th Kate, h Home for the Friendless Laura, dressmkr, h 1326 N 2d Laura D., dressmkr, h 1326 I'\ 2d Lizzie M., seamstress, h 616 Forster Mary A., wid George W., h 19 Cowden Milton, heater, h 6 N 5th Milton S., laster, h 2:~8 N 15th Rebecca, h Home for the Friendless
-----&. BUTLER
No 1230 STREET PHllA.



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1111111'. PaIn E1t.Fllinmr !!u;.:a.-:e:U~~6{ .. ~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



..: Kline Reuben, fireman, h 518 Peffer Kline Rob't 11., carpenter Lunatic Hospital, h 1928 Briggs Kline Samuel, plasterer, h 435 Verbeke Kline Warren H., engineer, h H20 Verbeke Kline William, h 1:125 N Front Kline William E., carpenter, h 12311 Bailey Kline William E., jeweler, h 444 Walnut Kline, see Cline, also Klein Klinedinst Fannie R, wid Charles W., h 411 Walnut Klinedinst Joseph S., trav freight agt, Hi N 2<1, h 254 Boas Klineline George ~J., foreman, Herr clOth, h 1404 State Klinepeter Anna, wid Samuel, h 4:10 11 uench == Klinepeter Bessie E., saleslady, aIR :\larket, h 611 Walnut ~ Klinepeter George R, fireman, h 4:m l\J uench .!IE Klinepeter Jacob W., flagman, h 520 l\Iuench ftI Klinepeter William B., conductor, h 1820 N 5th Klinesmith Augustus, laborer, h 1118 N 11! U) Klineyoung Christian L., fireman. h 413 Woodbine Klineyoung Gustavus, fireman, h 620 Calder Kling Albert, laborer, h 229 State Kling Catharine. dtessmkr, h 1110 Penn 1316 Maple I- Kling Charles F., laborer,hh14 Argyle av Kling Clarence, flagman, Kling James P., cleaner, h 639 Herr c( Kling Joseph, shoemkr, h 1842 Boas nru IUUIn AI. , . " II. {iI!IIft. MIIIIIatnl... biftllrl......,... } ........11 .....



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Kling h Plum o KlingerWilliam H., conductor,Tuscarora av Albert, driver, h 115 o Klinger Charles, laborer, h 12th c Walnut --- Klinger Charles, jr., confectioner, 115 Tuscarora, h do >Z

Kling Tillie, charwoman, h 246 Liberty

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Klinger George W., plasterer, h UIl4 S 19th Klinger Harry, cooper, h 115 Tuscarora Klinger William E., laborer, h 12th c Walnut Klitch Harry, tailor, h 1629 N 4th Klopp James H., printer Independent, h 7 S 14th Klotz George 0., flagman, h li44 Verbeke Klucher .T. Albert, elk, 301 Verbeke, h 1196 Bailey Klucher Louis, ins agt, h 1196 Bailey Klucher Mary A., wid Bartholomew, h 1638 N 3d Kluck Charles, laborer. h 1539 Fulton Klugh Charles H., sand flatter, h 1313 N Front Klugh Etta, winder, h 656 Reily Klugh George A., h 4114 Market Klugh Harry R, conductor, h 656 Reily Klugh Henry E:, shipper C. I. and S. Co., h 214 N 15th Klugh John, blacksmith, h 125 K Cameron Klugh Oliver R, physician, 1115 N 2d, h do Klugh Palmer E., laborer, h 125 N Cameron Klugh Peter, carpenter, h 1313 N Front Klunk Doshia. wid Edward, h 1:lm~ Green

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&a:,,::;;v;o~= 1011 fooor ond IIDdOI8IIOdes Irom A.

B. TACK {N.1::tt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Knabe Benjamin F., laborer, h 11115 Wallace Knabe Charles H., engineer, h 1W5 Wallace Knabe Serena c., teacher, h lW5 Wallace Knabe William H., laborer, h 1108 Currant av Knabe William H., jr., laborer, h 1108 Currant av ' Knapp Emma Mrs., h 223 S 2d Knaub Charles I., salesman, 321 Market, h 230 Liberty Knaub Forest, brakeman, h 1202 N Gth Knaub Jacob, carpenter, h 1529 Fulton Knaub John E., laborer, h 19031 N 3d Knaub Mary, housekeeper, 1529 Fulton Knaub William L., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Knauff Arthur H., mech'l dentist, 15 S 2d, h 1201 Mulberry KNAUFF H. WILSON, dentist, 20 N 4th, h do; oftlce hours, '9 to 12 B. m., 1.30 to 5 p. m. Knauss Jas. 0., mess dept Public Instruction, h 431 Boas Knawby Edward, bricklayer, h 1!l30 N 2d Knell John B., stonecutter, h 51 N Summit Knepley Fannie I., h 1802 N 3d Knepley George V., machinist, h 541 Maclay Knepley George W., fireman, h 541 :Maclay Kncpley Joseph H., laborer. h fi5fl Verbeke Knepley l\Iary M., wid Harry A., h 1119 N 7th Knepley Susan, wid William J., h 650 Verbeke Knier Harry G., machinist, h 317 Maclay



SaYings and Loan Assn.{==

Knier Leroy, brakeman, h 317 i'oIaclay Knier Rachel A., wid Harry L., h a17 :\Iaclay Knight A. Lee, brakeman, h mm Muench Knight Frederick S., machinist, h 2216 :-.r 6th Knight Irvin G., dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do N Knighton Albert L., boilennkr, h ]26 Charles av Knighton Charles L., c1k, 402 Verbeke, h 1322 S 13th Knighton Oarence E., laborer, h 1026 S 9th Knighton George A., molder, h 1202 Bailey Knighton George L., laborer, h Front cReel's la Knighton Harry C, collector, 402 Yerbeke, h 925 N 3d Knighton Harry R., puddler, h 825 SlOth Knighton James A., puddler, h 102U S 9th Knighton J. Francis, laborer, h 1026 S 9th Knighton ]osoph, laborer, h Front c Division Knighton Ralph A., collector, 402 Verbeke, h 1202 Bailey ~ Knighton William L., molder, h 635 Woodbine Knipe Benjamin F., carpenter, h 1410 Maple av Knipe Benjamin F., jr., carpenter, h 320 Hummel Knipe }Ianolia A. Mrs., dressmkr, 320 Hummel, h do ~ Knisely Abraham H., cigarmkr, h 1209 :Vlulberry Knisely Archibald G., real estate, 1 N 2d, h 406 N 3d _ ~ Knisely Bernard R., salesman, 115 :\Iarket, h 232 S 14th Knisely Edwin J., c1k R. M. S., h 12119 ~I ulberry ~ Knisely Frank H., civil engineer, 9 ~ 2d, h 1209 Mulberry

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II. KELLEY &CO'S ma;!.u:::=;.~{ t~~:'''''''''''::i.


400 Boyd's Harrisburg City Direct~ry. Knisely Hannah E., h 231 Pine KNISELY 1. HERMAN, clerk Seleo' Council, Court Houe, h 231 Pine Knisely John H., laborer, h 1633 Susquehanna Knisely John D., motorman, h 232 S 14th Knisely Levi K., driver, 401 Chestnut, h Steelton Knisely Lincoln L., dep factory inspector, h 231 Pine Knisely Martha, seamstress, 123 Mulberry Knisely Russell, bookbinder, h 232 S 14th Knisely Samuel H., h 2:U Pine . Knisely William N., tobacconist, 200 Market, h 221 Pine Knisely, see Kneisley, also Knisley Knisley ~ .- Knisley Daniel, carpenter, h 206NVerbeke Edna J., domestic, 1623 !ld c::t C4 Knisley Harry, cigars. 4lli Market, h 206 Verbeke a: Knisley Rosanna, h 336 Cherry av a.. Knisley, see Knisely Knobl Andrew 11., laborer, h 565 Sheaffer av ~ Knobl Annie, weaver, h 1628 Fulton I&J Knobl Frank J., piler, h 1642 Fulton Knobl John W., bar elk, 1001 Market, h 1014 State Knobl Martin, laborer, h 1628 Fulton Knobl Mary E., cigarmkr, h 565 Sheaffer av I&J Knoble John, steam fitter, h 2121 N 6th Knoche Frank, salesman, 22!l :Market, h 308 Hummel



-z I:

. Knoll Charles R., mgr, 407 Market, h 21 Evergreen Knoll Paul, ironworker, h Race nr Paxton Knoll Rebecca, wid Jacob S., h 21 Evergreen I&J Knorr l\Iarv A., wid Samuel, h 433 Boas Knott Oliver, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Knouff John H., plasterer, h 1412 Penn Knouff S. Catharine, wid Henry, h 1412 Penn _ Knouse Claire, editor, h 23 N l:Uh Z.. Knouse Harry C, artist, h 1246 Bailey C. Knouse Ira P., blacksmith, h 1246 Bailey Knouse Jacob H., (Forney & Knouse), h 23 N 13th .. Knouse Ralph E., elk, 1276 ::\Iarket, h 1246 Bailey III Knouse Viola A., foxer, h 3~2 S 15th 01 Knox Elizabeth S., teacher, h 259 Boas Z.!: Knox Emma, dressmkr, h 259 Boas C.r: Knox Frances J., wid Hiram, h 259 Boas .1- Knox J. Lewis. plumber, 213 Crescent, h do l.r: . Knox Samuel c., lahorer, h Friendship Engine House ." Knox William R.. (Knox & ::\Ieckley), h 259 Boas z~ KBOX & DCKLEY, (W. R. Knox and F. B. Keckley). grocen, 1302-1304 N 3d Knul1 Harry C, salesman. h 204 Reily "I Knupp Benjamin F., (B. F. Knupp & Bro.), h Penbrook Knupp B. F. & Bro .. m. F. and E. M.), marble and grantte Iworks, State c 1~th

z o Z

Kn~ll Car~line, wid Joel, h 121 Vine



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MOREl REDMONO}~:::' ~~og~{3d an4-lb'III Stla Digitized b;'G'lj~81~

l. B. TICIUIIIl PIPER e:::-in-.:! IIIDOI SHIDE3{.;;:~iIt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 401

Knupp Christian, plasterer, h 134 Verbeke Knupp Daniel W., contractor, h 2151 Herr Knupp Edward M., (B. F. Knupp & Bro.), h Penbrook DUPP HARVEY E., lawyer, 15 N 2d, h 1103 Penn Knupp Herman H., painter, h 2151 Herr Knupp Howard R., pipe cutter, h 2151 Herr Knuth Elizabeth, book folder, 10th bel ~farket, h Newport Knuth William c., laborer, h 1337 Howard Kobler Annie M., h 6.17 Boas Kobler Christian F., laborer, h 637 Boa!: KOBLER GEORGE, propr Penna R. R. House, 1237 7th, h do Kobler Harry, machinist, h 637 Boas Kobler John F., laborer, h 60'Z Boas Kobler Lizzie, h 637 Boas Koch Albert W., cutter, h 329 S 14th Koch Annie A., charwoman, h 319 Calder Koch Caroline S., wid John H., h 1314 William Koch C. Frederick, blacksmith, 2110 N 7th, h do Koch Charles, h 1009 S 9th Koch Charles G., laborer, h 318 Sayford av Koch Charles H., elk. 46 N 3d, h 134 BaIrn Koch Eli, carpenter, h 1639 Market Koch Frank W., driver, h 1009 Market Koch George, machinist, h 614 State

Koch George F., driver, h 1314 William Koch Harry, salesman, 9 S 2<1, h Newport Koch Henry, laborer, h 318 Sayford av Koch John B., cab driver, h 134 Balm Koch John W., driver, h 517 N 2<1 Koch Lincoln, butcher, h 1207 Apple av Koch Maggie P., domestic, 318 Sayford av Koch Maud, saleslady, 334 Market, h 134 Balm Koch Pauline, wid Charles, h 318 Sayford av Koch Susan L., wid Charles H., h 134 Balm KOchanour Jacob F., livery, 2016 Wood av, h 517 Maclay Kochel James I., mattressmkr, h 211 Evergreen Kochel Jennie Mrs., h 21! Evergreen Kochel Walter, machinist, h 21} Evergreen Kochenour Annie M., domestic, 320 V erbeke Kochenour David 2018 Penn K ochenour GeorgeN., hbrakeman, h 1319 Penn E., XOCHENOUR GEORGE W., cigars and tobacco, 230 Karket c 3d, h 713 N 3d Kochenour Joseph c., flagman, h 342 Reily Kochenour, see Gochenour Kocher Amelia, wid Josiah, h 1406 N 6th Kocher Milton, flanger, h 175 N 15th Kocher \V alter L., elk, h 1406 N 6th Koehler Ca,;per, h 20;) Meadow la

a i




-47 iii :::~



No 1230

&. Bl.lTLI::R



CURl'S =:.-.t Drug and Patent Medicine Store{ =,~.u;;.,

402 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
, . Koehler Conrad, h 10 Argyle ,J; Koellner August, laborer, It 1111 Penn en Koellner Rose, cigarmkr, h 1111 Penn -: Koellner Sadie. cigarmkr, h ma ~Iyrtle av ~ KOENIG ALBERT, propr Maple Grove Hotel, 2101 B 6th . : Koenig Edward, asst baggage agt P. R R, h 24 S 3d E Koenig Frederick L., bottler. HII6 York av, It IH2 do ;:a ~ Koenig George R, bookkpr. ~:."I Market, h 571 5 Front =:i Koenig Harry H., tinsmith, h 2H.~ Cherry av ~ Koenig Jacob F., laborer, It :.!H~ Cherry av Koenig John, butcher, h 5il S Front Kcenig- John 1\1., chcckman P. R R, h 5il 5 Front Koenig Louis, elk, h !!4 5 3d _ Koenig Louise, cook Hotel Columbus a Koenig Marie, saleslady, 3:34 Market, h 5il S Front Koenig Mary M., h 215 Chestnut :: Koenig Sarah, cigarmkr, h 208 Cherry av ::IE Koenig Wilhelm, tinner, h I:U!) i\1arion Kohl Jerome A., mailer Patriot, It 143 N 4th II) Kohler Agnes Mrs., h ::!;1!1 State Kohler Barbara, wid George, h 227 \' erbeke L&J Kohler Charles E., mason, h :l27 Hamilton .J Kohler D,aisy M., roller, h 3:!7 Hamilton Kohler Edward 5., barber, h Hi:!:J N 4th


J - ... ,..1., 1111- l mdg. IaJ Tille GUoronlJ IBId TIUSI co If seIAIlOI. 1 FIIIIII.... If Conlric', r Real &ta&e 0lIl(..., PEl... Rear of Pod










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Kohler Elmer B., laborer, h 1105 4th Kohler Frederick, brakeman, h 1633 N 3d Kohler Jacob C, caTpenter, h 327 Hamilton Kohler Jacob G., carpenter, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Katharine ~L, bookkpr, 1306 11kt, h 230 Verbeke Kohler Walter T., laborer, h :J:!7 Hamilton Kohler, see Koller Kohli Frederick J., ironworker, h 1931 Rhoads av Kohnen Alva C, nurse, h 1806 N 6th Kohnlein August, laborer, h 1144 Market Kohnlein Bertha E., boxmkr, h 1144 Market Kohr Charles \V., laborer, h a34 Cherry av Kohr Jacob C, h ;~!I 5 Court av Kohr Joseph ]., hostler, h :l:~8 Cherry av Kchr Laura M., domestic, 1 72~ N 5th Kohr Martin H., motorman. h 212 Calder KOHR 1URTIN' S., drygoods and notions, 1628 B 6th, h do Kohr Reba, domestic, 6:l0 Boyd av Kohr Sarah, wid Samuel, h 16:!S N 6th Kohr Thomas R, patternmkr. h 2U07 Kensington Kolaisz Anthonv. laborer. h H15 5 19th Kolbenschlag X. E. & Sister, (Anna E. and Etta M.), milliners, 27 5 3d Kolbenschlag Anna E., (A. E. Kolbenschlag & Sister), h 2:n Briggs


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 403

Kolbenschlag Etta 11., (A. E. Kolbenschlag & Sister), h 231 Briggs !::~::a Kolbenschlag John V., elk, h 231 Briggs __ Kolbenschlag William, h 231 Briggs Kolbenschlag William F., salesman, 221 Market, h 414 ~ Spring av Koller Emory E., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Koller Harry M., carpenter, h 1000 Green Koller, see Kohler Kollner ~:Jary, domestic, 3 S Front Kollner Sarah, cigarmkr, h 1111 Pc!nn Kolp Fannie E., saleslady, 318 Market, h 411 Walnut Kolvic Barbara, knitter, h 1945 Moltke av Koomes Bertha ~I., milliner, 36 N ad, h 35 N 17th Koomes John W., tinsmith, h 1418 N 3d Koomes McClellan J., baggagemaster, h 35 N 17th Koomes Mabel L., elk, 63H Walnut, h 141H N 3d Koon Clementine Mrs., h 107 Mulberry Koons Bertha E., milliner, 3:-14 Market, h 1539 N 4th Koons Calvin H., carpenter, h 14 N 15th Koons Charles, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Koons Charles, cash boy, 324 Market. h 32 N 1:~th Koons Charles E., elk, 119 l\Iarket, h Camp Hill Koons Charles P., meat, 1313 N 2<:1, h 1315 do Koons Daisy, cigarmkr, h 1315 N 2d


---------------------SaYings and Loan Assn.{~=


Koons David, laborer, h 1901 Derry Koons Edward, repairsman, h 1811 Briggs Koons Grover c., baker, h 152 Linden Koons Harry H., postal elk, h 1401, Derry Koons Harve\' c., meat, 26H Cumberland and 162!1 Penn, h 207 Ha~ilton Koons Jacob, h 201 Hummel Koons Jacob B., carpenter, h 221 c Derry Koons James J., foreman, h 32 N 1:tth Koons Jerome, foreman, h 15m} N' 4th Koons J. Grant, electrician, h 201 Hummel Koons John, laborer, h 5:n Cowden Koons John H., brakeman, h :n3 Verbeke Koons l\Iame P., milliner, :134 Market. h 152 Linden ~ Koons l\lcClellan, laborer, h 1539 I\' 4th Koons Thomas R., engineer, h 1811 1\' 6th ~ Koons Thomas W., lineman, h 14 K 15th ~ Koons \Vm. E . warehouseman. 22'2 Mulberry, h 14 S 16th er Koons William 1., carpenter, h 18.1:t Korth Koons W. Turner, stonecutter, h 152 Linden Koons, see Coon, also Kuhn Koontz Harry ?II.. car repairer, h 429 Boas Koontz Solomon L., laborer, h 14 Cowden Koovell Frances c.. housekeeper, 211 N Front Kopilivitz Nathan, tailor, h 133 N 10th

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H. I. KELLEY &co.}on:ces, :.r::.~r:r:!:}COAL AHD WOOD

404 Boyd's Hanisburg City Directory.




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Koplovitz Haman, laborer, h 506 N Cameron Koppenhaver Amos L., laborer, h 912 S 19! Koppenhaver Frank B., laborer, h 912 S 19! Koppenhaver Kate Mrs., h 411 Market Koppenhaver Nathaniel, lather, h 411 Market Koppenhaver William A., grocer, 11 N 13th, h 9 do Koppenhaver, see Copenhaver Koser A. Stewart, dentist, 219 N 2d, h 1114 do Koser Charles W., blacksmith, h 1112 N 6th Koser Henry J., salesman, 334 Market, h 433 Hamilton Koser John A., boltmkr, h 1115 N 7th Koser John A., driver, h 16301 N 5th Koser Josephine R., teacher, h 1112 N 6th Koser Sarah A., housekeeper, 1112 N 6th Kosher Lucy A., wid John, h 1221 Market Kost Curtis E., brakeman, h 1516 Green Kost Samuel M., flagman, h 526 Forrest Kost Thomas R., brakeman, h 526 Forrest Kost William c., brakeman, h 526 Forrest Koster Gustave, foreman silk mill, h 1526 Green Kosure Bertie E., h 419 North Kough Catherine E., wid Jacob R., h 1501 N 6th Kough Harry, salesman, h 323 Chestnut Kough Harry E., C;lk P. R. R., h 1501 N 6th Kough William, conductor, h 632 Delaware av




Koveravitz John, laborer, h 3 Paxton Furnace Row Kozel John, helper, h704 Race Kraber Alcinda, wid Christopher, h 629 S Front Kraber Charles L., nailer, h 601 S Front Kraber Cora, dressmkr, h 627 S Front Kraber Elizabeth, wid John 0., h 627 S Front Kraber George E., carpenter, h 629 S Front Kraber Howard c., nailer, h 110 Dock Kraber John H., ironworker, h 91 Tuscarora Kraber Nannie 1., elk, 1224 N 3d, h 627 S Front Kraber Raymond M . electrician, h 627 S Front Kraber, see Craver, also Craber Kraft Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 904 Ash av Kraft Harry, laborer. h 904 Ash av Kraft John, engineer, h 129 Sayford av Kraft Ludwig, casemkr, 4 N 3d, h 703 N 19th Kraft Mary, winder, h 904 Ash av Krall Charles, machinist, h 2284 N 6th Krall John C., laborer, h 320 Verbeke Krall Ralph, switchman, h 2022 N 5th Kramer Aaron M., laborer. h 117 Hoerner Kramer Ambrose, plumber, h 1426 N 3d Kramer Arthur R.. jeweler, 420 Market. h do KRAXER CHARLES F., druggist, 1225 If 3d, h 1638 11 3c1 Kramer Christian D., varieties, 1429 N 3d, h do

..... ;;

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.l. B. TACK} Wall PaDer and Window Shades {Ula::~a:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 405 Kramer Christian D., jr., laborer, h 1429 N 3d Kramer Florence G., vamper, h 1312 N 6th Kramer Frank F., (J. A. Kramer & Son), h 1266 Market Kramer Frederick J., elk P. R. R., h 442 Walnut Kramer Harry, peddler, h 118 Short Kramer Ira VV., grocer, 400 Cumberland, h do KRAlttER 1. A. & SON, (Frank F.), plumbers, 1266 Karket James F., brakeman, h 14!!7 William Kramer John A., (J. A. Kramer & Son). h 1615 Regina Kramer John F., baggage transfer, h 205 ~ 15th Kramer Maude, seamstress, h 2115 N 15th Kramer, see Cramer, also Creamer Kramlich John, laborer, h ~orth c Cowden Kramme D. Fritz, restaurant, 439 Verbeke, h 601 Cumber~d Kranszdorf William, furniture, 352 Verbeke, h 1413 N 4th Kranzman Samuel, huckster, h 328 Cherry av Krater Reuben. elk, ISII1 N lith. h do Kratzer Annie M. 1Irs., h 8 S 4th Kratzer Carrie, cigar roller, h 220 S 2d Kratzer Charles P., conductor, h 1837 N 4th Krause Annie E., saleslady, h 649 Dauphin Krause Barbara A., h 116 Short Krause Charles, salesman, 339 Market, h 1015 Green Krause David A., laborer, h 914 S 9th






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MILLER BROS. " BAKER i ~~~b~2.:'~~-: :IE

Krause Frank L., (Hbg Xews Agency), h 224 N 3d Krause George c., coroner, C. H., h Ill, Short Krause Hannah A., wid Andrew J., h 315 Boas Krause Karl, laborer. h 313 Verbeke Krause Leonard, watchman P. R. R., h 649 Dauphin Krause Samuel, upholsterer, 211U \Valnut, h 1015 Green Krause, see Crouse, a) so Krouse Krauss Charles, salesman, h 1015 Green Kravbill Martin E., mgr, 36 N Cameron, h 1929 Forster Kraybill Rose, wid Irvin B., h 1246 Kittatinny Kraybill, see Graybill Kreamer John H., (Kreamer & VanOrmer), h 21:~2 N 6th Kreamer & VanOrmer, (]. H. Kreamer), produce, 2132 N 6th Krebs Augustus A., laborer. h 1318 :\Iaple av Krebs Elsie, domestic, 115 Pine Krebs George ~., machinist, h 10118 Fox av Krebs :\Iary, domestic Xational Hotel Krcgo Curtis, elk, h ::m; Driggs Kreider Anna M., wid Samuel D., h 609 Cedar av Kreider E. Caum, engineer, h 40H Cumberland Kreider Edward c., engineer, h 1126 :\[ontgomery Kreider Frank E ., fireman, h 1712 X 6th Kreider George W., hostler, h 1712 ~ 6th

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No. 1230 ,ARCH STREET . PHILl ., PA . '





1I01111's COlDPlellon Pills :.'jl:;J~d~:!~~!: 306 Broad


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Direotory


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..; Kreider Gideon R.. sec and genl mgr People's Ice Co., h Annville Kreider Harry E., helper, h :!67 Forster Kreider Margaret, student, h :!;tt! ~ (ith Kreider Minnie M., teacher, h 1712 N 6th Kreider Peter H .. contractor, h 1708 N 6th Kreider Samuel \'1., engineer, h 2:l32 N 6th Kreider Sara E., bookkpr, Ztl l'\ :!d, h 171!! N 6th Kreider Solomon, hostler, h~tl!! ~ 6th Kreider Tobias, carpenter, h 1628 Wallace Kreider William H., machinist, h 173.1 N 6th Kreider, see Crider KUmLER A. H. & BRO., (A. H. and H.), grocers, 100 If 2d Kreidler Amelia R.. bookkpr, 11K. N 2<1. h ~()9 Capital Kreidler Anna E., h 8..9 Capital Kreidler Augustus, h 8O!l Capital Kreidler Aug. H., (A. H. Kreidler & Bro.), h 8ml Capital Kreidler :!d. h II) Kreidler Clara ~L, bookkpr. WON~Front ~09 Capital Edith. domestic, 1517 Kreidler Edward J .. elk, 31H Market. h 1207 Mulberry Kreidler Ferdinand. wagonmkr, h 904 Penn Kreidler George \V . tinsmith, h Ims Muench Kreidler Harry. (A. H. Kreidler & Bro.), h ~OH Capital Kreidler Herman A .. elk. UK. N 2d, h 8O!1 Capital Kreidler James c., elk, 100 N 2<1, h !'IH Capital

1'IM1 eo I- Tille Gooronl, ond


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Kreidler John H., laborer, h 130 Tanner's av Kreidler Lawrence F .. elk. 21!1 Market, h !104 Penn Kreidler Robert S., fireman. h !l114 Penn Kreiger Catharine l\lrs .. boarding, 111 ~ 4th, h du Kreiger Grant, laborer. h l:.!O Chestnut Kreiger Harry, bottler, h 12:1 S Dewberry av Kreiger l\lilton, fireman, h 1268 Juniper Kreitzer Charles A .. butcher. h :~2 N' Stlmmit Kremer Ellis K. Rev .. h :!'24 Chestnut Kremer John, special ins agt, h fi07 ~ Front Krentz Ernest 'V .. finisher, h Ii:!'.! Herr Krentz George, shoemkr, 12tH Fulton, h (i:.!:.! Herr Krentz George L., laborer. h 1i2~ Herr Krentzman Anna, elk, h :m~ Cherry av Krentzman Dora, cigarmkr, h :l:!."i l.llerry av Krentzman Harry, grocer, f)4~ ~I uench. h (10 Krentzman Samuel. huckster, h :l2~ Chern' av Krepps George. hrakeman, h 2:!12 X lith . I;IJ Krepps George W .. ci\'il engineer, !I N :!d, h :!:l~ Cresce.. t ~ Krepps Harry, hrakeman. h :!:!1:! ~ lith Kreps C. Conrad. salt-sman. 4:!~ :\Iarket. h l:H:! Howard Krichbaum Emma R.. h 1117 X 2<1 Krichhaum ;\Iaggie B.. saleslady. :{U~ l'\Iarket, h 1117 X 2d Krichbaum Mary, 2d asst sec Free Library Com, h 424 Xorth

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Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.

Krieg Adam, meat, 130 Charles av, h 129 Verbeke Krieg Adam G., butcher, h 129 Verbeke Krieg Albert L., (l\1arks & Krieg), h 2d ab Seneca Krieg Harriet, h 129 Verbeke Krieg Ludwig, laborer, h 1232 N 7th Krieg, see Craig Kriner John, fireman, h 313 Verbeke Kriner Leo, slater, h 513 Walnut Krise Charles l\J., clk, h 2009 Penn Kriser Nelson, laborer, h 40:l Filbert Krizak John, laborer, h 935 S 19th Kroft John 0., brakeman, h :U4 Muench Kroh Ella B., h Maclay bel Canal Kroh Jesse T., cleaner, h 19~9 K 7th Kroh Samuel J., brakeman, h 1231 Fulton Kroh William c., brakeman, h 213:l Moore Kroll Amelia G., bunchmkr, h 409 Filbert Kroll Frederick, harnessmkr, h 409 Filbert Kroll, see Crull Kronebitter Catharine, wid l\Iartin, h 1136 S Cameron Krontz Dallas H., brakeman. h 820 Capital Krotzer Annie 1\1. ~lrs . h 8 S 4th Krouse John "V .. produce. h Seneca hel 6th Krouse Joseph W., bricklayer, h 2129 Atlas av Krouse Louise, charwoman, h 821 l'fyrtle av








.r:~~-:rw:ra } Harrisburg. SaYings and Loan Assn. {a::=

Krouse Lydia, domestic, 624 Verbeke Krouse. see Krause. also Crouse Kruger Theodore, laborer, h 1213 X 7th Krum Ada, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 307 Verbeke Krussmann Eric H., coachman, h 110 Barbara av Kuebler Charles E., press feeder Indpdt, h 1420 Green Kuebler Frederick A., baker, h 1421) Green Kuebler George, asst gardener Lunatic Hospital. h do Kuebler Robert. hookbinder. h 14:W Green Kuebler Samuel A . asst treas. 20S Locust, h 1420 Green Kugle Ezra, flagman. h Vt!7 Bartine av Kugle George W., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1112 N 6th Kugle John H . brakeman, h 439 Verbeke Kugler D. Paul, fireman, h 2128 K 5th Kuhlwind George, machinist. h 107 Evergreen Kuhlwind Harry. engineer, h 214 Reily Kuhlwind William. flagman, h :~22 Clinton av Kuhn Charles F., barber, h 1019 Hemlock Kuhn Charles L . salesman, :\0 S :Jd. h do Kuhn Florence :'.I., bonnetmkr. h 17;~3 N' 7th Kuhn George, laborer. h 1817 Susquehanna Kuhn Harrison A., carpenter, h 17:1:1 K 7th Kuhn Howard 1\I., fireman, h 1~07 Penn Kuhn Jacob, bartender. 12:n N 7th. h 1114 Grape av Kuhn John L. L.. barber. 9Hl S Hth, h 10~8 S Cameron



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H M KELLEY C I t . {I !IIorth ... IItreeI.. o. CO 10th _d Ma&e ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t:i Kuhn 1... Guy, steel inspector, h 216 Chestnut ..... Kuhn Mary, wid Napoleon B., h 1019 Hemlock KUB SAlIUEL, clothier, 6 B 2d, h 29 do C4 Kuhn Smith A., motorman, h 626 Hamilton c:::::t Kuhn Solomon, (Solomon Kuhn & Co.), h 29 N 2d ~ Kuhn Solomon & Co., (A. Hirschler), carpets, 2 S 2d ..... Kuhn William J., fireman, h 1733 N 7th Kuhns William H., car repairer, h 2112 Turner av Kuhns, see Koons ~ Kulp Alfred C, elk, 336 Chestnut, h 115 Calder CD Kulp B. Robert, student, h 631 Muench _ Kulp George R., brakeman, h 631 Muench Kulp James C, storekeeper P. R. R., h 115 Calder _ Kulp John D., train receiver P. R. R., h 631 Muench Kulp Robert L., foreman P. R. R., h 625 Muench ::IE Kulp William A., brakeman, h 6111 Dauphin ..... Kulp, see Culp ~ Kunke Frederich, laborer, h 1219 Wallace Kunkel Chas. A., cashier Mechanics' Bank, h 221 N Front ::::t Kunkel Elizabeth, wid George G., h 1113 N 3d KUNKEL ELIZABETH C., wid lohn C., h 17 S Front Kunkel Elmer E., conductor, h 52~ Emerald ~ Kunkel George Hon., add law judge. C H., h 131 Walnut ..... Kunkel Georg~, laborer, h 314 Harris ~ ~u~kel Ge~g~_B., physician, 204 Walnut, h do



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Kunkel George Z., Mechanics' BanIZ h1524 N 2d - - Kunkel James D., fireman, h 528 Emerald Kunkel John c., h 11 S Front Kunkel Lee, carpenter, h 516 North KUNKEL PAUL A., lawyer, notary public, 2 B Court av, h, 1807 N 2d Kunkel Samuel, asst cashier l'vIechanics' Bank, h 901 N 2d Kunkel, see Cunkle Kunkle Annie E. Mrs., h 1614 Green Kunkle Claude W., foreman, h 66 N 14th Kunkle E. Bertha, h 1526 N 5th Kunkle Edward D., foreman, h 1614 Green Kunkle Elizabeth S., wid Jacob C, h 1526 N 5th Kunkle Emma]., h 18115 N 3d Kunkle Harriet, wid Samuel. h 1805 N 3d Kunkle Mary E., h 1805 N 3d Kunkle Thomas, laborer, h 1635 N 4th Kuntz George B., puddler, h 1409t ~ 2<1 Kuntz Glenn, elk, 22117 N 7th, h 1409! N 2d Kuntz Renne P., mgr, 5t S 3d, h 4()3 Walnut Kurtz Arthur J., driver, h 434 S Cameron Kurtz Benj. W., foreman Capitol grounds, h MiddletowID Kurtz Chauncey F., driver, h 39 N 12th Kurtz D. Charles, elk eLand S. Co., h 126 S 2d Kurtz Dorothea, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

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REDMDND{3d aDd Rail, Stat.

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I. B. Tiel} FI~~o~~T..:V"A!-..'&o~,,1f!.R {1216.0rlll

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 409
Kurtz Ervin A., laborer, h 206 South. Kurtz John E., driver, 440 Market, h 50 N Summit Kurtz John H., painter, h 120 Evergreen Kurtz Lydia, wid John, h 1114 N 7th Kurtz Martin L., laborer, h 206 South Kurtz William B., brakeman, h 1114 N 7th Kurtz William c., carpenter, h 126 S 2d Kurtz William H., brakeman, h 50 :N Summit Kurzenknabe Charles E., student, h 128 Verbeke Kurzenknabe Francis E. H . student. h 1010 N 3d KT1RZENXNABE HARRY 1., printing and binding, 138 :8 Short c South, h 128 Verbeke KURZENKNABE 1. H. CO., pianos, organs, music publishers, &c., 1010 N 3d Dr == Kurzenknaoe John H., G. H. Kurzenknabe Co.), h 1010 N 610' 3d Kurzenknabe Korman B., elk, 1010 N 3d, h do Kurzenknabe PattI E., student, h 10]0 N 3d :::c Kurzenknabe Richard L.. elk, 1010 ~ 3d, h do Kttrzenknabe Susan 1\1., h 1010 N 3d ~ == Kuster Cecelia F ., booker, h 1:n Vine Kuster John W., puddler, h 137 Vine Kuster. see Custer Kutz Albert D., ins agt, 14 S 2d. h 1547 Walnut Kutz Carrie, saleslady, 221 l\1arket, h Carlisle

Kutz Forster L., salesman, a24 l\larket, h Carlisle Kutz Harry c., painter, h 1931 X 5th Kutz 1vlary A., wid William c., h 1329 N 6th Kyle Edward, carpenter, h 701 N 18th Kyle, see Keil Kynes Charles, bellman The Bolton

Lack Charles H . tailor, ;~O N Dewberry av, h do Lack Fred S., tailor, h 449 S 14th Lackey Charles, h 7th bel Woodbine Lackey Charles H., fireman, h 2158 N 7th Lackcy James B., riveter, h 1404 Regina Lackey John, engineer, h 636 Peffer Lackey John A., brickmkr, h 1404 Regina Lackey John A ., jr., U . S. A., h 1404 Regina Lackey Lizzie, seamstress. h 1404 Regina Lackcv Mabel E ., h 636 Peffer Lackey Mervin F., laster. h 1038 S Cameron Ladenberger J. Philip, laborer, h 668 Boas Ladenberger Lillie E., forelady, h (ifi~ Boas Ladv Albertha, h 119 Calder Lad)' Amos, carpenter, 11 119 Calder Lady Charles \Y., carpenter. h 119 Calder Lady Lawrence W ., brahman. h 1415 Green


No 1230 ARCH STREET . . PA



Boyd's Harrisburg City Di~ectory.


dreesrnkr, In Cdder L,nfferlL Hasry B., nnrpenter, h :n:z Hamihon ~ Laganke Charles F., supt E. F. B. T. Co.,h Hbg Club 1!! ";lird ene nertie, h :Z:Z4 Cumberland ~ ""ird L., h aa Sylvan ter - Laisman Frederick, foreman, h 1060 S Cameron mgr, (in ~ LLA44(:E & GROSs K&N h:GG. 1. ~ ~ plaLes, steG and LaKndry, nr _" ~'Iey ~()hn F., .steehyorker, h 40~ ,S River av , 3 Lemb 11. Merem, sal;:sma;" ;1118 ll;;rkeL 1'.leel :micsb;irg book4inder, 16~:s brakeman, h 50ai :'.1 uench couductor 50:, Munnell "ambnrt Chahes R" car repairer, 427 fIarris :: Lambert Frank P., laborer, h 1:117 Fulton all11bart Henfl, labiircr, 73.1 4th Gamb<"tl l\lelYi, 1., etanoge:;pher, 15th 'Walnut Lambert Oscar L., catcher, h 2112 N 4th Lambart WiIli;;m laborer h 2Lab Boas ,am bart \Vilh,tm T heatiii, 2()Yl Fultron Lamberton Annie B., wid Robert A., h 111 N Front LAMBERTON 1Al1ES X., 216 Mnrbet c Yaurt h l&J 1(( N Frrot .J Lamey Edward c., supt, h 546 Forrest c:( Lamev 1Vlary B., foralady, h (}flR Muench

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~nilOGUoronlJ Ond Trust CO. ::::-,{ a:~Z,~';': ~,~~~"~~~.

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"ame; Philip h HOO Muenrh etmkins Benjamin ., laborer, h r 1I1~8 State Lamon Matilda, wid Joseph, h 1:~6 Sylvan ter - -. L"ampa;; Chtrtles T" elk, 41.,1 Mark;;t, h >- Lampas Jacob L., baker, h 47 !\ Summit z: Lampas Leonard, confectioner, h 47 N Summit ,amp;;:; Theodore baker, 414 nrker, do a. Lancaster House, (Jacob Eckinger), 21 Cowden IS Lander J., agt, h 424 Forster o tlANDhh Benjamin14,; ;;ldenmon, 14hl N h de MelhN U .J Landis Abraham, h 661 Sa~'ford av L,ndis Abram D., fireman, h 2:!2 Korth 171:.! 4th o Landi;; Lddi;;;;n H", rteam u Landis Alexander c.. h 543 Race Q Landis Alfred 1'1., bar elk, ga7 1\ ad, h ~{j N 4th L""anditt telegttaohcL z: Landis Amanda, do~estic, 7 l:1'lfF eI orth X Front Landis A. 1\lay, cigar roller, h 221 S ~d ~ "and;;, Anna M .. Cl?:armktt 22ili ~d Landis Annie 1'. I. , \\;id Reuben. h 2011 Penn Landis Arthur F., weighmaster eLand S. Co., h 1~(t9 BerrvhiH Landis Carrie I., h 14:~~ James Landis Charles A., motorman, h fn:! Race "anclitt ("hark;', E., {"ashier Divi'i un nr






The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Homa{Slx Cents a Waak




Employ. Done 001 lInt,.el_ workmen. beDee only", IUS A B TACK} GIarItM'tlllld wureall. Wort done iD u)' panoflliMe. { If......

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis Landis


Landis Landis Landis Landis

Charles F., produce, 2011 Penn, h do Clara A., domestic, 27 S Front David D., laborer, h I~H!) Bern-hill Edward D., huckster, 2:!1 S :!l, h do Elizabeth, domestic, 171MI ~ :!d Elizabeth. wid Samuel. h 17 S 13th Elmer W., cigars, HI:U Derry, h 1809 Berryhill George A., h r :!ti ~ 4th George S., drug elk, 4t15 :\[arket. h 1520 N :!d Harrv, bartender. h 205 Chestnut -+ Harr)', carpenter, h :U6 Harris Harry, laborer, h r 26 :\' 4th rn Henry, mason, h 181111 Berryhill :Henry B.. elk, h 1007 ~ 3d .: Howard S., machinist, h 1014 ~ 7th CI' Jennie ~lrs .. dressmkr, 142Ht Susquehanna, h do .:. Jennie L., h 1014 State ~ J olm A., h 1126 :\Iontgomery :D' J olm D., brakeman, h 18.'l:J Fulton ~ John H., bookkpr, Buckthorn av c Haehnlen :lV, h 5;:' Sassafras- av .: John ~I., h r 1::18 Wallace ~ John R., conductor. h 42:1 Peffer Katie L:, h Itn4 K 7th Leona G., elk, 221 S 2cl, h do ,.



~e:*':::'ba} Harr~sburtSa'lnI~~_~oan Assn. {~::= ~

Landis :Martha, wid Abraham, h :m3 S Front Landis Mary, h 3:J.'l S Front Landis ~lary, wid Abraham S., h 1:J49 North Landis Mary A., domestic, 2124 X 3d Landis Mary A., shoe operator, h 1809 Berryhill Landis :\Iary E., h 1126 Montgomery Landis Oliver T . letter carrier. h 1110 N Front Landis Rossiter B., driver, h 221 S 2d Landis William E., carpenter, h 661 Sayford av Lane Asbun", laborer, h 516 Brown av Lane Cllarles, laborer, h 1424 Fulton Lane Ellen, wid Daniel F:'., h 16:1(J Logan av Lane George A., laborer, h 1227 N lIt Lane Harriet, charwoman, h 1406 N 4th Lane Joseph, houseman. h 246 Liberty Lane Max, shoemkr, 1026 IVlarket, h :10 Lane Rollin. laborer, h 14]6 ~ 4th Lane Sarah. charwoman, h 404 Fulton Lane W. Henrv, laborer, h 1112: N ]2th Lang Alexander, brakeman, h 606 Showers av Lang John. tailor, h 310 Forster Langdon Claude A .. civil engineer, h l:n2 Kittatinny Lange Herman, lathe hand, h 406 Cumberland LAlIGHAJ( 10IlATHAB' 11 , chief clerk Auditor General'. Dept, Capitol, h The Lochiel

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- - 6 1 J B MOTI'O:- r Ro.-& Coal. BODeet Welcbt t

H KELLEY at .CO ', II.


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Langletz Annie 1\1., buncher, It 615 Race Langletz Charles B., carpenter, h 615 Racc Langletz Charles \V. H., foreman, h 916 Cowden Langletz Harry, photographer, I;] 1 Race, It (i15 do Langletz Henry, baker, 611 Race, h 1it5 do Langletz John, tobac'conist, 3:!U Herr, h .fa Langletz 1\Iinnie 1\1., teacher, h 615 Race Langletz, see Langlitz Langlitz Anna L., cutter, :l6 N 3d, h 419 Kelker Langlitz Catharine, wid Casper, h 419 Kelker Langlitz l\Iary 1\1., forelady, 36 N 3d, h 419 Kelker Langlitz, see Langletz Langlotz Bransbr, clk, 400 S 2d, h do Langlotz John W., warehouseman P. R R, h 1825 Berryhill Langlotz Martin, grocer, 400 S 2d, h do Lannon John, laborer, h 16 Lochiel 2d Row Lansburgh Sidney, sec Balto Mdse Co., Inc., h 1629 N 2d Lantz Catharine, wid Philip, h 417 1\1aclay Lantz Charles P., student, h 417 Maclay Lantz Elizabeth, packer, h 1423! Regina Lantz Elizabeth H., wid Jacob, h 1612 Green Lantz Harry A., teacher, h 417 Maclay Lantz Isaac, laborer, h Cameron ab Maclay Lantz J. Harper, grocer, 1948 N 6th, h 330 Peffer


Lantz Joseph F., clk, h 1722 N 5th Lantz Sarah, wid William, h 314 Boyd av Lantz William, lineman, h 1722 N 5th Lantz William A., fireman, h 417 Maclay Lantz William E., lineman, 210 Wafnut, h 1722 N 5th t.I.I Lantz William L., h 417 Maclay ::::c Lantz William R, laborer, h 314 Boyd av ~ Lantzer Mazie, saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 322 Peffer Lapp Samuel, office dep U. S. marshal, P. O. bldg, h 1940 N 6th 1&.1 LAPPLEY lOHN, boots and shoes, 1800 B 4th c Kelker, h do Larue Charles, helper, h 1120 N 6th Latchaw William H., painter, h 25 N Dewberry av Lathe Howard W., teamster, h 215l N 5th Lathe William H., machinist, h 503 Woodbine Latherow William W .. brakeman. h 2023 Fultoa Latsbaugh H. Park, inspector, 210 Walnut, h 1905 N 4th Lau Annie, laundress, h 107 S Cameron Lau Henry, laborer, h 1525 Swatara Lau Jennie, bunchmkr, h 1525 Swatara Lau John H., machinist, h 161 S Summit Lau John S., laborer, h 207 Mulberry l&I Lau Mervin B., brakeman, h 1182 Christian Urie, ironworker, 223 Lau Zula, bunchmkr, hh1:525 ~lulberry Lau Swatara

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Redmond's Wagon Works {::Jl~'!:p~=} 3d and ReH, Sfs. Google

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A. B. TACK =~~ lOll POPef IIld 1Ind01 ~_,~a1l

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.


Laube Moritz, h 303 S 2d Laubenstein Ezekias, foreman, h 328 S 16th Laubenstein Jennie, wid Ambrose, h 1238 Kittatinny Laubenstein Peter, pavement layer, h 1519 Derry Laubenstein William 1., elk, 210 Walnut, h 328 S 16th Lauber John W., brakeman, h 636 Reily Lauber Laura, domestic, 321 Verbeke Lauber, see Lattver Lauck Jerome K., salesman, 221 Market, h Hummelstown 04 Lauck, see Louck Laudenberger Eva, weaver, h 1207 N 6th Laudenberger John, laborer, h 141:l N 3d Laudermilch Frances, h 229 South Laudermilch Isaac L., laborer, h 51 Lochiel5th Row Laudermilch Robert G.. tailor, h 424 Forster Lauer Hannah V., h 147 Sylvan ter Lauer William M., livery, 1122 Green, h 1124 do Laufle Albert G., U. S. N., h 2118 N 3d Laufle Blondina, student, h 2118 N 3d Laufle Edith M., student, h 2118 N 3d Laufle Gebhard, (G. Laufle & Son), h 2118 N 3d LAUFLE G. & SON, (G. and W. 1.), plumbers, &0., IG20. 3d Laufle ~fary R., milliner, h 2118 N 3d Laufle William J., (G. Laufle & Son), h 1908 Susquehanna :!! Laurie Annie K., teacher, h 212 North

i :a



-------Laurie John B. F., bookkpr, h 806 N 6th Laurish Harry S., chief officer dep U. S. Marshall, P. O. bldg, h lit9 Green LausE:h A. Lincoln, laborer, h 503 Cumberland . Lauster Frederick, (Wagner Bros.), h 627 Boas Lautsbaugh Samuel, elk, h 830 James av Lautsbaugh Sidney C, wid Samuel G., h 1729 Walnut Lautsbaugh William B., brakeman. h 917 Myrtle av Lauver William E. E., flagman, h 2230 N 6th Lauver, see Lauber Lavelle Catharine, domestic, 325 N Front Lavender Amos H., laborer, h 27 Locbiel3d Row Laverty Alice L., h 11 S 2d Laverty Annie L., saleslady, 334 Market, h 11 S 2d Laverty Ella K., h 11 S 2d Laverty Fannie H. Mrs., dressmkr, 236 S 14th, h do Laverty Frank R, junk, Hancock c Christian, h 1936 Briggs Laverty Jt'sse \\T . elk P. R R, h 403 Herr Laverty Maggie Mrs .. laundress, h 328 Strawberry av Laverty Martha A. Mrs., h 403 Herr Laverty Mary A., wid Daniel, h 11 S 2d Laverty Mary E., wid Charles L., h 21 S 3d Laverty Mary J .. h 227 N 2d Laverty Ralph, foreman. 329 Market, h 402 S 14th Laverty William A.. mgr, 329 Market, h 122 Sylvan ter
No 1230 STREEl' "l/!lll.,I-:\

MILLER BROS.' BAKER t "=~b.~-:'~~"



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McNeil's Pain Exterminator ~uiro:ub!~e =t~r:rel"b~~ {aoe ~~





Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Laverty Wm. T., sales agt, :327 Strawberry av, h 223 N 2d Lavia Clement, machinist, h 1331 Thompson av Lavia Joseph, shoemkr, 4:!1 State, h 1331 Thompson av Law Harvey B., ilagman, h 1012 Paxton Lawler Anna B., dressmkr, h 225 Reilv Lawler Florence McC., domestic, 917 N 4th Lawler John, heater, h 432 S 2d Lawler Nellie P., cigar roller, h 432 S 2d Lawler William J., laborer, h 432 S 2d Lawless Joanna, telephone operator, h 542 Race Lawless Mary J., housekeeper, 542 Race Lawless Thomas, foreman C. 1. and S. Co., h 542 Race Lawrence Grant, brakeman, h 1329 Vernon Lawrence Iron Co., 223 Market Lawrence Jefferson, driver, h 1114 Capital Lawrence John c., driver, h 232 Say ford av Lawrence John F., flagman, h 1627 Penn Lawrence Julius, distributor, h 2:lfl State Lawrence William, foreman. h 232 Sayford av Lawrence William, laborer, h 5 Haeltnlcll av Lawrie Fannie ;\lrs .. h l:~H S ad Laws Charlcs, bellman. 11 The Dolton Lawson Bellett, sec Paxtang Cemetery Assn., h Paxtang Lawson Elizabeth R.. wid John E.. h 520 N !jth Lawson Frederick C, laborer. h 41.4 Cranberry av
nTU IIAIAITY 'I.IT co. {.............Ira'.... Ene.........nll .... } .... _II ..... - ' leIIal... " _ . "1111.........11th., ~.d.1I J,dl ...I.',.... 1rlt"'l 0ftICe

Lawver J. Wesley, hrakeman. h nan Reily Lawyer Albert E., laborer, h fll 7 ~ nh Lawyer Annie :\1., cook. h 1i6H Driggs Lawyer John W., laborer. h 211115 Swatara Lawyer Louisa. domestic, 1m;) ~ :{u Lawyer Lulu, domestic, 2111'< N ad Lawyer Maggie Mrs . h 701 South Lawyer Samuel H., porter, h fi6!) Briggs Laylon Harry, enginecr, h 17:~7 X lith Laylon Howard, inspector, It 17:H N lith Laylon William, machinist, 11 17:H N lith . Layman Charles G., flagman. h I1it:, Fulton Layton l'.Jorris H., teacher, h 708 East Layton William H., foreman P. R. R., h 440 S 2d Layton William H., jr., conductor, il IS ~ l:~th Lazarine David, (Armento & Lazarine), h State Capital Hotel Lazarini Vincenzo, cook, 11f11 :\larket I&J Leach Albert G., watchman P. R. R., h :123 Camp U Leach Julia, .laundress. h 11:'01 Lihcrty Leader Sallie A., h 224 N Hith Leahy William, laborer. h 1717 N 7th Leak Emma. h 1II~ N lath Leakway Agnes. book folder, h 25lt Hummel Leakway Alvin N . bookkpr. h 2!jlt Hummel Leakway Elizabeth Mn; .. h 251} HUnJmel


~=~= IOlFooor ond llIIdOi ShOdes !rom A. B .TACK

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Leakway Fannie Mrs., h 704 East Leakway Wilford H., fireman, It :.!5lJ Hll!11mel Leaman Bertha M., elk, r 3:.!tI ~Jarkct, h :!:!5 Verbeke Leaman George W., engineer, h :!(i0 Calder Leaman Jacob W., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 341 Hummel Leaman Jennie, wid Joseph B., h 5U:J Cumberland Leaman Theodore S., telegrapher, h :!11 ~'vl\l!berry Leaman \Varren H., engineer. h ()4:! Boas Leananl Annie, wid George, h l:~fI!l \Valhce Lear Charles D., laborer, h 4:18 S Hth Lear John W., driver, h 311 Dau f)hin av .. Leas Charles, elk, 426 1larket, h do Lease Edwin, cooper, h 6:'''' Race Lease Harvey, elk. 12()1 ~ all. h 312 Cumberland Lease John B., elk. :n:! Verbeke. h ;11:! Cumberland Lease John W., salesman. h 312 Cumberland Lease Mary, h 312 Cumberland Lease Robert B.. salesman, 8 N 2d, h Steelton Lease William W., cooper, h 1078 S 9th Lease. see Leese. also Lies Leavenworth Edwin A .. insurance. 231 Hamilton, h do Lebanon Valley 1'Iilk Depot, John J. Shaffner, mgr, 510 Peffer Lebkicher Violet, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do


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Lebo Lebo Arthur E., dentist, 13th c Ho\vard, h 18 S 13th Lebo Charles, carpenter, h 615 Harris Lebo Cora M., bookkpr, 312 Market, h 507 Cumberland LEBO D. FRAn, county commissioner, Court House, h

Sallngs and Loan ::D Arthur, stenographer P. R. R., h 507 Cumberland C


Williamstown Lebo Elizabeth, wid William, h 212 Hummel Lebo Elsie, domestic, 1430 N 2d LEBO EIIA.N11EL N., contractor and builder, 1922 Berry- ::J: hill, h do Lebo Harrison, brakeman, h 1202 Christian ::D Lebo Harry E., laborer, h 1934 Briggs Lebo Mary, shoe operator, h 694 S 20th Lebo Mary, wid Joseph, h 230 N 3d Lebo Rebecca, wid Daniel, h 507 Cumberland Lebo Rosa, domestic, 619 Dauphin Lebo Samuel, laborer, h 1934 Briggs Lebo Selena E., teacher, h 1922 Berryhill Lebo Thomas E., laster, h 138 Hoerner Lecrone Emanuel K, (Lecrone & Co.), h 428 Walnut .. Lecrone & Co., (E. K Lecrone), meat market, 428 Walnut Lee Arthur S., waiter, h 422 Herr Lee Bertha A, domestic, 721 North Lee Bertha 1'1., dressmkr, h 663 Briggs Lee Bertha V., cigarmkr, h 1006 Hemlock

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416 Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee ,ee Lee Lee ,ee Lee Lee Lee Less: Lee Lee ,ce Lee Lee

Hs Ms KELLEY&. CO'S ma;!..~00~!={sb--:e~~



bookkpr, h 25 Pine Edward, hostler, h en::! B1a&bkb&brry ao George H., laborer, h 1219 N Hi Hssrrid,wid h 12H N n~ Harriet, wid Robert, h 5263 W s'sst w Harry]., barber, h 663 Briggs Hmry C, lahor&br, 500 av Hugh, tailor, h 61 Lind&bn Ida F., wid James, h 1006 Hemlock Jamee H~, lalior&be, 1 l,oehiel ]st Row John H., laborer, h GG3 Bril:~ge Julia Mrs., h 506 South K wonL, 47 \Valnut h do Martha L housekeeper, l~~ Sayford ae Mary, domestic, 58 N 15th Mary A. <'Ires"mkr, kd2 lerr, h dn Mary F., hOtlsekeeker, tj63 Briggs Mary F. Mrs., dressmkr, 608 State. h do 1vIary J., latl00 drrss, 7kl Los:th Maurice T., bell boy Comwlth, h fiG3 Brig<,~s Ralph A., laborer, h 663 Briggs wid John, 71i :50rtl1 William, laborer, h 512 South av William, tester, h 624 l?riggs Williem n .. harbex h %?fi:> Briggs:

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Leech Lnnie, wib William, h 222 Suuth Leech Antsie, wreppcr, 1:<'7 Leech John, conductor, h 222 Sesuth Leech \ViIliam A., janitor, h 222 South T,Ei;DH All J. ]l., age:nc: dicecter Lew Yiiik Life Inf4urtfnctf Leeds Clara c., saleslady, 406 Market, h 47H S Cameron Leeds Clss00a sa\e"lady, dOG Market, h 476 S Cameron Lesds Daniel., h 476 Camaron Lee~s ~eorg~ W.: el1~il1eer: h 4~6. S Cameron ~easlS IsIahnsfa, Wid Rlfsilanf, 41's Cameron Les:~ds Richasd, angi01eea, h 207 N 5th Leeds Thomas B., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 1224 Swatara Leesly AnnaiH., hetnmscr. 14016 N hth Leedy 01arIcss D" 1,e02 Penn !-eedy David,~rakeman, 1702 N 5th ~ LCesay Daeld ~., caller . It 1616 4th Leedy Frank D, milk, 1HH Leedy George I., signal inspector, ,ei'dy Lewis, lather, h :s.u RS'ily Leedy Louise R, penmkr, h lh02 Penn [,eedy May, b~ok folde!";}~th bel M~rk~~t, h Steelton Leedv lVL LOUIsa, Wid i'\! Iham, h Ri3ll ll'enn Leedy Samuel K, telegrapher P. R. 12b6 Stato Leedy William, fireman, h 332 Verbeke

Co" 227 WahfUt, h do

A. B. TACK}l1ll PAPER e!!:~-:.:! IIIDOIIHID3h(;;:~;..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 417 Leedy William E., salesman, 1209 N 3d, h 1616 N 4th Lees A. Catharine, wid Benjamin, h 117 Linden Lees Bertha A., shoe operator, h 117 Linden Lees May V., shoe operator, h 117 Linden Lees William J., policeman, h 114 Nagle Leese Lillian M., laundress, h 614 Oxford Leese Oscar B., elk, 416 Market, h 1300 Wallace Leese, see Lease, also Lies Lesser Emma, charwoman, h 1309 Wyeth av Lefever Charles L., harness, 1215 Capital, h 1317 Wallace Lefever Emma R, teacher, h 411 Cumberland Lefever George H., fireman, h 708 Green Lefever Mamie, elk, 201 N 2d, h 1317 Wallace LeFevre Arthur K ., elk P. R R, h 1732 Elizabeth av LeFevre Benjamin G., agt, h 1732 Elizabeth av LeFevre Benjamin H., fireman, h 615 Harris LeFevre Charles E ., salc&man, 31~ Market, h 1732 Elizabeth av LeFevre Clara 1\1., housekeeper, h 1732 Elizabeth av Leftridge George E., hostler, h 554 Primrose av LeGarr Harry S., student, 17 S 2d, h 246 Liberty Lego Alfred P., janitor, h 1114 Caider Lego Frank D., laborer, h 426 Cumberland Lego GeorgI! E., laborer, h 1114 Calder Lego Martin, laborer, h 12th c Walnut

MILLER B80S. -' BAKER { --::5~b~2.I.~~K

Lego Rachel A., janitress, h 1114 Calder Lego Russell, laborer, h 426 Cumberland Lego Samuel W., blacksmith, h 1922 N 5th Lego Stephen B., conductor, h 1526 Penn Lego Stephen B., jr., laborer, h 1114 Calder Lehman Alfred R, engineer, h 138 Linden Lehman Alonzo G., bookseller, 1204 N 3d, h 922 Grand Lehman Alva, h 1704 Green Lehman Amos 0., machinist, h 1245 Swatara Lehman Charles, conductor, h 902 S 20i Lehman David 0., carpenter, h 52 N 12th Lehman Emanuel W., grocer, 1416 Derry, and boarding, 506 Market, h do Lehman George W., carpenter, h 1440 Regina Lehman Frank, elk, Wallace ab Reily, h 1419 do . Lehman Ida, domestic, 217 Verbeke Lehman Ida B., h 1403 N 6th Lehman Irvin L., salesman, 408 Market, h 506 do Lehman Jacob A., elk, 1416 Derry, h 506 Market Lehman John, brakeman, h 637 Woodbine Lehman Luella M., elk, 1204 N 3d, h 922 Grand Lehman Mary A., wid John, h 127 Sayford av Lehman Samuel W., bartender, 125 Chestnut, h 127 Sayf.ord av Lehman William D., motorman, h 127 Say ford av





CLARK'S::' Drug and Patent Medicine Store{s::'~u.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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Lehmer Ralph F., helper, h 1207 Derry Lehmer, see Lerner Lehn Annie, wid Abraham K., h 509 North Lehr Annie, domestic, 1702 Market Lehr Cora A., h 341 Peffer Lehr Frank A., machinist, h 341 Peffer Lehr Grace E., (Findley & Lehr), h :141 Peffer Lehr James M., (Lehr & Wenrich), h 922 S 9th LED 1. FBARK, druggist, 824 N 6th, h do Lehr Joseph W., engineer, h 2022 N 6th Lehr Lottie E., domestic, 50 N 13th Lehr Mina A., wid Henry, h an Peffer Lehr Philip, heater, h 1018 Paxton Lehr William H., engineer, h ]003 Berryhill Lehr & Wenrich, (J. M. Lehr and W. B. Wenrich), grocers, 1049 S 9th . Lehrman Laura Mrs., h 218 South Leib Albert, bar elk, a09 Market, h 502 N 3d Leib Charles F., (Frank R Leib & Son), h 405 N 2d Leib Emma E., stenographer, 223 Market, h 10 N 16th Leib Frank R, (Frank R Leib & Son), pres Hbg Woolen Co., h New Cumberland LEIB FRANK R. & SON, (Frank R. and Charlel F.), msurance and real estate, 12 N 3d Leib Margaret, wid George ]., h 1637i N 3d


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Leib Sarah, wid John, h 10 N 16th Leib Sobieskie, conductor, h 313 Cumberland Leib Warren c., fireman, h 628 Boas Leibengood John c., carpenter, h 1011 Market Leibengood John W., shoe finisher, h 1011 Market Leibengood Nettie C. Mrs., dressmkr, 1011 Market, h de> Leiby Percival, laborer, h 12th ab Kelker Leiby Samuel, machinist, h 1433 Derry Leiby Scott S., student, 15 N 2d, h Marysville LEIDICH KATHARINE B., physician, 207 Harris, h do LEIDICH PERCY G., druggist, 333 S Front 0 Vine, h do Leidig John B., carpenter, h 2035 Logan av Leidigh Mabel G., stenographer, 21 N 3d, h 131 Sylvan tel" Leidy Charles M., coremkr, h 8 S 13th Leidy James c., postal elk, h 12a6 Derry Leidv Kate, wid Samuel, h 8 S 13th Leidy Mary F., h Home for the Friendless Leidy M. Jane, seamstress, h 8 S 13th Leifter Morris A., conductor, h 544 SlOth Leighton Emma K. Mrs., h 213 Barbara av Leighton George F., carpenter, h 1815 Susquehanna Leighton Isabella C. Mrs., boarding, 1203 N 6th, h do Leighton Joseph W., carpenter, h 1203 N 6th Leighton Samuel, carpenter, h 126 Evergreen Leinbach Ada, saleslady, 215 Market, h 224 South Leinbach Effie, saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 224 South

Read the .PATRIOT} ~II:NNII:,. {Harrisburg's D!~~e~ b~~~~~\e


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


Leinbach Oliver T., salesman, 8 S 2d, h 224 South Leininger Harry, blacksmith, h 239 State Leisher Oscar W., baker, h 1550 Fulton Leisman Frederick, fireman, h 1060 S Cameron Leisman Herman, fireman, h 1120 S Cameron Leiter Austin E., fireman, h 407 Woodbine Leiter Cloyd A., elk, 1220 N 3d. h 407 Woodbine Leiter Henry A, helper, 28 S 2d, h 2135 Atlas av Leiter Louise R., wid Henry K., h 407 Woodbine Leiter M. Dora, edge stitcher, h 1110 N 7th Leiter Nelson E., elk, 35 N 3d, h 43 Balm Leiter Oliver G., fireman, h 1911 N 7th Leitzel William H., carpenter, h 1956 Derry Leitzell Damascus A, h Holly beyond limits Lemberger Herman K., bookbinder, h 1623 Regina Lerner Clara E. Mrs.; dressmkr, 814 N 3d, h do Lerner John D., photographer, h 814 N 3d Lerner LeRue, photographer, h 213 S Front Lerner LeRue, jr., photographer, h 213 S Front i LEItER KILTON It., lawyer, rooms 4 and I, 9 N 2d and 14 N Court av, h 220 North Lemcr, see Lehmer Lemmey Wm. J., foreman, 101 N Cameron, h 1101 Market Lemon Samuel H., elk Dept Int Affairs, h 119 Sylvan ter Lemory David A, bricklayer, h 1312 Fulton

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Lencioni George, cook Hotel Columbus, h do Lencioni Monsueto, cook, 1001 Market, h do Lenhart Bertha, cigarmkr, h 2152 N 7th Lenhart George W., laborer, h 2019 Moltke av Lenhart Lewis, laborer, h 113 Ann av Lenhart Lewis D., flagman, h 1204 N 7th Lenhart William S., postal elk, h 1327 N Front Lenig Grant c., blacksmith, h 1403 Vernon Lenig Grant W., engineer, h 1030 Herr Lenig John E., elk P.O., h 647 Harris Lenig Margaret, wid John S., h 617 Herr Lenig Margaret, wid William F., h 1403 Vernon Lenker Amelia]., domestic, 1304 N 3d Lenker Daniel L., packer, h 1731 Market Lenker Elizabeth, h 810 N 6th Lenker Elizabeth, h 928 N 2d Lenker Elizabeth, wid John B., h 1915 Forster Lenker Harry c., elk P.O., h Progress Lenker John M., expressman, h 1324. Kittatinny Lennox Bessie E., tacker, h 1468 Regina Lenore Clement, coat room Comwlth, h 115 Tanner's av Lentz Charles E., painter, h 125 Linden Lentz Cyrus M., laborer, h 948 S 21st Lentz David V. M., driver, h 624 Verbeke Lentz Esther M., saleslady, 1~04 N 3d, h 624 Verbeke


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H. I. IELLEY 8. CO.10Ir.C8S, t~~II:::::}COAL AIID WOOD

420 Boyd" Harrilburg City' Directory.
Lentz George, brakeman, h 17 Evergreen Ii!Mt Lentz James J., laborer, h 14 S Dewberry av .... Lentz Joseph F., h 624 Verbeke Lentz Joseph M., brakeman, h 500 N 13th . . Leonard Allen A., flagman, h 1709 N 3d Leonard Annie Mrs., lodging, 522 North av, h do .... Leonard Charles F., cutter, h 1938 Derry Leonard Edith Mrs., h 50 N 10th LEOlfABD FRED C., U, S. marshal middle dist of Penna, Q room 43 P. O. bldg, h lIanilburg Club lIE Leonard George, teamster Lunatic Hospital, h do en Leonard Harry, conductor, h 1729 N' 6th : : Leonard James, foreman, h 422 Market !:: Leonard John H., genl eastrrn agt Southern States Despatch, 16 N 2d, h do __ Leonard Johnson, oil, 1204! Bailey, h do Ia.I Leonard Joseph L., solicitor, 27 N 3d, h 119 S 2d ~ Leonard Monroe, copy holder Independent, h 1729 N 6th ~ Leonard Susan Mrs., h 522 North av LLI Leopold August F., molder, h 237 Hummel Leopold Edward, laborer, h 938 Paxton Leopold Mary, wid Otto, h 9:~8 Paxton bunchmkr, h 9a8 Paxton Z Leopold OtilIa,laborer, h 938 Paxton Leopold Otto, Lepperd Leo A., fireman, h 014 Hamilton






Lerch Carrie, saleslady, 334 Market, h :Middletown Lerch Harry, fireman, h 1731 N 6th Lerew Charles, woodworker, h 1114 N 6th Lerew Charles W., laborer, h 1840 Boas Lerew Harry M., carpenter, h 1840 Boas LeRoy Flora, dressmkr, h lUI) Cowden Lescure David P., tray salesman, h :U5 Chestnut Lescure Edward H., machinist, h 4~17 S 13th Lescure Emma, charwoman, h 1309 \Vyeth av Lescure Frank H., machinist, h uno Green Lescure Joseph H., paperhanger, h 1310 Green Lescure J. William, policeman, h l:no Green Lescure vViIliam J., mgr, 3 N 2d, h H21 do Lesh Daniel, (Kaufman & Lesh), h W Fairview Lesh Harry B., laborer, h 3Hi Chestnut Lesh Mac, domestic, 130ti N 7th Lesher George, fireman, h 1410 ~ 6th Lesher H. Elmer, salesman, 334 ylarket, h 702 N 3d Lesher J. Edward, salesman, h 114 ~ 2d Lesher yIinnie. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Leslie Jacob \V., salesman, h Ii:.!2 Penn Leslie Randolph, hellman. h 410 South Lesser Eleanor, roller, h 470 S Cameron Lessig Samuel, laborer, Ii 1114 Penn Lessig Susan, wid ''''illiam, h 1114 Penn












IBlC~~BB} ANDREW REDMOND 1~~iz~dn~~ilJJ~~


}Wall PaDer
Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. 421

Letferd wid j~~,~.~ ftIulbeu e Lett James, photographic gooas, 27 h 218'Pine Lett Theresa B., wid James, h 21t-l Pine Lcttieh \ViIliem, brieklayer, h 211 Barbara Letaner Frank H., 518 ftIdder Levan Charles W., P. & d.. , h 14;fl IJerry Levan Erskin N., engineer, h 12:{ S 14th Leean Howat'd A., conductor. h 13 Eeeroreen


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Levan William F., engineer, h 17113 Derry Levegood Warren D . agt, h 2:? N 2d Leeenson Philip, cGnfentioner h02 h dG Levey Benjnmin, h N RiGer ev Levey Carrie M. Mrs., milliner, h 122 N River av, h do Levi Annie. cigar roller, h 715 Cowden Leei Annie. 'wid Ii 71 Powden Llni Benjllntin F., Inhorer. h <H4 Elm Levi Jacob, notions, 25 K 5th, h do Lcyi Lena. dressmkr. h 715 Cowden L(:ei Sarah. (eamstre((. h 71h Powdert Ln(in Danill, peddlee, 720 Jth Levin Isaac, grocer, 5~) Filhert. h do Levin Marks. pefldler. h 515 South L{:nin Mo{cs. peddler 507 11z'imrose




MILLER BROS. I: BAKER{ ..,~~t,:~.::;.~"';;a !IE :a LeHne Louis D., mke 15~ 2d
Lewin Lewis Lewis Lewlll Ll::,wll, Lewis Lewis L(:wis Lrw%i. Lewis Lewis Lewil: Lwwis Lewis Lewis Lemis Lewii: Lewis Lewis Alfred \V., prrs Ashkl.'~ r~tnc h 120J 2d Alexandcr, porter, :{:.'9 Chestnut Annie M., wid George H., h 513 Korth Archihald, H66 S Cameron laborer. h lHin err Charlotte, wid Lindsey, h :n Lochiel 11h Row Dais)" h 114 Mary's av . driyer r :{;~4 15th Daniel h ~ Donald, caller P. R R, 2H:~ Cumberland Edward W., h 1~+!1 Derry Emilv wid Aka;mdcr. 'ill8 XGkh av Emnia .I., h 71 ~',Iorth Frederick. butler, 219 S Front ~eorge,.H., rubber stamps, :i1,? N?!,th, h 513 do (JranVlffe, P. R. II .. h .Off :eorth HaTTY R R. depot. :!:! N Harry B., coachman, h 114 ~Iarv's av Han\' E., foreman. h 51G Emerald







h ~n5 Chestnut

Lewis Irving C, draftsman F. and ~I. \Vks, h 105 S Front Lewis Jacob, laborer, h Gil:? \Valnut \ValnHt LEwis James hV., h R.


No 1230


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Lewis ;; Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis ,;; Lewis u Lewis Lewis Lewis . . Lewis Lewis ;;; Lewis VI Lewis Lewis Lewis ~ Lewis 0 Lewis Lewis C Lewis

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

John, laborer, h 1532 Logan av John, tinworker, h 1828 Fulton Joseph J., laborer, h 644 Primrose av Kate, cigarmkr, h 10ti6 S Cameron Kate, wid William H., h 1066 S Cameron Louisa, domestic, itS North av Matilda, wid Henry. h 1176 S Cameron Mary, domestic, 36 S 1:3th M. Ellen, seamstress, h 1828 Fulton Moss S., barber, h 246 Liberty Ranch P., barber, h 4:!O South Rebecca Mrs., ironer, h 9:!0 Grand Robert H., laborer, h :!28 Mary's av Sadie, wid Charles, h 210 Charles av Sarah; wid George. h 1x:m Xorth Walter J., porter, 16 N 3d, h 114 Mary's av Walter L., machinist, h 513 North William C, brakeman. h 510 North Wm. E., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 709 Capital William H., butler, h 114 Mary's av William H., laborer, h 121 Cherry av William H., tinsmith, h 208 Cherry av Wm. H., jr., porter P. R. R. depot, h 112 Mary's av William H. H . hod carrier, h 1202 N 12th William J., laborer, h 941 N 7th



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LICHLIT~B. JU,RCELLUS D" chief clerk .Ltepartment Agri-

Leyder James S., telegrapher P. R. R., h 319 Peffer

culture, 716 State, h 715 Capital Lichtenberger Carrie, milliner, h 1621 Swatara Lichtenberger Chester A., helper, h 1621 Swatara Lichtenberger James it, student, h 1621 Swatara Lichtenberger Paris, helper, h 1621 Swatara Lichtenberger Sarah, milliner, 6 S 2d, h 1621 Swatara Lichty Moses, h 117 Mulberry Lichty Watsoll, laboret, h 117 Mulberry Lickel Chester H., molder, h 565 Forrest Lickel George C, molder, h 565 Forrest Lickel Lewis, foreman, h 193:! S,\ratara Lickel Tolbelt C, car repairer, h :!122 N 4th Liddick Bertha, h:!14 Mulberry Liddick Charles C, carpenter, h 39 S 13th Liddick Harvey S., brakeman, h 111 N Summit Liddick Harvey S., brakeman. h 1515! N 5th Liddick Jacob B., laborer, h 1737 X 7th ~ Liddick Jacob L., blacksmith. h 6a6 \"erbeke Liddick Jacob L., fireman, h 17:l7 N 7th Liddick James, laborer, h lS:!7 Susquehanna Liddick John E., brakeman, h 6H:! Woodbine Liddick Joseph, ironworker, h li:!4 Shower,; av Liddick Jos~ph. laborer, h 1731 N 4th Liddick ro.Iyra E., saleslad~', ~H4 Market, h :\Iarysville

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES FV~~.::~ED~A~L seOBBS Digitized byt;oogle

I. B. TACK}~;'-=~,.o~{::::;.-=
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 423
Liddick Walter, carpenter, h 624 Showers av Liddick 'Wister, brakeman, h 337 Boyd av Liebtreu Conrad H .. h 1732 N 3d Liebtreu Henry, bartender, h 602 Forster Liefter Isaac, installment, h 505 Cowden Lies Montgomery, roller, h 203 S River av Lies, see Lease, also Leese LIESllAlIN FREDERICK W., (F. W. Liesmann &; Son), publisher Penn'a Staats-Zeitung and Dauphin County lour naI, 134 kee, h do _ Liesmann F. W. & Son, (George W.), ins, 534 Race Liesmann Geo. W., (F. W. Liesmann & Son), h 123 Conoy Liesmann Wm. F. c., stengr C. I. and S. Co., h Camp Hill Light Cyrus M., h 48 Balm Light Daniel S., coal elk P. R. R., h 26 Evergreen Light Herman J., driver, h 4.'17 SlOth Light Isaac, laborer, h 320 Clinton Light Ross 0., bar elk, 1237 N 7th, h do Light Solomon, baker, h 1042 Herr Light Stephen H., laborer, h 48 Balm Light WiIliam H., laborer, h 505 Hamilton Lightner Andrew c., conductor, h 619 Peffer Lightner Ann J., wid Charles M., h 1904 N 6th Lightner Augustus J., brakeman, h 1423 Green Lightner Charles E., elk, h 1904 N 6th

== ==

l:~~'t~ ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {


I.IGHTBER EZRA W., news editor Patriot, h 9 Front Lightner James B., molder, h 619 Peffer Lightner Kate E., dressmkr, h 120 Calder Lightner Lewis, switchman, h 1108 Calder Lightner Lynn W., patternmkr, h 1327 Howard Lightner Richard, engineer, h 234 Hamilton Lightner Richard c., brakeman, h 209 Muench Lightner William, fireman, h 1116 N 6th Lightner, see Leightner . Lilley Joseph B., puddler, h 1D01 Derry Lilley J. Pursel, mess factory inspector, h 1930 N )th Limpi Emelio, cook, 437 Market, h do Lind Jennie, nurse, h 432 Kelker Lindecukle Hannah, wid George, h 136 N 13th Lindemuth Hiram E., sawyer, h 1709 Penn Lindenberger Charles F., car inspector, h 6.10 Woodbine Lindenberger Sophia, wid Philip, h 1618 Wallac~ Lindenmuth Bright c., grocer, 235 Crescent, h do Lindle William, brakeman, h 500 S Cameron Lindon John F., machinist, h 205 Chestnut Lindon Mary F. !-.Irs., dressmkr, 205 Chestnut, h do Lindsay Alexander c., car repairer, h 1306 N Front Lindsay Ambrose P., laborer, h 1164 S Cameron Lindsay Ouistopher H., brakeman, h 1115 Capital Lindsay Harry A., bricklayer, h 1306 N Front

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H M KELLEY GCO. {I North .... .aa..&. D. I l 1011> aDd .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

== =


Lindsay Robert B., machinist, h 1643 Fulton ..... Lindsay Samuel N., lineman, h 1106 Cowden a:: Lindsay Stanley, laborer, h 112 Short Line Albert A., janitor, h 91(1 S 19! CII Line William A., shipper, h 173 N 15th ~ Lintbaugh Laura E., domestic, 503 N Front ~ Lingel Daniel \V., carpenter, h 1!)()2 North :z: Ling~rin Nicholas, huckster, h 92:~ Capital Lingle Amos]., carpenter, h 1918 North Lingle Benjamin 1., painter, 312 Boas, h do Lingle Charles E., marker, h 140 Linden ~ Lingle Charles S., (Montgomery & Co.), h 1338 Derry :: Lingle David H., teacher, h 1900 North _ Lingle Edward 0 .. mgr P. & R. Tel. Co., h 1119 N 6th Lingle Fremont W., painter, h 1902 North :IE Lingle George W., flagman, h 161:! Susquehanna ..... Lingle Harvey B., wall paper, 1923 State, h 1944 North ~ Lingle John H., cabinetmkr, h 236 N 15th Lingle Joseph, carpenter, h 103 Washington av Lingle Josiah F., grocer, 646 Peffer, h do Lingle Lettie, book folder, 10th bel Market, h Enhaut Lingle Lizzie, domestic, 107 S 2d ~ Lingle Luther K., elk, 1228 N 3d, h Penbrook .... Lingle Margaret, wid Benjamin, h 1902 North ~ Lingle Orville H., elk, 646 Peffer, h 2011 Mottke av



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Lingle Pierre B., machinist, h 107 Mulberry Lingle Ralph G., watchmkr, 23 N 3d, h 929 do Lingle Robert, fireman, h 122:l! N (ith Lingle Ruth A., wid Levi, h 1119 N 6th Lingle Sarah E., wid Joseph H., h 103 Washington Lingle Thomas H., driver, h 1420 Penn Lingle William, painter, h 1H03 N 6th Lingle William H., car builder, h 514 Peffer Lininger Joel A., elk sec Commonwealth, h Carlisle Link Harry A., elaim elk, 16 N ~d, h 1243 Mulberry L&J Linn Annie, domestic, jO~ N 6th Linn Charles A. R., elk, h 4 N 13th Linn James K., (Jacobs & Linn), h 404 Cumberland Linn Lemuel G., brakeman, h 404 Cumberland :c Linn l\Iabel G., book stitcher, h 4 N 13th .... Linn l\Iary A., wid Philip, h 4 N 13th Linn Noah K., foreman, h 404 Cumberland Linnane Michael, puddler, h 1086 S 9th Linsenmayer Alonzo, brakeman, h 448 S 14th Linsenmayer Edgar, foreman, h 448 S 14th Linsenmayer Jacob, laborer, h 448 S 14th Linsenmayer William, machinist, h 448 S 14th Linville Harry K., engineer, h 212:;\ 6! .... Linville Irene, saleslady, :!:!1 :\larket, h 21:!8 I)! ~ Lipkins Dennis, hostler, h 2:n N River av

~s:!ueetl_Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d IDd Refly SfI.

Digitized by


I. B. Tiel} FI:"~O~!'TTlu~AA}"~CrA~f.,~R {121610l1lllblrd

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 425

Lipman Jacob, elk, 600 State, h 12 N 5th Lipman Joseph, grocer, 619 Herr, h do Lipman Moses S., grocer, 700 North, h do Lipman Rosa A., housekeeper, h 619 Herr Lippert Charles, inspector, h 121 N 10th Lippert Edward, laborer, h 1012 S Cameron Lippert John D., hooker, h 1012 S Cameron Lippert Sylvester D., helper, h 1012 S Cameron Lippi Benjamin F., fireman, h 1626 Wallace Lippi Edgar c., brakeman, h 1632 Wallace Lippmann Bruno G., meat, 632 Mahantongo, h do Lipschetz Harry J., linotype operator Patriot, h 115 North Lipscum Dennis, coachman, h 231 N River av Lisse Heinrich F. F. Rev., h 1106 Capital Litch John B., (Litch & Son), h Steelton Litch John E., (Litch & Son), h Steelton Litch Ravmond A., laster. h :-W4 Nectarine av Litch & Son, (J. B. and J. E.), leaf tobacco, 100 N Cameron :z: Little Albert c., elk Adjt Genl, 716 State, h 12 S 4th Little Emma, wid Augustus. h 24~ Liberty eD Little G. Frank, salesman, 7 N .2<1, h 502 N 3d Little Juniata A., h 2237 N 6th Little Mark E., driver. h 248 Liberty Little Milton c., warehouseman, h 2"27 S River av Little, see Lytle



= ...



Livezey Ella E., wid William H., h 1812 Wood av Livingston Amanda, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Livingston Esther, wid Benjamin, h 317 Dauphin Livingston George J., telegrapher, Division c P. R. R., h Fort Hunter Livingston Grace, cigarmkr, h 118 \ashington Livingston Ida ~l. Mrs., h 1104 Cowden Livingston Joseph B., steward Lunatic Hospital, h do Livingston Samuel J., engineer, h 623 Reily Livorno Frank, waiter .P. R. R. dining rooms, h 1115 ~lkt Llewellyn Charles F., elk, h 15 S 2d Lloyd Charles B., cooper, h 8:U SlOth LLOYD C. HOWARD, architect, 216 ](arket, h 1707 3d Lloyd Felix G., tailor, 13!) N 4th, h do Lloyd Isaac, teacher, h 1707 N 3d Lloyd James 1'1., mgr, 215 ~larket, h 2'23 S 14th Lloyd James W., carpenter, h 829 S 10th Loban Isabella, wid John. h 622 Muench LOBO 10D, gardener and fiorist Capitol, h 622 ](uench Loban John E., elk. 2(101 N 6th, h 622 Muench LOCHIEL (THE), Charles Dmfy, propr, ](arket 0 3d Lochiel Mdse Co., (A. C. Logan, A. A. Clark and W. F. Barry), genl store, Lochiel Furnace Lockhart William J. Rev . h 118 Sylvan tel' Locklev Enna, wid William, h 626 North Lockie)' Lucy, domestic, 133 State


No 1230 ARCH STRHT. . PA


lIIeN...'. PaID EztermlDator CUI't!ll CI10Jaa lIorbaa, D,lDIWJ,a-~ Dlur'"-. 1)oJde, QD1Dal. RbeUlllatiam. Too\baehe, Bole TbJoa&, que, ~ lie. .......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




IE!! Ci







Lockley Mary, elk, h 62f} North Lodge Edna. saleslady, 1300 ~ 3d, h 162'2 N 4th Lodge Florence, h 100 Tanner's av Lodge G. Horace, grocer, 1622 N 4th, h do Lodge John G., h 1622 N 4th Loduca Charles, barber, 24~ S 2<1, h do Loeser William L., organizer, h 2135 N 4th Loffiin James D., brakeman, h 616 Delaware av Logan Arbour c., (Lochiel Mdse Co.), h 210 Reily Logan Daniel W., laborer, h 30 Lochiel 3d Row Logan Ella J., domestic, 64:l Briggs Logan John V .. bookkpr, h 114.. Jonestown rd Logan John W., laborer, h 30 Lochiel :hl Row Logan Mary E., weaver, h 112:1 Wallace Logan Samuel D., puddler, h 30 Lochiel 3d Row Logan Samuel D., jr., laborer, h 30. Lochiel3d Row Logan William M .. (Logan & Fager), h 41M Boas LOGAN & FA.GER, (William . Logan and Eugene F. Fager), plumbing and heating, 1602 N 15th Logue Annie E., h 154 Sylvan ter Loman Mary, wid Edward, h 1126 Cowden Lomax Sarah )'lrs., cook, h 1161 Liberty Lomman Charles F., carpenter, h 110:1 Cowden Long Andrew, stone mason, h 402 Reily Long Anna E . saleslady, h 2122 Turner av ------TIIIn UU IlIIi

l!noronlJ 0IId Tn... CO " .... 1 ...., ....,.... E..... lf Real . .Poe, OIIIce ...... J 11111 .... fir " T. ., Rear of . . ~. 11101

1&1 Long Annie S., dressmkr, h 1505 N 2d

Long Arthur W., sander, h 1018 Fox av Barbara, wid John, h 422 Reily >- Long Benjamin F., bricklayer, h 312 Crescent Long Bertha A., knitter, h 1510 Howard ~ Long Charles W., elk, h 421 S 13th a.. Long Christian L., (Miller & Long), h Hi09 N 2d E Long Daisy, bunchmkr, h 321 Meadow la o Long David B., laborer, h r 10::t2 State u Long David L., engineer, h 1424 K f)th ~ Long Edward, laborer, h 1510 Howard -r: Long Elizabeth, cigar roller, h 321 ),Ieadow la o u Long Elizabeth R., teacher, h 1505 ~ 2d Long Ella, wid George H., h 1127 Cowden Q Long Elmer, laborer, h 418 S River av Z Long Eugene E., brakeman. h 1!1:{;) X 5th -r: Long Fanme. wid Jacob, h 12201 Derry ~ Long Frank W., timekeeper Hbg Rolling :Mill Co., h 312 u Crescent Long George D., conductor, h 11 S 2d Long Harry A., asst gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do Long Harry B., laborer, h 1:l41 S 12th Long Harry J., hostler. h H21i i\ mh Long Harry J.. jr., laborer. h l42(j X 6th

Long Anna T., h 705 S Front


Thl PATRIOT}A Nawspapar for Iba Homl{~~~tiz~dlb~'t~~~

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 427 Long Harry P., cashier,15 N 3d. h 42 N Summit Long Harvey H., grocer, 1~!.!'j K 7th, h do Long Henry F. Rev., h 340 S 13th Long H. K ewton, flagman, 11 6:''7 Muench Long Ida 1\I., packer. h 519 Kelker Long Isaac C, laborer, h 1822 Fulton Long Jacob 1\1., agt, 11 2122 Turner av Long Jacob W., carpenter, h 1220i Derry Long Jane, seamstress, h 210 Herr Long Jennie E., wid William, h 510 N 5th Long John A., salesman, h 1822 Fulton Long John C, salesman, 334 Market, h 1322 Susquehanna Long John D., engineer, h 1003 Cowden Long John J., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 1822 Fulton Long John \V., carpenter, h 2036 N 5th Long John W., laborer, h 1915 Forster Long JoselJh A., motorman, h 1553 \Vainut Long Julia A., mender, h {jth nr :Ylaelay Long Lewis A., laborer, h 2~22 Turner av Long Lewis A., mattressmkr. h 122111 Derry Long Lewis H., laborer, h 1819 N 5th Long Malcolm W., electrician, 11 15415 N 2d Long Margaret E., seamstress, h 1319 Susquehanna Long Martin, laborer, h 519 N 5th Long Martin L., salesman, 215 Market, h 1312 Penn


SaYings and Loan Assn.{g::=

Long Mary, candy coater, h 1412 Berryhill Long Mary, wid Frederick, h 1412 Berryhill Long Mattie J., wid John J., h 632 Calder Long Maud E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 312 Crescent Long M. Grace, saleslady, 334 Market, h 312 Crescent Long Michael G., laborer, h 2131 Atlas av Long Roy, laborer, h 1510 Howard Long \Villiam D., elk Hbg Trust Co., h Union Deposit Long William G., car repairer, h 705 N 19th Long William H., waiter, h 533 Primrose av Long William J., brakeman, h 2131 Atlas av Long William M., student, h 1426 N 6th Longacre Ambrose, laborer, h 1419 Susquehanna Longacre Annie E., weaver, h 1419 Susquehanna Longacre Laura A., weaver, h 1419 Susquehanna Longacre R. Pearl, weaver, h 1419 Susquehanna Longacre Sarah B., wid Joseph, h 1419 Susquehanna Longenecker Edgar M., salesman. 334 :Vlarket, h Progress Longenecker Erma K., stengr, 9 N 2d. h Middletown Longenecker Franklin R, dispatcher P. R R, h 24 S 3d Longenecker Harry B., flagman. h 1826 State Longen~cker John, fireman, h 1617 N 3d LONGENECKER 10D S., county commissioner, Court lIouse, h )fiddletown Longenecker Louis C L., laborer, h 1331 James

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II. KELLEY .. CO. {.:.=-.:..~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Longenecker Matilda, moccasinmkr, b 1333 James Longenecker Reuben H., day watchman, h 1710 N 3d LONGENECKER TORBEN'CE H., book and job printer and dealer in stamps, 1406 N 3d, h do Longenecker William, watchman, h 1333 James Longfeld Bertha M., housekeeper, 1082 S 9th Longfeld Frederick L., laborer, h 1082 S 9th Longfeld Godfrey R., h 1082 S 9th Longmore Joseph, screwsman, h 2226 N 6th Longsdorf George, laborer, h 1129 N 6th Longsdorf Mary .l\lrs., layer out of dead, 1129 N 6th, h do Longsdorf William, brakeman, h 2035 N 5th Longstorf Alvm L., expressman, h 1421 North Lontz William J., fireman, h 20 Cowden Look John \V., sale5man, 335 Market, h 2 S 4th Look William, steward Almshouse, h do Looker Catharine B., elk, h 501 North Looker Charles H., elk. 501 North, h 522 do Looker Edward, produce, 50lN orth, h do Looker Edward B., electrotyper, h 5:!1 N 5th Looker George \V., bricklayer, h 501 North Looker Jacob B., laborer, h 5 SlOth Looker John, helper, h 432 State Looker Joseph W., laborer, h 501 North Looker Samuel W., flagman, n 1824 State

-------------------GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRU661ST{16 N. 3d St.


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Looker Thomas, press feeder Independent, h 521 N 5th Lookingbill David c., warehouseman, h 265 Forster Loomis John c., cook, 11 N Front LOOS roLI.A C., physician, 706 N 2d, h do !!! Loose Elizabeth, wid J. Wesley, h 805 Green ..., Loose Wesley S., student, h 805 Green Loper Charles F., brakeman, h 1413 Currant av Loper Christian F., flagman, h 111~ Wallace ~ Loper George H., brakeman, h 1123 Cowden 1&1 Loper John W., brakeman, h 1308 Maple av Lorbert Julian, laborer, h 1010 Hemlock ~ Lord James, fireman, h 1203 N 6th 1&1 Lorenz Amelia B. Mrs., h 1320 N 3d Losch Charles A., expressman, 15 N 3el, h 1217 Bailey Losch Eugene, foreman,'h 1725 N 7th Losch George c., laborer, h IS:!! North Losch J. Jacob, laborer, h 1321 North Losch Roy F., laborer, h 1:121 North Z Losch Samuel, repairsman, h 1725 N 7th Loser Harvey A., elk, 110 Market, h Annville Loser Lucetta Mrs., h 1435 Shoop I&J Loser William A., barber, 22 S Dewberry av, h 518 North Losh John, bricklayer, h 1314 Fulton Losh Mabel L., bookkpr, 105 Market, h Steelton Lott Anna G., wid John W., h 609 Forster

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Redmond's Wagon WOIts {=~~}D~~Z~~~~~e

A. B. TACK ~t~~ IOU puoor 1IIII1ImlO,_lIsW.:m

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 429
CD Lott William W., piano tuner, 1101 N 6th, h 609 Forster c: Lotz Joseph, salesman, h 410 Market ~ Lc"uck Frank, blacksmith, h 439 Verbeke Louck, see Lauck , Louden Allen, laborer, h 1827 Susquehanna Loudenberger John S., checkman P. R. R., h 1413 N 3d Loudenslager Cnarles E., patternmkr, h 1415 Regina Loudermilch David R., laborer, h 1815 Briggs Loudermilch Henry C, carpenter, h 2003 Forster Louer Charles E., propertyman, h 26 N Dewberry Lougherty Mary P., saleslady, 318 Market, h 715 North Loughran James E., conductor, h 2144 N 6th Louver Alice, wid Milton, h 1444 Derry Love C Paxton, brakeman, h 1322 Kitatinny Love Maggie, domestic, 1234 Bailey Lovejoy Marion T., salesman, 9 S 2d, h 720 Capital Loveland Geoorge E., mechaQical engineer, h 115 Reily Lovell Daisy B. Mrs., h 817 East Lovett Daniel, laborer. h 506 South Low Charles E., elk, 1100 N 6th, h 1414 Herr Low Fulmer M., elk, h 408 Filbert Low Jennie D., wid Willis B., h 5 N 5th Low Preston V., stonecutter, h 1414 Herr LOW WUJ.IAII H., marble and granite works, 14th 0 Kerr, :31 h 1414 Herr

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MILLER BROS.' BAKER~ "=tbli~'t.~~E

LOWE DABIEL S., tinner and stove 'repairer, 1418 B' 8th, h 1420 do see ac1v


Lowe David, laborer, h 1911 Wood av Lowe David P., laborer, h 1911 Wood av Lowe Edward, laborer, h 1911 Wood av Lowe Harry C, laborer, h 1Hll Wood av Lowe Rebecca J. Mrs., h 1617 Fulton Lowe Russel S., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 1925 Wood av Lowe Thomas, inspector, h 821 SlOth Lowengard Harry, elk, 5 N 3d, h 416 Briggs Lowengard Jacob S., salesman, 28 S 2<1, h 416 Briggs Lowengard Leon, student, h 416 Briggs Lowengard Sophia, wid Joseph, h 416 Briggs Lower Lewis N., brakeman, h 429 Muench Lower Lillie Mrs., dressmkr, 1630 Fulton, h do

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Sbop: 1418 Bib SI., Hlrrlablrl, Ptili.
Tlmllac aDd Puroac:c York. RooD. aDd Spoutiac. Slova
aad Puraaco R.palncl. Roof. Repalncl aad PalAtecI.
. Good Workmanllhlp.

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lellU's PaIn Exterminator !!u;.:aIla-:'=':'edK:7&~IIOI~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

..: Lowery Bros., (D. D. and John H.), medicines, 1535 Derry and 320 S 16th 1i!! Lowery DeWitt D. Rev., (Lowery Bros.), h 1535 Derry ~ Lowery Ella, domestic, 300 Verbeke -=e Lowery Frank H., laborer, h 515 Kelker Lowery Harry E., molder, h 1705 Derry c.::a Lowery Ira De Witt, h 1535 Derry ..: Lowery John H., (Lowery Bros.), h 1705 Derry ~ Lowery John H. Rev., hi 1535 Derry Lowman Sarah P., wid William ~L, h 2"20 Pine Lowrey Charles B., bartender, 441 :!'Iarket, h 308 Calder Lowrey Charles R., brakeman, h 631 Dauphin B Lowry Edward, porter, h 236 Liberty Lowry Samuel, bookkpr, h 163 Paxton Loy Albert H., ironworker, h 1211 Fulton ftjj Loy Edward H., laborer, h 1820 Swatara !! Loy John, brakeman, h 3.3.'l Hamilton (/) Loyd :Mary, housekeeper, 104 Short Loyer Annie M., bonnetmkr, h 1334 N 4th Loyer Catharine M., wid Jacob, h 1a:H N 4th Loyer George W., laborer, h 1326 N 4th ~ Lover l\fatilda Mrs., laundress, h 615 State Lucas Addison, laborer, h 4Hi Cranberry av Lucas Anna A. Mrs., h 209 Calder C[ Lucas Charles E., waiter, h 355 S Cameron nru nwln AI. n , CI. { ..... IIIIIIIIIIrIIIrI, r-IIrI, ...... } .... EIIIII ...... -.I flllllll III! , _ 1dIItI ., W.eIe. ,..... ...,., PIIIIfIICI



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Lucas Florence G., nurse, h 355 S Cameron Lucas George, laborer, h 1116 Hickory av Lucas Henrietta, wid Robert A., h 1121 N 6th Lucas Howard S., laborer. h 448 S Cameron Lucas Hyle G., laborer, h 355 S Cameron Lucas Isaac N., brakeman, h 1274 State Lucas Lydia Mrs., charwoman, h 1410 William Lucas Jane, wid Charles E., h :155 S Cameron Lucas Robert M., barber, 414 N 3d, h 416 do Lucas Viola, domestic, 266 Forster Luce John H., h 5th c Camp Luce Joseph P., mgr, Division nr 6th, h 5th c Camp Lucknow Iron and Steel Co., James B. Bailey, pres; Henry L. Champlain, sec and treas, 14 S 2d Ludlow D. Stanley, laborer, h 1101 S 9th Ludlow Samuel G., laborer, h 1101 S 9th Ludwick Albert c., plumber, h 122 Verbeke Ludwick John H., carpenter, h 12'2 Verbeke (AI Ludwick Mary c., wid Jacob, h 41!l North ~ Ludwig Jerome, foreman, h 1901 State Q Ludwig Oliver J., welder, h 1901 State (AI Lukens Andrew N., notions, 302 Reily, h do .... Lukens Frank S., molder, h 302 Reily Lukens Henry G. conductor, h 1325 Derry ~ Lukens Herbert I., puddler, h 1063 S 9th

If Yoa Don't Read the PATRIOT YOD Don't aet Ie Ian

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~b~~L:":o~= 1011 rooor ODd tmdol snOdes Irom A. B. TACK {N.I .. :::
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
431 Lukens John E., draftsman, h l:tWl Howard Lukens John S., laborer, h lUU3 S 9th Lukens Martha A., wid Harry, h lUli3 S 9th Lukens Kelson c., helper, h lO:m S 9th Lukens Thomas, h 11U S 1:1th Lukens Wilbert, puddler, h 106:1 S 9th Lukens William, h 1424 N :ld Lum David, laborer, h 15U7 Derry Lum Martha, housekeeper, 1507 Derry Lum Susan, wid David, h 1507 Derry Lundy Benjamin, laborer, h 12114 N Cameron Lune Elizabeth, seamstress, h 5ua Cowden Lune Lena, seamstress, h 503 Cowden Lupfer Emma T. l'.lrs., boarding, IH8 Walnut, h do Lupfer Henry J., solicitor, h 61~ Walnut Lupfer James H., laborer, h 31F Dauphin av Lupfer James L., supt, h H~:J5 Logan av Lupfer Vesta P., seamstress, h :3(); Dauphin av Luphie Percy c., messenger P. R. R. frt depot, h 213 Reily Lusard William, bar elk Hotel Russ, h 1101 Market Lusardi Catharine, wid :\Jark, h HOI :\Iarket Lusk Charles P., elk, h 925 1\ 2d Lusk Flora c., h 1302 Wallace Lusk Grace E., elk Patriot, h 2341 6~ Lusk Herman S., brakeman, h l:UI:! 'Wallace


SaYings and Loan

,. < ,. Assl.{a::.r::
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Lusk James c., carpenter, h 1302 Wallace C Lusk James c., jr., laborer, h 13{)2 Wallace Lusk Jennie N., weaver, h 1302 Wallace Lusk John H., mailer Patriot, h 2341 ()1 Lusk Robert W., brakeman, h 2160 N 7th N Lusk Susan A., wid Robert E., h 2:-141 61 Lutes Britton H., bat elk, h 1112 Capital Luther George, laborer, h 12th ab Kelker Luttringer Leo A., employee State Arsenal, h 1547 \Val- :I nut Lutz Amanda :\1., wid William F., h 119 Herr ::0 Lutz Augustus, ice cream, 411 N 2d, h do Lutz A. Wesley, molder, h 8 S 16th Lutz Bernhard, bartender ~ational Hotel, h 222 Liberty Lutz Ressie L., h 324 S 14th Lutz Charles. laborer, h 511 Cowden Lutz Clara 1\1., teacher, h 119 Herr Lutz Andrew S., machinist, h 1023 S 211 Lutz Daly, nurse, h 51:3 Kelker Lutz Edith, packer, h 1848 North Lutz Edward E., milk dealer, h 171 N 15th Lutz Edward J., elk. h 1345 Howard Lutz Felix A., machinist. h 1023 S 211 Lutz Frederick F., installer. h :l24 ~ 14th Lutz Frederick :\1., boilermkr, h :l4 N 15th

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS h(oJ..-c~':.::~S;: Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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LUTZ GEORGE W., fire marshal and chief engineer Harrisburg Fire Dept, h 1710 N 5th Lutz George W., jr., blacksmith, h 1710 N 5th Lutz G. Reed, machinist, h 133 Herr Lutz Harry B., fireman, h 1522 Susquehanna LUTZ HARRY S., plumber, 209 Verbeke, h 112 do Lutz Henry F., h 119 Herr Lutz Horace, transfer elk R. M. S., h 133 Herr Lutz Isaac D., druggist Lunatic Hospital, h do Lutz James H., cigars, 1125 Mulberry, h 1345 Howard Lutz James H., plumber, 324 S 14th, h do Lutz James H., jr., plumber, h 114 Hoerner Lutz Jenme B., teacher, h 13:1 Herr Lutz John L., engineer, h 1522 Wallace Lutz Joseph, salesman, h 1023 S 21} Lutz Joseph, tinner, h 1:322 Wallace Lutz May A., saleslady, 308 J\Iarket, h 324 S 14th Lutz Minnie A., saleslady, h 324 S 14th Lutz Minnie E., dressmkr, h 119 Herr Lutz Richard L., (Gerlock & Lutz), h 1345 Howard Lutz William, shoemkr, 1004 Capital, h 119 Herr Lutz William D., engineer, h 1613 N 6th Lutz William F., inspector, h 1710 N 5th Lutz Wilham 0., laborer, h 513 Kelker Lutz William \V., conductor, h 41 N 16th

Z! CJ:

Lyceum Theatre, Reis & Appell, mgrs, 206-210 Locust Lvme Edwin L., sewer, h 25 S 16th Z L~'me Harry S., brakeman, h 653 Dauphin av Lyme Irvin R., (1. R. Lyme & Co.), h 1538 Walnut LLI LYME I. R. & CO., (I. R. Lyme and C. C. Forney), plumbinr and gaa fitting, 1010 Jrlarket see adv Lyme John C, mason, h 7 Crooked av Lyme John H., mason, 427 Herr, h do _ Lyme Mary C, bonnetmkr, h 427 Herr Z., Lyme Raines, bookbinder, h 1642 Market C. Lyme Roy, bookbinder, h 1642 ~larket Lyme Victor D., plumber, h 7 Crooked av ., Lyme William J., molder, h 153 Sylvan ter II Lynch Blanche, dressmkr, h 501 Cowden 01 Lynch Charles A., painter, h 12mI N' 6th



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Plomblnt and



No. 1010 Market Street. - Harrislnlrg, Pa.

Bll.lmak!ll fumlahed on applicatIon. Prompt an" persnnal attention rtven all .ork.

AlDREW REDMONDJ~.!'!. ;:~~~{3d and Rally StS. Google

Digitized by

L B. Tlel}IALL PAPER ~:::-~ 111001 SHADE3hf;;:~'';&,

Boyd's Harrisborg City Directory. . 433 LYBCH CHlUSTIAN W., pres W. O. Hickok lUg Co. and Paxtang Electric Co., h 211 State Lynch Herbert E., treas, 208 Locust, h Hotel Columbus Lynch James, stone setter, h 418 Market Lynch James J., bricklayer, propr Hotel Lynch, :l2::> Verbeke, h 1311 Fulton Lynch John H., foreman, h 911 Penn Lynch John S., h 224 North Lynch John T., h 1209 N 6th Lynch John W., laborer, h 1209 N 6th Lynch Mary E., shroudmkr, h 1221 Mulberry Lynch Thomas ]., executive elerk Capitol, h 710 Capital Lynch William H., molder, h 314 Boas Lynch William H., jr., student, h 314 Boas Lynch William W., roller, h 1221 Mulberry Lyne John M., h 113 TU5carora LYlle John W., laborer, h 623 Cumberland Lynn Elsie, domestic, 1606 N 6th Lynn Robert, fireman, h 1104 N 6th Lynne Henrietta B. Mrs., h 1642 Market Lynne Karyl V., pressman, h 164~ Market Lynne W. Roy, bookbinder, h 1642 Market Lyon Robert N., salesman, h 212 S 13th Lyons Annie, warper, h 414 Boas Lyons Dollie, bunchmkr, h 1124 Cowden

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Lyons George R., fireman, h 60!) Muench Lyons Ida, saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 109 Filbert Lyons Jennie A., roller, h 1903 N 3d Lyons Kate, cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Kate J . wid Robert, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Katharine Mrs., dressmkr, h 1319 N 2d Lyons Lillie M., cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Margaret E., cigarmkr, h 1124 Cowden Lyons Thomas, jr., printer, r 320 Market, h 25 Forrest av Lyons William H., (Lyons & Treon), h 1210 Chestnut Lyons \Villiam S., machinist, h 1903 N 3d Lyons William T., brakeman, h H;l1 Green LYONS & TREON, (W. H. Lyons and H. H. Treon), bottlers, 900-902 Jlarket Lyter Carrie. cook, 19 S 2d Lyter Charles E., brakeman, h 512 Maclay Lyter Charles S., drug elk, 1101 N 3d, h 1006 N 2d Lyter Christian H., carpcnter, h 1940 State Lyter Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 239 N 15th Lyter Frank. teamster, h 214 M ulberry Lytcr Harry E., brakeman, h 327 Herr Lvtcr Harvev F., foreman P. & R., h 14~ Linden L)ter Howard B., bridge builder, h 1004 S Cameron LYTER ISAAC, county treasurer, Court House, h Halifax Lyter John F., collector. h 220 Forster

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No 123C





== Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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LYTER JOSEPH A. REV., pastor Derry Street U. B. Church. h 1508 Derry Lyter Maille, waitress, 1!J S 2d Lyter Robert E., helper, h 146 Linden Lyter Rody \'1., car inspector, h 1151 Market Lyter Samuel J., carpenter, h 1!1:!l" Boas Lytt:r Sarah A., wid ~loses, h l1a1 :.'.larket Lyter Wa)ne F., h 2211 Forster Lyter W. EdwarJ, finisher, h IHO(i X 2J Lyter William H., h 111(11) ~ 2d Lyter William H., laborer, h 525 Peffer Lytle Charles S., brakeman, h 2116 Calder Lytle George D., tinsmith, h 1326 Green Lytle James H., carpenter, h 1331 Green Lytle Mary F., seamstress, h 13;31 Green' Lytle Maude L., book folder, h 13:31 Green Lytle William J., checkman P. R. R., h 60 N 14th

}of -... MacAdam Jeannette Mrs., dressmkr, h 237 North (/) MacAdam Susan H., dressmkr, 2:H North, h do



-Btl.,. ., ColI_II l Rear of Pod Bld". III Tille GUorOllIJ OIId lrusl co IF seIAITOI. J fllflll...,..... 11Ie- r B_1 &tate OIIIce ,IIU. 1



IvIacAvov Charles G., electrician, h BlaH ~ 6th ~facAvoy Thomas D., elk P. R. R, h 19:38 N 6th Macbeth Charies, carpenter, h 601 Herr Macbeth Martha, dressmkr, h 1:317 Derry



MacCreary Etta B. l\Irs., h 1410 N 4th Mac Daniels Anna ~l. 11rs., organizer, h 1417 :\Iarket MacDaniels Florence DeL., millinery designer, h 1417 Mkt MacDannald Addie B. Mrs., matron, h 1242 Walnut MacDallnald J. Guy, expressman, 15 N 3d, h 1313 Bartine av MacDonald James W., machinist, h 111 S 14th MacDonald Jane R, stengr C. V. R R, h 111 S 14th MacDonald John B., toolmkr, h 111 S 14th MacDonald M. Mabel, elk, h 111 S 14th MacDowell Minnie E., wid Calvin, h 230 N 3d MacDowell Thomas c., installer, h 230 N ad l\;lacey George M., electrician. h 1624 Swatara MacFarland Charles E., ironworker, h 53 ~ Summit Machamer Augustus V., fireman, h :l21 Dauphin Machamer Charles \V., iaborer, h 1!l;m Logan av Machamer David J., engineer, h 1826 K 7th Machamer David J., jr., repairsman, h 1826 N 7th Machamer Frank J., engineer. h 1828 N 7th 11;1 Machamer Harr\' H., machinist, h 1417 N 6th ~ Machamer John"S., carpenter, h 2124 Turner av Machamer Samuel K, gas fitter. h 1417 N 6th Q Machamer William 0 .. brakeman, h 13:~8 N 7th ~ l\'1achen Georg"e S .. teacher" h 1303 :\Iarket l\lachen J. Paul. elk l\lerchants' Nat Bank, h 1303 Market z: ~Iachlall Ida K, seamstress. h 34 Evergreen


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 435
l\Iachlan James A., foreman Peipher Line, h 222 Briggs Machlin Anna B. Mr.s., florist, 4111 Market, h do Machlin Sylvan W., machinist, h 410 Market Machlin Wilham E., janitor, h 410 Market Mack Harry H., finisher, h 1429 Vernon l\-lack John H., laborer, haN 9th lrIacXALLIP JOlIN X., reporter Independent, h 712 Ii 6th Mackellson Clarence T., grocer, 117 Paxton, h 4:36 S 2d Mackenson Clarence T., jr., elk C V. R. R., h 436 S 2d Mackey Anna, domestic, 212 Pine Mackey Benjamin, laborer, h 70a N'orth Mackey E. Virginia, elk, h :ml Hamilton Mackey Fannie, wid Samuel. h 17113 Elm Mackey Franklin P., engineer, h 1815 Green Mackey Henrietta 1. l\Irs., h 139 Paxton Mackey Louisa, wid Lorenzo D., h 331 Hamilton Mackley Calvin L., baggage transfer, h 1109 Cowden Mackley Catharine, wid Samuel, h J 1O!1 Cowden Mackley Charles E., cab driver, h 1114: Capital Mackley Elrov E., elk, 12'.!O N' 3d. h l\ end 1'\ Camer')11 :Mackley Emrila, housekeeper, 110!1 Cowden l\lacklev Harrv F., cab driver, h 1109 Cowden :MackliIi John S., printer, h 4:n Market Maclay John M., painter, h 1319 Xorth Mac:'.Ianawy Samuel H., molder, h 1!l24 Wood av

GM:8::}Harrisburg SaYings and Loan ASSD.{::::=

MacX eil ~lalcolm A., telegrapher P. & R. depot, h 1151 Bailev . MacPherran John P., conductor, h ~2:~ X ,ith Madden Alexander C, fireman, h 417 Kdkcr Madden Alice M., stengr Independent, h 1718i N r;th . Madden Annie ~L. dressmkr, h 1ill't! l\ 5th Madden Edward W.,asst trainmaster P. R. R.,h 222 N'orth Madden Honora, wid Patrick. h 1111:t S !lth :'.ladden James, laborer, h 5m~ S Front l\ladden John P., bartender, h 15:{:! Walnut l\'1adden Lizzie E., book sewer, h 11O;~ S :!th Madden )'Iargaret E., teacher, h 171~J N ;:;th Madden Mattie, housekeeper, 14:t! Fulton Madden ~lichael. car inspector, h 1ill't! N' :;th Madden :'.Iorris F., caller P. R. R., h li18t X 5th Madden Regina S., wid Dr. William R, h l:n Hanna Madden Rose A., stengr E. F. B. T. Co., h 131 Hanna Madden William, waiter, h 107 Cowden Madden William A., c1k, h 131 Hanna Madden William J.. laborer, h 123 Hanna Maddux George, shoemkr, 1624 K 4th, h 412 Harris Madenfort Charles C, fireman, h 625 Dauphin Madenfort Franklin B., bricklayer, h 1137 N 7th Madenfort Grace, cigar' packer, h !la7 X 7th Madenfort William F., brakeman, h 410 Herr Mader Alvira 1., domestic, 4H:.! X 2d


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H. M. KELLEY 8. cO.}On'C8S, :.:r.:~~~~~';~:}COAL AND WOOD 436 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
~Iader Benjamin F., fencemkr, h Ii! Balm 1Iader Elizabeth, wid Amos, h 621 Forster Mader Laura, saleslady, h 13:!"J Penn Mader Lillian R., laun<lress, h 61 Balm CI Mader Samuel H., engineer, h 2:l4 S :!d a:: Mader Simon H., laborer, h 61 Balm Mader Styles B., laborer, h :!;!4 S :.M Mader Susan, nurse, h 1:U8 Penn Mader \Villiam W., salesman, 334 1Iarket, h GII!J Cald..:r ~ Madison Annie :\1., wid Isaac, h :l4!)! S Cameron _ Madison Charles, waiter, 341~ S Cameron CD Madison Pearl, domestic, :!1:l Cranberry av Madison Thomas ),1.. laborer, h :J4!1! S' Cameron Madison William H., laborer, h 51:! South av ' "'Maeyer Bertha T., proof reader Telegraph, h 1:!11 Penn !\.faeyer Hummel K., (Fager & :Ylacyer), h 255 Boas I&J ).Iaeyer John "V., tinsmith, h 1211 Penn :Vheyer Mary A., wid David, h 914 ~ 2d Magaha John W., helper, h 121H Fulton Magaro Gabriel, laborer, h 213 Meadow la III Megaro George, fruit, h :~25 S River av II: Magaro Michael, (Acri & l\tagaro). h 323 S River av ](AGARO PETER, saloon and cafe, 207 Chestnut, h do Z Magaro Salvatore, fruit stand, 3 S 2d. h 325 S RiYer av Magee Henry R, machinist, h 451 S 13th

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Z GORGAS}FAIR PRICED DRUGGhT{16 N. 3d St. II: l\lagee J. Roberts, screwsman, h 451 S 13th
1\fagill Abraham 1\1., fireman, h 1722 Susquehanna Magill Adam R, fireman, h 432 Peffer Magill Clauda M., weaver, h 1802 Susquehanna Magill David, machinist, h 320 Verbeke Magill Maggie, domestic, 1211 X 2d Magill William c., brakeman, h 172:~ Penn Maglauchlin Christina, wid Wallace, h 2124 ~ 7th Maglauchlin Ellen, wid William J., h 703 N 2d Maglauchlin Jacob J.. painter, 701 ~ 2d. h 70:1 do Maglauchlin Robert c., wall paper, 18211 ~ ad. h do Maglauchlin William J., jr., painter. h 703 ~ 2d Maglaughlin Rudy A., brakeman. h U~20 N 3d Magnani Antonio, restaurant. S 5th c P. R R, h do Magnelli Paulo, fruit, h 315 S River av Magruder Della }\L, wid Samuel D., h 417 Cumberland Magruder Harry \V., laborer, h 417 Cumberland Magruder Verne. saleslady, 117 1\lkt. h 417 Cumberland Maguire Catharine 1\1. Mrs., boarding, :105 Market, h do Maguire John J.. watchmkr. 339 l\hrket, h 612 Boas Maguire Michael T., mgr, 305 Market. h do Maguire Walter P .. mgr. 14 S 2d. h 505 ~ Front Maguire, see l\lcGuire. also Meguire Mahan Emma E., housekeeper. h 1433 ~ 2d Mahan Frank R. engineer. h 1433 N 2d

o c





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iilnm~ii} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and RtIJJ Sts.

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A. B. TACK} Wall Papar and Wildn Sbades {I:::J.-::~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Mahan Harry S., cigarmkr, h 1609 :-.J" 5th Mahan John, steelworker, h 1609 t\ 5th Mahan Maggie E., h 14!l3 ~ 2d Mahan :Mary E., h 1433 K 2d Mahaney Clara V., stengr F. and M. Works, h 1620 Park Mahaney Curtis J., machinist, h 425 Cumberland Mahaney Edith, wid William J., h 1li20 Park Maher Roger, laborer, h 129 S 3d Mahon J. Montgomery, chief elk, 413 ?lIarket, h Carlisle Mahoney Annie, domestic, 107 S Front Mailey Amos A., machinist, h 1609 K 4th Mailey Anna, wid Amos A., h 1609 K 4th Mailey Charles H., machinist, h 1609 N 4th Mailey Elizabeth, wid William, h 212 S River av Mailey Emory 1\1., conductor, h 212 S River av l\lailey Eva c., saleslady, 5 :-.J" 4th, h 1609 do Mailey Herbert c., steelworker, h 107 Hanna Mailey Ida M. Mrs., h 101! Hanna Mailey William M., electrician, h 909 Penn Main John W., laborer, h 405 Verbeke Maines Olivia A., wid Thomas B., h 319 Chestnut Majett John S., fireman, h 1166 S Cameron Major Edgar M, elk, 140S Vernon, h 221 S l:3th Major Jacob M., watchmkr, 203t Hummel, h do Major J. Elwood, stengr, 208 Walnut, h 203t Hummel


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MILLER BROS. " BAKERi "~~t.~~~~-=

Major John M., h 221 S 13th . :Major Margaret J., wid Davis, h 14 Cowden :Major William A., brakeman, h 1201 Market Makibbill Clara J. :\lrs., saleslady, h :W08 N 6th Makibbin James G., engineer, h 1912 N 5th Makibbin William J. A., machinist, h 1806 N 6th Malaby Harry B., fireman, h 2332 N 6th Malaney Annie B., nurse, h 223 Briggs Malaney Imogene 1., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h 223 Briggs :Malaney John, watchman P. & R. depot, h 22;{ Briggs Maledth Michael, laborer, h 1405 N Cameron Malester \VilIiam c., brakeman. h 150H Wallace ~Ialey Charles "V., laborer, h 4:~7 SlOth Maley Della, domestic, 17115 N Front Maley George W., fireman water works, h 450 SlOth Maley James L., laborer, h 100a Paxton Maley J. Frank, bookbinder, h 424 S 2d Maley John. shocmkr, h 10113 Paxton Maley Mary A., cigarmkr, h !l16 S 2d Maley Thomas J., conductor, h 316 S 2d Maley William H., carpenter, h 4:!4 S 2d Malick Daniel E., engineer, h 1322 N 4th Malick Equilla c., carpenter, h ll:ol:!Ii Fulton Malick George A., repairsman, h 11)112 Hunter av Mall George 1., elk. h 716 N 3d

I =



No '230 ARCH STREEr "fnlA.

6. BUTLER ~~

IcNIII's Complexion Pills :":I::X:~idCt~1d~~at:,~ 306 Broad


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




=5 c.::a




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a: z

::'.lall Moses, tailor, 7lfj N :ld, h do l\IalIoy Sarah J., domestic, lfil6 X :!d Malone nessie C, dressmkr, h 441 S 16th :\Ialone James A., elk P.O., h 1624 Green Malone l\lartin J., draftsman. :!16 Market, h 1624 Green :Malone Martin W., P. O. inspector, h Ifj:!4 Gretn 1Ialoney Ellen C, wid Thomas F., h Ij;{:! Forster MALONEY 10HN H., saloon, 306 Strawberry av, h do Maloney l\Iary A., housekeeper, 111 Short Maloney Michael, flagman, h 1:!~{j X 7th l\Ialoy Mary l\lrs., h<?usekeeper, :!12 State 11aloy, see Meloy Malseed Bruce W., packer, h 5li4 Race l'.lalseed Charles H., restaurant. 5:!:! Race, h do l\Ialseed George W., helper, h 2:! Lochiel :!d Row 1Ialseed Harry F., trucker P. R. R.. h 1:!4 l\"agle Malseed John B., packer P. R. R. frt depot. h 564 Race :\Jalseed Minnie, saleslady, h 5n1 Showers av ilIalseed Noah E., ironworker. h 5:!:! Race :\lalseed \Villiam. pUddler. h 5!1l Showers av 1Ialsh Emil, laborer, h 52)0;1 Race Manahan Don F .. car inspector. h 1514 1'\ 5th :\Ianahan Elizabeth, stengr, :!Ul' Walnut. h 15Hi K 5th :\Ianahan I:lizaheth. wid William L.. 11 151(j X 5th l\Ianahan George, jr .. conductor: h ;tW Hamilton
j S 'I.,.... blllll . Tille GuoranlY ond lro31 co ...e'..... 1 a..d.",.bl.'" E..Caa,l. tf ....11' ..11 OffIe. 'IIU. CHI ... lid II tb.

Manahan Norman G . painter, h (i:!:! Curtin :\Ianahan William T .. engineer. h (i1~ Calder illanbeck Frank, brakeman, h 5:m Cowden Manbeck Leah S .. wid Lee. h 424 Mucnch ::\lanbeck P. \Vellington. salesman. h l!1:!H N ()th Manchester Shale Brick Co., Inc., D. \'1. Cox, pres; R. G. Cox, sec and treas. :!:!:! ::\Iarket :\langel Daniel, h r 551 Race ::\Iangel Howard, barher. h :144 S 1:~th l\langel Samuel. machinist. h r 551 Race ]\Janjuso Alphonse. laborer. h :!14 S :!d ::\Ianley Ahner n., contractor, h 1:~:!4 Fulton ilIanley Benjamin F .. laborer. h 14:!7 Derry Manley Frederick \V., machinist, h 11:!:{ Grape av ::\lanley George H., carpenter, h :~14! 01estnut :\Ianley Harry A .. salesman, :!:!:! ?t.J ulberry, h :n4t Chestnut Manley John fl., carpenter, h 1:!1I1I N 7th :\lanlcy Norman S .. steelworkcr, h 1521 Swatara ~ ~Ianle}' Sarah G .. elk, ~15 N ad. h :n4t Chestnut _ ::\Janlev \Valter R.. electrician. h 1427 Derry Q :\lanle)" Washington S .. telegrapher, DiviSion c P. R. R.. 1&1 h Fort Hunter J-ot l\Iann Annie E .. wid Caleb W .. h 21:!() :\Toore :\Iann Charks H., (Soper & ::\Iann). h :!!35 Briggs ~ ::\Iann Harry E .. fireman, h 21:!fJ :\Ioore


The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES FU~~.::;ED~\~L SCOBES Google

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Man'n Oscar, boltmkr, h 14:12 [I; (ith \1 anrr Roheet E~, rep;m smaf1~ h fa S Mann Samuel, butler, h 1:~22 James nna, wid J ol1n, 50H \Vahrut l\lann!ng Charles)., physici~n, 15111 X {jtl~, h do

Jenr~ie ~Irs., h 535a;aa oth ~_lIIth ,roIIrT, h


a;~~~~, a~p~;:~~s~~::~:~ Ilin ffl':~~t~t,51 \tealton




I\Iann!ng ~~.n~a A.'. cigar roller, h 555 SlOth ~rlannmg \IIrlham S., erpre;;;~man~ 4Ul n;tedfern ;rfanser Edward, trav salesman. 127 Mantev Gustave~ h 211 \' erheke f\fanr;;~f percker, 421J Cumherlcrrcl :Manuel Israel, conductor, h 4241 Cumberland IV1anud Samuel c;;;;r;hmrrn, h k~5 Cranbmry Manum Lenus ,., dnver, S 2d, hHil :!d Manum ~1ichael S., wheel\Vright~ h 2217 Brookwood hkAPhal GdhVE dOTCfL~ Allfvrt 210k N 6tb l\farburger John c., c\k The Commonwealth, h 106 Balm arb;lrger harah E., housekeeper 1 7 SO;ff March Bessie Eo, teacher, h 422 lath "l\larch Daniel, supt, h 422 S l!lth ;V1arC1; Joshua H beal;T, hn2 I\larkel i\1arch 'Paul D., student, h 422 S 1:Jth

.r~Ji::R~t~} Ha~i!~rg

Havlngs_a~d Hoan Hssn~::;;.-::

hI arch;rndaroline, h 7 S Marchesi Joseph, laborer, h (i:H Forster . 1. hfcgfr;;'d, v-pres; \V. S. Hergm:r, sec and treas; mineral water, 4 :h ;;d 2\1arcus Joseph, tailer, h 1212 ~larket Yfarg(;lis JCfnlCS l~ev.~ )0<1:0 \\'e~;t av tarion Bullion alo., . C. au I gent mgr, 7 N :.ld arif Deniel, fnm"y" keL Ii:~f' Brif;f"~r~ Marion Improvemellt Co., \\'. T. HIIdrup, pres; H. C. bkmnriffg, and geIt mgr 7 1\ ~M :r..Jarion Mellie 1'Irs .. h 545 lOth Marion Sydney F.,' saleslad\', :~:14 i\\arket, h ~fechanicsbm g :r..larion Thomas. glazier, h :n~ Yerheke Mark low~ lauff,!'[\'. li:i8 ~\larkf~L h :Mark J Ohll X .. e1k::\:;l Boas. h 1;~n \' erbekf~ Marken Charles L. messenger, h HiO~ Green arkf~ll M ~ teacher, 15hd GrNfff :'.Iarkell l\1auricc c., brakeman, h 11!13 Christian I\larkell Rachael J., hookkpa. 7 2\1, 15011 GTl~r;ff Marker Daisy ~I., h 4:.;0 S illth !vlarkkv Cha'rlcs A., elk P. R R rlepoL h :'.Ieclnnicsburg ~ David, ars! sup! 1;) 2d~ 13~!11 N IG,h

l~~i~~~i:;n'~~~;;~d\\I;:~~~en~l;~~ ~frl ~~f,s; \; (~O


{;;-~- aDd 180diL n;n;l hv 1(1


H M KELLEY G I l . {IlOth .Ild3d HI......" D. CO North State Itta.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,

8 -=




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Markley Elmer G., mgr American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 210 Walnut, h 111\ 4th :Markley John W., machinist, h 3a7 Clinton av ~Iarkley Mary, cashier, :la4 ~larket, h 1~07 Wallace :\larkley Wayne L., stengr, :!22 Mulberry, h 1:~40 N 6th ~Iarkley WilHam, helper, h 8 Lochiel1st Row :\larkley Wm. A., asst bookkpr, 11 N :!d, h 1:!07 Wallace :\Iarkley William A., mgr, 209 Market. h 411 Briggs :\larkley \Yilliam D .. contractor, 541 Woodbine. h do :\Iarks Annie, wid Leonard S., h Hi37 ~ 4th Marks Daniel B., (:\Iarks & Krieg). h 2d ab Seneca Marks Edgar S., (H. :Marks & Son), h 15:JII N 2d :\larks Harry Z., fireman, h 414 Herr l\Iarks Herman, (H. 11arks & Son), h 15:30 N 2d lIARXS H. "SOli, (Herman aDd Edgar S ), clothiers, 401403 lIarket Marks Jane, telephone opr, 227 \Valnut, h 414 Herr Marks John G., machinist, h 1637 N 4th l\Iarks John B., machinist, h 3 N 4th Marks Levi, engineer, h 14112 Vernon Marks Samuel A., elk, 109 S 2d, h 414 Herr ~Iarks Samuel A., jr., elk, 1116 N 3d, h 414 Herr l\Jarks William c., hostler. h 1087 N Cameron Marks & Krieg, (Daniel B. Marks and Albert L. Kriegh sand, 2d ab Seneca



... Marlin Frank, driver, h 446 Boyd av ... :\brlin Warren, driver, h 7 SlOth l&J Marngold Karl, carpenter, h 1714 Fulton Marple Joseph G., dentist, 221 X 2<1, h do Marquart Augustus W., paperhanger. h 1:!6 N Cameron Marquart Everett E., laborer, h Z Marquart Robert B.. laborer, h 1a38 N 7th 1710 N 4th :\tlarquette Ella, h 1624 Fulton Z Marquette Rosa, laundress. h 106 S Court av ".. Marquette Rosa, wid William, h 106 S Court av ... Marquette William, cigarmkr. h 141 Baim l&J Mars Cassius H., laborer. h 1401 X 4th Mars James H., laborer, h :l\ectarine c Reese Marseilles Elizabeth, h aOl Briggs Marsh Catharine, telephone operator, h 1408 Susquehanna Marsh Fred H., mgr, ():!5 Walnut, h 5:~ ~ l:3th ;: !vIarsh Grace, weaver. h 1408 Susquehanna 3i Marsh Harry L. S., farmer. h 21st c :\Iarket ~ Marsh Jennie A., bookkpr. h :!2fi Liberty ..... :Marsh Maria A., wid David. h 5:l N l:Jth !iii: Marsh Mirna K., matron. 226 Liberty. h do :c Marsh William T . laborer. h 140~ Susquehanna g Marshall Annie M .. wid John L., h 924 Grand Marshall Charles G.. plumber, h 924 Grand Marshall Ellen E. Jll'lrs., domestic. 117 S Front ~ l\1arshall George L.. laborer, h 415 Verbeke



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REDIDND{3d lad Reily SIL

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ART WALL PAPERJIII161011 11111n1


11m1111 1111 . . . .

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


Marshall George W., car inspector, h :!24f:i Ii! ~larshall Harriet, wid Elisha, h 708 East MarshaIl Ida E., cJk, :.. N 2<1, h :n5 Herr ... Marshall John A., supt, 9 S 2d, h 419 Herr Marshall John B., salesman, 412 Mkt, h 412 Strawberry av MarshaII J. Stephen, plumber, gas and steam fitter, laBU ~ 6th. h do Marshall Stanley, engineer, h 22tt6 N mh Marshall Thomas, helper, h 17 Lochiel 2(1 Row :MarshaIl Thomas B., foreman P. R. R., h 1411:l )J 2d Marshall William G., laborer, h 1111;) Cowden Marshall vVilliam H. Rev., teacher, h alii x 5th Marshail Wm. H. S., plumber, 427 Reily, h It'll;) ~ :ld Marshbank Andrew J., machinist, h l11a X Front Marshbank Anna, teacher, h 105 Locust Marshbank Carl \V., plumber, h 111:~ N Front Marshbank Charlotte, saleslady, &'14 :\Ikt, h :17 Chestnut Marshbank Clara, housekeeper, 115 S Front Marshbank Edgar W., machinist, h 4HH Woodhine Marshbank Frantz B., machinist, h 111H ~ Front Marshbank John D., machinist, h 14:1:1! Regina Marshbank Mary, stenographer, 27 N ad, h 5!17 Emerald Marshbank Ross A., steam fitter, h 111:~ X Front Marsili Charles L., bartender, h 118 Dock Marsili Eugene, restaurant, 4:m 1Iarket, h do


BAKER~ 't~~t.&~~~.

Marsili Harry J., steward, 4:~5 Market, h do Marsili Louis, bartender, 437 Market, h 4"-1 )J Summit Marsili William, cJk, 435 Market, h do Martin Abraham L. B., buyer, 334 Mkt, h 134 Sylvan ter Martin Abram E., postal cIk, h 45 K 17th K.AlI.TII ALGERNON L., dep sec Agricultural Dept and director Farmers' Institute, 716 State, h 715 Capital Martin Alice Mrs., h 703 South Martin Alma, wid John c., h 1736 N 5th Martin Alonzo, engineer, h 621 }Vluench Martin Alonzo R., fireman, h 621 ~luench Martin Angelo, cook, h 1101 Market Martin Annie Mrs., h 12th ab Muench Martin Annie B., stripper, h 1012 Berryhill Martin Charles, hostler, h 1122 Green Martin Charles, restaurant, 437 Market, h do Martin Charles A., laborer, h a:n Clinton av Martin Charles L., h 1168 l\Iulberrv Martin Chester, caller P. R. R., h 652 Boyd av Martin Daisy c., stenographer. 28 S 3d, h 45 N 17th Martin David, blacksmith, h 306 S 2d Martin David K., carpenter, h 1736 N 5th Martin David S., laborer, h 1726 Logan av Martin D. Frank, conductor, h 423 Harris Martin Edgar F., templetmkr. h 306 S 2d

i -. =





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ColcU. Qum.1. KlIeumatimI. Toothache. Ban TtuoM, Ac'Ue. ~peJIIIa." _ ......

lIeNeil', PaiD ElnermlDa..... eu_ Cbo*alforbal, n,-ter)'.Cr&m~ ~

Martin Edgar L., student, h ~1:1 Harris l\Iartin Edgar 1\1., puddler. h 4:!4 Reily :\Iartin Edward S .. brakeman, h Hao Peffer 11artin Edmund S., salesman, h n:{l Green l'.fartin Ella M., stenographer, !I 1'\ 2d, h Steelton l\tartin Forest. electrician, h 7114 East ;'\lartin Frances, wid John, h 1:!27 ;..; 11i 1Iartin Frank. real estate. 22a l\Iarket, h \Vest Fairview ..... Martin Frederick c.. musician, h lH)~ ).[ulberry o l\lartin George \V., frog planer. h 7\11i Green ~ 11artin George \V., ins solicitor, h ~(l1 Crescent ;\lartin Gertrude J., forelady, h :Wl Crescent )'[artin Harry \V., fireman, h HH4 Susquehanna l\lartin Harry X., machinist. h 1~52 Derry :: l\Iartin Harvev E., laborer, h 11ll:! Bern'hill ).Iartin Herman G., trucker, h Front c Division ?lIartin Howard W., h !l06 S 2d ).Iartin Jacob, laborer. h 1721) Logan av !! l\lartin Jacob S., elk Merchants' Kat Bank, h 1457! Regina UJ :\lartin James. carpenter. h Hill Derry ?lIartin James, laborer, h 151m Derry 1&1 l\fartin Jennie, elk. !l!l!) Walnut, h do ..J l\Iartin Jennie. h !)21 Sarah av C ).Iartin Jeremiah D., h 130 Sylvan ter



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



--1&1 - . nm GDonlY ODd Trust CO... 't-~n-=;': ~-r::'}~ ~ ~~. C l\Iartin J01111, elk. :l!l4 l\larket. h 130 Sylvan ter 1&1 l\lartin John e., tailor Lunatic Hospital, h do

=.. {

...- ).Iartin John L .. brakeman. h !I:~:! Penn


l\Iartin John H., foreman P. R. R., h


N 3d

z: < a.. IE o

l\fartin l\Jartin Martin Martin l\Iartin u 11artin 11 artin ~ :.\lartin o 11artin u 1Iartin Martin Q z: l\Iartin l\lartin ).J :lrtin ~ ).lartin l\[artin ).Iartin l\lartin ;\[artin 11artin l\lartin

< <

John \V .. polisher. h ;)111 Hami4ton Joseph E., heater, h 11112 Berryhill Laura S., teacher, h 21:~ Harris Lawrence. bartender . .tai l\larket. h do Levi E., h Hi.t:~ ~ lith Leyi G., flagman, h 213 Harris Lucy E., attendant State Lunatic Asy:um, h do )'Iall1e E . packer. h 1ill::~ !\ 5th . l\largaret C. wid S. lloyd. h 117 Pine Maud, bookbinder. h :Wl Crescent Kora A .. packer. h 1711:.!~ \: 5th Oscar C. laborer, h 17:!() Logan av Percy L., templetmkr. h :Wli S 2d Philip J., foreman. h la:m \. ernon Ralph E., craneman, h 11112 Berryhill . Randolph J., homeman COlllwIth, h 721 North Rhea. cook. lill;) ~ Front Samuel A .. laborer, h .til:! Cumberland Samuel K.. cigars. 14m.: 1\ 7th, h 1i5:! Boyd av Sarah .I., wid William H., h li():!l N 5th Sophia, wid Philip. h l'Iflli Green

lbe PATRIOTlA Newspaper for the Home{SII Clnts aWllk Coogle

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Harrizh tirg
Martin 1\Iartin ]\lartin Martin Martin Martin Martin


Thomas, fireman, hIllS llith Thomas R, engineer, h 751 S 1Uth Verner S., snlesm"I1, H18 arket, Mechanic;l.11irg Vincent W., postal elk, h 11 ?\ 5th Wilbur, printer, h 301 Crescent Willicm R, h S William F., brakeman, l'W2i N 5th ~1artin,WilIiam H., gardener, h y-lth .cC,~l~ler ?1iart11 ,?,dam, car h 51 \\'l1111iDlIle Martz Bros., (Calvin . and Grant A.), hardware, :m;~ ~\[kt ....... i: :Martz Calvin F., (~Iartz Bros.), h :!:~5 Verbet{e rvIartz L" h 301 Boyd Martz ChaJles A., engineer, h 5Ha Camp Martz Clara D. Mrs., boarding, 1410 N Uth, h do 1vlartz Edwanl M., ',nlesmnn, h hv7 HZ11a Martz George E., elk, ;3()0 N'orth, h WI,) Forster : :z Martz Grant A., (l\lartz Bros.), h 2:)1\ Verbeke I'T'I ~\1artz ennmeer l:!::!O Bwatzzn Martz Isaac L., engineer, h 171 1roth Martz J. Adam, fireman, h 817 S Front [\1artz John ., jr., repairzH1an. IH:!t Fulton Martz Milton D., salesman, h lritl Herr Martz William A., brakeman, h Ifill X 4th Marr1)H brFklaycr Set ~larzoH EhvooC\. ai- - _ . _ - - - - - _ . _ - - - - 7 ._--


11arzolf Marll11H elar',nH Iar;;ii ;\lan'.oH Marll11H Marzolf kiarzolf MarzoH Marzolf ivlarzolf 1\1arzolf

Harrisburg Ssylngs snd


Frank J., machinist, h 15lfj \V alnut Frzderick fOHman, h !)l!l Rose Ge n11 ?e h "-"ont Sen,',-l, Jac~b', ~var~I'lOuseman, :UU Susquehanna John, h tl;n GranH john A., 1n1man, ;na nrbeke J. Ross, machinist, h ;n;~ Verbeke 1'1, n ilda, weavell law SUSqiiihanna MicHael, Henecn nr Front r.Iichael, plasterer, h Seueca nr Front OSGrr c., }'j:~7 3d Rf1hert R., huilder, h !J:ll Graml ~Jarzolf William H., butcher, h 1718 N ;M h l:!Otl} hlasenhimerKenneth 11 foreman, Chestnut Masner Charles F., laborer, h 15:1li Wallace Ma~llt'f \Villiam E" laborer h W;~;l S MaSf.1n Anmz J., teiloresll, 4tl Coury av :\Iason Emma, h 1:{:!1 S Cameron


N :x:=



hftl Mason James L., laborer, h 411 Lochie~ 4th Row Ma501) Ror;wna, \\,iniam, 011 Nlltth ae Masoner Hartv c., Ia.borez h l~h ilayff>trd av r.lasoner John-H., molder, h 124 Sayford av

;~1::~~ fa~~~~I~~~t;J~~~,i,

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~ ~ ~

M. KEllEY &CO.l t~.~::'s:..~=1I.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




== ~

== ..


~ Mateer Jacob A., engineer, h 1726 Penn Mateer John B., laborer, h 1643 Market Mateer Robert B., h 900 N 3d . . Mateer William, printer, h 164a Market !! Mateno Antonio, asst cook Hotel Columbus ~ l\1ater Anna B., housekeeper, 17091 N 7th ..... Mater Charles D., buffer, h 465 S Cameron ::::. Mater Oarence, laborer, h 1901 Derry ::::=- Mater Emanuel, h 1330 N 4th I.a.I Mater Harrison J., upholsterer, h 621 N 18th Mater John A. B., laborer, h 1709* N 7th l\later Mervin A., fabric cutter. h 1709! N 7th I.a.I Maternity Hospital, 226 Liberty





:Masoner John \Y. S., gas fitter, h 339 Hamilton IVlasoner Percy V., h 124 Sayford av :\fassamore A. James, telegrapher P. & R., h 908 S 19th :\Iassey Annie, domestic, 52;~ Brown av Massey John, laboru, h 1:129 N 4th Massey Thomas, laborer, h 123 N 16th Massner Emma, wid John, h 1300 N 7th ~Iassner William H., engine inspector, h 202 Verbeke :\1 a!;sner \Villiam H., laborer, h 1328 Fulton :\lasterson Carrie. attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Masterson Harry T., laborer, h 11:33 Wallace Masterson Jennie Mrs., bonnetmkr, h 1314 Fulton l\Jasterson John P . laborer, h 1721 Logan av l\lasterson Rohert D., janitor, h 16:J4 Wallace l\Iasterson W. Edgar, plumber, h 16401 \-Vallace l\latchett Charles T., roller, h 1543 Swatara Matchett Ellen R., saleslady, 312 Market. h Steelton Matchett Emery A., roller, h 1543 Swatara Matchett George A., watchman, h 1543 Swatara Matchett Isaac K., engineer, h 1807 N 6th Matchett Samuel G., bridge builder. h 1717 Logan av Matchett Winfield L., brakeman, h 1302 Wallace Mateer Alexander, baker, h 2214 6} Mateer Daisy M., elk, h 412 Hamilton Mateer George W., car inspector, h 1839 North



Z o Z

a: I.a.I >

MATHER EDMUND, steam engineering a.ppliances and snpplies, 36 Ii 2d, h 133 Walnut l\Iather Frederick H., laborer, h 21108 Wood av Mather George, laborer, h 12 Paxton Furnace Row :\lather Jesse R., bartender, 441 Market, h 111 State ~v[athias Annie, domestic, 1613 N 3d Mathias Benjamin H., woodworker, h 1407 Vernon :\lathias Caroline M., dressmkr, h 1209 Kittatinny ~[athias Edward J., electrician, h !!25 South :\Iathias Ernest L., tailor, h 618 Forster :\lathias Francis]., h 21:~ Muench ~[athias Geary H., conductor, h 431 Kelker

Rldmond's Wagon Works {:=~'f:~:~} 3d and RaJly Stsl

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A. B. TACK ~'!:.o~~ lOll PaDer OIId IIndOl8b0deS ~J~~fJPt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Mathias Geary J., brakeman, h :U4 !vluench Mathias George D., foreman, h 12119 Kittatinny 1\1athias Harry A., brakeman, h 4ao Kelker Mathias Mary E., salesiady, 334 Market, h 1209 Kittatinny Mathias Robert K., woodworker, h 1213 Mulberry Mathias Rov, h 12U9 Kittatinnv Mathias Sinion c., trucker P. R. R, h 573 Showers av Mathiot Horace W., checkman P. R R, h 413 Cumberland Mathiot Joseph H., laborer, h 413 Cumberland nIathiot Owen G., h ton Harris Mathiot Samuel H., machinist, h 209 Harris Mathiot \Villiam H .. music teacher, 22:{ Mkt, h 209 Harris 1tIATHUES L., state treasurer, Capitol, h 723







l'vlatlack Blanche, cigar roHer, h !l41 N 7th Matlack Hannah M ., domestic, l:!II;{ N 6th :;"1atson Harry E ., laborer, h 12o~ 'Wallace Matson Henry A., constable, h 18th nr \Valnut Matson Jacob D ., foreman, h 120~ Wallace Matson \\'alter R., farmer, h lRth nr \Valnut l\Iatteoli Sebastian, cellarman The Commonwealth, h do Matter Bertha E., telephone operator, h 19:1!l N 7th Matter Charles F ., elk, 211 Chestnut, h 916 S 21st Matter Charles R, fireman, h 1523 N 3d Matter Edward, plasterer, h 916 S 21st


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER~ ":5~t.Ii~'t.~~K :;

Matter Harry F., caller P. R R., h 1625 Wallace :\latter Harry S., h 1933 N 7th Matter Harvey 0 ., engineer, h 1933 N 7th ~1atter H. Honler, la\vyer, 2U5 Walnut, h 1319 Kittatinny Matter Jacob 0., plasterer, h 1933 Derry l\latter Jeremiah J., baker, h 740 S 21st Matter Jonathan R, C:l.rpenter, h 92U S 21st Matter Joseph W., helper, h 521 Muench Matter M . Eva, housekeeper, 115 South l\latter N. Frank, stationmaster P. R R . depot, h 163:> Park Matter, see Motter Mattcrn Harry 0., repairsman, h 1000 N 7th Matthew Clinton, laborer, h :l:~3 S Cameron IVlatthew Nellie G., buyer, 318 :\larket, h 105 S Front IVlatthews Charles A., fireman, h 620 Calder 11atthews Charles H ., driver, h 325 S Cameron Matthews David H., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h Grand Hotel l\latthews Frank F .. driver, h 1622 Walnut Matthews Georgiana Mrs., h 514 North av Matthews Jessie E., teacher, h 313 Nectarine av MATTHEWS 1. WAltREN, merchant tailor, 300 Reily, h do :M atthews Lewis, waiter, h 313 Nectarine av Matthews Thomas, laborer, h 1416 Marion ~Iatthews William. laborer, h 50~ Strawberry av Mattis Charles S., tobacconist, 1301 N 6th , h 507! Muench

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McNeil's Pain Exterminator ~1i!:O:'h:~e ~t!:fe.rb~nfi ~ 808 "':~~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




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Matz Irvin, conductor, h 1610 Penn Matzinger Frank, fireman, h 1128 S Cameron Matzinger John W., policeman, h 1l2S S Cameron ;\Iatzinger Margaret, ,,,jd Jacob, h Front bel Division Matzinger \Villiam ]., trucker, h Reel's la nr 5th Maugans Alvey H., foreman F. and 1\1. Works, h 521 Maclay Maugans Emmert F., barber, 19:U'; Derry, h do :\Iaugans Lucy M., saleslady, 12111 N 3d, h 521 :\laclay Mauger Harry, edgesetter, h 3aa S 15th Mauger James A., laborer, h 121 :1Iulberry :\lauger Mary, wicl Henry, h 615 Briggs JrlAUK CHARLES H., funeral director and embalmer, 174.'1 Ii 6th, h 1741 do Maul Belle, wid Allen L., h 12:33 Derry l\laul Gertrude E., stitcher, h 122!1 Mulberry :\Jaul Harry L., foreman, h 6110 Boas :\Jau! James B., checkman P. R R., h 12:J3 Derry :\Jaul}.: ellie :\1., folder. h 12:~:~ Derry . 1\Jaulfair Edward W., watchman, h !114 S 211th 1\laulfair John S., brakeman, h 1020 Fox av :'.Iaull Charles A., mgr, 1111 i\ 2d. h 2211 Hamilton :'.1 aun Sadie Mrs., clk, 1111 i\ 2d. h 2:W Hamilton l\faun John A., carpenter, h l!1:m Briggs lUaurer Charles, painter, h ;J4a Hunmlel
nTU .IAUI" 'I' TIUIT co. {... ..., E_'.......n11I .... } ..11 Eall" ..... -eI ........ " _ . T,..'".IIIII.II" .. ".~." .lldlclll Tra......,,, .....met


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l\Iaurer Francis G . brakeman, h :ua Hummel Maurer Irvin R, postal elk, h 1:U4 Walnut :\Iaurer Marion M., h 2016 N :~d :\laurer Oscar, engineer, h 2:n N 15th j\laurey Eva A., saleslady, ;~a4 :\Iarket, h Steelton l\Iaurice George H., civil engineer, 2; S 2d, h 2204 N 3d :11aury Elmer G., driver, h 246 .:\Ieadow la Maury Jennie, cigarmkr, h Evergreen nr Mulberry :\lausteller William B., dentist, till2 K 6th, h do :\Iaxwell Catharine D., wid William, h 111116 X 5th j,Taxwell Charles W., elk P. R R., h 617 Dauphin Maxwell Edna 1'1., dressmkr, h 5111 Camp }Iaxwell Harry E., laborer, h 1:11l!l ~ llt ':\laxwell Jacob B., conductor, h tillll N 5th. 1\laxwell Oliver P., conductor, h 1!l4H :-J 5th l\Jaxwell \Villiam H., frog builder, h 12;1 Paxton l'Iaxwell \~rilmer B., buyer, a:t4 Market. h 2711 Cumberland j,Iay Agnes Mrs., 11 142!l Susquehanna ~ :\Jay Charles A., bricklayer, h :t-t Evergreen _ :\Jay Charles A., laborer. h ~1I!l S 11lth Q l\Iay David, fireman, h 66~ TIoas (,&,J l\Iav Elmer E .. laborer, h (iII4 Showers av I- l\Iav Harr", laborer, h ~II!I S 1IIth Ma~' Isaac W., laborer, h l'1!l S 111th ~ }\lay James K, fireman. h :t2!l Harris

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 447

)fay John K., contractor, 14 S lath, h 16 do May Mabel 1., charwoman, h 113 Christie's av May Nathan, painter, h 21110 State May Samuel H., flagman, h 1909 N Gth May William F., h 1215 Currant av Mayberry Frank P., printer, h 14127 Paxton Mayer Carrie E., housekeeper, 1607 Swatara Mayer Edna, elk, 1304 1\ 6th, h do Mayer John T., candymkr, h 1304 X Hth Mayer Laura 1\1., shoe operator, h 1{)(17 Swatara :\Jayer Leon F., laborer, h 1607 Hunter av Ma)'er Otto, ice cream, 1006 Market and 1607 Swatara, h do :Mayer Thomas, confectioner, 1304 ~ 6th, h do Maver William, machinist, h 645 Boas ~fa)'er, see Meyer, also Moyer l\fayers Abraham, furniture, 1005 N 3d, h 927 do Mayers Israel, mgr, 338 Verbeke, h 1610 Green Mayers John, h 517 Woodbine Maves Anna, wid William, h 511 Race Ma)es Charles R, machinist, h 511 Race Mayes Edith, cigar roller, h 511 Race Mayhew Alvin J., salesman, 222 l\lulberry, h Paxtang Maynard Benjamin K., elk P. R R, h 1244 Market Mayo Eli, porter Hotel Russ, h (',,11) Briggs

r:;"s:=.fn}Harrlsburg Sayings and Loan


l\lavor's Office, 16 ~ 2d Mays Helen 1irs., h 516 N 2d :Mazzani Salvator, laborer, h r 510 SlOth 11cAdams James, machinist, h National Hotel McAfee Edward, driller, h 1306 Currant av N McAfee Ettie P., wid Adam, h 306 Kelker ,. McAfee Harry M., conductor, h 1417 Fulton McAfee Mary V. 1\1rs., h 418 S River av ::I l\fcAfee Nevil H., fireman, h 650 Reily KcAFEE ROBERT, commissioner banking, 716 State, h The , . Commonwealth l\IcAlarney Ada, wid Matthias W., h 214 State McAlarney John H., mgr, h 214 State [State l> McAlarney Martha W., elk Div Public Records, h 214 McAlicher Alexander, engineer, h 1920 N 5th McAlicher Charles J, H., student, h 209 Reily McAlicher Chester U., elk, 723 N 6th, h 1920 N 5th McAlicher George K., fireman, h 1907 N 3d McAlicher Harper L., fireman, h 1920 N 5th McAlicher Howard W., laborer, h 209 Reily l\IcAlicher John, flagman, h 209 Reily McAlicher John c., fireman, h 1920 N 5th McAlicher Sherman G., carpenter, h 633 Dauphin McAlicher William R., laborer, h 5th ab Seneca :\IcAlister Annie l\f. Mrs., dressmkr, 1417 Shoop, h do a

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Boyd'. H&rriBburg City Directory.

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McAlister Deborah S., wid James, h 523 Emerald McAlister James c., drug elk, 1800 N ()th, h 523 Emerald McALISTER 10HN B., physician, 234 N 3d; h 232 do l'fcAlister John J., motorman, h 519 Emerald McAllister Carrie, cigarmkr, h 126 Vine McAllister Garfield, elk P. R R, h 114 N 2d McAllister James H., machinist, h 19:{H N 6th McAllister John c., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 2010 N 4th McAllister John H., postal elk, h 432 Market McAllister John T., driver Paxton Fire Co., h 579 Showers av McAllister M. Ella, h 1803 N 6th McAllister M. H., (est), A. Boyd Hamilton, jr., agt. 320 l\1arket McAllister William, laborer, h 1106 S 9th McAlvain Cyrus F., laborer, h 1127 ~ Cameron ~fcAlvain James P., laborer, h 1223 N Cameron ::\lcAlvain, see McIlvain McAtee Frank, laborer, h 12li Ann av McAtee Louisa, wid John, h 606 Church av McBlain \V<'.lter G., supt, 15 N 2d, h ]508 State McBlair Annie, wid James, h Inn7 N 7th :McBride James F., laborer, h ]:~Of) S Cameron McBride Lewis K., laborer, h 216 N 10th McBride \Villiam, huckster, h 112S N 6th


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McBride William K., brakeman, h 341i Boyd av McBride William P., laborer, h 1316 S 12th McBurney Andrew, machinist, h 2tia2 1i1 II: ~lcBumey Jerome T., telegrapher P. R R, h 1235 Swatara laJ McCabe Annie, housekeeper, 1510 N 4th McCabe Annie, wid Samuel, h 909 Capital McCabe Francis H., bartender, 212 Strawberry av, h 404 Briggs McCabe James A., h 404 Briggs McCabe James A., laborer, h 614 Race McCabe Jane, wid Frank, h 404 Briggs McCabe Thomas, hostler, h 1605 N 4th IVIcCabe William G., bricklayer, h 909 Capital II McCafferty George W., helper, h 62!l Herr 01 McCafferv Mary, domestic, 216 State Z.!: McCahan" David E., helper, h 1222 WalIace C. McCahan George c., usher P. R R depot, h 425 Peffer McCahan James A., inspector, h 315 Cherry av ). McCahan John L., fireman, h 615 Dauphin If McCahan William A., engineer, h 1637 Wallace McCALEB WILLIAlrI B., Bupt Phila. division, P. B.. B.. depot, h 27 N Front Christian, asst gardener Lunatic II McCalister F. P., carter 'Lunatic Hospital, h Hospital, h do McCalister do I: McCall Carlton c., teacher, h 49 N 13th


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 449
McCall Dennis c., steelworker, h 5~a Cowden _ McCall Hugh B., steelworker, h l:!fm S 9th McCall Mary, book folder, 10th bel Market, h Steelton McCalley James B., elk, 10th c Herr, h 12118 Chestnut McCalley J. Leo, coppersmith, h 120S Chestnut McCalley Lavinia R., wid James B., h 12418 Chestnut McCamant H. Clay, elk Aud Genl, Capitol, h 610 Briggs McCamant Samuel, oilman P. R. R., h 218 Boas McCamant Thomas, lawyer, 227 Walnut, h 511 N 2d McCann Alexander, pipe line, h 110 Dock McCann Alexander, jr., bar elk, 5411 State, h 110 Dock McCann Amos R., laborer, h 644 Boas McCann Charles, ironworker, h 110 Dock McCann Jas., watchman Dauphin Co. Prison, h 572 Race McCann James P., plumber, h 572 Race McCann John, driver, h 3H~ Blackberry av McCann John, engineer, h 1829 N 6th McCann Nellie G., saleslady, 334 Market, h 110 Dock McCann Nellie 1\1. Mrs., h 216 Herr lIcCAliN SAlrIUEL M., XX Hotel, 501505 State c 5th, h do McCanna Emma, dressmkr, h 515 N 5th McCans I va A., winder, h Dl22 Susquehanna McCans William S., conductor, h 1:122 Susquehanna McCarney Albert, cook Lunatic Hospital, h do
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MILLER BROS. a: BAKER {~:i~t.-~-~--:;;'-~-"-K"-

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][cCAB.REJJ SA1IUEL 1. M., U. S. district attorney middle ... district of Penna. and lawyer, (surviving partner of Fleming & McCarrell), 16 If 2d, h 121 Locust McCarroll Benjamin, painter, h 3241 Herr McCarroll Bertha, penmkr, h :1211 Herr McCarroll Clara M., dressmkr, h 320 Herr McCarroll James, cigars, 9:15 N ad, h 621 .Forster McCarroll Mary W. :\'Irs., shirtmkr, h 511 Cumberland McCarroll Paul J., laborer, h 151i N 3d McCarroll William, h 259 Forster McCarthy Alice 1., domestic, 913 N 2d McCarthy Annie, domestic, 214 !\ 2d McCarthy Bridget, domestic The Lochiel McCarthy Callaughan C, h 524 State McCarthy Cornelius A., machinist, h 8(18 Cowden McCarthy Dennis, mason, h 13 N 5th McCarthy Dennis F .. hotel, 524 State, h do McCarthy Edward, heater, h 167 Paxton McCarthy James n., bar elk, 524 State, h do McCarthy Jeremiah, laborer, h 11117 S 9th. McCarthy Jeremiah, mason, h 13 N 5th McCarthy Joanna, domestic, 108 N 2d McCarthy Joanna C. A., ruler. 113 N 2d, h 806 Cowden McCarthy Joanna V., h 1107 S 9th McCarthy John J., paperhanger, h 1201 N 7th McCarthy ]osephint' F . wid Charles F., h 524 State




No 123C






==: Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

McCarthy Julia, wid Glarles. h ~n6 Cowden :McCai-thy Lessie, porter, h 516 South ~ McCarthy ~Iargaret, roller, h 1107 S 9th McCarthy :Mary, cigarmkr, h 11117 S Hth :\IcCarthy Man', wid ~lichae1. h 1:!1II Bailev 1i l\IcCarth~' :\Iar~' A., drcssmkr. h ~Ufj Cowden 'I :\'1 cCarthy Rebecca, domestic, :!II:! State :'II cCarthy Robert J" bricklayer, h 11117 S I)th Q McCartney John L.. carpenter. h Iii:!!.) Logan av ~ }fcCartney l\Iaria, domestic, :!5 S Front .McCarty Annie J" wid William J .. h 5:!1 Dauphin av :\1cCarh' :\Ian', wid Charles. h 1407 ~ Cameron l\JcCarty RoyW., messenger P. R. R., h 521 Bauphin av }lcCarty 'William, puddler, h :n Lochiel !ld Row - ~IcCar\'c1 Terrence, machinist. h l1~t! S Cameron !I l\IcCarville William, charger. h 18:m N 2d )'1cCarv Man', weaver. h fitH !\ 2d -I )'lcCaskey Ja'mes X., dentist. 411n :'Iiarket, h 224 N 2d 2 McCASKEY 10SEPH A., wholesale butter, eggs and poultry,. 1425 Derry, h do (/) :\IcCaslin C. E" attendant Ltmatic Hospital, h do II: McCaulev Bessie, saleslady, :!15 l\larket. h 548 Race McCaule\' E., elk 'c. Co .. laJ i\IcCaule~' CharlesE., flagman.1.hand S.Kelkerh 548 Race Elmer li2; ..J l'.lcCattler Sarah E., wid Gilbert ),1.. h 1:~ S Front



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McGain Charles, baker, h 1713 l'.Iarket l\lcClain Elmer, car repairer, h :!11:!:'i Fulton .McClain George, laborer, h 4:111 S Cameron McClain Han'ey, engineer, h !I46 Paxton McClain John, gasmkr, h 14:~~ Vernon :\JcClain William. brickmkr. h 115 S Cameron .:\IcClain William G., laborer, h 4all S Cameron McClane John P., brakeman, h lSIto' Wood av 1\lcClarin George Q., car inspector, h 11117 Elizabeth av l'.lcClaughen Andrew E .. laborer, h 4141 R'eily McClaughen Kellie c., weaver, h :!:!H S 15th l\lcClatlghcn, see :\laglachlin, also l\IcGlatlghlin, also ).IcLaughlin McCleaf Flora. elressmkr, h 1413 N :lei McCleaf Helen D., seamstress, h H:l1I North McCleaf Lindsey J .. miller, h 14:lfl North lvIcClean l\Iichael. hostler, h 151; N :~d l\IcClean Robert B., circulation mgr Telegraph, h :lll E"ergrel'n ~ McClean Susan. centre asst Lunatic Hospital. h do _ McCLEAN ST.10HN, reporter Independent, h 30 Evergreen :McClean William 1\1.. machinist, h :m2 Hamilton ~IcClear\' Ahraham S., boilermkr. h 1121 Rose av 1\lcClear)' Alice, cigarmkr, h 1)21 Rose av :'.1cCleary Cora E., stengr, !lfl6 l\larket. h 1!l55 Vernon McCleary Ella. dressmkr. 341 N 3d. h 1228 X 6th


Boyd's Haniaburg City Directory.


McCleary Ephraim, engineer, h 1355 Vernon McCleary Harriet, tel opr, 210 Walnut, h 1355 Vernon lVIcCleary John, shoecutter, h 1147 Bailey . McCleaster Alexander, fireman, h 1240 Market McCleaster Catharine E., dressmkr, h 2038 N 5th McCleaster Charles F., brickmkr, h 248 Hummel 'McCleaster James, inspector, h 40 N Summit McCleaster Robert A., foreman, h 248 Hummel McCleaster Sarah, wid James, h 2038 N 5th McClellan Benjamin F., engineer, h 211 c Brookwood l\JcClellan Charles W., elk, 200 S 3rt. h do McClellan Edward H., tinsmith, h 1719 N 4th McClellan Grace E., h 200 S 3d McClellan James J., mgr Kew U. S. Hotel. h do McClellan Kate W., housekeeper. 1719 N 4th McClellan Patrick. shoemkr, h 423 ::-':orth McClelland Robert, fireman, h 316 Kelker McClenaghan Sinclair, laborer, h 2019 N' Cameron :z: ;::: McClintock Amelia, wid William. h 120 Liberty McClintock Charles W., trainmaster P. R R, h 1412 N 2d r McClintock Edward. elk C I and S. Co., h 1418 K 2d McClintock Frederick T . elk, h 1412 K 2d McClintock George E., laborer. h 11)38 Berryhill ;;; McClintock Irene, shirtmkr. h 166 N 15th .... McClintock Joseph H., elk P. R R, h 141)9 N 2d

'"'&~ ~8::} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. a: :~~~

McClintock Mary, milliner, 1322 X Hth, h 10]7 do McClintock K ellie C, h 1807 Green l\IcClintock Nora E., packer, h 19:18 Berryhill McClintock Ray, laborer. h 19:18 Berryhill McClintock Thomas J., fireman, h 1:;07 K 5th McClintock Washington S., carpenter, h 166 N 15th l\lcClintock William G., stamper, It 166 N 15th McClintock William J .. engineer. h 1)24 Peffer l\lcCloskey Anna E., notions. 12:~H l\Iarket, h do McCloskey Hugh J., elk, h 118 Boas McCloskey Rose A . wid ~Iichael, h ]236 Market :McClune John S., elk, 1322 X 3d, h 220 Harris McCLUNE THOMAS R., pictures and frames, 1322 Ii 3d, h 220 Harris see adv McClure A. LeRoy, photographer, h 1115 Kittatinny .p.. McClure Alice E., domestic, 324 K 2d McClure Amelia, wid John, h 1000 S 9th McClure Anna M., h 226 X orth McClure Charles W., elk. h 1945 X 7th 0.. l\lcClure Elizabeth H., wid T. Hayes, h 125 S 14th McClure Elmer A., pressman. h 921i S 9th McClure Elwood S., janitor, 217 Chestnut, h 232 Mulherry McCLURE GEORGE S., School of Commerce, 24-26 S 2d, h 0.. 118 do ;r McClure George T., brakeman, h 125 S 14th !!L


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H. M. KELLEY &, cO.}On:ces, :.::::.r..:r.!:}COAL AID WOOD

Boyd'. Haniaburg City Directory. Gertrude Mrs., h 4:12 S 2d Harry, agt, h 317 Herr Jennie V., cigarmkr. h 1945 N 7th John C, baker, h 519 N 5th ~IcClure John 1\-1., agt, h :114 Cumberland McOure Maude, cigarmkr, h 2:32 Mulberry McClure ~Iilton B., h :{23 Granite av McClure Sarah Mrs., h 1945 N 7th McClure William F. L., salesman, h State Capital Hotel en McOure William R., asst custodian P. O. bldg, h 226 North McCollum Michael, engineer, h 1922 N 6th McComas Amos, laborer, h 1:U7 William McComas William J., flagman, h 1818 N 5th J., R R, 1991 1&1 McCombs Olarles widmessenger P. 1!,32 N h7th N 7th McCombs Emma, David J., h McCombs Harrv, caller P. R R, h Ill91 N 7th McCombs Rohert, upholsterer, 2fl!} Locust, h 228 Cran1&1 berryav II: McComs'ev Harrv, elk, h 444 Walnut McCONKEY CHARLEs B., lawyer, room 3; highway commiuioner, room 4, 209 S Z McConkey Fannie W.,Telegraph bldg, 4 N 3d,ShFront Front wid Eldridge, h 209 McConkey James, chief elk supt's office P. R. R, h 1709 N 2d McClure McClure l'vlcGure McClure





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;: :\'1cCord ~ McCord .... McCord ::z: McCord McCord :tI ~JcCord

James, carpenter, h 1117 Hoerner Lafayette, h 121 North Laura H., candYl11kr, h 121 North Mary, wid Joseph, h :-l42 Hoyd av Robert. laborer, h 17:n N 7th Sara F., press feeder, h :-l2ii Crescent B: ~JcCord Thomas B., blacksmith, h 121 North McCord Thomas B., jr., painter, h 121 North c::::t McCord "Villiam D., shoemkr, h 121 North ..... McCormick Annie C, wid Henry. h ~01 N Front rMcCormick Bushrod, stone mason. h :n1 lllackberrv av := McCormick Cameron, h 17lfi N (ith . C4 McCormick Charles, engin~er, h 216 Reily }lcCormick Charles E., car repairer. h 1 itO N ad l'-IcC0rmick Christina, wid \Villiam, h 1727 Penn

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McConnelI Lewis C, repairs man, 11 19U7 N 7th McConnelI ~Iinnie K., teacher, h la9 N l:1th McCool Joseph H., laborer, h ~23 S 111th McCord Boyd C, messenger P. R R., h 618 Dauphin McCord Caroline 0., wid John, h 121 North McCord Charles H., conductor, h 1i1~ Dauphin .... McCord Edward, car repairer, h 1O!) Hoerner

A. B. TACKIWail Paulr and Window Sbadll{~!1~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


McCormick Donald, elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 101 N Front McCormick Eliza, h 101 N Front McCormick Eliza F., h 227 State . McCormick Frank H., pressman Telegraph. h 524 Muench McCormick George H., brakeman, h 129 S 2d Ml'Cormick Harris B., elk Mer Nat Bank, h 314 N 2d McCormick Harry A., salesman, 334 Mkt, h 234 Mulberry McCormick Harry E., conductor, h 623 Dauphin McCormick Henry, (deceased), estate, 223 :\larket KcCOB.ICX: HBNRY, lB., 223 .arket, h 101 N Front )(cCOBlUCX: HENRY B., trustee, 223 Market, h 305 N Front ;r McCormick Howard W., painter, h 612 Dauphin McCormick Jacob H., yardmaster, h 234 Mulberry l\'lcCormick Jacob I., elk, h 105 N 4th )(cCOBllICX: lAKES, (deceaBed), eBtate, 223 llarket McCormick James, 223 Market, h 101 N Front McCormick James, jr., 223 Market, h 101 N Front McCormick James P., actor, h 1716 N 6th McCormick John L, insurance, h 1i27 Penn McCormick Kate, wid Levi J., h 631 Briggs McCormick Margaret ]., wid Howard, h 623 Dauphin McCormick Park, candymkr, h 1201 N Front McCormick Robt., elk Dauphin Dep Bank, h 101 N Front McCormick Samuel M., asst supt, 21 N 3d, h 12tiO Market



McCormick Sarah, wid \Villiam, h 121t4 N Cameron McCormick Sarah R., wid George T., h 612 Dauphin KcCoR.ICX: VANCE C. ROJ., mayor, 16 N 2d; truBtee, 223 Market, h 301 N Front McCormick Walter M., jeweler, 1600 N 6th, h 612 Dauphin McCormick \V. Elmer, pressman Indepdt, h Wormleysbg l\lcCourtney Lizzie, domestic, (i1l3 Boas McCoy April, notions, Stu South, h do McCoy Catharine, wid James F., h 6 ~ 5th McCoy Harry A., hostler, h !l26 Grand McCoy John, janitor, ;U5 l\Iarket, h 11)8 Liberty McCoy Kate, cigarmkr, h :n4 S 2<1 McCoy Maggie, topper, h 1272 Juniper McCoy Mary E., seamstress Lunatic Hospital, h do McCoy Rebecca, wid Ambrose, h 442 South McCoy William C, plumber, h 261 Forster McCoy William F., machinist, h 21il Forster McCrea Harr ... , brakeman, h 19:14 Fulton IV'cCrca Rufus, watchman Hbg Club, h 106 Filbert McCrea West B., laborer, h 21143 Logan av McCreary Elijah P., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Middletown :\lcCreary Ella, saleslady, h 1228 N 6th McCreary John, shoecutter, h 1147 Bailey McCreary Joseph F., laborer, h 465 S Cameron McCreary Vernon, welder, h 441 Boyd av McCreary WaIter, welder, h 441 Boyd av
No 1230




lIeNell's Complellon PUIs :.~c:a.s,=.%--=--,.J!: 306 Broa.



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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McCreath Andrew S., (Andrew S. McCreath & Son), h 811 N Front McCREATH ANDREW S., m., lawyer, 222 Market, h 811 If Front McCREATH ANDREW S. & SON, (Lesley), chemists, 121 Market McCreath Lesley, (Andrew S. McCreath & Son), h 811 N Front l'.IcCreath Robert, student, h 811 N Front McCreath William, student, h 811 N Front McCreery Catharine L., wid George ]., h 206 South McCrone George S., stamp elk P.O., h 910 Hemlock McCrone John A .. nailer, h 1:!3:! Mulberry :\lcCrory Josie, wid Tames W., h 609 Herr ~lcCue James, laborer, h 14U7 Marion McCue Lewis, laborer, h 1a31 N 4th l\lcCue S. Alice, wid John, h 1207 Apple av l\IcCue Thomas B., boilermkr, h 1407 Xorth :McCulla Edmund, salesman. 34 S 2d, h do ~lcCulla Michael, oysters, 34 S 2d, h do McCULLOCH 10HN N., (1 D. Wilson & Co.), wholesale coal, 307 Jrtarket, h 25 S 3d :\IcCulloch Margaret, wid Stewart T., h 120:! N 2d McCULLOCH SAMUEL W., dept insurance commissioner, 718 State, h 1202 If 2d
j . . .,,,111, bll.. N&Tille GBOnmlJ ODd TIMt'" ., ...... 1 ......, ....... IIfir EI.,.... th.1,., Pat Olttle Il UOIIlU. ..... Clal" CeIIfI f ...

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McCullough Amelia R., wid lames H., h 426 Harris McCullough Emma P., sales ady, 1206 N :M, h 426 Harris McCullough Jas. P .. (Patriot Job Printing Co.), h 111 S 2d :\IcCullough l'.lary Mrs., h 1O:!4 Paxton McCullough :r..lattie, shoe operator, h 11124 Paxton McCullough Samuel H., elk P. R. R., h 506 Market l'.IcCune Mattie. housekeeper, :l30 S 1:~th :\fcCunc Robert \Y., motorman, h 1!12H Swatara McCurdy Collin E., supt Dauphin Cigar Co . h :{41 Crescent l'.IcCurdy Edmund E .. machinist, h 620 Curtin l\IcCurdy Frank E., elk, 511 Race, h 618 do xlcCurdy George \Y., puddler, h 618 Race McCurdy Geo. \V., jr., pressman Telegraph, h 1816 Penn McCurdy John, laborer, h 4 N !lth McCurdy Margaret, wid William E., h 620 Race :\IcCurdy Ralph B., laborer. h 6:!H Race :\1:cCurdy Ross S., laborer, h 618 Race :\IrCurdy \Varren E., fireman, h 618 Race l\1cCurdy William E., jr., linotype operator, h 6~W Race McCurren Emma J.\Irs., h 14114 Penn ~IcCutl'heon I10ine :\1.. wid Rohert, h 17:!!l N 6th l\1:cDaniels \\'iIliam F., agt, h lfi41 ~ fith McDermott James A .. engineer, h :!14 Kelker :\IcDevitt John J .. asst foreman P. R. R, h 1~22 Green 1\IcDevitt Sarah. wid John, h 107 Calder

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES FU~~.:~~ED'l\~L SCORa

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A. B. TACK}~=~~~t7lDo~~.. {:J!:;'~
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 455
McDevitt Thomas H., chief elk P. R. R., h 31:l Chestnut McDevitt William H., machinist, h 18U7 Green McDonald Charles, agt, h 1402 William McDonald Clyde B., press feeder, h 1204 Market McDonald Frank c., stereotyper Telegraph, h 142 Linden McDonald George H., laborer, h 1127 N Cameron McDonald Joseph c., shearsman, h 1204 l\larket McDonald ':'\lary A., wid Oliver, h 307 S 15th McDonald l\laude J .. saleslady, 4U6 ;\larket, h 1204 do McDonald Michael, fireman, h 6.'l4 Verbeke McDonald Xellie, \... id Harry, h 16221\ 6th McDonald Samuel A., engineer, h 1511) Green McDonel Charles L . laborer, h l:t~l Thompson av McDonel Thomas B., laborer, h 1:U9 Howard McDonnell Alfred A.. plasterer, h H1.'l Green McDonnell A. Ruth, h 141:"\ Green McDonnell Bert, L. S. N., h 1413 Green McDonnell Harry, car inspector, h 1413 Green McDonnell Hilbert c., fireman. h U2fi Susquehanna McDonnell William K, laborer. h f\:~2 Woodbine McDonough John. grocer, 20n Herr, h do McDougal Clara A., teacher, h 1909 K 7th McDougal Helen L., elk. R19 N 3(1. h 19119 ~ 7th McDougal Willis D . engineer, h 1909 1\ 7th McDowell Ida L., typesetter, h 124fl Kittatinny


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~:m:.~'t~ ~ Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. 1 :::=


McDowell John E., asst foreman P. R. R. depot, h 241 N 15th McDowell Joseph H., laborer, h 20:U N" 7th McDowell William, foreman, h 822 K 6th McElhaire Catharine, wid James l\J., h 1133 N 6th McElhoes Samuel E., bookkpr, 10th bel Chestnut, h The Central McElwee Andrew J., plasterer, h -117 Hamilton McElwee Cora, domestic. 92:l N 3d McElwee Edward. bedmkr, h 417 Hamilton l\'{cElwee Evans H., lather, h 417 Hamilton McElwee John W., laborer. h 19:>4 Swatara McElwee William H., plasterer. h 41;) Hamilton McEnroe Charles R., machinist. h 11110 N 3d McEntee Mary, bunchmkr, h 123 Dock McEvoy Catharine T., wid Thomas D., h 607 Walnut McEvoy Joseph T., baker, h (1)7 Walnut l\Ic Evoy T. Charles. machinist, h 6117 \\'alnut McEvoy Theresa. seamstress, h 6117 \Valnut McEvoy Timothy F., supervisor P. & R., h 1150 Derry McEvoy 'William, machinist. h 6117 Walnut McEwen Lucinda l\Irs., h 1145 Cumberland l\lcFadden Annie. h 11112 N ad McFadden Catharine. seamstress, h 421 Verbeke McFadden David, paintl'r. h 112 Charles av



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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No"r:..lI8c':'.!e:!}s~ogle by'-.:JU





H M KELLEY " CO {I North Bel ...... P. ' . 10th aDd state-.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t::i McFadden ..... McFadden McFadden . . IVlcFadden c::::a l\lcFadden McFadden ~ lvlcFadden ::c IVIcFadden :;: McFadden c::: McFadden z: McFadden




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Delia, wid Andrew B., h 1321 Green Edward G., foreman, h :!r':l Sassafras av Frank, conductor, h 3411 S 17th Grace, capmkr, h 421 Verbeke Greta S:, bookkpr, :UO Verbeke, h 1608 Green: James, grocer, 12541 Walnut, h do James F., engineer, h 2017 N 5th John C, conductor, h 273 Herr John E., stonecutter, 21i:~ Sassafras av John F., engineer, h 510 Maclay John W., h 421 Verbeke ~'lcFadden John E., stonecutter, h 263 Sassafras av McFadden Mary E;, wid Samuel, h 1835 N 4th McFadden Mason S., engineer, h 16m; Green ~IcFadden 1!vrtle, 11 Wtl~ Green McFadden Sara, trained nurse Hbg Hospital, h do ~lcFadden Victor H., fireman, h 712 N 6th McFadden William H., yardmaster, h 712 N 6th McFadden William J., transfer elk P. R R, h 1012 N 3d :\lcFalls Mary J., (Hoffman & McFalls), h 1901 N 3d McFarland Addie, wid George F., h 133 N 13th McFarland Annie, domestic, 1(i42 N 3d McFarland Carolyn 1\1., saleslady, aa4 l\larket, h 15S Sylvan ter l\'JcFarland Charles A., driver, h Hi N' Cameron


~ l\IcFarland Edward S., yardmaster. h 158 Sylvan ter


~ McFarland George. molder, h HI:J5 North


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McFARLAND GEORGE G., bicycles, &c., 226 Briggs and 1116-1118 N 3d, h 235 Boas ~lcFarland James R., salesman, h 325 Chestnut McFarland J. Horace, treas J. Horace McFarland Co., h l:W S 13th McFARLAND 1. HORACE CO., (Mt. Pleasant Press), 1. Horace McFarland, treas i printers, electrotypers, engravers, binders, &c., Crescent c Mulberry and 14th 0Derry McFarland Katharine M., teacher, h 158 Sylvan ter McFarland William C, foreman mailing div P.O., h 158 Sylvan ter McGaghey Samuel, machinist, h 1619 N 5th McGallagher Clark, fireman. h 1927 Logan av ~'IcGalln Albert W . helper, h 1!133 N' 5th McGann Anna J., tacker, h 44 N' 1IIth :\fcGann Laura V . book folder, h 44 N 10th :\IcGann :\larv A., h 14117 K 6th l\lcGann Park W . carpenter, h 1221l N' Hth McGann Ross P., car cleaner, h 1!125 N 5th l\IcGann Susan, wid James R., h 44 ~ Il1th :\lcGann William C, elk P. R. R, notarY, 1017 i'.J 6th, h do' :\IcGarvey Annie A., cigarmkr, h 21l:!1 \Vood av

~~e=~ ANDREW

REDMOND{3d aadJlJIIJ Sfs..


A. B. TAel }FI:t.~O~!lTT'4C~..A:-"~C~A~fy~R {~1610nn lBlld II1II

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 457

McGarvey Charles, laborer, h 4i Balm McGarvey Cora M., cigar roller, h 5iS Showers av McGarvey Hugh, timekeeper, h 21tH Wood av McGarvey John, laborer, h 578 Showers av McGarvey John A., laborer, h 632 Verbeke McGary Harry W., driver, h r 601 Walnut McGary Susan, nurse Children's Industrial Home, h do McGeehan George, ironer, h a6 N Summit McGeehan John, bricklayer, h 1207 Chestnut McGeehan Mary M., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1207 Chestnut :II McGeehan Stasia T., milliner. 36 N 3d, h 1207 Chestnut McGeehan Thomas D., steel melter, h 524 North McGill Blanche V., ~tengr. a17 Chestnut, h 404 Filbert McGill David, laborer, h :120 Verbeke McGill Philip F., agt, h 404 Filbert McGillan Patrick, rigger. h Park Hotel :z: McGinley Daniel E., h 1424 Berryhill McGinley John K., h 1014 James av McGinn James A., blacksmith, h 321 Calder McGinnis Francis D., c1k, 1122 Wallace, h 20:18 N 5th McGinnis Frank, distributor, h 239 State l\IcGinnis Marv A., h 4115 S 14th ~ McGlaughlin Lemuel B., assembler, h 15 S 2d I:




11 PI







1VlcGlaughlin, see Maglauchlin, also McOaughen, also McLaughlin McGlinn Annie E., wid Anthony H., h 1612 N 6th McGonigal Alice, housekeeper, 1~28 Hickory av McGonigal Frank 1"1., news agt P. R. R. depot, h 6 K 5th McGonigal Katie H., wid William A., h 1Hi South McGovern Bridget, wid Patrick, h 7:n State McGovern Edward, laborer, h 731 State McGovern 1-.1ary A. E. l\irs., h 1018 Hemlock McGovern Peter, shocmkr, h 731 State McGovern Thomas, climber, h 731 State McGowan Alice C, teacher, h 71~ N ad McGowan Anna, domestic, 111 State McGowan Cornelia A., stenographer div Public Records, State Library, h 718 N ;{d l\fcGowan Edward, candymkr, h Verbeke ab Capital McGowan George S., confectioner, 718 N 3d. h do McGowan Hannah A., wid James, h :l:{3 Peffer McGowan Henry W., ironworker, h 133 Hanna 1tlcGowan Hiram, physician, 2:36 State, h do yIcGowan James J., nail feeder, h 1aa Hanna McGowan John, puddler, h l:m Hanna McGowan John, jr., brass molder, h l:m Hanna lVIcGowan John W., eugineer, h aw North McGowan William P., carpenter, h 1:!20 K 6th




()o)U, QulDay. Rheumat.lam. Toot.baehe, Sen Tbroal. AaUe. ~ .


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

McGowan \Vinifred, tel opr, 227 \Valnut, h 316 Korth McGrail Blaine G., elk, h 130~ N' 2d McGrail Howard S., janitor. h 1:108 N 2d McGran John S., grocer, lliO~ Walnut, h 1602 do l\lcGran Sarah. seamstress, h 1602 \Valnut McGranagan Agnes, housekeeper, 1461 Market :\IcGranagan Annie G., trained nurse, h 1614 Penn l\IcGranagan Caroline, wid James \V., h 1614 Penn ?IcGranagan Carrie }I., saleslady, :{:l4 ;\lkt. h 11>14 Penn McGranagan l\fartha E., saleslady, h 1614 Penn l\IcGranaghan John E., machinist, h 1715 Penn l\lcGrath James Rev., h 1461 l\Iarket }lcGrath :Mary :\1 rs., h Home for the Friendless McGregor Lewis J.. elk ins dept. 716 State. h Carlisle :"IcGrew Diatha. wid John, h 512 North av McGrew Ella, housekeeper, 51:! North av :"IcGrew Mary, domestic, 512 North av McGuffin Lee, laborer, h 207 Nectarine av l\IcGuigan Kate. nurse, h u~:m Derry 11cGuire Barney J., leverman. h 42 Linden JlcGture Charles A .. fireman. h :!lH Howard av l\J cGuire John A .. brakeman, h H):!7 1'\ 7th }lcGuire Joseph C, chemist. h 660 Calder :\IcGuire Margaret A., saleslady, h 660 Calder l\JcGuire l\iary, wid John, h 21~ South

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}IcGuire l\Iarv :\1.. stenographer, h 6ti11 Calder !\IcGuirc William B., fireman. 11 1114 'Wallace McGuire William J .. machinist, h 6W} Calder l\fcGuire. see }\Jaguire, also Mcguire 1fcHenery Daisy :\1., vamper, h :!15 Crescent l\fcHenery Gertrude M .. folder, h 215 Crescent :\1cHenery 1\Iary 1\1., h 22:l S 15th :\IcHenery l\IiIlard F., h 22:1 S 15th :\lcHenery \Villiam H., laborer, h 215 Crescent :'.1cHose Kirk, draftsman, h 313 "Valnut :\lcIIhenny Agnes R., wid Ceylon P., h ~ S 1:3th :"lcIlhenny Catharine A., matron Dauphin Co. Prison, h do JlcIIhel1l~y Emma. wid Josiah. h 1222 Derry l\Ic Ilhenny Frank, flagman, h 42H Yerbeke :"lcIlhenny George W., deputy sheriff. C. H., h :!::i K 13th :"IcIlhenny Helen F., saleslady. :134 :\larket. h 1222 Derry :"kIlhenny Jennie F., shoe operator. h 1222 Derry McIIJIENNY lORN H., warden Dauphin County Prison, h do :'lc I1henny ~Iinnie C, h Dauphin County Prison :'IcIIhenny Sarah R., h Dauphin County Prison :'/cIlhenny Sl1san S .. h Dauphin County Prison :'kIIhenny \YiJliam A., dep recorder. C H .. h 12li l\Iarket l'Idlvain Lizzie. h Home for the Friendless :"lcIIvain. set' :\IcAlvain :"Idlwain Charles 1-\.., roller. h 211G X lith

The PATRIOnA Newspaper for the Home{S~!iti~~~~eo';~le


A B TACK} eIaIi~andlJllureal&. WorkdoaelnanypuCoI Bmplo,. nODe batftnt.cl_ workmen, beneeOnl,~{ 18 Iff " N.Bela
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 459

McIntyre Charles]., fireman, h 946 ~ 7th McIntyre George E., brakeman, h :!():j:{ Logan av Mclntyre 2'lary C, h 515 N 5th McIntyre Robert E., brakeman, h 1:l:3~ Fulton McIver Lucy, charwoman, h 428 Walnut ::\1cKallip Franklin K., mgr, 307 Walnut, h do KcKAU.rp ROBERT W., propr Park Hotel, 307 Walnut, h do see adv McKay George W., fireman, h 1637 N 6th McKay Harry Z., ironworker, h 807 5 Front McKay Louisa, cigar roller, h 807 5 Front McKay 5ylvester, puddler, h 807 5 Front l\-IcKay William 5., h 202 S River a\" :NlcKee Abner C, elk, 206 Market, h 116 5 13th McKee Abraham, cutter, h 1825 Briggs McKee Annie 1\1., h 109 N 4th McKee Catharine M., h 109 N 4th McKee Curtis H., elk, h 1423i Regina McKee Edward C, plumber, 1342 N 3d, h do McKee George W., h 109 N 4th ::\lcKee Harry, brakeman, h 1423! Regina McKee James T., engineer, h 1718 N 3d McKee James T., jr., engineer, h 1!l26 Fulton McKee Mary J., wid Andrew J., h 3~5 Walnut McKee Meda H., stenographer, 7 54th, h 116 5 13th


~~II=::b.} Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {a::=

McKee Rudolph F., machinist, h 516 N 2d ~1cKeehan Don 0., foreman, h 2347 K 6th McKeehan John, brakeman, h 2347 6* McKeehan Margaret A., wid Francis, h 2:-l47 N 6th McKeehan Skiles B., expressman, 15 N 3d, h 30 N 2d McKeever Charles B., roller, h 510 Emerald 11cKelvey C Edward, student, h 6 N 2d :\lcKelvey Clyde M., dentist, 6 N 2d, h do Me Kelvey H. Albert, salesman, 334 Market, h 2116 Derry 2'lcKelvev Wesley L., student, h 6 N 2d KcXELVY 1ACOB 1., carpenter and contractor, 1316 Bartine av, h 1311 N Front McKelvy J. Alfred, carpenter, h 1311 N Front McKelvy Jennie S., taiIoress, 334 Market, h 1311 N Front KcXEN1iA BAliK SAFE CO., (Halls Safes), William P. KcKenna, mgr, 28 S 4th see adv side lines

< J>





R. W. MclALLlP, Proprietor.
11 Deer tt ap.rt H.....

J> en HOTEL ...


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A. M. UNOIS, MIDller.

No. 807 Walnut Street. HARRISBURG. PA, ....:.

lat... $1.25 par D,,; $SOO per Week.
Special Rates to Organizations. Anheuser-Busch Beer. Bottled and Draught. Choice Wines and Liquors. Flnelt Brandl of Clpra In 'he City.

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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Frederick G., conductor, h 6 N 2d Grace, teacher, h 1801 N 2d Grant M., inspector P. R. R., h 1212 N 6th Helen, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1830 State James, engine hostIer, h 1801 N 2d James A., c1k Central Guarantee Trust Co., h 18tH N 1&1 McLaughlin 2d John, shoemkr, 122:1 Mulberry, h do McLaughlin John, varnisher, h .122!l Mulberrv McLaughlin John G., telegrapher P. R. R., h' 436 Peffer McLaughlin John ]., solicitor. 18 N 3d, h 1822 State McLaughlin John W., flagman, h 20!) Calder McLAUG:m:.IN 1. T. W., pattern and modelmaker, 425 South, h 1106 N 6th McLaughlin Laura J., c1k. 415 I<:elker, h do McLaughlin Luther H., laborer, h 340 Boyd av McLaughlin Marie D., bookkpr, 334 Market, h 1822 State McLaughlin Marietta, saleslady. :m N 3d, h 209 Calder 1&1 McLaughlin Robert B., h 608 "Maclay McLaughlin Robert N., molder. h 122tJ Mulberry McLaughlin Wesley C., brakeman, h 2025 N Cameron )IcLaughlin William, collector, h 1830 State

.... -~

McLaughlin ~ McLaughlin M' McLaughlin :z: McLaughlin McLaughlin )lcLaughlin

.: McLaughlin Clinton E., laborer, h fi28 Reily c a: McLaughlin Etta, c1k, h 209 Calder

-=..... c:t

McKENNA WILLIAM P., safe expert and mgr McKenna Bank Safe Co., 28 S 4th, h do McKenzie Harry E., laborer, h 1463 Regina lIcltlLLIPS AT.EXANDER, machinery, belting, pulleys, hangers and printers' supplies, 421 South, h Lemoyne 11cKillips Andrew G., laborer, h 1106 Walnut McKillips J. Howard, asst mgr, 421 South, h Lemoyne McKillips John E., brakeman, h 11211 N 7th McKiIlips Sarah J., wid Philip G., h 1106 Walnut McKim Elsie, domestic, ~14 N ~d McKinney Jennie S. Mrs., h 1tJ12 Vernon McKinney William J., laborer, h 4:JH SlOth 1IcKinnie Margaret B.. h B23 N 2d 1IlcKissick Charles R., bridge builder, h 1429! Susq McKlinsey Winnie, floorlady, h 1024 Market McKnight Jeanette Mrs., h 5th nr Market McLaine Eli c., foreman P. & R., h 135 Linden McLaine Sarah, laundress, h 112a N 7th McLanachan Francis J .. baker, h 13:l4 Vernon 1'lcLaren Agnes Mrs., h 411 Strawberry av McLaren Daniel F., fireman, h aOIl noyd av McLaren James G., lunch bar c1k Hotel Columbus, h 1~52 Hickoryav McLaughlin Alice, wid John, h 1822 State McLaughlin Charles A., car repairer, h 647 Maclay


McLaughlin Charles E., shoemkr, h 1233 Mulberry

Redllnd's Wagln WlrkS {=:~~'l'lJ'bti--}-3d-an-d-R-1IIt:S-ts-. b;C;bogle


A. B. TACK ::::,I~~ IOU PODer 1IlII1ID1lO1_1I1m.21l

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 461
McLaughlin, see Maglauchlin, also McClaughen, also McGlaughlin McLean l\Iary, nurse Hbg Hospital, h de McLean Robert, h The Bolton McMahon Daniel, laborer, h 1129 N Cameron Mc~lahon Jacob, hostler, h 1101 :Market McMahon John A., machinist, h 112H N Cameron McMahon Margaret, wid Michael, h 112H N Cameron McMahon Margaret A., bookkpr, h 112H N Cameron McMahon Nora A., edge stitcher, h 1129 N Cameron Mdlahon Thomas P., plumber P. R. R., h 14231 N 3d McManamy George N., helper, h 1S12 Susquehanna McManaway Orner, carpenter, h 1101 Market Mc11anigal Harry R., civil engr, 9 N 2d, h 209 Chestnut Mdlanus James B., tobaccomst. 7th c Maclay, h do McManus Margaret 1\1., shoe opr, h 321 Strawberry av McManus PatrIck, laborer, h 410 Strawberry av McManus Terrence, laborer, h 2 N 11th McMaster John, engraver, h Park Hotel .:\lcMcwoter Raymond, laborer, h 1H Lochiel 2d Row McMaster \Viiliam, helper, h UI Lochiel 2d Row McMechen Amos, laborer, h 1016 State :i\lcMechen George E., laborer, h 1016 State Md\lechen George E., jr., laborer, h 1016 State Mdlechen James W., laborer, h 1016 State

Mdlechen James W., laborer, h 906 S 9th McMeen Foster C, elk P. R. R., h 111:-l8 N 5th Mc1\leen Henry H., elk P. R. R., h 21128 N 5th McMeen John A., yardmaster P. R. R., h 1938 N 5th McMichael Houston C, machinist, h 125 Paxton ~ Mc~Jillan Dayid K, scientific asst, 213 Locust, h 715 Capital K McMillin John A., elk, h 224 N 3d -. McMorris Isaac G., salesman, h 411 Reily McMorris Jesse A., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h 621 Peffer ~ McMorris Samuel S., clk P. R. R., h 2:W S 15th 1\lcMorris William J., painter, h 411 Reily McMullen Catharine, h 422 Muench ~ McMullen George H., laborer, h 336 Muench McMullen Robert, driver, h 1121 Capital McMurtrie Ellen, h Home for the Friendless McNaer Sarah 1., wid Joseph, h 1626 N 3d . ~ McKaight John G., flagman, h 616 Kelker CD McNaight William A., brakeman, h 616 Kelker 610 McKair Samuel, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do McNair Samuel H., salesman, h 521 State McNair William, machinist, h 1624 N 6th McNally Annie E., attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do McNally Annie E., wid Eugene C, h 1409 Wallace McNally Eugene E., brakeman, h 1309 Wallace !!!t. McNally Harry G., engineer, h 1309 Wallace


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~lcXalJy \Villiam Rev., h li28 Green JHd\;m;ara ;atn;;k A" h J!I tilth Mc Xaughton Charles 1L. bookkpr, 22 ~ 3d, h 109 N 13th c~;m0~hte;;; D;;yic\, h J:n!l 2th ~lcXaughton Edith. apprentice, 1!arket, lOt? N 1:4h \lcXaut?hton James, packer; h 11 N 5th c?\yuJhtun Ja;;;(;s ~L, e!enutor;;;un, <i06 North McXeaf Annie, domestic, 1624 Fulton Ne;;! D;;;;iel " Ire;, h 1nn B;;iggs McXeal David R, painter, h 2128 Boas Md\e;;[ Harry, brakeman. h 1624 Fulton c N e;; I H;;r;y enpnee; ; l:?OO X (3th Mc~eal Hattie F., wid \Yilliam D., h 51 ~ 17th ;'XC";; Je;~;' lahnrer 51 h Stale; ~1~Xe;i ~1;~h~elii., c~rpen~er, h;~H22 :\ 4th J\k Ne;;\ Philip D; call;;nter; h 121H Derry ~\lcXed J;;\;;; 11., brakcmac, h !;;t?;,I \V;;l!ac;; MeN'E~L MEDICIN',E CO., JosephN'. C~ark, pr~s; ~ 1. ~. Clh;k, lce auC t;;c;;s; Rfhtenr meilicme; J06 Cerbh\;8 (Broad) see adv top lines :;lcNeiH Etmna . rdlnr, h 1010 Cowden :cfcNeill Geo;;ge., h Oowden ~lcXeill :\1 an' :\lrs., h 1010 Cowden d\eill br;d;eman; h 6,d4 Y;;;bek;; McNew Clara B., wid William T., h S S 13th


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d\ikf Gilde;t, s4 nc\en4 h 6flll N McX iff ),1. Katharine. teacher, h 6()5 N :;d ;Nil~ Patrick: 615 2d ~;lcPherson Jam;;; M., ;,oler, :~44 Brod,; av McPherson Preston L.; laster, h 344 Brook av iel;;Ph;;;;;on labore;; h 41 C;;;;;cen4 l\lcQuate Harry P., ironworker, h i:m Vine ;'Ql;;UC bOhkkpe 3(1 ;~d, 130 Vine McQuate Peter, laborer, h 1;30 Vine l'.1;'Quatf; Rov C; ctetLO\;rapher, h 130 Vine l\lcReyoold;; :rla;} Y., ~ , D;;pt Puhlic tion, Capitol, h 20l State :;l;;\V;;!Iv !l;;;r", one;,ctter 41P l\la;ket ~lcWilliaJ1\s John, cigars, 214 Liberty, h do I;;k\ViIli;;ms Ralph, h un l\octh ;WilHcms lkobcct S. ev., 1kt?H N (ah l\lead Arthur C. agt, H X 2d. h 403 Walnut itkad ~\lary wid Ebenc;;er, H30 Pen;} Mead T. Dwight, molder, h 520 Korth


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Meadath Jesse E.; foreman. h 1856 Swatara ;ada4 (h;;r fireman, 19:;P \ N Hth :Meade George D., watchmkr, 1314 ~N 3d, h 320 Verbeke Iii!: l;'ade Tam;';, G.. . h VGbek;;

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don't &81 thI laws
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V.:a:WD~'";O~= 1011 rooer ond IlndowShodes nom A.

B. TACK {N.1:d1:t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Meadows Clinton A., laster, h 4~~ Buckthorn av Meadows Edward, genl foreman, 208 Walnut, h 11 N 4th Meadows Emanuel, shoemkr, 1426 Derry, h do Meads Andrew, laborer, h 217 N River av Meagher Joseph C, postal elk, h Ui1 Regina Meals Buddalva S., conductor, h 401i S 14th KEALS EZRA S., physician, 700 B 3d c Borth, h do Meals Harry S., fireman, h 700 N 3d :Mcals Jessie C, chief operator, 227 Walnut, h 11:! South Meals Theodore S., ice cream mfr, 9 N 4th, h do Meals William H., carpenter, h Hill Derry Meals William H., laborer, h 415 S 14th Means Joseph ~I., (:\leans & Thompson), h 218 North Means & Thompson, (Joseph M. ~reans and James C Thompson), wholesale coal, 21:3 Locust Mease John. driver, h 332 Verbeke . J(ECHABICS' BANK, J(arket c 3d Meek Benjamin F., brakeman, h 1126 Montgomery Meck Charles H., bridge builder. h 1011 Cowden j\'Ieck Charles P., foreman Telegraph, h 26 N 5th Meck Charles S., (Roberts & Meck), h 1230 N 6th Meck Elizabeth J., saleslady, 215 Market, it 234 South Meck Ella S., saleslady, 334 l\Il\rket, h 231 Crescent Meck Emma, roller, h H~5 Wyeth av Meck Frank L., salesmau, h 12()5 Green


Sayings and Loan


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Meck George E., painter, h 234 SOllth Meck George W., hoister, h 1011 Cowden Meck Henry E., elk, h 320 Boas Meck Hiram, fireman, h 1120 Montgomery Meck Ira, baker, 1i13 ~J arket, h do Meck John A., printer, h 231 Crescent Meck Joseph H., printer, h 120;) Green Meck Lewis S., carder, h 231 Crescent Meck Marv C, h 32H Granite av Meck Mar)' H., agt, h 5U6 X orth Meck Mary R. :\lrs., h 506 North Meek Nelson C, teamster, h 261.1 Calder Meck l\ora, elk, h 2GtI Calder Meck Robert P., elk, h lUll Cowden Meck Thom~s E., caller P. & R. R., h 234 South Meck Warren Z., elk C 1. and S. Co., h 1215 Chestnut Meck William ]., conductor, h 1011 Cowden Meckley Charles, machinist, h 237 South Meckley Charles D., laborer, h 646 Verbeke Meckley Frank B., (Knox & Meckley), h 1315 Wallace Meckley l\lichael, blacksmith, h 1:l11 Wallace Meckley Robert n., draftsman, 9 S 2d, h 511 Seneca Meckley Samuel J., farmer, h Cameron ab Maclay .Meckley Sarah J., wid Samuel, h 511 Seneca Mecurio Matthew, fruit, h 307 Herr

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H KELLEY ca CO'S -:roaDtamoDd...beD { 1II1II I" U ... lla.. .. Il. Rlaek 'iartli tllwl. D_t order..,
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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~Ieehan Daniel, civil engineer, h 210 Pine Meehan James, watchman Dauphin County Prison, h 1:!42 Herr Meehan vVilliam E., Commissioner of Fisheries, 26 N" 3d, h 222 Pine ~Ieek Nellie, wid Walter E., h :!l~ 5 l:~th )lcgaughey William A., machinist, h Hi:!7 Logan av ~Iehaffie Anna V., saleslady, 215 ~Iarket, h 2027 Logan av :\Iehaffie Bessie, housekeeper, :!12 Hamilton ~lehaffie Charles C, shearsman, h 4a9 Verbeke Io.Iehaffie David 1., janitor, h 212 Hamilton Io.lehaffie George W., freseoer, h 212 Hamilton ~Iehaffie George W., shoemkr, ] i34 N 4th. h 432 Kelker Mehaffie James A., huckster, h 711 Love av Mehaffie James 0., trackman, h 212 Hamilton l'dehaffie Jennie A., h 4~2 Kelker )fehaffie Samuel J., catcher, h 20!l7 Boas ~Iehaffie Stephen R., flagman, h 643 Dauphin av Io.[ehaffi,e Thomas M., laborer, h 1926 Elizabeth av Mehaffie William D., elk, h 2118 X 7th :\lehaffie William 5., laborer, h 211R N 7th :\/ ehring Charles A., elk. h 1217 1\ 3d :\Iehring Charles 5., student, h 1729 K 4th :\lehring Elmer T., grocer, 1601 ~ 4th, h do :\lehring Harry L., tailor, 1410 N 6th, h 1217 N 3d




> d

Mehring Jacob C, h 1217 N 3d l\lehring John, baker, 1042 Herr, h do :\Iehring Louis W., plumber, 21100 N 4th. h !l32 Peffer :MEHRING WILHELM 1., wholesale dealer and bottler of wines, liquors and beer, 933-939 Rose av, h 410 Boas Both 'phones l\Ieily Charles W.: h 202 Locust J4EILY COnARY, department store, 312 Market l\leily George P., h 409 N 2d l\Ieily George W., h 409 N 2d Meisenheimer LeRoy, laborer, h 1211 Apple av )Ieisenheimer Philip G., steam fitter, h 1211 Apple av Meisenhelder Henrv. watchman. h ;)0 :..; 10th ~Ieisenhelder Mary' A., wid Christopher, h 28 N 10th l\Ieisenhelder Robert L. Rev., h 115 Locust Meixel CLyman, elec engr, 208 Walnut, h 914 Green Meixel Zachariah T., teacher, h 2115 Hamilton Melcher Harry H., laborer, h 3)~ S Court av Melchior Bertha 5., seamstress, h 1731 N 6th Melchior Harry 5., engineer, h li29 Kelker :\Ielchior Henry, shoemkr, 17:n X {'th. h do Melchior Lester 5., helper, h 17:n ~; 6th Melchior Ralph 5., engineer, h 17:n X lith Melick Emily D., wid Justus A .. h :"011 Capital
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AlDREW REDMOND} :l::~:::' ~~~ {3d and R.lly Stl. Google

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A. B. TACK}lALL PAPER l::::;;': 111001 SHADE8{N;'::~~~&.

465 :t Melick John P., sec State Capital Savings and Loan Assn, l> 2 S 2d, h 509 N 2d IVIell Edward A., carpenter, h 131 Vine Mell Edward A., jr., car inspector, h 709 N 19th Mell Eugenie H., teacher, h 137 Paxton Mell Harry J., fireman, h 108 Boas ::I Mell Ida.B. Mrs., h 11141 Wallace MeIl Robert IV1., huckster, h 326 Cherry av C) Mell Samuel S., mgr, 426 Market, h 1144 Derry ::I Mell Sarah B., wid Harvey L., h 1:17 Paxton I l\Iell William c., machinist, 1;1137 Paxton C) Mell William F., elk, 428 l\larket, h 137 Paxton Mell William L., fireman, h 108 Boas :0 Mellinger Cyrus H., train dispatcher P. R. R., h 1723 l> Green C Mellinger Ira E., clk weather bur, P. O. bldg, h 1921 N 6th PI Mellinger Matthias B., brakeman, h 655 Dauphin Mellish John F., draftsman, h 2022 Broo~wood Mellon A. Katie, dressmkr, h 1530 N 4th l> Mellon Bertha B., dressmkr, h 1530 N 4th ." Mellon ),:lary M., tailoress, h 15:~0 :x 4th PI Mellon Sarah J., wid Jeremiah B., h 1530 N 4th Mellon S. Irene, bookkpr, 101 N Cameron, h 15;~0 N 4th Meloy Harry T., conductor, h 533 Peffer

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

J= en-



BAKERf~=~b=~'t.~~1E ~

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Meloy John B., (Wellein & Meloy), h 415 Muench Meloy Philip K., laborer, h 639 Harris Meloy Samuel L., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1314 State Meloy Thomas M., mgr, ~6 N 3d, h 1325 Kittatinny Meloy William, laborer, h 639 Hams Meloy, see Maloy Meltzer Harry, peddler, h 513 Walnut Meltzer Samuel, clothier, 513 Walnut, h do MELVILLE MICHAEL J. ladies' and gents' clothing, 402 Verbeke (Broad), h 1836 N 2d Melvin John E., checkman P. R. R., h 1322 Walnut Melvin Michael H., conductor, h 1322 Walnut l\leminger Theodore H., clk Dept Int Affairs, h 434 ~orth Mencer Joseph, driver, h 534 Maclay Menchey Chester T., h 406 Spring av IVlendenhall Clarence H., clk, Division nr 6th, h 2135 N 4th Mendenhall Emma A., housekeeper, 536 North Mendenhall George A., teamster, h 53f) North Mendenhall Mary A., wid James, h 2135 N 4th Menear George H., sand flatter, h 227 Herr Menear Grace A., h 227 Herr Menear Ida c., laundress, h 239 State Menear William A., laborer, h 227 Herr Menge Hans G., printer, 201 N 2d, h 1117 N 3d Mengel Howard, barber, h 344 S 13th

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CLARK'S :.~~ Drug and Patent Medicine Stora{.=:~AI];"

466 Boyd's Jlarrisburg City Directory.





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C 1.&.1 Tille GUoronlY ODd lrusl CO. If leIWlTO 1 falflll_t" CoatIiC" ft Real . .late Office -811.,...... t... md". C PIU. Rear 0'

Mengel Howard, elk P. & R. frt depot, h 182 Locust l\Iengel Howard, elk, h 1249 l\larket Mengle Edwin c., laborer, h 692 S 20th ::\lenken Charles E., civil engineer, !I ~ 2d, h 118 Locust MENTZER G. EDWARD, contractor and builder, Cumberland c Fulton, h 601 Cumberland l\lentzer George, laborer, h 1901 Derry l\Ientzer John, carpenter, h 51 ~ Summit ltIENTZER SAltIUEL F., contractor and builder, 1430 Market, h do Mercer Bud, hostler, h :U2 Blackberrv av Mercer Milton W., hostler. h 312 Blackberry av MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, lob 1. Conklin, genl counsel, mercantile agency, CeJder bldg, room 5, 16 N 2d Merchants' and :\Iechanics' Savings and Loan Association. S. S. Page. sec, 103-105 N 2d Merchants' Association, R. F. Cook, sec, 7 N 2d Merchants' Hotel, E. E. Rickert. propr, 125 Chestnut ltIERClI.ANTS NATIONAL BANX, 1230 N 3d see adv Mercurio Augustino, (:\lercurio Bros.). h 307 Herr l\lercurio Bros., (A., l\I. and S.). wholesale fruit, 210 S 2d Mercurio lVIariano, (l\Iercurio Bros.), h 307 Herr Mercurio Salvatore, ()'Iercurio Bros.), h 307 Herr Mercy Home, conducted by Sisters of :\Iercy, 603 N 2d

Meredith Arthur R., elk, 405 l\Iarket, h 119 Locust


1.&.1 Meredith Benjamin W., elk, 322 Verbeke, h 1425 William


Meredith Charles S., painter, h 121:! N 2d Meredith Charles W., elk P. R. R. depot, h 119 Locust Meredith Clara L., teacher, h 119 Locust z: Meredith Edward F., plumber, h 1417 William Meredith Eliza 1\1., wid William, h 119 Locust A.. E Meredith Elizabeth, wid Adrian, h 1206 Bailey engineer, h 642 o Meredith George,booker, h 1106 NMuench 7th U Meredith Grace, Meredith Harry L., elk, 1100 N 7th, h 1106 do ....J oC Meredith Harrv P., upholsterer, h 1106 N 7th o l\Ieredith Isabilla B., seamstress, h 115 Calder' u Meredith John H., laborer, h 1213 N 2d Q ltIEREDITlI PHnIP T., lawyer, 219 ltIarket, h 32 N 2d z: Meredith Sarah D., h 1015 N 6th l\leredith Sue A., wid Kirk F., h 1106 ~ 7th (&I Merkle Charles E., inspector, 210 Walnut, h 1722 N 6th ~ l\Jerkle Norris S., helper, h 1722 N 6th Merkle Philip A., switchman, h 1722 N 6th Q Merkle Silas A., expressman, 15 N 3d. h 409 Hamilton ~ Merkle William L.. laborer. h 409 Hamilton 1\ferlina Frank, fruit. h 1527 N 3d Z Merrill Philip, elk, h 1427 N Front :::;)



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Mersereau James B., private sec sec Agriculture, 716 State, h 115 do l\lersing Joseph R., salesman, 114 K 2d, h 540 Violet av Mertz Jacob, laborer, h 101 S Summit Messersmith Clark c., barber, h 1620i N 5th Messersmith Hoso, brakeman, h 2006 N 5th Messersmith James, laborer, h 16201 N 5th Messersmith J. Harry, men's furnisher, 228 l\Iarket, h 228 Korth Messiah Home Orphanage, Bailey bel 12th Messiah Rescue and Benevolent Home, 1185 Bailey Messimer A. C. ~lrs.,layer out of dead,a04 Cherry av, h do Messimer R. Frank, blacksmith. 304 Cherry av, h do Messimer Benjamin F., mechanical engineer, h 1619 Penn Messimer George F., candymkr, h 118 S 3d Messimer George L., boilermkr, h 118 S !ld Messinger Jacob L.. engineer, h ]318 Green Messinger William P., elk, Herr clOth, h 713 N 2d Messner Elizabeth S .. wid William, h 1125 N Front Messner Harry E., salesman, 215 l\Iarket, h Steelton Messner Isaac ;\1., fireman, h 660 Boas Messner Kate l\Irs., h 410 Briggs l\lessner William E., molder, h 6!l1 Boas Mester Frederick, tailor, !l]0 Blackberry av, h 214 Crescent

== r;
..... :;: ""



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Snlngs and Loan


METHODIST BOOK ROOMS, S. C. Swallow, supt, books and stationery, 20 N 2d METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., Walter G. MeBlain, supt, Russ bldg, 15 and 17 N 2d Metz Elmer H., real estate agt P. & R., h 309 N Front Metz Frank, laborer, h 14 Lochiel :!d Row Metzger Abbott R., salesman, 334 I\Jarket, h 804 N 3d Metzger Anna, wid William. B., h 1009 ~ 3d Metzger Bessie )'1., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1841 Berryhill Metzger Bessie 1\1., elk, 15 S 2d, h :H9 S Front Metzger Charles E., sales agt, h 2:1 N 4th Metzger Edward, carpenter, h 319 S Front Metzger Edward, laborer, h 1146 Cumberland Metzger Hannah, wid Jesse, h 1146 Cumberland Metzger Howard G., stenographer, 270 Korth, h 804 N 3d Metzger John A., cigars, 1417 Vernon, h do Metzger John H., laborer, h 1146 Cumberland Metzger LaRue. linotype operator, h 211 Hummel l\letzger Lena. domestic, 19 S 2d Metzger "V. Calder, student, h 301 ~ Front Metzger Wesley, laborer, h 1020 Herr Metzger \vil1ia~, driver, h 1112 1\ 7th Metzger William A.. (.-\tticks & Metzger), h-217 Verbeke Metzger William H., molder. h 1841 Berryhill

> o :x > ;0 .. > ~


H. M. KELLEY" CO.}OIl:Ces, :oi'_~~~..~~';:!:}COAL AND WOOD

468 Boyd's Rarrisburg City Directory.
Metzger William H., sec and treas Commonwealth Trust Co., h 301 S Front t; lVIetzler David E., flagman, h 1625 Wallace Meyer Bertha, wid Henry, h 514 \Valnut ~ Meyer B. Frances, h 514 Walnut is MEYER EDWARD A., Hotel LeRoy, 521523 State, h do ~ Meyer Magdalena 1\1., wid Charles, h 114 Hoerner



~ :'leyer Sybilla, wid Charles, h 35 S Summit en Meyer Theodore \V., laborer, h 717 Showers av Meyer, see l\layer, also Moyer Meyerowitz Henry L., teacher, State c 4th, }1 712 Sonth -- DYERS BEN1AMIN F., publisher StarIndependent, 18 S ~ 3d, h 11 N Front LLI Meyers Emma S., cigar roller, h 4:!0 S Cameron Meyers George B., carpenter, h 4:!1I S Cameron Meyers Henry F., baker, h ti14 Briggs Meyers l\1innie L., cigar roller, h 420 S Cameron 1&1 MEYERS WILLIAM X., lawyer, 16 N 2d, h 206 Walnut II: Meyers William L., conductor, h 1008 Hemlock Mevers, see l\Iavers, also 1\1 vers Michael Albert: conductor, h S l:lth nr cemetery Michae:1 Charles X., tallyman P. R R, h 426 S :!d ~lichacJ Ella, wid Elias, h 826 S C_a_l11_e_ro_n _ _ _ _ __ _


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Michael Geo. D., conductor, h S 13th nr Catholic Cemetery ~1ichael Harr\', laborer. h 5:l5 Race Michael Katie, domestic, 5:!7 Race Michael Lula, housekeeper, 5:l5 Race 11ichacl Samuel R, watchman, h 14;{ Paxton Michael Samuel R, jr., laborer, h 11!l Paxton Michael Waiter]., driller, h lfi:!;~ Derry Michael William c., driver, h 5:m Race Michael \Viiliam H., laborer. h l:!th ab Hamilton Michaels Abraham, laborer, h ]:!th ur ~Iuench :Michaels George A., laborer, h 1:140 \. ernon Michaels James, puddler, h 1:!4ti K Cameron ~Iichaels John I-I., cntter, h 1:l4n \Oernon JUCHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF DETROIT, lohn F. Daniell, digt genl agt, 21 N 3d Michlovitz Abram, (Furman & 1\Iichlovitz), h fj:!4 :-';orth l\1ichlovitz Joseph, laborer, h 1;{:!4 William :\lichlovitz Lena, tailoress, h H24 Xorth Michlovitz Philip, peddler, h fi:!4 Xorth ~Iichlovitz Simon, junk, h 120 Tanner's av ~lickens Tames, laborer, h 712 )J 7th Mickey Charles H., switchman, h 14mi ~orth Mickey David W., lahorer, h 20:l1 ~ 7th Mickey Edward W., flagman, h tiU~ Oxford ~lickey Ellen Bo, wid Edward J., h :!fI:a ~ 7th

iiI~~<:'ii} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and Rail, Sts. Google

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A. B. TACK}Wall Paper and Wlndol Shades{~:~::'~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Mickey Frank B., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 229 Hummel ::::I Mickey George W., conductor, h 614 Reily -c Mickey Jennie, domestic, 1228! N 6th -. Mickey Kate D., stitcher, h lSa2 )J (;th Mickev Marv. teacher, h 32(J X orth Mickey :\aoil1i. cook, 2114 Walnut Mickey Susan, wid Christian H., h :3:W Xorth ." Mickles \VilIiam, fireman, h 1032 Herr PI Middaugh Claude E., brakeman, h 628 Peffer Middaugh Fitch K., conductor, h 628 Peffer l\Iiddaugh R. Charles, agt, h 628' Peffer Middleton Burrel T., steelworker, h 149 Balm Middleton Mary E., wid William A., h 925 N 2d MIDDLETON WILLIAlrI H., lawyer, 204-206 Market, city ;:. treasurer, Cou.rt House, h 114 State l\liddletown, Highspire & Steelton Street Railway Co., W. T. Calder, sec and treas, 12 S 2d Midlam 'Albert S., bricklayer, h 1240 Cowden Midlam Anna 11., teacher, h 616 Boas Midlam Frank E., bricklayer, h filii Boas Midlam J. Edwin, machinist, h H16 Boas Midlam Mary A., wid John F .. h (iHi Boas Might James F., roller, h tn3 l\lahantongo Miinch Alfred, barber, h 571) Race ::::I CD Miinch George, (W. ~Jiinch & Son), h 5iO Race


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER i ~~~t.=~T-N-~-~-E- :e -------- -- -- --.- -- -- -- - :a

Miinch William, (W. l\Iiinch & Son). h 5711 Race l\rIiinch W, & Son, (Wm. and George), barbers, 570 Race Mikle Frank H., conductor, h :n5 :\'lac1ay Milburn vVagon Co., A. F. Newcomer, genl agt, 11117 Market Miles Adelaide, wid Richard, h 1427 N 2d Miles Alfred G., supt Jackson l\1fg Co., h 404 Reily Miles Benjamin C, machinist, h 1.115 Penn Miles Charles, brakeman, h 1985 N 7th Miles Charles P., elk, h 40-1 Reily Miles Geary, brakeman, h n07 Cowden Miies George W., cabinetmkr, h 9J 5 Penn Miles Giles, laborer, h 1:J29 N 4th Miles James E., laborer, h 1926 Kensington Miles James G., ~'lectrotyper Independent, h !Jl5 Penn Mill'S Walter, bell boy Commonwealth, h 1329 N 4th Miles William A., student, h 404 Reily IVIiley Susan E., wid Jacob, h 17!) N 15th Milhouse James W., hookkpr. 5 N ad. h Camp Hill MILLAR ALBERT, lawyer, district attorney, rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Russ bldg, 15 N 2d, h 1626 N 3d Mi\1ar Carrie H., dressmkr, h 5:m Woodbine Millar Emma E., h 16:!G N ad Millar Harry, employee State Ar~ellal, h 1616 Park Millar James H., machinist, h 53!) Woodbine

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Iclell', COIIPIelion Pills :.Ij~':ndClKId~';~~t&~;~: 306 BroH

4;0 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Millar John, laborer, h 1616 Park :Millar Nellie A., trimmer, h 5:m Woodbine Millar Rowena, teacher, h 16:!6 ~ ad Millar William, laborer, h lat; Hoerner :\lillard Susan C, asst supr. 210 \Valnut. h l\liddletown .\lilIeisen Arthur W., fort'man. h l1Ut; 1Iarkct MILLEISEN G. FRANX. coal and wood, 1019 N 3d, h 707 do l\Iilleisen Henry R, elk. h :!:!l'I ~ 14th ~ 1Iilleisen Jacob M., laborer, h nun Market Milleisen Jacob 1\1., jr., shoe operator, h 11116 ~Iarket i\Iiller Abner]., laborer, h :.!52 :\'ectarine av l\liller Abner j., jr., driver, h :.!5:! Xectarine av :: Miller Abraham C, grocer, HIll \Valnut, h :.!14 North :\li1ler Ada, bookkpr. h 129 N l:~th :\Jiller Adam, carpenter, h l:!:U Bailey -I :\liiler Adam R. carpenter, h 1411 Hoerner :IE 1\[', seamstress. h lIt!:{ ........ :\li1ler Adrian M., book sewer. h 575 S Park :\IiJler Agncs Front U) :\IiIler Albert, laborer, h ]87 ~ 15th ::\Iiller Albert, porter, h (;28 Primrose av l\Iillcr Albert, shoe operator, h 1209 ~Iarket :\IilIer Albert M., barber, h a:~8 Boyd av Miller Albert Y., laborer, h ]217 ~ Cameron U Miller Alexander S., (Miller & Long). h 1802 State l\Iiller Alvin L, physician, 15 S !-Jd. h do



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Amanda, cigarmkr. h l:nn :\Iaple av Amanda, cook, h H:.!O l\Iarion Anna, stenographer, ~1:~ :\Iarket. h 115 Evergreen U Anna M., cashier. :.!O"[ :l\1arkct, h 16:.!7 N 6th Annie S." wid Nicholas R, h 1:~:'!9 S Cameron Arthur, salesman, l:mH N :ld. h 114 X 2d Arthur R, conductor, h \Yalnut c Linn Arthur T., laborer. h l!llU Susquchanna ~Iiller Austin N., clk. 1:!1 Chestnut. h :~:n S Front :\Iiller Benjamin, hrakeman. h 5H :\Iaclay ;"liller Benjamin, laborer, h 411!! Cowden l\Iiller Benjamin F., carpenter, h 1:.!!1 X l:{th :\liller Benjamin F., engineer. h 1:3:!5 X Front Miller Benjamin F .. fireman, h IH7 Herr :\Ii1ler Benjamin H .. engineer. h 1521 Penn :\Iiller Bertha, h 111111; S Cameron :\li11er Hertha E., sa\C.:;lady. :!:!l :\Iarket, h 45:.! S Cameron :\li11er Bertie. tl'acher. h 2:{1'i l\Iuench I&l :\Iillcr Bessie :\1.. elk. :-<:.!4 N 7th. h ~:! ~ 13th ~ ~liiler Blanche L.. saleslady, :{:~4 Market, h Wormleysburg Q :\liller llradfonl. draftsman F. and :\1. Works. h :!57Forster I&l MILLER BROS. & BAKER, (Herman P. Miller, William P.


:\Iiller :\liller l\[iller :\[iIler :\[iller :\[iller :\[iIIer

.... -

lIIIiller and W. !larry Baker), real estate and insurance, Real Estate bldg, Locust c Court av see adv centre lines

:\[iller Calvin C, engineer. h iilU Reily

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page mn;,. JolJi~.::;J!;.:i'\.~L SCORES Google

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Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller

~ Publlc BuIldlDp 10 Plain Tin... hl/.au. Blue"

- J I l a k N as-eialty o f - {1818N.8d1h.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Caroline, wid Frank J., h 1305 Wallace Carrie, h 20 Cowden Carrie, milliner, h 626 Walnut Carrie M., seamstress, h 218 Reily Catharine, saleslady, 221 iVIarket, h 114 Conoy Catharine M., wid Jerome P., h 1111:1i Capital C. Earl, installer, :no \Valnttt, h l~la Derry Charles, butcher, h 183~ Fulton MILLER CHARLES A., city clerk, Court Houle, h SUi Briggs Miller Charles B., conductor, h 2115 :VIoore Miller Charles E., brakeman, h 642 Peffer :Miller Charles F., carpenter, h 650 Boas Miller Charles F., laborer, h 619 Boas Miller Charles F., jr., carpenter, h 1213 Derry KILLER CHART,ES G., reporter Patriot, h 327' Chestnut Miller Glarles H., laborer, h lS26 Hickorv av KILLER CHARLES H., propr Union Planing Kill and contractor, 824-832 N 7th, h 11 N 13th see adv l\JilIer Charles R., stone mason, h ;1~ Balm Miller Charles L., engineer, h 1612 Penn ~IiIler Charlcs L., conductor, h 822 James av .Millcr Charles ),1., brakeman. h 1527 Wallace l\Iiller Charles X., flagman, h 452 S Cameron :r-.Iiller Charles R.. (~li1ler & Bro.). h 26 Linden lVliller Charles \Y., cigarmkr. h UI:l4 \\' ood av
-. ~filler ~[il1er

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Christiana ~frl' .. meat, 1521l Logan av, h 151!1 N 3d Chril'tiana. wid John G . h 17117 Penn Christiana L., wid David R.. h 125 Paxton Clarence A., cigarmkr, h 1:~;';1 Xorth Clarence n., elk sec Commonwealth, h 617 N 2d . Clarence c.. machinist, h 2fill \' erbeke Clarence H .. hookkpr. f) S 2d. h ~fechanil'sburg Clarence \\'., blacksmith. h 12:111 \\' allace Claude J .. expre~s1l1an. WI Chestnut. h :!:m State Clayton (i .. elk Hhg Trust Co.. h Penhrook Conrad. carpenter. h 4:!;'; \" l'rhcke Conrad. tailor. h 1:\17 Penn Conrad C. elk. 1:>211 Logan avo h 1 ri1!1 ~ :M Constantine. laborer. h jj';'; S Front C. Victor, elk. 42fi :\[arket. h I'I;)-l S Cameron Daniel B .. driver. h 2115 Greenwood

-- - - - - - -



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Lumber,MiIIWork: -.
And Contractor and Builder.
1Ifflce Ind Yards:




POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No'..:a."c:.::':)J$.




H II KELLEY &CO 110tl. and3d S.....sta. r 1 North !ltat., ,,'


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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~ ~O~~~S}FAIR. PRIC~~ DR~~BIST{~6Jt_.l_d_ St.



:\Iiller Daniel E., elk, h 1G21 Regina ~liIler Daniel E., elk, P. O. bldg, h :~n ~ 16th :\li11er Daniel F., produce, 12H2 :\Iarkct, h do :\Iiller Daniel I., stamper, h Hi2;~ Park :\li1ler Daniel K.. hotel, 4111-40:\ \-erbeke, It do :\lilIer Daniel S., jr., brakeman, h l:l:lti X :ld Miller David C, molder, h 114 Conoy ;,\lil1er David G., molder, h 118 Yerbeke ~IiIler David H . boilermkr, h Hi2:! Park :\liller David H., brakeman. h l,U4 Penn :\liIler David H., notions, HI:n X 6th, h do :\liIler David I., physician, 1G27 X lith, h do :\Iiller David W., patternmkr. h 145l'l~ Regina Miller Donald Z., solicitor, 2:!7 Walnut, h 1:ua Derry Miller E. Barton, machini!'t, h 27 Forrest av 1IiIler Edgar F., laborer, h 316 Chestnut :\liIler Edith G., tel opr, 210 Walnut. h HH,fi S Cameron :\liIler Edmund J.. undertaker. ;;24 Race. h 5(;0 do IHiller Edward, lahorer, h Btl :\Iarion ~filler Edward, shoemkr, h G12 'Viconisco :\liller Edward A., usher P. R. R., h :l51 Hummel :\li11er Edward :\., elk Star-Independent. h 1462 Zarker :\liIler Edward W., brakeman. h lin7 Penn :\IiIler Edwin E., sub elk P.O .. h 218 Reilv :\liller Effie J., teacher, h 1622 X 5th .




a: I.&J >




Ehza C, confectIOner. 1l1l:l X ad. h do Elizabeth, dressmkr, 21lth c Briggs, h do Elizabeth, h 11 ~5 Bailey Elizabeth, wid Conrad. h Iit:l Cedar av Elizabeth A., wid Xavier, h 20:17 :\ 5th Elizabeth P., wid David H., h !Ill! X :!d Ellen 11., wid John, h 711 Xorth Ellen N., cigarmkr, h :!021 Kensington Elmer, warehouseman P. R. R., h :!7:l Calder Elmer E., laborer, h 1704 N 7th Elsie G., stenographer, 1:! S 2<1, It 121 N 13th Emanuel H., salesman, h 223 Boas Emerson E., brakeman, h :!1:!H Turner av Emily E., wid Alfred C, h 1121 ~ 7th ~liller Emma 0., stenographer. !I S Hd. h 1llS!} State :\IiIler Emmet S .B., foreman Eagle '''orks, h 16:!2 N 5th l\liller Emory, cashier P. R. R. dining rooms, h :l51 Hummel l\Iiller Emory B., carpenter, h lS!!9 ~ 4th Miller Emory E., elk. h 4 S 4th l\liller Enos Rev.,h 1117 XSd ~liIler Ernest A .. (E. A. :\Iiller & Co.);h 1215 Swatara Miller Ethel J. R., teacher, h W2!! N 5th ':\Jiller Eugene C. blacksmith, h 260 Yerbeke :\IilIer Eugene C, hrakeman, h 21114 ~ 7th }1tIler :\liller ;,\liller 1Iiller "Miller 1liller Miller Miller }Iiller :\Iiller :\liller :\IiIler 1Iiller )'Iiller

~:l'_~_""Q! ANDREW

REOMONO{3d aid Rill, Sit.

Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'Y.



Eva, wid Gottlieb, h l:~3 S 3d Eva H., housekeeper, 3211 Hummel Eva V., seamstress, hUla!} State Florence, saleslady, h 452 S Cameron Forrest, porter, 25 X 2d, h 1420 ~larion ~liller Frances, wid John, h !H9 Penn 1Iiller Frank, brakeman, h 638 Walnut l\liller Frank, laborer, h 427 South av Miller Frank E., painter, h lH52 Swatara ~liller Frank H., car repairer, h 5611 Forrest :-= CD l\liller Frank L., brakeman, h 1218 N 7th l\1iller Frank 1\., (l\Jiller & Bro.), h 441 ~larket At l\liller Frank W., electrician, h 21 N 17th =-. l\liller Frank X., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 2037 l\ 5th en CD Miller Franklin F., conductor, h 1224 ~ :~d n :\li1ler Frederick, machinist, h 1708 Fulton av -. Miller Frederick A., laborer, h 1304 N Cameron == :z:: Miller Frederick c., lawyer, 213 Walnut, h 1518 N 2d At =:Miller Frederick J., baker, 500 State, h do ~ Miller Frederick J., harber, 11 S 2d, h 220 Chestnut CD Miller F. William, florist, 900 to 912 S 20th, h do II Miller George A., brakeman, h 1325 K Front XILLER GEORGE A., mgr Canada Life Assurance Co., Weakley bldg, 7 N 2d, h 605 N Front Miller George B., car inspector, h 1:l7 Linden Miller l\Iiller Miller Miller


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER {~:i~t.=~::'~~1I:

George c., bricklayer, h 214~ Atlas av George E., machinist, h 1610 Fulton George F., pressman Independent, h :\ew Kingston George F., edgesetter, h 14W Berryhill George G., flagman, h 1816! X 5th George M., tailor, h 91H Pen!} George P. W., puddler, h Derry c 26th George R., postal elk, h 255l N 6th George \V., car repairer, h 2123 Moore George W., elk, h 401 Chestnut George W., machinist, h 609 Briggs Geraldeous K, baggagemaster, 2tiO Verbeke Gertrude ~1., saleslady, 406 ~Iarket, h 12aO Wallace Harriet, wid David Z., h 115 Evergreen Harriet, wid Harry. h 822 James.av Harriet, wid John, h 17:l5 N Hth Harry, elk. h 1007 Market Harry. engincer. h lii1~ K 2d Harry, huckstcr. h 1322 Fulton Barn', laborer, h :n2 S 2d Harr~', laborer. h 411!! Cowden . Harry B., engincer, h 14:!~ :\ lith Harry C, elk P. R. R., h :l:n S Front Harrv c., molder. h l!124 Wood av Harry G., molder. h 1129 Wallace

l\liller Miller :\Iiller l\-liller :MilIer Miller )filler Miller Miller l\fil!er Miller l\liller 1liller lIdiller l\Iiller :\'1iller Miller 1liller

ci: CD

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l\lillcr :\Iillcr :\lillcr l\liller Miller l\Ii11er


.... ~~




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No 1230 ARCH STREET PHil ..

MeNeU,.Pa1aEKteI'lDiDatoJ'cureeCboa-liorba,o,-teJ7,CralllJIII,DIaI'ItI-. Oolda. QlliDIIy. Bl1eumatWD, Too&hacbe, Ban TIU'oa&, Ape. D7q1e.... _ _ ......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Harry J., foreman, h H1~4 S 9th Harry]., mgr, Paxton c 9th. h 2:!00 Logan av Harry 0., salesman, 6 S :!d, h 17:13 N :.M Harry S., agt, h 21 !\ lith "C ~Iil1cr Harry S., florist. h :!(I:! Locust .E- ~li11er Harn' S., loom fixer. h 1:mn K !!d ~Ii11er Harr)' W., accountant, !!~ S 3d, h 1702 K !!d c$ ~Iiller Harry W .. elk. ~~2 ~Iarket. h :!~1O X 3d ~li1ler Han:ey. electrician, h 140 Hoerner ~Iiller Han'e~', scullion, h 511~ South av ~Iiller Harvey J., cigar mfr. 1B:~ S :ld. h do XILLER HARVEY 0., cashier Xerchants' National Bank and treas Central Guarantee, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., h _ 1405 N Front u ~IilJer Henry, cooper, h 111 Hanna ~ :\Iiller Henry. steelwkr, h 9th nr State :\IilJcr Henry F., laborer. h 11)1H.i S Cameron . . MILLER HERMAN P., Senate librarian, 215 Walnut, h 2117 N 3d (/) ~Iiller Howard K., brakeman, h lIi45 X 6th ~Iiller Howard R, '0: ~Iiller Ida D., cik, hmachinist. h 1i50 Boas 26 Linden LaJ ~IilJer Ida ~L, dressmkr. h 115 Evergreen ..J 11iller Ida T .. bookkpr, 4~4 State. h 1W:q Capital C ~Iiller Ida Z., wid John, h l:ua Derry


1-.lilJer 11i11er -- :\lilJer ?lIiller

.. --=



-LaJ TJIIe I!llflrontJ ODd TnlOt CO " ....... J I ..., bU.-E.,__- - - - - fir t Heal &tate B~. UUU IIUIl. ..... 1 I........11.....fTml f Rear of POll' OIIlcO! C



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=The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the



Ira K.. machinist, h 1i:!11 Curtin Irvin, brakeman, h 4-1 Balm MILLER ISAAC, accident insurance, 103 N 2d, h 620 Reily ~Ii1ler Iverson 0 .. laborer, h 1!l44 Briggs ~Iiller Jacob, (~Iiller. Kades & Co.). h :!4 S 4th ~Iiller Jacob, h 456 S Caml'ron MILLER JACOB A. DR., druggist, 35 S 2d, h 327 Chestnut ~Iiller Jacob F., laborer. h 4;)li S Cameron ~liI1er Jacob 1\1., Oli\ler. Kadcs & Co.). h 24 S 4th :\liller Jacob ~I., carpenter, h 1117 Uartine av ~liI1cr Jacob ~l .. fireman. h 1:!:1Il Wallace ~Iiller Jacob R. conductor. h 11i:!7 X lith ~lilIer Jacoh R., li"ery, 351) \erhekc. h l:Wi l\ lith ~Iillcr Jacob R.. jr., hrakeman. h 1Ii:!7 X lith ~lil1t:r TanH'S. lahocer. h :!l:!a :\Ioore :\IilIcr James A . lahorer. h 1~.t!l Fulton ~liller Tames D., c1k. !l1Il S !Ith. h Willi S Cameron :\IilIer James H., carpet cleaner. h 5H1 X 5th MILLER JAMES X., cashier Telegraph, h 1219 N 6th ~IilIer Tames \Y., yardmaster P. R R. c Division, h Fort Hlinter . ~IiIler Jane, wid John. h 1:!:l~ llartine av ~liilcr rason W. Rev .. h HI:m State \Iiller Jennie. domestic, 14~5 Walnut ~Iiller Jennie ~L, wid Adam. h ~:!1I8 N 6th

~Iiller ~liller


Bmplo,. Done bat 8rat-cl... workmen, beDce ODly", 1.18 A B TACK} oIari_tud 1DIurea1S. WorkdoDelDIUIy panofBfa&e. { 111'.14 8L

Boyd's Harri8burg City Directory.


Miller Jesse L., puddler, h 528 Race Miller J. Frank, bookkpr, h 1~49 North MILLER 1. HARVEY, physician and 8Ul'geon, 19 :R 4th, h do j office houn, 7 to 9, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. Bell 'phone 1741W, United 851 ~li1ler John, brewer, h 6115 State 11i11er john, contractor, h 1409 James Miller John, sand, h lUll; Market Miller John A., brakeman. h 421:i Cumberland Miller John A., car inspector, h 212:J ;'\loore Miller John A., salesman, 6 S 2d, h :nu Kelker Miller John A., variety, 1312 ?\ Cameron, h 1:104 do ~\li1ler John B., butcher, h 1230 Wallace Miller John E., h 6()9 Briggs Miller John F., h 12()!) ~larkct Mi!ler John F., brakeman, h 13115 \Vallace ~li1ler John F., elk P. & R frt depot. h 12:111 Mulberry l'\'1iller John F., laborer, h 5th c Woodbine Miller John H., baggagcmaster, h 1405 Zarker lIo'liller John H., farmer, h State nr 24th Miller John H., laborer, h 1317 Penn l\liller John J.. carpenter, h 120 Linden Miller John K., elk, 2()S Walnut, h a:n S Front Miller John L., engineer, h 400 Yerbeke l\Jiller John P., engineer, h 1839 N 4th

~~II&':='O:' ~ Harrisburg
Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller

SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ ~ ::=

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John P., timekeeper, h 105 Linden John R., carpenter, h 1948 Briggs John R, carpenter, h 1116 }\ 2d John S .. janitor P.O., h 244 Hummel John V., elk Banking Dept, 716 State, h 804 N 6th ~Iiller John W., engine cleaner, h 1114 Cowden Miller John W., laborer, h 338 Boyd av Miller Joseph, gasmkr, h 637 Mahantongo Miller Joseph A., elk, 210 Walnut, h Penbrook Miller Joseph A., engineer, h 2118 Kelker Miller Joseph E., edge setter, h 118 Linden Miller Joseph E., engineer, h 544 Maclay Miller Joseph F., salesman, h 120; N 2d Miller Joseph j., flagman, h 11117 N mh ~lil1er Joseph L., brakeman, h 1:3115 Wallace Miller Joseph 0., warehouseman P. R R., h 227 Mulberry . ' Miller Joseph S., decorator, h 1812 State MHler Joseph S., meatcutter, h 1224 N ad :Miller Joseph W., pat med, 316 Blackberry av, h 120 S 3d Miller Joshua A., laborer, h 1420 Marion ~Iiller Joshua A., jr., laborer, h 1417 N 4th ~Iiller J. \Varren, instructor, h 120 S ad Miller, Kades & Co .. (jacob ~liller, Samuel Kades and Jacob ~I. Miller), pictures, 24 S 4th }'IilIer Katharine. sale!'lady, h 1140 Conoy

< l>

N l>

.-... :;:








THE PNEUMATIC CARPET CLEANING WORKS h\l.'~a:''::~~~ I Digitized by'-.:rOog e

- - O U R MOTTO : - - 1 Boo_' Coal, Boo_' Welc.., f

H MKELLEY at CO lOt.... ,1111IhIII Id 1""11.




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


~ c:t

z: :\liller Katharine B., saleslady, 215 xlarket, h 575 S Front :\liller Katharine c., milliner, h 15111 N ad





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Miller Katharine E., h 4:!5 Verbeke ~liller Laura, wid Jacob, h 1!J41 :--J 7th ~Iillcr L. Beulah, h a:~] S Front :\liller Lena S. H., weaver, h 1817 Penn :\liller Leslie c., machinist, h 21:l5 Moore :\1 iller Levi, laborer, It 18~6 S''l.atara :\Iiller Levi c., watertcnder, h 1():l Hanna :\1i11er Lewis, rollerman, h 1:!14 Apple av :\Iiller Lewis, upholsterer, ~fJ!J Locust, h 253 Liberty :\liller Lewis A., brakeman, h !I~:~ N 18th :\Iiller Lillian G., bookkpr, h 425 Verbeke :\liller Lillie :\L. teacher, h IS01 Market :\Iiller Lillie :\1. :\Irs., dressmkr, h 1316 :--J 2d ~liller Lizzie .T., domestic, 134 Sylvan ter :\Ii11er Louis E., fireman, h 440 S 14th :\Ii11er Lucian E., fireman, h HO S 11th :\Iiller :'.hbel c., saleslady, :lU8 l'.larket, h 260 Verbeke :\liller Maggie E., dressmkr, h 2:l6 S 14th l\liller Mahlon R, bookkpr, 1127 N ad. h 315 Reily 11i1ler Malinda, wid Peter, h 216 N 10th :\liller Margaret, dressmkr, h 1829 N 4th :\Iiller Margaret, seamstress, h :U5 Muench :\lil1er Margaret, wid Levi, h 607 Muench

----------------GORGASlFAIR PRICED DRU66IST{16 N. 3d St

Margaret M., elk, 107 S 2d, h 528 Race Margaret P., wid David R, h 2115 N 3d Margaret W., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 112 Calder Maria S., wid David :M., h 1119 N Cameron Marie H., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 1733 N 3d Marietta, student, h 620 Reily Martha A., wid Theodore, h 1431 James Martha J., wid John H., h 1825 N 5th Martin L., blacksmith, h ] 737 Market Martin L., laborer, h 1:!~5 Currant av Mary, packer, h 822 James av Mary, wid David, h 120 S 3d Mary A., graduate nurse, h 1733 N 3d Mary A., wid Abram P., h 2551 N 6th Mary A., wid Daniel, h 4 N 18th Mary A, wid David G . h 18111 Market Mary A, wid W. Scott, h 4U9 Boas Mary E., h 4~:1 Strawherry av Mary F., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1948 Briggs Mary F., wid J. Wesley, h 231 S River av Mary J., wid William, h a16 Briggs Mary K., h 1aa~ :'.Iayflower av Mary R, wid Hugh A. h 136 S 3d Marv S .. wid William F .. h 257 Forster Mallde E., cigarmkr, h 1941 N 7th



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:\Iiller :\Ii1ler :MiIler :\IiIler Miller :\Iiller :\lilIer Millt!r :\Iiller :'I-lilIer :'.Iiller :\Iiller :\liller :\Iiller Miller :\liller :\1ilIer :'I-liller :\liIler :\Iiller :'.liller :\liller }Iiller :\liller :\liller

Redmond's Wagon Works {:~~':.tb~:~~-:-;-~-:-a!c-:-"}-=3-d-an-d-Ra-j',-S-tsDigitized by-Coogle

A. B. TACK =ttb.:.o~:no~ 1011 PUDer Dnd IIndOl8hOdes ~11~~ aCJrJ.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Miller Miller Miller :M iller Miller Miller :Miller Miller l\liller 11iller J\Iiller Miller 11iller :\Ji11er Miller :\liIler ,WIler Miller :\1 iller :Miller l\IIiler :\1 iIler :\Iiller l\liller l\Iiller

477 I:;

Maude :\1., elk, 414 State, h 1224 r\ :~d Jlilton c., hostler, 3110 Yerbeke, h 1IIi) Ann av :\Iimie, warper, h 16:!2 ~ 5th :\linnie A., domestic, 1415 James :'Iinni~ i\l., weaver, h 19:!4 Wood av :'Iinnie V., weaver, h 61:~ Cedar av :'lontgomery H., stengr F. & :\1. Wks, h 121 N lath ?\loses, carpenter, h :U5 Reily :'Iyrtle c., cigarmkr, h l:C~" Fulton Olin W., vocal teacher, h 121 r\ lath Orcll. saleslady, :!:!1 :\Iarket. h ~Iechanicsburg Oscar K., engineer, h 14:.'H :\ :!d Oscar L., engineer, h (1). :\llIench Peter F., carpenter, h 434 Herr P. Howanl, laborer, h :!'.! Lochiel ::?d Row Rachel. wid William, h 4n!l Cowden Ralph L., elk C. I. and S. Co .. h 5:!S Race Rebecca L.. wid John J .. h 1:!7 Walnut Reed, laborer. h 41111 \ erlwke Regina, wid Christian. h :!5' S Cameron Richard c., elk, :~::?O :\Iarket. h 15:!:! Green Richard E., salesman. h.lOn. :'larket Robert. bartender, h fifl:~ South av Robert, upholsterer. h :!1 ~ Reily Rohert E., laborer, h ()II~ !\orth av

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER {"~~b~~l'.~~"

:\Iiller MiIler :'liIler l\liller :\liller Miller J\liller l'vlilIer :'Iiller Miller Miller l\Ii11<:r Miller l\lillcr l\IiIIer :"liller :\1 iller :\liller Miller Millcr :\1 iller Miller l\liller ?\liller Miller ?lIiller

Robert J ., warehouseman, h 267 Sassafras av Robert P., car repairer, h 1S34 Walnut Ross :\1., laborer, h HI58 K 7th Sadie, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sadie. charwoman, h UtW Hickory av Samuel, tlagman. h 510 Calder Samuel D., switch tender, h :!O14 N 7th Samuel H., h ::!::!2 :l\ 14th Samuel H., conductor, h 1!110 N 6th Samuel J., brakeman, h 1!J41 't \ .th Sarah, cigarmkr, h :!:!7 :\lulberry Sarah, wcaver. h 6:!5 Herr Sarah, \vid Hiram. h mm South av Sarah A . attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do Sarah J., domestic, H2o! X 3d Sarah J., wid James, nurse, h 137 Linden Simon L., watchman, h 21 N 17th Sophia, housekeeper, h 19th c Derry Stephen A .. flagman. h :~48 S l:lth Susan, domestic, 6:?!l Boas Susan A., wid Oliver H., h (j:~~ M ucnch Susan P., wid ~Iorris P., h 17:l!l N ~d Sylvester, C. S. A., h 20th c Briggs 1110mas C, draftsman. h 220 Loctlst 'DlOmas J .. coffee roaster, :~::!4 Muench, h do Thomas J., conductor, h llUH Cowden
No, 1230 STREET , . . . . .PHII, A., P,\ .





, - ' .. 4 e



HaEisbuA'g CiA'g
Tillie, laundress, h 424 State ern:a: bOt:l~~kp: 14 2d, 129 WaIter, brakeman, h 1114 :\ mh :lVeilal J., hbor(:r h 14:!4 S::~:qud:anna Wilhalmim :l1r"., h ~ :U William, conductor, h 1!158 ~ 7th 214i h William, molder, 114 Conoy \:Vm~ asst wiss ch;:~f: 210 \Val:::tt, \::lO Hoerner William A., bu) ,3:?\: Masket. 164 William A.~ machinisL h 184.9 Fulton Wilb::: A~ 2~k l\1t:lberr: h 601: Raee William B., sec, 222 1\1 ulberry, 11 :~:n S Front Villi:~::: C: lab(::cr, Call1eson l\1a::\ay William c., laborer, :;201: 6th William C: laborer, h 12:~:~ ~ 7th \:Villi:l:H C~ milks h 0$,2 iztati::ny ~William D., brakeman, h 311 Clinton av Willi:u:: D~~ ~ h Un :\c:rlh William E., laborer, h ;;;n Calder \Villi::::: Ed~card~ colhtor: h 4;:16 Harris \:Villili:11 G., dvil :ngi::eer, 220 ~oct:~:: William G., electrical engineer, h 1425 Green Williei:1 H:: 6;~z> Harris William H., brakeman, h 21 ~S Atlas av

--o o
a: z

iller l\liller I::liUer .a iller ~ :\lilIer aa l\liller :iii :\1iller ""a Miller Miller Miller l\liller l\liller l\liHer Miller 1\[ilIer l\nlIer (/J l\Iiller l\l:ller t~ l\[ilIer l\liller ]\I iller l\Iiller l\liller l\1iller

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Miller lIVilli::::: H~: car deane: h 10 1\Itller \VilIiam H., engineer, h 1!141 ~ 7th l\Iiller \VilIi::m H~: helper, h 112 Calder Miller Willi:: H., l:elp:::r, h has 5 Call1r:::n l\1iller \\-'illiam K.: driver, h 452 S Cameron l\liller Willia::: L.: labon:r, h F::t rest Miller Wil1iam 1\1., conductor, h :338 Boyd av Miller hdilli::m R: aarp::nter: 14111 R:f~ina Miller William 0., engineer, h 5:3::; Woodbine l\1illerWilIi:::H P.: dk S:::natc Library, h 2115 N 3d 1\1 iller W illicm 5., & iller), h 11107 N d rO::1 Miller William 5., engineer, h 1812 1\ 4th l\Eller . Oliver, h H24 Vood vv 1\1iller & Bro., (Frank ~. and Charles R.), contractor plasterers, 4H l\l:nket ::::d Linden l\hller Lo::g, (A. S. l\llHer eI:d . L. ~c:ng), ::ontrHctor::, State c 18th MII:LEd< & lidONllR, A~ JtIillal' avd Medin Stoner), proprs Star Carpet Cleaning Works, 2834 Ii Caff:aron fLae adv l\1iller's :,[ utual Fin~ Ins. Co., B. . Huntzinger, 1 3d 1\1 illhou~::: Annie h Hi!: Millhouse Catherine J., wid Augustus S., 11 1:~26 Derry Milligan Alb::rt J.~ hoilumk: h:! lIZi X~ ath ------

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don't Get thl Naws
ninil h\l (


1i:=~= IOUFooor OndWIDdOISllOdeS lrom A.

B. TACK {N.1;::t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Milligan Edward, machinist, h 417 Boyd av Milligan Ellen Do, wid John. h :!l:!U ;\ 7th Milligan Harry Ho, painter, h {)tH Delaware av Milligan Leroy, laborer, h 3 X 4th Milligan Samuel A., puddler, h 108 Conoy Milliken Gertrude Vo, bonnetmkr, h 1801 Penn Milliken Harry 1., inspector, h 12211 ~ 7th Milliken James To, conductor, h 538 Peffer Milliken John, laborer, h 1220 ~ 7th Milliken Mary R., h 1220 N 7th Milliken Sarah Do, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Mills Catharine K., wid James, h 1262 State Mills Edgar Po, bar elk, 12:l5 1\ 6th, h do Mills Effie Eo 1Ilrso, h 1622 N 6th Mills Lewis Ho, laborer, h 507 South av Mills Mary 1\1. :\Irso, laundress, h 440 South Mills Thomas, laborer, h 644 Briggs Mills \Villiam Go, barber, h 1206 Capital Milnor George Wo, contractor, i19 Capital, h do Mimnaught Michael Jo, helper, h U:!4 Race Minck L o Mabel, dressmkr, h 2150 N 6th Minehart Charles, fireman, h 414 Boas Minichan Harry Eo, engineer, h 1215 Derry Minichan Horace So, laborer, h 1210 Apple av Minichan Jennie, saleslady, 215 Market, h 1414 Maple av

.!:;-:~s::.:D ~ Harrisburg SaYIngs and Loan Assn. {=

Minichan Sarah Eo, wid Samuel Eo, h 1414 Maple av Minick Benjamin Fo, carpenter, h 2124 N 6th Minick Bertha, bunchmkr, h 430 Kelker av Minick Charles Ho, helper, h 1404 Penn Minick David B., car inspector, h 2150 N 6th N Minick Elmer E., laborer, h 121 Sayford av Minick Harry R., plasterer, h 1223 Cumberland Minick Jeremiah, h 430 Kelker av :I Minick J. Henry, h 121 Sayford av Minick \ViIliam No, laborer, h 128 Sayford av Minimier Mary, domestic, 9 N 13th Minium John, helper, h 1117 N 3d Minkie Frederick, laborer, h 12th c Kelker Minnich Amelia, wid William, h Thompson av c Linden a\' Minnich Edward, craneman, h 102 Short 1\Iiunich Ephraim, laborer, h 819 l\lyrtle av ~ Minnich Harry Ho, brakeman, h 514 Calder Minnich Harry Wo, fireman, h 529 Woodbine Minnich Howard, foreman, h S 14th nr Mulberry Minnich John Ho, laborer, h 1322 N 7th Minnich Joseph, laborer, h 1735 N 7th Minnich, see Muench Minnick Amelia, wid William, h 1240 Thompson av Minnick Annie Uo l\lrso, boarding, 125 N 10th, h do Minnick Catharine, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do !!L

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Try. TOD of

H II KELLEY & CO'S -),oaDtamoad. wb_ { 10lIl aIM! ...!NIL Black De:'" 1 kill ..... ....

George H., blakeman, It 603a Pdfer George Y., laborer, h l:!~~J N 7th laboree, h Ciii~d bel M e"yrence, laborec d:!tI av l\orman, paperhal;ger, h N 10th Shelby 1.. warehouseman, h 1:!5 N 1Uth ~,linnier 1\1., :'2:! mnier WIlham l;:ngineee, h 2:!2 Minnig Charles F., driver, h l(J31 Market :'linnig Francis, local express, h 1031 l\larket "Minnig Melvin, driver h 1u:n Marhi innig G., dnvI\r, h ~\Iarkw ~lil1nis Susannah A., wid Timothy D., h 922 Penn ~ -c: ~Iinnis Vernon R., letter carrier, h 922 Penn :=IE c::. Minor cook. 215 Crallberrv c...:t i;;sker n~trriet, d~ar\'mkr, d264 -Market ffi I,1insker IIarry H., lather, h %>:20 Kelker Go.. Minsker John W., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 273 CaMer Minsker Mank J., 3Ui Kelker \\" heater 4:>:13 I&J Harry \V., catcher, 2522 4'1Minskey Joseph, produce, h 26JO 6} 1Iinskey Joseph, jr" catcher, h :!640 L:>tlie 1\1, dnmestil\ <;42 \\ I&J "'W~""W~~ (THB) , Buthea d,\.inter, :Minnick c::. Minnick ;::: :=IE Minnick ~ Emick !:C 11mnick Minnick


.... ....
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G 0 R G ~ S} FAIU~IC~~~~~6IST {16 N~d It.

klinter Jacoh L., nnilkr, h Conoy "Minter Luther, (The Minter Co.), h 22 Evergreen Minter Sarah, wid ~1ichael, h 17U9 Green choemkr iW~t h I&J MiscnhaHen k:ora, ,,,eaver, YOO Misenhelter Elizabeth, domestic. 1417 Front Mishey Milton B., asst cashier P. R. R. depot, h Mt. Joy



2 Z..

dBYer, S l\lissionary Tidings, Mrs. H. H. Smith, pub, 201 N 2d C. Mitchell A. Ellen, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1314 N 3d I ~ I,litchell . . lecander "' me .. s Dept Int leffairs, H20 N .. itd1cll Charles E., {X eedv MitchellL h 11 .. I .Mitchell Edgar H., 'laborer: h 1112 James av 0, MITCHELL .sHRHAN B., lawyer, Calder bldg, 16 11 2d, h Z.!: 315 lil'ont CJ: \Iitchell B., h 517 Walnut II- Mitchell George F., candy mfr, 2101 Locust, 1219 Cowden, lJ: h do If .khell h Angle
Horace B., Mitrhefl & Co.), h 600 N 3d ... :Mitchell James, laborcr, h 418 Cranberry av I: .t .. hell Janles, h Ltate 1-- }\Iitchell Jennie F., h52 S Cmleron

,\l:~i:::~ .L\I~:.1~i~I\,


!~ ~i:~~~:J~


ANDREW REDMONDJ~:!i~~{3d and RIlly S1L Digit Go e

I. B. Tiel} lAIl PAPER e:e~~ IINDOI SHADES{llI'~~~s..

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.
Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell :Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell l\Iitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell

Joseph C, motorman, h 123 Verbeke J. Thomas, laborer, h 16a Indian av Lewis G. Rtv., h 1a14 Marion Margaret H. Mrs., h 1418 N 4th Mary, music tl:acher, h 85:! S Cameron Mary M., h 600 1'\ 3d Matilda, wid James, h 701 State Millard F., elk P. R. R. pass depot, h 511 Calder Millie, wid Thomas, h ~09 SlOth Percival, laborer, h 911 Cowden Rolfe B., draftsman Capitol, h 6:!9 Boas Rosa, domestic, 215 S River av Rose, h 1828 Hickory av

::r: ,.
r r

- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -


Mitchell Samuel, laborer, h 214 Cranberry av Mitchell Samuel M., repairsman, h 2028 N 7th Mitchell William A., laborer, h 11)04 Fox av l\Iitten Charles E., elk, h 414 Boas Mitterlehmer Frederick]., butcher, h 317 Briggs Mixell Parker]., car inspector, h 2139 Moore Mixell Peter C, driver, h 19:~5 N lith Moats Abraham L., saiesman, 9 S 2d, h 1511 Derry Moats John, laborer, h nU5 1'\ Cameron Mobley Edward, laborer, h 1172 S Cameron Mock Frank G., (:\lock & Sanderson), 2289 N 7th Mock Mow, laundry, ]:305 ~ nth, h do Mock Yuen, laundry, lO5 S 2d, h do







Standard Directories!'
HOlDe Ofllce: 1411 PerlllolDen Ave., Reading, Pa.


, No. 1230 ARCH STREET . f'IIIL A" PA.


== Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City J)irectory.

MOCK & SANDERSON, (Frank G. Mock and Frank F. ~d 1. F. Sanderson), grain elevator and coal, 7th c Emerald _.. :'Iloeller Agnes, h 116 X 13th 11 l\loeller C. Adolf F., drug cJk, 35 S :!d, h 116 N 13th .. Moeller Carl E. F., cJk, h 116 ~ 13th 1& ).Ioeller Catharine, \Vic! Dietrich, h 116 N 13th 1[; Moeller :\1arie L. c., milliner, h 1W ~ V~th ~ Moeller ~Iatilda E., teacher, h 116 N 13th Moeller Minna c., bookkpr, 4:!8 ~Iarket, h 116 N 13th ).Ioeslein Adam E., (:\Ioeslein Shoe Co.), h 320 Verbeke Moeslein Charles]., grocer, :!:W1 !\ (jth, h do l\loeslein Christian, h 416 Cumberland ~ Moeslein Edward, (:\loeslein Shoe Co.), office, 424 State, b 422 North :: :\Ioeslein Edward, jr., bar elk, 12~5 N 6th. h 645 Boas ~ Moeslein Elizabeth )'Irs., boarding, 645 Boas, h do MOESLEIN FERDINAND, hotel, 1235 N 6th, h do . . MOESLEIN SHOE CO., (Edward and Adam. E. MoesleiD), 320: !! Verbeke (Broad) fI) ~foeslein William E., bricklayer, h 4::!:l ~orth Moffet Frank D., elk, 1929 :K 6th, h Steelton ~loffett William. agt, h 1248 ).larkct LLI Moffitt Charles A., car repairer, h 614 Cumberland , .J Moffitt George R, student, h 1705 N Front c::[ Moffitt John J., D. D. S., office. 200 Pine, h 1705 N Front




LLI C nlantJ ODd TIUSI CO. If ::::!DI,{ ..m::r=-:::''dl }BB:



..: ..: ..:

Moffitt Luther R. teacher, h 1705 X Front Moffitt Robert H., h 1705 N Front Moffitt Robert H., jr., mining engineer, h 1705 N Front Moffitt Ross, laborer, h 1105 Cowden >- Moffitt Sarah, h 1114 Penn z: l\Ioffitt Thomas R, student, h 17();,) N Front Cameron a. Mogalski Eva, wid Michael, hh850 S N 15th Mogel Howard F., engineer, 159 E Mogel elk. h 1331 Kittatinny o Mohler Levi F., postal seamstress, h 1310 Penn Elizabeth M., u ...;I Mohn David, stable boss, h 111 S Cameron Mohn David, jr., salesman, 110 l\larket, h 111 S Cameron' o Mohn Harry H., elk Peipher Line. h 111 S Cameron u Mohn Xettie, cigar roller, h 129 Dock Mohry John T., yardmaster P. & R., h 24 N 15th Q Moir Frederick, laborer, h 129 Hoemer z: Moir John l\1., stonecutter, h 129 Hoerner Moist D. Blaine, electrician, h 1619 l\ 5th W Moler Edward T., salesman, h The Central ~ :\Ioltz G. Warren, postal cJk, h 1617 Derry Monath Eliza. wid George, h 215 Mulberry l\lonath Frank H., elk Peipher Line. h 215 Mulberry l\Ionday Edward, hostler, h 505 Strawberry av l\Ionday Jacob, laborer. h 114 Angle av l\lonegan Richard E., tinner, h 313 Clinton av

Read the PATRIOT} ~IICNN-:'- {Harrisburg'S Best NI"paper Digitized Google



Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. 483

Mongan Martin L., carpenter, h 1106 S Cameron Mongan William E., shoemkr, 208 Herr, h do Monismith Samuel, helper, h 1406 }larket 1Ionmiller George D., driver, h 230 Monmiller Josephine W. Mrs., h mn Hamilton Monn Annie 11., wid James D., h 1625 Swatara Monn James C., laborer, h 1625 Swatara a:I Monn Josiah, h 2104 K 6th 5: '1\lonn Luther G., fireman, h 1625 Swatara 6 Monongahela Melting Co., L. D. Brechbill, mgr, oil, 10th ;; ab Division CD Monroe Alice, domestic, 224 Chestnut l\lonroe Charles, messenger P. R. R, h 1731 N 6th Monroe Clyde W., helper, h 17:n K 6th Monroe Effie F., saleslady, 3a4 Market, h 1731 N 61h Monroe Harry c., engineer, h 523 Emerald Monroe Mary, domestic, 29 Evergreen Monroe W. Scott, conductor, h 17a1 K 6th ::::I: l\fonser 1\Iary, wid John, h 1240 Derry :Montague Lewis, brakeman, h 511 Cumberland Montelle Elsie T., saleslady. 3:l4 ~[arket, h Wormleysburg Montelle Mary 1\1., tailoress, 36 K :;d, h Wormleysburg Montgomery A. Margaret, wid Samuel. h 458 Cumberland 1\lontgomery David, laborer, h 514! K 5th Montgomery Emma L., wid James B., h :l09 Chestnut

~~ ~::} Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {: :=



Montgomery Frank S., supt, 31) S !~d, h 309 Chestnut Montgomery George P., h :l09 Che~tnut Montgomery Graham A., laborer. h fl2:l Capital 1\.fontgomery Harry R., mgr, h 902 X 2d Montgomery Henry B., conductor, h 410 S 14th MONTGOMERY J.AJrlES B., (est), (Montgomery & Co.), coal, 38 S 3d c Chestnut see adv back cover 1\lontgomery Joseph, painter, h 1115 S River av Montgomery Joseph, (:\Iontgomer~' & Co.), h 227 State 110ntgomery Nellie :\Irs., h 416 S River av Montgomery Oliver B., druggist, h :m!1 Chestnut MONTGOMERY THOMAS LYNCH, State Librarian, Capitol, h 210 Pine MONTGOMERY WALTER L, mgr, 38 S 3d, h 309 Chestnut

> o > ~ ... > ~

---DEALER I N - - -

OFFICE I 36 South Third Street, Corner Cheateat. Lykens Valley, Brookside and Lincoln Coal a Specialty. Best Grades ~ of Hard White Ash, Bituminous and Blacksmith Coals in Stock. -'

COAL and WOOD i&.

Yard: O. P. & R. R. Tracks, ".ar

Tele,boDe 3262.

"err, Street Brldl'.



H. M. KELLEY ,. cO.}On:ces. :.:r.~~..:~r.::}COAL AND WOOD

484 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. MOBTGOMERY & CO., (loseph Montgomery and est lames B. Montgomery, William X. Alricks and Charles S. Lin gle), Peipher Line Fast Freight to Philadelphia and New York, 10th bel Market see adV MONTGOMERY & CO., storage warehouses, general transfer and distributing agents of agricultural implements, &c., 625627 Walnut see adv opp page l\Ionyer Annie M., saleslady, 334 Market, h Carlisle c:::=- :\lonyer John E., elk, 318 ~larket, h 404 Spring av al: Moody Adaline Mrs., h 5th cReel's la eft :\Ioody Charles W., engineer, h 5th cReel's la Moody George W., laborer, h 1708 Walnut Moody 'William H., trucker, h Front cReel's la :YIoog Bros., (Louis and Paul). shoes, 13 S 3d ~ :\Ioog David, harnessmkr, h 13 S 3d 11.1 :Yloog John F., elk, 13 S 3d, h do Moog Louis, (Moog Bros.), h 215 Cumberland ~Iobg Mary A . wid Ferdinand. h 1:l S 3d Moog Paul, (Moog Bros.), h 13 S 3d Mooney Ellis E., grocer, !l6tl S 21st, h do Moore Albert D. H .. machinist, h 121 S Dewberry av Moore Alfred, laborer, h 45 Lochiel 4th Row Moore Alfred c., genl ins, 200 Walnut, h 2130 Moore l\Ioore Alvin L., car repairer,h 125 Hoerner Moore Anna, tel opr, 227 \Varnut, h 502 Brown av


z o z

> o




:\Ioore Austin A., tailor, 121.0 Market, h do ~Ioore Barbara E. ~Irs., h 2116 Turner av Moore Blanche, tailoress, h 122:ij Bailey :\loore Bridget, wid Patrick, h 202 Verbeke Moore Charles G., scullion, h 200 S 3d :\Ioore Charles H., laborer, h !!'.!40 Iij:\Ioore Charles \V.,-waiter, h !l40 :'.Iuench :'\Ioore Cordelia J., wid William. h 1:.!:.!:-Ji Bailey :l\1oore Curtin, engineer, h 14:10 ~ ad :.\Joore Cyrus, printer Patriot, h 435 \Valnut ~Ioore Edward, butler, h l\Iarion nr Reilv ~Ioore Edwin, carpenter, h H60 Calder -


(FAST FREIGHT.) To and from PhllaclelpbJa, New York and Boston.

L .....IIS, _'DId TIIIIII .nd ProIa.I 11"".

aoada Call of PEIPHEI IIIE.

------DEPOft.-----PHILADELPHIA-Willow Street Wharf, Phil&. '" RI'a<lln, Rwy. Co. NEW YORK-Old Pier 14. North RITer. Central R. R. of N. J. NEW YORK-Pier 31. North River, foot of Desbl'Olllletl Street. NEW YORK-Pier 46, North River. Central R. R. of N. J. BROOKLYS-lI'u)tnn Terminal, foot Fulton Stree . Centml R. R. of N. J. BROOKLYN-Foot Bridge Str~t. East River, Central R R. of N. J. BROOKLYN-Palmer'. Dock, East River. Central R. R. of N. J. JERSEY CITY-Depots, Central R. U. of N. J. NEWARK-Depota. Central R R. of N. J. BOSTON-STONINGTON LINE (Depot South BOlton). HARRISBURG-Tenth Sll'eet below Market, Phlla. '" Reading Rwy. Co. IVIONTGOIVIICAV . . CO., Proprletor_.

B1c=~<:'iB} ANDREW

REDMOND {3d and Reily Stsil

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(;oog e

A. B. TACK}Wali Paper and Window Shad8S{J'::J.u~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Moore Moore :Moore Moore J.\loore :Moore Moore :Moore :i\loore Moore Moore Moore J.\Ioore Moore 1\loore Moore l\Ioore Moore l\Ioore Moore Moore 1\loore Moore J.\loore Moore


:::I Elinor A., cigar roller, h (ii! Boas Elizabeth, domestic, Susquehanna c Cumberland -< Elmer E., switchman. h 604 Granite av Fannie Mrs., h 508 Cowden == Frank A., employee State Arsenal, h 1~23i Bailey Franklin W., laborer, h 1~~4 Currant av George F., waiter The COlllwlth. h 14~9 ~rarion ." George S., fireman, h 91m S ~lst PI George S., huckster, h !I~:! Ash av CD Grant ~l., painter, h :124 Strawherry av I: Harry H., U. S. A .. h 1!)1I7 ~ :3d Ira, tinsmith. h l:mO Susquehanna Ira D ., elk P. R. R., 11 1:\::n Susquehanna Irvin S., engineer, h 18an Fulton James, laborer, h 1~1 Dock James H., engineer, h nH Verbeke James K., elk, It!) ~larket, h 1:3:lH Susquehanna Jane, h 256 Boas Jesse T., catcher. h :!IHi Turner av John H., h ~O:l :\cctarine av John H., engineer, h n05 Herr John H., huckster, h ~13(; Greenwood John H., laborer. h la~G James John H .. jr., driver, h 1325 James Joseph H., hauling, IHO' ~ :1d, h do

en ,. ..... . -


Moore J.\Ioore :i\loore Moore l\loore Moore :Moore


Moore :i\loore )'foore Moore :Moore Moore Moore

J. Patton Rev., h 1':!4 Gret'n Katharine, dressmkr, h 411:! Filbert Laurence S., adv agt. h Hotel Columbus Lawrence C, hookkpr, h 171:1 Penn Lile l\lrs., nurse. h li.4 Boas Louisa A., wid William. h 1:!:!4 Currant ay Lvnn \V . fireman. h r n:1;) ~ 3d l\iaggie R., wid Samuel. h l~:m Fnlton l\lalinda. wid Edward, h ;j:H :\ Cameron Margaret, cigarmkr. h 114 Hanna :\Iargaret A. :'III'S .. h :I:!a S l:;th ~raria, hoarding, :!1I-1 :\[ary's av, h do J.\lartin, assessor, h :;II:! Drown av :-'lartin A., laborer, h 50:! Brown av Mary J., domestic. 121 Dock



Storage "\larehouses
Gt'neral Transfer and DI.trlbutlnJl AI:entl. Agricultural Implements, MachIn ery and Repairs for eame. an. I Geheral M"rchaDOile f('('elved, stort'd and prompth forwarded upon order of ownera or autborlzro agenta. Separate locked rooms for BOUiehold Goods. Low Rate. of Fire InFurancc, Flrst('la"s Team. for Hauling aDd Moving Good.. PlanOi and Extra Heavy Hauling a SpecIalty. Dealen III Ba,., Straw and Oats. 0"-"-1011:: No 7 'VV_lnu1t: S1t:ree1t:.
W AREHOUS~: NOR. 615 Rntl 61T "Rlnllt. Street, CRnal Strt'et abo"e Market, and Tenth Street below Market.




No. 1230 ARCH STREET. PHllA .. ,,~ .

lIeNlil's Camplilian Pills :.-:~~~':'-=--,J!: 306 Braa~

Moore .". Moore Moore .. Moore 1i Moore Moore ~ Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore l\loore Moore

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~lattie B., wid Frank B., h !!39 State }'Iaude, h 3!!9 Cherry av Percy, waiter, h 515 State Philip, bellman The Lochiel, h do Ralph, elk, 1:!17 K Hth, h do Ralph D., brakeman, h :!116 Turner av Spencer, bellman The LochieI, h do Theodore, shoe finisher, h 7 S 16th upton, painter, 114 Hanna, h do Walter J., laborer, h 1839 Fulton William, h 256 Boas William, upholsterer, h 139! S 3d \Villiam, waiter. h :!:~H Cranberry av William A., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 37 N 17th ~Ioore William B., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 1250 Market l\loore William H., g:'ocer, 1217 N 6th, h do ~loore William H., asst supt, 21 N :ld, h 418 Herr Moore William L., huckster, h 1!W-! Dock (/) Moorhead George \V., eleaner. h l~:~tI N 2d Moorhead J. Milton, machinist, h Hao !\ 6th Moorhead ]o!>eph S., engineer, h 625 Harris :\loOl'head William A., salesman, h 1430 N 6th t- ~lorad William n., agi. h :n6 Yerbeke O ':\loran George J., en~gineer, h 428 Hamilton c( :Moran Mary B., wid Thomas D., h 2005 N 6th

-= -=


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J Illle GDOrDIIlY ODd "'-I CO ", 1 .....' ....trYl. IIr EI.,..., l l..1 Ell....1100 ..... c.trlc\ln 1l1li1. I~' ClItIa f .,,, PIlI IItItR

Moreland Cora 1\1., elk, h 1807l N 5th ' :'.loreland Effie 1\1., wid K ewell, h 18117 t !\ 5th l\Ioreland Ida, bookbinder, h 151 Walnut :'.Ioreland l\Iary, wid Herman, h 15W Walnut l\loretti Frank, bartender Hotel Russ, h 318 Hummel l\loretz Hiester C, conductor, h 646 \Voorlbine 110retz Lawrence R., fireman, h 5:!5 Peffer :\Iorgan Annie L., teacher, h 116 Calder l\lorgan Christian H., agt, h 1700 :Market Morgan Frederick B., dispatcher, h 1542 Walnut Morgan Harry, fireman. h 120a N 7th ~rorgan James, laborer, h 121l\1ulberry :\forgan James \Y., cleaner, h 5:3:l Maclay '\lorgan Jesse B., foreman, h 1211 N Front :\Iorgan John E., asst supt, 27 !\ :~rl, h 11:~ Locust l\lorgall John P., city detecti"e, h 1211 X Front :\lorgan Margaret. wid (ieorge H., h Briggs nr 2d Morgan May, h 411fi Filbert ~ l\Iorgan ~ferkel. haker. h ~~14 Iq _ !\lurgal1 PallI, t:Yangeli~t. h 12:~8 X Cameron l\lorgan Paul. lahorer. h :l2:! Say ford av :\/lol'gan Ross. h :!Ii~ X ilth l\forgan Sll~an F., wi:1 James \Y,. h lHi Calder :\lorgaridge Will. \\'.,asst supt Bure<lu R'ways,h 8011 N 6th l\lorgenthal Edward. laborer, h 7 N 9th

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B TACK} FreIHloIDIJ PabUa aSpeeialty 0 1 - - {Ulex.... . -Hak_ 8&. BuIldlDp lD PlaID TIDy E.tJ..- .
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 487

Morgenthal Edward H., conductor, h 231 S 14th Morgenthal John A., laborer, h 7 K 9th Morgenthaler Christian, foreman, 18 S 3d, h 257 Cumberland Morgenthaler Fred'k L., elk, 627 Walnut, h 213 Hamilton .1tlORGENTHALER JOHN L, 5th Ward Hotel, 937 Ii 3d, h do Morgenthaler :Mary R., saleslady, 334 ~larket, h :!57 Cumberland Morley Edward W., foreman, h 212 Harris Morley Emma Mrs., grocer, :!H5 Reily, h :!1:! Harris Morne Edward 0., fireman, h 160a N 4th Morning Charles F., ins agt, 14 S ~l, h Shippensburg Morning Hannah, domestic, ~);J K Front Morningwake Annie, dressmkr, :n:~ S ~, h do Morr Anthony, shoemkr, 1121'1 ;:\ Cameron, h do Morrett Arthur, laborer, h 207 ~lulberry Morrett Frank \V., carpenter, h 117 Balm Morrett George E., planer, h 130 S :~d Morrett John \V., carpenter, h H08 Briggs Morrett :\lervl A., machinist. h 1117 K 7th Morrett Oliver F., painter, h l():Ui~ Wallace Morrett Reuben, contractor. &c .. 6ltS Forster, h do Morrett Samuel T., (Wykoff & ~[orrett), h 14:l0 Susq Morris Alice, cook, :!:!!~ N Front Morris Benjamin, peddler, h 515 South



----------------------PAY FOB YOUR l H . b S i d LDan A I 3d Stree' HOID THBOuGH r ams Uri ay n,s an SSD. 18 North
Morris Domer, laborer, h 132 Liberty Morris Ella Mrs., h 1404 James Morris Emma F., dressmkr, h :!:13 Harris Morris Esther, domestic, 1331 N 4th Morris George c., conductor, h 2:J3 Harris Morris George E., watchman Lunatic Hospital. h do Morris Harry E., driver, h 432 Cumberland Morris John, laborer, h 226 Meadow la Morris John 1\., helper, h 418 S 17th Morris John S., steelworker, h :!o;j1 Swatara Morris John \V . conductor, h ~nl) Penn Morris Loran, elk, 302 \'erbeke, h Harris c 7th Morris Louis W., lahorer. h 170:l K 7th :Morris Susan :\Irs., h 1021 N 7th Morris Thomas L., conductor, h H4H Harris Morrison Abram. elk. h 25:~ Xorth Morrison Amos K.. brakeman. h 120lt Penn Morrison Charles H., elk Patriot. h 2;j:~ Xorth l\lorrison GlarIes ~I.. fireman. h 1;)::;) \' ern 011 Morrison David L.. brickla\er. h 24 Aberdeen av Morrison Eber, elk Patriot:h 25:l Xorth l\Iorrison E. E .. attendant Lunatic Hospital. h do MORRISON' JOHN W., deputy commissioner of banking, 718 State, h 212 Chestnut





> o > ~ .. > (JJ



POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No'..:.. C=e!;:.SL ..

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Jii~~h~'J~~ 'W'-tk"D}H.

M. KELLEY & CO. n':I~'!'l:'::;S::

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.






NALPH, PhoenYlI lIlntual Lifn N 2d, Otate orrison ::\L, 006 l'lorrison Levi K, elk, 140H N 6th, N 5th Morrison Margaret, nurse, h :Ui) ~ Front Morrison Miles B., laborer, h 19411 Briggs ,; Jeni son A., 406 ,rnssey h 00 lund" {}rnssev 12th gc A., :\Iorrissc~' Harry L., elk, h ]:nfl S 12th - heater, h 1405 S 12th Morrisse;' E., h 1;~6 Indian av 1.,Iurr~ssey N Front urnssey , h rivn{ b,;nk nr Olorrissey Street Oridge 1Iorrow Bertha, telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 207 S 2d Morrow E. Bonl, elk, h 207 S 2d \I,rrow Edw{,;,1 M., boikamkr, h 425 S 17,h Jl(crrow hook sewer ~ ;~d, h 2<1 orrow carpenk{ 711uend, h do dorrow Frank ~~., music teacher, 8113 ::\Iorrow Hannah L., teacher, h 424 Forster Morrow Herbert A .. tobacconist, 2H7 S 2d, h do Morrow James :\1., fireman Lunatic Hospital, h 8 S 13th




MORROW JOSEPH W., plumbing, steam and hot water heating, 1022 Market, h 424 Forster see adv l\lorrow Richard W., h 425 S 17th (,rrow S;, C, pain; lu47 \V (,rrow S,mmd H., fruit 517 Wi kn,y h 307 A., & Titzdl), 56() WO(ntb,(,C' oTrow Morrow \Villiam J., student, h 560 Woodbine Morrow William W. G., elk Peipher Line, h 718 Capital Morrow & Titzell. (T. k l'Iorrow and J. 1\1. Titzell), baker;;_ bVooclbim: I{lGrry Georoe ", driye# ;-( orsch Jan;!;, c))rpenter, South Morsch :\laybeth 1., elk, h 4:~S South Morsch Sophia, forelady, h 438 South

PH MO OW; ~CONTRACTOR: c For Stezzm ood Hot Heating

. &


Genzzrzzl Nzzpair W;;;;O Oromptly dttzzGded To_

_.-- ,----

1022 Market Street, HARRISBURG, PA .

--~.--~-,~-~ ~--, ---~-

~~~C::~ ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and Reily Sts.

ligitized byl


A. B. TACK} FI:~~O~!'TTN~AA!'''~C~A~fy~R {~1610rtD IDW hi

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 489
:\Iorscll & Hartman, (J . .1\1. Hartman), wool pullers, hides, calf and sheep skins, 10th bel State :;\Iortimer Anna 1\1., h 1254 Walnut Mortimer James N., mgr, h 1254 Walnut Morton Annie, wid Edward, h 524 Filbert l'.Iorton Anllie ~Irs., packer, h 1329 Thompson av I\Iorton Harry G., foreman, 130 Short, h 524 Filbert Morton Jennie Mrs., h ;'17 Cowden Mortoll Robert F., brakeman, h 517 Cowden Morton Roy W., blacksmith, h 2217 Brookwood .;\Iorton William c., laborer, h 16117 Swatara l\iorton William J., laborer, h 614 South av :\Iosec Thomas J., shearsman, h 420 Cranberry av Moser Allen :\1., engineer, h 1012 N 3d l\loser Walter G., carpenter, h 1310 K 6th Moses Annie C. Mrs., h 1206 Christian Moses Benjamin F .. meat market, 1827 :N 6th and 532 Forrest, h 534 do Moses B~njamin F., jr., butcher, h 534 Forrest Mcses Charles R., elk, 1~27 N 6th, h 534 Forrest Moses Howard E., draftsman F. and l\1. \Vks, h 2511'\orth l\Io5>es James B., conductor, h 1206 Christian :Moses John \V., h !i;{4 Forrest Moses Mary 1\1., saleslady, 406 Market, h 1911 Fulton Mcses William M. S., butcher, h Kunkle av ab Plum av

Mosey George, waiter, h GO. State :Mosey Harry P., asst foreman P. R. R., h 67 N 14th ~Iosey Ira .J., engineer, h 221 Verbeke l\lo~t'\" Rufus, lahorer, h 48 Lochiel 4th Row 1\loss Frank, salesman. h 11 S 3d Mosser Anna M., wid George F., h lil5 Harris Mosser Clara l\L l\[rs., organist, h MIS Briggs Mosser J. Chas., (J. C. l\[osser & Co.). h Xew Cumberland Mosser J. c. & Co .. (J. C. l\losser and 1\lrs. 1. E. Oyster), brokers, 15 S :!d Mosser S. Wirt, salesman. 4:12 l\Iarket, h 408 Briggs Moston George, laborer, h P. R. R. nr \Valnut Mote l\Iabel 1., shoe operator, h 412 S 19th Mote Sophia, wid Frank, h 412 S 19th l\Ioten Lewis, porter, h 3:.!3 Brown av l\Iotcn Lloyd, laborer. h 45 Lochiel 4th Row l\Iotcn Mary]., wid James. h 120 Cowden l\'Iotten Dayid. laborer. h 11~4 S Cameron l\lotter Annie c., wid John. h 224 Pine l\lotter Gordon. craneman. h 1!in2 Thompson av l\Iotter Harry P., salesman. ~n8 l\Iarket, h 1925 Derry l'.Iotter J. \Villiam, molder. h 1!IJ3 l\Ioltke av l\Iotter Ross, trackhand, h 10:! Short l\Iotter S. Lewis, elk l\lechanics' Bank, h 32 ~ 2d l\lotter William D., salesman, h lOW X Gth

I _




Oolda, Qu1D8,. Rheumatiam. Toothache, 8Dre TIIroat, AIrUe. DJQe..... __ ......

MaNeU'. Palo EztermiDatol' CUreli Cholera Iforblll, D)oIeDt4!l7,Cnta~ Dlarr~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.





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Mottcr,.see Matter Mount Albert, laborer, h 1519 Hunter av Mount Clarence A., laborer, h 22 S 16th Mount ~label F . housekeeper, 1519 Hunter av MOUNT PLEASANT HOTEL, (Sebastian COlzoli), 11th c Market see adv MOUNT PLEASANT PRESS, (1. Horace McFarland Co.), Crescent c Mulberry ;\lountz Daniel A., conductor. h 201:1 Logan av Mountz Elias K., elk. 17 N 3d. h 1316 Howard :\Iountz Emory E., stonecutter, h 415 Cumberland ~lountz Estella K., weaver, h 41:! Herr Mountz Frank L .. salesman, 3:~4. :\Iarket, It 1:!3 Paxton :\Iountz Harvey, laborer, h 1211 Chestnut :\Iountz Josiah, carpenter, h Herr c (]lerry ::\lountz ~Iary K. Mrs . boarding. 4.l5 Cumberland, It do .YIountz Maude A., domestic, 3 S Front Mountz :\linnie K .. wcaver, h 415 Cumberland MOURER ALEXANDER, propr Wagner's Hotel, 400-401 Forster, h do Mourer, see ~Iaurer :\Iowcr Emma C. h 80~ N 6th :\Iowcrs Bertha M., domestic, 917 N 2d Mowers Charles A .. cab driver. h 4:JO Walnut :\Iowers Grace L., h 12ij Liberty


nil GooronlY ODd lro31 co. "=-,{ ~I=~ ~,=- }~:! :~:: ~.
1Iowery Harry E., asst mgr tel office P. R R.. h li:!~ Green ).fowery William D., flagman, h 4Of; Cumberland ~[owry Abraham, carpenter, h 1:!05 Derry :\Iowry Anna !\1. )lrs., h 404 Forster l\lowry Bessie A., cigarmkr, h 305 Market :\lowry D. Albert, driver, h 119 Paxton :\Io\vry Harry E., operator, h H:!8 Grccn :\lowry Jane, h 108 N 2d :\Iowry :\Iargaret B., h 108 N 2d :\Iowry Napoleon B., stonemason, h 112i Capital \Iover Albert S., elk P. R R, h ij:~6 Peffer ~Io~'er Alfred J.. engineer. h 5:~6 Peffer MOYER ANDREW, (est), boots and shoes, 404 Market :\[oyer Andrew A., brakeman, h l:na Maple av \[m"er Arie S .. h :{;) K 17th \Io~"er Bros . (1L S. and X. S.), ice. 20th c Brookwood :\[oyer Caroline, wid George. h 12111'\ Susquehanna :\!O\"er Charles. brakeman, h 6U \' erbeke :\[o,"er Charles D .. yarn master P. & R, h 12mi Chestnut :\[o"er David. hrakeman, h lR16 Korth :\[o,"er Edith F .. trimmer. lR ?\ 4th. h Pcnhrook \[o,"cr Elizabeth, win Andrew. h i05 X 6th :\Io~"cr Fannie S .. saleslady, 21:i Market. h 5!l6 Peffer :\Ioyer Farena E .. milliner. ali !\ !ld. h 141);) Xorth
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The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{SII Cants a Week

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Frank c., laborer, h Calder nr 4th George 1., laborer, h 1816 North Harry E.; trucker P. R. R" h 611 Delaware av Harvey F., salesman, 9 S :!d, h Liverpool Henry B., driver, h 1024 S 9th Jacob ~., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 1:!68 State Jennie S., seamstress, h :!O:! Kelker John, assembler, h 2117 ~ :!d John A., mgr, 404 Market, h 7115 N 6th J 0110 H., baker, h 1536 Thompson av John .B., brakeman, h 632 Boyd av John \V., brakeman, h 1634 Fulton John \V., laborer, h 531 Muench Joseph S., barber, h 531 Muench ~10yer Joseph W., conductor, h 1217 ~Iulberry Moyer Joseph W., elk P. R. R. depot. h 816 Cowden Moyer Louis F., fireman, h :n N 12th Moyer Luther, asst stationmaster P. R. R. depot, h 1334 N ad Moyer Mary, wid Henry, h 1:113 Maple av ~'Ioyer Mary M., h 131a Maple av Moyer Matilda, tailoress, h 1:!08 Susquehanna Moyer Mayanna, wid Joseph L.. h 2;)1 Hummel :\Ioyer Michael S., (:\Ioyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood Moyer ')yer Moyer l\loyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer

I B Bmplo,.1 DODe bat IIJ'1toCI_ workmeD. benee ODI~ { 1.141 ft,. TACK} daaI_l:andlnlurelll. WmkdonelDUlYPR'of N.BelS&. Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 49! Moyer Frances D., teacher, h 705 ~ 6th

~-=:.o~} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan ASSR. {~::=


Moyer Myrtle Mrs., h 404 Forster ~1oyer Noah S., (Moyer Bros.), h 20th c Brookwood :0 Moyer Rose G., teacher, h 1107 N 6th Moyer Solomon~ laborer, h 1024 S 9th Moyer Walter C, polisher, h 231 Liberty Moyer W. D., machinist Lunatic Hospital, h do ~Ioyer William, tailor, h 1208 Susquehanna N Moyer William D., music teacher, 721 Capital, h do Nloyer William 0., grocer, 1412 Market, h do Moyer \Villiam S., fireman, h 14115 Xorth Moyer, see Mayer, also Meyer 1\-1ozell J efferson, laborer, h 624 Briggs Mozingo Charles D., carpenter, h Hi:!:~ Penn :0 MuckIer Alice M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 308 Muench MuckIer George H., flagman, h 308 :\Iuench MuckIer Margaret M., telephone opr, 210 \Valnut, h 308 C/) Muench Mudd Agnes Mrs., h 519 South Mudd Benjamin H., blacksmith, h 108 Angle av Mudd Kate, wid Harrison, h 108 Angle av Mueller Henry H., jr., tailor, h 629 Briggs Mueller 1vlary P., wid Paul, h 1614 Hunter av Mueller William, machinist. h 1614 Hunter av Muench Adelaide E., wid Isaac S., h 1352 State Muench Edward, machinist, h 415 Strawberry av

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a.;;;;;oJ!.,~?-::::: Welch&} H. I. KELLEY ,. CO. ~ 1~'::':'



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

:rvIuench Elizabeth A., h 1352 State Muench, see :l\linnich :l\luft'ett Sarah, wid Charles, h 1114 Penn . Muir Emma L. Mrs., h 227 North Mulcahy l\lichael J., hostler, h 416 Boas :Mulford Ferman, civil engineer, h 75 K 16th :l\Iulholland Thomas, laborer, h 60:~ Boas l\Iull Annie, wid John F., h 2119 :\lulberry Mull George D., tinsmith, h 16;19 N 4th. :\lull George W., tinware, 439 State, h 1639 N 4th l\Iull Jacob R., tinsmith, h 16:.J9 N 4th Mullen Augustine L., laborer, h 132 Liberty Mullen Caroline, wid William J., h 27!1 Hamilton ::\lul1en Christian F., hostler, h 521 Brown av ~Iullen Daniel B., laborer, h 1016 Paxton :Mullen Ernest]., stocker, h 29 N 12th Mullen Jacob, driver, h 521 Brown av l\Iullen James F., civil engr C 1. and S. Co., h 119 South 1\Iullen Jean, saleslady, 215 :l\larket. h 1016 Paxton MULLEN lOHN Y., wall paper, 133 Linden, h do 'Phone 1\lullen Joseph A., laborer, h 521 Brown av Mullen Lillian 1\1., buyer, :m4 1\Iarket, h Highspire Mullen Lizzie, domestic, 19 N Front Mullen Mary F., wid Israel, h 521 Brown av Mullen Minnie B., timekeeper, 1402 Vernon, h 512 Walnut
- - - - - - - - - - - - _. . .


Mullen Peter J., linotype operator, h 625 Briggs l\lullen Sarah E . wid Thomas F., h 512 Walnut Mullendore Edward S., bar elk The Lochiel, h do Mullin Eliza, gatherer, 201 N 2d, h 424 Briggs Mullin Elizabeth, wid Michael, h 424 Briggs Mullin Kate A., <;ashier, 22!l :Market, h 424 Briggs Mullin Mary A., h 424 Briggs Mullin William A., <;lk Aud Genl's Dept, h 1\It. Holly Springs Mumford Harry M., barber, h 1424 Zarker Mumma Amos, agt, h 111 North. l\lumma Amos C, telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h 306 Crescent Mumma Annie 1\1., housekeeper, 914 Cowden IVlumma Blanche M., saleslady, 406 Market, h Steelton Mumma Charles, h 2132 Atlas av Mumma Charles H., carpenter, h 14.49 Regina Mumma David H. Rev., h 914 Cowden Mumma Emma F. Mrs., h 4 S 4th Mumma Enos B., engineer, h 1516 Hunter av Mumma George W., bricklayer, h fil3 Calder Mumma George W., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 3 S 14th :Mumma George W., jr., bricklayer. h 613 Calder Mumma Harriet, housekeeper, 41 Balm Mumma Harvey W .. brakeman. h 64ll Maclay Mumma Jacob, repairsman, 81ll Market, h Mechanicsburg

Rldlond's Wagon Works =Jd~t~}D~Z~~Y~~~~le

A. B. TACK ~~~:n~ 1011 PODer IBId 1I1l1l01_1I11\~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 493
Mumma Jacob \V., conductor, h 440 Peffer Mumma Jesse \V., laborer, h 914 Cowden Mumma John D., inspector C. V. R. R., 401 C\wstnut, h Lemoyne Mumma John M., letter' carrier, h 1526 Derry Mumma John T., tinner, h 914 Cowden Mumma Joseph M., fireman, h 1324 Green Mumma Kate, h 2132 Atlas av Mumma Levi H., salesman, 308 l\Iarket, h 111 North Mumma Lucy A., wid David M., h 104 S l:~th Mumma Ralph S., stationmaster C. V. R. R., h Camp Hill Mumma Sallie J., wid Joseph, h 632 Delaware .:.v Mumma Samuel, fireman, h 1203 N 7th Mumma Sarah E., looper, h 440 Peffer Mumma Thomas F., letter carrier, h 909 N :!d Mummert Mary, domestic, 115 Pine Mumper Harry A., stengr P. R. R. frt depot, h Mchsbg Mundis John N., horseman, h t53 Liberty Murdock Isabella, domestic, 31 S 3d Murlatt William H., flagman, h 1514} K 4th Murnane John, laborer, h 546 SlOth Murnane :Mary, wid Patrick, h 546 SlOth ':Murnane Patrick H., bricklayer, h 546 SlOth Murphy Alice, book folder, h 111 Tuscarora Murphy Andrew E., boilermkr, h 1328 Susquehanna


Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy

BAKER~ ~:5~t,Ii~-:;'~"';;E ;

Annie, roller, h 2036 Fulton ~ Annie Mrs., h 7m North av Annie C. Mrs., cigars, 1416 Susquehanna, h do Bridget, elk cafe The Commonwealth, h do Charles, driver, h 503 South Edward, laborer, h 1429 Marion Etti-e, h 107 N 4th George, shoemkr, h 107 N 4th James, laborer, h 1111} Cowden James, shipper, h 1071 S 9th John T., boilermkr, h 1408 Penn Julia F., shirtmkr, h 1205 Cowden Kate, elk cafe The Commonwealth, h do Lillie, domestic, 719 Capital Lizzie, book folder, 10th bel Market, h Steelton :\1aria, wid Andrew E., h 1328 Susquehanna Martin, electr'n C. I. and S, Co" h 111 Tuscarora ~ Mary, domestic The Commonwealth CD Maude H, Mrs. h 1535 Logan av Milton W., hostler, h 312 Blackberry av ;: Murph~ Keil J., salesman, h 720 N 6th Murphy Thomas J" plumber, h 1328 Susquehanna Murphy William, roller, h 1071 S 9th !I Murphy William p" watchman, h 1416 Susquehanna .=_ Murr Christian H., fireman, h 946 N 7th Murray Addison E., collector, h 349 S 13th






IclaD's Pain Extennlnator !!";.z:aJla-:':S~)(':&{_~


494 Murray :\Iurray l\Iurray Murra)' 11urray l\Iurray Murray Murray

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Albert G., elk P. R. R. Crt depot, h 317 Boas Anna c.. wid George T., h 114~ Derry Annie, wid William, h 1431} :\Iarion Bessie E., hOl1sekeeper, HiHl Swatara Glarles, driver Citizen Fire Co., h :n 7 Hay av Charles E., watchman, h :!1I:l S :ld Charles E. P., rodman P. R. R., h 'iO!) Capital Ellis, driver, h Hms ~ 5th . Emma :\1., elk. 34 X :!d, h 1148 Derry Flora l\Irs., h 8:!6 James av Francis M., switchman, h ;{.l!I S lath George c., laborer. h laM x 2d George c., jr. bookkpr. h l:~on N 2d George c., yardmaster, h Hil9 Swatara George E., brakeman, h 14H18 \Vallace Harry E., furniture repairer. h 15~2 Fulton James H ... janitor. h un~ Fulton T~ Edward, machinist. h ~1I(j Green Jeremiah, laborer, h 15:t! Fulton John H .. \...aiter, h 133 Short Lottie M., weaver. h Hi27 ~ 5th l\Iarv T. 1\lrs., h lfi:!7 X 5th l\licilael J., brakeman. h l:i28 N 4th l\lilton, janitor, h 1818 Fulton Porter, conductor, h 1~:!5 X Cameron
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Sarah :\1., N 2d :\lurray sexton, o :\lurray Thomas A.,dressmkr, hh laOHTanner's av h Hotel (,) :\lurray Thomas W., inspector E.-F. B. T. Co.,

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Columbus 1\JUlTay William E., baggagcmaster, h 1619 Swatara l\Iuse George \V., asst search elk Dept Int Affairs, h 19 S 16th l\Iusgrove Alice 1\1., saleslady, 215 Market, h 1212 N 2d Musgrove Effie, saleslady, 334 xlarket. h 308 S River av Musgrove Sarah A., wid William, h 1212 ~ :!d l\Iusgrove William H., surveyor, h t::!12 N :!d :\Iusketnuss William R., foreman, h 1216 Kittatinny :\Iusselman Bernard, blacksmith, h 902 Capital :\Iusselman Harry, dispatcher, h 1:!9 Evergreen Musselman Jacob M., driver, h 902 Capital ~Iusser Agnes, tailoress, h 208 Strawberry av :\Iusser Amos B., h 68 N 1:!th :Musser Andrew, painter, h 727 State Musser Benjamin F., laborer, h 331 S 15th Musser Charles E., laborer, h 12:l:l Fulton ~lttsser Clayton A., student. h 70:! X 6th 1\lusser Emma F., photo printer, Hi ~ 3d. h 7 do ~Iusser Frank B., pres Central Penna Traction Co., h 220 S 13th MUSSER FRANK E., photographer, 16 N 3d, h 702 B 8th

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You Don't Bat the News Google
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T,:~L:;V;O':'= IOU rooer ondlmdOI ShOdes nom A.

B. TACK {.?::tt.

Boyd'a Harrisburg City Directory.

Musser Henry, carpenter, h 331 S 15th JrlUSSER lAl11ES H., lawyer, real eatate, insurance and publisher The Sun, 209 Walnut, h 216 N 2d Musser John S., mgr, 10 S ~d, h 347 Hummel Musser Marion c., saleslady, 312 Market, h 253 North Musser Raymond, stenographer, h 1204 N 2d Musser Susan E., wid Benjamin, h 7 N 3d Musser \-Varren, elk cigar stand The Lochie1, h do Musser William H., student, h ~15 N 2d Mutual Guarantee Building and Loan Assn, 321 Market Mutzebaugh Blanche, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1527 Swatara MUTUAL LIFE mSUB.ANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, Franklin Suydam, diat mgr, 411 Briggs Mutzabaugh Charles G., fireman, h 810 S Cameron Mutzebaugh David L., mgr, 300 Market, h 23 S 16th Mutzebaugh Joseph, roller, h 20 N 16th Mutzebaugh Langhorne, helper, h 1636 N 6th Mutzebaugh Lorena L., domestic, 629 Emerald Mutzebaugh Martha E., wid John W., h 128 Ann av Mutzebaugh Mary, wid Isaac, h 106 Ann av Mutzebaugh Ralph M., laborer, h 1811 Hickory av ~Iyer T. Glen, stengr Dept Int Affairs, h New Cumberland Myerly Sarah A., asst matron, 615 State, h do Myerowitz Esther, bunchmkr, h 712 South

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Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers ::\fvers Myers Mvers Myers Myers

Sayings and Loan Assn.US::::

Abraham U., collector, 27 N 3d, h 112 Herr Abraham W., adv agt, h 1923 State Adam L., engineer, h 1720 N 6th Adam M., fireman, h 1310 N 6th A. F. & E. A., dressmkrs, ladies' tailors, 304 N 2d A. Guy, elk, h 1612 Green Alfred E., laborer, h 1413 James Alvin G., salesman, 317 Chestnut, h 1207 Green Amos F., (A. F. & E. A. Myers), h 913 Penn Anna L., milliner, 334 Market, h 219 Boas Annie M., dressmkr, h 110 Cowden Augustus H., h 505 Kelker Bessie H., housekeeper, h 609 Dauphin C. A. Rahter, machinist, h 219 Boas Catharine F., saieslady, 334 Market, h 700 N 3d Catharine J .. h 1/13 Penn Charles, cutter, 901 N ad, h 1518 Green Charles A., flagman, h 634 Reily Charles E., elk, 1310 N 6th, h 1821 Briggs Charles E., laborer, h 1224 Currant av Charles H., conductor, h 607 Cumberland Charles H .. jr., charger. h 1107 N 7th Charles M., brakeman, h 2025 N 5th Christian W., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 1612 Green Daniel B. telegrapher P. R R, h 228 Hamilton
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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {~c".:;:!.:"''':n..,.ogle vU

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M. KELLEY" CO'S ~:ao:.-~o::;e-:.~{ 1:"a..:.a:..~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


1Iyers David 1-1., policeman P. R R. h 1020 Green Myers Edith R, elk, 1:UO N 6th, h do ..... :Myers Edna M., elk, 424 N 3d, h 609 Dauphin Myers Edward F., car repairer, h 318 Harris Myers Edward R, resident physician Hbg Hospital, h do Myers Elizabeth, wid William H .. h 305 Cumberland Myers Elizabeth Mrs., grocer, 1916 Forster, h 1914 do Mvers Elizabeth A. (A. F. & E. A. l\l\:ers), h 913 Penn . . ~I;-crs Elizabeth M., lacquerer, h 1129 \iVallace CI Myers Elmer c., carpenter, h 1914 Forster Myers Elmer G., carpenter, h 1324 Kittatinny Mvers Emanuel, machinist, h 17:~9 N 3d IVI)ers F. E. & Bro., agrl implts, fi27 Walnut MYERS, FISHEL & CO., H. W. Fishel, pres; R. L. Myers, treas j publishers, 101 Market Myers Florence A., cigar roller, h 589 Showers av Myers Frank A, cashier, 401 Chestnut, h 1215 Mulberry Myers George, helper, h 28 N Dewberry av ~Iyers George A, elk, h 1416 Penn Ia.I Myers George H., laborer, h 505 Kelker Myers George S., laborer, h 1409 N Cameron :Myers George W., laborer, h 31 S Court av Myers W., salesman, LLI l\h'ers George teacher, h 27 N:l25 Market, h 219 Boas Harry, 5th Myers Helen, domestic, 1131 Capital

-= = 5





Myers Henry V., conductor, h 1830 N 6th J\'Iyers Henry W., blacksmith, 141 N Cameron, h do :\lvers Herman D., brakeman, h 430 Cumberland M)'ers Herman M., painter, h 128 Sylvan ter Myers Irene, cigarmkr, h 128 Vine Myers Ivin G., carpenter, h 1914 Forster Myers Jacob, laborer, h 205S Derry Myers Jacob P., conductor, h 1509 N 5th Myers James A, laborer, h 2120 Moore Myers Jessie F., domestic, 825 N 6th l\fye'rs J. Milton, painter, h 1129 \Vallace Myers John, brakeman, h 1638 Wallace Myers John, laborer, 11 ijOj Strawberry av Mvers John, laborer, h mm Briggs Myers .John A, brakeman, h 1 i19 N 7th Myers John H., draftsman, h 19 S 17th Myers John H., flagman, h 170R Penn Myers John J., shoemkr, h 2118 Herr Myers John L., grocer, 1310 N 6th, h do Myers John M., h 118G Bailey Myers Joseph, watchman. h 2:16 Charles av Myers Joseph F., engineer, h 1511 N 4th Myers Margaret, domestic, IH9 Doas Myers Mary, wid Michael, h 1643 Susquehanna Myers Mary, wid S. Mark, h l!l48 N 5th




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ODREW REDMONDJ~G.!':d ;~~{3d and RIll, SII. Google

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A. B. TACK} IILL PIPER e:::-~ 111001 SHiDES {N~~iA.

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.

:I Myers ~Mary E. Mrs., grocer, 1719 N 7th, h do Myers Mervin H .. elk Cen Guar Trust Co. h 1230 N 3d ~lyers l\1iiton, painter, h 11~9 Wallace :Vlyers Milton P., brakeman, h 656 Woodbine Myers Myrtle V., h 1310 N 6th Myers Nellie, saleslady, 334 Market, h Mechanicsburg Myers ::\ora, cigar roller, h 564 Race :I Myers Percy D., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Steelton ~lyers Philip H., brakeman, h 1:J31 Fulton C) Myers Rebecca, cigar roller, h 564 Race Myers Robert L., treas :\lyers, Fishel & Co., 101 Market, h :I I Camp Hill C) Myers Roland, laborer. h 1603 Apricot av Myers Samuel ]., elk, 1Ii43 N 6th, h 348 Bovd av Myers Samuel T., packer, 440 Market. h 589 Showers av Myers Sarah, wid Elias. h 1941 Briggs Myers Sarah R. Mrs., hIS Front PI Myers Sophia, wid Rolandus, h 1Z5~ Mulberry Myers Susan A., wid Amos, h 913 Pcnn Myers Thomas E., salesman, 3~ Verbeke, h ~:14 Muench Myers Thompson, laborer, h 2:l9 State Myers William, bootblack, Commonwealth, h 1405 James Myers \Villiam, engineer. h 1614 Susquehanna PI Myers \Villiam, steam fitter, h 509 North Myers William D., laborer, h 1316 James

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MILLER BROS.l BAKER{ ~~~b~~'t.~~-=

Myers William H., asst editor, 1405 N 3d, h 1709 Green Myers William H., barber, 134 Mulberry, h itO N 7th Myers WilJiam H., brakeman, h 614 Wiconisco Myers William II., cutter, h 164 N 15th :=It Myers William H., engineer, h Susquchanna c Clinton av !!. Myers WilJiam H., laborer, h 119 North 8 Myers William]., conductor, h lion Dauphin .. Myers \Villis T., car repairer, h 265 Delaware :tv Myers Wilson J., laborer, h 15:!3 N 5th Myers, see Meyers

Nace Charles E., piler, h 4 Lochid 1st Row Nace Harry R., driver, h 606 N 2<i Nace Mary E. Mrs . h 2.1) Lochiel 'M Row Nace Samuel, helper, h 4 Lochiel 1st ~~ow Nachman Joseph, (The Hub), h 11}17 N :!d Nagel John F., baker, h 16 N 5th Nagel lIIIary A., wid John, h 16 N ;)th Nagle Calvin, brakeman. h 635 Verbekc Nagle Charles E., electrician, h 312 Reily Nagle Charles E., machinist, h l~Hi N :M Nagle Christian M., chief engr wr!tt~r w')fks, h lio:lIi N :~d Nagle Esther A., student, h 1816 ~ :M Nagle George F., laborer, h 12.'l Dock Nagle John, laborer, h 1014 S 9th

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No 123C ARCH STREET r t 4 '

CLARK'S :tr: Drug and Patlntladlclnl Stor.{=~~

498 Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.












Nagle John E., machinist, h 131 Verbeke Nagle John H., machinist, h 1814 ~ ad Nagle Linr~ie, domestic Hershey House Nagle LoUIsa, seamstress, h lllll .l\. ::(1 Nagle U. Grant, telegrapher P. R R, h 1310 Swatara Nailor Irvin L., ~ed, 419 Verbeke, h 158 Cumberland Nalen Annie A., h 5110 Korth Nalen James, h 500 Xorth Nalen James J., steelworker, h 4:!:~ Herr Nalen Julia, dressmkr, h 500 North Nalen, see Nolen Nail Edward, laborer, h 51U Cowden Napier Daisy D., packer, h 41 Linden Napier Eliza J., nurse, h 41 Linden Napier Ella, laundress, h 41 Linden Napier Irene, wid Robert W., h 305 Briggs Napier James, machinist, h 320 Verbeke Napier John, machinist, h 41 Linden Napier Robert W., brakeman, h 305 Briggs Napper Susan, wid Charles, h 115 Cowden Nary Maggie, laundress Hbg Hospital, h 135 S 2d Nash Charles G., civil engineer, 9 l\ 2d, h 255 North Nastaw George, laboter, h 5 Paxton Furnace Row Nathan Reba, saleslady, 334 Market, h 24 Aberdeen av Nathan Simon, tailor, 24 Aberdeen av, h do

11.1 Tille f!nnronlJ ODd Trust CO If ICI'I'OI, 1 hlftll_1 If c..tncta lf Beal BItate OIllCt' J - ..,,..tH, l1liBldg. UUU PEl... Rear of JUt


r&I ~




Nather Annie, weaver, h 243 Crescent Nather Charles, laborer, h 243 Crescent Nather Emil, machinist, h 243 Crescent Nather Paul R, molder, h 1143i Derry lIATIOliAL BISCUIT CO., lV. T. Laverty, lalel agt, 32'7 Strawberry av lIATIOliAL CASH REGISTER CO., 11. R. Black, sales artt The Bolton NATIONAL HOTEL, F. W. Ebel, propr, State 0 4th NATIOliAL PARCEL AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER, (Butler & Forry), 1022 Xarket Bee adv NATIONAL TEA. AND COFFEE CO., F. A. Gibson, IDgl't 11 N 4th . Naughton Edward N., furnaceman, h 107 Washington Naughton G. Katherine, elk Hbg Hospital, h 1231 Cowden Naughton John M., brakeman, h 660 Sayford av Naughton John M., repairsman, h 1231 Cowden Naughton Mary F., stengr, 103 N 2d, h 1231 Cowden Naughton Michael, watchman P. R R, h 1234 Cowden Naughton Timothy, laborer, h 1231 Cowden Naughton William B., engine wiper, h 1231 Cowden Naugle Clara M. c., wid George, h 1213 Kittatinny Naugle Grace M., wid John, h 711 S 21i Nauman George, asst engineer of construction, 9 N 2d, h 222 Chestnut

Raad thl PATRIOn ~-=~~ {Harrisburg'S ~~~d ~~~!gle


Boyd's Harrilblll'g City Directol'1. 499

NAUSS CHRISTIAN, plumber and gal itter, 34 N 2d, h do

Nauss George M., student, h 34 N 2d Nauss Pauline, housekeeper, 327 Sayford av Nauss Russell, draftsman F. and M. Works, h 34 N 2d Naylor Edward G., sub elk P.O., h 1015 ~larket Naylor Ernest W., consulting engineer, h 103 Locust Naylor Galen L., salesman, h 567 Race Naylor John R.. collector, 226 Chestnut, h 567 Race Naylor Joseph W., sub letter carrier, h 274 Briggs Naylor Percy, machinist, h 103 Locust NEAl) BENIAl1IN M., lawyer, Russ bldg, 111 N 2d, h'17 Briggs N ead B. Frank, student, 15 N 2d, h 417 Briggs Nead Hugh Z., civil engineer, 9 N 2d, h 417 Briggs Nead Robert H., student, h 417 Briggs Neal Albert S., huckster, h 1427 William Neal B. Franklin, junk, h 333 Hamilton Neal Harold C, (Bergner & Neal), h 21 N Front Neal John S., stenographer State Highway Dept, h Mechanicsburg Neal Judson W., laborer, h 1018 Fox av lfEAL ROBERT C., pres Harrisburg Rolling Kill Co. and sec and treal Paxtang Electric Co., h 21 Front Neal Robert C., jr., supt Hbg Rolling Mill Co., h 21 N Front





SaYings aad Loan Assnln:=:

Neal Susan B.. h 1427 William Neale Harry T., student, h 233 Boas Neale William A., elk Bureau of Railways, h 233 Boas Neary Thomas, laborer, h 1124 S 9th Nease Daniel, hostler, h 1531 Fulton Nebinger Andrew, carpenter, h 1121 .K 6th Nebinger Bertha, h 1000 N 3d Nebinger Eliza B., saleslady, 221 Market, h Steelton Nebinger Elizabeth, saleslady, 406 l\]arket, h Steelton Nebinger George, paperhanger, h 108 Hoerner Nebinger Ida, saleslady, :l:l4 Market, h Steelton Nebinger Lewis M., carpenter, h 108 Hoerner Nebinger IVlary E., saleslady, 406 Market, h 108 Hoerner Nebinger Russel H., ironworker, h 236 Cranberry av Nebinger William A., lineman, 11 N 3d, h Riverton Nee Bridget, wid John, h lOOO! N 7th Needy George D., (Needy & Mitchell), h Phila lfEEDY & MITCHELL, (George D. Needy and Charlel E. Mitchell), investments, 213 Walnut BEEFE LEON F., coal, wood and hauling, 18th c Dell'1 and 1306 Market, h do Neely Catharine E., telephone operator, h 113 S 3d Neely CharlesH., brakeman, h 2134 Moore Neely Francis C, elk E. F. B. T. Co., h 1509 Green





Digitized by

H. M. KELLEY ,. CO.}O"~ces,I.r::.r..=~:!:}COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.





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NEELY lAKES Jrl., livery, 117, 119, 121 S 3d, h 113 do see adv Neely John S., brakeman, h 2134 Moore Neely Kathryn E., telephone opr, :!1O Watnut, h 113 S 3d Neeter Charles F., laborer, h 624 J\Iuench Neeter George F., engineer, h 624 J\luench Neeter Harriet Mrs., domestic, 946 X 7th N eeter Samuel, fireman, h 946 X 7th Neeter William L., engineer, h 1415 Wallace Xcetcr William L., jr., fireman, h 686 Hamilton Neff Ammon c., fireman, h 1836t X 6th Neff Amos, brakeman, h 1527 Penn Neff Annie L. Mrs., h 656 Boas Neff Augustus A., painter, h 1600 X 6th Neff Bertha, dressmkr, h 18.11 N 6th X eff Charles R., salesman, l~ :::! 1] b X 4th Xeff Cyrus M., laborer, h 1609 Swat;l.ra Keff David H., h 12'28 N Fror.t Neff Isaac, huckster, h 18.16t X Hth Neff James, laborer, h 1831 K Hth Neff Mary C. J\irs .. saleslady, 1:115 X 3d. h 1:!2~ Frc:;nt Neff :\Iary ~I., wid Dr. Henry K., h 108 vValllut Neff Oscar M., solicitor, h 1836t );' 6th Negley Ella, seamstress, h l~Hi N 5th Negley 1. Milton, driver, h 12'20 N Front


Neidig Anna c., bookkpr, ;lO sad. h :!=3j South Neidig Annie L., h 11 Grace av Jacob, planer, h Neidig John, carpenter, 2:l3 South Neidig h :!:t! North Neidig Samuel B., plumber, h ~l;~ South Xeidigh J. Calvin, brakeman, h jll4 East C Neidinger :'.Iaggie Mrs., sorter, h 4:~5 North av ~ Neiffer Lewis M., lawyer, 22'.! Market, h jon x 6th Neill Ellen Mrs., charwoman, h 1110 S 9th Neill Elva E., cigar roller, h 11111 S lith Neill Esther C, stripper. h 111111 S Hth Neill J. Wesley, plumber, ;m~ Strawberry av, h :!~II Briggs Neiman Luther, engineer, h HiHl X 4th .... Neiman l\lan, domestic, 4:18 Xorth Neitz John D., teacher, h 141 Sylvan ter

o -=-

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== ....
~ .....




Local Express, Transfer and Livery

SAFE AND PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY. 117119121 SouD Third Street, (~~:::'~:::II.) HARRISBUR6, PA,
-~ ~--

iiln~~c:.BB} ANDREW REDMOND {3D~git~~~b~~t~le

A. B. TACK} Wall Paaer and Wind Shades {~:J.=~.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Nelley Mark T., plumber, h G:!8 Race Nelley ~Iary F., milliner, h 1;l;l N 4th Nelle), :\Iichael, engineer, h f.i:!~ Race Nelligan Edna, telephone opr, 227 \VaInut, h I:I:!H Capital Kelligan Harry F., engineer, h ~:!O Capital Nelligan Thomas W., engineer, h ~:!o Capital Nelligan William F., h :;20 Capital Nelly Cornelius C, helper, h WOOl N 7th Nelly Sarah Mrs . boarding, 1000l K 7th, h do Nelson Arthur F., roll designer, h 18th c Mulberry Kelson Bertha I., stenographer, 103 N :!d, h 267 Herr Nelson Bertie, domestic, 442 South Nelson Edith M., saleslady, :J34 Market, h 267 Herr Nelson George 0., butcher, h 1420 Derry Nelson George \V., foreman, h 432 S 14th Nelson Nora, wid William c., h 267 Herr Nelson Raymond H., laborer, h 432 S 14th Nelson Robt. J., mess Dept ~lines, 215 \Valnut, h 147 Balm Nelson Shoe Co . R. Y. Heikes, mgr, 2118 :\larket Nelson William F., brakeman, h 24 S 3d Kelson \'iilliam N., meat, 14!W Derry, h do Nesbit Oarence M., repairsman, h 1!123 N 4th l\"esbit Joseph B., trackwalker. h 46 Balm Nesbit \Villiam H., conductor. h 507 Kelker Kesbit William L., elk, 5110 ~ 3d, h 206 South
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----


o . c::


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MILLER BROS. &: BAKERi ~~~t.~~:.~~-= :E

Ness Jacob S., bar elk, 52a State, h 521 do NESS JOSIAH K., contractor and builder, 220 Peffer, h do see adv Ness Walter S., elk Hbg ~at Bank, h 220 Peffer BESSEL WALTER, grocer, 1020 Berryhill, h 1018 do NessIe ~Iargaret J.. bookkpr, 12 S 2d, h 1233 ~It1lberry Nester Frank R., cook Lunatic Hospital, h 3:n Maclay Kester :\largaret, wid Joseph, h 2626 6l Nestler Jacob, car builder. h 412 Cumberland Nestor John L., mgr, 7m Race. h New Cumberland Nestor Joseph P., flagman, h 12 N 15th Neuer Annie :M., wid George, h 62!1 Mahantongo ;. Keuer Blanche, h 144 S 3d ;1 Neuer Florence E., wid J. George. h 508 Walnut /:1110 Neuer William W .. helper, h 629 Mahantongo 6


- - -- - - - - ----- - -_



Contractor and Builder d,.. :~

2 2 0 Peffer Street,
HARRISBURG, PA. Both 'Phones. - - ---


~I "',..





1I.lall's COl,lalion Pills :.'jl::;JC:OdC:ld~~~~.}~~ 306 Broad

502 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
..; N euffer Theodore, ins sol, 21 N ad, h t40 Cranberry ..., Neumeyer ~lary, wid Edward c., h 1614 N 5th __ Keumyer Herman, musician, h 2130 Atlas av == X eumyer Herman G., cigarmkr, h :!130 Atlas av Xeumyer Howard, stripper, h 320 Peffer .... Keumyer Joseph, planer, h 216 S River av .5 ~eumyer Oscar M., cigar mfr, li411 K 4th, h :~20 Peffer Neumyer Raymond L., elk, 1313 N 2d, h 320 Peffer :5 Neumyer Walter J., elk, h :l:W Peffer ~ Kevell Mary Mrs., grocer, 1!125 N 7th. h do NEW ENGLAlO) MUTUAL LIFE INSUBANCE CO., William. K. Schick, mgr, 227 Walnut B Ncw System Dental Parlors. n. E. Wright, mgr, 23 N 3d J\ew Vnited States Hotel, J. S. Houseworth. propr, 518 Market ~ ~ew York Casualty Co., J. F. Daniell, genl agt, 21 N 3d ~ NEW YORK LIFE INSUBANCE CO., 1. H. Leedham, agency -director, 227 Walnut Bee adv fI) NEWBOLD WILLIS G., reporter Star.Independent, h 114 :N 2d Xewby T. Frank, mgr, 423 South, h 402 N 2d ~ Newcomer A. Earl, bookkpr, 10li lVIarket, h 227 S 13th 1,\ :NEWCOMER ANDREW F., gent art Xilburn Wagon Co., v 1017 Market, h 227 S 13th C Kewcomer Emma E. Mrs., cigars, 140 S 2d, h do





z o (,)

~ TItle GUoroDlY ODd Trust co., =~ ~ '-=I:='='I~~' :::~~.= ~

1\ ewcomer Howard R., brakeman, h 6:.!1 Harris Xewcomer 1. Luther, car builder, h 140 S !!d Kewcomer Ira, lineman, h 1603 Logan av Xewcomer Ira D.; bookkpr, 19 SlOth, h 227 S 13th Kewcomer J. Elmer, elk P.O., h :-m N 12th Kewcomer lIaude, mailer, 201 N 2d, h 35 N 12th Kewcomer Rush J., salesman, 334 Market. h 4-12 Walnut X ewcomer Samuel S., elk C. 1. and S. Co., h Steelton Xewcomer Sarah E., h 3118 Chestnut Newlin Frank]., fireman, h 626 Reily Xewman Annie L. Mrs., h 121 S Dewberry av Xewman Benjamin F., elk, h 1605 S Cameron Kewman Carrie, housekceper, HUt Cowden Newman Daniel, plaslerer, h 2411 Liberty K ewman Edward, foreman, h 1058 S 9th



E 8
C 8

C Q..



II!!! ARE ;you willing to hustle in order to C earn big mone;y? If ;you are, come and
see me and I will show ;you how it's done.

- New York Life Insurance Co.

227 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa.



The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page

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a B TACK} ----

hbUe allpedal&y 0 6 - {l.leN.lldll&. BaIlcUap 1D PlaID TlDu E.IJ_ _ eI_

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Newman George \V., carpenter, h 631 Forster Newman Harry W., electrician, h 444 Cumberland Newman John A., carpenter, h 415 Hamilton Newman John H., laborer, h 469 S Cameron Newman Luther \V., la,borer, h 615 Forster Newman Oscar A., physician, 619 Race, h do Newmyer Clayton 0., student, h 320 Peffer Newmyer Frank, driver, h 1631 Park Newmyer George, driver, h 1116 N 7th Newmyer George, jr., drivel', It 1116 N 7th Newmyer Raymond, butcher, h 320 Peffer Kewmyer William, elk, h 320 Peffer Newton Abram, cook Park Hotel, h 636 Briggs Newton James M ... steelworker, h 29 S 16th Key David M., printer, 20L ~ 2d, h Middletown N ey Florence M., bookkpr, 18th c Vernon, h 211 N 15th Xe)' John \V., conductor, h 18:n Fulton Key Solomon, cabinetmkr, h 211 N 1Gth Key William c., student, h 211 N 15th Ney William H., engineer. h 534 Peffer Ney William W., postal elk, h 428 S 14th Keyer Emma, domestic Hershey House Nevhart Clvde S . attendant. 4th c Korth, h do Kicholas David. h li2!1 Green Kicholas Frederick. tailor, :124 Market, h Steelton


n ......


-= --J':.I~~:R~~~ } Harrisburg SaYings and Laan Assn. {~=: 1


Nicholas George, laborer, h Forster c Lynn Nicholas Harvey E., flagman, h M4 Muench Kicholas John B., alderman, druggist. li21 Race, h do Nicholson Agnes, saleslady. :n2 l'.Iarket, h U103-! do Nicholson Charles W .. elk. h lS(la~ 11arket Nicholson Irwin. sewing machines. h lfili~ K ad Nicholson John, coachman. h 245 ?\ River av Nicholson Mame E .. saleslady, 40ti :\Iarket. h 1SH3! do Nicholson Nellie Y., salesladv, 5 X 4th. h lS0;-Q :\larket KicholsOll Robert F .. foren 1 an, h 1~1i:~~ i\larket Kicholson S. Edgar Rev., supt. 213 Locust. h 2:{5 Kelker Kicholson \Villiam, elk, h :114 :\Iarket ~icket Ethel, saleslady, a:14 Market. h Mechanicsburg Nickel Ina :\1., domestic, HOO State Nickels Frank. pumpman. h 1910 X ith Nickels Frank H .. fireman, h uno I~ 7th NickellS Philip. waiter Commonwealth, h 429 State Nickey John 0 .. ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 4:J8 S 14th Nickle Elmer J.. conductor. h 1:!O!l Derry Nicodemus Edwin A., physician, H;1I5 Derry. h do Nicodemus Luel\a, elk. 210 \\"alnut, h :!04 Verheke Nicodemus Rehecca. wid Frederick L.. h 204 \" erbeke Nicol George B., conductor, h 131;) Green Nieman Georgia W . teacher, II 17:?7 N lith Nieman Isaht:lla. wid George W .. h Ii27 X 6th


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H M KELLEY &CO {I North 3d 8 _.. 10th and State

!ita. .


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




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Xiemeyer Wm. G., (Niemeyer & Billett), h 933 ~lyrtle av Niemeyer & Billett, (William G. Kiemeyer and Frank S. Billett), horseshoers, 411 Spring av );ies Daniel M., puddler, h 101 Mulberry Xies Florence, tailoress, h 1200 Market Xies Harry G., laborer, h 1200 Market Nies ;\Jartin L., laborer, h 101 ?>lulberry Nies Robert H., cigarmkr, h 101 ).lulberry Nies \Villiam A., laborer, h 121111 Market Nies William j., engineer, h l:WO Market Kiess Albert B., machinist, h 1:J3:-t Howard Niess B. Franklin, laborer, h 117 Dock Niess Ephraim H., bricklayer, h 117 Dock Niess Grace, seamstress, h 1201 Bailey Niess Jane E., wid Harry H., h I:.!OL Bailey Niess :Martha B., milliner, 334 :Markct. h 1333 Howard Niess Mary I., seamstress, b 1201 Bailey l\iess Meredith, h 1201 Bailey Niess Sarah B., wid John, h 1:-133 Howard Nieth Joseph D . baker, 3:32 Reily, h a:{~ do Nipher Virginia H. Mrs .. h 1138 Jonestown rd Xipple Clara, weaver, h 901 S Front Nipple Cora. housekeeper. 901 S Front Nipple Jeremiah, heater, h 901 S Front Xippl~ J~r_e~i~h, J~._,_he1p~, h 901 S_F_r_o.n_t _ _ _ __ __ _


Nisbet Margaret, wid John. h 11a8 Market Nisley Annie c., elk, 110 S 2<1, h 2124 Boas Nisley Clara L., h 126 Sylvan ter Nisley Elmer E., postal elk, h 1482 Regina Z Nisley F. Albert, brakeman, h 2102 N" lith Nisley Ida E., seamstress, h 126 Sylvan ter Nisley Isaac L., elk P. R. R., h 2406 N 6th Z Nisley Martin H., driver, h 2124 Boas Nissley Christian G., printer, 1405 N 3d, h 222 Hamilton l&J Nissley David F., undcrkeeper Dauphin Co. Prison, h do Nissley Edward S., elk Dauphin Dep Bank, h 16 Evergreen Nissley Gabriel E .. brakeman, h 310 ~luench NISSLEY RARltON L., lawyer and notary, 7 N 3d, h 30& O N2d ::z: NISSLEY HARRY X., slate and tile roofing, 14 N 3d, h do. ~ see adv opp page i: NISSLEY .TOlIN C., lawyer, 29 N 2d, h 115 Locust CI Nissley John P., sec, 4: N 3d, h Hummelstown ~ Nisslev Minnie B., salesladv. 6 S :!d. h 1:!15 s.watara z: Nissley' Samuel G., laborer: h 6:!6 Showers av Nixdorf Anna M., wid Emanuel, h 215:! ::-.J 6th g Nixon Maria, wid George, h 113 Cowden C ~ixon Obson, laborer, h 710 K 7th I::i Nixon Robert, porter, 28 S 2<1, h i10 ::-.J 7th CD NIXON ROBERT B., druggist, 14th and Walnut, h do

a: a:


:c ==

~~~a! ANDREW

REOMONO{3d and Rell, Sit.

Digitized by


I. B. Tlei }FI:'~O~!lTTN:V~~~'ic~,,~fy~R{ 1216 Norm Third.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Noble Paul, salcsman, 215 ::\Iarket, h Carlisle Noel J. Anson, dentist, :!5 N ad, h 11 S :!d Noel Mary D. Mrs., h a;m Kelker Noel Michael J., brakeman, h aa5 Kelker Noel Rose, chambermaid The Commonwealth Noell George W., carpentcr, h :!!J X 111th NoeIl Harry, laborer, h :W 1'\ 10th ~oell \V. E'dward, bal ber, h 29 N 10th Noffsinger Albert C. laborer. h 1:!fi2 Juniper Noffsinger Harry, elk, 4111 ~Iarket, h l:!ti:! Juniper Noffsinger \ViIliam H., laborer, h 12~):! Juniper Noggle Effie, cigarmkr, h 7 N 9th Noggle George N., helper, h 7 N 9th Xoggle Robert S., laborer, h 6()(J Cumberland Nolan George T., boilermkr, h 625 Boas Nolan Maggie M., forelady, It 1504 ~ 5th Nolan Mary, book gatherer, h 1504 X 5th Xolde Charles F . barber. 1~20 N 3d, h 426 Reily Nolen Isaac H., h 610 N 3d Nolen M. Louisa, teacher, h 610 N :1d N olen, see N alen Noll Arthur V., milk, 2250 6i, h do Noll Ernest, laborer, h 1422 North Noll Homer R., brakeman, h 637 Emerald Nolte Henry, conductor, h 2225 N 6th
--------- ------




J> 11 1'1

Nophsker Annie A., nurse, h 330 :\1ac1ay Nophsker Bessie E., saleslady, 4 S 2d, h 330 l\lac1ay Nophsker EIlen, wid Henry, h 1601 K 6th Nophsker J. Burd. brakeman, h 606 Dauphin Nophsker John C, messenger P. R. R., h 33n l\Iac1ay Nophsker John W., telegrapher P. R. R., h 330 :'.Iaelay Norman Catharine Mrs., domestic, 1Ii32 N 2d Norris Arthur, elk, 330 Market, h 309 Briggs Norris Elizabeth, wid J. Alexander. h 26 Evergreen Norris George W., hostler, h 703 North Norris John B., special agt, 208 Walnut, h 207 S Front Norris Mirtie M., wid A. Wilson, h 207 S Front North BeIla Mrs., h 1000 N 7th Northamer Harriet R., wid Henry G., h 1641 N 4th Northamer Susan E., bookkpr, h 1641 N 4th

----- ---


- - - A R T U T I C AND 8UB!iTANTIAL---

~r 1II~


Roo(s in Slate or Tile ",,' ~!

14 N. 3d Street, HARRISBURG, PA.
....11'1.11 .......pdF



.u to.









0DJdI. QIIJDIIJ. BbeamatUm, ~8an TIInlM, APe. ~.,. _ ......

IIeII..... PaIa~_a.oa.. ..ortJaI.o,-*'.cnaP-lo~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Northamer William H., car repairer, h 1641 N 4th Northern Central Railway Passenger Depot, ft Chestnut; entrance, 413 Market; freight depot, ft 3d NORTHWESTERN JroTUAL LIFE INSUB.ANCE CO., 1. F. Ida J., dressmkr, h 108 Calder Notestine Lucian B., elk P. R. R., h 108 Calder Xotestine Samuel R.. laborer, h 108 Calder ~otestine Sherman E., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 328 S 14th Novelty Mfg Co., Ltd., 451 Verbeke Novinger Dora A., domestic, 1407 ~ Front ~ovinger Lucy, dressmkr, h lOOl N 7th Nowell Paul, steelworker, h 527 Race Nowotny John, cigarmkr, h 148 S 3d ~oye Charles E., coach builder, h 1825 Susquehanna Nugent Levi E., coachman, h211 K River av Nun Clara E., dressmkr, h 2004 Kensington Null Frank, tobacconist, 30! S 2d, h 32 do ~ull Grace A., saleslady, 334 :Markct, h 2004 Kensington Null John R., cigars. h 2004 Kensington Null Thomas, driver, h 119 Cherry av Numbers Thomas, hridgetender, h 421 Forster Nunan Charles W., elk, 323 Verbeke, h 1620 N 3d 2'Junemacher Amanda, h 415 Cumberland



Eaton, genl agent, 228 N 3d


-I !!

l&I ..J l&I


C nne GUonIOIY ODd Trust co. "=~{ a.:=.a;::.: ,=~}= ~ ~.

X unemacher Daniel H., h 118 Linden _ Xunemacher John, stockkeeper, h 22:1 Crescent >- Xunemacher Samuel, ins sol, 21 N 3d, h 415 Cumberland z: ?\ unl1 Rose M., domestic, 22411 61 IIIIIC N urick Charles, h 517 South D. Xurick Isaac N., grocer, 5li South, h do E X urserv Home, 615 State Xuss Anthony B., supt, :-t~1I ~Iarket, h 4H Balm .. Xuss Charles W .. mgr, ;{20 Market, h 4H Balm

o _

l&I NUNEllACHEB. AKBROSE W., druggist, 300 North c 3d, h



;: NUSS PLATING CO., C. W. Nnss, mgr, electroplaten and band instrument mfrs, 320 Market see adv
Xutt John T., bartender. 517 Walnut. h do Nutt Rosa S., wid Frank S .. h 162a N 4th

Tableware. Musical Instrument.. Bicycles, z: WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of Machine Trlmmlnllll and Rouse Furnlshln. Small


- Practical Electro Platers in all Branches


Goods. Pollahln . S.ftnlahlng_ Oxldl1lnll'. Bronr.inlf. Brasslng and Lacquering of Chandelier and Omamental Work _ Sper.lal attention gl v... to Silver Plating and Glldlna. .....Twelve Years' PracUcal I!:llperlence.



No. 320 Plarlet Street. 'atrlot Balldlni. - HARRISBURG,


EmP. bat IInt-ilj_ worltmeu, A B TACK} CllaitlllriDOlleIDnrea II Work doDe ID he_ OIIly JftI.{ 1.1. . aDd JlII,JtGlBiaa Id .

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye Nye

Charles, carpenter, h 601 Herr ~ Charles, driver, 318 Market, h 63~ Boyd av K Claude A., laborer, h 112 Sylvan ter ;:: Emanuel G., brakeman, h 32 Linden rGeorge L., laborer, h 58 N 16th es 31: Harry c., steelworker, h 233 Kelker :aHarry F., fireman, h 26 N 16th ~ :1:1 Harry F., steelworker, h 307 Walnut Harry J., laster, h 344 Nectarine av UI ~ Ida, weaver, h 614 N 3d E John A., carpenter, h 1310 Susquehanna all John E., foreman, h 1832 Fulton :1:1 Lillie, domestic, 105 Evergreen ~ Robert, (Nye & Fuhrman), h 1414 N 3d 31: Sarah, wid Noah, h 16 Lochiel 2d Row K Solomon, laborer, h 1936 Berryhill William F., foreman, h 112 Sylvan ter & Fuhrman, (Robert Nye and Henry Fuhrman), fruit, :1:1 :a1414 N 3d r-

"' "'




Oates William, insurance, 5 N 2d. h 143 N 4th ::: Ober B. Frank, (Ober Bros.), h Pen brook OBEB. BROTHERS, (B. Frank and David W.), livery, Court ~ av c Cranberry av

~e:~s::.:'}Harrllburt!a'llgs and Loan Alsn.{== ~

Ober David W., (Ober Bros.), h 138 Sylvan ter Ober Frank B., driver, h 231 Sayford av :IJ Oberdorf Harry D., conductor, h 328 S 1 3 t h e Oberholtzer Harvey, helper, h 1526 Derry Oberholtzer John H., (Frishkorn & Oberholtzer), h 713 0 S 21} Oberholtzer Samuel, jr., boilermkr, h 427 Muench N Obrasky Lewis, tailor, 701 N 3d, h ]913 Wood av O'Brien Catharine E., wid James, h 121 S Cameron 0 O'Brien Celia, domestic, 413 Briggs ~ O'Brien Louisa, wid John, h 1il3 N 7th O'Brien Martha Mrs., charwoman, h 1404} James O'Brien Mary, domestic, 313 Chestnut :IJ O'Brien Sarah, wid Edward, h 319 Strawberry av ;; O'Brien William ]., flagman, h 24 S 3d ,ft O'Brine Catharine Mrs., h 533 Race VI O'Brine Ross A., plumber, h 533 Race O'Brine \Villiam H., cutter, h 135 Paxton O'Brosh Dora, grocer, 10 Cowden, h 12 do Oby Beverly, driver, h 406 Cowden O'Callaghan William J. Rev., h 212 State Och John G., salesman, 324 :Market, h 1210 N 7th Och Marcus, laborer. h 1210 N 7th Och Sylvester, laborer, h 1210 N 7th



Digitized by

- - O U R MOTTO ' - - l

Boae.t Coal, Hone.t Welcbt '"

H M KELLEY 011. 1I 100hllll ...III....!L P. CO I Ilri. M IInII

..... I:;


Boyd'i Harrilburg City Directory.






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OCHS CHRISTIAN P., genl agt Adami Exprels, h 209 Crelcent O'Connell Annie G., teacher, h 1467 :\larket O'Connell Dennis, inspector water dept, h 1467 Market O'Connell John, purchasing agt C. P. T. Co., h H67 Mkt O'Connell Lawrence, laborer, h 1:n 7 S 1:!th O'Connell l\Ian' c., teacher, h 1467 ~Iarket O"COIinor Olarles, engineer, h 313 Verbeke O'Connor Delia, drcssmkr, h H05t Capital O'Connor Ellen, dressmkr, !I05 Capital, h do O'Connor Haldeman J., h 13 N Front O'Connor Margaret, wid \ViIliam, h 6:!5 Briggs O'Connor Patrick, laborer, h 6:35 Forster Odell James, fireman, h 15~3 \Vallace Odenwell Frank, machinist, h 19 S 4th O'Donnel William P., evangelist, h 1238 N Cameron O'Donnell Barney, laborer, h 153H Fulton O'Donnell Bridget, h 518 Filbert O'Donnell Charles J., sergeant of police, h 246 North O'Donnell Eliza, wid John, h 920 Grand O'Donnell Hugh, machinist. h 41~ Cumberland O'Donnell Joannah, wid Robert, h 1107 S 9th O'Donnell John, laborer, h 1110 Cowden O'Donnen Lydia A., dressmkr, h 246 North O'Donnell Mary, elk, 1221 N 3d, h 246 North

. . Oenslager Frank, painter, h 272 Briggs


a: ::a O'Donnell Thomas, laborer, h 118 Verbeke

Oenslager John, physician, 711 N 3d, h do Oenslager Ross, h 709 N 3d Offud Harry, porter National Hotel, h 426 State Offerd Josephine Mrs., h 267 Briggs Ogden Caroline E., h 921 N 18th Ogden Cornelius N" machinist, h 1332 Vernon Ogden Richard L., asst inspector, h 219 N 2d Ogden Samuel R., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 610 Briggs Ogel Tames, laborer, h Send S Cameron Ogelsby Boyd M., stenographer: h 109 N 2d Ogelsby Fannie M., music teacher, 109 N 2d, h do OGELSBY 10SEPH 1" furniture and undertaking, 111. 2d, h 109 do Ogelsby Joseph K., motorman, h 160 N 15th Ogelsby Warwick M" trust officer Commonwealth Trust Co" h 919 N 2d Ohail James K., salesman, h 230 Forster Ohio Rake Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Ohl Florenz, laborer, h 165 P~xton Ohlinger William, fireman, h 1914 N 5th


~ O'Donnell Mary B., stenographer, h 118 Verbeke

O'Donnell Michael, h 13 N 5th

!! Oenslager Harriet, wid J Ohl1, h 709 N 3d




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a: >

Redmond's Wagon Works {:::~b~:-;:=} 3d and ReU, ~tS. Google

Digitized by

A. B. TACK =,u:.o-=~ lOll PUDer O\1d IIndolShodes II:,R~a~~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 509
Ohrum Armon F ., wurchouseman P. & R., h 112 l-Ioerner O'Leary Andrew J., fireman, h 1731 N /}til O'Leary Edward J., machinist, h 153i N 4th O'Leary John, h 1201 \Vallace O'Leary Joseph F ., machinist, h 928 Grand O'Leary Mary, wid Cornelius, h 928 Grand O'Leary Patrick, brakeman, h 121:.!~ N ith O'Leary Timothy, laborer, h 121:.!~ N ith O'Leary Timothy, jr., helper, h 42S Boas O'Leary William, plumber, h 928' Grand Olewine Avery E., blacksmith, h 147 Paxton Olewine Benjamin, conductor, h 1923 Fulton Olewine George, flagman, h 63:~ Muench Olewine Harry B., telegrapher P. R. R., h 52:.! Camp Oliver Chilled Plow \Vks, W. E. Dietrich, mgr, 720 South Oliver John B., miller, h 550 Race Oliver Robert B., driver, h 2158 K 7th Olley William L., salesman, h 9118 Penn Olmsted Catharine K., domestic, 212 North Olmsted Marlin E., (Olmsted & Stamm), h 1115 N Front OLMSrBD & STAMM, (M, E. Olmsted and A. C. Stamm). lawyers. IS Ii 3d Olsen Hiram H., boilermkr, h 344 Hamilton Olsen .John H. F., helper, h 344 Hamilton Olsen Joseph W., elk, h 344 Hamilton

Olsen Samuel E., electrotyper, h 171c) N 4th Olsen \\"ilIiam B., machinist, h 344 Hamilton {)lS01 William W., boilermkr, h 344 Hamilton Olstermyer Frank H., baker, h 2116 South O'Marrow William H., laborer, h 1113 K Cameron Ommert Jacob F., carpenter, h 1"24 Washington O'Xeal Charles H., n.achinist, h 1016 Hemlock O'Xeil James, laborer, h 411:~ N 5th O'Xeill Mary :\irs., h a:l:.! Blackberry av Oplinger George \V., laborer, h 605 South Opperman Chariotte, milliner, 13110 N 3d, h 131 Paxton OPPEBJrIAN HENRY. contractor, 131 Paxton, h do lee adv Opperman Johanna, housekeeper, 133 Paxton Opperman Karl T., draftsman, h 1201 Chestnut Opperman Lina S., fancy goods, 1208 i\ 3d, It 133 Paxton

MILLER BROS. I: BAKERt~~~b~~'t.~'"';.: -

-= .. -.

~ ~



Engineering I Contracting ~

No. 131 Paxton St. HARRISBURG. P A.



No . 1230 ARCH STREET . PHIU ., pJ.

McNell'l Pili El1ennlnltor l!;;ru:u.-:.~c':i.t"~a t!"'"':~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

o o o o

a: .......... _ - f ....... Paua....._ . 11111_ J..lcIIl Illata t- "'Lae.tAUln ,, TIll' co. {,...... AII......tral... EllaIf..........I... } ...,., . . 1tIICa

.; Opperman \Villiam H., contractor, 133 Paxton, h do .". Orcutt C H., real estate and ins, 261 Cumberland, h 315 Peffer c: "C Orcutt Jennie E., saleslady, 2:n Market, h 315 Peffer . - Orcutt Maude M., elk, 261 Cumberland, h 315 Peffer E Orcutt William L., paperhanger, h 107 ~orth e OREGON-IDAlIO GOLlI lUNING 00., Hibbs & 00., aseal agts, 28 B 3d Jj Orem Thomas J., carpenter, h 1309 N 3d Oren Howard C, elk, a6 N 2d, h New Cumberland Oren" James, boilermkr, h 2033 Kensington Oren Lucy, housekeeper, In S 2d :: Oren Rachel E., wid Alichael, h 2003 N 5th Oren \Villiam K., craneman, h 2033 Kensington c: Orendorff Wm. B., train dispatcher P. R. R., h 208 Harris ca Orner Blanch, cigarmkr, h 122 N River av Orner Carrie Mrs., h 63S 'vValnut UJ Orner Edward C, bartender, h 442 North Orner John R., h 442 North Orner Mary K., h 627 ~laelay Orner William F., elk, 3115 Verbeke, h 1113 Penn t- Orr Addie A., wid Ellis C, h 22S Verbeke Orr Grace V., penmkr, h 203 North C Orr Harry B., elk, 208 Walnut, h 1003 Green Orr James C, janitor, 123 Chestnut, h 203 North

.. -=-




Orr John C, warehouseman, 336 Chestnut, h Wormleysb'g Orr John, confectioner and tobacconist, 623 N 2d, h do Orr Joseph A., brakeman. h 1326 Penn Orr Lewis G., car repairer, h 2015 Forster Orr Lulu G., saleslady, 318 ~Iarket, h Wormleysburg Orrick Humphrey L., houseman, h 644 Primrose av Orris Adam, puddler, h 220 :K 10th Orris Adam E., laborer, h 129 N 10th Orris Fannie E., boxmkr, h 129 N 10th Orris George W., laborer, h 220 N 10th Orril' Samuel W., caller P. R. R.. h 319 Bovd av Orris S. Nevin, laborer, h 319 Ginton av . Orris S. Stanhope Prof., h 1621 Derry Orris Theodore, laborer, h 1~9 ~ 10th Orsinger Edward V.,. plumber, h 300 Verbeke Orsinger Joseph. pressman Telegraph, h a36 Cherry av Orsinger Lillie E., h 447 Verbeke ORSINGER VINOENT G., hotel, 300 Verbeke (Broad), h do Orsino James, laborer. h 1132 Market Orsino Vincenzo, laborer, h 1132 Market Q Ort Katharine R., stengr, 110 S 2d, h Wormleysburg 1&.1 Ort Margaret, wid Peter M., h 306 Chestnut .... Orth Barbara, wid Leonard, h 204 Herr Orth Carrie L., teacher, h 237 Briggs :: OllTH OHAllLEB ., grocer, 2241' arris, h 1800 Green


If You Don't Raid the PATRIOT You Don'tDi~t~!d ~~~gle

~=~= IOU POOOr ODd IIndOI ShOdeS lrom A. B. TACK {N.1;:tt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 511 Orth C. l\Iary, wid George, h 219 Verbeke Orth Conrad, h ~20 Forster Orth George J.. shoemkr, :3211 Briggs, h 1322 Green Orth George L., printer, h 204 Herr Orth George \V., baker and grocer, 423 State, h do Orth Gertrude V., stenographer, 22 N 2d, h 204 Herr Orth Hannah W. ~Irs., h 214 South ORTH HENRY C., fire, life, health and accident insurance, 208 Cheltnut, h 219 ., tate ORTH HERJ(AlI A., h 1317 Ii 2d Orth Hiram c., tailor, h 6 Aherdeen av ORTH H. L., ](. D., supt and physician Penna. State Lunatic Hospital, h do , Orth J. Andrew, postal elk, h 116 Herr Orth J. Harry, patternmkr, h 237 Briggs Orth John, laborer, h 1122 Market Orth Marv c., teacher, h 219 Verbeke Orth Malide 1., domestic, 308 N 2d Orth M. Elizabeth, music teacher, h 220 Forster Orth Rebecca, teacher, h 204 Herr Orth William, laborer, h 2030 Boas ORTH WILLIAJ( E., (City Star Laundry), h 440 North ):II Orth Wm. H., tailor, 328 Strawberry av, h 6 Aberdeen av :IJ Ortmyer :Myrtle, domestic, 437 Reily Orwan Harvey L., engineer, h 340 S 13th


r!;'.::::.orll}Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~= :IJ C Orwig Samuel H., lawyer, 213 \Valnut, h 1209 N 3d
Osborn Amelia G., domestic, 15 S Front Osborn Frank F., fireman, h 1206 N 7th Osborn William, laborer, h 1700 Walnut Osborn William K., elk, h 2:~4 Kelker Osborne D. ~1. & Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Osborne George A., laborer, h 1118 Bartine av Osborne Hayden, laborer, h 121 N 16th Osborne John E., laborer, h 69 N 10th Osborne Sarah Mrs., h 121 N 16th Oskar William, rigger, h 418 Market Osler Allen 0., plasterer, h 1905 N 6th Osler Charles F., bottler, 230 ::\leadow la, h 1905 N 6th Osler G. Bailey, plumber, h ~21 S 15th Osler George W., elk, h 1905 N 6th Osler John c., molder, h 24 S Dewberry av Osler Mary c., tobacconist, 1901 N 6th, h 1905 do Osler Oliver E., printer, h 331 S 16th Osman Agnes L. Mrs., h 1922 Swatara Osman Caroline, wid Benjamin, h 612 Buttonwood av Osman Clara, wid Elmer E., h 1816 Fulton Osman Daniel, car inspector, h 1184 Christian Osman Edwin c., molder, h 19311 Swatara Osman Henry, laborer, h 612 Buttonwood av Osman Henry]., brakeman, h 419 \Valnut

< ):II

):II ):II



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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {i"'"orl.. aDd 180..



Tr7TOIl of

H II KELLEY & CO'S -J'OU oen RlaekDlamcnulaWh_{ 11m ....... .... 11IIrftI ...1IIIL


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



Osman Horace K., elk, h 19::!4 Swatara Osman l\Iay B., teacher, hUt!:! Swatara Osman Milo E., car repairer, h 557, Camp Osmun George \V., machinist, h 558 Woodbine Ossman Charles H., shipper, 617 Walnut, h 240 S 14th Ossman Charles S., caller P. R. R., h :!Hl8 Derry Ossman Elmer, huckster, h 501 Cowden Ossman John R., cashier P. & R. frt office, h 802 Green O'Sullivan Elizabeth, wid Patrick, h 5::!6 X orth O'Sullivan Jeremiah F., special officer, h 1126 Wallace ~ O'Sullivan Joseph, elk, h 5::!6 Korth ~ O'Sullivan Joseph, bar elk Hotel Columbus, h 615 North ..... O'Sullivan Margaret M., teacher, h 105 Filbert Oswald Ephraim T., carpenter Capitol, h 2!l4 N 14th C) O'TOOLE MARTIN 1., publisher, h 1210 N 2d O'Toole Sarah E., janitress, h 212 ~It1lberry ~ Otstot Benjamin F., conductor, h fi:!4 Reily Otstot Catharine, saleslady, 1209 X !ld, h 624 Reily av ~ Otstot Charles L., brakeman, h 1106 Plum Steelton Otstot Franklin G., cashier, 205 !\[arket. h L&J Otstot George B., special officer P. R. R., h 6:36 Woodbine Otstot Harry, elk, :n:-: ~larket, h Steelton Otstot Harry R., engineer. h f)::!4 Rdly LLI Otstot Jacob, laborer, h 12 Aberdeen av Otstot Jennie !\Irs., h 5th cReel's la

= =

-------------------GORGAS}FAIR ~IC~~ DRU8GISH16 N. 3d SI.

Otstot Mervin]., U. S. N., h 2020 Wood av Ott wid Z Ott Annie, Mrs.,Louis, h 201 Hamilton Carrie h !l05 Market Ott Charles, driver, h 1H28 Fulton L&J Ott Francis]., confectioner, 1028 Market, h 10::!6 do OTT FREDERICK M., lawyer, notary, Trust Co. bldg, 221 Market, h Susquehanna twp Ott J. Harry, polisher. h 414 S 16th ....- Ott Louis, machinist, h 201 Hamilton Z Otto George \V., fireman, h 640 Reily .. CI Ouck Mary No, domestic, 115 S 13th Onclen Edward, laborer, h 233 Cranberry av Overholser Earle, draftsman, ::!08 \Valnut, h 513 Seneca Overholser Joanna Mrs., janitress, h 513 Seneca 01 Overton Agnes Mrs., h 1243 N 11i Z! Oves Gilbert M., student, h 116 Washington Col: Oves Harry F., (H. F. Oves & Co.), It 116 Washington OVES H. F. & CO., (Harry F. Ovea), coal and wood, 15 S 3d and 435 S 2d lol: Oves Horace D., draftsman, h 116 Washington ZI Oves ]. Ward, elk, 43;) S ::!d, h 116 Washington -Z Owen Benjamin c., car repairer, h 434 Peffer III Owen Charles 1\1., milk, 201 N 15th, h do I: Owen David, collecto:-, h 185 N 15th .. Owen Evan S., laborer, h 516 Calder

a: >
If ..




I. B. TACK} IALL PAPER ~:,,~;...-=! IIIDOI SHIDEI {!f';:~~'8&.

Boyd's HarrisbUrg City Directory.


Owen Gertrude F., housekeeper, 434 Peffer ):II Owen Henry G., car repairer, h 434 Peffer Owen John E., laborer, h 516 Calder Owen John T., laborer, h 434 Peffer Owen L. Grace, h 151:1 N ~d Owen Lizzie K., dressmkr, h 434 Peffer J: Owens Elizabeth G., wid Stephen, h 3d ab Harris Owens George R, machinist, h 4~3 Strawberry av ~ Owens H. Morris. h 806 N 3d J: Owens J. Lewis, bricklayer, h 820 James av I Owens Paul, bricklayer, h !:!1l6 N 3d ~ Owens Ralph c., watchmkr, 23 N M, h 806 do Oyler J. Clayton, mgr, 228 Market, h 1~29 Bailey OYLER 10HN H., veterinary surgeon, 331 Blackberry BV, h ):II 14 S 4th Oyler Lottie, buncher, h 123 Paxton 1"1 O;-ler Pricey M., elk, 2~3 Market, h 1229 Bailey Oyler Rachel, buncher, h 12:1 Paxton ):II Oyster Albert L., boarding stable, 232 South, h 126 State Oyster Elizabeth M., bookkpr, 1216 N 3d, h Camp Hill Oyster Elmira J., stenographer, 15 N 2d, h Bridgeport 1"1 Oyster Frank R, accountant Telegraph, h 1109 Green Oyster lola E. Mrs., (J. C. Mosser & Co.), h New Cumb



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BAKERt.,~~t;:i~-:;;'~~1E -<


Oyster John H., salesman, 7 S 2d, h 17371 N 3d ;; Oyster Napoleon K., (Hbg Real Estate Agency), h 33 N 2d _ Oyster, see Eyster II"


Paar Edward H. Rev., h 338 S 13th PACIFIC JroTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CALI- . . FORNIA, E. W. Quackenbush, genl agt, 270 North see Paden W. Frank, grocer, 135 S 14th, h 1368 Vernon Padgett Francis L., v-pres, 322 Market, h Bethlehem Padgett Francis L., jr., salesman, 322 Mkt, h Bethlehem Paganelli Agnes V., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h l:ro Linden Paganelli Joseph M.,_ bar elk Comwlth, h 136 Linden Paganelli Lawrence, waiter, h 136 Linden Paganelli Leonard, boilermkr, h 136 Linden Paganelli Lewis, huckster, h 136 Linden Page Anna F., marker, h 612 Showers av Page Charles c., conductor, h 1515 Vernon Page Daniel R, molder, h 226 N 15th Page Elias, laborer, h 38 -N 13th Page Elizabeth Mrs., weaver, h 619 N 2d Page Harry E., electrician, h 226 N 15th Page Harry E., laborer, h 1434 Regina Page Harry G., laborer, h 542 SlOth Page John J., collector Independent, h 1434 Regina

i !1


& !.


No 1230

PA :

STREET f>Hllil


CLARK'S =~J Drug and Patent Medicine Store{S::S~u..

514 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Page John W., elk, 1827 ~ 6th, h 544 Forrest Page Joseph, laborer, h 7(18 N 7th Page Lewis, helper, h 1341 Vernon Page Lulu, wid George F., h 4:!1J Harris Page Margaret, stenographer, h ~26 ~ 15th Page Mary L. ~Irs., nurse, h 2124 :Moore Page Samuel S., (Page & Zerbe), h Oberlin Page Simon, motorman, h 1944 Derry Page William, steelworker, h 143 Balm c.:::t PAGE & ZERBE, (Samuel S. Page and William H. Zerbe),. insurance and real estate, 103l01S N 2d Paget John, gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do Pague Charles ~I., engineer, h 16 ~ 15th Pague Christiallna G., wid Peter D., h 1128 N Front :I Pague Emma lfrs., h 13.'35 :Maple av ~ Pague William E., messenger P. R. R., h 13:35 :'vlaple av Paine Frederick J., laborer, h 1219 Mulberry . . Paine George F., brakeman, h 163 S Summit Paine William J., laborer, h 1617 Logan av Paine William W., laborer, h 1617 Logan av Painter Bessie B., buncher, h 512 Maelay Painter Bessie E., elk, h I:U 7 Howard LLI Painter Fannie E., h 212 Hummel Painter Henry H., laborer, h 1317 Howard C Painter Jacob E., bridge builder, h 261 Forster

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Painter Mary, elk, 1016 lIarket, h 1316 Howard Painter Mary, roller, h 1616 Penn Painter Mary M., wid Christian 1\'1., h 1710 Briggs Painter Rosa Mrs., h 1421 Penn Painter Samuel T., brakeman, h 2524 6! Painter William, conductor, h 212 Hummel Painter William H., dentist, 34 S 3d, h do Palm Cyrus W., junk, Herr c 9th, h do Palm John H., laborer, h 1002 Cumberland Palm William S., laborer, h 1000 Cumberland Palmer Alfred S., laborer, h 516 Cowden Palmer Annie c., winder, h 658 Verbeke Palmer Bessie. domestic. 721 North . Palmer Charles, h 516 Cowden Palmer Charles E., laborer, h :!6 N Dewberry av Palmer Charles \V., laborer, h 330 Strawberry av Palmer Clifford A., plasterer, h 122 Hoyer's av Palmer Frank S., cutter, h 65~ Verbeke Palmer George, laborer, h 17th nr Hanover Palmer George \V., carpenter, h fi5l'l Verbeke Palmer Harry c., laborer, h 121 N 16th Palmer Henry, hostler. h 214 N Court av Palmer Herbert W., laborer, h 26 N Dewberry av Palmer J. Arthur, tobacco stripper. h 26 N Dewberry av Palmer J. Frank, elk Hbg Nat Bank, h 811 Green

Read the PATRIOT} ~II:NN~{HarriSburg'ID!i'!t!'e8'~e


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 515
Palmer John W., switchman P. R. R., h 1618 Susquehanna Palmer Katharine, dressmkr, h 121 N 16th Palmer Lafayette, machinist. h 128 Mulberry Palmer Margaret J., winder, h 651; Verbeke Palmer Mary S. Mrs., cigars, 1332 N 6th, It do Palmer Matilda c., wid Cla~ton W., h 26 N Dewberry av Palmer May, tailoress, h 1424 Derry Palmer Michael, laborer, h 122 Paxton . Palmer Minnie F., cigar roller, h 122 Hoyer's av Palmer Thomas c., driver, h 175 Indian av Palmer \-Valter, iaborer, It 122 Hoyer's av Palmer William, planer, h 1424 Derry Palmer William H., hostIer, h 214 N Court av Palmer William L., switchman P. R. R., h 1332 N 6th Pamplin William N., telegrapher, 21i N 3d, h 21 S 3d Pancake Albert L., elk, h 119 Washington Pancake Alfred A., h 1501 N 2d Pancake Eo\\in, machinist, h 121 Paxton Pancake Ellwood L., carpenter, h 151:l Logan av Pancake Howard E., machinist, h 1226 Swatara Pancoast Edith F., asst cataloguer State Library, h 116 Locust Pannebecker Samuel, cooper. h 203 State Pannell Charles F., watertender, h 1142 S 19t Pannell \Villiam, laborer, h 510 Strawberry av








~~::::} Harrisburg

SaYings and Loal Assn. {~:::.r:

Papenfus Lizzie, roller, h 1060 S Cameron Parado Dominick, laborer, h 324 S River av Parailo Joseph, grocer, 324 S River av, h do Pardoe Edward 0., elk Ins Dept, 716 State, h Camp Hill Parfet Anna F., elk, h 1541 N 4th Parfet James A., confectioner, 1541 K 4th, h do Park Annie E., cigar roller, h 6:12 Race Park Catharine J., cigar roller, h 632 Race Park Frank, bricklayer, h 632 Race PARK HOTEL, Robert W. McKallip, propr, 307 Walnut see adv Park James S., watchman, h 3:n Reily Park John H., engine inspector, h 632 Race Park John H., jr., elk, 621 Race, h 632 do PARK 1. WALTER, physician, 32 Ii 2d, h do Park Margaret A., wid Arthur, h :-l31 Reily Park William J., laborer, h 104 Nagle Parker Alexander, h 1172 S Cameron Parker Carl S., repairsman, h 436 }Iuench Parker Cnarles, laborer, h 14 Haehnlen av Parker 01arles, laborer, h 1:-:31 N 4th Parker Cloyd M., watchman, h 1G:~5 Wallace Parker David, laborer, h 1213 K 11i Parker Edward, laborer, h 509 South av Parker Edward L.., conductor, h H07 N 5th


.,. --.

> ;J .... > rn

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H. M. KELLEY &CO. }Orr.ces. 11l\"'~\~~":::}COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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1&1 1&1


z a: 1&1 >

Parker Elizabeth, domestic, 1430 :\Iarion Parker Eugene, waiter, h 5119 Filbert Parker Frank, laborer, h 1605 Apricot av Parker George, cleaner P. R. R. depot, h 1454. Regina Parker George, waiter, h 23a Cranberry av Parker Hannah, wid Joseph B., h 1127 Centre av Parker Harriet A., sec, 607 N 2d, h 436 l\luench Parker Harry C, clk, h 17 N Cameron Parker Harry C, huckster, h (it5 Cumberland Parker Harry J., wheelwright, h 1714 Briggs Parker James, laborer, h 1127 Centre av Parker John C, butler, h 814 East Parker Joseph, laborer, h 1235 N 111Parker Martha, cook, h 311 Nectarine av Parker Mary Mrs., h 719 Cowden Parker Maude E., ruler, 2111 N 2d, h 132 Verbeke Parker Nathaniel, laborer, h 1617 Elm Parker Rebecca, wid Hiram, h 702 N 6th Parker Robert 1., laborer, h 311 Nectarine Parker Rose, domestic, 429 Pear av Parker Samuel, florist, 18th c Calder. h 1825 North Parker Sarah R., vestmkr, h 312 N 2d \ Parker Viola, h 1~0 :\iulberry Parker William H., conductor, h 436 Muench Parkhill Charles H., postal clk, h 300 Chestnut


Parkhill Frederick ~I., student, h 615 Harris Parkhill George W., elk, 6 S 2<1, h 1255 Derry Parkhill John F., casketmkr, h 615 Harris Parkhill Mary, elk, h 615 Harris Parkhill Rosa H., music teacher, 1420 Walnut, h do Parkhill William D., coachmkr, h 1420 Walnut Parkin \Vol. S., employee State Arsenal, h 1819 Briggs Park~n:r~~l;arah W. Mrs., elk div Public Records, h

Parkison Charles, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ;: Parks Carrie, bookkpr, 8 N 2d, h Steelton !! Parks George W., sewing machines, 8 N 2d, h Steelton YoI Parlett Bertha 1\1., tobacco stripper, h 120 Strawberry av ;c Parmer Edward E., elk, h 12:l2 Bailey t: Parmer Thomas P., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 12:~2 Bailey ~ Parmer \\'illiam H., cigarmkr, h 1l'C3i Logan av BE Parry Chester A . conductor, h 917 Penn Parsons Aaron B., molder. h 26 S 3d Parsons Albert, Stlpt, h 225 Boas t= Parsons Albert J., foreman, h 614 Curtin ~ Parsons Benj., foreman Paxton Furnaces, h 1018 S 9th ~ Parsons Edwin. elk, h 1162 S Cameron CI4 Parsons George n.. brakeman. h 617 Peffer Parsons Harry E., laborer. h lOlfol S 9th c:. Parsons Henry G., laborer, h 116J Liberty

= =

A. Bo TACK}WaIiPaDar and Window Shadal{":::lU~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 517

Parsons Irvin, houseman Comwlth, h 11G2 S Cameron Parsons Isaiah, laborer, h 1162 S Cameron Parsons Jennie Etter Mrs., lodging. 26 S 3d, h do Parsons ~Iary E., cigarmkr, h UJa5 Swatara Parsons May, saleslady, :~:l4 Market, h 617 Peffer Parsons Robert B., fireman, h HIl8 S 9th Parsons Theodore }L, elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1935 Swatara Parsons \Valter S., waiter, h Uti2 S Cameron Parsons William, laborer, h 204 l\[ary's av Parsons \Villiam H ., horseshoer, h 449 S :.?d Parthemore Annie, domestic, :!II~ N Front Parthemore Carl E., elk, 112ti N ~d, h do Parthemore Clayton Y., carpenter, h 623 N 18th Parthemore Daniel H., watchman, h 623 N 18th Parthemore D. S. Early, elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1738 N 6th Parthemore Edward, conductor, h 1824 Green Parthemore Elwin S., engineer, h 1214 N 6th Parthemore E. W. Scott, (Parthemore & Quigley), h 17:18 N 6th Parthemore John A., motorman, h HI23 Derry Parthemore John G., salesman, 120fi ?\ ~d, h 420 S 17th Parthemore Lincoln. stoves, &c., 37 1\ IHth, h do Parthemore Lovier H., pianos and organs, 1126 N 3d, h (10 Parthemore Nisley Y., printer, h 1318 Kittatinny


.. ;: :;:.




Parthemore Tolbert F., salesman, 304 :\[arket, h 18th c North Parthemore Warren E., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1738 N 6th PARTHEKORE & QUIGLEY, (E. W. S. Parthemore and 10hn X. Quigley), fire insurance, &c., 1113 N 3d Paschall Walter, supt Payne & Co .. h 1842 State Paschall Walter, jr., draftsman, h l~e State Pass Annie 1\1., wid Thomas, h fino Capital Pass Charles E., elk F. alld :\1. Works, h 221 S 14th Pass Emma K, teacher, h :127 Hummel Pass George L., operator. h 16HI !\ Hth Pass Harrv E., screwsman, h 6211 S Front Pass Ida ~I., bonnetmkr, h l:l27 ~ 4th Pass Mary C, h :t!7 Hummel Passmore Clarence, printer, 1238 Market, h 60 N 16th Past-or Charles B .. conductor, h 1Gnn Green Pastor Jeane L.. elk, h HillfI Green Patre Anton, tailor, 11117 S fIth. h do Patre Elizabelh, wid Michael, h 1017 S 9th Patrick Edward, flagman. h 4:m Herr Patrick James, h n:lil N 2d PatriLk James :\I.. hucbter, h 1262 ~lar1,et Patrick John B., elk sec COl1lwlth, Capitol, h ~17 ?\ :.!d Patrick F'olh' A., wid David, h 1H2~ ?\ 3d Patrick William H., conductor, 11 1:::15 N Gth


'. .!".


NO. 1230 ARCH STREET. PlflU .. f' ,\

, 0 ..

lelill's COlRpllllon PUIs :.~:oJ~~:~-=--..aJ!: 306 Broad

518 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Patrick \ViIliam W., car inspector, h 28 N Summit PATRIOT CO. (THE), publishen The Patriot, Darwin G. Fenno, editor; Cy. E. Cooper, bus mgr, 320 Market lee adv bottom linel PATRIOT lOB PB.INTING CO., (J'. P. McCullough and H. E. Smith), commercial printen, r 320 Mariet PATRIOT (THE), The Patriot Co., publishen, 320 Jrtarket lee adv bottom lines Patriotic Gleaner, A. ~I. Hamer, editor, 20 N 2d Patterson Albert, shoe operator, h 66 N 16th Patterson Andrew S., elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h 1425 N Front Patterson Annie L., teacher, h 20" S 13th Patterson Belle, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Patterson Bessie, saleslady, h 9:t! Penn Patterson B. Murrow, teacher, h 2118 S 13th Patterson Charles B., laborer, h 306 Mulberry Patterson Charles R., car repairer, h 55 N 10th Patterson Clara A., h (i:!5 Reily Patterson Frank S., agt, h :!119- Herr Patterson George \V., laborer, h 46 Lochiel 4th Row Patterson Henry B., IClborer, h 34 Lochiel :~d Row Patterson Henry E., shoe operator, h 66 N ltith Patterson Henry R., conductor. h 208 S 13th Patterson Ida M., turner, h 1936 N 6th

III J Cllllle'" .141 I- Ell........ r ... . ~ TIIIt GDOronlY ODd 'hMt CO If ........ 1 ....., ....,.'.,. I~. ewt. lin', "Emil, 1tI\e. IIUIlI ......

o o




..: o




Patterson Jacob C, telegrapher P. R. R., h 329 S 16th Patterson James B., cashier, 15 K 2d, h 66 X 16th Patterson Tames C, car builder, h Hl36 N 6th Patterson James B., elk P. R. R., h 1425 N Front Patterson John, laborer, h 167 Indian av PATTERSON 10HN E., lawyer, Trust Co. bldg, 222 Market, h 216 Cumberland Patterson ,T. Utis, carp(nter, h 18n:~ N 5th Patterson Liilie, cook, h 61i N 16th Patterson Lottie C., housekeeper, h 1~n3 K 5th Patterson Maud E., cigarmkr, h 11:'na N 5th Patterson Sadie E., elk, 15 S 2d, h 1910 N 7th Patterson Theobold S., employee Arsenal, h 1417 ~orth Patterson T. ScholIas, laborer, h 1417 ~orth Patterson William A . ins sol, 15 N :!d. h fifj ~ lIith Pattillo James G., driver, h :~:{:{ Calder Pattillo Richard. laborer. h a:m Calder Pattillo William H., driver, h 333 Calder Pattison Ethel ~r.. wean~r. h 1~U:.! ~usqtlehanlla Pattison Rachel A .. wid Gcorge H .. 11 l:-;U:.! Susquehanna Patton Ann, "id Tohn. h 1!l:!7 \\'ood av Patton Arthur L.-, harber, :HIl Reil", h do Patton Edith :\1.. w('an'r. h ::10 }{"l'ih' PATTON EDWIN F., barber, 206 S 2d, h do Patton Jane :\lrs., housekeeper. 411 ~ 21

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page Gn"ES FU~~":.t:ED~t~L SCORIIS Google ____

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8 TICK} - - H a k e a . PabUo

8peelalt7 o f - - {DleX.NII&. BalJdbIp lD Plaba TID.. E.u.........

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Patton J. Hervey, pres Hbg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 1924 N 3d Patton Mary A., wid William, h 14:l7 Susquehanna Patton Nelson F., stenographer, h 206 S 2d Patton Raymond, elk, 3a4 :Market, h 310 Reily Patton Robert, r. O. messgr P. R. R., h 1240 Walnut Patton Rush R, checkman P. R R, h 2.~ S 14th Patton Thomas 1\1., engineer, h 1613 Wallace Patton Waiter E., agt, h 310 Reily Paul Clinton P., flagman, h 550 Forrest Paul Daniel, carpenter, h 1923 Moltke av Paul Edwin F., salesman, 1111 S 2d, h 1610 Regina Paul Etta, stenographer, 6! N 2d, h 16:!H Green PAUL WILLIAM' F., boots and shoes, 33 N 3d, h 3d c Seneca Paules Hannah R Mrs., h 1802 Derry Paull Frank 'V., laborer, h 2(;5 Delaware av Pavonl William, supt, 1408 Vernon, h 1419 Market PAXTANG CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, Bellett Lawson, sec, office, Paxtang Cemetery, Paxtang see adv PAXTANG ELECTRIC CO., Christian W. Lynch, pres; B.. C. Neal, sec and treas, 206 Market, lamp exchange and supplies, ~12 State Paxtang Water Co., J. F. Rohrer, sec, 19 N 3d Paxton Grace, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do


.... c::





:: :z ~ C; ~

At~or:.~t~ }Harrlsburl

Paxton & Steelton Flouring Mills, Oohn Hoffer), P. R R c Sycamore .PAXTON FLOUB. AND FEED CO., (McCormick est and Levi, D. B. and 1. A. Brandt), Canal bel State Paxton Furnace, (Central Iron and Steel Co.), P. R R. and Shaonis Paxton Hannah, h 700 1\ 6th Paxton Hotel, John Robertson, 1108 Market Paxton Rolling Mills, (Central Iron and Steel Co.), P. R Rand Shaonis Payne Aaron S., screwsman, h 581 Showers av Payne Bess M., elk, h 581 Showers av Payne Elwood R, expressman, h 10:! Conoy Payne Frank, laborer, h (;42 Briggs Payne George F. & Co., contractors, office Capitol bldg

Satlnls and Loan Assn. {~::= l

) ) ~ )



All Lots Sold With Perpetual Care.
"Strictly a Mo~ern Cemetery. Inquire Into Our System of Easy Payments.
Telephone Connection. Oftiee on the Grounds.


POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;;r:.. c:::.::..



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.






Jan'iI, "Iaborcr :~57 S illliCion Payne Jacob )'1., laborer, h 1106 Kittatinny Payne Jefferson, weighmaster C. 1. and S. Co., h 547 S Front ['liyne "bookkpl kk:! Marht footnum, k:!l:\ oreh PIi)ne rs., domi"'lH', h03 :\ on Payne :\Iary, domestic, 4116 Cranberry av Pa\'ne Racilel, wid James, h G:!2 Briggs Pa)'l1e Raymond, foreman, h UlS ~ lith Pllync Rii~lriml A., labol 1411 N 'oync Roher! S., laborer Canal bel Fil}ne TIiiiElliS E., hostln lO!} ~ort Fayne William J., laborer, h Hil7 Logan av Paync William W., laborer, h Hil7 Logan av Payton Charles, laborer, h 141:! X 4th Pll)'ton L, porter Verheki', P;fyton st"anlstre~:;:'f 412 N Peyton tinsmith, Cranbemy ev, h lEi tie's av Peace Ashton D., engr of tests C. 1. and S. Co., h Paxtang Peace Clifton ~I.. screwsman, h :-;127 S Front Peace Ellll, :~:~t h Front

"C~I~~:;~:or ~;~J':!ci



Peace Samuel S., laborer, h fl05 S Front Peale Theresa E., h 112 State Pearce Percy plumber, h i)~7 Showers av Pearce Plmt'ill' I.. dresilmlrr h u~7 She "'ers av

PPARCE hLEWART, liorFrier Capitoll N6th Pearce \V illi am , engineer, h 5~7 Showers av Pearce, see Pierce Pearl Harl liilesman, 8 S 2d, h Grand Hntel Pearl Harn, carpenter 3;W Delowlue av Pi arson firel11lH, t5;jl Calher 'carson Caroline, househccper, 110 ~Pagle Pearsun Carrie, h 27 S Front Pearson Dayid \V., helper, h 110 ~agle Pearson Edward, labor,'r, h 317 S Ri\'li 'carson jr., lahorZl h :n7 Learsol1 rdnick J., cl 1m3 S 'earson bricklai, ~117 )'In, Pearson John, puddler:h 110 Kagle Pearson John H .. brakeman, h /;4/ Calder PEARSON LEONARD, state vetel'inariani 716 State l h 408' Briggl5 \'arson .\[ ., h 21 ITont : \~arson nt1rse. ~ Frolif ~ Pearson Sarah E., seamstre~s, h :n7 S River av



~~c::~ ANDREW

REDMOND{3d and Rell, Sts..

ligitized byl


A. B.

TACK}FI!'~~O~!'TTN:VAA:-"~C~A1fy~R{~I6IOrtb mini.
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Pearson Sarah E., wid John, h 626 Reily Pearson Stephen A., laborer, h 1!15l'l N 7th Pearson Thomas V., tinsmith, h 14 Cowden Pearson \Villiam, lawyer, 2 N Court av, h 27 S Front Pearson, see Pierson Peay George K., supt F. and M. Works, h 716 N 6th Peck Annapolis C., brakeman, h 619 Dauphin Peck Harvev T., brakeman, h 161 Paxton Peck John E., sltoemkr, 142~ N 3d, h do Peck Lewis, machinist. h 21115 N lith Peddicord Fletcher M., painter, h 1427 Susquehanna Peddicord Frank A., mgr, h 111 N lath Pee \VaIter, engineer, h 6411 Harris Peebles Henrietta, wid Frank, h 1005 S 9th Peebles Truman, carpenter, It 424 S 2d Peeples Hannah E. Mrs .. cigars, &c., 645 Verbeke. h do PEERLESS HAND LAUNDRY, (D. F. Heifner), 206 Chestnut Peerless Portrait Co., (Charles E. Cobaugh), 118 S 2d Peffer Caroline, wid Jacob, h 1605 Elizabeth av Peffer Franklin W., brakeman. h 1606 Wallace Peffer 1. Newton, car cleaner, h 2029 Logan av Peffer Jasper 0., conductor, h 2029 Logan av Peffer John c., painter, 1921 N 6th, h do Peffer Kieffer G., roller, h 2015 N 6th Peffer Thomas B., postal elk, h 624 Curtin





Peffley Harry c., laborer, h 2014 Penn Peffley Oscar B., hostler, h 2014 Penn Peffley Tamar E., win John H., h 2014 Penn Peifer Alice L., music teacher, h 1614 )J 5th Peifer Charles F., machinist, h 121 Hanna Peifer Harry E., brakeman, h 1425 James Peifer Harry W .. car repairer, h 418 Harris Peifer John, stone mason, h !l22 Reily Peifer John, jr., laborer, h 322 Reily Peifer John c., elk P. R. R., h 416 Cumberland Peifer Louis, plumber. h 322 Reily Peifer l\Iichael, laborer, h 1614 N 5th Peifer Oscar A . laborer, h 5 N 9th Peifer Thomas, helper, h 1426 William Peifer Tracey, weaver, h 322 Reily Peifer William, laborer, h 4~2 Kelker Peifer. see Pjper Peiffer Darius, gasmkr, h 2!l9 Hummel Peiffer Elmer. bartender, 4111 Verbeke, h 116 S 2d Peiffer Jacob D., bartender, 1101 :\'131 ket, h 1115 do Peiffer John L., engineer, h 27 N 12th Peifier Lucy. ironer, h 1115 Mlrket Peiffer Tacy, ironer, h 1115 Market Peightal John C. fireman, h 1116 X 6th










Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


!E .- Peirce Albert, draftsman, h 1427 N Front Peiser Isaac, salesman, h 1941 :!'\ 6th .... Peiter Frederick, draftsman, h 1-13 N 4th ~ Pelen Blanch, dressmkr, 1344 State, h do ..: Pelen Gertrude E., milliner, h 1344 State ~ Pelen Harry M., painter, h 402 Cumberland Pel(-n lohn W., machinist, h 12U~ N 6th Pelen Kathryn c., saleslady. :~:J4 l\Iarket, h 120$ N 6th Pel en Reba L .. telephone operator P. R. R.. h 1208 N 6th Pelen Samuel L., bricklayer Lunatic Hospital, h 1344 State Pelen Susan M., teacher. h 1344 State

PEIPHER LINE FAST FREIGHT TO NEW YORK, 10th bel Karket see adv _.. PEIPHER LINE FAST FREIGHT TO PHILA., 10th bel Mar... ket see adv

PELGRAII & IlEYER, (Harrisburg Silk Kills), North c 2d

Pelham Edward E., salesman, 3UI Market, h iU1 Green Pellegrino Pasquini, scullion, h 11122 1Iarket ~ Pelton Charles Y .. foreman, h 231 Harris .....,.., Pelton Lester C., firenlan, h 319 Clinton av U) Pelton William A., brakeman, h 231 Harris Pendergast Annie T., h 14231 K 3d bJ Pendergast John T., elk, h 6:)1 Boas .J Pendergast Katharine F., stengr, 1127 N 3d, h 651 Boas C Pendergast Mary E., teacher,'h 6;H Boas



~ nil GDOroolY ~Od Trust co, If c"'{ ~~I-=:': ~,=-}~ ~= ~~.


Pendergast Peter, engineer, h 651 Boas Pendergast Peter F., hotel, 5111 ~Iarkct, h do Pendergast Susan, telephone opr, 22i 'Walnut, h 651 Boas Penman Charles B., asst chief Bureau of Statistics, h 801 N 6th Penn Loan and Brokers' Assn, Lonis U. Levine. mgr, 15 S 2d

PENN KERCAliTILE AGENCY CO., William H. Riegel, mgr 1615 Market Both 'phones PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILA., lohn W. Eckenrode, gen! mgr, 103 N 2d
Pennabaker Edward, laborer, h 26:32 6f Pennell James. flagman, h 1643 K 6th Pennell John. foreman P. R. R.. h 629 Peffer Pennell John A., fireman. h 629 Peffer Pennell John H., stoves, 612 l\Iac1ay, h do Pennell \Villiam B., laborer, h 2116 Turner av ~ Pennington :'.Ioses, janitor, h 5113 South ~ Penna. Ammonia and Fertilizing Works. (A. \V. Carlisle), 2!?li Kith Q PENNA. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE, Rev. S. E. Nicholson, supt,



room 22. 213 Locust PENNA. CANAL C8 . Thomas T. Wierman, chief engineer, office, 405 Market

The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the Home{S~git~~d~~c!JlJg~e

Bmp\o)'l but ftnWlJ_ workmtm, A B TACK} CIfaIi tIIIriDODetuura I&. Wmlt done Ill . beDee OD',:: { N.1818 &lid .), JIUS of ad II&.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


PENNA. CASUALTY CO., E. G. Roberts, dist mgr, 21 Real Estate bldg, 213 Locust c Court av Penna. Land Co., D ..L. Kaufman, mgr, :3:!1 Market Penna. Methodist, Rev. S. C. Swallow, editor, :W :\1' 2<1 PENNA. R. R. CO.'S DAILY FAST FREIGHT LINES, divi. sion freight office, 413 Market Penna. R. R. Construction Dept, 7 and 9 X 2d Penna. R. R Dining Rooms, passenger station Penna. R R Freight Station, ft S ~d Penna. R R Pass Station, ft Chestnut, entrance, 419 Mkt Penna. R R Real Estate Dept, T. T. Wierman, special agt, 4b5 Market Penna. R R. Voluntary Relief Dept, 41:{ :\larket PENNA. R. R. YOUNG KEN'S ClIB.ISTIAN ASSOCIATION, F. H. Gregory, gen! sec, Reily c Wallace Penna. Realty and Improvement Co., 209 N 2d PENNA. STAATS-ZEITUNG AND DAUPIDN CO UN T Y 10UlUiAL, F. W. Liesmann, publisher, 634 Race Penna. State Agrl Society.], P. 1\issley, sec, 4 N 3d PENNA. STATE ARSENAL, Herr ab 18th PENNA. STATE LUNATIC HOSPITAL, Maclay c Cameron PBNNA. STBBL CO (TlIlC), B. C. Felton, pres, Steelton see adv back cover

r:;:a':=:ba ~ Harrisburg Savings and Loan Assn. {~::=

PENNA. TELEPHONE CO., A. R. Shellenberger, pres; 1. H. Crosman, jr., sec and auditor; L H. Kinnard, gen! mgr; W. C. Fink, treu; S. S. Eberts, local mgr, 208-210 Wal nut Pennypacker Frank L., laborer, h 1920 N 7th PENNYPACKER SAMUEL W., Governor, Capitol, h Exec utive lhnBion, 311313 N Front Pennypacker William H., elk sec Comwlth, hiS Front Pensinger 'William S., motorman, h 22<1 c Greenwood Pensyl AHren ]., inspector, h ~1I4 Boyd av Pensyl Urgie D., car repairer, h 15:!9 Logan av Pentz Charles H., machinist, h 1601l N 6th Pentz David G., telegrapher, 401 Chestnut, h Mchsbg Pentz Lillie I., teacher, h 1606 N 6th Pentz Silas W., elk P. R R, h 1606 N 6th Pentz William, h 1606 N 6th People's Bridge Co., E. Z. Wallower, pres; F. R Leib, sec and treas, 12 N ad PEOPLE'S FURNISHING CO., house furnishers, W. H. Brown, mgr, 330 Verbeke (Broad) PEOPLE'S ICE CO., C. H. FORNEY, PRES; 10D S. SPOTTS, V-PRES; C. C. FORNEY, TREAB; G. R. KREIDER, SEC AND GENL 14GR, 1616 N 3D People's Tea Co., Geo. L. Wingeard, mgr, 1007-1009 N 3d Perdue Annie l\Irs., h 34 Linden Perdue Elizabeth IVI.. bookkpr, aa4 1\Iarket, h 34 Linden Perdue Harry R, driller, h 34 Linden

l> ~

0 0



N l>









KELLEY" CO. {,~.='.:..=..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Perdue Mary W., saleslady. a:l4 I\Iarket, h 34 Linden Peregoy John, elk, h HiOl-Hunter Perkey David F., stone mason, h 1519i N 5th Perkey John, stone mason, h 1J!18 Currant av Perkey William S., broommkr, h 1519! N 5th Perrigo Walter, painter, h HOi Pillm av Perrington Florence E. ~Irs., h 229 Mulberry Perry Charles F. A., carpenter, h 926 S 9th Perry Charh:s P., helper, h 1114 James av Perry Daniel W., foreman, 10th bel l\larket, h 1019 N 6th Perry Etta M., stenographer, h 117 S 14th Perry John E., student, h 117 S 14th Perry Naomi E., wid Richard H., h 269 Verbeke Perry Norman B., h 1019 N 6th Perry Oliver H., elk, h !W9 Verbeke Perry Thomas, chief Dept Int Affairs, h 117 S 14th Pessagno Louis M., bar elk The Lochiel, h 918 Grand Petcher Myra N., stengr, 6 S 2d, h Front ab Division Peters Adam, pipe fitter, h 1:142 N 7th Peters Albert H., puddler, h 1326 N 7th Peters Annie, domestic The Lochiel Peters Carrie, domestic, 1422 N 6th Peters Catharine, wid Charles G., h 1110 Penn Peters C. Earl, package agt P. R. R., h 317 Chestnut Peters Charles F., elk, 11) N 2d, h 122 Strawberry av


Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters ::c Peters Peters Peters 1&1 Peters Peters Peters bJ Peters Peters Peters Peters Z Peters Peters Peters Peters 1&1 Peters Peters Peters Peters Charles F., laborer, h 220 S River av Charles H . fireman, h 640 ~Iuench Christian G., brakeman, h (;.to Muench Dallas T., brakeman, h 28 N 10th Dallas W., molder, h 1422 N 3d Dora l\lrs., h 11:1 Mulberry Edgar 1\1., printer, h 1t02 N 7th Edward S., plasterer, h 2018 Elizabeth av Elizabeth 1\1., wid Harry M., h 1202 N 7th Emory P., fireman, h 5:n Violet av George, musician, h 40i N 5th George, printer, h 1527 Fulton George W., linotype opr Patriot, h 1210 Derry Harry, linotype operator Patriot, h 1210 Derry Harry F., press feeder, h 1202 N 7th Henry, ga'smkr, h 319 Chern' av Henry G., brakeman, h 648 v\r oodbine Herbert A., brakeman, h :U 7 Chestnut Ida L., candymkr. h 1205 Cowden James c., conductor, h 1736 N 6th Jennie V., wid Harry c., h 317 Chestnut John, laborer, h 1404t James av John, mason, h 127 S 14th John E. E., machinist, h 137 N 13th

.... ~






Redlond's Wagon Works {::cr'W:.t'::~} 3d and AtIlt SII.


A. B. TACK c:,t1~::~~:Do'l'OIl PODer 1IlII1lDGOI_1I1W,:'1Jl

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 525 PETERS JOSEPH II., civil engineer, 222 lIarket, h 121 Linden Peters Katharine L., forelady, 1420 Wyeth av, h 1110 Penn I; Peters Leola Mrs., laundress Hbg Hospital, h 107 S River ~

Peters Levi, laborer, h 512 Stra,,(berry av Peters Lillie L., h 1H2G N 7th Peters Mary Mrs., h ~lS 1Iyrtle av Peters 11ary A., wid James, h 12115 Cowden Peters Mervin c., (R. J. Peters & Son), h 250 North Peters Newton W., brakeman, h 2290 N 6th Peters Richard J., (R. J. Peters & Son), h 267 Korth :Peters R. J. & Son, (Mervin C.), grocers, 620 N ad Peters Sarah E., domestic, 1326 N 7th Peters Sarah K, bookkpr, las Short, h 1202 N 7th Peters Thomas S., real estate, 9 S 2d, h 32 S 3d Peters \ViUiam, laborer, h 426 Cranberry av Peters \Villiam, driver, h 140S Marion Peters 'William c., physician, 2116 State, h 204 do Peters William E., student, h 2114 State Peters \Villiam P., laborer, h 144 S Court av Peters William P., laborer, h 140S Marion Peters Willis, plasterer, h 2017 Elizabeth av Peterson Mary, domestic, 1:l3 \Valnut Peterson Zelda, h 2113 Herr




== -


Petrey George W., embalmer, 1743 N 6th, h 432 Harris Pettit Laura ~L, h 1618 Swatara Pettit Pearl, housekeeper, 1618 Swatara Pettit William H. H., foreman, h 1618 Swatara Pfarr Jacob, brakeman, h 1830 Penn Pfouts William c., salesman, h 130 State Pfuhl J. George Rev., pastor St. Michael's German Lutheran Church, h 317 S 2d Pfuhl Mary D., teacher, h 317 S 2d Phelps Emma E., wid Anson H., h 323 Walnut Phelps Estelle N. Mrs., domestic, 2:19 State PRILA. DENTAL PARLORS, 26 N 3d Phila., Harrisburg & Pittsburg R. R., 10th ab Berryhill Phila., Reading & Po(tsviUe Tel Co., P. & R. depot PRILA. SHOE STORE, (F. A. Duttenhoirer), 226 lIarket Phila. & Reading Ry. Division Frt Agt's Office, 16 N 2d Phila. & Reading Ry. Freight Depot, D. G. Kitzmiller, agt, Market nr 9th Phila. & Reading Ry. Passenger Depot, Market c Canal Phila. & Reading Ry. Round House, Paxton nr S CamerOn Phillips Charles E., machinist, h 534 Race Phillips Charles W., laborer, h 1419 Marion Phillips Clarence, laborer, h 14 Haehnlen av Phillips Clarence R.. physician, 1646 N 3d, h do Phillips Daniel. laborer, h 418 Walnut



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============================ flTIVE RGfNflY 'I\BUTLER, IRWI N &. BUTl ER DETE U U f'~


IcHaH's Pain Elfarmlnator !!";.:a'-:'~~J.:1&{_~

526 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory


Phillips Harriet F., teacher, h 524 West av Phillips Harry A., meat, 2228 N 6th, h do c.::t Phillips Irene l\lrs., h 1329 N 2d =5 Phillips John, waiter Harrisburg Club c.::t Phillips Joseph, ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 1846 Swatara Phillips Leroy, h 2 Aberdeen av Phillips Lewis 0., inspector, 12 S 2d, h 116 Locust _ Phillips Lewis 0., jr., U. S. M., h 116 Locust U Phillips Lina, charwoman, h 1419 Marion Phillips Mary, wid Mark, h 1207 Swatara II: Phillips Mary A., wid George W., h l:t~9 N 2d fti Phillips l\laude 1., bookkpr, 8117 N 3d, h 413 S 14th Phillips :l\1azie Mrs., h 311 Nectarine av fI) Phillips Peter J., condutcor, h 1207 Swatara Phillips Samuel L., printer Telegraph, h 342 Brook av Phillips Turner, laborer, h r 1415 Marion Phillips William, elevatorman, 7 ;-.J 2d. h 216 CraJ!!>erry av ~ PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSlJR.ANCE CO., lIa.rtford, Conn., 1. Balph Morrison, gen) agt, 105 N 2d Pickel Harry, brakeman, h 1131 Wallace Pickel William H., caller P. R. R., h 946 N 7th

~ Phillips George E., dining room, 328 ~orth, h do

-= Phillips Frank, laborer, h 18th nr \;s.,alnut

~ Phillips Frank, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do

..= Phillips Daniel, waiter, h 1419 Marion


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niLE nwln 01 'I'" CI.{ ...... AIIIMIeIn.....

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EaR............ } .......... . 11 ..... IdtIdI " ....leIIl ,mtI ... 11 .... ......

Pickering George E., carpenter, h 925 Penn Picking Harry S., machinist, h 211;; :Moore PIERCE EDWAlIJ) 1L, mgr State Capital Savings and Loan Association, 2 S 2d, h 1715 N 2d Pierce Edward S., laborer, h 1217 N III Pierce George ""V., machinist, h 239 Crescent Pierce ManziIla, domestic, a17 Calder Pierce Rebecca, seamstress, h 431 Hamilton Pierce Robert, machinist, h 1520 N 6th Pierce Samuel, driver, h 125 Short Pierce Theresa E., domestic, 1924 N 3d Pierce Wesley \V., helper, h 1101 N 6th Pierce William A., caller P. R. R., h 626 Reily Pierce, see Pearce Pierson John 1., bookkpr, 11 N 2d, h 324 S 13th Pierson, see Pearson Pietzsch Gustav, fil eman, h 914 S lUi Pietzsch William G., butcher, h 914 S 19l ~ Pifer George W., laborer, h 1926 Elizabeth av Pike John G., machinist, h 2139 Greenwood Q Pike J. Shannon, bricklayer, h 19th c Chestnut IiIJ Pike Lillie Mrs., h 310 Boyd av .... Pike Willard G., laborer, h 811 S Front Pilkay Joseph J., elk Hbg Nat Bank, h 308 Chestnut C Pilkay l\Iary Ro, teacher, h 308 Chestnut


If YOD .Don'l Read the PATRIOT You Dont~ig~Z~ b~~~le

T~~;lu-:~o~= lOU fooor OOd IlndOl ShodeS lrom A.

B. TACK {N.1:::t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Pines Nora, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Pinkerd Charles, laborer, h 1315 ~ Cameron Pinkerd William C, laborer, h 1H5 Short Pinkney :Margaret H. :Mrs., h 2U2 1Iary's av Pinkney Mining Co., 2:!3 Market Pintsch Compressing Co., E. H. Bryce, supt, gas mfrs, 2d c Vine Piper Catharine M. Mrs., teacher, h 311 :Market Piper Franklin D., engineer, h 416 Crescent Piper, see Peifer, also Peiper, also Peipher Pipes Hary S., boilermkr, h 12:1 S 13th Pipes William S., foreman, h 425 S f3th Pipp Conrad G., inspecto.r, h 1627 Susquehanna Pipp Gertrude A., domestic, 1616 ~ 3d Pipp Henry B., laborer, h 1627, Susquehanna Pipp James T., electrician, h 817 ~Iyrtle av Pipp Joseph, laborer, h 1719 Logan av Pipp Josephine, wid Conrad, h lil9 Logan av Pipp William, laborer, h 1719 Logan av Pitcock Harvey, brakeman, h East nr North Pittenturf Alpla M., starcher, h 1737 ~Iarket Pittman Alma L., sec Y. W. CA., 1102 N ad, h do. PITTlrIAN WILLIAlI 1., mgr Ordinary Department Prudential Insurance Co. of America for Central Penna., ~



SaYings and Loan



Pitzer Samuel E., laborer, h 627 ~Iaelay Plack Albert H., elk, 119 S 2d, h 11tH Capital Plack Charles E., elk P. R. R., h 1101 Capital Plack Esther L., elk, h 532 North Plack Ferdinand T., watchmkr, &c., 1326 N 6th, h 1328 do Plack Gustav, machinist, h 1731 Susquehanna Plack Gustav, jr., laborer, h 1731 Susquehanna Plack Herman, watchmkr, 532 ~orth, h do Plack Herman, jr., watchmkr, h 182'2 Swatara Plack Otto, shoemkr, 1101 Capital, h do Plack Otto W., decorator, 36 N 3d, h 3.35 Crescent Plack Rudolph, filer, h 532 North Plack Wilhelm, jeweler, 119 S 2d, h 616 N 2d Plack William, elk, 1101 Capital, h do Plack William G., machinist, h 262 Verbeke Plank Albert W., mgr, h 1224 ~Iarket Plank George, packer, h 657 Dauphin Plank Harry, postal elk, h 1327 Kittatinny Plank Hermes A., salesman, 324 l\larket, h 8 N 13tb Plank John W., pres, 215 Market, h Carlisle Plank Lola :\1., tailoress, 318 ~larket, h 1224 Market Plank Milton H., (Hbg Paper Co. and Hbg Flour Sack Mfy), h 404 N 3d Plank Percy A., elk, 22 N 3d, h 1224 :\Iarket Plannett John W., elk Dept Int Affairs, h 150'2 State Plant Catharine, cigarmkr, h 1216 Cowden

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS h~okl8=':::- ogle eo

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~:, H.I.

KELLEY" CO'S m-;:.~':'~{I~--:'-:J.":.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Platt Oarence No, elk C. I. and S. Co., h 119 South Platt James, driver, h 1H25 N 7th ~ Platt James, slater, h 315 Briggs ~ Platt May Mrs., h 629 Walnut A.. Pleam Royal R, agt, It m2 Briggs ~ Pleasant Sylvester I., waiter, h 4 Aberdeen av g: Pletchu Mark H., agt, It 709 East Pletz Emma, domestic, 217 Calder Ii! Pletz Kat~lryn E., saleslady, 3:34 Market, h 1802 N 4th C Pletz Theodore, messenger Hbg Nat Bank, h lS02 N 4th Pletz Theodore A., elk, h 1HU2 N 4th Plough Ida M., candymkr, h 39 S Summit Plough Mervin S., salesman, 33 N 3d, h 238 Hummel Plough Samuel, ins agt, h 39 S Summit Plouse Earl L., agt, h 1435 Zarker Plouse Hetty, wid John, h 1435 Zarker Plowman Oara R, wid William E., h 915 Myrtle av 1&.1 Plowman John W., telegrapher, 3 N 2d, h 1:!3 Hoerner Plcwman Mollie E., h :~7 Sassafras av Plum Charles E., custodian Aud Gent's Dept, h 1114 Green Plummer Amos J., telegrapher P. R R, h 1407 Regina l&I Plunkett James, oiler, h 21:~2 Atlas av Plunkett Kate, seamstress The Commonwealth, h do

t= Plant Victoria J., cigar roller, h 121H Cowden

Plant John W., laborer, h 12H) Cowden

o a: '1&1 >



PNEUMATIC CARPET CLEANING WORXS, (1. H. Pownall), 128 and 130 N Cameron see adv bottom lines Poet Harry G., laborer, h 1923 N 6th Poet H. Jennie, wid Samuel T., h 1923 N 6th Poffenberger Charlotte G., dressmkr, la5 N 13th, h do Poffenberger Ella V., domestic, 102 Tanner's av Poffenberger Irwin M., mattress weaver, h 214 S River av Poffenberger Isaac R, conductor, h 418 Boas Poffenberger James, student, h 418 Boas Poffenberger John F., conductor, h 135 N 13th Poffenberger J. Russell, plumber, h 135 N 13th Poffenberger Luther L., nail feeder, h 621 Forster Poffenberger Martha. M., wid William H., h 115 Locust Poffenberger Millard P., brakeman, h 115 Balm Poffenberger Thomas, dentist, 807 N 3d, h do Poffenberger Uriah A., conductor, h 1942 N 6th Poffenburger John, laborer, h 1012 Paxton Pp ogue E l~xl~rll'. engilneber, h 330 Hu mmel I J ogue .. vv 1 lam, a orer, h 330 H umme Pohl Laurence, blacksmith, h 1212 N 7th Poindexter Charles, blacksmith, It 440 South Poindexter Jesse, laborer, It 304 Mulberry Poist Albert A., chief elk P. R R., h 1813 N 6th Poist David F., barber, h 1!;13 N Hth Poist Edward, boat builder, h 1112 N Front Poist Sarah R., wid George W., h 1735 N 7th

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A. B. TACK}lILL PAPER I!::::~-::! IlIDOI SHIDE3{.~~8a.

::t Poles Malinda Mrs., h 123 N 16th :J> Poles Margaret, domestic, 1713 N 2d Poles Warren, laborer, h 7 Haehnlen av Pollard Lidia, boarding, 101 N 4th, h do Polleck Daniel, elk Lochiel Mdse Co., h 1411 S 12th (I) Pollock Cora E., cigarmkr, h 1411 S 12th Pollock Frank H., conductor, h 405 S 14th J: Pollock Harry c., elk, h 227 Walnut, h 405 S 14th Pollock Joseph B., conductcr, h 1112 S Cameron c;l Pollock Joseph E., h 1411 S 12th J: Pollock Martha H., physician, 232 N 2d, h do I Pollock Rachel, h 232 N 2d c;l Pollock William A., ironworker, h 1330 S 13th Pollum William S., junk, h Herr nr Cameron :D Polston James A., teamster, h 251 S 14th :J> Polston James 0., laborer, h 408 Cranberry av C Polston Landis, carter, h 251 S 14th POMEROY A. NEVI1i, supt public printing, 716 State, h 1"'1 The Lochiel (I) Pomeroy G. S., (Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart), h Reading :J> POMEROY SILAS S., grocer, 124 Market, h 917 Green ." Pomeroy Stephen W. Rev., h 917 Green 1"'1 Pomraining Joseph, carpenter, h 819 N 3d (I) Pond Annie E., wid James S., h 211 Calder Pond James S., foreman, h 1228 N Front
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.





BAKER~ '1:5~bli~l:.~~&

Pond Ross E., helper, h 1325 Penn POOU W ASmNGTON I., "plumber and gas fitter, 126 S 2d, Pool man Augustus, laborer, h 10U5 S 9th Poorman Bessie E., music teacher, 109 S 3d, h do Poorman Fannie K., h 619 N 2d Poorman Irwin, loom fixer, h 1200 Bartine av Poorman James B., h 619 N 2d Poorman John H. C, laborer, h 1735 N 3d Poorman Joseph O. S., elk First Nat Bank, h Highspire Poorman Rose, wid William A., h 1200 Bartine av Poorman Samuel, organ builder, h 109 S 3d Poorman Sarah, cigar roller, h 1623 Swatara Poorman William, molder, h 332 Verbeke Poorman William J., postal elk, h 1805 Green Fope Rachel, wid John, h 1525 N 6th Popel Joseph G., letter ~arrier, h 703 State Popel Laura Mrs., charwoman, h 514 N 5th Popel Samuel W., cigars, 108 Filbert, h 110 do Popel William H., waiter, h 703 State Poppey Robert C, florist, h 1004 S 9th Porr Alfred L., stonecutter, h 2131 Swatara Porr Irvin M., driver, h 2021 Swatara Porr William C, driver, h 2133 Swatara Porter Alonzo M., elk State Treasury, h 920 Green


No 121C



CLARK'S =~~ Drug and Patent lIedlclne Stora{=~Li.r


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


. . Porter Bertha, h 323 Herr J: Porter Charles L., puddler, h 1128 Cowden 00': Porter Charlotte, wid Charles, h 712 N 7th ~ Porter Daniel, laborer, h 16{)o Elm -e Porter Elizabeth A Mrs., dressmkr, 118 Paxton, h do . : Porter Harry F., molder, h 1214 Cowden Ii Porter Helen B., elk, 1016 Market, h Mechanicsburg ~ Porter James, laborer, h 173 Indian av Porter Jennie E., h 1200 N 2d u Porter Jennie M., saleslady, 312 l\Iarket, h 323 Herr Porter John, molder, h 1214 Cowden Porter Joseph, laborer, h 811 N 16th Porter Joshua, stocker, h 125 Hanna _ Porter Kate S., tailoress, h 323 Herr Porter Martha A, h 323 Herr ~ Porter Maud 0., shirtmkr, h 1128 Cowden .5 Porter :Minnie Mrs., h 608 North av .. Porter Russell, clock repairer, h 927 Capital Porter Samuel Me., tinner, h 1128 Cowden W Porter William R, laborer, h 118 Paxton Porterfield Willard M., tray saiesmall, h 1117 Green I&J Posey Rufus R, coacliman, h 813 S_1_0_th _ _ _ _ _~ _



..J 1IIIe GUarOOIY and Trust lin __ C ____ If se.AnOI. 1 F,lml ' If Clam." rl B_1 Batate OIIh..w_. PE_IU_._ J -"'fll.' ,...- Rear of Pod BId". I&J POST OFFICE, Edward 1. Stackpole, P. M., 3d c Walnut; lult
,.,. ... station, 1800 Ii 6th, lohn W. Cotterel, suptj sub station, 1266 Mulberry, Edward 1. Roe, lupt; Bub Itation, 191'1 Derry, Luthella Wilcox, supt; sub station, 122& Ii 3d, Charles F. Kramer, supt; sub station, 901 S 9th, Hany F. Sheesley, supt; sub station, 191 Ii USth, Daniel Run kle, supt; sub station, 1276 Market, Frank 1. Althouse, supt POSrAL TELEGRAPHCABLE CO., Clark E. Diehl, mgr, 712 Ii 3d Poth F. A & Sons, C. S. Bux, agt, bottlers, 818 Market Poticher John, shoemkr, 1153 Market, h do Poticher Matilda Mrs., h 1424 Green Pott Harry A., agt, h 645 Boas Potteiger Aaron A., foreman P. R R., h 1917 Forster Potteiger Amandus, engineer, h 2134 N 7th Potteiger Charles E., wrapper, h 1917 Forster Potteiger George, watchman, h 1403 Bombaugh av Potteiger Harry J., carpenter, h 1119 S 9th Potteiger Harvey A, driver, h 1119 S 9th Potteiger Jacob, grocer, 24 N 13th, h do Potteiger James H., laborer, h 959 S 21st Potteiger John J., carpenter, h 2001 Briggs Potteiger Lawrence E., brakeman, h 544 Woodbine Potteiger Mary E., bunchmkr, h 1119 S 9th Potteiger :Myrtle V., cigar roller, h 2134 N 7th Potteiger Sophia, h 1185 Bailey Potter Albert A., paperhanger, h 1366 Vernon




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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

53 ~

Potter Annie Mrs., domestic Home for the Friendless Potter Charles c., painter, h 1534 Walnut Potter Charles H., musician, h 1325 N 4th Potter Daniel G., laborer Capitol, h 1325 N 4th Potter Elizabeth, charv.oman, h 1325 N 4th Potter George, waiter Commonwealth, h 1120 Hickory av Potter Ira \V., car repairer, h 5291 Maclay Potter Irvin, paperhanger, h 1::J66 Vernon Potter Levi, salesman, h 1366 V ernon "POTIER OSCAR a, paper hangings, room mouldings and painter, 1016 and 1018 Market, h 1009 do Potter Richard, laborer, h 1325 N 4th Potter Richard, waiter The Commonwealth, h 607 State Pottiger Frank J., caller P. R R, h 569 Forrest Pottiger Harry W., machinist, h 569 Forrest Pottorff Auruba A., saleslady, h 1119 Capital Pottorff J. Albert, bricklayer, h 1119 Capital Pottorff John W., bricklayer. h 1119 Capital Potts Andrew B., scientist, 1018 Market, h do POTTS GBORGE C., druggist, 1101 N 3d, h llj13 Ii 2d Potts Howard D .. U . S. naval engineer, h 409 Briggs Potts Lewis, salesman, h 507 Cowden "POTTS MANUFACTURING CO., mfra of ornamental iron work, 200 Allen c High, Mechanicsburg, Pa lee adv Potts Milton G., notary public, 1520 N 2d, h do









1 ~~~8:;~Harrlsburg SaYings Ind Loan Assn,n:::: 0

Poulton Ross E., lens grinder, h 2:n Verbeke Potts W. Baird. elk P. R R. pass depot, h 4()9 Briggs Potts \Villiam c., electrician, h !{21 Verbeke Poulton Catharine S., h 80\ N lith . Poulton Charles W., mgr, 31 K 3d, h 408 Forster Poulton Charlotte A., h 804 N lith Poulton Joseph S., sign painter, 4110 Walnut, h 2;{1 Verbeke Poulton Lewis G., printer, h 804 N 6th Poulton Ross E., Icnsgrinder, h 231 Verbeke Poulton Silas W., signs, 110a N (jth. h 911i do Poulton Susan A., wid Joseph L., h 804 N 6th POltrtan Augustus, tailor, h 5Ii N 2d PO\'iell Albert T., laborer, h 1953 Rudy Powell Bessie, h 115 S River av

> o 1 >. ;0 ... > (Jj



Iron Fencing, Iron Cellar Doors, Fire Escapes, Grills, Banisters and All Kinds of Ornamental .". .". .". .". .". Iron Work.
Send for Circulars.



H. M. KELLEY 8. cO.}On:ces, J~:.~..~~!JCnAL AND WOOD



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



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11.1 LaJ a::

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Powell Celia, cigar roller, h 564 Race Powell Cornelius, laborer, It 323 S 14th Powell Elmer, elk, 430 Market, h 712 N 6th Powell Emanuel, laborer, h 1154 S Cameron Powell Fanny, wid John, h 1953 Rudy Powell Howard G., elk, 222 ~ft1lberry, h 2012 K 3d Powell James, porter P. R. R., h 210 S Court av Powell John A., laborer, h 1953 Rudy Powell Joseph c., laborer, h 115 S River av Powell Lettie, domestic, lOll Walnut Powell Lillie, dressmkr, h 511 Walnut Powell Rebecca, wid William H., h 210 S Court av Powell Reese, laborer, h 809 East Powell Samuel R., machinist, h 6:18 Boyd av Powell Virginia B., h 2012 N 3d Powell Walter L., mgr, 222 Mulberry, h 2012 N 3d Powers James, hostler, h 424 Harris Powers Mary M., seamstress, h 424 Harris Powers Norah A., housekeeper, 424 Harris Powley Charles E., barber Lunatic Hospital, h do Powley Joseph N., h 1505 N 12th Powley William S., fireman, h 1101 Calder Pownall Esther M., wid Simeon B., h 706 East POWNALL JOSEPH H., (Pneumatic Carpet Cleaning Works and Pownall's Paste Works), h 422 Briggs


Pownall Mary L., elk silk mill, h 706 East POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS, (Joseph H. Pownall), 128-130 N Cameron see adv bottom lines Pownall Phoebe Do: milliner, 334 Market, h 706 East Pratt Frank, elk, h 819 N ~ld Pratt George W., driver Friendship Fire Co., h 415 N 2d Pratt Jeanne To, music teacher, 9 N Front, h do PRATT MASON Do, consulting engineer, 18 N 3d, (3d loor) , h Steelton see adv Pratt Ralph D., optician, h 257 Forster Preisler Blanche M., elk, h lOG Tuscarora Prl!isler Charles R., laborer, h 231 S 2d Preisler Eva M., folder, h 1852 North Preisler Frank T., student, h 231 S 2d Preisler John H., printer, h 1524 Wallace Prescott James No, brakeman, h 245 Kelker Pressel Samuel J., laborer, h 1005 N 7th Pressler Charles W., elk, 723 N 6th, h 113 Market Pressler Harry S., elk, 16 N 2d, h 334 S 2d Pressler Henry, boilermkr, h 8!J4 S 2d Pre!'sler Joanna F., wid George, h 1144 Market Prt.ssley Chester H., laborer, It 1711 N 7th Pressley George W., foreman stock yard, h 1709 N 7th Pressley John P., fireman, h 1929 N 7th Pressley William H., engineer, h 1711 N 7th


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1. B. TACK}Wall PaDar and Window Shadas{':::l.:r~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Pressley William M., engineer, h 7th c Maclay Preston Atlee B., conductor, h 2120 N 4th Preston Cathryne A., wid Samuel F., h 925 S 19th Prcston Dora D. Mrs., h 330 Muench Preston Estella L., h 1920 N 7th Preston George C, laborer, h 1226 Currant av Preston John E., brakeman, h 611 Muench Prc!>ton J. Wesley, laborer, h 1221) Currant av Preston Kate, wid John, h 1635 N 4th Pleston Mary R., wid George C, h 611 Muench Preston Sallie Mrs., h 1204 N 3d Preston Samuel F., laborer, h 925 S 19th Preston South G. Rev., asst supt, h 1646 Market Preston William G., caulker, h 1226 Currant av Prctz Samuel L., collector, 9 S 2<1, h Steelton Pretz Susan R., wid Elias, h :U3 Cherry av Pretz William, pitman, h 635 Camp Price Abraham F., coachman, h 410 Chestnut Price Annie B., wid Harry, h 109 North Price Bl::Inch M., saleslady, 1301) N 3d, h 1413 Market Price Carlton Rev., h 19 N 13th Price Catharine, housekeeper, 1087 N Cameron Price harl~s A., bookkpr, 222 Mulberry, h 109 Chestnut Pric.e Charles F., brakeman, h 641 Dauphin Price Ellen Mrs., h 2.19 State

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER ~ ~~~~~~I.~~IE :a :E

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Price Emma, wid George E., h Hill Fulton Price Harry, laborer, h 1713 N 7th Price Jacob F., laborer, h 1713 N 7th Price John H., laborer, h 121 Vine Price Julia A., wid Abram P., h 109 Chestnut Price Matilda, nurse, h 1830 Green Price Morris E., laborer, h 1713 N 7th Price Ralph, laborer, h 1713 l\ 7th Price Reese "V., fireman, h 482 S Cameron Price William, caller P. R. R. frt depot, h 123 North Price William, waiter, It 122 Cowden Price William]., telegrapher P. R. R., h 121 Cumberland Ppr!mm {olhn HE' engineer, h 121 Mulberry mnm J.vary ., housekeeper, 121 :\Iulberry Primrose Edward, nail feeder, h 813 S Front. Primrose Ellen, wid Thomas, h 813 S Front Primrose George, laborer, h ~13 S Front Printz Charles W., engineer, h 15:~21 N 4th Pritchard George R., sub letter carrier, h 1905 N 3d Pritchard John C, driver, h 817 SlOth Pritchard Jonathan A., driver, h 817 S 10th Prit-chard William, driver, h 817 S 10th Pritchard William T., heater, h 1744 N 3d Pritchard \Vilmer C, heater, h Ii44 N 3d Prizer Sarah, wid Benjamin H., h 101 Evergreen


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No 1230 ARCH STREET PHil A . p,\


lolell's COlDplllion Pills :,IjI~':D.s~:!z,~~: 306 Bread


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

..; Proctor Eugene, laborer, h 207 Market House av Prospect Hill Cemetery Co., \V, C. Armor, sec and treas, 4 N Court av Prosser Lewis W., repairsman, h 524 Maclay ... Prosser Thomas, laborer, h 5li N 2d I Proud Alice c., trimmer, 36 N 3d, h 307 Cumberland c:t Proud John, machinist, h 1148 Market :5 Proud Kate, h 1148 ~Iarket c:t Proudfoot Edward, bridge builder, h 1101 N 3d Prowell Harry B., bookkpr, 113 N 2d, h New Cumberland Prowell Joseph Z., clk, 219 :'.iarket, h Mechanicsburg - Prowell Levi, brakeman, h 1509 \Vallace Prowell Robert J., elk, h 1617 treen PRUDENTIAL mSUB.A.NCE CO, OF AlIERICA., W. H. Bush nell, supt, 14 S 2d PRUDENTIAL mSUB.A.NCE CO, OF AlIERICA., W, 1. Pittman, mgr Ordinary Department for Central Penna" 9 UJ N2d Pruss Benjamin, peddler, h 12 Cowden Pruss Lewis, clothing, 418 Walnut, h do ~ Pryor James A, salesman, h 1425 Regina (,) Pryor Laura J. l\irs., h 1926 N 4th Pryor William H., laborer, h 1926 N 4th Publishing House of the Church of God, 329 Market


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PUBLISmNG HOUSE OF THE UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH, S. L Wiest, mgr, 201203205 N 2d Puchetti Gustatini, porter, 5111 Market, h do Pugh A Judson, bookkpr, h 318 Boas Pugh Darlington ]., elk, 14 S 2d, h 318 Boas Pugh John, civil engineer, h 347 Crescent Pugh Josephine Mrs., h 612 South av Pugh 1\1. Elva, organist, h :318 Boas Pugh Sarah A, h ;US Boas Pugh William A., plumber, h 319 Strawberry av Pugh William E., elk, 124 Market, h 816 N 3d Pugliese Gabriel, shoemkr, h l:3:n Thompson av Puller Alice, domestic, 1415 Marion Puller Anna, wid Travis, h 14118 l\larion Puller Edward, laborer, h 1114 N 12th Puller Leanna Mrs., housekeeper; h 14118 l\Iarion Puller Lillie, domestic, 1415 l\larion Puller Susan Mrs., 11 114; Cumberland I;IJ Puller \Varren. lahorer, h 1415 ~larioll U Purcell John D., salesman, h !/41i X 7th Q Purple Premium Stamp Co., Holbrook-Hunt Co., proprs, I;IJ 4 S 2d ... Purvin Fanny, h 1':1:\ \Vest av Pusey Harry' B., brakeman, h Gil; Cumberland _ Putman Frederick H., motorman, h 14118 :r\orth

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The PATRIOT'S Sporting Pagl GIVE!t FU~~.::~I!:D~~~L SCORB8 Google

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. B TACK} Fre_1q..... aBafldlDp lD0 1 - {DI8N.Id8&. heeIalty A. PubUc PlaiD TID&a EnJ_r.. IIIwII
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 535
Putman George D., roller, h 1408 North Putman May A., roller, h 1124 Bartine av Putt Harry, agt, h 645 Boas Putt Lavinia, wid Franklin, h 1616 N 3d Putt Mamie, milliner, :l34 Market, h Lemoyne _Pye Annie M., milliner, h 610 N :hl Pye Charles R., barber, 20fM N 6th, h do Pye J. Coover, laborer, h 1121 Grape av Pye John S., musician, h 1121 Grape av Pye Joseph N., engineer, h 610 N 2c1 Pye Nellie V., teiephonc apr, 210 Walnut, h 6111 K 2<1 Pye Richard D., laborer, h 261 Sassafras av Pye Samuel A., laborer, h 441 S l:lth Pye Samuel H., driver, h 610 N 2d Pyke Harry E., salesman, h 1619 N 2d Pyles Andrew C, helper, h Sl N lIIth n Pyne Florence 1\1., h 819 Green Pyne John, hatter, Opera House Block, !II N !Id, h R19 rGreen ;;; Pyne Joseph, h 617 N 2d J;;

Q QUACKERBUSH EDWARD W., genl agt Pacific Kutual Life Insurance Co. of California, 270 North, h do see adv Quaid Catharine, wid William, h 215 Blackberry av

.r:.u~~':J~ ~ Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ ~ ::.~

-Quaid John, car repairer, h 1634 K 4th Quaid John J., .laborer, h 1312 S Cameron Quaid Peter W., puddler, h 316 ~ Court av Quaid William, brakeman, h 215 Blackberry av -Quann Albert P., elk, 432 South, h 506 do Quann Josephine F., domestic, 506 South -Quann Martha, wid Preston, h 506 South Quann William, laborer, h 234 N Court av Quay Adeline, wid Marshal, h 1768 ~ Cameron Quay David A., laborer, h 1768 ~ Cameron -Quay George J., foreman, h 1768 N Cameron Quenzler George, brakeman, h 17:!'J Fulton Quenzler Valentine. watchman, h 172X N 5th Qucnzler William E., helpt'r, h 6:!:lt Peffer 'Quickel Harry F., steam heating, 1t:l Pine, h do Quickel ~Iary J., wid John, h :-l15 Herr

Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. :





E. '\AI. QUACKENBUSH, ~ '270 NORTH ST. G_n_ral A __ nt.




POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {N;J..-c::!.I80s;: b:Z;OOgle




H M KELLEY &, CO {I10th andlid 8treea.,.. North State-...


Boyd's Jlanisburr City Directory.


t; Quigley Albert S., c1k, h


~ Quiggle John R., conductor, h 24 S:3d

Quickel Ralph D., student, h 123 Pine


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8110 Green Quigley Carter, asst transfer c1k P. R. R., h 1601 Derry Quigley Charles, h 1947 Berryhill Quigley Charles A., molder, h 421 Maclay Quigley Daniel, puddler, h 1009 Hemlock Quigley Eliza A. Mrs., h Hi05 N 3d Quigley Frederick B., student, h 263 Boas Quigley James, bricklayer, h 1947 Berryhill Quigley J. Earle, stenographer. h ~1I0 Green Quigley John A., conductor, h 421 Maclay Quigley John X., (Parthemore & Quigley), v-pres Commercial Bank, h 263 Boas Quigley Joseph A., machinist, h 421 l\Iaclay Quigley Lillian 1\1., china decorator, h 26:1 Boas Quigley Walter S., machinist, h :na Verbeke Quigley William, U. S. A.. h 17:19 Market Quinn John, hostler, h 117 S:ld Quinn Cecelia, wid 1\1 ichael, h 508 SlOth Quinn Kate, domestic The Commonwealth



Raber Harry, painter, h 1925 Fulton .. Rabinovitz Moses Rev., h 603 State Radel Carrie E., domestic, Roa Green

~ GO R GAS} FAIR PRICED DRU661ST {16 N. 3d St.

Rabuck Annie L., wid Aaron, h 614 Briggs Radabaugh Harry E., dep col int rev, h 24 S 4th Radcliff David, laborer, h 1217 Apple a v Radcliff James, laborer, h 1217 Apple av Z Rader James D., laborer, h 6 Lochiel 1st Row Radibaugh, see Raudibaugh Radonovitch Nicholas, laborer, h 1135 S 9th Z Radziewicz Jos. J., c1k Dept l\lines, :n5 Walnut, h 211 do> Raff Jacobina,wid George, h 209i S Front LaJ Raffensperger Charles A., boilermkr, h 1100 N 6th Ragan Ellen, nurse, 202 State Rages Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h S2! Paxton Ragland Bird, waiter, h 1706 Walnut Ragland Henry, waiter, h 433 South ;: Rahe Henry]., salesman, h 251 Forster ~ Rahe Samuel E., salesman, h 2010 N 6th Rahm Ambler, fireman, h :132 S 15th ~ Rahm Catharine B., cigarmkr, h 1741 :\farket ~ Rahm Charles E., laborer, h 1741 ?lIarket :c Rahm Edward A., laborer, h 1741 Market Rahm Ida l\L, cigarmkr, h 1741 l'.larket g Rahm John, laborer, h 439 S l:1th C Rahm William, laborer. h 1825 Bern-hill t:i Rahn Aaron S .. conductor, h 26 K Summit CD Rahn George H., lahorer, h 1114t Wallace

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~~e::a! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d aid RllIr StI..

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Rahn Henry, h 51 N Summit Rahn Westley, laborer, h 1104 N Cameron RAHTER C. A., physician, 110 Ii 2d, h do Railing Clarence M., fireman, h 28 N 10th Railing Jeremiah, conductor, h 210 Liberty Railing John A., stocker, h 101 Hanna Raimer David A., laborer, h 112 Liberty' Raine Archibald S., elk P. R. R., h 918 N Hth Raine Charles E., elk, h 571 Race Raine Mary A. }'lrs., grocer, 571 Race, h do Raine M. Gertrude. teacher, 11 571 Race Raine Wendell P ., student, h 571 Race Rainier George, puddler, h 1004 S 9th Raisner Maggie S., dressmkr, h 622 Hamilton Raisner Mary H., dressmkr, h H22 Hamilton Raisner Rebecca R, seamstress, h f522 Hamilton Rajakovics Milorad, orderly Hbg Hospital, h do Ralston Gustavus c., broker, h 17()4 K 3d Ralston Mary, domestic, 1315 S 12th Ralston Miller, grocer, 1701 K 4th, h do Ralston Sarah A., wid Christopher, h 1315 S 12th Raman Maurice, notions, fi27 Cumberland, h do Rambler Mary A., wid Henry B., h 1337 N 6th Rambler Robert A., physician, 1337 ~ 6th, h do Rambo Andrew M., journalist, h 326 S 14th

MILLER BROS." BAKER! "'~~t,~~:.~~

Rambo Frank W., car inspector, h Seneca nr 6th Rambo Samuel B., supt Payne & Co., h 1611 N 2d Ramp Margaret Mrs., housekeeper, 1!J N 13th Ramsay Katharine B., wid George D., h 101 Locust Ramsay Samuel A., tailor, 18 S Court av, h 2(j5 Briggs Ramsey Catharine, dressl1Ikr, h 14 t 7 N 4th Ramsey Charles, laborer, h P. R R nr \Valnut Hamsey Eliza, domestic, 1311 ~ 3d Ramsey Elizabeth B., stenographer, 429 S 2d, h 717 N 2d Ramsey George A., painter, h 406 Hay av Ramsey Isabelle, wid Conrad, h Hi:.!O N 2d Ramsey .Margaret, domestic, 1238 Cowden Ramsey Sidney D., fireman, h (;15 Harris Ramsey 1110mas D., (Stake & Ramsey), h 1316 Kittatinny Ranck Elmer, shoecutter, h Thompson av nr 13th Rand, McNally & Co., H. S. Anderson, agt, book pubs, Walnut Randall Daisy K., saleslady, 3t~ Market, I; 40 N 13th Randall Lizzie, vamper, h 40 N 1:1th Randall Mary A., wid Scott, h 40 K 13th Randal1 Walter, draftsman State Highway Dept, h 701 N nth Randol Joseph H., warehouseman. h 410 :\Iarkct Randolf Harry L., laborer, h 2219 Berryhill Randolf Lewis, laborer, h 2209 Berryhil1


No. 1230 ARCH STREET . PHIL A., PA .


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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CC 1&1

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Randolph Charles W., &tudcnt, h 3117 North av Randolph Cyrus W., hOllseman, h 507 Xorth av Randolph Edward D., decorator, h Hershey House Randolph John, laborer, h 503 Korth av Randolph Lulu R., domestic, 507 Korth av Randolph Olivia F., domestic, 417 Briggs Randolph Sarah, domestic, 117 Cowden Randolph Thomas, laborer, h 328 Calder Rank Charles W., mgr Keeley Institute. 4th c North, h do Rank 'William, engineer, h 11115 Hemlock Rank William A., plasterer, h HI51 Rudy Rankenberger Edward \V., car inspector, h 1931 \\'ood av RABKII' E. B. & CO, lE. B Rankin). general insurance agents, 200 Walnut Rankin Edmund B., (E. B. Rankin & Co.), h 513 N 2d Rankin Elizabeth, h H20 Green Rankin James A., brakeman. h 1620 N 2d Ranson William H., porter, h 1137 Cumberland Rapoport Simon Rev., h 413 Strawberry av Rapp Alice Mrs., shirtmkr, h 608 N 2d Rapp Burd G., printer, h 121)9 X Front Rapp Charles H., barber, 14119 Derry, h 1506 Thompson av Rapp Charles \V., hrakeman, h 1415 Susquehanna Rapp Edna, elk, h 329 Hamilton Rapp Elmer E., harnessmkr, h 1315 N 6th

Rapp John c., flagman, h 1504l K 5th Rapp Levi, repairsman, h :-t29 Hamilton Rapp Lillian, bookkpr, 500 Race, h Wormleysburg Rapp Margaret 1\1.. bookkpr, 318 Market. h 1209 N Front Rapp Mary Mrs., dressmkr. 1315 N Hth. h do Rapp Percy G., loom fixer, h 1209 1\ Front Rapp Simon, h 1415 Susquehanna Rathfon Frank E., laborer, h 2139 N 4th Rathfon Hanson E . fireman, h 2124. X 5th Rathfon John \Y., fireman, h 539 1\laelay Rathfon Mary 1\1., dressmkr, h 2139 N 4th Rathfon \\,illiam S., carpenter, h 21:JH N 4th Rathvon Horace S., laborer, h 1404 X 3d Rathvon John F., repairsmall, h 421 Harris Rau \VilIiam H., decorator, 215 ~Iarket, h :!1I(J5 Pcnn Rauch Carrie R., teacher, 322 ~Iarket, h 43~ S 16th Rauch Curtis 1\1.. painter, h 21108 State RAUCH EDWARD C., plumber and gas fitter, 213 N 2d, h 120 South Rauch Florence, stenographer, 153 K 4th, h 488 S 16th Q }{auch Grace E., tipper, h 38 Linden kI Rauch Grace I., cigarmkr, h 211118 State Rauch \V. Grant, elk Com. Trust Co., h 4:~~ S 16th Z Rauch William 1\1.. carpenter, h 4as S 16th :: Rauch, see also Roush



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The PATRIOT} ANewspaper for the Home {SII Ceota a Week Google

A B TACK} . . _.t aDd lnaurelll Wc.lI doIle IDIID)' JlU'ol

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


1.le 114 . .


Raudibaugh Abraham D., carpenter, h 308 Harris Raudibaugh Alfred, carpenter, h 520 'Woodbine Raudibaugh Benjamin F., carpenter, h 1636 Fulton Raudibaugh George H., brakeman, h 438 Muench Raudibaugh Isaac, carpenter, h 31H Boas Raudibaugh William, molder, h 1636 Fulton Raudibaugh, set' Radibaugh Raunick John M. J., physician, 4th c North, h do Raver Clara H., wid John E., h 3 Lochie) 1st Row Raver Elizabeth, wid August, h 1509 N 5th Raver John H. r flagman, h 1620 Fulton Raver Minnie, wid Joseph, h 18 Lochiel 2d Row Raver William H., brakeman, h 1:1:W ::-.J' Front Rawll Ellen, h The Lochiel Rawll Herbert F., consulting accountant, with BakerVawter Co., 1711 N 2d, h do Rawn Mary J., wid Edwin, h 220 Pine Ray Albert c., elk Aud Genl, Capitol, h 19 Evergreen Ray Charles, letter carrier, h 513 N 4th Ray Eugene, waiter, h 4:n State Ray Frank P., elk, 10th bel Chestnut, h 19 Evergreen Ray Frederick E., proof reader, h 502 N 2d Ray John T., driller, h 1414 Berryhill Ray Mary J., wid Calvin W., h 5(12 N 2d Ray William c., laborer, h 41 N Summit




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~~-=-o:'~Harrilburg Sa'lng~and Loan ~aan.{~::= ~

Ray Wm. S., State printer, 10th bel Chestnut, h 502 N 2d Raymond Charles N., postal elk, h 700 N 3d Raymond Charles W., h 1101 N Front .Raymond John J., machinist, h 712 ::-.J' 6th Raymond Joseph A., elk, HI18 N 7th, h do Raymond Marion G., stenographer, h 700 N 3d Raysor Bertha, music teacher, 1509 N 2d, h do Raysor B. Helen, h 1509 N 2d Raysor Charles R., checkman P. R. R., h Penbrook Raysor Harry B., machinist, h 240 N 15th Raysor L. Blanche, artist, h 1509 N 2d Raysor Mary W. Mrs., h 1509 N 2d Raysor Nellie P., weaver, h 240 N 15th Raysor Weills K., draftsman, h 1509 N 2d Raysor William F., printer, 1507 N ad, h 417 Harris Raysor William H., ticket exr P. R. R. depot, h 240 N 15th Rea Charles E., letter carrier, h 513 N 4th Read Charles D., stonesetter. h 209 Briggs Read Mary Ellen :Mrs., h 209 Briggs Read Washington D., stenographer supt's office P. R. R., h 300 Chestnut Read William, h 19 S 16th Read, see Reed, also Reid Ready James B., fireman, h 1108 N 6th Reagan Daniel, laborer, h 1403 S Cameron

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~~~~!'!'::weIJrh,~H. M. KEllEY &, CO.~,~,~~,:'=:.. 540 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

:.: Real Estate Building, 213 Locust Ream Alvin, laborer, h 416 Reily t= Ream Catharine, wid Israel, h laos Susquehanna ~ Ream Edward B., barber, h laos Susquehanna ~ C) Ream Edward E., laborer, h 16061 Logan av a::: Ream George E., fireman, h 6:{2 Verbeke ~ &&.I Ream George, carpenter, 416 Reily ~ Ream George \V., machinist, h 1308 Susquehanna Ream Harry, repairsman, h 4061 Reily C) M Ream Levi, salesman, :U8 l\larket, h 264 Verbeke CD Ream Levi E., brakeman, h 1308 Wallace C Ream Norman \V., brakeman, h 1527 \Vallace tu Ream William, laster, h uno Shrub av a::: Ream William A., blacksmith, h 16241 N 5th t - Ream William L., printer, 201 N 2<1, h 1308 Susquehanna CI Ream, see Rheam a::: Reamer Ernest D., (W. A. Reamer & Son), h 1505 N 6th Z Reamer Isaac H., brakemna, h 317 Hamilton ~ Reamer John, laborer, h 2120 61 :z:: Reamer Mabel B., shoe operator, h 1826 N 6th ~ a: Reamer Margaret L. Mrs., h 6 Aberdeen av C) z: Reamer Rose, elk, 328 Strawberry av, h 6 Aberdeen av CD Reamer W. A. & Son, (William A. and Ernest D. Reamer), wall paper, 1505 N 6th Reamer William A., (\IV. A. Reamer & Son), h 1505 N 6th


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Rearick Norwood L., elk, 330 Verbeke, h 268 do Reaver Annie C., wid James, h 1601 N 4th C a::: Reber Elilabeth M., housekeeper, 1611 Green Reber Emma M., weaver, h 1611 Green z: Reber Jackson K., foreman, h 1611 Green Reber Maud M., h 1611 Green &&.I :z:: Rebert James A., insurance solicitor, h 412 Strawberry av ~ Rebman Mary W., wid John J., h 268 Herr Rebuck A. Dole, tinner, h 1415 Zarker Rebuck Charles E., conductor, h 1922 Fulton 1&.1 Rebuck Charles S., physician, 412 N 3d, h do Rebuck Harvey M., laborer, h 320 Sayford av Rebuck James M., furnaces and roofing, 1849 Derry, h do &a.I Rebuck William E., laborer, h 1216 Currant av . Reckord Charles M., cIk, h 123 Washington Reckord Ida, wid Thomas J., h 4111 Walnut Reckord James F., elk, 3112 Ma,rket, h 123 Washington Reckord John D., elk, 12 N 2d, h 4111 Walnut Reckter John, laborer, h 306 S Court av Record Ellen, wid Thomas, h 316 Chestnut Rector James, laborer, h 1407 Marion 1., laster, h 1308 N &a.I Redabaugh Johnlaborer, h 1108 Herr7th Redd Anderson, Redding Frances E., weaver, h 239 State Redfern Francis D., flagman, h r 1514 N 5th

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Rllmond's WagoD Works {=~b'!:~} 3d anUA11I StaA

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A. B. TACK t:t":.o~~ 1110 PUDer IIId IIndOI SbOdeS tJ:.w'311

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Redington Susan, wid John, h 102!l S 9th Redman Albert Q., janitor, h 263 North Redman Joseph L., engineer, h 1111 Wallace .REDMOND ARDREW, carriages, wagons, harness and bicycles, 1500 N' 3d c Reily, h 1835 N' 4th, telephone see adv bottom lines Redmond Elizabeth J., stengr, 1500 N 3d, h 1940 Fulton Redmond John, laborer, h 3:t! Blackberry av Redmond Thomas H., carpenter, h 1940 Fulton Redmond Thomas H., Jr., engineer, h 1925 N 4th Reed Alice M. Mrs., h 1930 N 4th Reed Amanda, wid William, h 2()5 Chestnut Reed Andrew, laborer, h 1237 N 7th _Reed Annie, wid Luther, h 1119 Derry Reed Benjamin F., elk P. R. R., h 2H15 61 Reed Bertha Mrs., h ] 52 Linden Reed Carrie, ironer, h 53H Peffer Reed Carson W., laborer, h 1817 Briggs Reed Charles E., brakeman, h 1930 N 4th Reed Clara E., teacher, h 1:-l21 William Reed David A., cook Hbg Club, h 1:l21 William Reed Eliphas W., carpenter, h 1412 Maple av Reed Elmer E., cigarmkr, h 1732 Logan av Reed F. Edna, tobacco stripper, h 13:14 N 7th

~ :.


MILLER BROS.&: BAKER t "=~b.~l'.~~K


REED GEORGE H., muter painter, 1929 Elizabeth av, h . . 1922 N' 6th Reed George R., motorman, h 18381 N 5th Reed Harry, laborer, h 415 Cumberland Reed Harry K., U. S. N., h 2041 Herr Reed Herbert A., motorman, h 1930 N 4th Reed James, carpenter, h 1524 Wallace Reed James, driver, h 1611 Susquehanna Reed James, laborer, h 1321 William Reed Jennie Mrs., domestic, 101 Locust Reed Jennie V., housekeeper, 1217 Swatara Reed John c., harnessmkr, h 933 S 21st Reed John F., carpenter, h 1441 Shoop Reed John 0., car repairer, h 1951 Briggs Reed John U., foreman, h 1125 N 6th Reed Lewis W., brakeman, h 618 Verbeke Reed Margaret, wid James L., h 1538 Derry Reed Margaret B., wid George E., h 451 S 13th Reed Martha, wid Horace J., h 1321 William Reed Mary, housekeeper, 1434 Regina Reed Mary B., seamstress, h 2041 Herr Reed Minnie, stenographer, 22 N 4th, h 1703 Green Reed Philip, bricklayer, h 1305 Berryhill Reed Raymond E., elk, 1306 N 3d, h 1629 Green Reed Reuben S., h 624 Maday


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OETE flTIVF Rfl.ElIflV \BUTLER, U _ U I\U 1. I




McNail's Pain Eltermlnator ~u~:~e=~':"rel(b~ft~ 808n:~~

542 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
_ Reed Reuben S., jr., coremkr, h 2105 6! ;:; Reed Robert F., laborer, h 1154 Market Reed Robert F., laborer, h 1732 Logan av ~ Reed Robert F. Rev., h 434 North . : Reed Robert G., blacksmith, h 1930 N 4th E Reed Robert 1\1., blacksmith, h 1932 Fulton c5 Reed Samuel B., livery, 302 Muench. h 326 Peffer ...: Reed Samuel E., brakeman, h 524 Moore & Reed Sarah J., wid David, h 105 Ann av Reed Sarah P., domestic, 1101 N Front Reed Silas, craneman, h 1254 Market Reed Silas c., cigar mfr, 1154 ~farket, h do :: Reed Thomas W., grocer, 2042 Boas, h 2041 Herr Reed Thomas W., jr., brakeman, h ]7 S 17th Reed \Varren E., punchman, h 1254 :\Iarket :; Reed Wilfred S., foreman, 10th bel l\Jarket, h 1465 Regins :2 Reed \VilIiam D., car repairer, h 2018 Elizabeth av ;,; Reed William H., waiter, h 238 Liberty V1 Reed W. Ray, bookbinder, h 1465 Regina Reed, see Read, also Reid Reeder Elizabeth S., domestic, 2016 N 3d ~ Reedy Elizabeth P., milliner, h 15;~3 N 3d (,) Reedy James, conductor, h 1533 N 3d Reel Adam, h 1304 N 3d c( Reel Anna L., dressmkr, h 910 Green





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Reel Annie c., music teacher, 1304 N 3d, h do Red Augustus, h 910 Green Reel Bessie So, bookkpr, 209 Walnut, h 1119 S Cameron Reel Charles, dentist, 313 Walnut, h do Reel Charles Po, machinist, h 1114 S Cameron Red C. Howard, draftsman. h 313 Walnut Reel Edith K., stengr, 615 Walnut, h 1119 S Cameron Reel Elizabeth Mrs., manicuriit, 313 Walnut, h do Reel Emma So, h 706 N 3d Reel George K., student, h 31;1 Walnut Reel Gertrude E., dressmkr, h 910 Green Reel Harry D., salesman, 308 :\'larkft, h 1229 Mulberry Reel Jo Harry, casket trimmer, h 1119 S Cameron Reel John S., machinist, h 910 Green Reel Mary, wid Peter, h 1119 S Cameron Reel M. Margaret, elk, Hemlock nr 9th, h 1119 S Cameroa Reel Nettie, wid David, h 1130 Montgomery Reel Ross B., printer, h 129 S Cameron Reel Samuel 0., (Hbg Metal Works), h 1613 Green Reel W. Sherman, (Hbg 1vletal Works), h 1627 Green Reeme Mary. wid Thomas D., seamstress, h 265 Briggs. Reeme, see Rheam, also Ream Reen Frederick M., sub letter carrier P. 0o, h Paxtang Reese Elizabeth Mrs., h 1603 N 3d Reese A. Estella, stenographer, 336 Chestnut, h 306 do

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~.::.:~= IOU Far ond .1Id01 SllOdes nom A. B. TACK {N?;:~t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
543 Reese Alexander D., solicitor, h 258 Cumberland Reese Amos W., shifter, h'1150 S Cameron Reese Benjamin M., engineer, h lIH! Fulton Reese Blanche ~L, telephone opr, 227 \~talnut, h 1111 Montgomery Reese Carrie \Y. Mrs., notions, 1419 ~ :M, h do Reese Cornelius E., conductor, h 1211 Chestnut Reese David J., dentist, 409 Market, h 114 N 2d Reese Eliza J., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 1603 N 3d Reese Elizabeth Mrs., h 3d ab Hamilton Reese Florence D., saleslady, 3!{'! ~farket, h 1111 Montgomery Reese Gertrude, h 1409 N 3d Reese G. Roseherry, salesman, h 1439 Derry Reese Harry, (Reif & Reese), h 5!l1 Camp Reese Isaiah, h 1322 N 3d Reese Isaiah, jr., foreman P. R.. R., h 1527 N 6th Reese Jacob J., h 1:n2 N 3d Reese James, elk, h :n2 Muench REESE lAKES N., wholesale liquors, 109 S 24, h 1439 Derry Reese J. Frazure, caller P. R. R., h 627 Peffer R({se John M., h 1419 N 3d . Reese John M., laborer, h 312 Muench Reese Mary N., milliner, h 306 Chestnut Reese Paul G., molder, h 627 Peffer

r!!;'':=::n}Hanlsburg SaYings and Loan


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Reese Richard, constable, h 617 Herr Reese Samuel F., conductor, h 627 Peffer Reese Samuel R., brakeman, h 1603 N 3d Reese Thomas D. Rev., h 1101 S 9th Reese Thomas 0., ironworker, h 226 Charles av Reese Thomas W., blacksmith, h 1603 N 3d Reese Walter E., bridge builder, h 509 Cumberland Reese \VilIiam, laborer, h 1202 Eartine av Rtese William A., engineer, h 621 Cumberland Reese William D., conductor, h 509 Cumberland Reese William P., bookbinder, h 1111 :Ylontgomery ReEse W. Raymond, brakeman, h 627 Peffer Reeser Frank, machinist, h 1415 Swatara Reeser George W., repairsman, h 62:~ Delaware av Reeser Harry, laborer, h 101 S River av Reeser Richard, trucker, h 4th c Seneca Reeser T-eresa, stripper, h 833 SlOth Reever Harry E., elk, 1545 Swatara, h do Reeves Charles W., engineer, h 256 Verbeke Register George, laborer, h 537 N Cameron Rehm Mary, wid Anthony, h 104 Cowden Rehpenny John D., laborer, h 12th c Muench Rehrer Clementine M. l\1iss, h 223 N Front Rehrer Edwin W., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 12 S Cameron Reiber Hattie :YI., stengr, 19 SlOth, h 1233 Kittatinny







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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {..-..:.. c=.!cao..

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'I'rT& "I'OD of

H M KELLEY CII CO'S -70a BeD ord__ IDIII . . . ....... D. BlaekDlamoD4hWb_{ I . ......... ....
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Reiber Mabel, saleslady, 334 Market, h 12:~3 Kittatinny Reiber Milton G., carpenter, h 1233 Kittatinny Reiber Kelsoll H., brakeman, h 2007 N 5th Reichard Isaac, bootmkr, 653 Cumberland, h do Reichard Mary E., h 2:!7 Briggs Reichardt Samuel S., car repairer, h U12~ State Reichart Annie M., housekeeper, lUI Paxton Reichart Caroline F., cigarmkr, h 119 Paxton Reichart Harry, driver, 311 S 2d, h lUI Paxton Reichart Rachei, wid Frederick, h 1 HI Paxton Reichart Rebecca, h ::wa Sassafras av Reichart William, laborer, h lUI Paxton Reicheles Ignatz, laborer, h Paxton ab Cameron Reicheles Mary, stripper, h Paxton ab Cameron Reichert Benjamin H., salesman, 111 S 2d, h li09 N 4th Reichert Chri5tiall F., baker, 1al ~ N 6th, h do Reichert George B., brakeman, h 517 \Voodbine Reichert John A., meat, Race cHanna, h 1tI4~ S 9th Reichert Mary, wid Jacob, h 5:17 Race Reichwine Ellen E., milliner, h 2n9 State Reid Daniel, salesman, :~34 Market, h 215 Herr Reid D. Augustine Rev., h 1.45 Balm Reid, see Reed, also Read Reidel Laura, saleslady, 215 Market. h 12116 N Front Reider Edna, book folder, 10th bel :Market. h Steelton


Re!d!nger George, ~nginee~, .h 61:J l!err Reldmgcr Harry v\., mael11mst, h ls.m Susquehanna Reidinger Paris, baker, h 61:l Herr Reidlinger Calvin, machinist, h 1411 N 6th 1&1 Reidlinger Frederick W., switchman, h 1411 N 6th Reidlinger Horace E., elk P. R. R., h 1415 Maple av Reidy Bessie P., milliner, 36 K 3d, h 15~a do Reif Fulmer J., (Reif & Reese), h 561 Woodbine __ Reif & Reese, (Fulmer ]. Reif and Harry Reese), grocers, Z.. 565 Woodbine 4' Reiff William H., elk sec Comwlth, Capitol, h 916 Green Reiffert Conrad, laborer, h 410 Reily .. Reiffert Henry, repairsman, h 410 Reily .1 Reifsneider Irvin K., elk Banking Dept, h 407 Market 01 Reifsnyder Henry L., h 650 Boas Z~ Reifsnyder Jas. 1\1., foreman, 800 K 7th, h 261 Cumberland U Benjamin h I .. Reigart Charlc!> c., F., carpenter,13515tl! Derry Reigel machinist, h Sylvan ter l" Reigel George F., a5st stationmaster P. R. R. depot, h 20 If Evergreen Z. Reighter Edward F., elk. 1128 N 6th, h do -I Reighter John M., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1312 Berrvhill .. Reigle Edwin S., laborer, h 917 S 22! Reigle Harry T., laborer, h 913 S 22! to- Reigle John S., laborer, h 1154 Cumberland



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I. B. TACK}11ll PIPER e:'er:-~ IIIDOIIHIDE3{.;;:~s..

Boyd's Harriaburg City Direotory.


Reigle Lincoln M., laborer, h 915S 2~i Reigle ~litchel1, h 913 S 22i Reigle, see Riegle R.eiley James McK., agt, h 262 Herr Reilly Anna Mrs., h 14lS N 4th Reilly Peter, laborer, h 6~7 Forster Reily Elizabeth H., wid George W., h 15111 N Front Reily George W., treas Hbg Trust Co., h 1501 N Front Reily Margaretta A., h 1231 Cowden Reily,. see Riley Reinart Eva, silk picker, h 626 Calder Reindel Katherine F., elk, 2111 S 2d, h 201 S River av Reindel William H., barber, 411 K 3d, h 2111 S River av Reindel William H .. jr., caller P. R. R., h 201 S River av Reinert George F., express messenger, h 28 S 3d Reinhard Adam, brakeman, h 1612 N 4th ' Reinhard Anna M., wid Adam, h 1()12 N 4th Reinhard J. Albert, engineer, h 214 Cumberland Reinhard J cnnic A., h 1~03 N ad Reinhard John, brakeman, h 1612 N 4th. Reinhard Walter L., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1RU3 N 3d Reinhard William, fireman. h ():~2 Verbeke Reinhart Samuel W., h 106 Linden Reinhold Annie, wid Samuel, h 1211 S 9th Reinhold Frederick G., stoker; h 1211 S 9th

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MILLER BROS.l BAKER t "=~b~2.T.~~E

Reinhold Harry, laborer, h 1211 S 9th Reinoehl A. Hary, laborer, h 1207 Bailey Reinoehl Charles W., sales agt P. S. Co., h 1421 N Front Reinoehl Jacob, h 801 Green Reinoehl Nelson A., elk, h 801 Green Reis Moses, (Reis & Appell), h New York Reis & Appell, (Moses Reis amI Nathan Appell), lessees Grand Opera House, Walnut c 3d, and Lyceum Theatre, 206-210 Locust Reisch Jacob M., carpenter, h 737 S 21i Reisch Levi B., bartender, 231 Strawberry av, h 122 do Reisinger Edith, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Reisinger Elizabeth, domestic, 251 Cumberland Reisinger Susan K., domestic, 204.3 N 5th Reisser Charles, laborer, h 8a3 SlOth Reisser Charles J., laborer, h 833 SlOth Reisser Lucas J., laborer, h 833 SlOth Reist J. B. & Son, B. .and J. K. Reist), grain graders, 327 S Front Reist Jonas B., (J. B. Reist & Son), h 327 S Front Reist Jonas K., jr., (J. B. Reist & Son), h 118 S 2d Reist Martha K., dressmkr, h 327 S Front Reist Susan K., dressmkr, h 327 S Front Reith Karl, bridge builder, h 1631 Logan av Reitz Isaac S., warehouseman P. R. R., It 1940 Briggs

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CLARK'S =~ Drug and Patent Medicine Store{s::'':~AIJM

546 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Reitz John J., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1940 Briggs Reitzel David S., flagman, It 12'2 Sayford av Reitzel John \\1., carpenter, h 1:n6 Vernon Reitzel Phillip A., h 1105 ~ 2d Remine George W., div operator P. R. R., depot, h 219S 13th RElUlJGTON TYPEWRITER CO., Charles von Weller, dist mgr, 19 N 3d Remmer Reuben, grocer, 12'20 and 500 ~ Cameron, h do B.EJlPPIS WILLIAltt F. CO., .FRS WROUGHT IRON B.AILINGS, BUnDERS' IMlJ WORK, IRON STAIRWAYS, FIRE ESCAPES AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS, WATER AB LANCASTER BRIDGE, READIKG,. PA. see adv front cover Rendel Elizabeth, domestic, 1605 ~ 6th Reneker George, brakeman, h 1609 N 5th Reneker WaIter L., telegrapher P. R. R., h 712 N 6th Renn Roland D., postal elk, h 1249 Mulberry Rennen Charles, junk, h 12th c Kelker Renninger Edith M., domestic. 2~1 Strawberry av Rensel Samuel A., fireman, h 428 Kelker Renshaw Edmund L., driver. h ~Iaelav bel 3d Renshaw Isaac, laborer. h 1125 Grape av Resch John P., laborer, h 10 Lochiel 4th Row Reservoir Park, 18th c Walnut

1&1 111 IIIIIIII"'J lid Tmeilln If ICMlTDI.J hlllllll....' CllblcII rReal .01 . . . .omee. ftnnmntw -llarMlln"'- l . ... 11110 W. PlI... 1 Bear Pall 1&1


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Resh Esther M. Mrs., h 252 Liberty Reside David, U. S. N., h 1203 ~Iulberry Reside Margaret R., telephone operator, 210 Walnut, b 1203 Mulberry Reside Stewart T., mailer Patriot, h ]203 MulBerry Reside W. Edgar, elk, 401 Chestnut, h 1203 Mulberry Ressing Ross R., flagman, h 1116 Cowden Ressing Susanna, wid Serrell, h 317 Dauphin av Ressinger ~Iaggie, domestic, h 216 Cumberland Ressler Samuel H., fireman, h 417 North Ressler Warren W., paperhanger, h 1522 Vernon Rettberg Christie. h 12]9 N 6th Rettberg Harry, laborer. h 124 Hoerner Rettberg Louisa A., wid Martin, h 124 Hoerner Rettberg Philip, machinist, h 124 Hoerner Rettew Charles B., conductor, h 266 Briggs RETTEW C. VERNON, iuurance and real eltate and steamship agent, 1119 N 3d, h do see adv side lines Reuter Martin V., conductor, h 202;'\ N 6th Reuwer Frank W., driver, h 115 S J3th Reuwer Harry E., driver. 304 Verbeke, h do Revie Joseph, messenger State Library. h 25 N 16th

~ Rex Frank, salesman, 2]5 l\brket, h Sylvan ter

Read the PATRIOT} ~II:--:"'-:" {Harrisburg's Di~~Z~! b~~~~fe


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,
Rex Hilary S., salesman, h 131 Sylvan ter Rexroth Ada G., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 1617 do Rexroth Albert F., foreman, h 201:.1: N 5th Rexroth Clayton A., laborer, h 10'5:l S 9th . Rexroth Ella M., domestic, 609 Forster Rexroth Ida, saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h 1617 do Rexroth Mae, waitress, 19 S 2d Rexroth Margaret, wid :rvIichael, h 1617 N 3d Rexroth William G., dispatcher, 12 S 2d, h 1941 N 4th Reynders John V. W., supt, h 115 Pine Reynolds Alice F., nurse, h 332 Maclay Reynolds Andreas J., laborer, h 110 Short Reynolds Arthur G., laborer, h 332 :\-laclay Reynolds Calvin, car repairer, h 9 S 221 Reynolds Daisy, domestic, 609 S Front Reynolds Della, wid Daniel A., h 332 Maclay Reynolds Fannie L., bonnetmkr, h 332 Maclay Reynolds G. Charles, flagman, h 622 Muench Reynolds Jennie L., apronmkr, h 332 Maclay Reynolds Jesse S., engineer, h 622 Muench Reynolds Julia A., dressmkr, h 622 Muench Reynolds Laura E., clk, 210 Walnut, h 622 Muench Reynolds Lewis ]., brakeman, h 34.'Jt Crescent Reynolds Lottie M., seamstress, h 1813 Market Reynolds Margaret]., seamstress, h 622 Muench


~~ ~:::} Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Asan. {::

Reynolds Mary S., wid Reuben D., h 1809 N 6th Reynolds Robert A., h 622 Muench Reynolds Tilton c., policeman Capitol, h 12 S 4th Reynolds \Veston, driver, h 7 Haehnlen av Reynolds W. Scott, elk P. R. R. depot, h 1809 N 6th Rhan Charles, brakeman, h 1625 Wallace Rhan Sylvester, laborer, h 1104 N Cameron Rheam -Benjamin c., laborer, h 2016 Elizabeth av Rheam. see Ream, also Reeme Rhein Erastus R., dentist, 1311 Market, h do Rhine Charles A., flagman, h 6:-l6 Muench Rhine Francis, supt, h :n5 Hummel Rhine Joseph, molder, h 315 Hummel Rhine Joseph H., barber, h 604 Herr Rhine Joseph M., laborer, h 33 N 5th Rhinehart Emanuel, laborer, h li6 Nagle Rhinehart Emma, h 2551 Boas Rhinehart Granville, puddler, h 16 N 14th Rhinehart Lawrence, laborer, h 28 N Dewberry av Rhinehart Lydia A., wid George, h 1305 Green Rhinehart Waidley A., laborer, h 122 Nagle Rhinehart, see Rinehart Rhinesmith D. Harry, brakeman, h 331t Hummel Rhiver John H., puddler, h 9 Lochiel1st Row Rho~ds Bessie A., domestic, 1734 Fulton

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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.10lrces.




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

t:i ..,

Rhoads Blanch L., weaver, h 616 Curtin Rhoads Chas. H.,(C H. Rhoads & Co.). h 268 Cumberland Rhoads Charles L., switchman, h 552 Woodbine BHOADS C. H. &; CO., (Charles H. Rhoads), lime and cementa, 7th c Briggs Rhoads Daniel H., bricklayer, h H23 Green Rhoads Elizabeth, wid Adam, h 77 N 16th Hbnads Elmer E., car inspector, h 8;( N 1(\th Rhoads Elmer R, elk, 7th c Briggs, h 26~ Cumberland Rhoads Frederick C, trackman, h 649 Dauphin Rhoads Hannah E., wid Peter, h 1719 Penn Rhoads Harry C, machinist, h 911 N 6th Rhoads Henry K., meat, 1612 Swatara, h do Rhoads Irene C, chief operator, 210 Walnut, h 1726 Green Rhoads Isaac, h 1:1114 N Cameron Rhoads James C B., student, h 1726 Green Rhoads James 1\1., (S. L. Bigler & Co.), h 1726 Green Rhoads John, laborer, h 120 Chestnut Rhoads John W., carpenter, h 1417 Currant av RHOADS JOSEPH E., lime, coal, wood, terra cotta sewer pipe, Cowden c Fonter, h 1201 Ii 2d lee adv Rhoads Maggie Mrs., h :U2 Verbeke Rhoads Mary F., milliner, h H2~l Green

a:: Rhoads Charles D., elk, Cowden c Forster, h 1201 N 2d

t; Rhoads Charles E., brakeman, h 1724 N 6th


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Rhoads May, bookkpr, 7th c Briggs, h 268 Cumberland Rhoads 1Iinllle V. Mrs., h 5at) S Cameron Rhoads Ross R., elk, Cowden c Forster, h 12tll N :!d Rhoads Samuel, hostler, 1700 N 2d Rhoads Solomon, watchman, h Front c Market Rhoads Thomas B., watchman, h 2t116 N 5th c Rhoads Walter, salesman, a:l4 1Iarket, h 1719 Penn Rhoads Warren P., fireman, h 14UH N 6th ~ Rhoads William D., roller, h Hill:! N :M _ Rhoads William H., carpenter, h filii Curtin Rhoads William H., laborer, h 172H 'Walnut Rhoads Wilham S., bricklayer. h :l:!4 North ~ Rhoads, see Rode .., RHODES C. lIELANCHTHOlf, phYlician and surgeon, 914: :z: :R 6th, h do



---DEALEB 1 1 " - - -



Wholesale and Retail, Lime. Cement, Terra Cotta Sewer Pipe. Fire Brick and Fire Clay.

c:a Offioe and Yards. Co'ft'den and Forster Sts.

A. B. TACK}Wall Puer and Window Shad'I{Jl::lil~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'Y. 549
Rhodes George W., black.smith, h 1617 N 3d Rhone May V., elk Dairy and Food Commr, h 119 S 2d Rice Amelia, shoe operator, h 1423 Zarker Rice Anna ~I., tailoress, h :'!!j N l()th Rice Benjamin, laborer, h 121~ Market Rice Calvin, stonecutter, h 1:~i'i Balm Rice Clarence D., brakeman, h w:m Wood av Rice Daniel S., lineman, h t:H 7 William Rice Elmira, wid William. h 2!1 ~ 16th Rice George A., grocer, 42 Balm, h do Rice George H., laborer, h 312 S 2d Rice George W., engineer Comwlth, h 1433 Zarker Rice Hannah, wid Jacob, h 119 North Rice Harry, engineer. h 429 Verbeke Rice Harry, laborer, it 7:n State Rice Harry F., livery, 217 Blackberry av, h 67 N 10th Rice Hiram H., brkklayer, h 1323 James Rice J. Ernest, elk, Howard ab Forrest av, h :'i S 14th Rice Lillian M., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rice Melissa E., tobacco str:pper, h 1212 Cowden Rice Olena J., policeman, h 1512 N 5th Rice Sarah E., wid Frederick, h fi7 ~ 10th Rice William A., brakeman, h 412 Kelker Rice Willis S., car inspector. h 1852 Xorth Ricedorff Levi H., fireman, h 632 Peffer



Rich Augustus, mgr, 34() Chestnut, It l:!i'i!l \Valnut Rich Charles H., elk, 7th c North, 11 1f){)(; Green Rich Prentiss N., brakeman, h 2015 N flth Richard Elizaheth, wid Washington, h 1185 Bailey Richards James, fireman, h 271 Hamilton Richards John, roller, h ()10 Wiconisco Richards I-I., roll turner, h 711 S Front Richards Rebecca J., wid Thomas J., h 122() -:\ 6th Richards William H., hrakeman, h HI:.!4 Fulton Richardson Albert P., engineer, h 1428 ~orth Richardson Alice B., domestic, 714 -:\ (ith Richardson Benjamin, waiter, h 124 Liberty Richardson Brady 5., supt Hbg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co., h 1;{;1 Evergreen Richardson Carrie 5., It 1266 Juniper Richardson Eliza, wid John T., h Ix 5 lath Richardson Harry S., barber, h l'l1l2 Capital Richardson James 1'1., waiter, 314 Market. h 515 State Richardson John ~I., labon'r, h 12tiG Juniper Richardson Lizzie Mrs., h 3114 Chestnut Richardson ~Iary E., teacher, h If! S 1:hh Richardson Sarah ~1., wid Joseph W., It i'1I2 Capital Richardson Thurlow D., pipecutter, h i::?:{ S 21st Richardson WIlliam E., laborer, h 8 ~ 9th










leltU'. Complellon PUI. :,':.:iJ~<W:.:t-=:.J!r; 306 Brtad .

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

1i I

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BlCHARDSOli WUJJAII F., keeper State Arsenal, h 11513 Green, telephone Richardson William H., huckster, h 1119 Grape av Richcreek Abraham, laborer, h 941 N 7th Richer Anna J., wid Charles W., h 710 Green Richer Ivy c., stenographer, 4th c Boyd av, h 710 Green Richerd Elizabeth, wid Wesley, h 2204 N 6th Richert William E., molder, h 19011 N 3d Richmond Augustus D., helper, h Front ab Seneca Richmond Forest, laborer, h Front ab Seneca Richmond Robert L., laborer, h Front ab Seneca Richwine Atillia L., h 1936 Fulton Richwine Charles A., engineer, h 537 Maclay Richwine Charles M., brakeman, h 193(; Fulton Hichwine Clarcnce K., brakcman, h 1:~41 Vernon Richwine Ellsworth F., conductor, h au S 14th Wchwine Samuel ]:, Ragman, h 1931; Fulton Richwine Susan, wid John, h 1936 Felton Rick Alexander, laborer, h 16 Argyle Rick Elizabeth Mrs., h 436 Korth av Rick Henry, laborer, h 1321 James Rick John W., laborer, h 345 Harris Rickabaugh Harry H .. engineer, h Greenwood nr 21st Rickabaugh John A., laborer, h 1844 Derry Rickabaugh Samuel, farmer, h 2138 Greenwood


Rickabaugh Samuel G., laborer, h 2138 Greenwood Rickabaugh William, boilermkr, h 109 Balm Rickard Eliza J., hOllsekeeper, 421 North Rickard William, motorman, h Muench nr 3d Rickenbach J. William, brakeman, h 1125 Capital Ricker Harry M., driver, h 1467 Regina Ricker Irvin S., jeweler, 817 N 3d, h do Ricker Rebecca, wid John S., h 1208 N 6th . Rickert Charles 1\1., physician, 718 N 6th, h do RICKERT EIJrIER E., propr Merchants' Hotel, 1215 Chestnut, h do Rickert Robert c., student, h 718 N 6th Riddell James D., laborer, h 1114 Montgomery Riddle Daniel F., pitman, h 6HO Verbeke Riddle Franklin P., plumber, h 631 Herr Riddle George W., pipe bender, h 1400 Penn Riddle Sophia, h 610 Buttonwood av Riddle William, A., plumber, h 660 Yerbeke fj Riddle \;\lilliam A .. student, h 3:H Clinton av Ridenour Frederick E., florist, h 1:~01 S Cameron C Rideout 1\latthew E., waiter, h 510 Brown av W Rider Adam, laborer. h IH29 Swatara ... Rider David F., elk, h 11:!1 N Front Rider Jacob H., brakeman, h 2248 Hi Rider Jacob R.. c1k C. I and S. Co., h 1501 S Cameron

=The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page


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8 TICK} - l I I a k e s aBaDdIDp lDo f - JU1 141&. PubUe PlaID 'DDU1E.u..ta .....



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Rider J. Paul, elk. C. 1. and S. Co., h 1501 S Cameron Rider Lillie c., wid William S., h 7 S 14th Rider Parris H., fireman, h 1220 Wallace Rider Phoebe A., wid Josiah S., h 609 Calder Rider, see Ryder Ridgway Edwin H., elk, 222 Market, h 222 Locust Riegel Bertha, weaver, h 809 Green Riegel Daniel, h 1716 Briggs Riegel Hanson S., engineer, h 275 Briggs . Riegel Henry J., carpenter, h 332 Boyd av Riegel J. DeWitt, elk, h 275 Briggs Riegel Ross 1\-1., student, h 275 Briggs Riegel Sherman G., tinner, h 1:l40 N 7th


RIEGEL wu,LIAII H., mgr Penn lIercantile Agency, 16115 lIarket, h do

Riegel, see Reigle Rieker Ralph, electrician, h 526 Cowden Rife Harry L., flagman, h 209 Kelker Rife Jefferson G., flagman, h 14:l0 Green Rife Thomas K., watchmkr, h 1211 Bartine av Rife William H., propr Hotel Rife, ~12;) Walnut, h do Riffle Alice L., weaver, h Sylvan Heights Riffle Anna G., weaver, h Sylvan Heights Riffle Martha E., weaver, h Sylvan Heights Riffle Sallie, bookbinder, h Sylvan Heights


::.:ror:.~~"mr ~ Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Alln. {::

Riffle William A., laborer, h Sylvan Heights Riffle William A., jr., laborer, It Sylvan HeIghts Rigby Emma, domestic, 347 Crescent Riggleman D. Clinton, stock elk, 210 Walnut, h 402 S 2d Riggleman Jacob B., agt, h 40Z S 2d Riggs Benjamin W., barber, h illl ,South Right Frank, laborer, h 1323 Penn Right, see Wright Rigle Katie A~, domestic, 322 N 2d Rijacak Mitter, laborer, h' 49 Lochiel 5th Row Rikeman Jamcs\V., recruiting officer, h 23 S 2d Riley Alfred E., ice creammkr, h 1419 Regina. Riley Charles, laborer, h 1404 Fulton Riley 01arles H., engineer, h 644 Muench Rilev Edward L., tinsmith, h 30 S Cameron Riley Emanuel, laborer, h 10Si Christie's av Rilev Emma H., h 1700 K M Rile~' Frank. hostler,h :nz Blackberry av Rilev Harrv M., elk, 4 l\' :kl, h 170n do Rile)' John'F., laborer, h 1419 Regina Riley John M., policeman, It 1419 Regina Riley Joseph S., laborer, h 1111 S 9th Riley Joseph W., boilermkr, h 12.18 Herr Rilev Permelia, wid Peter, h 1740 Walnut Rile)' Sarah A., wid George, h 212 ~lulberry

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H II KELLEY a CO {I North ad ...... o. t . 10th aod 8aate . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Riley, see Reily Rimel Jacob F .. carpenter, h 41:J S 4th Rimel Owen L., laborer, h Il'121 X 7th Rineard Eva, picker, h (j26 Calder Rineard Harry C, trucker, h Front ab Sene<>a Rineard Samuel W., trucker, h Front LIb Seneca Rineer Joseph, pressman, h H:?4 Grecn Rineer Joseph H" laborer, h 15:J.1 Wallace Rineer Samuel Eo, foreman, h 56ft Race Rineer Viola E., buncher, h 5()6 Race Rineer William Ao, book folder, h 2HI S 15th Rinehart Annie Eo, domestic, HI~ Locust Rim'hart Euria, quiller, h 1424 Green Rinehart, see Rhineheart Ringland Harry, jeweler, 15111 N' (}th, !1 1517 do Ringland John A., asst foreman Po R. Ro, 11 1:;1 7 X ('th Ringland 11argaret. nurse, h 1517 1\ lith lUNXERBACH EDWAllD L, watchmaker and jeweler, 121~ N 3d, h 216 Fonter Rintz John H., laborer, h 1741 Susquehanna Ripka William Wo, postal elk, h 5:?fi )Jorth Ripley George, laborer, h 1517 State Ripley Joseph Fo, elevatorman Capitol, h 1252 State Rippen Randolph, laborer, h :!(i411 H1 Ripper ~haso Eo, printer Ind~J>e_mlent, h Hi S Court CiV


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Ripper Charles Ho, press feeder, h 16 S Court av Rishel Sarah A., edge stitcher, h 11H1 N 7th Ritchie Herman A., dentist, :!22 ~ ad, h do Ritchie James Wo, agt, h HI S l:lth Ritchie Josiah, h 10 S l:3th Ritchie Melancthon 1\1., physician, a6 S 13th, h do Ritchie Simpson B., pipe tester, h H1~ N 4th Ritner Henry C, car inspector, h 115 N 4th Ritner Ira Do, tailor, h 4a5 Rt"ily Ritner J. Howard, cutter, h l;m;~ Susquehanna 1&1 Ritner John Po, elk, :n~ Market, h lal)a Susquehanna Ritner Mary, wid Thomas Mo, h l:!O:! Capital Ritner Thomas L., laborer, h .taG Reily Rittenhouse Edward, foreman. Division nr 6th, h 926 N 6tlr Ritter Charles Wo, painter, h U1a Delaware av t: Ritter Clarence Ho, watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Ritter C Templeton, draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 2:!J

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Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritter

George Ao, telegrapher Po Ro R., h 152(i Susq Harry \V 0, telegrapher, 11 N :ld, h 611!1 Harris Harvev Ao, car repairer, h 1241 Kittatinny JameS: tinsmith, h 404 Verbeke J Frank, elk, h 1:J,ltI State John, salesman, ;W N ad, h 4th nr Walnut Mary, wid Tempest To, h 25:l Hummel ----0

~s:!u-=a! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d"and Rilly StS.

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I. B. TACK ~ FI:~~O~!'TT~:V,.A:-..~c~,,~~~R i 1216 IOnD lDlnI.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory. 553

Ritter Percv V., student. h 1~~5 N (ith Ritter R V'inton, salesman, 440 Market, h 1~35 N 6th Ritter \Vaiter.c., shoe operator, h 25a Hummel Ritter WiJliam A., salesman, h 1255 Kittatinny Rittler Olarles A., machinist, h 1~2n Wood av Rittler George W., bricklayer, h 1~20 Wood av Rittler John, stone mason, h 18:J:-r Logan av Rittlet Mary E., seamstress, h u;aa Logan av Rittner Charles, asst gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do Ritts Goldie, book sewer, 2m N 2d. h 1~4(j North Ritts Hervey L., laborer, h 1a24 N Front Ritts Joseph, shoemkr, 14n S 13th, h 1846 North Ritts Roy E., laster, h 11"46 North Ritts Russell M., laborer, h 1~46 North Rivers George, engineer, h ~:m Chestnut Roat Abraham B., detective P. R R., h 2:!8 Hummel Roat Abraham B., jr., laborer, h an:! Cumberland Roat Albert B., policeman P. R. R.. h 228 Hummel Roat Anna B., saleslady, h ao:! Cumberland Roat Catharine E., saleslady, a34 ~1kt. h an2 Cumberland Roat Harry, constable, h !In:! Cumberland Roat Harry A., jr., steward, h 20() S River av Robeck Sarah c., wid James A., h 925 Myrtle av Roberts Alexander, civil engineer, h 10 S 2d Roberts Alexander H., (Roberts & Meek), h 5th c Camp

MILLER BROS. I: BAKERP':i~t,~~-:'~~1E iF

Roberts Bel.jamin, h 1io\36 N 6th til ROBERTS CHARLES H., reporter Patriot, h 1805 Penn ~ Roberts Oara S., cigar packer, h 142 Dock . ~ ROBBRTS BDW. G., mgr Title Guaranty and Trust Co. of ;; Scranton, Pa., 21 Real Estate bldg, 213 Locust c Court . . av, h lIechanicsburg see adv centre lines and front cover Roberts Elizabeth Mrs., domestic, 612 N Front Roberts Emma G., wid Daniel, h 53'~ Race IIr Roberts Geo., civil engineer, 15 S River av, h 502 Emerald "_iii Roberts George S., asst yardmaster P. R R, h 18a6 N 6th . . Roberts George W., shipper, 5110 Race, h 142 Dock ... Roberts Harry ]."engineer, h 18n5 Penn ~t Roberts John B., artist, 21l() Derry, h do Roberts John H., draftsman. 2114 Market, h 218 S 2d !!CI , Roberts Lewis, laborer, h 142 Dock Roberts L. Robert, variety, 1au S Cameron, h do .. ~ Roberts Sarah, wid Robert, h 134() S Vlth ." Roberts William B., bookkpr, a24 :Market, h II! Locust !at ...... Roberts Wiiliam H., helper, h 134() S 13th ~T ROBERTS & lIECK, (Alexander H. Roberts, Charles S.lIeck aud Vincent W. Stanford), wholesale stationen, 115 )[arket .'. ROBBRTSON 10HN, The Puton, 1108 Market, h do ~ . Robertson 1\.1. Emma, h The Bolton :S.. Rohins Charles L., jr., fireman, h 518 S 14th ====






) No 12JO ARCH STREET 1')11\

~ 1'.1,


Paba EdermfDatorcurea <2loJaa KoRal, DJleter7,Crsm~ Dlarmc.. 0DkD, Qu1Da7. Rbeumatilm. Toochacbe. 8aI'e TIIIW&, Ape, ~ . . _ ......



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


-= !!

Robinson Alexander, laborer, h 2 Haehnlen av Robinson Andrew, fireman, h !i03 N 4th Robinson Benjamin, laborer, It 131 Short ... Robinson Burd, laborer, h 135 Short == Robinson Charles A., fireman, h Verbeke nr Front Robinson Glarles H., cook, It 10 Haehnlen ilV _ Robinson's Cigar Emporium, Robert M. Robinson, mgr, c.:I 302 Market ;j Robinson Daniel, laborer, h 541 Primrose av c.:I Robinson David F., laborer, h 105 Tanner's av Robinson David M., h 118 Cowden Robinson Effie J., domestic, 1619 N 3d Robinson Ellen E., milliner, h :~39 Kelker Robinson Emma, cook. 11)17 X 2d Robinson Fernando, laborer, h 135 Short _ Robinson Fielding, packer, h 14 Haehnlen av Robinson Frank K, caterer, h 431 State "iii Robinson George II., laborer, h 554 Primrose av Robinson George K., laborer, h 91:) Myrtle av U) Robinson George M., restaurant, 1212 l\Iarket, h 29 N 12th Robinson Harry A., (Robinson & Co.), h 1429 N Front Robinson Harry B., barber, h 1712 Logan av 1.&1 Robinson Harry E., laborer, h 1184 S Cameron -I Robinson Harry L., salesman, h 29 N 12th C Robinson Henry, houseman, h 424 Cranberry av



nil GoomnlJ 0IId Trust co.


~ ~t:.:: 'r.:-}~ ~ :te:'



Robinson Henry, scullion, h 644 Primrose av Robinson Horace, laborer, h 112(1 Cumberland Robinson James H., hostler, h 3d cReel's la Robinson James T., bootblack, h 500 South Robinson James W., messenger C H., h 1615 Elm Robinson Jennie C, milliner, 36 N 3d, h 339 Kelker Robinson Jennie R., wid \Vilson D., h 929 N 6th Robinson J. Harry, flagman, h 1S2!t Susquehanna Robinson John, laborer, h 169 Indian av Robinson John, laborer, h 1323 William Robinson John, laborer, h 173 Indian av Robinson John, porter, 214 Market, h 607 South Robinson John, storekeeper Dept Public Grounds and Buildings, h do Robinson John E., laborer, h 1120 Hickory av Robinson Joseph T., laborer, h 117 Tanner's av Robinson Kathryn, teacher Childnn's Industrial Home, h do Robinson Lewis D., laster, h 339 Kelker Robinson Lillie, cook COl11wlth, h 1:m3 ~ 4th Robinson Maria L. Mrs., chiropodist, 14 N 3d, h 102 N 2d Robinson Marshall. rag picker, h llS4 S Cameron Robinson Marshall, jr., laborer, It l1i'14 S Cameron Robinson l\Iary J., wid Joseph, h 11f1 K 16th Robinson ~Iilton T., brakeman, h 17tn Penn

Tha PATRIOT}A Na.spapar for the HDlDa{~!~iz~~~C~~g\~

bat 1IJR.cI... workmen. hen~ A B TACK} BmplOJII nOlleInaunIIl&. Won don. in 1liiy panonl,.".. { If.1.18 IIIId of Stale. 3d II&.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Robinson Nathan, laborer, h 1207 N 11} Robinson Richard, driver, h 135 Shcrt Robinson R. M. & Co., brokers, 15 N 2d Robinson Robert J., salesman, h 1813 Penn Robinson Robert M., mgr, 302 Market, h 707 N 2d Robinson Robert R., salesman, 302 Market, h 7U7 N 2d Robinson Roy B., salesman, 324 Market, h 120 Chestnut Robinson Taylor, carter, h 1421 Reese av Robinson Thomas, laborer, h 512 N 5th Robinson Thomas B., salesman, h 102 N 2d Robinson Walter H., adv mgr Patriot, h 71H N 6th Robinson William, waiter, h 115i Liberty Robinson William H., carpenter, h ~39 Kelker Robinson William L., cutter, h 333 Dauphin av ROBINSON & CO., (H. A. Robinson), department store, 1300 Nad Robison Carrie C, cigar packer, h 1002 S Cameron Robison Charles, engineer, 421 Reily, h 115 Vine ROBISON CHARLES E., reporter Patriot, h 1507 N 6th Robison Harold, clk, 1019 N 3d, h 15U7 N 6th Robison Harry B., laborer, h 1002 S Cameron Robison James E., conductor, h 1507 N 6th Robison John C, laborer, h 715 Showers av Robison William, h 1002 S Cameron Robison William D., chief fireman water wks, h 10:J7 S 9th

~.=::b.} HaRlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {=

Robison William M., adjuster, h 210 N 14th Roche Catharine, wid Michael, h 13 S River av Roche Mary A., wid William, h 716 South Roche Richard, h 518 Filbert Rochman Abram, grocer, 510 State, h do Rock Elmer, laborer, h 1330 S 13th Rock Ora, brakeman, h 1107 N 7th N Rockafellar Sarah, wid John, h 932 N 2d ROCXAFELLAR THOllAS B., real estate and insuranoe agent, 272 North, h do J: Rockey Clarence, brakeman, h 524 Maclay Rockey Foster, laborer, h 635 Camp Rockwell "Harry E., conductor, h 238 State Rockwell James T., brakeman, h 315 Muench Rodd Charles S., tinworker, h 2142 N 5th Roddy Joseph Stockton Rev., h 118 S 13th fI) Rode, see Rhoads Rodeamlel Harriet, wid Henry, h 25 N 4th Rodearmel Helen L., h 604 N 3d Rodearmel William, journalist, h 604 N 3d Rodenhaber Hiram W., brakeman, h 502 State Rodenhaver Charles, brakeman, h 632 Verbeke Rodenhaver David F., tray salesman, h 310 Boas Rodenhaver Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h 310 Boas Rodenhaver J. Edgar, printer Telegraph, h 1204 N 3d "

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Rod4Cnhave4C J. ! Rodcnhaver Filbnv~ h 24th Rot!+iihave~ ivlary saleslady, h:;;01 .N i:id, h '~{10 Boas Rodenhaver & Filbey, (J. W. Rodenhaver and T. G. City Cnfe, 4th Rodtnhiser M., nnginc't, h 1:0(5 Bevvyhill RODERICK~~ames ~:, chief Department of Mines, 215 Wal h nne Lontel Rodons AUt'pd P ralleT" R h t il ,41 M/'ttre Rod~~~s A;~g~~lil1e',' ~~'id Ed\~.ard, h 1129 Capit~'i RO(in'nrs ChHence, 22:: l'\ lith RodKnvs Eh!Nard. bookbinder, 5:1~ unter Rodgers Frederick, flagman, h 54 N 12th RodUii/s George bra hernan, 12(; 1~th RodK;ers George "flaUTnon, d~:l:l (ah Rodgers Herbert c., fireman, h 22:J:l N Gth

~~~1:::~: ft:~~j:, t:hore~~rie~~;l; \ll~nter

Rodgers z: Rodmt'T"S ~ RodK~:;s ~ Rodgers .cD Rodzrt'rs _ Rodm'T"s : : Rodg~~s Rodgers

h John, laborer, h Paxton ab lath Jnhn L 1ft 2d ~141 itloorr' LK~:,is, pip4CCtltter h {i:~zr Reily' , 1'iar, janitor Harrisburg Hospital, h do Margaret wid John, h zr,lfi S Camet'ou Rkhard C, labtror h HI Cnant S~i~~dor,' i~bor~~: l~ r 124 Pa~t~n Thomas poliz:ttman, 841i Cameron


Rod~;ers Vt'iHiam waiter, h 11:{2 Ft5hon Rodgers \Villiam T., caller P. R. R, h 2141 Moore Rodimaker Peter, laborer, h :1:13 Boyd av Rodhy Cbges L h CaHitt51 Rodkey Charles \V., fireman, h 17:m Fulton Rodkev Elmira 1\1rs" h 7:!2 Capital Rodke:? George \\ jr., eiharm'kr h Ht're Rodkey Harry B., packer P. R R fTt depot, h 1736 Fulton Rodkev Harry watchman, It 722 CeT}ital Rodkt'y Hatoey h 11 N C;:meron Rodkey Theodore, painter, 41:{ Hamilton, h 1617 N 4th Roe Adda S" asst cataloguer State Library, h 1255 Mul-


Roe Carrie A., h 1255 M ulberrv Roe Edward J., (F, 11. Roe & Son), h 116G Mulberry ROE :M. 50N, (Ed. r5ruggii3ts, :Mulhtrry , Roe Sarah A., wid Francis 1\1., h 1255 Mulberry Roen Rosie Mrs., h 1117 N ad Rogtri3 Daotd, asrt rupt I. awl S. h 7m? Fmn: Rogers Frank, laborer, h 709 S Front Rogers George, supt, h 7tH N 6th Rogorr Hand, brakrman, 1Hkli Walltte Rogers Jacob M., brakeman, h 1517 Wallace Rogers Leonard, furnaceman, h 107 \,yashin~~ton Rogerr Roh4Cut S" :l07 10h Tanner"r av


Red.IDd's WagoD Warks {!:r"~t~} 3d and RII~ SII. Digitiz GI ~l(


A. B. TACK =,t~:n~ Ion POper III 1IOd01_1I1Hr~:'~

Boyd's Harrisbarg City Directory.
Rogers Susan, h 709 S Front Rogers Thomas E., laborer, h 709 S Front Rogers William, cooper, h 1274 Juniper Rogers Zephaniah, fireman, h 259 S Cameron Rohde Elmer J., car inspector, h 17051 N 5th Rohm Ferdinand F., policeman Capitol, h 1425 N 2d Rohm Frederick W., jeweler, 1302 N 6th, h Ut5 N 2d Rohm William L., civil engineer, h 1425 N 2d Rohr Lizzie, domestic, 801 N' 3d Rohrbach Adam, laborer, h 1014 Paxton Rohrbach Catharine, wid George N., h 610 North Rohrbach Conrad, laborer, h 5116 S Cameron Rohrbach Daniel H., laborer, h 506 S Cameron Rolll'bach George. mason, h 506 S Cameron Rohrbach William, barber, 1021 N 7th, h do Rohrer A. Edward, roller, h :M c Seneca Rohrer B. Frank, screwsman, h 23 N 17th Rohrer Charles P., telegrapher, h 329 S Front Rohrer Oara, weaver, 11 120a N 6th Rohrer Daniel, engineer, h 329 S l'ront Rohrer Elizabeth. wid Martin, h 581 S Front Rohrer Elmer, screwsman, h 581 S Front Rohrer Frederick, junk, 1117 Cumberland, h do Rohrer George F., h 1124 N' 3d Rohrer Harry S., brakeman, h 423 Maclay

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Rohrer Howard A., roller, h 581 S Front Rohrer Jacob H., engineer, h 633 Herr Rohrer Jay Frank, (J. F. Rohrer & Son), h 1400 N 2d ROHRBR 1. F. & BOli, (1. F. and lay J!'.), real estate and ~ insurance, 19 li 3d Rohrer John c., brakeman, h'1105 Montgomery Rohrer John F., (J. F. Rohrer & Son), sec Paxtang Water Co., h 1400 N 2d ~ Rohrer \Villiam H., cigarmkr, h 329 S Front Roland Frank A., baker, h 115 S 13th Roland Harry D., brakeman, h 6311 Woodbine Roller Aurelius P., janitor, h 135 Balm Roller Charles, brakeman, h 2126 N 7th Roller Edward, tinner, h 15U3 N 6th ~ Roller Emma J. Mrs., h 2156 N 7th Roller Ferdinand, engineer, h 1720 N 3d ;::; Roller George J., machinist, h 17211 N 5th QD Roller Irvin, brakeman, h 2156 N 7th, c-D Roller Jane A. Mrs., h 324 Calder Roller John, brakeman, h 2164 N 7th Roller Minnie F., h 318 N 2d Roller Myrrha B., elk, 1314 N 3d, h 1720 do Roller William, shoemkr, 318 N 2d, h do Rolles Bros., (John and Joseph), confectioners, 409 Market and 433 State



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IIcR.D's Pain EIt.rminator !!~;.:a_-:.~-r~~ ... ~.

008 Boyd's Harrisburg City DIrectory.
Rolles John, (Rolles Bros.), h 43:J State RoUes Joseph, (RoUes Bros.), h 60:! Walnut c : RoUes Michael, candymkr, h 433 State "C RoUes Peter, candymkr, h 43:1 State Rollins Charles S., laborer. h 1230 N Hi Ii RoUins Frances, h 511 X 2d ~ Rollins Crner, hostler, h 3A2 Blackberry av ..: Rollison Charles W., carpenter, h !H2 :!2i Roman Alice, domestic, 241 S 14th ~ w Romberger Harvey D., asst wire chief, :!10 \Valnut, h 51 N 14th . c-:t Romich Harry, horse trainer, h 565 Racc Romich Henrv, h 565 Race u Romich Herman, lineman. h 1004 Cumberland Romich John,tinner, h 56!) Race -I Romich William, sand flattcr. h ::;61 Race Romig Calvin S . postal elk. h 142 N 13th H., elk P. R. R.. It ti21:} Peffer fI) Romig William stenographer. h 2292 N fith Rooney Agnes, Rooney Christopher F.; engineer, h 2:!92 ~ fith c1k P. R. R.. h :!2112 6th 0 Rooney James E., saleslady. :;:14 )Iarket, ~ a:15 Vlalnut Rooney Margaret, h Roop Emmett C, salesman. h 4:!j Beas Roop J. Howard, chemist, h 427 Boas Roop J. Warren, physician, 427 Boas, h do nnE Hlu.n I TIl.. ce. { ............tll'... ~.... ...,._} .......... _

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Roop William 0., salesman. h J2; Boas Roots Daniel, laborer, h 334 S 15th Rorer Robert ~1., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h 311 Chestnut Rorke John J., electrician, h :-,c)7 North Rose Annie, wid Edward F., h 124:! 'Walnut Rose Daniel M., barber, 401 Filbert, h do Rose Edward G., vocal teach~'r, h n6 N (jth Rose Elizabeth. wid Harry, 11 61! Forster Rose George W., blacksmith, h 1735 N 7th Rose Harry, engineer, h 614 Forster Rose Harry M., c1k P. R. R.. 11 !il:! Emeraid Rose Harvey J., brakeman, h 1221 Market Rose Harvey L., laborer, h 2:~ Meadow la Rose Harvey S., boilermkr, h 49 N 10th Rose Jacob A., agrl implts, HI SlOth, h Paxtang Rose John A., confectioner, 37 N 2d, h 223 do Rose Lucy B., telephone operator P. R. R., h .1221 Market Rose IHargaret C, wid Harvey J., h 1221 Market Rose Ross S., cleaner, h 1242 Walnut ROSE WII.LIAM' 1., division freight agent P. :&. 1, 413 Market, h liantillie Roseberry George, h 13.32 Penn Roseberry George, jr., laborer, h 649 Calder Roseberry Harry, blacksmith, h 1402 North Rosenberg Morris A., wall paper, 512 ;SOuth, h do

T_b~~L:T;O:'= 1011 rooor ond Imdol SllOOes nom A.

B. TACK {N~::tt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Rosenberger Henry Eo, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Rosenberger Percy :\1., molder, h 668 Calder Rosenthal George ]., genl mgr, 2:!1 1-Iarkct, h 1627 N 2d ROSHOIf 1. WILIJAM, photographer, 34 If 3d, h 1814 Green Ross Albert Ho, laborer, h 1300 N Hi Ross Anna Go, h 408 Harris Ross Antonio F., laborer, h 316 S River av Ross Calvin N., engineer, h 1205 N 7th Ross Charles A., carriage painter, 15UO N 3d, h New Cumb Ross Charles A., laborer, h 609 Race Ross Charles F., h 313 S River av Ross Charles T., wireman, h li:!7 N 3d Ross Edna F., apronmkr, h 2020 ~ 7th Ross Edward, laborer, h r 607 Race Ross Edward S., flagman, h 2020 N 7Jh Ross E. Owen, elk, fil5 Walnut, h 202.J: N 7th Ross Frank K., student, hIS Front Ross George Fo, search elk Dept Int Affairs, hIS Front R(,ss Gertrude Eo, h 616 Race . Ross Hannah M., lodging, 1 S Front, h do ROSS HARRY C., merchant tailor, 21 N 3d, h 219 Pine Ross Hiram, engineer, h 5118 Reily Ross Howard Zo, elk, 210 Wainut, h 1421 N 2d Ross Irene, saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 6119 Walnut Irvin K., tinsmith, h 508 Reily

:u < l:r;~=O[.. }HaRlsburg Sayings and Loan ASSD. {=:= :s:u Ross James c., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 508 Reily
Jessie, wid Finley, h 40~ Harris John Ao, fireman, h 1~U9 Penn John F., fireman, h 2024 N 7th John H., elk, 14301 N 6th, h 508 Reily Joseph Do, tailor, 21 N 3d, h 609 Walnut Ro~s Kersey S., brakeman, h 408 Harris Ross Lucy :\lrso, h 304 :\Iulherry Ross :Michael, laborer, h 316 S River av Ross Pearl Ao, electrician, h IH10 Berryhill Ross Prudence c., h 612 Dauphin Ross Robert F., flagman, h 13071 Green Ross Sarah, wid Adam, h 616 Race Russ Waiter K., student, hIS Front Ross William G., brakeman, h 408 Harris Ross William K., conductor, h 1521 N 6th Ross, see Russ Rossback Albert, foreman, Division nr 6th, h 2616 6iRate George Go, employee State Arsenal, h 203 N 15th Rote Harry L., brakeman, h 1520 Wallace Rate John R., pres, 322 ~larket, h 1727 N 2d R(.te :Margaret, h 1727 N 2d Rote Mary, wid Lewis, h 1520 Wallace Rate Stewart B., elk, h 1727 N 2d Roth Alice, h 230 S 2d



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H ,. (EUEY at CO'S -J'-DlamCtlaclIWIl_{ ,l1li 1M ..... Ita. o. BJaek '.dlll ....... aezt orcler.Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Roth Bella, dressmkr, h 230 S 2d Roth Glarles B., helper, h 1u21 Vernon Roth David M., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1:l21 Green Roth Ellen, wid Girard, h 2:30 S 2d ROTH FRANKLIN 1., lawyer and court stenographer, 16. 2d, h 226 Hummel Roth Harry C, elk P. R. R.. h Hm:{ Derry Roth Martha, buyer, ;{34 Market, h 23 N 15th Roth Nicholas, shoemkr, r 3 S 13th, h 2a 1'\ 15th Roth Stuart C, elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 1315 William Rothert John H., (Rothert & Co.), h Baltimore, Md Rothert Samuel, (Rothert & Co.), h 15:n N 2d ROTHBRT & CO., (1. H. and bamuel Rothert), carpete, stoves, furniture and house furnishings, 11 N 2d Rothrock Adam, molder, h 3 N 4th Rothrock Annie, bunchmkr, h 1221~ Bailey Rothrock Charles V., policeman, h UH6 Fulton Rothrock Eustic Mrs., h 2028 N 5th Rothrock Henry, tailor, h 1625 Fulton ROTHIlOCK ;JOeEPH T. DR., Commissioner of Forestry, 718 State, h Hotel Russ Rothrock \ViIliam A., motorman, h 531 Woodbine Rott Casper, bridge builder, h 1260 State Rott Mary, trimmer, 36 N ad, h l.:!/jO State Rott Wilhelm, piano repairer, h 2fil Delaware av

Rouch George T., salesman, H34 Market, h 1211 Chestnut Rouch Jesse J., machinist, h 1211 Chestnut Roucher Christian, boilermkr, h 1002 K 7th Rouff George, optician, h 2112 Derry Roulllfort Augustus L., cigar stand Comwlth, h ~15 N 2d Rounsley Leland E., collector Telegraph, h 119 South Rourke Bernard, engineer, h 142H 1\ 6th Rourke Edward C, storekeeper P. R. R., h 1423 N 6th Rom;e Alvin H., carpenter, h 1621 Derry Rouse Harry C, oiler, h 1621 Derry Roush Annie, bllnchmkr, h 1322 N 4th #I Roush David A., agt, 401 Chestnut, h 34 Balm Roush Frederick, driver, h 610 Church II Roush George, flagman, h 309 Reily av 0, Rou.,h Gertrude M., bookkpr, 1520 N 3d, h 309 Reily Z.!: Roush Mary, C..: Roush Samueldomestic, 130hWalnut 0., laborer, 1421 Zarker Roush William B., conductor, h 405 Reily l..: Roush, See Rauch It Rovai George, (Rovai & Gonnella), h Harris House Rovai !~ ROVAI & GORlfELLA, (George3d and Pietro Gonnella), proprs Harris House, 20 N M. ROW GBORGE A. L., clerk directors of the poor, h 67 I: N 13th .. Row John, fireman, h 1208 Fulton

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~DREW REDMOND}~::' ~W~{3d aDd RIlIJ Stal

Digitized by


I. B. TICK}lALL PIPER r::'!:-irl-::! IIIDOI SHIDES{N~~8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 561

:J: Row Joseph E., car repairer, h 1828 State Row Lottie M., h 57 N 13th l> Row M. S. Quay, elk P. R. R depot, h 57 N 13th Rowe Daniel E., fireman, h 6~~7 Harris Rowe Flora D., music teacher, h 410 Market Rowe George \V., boilermkr, h 12 Argyle Rowe Harry, laborer, h 12 Argyle :I Rowe Samuel 0., fireman, h 621 Harris Rowe William E., printer, h IH09 N ad ~ Rowler Aurelius P., steward, 302 Market, h 135 Balm Roy Alice, domestic, 1415 Fulton :I I Roy Harriet, wid Ro1::.ert, h 1415 Fulton llOYAL JOlIN X., prothonotary, Court House, and seo Burial ~ Case Co., h 119 Pine Royal Mary E., teacher, h 204 Locust l> Royce Frank, buyer, 215 Market. h 1 S Front C Royce George G., cigars, 11:{5 Wallace, h do Royer Catharine, twister, h 1612 Penn PI Royer Harvey R., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Wormleysburg Royer Lydia, forelady, h 1612 Penn Royer William B., fireman, h Hilla Peffer l> Royster Reuben, driver, 31 S :!d, h 6117 State ." Rubendall Charles c., laborer, h 1215 Fulton PI Rubenstein Wolf. ins agt. 14 S 2d. h 6113 State .Rubley Edward, laborer, h 1232 Bartine av




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Ruby Amelia i\Irs., cigars, 211 S 2d, h do Ruby Annie M., wid William, h HOU Capital Ruby Charles W., laborer, h 22~8 N 6th Ruby Harry T., engineer, h 2tl S :!d Ruby John I., machinist, h 2288 N 6th Ruby Mary E., roller, h 41i!l S Cameron Ruch Elmer E., laborer, h 2110 Pine Ruch Harry c., paperhanger. h 122!1 Cowden Ruch l\ellie J., tailoress, h 1224 Mulberry Ruch Ray A., salesman, 3:14 Market, h 1224 Mulberry Ruch Sallie E ., wid Thomas F., h 1224 Mulberry Ruder Andrew, puddler, h 1146 N 7th Ruder George A., nailer, h 2111 Greenwood Ruder Jacob, grocer, 1239 Swatara, h do Ruder William F., puddler, h 2111 Greenwood Ruder William F., jr . nailer, h 2111 Greenwood Rudisill Isaac P., cutler. h 1413 Green Rudolph Frederick A., roller, h 1116 Market Rudolph George W., laborer, h 8 Chesapeake av Rudolph Lizzie, dressmkr, h 1116 Market Rudolph Mary, wid Peter, h 1116 Market Rudolph Wilmer E .. printer Telegraph, h 1402 Market Ruoy Adam, elk P . R. R. frt depot, h 1425 Zarker Rudy Adam M., h 113 Balm Rudy Addie, h 112 Locust





CLARK'S =:J Drug and Patent Medicine Start {

562 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


C -----------------lll II..1U1ronIJ IRld Trust GO Of In'.'OI, J - ... ,...... '1Ie- l R_I s.tate BId I&J ntI1i aw . PE.... 1 f.'"'....'., Ceelrlcll r Rear of POll' Qa1\.-.!

Rudy Alice M., press feeder, h 16.'14 N 3d , . R udy Annie E., dressmkr, h 524 Maclay _ :; Rudy Barbara, wid Joseph, h 1~06 Derry Rudy Bertha I., dressmkr, h 5:!4 Maclay Rudy Caroline A., weaver, h 1800 Derry 1i Rudy C. Day, (c. Day Rudy Co.), h 1513 N 3d ~ Rudy C. Day Co., C. Day Rudy, pres; Karl Steward, sec; G art stained glass and church frescoing, 1835-1841 N 3d Rudy Charles R., repairsman, h 433 Kelker :5 Rudy Darius E., h 1634 N 3d Co:I Rudy David K., h 1911 State Rudy Edna M., housekeeper, 1R07 Berryhill Rudy Ethel M., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 2142 N 6th R)ldy Frederick, packer P. R. R., h 1800 Derry :: Rudy George B., car repairer, h 1123 Wallace Rudy Harry K., signalman, h 1913 State Rudy Harry M., fireman, h 2142 N 6th Rudy Howard E., flagman, h 16.14 N 3d Rudy Ira D., laborer, h 2154 N 7th Rudy John J., carpenter, h 525 Maclay fI) Rudy Jonas, shoemkr, h 1802 Boas Rudy Jonas F., milkman, 1807 Berryhill, h do 1&1 Rudy Jonas J., conductor, h 2142 N 6th .J Rudy Jonas M., stenographer, 17 N 3d, h 1804 Derry Rudy Joseph, driver, h 342 S 17th








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Rudy Lena, shoe operator, h 2142 N 6th Rudy Levi, h 524 Maclay Rudy Logan G., stamper, h 1807 Berryhill Rudy l\Iamie 11., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1634 N 3d Rudy Michael L., repairsman, h 442 S 14th Rudy William H., laborer, h 508 State Rudy William H., jr., laborer, h 508 State Rue Marian M., h 220 Pine Rue Mary E., wid Samuel, h 220 Pine Ruess Anthony, meat, 135 Indian av, h do Rugani Amadeo, waiter Harris' House, h do Ruggles Edward, car repairer, h 422 S Cameron Ruggles Susan, wid Alexander, h MiG S Cameron Rumberger Peter J., grocer, 2020 Derry, h do Rumler William J., bookkpr, ::W() Market, h 422 do RummIer John M., foreman, 7th c North, h 2525 N 6th Rumpf Charles, machinist, h 8 N Cameron Rumpf Charles C, foreman P. R. R., h 1526 N 6th. Rumpf Joseph A., machinist, h 1526 N 6th Rumple Marie, cook, 208 N 3d Rumsey Edwin M., carpenter, h 118 Locust Rumsey John C, clk P. R. R., h 26 S :3d Rundio Daisv, domestic, 60~ Kelker Runk AldonA., (Snyder & Runk), h 1907 Wood av Runk Clarence A., steam fitter, h 916 Penn


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Runk Daniel, h 1259 Bailey Runk David H., machinist, h 916 Penn Runk Edward B., machinist, h 1206 Chestnut Runk Sarah c., wid George, h 1907 Wood av Runk William H., steam fitter, h 916 Penn Runkle C. Herbert, watchman, h 1514 Derrv Runkle Daisy E., shoe operator, h 1514 Derry lI.UNKLE DANIEL, grocer, 191 _ 15th, P. O. sub station, 6, h 1435 Walnut Runkle David, shoemkr, 1514 Derry, h do Runkle Edward D., elk, 1948 State, h 1431 Regina Runkle Elizabeth Mrs:, h 5291 Maclay Runkle Enoch, h 1925 State Runkle Estella, domestic, 27 S 13th . Runkle George E., cigar mfr, 1600 Derry, h 1514 do Runkle George E., grocer, 11148 State, h do Runkle Harvey E., elk, h 1435 Walnut Runkle John A., drinf, b 16H) Swatara Runkle John K., caller P. R. R, h 19:1.1 State Runkle Kate C, shoe operator, h 1514 Derry Runkle Mary E., bonnetmkr, h 1639 N 7th Runkle M. Gertrude, teacher, h 1610 Swatara Runkle William K., h 1911 Briggs Runkle William L., shoe operator, h 1514 Derry Runkle William M., grocer, 15th c Regina, h do


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~~ :8::} Harrisburg

SaYIngs and Loan Assn. {::

Rupert Isabel Z., saleslady, 221 Market, h 248 Hummel Rupert Mary, bookkpr, 414 State, h Mechanicsburg Rupert Stella M., housekeeper, h 24~ Hummel Rupley Catharine, elk, h 611 Cedar av Rupley Edward C, laborer, h 12!{2 Bartine av Rupley Harry, laborer, h ill Cedar av Rupley John P., laboier, h 611 Cedar av Rupley :\Iary, cigarmkr, h 611 Cedar av Rupp Abraham B., elk :{OO Verbeke, h 1515 State ;j Rupp Amos B., c1k, 11 N 4th, h 502 North Rupp Bertha 5., saleslady, :{;~4 Market, h Mechanicsburg Rupp Charles, traY salesman. h 309 Crescent Rupp Charles L., foreman Patriot, h 614 N 2d Rupp Clara, dressmkr, h 1742 N :3d Rupp Clarence R, elk C I. and S. Co., h 662 Calder ~ Rupp Edith, saleslady, 3:{4 l\larket, h Mechanicsburg Rupp Frank K., brakeman, h 621 Peffer Rupp Henry. carpenter, 140 Sad. h 101 North Rupp John H., laborer. h 4 N 9th Rupp Katie E., dressmkr, h 101 North Rupp :-'Iinnie c., wid John F., h 662 Calder Rupp Olive E., dressmkr, h 1:~(16! N 6th Rupp Peter, laborer, h 4 N nth Co4 Rupp Sadie R, tailoress, h lIll North Rupp Solomon 5., lawyer, 3.11 ~'larket, h Shiremanstown ...

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H. M. KELLEY & CO. }OII:ces, :.r..~=- ~~.~~'r.!:} COAL AND WOOD

5 a:


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


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Rupp Sue E. Mrs., h l:J06! N 6th RUPP W. A.DIN, music teaoher, 1616 State, h do Rupp Warren R, patternmkr, h 13()6~ N fith Rupp William J., driver, h 18 N 5th Rupp Winfield S., salesman, 318 l\larket, h Wormleysburg Rush Alfred L., engineer, h 1717 N 3d Rush Sara A, press feeder, h 1717 N 3d Rush, see Resh Russ Adolino A., elk P. & R frt depot, h 1001 Market Russ Adolph B., (Snoddy & Russ), h 1110 Green Russ Augustus, steward Comwlth, h 1910 Susquehanna Russ Building, 15 N 2d . RUSS EltIEUO, restaurant, 10011003 Market, h do Russ Hector, laborer, h r 104 Filbert RUSS lAKES, The Commonwealth, Market c S 2d, h do RUSS 10HN, saloon, 212 Strawberry av, h do Russ l.ouis A, h The Commonwealth Russ Louis J., h The Commonwealth Russ Mary A Mrs., h 642 Walnut Russ ~Iaurice E., (Russ & Russ), h Hotel Columbus Rul's Narcissus, h 1701l Regina . RUSS PATRICK, Hotel RUII, 423 and 425 llarket, h do Russ William, (Russ & Russ), fish, &c., 19 N 2d, It 12 do RUSS & RUSS, (William and llaurice E. Russ), Hotel Columbus, 229233 Walnut



Russ, see Ross Russell Charles R, brakeman, h 4117 Hamilton Russell Elizabeth F. Mrs., registry elk P.O., h 103 Locust Russell Enos 1\1., messenger Adjt Genl's Dept, 716 State, h New Cumberland Russell Fannie M., cigarmkr, h 1917 Elizabeth av Russell Frederick, sweeper, h 15:l5 Fulton Russell Frederick J., helper, h 'Ui35 .Fulton Russell Grace, weaver, h 412 Herr Russell Joseph H., laborer, h 527 South Russell Joseph Y., hostler, h 1412 },iorth Russell Lizzie Mrs., h 407 Hamilton Russell Samuel E., inspector, h 1919 N 6th Re~t George E., painter, h 1:~4 Indian av Rust Mary F., wid Joseph, h 1M Indian av Ruth Bessie E., saleslady, 326 Market, h Mechanicsburg Ruth Carrie L., wid Elmer L., h Iii Evergreen' Ruth Harry, patternmkr, h 414 S 17th Ruth Stanley G., stenographer, h 15 Evergreen Rutherford Annie L., trained llurse. h 5141 N 5th Rutherford Eleanor G., h 24th ab Derry Rutherford Elizabeth M., h 24th ab Derry Rutherford Harvey, fireman, h 1122 Cowden Rutherford Howard A, teller Hbg Nat Bank, h 918 Green Rutherford J. Edmund, supt, h Lochiel Farm





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1. B. TACK}Wall PaDer and Window Shades{l:::J.a;;~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Rutherford John P., h 1247 Swatara Rutherford John Q. A., jr., elk, 226 N 3d, h Rutherford Rutherford Joshua E., elk Chesapeake Nail Works, h Rutherford Rutherford J. Parke, agt Ba~ber Asphalt and Paving Co., h Paxtang Rutherford L. Bertha, h Derry bel 23d Rutherford Margaret S., h Lochiel Farm Rutherford Marshall, adjuster, h 207 N 2d Rutherford Ramsey, foreman, h 250~ Verbeke Rutherford Sholl S., salesman, 308 Market, h Paxtang Rutherford Thomas W., elk Mechanics' Bank, h Paxtang Rutherford William S., mgr, h 200 N 3d Rutledge John c., foreman, 500 Race, h 1251 Kittatinny Rutter Adam c., engineer, h 1409 Wallace Rutter J. Harvey, h 1150 Market Ryan Alice, teacher, h 515 N 4th Ryan Benjamin F., fireman, h 1;-l25 Fulton Ryan David Ao, machinist, 1408 Vernon, h 14 N 16th Ryan John Ho, laborer, h 412 S River av Ryan Jesse P., student, h 515 N 4th Ryan Joseph, packer, h 412 S River av Ryan Josiah P., h 515 N 4th Ryan Julia J., teacher, h 257 Boas Ryan Mary, wid Patrick H., h 257 Boas

Rvan M. Ella, teacher, h 257 Boas R)'an Samuel T., bridge builder, h 225 Mulberry Ryan Walter, brakeman, h Moltke av nr Maelay Ryan William F., carpenter, h 257 Boas Ryder David F., elk, 1228 N 3d, h 1127 N Front RYDER HARDWARE STORE, (Snively Ryder), hardware, cutlery, &c., 1228 N 3d Ryder Snively, (Ryder Hardware Store), h 104 Boas Ryder, see Rider Rynard Emerson W., nailcutter, h 562 Race Rynard John A., physician, 562 Race, h do Rynard Mary E., teacher, hO 562 Race Rynard Norman B., plumber, h 5{;2 Race



Sachs George F., car repairer,'h 120 Balm Sacks William Jo, machinist, h 330 Blackberry av Sacks, see Socks Sadler Charles]., flagman, h Howard av bel Woodbine Sadler David W., oiler, h 1225 Swatara Sacdcr J. Adam, carpenter, h :l:JO Boyd av St. Clair Albert L., tailor, h 15119 Vernon St. Clair Clara 1\1., charwoman, h 14/15 James St. Clair Douglass, elk, 210 Walnut, h 202 Harris





1.1.II's Complelion PiUs :.~::xlc:nd~~~~~~; 308 Broad

566 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

St. Clair Frank, foreman E. F. B. T. Co., h 1305 S Cameron St. Clair Jennie Mrs., h 202 Harris St. Clair Margaret V., collar inspector, h 1403 Market "C St. Clair Mary A., wid David, h 1405 James St. Gair Maud R., weaver, h 1403 ~larket St. Clair Robert P., toolmkr, h 1403 Market ~ St. Clair Stuart, elk, 210 \Valnut, h 202 Harris St. Clair William, boarding, 1403 Market. h do ST. GENEVIEVE'S CONVENT, conducted by the Sisten of Mercy, 500 Maclay St. Lawrence Life Assn., H. W. Jones, supt, 21 N 3d Salem Mary B. Mrs., h 12114 Penn Salerno Giacinto L., tailor, 1525 Fulton, h do Salerno Vincent, tailor, h 1525 Fulton -Ii Sales Edward, laborer, h 1006 Cowden Sales John, supt, 10th c State, h 1006 Cowden Sales Richard, coremkr, h lO06 Cowden fI) Salingre Ada, domestic Lochie1 Farm Salingre Lewis, gardener. h Lochiel Farm Salsbury Leah, shoe operator, h 239 State Salter James, carter, h 15()9 Derry ~ Saltsman Berton H., operator P. R. R .. h 1275 14th. Saltsman George A'I paying teller Mechanics' Bank, h 2013 N 5th



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Saltsman Henry VV., sexton, h 1643 Susquehanna Saltsman James D., storekeeper P. R. R., h 201a N 5th Saltsman Viola A. Mrs., h 2225 N M Saltsman William c., fireman, h 1503i Derry Saltsman William H., laborer, h 1517 \Valnut Saltzer James E., genl ins agt, h 513 ~ 4th Saltzgiver Elmer 0., driver, h 52 Linden Saltzgiver James C, art store. 22::J N 2d. h do Saltzgiver Sarah, wid Michael, h 52 Linden Sample Ada E., saleslady, 1722 N 4th, h do Sample A. & Son, Oohn B.), notions, 1722 N 4th Sample Belle F., stengr, 22U7 N 7th, h 1506 Greet) Sample Channing L., laborer. h 422 Market Sample Clara B., h 1506 Green Sample Frances 1\1., dressmkr, h 1722 N 4th Sample James. laborer, h 15ml Derry Sample John B., (A. Sample & Son), h 1722 N 4th Sample Laura 1. l\lrs., h 614 ~Iuench Sample Mamie Mrs .. weaver. h 516 Emerald Sample ~larie A., student, h 1722 X 4th Sample Mary E. Mrs., hoarding. -122 l\larket. h do Sample Minnie E., teacher. h 151)41 Green Sample Peter H., wrapper mfr. -110 Verheke. h 408 do Sample Sarah :M., wid Joseph B., h 611 Briggs Sample Thomas G., elk Ins Dept, 716 State. h Hotel Russ

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City Directory.


Sample Virginia F., teacher, h 1506 Green Sampson Nancy, domestic, 505 N Front Samuels Mary, domestic, 305 S Front Sanders Alexander, laborer, h 1102 Cowden Sanders Annie, domestic, 1214 Penn Sanders Annie M., cigar roller, h 615 Showers av Sanders Annie R., wid Jacob, h 1920 Fulton Sanders Augustus, laborer, h 1516 Drummond av Sanders Charles, brakeman, h 1203 N 6th Sanders Daniel, printer, h 31 Evergreen Sanders Ella M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 3411 S 14th .sanders Frances, wid George W., h 526 West av Sanders Franklin, h 2031 Fulton .sanders Frederick, laborer, h 1933 Logan av Sanders Garfield, laborer, h 169 Indian av San~ers George, laborer, h 507 South av Sanders George L., stretcher, h 615 Showers av Sanders Harry F., engineer, h 1417 Regina Sanders Henry K., watchman, h (n5 Showers av Sanders James E., hostler, h 5 Haehnlen av Sanders James M., baker, 1631 N 6th,h do Sanders Joseph, laborer, h 23 S 2d Sanders Joseph, laborer, h 1516 Drummond av Sanders Levi, driver, h 1404 Vernon


} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {:: ::.r:


:Sanders Loring A., salesman, 327 Strawberry av, h 217 Crescent :Sanders Mary E., weaver, h 1404 Vernon Sanders Ross L., h 128 Chestnut Sanders Samuel, laborer, h 1400 S 13th Sanders Winfield, baker, h 1850 Swatara Sanders, see Saunders Sanderson Earl R., driver, h 617 Camp Sanderson Elsie V., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sanderson Frank F., (l\Iauk & Sanderson), h 2006 N 6th Sanderson Harvey E., photographer, h 316 Herr :5anderson Jane F., wid Theodore c., h 617 Camp :Sandler Harry J., tailor, h 22 Aberdeen av Sandler Isaac, tailor, h 610 State San doe Anna c., teacher, h 1421 N 6th 'San doe John L., engineer, h 1421 N 6th 'Sands Anna M., teacher, h 20 N 15th Sands Franklin B . laborer. h 42~ Cranberry av Sands William, laborer, h 430 Nor,th av Sangree Milton H. Rev . h 15ns l\larket Sangree George H., h 1522 Vernon 'Sankey James W., wholesale and retail saddlery, hardware and leather, 323 Verbeke, h 252 Boas Sansom Chas., weighmaster C. 1. and S. Co., h 618 Walnut 'Sansom Grace E .. housekeeper, h 63:l Kelker
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H M KELLEY & CO {I North act ~ ., . 10th aDd State ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,




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Sansom Joseph J" laborer, h 6:13 Kelker Sansom Samuel D., elk eLand S. Co., h 21:1 Forster Sansom William L., baker, h 1355 North Santini Oscar, mason, h 1101 Market Santo Frank, laborer, h 1410 Susquehanna Santo Isaac, boilermkr, h 14111 Susquehanna Santo Jacob H., hardware, lfi43 N 6th, h do Santo Mary E., wid John, h 2 N 9th Santo Solomon, coal, h 059 S Front Santo William H., fireman, h 2 N !.Ith Santuch Isadore, huckster, h 557 SlOth Sar('h Henry C, engineer, h 674 Boas Sarch Jane, wid Samuel R., h 674 Boas. Sariano Frank, h 29 S Court av Sartain Robert lVI., elk, 140H Vernon, h 1246 Kittatinny Sarver ~Iartin W., bar elk, :m9 Market, h do Sarvis Charles D., yardmaster, h 1431. Market Sarvis George L., elk P. & R frt depot, h 1431 Market Sarvis George 0., trainmaster P. & R., h 1431 ~farket Satchell George A., collector, 31 S 2d, h 1227 N Front Satchell George P., letter carrier, h 1225 N Front Sattler Johanna l\lrs., charwoman, h 109 S River av Sattler vVilhelm F. L., photographer, h 1un S River av Saucerman Catharine, wid William. h 2227 N 6th Sauers Elmer E., laborer, h 63x Harris

Sauers George E., laborer,-h 1122 N Cameron [; Sauers Jacob, warehouseman, h 417 Strawberry av Sauers Joseph M., huckster, h 1122 N Cameron ~ Saul Anna ~L, teacher, h 1916 N 5th brakeman, h Delaware Z Saul Charles,laboret, h 14111411 Cameron av Saul David, N Saul David F., elk, 432 Market, h 31 S Summit Z Saul Frank, engineer, h !lth ab Rdly II: Sa:ul George, la!>orer, h Hth ab Reily La.I Sanl Harvey W., fireman, h 837 Peffer Saul Tames B., tester, h 1:,m Dock Saul Jonathan R, student, h 1250 Swatara Saul Joseph M., engineer, h 2;;00 N 6th .O Saul Joseph S., h 1527 Derry Saul J. Russell, mgr, 5 S 2<1, h 308 S 13th ~ Saul Katharine E., saleslady, h 157 N 15th 3i Saul Levi, jr., engineer, h 2tl03 State CI Saul Marv E., wid Joseph, h 542 vVoodbine ~ SAUL MILLARD F., plumber and livery, 1519 N 4th, h z: 1518 1-2 do see adv opp page Saul Wesley J" flagman, h 1719 N 5th Saul William S., h UHf) N ;)th c Saulll Charles \V., polic~man, h 1110 \Vallace . ~ Samn John 1., elk P. R. R frt depot. h 1112 Wallace ~ Saum Myrtle L., saleslady, 318 Market, h 1112 Wallace



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I. B. YACK} FIJtI;~O~!lTrN:VAA:-,.,&lA1:y~R {~1610rtb lIJIrd

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'Y. 569
Saunders Charles S., mgr P. R R dining rooms, h 12111 Bailey Saunders Ella L, milliner, h 2133 Atlas av Saunders John D., laborer, h 2133 Atlas av Saunders Martha F., wid Singleton S., h 507 N 5th Saunders Minerva, saleslady, 221 Market, h 113 S 3d Saundcrs Thomas J ., elk P. R R, h 12::n Bailey Saundcrs, sce Sanders Saur Edward, driver, h 211 IVleadow la Saur Matthias, h 208 S Court av Saurs Jacob, driver, h 417 Strawberry av Sausser H. Walter, cashicr, 311 S 2d, h 12:l Pine Savage George G., machinist, h l:HO Howard Savage Helen J., wid Edward G., h 1:nn Howard Savington Ellen, .wid Hiram, h 516 South Sawtelle Claude D. Rev., h 818 Cowden Sawyer Annie, cigarmkr, h 3lf1 S 2d Sawyer Edgar H., engineer, h 204 S River av Saw)cr' Ella, housekeeper, 310 S 2d Sawver Frank, laborer, h 1040 S Cameron Saw)'er Jacob, shearsman, h 310 S 2d Sawyer Jacob, jr., rougher, h :.nO S 2d Sawyer Lillie, charwoman, h 1405 :t\ 3d Sawyer 'William A., heater, h 1042 S Cameron Sayford Fanny R, h 217 State

Sayford Herman K., elk P. R. R frt depot, It 104 Calder Sayford John :M., elk Hug Nat. Bank, h Camp Hill Say ford John IVlilt, elk P. & R frt depot, h 411 Walnut Sayford S. Newton, asst foreman P. R R, h 104 Calder Sayford vVilliam, h 2}j State Saylor Clinton B., car repairer, h 17aoi N 5th Saylor David H ., brakeman, h 1622 Fulton Saylor Edgar A., laborer, h 23R State Saylor Edward T ., fireman, h 17:l4 N 5th SaYlor Etta F., domestic, 14:~2 N 2d Sa)'lor Jennie C, h 301 Calder Saylor Simon R, carpenter, h 27:~ Verbeke Saylor Susan, nurse, h :~30 Delaware av Scantling Annie, wid Tobias, h 1421 Susquehanna Scantlillg Filmore, puddler, h 217 S 15th






~I~mm~~. li~~r1 ~M ~~mm~lm~


"0. 1519 "orth 4th Sfreet.

No 1230 AReI' STREET PHllA. PA



MeNeU'. PaID EldermlDator euIW CboIeIa lIortIaI, n,-ter7,(ftm~ DIan'..... 00kIa. Qulna)".~. TooC!IIIebe, lin 'l'IIroM,. Ape.

n,apepu." _ .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,




C -----I&J - Q nne _DIY ODd Trust co. "e.... {a.::'I':::~ ~}~ ~ ~~.


Scarboro Wm. E., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 1124 N Front Schaefer August, brakeman, h 1008 Hemlock Schaefer George, helper, h 1008 Hemlock Schaefer John A., boilermkr, h 901) S 19th Schaefer John A . fireman, h 353 Hummel Schaeffer Amanda, wid Gcorge G., h 152 Sylvan ter Schaeffer Annie, domestic, 605 South Schaeffer Charles S., pressman. h 229 S 2d Schaeffer Conrad, laborer, h 1219 \VaJlace Schaeffer Harry A., bridge builder, h 1431 James Schaeffcr Lewis J., grocer, 1528 Derry, It do SCHAEFFER NATHAN C., supt Public Inltruction, Capitol, h The Bolton Schaeffer Ross, laborer, h 1214 N Cameron Schaeffer Thomas, gasman, h Verbeke bel 3d Schaeffer, see Shaffer, also Scheffer Schaenzlin Frederick, car repairer, h 1224 Currant av Schaff Jacob N., painter', h 14:J6 Derry Schaffer haac L., h 432 :Market Schaffner Alice, salesladv, :~;~4 Market, h 2102 N 6th Schaffner Anna M., cigarnlkr, h 8 N 9th Schaffner Annie, wid Emanuel, h 343 S 16th Schaffner Annie A., liner, h :~4;~ S 1I)th Schaffner Cornelius E., painter, h 8 N 9th Schaffner Emanuel B., edge setter, h 34:l S 16th






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Schaffner Harry G., check man P. R. R., h 1242 Walnut Schaffner Jen111c N., waitress National Hotel, h 8 N 9th Schaffner John, laborer, h ;343 S 16th Schaffner John 0., brakeman, h 60i Cumberland Schaffner Sadie K., cigarmkr, h 8 N 9th Schaffstall Cora 1., domestic, 1126 Grape a\' Schaffstall Edward c., switchman, h 1126 X I)th Schaffstall Edward R., assembler. h 1126 N 6th Schaffstall Florence E., bonnetrnkr, h 1126 ~ 6th SchaffstalI George W., repairsman, h lIHfi Penn Schaffstall John H., machinist, h 112H X I)th 'schaffstall MolIie E .. l!Ousekeeper, 1121) X 6th Schaffstall Sarah, wid Christian, h 1126 lirape av Schafhirt Alex. F., cJk. 4U1 Chestnut. h :\Iechanicsburg Schafmeister John, florist, 4th nr Seneca, h uno N 3d Schaner Charles W., laster, h 1432 Derry Schaner George E . postal elk, h 44:l S 14th Schaner \YiJliam H., letter carrier, h :~55 Hummel Schaum Charles Y., laborer, h 1012 State Schaum Edmund J.. painter, h 1711'\ Logan av Scheffer Frederick W., elk, h 1:l2H X 2d Scheffer Lizzie 1\I. Mrs .. h SI)O X 2d Scheffer Louis K., job printer, 21 S 2d, h 2iG Hamilton Sdleffer l\Iaria, h 21 S 2d Scheffer :'IIartin L., printer. h 21 S 2d

Empl071 DODe but ftnt-el_ WOI'kmen, beDee ODI~ I.UI A B TACK} daa Worlr.douelDu)"panoi { 5.14&

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


SCHEFFER THEODORE F., (estate), bookseller, stationer, ~ printer and binder, 21 S 2d see adv ~
Scheffer Theodore F ., elk, h :!iij Hamilton Scheffer Theodore K, h 21 S 2d Scheffer T. Jefferson, bookkpr, 21 S 2d, h do Scheffer WarrCll D., elk Post Office, h 9:!7 Capital Scheffer William T., bookkpr, 17 .:\ 2d, h 8UU do Scheffer, see Schaeffer, also Shaffer Scheffev Lillie L., waitress, 23 S 2d Scheible Kate, h 2~7 Verbeke Schelhas August, baker, h una Berryhill Schelhas Carl, conductor, h 1813 Berryhill




C ~

Schelhas Gottlieb, tailor State Arsenal, h 1~13 Berryhill Schelhas Paul G., laborer, h 1813 Berryhill ScheU Albert, stone mason, h 1017 S 21:\ Schell Anna c., h 1103 N 2d Schell Annie c., hOllsekeeper, 1135 Derry Schell Annie M., forelady, h 11!1:! Christian Schcll Caroline, wid Frank R., h lUI State Schell Charlcs A., elk, 210 Walnut. h 1:!.-< Hoerner Schell Edward H., salesman, a6 K 2d, h 110a do Schell Edward ]., laborer, h HnH Vernon Schell Edward ~1., baker, 1512 Derry, h do Schell Ephraim H., hricklayer, h 1017 S 211

:r ,.


Binding and Printing :u o



Office 81ollonery oM R~lIroo~ 8u~~lIes ~

BOOK BINDING AND PRINTING ~ flat-openint Blank Books a Specialty.



Bouod and Be-Bound In the BeBt 8!Jle an(1 at BeallOnable Prices,.


~ C/I9

Stationer, Printer and Book Binder,
21 South Second Street, - HARRISBURG, PA.



C/I9 ;r



M. KEllEY & CO.{,~,::',:,,=:a.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Schell Frank R.. student, h lUI State Schell Herman J., bookkpr, 22 N 3d, h 1103 N 2~1 Schell John H., laborer, h W19 S 21! Schell Joseph P., engineer, It 14119 Vernon Schell Margaret H., proof reader, h 1t:-~5 Derry Schell Mary, wid Michael. h 11!12 Christian Schell Myrtle, elk, Mulberrv c Crescent, h 1135 Derry Schell Orville H., student, h lUI State Schell Thomas, h 11:15 Derrv Schell Walter S., clk, !:I N 2d,'h 1135 Derry Schell William F., mess Comwlth Trust Co., h 1103 N 2d Schell William H., laborer, h (j:!7 Hamilton Schell 'William P., student, h 119 State Schell, see Shell Schellenberg Otto P .. machinist, h 547 Race Schellenberg, see Shellenberger SCHICX WILLTAlI X., manager New England Mutual Life Insuranoe Co., 227 Walnut, h 1607:1' 2d Schiffman Abram, grocer, 514 Cowden, h do Schilling Elmer S., printer Independent, h 1109 Montgy Schillinger Amelia, wid William, h 120:3 N 6th Schillinger John E., laborer, h 15:32 Thompson av Schillow Peter, laborer, h 512 Peffer Schimele Clemens, jr., h 1995 N 7th Schimele Emma Mrs., weaver, h 719 North Schimele Irene M . hOtlsekeeper, 1340 Penn


Schimele John, molder, h 1925 N 7th Schimp William, car repairer, h 524 Maclay Schindler Andrew, laborer, h 2143 N 4th Schindler Augustus, usher P. R. R., h 1246 Walnut Schindler Glarles, laborer, h 1961 Moltke av Schindler Ernest, I. 2143 N 4th Schindler Ernest, jr., laborer, h 2143 N 4th Schindler John 1\1., laborer, h 620 Peffer Schindler Wiiliam H., brakeman, h 2143 N 4th Schlayer Annie c., teacher, h 413 Boas . Schlayer Edward, painter, 201 Verbeke,'h do Schlayer Elizabeth, wid Andrew, h 413 Boas Schlayer Jacob F., h 1000 N 3d Schlayer Julia K, elk, 440 Market, h 413 Boas Schlayer Lillie M., bookkpr, 334 Ma.rket, h 413 Boas Schlayer William H., jr., die pressman, h 123 Sayford av Schlegel John, h 112:~ N Front Schlehr William H., molder, h 123 Say ford av Schleicher William F., bricklayer, h 9a9 S 191 Schleisner vViIliam B., (Klein Co.). h 1805 N 2d Schlepfer John U., laborer, h 1604 Susquehanna Schlicher Emma, wid Joseph, h 169 Paxton Schlicher Pauline K., stripper, h 165 Paxton Schlick Agnes G., teacher, h 1822 N 6th


Radmond's Wagon Works {=~.::~} 3d andJlelly Sts.



A. B. TACI::~~ 1011 PllDer I11III1101101_ ft,w' fJll

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 573
Schlick Frank J., watchmkr, 214 Market, h 1822 N 6th Schlick Gracense, milliner, h 1~:.!2 N 6th Schlick John P., h It1:.!2 N 6th Schlick Katie c., dressmkr, h 1822 N 6th Schlick Louisa, housekeeper, h 18:.!2 N 6th Schlick Philip, laborer, h 1822 N 6th Schlitzer Benjamin, frog builder, h 573 S Front Schlosser Joseph L., car inspector, h 1844 North Schmid Frantz, laborer, h 1219 Wallace Schmidt Bernard, baker, 340 Chestnut c 4th and 58 N 13th, h do SClDIIDT CHARLES L., fiorist, 44 N 3d, h 115 Cumberland see adv Schmidt Charles W., tailor, h 318 Herr Schmidt Christina E., wid John, h 209 <;hestnut Schmidt Gara M., elk, Crescent c Mulberry, h 209 Chestnut Schmidt George, brewer, h 313 Verbeke Schmidt George A., jeweler, 23 N 3d, h 209 Chestnut Schmidt Henry 0., boilermkr, h 5()9 Race Schmidt James H. E., laborer, h 122 Charles av Schmidt John, laborer, h 607 Race Schmidt John, jr., laborer, h 607 Race Schmidt John C., laborer, h 2001 N 7th Schmidt Joseph, h 222 Forster












Schmidt Samuel, junk, h 720 N 7th Schmidt, see Smith Schmiedel Henry E., laborer, h 1837 Rudy Schmiedel Otto E., laborer, h 18.17 Rudy Schmiedel Paul E., salesman, 432 Market, h 1536 Derry Schmiedel William F., elk, h 630 Mahantongo .


From January 'Til December

. . . ..

This is the onll store on which loti can .tell rel7 tor the Freshest and C hoi cest Cat FLO W E R S as well 81 tor Original Designs. liTHE CUT nOWER NAN."


PhIL~ ')l~




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McNail's Pain Eltarminator ~:l~~'b:;e ,='~~~~Dh {808""iM;~

:.: -.. -g .:

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

c.:a c.:a


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Schmink Henry, tailor, 624 Calder, h do Schnable Carl, blacksmith, h :U3 Verbeke Schnader Harry E., elk, 1402 Vernon, h 2 S 16th Schnader Jacob, salesman, 110 S 2d. h 2 S 16th Schnader Jonathan, carpenter, h 2 S 16th Schnader William E., postal elk, h 2 S 16th Schnyder James W., flagman, h 638 Camp Schnyder William E., baker, h 18116 Susquehanna Schnyder, see Snyder Schoch Benjamin J., saw filer, h 33;3 Granite av Schoch Howard G., carpenter, h 33:3 Granite av Schock Oliver D., asst Dairy and Food Commr, 716 State, h 410 Briggs Scholl Charles G., motorman, h 2115 Brookwood Scholl Irene V., cigarmkr, h 1039 S 9th Scholl Sarah L., wid Jacob S., h 1139 S 9th Scholl, see Sholl Schomberg Christianna, wid Wm. ~\L, h 14 Aberdeen av Schomberg Mina A., teacher, h 14 Aberdeen av Schook Charles Mc., laborer. h 1210 Penn SCHOOL OF COIDIERCE, (1. Calvin Shumberger and George S. ][cClure), 24-28 S 2d Schoolev William G., bottler. h 1529 N 3d Schory John R, florist, h 2.3d nr Derry Schraudenbach Albert, laborer, h 1406 Market
llIIA." AI. TUIT ct. { .............InIIn. E_......nllI.... } .... ~ ..... - e f Sen.... , . . . . Tmt.......11 .,_. Idld ., J.dld.1 ,,.Ih ... ., PwlIfIIa

Schraudenbach George, 11arket o Schraudenbach Julius c.,laborer, h 1406 14Ot) Market frog builder, h o Schraum Mary M., domestic Home for the Friendless ::::: Schrawder Edwin M., steelworker, h 739 S 211: Schreadley John E., ice cream mfr, 1615 N 5th, h do A.. Schreadley Saul T., engineer, h 1936 N 5th E Schreadley William F., elk P. R R., h 1S:~7 N 7th C) Schreck August, laborer, h 11:?'.! S Cameron . U Schreck Frank F., engineer, h 194:5 Moltke av ..I Schreck Frederick, laborer, h 1116 S Cameron C Schreck Jacob, car repairer, h 16;l5 N 4th o Schreck John, h 1635 N 4th U Schreck John, jr., puddler, h 1635 ~ 4th Q Schreckengust Charles T., laborer, h 1314 James Iii!: Schreckengust Mary A., wid John, h 1314 James C Schreckengust Mary V., dressmkr, 207 Briggs, h do IiIJ Schreckengust Samuel A., elk, 17 N 3d, h 552 Forrest U Schreckengust Samuel "V., switchman. h 55!! Forrest _ Schreckengust William c., elk, h 207 Briggs Q Schremer Cora, domestic Hershev House IiIJ Schreffler Cordelia, weaver, h 1818 N 6th I- Schreffler Daisy, weaver. h 1818 N lith. Schreffler Jared I., bookkpr, h 1504 Penn Schreffler John H., salesman, 2"2 X 3d, h 1504 Penn

Schraudenbach Edward R, planer, h 1406 l\1arket


T~'::':~= 100 fooor ODd IIDd013hOdes Irom A. B. TACK {N.1:::t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 575 Schreffler Tires, tanner, h 1716 Briggs Schreiner Blanchard T., agt, h 1335 Penn Schreiner Frank 1., agt, h 1219 N Front Schreiner George H. Rev., evangelist, h a04 Reily Schreiner Harry J., elk, 1201 ~ ~d, h 13a5 Penn Schreiner Harry S., printer, h 1:{35 Penn Schreiner Matilda W., wid Ira L., h 13:..'9 Vernon Schreiner. see Shreiner , SCJmlVER CHARLES C., photographer and frame mfr, 1213 Ii 3d, h 232 Forster . Schriver Harry E., stenographer, h 1605 Swatara Schriver Samuel, treas W. O. Hickok Mfg Co., h 434 Boas Schriver William H., agt, h 1424 Regina ' Schroeder Grace E., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h Mechanicsburg Schroeder Jacob D., foreman, Mulberry c Crescent, h 335 S 14th Schroeder R. Byron, stenographer State Arsenal, h Mechanicsbur~

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Schmiedel \Vilham F., patternmkr, h 443 Boyd av Schroll Gertrude, domestic, 325 Cherry av Schroll Solomon, driver, h 1112 N 2d Schubauer Charles A., blacksmith, h 1410 Green Schubauer Robert, laborer, h 610 Peffer Schubauer William ]., laborer, h 26;~0 6l Schuchman John N., jobber'Lunatic Hospital, h do


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Schuddemage Catharine M., teacher, h 2002 N Front Schuddemage Clara M., teacher, h :!OO!! N Front Schuddemage Henry, contractor, 2002 N Front, h do Schue \Varren, carpenter, h 1319 Penn N Schuhmacher Frederick, barber, h 1118 Green Schuler Louisa, domestic, 625 Race Schuler Louisa, wid Jacob, h 625 Race Schultz Clarence F., elk, 208 Walnut, h 266 Herr % Schuster Annie B., h 1510 Derry Schuster John H., elk F. anc;l M. Works, h 1510 Derry Schuster Raymond M., elk, 7th c Boas, h 1510 Derry Schuster. sec Shuster Schutt George L., watchman, h 159,S Summit (I) Schutt Gertrude E., elk, h 159 S Summit SCHUTZBlIBACS: 'liDBBW hotel, 1232 Ii 8th, h do SCHUTZENBACH AUGUSTUS A., bottler, Canal 0 State, ]a ~ 1122 Ii 3d Schutzenbach Barbara, wid Hugo, h 1122 N 3d Schutzenbach Charles, plumber, h 1232 N 6th Schutzenbach Clara, miIliner, h 1232 N 6th SClIUTZENBACH HUGO, wholesale wines and liqUOri, 416 Verbeke, h 1122 :N 3d Schuyler Annie E. l\lrs., mgr, 20 N 2d, h do Schwartz E. Theodore, printer, h 438 Boas Schwartz Forest E., sub letter carrier, h 438 Boas

I ..

,. ,. ,:u. -

POWNALL'S' PASTE WORKS {x':'''c:'::-': 85 Google

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City nirez;tory,



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Schwartz, see Swartz Schwartzbach Ammon labozer, HHF ihnn Schwarz ~redcrick J" stO?ccutter, h 29 Sassafras av Schwarc J, Grant, ssC W'tmaa~Scl~m~arzo" Hill Sch\varz John, shoernkr, ~06 ~herr:r av, do Schwarz John H" shoemkr, 30 S 2d, h 104 Balm Schwara William, i\'et h 2045 Chawy a, Schwe!tzer C,arrie, ,h .559 ,Ra~e,. .~ Scim'eltaer Cetklannis, W10.1 ChwstJan f.. 315 Cumh"rlaii2K Schweitzer Hettie, 55!? h~ace SC!lwe!tzcr Joh~ F~. driver,. h 3;:; C~lmberland Schwcltrir Lirrle, ruler. ;31 s~tlmt,erlan%l Schweitzer Rose M., milliner, h 5{j9 Race Schwcitwr. Swzitzek" Scicchitano Antonio, tailor, 215 S ;;;d, h 305 S River av Scott Annie, coater. h 913 Capital Sn,H Annie L, wid \Villisml P~, h dd5 South Scott Arthur, laborer, h 12 Cowden Siiott Bak"tie rs., g'e ciciim, din State, do Scott Charles E., waiter Commonwealth, h 110 Filbert Snitt C Linfnd. 19th h ''%'Ti'eltim S'YSi t CnTia "ook :id S~~tt D~~i~l,i;b~rer, h 12 Cowden Scott EL.abith F.~ 25 4th Scott Ellen 1\-1., shoe operator, h 226 Locust

SCid Scott Scott Scott Scott Scolt Scott Scott Scott

N. Kd SI.
Fk"iderkk, finishei h 2h S 4th George, laborer, h 526 Brown av Hcnry, l%fbosk"c, h 335 Cnlder Iowaol K., inspector, 1201 Mulherry James, cook Hbg Club, h 412 South John C. engirieer, N Hlh John H., foreman Paxton Furnaces, h 621 N 2d John foreman~ 64H '%'Voodbine John P., teacher, h 605 South John R, laborer, un John \C., laborer, 710 av Joseph, huckster, h 71:l State M argacctta ~,h S Martha R., h 605 Sotith Mary, ";{)4 ~aldf%l NTincy '>lP '>d N~lso~. la-borer ~ h r 1145 CumberlaHd Nettie ~\Irs.. 69th Owen, stee~w0l'ker, h 92~ Gnl11d WHi <.ieoroe. h 1705 '~,outh Samuel, porter, h 430 North av Sarah Mrs" h 1704i Walnut SidHey bV., saksmsiH, h 0 Pine Susan, wid Michael. h 647 Woodbine Thomas.labc'k"er, h17 bPalmtt

Scott Scott Seott Scott Scott


SCilzt Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott SCOTt

ANDREW REDMONDJ~~~~!~{3d aDd1(1 OC Rill; Sbc.

I. B. TACK} IALL PAPER e::::;!...-=: IIIDOI3HADE3h~~~~i"~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Scott Walter, laborer, h 1700 Walnut Scott William H., finisher, h 1417 James Scout Charles W., laborer, h 417 Boyd av Scout Herman M., electrician, h 417 Boyd av Scovern Anna, wid John, h 238 Hamilton Scovern Anna G., saleslady, h 1414 Green Scrivener Elizabeth, wid Richard, h 1208 Apple av Scuftsa Marie, domestic, 1018 N 7th Scull William, laborer, h 1319 l\Iarion Seabold Edward D., chemist, h 1410 Regina Seabold Samuel, shoemkr, 1410 Regina, h do Seabold, see Sebold, also Sebolt Seabolt Harry J., driver, h 514 Filbert Seacrest Ruby, stenographer. f:ii N 2d, h Steelton Seager Dennis, laborer, h 1221 Derry Seal Charles W., elk, h 924 1\ 6th Seal Elizabeth, music teacher, H24 N 6th, h do Seal Frank M., salesman, h 15:t~ Green Seal Helen D., stenographer, 208 Walnut, h 615 Boas Seal James E., laborer, h 924 N 6th Seal John B., elk, h 615 Boas Seal William A., storekeeper P. R. R., h 924 K 6th Sealfon Robert, tailor, h l:t:!() N e6th Seaman Eustace A., condu(,tor, h W30 S Cameron Seaman Henry A., U. S. K, h 55 Balm

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Seaman Henry G., painter, h 55 Balm Seaman Henry G., jr., laster, h 55 Balm Seaman l\1ary E., stengr Dairy Commsr, h 55 Balm Seaman Rosseel R., messenger Dairy Commsr, h 55 Balm Searfauss Henry M., machinist, h 1455 Regina Searfauss John, horseshoer, 10th ab Market, h 1514 Susq Searfauss John A., ca1ler P. R. R., h Duncannon Searles Edward M., millwright, h 1328 Vernon Sears Frederick D., shoemkr, 325 Hamilton, h do Sears Harry A., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 1642 N 4th Sears Mary B., cigarmkr, h 1642 N 4th Sears Willard T., mechanical engineer, h 211 N 2d Sebastian Angelo, bar elk, 24 Grace av, h do SEBOLD RA.RRY 0., stoves and hoUle furnishing gooda, 1316 Ii 3d, h do Sebold John, brakeman, h 6:~8 Reily Sebold, sec Seabold, also Sebolt Sebolt Daniel W., brakeman, h 2144 Atlas av Sebourn Bertha B., shirtmkr, h 632 Harris Sebourn Charles W., inspector, h 1517 Penn Sebourn Harry B., car inspector, h 1244 \Valnut Sebourn Jacob H., grocer, S!?7 Green, h 2"..5 Forster Sebourn Robert F., laborer, h 632 Harris Sebourn \Vashington c., engineer, h 632 Harris Sebourn William A., elk, h 632 Harris


No 1230 .\RCH STREET . PHIL' . P.\


ClARK'S =~~ Drug and Patant Medicine Store{~:~AD.u.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

I.. I

. . Sechrist George H., ca;penter, a49 S 14th, h do Sechrist :\Iilton A., bricklayer, h 1~17 Berryhill Seckendorf T. \Valdemar, rodman P. R. R., h Penn nr Hamilton Se'condorff William H., elk, h 170:! Penn Secrist George E., elk, :14 K :id, h 1417 N 6th Secrist Maud, domestic Hotel Columbus c.:. Secrist William, painter, h 1413 Zarker Secrist \V m. H., shipper C. J. and S Co., h 1252 Swatara Seebold James L., lumber, :!lti l\' :!d, h do Seeger Augustus F., baggage transfer, h 1110 Penn Seeger Catharine, housekeeper. 200 Verbeke Seeger Conrad, salesman, :~::n Market, h 200 Verbeke Seeger John W., hostler, h 1110 Penn St:eger May, music teacher, h 1110 Penn Seeger Nettie M., elk, ao N 3d, h 204' Verbeke -I Seegers Fred c., foreman Dauphin Cigar Co., h 22 S 4th Seel Annie c.. nurse, h 703 N 6th Seel Elizabeth M., stenographer, 2'29 Pine, h 703 N 6th Seel Joseph F., h 70a N 6th Seel Kathryn E., h 70a K 6th Q: Seel William E., (Waller .& Seel), h 703 N 6th Ia.I Seeley William, ins(>ector, h 712 N 3d .J Sees Carrie Mrs., h 212 01estnut C Sees Catharine, roller, h 1117 N Front





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sees David K., molder, h 1117 N Front Seesholtz Annie" dressmkr, h 1611 Fulton SEFTON CHARLES A., carriages, 1207 Capital, h 1005 Green. Segelbattm Charles S., h 120 S 2d Segelbaum Horace A., student, 15 N 2d, h 120 S 2d Segelbaum Samuel P., salesman, 215 Market, h Mchsbg Seibert Adam A., engineer, h 211 Blackberry av Seibet:t Annie M., packer, h 41 Balm . Seibert Arthur c., laborer, h 211 Blackberry av Seibert Arthur J., plumber, h 216 N 2d Seibert Clarence F., steelworker, h 216 N 2d Seibert David S., paperhanger, h 1315 Penn Seibert Emma J. Mrs., h 1000 Green Seibert George, carpenter, h 1224 Walnut Seibert George A., sec, HIll N 3d, h 1404 Green Seibert Homer G., jeweler, 1215 N 3d, h 1818 Penn Seibert John M., paperhanger, h 319 Herr Seibert Margaret, nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Seibert Raymond S., elk, :136 Chestnut, h 1404 Green Seidel Edward R., meat, 1720 N 3d, h 1844 Green Seidel Edward R., salesman, h 1844 Green Seidel George P., molder, h 1804 Susquehanna Seidel Harry A., laborer, h 1732 Walnut Seidel Samuel W., driver, 19 N 2d, h 309 Reily Seiders Charles J.. brakeman, h 614 Delaware av

Rtad tile PATRIOT} ~ENNET {Harrisburg'S Blst Nlwspaplr Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Seiders Elizabeth, wid Andrew J., h 910 S 9th Seiders Emory B., brakeman, h 1635 N 6th Seiders George M., laborer, h 1036 Herr Seiders George W., candy, &c., 300 S 13th, h do Seiders Jeremiah, conductor, h 614 Delaware av Seiders John II., elk, 35 N 3d, h Penbrook Seiders John 1., flagman, h 605 Dauphin av .Seiders Julian, wid Samuel D., h 1635 N 6th Seiders Mary, wid Israel, h 1536 Wallace Seiders Samuel, h 1415 Zarker Seiders Samuel 1., laborer, h 1635 N 6th Seiders Walter J., student, h 237 South Seiders. see Siders, also Zeiders, also Zeiters Seidle Caroline C., wid Samuel, h 109 North Seidle Mabel B., elk, 11 109 North Seidle Preston, helper, h 109 North Seif Angeline, h 500 Calder Seif Anthony J., machinist, h 500 Calder Seiferd Harry, ma!'on. h 1301 S Cameron Seifert Alfred A., fireman, h 320 Reily Seifert Edward E., elk, 320 Reily, h do Seifert Moses K., grocer, 320 Reily, h do Seifert Susan, wid Emanuel, h 320 Reilv Seiger Samuel, laborer, h 512 Maelay . Seigfried LeRoy, fireman, h 714 Capital


~~::::~Harrlsburg SaYings and Loan Assn.{==



Seigler Aurelia A., winder, h 1418 Susquehanna Seigler C Matthew, laborer, h 1418 Susquehanna Seigler Lewis C, laborer, h 1418 Susquehanna Seiler Bertha, trimmer, 36 N 3d, h 649 Boas Seiler Clarence E., messenger H. of R., h 239 South Seiler Frank W., ore sampler, 1~1 Market, h 117 South Seiler George H., bricklayer, h 649 Boas Seiler Jacob F., principal Hbg Academy, h 401 N Frpnt Seiler Lavinia, wid Herman, h 649 Boas Seiler Marcy 0., teacher, h 401 N Front Seiler Rebecca, wid Herman, h 239 South Seiler Susan, kindergarten, 401 N Front, h do Seiler William E., ore sampler, 121 Market, h 117 South ~ Seiler William R., laborer, h 2t1 South Seiler, see Siler, also Seyler ~ Seiihamer George R., car inspector, h 60 N 12th 00'1 Seilhamer William A. G., warehouseman, h 115 N Summit Seiple Martha, wid Simon, h 621 North __ Seiple M. Ella, dome~tic, 621 North Seiple Sallie, h 621 North Seiple Samuel, hostler, h 812 Cowden Seitz Anna E., saleslady, 12Ui N 3d, h 1610 Susquehanna SEITZ DANIEL S., lawyer and city solicitor, 222 Karket, 00'1

> o


> iJ >


h 1211:R 2d
Seitz Elizabeth Mrs., h 1185 Bailey

I -


H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.}on:ces, t,::r~:~~~"::!:}COAL AND WOOD

580 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
~ Seitz Harry G., driver, h 15 Brady av


Seitz Elizabeth, wid Noah, h 914 N 6th

Z o Z

Seitz Harry G., machinist, h 1214 N Front Seitz Harvey E., brakeman, h 1718 Susquehanna Seitz Henrietta L., wid J. Landis, h 914 N 6th Seitz John P., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h Middletown Seitz Joseph, laborer, h 1110 Plum av Seitz Mary M., saleslady, h 1214 N Front a:: Seitz Reuben J., engineer, h 1610 Susquehanna Seitzinger Frank W., butcher, h 2 Argyle en Selbey Isaac, laborer, h 1329 \Vyeth av Seldomridge I. Newton Rev., h 1930 State Seifried LeRoy, laborer, h Capital nr Herr Selheimer Guy A., fireman, h 232 Verbeke ~ Seligman Alfred, salesman, 6 N 2d, h 10 do 1&1 Sell H. Warren, salesman, 330 Verbeke, h 657 Briggs Sellers Alice M., cigarmkr, h 1000 Berryhill Sellers Bail F., engineer, h 507, Muench Sellers Bessie M., weaver, h 2(19 Barbara av 1&1 Sellers Caroline, milliner, h 1105 Cowden Sellers Charles C., plumber, h 1119 N Front Sellers Chas. R., warehouseman P. R. R., h 2128 Atlas av SELLERS CHARLES W., sheriff, Court House, h 1632 N 3d Sellers Clarence E., carpenter, h 635, Muench Sellers David G., engineer, h 509 Muench


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Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers David H., switchman, h 1802 N 6th Edgar N., engineer, h 1238 Kittatinny Emma Mrs., laundress, h 1126 Grape av Esther L., stripper, h 130 Indian av Fannie E., moctasinmkr, h CI6 Calder Frank R., harness cleaner, h 114 Barbara av George L., carpenter, h 516 Hamilton Harry, brakeman, h 654 Woodbine Jennie M., weaver, h 209 Barbara av John E., machinist, h 1140 l\Iarket John F., bricklayer, h 30 ~ 2d John R., butcher, h 1:30 Indian av Jonas, engineer, h 616 Calder Julia A., wid Amos, h 1610 Penn Reuben, flagman, h 612 :\Iuench Ruth H., h 509 Muench T. Henry, sand flatter, hIll!) N Front Thomas c., sand flatter, h 1119 N Front V. Bertha, clk div Public Records, h 1632 N 3d William, plasterer, h 1224 Walnut William F., fireman, h 1130 Montgomery William G., asst yardmaster P. R. R., h 2020 N 6tb William H., butcher, h 132 Indian av William H., plasterer, h 205 Sayford av "\'il!iam L., carpenter, h 515 Calder



;;: -

A. B. TACK}Wall PIDar and Wlndol Shadal{J':edl'8:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

58! Sellers William W., bridge builder, h 1105 Cowden SeUmyer George D., helper, h 120 Locust ~ Sellmyer Ralph F., laborer, h 120 Locust Sellmyer William A., brakeman, h 120 Locust Selsam John T., grocer, 400 Verbeke, h 254 Calder Seltzer Abner G., cutter, h 1933 Swatara Seltzer Alfred, decorator, 3.'34 ~Iarket, h 1204 N 6th ." Seltzer Joseph, decorator, 3:14 .Market, h 1:127 Vernon 1'1 Seltzer Joseph J., ticket writer, h 1327 Vernon lID Seltzer Peter E., carpenter, h 1204 ~ 6th Selvey Isaac, laborer, h 1329 Wyeth av Seiway Joseph, labon!', h 1414 Susquehanna Sener Thomas, barber, h 1515 N 4th Senft Solomon, machinist, h 2032 Fulton av Senft Tenna, dressmkr, 1101 N 3d, h do Senior Albert E., messenger P. R R, h 603 Dauphin av Senior Albert B., conductor, h 603 Dauphin av Senseman Alfred ]., drygoods, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster Senseman Harry, :m4 Market, h 705 N 6th Senseman LeRoy H., elk, 1206 N 3d, h 266 Forster Senseman Milton A., machinist, h 623 Reily Senseman Thomas, conductor, h 154 Sylvan ter Sensenig Isaac B., physician, 310 Herr, h 1125 N Front Sensenig Oliver H., laborer, h 1125 N Front Sentz Alvin, conductor, h 27 Balm

.. ; en ,.

Sephus Hattie E., domestic, 115 Cowden Sephus Joseph, laborer, h 1172 S Cameron Sephus Lucinda Mrs., cook, h Primrose av nr Cowden Sergeant Eliza E., wid William, h 321 X Front Sergeant Mary, teacher, h 321 N Front Sergeant Sarah H., teacher, h 321 N' Front Sersch Nicholas, helper, h 752 S 19! Sessemann Haydn c., piano tuner, h 201 State Setley Simon, laborer, h 1304 N 7th Settles Helen, wid Jacob, h til6 Church av Severns Julia G., wid Andrew, h Home for the Friendless Seward Jessie :\1., cigarmkr, h 203fi Boas Sewell John, iaborer, h 141~ Marion Sexton Alexander D., elk, 222 Market, h 19.'12 ~ 3d Sexton Edmund A., elk P. & R, h 1 Hi Sylvan ter Seyler Clayton fl., stenographer P. & R., h 1431 Derry Seyler, see Seiler, also Siler Seymour Edward F., pipe line, h 701) Showers av Seymour George \V., he1pu, h 1070 S Cameron Seymour Lillie M., finisher, h 709 Showers av Seymour Mary, h 312 Mulberry Seymour :\lary E., roller, h 1045 S 9th Seymour Samuel W., puddler, h 126 Nagle Shaak Caspar S., salesman, 22 N 3d, h :!G4 Forster Shaar William, driver, h 1610 Logan av





leNd's COlDplllion PUis :,~~~~: 306 Broad

Boyd's Harrisburg City . 582 Albert, waiter, h 1310 CurrantDirectory. ;; Shack av




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Shade Adam, driver, h 1039 S 22i Shade Alfred J., car repairer, h 2019 Fulton av Shade Alfred J., carpenter, h 302 Cumberland Shade Elizabeth, wid Benjamin C, h 312 Verbeke Shade Emory E., flagman, h 595 Emerald Shade Francis R., laborer, h 407 Reily Shade John, laborer, h 1235 Currant av Shade John E., stockkeeper, h 308 Cumberland Shade Robert W., carpenter, h 30~ Cumberland Shade Robert W., telegrapher, h 1831 N 2d Shade Susan, waitress, 517 Walnut Shade William H., laborer, h 1215 Wallace Shade William M., laborer, Herr clOth Shade William R., plumber P. R. R., h 407 Reily Shadel Herbert, bookbinder, h 13:{9 N 4th Shadel Viola c., wid ',,"illiam A., h 1a3!) N 6th Shader Bertha M., saleslady, 1300 Market, h 1233 Bailey Shadet; Florence c., stenographer, 14 S 2d. h 1405i Regina Shadd Frederick G., shearsman, h 123:l Bailev Shader Harry J., boilermkr, h 14051 Regina . Shader Henry F., laborer, h 1405~ Regina Shader John E., trimmer, h 332 Verbeke Shader Tohn H., coremkr, h!l32 Verbeke Shader 'Leonard J., bottler, h 40 Linden

o o

Z JllleGUoronlJ II1II mm CO. "=~{ --=':=~!':II~ ~==:::;

Shader William W. B., barber, 1270 Market, h 1424 Zarker Shadle Charles II., brakeman, h 6ao Bovd av Shadle William H., restaurant, 441 ~\,Iarket, h do Shadney Nelson, laborer, h 508 Strawberry av Shadow Elizabeth, h UH1 Wood av Shadow Harry, elk, h 636 Calder Shadow Irvin E., brakeman, h 627 Harris Shadow John H., brakeman, h 614 Muench Shadow William E., car inspector, h 6911 S 20th Shaeffer Augustus F., laborer, h 2103 Greenwood Shaeffer George c., bar elk, h 270 Calder Shaeffer George M., fireman, h 418 Cumberland Shaeffer Helen, cigarmkr, h 7 Aberdeen av Shaeffer James L., laborer, h 14 1'\ 14th Shaeffer Johanna, cigarmkr, h 14 N 14th Shaeffer John L., conductor, h 1:l115 N 2d Shaeffer Kate c., casemkr, h 1118 Cowden Shaeffer Mary A .. wid Henry, h :n2 S River av Shaeffer l'lichael.laborer. h 1118 K Cameron Shaeffer Norman C. baker. h 14111 Tames Shaeffer Samuel E .. patternmkr. h i 11:1 Capital Shaeffer \iola. bunchmkr. h 1107 N 7th Shaeffer William F., pudrller. h ] 520 ~ lith Shaeffer William G., quarryman. h 202!l Kensington Shafer John C, laborer, h 1512 Hunter av

Thl PATRIOT'S Sporting Pagl GIVES FV~Iy::~E~o\.ALL SCOR1I8

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I. B. TACK}~~~~==-~o~...{::::;'a::!
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 583
Shafer l\linnie A., boarding, 143 N 4th, h do Shaffer .Alfred H., blacksmith, h 1ta~ Derry Shaffer Alice, domestic, 1505 N 6th Shaffer Carrie H., stenographer, h :Hi c Brookwood Shaffer Catharine E., h 317 Reily Shaffer Charles A., salesman, h 136 Sylvan ter Shaffer Charles A.; student, h 1~2 Derry' Shaffer Charles E., linotype operator, h 1126 Montgomery Shaffer Glaries H., fireman, h 1956 Derry Shaffer Charles H., laborer, h 161:~ Penn Shaffer Charles H., laborer, h 1246 N Cameron Shaffer Clarence, brakeman, h 619 Harris SHAFFER CLINTON E., wagons and carriages, 15 N Cameron, h 1232 Derry Shaffer Daniel, laborer, h :J29 S 15th Shaffer David A., molder, h 902 S 20i Shaffer Edna, domestic, 405 N 2d Shaffer Edward ::\:1., brakeman, h 5:15 Violet av Shaffer Elizabeth A., wid Samuel, h 2401 N 6th Shaffer Ella, mattressmkr, h 212 Mulberry Shaffer Emma, wid Elias, h 317 Reily Shaffer Frank E., brakeman, h 641 Woodbine Shaffer Frederick J., laborer, h 2103 Greenwood Shaffer George, fireman, h 619 Harris Shaffer George, special officer P. R. R., h 2124 Moore




' "'-

Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer .Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer

} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ =::=


c ::

George B., justice of the peace, 1947 Swatara, h do Geo. E., linotype opr Independent, h 1505 State Harry, elk cigar stand The Lochiel, h do Harry, laborer, 11 1943 Rudy 1. Costa, saleslady, 3:34 Market, h 1232 Derry Isaac N., engineer. h 914 S 201 Jacob, shoe operator, h 754 S 191 James H., laborer, h };{4 S 2d J eremiah, carp(~nter, h 525 Cowden John, baker, h 1410 James John, brakeman, h 1507 N 12th John, laborer, h 11th c Kelker John A., h 754 S 191 John B., shoe operator. 11 1852 Derry John R., laborer, h :nOl Greenwood Lawrence, shoe operator. h 754 S 191 Lillie Mrs., domestic, 212 Mulberry Lylia A., h 1232 Derry Margaret :Mrs., h 15117 N 12th Michael J., laborer, h 911 S 19th Samuel, hostler, h 409 X 5th Sarah, dressmkr, h 515 Seneca Sarah, wid Jo~eph. h 121H Derry Sigmund, cranetender, h 134 S 2d S. -Tilden, patternmkr, h 8 S 13th

> o 1 > :;c ... > ~

POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No'..:.aC:::.:'~ogle by'-.:JU


H M KELLEY &CO {I North ad 8treeI. 10th aDd State ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Shaffer Theodore, carpenter, h 512 N 2d Shaffer Warren, bricklayer, h 2401 N 6th Shaffer Wendell A., laborer, h 11th c Kelker Shaffer William, shearsman, h 5:m SlOth Shaffer 'William, laborer, h 14:n Susquehanna Shaffer William H., laborer, h 1M3 Rudy Shaffer \Villiam H., tobacconist, 185:! Derry, h do Shaffer William M., foreman, 1516 X 3d, h 1931 Derry Shaffer, see Schaeffer, also Sheffer Shaffner Amos, tinner, h :!6(1 Cumberland Shaffner Andrew E . laborer, h 1411 Currant av :: Shaffner Bertha, h 640 Woodbine Shaffner Bertha, domestic, 1511 Green Shaffner Charles, engineer, h 6th ab ~Iaclay Shaffner Charles E., collector, 1127 X 3d, h 40l Herr Shaffner Clyde B., contract agt. 208 Walnut, h 1110 Green Shaffner David P., laborer, h 324 Ointon av Shaffner Edward \V., painter, h 401 Herr Shaffner Edwin 0., drygoods, 317 Verbeke, h 1618 N :ld Shaffner Elda M., !'aleslady, ~124 Clinton av, h do Shaffner Ettie V., teacher,'h 5th c Seneca u.I Shaffner Harry 1., fireman, h 1411 Currant av Shaffner Henry C, cabinetmkr, h 40l Herr Shaffner Jacob, tray salesman, h 228 Herr Shaffner Jacob 0., h 1724 N 4th


Shaffner James B., motorman, h 1411 Currant av

1&1 Shaffner John ]., milk, 510 Peffer, h 2102 N 6th

o Z
a: >

Shaffner John M., printer, 2UJ N 2d, h 620 Kelker Shaffner Kossie, h 1:!11 N 6th Shaffner Marion, fireman, h 421 Peffer Shaffner Mary, wid Harry, h 1243 Bailey Shaffner Mary C, hat bleacher, 611 Myrtle av, h 401 Herr Shaffner Rachel, wid David,)l 1618 X 3d SHAFFNER B.. FRANK, stenographer and general insurance 1&1 agent, 16 N 2d, h 224 Peffer Shaffner Sarah, h 134 Sylvan ter Shaffner \Villard F., painter, h 5th c Seneca Shaffner \Villiam A., grocer, 324 Clinton av, h do O Shaffner, see also Schaffner Shakespeare David, roller, h 2114 l\Ioore Shakespeare David, jr., doubler, h 2343 6} ~ Shakespeare David E., roller, h 2114 ~Joore ~ Shakespeare Mary C, cigarmkr, h 2114 ;\Ioore ~ Shakespeare Nehemiah, tinworker, h 2226 N 6th Shakespeare Theophilus, carpenter, h 2226 N 6th Shakespeare Walter, roller, h 2132 N 5th g ~hakespeare Walter, tin roller, h 2226 N 6th C Shakespeare Walter, jr., roller, h 2132 N 5th t:i Shakespeare William, catcher, h 2226 N 6th CD ':;hallenberger John B . elk Sec Comwlth, h 916 N 3d



~s:.!u"!:&! ANDREW

REOMONO{3d laUell, Sis. byt;oogle


I. B. TleK }FI:~~O~!ITT":VAA:-"~C~A~~~R {~1610rtb lIl1M

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 585

Shambaugh Albert A., laborer, h 517 Dauphin av Shambaugh Charles J. E., brakeman, h 2006 Wood av Shambaugh Edward R., brakeman, h 312 Harris Shambaugh Isaiah c., laborer, h 1511 Wallace Shambaugh Joshua S., engineer, h 126 Vine Shambaugh Rebecca Mrs., h 31:! Harris Shambaugh Samuel A., laborer, h 1511 Wallace Shambaugh Samuel G., brakeman, h 1744 Logan av Shambaugh William J., laborer, h 126 Vine Shambaugh William J., laborer, h 1817 Wood av Shammo Bertha M., elk, 609 State, h do Shammo Calder B., laster, h 609 State -. Shammo Charles A., elk, h 609 State == Shammo Harry L., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 609 State Shammo Luther c., grocer, 609 State, h do Shammo William J., heeler, h 609 State I Shamp Mary, wid Silas A., h 1523 N 6th :z: Shamp Wm. P., foreman F. and M. Works, h 607 Maelay SHANABROOX CALVIN' II., gJ.ocer, 822 Reily, h do Shanahan John W. Rt. Rev., D. D., Bishop of Hbg, h 212 liD o a State Shanaman Claude 1\1., laborer, h 2000 N 6th Shanaman J. Arthur, (Jeremiah S. Shanaman & Son), h 2000 N 6th



Shanaman Jeremiah S., (Jeremiah S. Shanaman & Son), h 2000 N 6th Shanaman Jeremiah S. & Son, (J. Arthur), artificial limbs, ::WOO N 6th Shanaman Leah, housekeeper, 29 S 3d o Shanasey Michael, brakeman, h ] 1122 Boas Shane Edward A., laborer, h 1150 Cumberland Shane :Mary, wid Joseph, h 1150 Cumberland Shaner Annie E., housekeeper, 1008 Cowden Shaner Annie V. Mrs., weaver, h 121 North Shaner Charles E., postal elk, h 1329 Kittatinny Shaner Eliza c., ironer, h 11108 Cowden ~ Shaner Evans B., waU paper, 11131 Derry, h 2141 Green-

I ...

wood Shaner George, laborer, h 637 Camp Shaner Horace D., laborer, h 2130 Greenwood Shaner Jacob, laborer, h 1416 Herr Shaner Jacob V., (J. V. Shaner & Son), h 1008 Cowden Shaner Jacob V. & Son, (John H.), blacksmiths, r 212 Locust Shaner Jefferson D., lunchtender, 400 Filbert, h 441 Mkt Shaner John H., (J. V. Shaner & Son), h 1008 Cowden Shaner Robert S., pipe fitter, h 101 N 4th Shaner Susan E., wea\'er, h 1008 Cowden Shaner Theodore, blacksmith, 1416 Herr, h do
, Fl.



III ..




'" ....


Palo EdermiDator CUI'I!II CboJela Martial, n,.eatll7.cram... Dlarra.-, 00IdI, Qu1DI,.lUaeumadam. Too&baclIe. . . . ~ Ape, DpJIeJJIIa." .......


Shaner Theodore, jr., machinist, h 1416 Herr ... Shaner, see Schoener Shank Albert, brakeman, h 318 Briggs _ Shank Benjamin :M., junk, h 12th ab Hamilton _ Shank Emery, baker, h 235 Harris Shank George W., engineer, h 2:l5 Harris ~ Shank Milton S., conductor, h 15:34! N 4th - Shank Samuel, lineman, h 1312 Green Shank Samuel S., flagman, h 1421 Susquehanna Shank Thomas A., carpenter, h 641 Herr Shanklin Edward, bricklayer, h 1230 Derry Shanklin Eliza, milliner, :36 N 3d, h 1514 Green Shanklin Harry, bricklayer, h 1514 Green Shanklin John, bricklayer, h 1514 Green Shanklin John, jr., bril-klayer, h H2i Penn Shanklin Marion, elk, 202 Market, h 710 Capital Shanklin Sarah. h 710 Capital Shannahan Dennis, laborer, h 1H N 5th l I) Shannahan Jeremiah, laborer, h 13 N 5th Shannahan Philip, heater, h 13 N 5th Shannessy Joseph A., driver, h 1212 Christian t&.I Shannessy Nancy B., wid John G., h 1212 Christian .J Shannon Carvell c., car repairer, h 2139 Moore C Shannon Edith E., copy holder, h 128 Linden t&.I Shannon Frederick J. Rev., h 214 Pine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.





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Shannon J. Fillmore. straightener, h 128 Linden Shannon J. Fillmore, jr., salesman, 2115 l\Ikt, h 128 Linden Shannon Joseph, sawyer, h 446 SlOth Shannon Laura. wid James, h 31:3 Chestnut Shannon Samuel L.. molder, h 446 S lCIth Shannon William E., machinist, h 446 SlOth Shannon W. Victor, elk, 601 State, h 128 Linden Shantz Augustus G., upholsterer, h 114 Boas Sharer, see Shearer Sharon Jennie Mrs., h I08 Cowden Sharon Mary, h 3d nr :\lulberry Sharp Albert R., cabinetmkr, r 605 Forster. h 812 East Sharp Albert R., lineman, h 110i N 3d Sharp Carrie J., h 109 S Dewberry av Sharp Charles B., laborer, h 312 S River av Sharp Elizabeth G., wid Samuel W., h Hi S Front . Sharp George F., floorwalkt'r. 334 Market. h ~12 East Sharp Harry G., heater, h 153S Wallace Sharp Jacob Q., loom fixer, h 2:~8 Charles av Sharp James H., roller, h 238 Charles a\' Sharp John R., cabinetmkr, h Sl2 East Sharp "Villiam, foreman. h li24 Camp Sharpj Augustus K.. h 1313 N fith' Shartle Adaline, wid Jacob 1\1., h 405 Strawberry av Shartle Mark J., brakeman, h 405 Strawberry av

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 587
Shaatla Paul swikhtender,W5 Stra\4,berrv Shartle Roy, press feeder, 201 N :!d, h 405 Strawberry av Shartzer Adam B., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 1349 do Shartaer Annie ~L, h 212 15th' Shclrkrer Boed A., h N l;lth Shartzer Boyd A., laborer, 1846 State Shartzer Elizabeth, seamstress, h a2!'i Chestnut Shaatallr Grace A., 1408 VeeTlon, h 1319 do ShYlrtrer In?Li., fort'tnan F. M. \Vb?, h 2ltt 15th Shartzer Katie G., housekeeper, :;12 N 15th Shartzer Mary, wid Isaac, h 114 S 14th Shatto Alexander ~L, ,1716 Susqueh~Hma Shattn Benjamin F., e{;~ichma!i, 117 IHver Shatto Elmer, engineer, 527 Race Shatto George, conductor, h 504 State Sh"ttil Harra R, salesman, 212 l'vlarkeL h 636 Caldyss Shatto Harr~' elk, (s'l7 Hlimill Shatto Irvin ., engineer, h G:;' Iarris Shatto Michael, carpenter, h 418 Cnmberland Shatto ROSE W" brakeman, h 504 State Shatto \ViIHani'? H., brrkl'1llan, 206 Cll"den Shatzer Geilrgc, boikrmkr, h Sylvan kr Shatzer Lila, domestic Hershey Honse Shataer Marv domestic, 1013 N 3d Sh:ldl Albert fOTll'111al1 ~ilk h 1dfI1 Green

':=-':='0b.} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {~ ::=

Shnub Elizahkt 1219 ATyple an Shy",h GeoTll**' h (n hlvrtle Sh;~b JosepLh, lab'orer, h 1219 'A~pl~ a~ Shaub Joseph, jr., laborer, h 1219 Apple av Shll77h Samuel C;., fireHl;An, h Cumberland Sh:l1nly \ViIIiem :e1., b'likY'man, Ib29 Cowilen Shaub William M., brakeman, h 1713! N 3d Shaud Joseph H., elk, 110 Market, h Annville ShaiiH Barbara, wid rlhilip, (fo'~8 Reiln Shaum 1\lar), l,1'eaVer, :U7 Redo Shaver Charles H., brakeman, h 1238 \Valnut Shaver Charles N., conductor, h 1238 Walnut Sh:1\1"e F. chljdllnan R, 238 krlahlUt ~ha1\ daniel , h 13bk 13th Shaw John, helper, h 1328 S 13th Shaw Joseph S., laborer, h 320 Muench Sha1\ ~Iarv wid hdward S" 227 C iwden Sha1\ Matilda, cigar coller, h ttace Shaw Maude, h 1527 Wallace Shaw Richard, laborer, h 517 Brown av Sha kVilIiam" engineer. h SusqnE:hanna Shemnl1'r Della, domeltk, 208 Shay Charles, piler, h 35 Lochiel 3d Row Shay Charles W., chemist, 17 N 3d, h Highspire ShlkY Edward lablleer h 12kk Cameefln

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~":t~~W"'b'} H.

I. KELLEY" CO. {ttl.:is:..=..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Sheaffer John B., janitor, h 1259 S 13th Sheaffer John H., flagman, h 237 Crescent C Sheaffer John K., carpenter, h 607 Cumberland :::I .". Sheaffer John L., brakeman, h 2141 N 4th Sheaffer John 1\1., baker, 1315 N 3d, h do M ol Sheaffer John \\T., fireman, h 540 Violet av 458 S Sheaffer --. Sheaffer Joseph W., engineer, h Penn Cameron Luther, laborer, h 1319 Sheaffer Michael 0., laborer, h 510 SlOth 1&1 Sheaffer M. Lizzie, domestic, 1738 N 6th Sheaffer Norman c., baker, h 1315 N 3d Sheaffer Philip L., laborer, h 337 Chestnut Sheaffer Rebecca J., housekeeper, 1115 N 2d Sheaffer S. Ross, steam fitter, h 1214 N Cameron Sheaffer Thomas B., gas fitter, h 273 Verbeke Sheaffer Viola, buncher, h 1107 N 7th Sheaffer William B., janitor, 16 N 2<1, h 510 SlOth Sheaffer William F., saddler, h 527 West av Sheaffer William W., foreman, h 613 Cumberland Sheaffer, see Schaeffer, also Shaffer Shealer Levi L., fireman, h 1200 Bailey 1&1 Sheare Curtis J., fireman, h- 224 S 15th Sheared Charles E., helper, h 23 Lochiel 2d Row Shearer Abraham L., carpenter, h 1111 Calder (.) Shearer Amelia, wid John \\T., h 17 N Cameron



Shay Harriet Mrs., h 1282 S Cameron Shay Harry W., laborer, h 1282 S Cameron Shay Wilson, laborer, h 100~ Hemlock Sheafer Daisy A.,.h 1119 N 7th SHEAFER H. 1. & CO., (lohn A. and Ralph Westbrook), insurance, 32 N 3d Sheafer William H., (Hbg Knitting Mill), It Phila Sheaffer Albert N., engineer, h 623 Camp Sheaffer Anna L., weaver, h 415 Muench Sheaffer Annie, cigar packer, h 1319 Penn Sheaffer Annie 1\1., tailoress, 1729 N 5th Sheaffer Benjamin F., packer, h 129 Linden Sheaffer Charles, lineman, h 605 St~_te Sheaffer Charles E., brakeman, h 1735 N 5th Sheaffer Charles E., brakeman, h 1306 Susquehanna Sheaffer Chas. L., horseshoer, 1508 N 3d, h 431 Hamilton Sheaffer Charle'S W., elk, h 129 Linden Sheaffer Edward, salesman, 334 Market, h 7 Aberdeen av :I: Sheaffer Elmer E., salesman, 109 Market, h 433 SlOth ;: Sheaffer George c., bartender, h 270 Calder ~ Sheaffer George W., laborer, h 1729 N 5th z: Sheaffer Harriet M., milliner, h 129 Linden :2 Sheaffer Harry H., car repairer, h 2129 Moore Sheaffer Ida, domestic, 1820 Fulton Sheaffer John, driver, h 610 Showers av




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HedlOnd's Wagon Works {:::~~} 3d III Rilly SII. Google

Digitized by

A. B. TACK ~t~:n:. lOll PODer IBId IIndOl_1I11\~:m

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Sliearer Aquilla IL, contractor, h 14~ Sylvan ter Shearer Charles c., machinist, h 2128 N 4th Shearer Oara, tipper, h 17 K Cameron Shearer Estella, domestic, 2:..>06 N :1d Shearer Harry W., h 1:!50 Bailey Shearer John, bricklayer, h 1205 Bailev Shearer Joseph G., pttddler, h 6i2 Sho\vers av Shearer Joseph L., men's fl1rngs, 204 ~larket, h 16 N 4th Shearer Joseph L., jr., shirt mfr, 204 Market, h 16 N 4th Shearer Kate, cigarmkr, h 17 K Cameron Shearer Park, foreman, 1400 Howard, h 1343 do Shearer Samltel, machinist, h 16 N 4th Shearer William c., elk, 431 Xorth, h 1:!50 Bailey Shearer William D., brakeman, h 2:n S 16th Shearer William T., laborer, h 1411 North Shearer Willis, painter, h 1362 :\Iayflower av Shearer, see Sharer Sheasley George \V., conductor, h 1621 Wallace Sheats Frank N., elk, h lOll Market Sheats John, ice cream, h 7 N 13th Sheck Eli 1'1., coremkr, h 1527 N 5th Sheck John M., brakeman, h 1319 N 3d Sheehey George A., puddler, h 145 Ann av Sheehey J. Daniel, craneman, h 145 Ann av Sheehey Sarah M., wid Daniel, h 1086 S 9th

Sheeley Augustus, laborer, h 207 Mulberry Sheeley Charles M., watchman Lunatic Hospital, h do Sheeley Merban, laborer, h 207 Mulberry Sheely Annie Mrs., h 310 Cherry av Sheely Curtis A., dentist, 1209 N 3d, h do Sheesley A. Laura, weaver, h 13 S 16th Sheesley Amelia M., h 1001 S 9th IL Sheesley Daniel, real estate, h 901 S 9th Sheesley Ella, dressmkr, h 508 Camp Sheesley Elmer c., carpenter, h 957 S 21st Sheesley George L., elk, Hemlock nr 9th, h 909 S 9th Sheesley Harry F., grocer, 901 S 9th, h do Sheesley James E., carpenter, h 13 S 16th SHEESLEY 1. HAlUI.Y, coal, Hemlock nr 9th, h 1001 S 9th Sheesley John, laborer, h !t25 Myrtle av Sheesley John B., butcher, h 1308 N Front Sheesley John H., carpenter, h 1613 Hunter av Sheesley Kate Mrs., dressmkr, h 515 Muench Sheesley Mary, dressmkr, h 617 Race Sheesley Mayme M., monitor, 210 Walnut, h 13 S 16th Sheesley Ross R., craneman, h 617 Race Sheesley Samuel, machinist, h 617 Race Sheesley Sarah, dressmkr, h 1613 Hunter av Sheesley Sarah, housekeeper, 909 S 9th Sheesley Sarah M., wid Abram, h 1944 N 6th

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lIeNil's Pain Elflrmlnator ~";:ba-:,=:'~If':~j_~

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'f.










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Sheesley Tilden, fireman, h 508 Camp Sheesley William, h 1001 S 9th Sheesley William D., machinist, h 1711 Pent1 Sheesly Harrison E., cutter, h 1623 Regina Sheets Benjamin c., brakeman, h 616 Muench Sheets Charles E., drh-er, h 1189 Christian Sheets Earl c., leveler, h 1I8!) Christian Sheets Ebbert, baker, h 45 N 14th Sheets Edwin J., carpenter, h 31 S 13th Sheets George F., fireman, h 108 S Court av Sheets Isaac, janitor, h 31 S 13th Sheets Joseph, wagonmkr, h a:~2 Verbeke Sheets Lin, watchman, h 1712 Briggs Sht'ets Thomas G., laborer, h 1727 Walnut SHEETZ A. COLEIIAll, 2d asst State Librarian, h 4115 Brill'S Sheetz Annie L., h 114 Mulberry Sheetz Blanche E., domestic, 227 State Sheetz Elsie M., domestic, 1801 N 6th Sheetz Harry W., carpenter, h 525 Peffer Ina N., h 308 Hummel Sheetz M. Lou, teacher, h 225 Briggs Sheetz Salome, tailoress, h 1001 Green Sheffer Lisle J., wid Emanuel, h 1628 Logan av Sheffer Scott, fireman, h 1130 Montgomery Sheffey Albert B., postal elk, h 101 N 13th

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Sheffield James W., laborer, h 1002 N 15th Sheibley Harry M., flagman, h 641 Kelker Sheibley Jacob E., genl agt, 21 N 3d, h 719 N 2d Sheibley Laura c., stenographer, 21 N 3d, h 719 N 2d Sheibley William J., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h ~5 N 16th Shein Max, grocer, 312 Cherry av, h do Sheldon Jennie Mrs., h 1811 Market Shelenbarger John N., barber, h 928 S 9th Shell C. Catharine, domestic, 9 S Front Shell, see Schell Shellahammer Elizabeth B., domestic, 111 N Front She!lahammer Mabel, domestic, 19 N Front Shdlehamer Annie, wid Harry, h 334 Hamilton Shellehamer George, h 334 Hamilton Shellehamer Harry, pipecutter, h 334 Hamilton Shellehamnter Frederick J., laborer, h 616 Wiconisco Shellehammer Maria, cigarmkr, h 616 Wiconisco Shellehammer Thomas S., laborer, h 616 Wiconisco Shellenberger Annie, domestic, 1432 N 6th Shellenberger Aug. R., pres Penna. Tel. Co., h 212 N 3d Shellenberger Bertha, domestic, 814 N 3d Shellenberger B. Franklin, elk, h 507 Calder Shellenberger Jeremiah, h 1618 N 6th Shellenberger John H., craneman, h 507 Calder Shellenberger Lucy 1... elk, h 317 Boas

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Ta:;a,,~L:V;== 100 roper ond IlndOW ShOdes nom A,

B. TACK {N~::L.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Shellenberger Lydia, wid John S., h 507 Calder Shellenberger William G., candymkr, h 20~ N 15th Shellenberger, see Schellenberger Shelley Abraham C, grocer, 1a12 l\larket, h do Shelley Elwood R., drug elk, 1atW N ad, h 1464 Regina Shelley Glenn P., mgr, 1:U2 Market, h do Shelley George D., brakeman, h 6()!) Peffer Shelley Harry C, laborer, h 1!J44 Kensington Shelley Isaac F., conductor, h 6U9 Peffer Shelley Lawrence E., laborer, h 60H Peffer Shelly Chester A., elk, h 926 N 6th Shelly Christian G., (West & Shelly), h 617 Race Shelly Christian W., cigar mfr, 411 North, h 809 Green Shelly Daniel W., elk P.O., h 226 Peffer Shelly David A., cigarmkr, h ~()9 Green Shelly David M., spe~ial officer P. R. R., h 2007 N 6th Shelly E. Ray, cigar mfr, :3115 Strawberry av, h a49 Crescent Shelly Harry A., elk, 824 N 6th, h ~()9 Green Shelly Irwin B., brakeman, h (i23 Harris Shelly John M., trav salesman, 22 N ad, h 215 Briggs Shelly l\Ianassa B., machinist, h H26 N 6th Shelly Oliver W., agt, h 926 N 6th Shelly Silas A., salesman, h 8f1H Green Shelly W. Howard, elk, h 1521 N 5th


< ,.


Shelton Edward, laborer, h 1143 S 9th Shenberger George, elk, h 17a6 N :M Shenberger Jennie, domestic, 419 N 2d Shenk Matilda, dressmkr, h 511 N 4th Shephard Lizzie B., wid Richard T., h 403 S 4th ~hepherd Joseph, puddler, h 4.15 SlOth Shepherd Mary, domestic, 1632 N 6th Shepler Annie 1\1rs., h Home for the Friendless Shepler Catharine E., wid Elias, h 219 South Shepler Sherman, carpenter, h 601. Herr Shepley Charles S., motorman, h 1914 N 4th Shepley Edward B., carpenter, h 2024 Derry Shepley Emma, domestic, 9 N 5th Shepley John, laborer, h 2d nr Mulberry Shepley John F., watchman, h 141:J Wallace Sherborker John W., laborer, h 663 Verbeke Sherger John A., physician, Illa9 N 6th, h do Sherger Kate L. Mrs., dressmkr, 1mm N 6th, h do Sheridan John L., laborer, h 916 S 9th Sheridan Richard C, steelworker, h 17f15 N 3d Sherk Albert, brakeman, h 6U7 Cumberland Sherk D. Austin, stengr, 627 Walnut, h 149 Sylvan ter Sherk David L., driller, h 14H Sylvan ter Sherk Edna L., forelady, h 1464 Regina Sherk Edward 1\1., laborer, h 1909 Briggs

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {NoJ....c::!.:::-byeoogle


TIT. '.r8a of

H II KE"LLEY & CO'S -TODDiamoDCbWheD{ 1II1II UII.... ..... Black aez& onler.- I lira I . "..,
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



~ Sherk Galen A., motorman, h 1224 Walnut



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Sherk Harry A., (Sherk & Wengert), h 1318 Walnut Sherk Henry B., h 1318 Walnut Sherk John A., laborer, h 1464 Regina Sherk John A., jr., lather, h 1464 Regina Sherk Joseph, cigar packer, h 102 Shott Sherk Stella. cashier, 2 S 4th, h do SHEU & WENGERT, (Harry A. Sherk and William A. Wengert), contractors and builders, 13th and Walnut Sherlock Charles F., foreman, h 1626 Berryhill Sherlock David G., (Deeter & Sherlock), h 1840 Derry Sherman Benjamin, laborer, h la22 l\Iarion Sherman Frank B., waiter, h 431 State Sherman Harry, elk, 516 Walnut, h (l30 Boas Sherman Lewis, junk. h 634 Walnut Sherman Margaret, shoe operator, h 32 S 2d Sherman Moses, peddler, h 634 Walnut Sherman Reuben, peddler, h 710 South Shertzer Cora E., elk, h 110 Conoy Shertzer George E., carpenter, h 1255 Bailey Shertzer Harry W .. h 3 N 4th Shertzer \Villiam H., elk city treasurer's office, C. H., h 110 Conoy Sherwood Blanche, h 643 Briggs Sherwood M. Maud, teacher, h 1107 Capital

Shetron S. Wilbur, checkman P. R. R., h 175 N 15th Shetron W. Henry, asst mgr, Division nr 6th, h Camp Hill Shettel Ida, picker, h 1703 N 5th 1&1 Shettel Jacob B., carpenter, h 1703 N 5th Shetter George N., h 1504 State Shetter Marlatt A., grocer, 1049 S 9th, h 713 N 6th Shetter William N., elk, 22 N 3d, h 17 N 15th Sheuman Mary H., elk, h 120 Evergreen Z.. Shewbridge Sarah Mrs., h 302 North C' Shickley Peter, puddle~, h 2119 Greenwood Shickley Peter, jr., laborer, h 2119 Greenwood .. Shields Edna L., milliner, 36 N 3d, h Pen brook ..I Shields Emma Mrs., h 1609 Susquehanna 0" Shields James D .. patent medicines, 224 S 2d, h do Z! Shields Martha Mrs., domestic, 1331 Wyeth av Col: Shiels Ralph, laborer, h 604 State I~ Shiffler Mary, janitress, h 260 North Shiffler William, watchman P. R. R., h 260 North If Shillenn Annie E., dressmkr, h 124 Mulberry ZO Shillenn Joseph E., cabinetmkr. h 124 Mulberry -Z Shillenn Regina c., saleslady, 334 Market, h 124 Mulberry Shillenn Thomas E., laborer, h 124 Mulberry I: Shillenn Thomas T., cabinetmkr, 124 Mulberry, h do ~- Shillenn William F., car cleaner. h 1213 S 9th Shilling John E., flagman, h 645 Dauphin


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AlOREW REDMONDh~.:~G.!:i~W~{3d and Ral~ SII. Google

Digitized by

l B. TACK}IALLPAPER e:=~-= 111001 SlllDEShf~~'",

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directo1'1. 593

Shillow Peter, yard foreman, 7th c Boas, h do Shilp Mary, wid Charles H., h 1514 N 4th Shimer Robert M., tailor, h 1227 Bailey Shimmell Lewis S., teacher, h 424 North Shimmell Mary, teacher, h 4:!4 North Shindler Forrest, laborer, h 333 Chestnut SHINDLER GEORGE F., clerk, h 139 12 S 3d Shindler John R., ironworker, h 1332 S 13th Shindler Louis B., roller, h 333 Chestnut Shindler William H., engineer, 2d c Vine, h 1630 Fulton Shiner Lydia, wid John, h 255 Crescent Shingler Charles L., conductor, h 2033 Fulton Shingler Clayton A., laborer, h 2033 Fulton Shingler James L., brakeman, h 2033 Fulton ~hipe Washington F., laborer, h 1114 Bartine av Shipley Bertha 1., cashier, 334 Market, h 2123 N 6th Shipley Bessie B., apronmkr, h 1713 Green Shipley George W., laborer, h 1050 S 9th Shipley Joseph B., laborer, h 155 Paxton Shipley Louis H., laborer, h 502 S Cameron Shipley Robert W., helper, h 502 S Cameron Shipley Walter E., heater, h 2001- Mulberry Shipman J. Arthur, draftsman, h 313 Walnut Shipp Elizabeth M., h 102 Balm . Shipp Irvin N., conductor, h 102 Balm

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MILLER BROS.' BAKERf"l5~b~~'J;.~~-=

Shipp Maggie Mrs., tailoress, h 102 Balm Shipp Mary A., wid Jacob M., h 102 Balm Shireman Clara S., teacher, h 444 \Valnut Shireman Daniel W., blacksmith, h 1310 Vernon Shireman Edward L., machinist, h 1468 Regina Shireman Edwin L., brakeman, h 1633 N 5th Shireman Harry P., molder, h 929 Grand Shireman Mary c., h 444 Walnut Shireman Mervin E., machinist, h 1468 Regina Shireman Rosa A., wid John, h 444 Walnut Shireman Rufus K., painter, h 826 James av Shires Jacob, ironworker, h 1209 Bartine av Shirey John S., brakeman, h James av nr Cumberland Shirk Charles, tinneT, h 3d nr Seneca Shirk Charles A., motorman, h 1843 N 4th Shirk David H., fireman, h 1213 Penn Shirk Estella, h 2 S 4th Shirk Foster ]., painter, h 41 S 13th Shirk Lucius J., laborer, h 1232 Wallace Shirk Martha, wid Amos, h 711 North Shirk Mary B., weaver, h 711 North Shirk Philip M., blacksmith, h 41 S 13th Shirk Sarepta B., wid Jacob P., h 1232 N Cameron Shirk William H., laborer, h 711 North Shirk William H., steelworker, h 1232 N Cameron




== Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


, . Shirley Catharine ~rrs., h 421 Hamilton J: Shirley John P., tinner, h 421 Hamilton u: Shirley Lucy 1\1rs., dressmkr, 14111 James av, h do Shirley Margaret M., h 421 Hamilton "ii Shirley Philip, laborer, h 421 Hamilton Shirley, see Shiley Shisler Albert H., locksmith, HItS N 3d, h do c:t Shisler Ellen, wid Josephus, h 216 Forster =5 Shisler EIIen l\1ay, bookkpr, 2S N ad, h 1408 do c:t Shisler John A., checkman P. R. R, h 240 HaTris Shisler John A., electrician, h 14(}1; N ad Shisler Sarah J., domestic, lfJOn Green Shisler Sarah ]., h ~14 Herr . _ Shisler 111eodore E., machinist, h 240 Harris Shissler Amanda Mrs., h 31S Chestnut Shissler Annie, dressmkr, 214 Herr, h do c: Shissler David B., carpenter, h 2]:1 Mary's av 1& Shissler Edward A., track foreman, h 549 Race Shissler Jennie E., shirtmkr, h :UIoI Chestnut (JJ Shissler Marne E., elk, h a18 Chestnut Shissler Mamie, saleslady, ao N ad, h :U8 Chestnut 1&1 Shissler Margaret A., shirtmkr, h ;US Chestnut Shive Adolphus R, laborer, h 828 S Cameron ..J Shive Sarah R, tel opr, 2'27 Walnut, h R28 S Cameron Shiveley Claude S., mgr, 1308 N ad, h 1:354 North



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Shively Robert V., brakeman, h 126 S 13th Shlomberg Jacob, elk, 431 Verbeke, h 427! do Shlomberg Jennie, elk, 1209 N ad, h 427t Verbeke Shlomberg Samuel H., policeman, h 427! Verbeke Shneidman Anna, milliner, a6 N 3d, h 14 N 5th Shneidman Goldie, saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 14 N 5th Shneidman Isaac, restaurant, 14 N 5th, h do Shneidman Jacob, merchant tailor, 7 S 3d, h 521 N 4th Shneidman Morris, salesman, 6 S 2d, h 14 N 5th Shneidman Samuel, clothier, 414 Walnut, h do Shoaff Annie B., press feeder, h 122 Sylvan ter Shoaff Catharine, c1k, h 242 N 14th Shoaff Ira, fireman, h 62~ Calder Shoaff Jacob L., conductor, h 333 Kelker Shoaff Lewis W., rodman, 27 S 2d, h 3:13 Kelker Shoaff Myrrl H., apprentice, 344 Market, h 242 N 14th Shoaff William B., carpenter, h 242 N 14th Shocker Howard, fireman, h 6.'l2 Herr Shockey Charles, carpenter, h 5118 Camp Sho~maker Amos E., elk, h 1118 N 2d Shoemaker Benjamin, fireman, h 421) Verbeke Shoemaker Catharine, wid George J., h 110 State Shoemaker Charles, h 3;t!-l S 2<1 Shoemaker Charles L., plumber, h 332i S 2d Shoemaker Edward, elk, Herr clOth, h 1118 N 2d


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Shoemaker Francis R., U. S. N., h 14m N Front Shoemaker Harry F., coremkr, h 15:!l Derr~' Shoemaker Harry W., elk, :Ul Sad, h 1:..)'j Evergreen SHOEMAKER HOllER. lawyer, 9 N 3d, h 1527 N 2d Shoemaker Ira H., div frt office P. R R., h 217 N 2d Shoemaker John V., enginl!er Hbg Hospital, h 1005 Paxton Shoemaker Lewis C, bookbinder, h 110 State Shoemaker Lewis C, shoe laster, h 127 Evergreen Shoemaker Manani, cashier, 1206 X :3<1, h 163:l N 6th Shoemaker l\lary, wid Samuel K.. lri21 Derry Shoemaker Ray S., paver, h 16a3 K lith Shoemaker Samuel, elevator opr, a:t4 l'.larket, h 1316 State SHOEMAKER SAJrIUEL W., granolithic paving, 1633 N 6th, h do see adv Shoemaker S. Pearl, dressmkr, h 127 Evergreen Shoemaker Stella R.. h 127 Evergn:en Shoemaker William T., h 127 Evergreen Shoemaker. see Schomaker, also Shumaker Shoeman Elmina, wid Hiram, h 17]!') N 4th Shoe man Ernest K., engineer. h 5:~6 Maclay Shoeman Mabel B., weaver, h 1715 r-.: 4th Sholl Jacob, grocer, 1422 N 4th, h do Sholl, see Scholl Sholly Catharine, wid John H., h 621 Forster





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~~ :g::} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {:

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Shomo Harry P., elk Aud Gent's Dept, Capitol, h 716 Capital Shook Charles C, laborer, h 1210 Penn Shook George W., carpenter, h 11:H! N Front . Shook Henry A. T., repairsman, h a:w Hamilton Shook John 1\1., brakeman, h 1404 :\'orth Shook John W., laborer, h 1210 Penn Shoop Alexander, laborer, h tiO:3 r."faclay Shoop Alice W. l'.Jrs., boanling, 4:t5 Walnut, h do Shoop Amos N., repairsman, h lR41i State Shoop Annie. quiller, h 1125 N Cameron Shoop Bernard J., foreman, 4 K :ld, h 4:l6 Herr Shoop Carrie L., saleslady. 215 :'Ilarket. h 141 Paxton Shoop Catharine, wid Henry, h Walnut c 14th Shoop C l\laurice, pressman. h 110:; Montgomery

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Gm~ijlimi~ ~~~ ~rlili~i~1 ~Iij~~ ~~~m~ I

All kinds or Cement Work, Vitrified Bricks, .c.


No. Telephone Connection.ST., 1688lfOBTH 8IXTH





H. M. KELLEY &, CO.}OU:ces, ::~~t.::'r.!:}COAL AND WOOD



Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop Shoop

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

David K., foreman, h 400 Muench David S. Rev., h 206 Harris Durbin J., huckster, 933 S 19th Edward c., carpenter, h 170S ~ 4th Edwin W., h 1511 N 2d Ella P., demonstrator, h 719 N 20 Eva B. 1., demonstrator, h 719 N 2d G. Davis, driver, h G03 Mael~ty George W., carpenter, h 1125 N Cameron George W., c1k P. R. R. frt depot, h 1511 N 2d Gertrude V., saleslady, 1206 X 3d, h 1HI3 Montgy Harry K., machinist, h 435 Walnut H. Edward, foreman, 10th bel Market, h 1401 State Henry B., trimmer, h Walnut c 14th Jesse M., bunchmkr, h 1708 N 4th John, h 719 N 2d John H., painter, h 1607 Susquehanna John W., carpenter, h 1708 N 4th Lillian E., h 400 Muench Mabel S., weaver, h 603 lVIaelay 1\Iaggie M., bonnetmkr, h 1708 ~ 4th Margaret A., milliner, 36 N 3d, h HIl3 Maclay Martha, wid Christopher, h 400 ~fuench Mary M., elk, 7th c Curtin, h 206 Harris 1\1. Jennie, wid Bernhart J., 11 1103 Montgomery




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SHOOP SAlrlUEL }I., undertaker, Walnut c 14th, h do Shoop Sarah, weaver, h 504 Korth Shoop Sarah E., cigarmkr, h 603 Maclay Shoop Thomas F., car repairer, h 1852 \Valnut Shoop V. Mabel, saleslady, 1206 N 3d, h 1103 MOlltgy Shoop "Valter W., collector, 27 N !Id, h 435 Walnut Shoop \Varrcn E., laborer, h 1H31 Forster Shoop WiIliam, watchman, 334 Market, h 1362 Vernon Shoop William E., laborer, h In05 N 7th Shoop William F., brakeman, h 430 Cumberland Shope Albert, patternmkr, h 1466 Regina Shope Augustus B., tailor, h 115 S 14th Shope Benjamin F., machinist, h 1466 Regina Shope Carrie M., vestmkr, h 115 S 14th Shope Charles E .. elk, h 13 S 17th Shope Cornelius B., foreman. 1408 Vernon, h 23 S 13th Shope Edna c., tailoress, h :!Oli S 13th Shope Elias L., physician Shope Hospital, 17041 N 2d, h do Shope Emma, domestic Hershey House SHOPE GEORGE F., The Hill Tailor, 1284 lIarket, h 108 S 13th Shope Harry S., draftsman F. & M. Wks, h :!06 S 13th SHOPE HOSPITAL (THE), E. L Shope, 1700 B 2d SHOPE lACOB W., physician, 25 S 13th, h 32 do; oftlce hours, 7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 and 6 to 9 p. m.


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REDMOND {3d Ind Rally StS.


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A. B. TACK}Wall PaDlr and Wlndol Sbadls{l:::~;~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Shope James E., machinist, h 1226 Bailey Shope John T., tailor, h 19 S 13th Shope Minnie, dressmkr, ~::! S 13th, h do Shope Robert M., tailor, h 19 S 13th Shope Samuel, brakeman, h 1332 Maple av Shope Samuel Z., physician, 1642 ?\ 3d, h do Shope Vema, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Shope Wesley W., baggagemaster, h :n S 13th Shope 'Wesley W., jr., telegrapher, h 1429 Zarker Shopp J. Milton, brakeman. h l:~:t~ N 7th SHOPP 10HB H., lawyer, 331 lIarket, h 610 B 3d Shopp Mary J., wid William, h 1332 N 7th Shorb Clara S., h 112 South Shore Charles, laborer, h 10 Lochiel1st Row Shore Harry, tailor, h 505 Cowden Shore Israel, tailor, h lUI Filbert Shore Max, tailor, h 505 Cowden Short Charles R., helper, h 557 Race Short D. LeRoy, laborer, h 557 Race Short Nellie ~1., elk, .ta8 Market, h 557 Race Shorter Earl E., hostler, h 118 Strawberry av Shortz Reuben P., printer Patriot, h 318 N 3d Shott Charles C, laborer, h 1813 Briggs Shott Edward W., machinist, h 62~ Hamilton Shott Frank, laborer, h 1813 Briggs 597

Shott Franklin, driver, h 1217 Fulton Shotwell Melancthon S., architect, h 1613 N Front Shotzbarger David T., painter, h 2012 State Shover Oarence E., elk, 27 S 13th. h do Shover George S., watchman, h 1701 Derry Shover John E., driver, h 114 Charles av Shover John R., engineer, h 1701 Derry Shover Robert C, laborer, h 1300 Penn Shover William B., engineer, h 1509 N 6th Shover 'William C, conductor, h 1701 Derry Showaker Ada V., wid Louis W., h 219 S l:Uh Shower Charles F., h 228 N 14th Showers Arrie C., domestic, 1a06 Berryhill Showers Jeremiah, engineer, h 412 S 17th Shradley Beatrice A., cigar roller, h 437 S 16th Shradley Bernice, apprentice, 334 l\Iarket. h 437 S 16th Shradley Christian H., laborer, h 437 S 16th Shradley Elmer M., laborer, h 437 S 16th Shradley Pamela L., stengr, 36);' Cameron, h 437 S 16th Shreadley Allen E., car builder. h 1725 Fulton Shreadley Samuel A., h 1725 Fulton Shreiner Adam H., tree dealer. h 187 ~ 15th Shreiner Charles 0., carpenter. h 1325 Bartine av Shreiner Edwin H., painter, h 258 Calder Shreiner Geo. A., foreman F. and :\1. Works. h 1507 State
No 1230 STREET f'A


leNd's COlJlelion Pills :.~c:nd~!:;=:WI!r; 306 Broad


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory


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...: Shreiner Harr} B., patternmkr, h lSi N 15th Shreiner Howard R., driver, h 1325 Bartine av Shreiner Jeremiah L., laborer, h 1:t!5 Bartine av Shreiner, see Schreiner Shrenk Alexander H., auctioneer, h 1906 N 6th Shrenk Charles W., packer, h 1906 N 6th Shriener Margaret E., student, h 214 North ~ ...: Shriy Frederick, laborer, h r 310 Cherry av ~ Shroad Andrew H., engineer, h 1:~38 N 3d Shroad Cecelia A., dressmkr, h 1:~38 N 3d Shroad Lvsbeth R., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1338 do Shrum Katharine A .. stengr, 221 Market, h 1307 Berryhill Shubauer Simon, brakeman, h'Cumberland ab 3d Shubert William D., conductor, h 1:J:n Kittatinnv Shubkegel Conrad, laborer, h 141)01 Herr . Shue Samuel R., fireman, h 1015 N lith SImer Harry, conductor, h 929 N 6th Adam, carpenter, h Derry fI) Shuey Addison, salesman, 1324:\Iarket, h 1913 North Shuey :t14 Shuey Addison W., laster, h I1n5 North Shue)' Davitl W., inspector P. R. R., h 20'''2 N 4th Shuey Eden L., laborer, h l:t!4 Derr:y Shuey Edward L.,molder, h 420 Boas Shuey George M., machinist P. R. R.. h 416 Herr c( Shuey Harvey F . elk P. R. R., h H22 Peffer

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Shuey Holmes, laborer, h 2107 Herr Shuey Jacob D., salesman, 3:{4 Market, h 1913 North Shuey John H., h 2107 Herr Shuey John H., laborer, h 1913 North Shuey John J., heeler, h :..)(t60 Derry Shuey John S., pipecutter, h 2107 Herr Shuey Kathryn, milliner. h 1120 N 2d Shuey Russell W., brakeman, h 5~. Violet av Shuey Sarah J., wid Henry, h 1913 North Shuey Stanley G., pipe bender, h 2A106 State Shuey WaIter R., fireman. h 6U7 Cumberland Shuey William, elk, G S 2d, h !W60 Derry Shuey William H., carpenter, h 1:m1 ~Iarket Shuey William R., machinist, h 24iH Cumberland Shugart Annie, domestic, 1110 ?\ :~d Shughart Amelia, domestic, l:J:{7 X Front Shulenberger Charles E., asst cook Lunatic Hospital, h do Shuler Edward 1\1., laborer. h 17:~H Logan av Shuler George A., flagman. h 757 S 111th Shuler George W., ins sol. 15 l\ 2<1. h 144 Cranberry av Shuler James :\1., laborer. h 1 7:~fi Logan av Shuler John A .. laborer. h 1!124 Berryhill Shuler Lincoln, steelworker, h lin Paxton Shuler Reuben :\1.. laborer, h llX Washington Shull Andrew. engineer. h 1)2;) Kelker

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


.shull Charles, bottler, h 1000 N 7th Shull Edward S., brakeman, h 425 Kelker Shull Elsie, domestic, 124 Pine Shull Harvey E., broommkr, h 625 Kelker Shull Ida B., wid Alfred, h 110M James av Shull John J., carpenter, h 43 N Summit Shull Martin L., laborer, h 67 K 16th Shull ~lary A., wid Daniel, h 6:?5 Kelker Shull Queenie A., saleslady, 1300 Market, h 43 N Summit Shull Ross c., machinist, h 5:!2 Calder Shull Samuel c., engineer, h 154H N 6th Shull Samuel P., brakeman, h 13.'l2 Susquehanna Shull William H., engineer, h 52:! Calder .Shulman David, peddler, h 1116 Penn Shultz Amos, engineer, h 1617! N ad Shultz Byron E., conductor, h 628 Muench Shultz Carson n., warehouseman P. R. R., h 2111!} Herr Shultz Clarence, elk, h 266 Herr 'Shultz Daniel A., laborer, h 3 S 18th Shultz David T., warehouseman P. R R., h 45 N Summit Shultz Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h 1412 N 7th Shultz Fernando R., laborer. h 2034 Boas Shultz Frank 0., elk, 1001 Capital, h 913 Grand Shultz George W., foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 1625 Regina Shultz Harry c., train dispatcher P. R. R., h 212 Kelker






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l~:a~t~ ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {

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Shultz Isaac, stable boss, h 11311 Myrtle av Shultz James M., canvasser, h 1617! K 3d Shultz James W., h 2060 Derry Shultz John A., carpenter, h 221 Reily Shultz Maggie, domestic, 208 Reily Shultz Maggie Mrs., h 1330 Maple av Shultz Nathan 'vV., laborer, h 21136 Boas Shultz Robert A., salesman, aa4 Market, h 1443 Regina Shultz Robert c., elk First Nat Bank, h 3 S 18th Shultz Robert E., inspector. h 528 S Cameron Shultz Theodore G., warehouseman P. R. R., h 2125 Boas Shultz William J., tallyman P. R. R., h 121 Sylvan ter 'Shultz, see Schultz Shumaker Isaac A., printer, 201 N 2d, h 709 Love av Shumaker Jacob c., car inspector, h 416 Clinton av SHU1IAKER lAl1ES . , supt public grounds and building., Capitol, h The Lochiel Shumaker Jerome P .. brakeman. h 1!l!Ia N 7th Shumaker Lulu 1\1., elk, h l:nu State Shumaker 1\label R., domestic, 552 Woodbine Shumaker Samuet elevatorman, h 1:'16 State Shuman Charles A., laborer. h l1:m Market Shuman Harrv A., foreman, h 44:~ S t:lth Shuman John: h l1:W Market 'Shuman :\Iary, salesman, 221 l\Iarket, h 120 Evergreen

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H M KELLEY 011. {I }liorth ... 8heeI.. P. CO 10th aDd State IiUr



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




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Shuman Theodore B., switchman, h 615 Peffer Shuman Theodore R., printer, 615 Peffer, h do Shuman' \Villiam A., repairsman, h 1130 Market Shuman William H., notions, !!H28 N 6th, h do Shumbarger John F., carpenter, h 1717 N 4th Shumbergcr Jacob S., laborer, h 1727 Wood av SlIUJ[BERGER 1. CALVa, School of Commerce, 24-28 8 2d,. h 1208 Derry Shumberger Simon, carpenter, h 11a9 Derry Shunk George B., pumpman, h 9:32 S 20! Shupp Boyd, painter, h 1318 Penn Shupp Eliza]., wid George !-.1., h 1318 Penn Shupp George, molder, h 1523 Derry Shupp Stella ~I., telephone opr, 21(1 Walnut, h Steelton Shupp William, laborer, h l:ns Penn Shur Howard W., laborer, h 557 S Front Shure Austin P., conductor, h 24 S 3d Shurtleff Roswell H., piler, h 145 Paxton Shurtleff Thomas W., nailer, h 145 Paxton Shurtleff Thomas W., jr., helper, h 145 Paxton Shuster Clayton, collector, 330 Verbeke, h 1413 Wallace Shuster Frank, laborer, h 1413 Wallace Shuster T. Earl, laborer, h 1413 Wallace Shuster, see Schuster Shutt Carrie, cigarmkr, h li02 N 2d



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Shutt George \"'1., express messenger, h 28 S 3d Shutt Gertrude, bookkpr, (i30 Walnut, h 159 S Summit Shutt Harry C, brakeman, h 1924 N 7th Z Shutt Harry W., carpenter, h 1 i611 Logan av Shutt Lottie G., cigarmkr, h 1700 N 2d Shutt Mabel, cook Children's Industrial Home, h do Shutt llearil, cigarnlkr, h 1700 N 2d Shutt Sadie, saleslady, h 1iOH N 2d l&.I Shutt William M., driver, h 1400 Regina Shutter Harry, foreman, h !l06 S 9th Sibbett J amcs A., elk, 210 ::\Jarkct, Sible Charles A., electrician, h 1124 h 278 Briggs Bartine av Sible Charles H., carpenter, h 1307 Green :c Sible Elizabeth S., wid Joseph, h 1124 Dartine av ~ 3i Sible Eugene M., dry goods and men's furnishings, 1:100' Market, h 1308 do Sible George H., elk. !l03 Cuwden, h 259 Sassafras av Sible Jeanette !vl., milliner, h ]:l07 Grecn Sible John. laborer, h r 413 State SIBLE lOHN S., prea United Ice and Coal Co., h 256 Herr !-'ible ]. Sidney, student, h 256 Herr Sickel David C, paperhanger, h 20i Hummel t:; Siders Alice, wid William, h 1240 X Cameron CD Siders Charles W., laborer, h 1!1481 :\Ioltke av


~ Shutt Charles, trackman, h 1825 X Cameron

~~~_-.: ANDREW

REDMOND{3d laU.11l SL


I. B. Tiel ~ FI:~~o~!lTrN:'t:-,,~o~A~fy~R {12161011b tbllllSllll

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 601 Siders John c., laborer, h 1119 Wallace Siders John E., foreman, h 324 Harris Siders John H., car inspector, h 523 Woodbine Siders John H., laborer, h 324 Harris Siders John P., watchman, h 1811 K 7th Siders Margaret, tobacco stripper, h 1119 Wallace Siders William D., laborer, h 824 Harris Siders, see Seiders Sides Allen M., (Sides & Flickinger), h 2223 N 3d Sides Andrew T., printer, h 52 Balm Sides Samuel R., salesman, 2115 Market, h 2223 ~ 3d Sides & Flickinger, (Allen M. Sides and Edmund B. Flickinger), outfitters, 205 Market Sidle Amanda, wid John D., h r 14:~2 Susquehanna Sidle Harry A., carpenter, h li32 Walnut SIDLE lOHB P., Grand Hotel, 314 lIarket, h do Sidle Ralph, elk Paxton Furnaces, h W Fairview SIDLE WnLIAli H., Hotel Sidle, 1415 B 3d, h do Sieber Addison R., packer, h 1845 N 7th Sieber Alfred, motorman, h l:n S Cameron Sieber Barbara, wid John J., h Hi32 N 4th Sieber Bertha H., elk, 112 Cowden, h 12119 N 2d Sieher Carl T., lahorer, h 1845 N 7th Sieber David A., laborer, h 1845 N 7th

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ ~::i~b~~-:.~~a

Sieber Frederick c., soap and ~andl;-mfr:t12-116 -~ den. h 1:34)9 N 2d Sieber Lloyd V. B., h 1:n S Cameron $ieber Lydia, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Sieber Mary, charwoman, h 1632 N 4th Sieber Mary, wid Charles F., h 1209 N 2d Sieber 11. Blanche, stenographer, 16 K 2d, h 1400 Market Sieber Paul K., machinist, h 131 S Cameron Siegel Earl, molder, h 1407 Penn Siegel George A., h 1421 James Siegel George A., jr., molder, h 1407 Penn Siegel John .F., bookbinder, 201 N 2d, h 326 Hamilton Siegel William H., molder, h 1407 Susquehanna Siegfried John R., brakeman, h 518 Market Siegfried W. Irvin, elk, 16 N 3d, h 266 Herr Siegrist Mary M., h 20th c Brookwood Sierer Adam L./ physician, 2003 N 6th, h do Sierer Anna c., roller, h 118 Charles av Sierer Ge-orge \V., driver, h 1115 N Front Sierer H. Hubert, student, h :WO~ N 6th Sicrer Joseph S., h 118 Charles av Sigler Clarence H., elk Com. Trust Co., h Steelton SIGLER CLAREllCE 1I., pianos, organs and musical gooda, 212 lIarket, h 1334 Derry' Sigler Harry S., laborer, h 412 Cranberry av







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Boyd'. HarriJburg City Directory.





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Sigler Martin A., salesman, 3;~4 1\larket, h 13m.; N 3d Sigler William A., buyer, 215 Market, h ~lechanicsburg Sigler, see Zeigler, also Ziegler Sigmund John A., conductor, h 1403 North Siler Plummer E. W . clk, h 1315 Fulton Siler Warwick M., cab driver, h 1315 Fulton Silfon Abraham, junk, h 1:~3:J William Silk Allen J., fireman, h 2239 N 6th Silk Edward C, draftsman, h 14:~ Hanna SILK HARRY B., cigars and pool room, 143 Hanna, h do Silk James, fruit, front C H., h 14:l Hanna Silk Rosie. music teacher, 14:l Hanna, h do Silks Abraham L., laborer, h 1ia7 N 7th Silks William E., brakeman, h HH9 Moltke av Silphon Robert, tailor, h 114 Short Silver Harry. conductor, h 1324 N 6th Silverwood 'Clarice V . h 6:m Boas Silverwood Florence L., saleslady, :~34 Market, h 636 Boas Silverwood Harvey 1\1.. machinist, h 916 Green Silverwood Velma' A., h 636 Boas Silverwood Vincent W., stenographer, h 9lfi Green Silvius Annie E., wid John R . h 5i;J Race Silvius Cora 1\1., bonnetmkr, h 57:l Race Simcox Millville L., laborer. h 2()2:J Forster Simcox Scott A., elk. 226 Chestnut, h 1314 Howard

C 1100 _DIY 0IId Trust CO.


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Simmars Alfred ]., fireman Patriot, h 527 Cowden Simmars John S .. pressman, r :~20 1\larket, h 7111 Cowden Simmars Reuben M., laborer. h 7111 Cowden >- Simmers Abram P., checkman P. R. R., h 153)0( Derry z: Simmers A. Decatur, brakeman. h 2m; Charles av ~ a.. Simmers Clarence H., bridr-re buiider, h 1115 Wallace Simmers Elizabeth :\Irs .. h :t28 :\luench E Simmers George W., bookkpr, h 17115 N 3d Q Simmers Hiram ~lcG., elk, h 1705 1\ :~c1 U Simmers Jennie, seamstress. h 152i Wallace -1 Simmers John, laborer, h ;~:~f) S 2d o Simmers Joseph H., bridge builder, h 1115 Wallace u Simmers Rowena, elk, h 1115 \Vallace Simmers Samuel 1\I.. watchman. 716 State. h 227 South Q Simmers Sarah F., weaver, h 17115 :--; :ld Z Simmons Abraham, salesman. 2Hi l\Iarket. h l.n:~ do Simmons Annie L., h 4:m Verbeke ~ Simmons Chas. K.,employee State Arsenal,h t:~21 Vernon u Simmons Georr-re \\' .. (0. B. Simmons & Son). h :H S l:~th Simmons Laura R. 1\1 rs .. boarding. 4:~!) \' erheke. h do Q Simmons Louis D .. waiter. h lilI.! South ay w Simmons l\larY, wid Frank H .. h :U7 Cumberland Simmons l\faud R.. teacher. h 141:l l\larket Z Simms Albert J.. (Simms Bros.). tailor, 21Hi l\1arket, h 222 C) Kelker


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lha PAIRIOnA Newspaper for the Homa{SII Cants I Walk


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Simms Sintin;:; Simms Simms Simms SiTnn)T)

Bros" J 0and 0)' 815 d and 2d Edward, upholstsrer, Ll)cust, 4:!5 F lister George Ho, lahorer, h a:!6 K ]5th George ~:, host!~r, h 106 ~ho:t Han;" SImms 1liOSo ), a~ S Jam;)T) h] Short Si~~~, see Sims ~ Simon Mollie Eo fvlrso, dressmkr, 20/oi Strawberry av, h do ::D Simone JOhlL hartemkn khe h :,::;;) 15th 4n4n Simoeetti wid h l:lth Simonetti Harry, huckster, h 1223 Wallace SDlONETTI HOMER R., commission merchant, 101 and 103 ~ hd c Ches;Dut, h43 Walnttt m;)) Simonetti Jewb, fruit, a45 h 4,1>1 do Simonetti Jacob, 2d, fruit, h 1608 N 3d Simonetti Lewis R., fruit, &co, 427 State, h 215 Forster SiJiH)nJ"tti 1\1 huckster, h hZk:lO N Sinwns puddlHr, h N 7th Simons John To, puddler, h 1103 N 7th Simons Mary, wid Joseph M" h 121lB N 6th Simons Mint"tH:t Mo h Simons IVlinnie , ;tl08 :trket, Simonton Calvin Eo, fireman, h 16Hi Wallace Simonton Charles, laborer, h 706 Korth av Simonton Ch:tdes A", hrakeman, l~:!O 5th


Simonton So, Simonton Ao, lb:!1i FdtGW Simonton Sarah K., wid John Wo, 11 317 N Front Simpson Caroline, wid John Wo, h t-IO:! Capital Elicabeth 1\1 h 6H Church Eliaabeth, Robeit 16:H Park Simpsom Pinckney, hostler, h 512 Brown av Simpson Robert \Vo, gunsmith, 4a4 Strawberry av, h 533 P CamHtCltL :~02 acflowec h do Simpson William, puddler, h 533 "N Cameron Sims Carl, laborer, h 1901 Wood av Sintt, I,ucinda" 48 Loehiel 4th kow ~Ime WiIIiaHt" 0, labGeae, h 4fS IAxhiel Row Sims, see Simms Singer Charles Mo, bookkpr, 2207 N 7th, h 2209 N 3d C. W telkr Comm;"m:iai h 304 kelker , EdwiH moe Ltlantie definin4 (oo h Green Singer Jennie Mo, bonnetmkr, h liao S1.lsquehanna Singer John, tinsmith, h 1417 Susquehanna

~"i-=:'o:" ~ Harrisburg Savln{~ and_Loan Assn. {is::::: ~ l>


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~~z:~~J~P og.:att,~t~~~i~ olnUe~, rv!~~:J'f 2d

Singer \VilIiam, stone mason, h 17:W Susquehanna Singiser Eber Jo, telegrapher, h 1622 Park SinFiserWo, bHlcher, h H~:? Park



- O U R MOTTO 1 - - 1 Bo_& Coal. BODe.' We1lrh& f

H M KELLEY 011. ', 10I..u. iii I1nII:.. P. CO ...............


Boyd's Harriaburg City Directory.




Sillgiser Margaret A., domestic, 307 K Front Singiser Mary E., stenographer, 208 Walnut, h Steelton Singleton Henry, laborer, h 409 N 5th Singley John H., brakeman. h 4:31 S 17th Sipe A. Derland. laborer, h 170li K 4th Sipe Ethel 1\1., domestic, 212 Forster . Sipe John D., elk, 1220 K :~d, h New Cumberland Sipe Maria, h 25 Sassafras av Sipes Wilbur. elk, h 11:14 Jonestown rd Siple Harry, laborer. h 'iO ~ 12th Siple James L., salesman, 428 Market, h 70 N 12th Siple Nettie l\lrs . h 2149 Atlas av Sisler Jacob H., carpenter. h 1017 Hemlock Sister Agatha, h Sylvan Heights Sister Aloysius, stlperioress, 500 Maelay, h do Sister Dominic, h Sylvan Heights Sister Ignatius, h Sylvan Heights Sister Scholastica. superioress Sylvan Heights, h do Sister Xavicr, h Sylvan Heights Sisters of Christian Charity, 107 Short SISTERS OF J(ERCY, 600 Jiaclay Sites Albert W., asst yard master P. R. R, h 419 Herr Sites 'Daniel, cooper, h 419 Herr Sites Emma M., teacher, h 720 N 6th Sites Frank c., watchmkr, 214 Market, h 1008 N 6th


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Sites Frank E:, boxmkr, h 1535 N 5th Sites Harry M:, painter, h 15a5 N 5th Sites John, fireman, h 644 Reily Sites Robert, carpenter, h 720 N 6th Six David, fireman, h ]917 N7th Six Jacob, fireman, h 201S N 7th Skane Alberta, teacher, h 405 Kelker Skane Daniel, painter, h 616 Calder Skane John, painter, h 40ii Kelker Skane Laura, milliner, 36 N 3d, h 405 Kelker Skane Mary E., teacher, h 405 Kelker Skeen William E., machinist, h 2001 N 6th Skelly Francis L., elk, 222 :Mulberry, h 17 S 3d Skelton Garfield, brakeman, h 40:l Reily Skiles Henderson J., elk P. R. ~., h 1604 Regina Skiles Howard c., tallyman P. R R., h 1604 Regina Skiles Lizzie c., silk puller, h 1604 Regina Skilcs Nora, weaver, h 1604 Regina Skinner Charles E., caller P. R. R., h 1262 State Skinner Lizzie, clressmkr, 1!!H2 State, h do Skinncr William H., Janitor P. R. R., h 1262 State Slabach Edwin G., meat, 217 Chestnut, h 126 SYlvan ter Slade Roman, porter P. R. R. pass depot, h 35i S Cameron Slape George S., butcher, h 323 Hayav ~laughenhatlp \Villiam P., h ~33 Reily

Radmond', Wagon Works {::.P~t'::~} 3d and Rally Ifl. Google

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Slaughter Ephraim, houseman Comwlth, h n03 Capital Slaughter John, driver, h 2 Haehnlen av Slaughter Matilda J., dressmkr, h 516 Strawberry av Slaughter Rebecca A., wid David, h 710 N 7th Slaybaugh Charles T., shipper C. I. and S. Co., h 1267 S 13th Slaybaugh Clyde M., weighmaster C. I. and S. Co., h Steelton Slaymaker Harry F., asst pass train master P. R R, h 923 N2d Slaysman Tillie, dressmkr, h 1105 Cowden Slentz Charles J., laborer. h 339 S 14th Slentz J. Alfred, h 1303 N 2d Slentz Sallie G. Mrs., h 1222 Market Slentz WilliamM., paperhanger, h 1303 N 2d Slentz William M., jr., electrician, h 1303 N 2d Slicer Martha ]., cigar packer, h 430 Reily Slicer Thomas W., carpenter, h 430 Reily Slichter Emma, wid Jacob, h 513 Walnut Slichter Emma S., saleslady, 6'S 2d. h 513 Walnut Slike William H., salesman, 8 N 2d, h Steelton Sliker Arthur G., elk P. R R, h 506 Calder Sliker Augustus H., driver, h 506 Calder Sliker Clarence W., elk, h 1402 N 6th Sliker Elva, stenographer F. and M. Works, h 506 Calder

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Sliker Mabel I., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 506 Calder Sliker Ross G., helper, h 506 Calder Stitzer Andrew, grocer, 1020 Market, h do Slitzer Charles B., student, h 1020 Market Sloan Annie L, wid Samuel, h 1727 N 3d Sloan Charles F., laborer, h 116 State .: Sloan }. Alex., horseshoer, 110 Tanner's av, h 106 N 4th II" Sloan John S., h 116 State Sloan William B., salesman, 410 Market, h 118 State Sloane Barbara, wid Lafayette, h 1111 Market Sloane Samuel L., driver, 440 Market, h 1111 do Sloat Chestic L., laundress, h 657 Dauphin Sloat Herbert E., brakeman, h 1415 N 6th Sloat Laura M., teacher, h 1415 N 6th Sloat Mary J., wid Michael, h 1415 N 6th Sloat Samuel }., conductor, h 1415 N 6th Shoathaur John W., gasmkr, h 587 S Front Sloathower Elmer, laborer, h 911 SlOth Sloop Elizabeth, housekeeper, 823 N 6th Sloop Susan Mrs., cook, 1237 N 7th Slote Maude, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Slothour Grace, domestic, 400 N 3d Slothower Charles A., traveling salesman, h 210 Hummel ".:::1" Slothower Elmer, laborer, h 911 S 10th eli Slothower Jacob E., salesman, h 214 S 13th Slough Charles A., carpenter, h 2031 N 7th


BAKER~ '~n5~b=~'::I~~K

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No 1230 STREET fH'!.A


McNeil's Pain Exterminator ::ii~\::e~:"lrb~fi~aoe~~

606 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory
...: Slough George, asst dairyman Lunatic Hospital, h do ..., Slough George W., boarding, :w:n N 7th, h do 'l! Slough Rebecca P., domestic, 2.o:n N 7th ~ Smaling John J., cutter, 9 N ad, h l~a::! N 2d . : Small Bertha, finisher, h 292 S Cameron E Small Charles H., elk recorder, C. H., h 501 N Front c5 Small Daniel J., elk, h 19:U State .: Small Edna, seamstress, h 705 East ~ Small Effie c., housekeeper, 1)6 Tuscarora Small Eliza c., trained nurse, h 501 N Front Small George W., elk 1st Nat Bank. h 119 Chestnut Small Mary, wid Lawrence, h 292 S Cameron :: Small Sallie V . retoucher, ~12 Market, h 1~ Bailey ~ Small Svlvester M., laborer, h 1934 State Smallwood Thomas W., elk, 43.1 Herr, h do :; Smallwood William, flour, 4:l3 Herr, h Paxtang Smarsh Vincent J., foreman, h 1411H Currant av ; ; Smedley Mary E., wid Francis, h 1745 N Cameron V'1 Smedley \Vinfield T., flagman, h 1823 N 4th Smee John c., plasterer, h Hill Market Smeigh Anna E., dressmkr, h 1549 Walnut ~ Smeigh Annie. domestic, ::m9 State Smeigh 1549 Walnut O Smeigh Jesse M., carpenter, h 154!) Walnut, h do Martha E., rlressmkr. C Smell ~lartha J. M., h 1431 Susquehanna

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nYU HaUln UI 'lilt co. { ...... AUtIIllI,.,,, Eu.1.... hanll... } .... I ..... I .... - . . .............'rwIH1'" all.l ... ~d.1f JIIII.I 1,..11 III." .... 1ttIC.

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Smeltz Cloyd 0., brakeman, h 1906 Moltke av Smeltzer Chalmer F., nailer, h llll Dock Smeltzer David H., asst foreman P. R R, h 1845 Derry Smeltzer Edwin R, laborer, h 142a Regina Smeltzer Frances S., cook, 70B South Smeltzer Grant W., elk Post Office, h Oberlin Smeltzer Ira A., farmer Lunatic Hospital, h do Smeltzer J. \Vesley, puddler, h :15 Sassafras av Smeltzer Mae E., weaver, h 64:3 Harris Smeltzer Rebecca, h 46 N l:lth Smeltzer Robert, farmer, h 17th nr Hanover Smiley Charles H., engineer, h lR51 Fulton Smiley Claud M., brakeman. h 61:1 Dauphin

SJULEY EDWARD W., chief clerk Senate, 215 Walnut, k Hotel Russ
Smiley Smiley Smiley ~ Smiley _ Smiley Q Smiley IoU Smiley Smiley z: Smilev Q Smiley Frank L., brakeman, h 6111 Dauphin George, ins sol. 21 N 3d, h 17112 Fulton Gertrude E., saleslady, 406 Market, h 430 Hamilton G. Herman, foreman, h 513 Hamilton Harvey F., fireman, h 509 Hamilton Henderson, laborer, h 509 Hamilton John G., car inspector. h 430 Hamilton Joseph, electrician, h 215 North l\'liriam ~l., dressmkr, h 430 Hamilton Sarah A. Mrs., h 215 North

... -

If You Don't Read fbe PATRIOT You Don't Bat II .... Digitized Google

~~L:~= 100 PlJllllf ondllDdOlShOdes Ifom A. 8. TACK {N.1::tt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 6fJ1
Smiley Thomas M., inspector P. R. R., h 430 Hamilton Smiley W. Herman, foreman E.-F. B. T. Co., h 513 Hamilton Smiley William T., air brake machinist, h 2:35 Hamilton Smith Abram, plumber, h 912 N 3d Smith Adam H., motorman, h 1419 N 6th Smith Addie, cigarmkr, h 13li Maple av Smith Agnes M., charwoman. h 3:W Basin av Smith Agnes S. Mrs., (Hbg Brokerage Co.), h 229 Pine Smith Alice, domestic, 18111 Green Smith Alice E., housekeeper, h 209 Hamilton Smith Allen G., brakeman, h 1813 N 7th Smith Alma, saleslady, 334 Market, h 1217 Derry Smith Amy, cigar roller, h 1217 Derry Smith Andrew c., trucker, h Front bel Division Smith Andrew J., elk, 334 Market, h 216 N 2d Smith Anna Mrs., janitress. h Dauphin c 5th Smith Anna, weaver, h 1629 Susquehanna Smith Annie, wid John W., h 1623 N 4th Smith Annie c., wid William, h 1722 N 5th Smith Annie E., wid Thomas. h 1909 N 6th Smith Annie E. Mrs., h 10th nr Market Smith Annie F., elk Patriot, h 515 Dauphin Smith Annie L., nurse, h 401! Boas Smith Annie N. Mrs., nurse. h 429 Pear av

.!;'.:=.orD}Harrlsburg Sayings Ind Loan Assn.

Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smtth Smith Smith

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Arietta H., weaver, h 1629 Susquehanna Augustus, driver, h 1313 Howard Austin, coat room The ComwIth, h 241 S 14th Benjamin, laborer, h 523 West av Benjamin, laborer, h 140S Marion Benjamirt F., driver, h 1410 North Benjamin 1\1., laborer, h 823 SlOth Benjamin S., bar elk, h 600 Forster Benjamin S . conductor, h 206 Hamilton Bessie, saleslady, h 1314 Howard Bessie I., stenographer, 209 Walnut, h 2218 N 6th B. Frank Dr., (Smith Pharmacy), h 206 Hamilton B. Franklin, laborer, h 470 S Cameron Blanche, domestic, 117 Cowden Blanche A., milliner, h 206 Hamilton Britomarte, student, h 2114 N 6th Calvin, shoe operator, h 2113 Greenwood Carrie M. Mrs., domestic, 404 Hay av Catharine A., wid William c., h 1930 Elizabeth av Celia, saleslady, 215 Market, h 1224 Green Charles, barber, h 821 Green Charles, coachman, h 238 Liberty Charles, driver, h 117 S 3d Charles B., machinist, h 1623 K 4th Charles c., laborer, h 602 Dauphin

I I'


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P2WNALL'S PASTE WORKS{i~"~-=eoogle


M. KELLEY & CO'S ~:a~':~{I~--:'-:':"'-lt


City Sirrctory,

Smith Charles D., rougher, h 6:J3 Harris Smith Charles E." hostler, h 49 N Cameron Smith Charles E., "("t('wsm~'n, h U08 Secas L~mith ChaSes E., II 16:.!O hSalnut Smith Charles F .. blacksmith, h :~4 N lath Smith Cnarles G., (Smith & Keffer), leaf tobacco, 432 h :!w:~ rl :ld hmith ChaSes fL, N 3d, 001/6 Chuu("h av Smith Charles H., meat, 4>65 Sayford av and 1325 Derry, h l:H8 N 7th Smith Charles H," ~,;desl11an, 214 14th rlnnith Charles L." dk, h 4:J l;~th Smith Charles L., shipping elk, 11 N 2d, h 354 S 13th Smith Charles 1\., laborer, h 2025 1\ 5th Smith Charles K" cLtchinis1 1909 orth Smith Glarles W dk, l:~QYh ;~d, 1QYOlii Smith Charles W., conductor, h 1t121 N 5th Smith Charles \Y., laborer, h 1!)12 Briggs dtrnith Chades \\ wait<y 14:5 :Ez! Smith Charlotte, fl22 Grrrn Smith Chester B., machinist, h 142,:~ James Smith Christian B., engineer, 1408 Vernon, h 1246 Market Smith Chdstian laborer h 1720 rliZhon h HamilL HI hrnith Chric,tianm" wid Smith Clara. wid James, h 1:122 1\larion

chlnith Smith Sntith drnith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith hlnith Smith Smith Smith hlnith Smith Smith



{'b"rice, wid James h r l;t!i Marion Clyde J., elk, 400 Verbeke, h 1730 N 5th Clnde S., h 124 H<>y<'r's an C'L;C 1\lrs., av Cora E., teacher physical cuiture, h 1515 N 2d Cora G., weaver, h205 Briggs Deniel A." 725 l\ 1\1., ("(ontracto( 11;24 h Verbc:ho David, laborer, h 114(; Market David, salesman, h 633 Peffer yid H., turnkey Danphin Prison, c., rdegrapher P. & h 432 Market Edgar G., telegrapher P. R R, h 1501 N 6th Edgar Z., brakeman, h 1Il N lath bdmund S", lUI) nrket h Hann;c Edna M., milliner, h 1402 Green Edward 13., brakeman, h 1718 N 5th bdward R" h :~ l":dward C, h 112 cYcmth Edward K., machinist, h 1211 Chestnut ~~ith ~~ward N., I~bo:er, h 1600 ~Im, oscITH wwWIN hant18t, N 3<&, hO Smith 1\1., ;>15 D:wphin av Smith E. Grant, draftsman P. R R., h 50a Muench

ANDREW REDMOND}~,2~~!~~{3d aadlJIIII



I. B. TlCIUm PIPER e:r::-.:..::: IIIDOI SHIDES{l(';:~8t.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.


Smith Eli, hostler, h 331 Blackberry av Smith Elizabeth, laundress, h 1222 Bartine av Smith Elizabeth, wid Thomas, h 1224 Green Smith Elizabeth A., wid Jesse B., h 1703 Green Smith Elizabeth E. Mrs., cigars, 657 Briggs, h do Smith Elizabeth M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1314 Howard Smith Ellen Mrs., dressmkr, 48 N l~th, h do Smith Elmer J., storekeeper P. R R, h 1819 Susquehanna :I: Smith Elwood K., coremkr, h 1629 Susquehanna ~ Smith Emma, cigarmkr, h 515 Muench :I: Smith Emma, wid Harry E., h 1820 N 5th I Smith Emma K., wid T. Rockhill, h 307 N 2d ~ Smith Emma M., weaver, h 401 S 14th Smith Emma R, domestic, 311 Boas :II Smith Emory E., elk, h 1410 North Smith Ernest F. Rev., rector St. Stephen's Episcopal C Church, h 309 N Front PI Smith Esther K., bonnetmkr, h 515 Dauphin av Smith Ettie Mrs., h 205 Briggs Smith Eva 0., bookkpr, 321 Market, h 609 Muench Smith Fannie, wid Henry, h 814 James av '"'I Smith Fannie M., saleslady, h 10 N 13th PI Smith Filmore, laborer, h Cumberland ab 111 Smith Flora B., elk, h 1117 S !Jth Smith Florence, cook Hbg Club, h 130 S Dewberry av

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BAKER~ ":5~b:i~-:;;'~~1I:

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Smith Florence M., bunchmkr, h 625 S Front Florence M:, cigarmkr, h 203 Kelker Smith Forest T., car builder, h ~1I9 Dauphin Smith Frances M., elk, 322 Market, h 10 N 13th Smith Frank, laborer, h 2a9 State Smith Frank A., (Hbg Brokerage Co.), h 229 Pine Smith Frank M., brakeman, h 17U! N 4th Smith Frederick, laborer, h 1124 N Cameron Smith Frederick A., tinsmith, h 1811 Susquehanna Smith Frederick c., conductor, h 1514 N 6th Smith Frederick J., elk Adjt Gent's Dept, h 424 Boas Smith Frederick R, purchasing agt C. I. and S. Co., h 585 S Front Smith George A., packer, h 330 Strawberry av Smith George C., plasterer, h 255 Forster Smith Geo. G., storekeeper Lunatic Hospital, h 222 South Smith George H. L., h 2114 N 6th Smith George LaRue, h 255 Forster Smith George P., plasterer, h 249 North Smith George W., agt, h 1727 N 4th Smith George W., laborer, h 243 N River av Smith Girtron D., chief elk, 210 Walnut, h 114 N 2d Smith Grace A., cigarmkr, h 625 S Front Smith Grafton, waiter, h 707 North av Smith Hammond, printer, r 320 Market, h 509 N 4th

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ClARK'S =::. Drug and Patlnt Mldlclnl Stora {=~.u::,.

610 .. :e -

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Smith Hampton, waiter, h 243 N River av Smith Hannah, wid William D., h 1105 N Front Smith Harriet, charwoman, h 510 West av Smith Harriet, wid Albert, h 125 S 3d Smith Harry, elk, h 51~{ Cowden Smith Harry, laborer, h 1711 Elm Smith Harry D., molder, h 1636 N 4th Smith Harry E., butcher, h 336 Cherry av Smith Harry E., elk, 1220 N 3d, h 1720 Fulton Smith Harry E., iaborer, h 2019 Elizabeth av Smith Harry E., (Patriot Job Printing Co.), h 814 N 6th. Smith Harry E., repairs man, h 238 Kelker Smith Harry F., coremkr, h 16:!9 Susquehanna Smith Harry J., salesman, 5110 N 3d, h 418 Market Smith Harry L., student, h 1514 N 6th Smith Harry M., lineman. 210 Walnut, h Wormleysburg Smith Harry S . , laborer, h 12::\2 N l1i Smith Harry T., engineer, h 200~{! N 5th Smith Harry T., saloon, 451 State, h do Smith Harry W., driver, h 5115 Primrose av Smith Harry "V., laborer, h 324 Hamilton Smith Harv W., motorman. h 610 Race SlUTH HARVEY F., physician, 826 B 3d, h do Smith Harvey 1., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h ]413 Maple av

1.&1 .,,1IId TI1ISII. If =t"I,{ F';::"-=-c::;..}~



Smith Harvey T., foreman, h 351 Crescent Smith Henry, fireman, h 551 SlOth Smith Henry B., driver, h 2003 N 7th Smith Henry E., laborer, h 1936 Forster Smith Herbert L., salesman, 327 Strawberry av, h 1703Green Smith Howard, engineer, h 220 Kelker Smith Howard 1., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 213 Calder Smith Ida B., wid Amos H., h 1003 N 3d Smith Isaac G., h 1010 James av Smith Isaac L., plasterer, h 1402 Green Smith Isaac R., carpenter, h 213 Calder Smith Jacob, barber, h ]228 N 3d Smith Ja~ob, bottler, h 1313 Howard Smith Jacob H., letter carrier, h 43 N 16th Smith Jacob L . , carpenter, h 1154 Derry Smith Jacob M., laborer, h 1154 Derry Smith Jacob R., cabinetmkr, 302 Calder, h 256 Verbeke Smith Jamcs, laborer, h 1208 N 7th Smith James, laborer, h 1209 N 11* Smith James B., driver, h 109 Tanner's av Smith James D., messcnger P. R. R., h 1707 N 7th Smith James E., carpenter, h 1419 North Smith James F., engine cleaner, h 1514 N 6th Smith James G., baker, h 14]0 Nor._t_h_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Rlad thl PATRIOT} ~ENN-:" {Harrisburg's D~i~~ b~~ro~re





Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

J ames H., hI boser, h Marion Smith James H., piano builder, h 311 bd Smith James P., brakeman, h 640 Boas


~::~ii~ j~:::~: t: r:111~~!~~'h\~~:Sd~0~~ont

dmith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith dmiLh Smith Smith Smith hmith Smith Smith Slnih itnliL,h Smith Smith hInith

James T., lahorer, h !'!,13 N River av James \V., hostler, h 312 Blackberry av JaImes W., laborer, h (;O~ Boas James W., js 60~ Jennie, cook, 1423 J Jeremiah, laborer, h 4.32 North av Jesse, laborer, h 10!l Ann av Jelllle laboses, h HZ,sd \\'ood JessI: labllI"f',t, h 6 ,le'hiel Row Jesse F., (Barley & Smith), h 333 Hummel John, carpenter, h 1422 Herr John, hroces 1067 S h do John ~\., h Elizaha av John A., waiter, h 607 State John c., machinist, h 330 Strawberry av John carpat sewer h07 N h 14P;l James John helPIlr, h 81#\ Camrllm John H., teacher, h 1846 Walnut John molder, h 4il4 North John "mototlnan, h :t\ 2d


Smith SnIith Smith Smith Smith Snlith Smith Smith Slnith John John John John John John John John JOhl john Smith John Smith John

SaYings and Loan Assn.{::::=

~::::i~ ~~:II~i~:I~'ri~~;~~~ne~~~~
Smith Smith Smith Sntith Smith Smith Sntith SmIth Smith Smith

1111n*4th Joseph c. Major, h 1417 N Front Joseph F., h 14()5 N 6th Josnph T. Rev h 127 Stllte Journey, labc'll~t h 4:1YXorth Journey, jr., carter, h 406 Cowden J. Patterson, brakeman, h 640 Boas J. (W Smii b h Son), b15 Verbeke J. Hiidtie Rev" D., 1:!7 S1 Kate B., h 116 Hanna Kate E., dressmkr, h 918 N 6th Kate " wid W" 116

" physician, h brnk,2man, HalniHllll M., elockmkr, h 311 S 2d 1-1., fireman, h 16'36 Wanace roller h 608 Boas ., electridan, N 16tb R., elk, 306 Verbeke, h 2008 N 4th R., laborer, h 128 Vine ., watdIllian, h Fulton ., bottlee, h!) Cowdt'll W., brakeman, h 17()7' 1\ ith , W., car inspector, h :m03 N 7th


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H. M. KELLEY &cO.}On:Ces,l.r'~=-~Ia~:T.!:}COAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Katie L., Kaura E av "cah P., h (ii?:..! Dauphin Leaman D., fireman, h 343 Kelker LeRoy, boilermkr, h 15 S 1Hth LeRoy, driver, h Dauphin c 5th KeRoy, h 1~14 "ewis A., h 4:!H LUlie R, ;~Z4 ,,,ket, h Louis W., barber, Verbeke, h 114 Charles av Lydia, h 1222 Bartine av Lydia, wid David, h 515 Muench T abel, h 12H"E ,Hen :s]aggie 11115" Hj argaret h 417 ioad av Martha, wid Jacob, h 41 "Linden Martin H., laborer, h nHS Jonestown rd Mary, domestic. 554 Primrose av



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Smi? Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith


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hlarv A.~ tl"adler. h 14 Front Mary A., wid George. h 516 Hamilton Mary E., wid Israel W., h 1720 Fulton Mary H., wid Joseph, h 1636 Wallace [sfary J., ' illvid H., Derry

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"Smith 1tlary N. Mrs., h 58 N 16th Smith Mary T., confectioner, 1301 N :ld, h do Smith Maude E, saamstress, h ~5 N 16th Smith . Edna, h 14HH Ln'en Smiv ichael (~("ndt1ctor, 1::;~2 N Fr< ,it Smith Minerva M., wid William P., h 602 Dauphin Smith M. Marshall, train d('spatcher, h 162:3 N 2d Smith Monetta, domestic, 18111 Green Smi? lslyrtle l\L, s,tsnographes State, Buwmansdalu Smith Lellie, dOlml,kil" 708 N Smith IHellie, dOUls',tE~, 18m Smith Nellie, dressmkr, h ] 13 S Dewberry av Smith Nellie M., saleslady, a14 Market, h Mechanicsburg Smith Noel W., supervisor P. R R., h 413 Market Smith )rson V., hPk Dept Minlll," 21:3 Ki? Stni1 Oscar F., lr, h l!l:'f hth Smith Owen, lahusell h r 71(1~ Smith Paul G., student, h ]515 N 2d Smith Pearl H., domestic, 215 S Front

~ ~~~:~~ \~~~~vr.,R, brakem~~\:~;1~nf~I~:th

~ Smi?

Pder, agt, Smith 'der A., alnut, h Cowden ~ Smith Pharmacy, (Dr. B. Smith), 433 Market ~ Smith Philip W., barber, 1204 N 3d, h 1:!2S do



A. B. TACK}Wall PaDar and Wlndol Shadal{J'::J.';~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 613
mgr, 7 S 4th Smith Preston, bricklayer, h 211 Barbara av Smith Rachel Mrs., h 24:J N River av Smith Ralph I., (R I. Smith & Co.), h 412 Market Smith Ralph L., weaver, h 238 Kelker Smith Rebecca E., domestic, 407 Kelker SKITH R. I. & CO., (Ralph I. Smith), drygoods, suits, &0., 412 Karket Smith Robert, laborer. h 106 Dock Smith Robert A., engineer, h HI1I9 Rhoads av Smith Robert C, master mechanic P. & R, h 401 S 14th Smith Robert C, student, h 1417 N Front Smith Robert N., heatcr, h 11112 S 9th Smith Robert 0., boilermkr, h 142:1 William Smith Rosa A. Mrs., h :,nau N 4th Smith Roy, stable boss; h 45 N 14th Smith Rudolph W .. elk, 22 N 2<1, h 854 S Cameron Smith Sadie S., nurse, h (;02 Dauphin Smith Samuel. carter, h 1423 James Smith Samuel H., conductor, h 610 Verbeke Smith Samuel R, (S. R Smith Co.), h 1929 Boas Smith Samuel R, jr., elk, h l!j45 Boas Smith Samuel T., boltmkr, h 6!15 Dauphin Smith Samuel W., conductor, h 2:18 Kelker


MILLER BROS. a: BAKER~ ~:S~b=~l.~~E

Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith "mith Smith Smith Smith Smith Sander E., weighmaster, h 1239 Cowden Sarah, domestic, 1518 N 6th Sarah G., dressmkr, h 210 Kelker Sidney, laborer, h 1221 N 111 Simon, grocer, 1948 Swatara, h do S. R Co., noodle mfrs, 3(j-40 N Cameron Stanley G., student, h 1417 N Front Stella, domestic, 510 West av Stephen, laborer, h 47 Lochiel4th Row Susan M., charwoman, it 142:1 James Sylvia \V., milliner, h 1222 N Front Theodore F., check man P. R R., h 1114 5 13th Thomas C, alderman, 2218 N 6th, h do Thomas C, huckster, h fi50 Reily Thomas E., laborer, h 932 James av Thomas G., machinist, h 5!14 Xorth Thomas H., laborer, h 182 Hanna Thomas H .. waiter, h 116 Tanner's av Verne C, painter, h 150a Logan av Virgie M., knitter, h 211!~7 Fulton Walter H., printer, h 1022 Green Wesley C, brakeman. h 11121 N 5th William, barber, h 44:l State WIlliam, engineer, h 1:n4 Howard William, heater, h 1073 S 9th
6. BUTl.ER
,,\ No 1230 STREET PHllA

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Meld's COllQllalion POls :.~c:.sO:::::=-f!: 306 Br_

Smith ; ; Smith 1! Smith -!! Smith . . Smith Smith _ Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Ci Smith Smith . . Smith :IE -.- Smith (/) Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith C Smith Smith

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

William, laborer, h 106 Dock William, laborer, h 516 South William, laborer. h 9~3 N 4th William, machinist, h lS:J4 Fulton William, shoemkr, 5:34 Korth, h do William A., caller P. R. R., h 1707 N 7th William A., elk, 1001 N 3d, h 1522 N 5th William B., laborer, h 1118 Hickory av William D., h 60U Forster William E., brakeman, h 1821 Susquehanna William E., laborer, h r 56:J Race William G., elk P. & R. frt depot, h 609 Forster William G., laborer, h 1116 Dock William H., h 101~ N 2d William H., driver, h 1238 Bailey William H., engineer, h 220 Kelker William H., engineer, h 2222 N 6th William H., flagman, h 11115 Penn William H., laborer, h ~7 Sassafras av William H., laborer, h u:~:~ Vernon William H., repairsman, h 193() Elizabeth av William H. Rev., h 2U6 Atlas av William H., waiter Comwlth, h 416 South William J., elk, h 515 Dauphin William J., laborer, h 1720 Fulton



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I- TIlle HOronlJ 0IIII HIlS' CO. "t:"{"=':='='I!':_~ ~ Z Smith William K., carpenter, h 515 Dauphin


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Smith William K., h if) N 10th Smith William L.. h l~j State Smith William M .. brakeman, h 609 Boas Smith William I\., flagman, h 21:~O ~ 7th Smith William 0., physician, 15 S 2d, h 1416 State Smith William P., student, h 206 Hamilton Smith William S., engineer, h 1127 Wallace Smith Wilson A., salesman, 324 Market, h ~1iddletown Smith Wilson 0., (\Y. O. Smith & Son), h 1200 N 2d Smith Wilson O. & Son, (J. Porter), grocers, 12011 N 2d SJUTH & KEFFER, (Charles G. Smith and lohn 1. Keffer), wholesale tobacconists, 432 Market Smith, see Schmid, also Schmidt, also Schmitt, also Smythe Smithcourse Harry E., postal elk, h 1243 Swatara Smoley Alexander J., blacksmith. h 1044 S Cameron Smoley Joseoh. enp;ineer, h 1044 S Cameron Smolizer Arthur P., packer P. R. R.. h l:US Vernon ~ Smolizcr Harrv, bookhinder, h l:n~ Vernon _ Smolizer John: flagman, h 1:l}:o( Vernon Smolizer John L.. cutter. h 1:U8 Vernon Smothers Charles S .. laborer, h 211 S River av Smothers H. William. laborer, h uf)4 SlOth Smothers Jennie. cook, h 14 S Court av Smothers Oliver. carter, h 2]3 S River av

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIV~ FV~'v::~ED~A~L 8C0BB8 Coogle

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A. B. TICK}~~~~t7IDO~ta{=::;'~
Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. 615
.smothers Simon, laborer, h 213 S River av . ;: Smouse David B., clk C. I. and S. Co., h 1421 Market ~ .smoyer J. Seybert, printer Independent, h 1010 N 3d .smucker David E., painter Lunatic Hospital, h 18:17 N 6th .smucker Edwin S., barber, 1630 N 6th, h do Smull Sarah L., wid William P., h 402 N 3d .Smullian David, salesman, 510 Market, h 7 N 5th CI CD Smyser George W., car repairer, h 40~ Muench c: .smyser Henry W., conductor, h 1502 N 6th .Smyser William H., collector, h 1502 N 6th ;; Smythe Theobold A. Rev., h 527 Maclay CD Snavely Alfred, foreman, 7th c Boas, h 2:n N 2d .Snavely Archie L., conductor, h 402 Cumberland .Snavely B. Frank, engineer, h 105 Calder Snavely Carrie M., bookkpr, 8 S 2d, h 577 S Front .Snavely Charles \V., confectioner, 213 S 2d, h do Snavely Clara c., wid John W., h 603 N Cameron Snavely Clarence, draftsman, Herr clOth, h 1011 N 3d Snavely Cyrus, conductor, h 2030 N 5th :Snavely Ella c., dressmkr, h 134 Verbeke Snavely Elmer E .. laborer, h 402 Cumberland c: Snavely Frederick, plumber, h 207 N 2d ~ .snavely Harry, laborer, h 231 N 2d Snavely Harry P., brakeman, h 402 Cumberland Snavely Harry \V., elk, 438 Walnut, 11 238 Sayford av

a == 6

:t~or:.~'t-:::' ~ Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {~ ::=


Snavely Harry \V., contractor, h 231 N 2d .Snavely J. George, h 231 N 2d .Snavely John, laborer, h 603 N Cameron Snavely John E., mattressmkr, h 5i7 S Front Snavely John R., tree agt, 123 Liberty, h do Snavely John W., puddler, h 577 S Front Snavely Margaret, wid Frederick, h 231 N 2d Snavely Mary S. Mrs., patent medicines, 1011 N 3d, h do 'Snavely Michael F., h 928 N 6th Snavely Park W., laborer, h 622 North Snavely Sallie A., forelady, h 561 Forrest SIAVELY S. ED., livery, 235 Blackberry av, h 216 Chestnut 'Snavely Susa~ P., h 719 N 2-d Snavely William, h 603 N Cameron Snavely \-Villiam H., painter, h 402 Cumberland Snedden John W., elk State Treas. Capitol, h 1523 Green Snedeker Charles E., laborer, h 1606 Logan av Snedeker David A., laborer. h 16116 Logan av 'Snedeker Samuel E .. h 1(i06 Logan av Sneeringer Annie. wid Gregory, h 10117 Green. Sneeringer J. Ross, grocer. 224 Hamilton, h 1007 Green -Snell Aaron, laborer. h 12t):l Bailey -Snell George S .. brakeman, h 1310 :t\ Front Snell James, laborer, h 554 Primrose av 'Snell John L., edge trimmer. h 21 Linden Snell Robert L., agt, 14 S 2d. h Steelton


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H M KELLEY or.. {I Nortla lid II-.... D. CO 10th and Stale 8Ca..


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Snelling Jam~s, puddler, h 1416 S 13th Snider, see Schneider, also Schnvder, also Snvder Snively Eveline. wid Joseph, h 219 ~leadow lit Snoddy Calvin S., (Snoddy & Russ), h 1324 James Snoddy Charles, laborer, h 400 Filbert Snoddy Deames c., brickmkr, h 434 S Cameron Snoddy Elizabeth E., wid Calvin S., h 1:~24 James Snoddy Emma c., dressmkr, h 257 Sassafras av Snoddy Harry c., blacksmith, 1:n5 Vernon, h 126 Linden' Snoddy Levi F., fireman, h 1072 S 9th Snoddy Lucinda, wid John, h 4:14 S Cameron Snoddy Samuel G., conductor, h 117 James av Snoddy William S., fireman, h 46R S Cameron' Snoddy Zachariah, wheelwright, 1;~01 N 4th, h 257 Sas-safras av SNODDY & RUSS, (C. S. Snoddy and Adolph B. Russ), The" Casino, Court av c Strawberry av Snodeal Charles 1'.1., lahorer, h 410 Chestnut Snodgrass Anna B., wid William L., h 413 Herr Snodgrass Frank P., (Snodgrass & Snodgrass), h 112' State Snodgrass Henry A., laborer, h 6:n Boas Snodgrass Horace W., sec and treas Anthracite \Vagon" Co., h 112 State Snodgrass Marcie A., dressmkr, h mh c Maclay


~ Snodgrass Robert, (Snodgrass & Snodgrass), h 112 Stat~"
Snodgrass Robert N., hoilermkr. h 45 Balm SNODGRASS & SNODGRASS, (Robert and Frank P.), law yers, 17 N 3d Snoke Albert, brakeman, h 428 Cumberland Snoke David M., driver, h 309 Hamilton Snoke Ellen, wid George, h 1410 Penn Snoke Hiram F., flagman, h 1228 N 6th Snook Arthur A., train receiver P. R. R., h 1604 N 3d Snook Herbert F., tinner, h 1548 Fulton Snook Martha Jane, wid Oliver, h 1548 Fulton Snook William H., tinsmith, ;l34 Kelker, h 1829 Logan av:Snow Alfred S., laborer, h 16115 Logan av . Snow Earl c., fireman, h 1008 N 7th Snow James D., laborer, h flU Oxford Snow ~lary Mrs., apronmkr, h 1133 Wallace Snow William A., watchman, h 120 Hanna Snow William B., baker, h :W5 Dauphin Snowden Emma, cook Hbg Hospital, h :105 Chestnut Snyder Aa"ron H .. machinist, h 4:H SlOth Snvder Abraham B., clothier, 445 Verbeke, h do Snyder Abraham L., distributor, h !lth bel Hemlock Snyder Agnes S., trimmer, h ~ Aberdeen av Snyder Albert H., inspector C. V. R. R.. 401 Chestnut. h! White Hill


Z o Z
I. I

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I. B. TACK fFI:~~o~~TN:'AA:-..~cr!f.,~R {121610rtb mUd

Boyd's Harrisburr City Directory.
Snyder Snycit-r Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder


Anna, wid Miles 0 .. h 7 N 13th Annie C. Mrs., h Hll:! N :ld Annie E., cigarmkr, h 22 N 14th Annie E., tacker, h 540 ~orth Annie T., housekeeper, 577 Showers av Annor, elk, h 1012 N 3d Arthur, laborer, h 117 Ann av Benjamin, peddler, h 52:; West av Bertha, stenographer, 4411 :\1arket, h 1:!11 Chestnut Caroline, wid Daniel. h 331 Chestnut :. Catharine. h 515 Calder Catharine, domestic, ::;:31 S Front Catharine, wid Abner, h 584 Showers av Catharine Mrs., nurse, h 22 N 14th Charles, laborer, h 603 N Cameron Chas. A., foreman, 14118 Vernon, h 1507 Logan av Charles B., conductor, h 170!ot Market ~ Charles D., elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 21 Brady av Charles E., puddler, h 608 1\ 2d Charles F., laborer, h 528 Showers av Charles H., painter, h 1852 Swatara Charles L., elk P. R R, h 17 S 13th Charles T., engineer, h HH7 N 5th Gara, wid ~lahlon H., h 17 S 13th Gam Mrs., h 1000 Cumberland


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Snyder Clarence F., elk P. R. R, h fi31 Kelker Sn)'der Cornelius \"'1., laborer, h 1:!20 Wallace Snyder D. Abner, bookkpr, :!lO Walnut, h 218 Kelker Snyder Daniel F., brakeman, h 11Hi N 6th Sn)'der David F., engineer, h 1713 Green Snyder Earl R, repairsman, h 1416 Zarker Snyder Edith 1\1., elk, h 540 North Snyder Edward, real estate, h 213 State Sn~der Edward R, fireman, h 6117 Cumberland Sn~der Edward T., laborer, h 1827 N 4th Sn)der Ech'll'ard W., telegrapher, h 556 SlOth Snyder Edward Y., musician, h State Capital Hotel Smder Eli T., machinist, h :!~98 N lith Sn;'der Elizabeth, wid Jacob, h ;.J6 N 13th Snyder Elizabeth, wid John H., h :')13 North av Snyder Estella 11., cigarmkr, h 222 S 15th SIn'DER EUGENE, lawyer, 10 B 3d, h The Commonwealth Snyder Flora A., h 405 Herr Snyder Florence, domestic, 125 Cranberry av Snyder Frank 1\1., elk P. R R, h li43 Boas Sn)'der Frank T., fireman, h 14:32 N 6th Snyder Franklin, laborer, h 603 N Cameron Snyder George, tinner, h 1205 N 3d Snyder George F., brakeman. h 18(12 N 6th Snyder George H., engineer, h 1802 N 6th


&. BUTU::R



.dell'. PaiD BKtermlnatorcure8ChoJera lIorbu1, D,Mntel7,CramJll, DI~ ()Q\dI, Qu1DI1. lUleUDllldam. Too&hache, .... TIlroat. Aaue. ~ . . _ ......


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.








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Snyder George H., laborer, h 925 S 19th Snyder George \Y., (Snyder & Runk), h 405 Herr Snyder Geo. vV., asst stationmaster P. R. R., h 227 Briggs SNYDER GEORGE W., real estate, 222 lIarket, h 79 B 18th Snyder Gertrude, h 1708 Market Snyder Guy G., physician, 1727 N 6th, h do Snyder Harris E., postal elk, h 1316 Walnut Snyder Harry, brakeman, h 2009 MoItke av Snyder Harry c., plasterer, h 20:~6 Kensington Snyder Harry L., h 318 Hummel Snyder Harry N., driver, h 37 N 16th Snyder Helen, domestic, 40~ Verbeke Snyder Henry, carpenter, h 1721 Green Snyder Henry, laborer, h 821 S Front Snyder Henry W., h 1605 N 2d Snyder Hilda G., housekeeper, h 17 S VUh Snyder Isaac D., brakeman, h 1425 Vemon Snyder Jacob, conductor, II 14:l2 N 6th Snyder Jacob, laborer, h 525 \~/est av Snyder Jacob, laborer, h 1197 Bailey Snyder Jacob T., stenographer, 4 N' 3d, h 270 Briggs Snyder James B., conductor, h 1529 Green Snyder James H., fireman, h 540 North Snyder James 0 .. laborer, h 925 S 19th

1&1 Q -------------------------------------------Snyder Jane Mrs., h 417 Boyd av I&J Snyder Jane, wid John, h 125 Cranberry av

Snyder Snyder >- Snyder z: Snyder ~ Snyder a. Snyder E Snyder o Snyder U Snyder ...J Snyder C Smder Q Snyder U Snyder Q Snyder Z Snyder C Snyder loll Snyder U Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder

J. Clayton, student, h 1605 N 2d J. Edwin, decorator, 324 Market, h 1618 Penn Jesse M., machinist, h 1058 S Cameron John, carpenter, h 1946 Kensington John, laborer, h 120 S 14th John, iaboTt:r. h 1:!:~4 l'.lulberry John A., letter carrier, h 577 Shower!' a\" John A .. jr., weighman, h 5ii Showers av John B., laborer, h 117 \" erbeke John C. laborer, h 1715 Regina Tohn C, laborer, h 611 Harris john F., cleaner, h 540 ~orth John F., telegraph operator. h 16118 X 3d John G., fireman. h 1036 S Cameron John H., bartender, 214 Chestnut, h 448 SlOth John P., laborer, h 420 Hamilton John \\' .. brakeman, h 414 Hamilton Joseph, brakeman, h HOlt Green Joseph, molder. h 1247 Bailey Joseph B., driver, h 615 Camp Joseph F., laborer. h lln~ S 9th Joseph H., laborer, h 44~ S 1I)th J. Raymond, clk. 1342 N 6th. h 2;)4 ,-erbeke

JlmploJl DODe bat 1Int.e1_ wwkmen. beDCle A B TAC "} CIIGIi wwtllllCllDIunIll Wark done l1li1 panol 1\

ODI~ {

1.18 N. ICl I&.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder


Julia B., cook, h 513 North av Julia S., wid Isaiah, h 1008 N 2d Katie M., tel opr, 210 Walnut, h 1708 Market Lavinia, wid John C, h 16(}t( N 3d Levi, brakeman, h 424 ~'Iarket Linda, cook Children's Industrial Home, h do Lisle, cigarmkr, h 597 Emerald Lizzie L., housekeeper, 931 N 3d Lloyd W., clk P. R R, h 638 Camp Mabel, book folder, h 120 S 14th Malinda, wid Michael, h 6a1 Walnut Margaret, bonnetmkr, h 1713 Green Margaret Mrs., h 1302-1 N 6th Margaret E., wid Emanuel K., h 435 S 13th Marshal P., topper, h 1931 Forster Martha M., domestic, 513 Korth av Mary, book folder, h 120 S 14th Mary E., bonnetmkr, h 554 Forrest Mary J., seamstress, h 120 S 14th Mary L., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1708 Market Mary M., wid Jacob S., h 723 Capital Max L., elk, h 611 Harris Michael, laborer, h 553 SlOth Michael, jr., rougher, h 553 S Hkh Miriam O. Mrs., h 1126 ~ :3d


i -




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~:::'i.~Hanlsburl SaYings and Loan ASIn. {::= ~

Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder M. Louisa, telephone opr, h 1708 !\larket Ned H., student, h 1605 N 2d Nelson, conductor, h 631 Kelker Nelson M., brakeman, h 631 Kelker Nicholas, fireman, h 1237 N 7th Oliver F., blacksmith, h 1827 N 4th Oliver W., fireman, h 1827 N 4th Permilla M., wid Benjamin, h 540 North Pierce, helper, h 117 Ann av Ralph R, clk P. R R, h Wormleysburg Robert H., h 213 State Roscoe F., fireman, h 154 N 15th Ruth N., looper, h 218 Kelker Samuel, watchman, h 218 Kelker Samuel A., cleaner, h 540 North Samuel F. W., barber, h 520 N 5th Sarah, wid John B., h 229 Crescent Sarah C, wid Jacob S., h 925 N 6th Sarah F., bookkpr, 101 S 2d, h 1012 N 3d Simon, laborer, h 554 Forrest S)'dney T., mailer Independent, h 611 Harris Sylvester L., bottler, 330 Market, h 5~ Showers av Vernon G., clk, 16 N 2d, h 611 Hams William, janitor P. R R, h Penbrook William E., cab driver, h 129 S 2d



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a;;;;;tJ!!..a:.= w;} H. I. KEUEY &CO. ~ ,o:..:r.:.=..




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.






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Sollenberger Christian F., salesman, h 268 North Sollenberger Clinton A., salesman, h 627 Emerald a: Sollenberger Di\ler S., contrac.tor and builder, 523 Peffer, ::::t h do G4 Sollenberger Harry D., carpenter, h 523 Peffer Sollenberger Martha H., domestic, 200 N 3d ;!: Sollenberger Maurice G., carpenter, h 2004 Wood av Sollenberger, see Sullenberger SoUers Annie R., wid James W., h 1138 Market III Sollers Charles G., laborer, h 321 Reily Soll~rs James E., laster, h 11:~8 Market Sollers James T., laborer, h 321 Reily Sollers Kate E. Mrs., boarding, 424 Market, h do Sollers Rebecca Mrs., h 321 Reily SoUers William M., elk, 1030 Market, h 523 N 5th Soloman John, laborer, h 20 N 5th Solomon Annie, cook, h 416 Cranberry av Solomon Charles F., bartender, h 1416 Green Solomon Henry h 414 Strawberry av Z Solomon Joseph W., elk, 224 Market, Wallace W., flagman, h 16H. II: Solomon Martin L., conductor, h 625 Calder 1&1 Solomon Morris, furrier, 231 State, h do Solomon Nellie V., music teacher, 1416 Green, h do Solomon Rebecca, wid Harry G., h 1416 Green Sommer Harry A., car repairer, h 2137 Moore

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Snyder William G., baker, h 1603 Hunter Snyder William B., cigars, 1272 Marht, h 434 North Snyder William H., driver, h 132 S 3d '. SNYDER WUTJAM' P., Auditor General, Capitol, h The Lochiel SNYDER WITJ,TAJI' S., lawyer and 'notary public, 15 11 2d, h 119 South Snyder & Runk, (George W, Snyder and Aldon A. Runk), blacksmiths, 211 Cranberry av Snyder, see Schneider, also Snider Sober Edwin 1., fireman, h 6ao Reily Sober Martha G., stengr State Library, h 12ii Pine SOCIAL CLUB, 302 Karket Socks Harry M., conductor, h 1193 01ristian Socks Maria, wid Thomas, h 113 Cowuen Socks, see Sacks Sofield Alice D., dressmkr, h 263 Briggs Sohn Daniel W., cashier Commercial Bank, h 1419 N Front Soladey Eliza, wid John, h 522 Calder Soles Charles E., engineer, h 618 Delaware av Soles Daniel, laborer, h 1403 William Soles Daniel 1\1., warehouseman P. R. R., h 1403 William Soles Samuel P., warehouseman P. R. R.. h 1222 Cowden Soles T. Edward, brakeman, h 983 N 7th


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Redlond's Wagon Works {='1t.t=-==} ~i~~Y 'a~~le

A. B. TACK =,tI~~:n~ IDH POoer IBId 1IDII01_1I11\~:a1Jl

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Sondrun Hans von, salesman, 9 S 2d, h 1114 N 6th Sonman Shaft Coal Co., ]. M. Cameron, pres; Vance C. l\1cCormick, sec and treas, 223 Market 6 Soper & Mann, (Morris J. Beckley and Charles H. Mann), co:. watchmkrs' suppli~s, 20 N 2d C .sophes Susan, wid W. Harry, h 217 N River av .. .sornberger Adam, h 144 Sylvan ter ;I .sornberger Daniel, conductor, h H4 Sylvan ter Sornberger David, driver, h 336 Hummel .sornberger Elmer c., driver, h 336 Hummel .sornberger Olive c., telephone operator, h 2:1 S 16th Soth Henry, laborer, h 620 Wiconisco .soth John, laborer, h 620 Wiconisco Souder Elsie A., stenographer, 19 N' 3d, h 35 S 13th Souder Jacob A., asst foreman Eagle Works, h :~5 S 13th .sourbeer Charles E., conductor, h 1203 Derry aD Sourbeer Elizabeth, cigarmkr, h 1:JU2 N Cameron Sourbeer E. May, cigarmkr, h 450 S 14th Sourbeer F. !vlarion, music teacher, ]314 Maple av, h do .sourbeer Grace E., dressmkr, h 450 S 14th S()urbeer Henry, jr., drygoods, 1321 N 6th, h do Sourbeer Henry J., foreman, 502 Market, h 1130 N Front SOl1rbeer Henry S., grocer, 511n S 13th, h do Sourbeer Herman R, brakeman, h 1203.Derry Sourbeer Ida F., shoe operator, h 450 S 14th



SOtlrbeer James H., elk, h 1245 Kittatinny Sourbeer J. Frank, janitor, h 246 Hummel Sourbeer Katherine S., shoe operator, h 450 S 14th Sottrbeer Lila E., shoe finisher, h 1342 Vernon Sourbeer Mary K., wid George W., h 801 N 6th Sourbeer Mary W. Mrs., grocer, 1245 Kittatinny, h do .sourbeer Oscar F., carpenter, h 18::l4 vValnut Sourbeer Samuel J., heater, h 450 S 14th Sourbeer Criah c., laborer, h 1130 N Front Sourbeer William B., marker, h 450 S 14th Sourbeer William H., puddler, h 1302 N Cameron Sotlrbeer William \V., hooker, h 1::l42 Vernon Sourbier Charles J., acct E.-F. B. T. Co., h 122 Boas Sourbier George H., (Geo. H. Sourbier & Son), h 122 Boas SOtlrbier George H., jr., (George H. Sourbier & Son), h 1310N 3d Sourbier George H. & Son, (G. H., jr.), funeral directon and embalmers, 1310 N 3d, telephone Sours James E., car repairer, h 1219-1 Bailey South Bend (billed Plow Co., agrl implts, 627 Walnut Southard Charles M., checkman P. R R., h 1301 S 13th Southard E. Albert, lumber, h 80S! S 2d Southard Emily, wid Alexander, h 30~t S 2d . Southern Mutual Invest. Co., R F. Cook, genl agt, 7 N 2d

I --


No 1230 ARCH STREET PI'l L .l



IIcNall'. Paia Exterminator !!or:_-:'=--l.:it_~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Zi agt, 16 N 2d '1! Southworth James, porter, 217 Market, h do

- Southern States Despatch,


H. Leonard, genl Eastern


en a: o o
a: ~ z

Sowers Carrie P., warper, h 1825 Fulton Sowers Elmer c., repairsman, h 441 Verbeke ::l1li Sowers George, shoemkr, 503} Kelker, h 1825 Fulton Q Sowers George W., brakeman, h 2002 N 4th .; Sowers George W., puddler, h 54 Lochie1 6th Row Q Sowers Georgianna, domestic, 1700 N 2d Sowers Ida M., elk, 322 Verbeke, h 1825 Fulton Sowers John A., laborer, h 123 N 10th Sowers Lydia, wid John H., h 54 wchicl 6th Row == Sowers Myrtle M., housekeeper, h 1825 Fulton Sowers Sarah A., cigarmkr, h 1014 State Sowers Sarah A. Mrs., h 1014 State -I Sowers \Villiam A., flagman, h 230 Muench Spaden John, waiter, 435 Market, h do Spahr Charles M., brakeman, h 327 S 16th Spahr Charles S., car inspector, h r 1222 N 3d Spahr Harriet V., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 219 Herr Spahr Harry L., switchman. h 1831 N 3d ~ Spahr Harry M., laborer, h 323 Kelker Spahr Harry W., supt stock yard P. R. R., h 2137 N 4th Spahr H. Brooks. stationer, 1223 N 3d. h 1221 do C Spahr Tohn H., driver, 3 Cowden, h 323 Kelker




nYU ....." AI. TBIT - I I ............ -

n. {T",twa 1M1Iatn1lrl,lllada at .....eIII ,.... }..II ........... .......... aU IIIIIr r-........... .... I11III .....

o SPAHR IlURRAY H., merchant tailor, 9 B 3d, h lIechanic.. burg o Spahr Sophia, tailoress. h 219 Herr -.
C .A. Spahr Walter G., elk, h 1831 N 3d 221' E Spahr Walter S., packer, h1326 Calder h 1714 N 3d Spahr William A., stable, Marion, u Spain Mary, wid Martin, h 500 Brown av R., ice cream, 507 Reilv, ...... Spangenberg Brunocraneman, h 1433 James h do Spangler Alvin M . ...: 1319 N o Spangler Austin E., salesman. 36 N 3d,6th, h 1206 do h 1413 do u Spangler Blanche F., milliner, Q Spangler Charles H., patternmkr. h 535 Camp IE Spangler Charles S., roll turner, h 1954 Derry W., helper, h 1334 ...: Spangler Charks W., warehouseman S 13thR., h 1800 Boas Spangler Charles P. R. (;I;J Spangler Daniel ]., helper, h 1413 N 3d ~ Spal1gler Ellis E., twister, h 112fl N Front Q Spal1gler George S., ruler, ;l N 3d, h 247 North (;I;J Spangler George W., carpenter, h 1120 N Front ... Spangler George W . laborer, h 338 Cherry av Spangler Harry F., shipping elk. 406 Market, h 1115 Derry ~ Spangler Harry L., stitcher, h 1120 N Front

Spahr :M. Emma, stenographer. 9

2d, h Steelton

IE Spahr Thomas L., tailor, 1103 N ad, h do


Spahr Susan, weaver, h 323 Kelker

If YOD Don't Read Ibe PATRIOT You D~~!tiz~~o~e

r.:.:w:v:o~= 1011 roper ond IlndoWShodes Irom A. B. TACK {N.l : : :..

Boyd's lIarrisburg City Directory. 623

Spangler Henry C, machinist, h 1120 N Front Spangler Jacob, puudler, h 1334 S 13th Spangler Jacob H., blacksmith, 1524 N 4th, h 1120 N Front Spangler John C, brakeman, h 1210 Susquehanna Spangler John K., laborer, h 1519 Fulton Spangler Julia 0., milliner, h 1334 S 13th Spangler Lydia H., matron, 239 State, h do Spangler Mary C, wid Robert, h 247 :\orth Spangler Rebecca, tailoress, 334 :\iarket, h 1102 N 3d Spangler Sarah P., domestic, 121 S 2d Spangler William, blacksmith, h 47 N 13th Spangler William W., repairsman, h 534 Violet av Spannuth Amelia, domestic, 119 Pine Sparks Adam, laborer, h 1106 N Cameron Spatrow Caroline, teacher, h 1715 Hunter Sparrow Charles M., ins sol, 16 N 2d, h Wormleysburg Sparrow Charles 1\1., laborer, h 908 S 221 Sparrow David, laborer, h 235 Cranberry av Sparrow Edward, janitor, h 110 Tuscarora Sparrow Florence Mrs., h 910 Hemlock Sparrow Jacob, blacksmith, h 1715 Hunter av Sparrow John, laborer, h 235 Cranberry av Sparrow Minerva B., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h 110 Tuscarora Sparrow Susan H., teacher, h 1715 Hunter av


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l::'s!=o:'~Hanilburg Sawlngs Ind Loan AlSnIU::':: ~

Sparrow Thomas F., laborer, h 1~8 S 13th Sparrow 'William G., collector, h 1715 Hunter av Spa rver Leonard, engineer, h 1918 N 5th Sparver Mary A Mrs., matron P. R. R. depot, h 1419 N 6th Sparver William J., fireman, h 1639 N 6th Spayd Edith A. Mrs., proof reader Independent, h 1236 Walnut SPAYD ROBERT E., alderman and cigar mfr, 1488 3d, h do Telephone Speakes Calvin, laborer, h 624 Briggs Speakes George W., laborer, h 1102 Cowden Speakes Otis, blacksmith, h 642 Primrose av Speakman Harry, salesman, 28 S 2d, h New Cumberland Spealman Dora G. Mrs., boarding, 1422 N 6th, h do Spealman George E., ice cream, 1422 N 6th, h do Spealman James A., dk, 24 N 3d, h 614 Briggs Spealman John, butcher, h 1522 N 4th Spear Frederick F., expressman, h 1421 North Speas Alvin P., printer Telegraph, h Penbrook Spease Harry E., elk P.O., h 19?? State Spece Catharine R., cigarmkr, h 526 ~luench Spece David, conductor, h 526 :\IiJench Spece Sarah ]., domestic, 1012 N 7th Spece \Valter D., elk, fl26 N 6th, h 526 Muench






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POWftlLL'S PASTE WORKS {~- aad 18088


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H M KELLEY &CO'S -J'OIlDiamOIlU.... - ''"' .............. Black aezt ord Wh_{ '."'.1iI11NII.
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Speck George, tailor, h 504 State ;::: Speece Lloyd, foreman, h 5:!3 Calder ~ Speel Alexander R., h 124 Walnut ~ Spee1 John !\., pay director U. So N., h 1201 Walnut Speelman Claude, laborer, h 18 Lochiel 2d Row Speese Albert S., brakeman, h U08 N 6th :IE Spcese A. Scott, brakeman, h 636 Boas ~ Speese Augustus F., elk, h 1101 N 6th a.. Speese Carrie, cigarmkr, h 1101 N 6th c:::t Speese Charles H., blacksmith, h 1952 Boas Speese Charles R, inspector, h 1101 N 6th ..... Speese Ellen, h 2;:;9 S Cameron Speese Ellen Eo, wid Joshua M., h 26t N 5th ~ Speese Frank, helper, h 310 Cherry av Speese Frank K, conductor, h 1248 Bailey ~ Speese Gertrude M., bookkpr, 440 Market, h 261 N 5th Speese Hyde 1\1., laborer, h 1818 Penn ~ Speese Marietta, wid Harry R., h 1101 N 6th LLI . Speese Mary, ''lid George, h 1609 Swatara Speese May 1., bookkpr, 26 S 3d, h 26t N 5th Speesc Milton D., produce, 300t Cumberland, h 236 Hummel LLI Speese Samuel So, mgr, 31 S 2d, h 128 Chestnut II: Speise Blanche, cigar roller, h 115 Nagle





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Speise Frank, huckster, h 115 Nagle Speise George W., laborer, h 115 Nagle Speisc Mary Ao, wid Lewis, h 115 Nagle II: Spei~e William, brakeman, h 2020 N 6th LLI Spence Catharine, domestic, 640 Walnut Spence Marshall, laborer, h 640 Walnut Spencer Annie L., wid William J., h 1468 Regina Spencer James, laborer, h 347 S Cameron Spencer Mary, domestic, r 104 Short Spencer Mary, wid Robert, h 554 Primrose av Spencer Millie, domestic, 554 Primrose av Spencer Samuel Go, elk, 11 N 2d, h 1531 do Speraw Harry F., fireman, h 1939 N 7th Sperk John, laborer, h 1216 N Cameron Sperling Louis, elothier, 412 Walnut, h do Spicer Charles Ao, funeral director, 111 S 2d, h do Spicer Charles F., mgr, 440 Market, h 128 S 2d Spicer J. Henry, supt Burial Case Coo, h 22 N 4th Spicer Rudolph K., elk Hbg Club, h 449 S 13th Spickler Alice, bookkpr, 12 S 2d, h 1106 N 2d Spickler Carson L., printer, h 11U6 N 2d Spickler Mabel, bookkpr, 12 S 2d, h 1106 N 2d Spickler Martha. \',;d :l\Iartin, h 1106 N 2d Spidle Edward R., salesman, 3M Market, h Steelton Spidle l\.fary R., wid William, h 623 S Front Spidle Norman, baker, h 134 Linden





A. B. TACKliALL PAPER r!::=~-.:! 111001 SIIIIlE3hf;;:~8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg City


Spillane Mary Mrs., domestic The Lochie1 Spire Charles W., watchman, h 1242 Market Spitler Adam, painter, h 348 Nectarine av Spitler Alfred, detective, h 1614 Swatara Spitler Alfred, (B. F. Spitler & Son), h 1323 Thompson av Spitler Benjamin F., (B. F. Spitler & Son), h 1323 Thompson av Spitler B. F. & Son, (Benjamin F. and Alfred), house painters, 1323 Thompson av Spitler John A., engineer, h 1622 Swatara Spitler Laura J., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1614 Swatara Spitler Robert R., fireman, h 605 North Spitz Josephine, h 416 Briggs Spitznogle Myrtle, cigarmkr, h 626 Hamilton Splawn Lee, laborer, h 452 S Cameron Spofford Kate R., bookkpr, 10th bel Market, h 1010 N 2d Spofford Mary E., h 1010 N 2d Spofford S. Ella, elk, 32 N 3d, h 1010 N 2d Sponenberger Frederick, huckster, h 1848 State Spong Geo. W., yardmaster C. I. and S. Co., h'1501 Penn Spong Harper W., elk Dauphin Deposit Bank, h W Fairview Sponsler Albert J., laborer. h 531 Cowden SPONSLER EDWA.RD 1, electric railway promotions, rooms 20 and 21 Trust bldg, 222 Market, h 106 Chestnut


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en BAKERl'n5~b=~l'.~~& i

Sponsler Emma E., milliner, 36 N 3d, h Mechanicsburg Sponsler George H., elk, 300 Market, h 127 Sylvan ter Sponsler George M., elevatorman, h 912 Cowden Sponsler Howard c., salesman, 22 N 3d, h 612 Reily Sponsler Ida M., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 276 Briggs Sponsler J. Edward, salesman, 326 Market, h 613 Briggs Sponsler Joseph A., engineer, h 917 N 2d Sponsler Mabel, domestic, 701 South Sponsler Margaret E., tobacco stripper, h 1321 Bartine av Sponsler Mary A., wid Andrew, h 260 North Sponsler Mary J. Mrs., h 276 Briggs Sponsler Sarah R., cashier, 300 Market, h 127 Sylvan ter Sponsler William A., h 1321 Bartine av Spooner Elizabeth, h 717 N 2d Spooner Harry, elk, h 428 Walnut Spooner Wm. H., china, glass, &c., !'i N 2d, h 117 Locust SPOTTS CHARLES, propr Gramm's Kotel, 1023 II 7th, h do Spotts Charles H., brakeman, h 212!'i Atlas av Spotts Harry c., bar elk, 1023 N 7th, h 430 State Spotts James A., packer, h 430 Statl! Spotts John A., v-pres People's Ice Co., h 1715 N 5th Spotts Levi H., h 1507 N 5th Spotts Sarah Mrs., domestic, 605 N Front Spotts William A., conductor, h 2106 N 4th Spottswood Bessie D., laundress, h 1328 William











== Drug and Pltent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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.. Spottswood Charles F., bellman Hhg Club, h 1328 William 2! :; Spottswood Isabella, wid Edward, h 528 ~orth Spottswood Jesse S., laborer, h 13:!8 William Spottswood Mary J., wid David, h 1:128 William 1& Spottswood Thomas H., coachman, h 1328 William ~ Spotwood John, barber. h 408 Cowden Spot wood Lillie, cook The Comwlth, h 408 Cowden g Spotz Allen U., broker. HI N 3d, h 1353 Vernon ;5 Spratts Emma J., saleslady, 215 Market, h 134 Vine g Sprenkel Peter K., salesman, h 717 Capital Sprenkle J. Webster, foreman Dauphin Cigar Co., h 1940 Derry Spriggs Frank, laborer, h 110 Angle av :: Spriggs George, laborer, h r 104 Filbert E Spriggs Henry W., laborer, h 626 Primrose av i5 Spriggs J. Edward, waiter, h 1321 William :: Spriggs Sarah c., domestic, 110 Angle av : . Spriggs William E., laborer, h 110 Angle av Springer Ca,rrie E.,.h 1132 Wallace Springer Cnristopher c., carpenter, h 1624 Logan av Springer Cora, saleslady, 221 Market, h Mechanicsburg Springer Edwin, laborer, h 1624 Logan av LaJ Springer Edwin N., grocer, 1347 Vernon, h 1345 do ..I Springer Emma c., h 1335 Vernon Springer George N., watchmkr, 206 Market, h 514 Kelker


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Springer James P., light trimmer, h 538 North Springer John W., upholsterer, 1261 Thompson av, h 1527i Derry Springer Joseph E., brakeman, h 24 S 3d Springer Margaret, wid James P., h 538 North Springer Samuel, rigger, h r 11U Capital Springer Uriah, engineer, h 11:12 Wallace Springfield Harry, fireman, h 1100 Cowden Sprout Alfred, laborer, h 1901 Derry Sprout Charles B., foreman, h 546 Race Sprout Ella, saleslady, 215 Market, h 546 Race Sprout George B., nailer, h 928 S 201 Sprout Mary E., saleslady, 221 Market, h 112 Tuscarora Spruce banks Charles, driver, h 1221 Bailey Sprucebanks George W., hostler, h 312 N Court av Sprucebanks James, molder, h 312 N Court av Sprucebanks William W., bar elk, h 113 North ~ Squires Thomas G., conductor, h 52.~ Emerald U Stabler Catharine, wid Ephraim, h 603 Herr Stabler \Villiam A., shoemkr, 712 Myrtle av, h 603 Herr Q Stack Thomas A., bricklayer, h 125 N 10th ~ Stackhouse Orpha Mrs., h 7 N 13th STACKPOLE EDWARD 1., editor and mgr Evening Telez: graph, postmaster and custodian U. S. Court House and :: Post Office bldg, h 1930 li 3d


R.ld 1118 PATRIOT} 311:~II:T {Hlrrlsburg's D~~~! b~~J;le


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Direotol'J'. 627

Stacks Alvin E., elk P. R. R. depot, h 1706 Penn Stacks Elmer E., elk P. R. R. depot, h 106 Calder Stadler George M., bookkpr, 813 Market, h 442 Walnut Stafany James, elk, h 345 S River av Stager Emma M., h 1609 Susquehanna Stager Leighton B., h 1211 Market Stager Lucie M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1211 do CD c: Stager Maria, wid William, h 910 S 9th Stahl Aaron F., watchman, h 2021 Elizabeth av ~ Stahl Carrie A., cigarmkr, h 1842 N 7th CD Stahl Catharine, wid John A., h 28 S 3d Stahl Catharine, wid Louis, h 13:16 Juniper Stahl Charles, fireman, h 2100 N 6th Stahl Charles L., linotype operator, h 47 N 16th Stahl Harry H., laborer, h a01 Crescent Stahl James B., painter, h 1842 N 7th Stahl Lottie, cigarmkr, h 1043 S 9th Stahl Sarah 1., knitter, h 1842 N 7th Stahl, see Stoll, also Stull Stahler Arthur F., elk, 201 S 2d, h 1906 State Stahler Edith M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 124 Evergreen Stahler Harry M., shipper, :111 S 2d, h Rockville Stahler John, engineer, h 1409 N Cameron Stahler John A., toolmkr, h 1906 State Stahler Kate, seamstress, h714 Capital

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Sallnll Ind Loan Assn. {::

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Stahler K~te Mrs., h 124 Evergreen Stahler Melissa M., tel opr, 227 Walnut. h 1!)06 State Stahler Walter, pressman, h 124 Evergreen Stailey Harry, laborer, h 1U21 S 9th 'Staily Alfred H., driver, h 1623 Regina Stainer Clarence, flagman. h 1512 Hunter av Stair Edward, nailcutter, h 320 S Court av Stair George W., carpenter, h 320 S Court av Stair Robert, bartender, 4th c State, h a20 S Court av 'Stake Reese 0., carpenter, h 1:U6 Kittatinny Stake Robert H., (Stake & Ramsey), h 1a16 Kittatinny Staley Byron E., director Dauphin Institute, h 253 Korth 'Staley John F., car repairer, h 512 Maelay Staley Joseph, laborer. h 1121 N Hi Stalipar Louisa, boarding, 526 Cowden. h do Stallman Horace. shoecutter, h 7 SlOth Stambaugh Anna M., saleslady, 1300 N 3d, h Steelton Stambaugh Annie L .. seamstress, h 45 N 14th Stalllballgl~ Craig, cooper, h 103(; S !)th Stambaugh Cyrus E., cooper, h 1036 S 9th Stambaugh Harry F., student, h 1315 Derry Stambaugh John K., cooper, h 1015 SlOth Stambaugh Lloy,d, elk, 224 Harris, h Mechanicsburg Stambaugh Mary M., wid Jacob, h 220 Briggs Stambaugh Roy B., laborer, h 1015 SlOth

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H. M. KELLEY & cO.}Omces,l~"'~~~.:i:JCOAL AND WOOD




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Stambaugh Samuel P., teacher, h 1315 Derry Stambaugh William L., laborer, h 144 S Cameron Stambaugh, see Stumbaugh . Stamets Amos M. Rev., h 1839 N 6th Stamm A. Carson, (Olmsted & Stamm), h 312 Hummel Stamm Henry B., laborer, h 1229 Derry Stamm Joseph, laborer, h 1221 Derry Stanford A. Leroy, plumber, h 261 Sayford av Stanford Laura E., student, h 226 Reily Stanford Vincent W., (Roberts & Mfck), h 804 Green Stanford Wesley M. Rev., editor, 201 N 2d, h 226 Reily Stanford Zella c., artist, h 226 Reily Stanley Augustus J. K., baggagemaster, h 345 S 14th Stanley Charles, laborer, h 1203 N Hi Stanley Eva, domestic, 341 S Cameron Stanley James, conductor, h 57 N 10th Stanley Willie, domestic, 431 South av Stansbury Isaac L., laborer, h 1070 S 9th Stansfield Irene, saleslady, 3H4 Market, h Mechanicsburg Stansfield John K., blacksmith Lunatic Hospital, h do Stanton Elizabeth, domestic, 122 Cowden Stanton Emily, cook, h 237 Cranberry av Stanton James, houseman, h 2:~7 Cranberry av Stanton John G., salesman. 308 Market, h 26th c Derry Stanton Percy, laborer, h 327 Basin av


Stanton Rebecca, domestic, 2,13 N Front Stape Harriet, wid Samuel, h 1108 N Front Stape William H., helper, h 5 Lochie1 1st Row Stapf George, carpenter, h 47 N 14th Stapf John, (Stapf & Benfer), h 2-3 S 3d Stapf Margaret ~1rs., confectioner, 47 N 14th, h do Stapf & Benfer, (John Stapf and Joseph Benfer), contractors. 23 S 3d STAR CARPET CLEANING WORKS, (Eller & Stoner), 28 N Cameron see adv STAR-INDBPENDENT. B. F. Meyers, pub; Wilmer Crow, mgr, 18, 20 and 22,$ 3d see adv Stark Ettie A., wid Joseph, h 817 SlOth Stark George \V., flagman, h 15:!5 Wallace Stark Harper G., laborer, h 1706 ~ 5th Stark Leah, wid Charles, h 90:1 N 3d


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28 to 34 North Cameron St.
T,lephm Conn,ction.

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MILLER 'il STONER, Proprietors.


Blc~~~iE} ANDREW REDMOND {~~ti!~~y~~~~le

A. B. TACK}Wall Puer and Window Shades{l:::la:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Stark Lucinda Mrs., h 431 State Starkey William P., mech engr, Herr clOth, h 1412 State Starn Mary, h 1185 Bailey Starner Wilson \V., conductor, h 1001 Berryhill Starr Aletha J., h 1118 N 6th Starr Charles F., barber, h 106 S Court av Starr Frank J., h 1210 K 2d Starr Hiram H., elk P. R R, h 1327 Fulton Starr Joseph W., elk, 4110 Verbeke, h 1327 Fulton Starr Morris, tinsmith, h 1327 Fulton Starry Adam, stone mason, h 1327 N 2d Starry Edgar, carpenter, h 2106 Brookwood Starry' Wallace G., (Hbg Collar and Cuff Co.), h 1366 Vernon Starry William F., carpenter, h 2106 Brookwood STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, (Armento & Lazarine), 217 Walnut see adv STATE CAPITAL SAVINGS AND LOAlI ASSOCIATION, Edward R. Pierce, mgr, 2 S 2d $tate Y. M. C. A., Charles L Huston, chairman; J. B. Bailey, treas: S. M. Bard, sec, 16 N 2d STATLER GEORGE, Aut State Highway Commissioner, 718 State, h 1814 do Staub Frances, stengr, 813 ~farket, h Nlechanicsburg Stauffer Anna M., cigar roller, h 1945 Swatara



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Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Sta.uffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Stauffer Benjamin G., agt, 2111 Brookwood, h 2102 Derry Carl. t:ngineer, h 500 Reily Charles E., ins sol, 15 K 2d, h 1426 Walnut Earl R, elk, h 2HO Walnut Edith 11, elk, 201 N 2d, h 230 N 15th Ellen B., noodlemkr, h 66:1 Verbeke Elsie A., stengr, 210 Walnut, h Mechanicsburg Elva 11., seamstr('ss, h 2311 N 15th Emma No, stitcher, h 112 Linden George M., transfer agt, h 1313 \Valnut Gertrude, wid Joseph, h 16118 Logan av Harry c., flagman, h 14M Green Harvey L., laborer, h 1945 Swatara Henry, fireman, h 1611 Derry Jacob, brakeman, h 21 Evergreen Jacob B., mess Adjt Genl's Dept, h ~lechanicsb'g Jacob W., driver, h 1945 Swatara John F., fireman, h 1731 N 6th John H., molder, h 1822 Logan av John P., motorman, h 2(J09 Logan av Lottie L., domestic, 315 N Front :\Iary E., assorter, h 112 Linden Minnie B., cigar roller. h Hl45 Swatara Sallie, housekeeper, 2102 Derry Samuel G., salesman, 615 Walnut, h 2104 Derry
No 1230 ARCH STREET !',(ll".?A

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leIIU'. CDmpl8llDn Pills :.':l::iJ':iact~~~,.J!: 306 Brl.

630 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Stauffer Samuel T., carpenter, h 112 Unden ;;; Stauffer Sarah, wid John, h 230 N 15th _ Stauffer Talbot M., elk, h 112 Unden Ii Stauffer Walter, orderly Hbg Hospital, h do ~ Stauffer ""'alter J., brakeman, h 628 l\lahantongo Stauffer William A . flagman, h 1~04 N 5th u Stauffer, see Stouffer Stayner John 0., motorman, h 317 Muench Stazewski Catharine, wid John, h :m2 Blackberry av Stazewski Jo~eph, laborer, h aH2 Blackberry av ~ Steadman :Mary Mrs., h 209 Barbara av Stecher Franklin Z., stable, Singer av nr Chestnut, h 1429 .I Vernon Ii Steck Clarence c., brakeman, h 1806 Elizabeth av Steck Martha M. Mrs., h 1806 Elizabeth av -II Steckley Elizabeth A . wid :\Iatthew, h 1808 K 4th Steckley Frederick W., brahman, h 15201 K 4th ;;; Steckley George W .. barber, 405 Kelker, h 1728 Fulton VI Steckley Joseph, grocer, 417 Reily, h do It STECKLEY II. & SON, (William W.), boots and shoes, ~ Verbeke (Broad) I- Steckley Paul B., teacher, h 1808 N 4th (J Steckley Warren 1\1., elk, 41)4 Verbeke, h 1808 N 4th Steckley William W., (:\1. Steckley & Son), h 404 Verbeke ~ Steele Annie, wid John, h 2286 N 6th





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Steele Cheyney. engineer, h 1612 Susquehanna Steele Frank :\1., engineer. h 237 Hamilton Steele Gertrude, housekeeper, 1612 Susquehanna Steele Ida, wid Thornton. h 141:l :\1arion Steele J. Harry, postal elk, h 1013 Market Steele John D., brakeman, h 1728 N 3d Steele John M., produce, r 1002 Market. h 1013 do Steele Kate, wid William H., h 1728 N :ld Steele Leon E., fireman, h 1100 N 6th Steele Mabel M., milliner, h 2a7 Hamilton Steelton & Harrisburg Brick Co., E. E. Fiese, treas; W. E. Abercrombie, sec, 9th c Reily Steely Kate A., ironer, h 2239 N 6th Steely McClellan L., switchman, h 1845 Fulton Steely William, elk. 221 :\Iarket. h 1845 Fulton Stees Harriet, wid George \V .. h 115 S Cameron Stees Harry, carriage11lkr, h 321i Clinton av Stees Harry H., h 104 Walnut ~ Stees Harry 1'.1.. huckster, h 42 X 10th ~ Stees Harr' W., laborer. h 1227 Wallace Q Stees Henry. janitor, h :t.!fi Clinton av ~ Stees Isaac. hricklayer, h ]!):n nrigj!s .... Stees Jacob n., elk F. and ),1. Works, h 21i~2 1i1 Stees James G., cadet, h 121i \\'alnut Stees Joel E., lahorer, 11 19~7 Briggs

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GI\'ES FV'E~.::;ED'i1-~I. IjCU1\B8 Google

Digitized by


- M a k a8peclalty 0 1 - JUI8N.8d8t. PubUe BaflcUap lD PlaID TlDul.bU. . . . . . .

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Stees John, driver, h 28 N 10th Stees Julia, bunchmkr, h 1227 Wallace .stees Lawrence W., painter, h 231 Sayford av Stees Mary, cigarmkr, h 1937 Briggs . Stees Mary E., weaver, h 2:39 State .stees Olivia, laundress, h 326 Clinton av Stees Osceola P., machinist, h 219 Mulberry Stees Robert, bricklayer, It 19~7 Briggs .Stees T. Harry, molder, h 1809 Ssuquehanna .Stees William, driver, h 28 N 10th Stees vViIIiam H., laborer, h 1227 Wallace STEEVER AARON II., druggist, 933 N 6th, h 931 do :Steever Anna R.. wid John W."h 1705 N 7th Steever George W., laborer, h 602 Cumberland .steever John '-V., miIIer. h 1802 Boas Steever Mary L., h 1705 N 7th .Steever Ralph E., student, 222 Market, h 9~1 N 6th Steever Robert F., brakeman, h 1705 N 7th , Steever William F . elk, 933 N 6th. h 621 Reily Steffey Abraham K.. fireman, h :m N 13th :Steffy Samuel B., polisher. h 1226 Railey Stehley Mary, wid Jacob S .. h 2:~5 Boas 'Stehman Mary, domestic. 21~ North Steiger Henry J., elk, l:Ul N :lrl. h 444 S 14th 'Steigerwald Edgar, brakeman. h 1432 N 6th

1:.In~~c:r~ Harrisburg _ ~~~!nr~In!_~~ln As~n!J ~:.=

'Steigleman George F., car inspector. h 2121 Moore :Steimer Samuel, jr., molder, h 1439 Vernon Stein Florence, domestic, 911 N 2({ Stein J. Rauch Rev., h 1705 Green Stein Lewis H., driver, 11 N 2d, h 604 Church av 'Stein Mary, wid Lewis, h Calder c 11} .Stein Naomi, domestic, 718 N 7th Stein Simon, laborer, h 2138 Greenwood Stein William, laborer, h Calder c 11} .Stein, see Stine Steinberg Frank, laborer, h 1284 S Cameron Steinberg Martin J., laborer, h 1284 S Cameron .Steinberg Matilda, stripper, h 129 Hanna Steinberg WiIIiam J., baker, h 129 Hanna .Steinberger David, ironworker, h Park Hotel Steinbright Charles A., (I-lbg News Agency), h 224 N 3d Steiner Charles C, linotype opr Telegraph, h 611 Forster Steiner Charles E., bricklayer, h 49 N 14th Steiner Eugene C, driver, h 1810 State 'Steiner Mazie A., stripper, h 411 N Hth .Steiner 'William L., carpenter, h 611 Forster Steiner, see Stiner Steinmeier Mary, laundress, h 1535 Swatara Steinmeier William R., boilermkr, h 15:m Swatara Steinmetz Augustus S., conductor, h 620 Hamilton


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WORKS{~-aad 180-



H M KELLEY &CO {I North lid /lINe'" 10th and Stale IAe.


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t&:; Steinmetz Bessie 1\1., h 524 Emerald ...., STEIlOIETZ GUS ., city editor Telegraph, h 1701 N' 2d Steinmetz Sarah E., wid Samuel S., h 620 Hamilton Mt Steinmetz William B., engineer, h 5:!4 Emelald ~ Stemler Frank H., engineer, h 1943 N 7th z Stence Benjamin F., baker, 905 N 3d, h do .... Stence William A., driver, h 417 State :z:: Stenger Walter R., h 1115 Chestnut fii: Stellgle John, foreman, h 1:103 S Cameron ~ Stenner lVIargaret. sakslady, 6 S 2<1, h 126 do CD Stephen Annie, h 215 Reily _ Stephen Sarah, wid William, h 215 Reily :: Stephens Andrew A., driver, h H3S! Muench _ Stephens Jesse K., collector, ;,ao Verbeke, h 183 N 15th Stephens Mary, domestic, 5 S Front :E Stephens Oscar c., asst transfer elk R. M. S. depot, IT ...., Newport Stephens Samuel H., laborer, h 30 Linden ~ STEPlIDS SHARON', coal and wood, 3d c Verbeke (Broad),. g; h 270 N'orth Stephens Thomas, packer P. R. R., h 9113 Shaonis Stephens \VilIiam c., canvasser, h 408 Boas ~ Stephens, see Stevens .... Stephenson Alonzo B.. hotel chef, h 135 S 2d ~ Stephenson_~lva 1\1., cashi~~034 1v~~rkc:! h 323 Peffer




~ Stephenson Catharine, wid Ja~~b, h ~:!06 13th ------ ~ Stephenson Frank P., bricklayer, h 3:!3 Peffer 1&1 Stephenson Gomer L., bricklayer, h Cumberland nr Capita} Stephenson I-larry F., bricklayer, h 3d cReel's la Stephenson Jenkin E., brakeman, h 501 Cowden Z Stlphenson John D., elk, 2ti8 Verbeke, h 319 Maclav Stephenson Levan, contractor, h 319 Maclay restaurant, 135 S 2d, h Z Stephenson Minnie E. Mrs., daily market, groceries,do .. STEPHENSON THOMAS E., meat and provisions, 268 Verbeke (Broad), h do 1&1 Stephenson 'William, salesman, h Ht;m Susquehanna Stephenson Willis F., bricklayer, h 3:!3 Peffel Stephenson, see Stevenson Sterick Ambrose L., sawyer, h 15:n N 5th Sterick Lewis A., sawyer, h 15:n N jth Sterick William 'vV., fireman. h 1531 X 5th ~ Sterling Edward 1., yardmaster. h 1119 S Cameron c:a Sterling GeOlgc W., laborer, h 216 ~ 10th ...., Sterling Susan C. l\Irs .. h ::!16 X 111th !IE Sterling William B., h 216 :!'\ Hlth c Stern Emanuel, shoes, ~:!O ~Iarket, h 412 Briggs g Stern John F., carpenter, h ill N 14th ~ Stern Minnie 1\1., saleslady. 215 ~Iarket, h 70 N 14th .... Sterner Samuel, driver, h 608 Church av Sterrett Franklin G., rougher, h 929 S 20_!_ _ __



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~_s:u-::~ ANDREW




I. B. Tlei ~ FI:'~~O~!lTT":VAA:-..~cfA~f.,~R {121610nD lDIIII SI1'II

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Sterrett Mary E., wid Alexander W., h 929 S 201 Sterringer Emma M., housekeeper, h 1310 Wallace Sterringer F. Blair, helper, h 634 Hamilton Sterringer Joseph R., engineer, h 628 Verbeke Sterringer J. Rush, foreman, h 1310 Wallace Sterringer Mervin, elk, h 62l:ol Verbeke Sterringer R. Elwood, laborer, h 1717 Penn Sterringer Susan R., h 634 Hamilton Stetler Philip G., shoemkr, h 1124 Cumberland Steube Anton G., gluer, h 85U S Cameron Steube Paul, laborer, h l:ol5t1 S Cameron Stevens Annie J. ::'.lrs., h Home for the Friendless Stevens Benjamin F. Rev .. h 228 S 13th Stevens Clarence c., grocer, 1029, and cigars, 1031 Market, h 1117 Derry Stevens David, driver, h 1412 Fulton Stevens Edward, brakeman, h 1114 N 6th Stevens Eva, elk, 1401 Derry, h 36 Balm Stevens George W. Rev., h 1620 N 2d STEVEN'S lORN C., physician, 230 S 13th, h 228 do Stevens N eHie B., h 1620 N 2d Stevens Robert, hostler, h 235 Blackberry av Stevens Thomas H., asst supt, 9 S 2d, h 217 Market Stevens William, elk, 421 N 2d, h Shiremanstown Stevens William H. Rev., h 914 S 21st



11: PI


MILLER BROS. &: BAKER {~:i~t.~~-:;.~~.

Stevens, see Stephens Stevenson Frances 1., wid Theodore, h 42 S Court av Stevenson Frank G., painter, h 1215 ~ Front Stevenson Frederick S., elk, 26 S 2d, h 1120 N 6th Stevenson George, porter, h 246 Liberty Stevenson H. Alice Mrs., (Stevenson & Stevenson), h 712 ~ 6th Stevenson Helen J., domestic, 2118 N 3d Stevenson James E., waiter, h 541 Primrose av Stevenson John F., (Stevenson & Stevenson), h 719 N 6th Ste.venson John F., frescoer, h 1325 N 2d Stevenson Lindsey A., salesman, h 42 S Court av Stevenson Robert, surface grinder, h 1215 N Front STEVEN'SON' & STEVENSON', (1. F. and Mrs. H. A.), osteopathic physicians, 719 N' 6th Stevenson, see Stephenson Steventon Earnest E., postal elk, h 19 N 4th Stevick A. Lmcoln, pool, 1423 N 3d, h 2;9 Calder Stevick David B., driver, 2207 N 7th, it do Stevick Frank E., bookkpr, 221 Market, h 520 Calder Stevick Franklin F., agt, h 1019 N 3d Stevick Helen, saleslady, 221 Market, h 1502 N 6th Stevick Ida V., wid Harvey S., h 429 :Mac1ay Stevick Mattie B., dressmkr, 1502 N 6th, h do Stevick William, machinist, h 643 Calder





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Bdell'. PaID EDermiDatoreareeCboJen Ifortlla, ~..,.CramJll, ~ 00ldI, QulDay. &beumatiam, TooIhache,'" 'I'Iuwt, Ape.~. _ _ .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

, . Stevick Zcphe H . h 13W Kittatinny ~ Steward Carrie E., elk, 1841 N 3d, h 809 do -- Steward Charles A., elevatorman Court House, h 809 N 3d 11 Steward George \V., trimmer, h :3~3 Clinton av .;! Steward Jacob W., mgr, 1008 Myrtle av, h 923 do Steward Jam';!s F., elk, 1008 N 3d, h 1420 Susquehanna _ Steward Karl, (c. Day Rudy Co.), h 1823 N 2d ~ Steward Kate R., wid ~Iichael, h 33:l Clinton av Stewart Alfred c., blacksmith, h 420 Cumberland ~ Stewart Augustus, coachman. h 108 Mary's av Stewart Charles, laborer, h 1408 Fulton Stewart Charles \V .. elk P. R. R., h 1510 Green Stewart Clara B.. stenographer The Comwlth. h Steelton Stewart Clayton E., laborer, h 1941 Briggs Stewart Craig G., machinist, h 1427 N 3d _ Stewart Emma J., wid Theoflore, h 1219 N Hi ~tewart Frank H., printer, &c., 1427 N 3d, h do Stewart Frank S., elk, 11 ~24 Crescent Stewart Harry G.. laborer, h 213 Cranberry av Stewart Henry J .. (Forney & Stewart), h 320! Chestnut Stewart Ida 1\1., teacher, h 420 Cumberland 1.1 Stewart Ira F., elk, 1432 r\ :~d, h 818 do Stewart James \V., butcher, h 501 Cowden .-II Stewart John H., laborer, h 113 Cowden c( Stewart John L., car repairer, h 1941 Briggs

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Stewart John K., asst engr P. R. R., h 413 1\larket Stewart John M .. grocer, 2001 ~ 6th, h 600 Peffer STEWART 100 Q.~ dep supt public instruction, Capitol, h 1404:R'lad Stewart Joseph H., engineer, h 1634 K 5th Stewart Linse\', laborer, h 1413 \ViIliam Stewart l\Iarg~retta, wid \ViIliam, h 113 Cowden Stewart Martha Mrs., h 5:54 Primrose av Stewart Matilda, wid Jeremiah, h 418 South Stewart Percy F., machinist, h 1427 N :~d Stewart P. Ross. elk P. R. R. frt depot, h 420 Cumberland Stewart Rachel, laundress, h :~;m Calder Stewart Raymond L., bartender, 423 ~Iarht. h do Stewart . Robert. laborer, h 127 Cranberrvav Stewart Sarah, housekeeper, 425 Cumherland Stewart Sarah I., machine opr, h 420 Cumberland Stewart Sarah].. wid Thomas R.. h n X 5th STEWART THOMAS 1" adjutant general. 716 State, h 32S ~ North U Stewart William, butcher, h SIS Capital Q Stewart William, h 517 Walnut 1&:1 Stewart 'William, porter. h ll!{ Cowden l- Stewart William A .. porter, h 1:!5 ).; 1I)th Stewart \Villiam E., contractor. h :!tm Herr Stewart William H .. lahorer, h 1:?21 X 11i

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Boyd'i Karrilburg City Directory. Stewart William \V., conductor, h 1510 Green Stewart, see Stuart Stibe Walter T., laborer, h 25 Sassafras av Stibgen Mary E., wid Abraham, h 626 Race Stickel Bruce H., machinist, h 621 Cumberland Stickel Daniel, conductor, h 1021 S 21! Stickler Jacob, cooper, h 60CJ Cumberland Stieff Charles M., pianos, :l2 N 3d, h Baltimore Stifer Anna, cook Grand Hotel Stigleman Benjamin F., salesman, h 1:!:~ N 13th Stigleman John, salesman, h 123 N 13th Stigleman William G., elk, h 123 N 13th Stiles Joseph A., elk, 115 Market, h West Fairview Still Harvey E., driver, h 1009 Cowden Still Roy, carpenter, h 414 Boas Stimeling Agnes, domestic, 31 S Front ~timeling l\Iary, domestic, 1412 N 2d Stimer Andrew M.; policeman, h 329 Ointon av Stimer Ella, vamper, h 1433 Derry Stimer Martin, helper, h 2116 N 4th Stimer Robert molder, h 1117 N Front Stimer Samuel, molder, h 1439 Vernon Stimer Samuel, molder, h 1718 Fulton Stimer William, engineer, h 600! Boas Stimmel Rebecca R., h 1603 Penn












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~~:=::;. ~ HaRllburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {~== ~

Stine Anna, wid George W., h 906 N 2d l> Stine Olarles M. A., chemist, h 1311 Derry lJ' Stine George L., laborer, h 749 S 21st C. Stine Henry, laborer, h 2'044 Kensington STIllE lIElfRY M:. DR. recorder, Court House; surgeon dentist, 211 Locust, h 309 Ii 2d Stine Mary, wid John W., h 350 Nectarine av Stine Millie, seamstress, h 350 Nectarine av Stine Milton H. Rev., h 1311 Derry Stine Rebecca, silk picker, h 1424 Green Stine Shaffer H., car repairer, h 622 Calder Stine, see Stein Stineman Charles, postal elk, h 1258 Swatara Stiner Charles, conductor, h 220 Herr Stiner Charles F., checkman P. R. R., h 220 Herr Stiner James, boarding, 23 S 2d, h do Stiner, see Steiner Stingle James F., car inspector, h 12:U Wallace ...... Stinney Thomas, laborer, h 516 West av Stinson Joseph D., ins sol, 227 Walnut, h do Stinson Maggie E., dressmkr, h 1829 Fulton ~ Stinson Samuel, machinist Lunatic Hospital, h 600 Peffer -. Stinson Samuel T., cable splicer, h 1829 Fulton Stinson Sarah R., wid James, h 1829 Fulton Stinson Wiiliam .H .. baker, 2214 6l, h do




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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Stipe John, brakeman, h 1625 Wallace Stipe Maggie, cigarmkr, h 606 Showers av Stipe Sarah, wid John, h 1907 N 3d Stipe Walter T., laborer, h 25 Sassafras av Stiteler Raymond D., office asst. 121 Market, h 411 do Stiteler Richard E., heater, h 127 Paxton Stiteler Sallie D., cigar roller, h 127 Paxton Stiteler William W., driver, 401 Chestnut, h 411 Market Stites George S., student. h S25 N (ith STITES H.AB.RY, II. D., physician, 825 li 8th, h do; 0_08 hours, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 5,30 to 7.30 p. m. j diseases of women and rectum a specialty, telephone call 1831W Stites Lillian F., teacher, h 8~5 N {jth Stites Mabel C, kindergarten teacher, h 825 N 6th Stitzel John, h 1253 Bailey Stoak Mary A., wid Frederick, h 2109 Herr Stoak Pier~e W., contractor, h 2109 Herr Stober Alexander L., molder, h 1004 N 15th Stober Lewis W. P., farmer, h 2100 State Stober Lillian, domestic, 70 N 13th Stober Margaret E .. winder, h 1437 Shoop Stober Mary E., h 208 Strawberry av Stober Samuel, h 1004 N 15th Stober Samuel J., laborer, h 1437 Shoop Stober Sarah, bookkpr, 421 N 2d, h State nr 18th

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Stock Harvey, salesman, h 2039 Boa!l STOCKTOli DA.vm, SUPT BOYD'S DIRECTORY, OFFICE 32 N' 3d, room 7, h State Capital Hotel Stoddard Edward, asst genl agt, 813 Market, h 200 N' 2d Stoey Ida L., housekeeper, 1126 N Front Stoey John E., elk, h 432 Market STOEY lOHN' R., paper hangings and window shades, 1121 and 1123 N' 3d, h 3d nr Seneca Stoey Paul, h 432 Market Stoey Washington L., salesman, h 265 Cumberland Stoey William W., h 1126 FroJlt Stojanovics 1Hta, orderly Hbg Hospital, h do Stokes Oara E., dressmkr, 2Hll Cranberry av, h do Stokes James A., expressman, h 239 Cranberry av Stokes Theophilus, driver, h 2:39 Cranberry av Stoll George M., conductor, h 230 Harris Stoll Matthias, laborer, It 1004 S Cameron Stoll Peter 1\1., roller, h 607 Race Stoll Samuel M., conductor, h 306 Chestnut Stoll Sylvester, mason, h 1131 N 11i Stoll William F., foreman, 500 Race, h 140 Indian av Stoll, see Stahl, also Stull Stoltz Theodore, nailer, h 103 Hanna Stone Bertha, domestic, 501 l\luench Stone Florence, domestic, 300 Chestnut

Redmond's Wagon Works {=~b!;~} 3d and Reily Sta. Google

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A. B. TACK l:~r~ lOll PUDer ODd IIndol ShOdes P:1R~ fc.1J1.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 637
Stone Harry W., sec, 153 N 4th, h 213 Cumberland Stone Mary, wid Harry H., h 213 Cumberland Stone Minnie, saleslady, 6 S 2d, h Mechanicsburg Stone P. Wilson, laborer, h 606 Cumberland Stonebraker Kate G., asst matron P. R. R., h 16 Aberdeen av Stonebraker Maggie Mrs., assf matron P. R. R., h 16 Aberdeen av Stoner Addie Mrs., h 1847 N 7th Stoner Annie E., wid Samuel, h 916 N 6th Stoner Arthur, salesman, 26 S 3d, h Penbrook Stoner Benjamin F., patternmkr, h 437 Walnut Stoner Elizabeth, hemmer, h 1726 Fulton Stoner Elsie 1., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 49 Summit Stoner Florence A. Mrs., h 201 nr Verbeke Stoner Florence M., warper, h 1726 Fulton Stoner Frank, h 643 Calder Stoner Franklin R., weighmaster P. R. R., h 1726 Fulton Stoner Gertrude 1., h 618 Calder Stoner Harry, laborer, h 3 Lochie11st Row Stoner Harry D., conductor, h 106 Nagle Stoner Harry.E., foreman P. R. R.. h 319 Muench Stoner Hugh E., craneman, h 1927 \Vood av Stoner James c., h 405 Boas Stoner John R., tinsmith, h 128 Balm

Stoner Kate L., seamstress, h 1827 Susquehanna Stoner Katherine, domestic, 411 S 16th STOllER JU.B.TIli G., (lliller & Stoner), h 618 Calder Stoner Mary, wid Michael, h 1508 Walnut Stoner May, nurse Hospital, h do Stoner M. Elmer, custodian P. R. R. depot, h 1508 Walnut Stoner M. May, nurse Hbg Hospital, h do Stoner Orin, laborer, h 3 Lochiel 1st Row Stoner Samuel, elk P. R. R., h 1110 N 6th Stoner Susan, wid Ephraim, h 15221 N 5th Stoner William R., conductor, h 15221 N 5th if Stonesifer Alcesta L., stengr, 16 N 2d, h 429 Maclay -c Stonesifer Clarence D., huckster, h 311 Forster Stonesifer Flora H. Mrs., boarding, 511 Cumberland, h do Stonesifer John W., fireman, h 511 Cumberland Stonesifer William L., laborer, h 1705 N 4th Storey Ada V., wid James B., h 26 N 14th Storey Annie c., wid Charles A., h 24 N 14th Storey J. Wilbert, dentist, 4 N 13th, h 26 N 14th Storm George W., artist, h The Bolton Storm James, helper, h 1213 Swatara Storm William H., laborer, h 1853 Swatara Stormfeltz Alice V., dressmkr, h 910 Cowden Stormfeltz Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 910 Cowden Stott James H., laborer, h 1716 Green

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




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STOTT lOHN' E., corporation clerk State Treasury, Capitol,. h 608 Briggs Stott William 0., heater, h 136 Dock Stottlemyer William, watertender, h 36 Lochiel 3d Row Stouch Adam W., yardmaster, h 155 Sylvan ter Stouch Herbert J., car repairer, h 626 Reily Stoudt Charles M., brakeman, h619 Dauphin Stoudt Esther H., cigarmkr, h Island Park Stoudt Ida, cigarmkr, h Island Park Stouffer Annie Mrs., h 39 Brady av Stouffer Catharine, seamstress, h 112 S 2d Stouffer Charles, elk, h 407 Market Stouffer Charles, laborer, h 103 S Summit Stouffer Charles A., poultry, Spring Lake, h 447 Verbeke Stouffer Charles R, driver, h 1419 Shoop Stouffer Earl R., elk P. R R. frt depot, h 230 N 15th Stouffer Elizabeth A., wid J. Harvey, h 10:!O Green Stouffer E. Susan, wid William W .. h 1409 N 3d Stouffer Frank, brakeman, h 2141 N 4th Stouffer George R, brakeman, h 113 S Cameron Stouffer George R, dyer, h 1409 N 3d Stouffer Gertrude L., saleslady, :US Market, h 1401 Green Stouffer Gertrude M., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 112 Linden Stouffer Henry, engineer, h 15th nr Regina
nTLI IUUln All T...T { ..............11'... E_..... 1IIIn18 } .... hID .... --til .............Till"... 1111 III ...., kllIIl ., Jadlclal '''''h ... " r.t1tllH

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STOUFF.BR HURY H., meat market, 448 Verbeke (Broad), h 1509 Green Stouffer Hettie M., buncher, h 109 Hanna Stouffer 1. Henry, flagman, h 1606 Susquehanna Stouffer Ira D., brakeman, h 714 N 3d Stouffer Jacob H., h 1401 Green Stouffer Jacob W., elk, 1007 N 3d, h 220 Reily Stouffer James M., engineer, h G09 Muench Stouffer John G., repairsman, h 1229 Fulton Stouffer John H., lineman, h 305 Blackberry av Stouffer John W., ironworker, h 39 Brady av Stouffer Laura :M. Mrs., dyer, 14119 N 3d, h do Stouffer Lemuel T., baker, 309 Herr. h do Stouffer Lillie V., wid Tohn, h 109 Hanna Stouffer Mabel M., milliner, h 1409 N 3d Stouffer Mary A., wid William, h 39 Linden Stouffer Mertie M., wid William S., h 609 Muench ~ Stouffer M. Rebecca, wid Jacob, h 1828 N 7th U Stouffer Tolbert M., elk, 413 Market, h 112 Linden Stouffer William, laborer, h 2636 6! Q Stouffer William 1., laborer, h 1606 Susquehanna ~ Stouffer, see Stauffer Stough Amos, carpenter, h 1318 William Iii!: Stoughton Francis L., h 1431 Zarker ~ Stoughton Frank J., rodman P. R R., h 709 Capital

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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 639 Stoughton William S .. painter, h 1431 Zarker Stoup Harry E., brakeman, h 262 Calder Stout Robert]., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 411 Market Stover Amos H., letter carrier, h 2.13 S 13th STOVER lIA.B.RY C. DR., dentist, 231 S 13th, h 23,3 do Stover Jesse, laborer, h 1829 Rudy Stover John D., laborer, h 1013 S Cameron Stover Mary, dressmkr, h 1314 1\ 7th STOVER RAYliOIrn G., cashier and notary .public, 2 S 2d, h 233 S 13th Stover Sarah Mrs., b 1732 Logan av Stoyer Samuel M., engineer, h 344 S 13th Strachan Blanche N., cigannkr, h 100'2 N 7th Strachan Edward A., U. S. A., h 1002 N 7th Strachan Mary J., wid James E., h 1002 N 7tli Straining Charles, brakeman, h 1213 N Cameron Straining John E., phosphate, Cameron ab Maclay, h 1752 N Cameron Straining William. shoemkr, 1000 Cowden, h do STlI.Ali.ABAB lOES A., lawyer, US B 2d, h G07 B J'ront Strange Page, domestic, 217 S Front Strange William, driver, h 616 Church av Straub Albert K, barber, 814 N 3d, h 1225 Fulton S~raub Alexander, laborer, h 1327 Susquehanna Straub Alice, telephone operator, h 1327 Susquehanna

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Strauh Charles, foreman, 226 Briggs, h 1224 N 6th Straub Conrad A., cigars, 1109 N 3d, h do Straub Henry K., sorter, h 1225 Fulton Straub Moses N., barber, h 61' Verbeke Straub William J., paperhanger, h 1109 N 3d StrausLach William \V., barber, 1257 Derry, h 1137 do Strausner Karl, printer, h 1440 Derry Strauss, see Strouse Straw Clara S., h 1711 N 3d STRAW GEORGE W., reporter Star-Independent, h 31 B 15th ' Straw Jacob, carpenter, h 1711 N 3d Straw John G., inspector, h 40 Balm Straw John N., laborer, h 141 Paxton Straw Michael B., foreman, h 2143 Herr Straw William H., elk, Herr clOth, h 2143 Herr Strawsbaugh Ella, cook, 227 N Front Strawser Edward, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Strayer Caroline, wid Theophilus, h 1912 Susquehanna Strayer Cyrus, switchtender, h 1240 Thompson av Strayer Guy L., student, h 2124 N 3d Strayer Harry R., elk, h 228 Verbeke Strayer J. Harry, groundkeeper Island Park, h do Strayer Mary J., seamstress, h 1912 Susquehanna Strayer Oliver F., hardware, 1220 N 3d, h 2124 do

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {Norfaa",";,m~oogle 88

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II. KELLEY 8. CO'S ~!aO:==~~{ 1~--:'I..."'It.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

~ Strayer Rosie, dressmkr, h 1912 Susquehanna ;:: Streams Annie, domestic, 1507 State ~ Street A. McCuruy, engineer, h 1812 Penn ;: Street John, engineer, h 41)2 Verbeke Stretch William G., patternmkr, h 2294 K 6th Stribling Frederick, laborer, h 1605 Elm :E Stricker Lizzie, boarding, 122 Locust, h do Strickland B. Harry, elk, h 410 Spring av a.. Strickland Ehzabeth G., teacher, h 410 Spring av CI Strickland I. Franklin, laborer, h Front ab Seneca Strickland Lavania M., wid Benjamin H., h 410 Spring av - ' Strickler Albert, (Strickler & Bro.), h Mt. Joy Strickler Catharint: E., cigar packer, h 324 S 16th C ) Strickler Charles B., bedmkr, h 1615 Derry Strickler Clayton B., bedmkr, h 324 S 16th ~ Strickler David H., laborer, h 324 S 16th Strickler Edward D., carpenter, h 1531 Swatara ~ Strickler Frank S., elk l\Iechanics' Bank, h Hummelstown 1&1 Strickler Herbert B., bedmkr, h 324 S 16th Strickler Homer H., elk Hbg Trust Co., h Hummelstown Strickler Joseph, (Strickler & Bro.), h 414 Reily Strickler Lyman L., train despatcher P. R. R. depot, h L&I 1836 State


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Strickler Maggie, domestic, 218 Forster Strickler Paul A., stengr, 216 Market, h Hummelstown Strickler Robert A., machinist, h 416 S 13th Strickler William H., carpenter, h 2006 Penn Strickler & Bro., (Albert and Joseph), tea, 401 Boas Striewig Irvin E., yardmaster C. 1. Works, h 302 Crescent Strike Arlington 'v'l., laborer, h 2117 Swatara Strike Frank H., motorman, h 1938 Swatara Strine A. Edward, brakeman, h 610 Curtin Strine Charles, coachman, h 667 Briggs Strine Elmer E., driver, h 1538 N 4th Strine Isaac B. K, laborer, h 11:!0 N Cameron Strine Jacob, brakeman, h 640 Herr Strine Jacob G., brakeman, h 123 Balm Strine Jennie, h 11211 N Cameron Strine John F., elk, h 1126 N Cameron Strine V iolet, domestic, 802 N 3d Stripling Benjamin, laborer, h 306 Mulberry Strock Abner, grocer, 2030 N 7th, h do Strock Angie, dressmkr, h 1310 Vernon Strock Frank G., asst wire chief, 210 \~'alnut, h 316 N 2d Strock Isaac, watchman P. R. R., h 1612 N 6th Strock Isaiah, driver, h 1612 N 6th Strock John H., elk county commrs, C. H., h 128 S 13th Strock Katie S., music teacher, 128 S 13th, h do Strock Maggie, book folder, h 128 S 13th


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A. B. TACK} IILL PIPER l!:r.::-~-.::! liRDOI SHIDES{N';:~8&.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Strock Maggie A., h 1602 Susquehanna . :I: Strock Mary A., wid John, h 1538 N 6th l> Strock Ross D., messenger P. R. R., h 1612 N 6th Strock Samuel M., repairsman, h 606 Granite av Strock Walter, laborer, h 419 Walnut Strode A. Elwyn, elk Commissioner Forestry, 716 State, h (I) 1838 Derry Stroh Charles, laborer, h 806 S Cameron :I: Stroh Charles B., steelworker, h 1417 Fulton STROH CHARLES C., lawyer, 222 Market, h 1005 11 Front C') Stroh Frederick, laborer, h 2016 Green :I: Stroh Frederick, laborer, h 2016 Green I Stroh Harry, laborer, h 1840 Logan av C') Stroh Harry, elk, 1713 N 6th, h 1715 do :II Stroh Harry c., florist, Capitol, h 100li N Front ..... Stroh Henry E., elk, h 2112 N 6th , Stroh lohn E., elk TIle Lochiel, h 653 Boas C STROH W. SCOTT, ooal and wood, 171311 6th, h 1715 do 1'1 Strohecker Raymond, fireman, h 302 Boyd av Strohm Annie L., wid William, h 340 Cherry av (I) Strohm Carrie M., h 1313 N 3d l> Strohm Elmer, laborer, h Swatara nr 17th ""I Strohm Emma J., elk, 1274 Market. h 1534 Derry 1'1 Strohm John A., plasterer, h 1534 Derry (I) Strohm Leah, wid Jacob, h 1320 William


Strohm Letitia M., bookkpr, 329 Market, h 131 Sylvan ter Strohm Margaret, h 217 Market Strohm Mortis M., contractor, 1534 Derry, h do Strohm Sadie B., housekeeper, 1534 Derry Strohm William, fireman, h 340 Cherry av Strohm William E., warehouseman, h 1419 Zarker Strohm William F., brakeman, h 625 Calder Strominger Albert, plasterer, h 818 Capital Strominger Bertha M., asst chief opr, 227 Walnut, h 118 Calder Strominger Elizabeth M., h 118 Calder Strominger Elmer E., salesman, 9 S 2d, h Mecbanicsburg Strominger Frank, brakeman, h 238 State Strominger Frank, jr., car eleaner, h 238 State Strominger Hugh P., laborer, h 238 State . Strominger Ralph, (Strominger & Flickinger), h 118 Calder Strominger William A., machinist, h 118 Calder Strominger & Flickinger, (Ralph Strominger and John Flickinger), wall paper, window shades and room moulding, 420 N 3d Stronge Frank, laborer, h 1138 S 9th Strother John W., laborer, h 212 Mary's av Strother Richard, laborer, h 510 Brown av Strothers Charles. waiter, h 432 North av



== Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Strothers Colonel W., cigars and pool, 432 South, h 1407 James .0 Strothers Louisa, wid Anthony, h 1726 Walnut ~ Strothers McArthur, waiter, h 505 South Strothers Susan Mrs., h 119 Cowden ~ Stroub George W., laborer, h la5 Balm !! Stroub Jerome, laborer, h 1:~ Balm u Stroub J. Newton, laborer, h l:m Balm - Stroub Joseph, laborer, h mH S 19th Strouh Lena L., stenographer, 19th c Derry, h 919 S 19th Stroub l\Iary, c1k, h 919 S Hhh Stroup Clay G., ins solicitor, 15 N 2d, h 172:1 Logan av Stroup Edward W., driver, h 906 S 19l Stroup Elizabeth, shoe inspector, h 1623 Derry ~ Stroup Florence, wid Edward, h 1723 Logan av ~ Stroup Frances E., wid Wilson W., h 162;~ Derry Stroup George W., craneman, h 135 Balm -II Stroup J. Harry, dep register, C H., h Millersburg Stroup Lottie, c1k, h 1623 Derry STROUP mCHAEL E., lawyer, 307 Market, h Elizabethville Stroup Simon P., laborer, h William nr Reily Stroup William H., helper, h 753 S 19i I&J Stroup William H., car repairer, h 650 Boyd av ..J Strouse Benjamin, (W. & B. Strouse), h 1625 N 2d c:a:: Strouse Bros., (J. and M.), clothiers, 313, also 325 Market


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Strouse David F., laborer, h 2O:~ Sassafras av Strouse Joseph, (Strouse Bros.), pres Einstein Drygoods Co., Inc., h 313 Market . Strouse Michael, (Strouse Bros.), h 313 Market Strouse :\IiIton G., laborer, h 919 Capital Strouse Walter A., engineer, h 919 Capital Strouse William, (W. & B. Strouse), h 413 Briggs Strouse W. & B., (William and Benjamin), Globe Clothing Store, 322-324 Market Strubhaur George D., draftsman, h 510 SlOth Strunge Lena, domestic, 560 Race Strunk Lulu M., stenographer, 19 N 3d, h 230 Forster Stuart Albert F., bricklayer, h 1119 N 7th Stuart Charles. driver, h 1406 Fulton Stuart Emma M., darner. h 19:U N 7th Stuart Emina S., buyer, 334 Market, h 1119 N 7th Stuart Harry F., firernan, h 1110 N 7th Stuart Hugh C, salesman, 28 S 2d, h 906 Green Stuart Margaret J., tailoress. h 136 S ~d Stuart Mary F., wid James, h 814 East Stuart William A., elk R. M. S . P. O. bldg, h 1931 N 7th Stuart William P., salesman, 2",22 Market, h 906 Green Stuart, see Stewart Stllbinskv Fannie C, saleslady. ~6 N 3d, h 813 \Vest av Stllbinsk)' Hosea, peddler, h 1226_C_o_w_d_e_n_ _ _ _ __

Rlad tile PATRIOT} ~EN..:=,.{HarrilbUrg'~igi'Z~~Y~JI,,~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 643

Stuckenrath Robert 0., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 514 N 2d Stucker Anna J., vestmkr, h 218.Herr Stucker Charles D., contractor, 15 N 2d, h 206 Reily Stucker Elizabeth, wid Peter, h 304 S 2d Stucker George B., contractor, 15 N 2d, h 304 S 2d Stucker JClhn A., bookkpr, h 304 S 2d Stucker Lavina, dressmkr, h 218 Herr STUCKER ROBERT, lawyer, 11 :R 2d, h 211 Reily Stucker, see Stocker Stuckey Adam, contractor, 517 N 4th, h 814 Cowden Stuckey Elmer J., rodman, h 814 Cowden Stuckey William H., pictures, 1510 X 3d, h 1518 Susq Studebaker Anna L., saleslady, 420 N 3d, h 261 Briggs STUDEBAKER CLElIEliT, grocer, 421 :R 2d, h 419 do Stuffer Hettie, cigarmkr. h 109 Hanna Stuffer Lillie Mrs., wid John, h 109 Hanna Stulen Co., (Fritz and George Bergengren), civil engineers, 14 S 2d StuIl George B., student, h 119 South Stull, see Stoll, also Stahl Sturn Mervin]., car repairer, h 1319 Wi11iam~ Sturn Sarah, domestic, 916 N 3d Stumbaugh Enos F., cooper, h 1075 S 9th Stumbaugh, see Stambaugh



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Stump Carrie B., saleslady, 215 Market, h 1326 Vernon Stump Elmer, laborer, h 21 Lochiel 2d Row Stump Frank A., elk, 1800 N 6th, h do Stump May, stenographer, h 119 S 2d Stuntz Edward H., agrl implts, Howard ab Forrest av, h 114 Evergreen Stuntz Emil, student, h 114 Evergreen Stuntz Mabel S., music teacher, 114 Evergreen, h do Stuppy George, laborer, h 2006 Kensington Sturgeon Elmer E., flagman, h 400! Reily Sturgeon Frank B., eleaner, h 1213 Cowden Sturgeon Kate E., wid Timothy S., h 406 Reily Sturgeon Lillie F., wid B. Frank, h 1213 Cowden Sturgeon William H., flagman, h 1510 Wallace Sturgis John "V., elevatorman, 324 Mkt, h 450 S Cameron Sturgis William, iaborer, h 450 S Cameron Sturm Adolph, laborer, h 912 Capital Sturm Gothardt, laborer, h 929 James av Stutsman David P., grocer, 416 Calder. h do Stutsman Frank V., student. h 416 Calder Stutsman James 0., chief caller P. R. R., h 217 Reily Stutsman John P., conductor. h 211 Reily Stutsman l\Iartha A. l\lrs .. h 1420 N 6th Stutsman Mary, elk, h 416 Calder Stutzman John 1'1., elk P. R. R., h 1718 Penn


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H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.}ORIces, :"'::'~..~"::!:}COAL AND WOOD

Stutzman Lizzie 1., wid John H., h 1941 :Moltke av Stutzman Martin, inspector, h 561 Race -... Stutzman Martin Rev., h 171~ Penn c Stutzman Thaddeus, mess Dauphin Dep Bank, h 561 Race !5 Styers Emily, wid George, h 1185 Bailey Styers Oliver, plasterer, h 636 Cumberland :I: Sty\:rs William A., shoemkr, 1915 N 6th, h do Styles Rufus E., carpetIayer, h 1532 N 4th c::: Sufle! Sallie, domestic, 221 Pine Suhr Richard A., laborer, h 929 S 19th Sullenberger Fannie E., music teacher, 1433 Susq, h do _ Sullenberger Jessie M., h 330 Cherry av .:: SuJienberger John W., brakeman, h 644 Calder ::::. Sullenberger Samuel A., laborer, h 1433 Susquehanna Sullenberger Sarah A., wid Thomas H., h 1331 N 2d ... Sullenberger William E., laborer, h 1331 N 2d I- Sullenberger, see Sollenberger I- SulIivan Agnes M.,machine opr, h 1116 N 6th I&J Sullivan Annie E., nurse, h 1116 N 6th SulIivan Catharine E., bonnetmkr, h 1116 N 6th Sullivan Cornelius, laborer, h 1115 Cowden Sullivan George W., policeman, h 1112 Z Sullivan James A., engine hostler, h 1116Wallace N 6th OSullivan J. Edward, laborer, h 1115 Cowden Z Sullivan John A., brakeman, h 2224 61


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Sullivan Julia, domestic, 1403 S Cameron Sullivan Lizzie, domestic, 27 S Front SulIivan Kate, h O SulIivan Mary A.1269 Sh9th Cowden Mrs., 1115 . . SulIivan Mary A., wid John D., h 1116 N 6th C Sullivan Mary F., dressmkr, 1116 N 6th, h do : . Sullivan Michael, h 1269 S 9th ~ Sullivan Patrick, ladle runner, h 135 Vine Sullivan Robert B., brakeman, h 1115 Cowden a: Sullivan Thomas J., brakeman, h 1119 Cowden ;:: Sullivan William W., dorist, h 1115 Cowden !! Sullivan, see O'Sullivan u.I Sulsbaugh Anna E., 'domestic, 213 Cumberland Sultzbaugh Salome, domestic, 19 S 2d ~~t1mmerhill John, roller, h :522 Woodbine ~ Summers Albert J., caterer, h 511 South .... Summers Arnold c., barber, 1451 Regina, h }fi04 Elm Summers Charles, waiter, h South ab Short 5! Summers Howard W., teacher, h 1604 Elm !:: Summers Julia A., elk, 1408 Vernon, h 1603 Hunter =:i Summers Laura Mrs .. domestic, 1527 Green ~ Summers Pearl M. A., domestic. 17). Indian av ~ Summerville James, laborer, h 317 Calder u SUlIJner Albert L. Rev., h 142!'i Reese av







ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Reily StS.

Digitized by

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A. B. TACKIWall PaDer and Wind Shades{~:J."8:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

645 Sun Mfg Co., C E. Yount, pre~ and genl mgr; E. J. Greenawalt, sec and treas; mfrs drygoods specialties, 421 Reily SUN (THE), lames H. Musser, publisher, 209 Walnut Sunday Alfred, cralleman, 'h 1713 Regina Sunday Amy, domestic, 309 Market Stmday Henry, h 1404 N 3d Sunday John, brakeman, h 2156 N 7th Sunday Kate, wid John A., h 1358 Vernon Sunday Mary, domestic, 309 Market Sunday Pearl S., stenographer, 115 Market, h ]358 Vernon Sunday School Evangelical, Samuel L. \Viest, mgr, 201 N'2d ... Sunday Susan, wid Harry 1\1., h 442 SlOth Sunday Sylvester, expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 1aa Sylvan ter Sundheim Addie, wid Samuel, h 1941 N 6th Sundstromay Alfred Y., engineer, h 1410 State SURFACE H. A., .economic zoologist, 213 Locust, h 715 ' Capital Sus key John, painter, h r 121 N Cameron Suskey Scott, bridge builder. h :~:m Blackberry av Sutch John G., laborer, h 172!J N 7th Sutch l\lertie L., ruling machine feeder, h 916 Grand Sutch Robert, plumber, h 209 Cherry av

Robert D., engineer, h 916 Grand Sarah J., bonnetmkr, h 5n7 Hamilton Thomas, printer, h 507 Hamilton Thomas M., molder, h 509 Kelker Sut~r Adam H., warehouseman, h 235 N 15th Suter Elizabeth, shoe opr, h 235 X ljth Suter Frank J., foreman, 101 N Cameron, h 235 N 15th Suter Theresa, wid Frank X., h 235 N 15th Sutphen Amy :VI. :VI rs., housekeeper Hbg Hospital, h do Sutton Harry C, watchmkr, 410 :'Iarket, h 14:13 do Sutton Irvin, brakeman, h jll Cumberland Sutton Russell, draftsman, h 501 Calder Sutton William. brakeman, h 182() Penn SUYDAll FltANKLIN, district mgr Mutual Life Imurance Co. of New York, 411 Briggs, h do Suydam Jennie 1\1. :Mrs., h 402 N 2d Swab Christian A., fireman, h 22!10 N 6th Swab George C, mgr, h 1403 Regina Swab Harvev E., brakeman, h 2140 X 7th Swab 1\lary V. Mrs., h 3081 S 2d Swab Theodore, fireman, h 18!~2 N 7th Swab Wellington. postal elk, h ]213 ~rarket Swailes Harriet J., wid Robert, h 431 State Swain Clement, teacher, h 6119 Brigg~ Swallow Silas C Rev., supt, 20 !\ 2d. h 816 N 6th Sutch Sutch Sutch Sutch

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646 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.



Swamberry Milton \,y., machinist, h 2117 Greenwood Swan Charles, driver, h 409 K 5th Swanger David, janitor P. R. R., h 1:n7 N Cameron Swanger George W., laborer, h 1317 N Cameron Swanger Pearl, h 916 Capital Swarger Catharine R., wid George, h 1545 N 6th Swarger Charles A., trimmer, h 622 Forster Swarger Edward F. D., druggist, :J03 Verbeke, h 307 do Swarger Edward F. D. l\lrs., fancy goods, 303 Verbeke. h 307 do Swarger John H., machinist, h 1545 ~ 6th Swartz Albert E., laborer, h 609 Maclay Swartz Amanda J., wid Abram A., h 139i S 3d Swartz Benjamin T., machinist, h 16U:l Susquehanna SWARTZ BROS., (1. W., I. B. and E. G.), lawyen, 2 S 2d c

Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Charles, laborer, h :J12 S 2d Charles 0., carpenter, h 506 Filbert Charles W., salesman. h 45 N 1()th Clarence, drug elk, 16 ~ 3d, h 1224 Market David, laborer, h ~11 East David, piler, h 2:~ Brady av Edna B., saleslady, :n8 l\larket, h 132 Sylvan ter Edward, laborer, h :l:!2 S River av Elijah G., (Swartz Bros.), h Middletown


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TIlle GDomnty ODd TI1ISt co.,=~ ~ ~t~='='I:':~='

Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz



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Elmer E., laborer, h Hl56 N 7th Emanuel, puddler, h 418 S River av Emma C, housekeeper, 1717 N 4th Emma M., ironer, h 20tl! Mulberry Frank. packer, 4411 Market. h 19:3:! North Frank C, policeman,. h 627 Racc Frank H., woodworker, h 611 Herr George E., bridge builder, h 5116 Filbert George J., laborer, h 18 K 5th Harriet, domestic, 322 X 2d Harry, brakeman, h 333 Hamilton Harry B., laborer, h 2121:1 Greenwood Harry R., laborer, h 535 Woodbine Henry A., special officer, h 110 Cumberland Isaac B., (Swartz Bros.), h Penbrook James C, upholsterer, h 1242 Derry Jane, wid Levi H., h Hl:l2 Korth Jcnnie, cig-armkr, h 11211 :\lontgomery Jennie. warper, h H2~ :\lahantongo John L., lahorer. h Hillf, Logan av Joshua \r., (~wartz Bros.). h 2111'\ :\orth SWART~ 1. ROSS, physician. 236 N 3d, h 233 Pine Swartz L. Frank, elk. h 1B:~2 Xorth Swartz Louisa. wid Frederick, h 1532 Fulton Swartz Margaret G.. h 12!} Pine

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page

OIVE~ FU~'v:.t;ED'l:~~L ~CORB8

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Swartz Margaret M., domestic, 300 N 2d Swartz Martha V., wid George B., h 60 N 14th Swartz Martin, laborer, h 621 N 18th Swartz Robert, fireman, h 1006 Berryhill Swartz Robert H., salesman, 114 S 2d, h 1605 Green Swartz Sarah E., teacher, h 110 Cumberland Swartz Sidney E., h 13051 Green Swartz Susan Z., saleslady, 334 Market, h 13051 Green Swartz William c., elk, h 1224 Market Swartz William D., shoe operator, h 45 N 16th Swartz, see Schwartz Swavely Elsie M., saleslady, 334 Market, h 208 N 14th Swavely George \\'., elk, 6U! Cumberland, h do Swavely Hiram, stone mason, h 2118 N 14th Swavely Hiram H., engineer, h 208 N 14th Swavely Howard K., shearsman. h 502 Cumberland 'SWAVELY IDA R. MRS., groceries and provisions, 208:R 14th, h do Sweeney George, laborer, h 1528 Vernon Sweeney Henrietta, wid Samuel, h 1117 N 11i Sweeney Jacob c., machinist, h 511 Cumberland Sweeney James, elk Bureau Statistics, 716 State, h 1 S 18th Sweeney John F., stengr Comwlth Trust Co., h 33 N 17th Sweeney Malachi, tailor, h 945 N 7th Sweeney Margaret, domestic, 17 S Front

e ft

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.ltUO~~:t'mr }Harrisburg

---------------------- SaYings and Loan Assn. {=:.::


c: n ::::2

Sweeney Mary, domestic, 17 S Front Sweeney Mary A., teacher. 322 Market, h 1 S 18th .sweeney Patrick J., stengr P. R. R. pass depot, hIS 18th Sweeney Solomon H., laborer, h 62a Muench Sweetser Samuel G., (S. G. Sweetser Electric Co.), h 105 l\Iarket ~SWEETSER S. G. ELECTRIC CO., (Samuel G. Sweetser), electricians, 107 Market see adv .Sweetwood Cora C, tailoress, 215 Market, h 12:!(1 Derry Sweger Cora, elk, 1006 K 3d, h do Sweger Elizabeth, knitter, h 6.15 Peffer .Sweger George W. M., fireman, h 6:~5 Peffer Sweger Jacob, laborer Lunatic Hospital, h 6:l5 Peffer .Sweger John, warehouseman, 22'2 Mulberry, h Bridgeport

> o :x > ;:0 ...



_._ _ _ All Kinds of __ _

m~~I~ ~ON~l~~~TI~N ~~~ ~[~~I~ W~~K ~

Dealer and Jobber In Ga. and Electric FIxture., _antel. and Globe.. for allincandelicent Gas Lights. Electric Fan. and Supplle E'4TIMATES CHEF.RFULLY FURNI!'!RJl:D
~ --~







H" M KELLEY a lCO. {I N01'UI lid IItreet. D. l 10th and State ita..

S Sweger John W., brakeman, h 1827 Fulton

= ii$
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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t; Sweger William H., car inspector. h


Sweger Lydia, domestic, 116 Pine

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!fW9 Elizabeth av Sweigard David G., shoe operator, h 2i1 Verbeke Sweigard John W., notions, ]U() Derry, h do Sweigart Elizabeth Mrs., h lfm3 ~ 4th Sweigart Goldie V., bonnetmkr. h 1:118 N 4th Sweigert Abraham B.. hlacksmith, h 1216 N 7th Sweigert Catharine, wid Jacob, h 436 North av Sweigert Charles ),1., laborer, h 1216 N 7th. Sweigert Emma S. J., presser, h 121.6 N 7th Sweigert George ]., laborer. h 1f'4H North Sweigert Jacoh K., bar elk. aoo Verbeke, h la18 N 4th Sweigert John F., hostler, h 1926 ~ 4th Sweigert Jnseph R., painter, h 1473 Regina Sweigert e rban ~L, brakeman, h 17:l.1) Fulton Sweigle Elizabeth ~L, saleslady. 4(1ll Market, h 59 Balm Sweigle George, motorman, h 59 Balm Sweigle Mary C, st'amstress. h 59 Balm Sweney Jennie E., wid William, h 617 Muench Sweney John T., elk, h Vl28 N 4th Sweney Thomas J., conductor. h 1a28 N 4th Sweney Timothv. laborer, h 604 South

SWENGEL A. W!LJI:ER, insurance, real estate and notary public, 355 S 13th, h do



Swenson Charles F., engineer, h 1012 Hemlock Swenson William, engine wiper, h 1012 Hemlock


SWIFT & CO. I Swift s Chicago dressed beef and provisions. F. H. Davis, mgr, 311-313 S 2d

Swigart Augustus A., laborer, h 121 ~ 10th Swigart Merl C, brakeman, h 121 X 10th Swigert Joseph R., painter, h 1473 Regina Swiler Carrie, wid J ohl1 C., h 16:n Susquehanna Swiler Charles G., barher, 44!l Verbeke, h do ..... Swiler David, baker, h a09 Herr Swiler Joseph H., grocer. 1:!01 ~ 7th, h l(i39 Susquehanna Swiler Lydia, wid John, h 1118 Cowden

a: >

o "Swiler William E.,D., physician, 1323 Derry, h do SWILER ROBERT letter carrier, h 1(i;H Susquehanna


Swilkey Henry H., stonecutter, h 429 S 13th Swimer Mendel, carpenter, h 27 N 5th c:i Swindells Alice S., wid Samuel, h 439 S 2d ~ Swindells James K., upholsterer, h H06 Penn Swinn William J., milk, 1!l;!2 Briggs, h do :::: Switzer Cecelia V., elk, h 4]8 S 16th g Swonger Elmer E., conductor, h 1402 \ViIliam C Swonger i\iles K., brakeman, h 548 Woodbine t:; Swope A. Carl. timekeeper P. R. R., h 626 Boas CD Swope Anna 1\1., teacher, h li26 Boas

~s:.!u-::Q! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d'.ld R,1I1 Sts. Google

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I. B. TleK} FI:~~O~!'TT":'AA:-..'&cfA1.f.,~R {1216 Ronb lDlrd

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
649 Swope Anna V. Mrs., h 1229 :i'-J fith Swope Blanche L ., teacher, h 1706 N 3d Swope Bruce M., student, h 213 Boas Swope Charles P., stenographer, h fi26 Boas Swope C. May, operator P . R. R., h 626 Boas Swope David H., drayman. h 20fl8 Elizabeth av SwoDe Emma M. Mrs., tailoress, 4 S 2d, h 1706 N 3d Swope Frank H., brakeman, h 1720 Penn Swope Harry R, brakeman, h 1326 Susquehanna Swope Ida F., saleslady. 221 Market, h 231 Briggs Swope Jennie E., wid Abram B., h 213 Boas Swope Ralph R, engine hostler, h 1124 N Hth Swope Ross H., elk, h 626 Boas Swords Amy M., ruffer, h 529 Peffer Swovelin Harry X., hostler, h 618 Kelker Swoyer Thomas. laborer, h 1218 N fah Swoyer Walter D., postal elk, h 1422 State Swoyer William R, photographer, h 1218 N 6th Sydes James J., cigars. 422 1\ 3d, h 1205 Derry Sykes Mabel E .. h 15:l6 Walnut Sykes Thomas 11., pension attorney, 14 S 2d, h 1536 Walnut Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls, Sister Scholastica, superioress, 12th c Derry

MILLER BROS. & BAKER{"fi~b~~-::'~~K

TACK ALBERT B., paper hangings and window shades, 1216 N 3d, h 127 Herr Telephone connection see adv top lines Tack Albert B., jr. paperhanger, h 127 Herr Tack Louis R, paperhanger, h 635 Mahantongo Tack Nicholas, paperhanger, h 632 Muench Tack Sarah L., elk, 1216 N 3d, h 127 Herr Taddeini Angelo, waiter P. R R. dining rooms, h 1101 Market Tagg A. Pearl, saleslady, 334 Market. h 1330 Green Tagg James D., laborer, h 517 Kelker Tagg John D., h 2129 N 4th Tagg ~1artha E., wid Wilson, h 631 :\[ahantongo Tagg Pearl, buyer, 334 Market, h 1330 Green Tagg Richard D., car inspector, h 1207 Bartine av Tagg Sylvester W., tinsmith, h 1330 Green Taggart James M., ins sol, 227 Waillut, h 217 Pine Taggart John A., engineer, h 1320 N 7th Taggart John W ., laborer, h 1411 Wyeth av Taggart Mary F., dressmkr, 1323 l\larion, h do Taggart Theodore T., blacksmith, h 1323 Marion Taggart Thomas J., laborer, h 123 Herr Tait Eliza A. Mrs., h 424 Forster Tait Joseph L., machinist, h 503 Cumberland




.dell's PaiD EatermJ......rcuree Cbn. . . llorbai, o,-leI7,o-~ ~ 0DIdI, QuJDe). Too&bache.IIan TllftIM.. Ape. ~ __ . . . . . .


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Tait Sarah A., h 503 Cumberland Tait William M., adv agt. h 424 Forster Tall George, waiter, h 412 Cowden Tall Nancy, wid Charles, It 412 Cowden Tambrini Sofia :\Irs., h 5th c P. R R. Tann William G., waiter. h 518 N 5th Tarman Edward, brakeman, h 1924 N 5th Tate Annie, domestic, 509 South Tate Edward, waiter, h 509 South Tate Filmore, laborer, h 509 South Tate John H .. stenographer, :lao l\!arket, h 244 North Tate Kate, wid Xathan, h 217 !\ River av Tate Mercer B., elk prothonotary. C. H., h 218 K 2d Tate Rachel, domestic, 509 South Taubert George. meat, 1141) S Cameron, h 1142 do Taubert l\lichael H .. bridge builder, h 105 North Taubert Sophia, wid Frederick, h 1142 S Cameron Tausig Edwin F .. (Jacob Tausig's Sons). h 704 K 6th Tausig Emma, wid Jacob, h 704 ~ 6th Tausig Herman, (jacob Tausig's Sons), h 704 K 6th Tausig's Jacob Sons, (H. and E. F.), pawnbrokers, 430 Market . Tawney Albert, machinist. h 614 State Tawney Charles B.. motorman, h 1~25 K 4th Tawney Clinton E .. conductor, h 1825 N :lth




TAYLOR ABRAHAM: L, Globe Hotel, 8th c Cumberland, h de. Taylor Albert A., engineer, h 20:15 Fulton Taylor Allen S., brakeman, h 150f. Wallace Taylor Angeline l\lrs., h 1847 N 7th Taylor Anna J .. wid William J., h ~Iuench ab 3d Taylor A. N. Raub, molder. h 410 Cumberland Taylor Anthony H., machinist, h 118 Cumberland Taylor B. Edward, elk, 315 Market, h 101} Conoy Taylor B. McCreary, student, h 410 Cumberland Taylor Carrie :\1.. elk, 1014 X 3d, h 1445 Regina Taylor Charles D . conductor, h 1411 N 3d Taylor Charles E., brakeman, h li21 Susquehanna Taylor Charles F., laborer. h 115 Conoy Taylor Charles H., porter P. R. R, h 328 Calder Taylor Charles W., car repairer, h 428 Harris Taylor E. Bruce, stengr. 222 Market. h 1625t Swatara Taylor F. Oakley, elk. 19 S 1llth, h 1249 :\Iarket Taylor Frank E., stable. 312 Blackberry av. h Xew Cumb Taylor George, painter, h 428 Harris Taylor George A .. watchman, h 51>3 Forrest Taylor George E., laborer. h 1445 Regina Taylor George W .. elk P. R R shops. h 102 Calder Taylor George \V .. laborer. h 8 ~ 5th Taylor Harry B., treas, 222 :\hrket. h 114 Locust Taylor Hattie. ",iel Charles. h 205 :\lulberry

Thl PATRIOT}A Nelspaper for the Home{SII Cants I Waak Google

Digitized by

A. B. TACK}===~e~~~~;:,::a:;~'::lkt!:{N.l:':i&.
Boyd's Harrisburg City DirectorY.

Taylor Henry, laborer, h 525 Brown av Tayloa G., civil engineer Long S. Kelker Taylor Jacob S., bagrnal1, h !!14Cp N 7th Jamer, lahoree. 81%% James ev James C, engineer, 4th c Boyd av., h 347 Boyd av J;, E, laborer h 60h Elm Taylor James H, laborer, h 563 Forrest Taylor James P., carpenter, BH.5 Eliza leth av T~%Vh,e James R, lahoret h Hi Bzh Taylor J. Clark, brakeman, h 656 Calder '1'''vl'', J CI''''k '''atrhm''n 9'r9 6 r1, T;)'l~~ John:'~~i;~r,'h 452 Ca~eron John A., fireman, h H20 It.~ 2<1 John bl., mgineet. h 1906 N 6th Taylor John H., rubber, h 809 S Front John bV., r:ar sepeirer h HI Harris Taylor Julia A., wid William J., h 509 Muench Lawrence H.,porier, h :'515 Talder L',renw. labnter. h :n5 Calder Taylor Louisa ]., wid Peter, h 5418 South ;wltH' dornestic, 723 TrOt'in Taylor Martha, domestic, 816 James av Martin S., telfreher, h dIU CUTnberland


~~-=:'0b. (MbTI.burg




Taylor STary, wid Devid, h d:i8 State Taylor :\Iary wid John, h 1120 N 2d Taylor Mary J., wid James R., h 1138 Market :effi;Hwr:, 10b7 Green Taylor M. Harvey, elk C I. and S. Co., h 545 S Front Taylor Minnie, wid Isaac, h 4.26 SOYlth T'iyhrtr Moraia .. , Er:teetive Asenc4), h 115 Conoy .l\f OSft D., h nr 7th Nathan, carpenter, h 1326 Maple av Taylor Ralph J., inspector, 1UU lhaglt Tavlor Geuben, lebolfrer, 4b2 S Cameron Ta)'lor Ross, driver, h 1422 N 4th . .~ . Teylor Samuel frcrrtr:r: P. R. R .. h ,:422 4youtP Taylor Samuel oookbinder, 4 N 3d, h 1111 N 6th Tayklfr Sa mud ., traY ,yak.:',mal1, h HO;~ N bd Taylor Samuel N salesman, h 1625~ Swatara Taylor Samuel., cooper, 8011 U Front Taylor: TIiOHias nailer. h 417 S 14th Taylor Thomas H., huckster, h 411 Harris 'revlor watcrman P.. 112 N 6th Taylor Walter A., painter. h 843 . ..'} \galtee S" mass htty GenJ's h ;n5 ca rler Taylor \VilIiam, laborer. h 1121 Grape av Taylor William atteHlant Lyynatic Hnspital, do


1 ItizE





M. KELLEY" CO. ~ ,~_::.:..=..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Taylor William H., helper, h 507 South av Taylor William R., laborer, h 304 Mulberry Taylor William S., ftoorman C. 1. and S. Co., h 313 S Front TAYLOR'S DETECTIVE AGDCY, (Korria C. Taylor), llS Conoy Teats Theodore W., fireman, h 90':> Capital Techmeyer Harry \V., salesman, h 1:l4 Locust Tehl Jacob, motorman, h 1921 Logan av TELEGRAPH BINDERY, Charles l!i. Aughinbaugh, 4 11 3d see adv Telley \Villiam, laborer, h 122'J N Cameron Templar Fannie M. Mrs., boarding, 124!.1 ~larket, h do Templar Frank K, elk, 219 Market, h 23t Evergreen Temple Arthur J., laborer, h 205 S 2d Temple Joseph, gardener, h UU5 N Front Temple Lomax, hostler, h ltHO Walnut Temple Mary E., cigar roller, h 205 S 2d Temple Robert, coachman, h IS15 N Front Temple Samuel, laborer, h 20G S :!d Templeman George, laborer, h Front cReel's la Templin \Villiam, h The Bolton Tennis James F., brakeman, h 632 Delaware av Tennis Jerome E., ins agt, 9 S 2d, h 1014 S Cameron Teplin Catharine, h 220 S River av Termin Susan, wid Hiram, h 1819 N 5th


Terry Herbert G., tray salesman, h 1013 Green T esti Enea, bartender, 1001 Market,' h do T ettemer Harry, fireman, h 62'2 Boas Teupser Emile A., ins sol, 9 N 2d, h 812 N 3d Teupser Frank D., telegrapher, 7-1 N 3d, h 812 do Tharp Samuel D., laborer, h 1136 S 9th Theurer Benjamin L., telegrapher, h 2()9 Mulberry Theurer Charles, telegrapher, h 20H Mulberry Theurer Helen M., cigarmkr, h 209 Mulberry Theurer John H., elk, 11 N 3d, h 20!.l Mulberry Theurer William, bottler, h 209 Mulberry Tholan John, fireman, h 621 Harrii Thoma Luther J., helper, h 1114 Paxton Thoma Robert, laborer, h 1114 Paxton Thomas Ada G., elk, 208 Chestnut, h 513 Primrose av Thomas Adam, coachmkr, h 1408 Regina Thomas Alfred K., cashier East End Bank, h 440 S 16th Thomas Alice, centre as~t Lunatic Hospital, h do Thomas Benjamin, laborer, h 1116 Hickory av Thomas Charl~s, scullion, h 513 Primrose av Thomas Charles, waiter, h 511 North av Thomas Charles F., officeman, h 513 Primrose av Thomas Charles \V., printer Telegraph, h 438 S 14th Thomas Clara M., packer, h 1329 Thompson av Thomas Daniel, laborer, h 45 Lochiel 4th Row


.RldmODd'. WlgOI Works {:"I1d~~} D~fiZ!!Y ~~~~Ie

A. B, TACK ::::,t~:n~ 1011 PUDer l1li11Il001_ e;~\~ fc.IJl.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas 653 Daniel, laborer, h 516 Primrose av Eliza J., cook Commonwealth, h 511 North av Elmira V., laundress, h 713 South av Emma, domestic, 1501 N 2d Fanny l'.Irs., charwoman, h 12 Cowden Findlay 1., teacher, h 440 S 16th Floyd F., waiter, h 513 Primrose av Frank, laborer, h 410 South Frederick \V., waiter, h 81-1 East Gardner J., caterer, h 130 Liberty George, driver, h 319 S Cameron George F., iron inspector, h 1329 Thompson av George W., barber, 418 Market, h 98 N 10th George W., ironworker, h 1144 Market Harry F., fireman, h 626 Dauphin Harry H., engineer, h 610 Kelker Hattie Mrs., 214 Mulberrv Henry W., engineer, h 1514 Susquehanna av James R, h 144 Cranberry av J. Herbert, elk, 222 Market, h 723 Capital John, electrician, h 120:~ X 6th John, heater, h 526 Cowden John , tin finisher, h 2140 N 5th John A., laborer, h 526 Brown av John W. W., laborer, h 24() Meadow la




THOMAS 10SEPH L, funeral director, 429 State, h do Thomas Josephine Mrs., cook, h 711 N" 7th Thomas Kempher E ., carpenter, h 1409 Swatara Thomas Lizzie E., dress111kr, 635 Briggs, h do Thomas Louisa, h 4!!0 Market Thomas Martha, charwoman, h 128 Tanner's av Thomas Martin H., teacher, h 1126 l\lontgomery Thomas Mary, domestic, 408 North Thomas Mary, wid John, h 2526 6i Thomas Mary c., press feeder, h 409 S 14th Thomas Mary M., housekeeper, 521 Brown av Thomas Milford, bootblack, h 409 N 5th Thomas Nelson G., flagman, h 1734 N 5th Thomas Percy, ticket receiver P. R R depot, h 72a Capital Thomas Rosa, music teacher, 2526 Hi, h do Thomas Roy E., waiter, h 638 Briggs Thomas Sarah E. :Mrs., h 1205 N 3d 11lOmas Susan Mrs., chanvoman, h 510 \Vest av Thomas Thomas, tin worker, h 2:526 6i Thomas "Valter E., ironworhr. h 1329 Thompson av Thomas Wesley, driver, h 410 South Thomas William, laborer, h 13 Lochiel 2d Row Thomas William, stone mason, h 633 Sayford av Thomas William, waiter, h 511 North av Thomas William D., (Thomas & Cannon), It llR am






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No . ll10 ARCH STREET . PIULiI .. I'A



11.1111'. PaID Eltlrminator ~":,:aIl::.=':.!.If:I~ ... ~

654 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
;; Thomas William H., real estate, 9 ;'IJ ~d, h 1~09 Green Thomas William H., jr., elk, 9 N ~d, h 1~09 Green Thomas William N., engineer, h 18~7 Berryhill Thomas William S . coal lands, office, ~1 Real Estate bldgr 213 Locust, h 33fi Peffer Thomas & Calmon, (WiIiiam D. Thomas and David K. Cannon), meat. 1249 ~larket ;5 Thompson Andrew S., stone mason, h ~04 S 13th Co2 Thompson Annie Mrs., cook, a09 Blackberry av Thompson Annie ~Irs., cook, h 12 Cowden Thompson Annie L., centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Thompson Benjamin, hostler, h 118 Strawberry av u Thompson Benjamin P., watchman Treasury, h 915 N 2d ~ Thompson Charles A., painter, h 212 X 10th Thompson DIarIes H., policeman, h 236 :\1eadow la . . Thompson Chester, hostler, h 503 South av Thompson Clarence, brakeman, h :!006 N 4th II) Thompson Clarence E., lab(lrer, h fj~8 Briggs Thompson Daisy Mrs., h 213 S River av Thompson David H., carpenter. h U151 Rudy Thompson Edith E., elk, h 2()06 X 4th ... Thompson Edwin C, bookkpr, Crescent c Mulberry, h 1304 Derry C Thompson Elizabeth. wid GlarIes, h 2006 N 4th Thompson Ella M., wid A. Frank, h 630 Briggs



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Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Q Thompson (AI Thompson ... Thompson Thompson ::;:, Thompson

Emily D., nurse, h 1545 ~ 6th Florence, laundre!<s. h 628 Briggs Florence M., apronmkr, h 1106 Wallace Frank B., laborer, h :J27 S 14th Frank D., fireman, h 1635 N 3d Frank M., engineer, h 1635 N 3d Frisby, laborer, h 110 Angle av George, laborer, h 302 North George A., stone mason, h 204 S 13th George L., contractor, h !W4 S 13th George W., checkman P. R. R., h 214 N 10th Georgianna, housekeeper, 503 South av Harry, plasterer, h 1951 Rudy Harry, porter, h 4~S Cranberry av Harry A., brakeman, h 1107 N 7th Henrietta, h 5~3 Brown av Ida, domestic, 503 South av James, laborer, h 503 South av James, laborer, h 1239 N 11i James, shoe operator, h 562 Showers av James, jr., laborer, h 709 North av James C, (Means & Thompson), h 706 N 3d James C, planer. h 561 Race James E., carpenter, h 4as Cumberland James R.. waiter, h 422 Cranberry av

~~:.:~= lOU rooor ODd IlndOW ShOdes nom A.


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Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Thompson jesse A., laborer, h 1253 N 11i Thompson John c., driver, h 438 Cumberland THOnSON 100 C. REV., rector Sacred Heart R. C. Church, h 823 S Cameron Thompson John W., cutter, h 1325 Vernon Thompson joseph P., sergeant of police, h 1105 Capital Thompson Lawrence E., porter, h 630 Briggs Thompson Lucy M., laundress, h 438 Cumberland Thompson Maggie Mrs., h t Walnut nr P. R. R. Thompson Martha M., wid James B., h 127 S 13th Thompson Mollie, nurse Harrisburg Hospital, h do Thompson Morris, steelworker, h 585 Showers av Thompson Rachel A., wid William, h 482 Verbeke Thompson Robert, barber, 1847 Derry, h 1828 Swatara Thompson Robert, porter, h 116! Liberty Thompson Robert J., machinist, h 523 Muench Thompson Samuel, waiter The Bolton, h 626 Briggs 'Thompson Sarah E., wid Robert, h 627 Kelker Thompson Thomas H., waiter, h 628 Briggs Thompson Warren M., engineer, h 270 Calder Thompson William, barber, h W3G Kensington Thompson William, driver, h 921 Grand Thompson William, laborer, h 1403 Market Thompson William F., drug elk, 13251 Derry, h 127 S 13th Thompson William F., laborer, h 1272 Juniper

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SaYings and Loan

,. < ,. Assn.{==



Thompson William H., elk, 101 Market, h 714 Ash av Thompson William J., elk, 222 Mulberry, h 1252 Swatara Thompson vViIliam T., huckster, h 1545 N 6th Thompson William W., printer, 201 N 2d, h Steelton Thomson Colin M., (Glen Mfg Co.), h 1150 :Mulberry Thorley John D., h 1902 N 6th Thorley joseph H., baker, 1902 N 6th, h do Thorley Samuel E., student, h 708 N 6th Thorley Thomas A., druggist, 449 State, h 708 N 6th Thorn Annie, attendant, h 1308 State THOD GEORGE D., chief clerk Secretary Commonwealth, h 20 N 4th Thorn Nellie E., elk Div Public Records, h 242 North Thorne Chase, carpet layer, h 310 N 2d Thornley Thomas A., laborer, h 1427 Marion Thornton Esther, domestic, 12 Cowden Thorpe James, porter State Capital Hotel, h do Throne Joseph c., conductor, h :130 S 13th THROBB PElI:R L., reporter Star-Independent, h 108 Herr Thumma Jean, shoe opr, h 1240 \Valnut Thurston Albert, laborer, h 3:-l4 Boyd av Thurston Eug'ene V., driver, ~24 Market, h 427 North Thurston Frances M., wid McClellan, h 427 North Thurston Harrv, laborer, h 1314 :\Iarion Thurston Robert J., molder, h 923 Grand


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H I KELLEY at CO'S -FoaDlamoDCIa.... - { , . . II ...... o. RJaek _ , ord ..... . IM .......

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Thurston Virginia. wid William, h 92.~ Grand Tibballs William. plumber, h 50, North Tibbs Andrew A., laborer, h 4:n South av Tibbs Ella Mrs., h 14:n ~Iarion Tibbs William, hostler, h 14:1:~ Marion Tilghman Ann, wid William, h 520 Curtin Tilghman John 0., elk, 1()4 Tuscarora, h do Tilghman John T., grocer. 1114 Tuscarora, h do Tilghman William J., laborer, h 520 Curtin Tillett Edward, .blacksmith. h 5:33 Race Timm Charles, driller, h 4:15 Market Timmons Harry B., agt, h 714 N 3d Timmons \Yilliam P., h 16U, Susquehanna Timnich John R., laborer, h 107 S 3d Timothy David T., laborer, h 2 Lochie11st Row Timothy Reuben C, laborer, h 2 Lochiel 1st Row Tindall Lee, laborer. h 7t19 State Tinker Edson A., h 219 N 2d Tippery George H., butcher, h 529 Cowden Tippett Bertha A., h 7117 S Front Tippett Carrie, dressmkr, h 707 S Front Tippett Claude, roll turner, h 707 S Front Tippett D. Luther, helper. h 8 Argyle Tippett George A.. genl del elk P.O., h 1509 Penn


Tippett Jacob, boiler~kr, h 8 Argyle Tippett Maud M., h S Front TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO. OF SCRANTON, PENNA., Edw. G. Roberts, mgr, 21 Real Estate bldg, 1&.1 213 Locust c Court av see adv centre lines Titlow William L., brakeman, h 1611i N 4th Tittle A. Mav, teacher, h 641 Boas Tittle Dariu; J., crackers. :100 Calder, h do Tittle E. Levi, Z., Tittle John C, h 227 Reily Boas 4' Tittle Lizzie S.,tailor, h 641 641 Boas teacher. h Tittle l\'fary Ann, wid Jacob, h 1401 N 3d III Tittle ~linnie A., bookkpr, 1226 N ad, h 300 Calder N :-WO 0.. Tittle Sarah L.. milliner, l:1Cm 212ad, h4th Calder Titzel Amos S., conductor, h K Z.!: Titze1 Chas. F., foreman P. R. R. frt depot, h 1320 Walnut 40 Titzell ~I., (lI.Iorrow & II- Tobias James c., wid John H., Titze1\). h 50'2 Woodbine l\lary h lo Tobias Morris T., salesman, 318 622 Delaware av Market, h Oberlin Tobin William J., laborer, h 1106 S 9th Z' Todd Charles C, engineer, 1441 Regina Todd Charles K., elk P. & R., h 414 Boas Todd Donald C, machinist, h 272 Cumberland I: Todd Emma K., saleslaov. :3:l4 Market, h Steelton 1-- Todd Frank, machinist, 11 410 Forster

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L B. TICK} IILL PAPER r:::~~-.:! lilDOI SHADES h'~:i"8a.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directo1'1. 657 ::I Todd Furman M., telegrapher P. R. R., h 133 53d Todd Grafton, laborer, h 113 5 River av Todd Harry E., patternmkr, h 1232 Market Todd Ira A., engine inspector, h 410 Forster UJ Todd John H., electrician, 10 5 2d, h 2027 Derry Toddes Ira]., salesman, a:!5 Market, h 432 do ::I Togan Daniel, hod carrier, h 1526 Vernon Togan Lewis, laborer, h 1526 Vernon c;) Toland Charles F., engineer, h 1725 Penn Tolbert Charles, hostler, h 216 Cranberry av ::I I Tolbert George, coachman, h 20 S 4th c;) Tolbert Harvey L., brakeman, h Cameron ab Maclay Tolbert James, laborer, h 23 Lochiel 2d Row ::IJ Tolbert John H., laborer, h 444 S Cameron Toliver Lucy A., wid Thomas, h 1331 N 4th C Toliver Walker Rev., h 1407 James Tolmie John G., molder, h 310 5 2d PI Tomlinson Charles A., laborer, h Hi26 K 7th Tomlinson Francis c., flagman, h 162.'1 \Vallace UJ Tomlinson Francis E., screwsman, h 220 Briggs Tomlinson George W., cigars, h 259 Briggs ." Tomlinson Harry B., mail carrier, h 1623 Wallace PI Tomlinson Helen, teacher, h 259 Briggs UJ Tomlinson Isaac R., painter, h 269 Forster Tomlinson Jennie, elk, h 269 Forster

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T omlinson John K., h 1253 Derry Tomlinson John K., jr., installer, h 259 Briggs Tomlinson Ralph H., collector, h 259 Briggs Tomlinson Sarah M., wid John B., h 269 Forster Tomlinson William R., inspector, h 624 Dauphin Tomlinson William V., messenger councils, h 1619 Regina Toner Joseph, coachman, 311) N Front Toner Margaret, cook, 319 N Front Took John A., foreman, h a26 North Toole Eliza, wid James, h 603 5 Front Toole Nora A., wid John, h 603 5 Front Toomey Addie G. Mrs., dressmkr, 1847 N 7th, h do Toomey Charles E., engineer, h 629 Muench Toomey Clarence, laborer, h 110 Liberty Toomey Clarence c., messenger P. R. R., h 632 Hamilton Toomey Cornelius E., student, h 1307 S 12th Toomey Cornelius J., laborer, h 1315 5 12th Toomey Effie 5., h 632 Hamilton Toomey George B., brakeman, h 239 5tate Toomey George D., tinsmith, h 1534 Wallace Toomey Henry E., telegrapher P. R. R., h 621 Harris Toomey J. Calvin, telegrapher P. R. R., h 632 Hamilton Toomey Jeremiah F., driver, h 1315 5 12th Toomey Mary, wid Cornelius. h 14113 5 Cameron Toomey Mary E., housekeeper, h 608 Race

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658 _ I _"

== Drug Ind PIlent Medicine


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

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Toomey l\-lillnie E. ::\1rs., grocer, 621 Harris, h do Toomey Thomas, laborer, h 60~ Race Toomey Thomas M., laborer, h 1:123 S 12th Toomey \Vesley A., shoemkr, h 619 Harris Topper Charles F., laborer .. h 2UO 61 Toor Simon. tailor, 1320 N 6th, h do Torrill~on Ethel, asst cataloguer State Library, h 7171 N 2d Torrington Frances, wid William J.. h 7171 N 2d Totten Richard, laborer, h Front cReel's la Townsend Frederick B., elk P. R. R., h 2127 N 4th Townsend Howard c., printer, 2127 N 4th. h do Townsend Wesley F., elk, 1007 ~ 3d. h 2127 N 4th Towsen Charles, rougher. h 1314 S 12th Towsen Clar~nce S., elk, 5 N 2d, h 509 Walnut Towsen Edward, rougher, h 1308 S 12th Towsen Gertrude Mrs., warper. h 613 Cedar av Towsen Harry H., laborer, h lR53 Berryhill Towsen Helen M., domestic, 330 Peffer Towsen J. Albert, checkman P. R. R., h 613 Calder Towsen J. Walter, driver, 5 N 2d, h 1229 Swatara Towsen Margaret E .. wid William J., h 125 North Towsen Maria, wid James A., h 509 Walnut TOWSEN THOMAS F., slate roofer, 509 Walnut, h 616 :R 2d see adv

11110 GUOrontJ ODd Trust CO II iii

lelalnl. J tM- l Real lralatll Bldg. PEl... 1 FlIfIU..., 01 Cutrle" f Rear oJ PoH 08\....


Towson Charles, h 1400 S 13th Towson Charles W., rougher, h 1314 S 12th Towson George, ironworker, h 1400 S 13th Towson Thomas, finisher, h 1400 S 13th >- Trace Charles S., record elk P. R. R. depot, h 208 Reily z Trace Emma S. ..: Trace Frederick Mrs., h 227 State Green S., machinist, h 1810 4. Trace J. Montgomery, student, h 227 State E 1411 Susquehanna o Tracy Annie G., drcssmkr, hHbg Pipe and Pipe Bending u Tracy David E., genl supt Co., h 2007 N 3d ~ Tracy Ferguson E., engine timer, h 1411 Susquehanna < Tracy Helena c., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h 1411 Susq o u Tracy Joseph P., elk, h 1411 Susquehanna Tracy Mary, wid Ferguson, h 603 Race Q Z


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- - - - P A A I T I O A .... - -...


iZ OFFICE: 509 Walnut Street,



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And dealer Illal1 Illnde of Rooftng Slate. Bldp Rool, Paper, Nail., &C. Roofa put on bJ Experienced Slaten. ReprJrlng done at short no"ce.

Reid the PATRIOT} ~-=NNE {Harrisburg'. al.1 ,spaper ... Google


Boyd's Haniaburg City Directory.

Tracy Matthew A., asst supt, 10th c Herr, h 220 Locust Tracy Thomas J., electrician, h 603 Race Trafford George M., painter, h 1920 Wood av Trafford William, flagman, h 1920 Wood av Trautwein Frank, laborer, h 1424 Marion Trayer Emma D. Mrs., h 1644, Fulton . Treadwell Charles P., baggagemaster, h 1234 Market Treadwell John W., flagman, h 124 Sylvan ter Trego Edwin T., clk, h 438 North Trego H. Edward, brakeman, h 607 Cumberland Trego James S., engineer, h 211 Crescent Trego Joseph G., asst road foreman, h 438 North Treichler Anna, saleslady, 1301 Fulton, h 1402 Penn Treichler Mabel A., saleslady, 402 Verbeke, h 1402 Penn Treichler Mary A., wid John c., h 1402 Penn Treist Adam, h 1330 N 7th Treist David, brakeman, h 1330 K 7th Treon Harry H., (Lyons & Treon), h 252 North Tress Charles A., supervisor 1st dist, h 216 S 2d Tress Frank H., laborer, h Maclay bel 3d Tress John S., laborer, h 207 l\leadow la Tress Lewis W., laborer, h 908 Hemlock Tress Susan, wid Lewis, h 216 S 2d Tress William, laborer, h 1721 Hunter av Trewick Patience M., wid Walter L., h 220 Pine



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Sallngs - - - - - Assn.{== and Loan - _ . _ - --

P N > o

Trible Anna N. Mrs., matron Children's Industrial Home, h do Tribut Annie, domestic, 315 N Front Triest John A., engineer, h 1212 Currant av Trimble Edna M., saleslady, 32 S 3d, h 262 Cumberland Trimble Viola J., wid Samuel B., h 2H2 Cumberland Trimmer Charles R., machinist, h 133 S 3d Trimmer Emma C. Mrs., h 133 S 3d Trimmer Leona, paperhanger, h 47 N Cameron Trimmer Ralph E., paperhanger, h 18110 Walnut Tripner Cora J., saleslady, h 1640 ~ 3d Tripner Edgar S., hotel, 527 Race, h do Tripner George c.. grocer, IH40 N 5th, h 213 Kelker Tripner Grace E., bookkpr, 312 Verbeke, h 1640 N 3d Tripner John H., (W. A. Tripner & Son), h 1640 N :M Tripner W. A. & Son, (W. A. and J. H.), grocers, :312 Ver~ke

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Tripner William A., (W. A. Tripner & Son). h 1640 N 3d Tripner William A., jr., salesman, 615 Walnut, h 1721ll NM Trippstein Ida E. Mrs., stenographer, h 214 Chestnut Tritle Fred :VI., linotype opr Telegraph, h U27 Capital Tritle Martha B., h 1317 N 3d Trivis Samuel, laborer, h 5tn Brown av Trombino Antonio, laborer, h :~25 S River av



H. M. KELLEY & CO.}Orr.ces,lor.~~~~~~,=:JCOAL AND WOOD

660 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

t:; ..... Trombino Sol, fruit, &c, 424 N 3d, h 110 S 2d

Trombino Sarafino, fruit, S 4th c Mkt, h 318 S River av .., Tromblee Mary, wid Solomon, h 318 Blackberry av c::::a Tromblee Nelson, laborer, h 318 Blackberry av a:: Troml,eter Peter, brewer, h 517 Walnut .... Trostle Catharine, wid Israel S., h 1727 N 3d Trostle David B., elk P. R. R., h 1601 N 2d Ii: Trostle Ellen Mrs., h 1209 Penn Trostle Hall.oweU A, bridge builder, h 1113 Green 2: Trostle Jeremiah M., fireman, h 2019 N 5th en Trostle Jesse, repairsman, h 2142 N 7th :: Trostle John, fireman, h 1410 N 6th .:: Trostle Mary E., stenographer, 213 Locust, h 1113 Green ~ Trostle Maud E., domestic, 214 North ;:. Trostle Sallie E., laundress, h 1410 N 6th LLI Trostle Samuel P., warehouseman, h 1216 Wallace Trotter Alison, wid Robert, h 1508 Hunter av Trotter Thomas, laborer, h 1508 Hunter av LLI Troup Elizabeth, wid Paul, h 1417 Penn Troup Grace E., book folder, h 1732! N 5th Troup Harry, salesman, 9 S 2d, h 1456 Market Troup Harry M., collector, 26 S 3d, h 17321 N 5th Troup Jacob, laborer, h 1218 Currant av TROUP 10HI H., pi&nos, organs, &c., 9 S 2d, h 722 I 8th Troup Joseph B., elk P. R. R., h 2206 N 6th


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Troup Katharine, milliner, (j S 2d. h 323 Chestnut Troup Lucinda c., wid Harry S., h 2115 Moore Troup Martha H., wid John A., h 1917 N 6th Troup Mary A, wid Frank c., h 2011 N 7th Troup Merril, driller, h 709 East Troup Nellie, atendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Troup Robert W., student, h 722 N 6th Troup Samuel E., carpenter, h 1921 N 4th Troup Wesley L., steelworker, h 1732i N 5th Troup William, laborer, h 1218 Currant av Troup William A., candymkr, h 507 Harris Troup William F., salesman, 9 S 2d, h 323 Chestnut Troup William L., asst foreman P. R. R., h 406 Harris Trout Agnes Mrs., dressmkr, 100 Cowden, h do Trout Alice A, h 1538 Wallace Trout Benjamin F., civil engiueer, h 1626 Penn Trout Brooke, salesman, 114 S 2d, h 100 Cowden Trout Chester E., machinist, h 2014-t N 5th Trout Clarence, molder, h 2014t N 5th Trout Emery F., carpenter, h 1818 North Trout Frank H., blacksmith, h 1538 Wallace Trout Free J., craneman, h 20141 N 5th Trout George S . brakeman. h 1114 N 6th Trout Homer, laborer, h 15BS \Vallace Trout Joel F., h 2n14t ~ 5th

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REDMOND {3d and Jalll SII.

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A. B. TACK} Wall PaDer and Window Shades {~~a:~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. fi61
Trout Margaret, wid Adam, h 1917 N 6th Trout Park, motorman, It 917 Penn Trout Susan, wid Nathaniel, h 19a7 N 7th Trout \Villiam L., brakeman, h 2022 N 5th Troy vVilliam A., chiropodist, 120 Cowden, h do Truex Charles 0., cashier, 2:!7 Walnut, h 101 State TRULLINGER CHABLES r., physician, 2112 N 8th, h do Trullinger Walker S., checkman P. R R, h Penbrook Trump l\lary, wid Samuel, h 1846 State Trust Co. Building, 222 Market Trvman Nelson, laborer, h 626 Primrose av Trvman Reuben, driver, h 713 Ash av Tschopp George F., bartender, 421 Walnut, h Progress Tschopp Jacob D., carpenter, h 615 N 18th Tucker Catharine J. ~Irs., h 2117 Moore Tucker Martha M., cigarmkr, h 2140 N 5th Tucker Samuel, roIler, h 214U N 5th Tucker William J., laborer, h 2140 N 5th Tuckey Benjamin, elk, 1423 N 4th, h do Tuckey Charles W., laborer, h 1626 N 5th Tunis Charles H., machinist, h 609 North TUNIS WILLIAltl S., bookseller and stationer, 8 N 3d, h 438

... -

Tttrell Robert, laborer, h 1203 N n~ Turner Alfred F., salesman, 215 l'darket, h 273 Herr

MILLER BROS. &; BAKER i ~~~t.~~_:;.~~E !Ii


Turner Charles W-., laborer, h 1425 Marion Turner Edgar G., storekeeper C. P. T. Co., h 2008 N 5th Turner Edward, laborer, h 118 Strawherry av Turner James E., laborer, h r 110 Filbert Turner Jesse P., engineer, h 273 Hamilton Turner John G., cutter, h 273 Hamilton Turner Lewis W., agt, h 20118 N 5th Turner MarshaIl E., salesman, 26 S 3d, h 273 Herr Turner Susan, housekeeper, h 247 K River av Turner Thomas, laborer, h 106 Short Turner William H., laborer, h 14:!5 Marion Turns Edward D., carpenter, h 1419 North Turns Harry W., car repairer, h 2456 N 6th Turns Kate, domestic, 1236 Cowden Turns Martin, car inspector P. R R, h 1104 N 6th Turns Theodore, brakeman, h 318 Harris Turns William, laborer, h 1~28 Wood av Turpin Carl, laborer, h 708 North av Turpin James c., fireman, h 7tJ8 North av Turpin Walter J., laborer, h 12~1 N 11! Tutt Catharine, domestic, 23U N 2d Tutt George, laborer, h 114 Liberty Tuttle Horace, boarding, 642 Walnut, h do Tweed James, machinist, h 606 Showers av


No 1230 ARCH STREET. , f'A


1.1111'. Co.,lIlioD Pills :,~~C::~~~: 306 Bro.



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directol'1.

Twentieth Century Savings and Loan Association, George A. Seibert, sec, 1011 N 3d Tyler Anna A. :i\lrs., charwoman P.O., h 245 North Tyler Josephine, milliner, h 245 :-';orth Tyrone Iron Co., Lochiel Tyson Ivey B., carpenter, h 1513 Vernon Tyson Jennie, dressmkr, 63$ Peffer, h do Tyson.Jerome, laborer, h 2022 N 7th Tyson Lewis H., asst chief elk R. M. S., h 406 Briggs Tyson Lincoln C, laborer, h 1985 1\ 7th Tyson William H., lineman P. R. R., h 638 Peffer

a: to-

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. . ubi I Oliver S., engineer, h !lO:l Crescent Ubil Susan R., saleslady, 3,'l4 l\Iarket, h 303 Crescent Uglow Charles E., brakeman, h 1:.129 Fulton Uhlary John A., brakeman, h 629 Harris uhler James IV1., watchman Aud Gent's Dept, h 1808 N 6th Chler Jeremiah, h 1421 K :.?d Uhler Margaret, h 225 ~larket Chler M. Elizabeth, wid Henry, h 124 State Uhler William, laborer. h 1432 Fulton lie( Uhler William A., brakeman, h 1812 North "Ghler William H., conductor, h 616 Granite av Uhley Elizabeth, housekeeper. 1$44 State

o o

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Ulmer William H., engineer. h 1804 Green Clrich Albert K, sub letter carrier P.O., h Pen brook Ulrich Annie ~'l., wid Henry. h 146:l Regina Ulrich Edward, plasterer, h 1719 Fulton av Ulrich Frank H., barber, h 1463 Regina Clrich Frederick S., electrical engineer, h 1525 Derry l'lrich George E .. car repairer, h 77 1\ 16th Ulrich Harrv B., foreman, h 1102 N 7th Clrich Jacob, plasterer, h 1927 Briggs Ulrich Jessie Z., telephone opr, 210 Walnut, h Steelton Ulrich John C, laborer, h 14()3 Regina Ulrich Oscar, truckhand, h 1213 Cowden Ulrich Peter, hostler, h 1111 Market Ulsh Bertha 1\., seamstress. h 1~27 Susquehanna Vlsh Eva L., dressmkr. h 1X27 Susquehanna Ulsh George, h 1827 Susquehanna ~ Ulsh George E., fireman. h 1717 N 4th U Ulsh John, laborer, h 14:m Zarker Vlsh Sherman W., baggage transfer, h 244 Crescent Q Vlsh \\'iIIiam R .. motorman, h 4:!:J Kelker ~ Umberger Benjamin F., lawyer. :mfi ::\larket, h 211:t4 X 5th _ Umberger Cah'in S .. steam fitter. h Ij:~ Harris IE Umberger Catharine ::\Irs.. h H20 Cumberland ~ Umberger David, laborer. h WlH Woodbine Umberger David P .. lab()rer. h 6:la Woodbine

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GlVE.~ FU~tv:~ED~t~L SCOlUI:~ Google

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1. B. TICK}~ ~~ ~':'~'t.0~~.. U::!!;.~::

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, 663

Umberger Harry D., laborer, h 6;13 Woodbine Umberger Henry H;, switchman, h 1639 N 7th Umberger Jacob, carpenter, h 633 Woodbine Umberger John, repairsman, h 633 vVoodbine Umberger John A., conductor. h 2128 N 6th Umberger Margaret, wid Benjamin F., h 926 Capital Umberger Margaret E., wid Calvin, h 638 Harris Umholtz George W., car repairer, h 1925 Briggs Umholtz Leonard M., brakeman, h 645 Boas Umholtz Mary, wid John B., h 1925 Briggs Underwood Frederick, student, h 1632 N 2d "'UNDERWOOD HEXRY D., mgr Equitable Life Assurance Society, U. S. oflices, 304-5-8 Harrisburg Xational Bank bldg, 14 S :Market sq, h 1832 X 2d . Underwood J. Arthur, accountant, h 2rlS Cumberland Underwood Leonard. special agt Equitable Life Assurance Society, U S 2d. h 16:32 ~ 2d Unger Bertha M., elk, 414 State, h 2301 N 6th Unger Charles D., h 1414 Derry Unger Clara I.. ,lr<ssmkr. h 14071 Vernon Unger David J., laborer, h 1841 Fulton Unger Frederick F., mail agt, h 11 N 4th Unger John T., machinist, h 14011! Vernon Unger John W., pressman, h 242 Crescent Unger Levi B., shoe operator, h 1407! Vernon

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Assn. ~ ~::=


Unger Lewis, expressman, h 411 Market Unger Martin H., elk F. and M. Works, h Seneca nr 6th Unger Mary, wid Thomas, h 1407! Vernon Unger Rosa, shoe operator, h 2301 N 6th Unger Susan, wid William E., h 2301 N 6th Uninger Ross, motorman, h 917 Penn Union Carbide Co., 627 Walnut UliIOX CDTBAL LIFE IN'SUB.AN'CE CO., H. W. Balsbaugh, genl agt, 8 1-2 X Market sq Union Mfg Co., T. K.. VanDyke, pres, mfrs placket closures, office, 9 N 3d Union News Co . P. R. R. and P. & R. depots OIOX PLAllIBG MILL, Charles H. Miller, propr, 824-832 X 7th see adv United Coal Co . Walter P. !'Ilaguirc. rep, 14 S 2d 'UliITED ICE AD COAL CO., main office, 3d c Cumberland, branch oflices, 903 Cowden, 10th bel :Market, 328 Harris and Howard c 14th see adv side lines United States Army Recruiting Station, 500 Market United States Express Co . W. S. Evans, agt, 15 N 3d mo:TED STATES HEALTH AD ACCIDDT IBSUB.AN'CE ~ CO., SAGIBAW, MICH., 1. S. Wilson, resident mgr. room 2, 227 Walnut ~_ United States Internal Revenue Office, P. O. bldg _ United States Pension Examining Board, P. O. hldg
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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {;;J..-C:::'::Coogle


H I KELLEY e lCO. {I North ad 8treea. II. l lOUt and !ita......


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory. Beardsley, dist supt, 227 Walnut



t; Updegraff Charles L., buffer, h 1108 N 7th

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Updegraff Harry, brakeman, h 1609 N 5th L7pdegraff William H., conductor, h 1108 N 7th Updegrove Albert R, hOllse mover, h 1000 Fox av Cpdegrove Angeline, wid Ellis, h 1200 Penn Updegrove C. May, h 120 State Updegrove George W., violinist. h 1210 Penn Updegrove Helen c., milliner, 18 N 4th, h 1000 Fox av Updegrove John H., driller, h 2004 Berryhill C pdegrove ':\label, bookkpr Patriot, h 1200 Penn l!pdegrove Philip S., brakeman, h ]20 State L'pdegrove Sarah E., ruler, l1:J N 20, h 1200 Penn L'pdegrove William c., molder, h 120 State Upshaw William, laborer, h 4H6 S Cameron C pton William, laborer, h 1406 Marion Urban Frank J., trav salesman, h 4~4 S 16th Urban John W., ironworker, h 1124 S Cameron Urban Joseph R, laborer, h 434 S Hith Urban l\largaret A., stripper, h 1124 S Cameron l!rbin William J., machinist, h 1124 S Cameron Urich Alice M., h 929 ~ 2d Urich Charles S., laborer. h 4H Balm Urich Elwood H., shoemkr, h i329 James








a: > o

... erich George A., carpenter, h 929 X 2d 1.1 Urich Harrow, electrician, h 418 .:\Iuench l!rich Harry H., pipe welder, h 7th nr Herr Urich lola E., teacher, h 811 ~ 3d Urich Jacob, plasterer, h 1905 :\orth Z Urich Jacob ~L, plasterer, h 1927 Briggs Vrich John, carpenter, h 1926 Xorth Z Urich John, machinist. h 517 Walmtt Urich John B., elk, h 1215 Chestnut Urich John H., blacksmith. h 411 Balm 1&1 erich Perry S., carpenter. h 418 :\Ittench Urich Rebecca E. l\1r!'., h 9Ui Capital Urich Roger S., carpenter, h 1926 North Urich Samuel, shoemkr, 1~15 N 3d. h 1~17 do Urich Samuel T., plasterer, h 19(15 :'\orth Urich Simon S., ins agt, h 31 Balm ~ Urich William, carpenter, 1108 Bartine av, h 929 N 2d CI esaw :'.lelancthon, printer, h 418 l\larket .... Vtzs Susan, wid ]ac:ob, h 216 :'.Ieadow la

... a:

:c :::a

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Vail Henri W., chief engr Paxtang Electric Co., h 520 S 14th Vail Thomas H., insurance. h 710 ~ 3d Valentine George \V., conductor. h 357 Hummel Valentine John B.. conductor, h 2041 Logan av



~s:.!:l-::': ANDREW


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I. B. Tiel} FI:Il~O~!'TTN:VAA:-..IaG~!fy~R i 121610nn .SIIII

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Su5
Valentine Mary E., wid George W., h 1308 S Cameron Valentine William H., laborer, h 1308 S Cameron VALLERClLUIP 10llN DR., dentilt, 8 B 2d, h do Valmasada William H., cook, h 21 Cowden Vanaman Bessie B., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 1251 Derry Vanaman Bessie E., trimmer, 36 N 3d, h 1251 Derry Vanaman Luke T., machinist, h 1251 Derry Vanaman W. LeRoy, telegrapher, 71 N 3d, h 1251 Derry VanAsdlan Charles B., elk, h 621 North VanAsdlan Frank E., laborer, h 1627 N 4th VanAscllan Gordon, painter, It 1428 N 3d VanAsdlan Harry F., laborer, h 1627 N 4th VanAsdlan Jacob, hostler, h 1627 N 4th VanAsdlan John, painter, h 1428 N 3d VanAsdlan Korman, machinist, h 2015 N 6th VanAsdlan Spencer, wagonmkr. h 1428 N 3d VallAsdlan William, mason, h 1520, N 4th VanAsdlan William, painter, h 1428 N 3d VanBuskirk Floyd, laborer, h 219 Mulberry VanBuskirk Frederick E., laborer. h 1622 Wallace VanBuskirk William, laborer, h 219 ~It1lberry VanCamp Joseph M., policeman, h 1533 N 5th VanCamp Rebecca. wid James, h 1518 N 6th VanCAIIP wrr,UA'M L., grocer, 1518 B 6th, h do Vance Fannie H., wid Robert "H., h 1410 N 2d

MILLER BROS. &: BAKERi "~~t,~~-:;'~~IE

Vance James J., supt. c- Crescent, h 28th c Derry. Vandergrift Ida B., wid William G., h 2:~6 Ht1m~el Vandergrift William G., machinist, h 2:l6 Hummel Vanderloo Peter, tailor, h 2113 Derry Vanclcrsaal Albert, telegrapher P. R. R., h 304 Crescent Vandling Lizzie, h 107 Locust VanDyke Arthur D., asst med exam P. R. R., 413 Market, h Marysville VANDYXE T. KITTEB.A, lawyer and prel Union lUg Co., 9B3d,h800B2d VanFosen Lottie, housekeeper, 1223 Bailey VanGilder Boyd, puddler, h 1019 S 9th VanGilder George, machinist, h 227 Korth VanHorn Harry, laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do VanHorn Ida, watchwoman Lunatic Hospital, h do VanHorn John W., brakeman, h 1618 N 5th VanHorn John "V., trucker, h 627 Camp VanHorn Mabel D., h 229 S 13th VanHorn Mary E., saleslady, 334 Market, h 627 Camp VanHorn Minnie G., dressmkr, h 627 Camp VanHorn Ruth, milliner, 36 N 3d, h 627 Camp VanHorn William, h 304 Boas VanKirk Anna, wid Daniel P., h 1622 Park VanKirk Ida, roller, h 322 Peffer VanKirk Oakley, car repairer, h 1134 Jonestown rd



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666 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. VanKirk Samuel, barber, 1128 S Cameron, h 1300 S 13th VanLeer Mary C. Mrs., housekeeper, 1520 K 4th Vanmeter Jacob ~I., h 19 S 4th Vanmeter Katharine Mrs., boarding, 19 S 4th, h do VanNess James, salesman, 7 S 4th, h Paxtang VanOrmer Charles H., elk, h 306 Cumberland VanOrmer James K, agt, h 2132 N 6th VanOrmer Joseph. h 306 Cumberland VanOrmer Louisa, housekeeper, 306 Cumberland VanOrm~r l\Iaude E .. saleslady, 334 Mkt, h 306 Cumb\'d Vanorsdale Cyrus, laborer, h 5:U Maclay VanRiper Benjamin A., laborer, h 462 S Cameron VanRiper H. Thomas, laborer, h 462 S Cameron Van Schaack Manton, proof reader, h 1156 Mulberry Vansickel George, salesman, 8 S 2d, h 255 North Vanwachter Arthur. hostler. h 514 South VanWagner George W., engineer, h 21127 Fulton VanWagner Lawrence, stenographer, h 2027 Fulton U) VanZandt HarrY M., h a2~ ~orth Varga George, iaborer. h 1242 K Cameron IaJ Varnes Annie c., housekeeper, 1932 Korth physician, 109 ..J VASTINE HARRY MOBTIS, osteopathic Locust, h do C Vaughan Annie 1\1.. wid John E., h 2022 N -6th


til GlDIJ IDI Trust CO. ":::-, {~I=~ ~ ~~~ ~.

Yaughan Mary 1\'1.. housekeeper. 312 K 2d Vaughan Phoebe W., wid George, h 312 N 2d Vaughn Christina, wid John D., h 5118 Boyd av Vaughn Edward L., janitor Telegraph, h 925 N 3d Vaughn Elizabeth J., h 925 K 3d Vaughn Kate 11.. music teacher, 142 S 2d, h do Vaughn Mabel E., teacher, h 142 S 2d Vaughn Mary, wid Patrick, h 925 K ad Vaughn Patrick H., plumber, 1432 I\ ad, h do Vaughn Robert, h 142 S 2d Vaughn Thomas, stonecutter, h 1542 N 6th \" ea~ock Margaret S., wid Samuel S .. h at4 Brook av Veaner Aaron, shoemkr, 214 Verbeke, h 1209 N 7th Veaner Benjamin, upholsterer. h 120!1 X 7th Veaner Frances. saleslaciy, :~34 :\Iarket, h 12119 N 7th "eaner Joseph P., upholsterer, 209 Locust, h 1209 N 7th Velder Charles A .. jobber Lun Hos, h 2021 N Cameron Velder 'Wilmer, machinist, h 2()21 N Cameron Vellis Harry E .. laborer, h 1846 Swatara Venia Eugene S., laborer, h 811 SlOth Venia TIlomas, laborer, h ~11 S IIHh Venia Thompson G., laborer, h 811 SlOth Vennie John. porter, h 509 South av Vennie Joseph, laborer. h 5n9 South av Verbeke Gertrude, milliner, 3:U Market, h 119 Conoy


lbe PATRIOT}A Nawspaper for the Home{!~~iZ~eb~~~~tt

Emplo),. DODe but flrlt.el_ wwkmeu. beDee GIl17" A B TACK} CllaritlilriaudlDaurelb. WorkdoDelDuaypu$ol . . . . { B .1.1. . ...

Boyd's Ramsburg City Directory.


Verbeke Marion, elk city controller, h 119 Conoy Verner Edward, laborer, h 517 State Verner John,laborer, h 507 Filbert Verntr Margaret Mrs., h 517 State Vernes Nettie, cashier, 19 S 2d, h do Vernon Edward, laborer, h State nr Cowden Vernon Thos. R., asst sec Free Library Com, h 619 Briggs Vern one Mary, housekeeper, 10nO S 9th Vesuvio Salvador, laborer, h r 542 SlOth Viavi Co., Mrs. Annie E. Schuyler, mgr, 20 N 2d Vickery Gilbert S., civil engineer, h 335 Hummel Vincent Charles A., salesman, h 501 Cowden V ogel Adam, laborer, h 2033 Kensington Vagel Edward S., brakeman, h 643 Harris Vogel Edwin L., machinist, h 1521 Walnut Vogel Samuel D., engineer, h 643 Harris VOgel Samuel H., shoe operator, h 1523 Walnut Vogelbach Adolph G., elk, 1525 N 3d, h Mechanicsburg Vogelsong Lucetta, wid Thomas F., h 1000! S Cameron Vogler Frank, carpenter, h 755 S 19i Vogt Charles, baker, h 32 Lochiel 3d Row Vogt Elizabeth, wid Adam, h 32 Lochiel :~d Row Vogt Frederick, laborer, h 32 Lochiel 3d Row Vogt Guy S., h 824 N 3d Vogt Max J., meat, 800 N 3d, h Wormleysburg

i _



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~~==:'0b.} Harrisburg ~8YI~I~ andJ:~~n Assn. {

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Voll Reinholdt, shoemkr, h 1032 S Cameron Vollmer Christina, wid Charles F., h 1108 N2d Vollmer Frank H., upholsterer, 321 Market, h 228 Liberty Vollmer Harry A., upholsterer, 235 State, It 1108 N 2d Vollmer Mary M., teacher, h 1108 N 2d VonPoswick Gisela, head nurse Harrisburg Hospital, h do Vonstatan John D., cutter, h 634 Herr Vonstattan John, planer, h 634 Herr vonWELTD CHARLES, dist mgr Remington Typewriter Co., 19 Ii 3d, The Lochiel Vorhis John D., expressman, h 422 Briggs Vorndran E. Irvin, barber, h 518 N 2d Vorndran R. Harry, barber, h 410 Walnut Vorndran Richard A., barber The Lochiel, h 518 N 2d Vow William, laborer, h 215 Meadow la


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Waaler Sigirid, civil engineer, h 315 S Front Wachendorfer John, laborer, h 1411 Maple av Wachter Albert, electrician, h 1002 S Cameron Wachter Lizzie, laundress, h 1315 Marion Wachtmann Henry \V., conductor, h 1644 Fulton Wachtmann Robert E., laborer, h 625 Mahantongo Waddell Joseph G., conductor, h 611 Kelk,er . Wade Jefferson, carpenter, h 122 Balm


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KEllEY 8. CO.ll~'::"':"=:a.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,

Wade Samuel, carpenter, h HOI Herr \Vadsworth James W., h 1810 Penn \Vadsworth Robert B., brakeman, h 1615 N 4th Wadsworth William J., engineer, h 1810 Penn Wagaman Yiola, stripper, h It:! Ann av Wagener Arthur, laborer, h 20:n N 7th Wagenheim Harry 1\1., grocer, 1121 S 9th, h do \Vager Anna c., cashier, 308 Market, h 292 S Cameron \Vager Edward]., salesman, h 1605 Derry Wager Ezra, elk, 813 :\Iarket, h 1605 Derry Wager Israel J., shipping elerk, h 1605 Derry Wager John 1\1., car inspector, h 292 S Cameron \Vager Margaret M., telephone operator, 210 \Valnut, h 292 S Cameron Wagner Albert J., fireman, h 1636 N 5th Wagner Alice, domestic, 2208 N 3d Wagner Alice M., wid Daniel ~L, h 638 Calder Wagner Arthur A., laborer. h 2011 N 7th W-agner Arthur \V., stenographer, h 1425 North Wagner August D., elk The Central, h 335 Market Wagner Bertha E., elk, 1127 N 3d, h 120 Verbeke \Vagner Bessie, domestic, 404 N 3d Wagner Bros., (J. Wagner and F. Lauster), bakers, 627 Boas \\'agner Catharine, wid Serell, h 222 Verbeke


\Vaguer Wagner Wagner \Vagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner \Vagner Wagner Wagner \Vagner \Vagner \Vagner Wagner \Vagner \Vagner \Vagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Charles, laborer, h 1327 Thompson av Charles F., laborer, h 1947 Briggs Charles W., elk, 1721 N 6th, h 1626 do Claude, apprentice Independent, h Steelton Daniel, flagman, h 120 Verbeke Edna E., teacher, h 109 Calder Edward M., carpenter, h 415 S 16th Elias, loom fixer, h 1~41 N 2d Elmer, trucker, h 12'29 S 12th Emma G., elk, 214 Market, h 120 Verbeke Frank A., carpenter, h 241 Hummel Fred F., pianos, 121 South, h do Frederick, baker, 511 State, h 513 do George, lineman, 227 Walnut, h 2al Sayford av Hannah, domestic, h 4 Aberdeen av Harry B., elk, 1304 N :~d, h 132'J: Penn Harvey, doubler, h VWl N 2d Hiram, glazier, h 1327 Thompson av Hotel, Alexander Mourer, 400-402 Forster Irvin, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Jacob, h 1341 N 2d Jacob E., tin plater, 1910 N 5th Jennie, wid Calvin, h l:l04 N Cameron John, (Wagner Bros.), h 627 Boas John D., laborer, 11 1217 Swatara
Digitized by

Radmond's Wagon Works {:::~.;'!:~} 3d and Rail, Stll



A. B. TACK =.~~ Ion PUDer IBId IlndOI ShOdeS ftlw'mz

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 669 'Wagner John R., cigars, 16.'l9 N 3d, h do Wagner John H., hostler, h 303 Blackberry av Wagner John S., conductor, h 109 Calder Wagner Joseph S., laborer, h 113 Hoerner Wagner Julia A., wid George, h 28 Linden Wagner Lilia B., trimmer, h 1242 Bailey Wagner Mabel A., music teacher, 714 Capital, h do Wagner Margaret Mrs., h 1242 Bailey a-It Wagner Mary A., elk factory inspector, 215 Walnut, h 121 ~"'..., South a-It Wagner l\Iary A., wid Frederick F., h 121 South Wagner Mary H., wid Henry J., h 129 Verbeke Wagner Minnie, elk, 511 State, h 513 do Wagner Nancy E., wid David B., h 241 Hummel Wagner Nettie, domestic, 238 Meadow la Wagner Olie, roller, h 1623 N 5th CD Wagner Oscar, hostler, h 1210 Susquehanna ! :. Wagner Peter M., laborer, h 1947 Briggs Wagner Reuben L., stonecutter, h 714 Capital Wagner Samuel A., brakeman, h 530 Woodbine Wagner Samuel c., brakeman, h 1929 N 5th Wagner Samuel P., plumber, 1626 ~ 6th, h do Wagner Susan, h 2029 N 5th Wagner Therese, domestic, 125 N 4th Wagner Tillie, weaver, h 1341 N 2d

Wagner Warren A., stereotyper, h 322 Herr Wagner W. Howard, carpenter, h 530 Emerald Wagner William H., contractor, 751 S 21st, h do Wagoner Charles J., ins agt, 14 S 2d, h 1547 Walnut Wagoner Frederick F., cooper, h 1009 S 9th \Vagoner Katharine D., wid John W., h 927 N 6th Wagoner Lionel 0., barber, h 1066 S Cameron \Vagoner Samuel R., sponger, h 658 Calder Wahl Frederick W., brakeman, h 1H54 State \Vaid Bartholomew D., woodworker, h 423 S 14th Waidlich Karl N., postal elk, h 1329 Kittatinny Wainwright Kaomi E., wid John, h 1518 Wallace Waite Howard B., switchman P. R. R., h 6th nr Cumberland WALBORN AARON, grocer, 838 Verbeke, h 1300 Wallace Walborn Elizabeth, wid Elijah, h 1410 Penn "Walborn Franklin E., laborer, h 1632i Walnut Walborn John c., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Walborn Roy E., elk, 638 Verbeke, h 1300 Wallace Walburn LelIa N., h 511 Race Walck J. Wilson, machinist. h 210 North Walck Ollie, waitress, 23 S 2d Walcott Elizabeth, domestic, 508 South av Walde John, laborer, h 1995 N 7th Walden Edward C, salesman. 7 N 2d, h 1146 Derry

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Boyd'B HarriBburg City Directory.



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Walden Iva M., topper, h 1146 Derry 'Waldman Carrie, nurse, 207 State Waldschmitt Joseph, shoemkr, 1624 Park, h do Walford Charlotte, wid John, h 1ml Cumberland Walford Elizabeth S., weaver, h 109 Cumberland Walhav Morris, brakeman, h 1016 ~ 7th Walkden William W., machinist, h 131 N 10th Walkemeyer Clara W., saleslady, 400 Market, h 549 5 Front Walkemeyer Florence,, h 551 S Front Walkemever Fred R. h 551 S Front Walke meyer H. A. William. elk. 5 N 4th, h 551 S Front Walkemeyer Henry A., h 549 S Front Walkendaffer Charles, laborer. h 1422 N 4th Walker Anna M., saleslady, 334 Market, h Lemoyne 'Valker Anna 0., stengr, 410 ::\larket. h 24 Evergreen Walker Arthur, laborer, h 13 Lochiel 2d Row Walker Benjamin, engineer, h 102 Short Walker Calvin H., steelworker, h 1204 Christian Walker Clement B., brakeman, h 822 Capital Walker Dean F., bookkpr, 10th c State, h 15 N 17th Walker Elizabeth F. L., massuese, 102 State, h do Walker Gertrude. domestic, 450 S Cameron Walker Hayes, electrician. h 1429 James Walker Helen, domestic, 1709 N :!d

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\Valker Henry. laborer, h Front cReel's la Walker Jacob K., elk P. R R Crt depot, h 24 Evergreen 'Walker James H., laborer, h 450 S Cameron ' \\ialker Jesse. bottler, h 103 Filbert Walker J. Mernil, draftsman, h 117 Evergreen Walker John, fireman, h 923 N 3d Walker John L., special policeman, h 913 S 20th Walker John M., horse powders, h 103 Filbert Walker John \V., laborer, h 3~ N Summit Walker Joseph F., engineer, h 103 Filbert Walker Joshua c., waiter, 206 Walnut, h 422 Cranberry av Walker Julia A. H., physician, 102 State, h do Walker Kate, charwoman, h 1424 Marion Walker Laura, bunchmkr, h 1427 William Walker Lucy, wid Richard, h 535 Primrose av Walker Mary J., wid George, h 505 South Walker Nelson A., draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 1406 State Walker Percy R, telegrapher, 11 N 3d. h 330 S 16th Walker Rebecca, domestic, 1307i Green Walker Tavlor, laborer, h 113 Cowden \Valker William, waiter Commonwealth, h 122 Cowden Walker 'Villiam H., laborer. h 818 James av Walker \Villiam H .. lather, h 1611 Hunter av Wall Annie, h 416 Walnut

~.::.:~= II FOIIU ODd IlidOl snoda Irom A. B. TACK {N.1

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Frank L., stenographer, h 908 N 2d Hartville S., telegrapher, 11 N 3d, h Riverton Jesse J. B., civil engineer, h 908 N 2d John. warehouseman, 443 Market, h 416 Walnut WALL 10HN G., hotel, 1122 and 1124 Wallace, h do Wall J. Sutton, draftsman Dept Int Affairs, h 908 N 2d WalI Laurence B., elk, h ~08 N 2d WaIl Richard J., dentist, 2011 N 6th, h do Wall Thomas M., baggagemaster, h 313 Chestnut Wall William II., plumber, h 1120 Wallace Wallace Bertha 1., weaver, h 2011 Charles av Wallace Calvin, laborer, h 31 Lochiel 3d Row WaIlace Glarles W., motorman, h 7th ab Boas Wallace Claire, stenographer, h 612 N 2d Wallace Elmer F., driver, h 109 N Summit Wallace Foster T., laster, h 200 Charles av Wallace George M., painter, h 53:~ Woodbine Wallace George T., elk P. R. R, h 1934 N 6th Wallace George W., laborer, h 1713 Fulton Wallace Horace M., conductor, h 567 Forrest WalIace Jackson Rev., h 1527 Huntu av Wallace James E., laborer, h 1527 Hunter av Wallace James F., flagman, h 1930 N 7th WalIace Jennie M., housekeeper, 31 Lochiel 3d Row

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l:''=='-:.} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan ASSB. {~==

Wallace John M., warehouseman, h 807 East Wallace Lewis, cook. h i'ill:l State Wallace Martha J., saleslady, h 1527 Hunter av Wallace Mary M., wid John F., h 533 Woodbine Wallace Maude c., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 916 Green WaIlace Richard, laborer, h 1828 Hickory av WaIlace Robert B., lawyer, 16 N 2d, h 202 Walnut \\'allace Robert Vv'., teamster, h 200 Glarles av WALLACE THOlUS L, soliciting agent P. 11.. R. and N. C. Railway and Empire, Union and Anchor Transportation Lines, also mgr Harrisburg Transfer Co., P. R. 11.. freight ofllce, ft 3d, h 202 Walnut Wallace Walter A., laborer, h 31 Lochiel 3d Row \Vallace \Vanen \V., machinist, h 640 Muench Wallace William H., conductor, h 2132 Moore \ValIace, see \ValIis WaIler Catharine, wid John, h 1211 Green WaIler Jacob, laborer,'h 1102 Market WaIler Mary A., wid Reuben R, h 1518 N 5th WALLER & SEEI., (William E. Seel), wholesale liquon, 319 Karket Wallis Bros., (Ralph M. and R Earl), livery, Haehnlen av c Prune av W ALLI8 COAL CO., coal and wood, Frank 1. Wallis, mgr, 784th

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Digitized by


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Wallis Frank J., mgr, 'j S 4th, h 1:!5U Derry Wallis Jean 1\1., stengr. Crescent c ~1t1lberry, h Penbrook \Yallis Ralph 1\1.. (\Vallis Bros.). h :!:~:! S l!lth Wallis R. Earl. (\Vallis Bros.), h :!:l:! S 13th Wallis Walter L., conductor, h Ill:!;:) ~ 6th "Vallis William, jr., printer, h :!:J:! S l:Jth \Vallower Aaron, car inspector, .h 4:!4 Cumberland \Va])ower Charles S., switchman P. R. R, h 317 Kelker \Vallower Christian L., painter, h 1206 Fulton Wallower Cyrus L., tollman, h 114 Locust \\' allower Edgar Z .. student, h 410 X 3d Wallower Edward A .. tallvman P. R R, h 4:!4 Cumberland .... \Va])ower E. Z., pres Ha~risburg Light. Heat and Power Co. and People's Bridge Co . h 410 N 3d ~ Wallower Frank C. student, h 410 ~ 3d cc \Vallower George B., molder, h 435 Strawberry av ~ Wallower John H., foreman, h :n9 Kelker Wallowcr John J . brakeman, h 8m East \Va])ower Robert F .. caller P. R R .. h 424 Cumberland 328 Reily III Wallowcr Samuel A .. carpenter.hh5Ol) Kelker Wallower William H., laborer. Wa))ower William S . engineer, h238 Verbeke Wa))ower William \V., circulating mgr StarIndependent, h The Lochiel l&J Walmer Annie M., wid Joseph, h 239 State


==== c


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Walmer Annie M., wid Joseph, h 1242 Bailey h 115 Z Walmer Edith M., teacher,11th c N 13th Walmer Frank, laborer. h Kelker \Valmer Henry, carpenter, h 24 Balm 1&1 Walmer Howard. laborer, h lU24 Herr Walmer Howard C, saleslllan, 117 S 2d. h 115 N 13th "'almer Israel, laborer, h lIt!4 Herr (,) Walmer Israel. jr., laborer, h 12!Ju N Cameron Walmer Mary E .. h 1242 Bailey WALMER NOAH A., harness, trunks, &c., 21 S 3d, h 115 N 13th Walmer William W . elk. 111 S ~d, h Xew Cumbel'land \Valmsley John W., engineer, h III Hoerner II' Walt Katie. vamper, h I!l6t1 Vemon 0" Walt May, stitcher. h 1aGH Vernon Z.!: \Valt Peter E., engineer, h 1360 Vernon C.I: WALTER CHARLES p. alderman. agt for monument, .1paving, curbing, building and crushed stone, 449 State, h do l.l: \Valter Oara E .. dressmkr. h 814 Green Walter Edgar. butcher. h 44l) State Walter Franklin C, butcher, h 4:~4 State III 'Valter George W .. blacksmith. h 1i21; ,"erheke I: W-alter Harriet L.. head nurse Harrishurg Ho:>pitat, h do 1-- Walter Harry B.. physician, l:Ui ~ :~d. h do


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ANDREW REDMOND}~::~n~ ;;~~~~{3d and Rally S1L Google

Digitized by


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Direotory.
Walter \-Valter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter 673 Harry G., meat, 616 Herr, 19 N 2d, 434 State, h do % Henry, meat market, 913 N 3d, h 915 do 1. Belle, h 1317 N 3d Isabella L., wid William G., h 407 Walnut Jacob, butcher, h 449 State James T., county detective, 15 N 2d, h 591 S Front J. E .. bookkpr Lunatic Hospital, h do Jeremiah c., h 814 Green J: Joseph H., carpenter, h 2:-l3 N 15th .Morris, student, h 1317 ~ 3d ~ Ross S., conductor, h 409 Walnut % Samuel A., draftsman P. R. R, h 614 Verbeke I Samuel c., asst foreman P. R. R, h 2:U Kelker ~ William R, dentist, H21 ~ 3d, h 915 do WALTER WILLIAM: S., ticket agt P. & R. depot, h 407

,. ren

Walnut Walters Alice, wid Webster W., h 122:J Currant av Walters Barbara, wid David, h 251-1 Hummel Walters Charles, laborer. h 711 Korth av Walters David, ins sol, h 1820 Fulton Waltet;s Edgar, steelworker, h 956 S 21st Walters Frank, boilermkr, h 23d bel Derry Walters George, laborer, h 1251 S l!lth Walters Gertie, h 604 South Walters Harry, elk, h 2.18 HUl'Qmel

:u ,. c en ,.

MILLER BROS. I: BAKERf":i~bli~'t.~T~

Walters Harry A., cigars, 1421 William, h 1427 James av Walters Harry L., huckster, h 1710 Wood av Walters Hester A.. wid William. h 1427 James av Walters Jacob, laborer, h 12!l3 Derry :::D Walters John W., brakeman, h 427 S 17th if Walters Kathryn, trimmer, h 2:l8 Hummel aWalters Ll';vi, grocer. 1642 N Hth, h do il"' Walters :Nlargaret, wid John. h 234 N 15th Walters Mary H .. h 628 Forster Walters Roy A., printer Independent. h 1701 Wood av Walters William, grocer, ti:!~ Forster, h do Walters \Villiam :\1., brakeman. h 401 Reily \-Valther Louise, domestic, 214 State Walton 01arles A.. blacksmith, h 405 Verbeke Walton Edgar A., conductor, h 504 Camp Walton Edgar W., letter carrier, h 1607 Penn Walton Harry H . patternmkr. h 1946 Derry Walton Howard, enineer, h 607 Cumberland Walton Isaiah H., flagman. h 616 Verbeke Walton John H., h 1!):~7 ~ Hth Walton Lillie M. Mrs . boarding, 1i07 Cumberland, h do \-Valton Maggie Mrs., grocer. 20'.!7 N' Cameron, h do Walton Roy, driver, 4a:! Market, h Camp Hill Walton Samuel, helper. h 1:141 Vernon Walton William A .. timekeeper, h 1!l:12 Kensington

i i ... _








=== Drug and Pattnt lIedlclne Stni=:::'AIf;.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


1&1 1II,,1IlII 1l1li11. =""~ .....::.-:"~}~=== C

Waltz Alfred 1\'1., laborer, h 1610 Logan avo Waltz Charles H., laborer, h 1814 North Waltz Frank W., laborer, h 1006 Fox av Waltz Geary, laborer, h Cowden ab Herr Waltz George', bricklayer, h 435 Walnut Waltz George W., h 16 Cowden Waltz Herman, driver, h 1610 Logan av Waltz Sarah A., winder, h 1610 Logan av ;5 Walz F. Eugene, h 125 N 4th c.:t Walz George J., student, h 125 N 4th Walz Ida M., teacher, h 125 N 4th Walzer Anna M., teacher, h 1800 N 3d WALZER EJOU. IRS., milliner, 27 S 2d, h 2221 B 3d Walzer John A., laborer, h 234 Charles av Walzer John M., brakeman, h 18.31 Fulton Walzer John W., drover, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Luther N., foreman, 208 Walnut, h 1800 N 3d Walzer Luther W., conductor, h 611 Briggs Walzer Martin L., brakeman, h 1800 N 3d U) Walzer Martin L.,, h 2221 N 3d Walzer Warren B., elk, 1th c Boas, h 1800 N 3d 1&1 Walzer William L., butcher, h 1831 Fulton .J Wambold Glellworth, agt, h 1321 N 6th C Wambold John c., tray salc:sman, h 1321 N 6th




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Wanamaker ~iinnie M., saleslady, 215 Market, h 317 Dauphin av Wanamaker William, driver, h 1411 N 11i Wanbaugh Anna, wid William, h 1604 Penn Wanbaugh Anna M., saleslady, 410 Market, h 1411 N 2d Wanbaugh Bailey H., watchman, 334 Market, h 2 S 4th Wanbaugh Catharine, wid Levi, h 1111 Plum av Wanbaugh Euward L., laborer, h 1111 Plum av Wanbaugh Ellen, wid Lewis, h 1808 Penn Wanbaugh George M., newspaper correspondent, 26 N 3d h 1516 N 2d Wanba'ugh Lewis F., brakeman, h 1808 Penn Wanbaugh Linwood B., linotype opr, h 107 Cumberland Wanbaugh Mary E. Mrs., nurse, h 1411 N 2d Wanbaugh M. 'WaIter, brakeman, h 1411 N 2d Wanbaugh Samuel I., laborer, h 1111 Plum av Wanbaugh Wm. W., cabinetmkr, 209 South, h 17'02 Green Warbeck William, laborer, h 416 Cranberry av Ward A. Kate Mrs., h 163 Indian av Ward Annie F., laundress, h 514 N 5th \\'ard Celia, wid Andrew, h 516 South Ward George, brakeman, h 1116 Kittatinny \Vard Harry, driver, h 10!) Tanner's av Ward Harvey A., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h Carlisle Ward Henry' R., elk P. R. R., h 7119 N 6th

Rln thl PATRIOT} ~-=NN~ {HarriSbUrg~~iti!~!!c!tJAP~r,



Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.


Ward Howard G., fireman, h 1918 N 7th Ward Israel G., carpenter, h 318 Blackberry av Ward James P., engineer, h 519 Maclay Ward John A. D., waiter, h 516 South Ward John c., asst supt, 15 N 2d, h 1518 Walnut Ward Lloyd, caterer, 309 Market, h do Ward Margaret, wid James F., h 222 N 3d Ward Wayman,laborer, h 107 Cowden Ward William M., engineer, h 421 Hamilton Warden Benina Mrs., h 420 Hamilton Warden Blanche E., student, h 202 Herr Warden Elizabeth, wid Samuel, h 611 North Warden George W., laborer, h 263 Reily Warden George W., letter carrier, h 202 Herr Warden J. Alexander, painter, h 609 Herr Warden J. Edward, sergeant of police, h 311 Reily Warden John M., evangelist, h 1912 N 6th Warden Priscilla, housekeeper, 125 Liberty Warden William, carpenter, h 1603 Penn Warden, see Worden Ware Lloyd H., car inspector, h 122 Evergreen Wareham Clara, h 207 Calder Wareham Mabel G., milliner, a6 N 3d, h 207 Calder Wareham Milton V., telegrapher P. R. R, h 207 Calder Warehime Harry M., merel;lant tailor, 17 S 3d, h do







SaYings and Loan Assnl~::=

Warfel Harvey, brakeman, h :~a3 Hamilton Warfield George W., brakeman, h (\42 Woodbine Warlow Thomas A., postal elk, h 41 N 17th Warlow Warren F., elk P. R. R depot, h 41 N 17th 'Yarner Alice Mrs., laundress, h 1202 Bailey Warner Bertha, typesetter, 1405 N :id, h 642 Calder Warner David E., plumber, h 17th nr Cedar Warner Edward H., laborer, h 17th nr Hanover Warner Emma c., charwoman, h 14 Argyle Warner Isabella, wid William, h 14 Argyle Warner J. Albert, baggagemaster, h 121 Herr Warner James A., molder, h 165 S Summit -... Warner Jennie B., cook, h 1128 N 6th Warner John, machinist, h 333 S 14th ~ Warner Kate Mrs., boarding, 1134 Jonestown rd, h do Warner Lawrence 1\1., flagman, h 519 Muench Warner Mary I., wirider, h 1202 Bailey Warner-Quinlan Asphalt Co., Charles E. Covert, state agt, en 222 Market II Warner William H., bookkpr, 330 l\Iarket, h 1310 State W AB.REJJ B. HARRY DR., Dairy and Food Commiuioner, 716 State, h National Hotel Warren Daniel H., laborer, h 152R N 5th Warren Edgar W., bartender, h 1f):~O! N 5th Warren Elizabeth, wid Granville, h 106 Christie's av


> o ::c > iO ... > fIl



H.M. KELLEY 8. cO.}OrnC8S, ~Dt\~~rll~."::,}COAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


M Warren Grant, laborer, h 106 Christie's av

Warren Grace

housekeeper, h


Elizabeth av


Z o




~ Warren Murray. baker Lunatic Hospital, h do Warren 'William, laborer, h 106 Christie's av Washington Annie Mrs., h 1174 Cameron ,~ Washington Caroline 1'.'irs., h 1117 N Cameron CD Washington David, laborer. h 1509 Derry Washington David, laborer, h 1249 X 111 ~ Washington Edward. laborer, h 1~47 X III ; ; Washington Ellen Mrs., h 214 Cranberry av Washington Frank, laborer, h 40iot ~ 5th LaJ Washington Frank, laborer, h Hi22 Elm Washington George, laborer, h 707 !\orth av \Varhington Howard, laborer, h 40 Lochiel 4th Row Washington Henry, laborer, h 535 Primrose av LaJ Washington Hester E., charwoman, h 1426 Fulton Washington House, John A. Brougher. prop, 517 Walnut Washington James, laborer, h 418 Cranberry av \Va~hil1gton Xathaniel J., salesman. :J6 N 2d, h 1706 Walnut Washillgton Robcrt, butler, h ;125 S 14th Washington Solomon, hod carrier, h 1124 Herr

ca Warren Henry laborer, h Liberty -= Warren James, C, cook,hh1)24126Thompson av laborer, B,riggs = Warren l'Iiargaret, 1!134



Washington Sarah L. Mrs., h 506 South av Washington Sallie, wid Alexander, h 1124 Herr 'Washington Thomas, laborer. h 1428 Marion \Vashington Virginia Mrs., laundress, h 1706 Walnut \Vashington William, laborer, h 521) Brown av Washington William H., porter P. R. R., h 1127 X Hi Wasson David C, foreman F. andM. Works, h 558 Woodbine \\lasson Howard J., machinist. h 13 Evergreen Waterbury Wm. H., (Capital City Repair Co.), h 411i Mkt Waters Bessie M., forelady. h 1704 Green Waters Charles, hostler, h 12 Cowdt:n 'Waters Edward B., elk. Statc Capital Hotel, h do Waters E. H. Co., Inc., E. H. Waters, pres. sec and genl mgr; B. F. Blough, treas; shoe tufrs, 1420 \Vyeth av \Vaters Evan H., prcs, sec and genl mgr E. H. \Vaters Co., Inc., h 1704 Green Waters Fannie Mrs., h 711 Xorth av \Vatcrs George \V .. h 229 Say ford av Waters l\Iargaret C, shoe bottomer, h R13 East \Vatkins Arthur, pianomkr. h 1244 Kittatinny Watkins Charles, laborer. h 1204 N l~th Watkins Elizabeth Mrs., h 1:.?44 1.'ittatinnv Watkins Frank A., physician. 32 !\ :icl, h 4il7 Market "'atkins Gcoige, laborer, h 1:!:.?8 Cowden

~ ~



1. B. TACK}Wall PaDar and Wlndo. Sbadash::::er.;;~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Watkins George, jr., sorter, h 1228 Cowden Watkins GwilYIll, elk, h 1244 Kittatinny Watkins John, laborer, h .,lao North av 'Vatkins Thomas, laundrymen, h 514 Xorth av Watson Addie c., 15;;n '''alnut Watson Albert. laborer. h 1-11:-J Penn Watson Amv M .. teacher, h ullla N :M Watson A11Ii'ie, wid Henry, h lfi2 Indian av Watson Bessie M., press feeder, h Hj:i!f Walnut Watson Charles J., sCllesman. ;.t!4 ~Iarket, h 410 do Watson Elmer J.. elk, h 1417 Penn VVatson Frank 1\1., steelworker, h 173 N 15th Watson George E., barber, h 1916 N 7th Watson George \V., conductor, h 1916 N 7th \Vatson Harry S., expres~man. h 1811:l N ad Watson Hays, car repairer, h 530 l\Jaelay \Vatson .lames D., conductor, h 530 Maelay Watson Sarah A., dressmkr, h 415 Herr ,Vatson Thomas, ironworker, h 436 S Cameron Watson Thomas J., driver, 19 1\ 2<.1, h 612 Cumberland Watson William M., elk, h 612 Cumberland Watson William T., laborer, h 1852 Hickory av Watts Alexander, waiter P. R R dining rooms, h 607 State Watts Ambrose. laborer, h 1144 Cumberland Watts Andrew K, barber, h 2137 Moore




V!'atts David, solicitor. 7111 Race, h 3d cReel's la Watts Finley N., brakeman. h 180!) N 3d Watts Galen W. S., postal elk, h 25!l Cumberland Watts Lester A., trucker, h Island Park Watts Marian B. C, wid David, h :ld cReel's la Watts Robert V., postal elk. h 1612 Regina Watts Samuel A., trucker, h Island Park Watts Shirley B., collector. 2111 Walnut, h Island Park Waug-h Sarah S., wid Beverly R, h 221 N Front Way Kate, cook, lUOO X 3d Way Mary, mgr, h 210 Hamilton Wayne Annie Mrs., h 1 N nth Wayne William F., machinist, h 1 N 9th Weakley Amelia S., h 1517 N 2<1 Weakley Building, 7 N 2d Weakley Charles S., (Hench & Weakley and C S. Weakley & Co.), h 1517 N 2d WEAKLEY C. S. & CO., (Charles S. Weakley), furniture and carpets, 7 Ii Market sq and 12 Ii Court av Weakley John, machinist, h 21122 N 5th Wealand Adaline. domestic, 14111 Reg-ina 'Wealan<.1 Frank. conductor. h !!~ Linden Wealand John P . driver, h 1~51 Berryhill Weand Hiram B.. painter, 611 Myrtle av, h 212 Reily

MILLER BROS. 6: BAKER ~ "::i~bli~~~~1E :a :E



11,11'. Clmplnlln PUI. :.~':i..sO::.%,=*,,J!: 306 BrIM

Weary Morris 0., watchman, 326 Market, h 406 Strawberryav Weast George B., (George B. Weast Mfg. Co.), tinsmith, 823 Paxton, h HUl Park Weast George B. Mfg Co., (George B. Weast), corrugated conductors, 100H Marht Weast Mary L., h 17U1 Park Weathers Edward, driver, h 213 Cranberry av \Veathers Mary E., domestic, 110 Christie's av Weaver Abraham F., millwright, h 2:16 N 14th Weaver Albert E., laborer, h 1631 Logan av \Veaver Alfred W., engineer, h l!)a~ Fulton \~'eaver Alvin M., carpenter, h 1820 North i!5 Weaver Anna E., elk, 1607 N 6th, h do Weaver Barton W., elk Aud Genl's Dept, h Central Hotel -li \Veaver Benjamin G., foreman, h 2017 N 7th Weaver Bertha M., roller, h 821 SlOth iaborer, h (/) Weaver Charles, A., molder,2020 Wood av av Weaver Charles h 1233 Currant \Veaver Charles H., clk P.O., h 1522 Penn We-aver Charles R., lather, h 558 Forrest \Veaver Cvrus electrician, h t- \Vcaver D'aniel B., edge trimmer, H21 Verbeke It, 925 O '~'eaver' Edward D., brakeman. h It1626tAsh av Wallace C Weaver Edward L., stengr, :111 S 2d, h 2020 N 5th



Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.


a: a:

z o o

\Veaver Weaver Weaver \Veaver Weaver \Veaver \Veaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver \\' eaver \Veaver \Veaver \Veaver Weaver \Veaver \Veaver ~ Weaver _ "'eaver Weaver Vveaver Weaver \"caver \Veaver

Edwin F., salesman, h 15:l5 Hunter av Ellen, wid George, h 821 SlOth Ellen, wid Hezekiah, h Hili N 4th Emma, housekeeper, 1822 Derry Fannie, housekeeper, 1711 N 5th Francis J., stenographer, h 107 Market Frank T., laborer, h :un Hummel Frederick W" stengr, 7 N 2d, h ~Iarysvil1e George A" agt, h 425 Strawberry av George F., checkman P. R. R., h 501 Calder George H., h 1413 N' 2d George R., cabinctmkr, h 421 Forster George R., laborer, h 129! Dock George ~r., driver, h 1202 Bartine av Grace E., housekeeper, 930 Grand Hannah, wid John M., h 16:n Logan av Harriet :\1., wid John L., h 558 Forrest Harry, brakeman, h 524 Maclay H. Creswell, (W. O. Weaver & Son), h 2020 N 5th H. Cyrus, salesman, h 346 S 13th Helen E., saleslady, 221 :\Iarket, h 144 S Cameron Jacob, asst gardener Lunatic Hospital, h do John, heater, h 315 Dauphin av John F., brakeman, h 23(j N 14th John F., printer, h 120 Paxton

Tba PATRIOT'S Sporting Paga GIVES FU~Iy:~ED~~L SCOBBII Digitized bytoogle



PabUe BuDclbtpIa PJaID 'Date

{UI ad . .

f.,..... __

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver 127 Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver 'Veaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Wea'ver Weaver

John H., brickmkr, h 558 Forrest John H., car inspector, h 1315 Bartine av John H., messenger P. R R, h 1633 N 3d John N., laborer, h 517 Walnut John P., conductor, h 163:3 N 3d John S., grocer, 1607 N 6t11, h do John S., (Weaver & Hubley), h 205 Pine Jonathan, agt, h 1354 North Joseph, laborer, h 1110 N Cameron Joseph F., stenographer, h 105 Market Joseph J., asst stationmaster P. R R. depot, b PineO Joseph L., floorwalker, 334 Market, h 1111 N 2d J. Wesley, wire chief, 210 Walnut, h 1611 Penn Katherine E., milliner, h 236 N 14th Lizzie, domestic, 1932 N 3d Lou, wid C. Edward, h 446 Delaw.are av Lucy M., wid George F., jr., h 432 Reily Margaret, wid Charles c., h 1840 State Mary Mrs., h 408! Walnut Mary E., saleslady, 30 N 3d, h 1315 Bartine av Marv M., domestic, 506 South av Milton, foreman, 1519 !\ 4th, h 1517 do 1\1innie, laundress, h :U5 Dauphin Niles L., elk. 916 N 3d, h ~...o N 5th




.r:::r~\-::. ~ Harrlsburl

SaYlnls and Loan Assn. {~=:


.... c:::

Wf!aver Oscar \V., brakeman, h 1938 Fulton Weaver Pearl, salesladv, :~a4 Market. h 9ao Grand Weaver Pearl M., seaillstress, h 11:?:~ N ad Weaver Phillip, watchman. 3a4 Market, h 930 Grand Weaver Richard, laborer, h llS Strawberry av Weaver Richard H., letter carrier, h 1522 Penn Weaver Robert H .. laborer, h 55.'1 Forrest Weaver Ross E., elk, h 11~1 N 3d \Veaver Samuel, car inspector, h 2t1l0 vVood av Weaver Sara R., chief elk. 22 N 2d, h 1111 do Weaver Sarah, wid Louis. h 1111 X 2d \Veaver Susan F. Mrs., h 257 Say ford av Weaver Warren 0., CWo O. Weaver & Son), h 2020 N 5th Weaver William c., elk P. R R. h 422 Boas Weaver William R.. molder, h 1218 Wallace Weaver W. O. & Son. (W. O. and H. C.). architects, 14 S2d Weaver & Hubley. (J. S. Weaver and A. T. Hubley), confectioners, 24 K 3d Webh Charles H., flagman, h 911 ~ 6th \Vebh Oara, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do Webb Clayton E., craneman, h 56 N l:!th Webb Toh"n W., fireman, h 58 N 12th Webh Richard, coachman. 406 N 3d Webb Silas M., fireman, h 5l'l K 12th


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H M KELLEY C CO. f1 Nortb .8tat.e . . . D. I I . IIReeI. 10th &ad

== =

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t:i .....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


. en :: :; .-; ..... ~ ;





Webber John M .. laborer, h 1:t!4 ~faple av Webber Robert T., printer, h laU i\Iaple av Webbert Harry S., drug elk, 11Ul :\ ad, h lUl:! do Weber Andrew, laborer, h 5:n K Cameron Weber Charles 1\1., shoemkr Lunatic Hospital, h do Weber Clarence E., mgr, h 141i5 ~Iarket \\'eber Clayton, salesman, h !.!13 Calder W cber Edwin W., musician, h l:1fl S :!d Weber George A.. printer, :n3 Hummel, h do 'Veber Harry S., fireman. h 2m3 x Cameron Weber Ida ~L, domestic, :!:!4 keilv Weber John, laborer, h 325 Dauphin av \Veber John E., foreman F. and M. Works, h 141;5 1larket Weber Joseph N'., genl agt, h 14Wl :\Iarket Weber Josephine Mrs., h 5;~'j N Cameron Weber Mary, wid William, h 1428 Susquehanna Weber Mary E., wid William H., h 24114 ~ 6th Weber Montgomery C .. salesman, a:{fI \'erbeke, h 113() ;\Iontgomery Weber Ralph B., laborer, h 2404 N lith 'Weber W. Fred, musician, h 1:l(i S 2d Weber William, laborer. h 5:n ~ Cameron Weber William, messeng-er P. R. R.. h 537 N Cameron Weber William F., music teacher, 136 S 2d, h do 'Webner Louisa, wid Simon, h 1119 N 13th

rfIiCEDDRU6alSff16 -.-3-dS-t.



~ Webster Amelia S .. h 1131 ~ Cameron

z a: >

Webster Bessie Mrs., dressmkr, h 32 S 2d Webster David L., engineer, h 2134 l\ 5th \Vebster George A., carpenter. h 259 Sayford av Z Webster John H., puddler, h !103 Shaonis Webster Maud B., h 21:14 N 5th Webster Ralph L., fireman, h 503 Calder 'Weeber Charles P., motorman, h 551 Race Weeber John D., tinsmith, h 1:~24 Susquehanna l&J \Veeber William, h l;n!J Green Weeber William McK., laborer, h li20 Boas Weed Harry A., canvasser. h 227 Muench (,) Weeks Austin L., machinist, h 1535 N 4th :c Weeks Bettie, domestic, 215 N 2d !:: Weeks Samuel C, hostler, h 1535 N 4th ~ Weeks William, h 512 K 5th Wehler Charles C, h 4118 Spring av Wehler Estella M._ h 12 ~ 2d Wehler John H., h 4f1!o\ Spring av \Vehler, sec Wheeler Wehling Henry, carpenter, h !.!03 :\lulberry Weible Joseph A., elk sec Commonwealth, h 1007 N 2<1 \Veible Josephine n.. asst cashier, :!27 Walnut. h 1007 N :!d t:i Weible" Adam L., elk, 151H K ad. h 131 N 13th CD ''.-'dllle;' Charles A., brakeman. h 525 Dauphin av

~~~~S:::::'a! ANDREW

REDMONQ{3d aDt-Aalii SjJt by'-.;0"06Le


Boyd'. Harrisburg City Dire::tory.


Weibley Charles E., upholsterer, h l:n X 13th Weibley George B., salesman, 40~ Market, h un x 13th Weibley Harry S., (Capital City Cigar Co.), h l:n K 1Hth \Veibley Jeremiah C, salesman, Hall Verbeke. h 10lI East . \Vcibley John, salesman, h 131 N l:3th ' Weibley M. Isabella, music teacher, jt)!} East, h do Weibley Sarah 1\1 rs., h 70!) East Weicker Allen, fireman, h 1~11 Penn Weidel Cyrus, laborer, h 1H1~ X Front Weidemeyer William A., bookkpr, !!U1 X :!d, h 16l!1 X 5th ~ Weidenmeyer Albert C, baggage transfer, h 1~4H Walnut ; Weidenmeyer Harry 1\1., elk. h 1248 Walnut Weidler Annie E., wid William W., h r :1:!:1 Walnut == en Weidler George A., engine repairer, h r :123 Walnut n Weidler Parke W., h 1619 Green We idling Henry C, h 903 K 2d Weidman Catharine, elk, h 1:l2 S 2d ::m Weidmari Eva, wid Philip, h 113 Tuscarora Weidman Frank, baker, h 1030 S Oth Weidman George, meat, 132 S 2d, h do , \Veidman Harry, driver, h 30 Linden Weidman Jacob, h 1714 Penn Weidman Jacob, meat, 123 S 3d, h do Weidman Joseph, driver, h ~20 Cowden



WEIDIIAN SAJrlUEL B., Architectural Sheet Metal Works, 800 N 7th, oflice, 916 N 6th, h do Weidner Laura F., music teacher, h 20 N 17th Weidner Theodore A., machinist, h 29 K 17th Weigand William, glazier, h 313 Verbeke Weigel Edward H., printer Telegraph, h 1719i N 5th Weigel Emma, wid William, h 417 Strawberry av Weigel Harry M., insurance, h 314 Crescent Weigel Samuel M., carpenter, h 171!1i K 5th Weigle Arthur F., elk, 1019 N ad, h 1713 N 5th Weigle Gilbert H., patent medicines, !106 N 2d, h do Weigle Lucy A., wid Henry, h 906 X :!d Weigle Mary A., elk, 210 Walnut, h 006 N 2d Weigle Mary A. Mrs., h 1713 N 5th Weikert Albert D., brakeman, h r l!)OS Wallace Weikert Alvin W., carpenter, h 1615 X 6th Weikert Amelia]. Mrs., h 1615 N 6th Weil Alfred W., stenographer Adjt Genrs Dep,t, h 1:l2fi Derry Weil Frederick C, h 1a2fi Derrv Weiler Edward, pipe tester, h 727 State Weiler Henry]., agt, 1115 Marker, h New Cumberland Weills Bertram A., car inspector, h 1:n2 X 2d Weills Chas, R., (W. M. L. Weills & Son), h a33 Maelay Weills Isaac 1\1.. physician, HIl6 X 6th, h do


&. BUTl.ER





0DIdI, QuIDQ. Bheumatilm. TooCbacIIe.IIDre TIIftJaI. Ape, ~ k


_ ....


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Weills Lizzie W., wid Abram, h 130:J N 2d Weills William E., draftsman, h 4th c Maclay Weills William M. L., (W. M. L. Weills & Son), physician, 1802 N 4th, h 337 Maclay WEILLS W. M. L & SON, (Charles Bo.), druggists, 1802 'Ii N 4th . Weimer Matilda, saleslady, aa4 Market, h 1612 N 3d _ Wein George F., machinist, h 2150 N 7th Weiner Max, shoemkr, 1528 Fulton, h do Weinhold Daniel, stenographer, 16 N 2d, h 908 N 6th \Veinman Frank T., carpet layer, h 112 Boas Weinmann E. 1lay, saleslady, h 112 Boas Weinmann Jacob, baker, h 112 Boas Weintz Catharine, wid Melchior, h 1015 N 7th .I Weir Anna c., h 26 N 2d & Weir CharlesL., telegrapher P. R. R. depot, h 49 N 17th Weir Sibyl M., h 26 N 2d Weirich Harry c., laborer, h 1052 S 9th Weirick E. Carl, student, h 1276 State Weirick Elizabeth, wid Michael, h 1913 Elizabeth av f I) Weirick H. Clifford, elk P. R. R. Ert depot, h 1276 State 0: Weirick Ivy c., teacher, h 1276 State III Weirick J. Clair, stenographer, 210 \-Valnut, h 1276 State ...I Weirick John c., h 1276 State C Weirick Mary E., h 1913 Elizabeth av

j ... 1




1&1 \Veise Charles D., laborer, h 409 Strawberry av

\Veise Darius S., shoemkr, 409 Strawberry av, h do Weisel Mabel M., h 704 N 6th Weiser John L., engineer, h 1231 Mulberry \Yeiser Laura, h 431 Boas Weiser Samuel S., transfer agt, h 1111! Cowden Weiser Crias P., laborer, h r 212 Mulberry Weiser Walter, (Fisher & Weiser), h 1120 N 6th \Veiser, see \\'izer Weiss Edward W., stoves, tinning, &c., 1221 N 6th, h do WEISS lOllN FOX, lawyer, .216 Market, h 206 Pine WEISS lOllN H. HON., president judge, Court House, h 208 N3d . Weiss Lena 1\1., saleslady, h 1820 N 6th Weiss Nettie, dressmkr, h lR21l ~ 6th Weiss Rudolph F., baker. 1820 N 6th, h do 'Weisser Anton, carpet weaver, 1104 N 7th, h do Weitmyer Annie L., teacher, h 1721 N 3d \\' eitmyer George A., brakeman, h 1721 N 3d Weitmyer John H., machinist, h 1721 N 3d Wl'itmyer John H., jr., machinist, h 1721 N ad Weitmyer William F., machinist, h 406 Muench \V eitzel Annie E., h 12110 N 6th Weitzel Elizabeth A., wid \Varren W., h 1421 Market

Weisbrocht Juliana, domestic, 313 Verbeke

A. B. TACK}::r==e~~'5;:rkd~::~~~&r.:{5"::i&.
Boyd;iS Har"iabu"g CiiSg Dir""tory~

postal elk; h 1314 Berryhill elB; 413 Market, h :n4 We!tzel Harry J., boltcutter,h 1622 ~ 6th eltzel HaEY S~, ;~ngmeer, h 13~&;iS VenlOn Weitzel J. Columbus, h 161 N 15th Weitzel Maf;gie M~ MeiS~, h 626 Reily dtzd Warren ~,h 622 6th Welch William, driver, h 309 S River av dch~ iSee gB elsh Welcomer Harve~ E., la?orer, h 1526 Wallace elcomer dome;ii;c, VJolnut Welcomer William W., lirem"n, h h5:!6 gBalliice Welker Carl L., patterhmkr~ h 335 Boyd av dken Charks, hrakeEi;n, 201ii K 6th Welker Charles A., brakeman, h 1734 Wood av dkcl' Wim"m, labon~;~~ h 5*01 Darry Welkin John, (Wellein & Meioy), h 413 Muench dlein & Meloy, (J. Wellei;i and J. R Meloy), barbers, 500 KeH"ir Weller Chestcr A., machinist, h 2:!16 N 6th dlee Tohn ~., rieintce h hh5 3th Weller I-0h~ M., labore~, h 6~60 'Y0o~bine ellec i Obi;'5~; K~~ elk i; 13i K;iiatm;iY R., 66& Wo ;Obino Wt:.ller W. Beslie, ialln'5 P. Welliver Alvaretta M., h 1101 N 3d
Vi5;~ltZ"l B~;

\\Te!tzel George


':;~':-~b.}Harrlsburg Savings and Loan Assn.{i:~1 ~

ells Ciro!itie 1\'1 h YH laeris Wells Catharine E., dressmkr, h 1309 N 3d vh ells Dccattln ~4 kelkcc Wells Charles A., laborer, h ] 825 Hickory av ills ~harki~ Q i~OOp'"' h 725 Sli;le H;!~lls (harl~~ coop;~;: h 1U7 AUn av ~Wells Edward, laborer, h 1331 N 4th '"lls I~lmi~~~ J mid Jii'i'"ph h 1 ~'45 Ie lttai inny W~lls E~la~~el': l;bore~~:h 34 Lochiel 3d~Ro~~~~ dIs B., h;!~ts, ;fTc., l\Lt;!ket~ Phila Wells Harry c., machinist, h H08 Beim Wells James B., road foreman P. R. R., h 3U9 Boas \\ ells \"mes lahorsi h Ami av Wells ) ames R., cooper, h 1 1'\ !lth dIs Jesse cii;;per, h 1HhU S -1 Wells Joanna, wid John, h Home for the Friendh~;!s dIs Lnwi;~ H., engineer, h 519 Emerald dIs I\label . l\hs., bnndiliSs, h K sbih Wells Martha Mrs., h Cumberland ab 1l! \\ dIs audt~ Mr;;~, h ltd AgH av \Vells M ;mde T., domestic, 107 Ann av Wells I\1ilt01; D., ht'atet II 10:!0 S 21! ells Baul hdper, ()]2~ Caldnr Wells Thomas A., laborer, h 137 Balm \\ dIs Thoma" H" ',4F ~\lariGn









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LO. {

a_Ill ... , .. &8

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

6 b





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Wei];; Willi"m E., cooper, 927 l!Jth Welper Albert L.. bricklayer, h 12:JO Bailey Wei per Hannah W wid Ndlis,h 1:!811 Bailey 'c1sh c\ndn::w, lal:maT, h 1 C::pital Welsh Arthur \V., tray salesman, UH S 2d, h 242 Harris Welsh Bertha B.. weaver, h !':!2 Penn \V elsh Catharine. 111 Cameron Welsh Charles S., laborer, h :t!5 l\laelay Welsh Clayton L., plasterer, h II:~:! Penn Welsh Cornelius E" mgr offin' P. R., h lih60 Kith W cl~h David E., conductor, h a25 Maclay Welsh Edward C, bartender, h !122 Penn h WEL'SlI FRA1YlCIS REV" eectok' 'St. P,,,tzick's 212 State Welsh Frank L., laborer, h a25 Maclay Welsh Frank hn J .. teuckee . R. h:H S Riner av Welsh George i\1., engineer, h 1204 Penn ~~elsh Jacob, flag~l1an, h 211~ Verbeke \selss Jamee, engH::::e:r. h z Hz::nn:l Welsh James A., elk The Commonwealth, h 117 Hanna Welsh John, city detective, h 221 :\1 eadow la Uielsh fohn :4')') elsi~ john J., repairs mall, N. 16th Welsh John S., laborer, h 239 State hVelsh lIathevn 1\1" elk, iBO Cheatnut, ;Jh5 Mnday


o Radmond's WanOn Woaks


Velsh Marh C., wid \Villiam J., n22 elenn Welsh Robert B., fireman, h 2016 N 6th Welsh Fobenk C, scclemkr h 242 Hards Welsh dobea} N., Ichorer, 40a Feily .0 :!5 Welsh William F., marker, h 117 Hanna ..... 'elsh Willian: J.,' agt, S h Middlet }wn 117 elanna ::c Vels h Winifl'hd d""zamk a !:: elsh, see ~ldh ,~~~ " , Veltmc% Frank So, 1240 Walnut I&J JVelt:T1c: , \Veltmer Isaac, laborer, h 18 Brady av \Velt:nca James L., hrick::;ks, h S \Celtmcr John, shoemkr. Verbeke, h do I&J Welt mer Laura V., bookkpr, 19 K :1<1, h 206 South hVeltmer E. as., boardin\:, h05 erbeke, do Welty Clara, , ~:35 Bo}'! av Z Welty Elmer E .. laborer, h 108 S Court av "elz~l Charles F.. 1 :ld. :~;~R !lth WELZ\;\, FeI\fUERIeel L., merchiHlt tailer, 11 3d, 338 Z S 13th Catharine "nul'S"', 10h Frcltr:t D;miel \V., hucbfl'r, h f'i@il Reily I&J \\ eng-ert R?L G., h 504 R e i , l y , . ' enJ~l:: f \V:fIxtr:m (Sheaf;: & \\ ('ng-eH h Wa!vlut '('nne! Chal'hs K. 11 2d, Ill5110erner







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A. B. TACK =tt~r~ lOll POner 1BlII1IIId01_1I1Hf&

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. ijl55
Wennell Mary A. 11rs., boarding. () N 5th, h dd WenneH William J., steam fitter, h :!6 Balm Wenrich Charles, butcher, h 620 North "" enrich Christian, blacksmith, h 1636 Sweetbrier a v \Venrich Enos S., jr., foreman, h 5:~:! \Vest av Wenrich Fanny A., h 818 Capital Wenrich Francis, h 1:-J3~ N 4th Wenrich George c., telegrapher P. R. R., h 1:{;{8 N 4th Wenrich Helen, stenographer, h 595 S Front Wenrich Helen K., weaver, h 1:JaS N 4th Wenrich John J., carpenter, h 1:!:J6 Herr Wenrich John J., jr., laborer, h 1:!:Jij Herr Wenrich John W., laborer, h II1f)~ S 9th Wenrich Joseph, cigarmkr, h 6211 North Wenrich Josephine L., music teacher, 14:J7 11arket, h do Wenrich Maria, wid Enos, h 532 West av \Venrich. Ros:> P., pressman, h 6:!1I North \\"enrich Samuel, watchman, h 595 S Front Wenrich Sarah M., cashier, :~:J4 Market, h 6:!O North 'Wenrich Thomas A., fireman, h 421 North ""enrich Thomas S., shoemkr, r 1467 Regina. h do Wenrich William B., (Lehr & Wenrich), h 11147 S 9th Wenrich William R.. machinist, h 421 North \Venrick Agnew C, laborer. h lUII1! Logan av \\"enrick Annie Mrs., shoe operator, h 14HO Susquehanna



Wenrick Charles A., cutter, h 78 N 14th Wenrick C. Ross, pressman, h 620 North Wenrick Daniel, carpentel', h 7S N 14th Wenrick David E., car repairer, h 51 N l:Jth Wenrick David S., carpenter, h 819 ~ 3d \V enrick Elmer E., engineer, h 660 Sayford av 'Wenrick Frederick, watchman, h 15112 Howard Wenrick George \V., fireman, h 1612 Logan av \Venrick Lewis A., laborer, h 1725 Green \Venrick Matthew F., brakeman, h 1520 Susquehanna Wenrick Peter, bricklayer, h JIll! Boas \Venrick William, laborer, h 3:J:-J Hamilton Wenrick William E . flagman, h 1514 Penn Wensell John c.. genl mgr Hbg Savings and Loan Assn, 18 ~ ad, h Paxtang Wentling William H., laborer, h 1076 S 9th Wentz Emma E., saleslady, :J34 Market, h 12:~4 N 7th Wentz Jacob, machinist. h l~t4 ~ ~th Wentz Lillian F., dressmkr. h 12:J4 ~ 7th Wentz ;.\Iary A .. wid George W . h ;{:l5 Chestnut Wentzell Thomas W., decorator, 221 :\Iarket, h 1115 Green \Venzel Peter, laborer. h l:JH!) Bartine av Wenzell C. Daniel, expressman, h 1421 Korth \V erdebattgh William D .. brakeman, h 139 X l:Jth Werley Hannah :\'1 rs . binder, h 628 ;'\,Iahantongo
No 1230 STREET

I -~ =r

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1lIII0' Pall EIIIfIIIaaIIr c;u:aJl::''=':'IIlIf:l~_~

686 Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory
..; Werner A. Frederick, baker, :.!13 Chestnut, h do ..,. Werner Alvin M., conductor, h 1154 ~l11iberry 1! Werner Catharine H., cigar packer, h 619 Cumberland .;! Werner Charles A., brakeman, h 540 North . : Werner Emma C, h 2109 Moore Werner George A., conductor; h 17~ Green Q \Verner Harry, laborer, h 1313 Fulton Iii Werner Harry N., conductor, h 619 Cumberland Q Werner Harry N., jr., engine eleaner, h 619 Cumberlan/L ,,; Werner Ida M. Mrs., h 170'2-! Fulton C": Werner Lerue, brakeman, h 21~ N 7th \Verner Maude H., housekeeper, 619 Cumberland .I Werner May E., tobacco stripper, h 619 Cumberland Ii Werner Miriam, wid McClellan K., h 2128 N 7th engineer, 19-1 . . Werner Oliver, A., laborer,hh745 S N 7th Werner Rufus 2128 Werner Samuel B., brakeman, h 1713 Penn '"'", Werner Thomas C, chipper, h 606 Granite av VI Werner William L., laborer, h 335 Clinton av Wert Anne U., prin training school, h 912 N 2d Wert Charles H., laborer, h 2043 Herr WERT EDWARD H' I lawyer,.:R' 3d c Market, h 912 :R' 2d Wert Harvey J., caller P. R. R., h 35 Brady av Wert Howard H., postal elk R. M. S., h 912 N 3d C Wert Ira A., gent's furnishings, 9'26 N 6th, h 402 Boas



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2132 o Wert John H., hlaborer,Boas N Cameron Wert John M., o Wert Lewis C, laborer, hh 1116 Boas 2132 Wert Margaret S., milliner, h 111 S Front Wert Mattie, housekeeper, 2132 N 7th Wert Sadie E. Mrs., dressmkr, 1116 N Cameron, h do Wert Samuel S., elk, It 912 N 2d \-Vert William H., conductor, h 130 Balin Wert \VilIiam S., watchman, 221 ~Iarket, h Holly Wertz Catharine, domestic, 1535 N 4th \Vertz Charles H., nickle plater, h 341 Harris Wertz Charles R., baker, h 315 Hamilton Wertz Edward B., pipeclltter, h Cumberland c 9th \\'ertz E. William, laborer, h 1206 Wallace Wertz Frank H., baker, 217 Calder, h do Wertz Harvey F., telegrapher, 15 N 2d, h 2147 Atlas av Wertz Henry J., foreman, 1402 Vernon, h 139 Linden Wertz John, flagman, 11 192:.-J N 5th . Wertz John H., molder, h 1206 Wallace Wertz Joseph, laborer, h 1206 Wallace Wertz Marvin G., upholsterer, h 1926 Wood av Wertz Mary c., cigarmkr, h 315 Hamilton Wertz Morris B., cab driver, h l!123 X 5th Wertz Oscar I., laborer, h 5R N 14th

Wert J. Howard Prof., h 912 N 2d



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)'.;\:~t:.,;o~~ IOU fDoer ondilDdOl ShodeS IrODl A. B TACK {1.1: : :..

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 687
Wertz Peter, brakeman, h 19~i \Vood av Wertz Reuben, laborer, h 1024 Herr Wertz Roy S., laborer, h 623 Peffer Wertz Solomon, h 215 Calder Wertz Solomon S., gas inspector, h 315 Hamilton Wertz William c., bookbinder, h 217 Calder West Ansel G., carpenter, h 40 N 12th West Edward c., molder, h 121 Mulberry West End Pharmacy, James B. DeShong, mgr, 1601 N 3d West End Reporter, Christian G. Nissley, pub, 1406 N 3d West Jennie c., tailoress, h 40 N 12th West John Y., (West & Shelly), h 40 N 12th West Ruth, h 232 State West Samuel, carpenter, h 227 S 15th West Samuel A., molder, h 609 Logan av West Sophia, domestic, h 520 North av West Sophia, wid Chester, h 18111 Green WEST WILLIAM ll., physician, 1801 Green, h do West William M., conductor, h 40 N 12th West & Shelly, (John Y. West and Christian G. Shelly), cigar mfrs, 3 S 13th ::I: Westbrook Cherrick, jr., dentist, 132 Walnut, h do Westbrook John A., (H. J. Sheafer & Co.), contractor, h ~ 910 N 2d . Westbrook Sarah]., wid Thomas G., h 1075 S 9th ~

l:;~s::.0r.. ~ Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {:

Westen S. Frank, state mechanic, Capitol, h 327 Hummel WESTED UNIOI TELEGRAPH CO., 11 I 3d Westhafer Emma, wid Harry, h 1615 Fulton Westhafer Kate, wid John, h 218 Boas Wetmore Mazie c., nurse, 1700 N 2<1, h do N WETBUSTU OUTFITTING CO., L. Fink, mgr, ladies' and ~ gents' wearing apparel, 111 S 2d Wetzel Aaron, laborer, h 946 S 21st ::I: Wetzel Caroline S., wid George W., h 1458 Regina Wetzel Carrie, cigarmkr, h 1230 Bartine av ~ Wetzel Came L., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1458 Regina Wetzel Elizabeth J., wid John S., h 1512 N 5th ~ Wetzel George W., laborer, h 123 Dock Wetzel Harry B., blacksmith, h 1818 N 6th UI Wetzel J. Edward, policeman, h 1512 N 5th Wetzel Minnie, cigarmkr, h 620 Dauphin Wetzel Raymond, brakeman, h 620 Dauphin Wetzel Warren W., laborer, h 1512 N 5th Wexler Louis, machinist, h 637 Camp Weyant B. Frank, laborer, h 1311 Maple av Weyant Catharine S., wid Ephraim, h 317 Hay av Weyant Jacob c., barber, h 928 James av Whalen A. Floyd, chemist, Herr clOth, h 235 Briggs Wharton Alfred D., flagman, h 527 Woodbine \Vharton Anna c., h 2124 Turner av

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PO WftlLL'S PASTE W0 RKS {NoJaa" and 180-




KELLEY" CO'S ma;:1lr:-:::~~{,~,,:~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.




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\Vharton Bromley, private sec to the governor, Capitol, h 116 Locust Wharton Elliott B., linotype operator, h 554 Woodbine Wharton John A, foreman, 1408 Vernon, h 1405 Regina Wharton Paul H., shoecutter, h 237 N 15th Wharton Richard M. H., supt Hbg Pub Co., h 201 Kelker Wharton William A, conductor, h 1809 Green Wharton William H., enginetender, h 554 Woodbine Wharton William M., cik, 5 S 2<1, h 1809 Green Wheat William E., brakeman, h 644 Boya av Wheaton Amanda, h 3 Haehnlen av Wheeler Blanche E., stenographer, h 328 Peffer Wheeler Daniel, h 442 Walnut Wheeler Elizabeth, h 113 Mulberry Wheeler Elizabeth J., dressmkr, 822 N 3d, h do Wheeler Ellen, wid John c., h 406 Forster Wheeler'Frank A., inspector U. S. N., h 209 State Wheeler Harry E., blacksmith, h 1264 State Wheeler Harvey B., conductor, h 2026 N 7th Wheeler Helen; saleslady, 334 Market, h 328 Peffer Wheeler John E., asst foreman P. R. R., h 114 Locust Wheeler J. Parker, blacksmith, h 328 Peffer Wheeler Mary M., weaver, h 822 N 3d Wheeler M. Fannie, housekeeper, 1040 S Cameron \Vheeler Percy, laborer, h 5th ab Seneca







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Wheeler Ralph, elk, h 1217 Cowden Wheeler Roy P., elk, 421 N 2d, h 328 Peffer \i\'heeler Walter A, draftsman, h 1010 N 2d Wheeler William, installer, 227 Walnut, h Bridgeport Wheeler William M., puddler, h 822 N 3d Wheeler & Wilson l\1fg Co., Charles Eckert, mgr, sewing machines, 500 N 3d Wheeler, see \Vehler Wheler Myra A Mrs., h 1717 N 3d Wheler William H., supplyman, h 822 N 3d Wherly Clinton H., conductor, h 330 S 13th Whichello Morris 0., engineer, h 560 Camp Whinery William B., bridgetender. h 1118 Capital Whipple Clarence. laborer, h 417 Pear av \Vhisler Alonzo A, helper, h 9:!1 Bartine av Whisler Cora D., h 327 Dauphin \Vhisler John E., brakeman, h 109 Evergreen \Vhisler Josiah A., conductor, h 1502 Walnut Whisler Norman, elk P. R. R., h 3:!7 Dauphin \Vhisler Parker, laborer, h :!n85 Kensington \Vhisler Samuel, laborer, h 2:M nr Brookwood \Vhisler William H., carpenter, h 1414 Korth Whisler William H., jr., engineer, h 32(1 S 13th Whistler Frank B., machinist, h H1!~ N 6th \Yhistler George T., carpenter, h 1~38 K 5th

AlDREW REDMONDJ~~::;'~W~{3d and Reily StS. Google

Digitized by


l. B. Tlelll 'ILL PAPER ~:!:~ 'iIOO' SHIIlES{x~~"

Boyd'. Harrlsbll1'g City Directory.


::E: Whistler John c., carpenter, h 630 Woodbine Whistler Simon M., physician, 1439 Market, h do ~ Whistler \Villiam L., brakeman, h 1439 Market Whitaker Joseph T., solicitor, 203 Walnut, h 26 S 3d Whitcomb David, huckster, h 109 Mulberry Whitcomb Edward B., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 2638 6i UI Whitcomb Florence, seamstress, h 7 SlOth Whitcomb Frank P., driver, h 7 SlOth Whitcomb George, huckster, h 109 Mulberry Whitcomb Kate Mrs., matron P. & R. depot, h 7 S lath Whitcomb Mabel B., saleslady, 334 Mkt, h 109 Mulberty Whitcomb Mary, bunch breaker, h 417 S 14th Whitcomb Mary E., housekeeper, 7 SlOth Whitcomb Mary E., saleslady, 308 Market, h 109 Mulberry Whitcomb Murry R., elk, h 2638 61 Whitcomb Wilson F., stoves, &c., 1211 N 6th, h do White Albert F., car repairer, h 550 Woodbine White Albert J., Penna. Hotel, 313 Verbeke, h do White Alexander, waiter, h 237 Cranberry av White Annie E., bookkpr, 334 lVIarket, h 1407 N 2d White Annie E., housekeeper, 1225 Wallace White Baker, barber, 1418 N 3d, h 1413 William White Charles, waiter, h 1413 William White Charles E., elk, 124 Market, h 253 Liberty


White Daniel, elk F. and M. Works, h 2126 N 4th White David, car repairer, h 411 1\larket White David A., laborer, h 1315 North White Edith S., saleslady, h 407 Herr , White Edward, repairsman, h 2118 Greenwood White Edward R., craneman, h 1050 S Cameron White Esther E., bookkpr P. & R. depot, h 1315 North White Ettie B., bookkpr, 334 Market, h 1407 N 2d White Harriet, wid Baker, h 1416 l\Iarion White Harry, laborer, h 324 Calder White Harry c., detective, h 1121 N 3d White Henry N., mgr, 7 S 4th, h Paxtang White James, waiter, h 127 Short White J. Burns, cataloguer State Library, h 253 North White John H., elevator opr Comwlth, h 237 Cranberry av White John W., car record elk P. R. R., h 1407 N 2d White Joseph, porter, h 141:~ William White Lulu A., wid Joseph, h 415 Cumberland White Margaret 1\1. Mrs., charwoman, h 508 Strawberry av White IVlary, wid Joseph, h 108 Nagle White Maud, nurse, h 1315 Korth White Milton C., conductor, h 115 Linden White Minerva I., stenographer, 20~ Walnut, h 903 N 3d White Nellie, cook, 407 N Front













No 1230 ARCti :;TREET PHllA



CLARK'S ==,Drug and Patent lIedlclne Storei=~u.

600 Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.

White Sue A., elk, 5 S 13th, h 1815 North White Sue R., saleslady, 334 Market, h 407 Herr Q White Thomas c., conductor, h !loa ::-.J' 8d =5 White Viola l\Irs., cigannkr, h 145 Ann av Q White William, barber, h 1413 William w White William, cabinetmkr, h 141 S 3d White William, inspector, h 11:J Locust White William, laborer, h 432 S Cameron I: White Wm. B., carpenter, 425 Strawberry av, h 407 Herr White William B., machinist, h 813 Verbeke \Vhite William B., jr., laborer, h 407 Herr ~ White William L., h 1~14 Fulton av White William S., h 932 S 20i Whitehorse Wilham, belIman Hershey House, h do fI) Whiteley Frederick, watchmkr. :!~ N 3d, h 812 do It Whiteman Chas. c., elk P. R. R. ticket office, h 2208 N 3d I&J Whiteman Gt!orge, h 209 Hummel ..J Whiteman Jacob 1\., asst trainmaster P. R. R., h 2091 Hummel C

'! ='

White Nettie]., bookkpr, 1 ~ 3d, h Steelton White Oak Coal Co., Inc., D. W. Cox, pres; E. W. Cox,. .,... sec, 222 Market White Robert, puddler, h 4:l2 S Cameron

WRITE SEWING JUClUliE OFFICE, William II. Chaun-' cey, mgr, 712 N 3d Bell phone



I&J Tille IOrll' OIld T 1 CO n"' I



1 flllfll.... If CIeInIcll

-",,.Iletl 11Ie- r B_1 ICa1ate 0IlI.... l BId". Rear 01 PoA

Whiten Isabella, charwoman, h 130 S Dewberry av ... Whiteside George A., h 122 Mulberry Whiteside Harry I., blacksmith, h 122 Mulberry Whiteside Margaretta P., h 122 Mulberry >- Whiting Bennett, laborer, h 169 Indian av z Whiting Edward B., laborer, h 807 SlOth Whiting Joseph G., laborer, h 807.S 10th ~ Whitley Reuben, laborer, h 325 Cherry av E Whitman Benjamin, elk Mer Nat. Bank, h 18 N 16th: o Whitman Charles E., carpenter, h 209 N 15th U Whitman Edgar 0., printer, h 1~ N 16th ...I Whitman Edwin, draftsman, h 105 S Front Whitman Emma c., wid Daniel P., h 1321 Fulton Fredrick 0., printer, h 18 u Whitman George B., motorman, h 5 N 16th Whitman N 13th Q Whitman Harry, elk, 1615 Market, h Steelton Z Whitman Irvin J., laborer, h 1321 Fulton Whitman Martha E., h 116 Locust ~ Whitman Mary c., h 317 Walnut ~ Whitman Ross W., dyer, h 1321 Fulton \Vhitman Sadie, shoe operator, h 1425 Vernon Q Whitman Sarah J., wid George, h 107 Linden ~ Whitman William A., laborer, h 122 Hoerner Whitman William S., engineer, h 528 Peffer Z Whitman, see 'Witman

...: ...: o




Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Whitmer John, lineman, h 322 Peffer Whitmore Mary V., saleslady, 36 N 3d, h 1217 N 6th Whitmore William H., engineer, h 1608 Susquehanna 'Whitmoyer Anna L., candymkr, h 189 N 15th Whitmoyer Christie, h 642 Reily Whitmoyer David, h 1434 Derry Whitmoyer Diana, domestic, 118 South Whitmoyer Frank S., conductor, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer Harry E., cigars, 63 N' 13th, h 189 N 15th Whitmoyer Howard :8., student, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer John A., molder, h 189 N 15th Whitmoyer John c., electrical engineer, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer John E., laborer, h 1954 Boas Whitmoyer Sallie, h 642 Reily Whitmoyer Sallie, housekeeper, 1114 N 2d Whitmoyer Simon, yardmaster, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer William G., conductor, h 710 N 6th Whitmoyer William H., laborer, h 50 Balm Whitmyer Wesley c., driver, h 2105 Elizabeth av Whitmyer William l\1., boarding, 2121l 6i, h do Whitney George M., elk, 5 N 3d, h 1326 Derry Whitney John, laborer, h H27 Cherry av Whitney Minnie, domestic, 111 S River av


~ ::::}Harrlsburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {:

'Whittaker Marvin H., mgr The Johnston Harvester Co., 214 Locust, h 701 N 6th Whittaker Mary, toba~co stripper, h 1010 Cowden Whittier Herbert H., circlts agt, h 424 Forster Whitworth John F., elk, h 600 Forster \Vibbert James, asst supt, h 412 Strawberry av vVible Lewis S., carpenter, h 1506 Walnut Wickenheiser Henry, laborer, h 23d nr Brookwood Wickenheiser William E., brakeman, h 18:30 Derry \Vickersham Glarles J., catcher, h 228 N :~d WICKERSHAlrl FRANK B., lawyer, 6 1-2 N 2d, h Steelton 'Wickersham Howard, postal elk, h 313 Chestnut Wickersham Lizzie M. Mrs., lodging, 407 Market and 228 N 3d, h do WICKERSHAM MORRIS S., insurance, 228 N 3d, h do ~ \\'ickert Mary Mrs., h 121 Cranberry av 04 \Vickev Charles W., hostler, h 713 ~orth WicklIne Thomas 1\1. R., engineer, h 1624 Wallace Wicks, see Wix \Vidrlcman Joseph, driver, h 820 Cowden Widder D. Harry, elk, h 1516 Derry WIDDER GEORGE H., physician, 1249 Derry, h do Wieanrl Catharine, wid Henry, h 628 Reily Wieand John H., flagman, h 63!l Harris Wiebner John D., machinist, h 1065 S 9th

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H. M. KELLEY & CO.}Oll:ces, :"'_~~ta~r:::}COAL AND WOOD

692 Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
~ Wieger Cecelia, cigarmkr, h 1635 Park

Wieger George, cutter, h 1635 Park Wieger Joseph G., baker, 1919 Dery, h 16;15 Park a:: Wierman David E., huckster, h 440 Boyd av :iii: Wierman Edward c., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Wierman John P., attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do ~ Wierman h 510 a:: Wierman Paul, brakeman,Pine SlOth Sarah E., h 116

tu to

Wieger Catharine, wid Peter, h 1635 Park

~ WIEDMAN TROKAS T., chief engineer Penna. Canal,

special agent real estate dept P. B. B., 405 Karket, h 118 Pine :: Wieseman John D., blacksmith, h 403 Filbert Wiesemann Catharine, wid John, h 1927 N 4th ~ Wiesemann Charles, elk, 303 ~Iarket, h 1160 Mulberry L&I Wiesemann Frederick A., cigar mfr, 519 Race, h do Wiesemann George F. \V., conductor, h 610 Race Wiesemann Jonas, broommkr, h 1927 N 4th Wiesemann William A., grocer, 128 S 2d, h 219 Briggs I&J Wiest Bertha, shoe operator, h 1949 Berryhill Wiest Clayton c., coremkr, h 1949 BerryhiIl Wiest Preston c., packer P. R. R., h 1949 Berryhill Wiest Samuel L. Rev., mgr, 201 N :!<I, h Dauphin Wiest Stephen 1\1. O Wiest Warren 'V., Rev., h 111 Short2d, h Dauphin foreman, 201 N

en -




Wiest ling John G . machinist, h 341 Peffer Wiestling LeRoy, machinist, h 1931 Logan av Wiestling Ralph G., letter carrier, h 8 N 2d Wiestling Samuel c., h 1512 Walnut Wiestiing Susanna H., wid Jacob G., h 8 N 2d Wiestling William B., blacksmith, h 1931 Logan av Wiggins Gertrude M., wid Edwin J., h 1509 Wallace Wigington Josephine, wid \","illiam, h 1423 Reese av Wigington Thomas, laborer, h 1423 Reese av Wigington WiIliam, laborer, h 142:J Reese av Wigton Wade H., elk P. R. R. frt dcpot, h 211 Locust Wike Nancy J., wid John, h !!2i Reily Wikel Harr\" S., collector. 7 N 2d. h Hummelstown Wiker AIlcll. E., fireman, h lS11 Penn Wiland Reuben, brakeman, h 1216 N 6th Wiland Samuel S., inspector, h 1260 Juniper Wilbar Bertha, hOllsekeeper, 222 Herr Wilbar Charles L., h 2~ Herr Wilbar Elizabeth, wid Josiah P., h 222 Herr Wilbar George H., expressman, h 222 Herr vVilbar Lillian, teacher, h Hl25 Derrv Wilbar Ralph 0., bookkpr, h 1118 N" (jth Wilbcrt Harry, carpenter, h 1:~1l1 :\Iarket Wilbcrt Harry E .. master inspector. h filii Boas V';ilbert J cnnie, moccasinmkr, h IiOi Boas


= = ..




A. B. TACK}Wall Pliler and Window Sbades{a:::~u~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,


'vVilbert Sallie E. Mrs., <1ressmkr, 104 Cowden, h do Wilbert \YilIiam, mason, h 104 Cowden Wilbur Carrie A., h 235 S 13th Wilbur Della, wid Horace L., h 314 N Court av ,\Vilbur Ettphenia A., wid Dexter E., h 235 S 13th Wilbur Josiah P., installer, :!10 Walnut, h 222 Herr \Vilcox Isaac J., h 1121 N 7th \\'ilcox Joseph P., grocer, 11117 Derry, h do Wilcox Luthella, elk Postal Station, 1917 Derry, h do \\"i1der Edward c., laborer, h 727 State Wildman August, h 2206 N i\d WILDltIAN AUGUSTUS, contractor and builder, 2206 Ii 3d, h~ Wiles Joseph V., laborer, h 1127 ~ Cameron Wiley Andrew J., laborer, h 1;134 Penn \Viley Caroline M., wid Wesley J., h 429 Kelker . Wiley William R., shoemkr, h 429 Kelker Wilhelm Charles A., machinist, h 17116 Green vVilhelm Ella E., h R05 S Front Wilhelm Hannah M., wid Jacob, h 805 S Front Wilhelm James H. G., laborer, h 8115 S Front \Vilhelm Katherine E., saleslady, 6 S 2d, h ]j06 Green Wilhelm :Mary L., h 1706 Green Wilhelm Samuel K., elk C. I. and S. Co., h 114 N 2d Wilhelm William E., laborer, h 805 S Front

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Wilkinson Aldah 1\1. .Mrs., h 1408 Wallace Wilkinson Anna L., cigarmkr, h 1408 Wailace Wilkinson John, driver, h 213 S River av Wilkinson Susan, h 1408 Wallace Wilkinson William, laborer, h 1408 Wallace Willard Edward, fireman, h 120:3 N 7th Willatt Priscilla, matron, 1102 Herr, h do WILLETTS THEODORE L., physician, 114 Chestnut, h do; office hours, 6 to 9 a. m., 12 to 3 and 6 to 9 p. m. Willey Lillie ~lrs., charwoman, h 510 North av Willi John R., engineer, h 18:~8 N 7th Willi Samuel A., fireman, h 1122 :\lontgomery Willi Samuel c., brakeman, h 18.18 N 7th Williams Ada 1\Irs., saleslady, a08 l'Iarket, h Steelton Williams Addie A., liningmkr, h 425 Forster Williams Alke, wid Henry, h 215 S River av Williams Amanda E., shoe fitter, h :U9 Chestnut Williams Annie, wid Oscar, h 125 l\1ttlberry Williams Annie, wid Thomas 1\1., h 821 N 6th Williams Bertha, domestic, 203 Kelker Williams Blanche E., stenographer, 11 S 2d, h 112 Short Williams Charles, brakeman, h 15Ul! N lith Williams Charles, laborer, h 21H S Court av Williams Charles S., barber, h 132 Cranberry av Williams Clarence, laborer, It 1420t :'Ilarion



No \230 ARCH STREET Pi"L" , PA


IIdtl'l Complellon Pills :.~l:;J~~~'=:t.~~ 306 Braa.

694 Williams Williams Williams == Williams "C Williams Williams c:t Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams ~ Williams fI) Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams \Villiams Williams
-..0 ~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. Daisy, domestic, 511 N 2d Daniel, laborer, 11 27 Lochiel3d Row Daniel, restaurant. 139 Short, h 1411 William Daniel G., waiter, h 16~4 Elm David R., waiter, h 1331 Wyeth av Edward A., laborer, h 8:~O James av Edward G., salesman, h 1623 Derry Edward L., driver, h 1HOO Walnut Eliza, cook Commonwealth, h 1332 William Ella l\lrs., h r 104 Filbert Ella, domestic, 1226 Derry Elsie l\irs., laundress, h 215 S River av Emma, wid John, h 134 Tanner's av Emma E. l\lrs .. dressmkr, 408 Muench, h do Esther, cigarmkr, h 120 Tanner's av Eva L. elk, h 1621 N' 3d Evalina, domestic, 708 N 7th Flemming, grader. h 439 Verbeke Frank, laborer, h 38 Lochiel 4th Row George, brakeman, h Hill Maclay George, hostler, h 407 N 5th George, laborer, h 1409 N 4th George c., laborer, h 708 N 7th George L, repairs man, h fi04 Herr George T:, laborer, h 335 Calder





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hIIe1 J Ea18t1 ... Tille GDOmnl, ODd 'IIUO co If sc,..... 1 .... "1. ..,..11I.I.,"E.,....... (I .... If Pwt ""to PHu. Ceat,.c", ... CIIIfII In.

Williams George W., boxmkr, h 1422 Penn Williams Harrison, laborer, h 169 Indian av Williams Harry J., restaurant, l:l09 Fulton, h do Williams Henry, laborer. h 1409 N 4th Williams Horace, junk, h 52:1 West av Williams Hc1race J., barber, h 4:~3 South av \Villiams Irvin c., elk Commissioner Forestry, 716 State, h 612 Briggs \Villiams Isaac S., laborer, h 27 Lochiel 3d Row Williams Isaac T., bartender, 601 Cumberland, h 406 do Williams Jacob, teamster, h 215 Meadow la Williams James H., laborer, h 1154 Cumberland Williams J. Henry, teacher, h 1409 N 4th Williams John, brakeman, h 2143 N 4th Williams John, laborer, h 215 Cranberry av Williams John, laborer, h 215 Meadow la \Villiams John c., asst supt, 15 N 2d, h 1601 Green Williams John F., supt, h 16~1 N :~d Williams John J .. laborer, h r 11132 Slate \Villiams John R., laborer, h 1616 Elm Williams Joseph, laborer. h 1:!:~ Mulberry Williams Joseph H.o h 1:!3 l\1ulberry \Villiams Joseph K . engineer, h 40S rvluench Williams Joseph 0., postal elk, h 11111 Cowden Williams Joshua, waiter. h r 12 Cowden

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIn:s FV~~.::;Jo:D~l'L ~URBS GoogLe

Digitized by

I B TACK} FreeeoJac
Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Vvilliams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams

- M . l I : e e ......clalt7 o f - - {1.18N.U8&. Publ1e BwldiDplD Plain TlDu bu_ _ 11_

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Directory.

Levi K, laborer, h 16th c Briggs Lizzie, domestic, 123 South Lottie R., domestic, ::;00 N 3d Louis D., ins, 9 S 2d, h 12!) do Louisa Mrs., h 1211 N 11~ Luther S., mgr, 27 N 3d, h I52:~ N 2d Marguerite, teacher, h 112 Short Mark, laborer, h 1124 N 11~ Marks, (Williams & Freedman), h 504 N 5th Mary, seamstress, h 1925 Wood av Mary, wid Thomas, h 212 Meadow la Morgan, roUer, h 1310 S Cameron N elIie R. Mrs., h 103 Filbert Newton, laborer, h 243 S 14th Nezza N., printer, h 408 Muench Oliver, laborer, h 27 Lochiel ad Row Peter, laborer, h 1524 Vernon Rachel, domestic, 1331 Wyeth av Richard, laborer, h 1149 Cumberland Robert, laborer, It 1:m2 \Villiam Robert E., molder, h Ins Vine Robert E., h 152i Green Samuel, junk, h 513 Cowden Samuel M., butler, 612 N Front Susan, wid James D., h 1408 Susquehanna


!~ri'a~"vUJ:.~a!!lsb~g _ S~Ylngs _a~~oan A~sn. {~:.= Williams Sylvester C. c., car inspect.or, h 1310 N 6th Williams Violet c., domestic, 132 State
Williams Walter W., porter P. & R. depot, h 112 Short 'Williams William, gardener, h 2U9 ~Ieadow la Williams William, laborer, h 2:t! Liberty Williams William, laborer, h 1408 N 4th Williams William c., laborer, h 13:12 \Villiam Williams & Freedman, (lVI. Williams and W. Freedman), junk, 427 North av Williamson Albert E., fireman, h 1327 Penn Williamson Clover B., molder, h 13:!3 Vernon Williamson Florence M., domestic, 1055 S 9th Williamson Harvey, miller C. 1. and S. Co., h 2119 Chestnut Williamson Jessie G., dressmkr, h la:!3 Vernon Williamson John H., engineer, h :lm~ Reily WiIliam!'on John :\1.. nailer, h 944 Paxton ,,\VilIiamson Leonard, laborer. h Iafi:! l\layflower av Williamson Man', milliner, 6 S 2d. h 1323 \' ernon \\'illiamson Peter, laborer, h 16411 X 4th Williamson Sidney A., wid William H., h 1112 Verbeke \Villiamson \Villiam. lahorer, h :U6 Xectarine av Willis Christopher D., elk Bureau Statistics, h 434 North Willis Clara T" h 921 ~ l~th \;\/illis Edward c., huyer, 3:l4 Market, h 2032 K 5th Willis Fannie, wid Samuel, h 268 Calder






POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No"r:..-:$~~ogle


E Willis Grant D., fireman,3a4 637 Woodbine Walnut Willis h a: Ida B., saleslady, Market, h 335


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

H M KELLEY . . . {IlOth ...d8ft ....... D. CO Sta





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~ G-OR GASTFiiRPRICEDIJRiilu {-1S-N.-3d-S-f ..

Willis John G., elk, h 4!l2 Market Willis Latimer, buyer, :.J34 Market, h 1633 Wallace Willis William F., bricklayer, h 323 PetTer Willis William F., teamster, h 1512 Penn Willits Charles R., elk sec Commonwealth, h 716 Capital Willoughby Frank F., linotype opr Patriot, h 1819 N 3d Willoughby George B., engineer, h 20;-l3 N 5th 'Willow George F., brakeman, h 617 Delaware av \Vills Hannah, laundress Lunatic Hospital, h do Wills Henrv, laborer, h 114!-l S 9th Wills John S., postal elk. h 25H Herr Wills Mattie, domestic, 1722 Susquehanna Willson Elizabeth R, h 2:l0 N 2d Wilmore Sonman Coal Co., V. C :McCormick, pres; W. Eo. Anwyll. sec and treas, 223 Market Wilsbach Lawrence. farmer. h Paxton ab Cameron Wilson Albert, fireman, h 128 Hover av Wilson Alice L., cashier, 406 Market. h 1506 Hunter Wilson Annie, wid James, ~ 344 Boyd av \Vilson Annie C, music teacher, h 511 Muench Wilson Benjamin. scullion, h 416 Cranberry av vVilson Blanche. domestic, h 1741 N 6th . Wilson' Calvin J., motorman, h 1307 Berrvhill

~ Wilson Carrie E., supervisor Lt1natic Hospital, h do I&J Wilson Charles D. C, civil engineer, h 601 Briggs

Z o Z

a: >

Wilson Charles H., stone planer. h 1118 Cowden Wilson Charles N., shoecutter, h 1823 Swatara Wilson Charles S., machinist, h 1211 Bailey Wilson Clara, domestic, 250 Verbeke WILSON DAVID, grocer, teas and coft'ees, 723 N 8th, h doWilson David, laborer, h 439 S 2d Wilson David A., hotel, 2()0 sad, h do I&J Wilson Edwin E., postal elk, h Hi25 Derry Wilson Elizabeth, wid Moses G., h 15416 Hunter av Wilson Elizabeth, wid Thomas, h 12;~0 Derry Wilson Elizabeth C, wid Henry H .. h 719 N 2d Wilson Elmer E., engineer, h 1519 Penn i!: Wilson Esther A., wid Oark, h 1215 Wallace i: Wilson Frank C, foreman. h 589 S Front CII \Vilson George, artist, h 18!lO Green ~ Wilson George. laborer, h 509 Calder _ \Vilson George F., conductor, h 511 ~Iuench :c \Vilson George L., oiler, h 1506 Hunter \Vilson George W., ice cream, 1936 Derry, h do ~ Wilson Harris B., (Hench & \Vilson), h 926 N 2d ~ Wilson Harn', hrakeman. h HI20 X Mh ..... Wilson Harr,', fireman, h :Jl) S Summit CD \Vilson Harr)', stage mgr, h 14:l;~! Regina


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~~~.:~ ANDREW



I. B. Tiel} FI:-~~o~J.:'.A:-,.lacf.~f.,~A {12161011D lbJI1I III

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory, Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson 'Wilson \Vilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson \Vilson \Vilson 697 Harry G., ironer, h 108 Tuscarora Henry J., steward, 302 Market, h 1412 James av Howard, bellman Hbg aub, h 246 Liberty Isabella S., wid Samuel, h 1317 Kittatinny Jacob, laborer, h 401 Filbert James, laborer, h 2632 61 James, teamster, h 1144 Cumberland James E., painter, h 1422 William James H., laborer, h :!525 61 James R, brakeman, h 344 Boyd av James R, driver, h 416 Cranberry av Jennie M., weaver, h 1506 Hunter av John, h 435 Walnut John, lamplighter, h 259 Delaware av John F., jr., laborer, h 1847 N 7th John W., butcher, h 502 S 13th Joseph T., engineer, h 434 Cumberland J. Robert, stengr, 413 Market, h :Ylechanicsburg J. Seymour, resident mgr, 227 Walnut, h 114 N 2d Kate, wid Jacob, h 72 N 14th Lizzie, domestic, 232 State Louisa Mrs., cook, 946 N 7th Lucy, laundress, h 527 South Luella Mrs., laundress, h 133 Cranberry av Lulu A., charwoman, h 410 Cowden



MILLER BROS. & BAKER i "15~t.~2.l:.~~1E

Wilson :\Iarian Mrs., h 311 Briggs Wilson Mary, laundress, h 527 South Wilson Mary J. l\'irs., h 1515 N 5th \Vilson Mary L. Mrs., housekeeper, 417 State \Yilson Mal}" V., h Home for the Friendless \Vilson M. Foss, stengr, 208 Walnut, h Mechanicsburg \Vilson :Ylissouri, dressmkr, h 608 State Wilson Percy S., chief elk P. & R, h 202 Locust \Vilson Ray, ball player, h 432 South av Wilson R D. & Co., (Robert D. Wilson and John N. ~IcCulloch), contractors, 307 Market Wilson Robert D., (R. D. Wilson & Co.), h 517 Walnut Wilson Samuel D. Rev., h 1311 Vernon Wilson Samuel G., foreman, h 1603! N 3d Wilson Samuel W., hostler, h rear 1113 Penn Wilson Sarah B., wid Benjamin F., J1 fi06 Showers av \Vilsoll Saunders A., elk, !!10 Walnut, h Penbrook Wilson Stanton, brakeman, h 1208 Penn Wilson Sue F., h Home for the Friendless Wilson Thomas, elk Dept Int Affairs, h 226 State \Vilson Thomas B., scullion, h 416 Cranberry av \Vilson Thomas B., shearsman, h HIS Tuscarora WILSON THOltlAS C., wall paper and painting, 1317lt1arket, h 19th and Chestnut Wilson William c., catcher, h 308 :\Iulberry

i I o







Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


. . Wilson William c., laborer, h 14'19 Marion ~ Wilson William F., h 119 S 13th .... Wilson William G., contractor, h 2:U! South ... Wilson William H., engineer, h 1506 Hunter Wilson William H., laborer, h 1605 Apricot av _ Wilson William H., laborer, h 5231 Maclay Ii Wilson William J., callcr, h 2017 Kensington u Wilson William W. T., car repairer, h 1711 Fulton ..: Wilt Carrie E., milliner, h 911 11: 3d ~ Wilt Edward c., brakeman, h 1731 N 6th Wilt Harvey M., car inspector, h 1967 Moltke av Wilt William F., shoes, 307 Verbeke, h 1830 N 6th Wilver Elmer L., bridge builder, h 1528 Walnut Wilvcr Frank, machinist, h mm North \Vilver Harris B., laborer, h 2023 Kensington Wilver John, shoemkr, h 44 N 13th \Vilvert Ella c.. domestic, 230 State -I Wimer Amos, wagonmkr, h 1209 Thompson av !! Wimer Charles J., laborer, h 1209 Thompson av (J) \Vimer Harry, laborer. h 1207 Thompsotf av \\Timcr Maude, h 1209 Thompson av Wimer \Villiam, foreman, h 1710 Fulton av 1&1 Vnmmer John, brakeman, h I:U7 \Villiam ..I \Vinand Clarence, clk C. I. and S. Co., h 1808 Susquehanna C Winand Fremont J., painter, h 627 Maclay


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nne GUn" ODd TrUst co.., C ...t ~I-:::': ~-=-}~:r= ~.


Winand Jacob, shipper C. I. and S. Co., h 123 Sylvan ter \Vinand LOll, h 120 Chestnut . \Vinand William, jr., engineer, h 848 S Cameron Winder Bertha, housekeeper, h 714 N 7th Winder Clara, domestic, 714 N 7th Winder Samuel, laborer, h 714 N 7th Windle Benjamin B., clk, 1272 Market, h 1265 Bailey Windle Mary J., wid Harry H., h 4)54 Calder Windsor Calvin L., caller P. R. R. frt depot, h 225 Mulberry Windsor Jesse L., clk, 19 N 2d, h 520 Woodbine Windsor l\Iary, saleslady, h 2:n Mulberry Windsor IVIary, wid Jesse, h 2:n Mulberry \Vindsor Maude, cigarmkr, h 231 ~It1lberry Windsor William H., inspector, h lR18 Green Windsor William L., engineer, h Hn Herr Windsor Wm. L., jr., constable, 200 Walnut, h :ns North Winegardner Robert B., trucker P. R. R., h URO Christian Winegardner \\'111. 1\1., trucker P. R. R., h 1184 Christian \Vineholt William E., brakeman. h HlU Elizabeth av Winemiller Edgar 1\1., laborer, h 617 Harris Q Winemiller Joseph C, brakeman, h 1n7 Harris W Winemiller Mary E .. wid Jefferson D., h (n7 Harris Winfield Bertha 1\ Irs .. midwife. h 4)08 State z Winfield Esther J., elk, h 4)08 State


The PATRIOT}A Nllspaper for tbe Home{!~iZ~!~~~~t~

Employ. nODe but dnf..cl_ workmen. beDee 0Il1,=ISUI A B TACK} daavcriUldlDlu.reell. WortdouelDlIDy,.,not { N.84&

City Direnlt<7ry.


Winfield Mark E., (:\-1. E. Winfield & Co.), h 608 State WUfFIELD & B. Winfield <7lid J<7W Y<7nfglOvitg), clomiliers gentf3' fUrliif3Yingn, Y22<>t ccccket Winfre William, hostler, h 236 N Court av YVingand ChlLfles L, hostler h PeYgr K, Igboree, h 5:3d llY hhingard Wingard George H., variety, 544 Woodbine, h do E., df3oommYr, h 5th YVingate A. lLyne, tllmdyrnhr, h 4,44 Wingate John, bootblack, h 504 South 4Vingea nd ATITli cc, wid Luthel", h 5tH Cowden DTlniel, h aa Granite av Wmgeard David 0., foreman F. and M. Works, h 220 Mit llterrcc G~nege mgr, 1007 lid, h lidO Rd1d Wingeard William, installer, 210 Walnut, h 220 Mulberry H., h 102:5 N dth E., c1d, 5m; h N Winger Harry C, physician, 1025 N 7th, h do hVinger Harxh C, jf3 lettee f3arril'n h H7 N 12th c1usnell C, rYH51der, 102:'; 7th Wingert Harry S., laborer, h 41H S 16th Wingef3t Jesse, h 13~6 Simon L., 612 hford Wingrove Willis G., grocer, 43 S 13th, h do

driver, h 1623 Regina mmn narry conductor, 192d <>togan av Winn John, bricklayer, h 120 Balm Winn Mary M., cigar roller, h 611 Showers av mmn ichael, jr., puiuter, fill ilihawees ZiV Winn Rebecca, wid William, h 109 Calder Winn William, engineer, h 1611 Susquehanna ZiZiinn We',n Winsiow Mofii~ E., wid John, h 1627 N 4th Winter Ida, cook The Commonwealth, h 35 S Court av dflinter Ignatm1l, h Court av Winters Annie, wid William, h 1334 Mayhower av Winters Catharine, wid William, h 213 Harris Winterll Charlre W" 314 3d Winters C Ross, upholsterer, h 109 S 2d Winters Edgar R., ins sol, 15 N 2d, h 1061 S 9th WINTrlc1r1 EflWARD 14., :tln4ary hlLblic, Uild typewriter, 204-206 Market, h 118 S hh Winters Francis D., fireman, h 656 Cumberland Wintel"ll S., 1 hd, l;s36 av Winters Henry C, laborer, h 806 Capital Winters Isaiah D., h 314 S 2d hhinterr ~am"'l A., elO;Rneee 65(0 (:umbefland Winters James E., laborer, h 1117 Grape av Winters John, foreman, h 1922 N 7th


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- - O U R MOTTO.--I Hon_t Coal, Weicht (

H M KELLEY 011 CO o.


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c:: Winters John B., machinist, h 656 Cumberland

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Juseph hookfr 1541 Sseatara [\'inter's Joseph engineer, h 6H3 Reily G.. Winters Joseph c., brakeman, h 1624 N 3d ~ \Vinters Juseph T, Cmnhedand mters A., ,sid Tltzsmsts J., (t56 Csm herland c:: Winters Mary E., wid George, h 109 S 2d CIoI? a::I Winters Maud, cigarmkr, h 314 S 2d ~Winters hamuel, kSY't'man, d20 Maskat t:i mtersHsomas h 11 Cowdan ~ Winteri William, flagman, h 1641 N 7th ..... 'Winters William c., timekeeper, h 616 Reily 010 inters William labotss 150h Howard ~W mters illiam agt, t.!~ WIOters William L., driver, h 656 Cumberland \iVintersteen Grace, physician Lunatic Hospital, h do ipperma Chaakt G .. salasman. 3d, h 1h24 Ftsh'm :; 'ippermaH Juliua mattsess weaeer, h 1hh7 Fultou _ \Vipperman 'William, marketmaster, h 1824 Fulton G) Vlire \Villiam, heater, h 1104 Grape av :: ise wid Jacub, h Deter tse Arme Mrs.. 124 u~lle Wise Annie Mrs., grocer, 1153 Cumberland, h 1242 Herr

~ Winters John \V huckster, h 1641 N 7th


\Vise !; \Vise CIoI? !!! 551se ~ Wise \Vise !:: 1se 'ise \Vise 1.&1 \Vise ... )Vise ... \ sse 1.&1 lse

== \\ tse Bntt ha :M., milliner,





h24 Balm Charles E., boilermkr, h 124 Nagle Chtdes E . shue h ::S5 Homard Dauih H., cutter, h ;):>2 LOh;an av Edward S., laborer, h 130S Penn Elizabeth Mrs., h 1U32 Logan av Elizabeth, Jeremiah, h 1VSh\Vallacc Fk1sznce, domestic, AngR Foster T. A., h 12U Stra\vberry av Frederick D., machinist, h 211 Calder ]., hssilermkc 124:.? ,rr domestic,70B (jth Harry, driver, h 31 1\ Cameron Harry


> o

\Vise Z ',vise 'ise 1.&1 Vise \Vise \\rise 'ise ise


h ~~t?al~~e~~rd hottsekeeper, AnnIe av Henry F., machinist, h 1407' 'Regina James M., machinist, h 116 Hoerner Jobs. molder h 1UH; nth john, shoet"lttter, h Pefft t Johu A., tinsmith, h Hi:!8 Penn John A., wMehouseman, h 1104 l\larket John G., lahoTtT. h 1~?42 Helt' John \V., turner h l::!t B;;lm LewIs F .. Iahorer. h ~tra\\ berry av

y' l~i\~t~~~:I~lr,

Redmond's Wagon Works {:~h~.t:''f;b!:~a:;::-:}-3-d-an-d-B-e!-I,-S-tJ;-; Go e


A. B. TACK l:s'=:Uo1I011 PODer OIId IIndOI ~hOdeS ftlW.8~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

70! CD c:

Wise Lizzie Mrs., domestic, 23 S 2d ~ 'Vise 1Iaude E., saleslady, 334 Market, h Hi Evergreen Wise Robert P., engineer, h 119 Mulberry Wise Susan E., housekeeper, 1523 N 2d 'Vise Theodore, grocer, 431 Korth, h do 'Wise Wi.Jliam, laborer, h 1324 K 4th \Vise William, steelworker, h 5U4 Showers av Wise William B., coachman, h 237 Cranberry av Wise William c., boilermkr, h 219 l\'1ulberry Wise Wm. H., boarding, 329 Chestnut, h do \Vise William M., brakeman, h 1813 Susquehanna Wissler Augustus R., laborer, h 655 Boas Wissler Christian R., laborer, h 12th nr Reilv Wissler Jacob H., fireman, h 644 Boas '. \Vister Charles A., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 411 Mkt "'ister Eda V., milliner, 36 N :3d. h Mechanicsburg Witchey George H., carpenter, h uno Elizabeth av \Vitherow Alice, teacher, h 111 Chestnut Witherow Elizabeth Mrs., h 1222 Currant av "'"itherow Louisa 1\1., wid Frank c., h 111 Chestnut 'Vitherow Sallie 1\1., seamstress. h 1625 N 4th 'Witherow 'WiIliam, laborer, h 26 Lochiel 3d Row \Vitherow William H., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 332 do Withrow James B., engineer, h 1625 N 4th \Vithrow Jane R., dressmkr, h 1529 N 3d

MILLER BROS. cl BAKERf~~~b~~'t.~~1E ~

Withrow :'IIary, shirtmkr, h 1625 N 4th Witman Cora, cigarmkr, h 1123 Capital Witman Edward L., h 1705 K Front \Vitman Emanuel \V., laborer, h 2:~9 N 15th Witman Horace M., elk, 1i15 Walnut, h 1418 N 2d Witman Jane M., wid Daniel, h 239 N 15th .:: 'Vitman l\lary, wid Alfred H., h Swatara nr 16th \Vitman Peter B., car repairer, h 1123 Capital S WITMAN-SCHWARZ CO., William Witman, pres; 1. Grant a Schwarz, sec; wholesale grocers, also salt fish, 813-815- . . 617 Walnut Witman \V. Frank, salesman, 615 Walnut, h 809 N 2d \Vitman \Villiam, pres \Vitman-Schwarz Co., It 214 State 'Witman, see Whitman Witmer Charles D., carpenter, h fl21 S l!hh \Vitmer David H., buyer, 334 Market, h lfil9 Green \Vitmer George E., patternmkr, h 923 S 19th \Vitmer Isaac W., carpenter, h 921 S 19th \Vitmer John F., laborer, h 1951 Berryhill Witmer William J., laborer, h 195L Berryhill \Vitmer \Villiam K., brick laver, h 605 N Cameron \Vitmyer 1\Iaude A., bookkpr. 21 ?\ :~d, h Xew Cumberland 'Vitmyer William G.. brakeman, h 1626 Susquehanna 'Vittle George, driver, h lll16! James \Vittle Harvey J., brakeman. h 21127 Briggs

i .



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McN.i1's Pain EIt.rmlnator ~"T:J.~'1.":e =t!:i.s"~Dlt {ao:~~


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory

a: ....

..: Wittle John E., engineer, h 127 Verbeke Wittle Kate, wid Jacob, h 1520 Susquehanna 'g Wix James :\1., bartender, 601 Cumberland, h 203 Muench ca Wix, see Wicks 1& Wizer John, laborer, h 212 ~Iulberry ~ Wizer, see Weiser ~ W oernle Herman L., blacksmith. h 1621 N 5th :& Wohlfarth Albert J., bartender, 323 Reily, h 904 Cowden Q Wohlfarth Catharine, liner. h 255 S Cameron 'vVohlfarth Charles, shoe operator, h 255 S Cameron Wohlfarth Charles F., policeman, h 904 Cowden Wohlfarth John, laborer, h 240 Crescent Wohlfarth John H., mattress mfr, Swatara c Daisy av, h 446 S 14th c:: WOHLFARTH lOHN L., Star Hotel, 323326 Reily, h do "iii Wohlfarth Leopold, h 902 Cowden ........ Wohlfarth l\1innie W., wid Charles, h 255 S Cameron (/) Wohlfarth William F., pipe fitter, h 2022 Elizabeth av 'vVohlleben 'Henry, carpenter, h 1428 Susquehanna Woland Annie, domestic, 1612 Swatara \Voland John P., watchmkr, h 714 N 3d .... Woland Lydia A, dressmkr, 714 N 3d, h do Wolbert Horace B., grocer. 717 N ~d. h 301 Briggs Wolcott :\lartha J. l\Irs., h 1100 N Front C Wolf Albert, timekeeper, h 1403 S 1.2th





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__ Wolf ~ WoH I!: Wolf : Wolf E Wolf Wolf U Wolf Wolf ~ Wolf Q \Volf U Wolf Q . Wolf Wolf : Wolf Wolf ~ Wolf ~ Wolf Wolf Wolf i- Wolf Wolf ~ Wolf

Z Wolf Annie G., wid John A., 1329 Bartine av o \VoH Benjamin W., engineer, hhHummelCameron o Wolf Bessie, cigarmkr, h 234 sao S

Charles R., pressman, h 2:U Hummel Claire E., salesman, 331 Market, h 1215 Fulton Edward F., blacksmith, h 32 Balm Ella AIrs., saleslady, 334 Market, h 1215 Derry Elsie R., stenographer, 29 N 2d, h 1423 Shoop George, h 424 S Cameron Grover c., driver, h 1227 Currant av Harvey, molder, h 131 Hoerner Henry M., machinist, h 1820 Derry Inez, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Jacob c., milk dealer, i11423 ~hoop James H., laborer, h 1537 Logan av John G., elk, h 1237 Kittatinny John H., marblecutter, h 131 Hoerner John L., car repairer, h 411 Market John L., paver, h 1129 Grape av J. Oscar, dnver, h 55 N 17th Joseph, laborer, h 26th ab Derry Joseph H., carpenter, h 1632 Walnut Leroy P., laborer. h 1423 Shoop Lula c., h 1329 Bartine av Mattie, saleslady. 312 Market, h 625 Boas

~-=:':':-rmo;: I0Il par IIIHllbldol SIIOdeS lrom A.

B TACK {N.1:Jtt.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Wolf Melissa H. Mrs., h 1129 Grape av Wolf Raymond c., foreman, 2011 Cherry av, h 1621 Mkt Wolf T. Claude, carpenter, h 1213 ~ Front Wolf William H., laborer, h 1621 Market Wolf William K., laborer, h 26th ab Derry Wolfe Benjamin, machinist, h 402 S 2d Wolfe Benjamin W., steelworker, h 9131 S 201 Wolfe Charles A., electrician, h 2101) Derry Wolfe Charles F., puddler, h 10 Chesapeake av Wolfe Clinton H., barber, 16 N 2d, h 257 Briggs Wolfe Frank L., solicitor, h 14:{7 Derry Wolfe Harry 1\1., collector Patriot, h 33 Sassafras av Wolfe Henry G., asst supt, Herr clOth, h 912 N 3d Wolfe Hugh B., molder, h 1224 Bailey Wolfe John c., carpenter, h 16.17 N 3d Wolfe Leah, beader, h 1224 Bailey Wolfe LeRoy J., ('Volfe & Bailey), h 132 State Wolfe Margaret, attendant Lunatic Hospital, h do . Wolfe Mary]., stenographer, 51 S 3d, h 1820 Derry Wolfe Ralph M., patternmkr, h 500 S 13th Wolfe Rena, domestic, 912 N 5t-h Wolfe Robert K., car repairer, h 2011 ::-.J 7th Wolfe Sarah M., wid Samuel, h 112 South Wolfe Wesley, elk, h 1423 North





Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. ~ ::=: ~

Wolfe William, tailor, 207 Locust, h Steelton Wolfe William H., shoecutter, h 1224 Bailey WOLFE & BAILEY, (LeRoy 1. Wolfe and Charles L. Bailey, jr.), lawyers, 16 B 2d Wolfensberger Oscar, elk, 401 Chestnut, h Lemoyne Wolfersberger David, fireman, h 12th c Walnut Wolfersberger Earl B., sign writer, h 622 Harris Wolfersberger Gabriel E., foreman, h 622 Harris Wolfersberger Levi, farmer, h 12th c Walnut W olfersberger Walter S., elk, 4UU Cumberland, h 622


Wolff Gates H., laborer, h 71 N 10th Wolfgang Francis E., laborer, h 322 Kelker Wolfgang James 1\1., laborer, h 328 Kelker Wolfinger Catharine E., h 313 Chestnut Wolfinger William, elk, h 313 Chestnut Wolfley Clarence N., fish, &c., 2'26 N 2d, h do Wolfley Harry A., checkman P. R R, h 226 N 2d Wolfley Jennie G., pcnmkr, h 226 N 2d Wolfley John c., elk, h 226 N 2d Wolfley Kate, wid Jacob B., h 226 N 2d Wolford George W., agt, h 1605 N 3d Wolford Howard J., salesman, h 1605 N 3d Wolford John, h 328 Chestnut WOLFORD JtlARTIB L., physician, 328 Chestnut, h do

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=.= rCoogle
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M. KELLEY &C00S~!an;::o::;.;~{~~I.'..~
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory,

Wolford William, laborer, h :W:!.:! Elizabeth av \OoHshon /,nnis, saleslady, ;{4) :ld, h dOl WaJnu0 \\iolfshon Julius, a~;t, h 4(}4 Walnut Wolfson Charles A., (Wolfson & Brelmer), h 404 Walnut vVolfson & Brsnnsr, (c. A. dVulfsGZ1 and J. H. shoes, 401'! Walnut \Oollerton ,larry boilermkr, h 15:{:;. N (ith \Volkrton . \\'id ~haOes E., h 101 \V;LlIace \\:ollerton Theodore F., engineer, h 15:{Z N mh \Oolkrton William M., shearsman, h 161{) N 6th W olltt Chestee A~, lahorsr, !H!) 'h !/0 L vVolpert Charles jeweler, 2:1 N 3d, h ~12 do \\'ols Nsllie, \\'id J., h SUI East \Vomack ] Ghnson~ laboree. h 520 ltiown Women'~ E~chal~ge, Emily M. Hessenberger, mgr, fancy f;O(SfS, 0004:5 N 3d Womer AIda, ~;a1e;slady, h (H C;;)dsr Womer Catharine G., 'feeder, 113 N 2d, h 617 Calder \Ooyner Jaeob B., labornr, 1HT ~lultkf: au \Vorner' 10hn, fireman, h 617 Cnlde] Wonder 'John S., carpenter, h 72 N 14th \Oond Annie L wid lohn, 1:-011 Wood Charles H.~ en~oineer, h 60a Sh;;wers \Oood Cllsworth R., policeman, h 1922 Elizabeth av Wood Ezrsy D~, mgT,.WH :'Ihrket, E:14"\' dd

I. B. TAel}J1lL PIPER e:=-~ IIIDOIIHIDEShr;;:~"

Boyd'. Harrisburg City Direotory. 705

'Voods Sarah B., domestic, 512 N 5th WOODS TROKAS A., nurseryman, York av cAsh

h 919 .....

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. ,

Woodson Bettie, wid Gilbert, h 1332 William Woodson Charles, elevator boy, h 1332 William Woodward Abigail Y., h I) N Front UJ Woodward Daisy, domestic, 1237 N 7th Woodward Joel M., laborer, h 1212 Apple av Woodward Julia, domestic, 401 N 2d ;:::; Woof Edward, baker, 528 Forrest, h do III Woof James, produce, 528 Forrest, h do Woof Russel W., driver, h 528 Forrest I Woof Thomas, draftsman, h 528 Forrest C) Woof Thomas A., laborer, h 528 Forrest Woolcott Henry]., miller, h 10!) Washington l> Woolis George J., elk, h 1432 N 6th C Woolley Elizabeth A., bookkpr, 18 N 3d, h 350 Crescent Woolley George, laborer, h 1611 Huntel 1"'1 Woolley John E., watertender, h 350 Crescent UJ Woolley Mary J., bookkpr, 1516 N 3d, h 350 Crescent WOOLWORTH F. W. &: CO., E. B. Wood, mgr, 6 and 10-cent l> store, 406 Market and 6 and 7 N 4th "'II W DOster Emma, seamstress, h 925 N 6th 1"'1 Worcester William M., elk, h 2010 N 5th . UJ




MILLER BROS. cl BAKER~ "I~~b~~'t.~~


Worden H. M. Fuller, mgr Brelsford Packing Co., h 637 Maelay Worden James H., sec and treas Brelsford Packing Co., h ~ 635 Maclay vVorden, see Warden Work Charles W., h 546 Woodbine Work Edward F., fireman, h 546 Woodbine Work Emma F., saleslady, :134 Market, h 546 Woodbine Work Hugh M., engineer, h 546 Woodbine Workheiser Harry F. R., elk, 401 Chestnut, h 1227 Mulberry. ;;;. Workman John F., janitor, h 1427 Zarkel' Worley Frank, cab driver, h 1422 Walnut Worley Jesse E., painter, h 423 Strawberry av Worley Kleiner, wid John, h 105 ~arket Worley Margaret M., seamstress, h 599 S Front 'Vorley Mary E., music teacher, 111 Paxton, h do Worley Philip, laborer, h 1:328 N 4th Worley Samuel A., linotype operator, h 205 Kelker Worley William, foreman, h 111 Paxton Worley William H., repairsman, h 1121 Capital Worman L. Nelson, packer, 201 N 2d, h 1921 N 6th Wormley Frances M., teacher, h 81~ N 6th WORMSER ALFRED G., ofilce, 9 N 2<1, h 1522 do Worst Jacob H., clk Granel Hotel, h 11 X 5th

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No 1230



~ Ie


== Drug ud Patlot ledlclle Store{

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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.>Q U

Worthington Lester, civil engineer, 9 N 2d, h 249 North W outersz Bernard de, chef The Comwlth, h 636 Camp Wox Marie, saleslady, 334 Market, h Marysville Wren Joseph, blacksmith, 10th nr State, h 209 Meadow la Wright Agnes Mrs., h 966 S 21st Wright Ambrose W., brakeman, h 644 Woodbine Wright Augustus, drivel', h 347 S Cameron Wright Burchard E., mgr, 23 N 3d, h 115 Locust c:I Wright Carter, laborer, h 526 West av Wright Charles E., brakeman, h 644 Woodbine c:I Wright Oara B., looper, h 2287 ~ 7th Wright Oarence L., dentist, h 115 Locust Wright Edward, laborer, h 527 South Wright Florence G. Mrs., h 1619 ~ 3d Wright Frank, laborer, h 1323 Penn Wright Frederick, driver, h 347 S Cameron Wright George, hostler, h 2016 X 7th Wright George, laborer, h 400 Filbert a Wright Harry, wheelwright, h 1520 Penn U) Wright Harry L., laborer, h 203 Verbeke Wright Hattie M., looper, h 2287 N 7th Wright Howard L., boilermkr, h 203 Verbeke 1&1 Wright Huldah, waitress, h 709 Cowden ~ Wright James c., conductor, h442 Cumberland c( Wright John B., telegrapher P. & R., h 1253 Baile,

1&1 1&1

C IIIIR1J IIId Trust co. =,".~ ..m::::-;.:;. }~= =:

Wright Lawrence M., helper, h 37 N 16th Wright Lydia, domestic, 1008 N 6th Wright Mary]., housekeeper, 2124 Turner a'l Wright Matthew, laborer, h 114 Liberty Wright Milton j., planer, h 1325 Derry Wright Moses, plumber, h 603 Boas Wright Oscar W., huckster,h Herr c Cowden \Vright Samuel A., carpenter, h 313 Boas Wright Thomas, h 2016 N 7th Wright William, brakeman. h 1762 Logan av Wright Wm. E., physician State Lunatic Hospital, h do Wright William F., driver, h 2287 N 7th Wright Willis A., laborer, h 1716 Logan av Wright, see Reith, also Right Wrightstone Grant, laborer, h 207 ~Iulberry Wrightstone Irvin, laborer, h 321 Dauphin Wueschinsky Frederick, machinist. h 261 Delaware av Wurster Edward F .. polisher, h 1807 ~larket Wurster John, h 1431 Vernon Wurster John, jr., grainer, h 1429! Vernon Wyant Elizabeth D .. h 1204 N 2d Wyant Ellen J., weaver, h 1204 Bartine av Wyant Elsie ~I.. quiller, h 1204 Bartine av Wyant l\lary 1\1., weaver, h 1204 Bartine av Wyant Nancy G., quiller, h 1204 Bartine av
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Boyd's Harriaburg City Directory. 707

Wyant Samuel P., laborer, h 1204 Bartine av Wyant William H., librarian C. H., h 1204 N 2d Wyant Wm. W., stenographer, 219 Market, h 1204 N 2d Wyble William N., elk, h 406 Boas Wykoff Marian, elk, h 715 N 3d Wykoff William C., (Wykoff & :\!orrett), h 456 Verbeke WYKOFF &; KORBETT, (W. C. Wykoff and S. T. Korrett), lID plumbers, steam and gsa fitters, 466 Verbeke Wyland Elma B., h 1333 ~ 6th lei Wyman Elma, housekeeper, 1333 N 6th Wyman Eugene, laborer, h 1217 Derry CD Wyman Nettie M., domestic, 1~9 Berryhill Wynekoop Amanda Mrs., domestic, 1116 N 3d Wynekoop Bertha A., housekeeper, 126 Cherry av Wynekoop Laura, laundress Hbg Hospital, h 126 Cherry av Wynn Albert, laborer, h 18.15 Fultoli Wynn Charles E., bridgeman, h 1415 Penn :z: Wynn Frank, fireman, h 28 N 16th Wynn Ida Mrs., weaver, h 614 N 3d \Vynn, see Winn


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Yake Belle, wid Joseph, h 25 Evergreen Yake J. Wm., chief elk P. & R frt depot, h 25 Evergreen Yaney Mary A., wid Lewis, h 1708 N 3d


SaYings and Loan Assn.{::::=



Yaple Albert A., conductor, h 6:35 Harris Yaple L. Ross, laborer, h IH27 Fulton Yaple McCune, brakeman, h 505 ~It'ench Yarman Alfred, driver, h 208 Charles av Yarnall Edgar L., brakeman, h 1302 Market Yarnall John L., chief elk, 210 Walnut, h 1617 Regina Yarrington Ernest, canvasser, h 227 Crescent Yates Clara J., bookkpr, 105 N 2d, h Steelton Yates Lena, domestic, 311 Walnut Yates Leon, postal elk, h 1257 S l:~th Yeager Augustus L., laborer, h 241 l\luench Yeager Catharine, h 311 S Front Yeager Edward, laborer, h 1816 Wood av Yeager Elizabeth, wid Charles, h 20a ~ 15th Yeager Elmer E., brakeman, h 625 Herr Yeager Frank C, laborer, h 1423 Vernon Yeager Frederick J., h 1911 Forster Yeager Frederick W., molder, h 30 N Summit Yeager Henry, car inspector, h 662 Boas . Yeager Irvin, heater, h 1021 Hemlock Yeager John, laborer Lunatic Hospital, h do Yeager l\fargaret, h 311 S Front Yeager ~Hchael, laborer, h 1130 S nth Yeager Philip R, elk P. R R, h 311 S Front Yeager Philip S., elk. 22:1 '!-.Iarket, h 311 S Front


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Samul~l, expres5man~ ~HI1 StedLlln Samuel J., laborer, h 1954 Swatara ~ ~ Wilbur K~ agt, h ~1() N ad a~ \ Villian} G~i machinis%, h Htil Herr 'y~lIiam J., elk P. R. ~. ~rt depot, h :30 ~ Summit l!l11~~~nn J if '~ntte'~ l} 311 Sllntm ll Y;~glcy f\a;~~'H:: ~Ik The C;~tral, h P~;k H~tel Yeakel Mary wid Chllrlel< h I:? X ront Y llllkle . ., c1~" H 2d, 11~ 14th en Yeaklev Rebecca E., wid Adam, h 1~10 Wood av Yllldcf - IarF port<~'. It ,101 slrbekl' Yeater A. Cloyd, engineer, h 19:t! N 5th

~ Yeager Rebecca, wid Daniel, h 11112 X 7th


Y n:;ager Yeager Yeager Yeager ':eager \' p~igcr

~~~!~~ u~~~!J(~'J1Z;llS~k~11~;;;, l~:~ ~

dth Yeater Clayton A., machinist h 1717 X 5th


Nellie \i,:lf~;~~';,r h Fl~gYI:th h14 Yantd} . Frlil}k, llar h :~H an lill Ycntzer C;corge VI'., cigars, 400 Ch<cstnut, h ~:!:! Cowden Yentzer Lena, wid Geor8e D, h H31 S Wth Yl',llJl'r 8ntdauce, 11 Z Xetter ~ ohn R.! cigars, 1721 N ',i,th, h Steelton \'l'lter Allholl J., mspecmr, 11 ~.{!I 2zz Yewdell Ida H., wid Benjamm, It ~:!7 ~ 3d

F ~~r~~:t

N. 3d SL
h n~ J\'illiam larry ~I., labor<cr, h (JIl5 l~ace Yinger Robert C, tester, h 1418 William YiUf;lillh can:;pentu, h 4:~ nn Yingling Maynard F., salesman, :t!l :Ylarket, h 422 do dllen, 8romlr, :~4;~ Peffn, h ho Yingst Catharine, wid William, h 4 Chesapeake av ~hardr D., .C & Con), ;om;i Caldl'r . 0., llH:;'! N Front Charles F., Charles W.~ driver. It 4~!I Kelker hiavid A., llkctri,~ian, ~:l;i Harns Yingst Edward, elk Paxton F. ann F. Co., h Hummelstown Yingst :phraim, motorman, h 321 Peffer Yin8st Faber D., printer, 1411~ :..; ~M, h :\IiddktoWll ~ rank., saksman. :! Market, l:!lIk X Fr lOt Yingst Frederick c., electrician, h l():H \Vallace Cd~TH" k m rr 4 'd h ~ll Yingst Harry ~L. el~ctri~i~n. h -1115 Sot1th ' Yins:st Hanl'l' cooper, h Hi ,;\nn ov A., i~enl 2115 Chestnut Yingst J. Charles, (J. C. Yingst & Son), h 505 Calder YlkGST CkkR88S & kOYl (J, dkarlell ansi Pharles D. furniture, carpets, &c., 1334 and 1336 Ii 6th CillO. l"llf]Ktl, 1 esk X It (h,


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ANDREW REDMOND {3d and Raily Sfs,



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A. B. TACK}WaJl PaDar and Wlndol Sbadas{~:lf~lL

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory. 709

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Yingst John R., messgr !\'Ier Nat Bank, h ]2:JO N :Jd -c Yingst Kate E., h 5115 Calder !iii Ying!;t Luther G., laborer, h 4 Chesapeake av Yingst Ralph A., elk, 1334 ~ lith. h 505 Calder Yingst Walter, laborer, h a21 Peffer l> Yingst William, driver, h 4211 Kelker ." Yocum Henry N., carpenter, h 15:lH K 6th 1'1 Yocum John \V., switchman, h 174:1 Sllsquehanna CD Yocum \Villiam H., engineer, h 1721 Green Yocum William ~I., flagman, h 2108 Turner av Yoder C. William E., steam fitter, h 826 Cowden Yoder Forrest L., stenographer Telegraph, h 8:W Cowden Yoder H. Rudy. engineer, h 1U:14 N 5th Yoder James, laborer, h 16114 N 5th Yoder James, jr., driver, h 1604 N 5th Yoder J. Lemon, engineer. h 1635 Wallace Yoffe Harry, (Katzman & Yoffe), h 125 S Cameron Yoffe Isaac, grocer, {)flO North. h 5211 State Yoffe Jacob, chinaware, 1301 Fulton, h do Y offe Max B., elk, a32 Verbeke, h 1:~:l0 William Yoffe Morris, (M. Yoffe & Bro.), h 125 S Cameron Yoffe Moses. laborer, h 1340 William Yoffe 1\1. & Bro., (~L and T.). bottlers, 294 S Cameron Y offe Sarah, domestic. 10]5 Green Yoffe Tobias, ()'1. Yoffe & Bro.), h ]27 S Cameron



MILLER BROS. &: BAKERi '~::5~b:~-:;'~;~1I: :a

Y ohe Charles E . ins sol, h 1254 Derry Yohe Henry, laborer Capitol, h 12211 Currant av Yohe John H., motorman, h W12 N 4th Yohe Renee, cook, 21 S Front Yohe Samuel, laborer, h 12".'0 Currant av .. YOU BROS., (E. W. Yohn) , pianos, organa and musical !f. goods, 223 1larket Yohn Charles A., carpenter, h ]903 Wood av Yohn Ezra W., (Yohn Bros.), h Mechanicsburg Yontz Charles J., laborer, h 170;1 N 5th Yontz Harry F., painter, h 318 Reily Yontz John H., painter, h W19 Herr Yontz Joseph S., painter, h l!130 Boas Yontz Joseph S., jr., laborer, h Hmo Boas Yontz Marcus :lVIc., machinist, h 1515 N mh Yontz :\1argaret, wid 'William H. H., h 1515 N lith Yontz Newton R., laborer. h 607 N Camer",n Yontz Richard L. H., painter, h Hi15 ~ 6th Yontz \VilIiam H., plasterer, h l!I:m Boas Yontz William S., brakeman, h 1507 Penn Yooss Catharine, wid Florin, h 1527 Logan av YORK HENRY, h 711 N 6th York Lois, h 711 N 6th York Maria, h 711 N 6th Yorty Florence, saleslady, a:l4 l\larket, h 1218 ;..r Front






Mil'. COIIPI.IIID PI.;::t~I!r; 306 B_

Yosolovitz John, (M. E. Winfield & Co.), grocer, &c., 225 Meadow la, h do Yost Annie E. Mrs., h 402 V~rbeke Yost Annie E., \\id Zacharias, h 412 Muench Yost Catharine, wid Levi, h 664 Boas Yost Dora B., elk, 411 N 2d, h 205 North Yost Edward W., butcher, h 412 Muench Yost Elmer E., helper, h 1052 S Camt:ron Yost Florence, domestic, 111 S 2d Yost Frank S., laborer, h 412 Muench Yost George W., helper, h 1737 Fulton Yost Harry Z., laborer, h 402 Verbeke Yost Isaac W., brakeman, h ;)1Jl Cumberland Yost Jeremiah D., detective P. R. R., h 664 Boas Yost Lillie M., telephone opr, 227 Walnut, h 402 Verbeke Lulu 323 Granite av ....... Yost Mary M., winder, h304 Market, h 1905 N 4th Yost c., cashier, U) Yost Mary J., wid Charles, h 660 Sayford av Yost Minnie Mrs., h 205 North Yost Nellie M., roller, h 1052 S Cameron Yost Roy, ironworker, h 1052 S Cameron Yost Thomas H., engineer, h 1905 N 4th Young Albert, laborer, h 1600 Elm c( Young Alexander, laborer, h 1709 Elm Young Arthur c., horse dealer, h 222 Forster



Boyd's Harrisburg City Direotory.




Young Benjamin F., conductor, h 418 S 16th Young Bertha M., saleslady, 304 Market, h 1056 S 9th Young B. Frank, elk, 115 Market, h 211 Walnut Young Cad ville D., electrician, h 430 S 2d Young Charles H., weighmaster, h 1000! S Cameron Young Charles \V., brakeman, h 1203 Green Young Charles \V .. electrician. h 125 Sa\ford av Young Charles \"i., nailer, h 6116 Showers av Young Clarkson L., gasmkr, h 30'2 S 2d Young Cora B., h 123 1\1 ulberrv Young Cora 1\1., h 5H9 S Front Young Daniel W., driver, h 451 Hay av . Young David F., expressman, 401 Chestnut, h 1102 N 2d Young David K., plumber, h 119 Mulberry Young Elizabeth, wid David, h 1412 S 13th Young Ellen, seamstress, h 2a9 State Young Eva, laundress, h 644 Primrose av 1&1 Young Frank, elk, h 1056 S 9th ~ Young Frank 1\1.. engineer, h 1806 Penn Young George A., foreman, 7th c Forster h 2029 Logan av Young George G., grocer, 1000 S Camer~n, h do Young George :\1.. butcher, h 323 Crescent Young George M., salesman, 9 N 2d, h 242 North Young George W., planer, h 1056 S 9th Young Gertrude Mrs., saleslady, 221 Market, h Carlisle

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J fir E .... ~ rille GOoronlY ODd TlMI co If ....... 1 ...........,.'"~........ tn., If ....... II UO ...... C.lraclln .... c.rta

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES n;~~.:.t;ED~ALL SCOIUII8

Digitized by


I. B. TICK}~=:'~:~"~..{:U,!!;.a::!
Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.

Young Harry c., letter carrier, h 121 Conoy Young Harry F., huckster, h 338 Verbeke Young Harry F., machinist, h 242 North Young Henry, laborer, h 349 Reily Young Henry F., meat, 506 Walnut, h 508 do Young Henry H., track walker, h 1006 S Cameron Young Jacob R., laborer, h 123 N 16th Young James E., laborer, h 1 N 9th Young James H., barber, h 3 r 1028 State Young James H., brakeman, h 17361 N 5th Young John, pool room, The Lochiel, h 1125 Capital Young John G., genl agt, 813 Market, h 50 N 13th Young John H., foreman, h 599 S Front Young John J., janitor, h 111 Short Young Julius L., fireman, h 605 Forster Young Louisa, wid Amos W., h 221 Forster Young Martha, housekeeper, 4221 State Young Martha, wid Adam, h r 1032 State Young Martha E., wid Adam, h 3 r 1028 State c= Young Mary E., took, h 554 Primrose av ~ Young Mary E., h 221 Forster :::::! Young Mary P., wid John W., h 211 Walnut ~ YOUNG J4EN'S CHlUSTIAN ASSOCIATION, Homer Black, genl sec, 2d c Locust

> o


} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ = ==:


Young Oscar W., helper. h 126 Vine Young Robert, laborer, h 353 S Cameron Young Robert, laborer, h 554 Primrose av Young Robert, laborer, h 522 North av Young Robert G. X., laborer, h 4221 State Young Ross W., cigars, 14!-JOi N 6th. h 508 Walnut Young Sallie J., wid John, h 1506 Green Young Sarah, wid James B., h 452 S Cameron Young Willard S., elk, 2:!!-J Market, h 221 Forster Young \Villiam, waiter, 314 :Market, h do Young William H., asst supt,14 S 2d, h a:l9 Hummel Young William H., conductor, h 1:l2 Hoerner Young William H., driver, h r 349 Reily YOUNG WOKEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Alma L. Pittman, sec, 1102 N 3d Younger Andrew J.. laborer, h 1624 Wallace Yount Chas. E., drygoods, &c .. 322 Verbeke, h 1502 Green You sting George E., elk P. R. R.. h 234 N 15th Yousling John Y., carpenter, 119 Verbeke, h 1213 Green Youst David F., asst machinist Lunatic Hospital. h do Youst Emma A: Mrs.. h 1104 Market Youst Sarah E .. elk, 500 Race, h 1104 Market Youtz \Villiam H., pla!;terer. h 1930 Boas Yowler Charles E., elk Hershey House, h 44 N Summit

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H M 1\ "ELLEY &CO {I North Bel litre.... 10th aad State



Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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~ Yungel Joseph P., foreman, 14112 Vernon, h 6 S 18th

Yowler William H., baker, 524 Peffer, h do Yuningcr W. Ross, motorman, h !H7 Penn


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ZACHARIAS HARVARD C., real estate, room 26 Harrisburg National Bank bldg, 14 S 2d, h Camp Hill see adv side lines Zacks Louis, clothier, a:l2 Verbeke, h 256 Calder Zaepfel Albert, brakeman, h HH)a N 7th Zahn :\Iax C, machinist, h 6311 ~Iahantongo Zarger Bertha. wid Jacob, h 1:{46 State Zarger Boyd U., patternmkr, h 134f) State Zarger Charles C, painter, h 1411 S lath Zarger Clarence E., machinist, h 1::146 State Zarger Harry J., jeweler, 2:J N 3d. h 134., State Zarger Philip E., carpenter, h 1022 Herr Zarger, see Zorger, also Zarker ZARKER ANDREW U., pres East End Bank and East Harri.. burg Farmers' Market Co. and treas East Harrisburg Building and Loan Association, 100 S 13th, h do Zarker Benjamin F., h 5fia Camp Zarker Charles C, varnisher, h 20 N Canieron Zarker Ezra 0., draftsman, h Hl~ Park ~ark~__ ~rank K., clk, h 213(~ N_5t_h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



Zarker George, laster, h 140 S 13th


1&.1 Zarker Jacob S., cigars, &c., ~2~ ":\larket, h 211 N Cameroll'
Zarker James, laborer, h 16(;; Swatara Zarker James H., laborer, h 20 N Cameron Z Zarker John H., watchmkr, 1!123 N 6th, h 563 Camp Zarker Lewis H., laborer, h 1628 Park Zarker Mary, wid William H., h 1919 N 6th Zarker Rachel S., wid John H., h 1:..'6 Evergreen Zarker Robert E., clk, S::!8 Market, h 20 N Cameron 1&.1 Zarker Simon B., driver, h 223 Verbeke Zarker Tillie ~l., h 1111) S l:lth Zarker William H., painter, h 20 N Cameron Zearfoss Robert M., foreman, h .,26 l\laclay Zearfoss Samuel A., laborer, 11 153~ N 6th Zearing Harry B.. motorman. h 5:i:J Peffer ~ Zears Henry, laborer, h 12'27 N 7th Zedricks Chester W., barber, h :~1I5 Chestnut ~ Zedricks Eliza C Mrs., janitress. 11 305 Chestnut tiE Zedricks Harrv H., barber, h 3115 Chestnut C Zedricks Lydia A., laundress, h 517 State is Zehelltmayer Charles, laborer, h a:..J7 Maclay Q Zehentmayer Qtto C. 100111 fixer. h :127 ~Iaclay C Zeiders Banks \\7., asst mgr, 4116 Market, h :..~2 Union av t:i Zeiders Catharine, wid Henry, h 1~fi4 Market CD Zeiders Catharine ~I., teacher, h 1264 l\larket

o Z


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~'='::Q! ANDREW


Digitized by


Boyd's Harrisburg City Dire::tory.


Zeiders Edward, grocer, :n N 13th, h do Zeiders Elmer C, h 1450 Regina Zeiders Emma, dressmkr, h 14:13 Shoop Zeiders Fannie E., music teacher, 121)4 :\1arket, h do Zeiders Harry, ironworker, h 3U N lath Zeiders Harvey A., laborer, h 1105 S !lth Zeiders H. Austin, foreman, 201 K 2<.1, h 1524 Penn Zeiders Ida B., shoe operator, h 46 X l:~th Zeiders Ira, laborer, h:m N 13th Zeiders Jeremiah H., collector,:n S 2d. h 143:J Shoop Zeiders Jeremiah 1\1., carpenter, h 3H N t:hh Zeiders "J ohn, carpenter, h 38 N 13th Zeiders John D., janitor Y. M. C A., h 2~2 enion av Zeiders Jonathan, contractor, h 46 N l:Jth Zeiders Katherine 1\1., teacher, h 12114 :\larket Zeiders Kirk, laborer, h 2036 N 4th Zeiders Laura A., forelady, 1420 Wyeth av, h 4() N lath Zeiders Lewis S., laborer, h 1457t Regina Zeiders Newton G., watchmkr, 23 N ad, h 282 Union av Zeiders Samuel E., laborer, h 1105 S nth Zeiders Theodore 1\1., elk, 128 Short, h 39 Linden Zeiders William C, salesman, 311 S 2d, h !lS N 13th Zeiders William D., wood finisher, h 111a ~ 7th Zeiders William W., tinsmith, h 441 S 14th Zeiders, see Seiders, also Zeiters


BAKER{":5~b~~-::'~~1E ~

Zeigenthaler John R., shearsman, h 555 Race Zeigler Amos "V., conductor, h 520 Emerald Zeigler Annie E., wid Henry S., h ;20 Emerald Zeigler Catharine A, milliner, 18 N 4th, h do Zeigler Charles C, conductor, 11 5~jt Peffer Zeigler Charles N., brakeman, h 625 Hami1ton Zeigler Clarence, elk, h 266 Briggs Zeigler Daniel 1\1., upholsterer, 2114 S 2d, h 157 Paxton Zeigler Elizabeth A., wid Jacob, h:11 N 15th Zeigler Ellen J., wid Joseph, h 1242 Kittatinny Zeigler Florence B., domestic, 24 ~ 5th Zeigler George B. M., laborer, h 14:!6 North Zeigler George C, hostler, h 2006 Elizabeth av Zeigler George M., driver, h 1152 Cumberland Zeigler Harry H., brakeman, h 2119 N 6th Zeigler Jesse, laborer, h 103 Filbert Zeigler John, laborer, h lOa Filbert Zeigler John M., conductor, h 610 Emerald Zeigler l\1aggie P., h 25!1 Liberty Zeigler Margaret B. lVlrs., h r a2H Cherry av Zeigler Mary, wid John, h 18 N 4th Zeigler Mary A., wid Elias, h 421 Herr Zeigler William P .. laborer, h 1152 Cumberland Zeigler William S., conductor, h 62::; Reily Zeigler, see Ziegler, also Sigler





No 1230 ARCH STREET ?lllll


JIeJf..... PablBldermlDatoreaI'ellChollnllorbal,O'-'eI7.CJsaIl!l>~ 0DIdI, QubIQ.lUIeuma&Iam, Too&baebe. ..... ~ Ape,~ ... _ .....


Boyd'. Harri.burg City Directory.

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Zeil Herman R., agt, h 248 Oliver av Zeil J. Thomas, salesman, h 253 Briggs . . Zeil Margaretta, wid William, h 248 Oliver av Zeil Mary E., milliner, 36 N 3d, h 253 Briggs Zeil William F., salesman, 228 Market, h 253 Briggs Zeiter Harry, heater, h 46 N 10th .=! Zeiters Edward 0., carpenter, h 1421! Regina _ Zeiters J olm, engine eleaner, h 727 State Zeiters, see Zeiders, also Seiders Zelkind Mendel, agt, h 619 Herr Zell Alice M. Mrs., h 530 S Cameron ZeU B. Frank, laborer, h 1223 S 9th ZeU Charles, barber, h 1119 Hemlock Zell John D., puddler, h 1119 Hemlock "Zell John D. B.. engine inspector. h 611 Cumberland ZeU John \V., laborer, h 1215 S 9th ZeU Mary ~I., roUer, h 1223 S 9th -II ZeU Samuel A., laborer, h 122:3 S 9th ZeU William, barber, h 1119 Hemlock Zeller Annie M., dressmkr, h 411 Hamilton Zeller Ephraim, machinist, h 411 Hamilton Zellers Albert K.. fireman, h 633 Verbeke 1&1 Zellers George \V., brakeman, h 2122 N 7th ..J Zellers Isaac W., vet surg, 404! Verbeke, h 1220 N 6th C Zellers James P., elk, 1020 Berryhill, h 1018 do



C nl GUllDIJ ona TJlISI CO. II



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Zellers J Ohl1, laborer, h 1825 K 7th Zellers John F., brakeman, h 5B1 Violet av Zellers Susan, saleslady, 221 :\Iarket, h 1220 N 6th Zerbe Edna, saleslady, :334 Market. h 220 N 15th Zerbe Harry P., elk, 11 X ad, h 220 N 15th Zerbe John S., postal elk, h 1254 Swatara Zerbe Silvia, teacher, h 220 N 15th Zerbe William H., (Page & Zerbe). h 220 N 15th Zerby Arthur S., plasterer, h 2150 Atlas av Zerby Francis, plasterer, h 2150 Atlas av Zerby Mary E., wid Joel R.. h 2150 Atlas av Zerby Sylvanus W., lather, h 2150 Atlas av Zercher Benjamin F., conductor, h :n3 Verbeke Zerfos Samuel B., draftsman F. and 11. Works, h Hummelstown Zerphey Jacob, laborer, h 1211 Bartine av Zettler Reinhold, laborer, h 931 S 19th Ziegler Ella, cigarmkr, h 1427 Susquehanna ZIEGLER FRANK E., lawyer and notary, 18 B' 3d, h 108 State Ziegler Jennie E., teacher, h 1413 Swatara Ziegler J. George. assistant medical examiner P. R. R., J13 l\Iarket, h 113 N 13th Ziegler John, carpenter, h 1413 Swatara Ziegler Joseph G., (Ziegler & Hayes), h 63 N 14th

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Tha PATRIOnA Na,spapar for tha Homa{!~iZ!~~A~~'~


TACK} ===u::,.~~w:!.m:~~o:J~~;;:: h,.l::~~

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


Ziegler Minnie M., opr, H1:~ Swat/ira Ziegler & leayes, (Joseph G. giegler and larry . Hayes), stoves, &c., 222 Hummel sea Z!'igler, /tho Sigka Zl~ll!'r HalT!' B Sllkl,man o,Iark!'i 407 Zi~~~erma~"~\a~~n -" "bra'kema~, h ", Lindea Zimmerman Alberta, teacher, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman Amelia C, wid Hmrv, h 1:!9 Paxton ZhkHnerman lennie, hu':'chmH iJl7 tith Zimmerman i\nnie wid CinYad 0., ;5417 S Zimmerman Carrie R, elk, 1700 N 6th, h 1586 do Zimmerman Charles, carpenter, h 645 Boas Zintrnerman dnntist, 117 N' do Zimmerman CharIer J., elk P. R, h 20U4 N Zimmerman Charles L., scalemkr, h 214 Peffer ZixIlInerman Charles R, fireman, h (i94 S 20th Zimmerman Hlarles elk, h\H N Zimmermatt leavid doilermkr, h llHd Christian Zimmerman David R M., driver, h 501 Cumberland Zimmerman Edward L, telegrapher p, R R, h 2296 N 6th Zimmerman hlizabeth, wid Jnhn B., h 1113 N Zimmerman , h 5<:,41 10th Zimmerman Florence, h 436 S 2d Zimmerman Frank L, laborer, h 14 Lochiel 2d Row Zimmnrman h sank foremnn, 18th

l!;*':::'0j.} Harrisburg Savings and Loan Assn. {:

ZimmnrmaTl Zitmnnrman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimxm:'rman Zintnkerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimznerman ZimmermaTl Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zirnrnnrman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimntarman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zivunerman Zintnterman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimnlerman

Gaorge elk, 2d, h do ,corge ironvincker, hHH7 N Georgina, roller, h 560 SlOth Harriet, wid Jesse, h 560 SlOth Harrisnn ., caspcnter, h 1H:n Fociltcn larry, LochEel 2d Roue Harry J., planer, h 560 SlOth Harvey, carpenter, h 1197 Bailey larvey draftsmen, h LIUSb Howard wid .Uerman, 70~ hlJtith Jacob, boilermkr, h 5{)1l SlOth James B., laborer, h 943 N' 7th T Irvin, h 211Mb ['ulton ~yhanna, ,vid h S Cantyt'on John, stenographer, h 712 N 6th John H., carpenter, 1:~29 Howard, h do hihn H, vardmasiar P. R h un N 6th John J., T;lessgr Nat h 1dd Haxton John M., driver, h 232 Charles av John W., broom mfr, 633 Reily, h 1543 N 6th J nseph, dllS S0117 h Jc,seph i'ngineee h 211 Cherry Josiah C, bar elk, 946 N 7th, h do Josiah C, brakeman, h 652 Calder ieete, h S Front

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a;;;;o::a.a:.C:=w;}H.I. KELLEY 8. CO. {,o::=ata-"'::a


Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.


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Zimmerman Laura, h ItH4 Park Zimmerman Lillie, stripper, h 708 South Zimmerman Lillie E., seamstress, h 104 Cherry av Zimmerman Luther R., grocer, 2015 N (>th, h do Zimmerman Mary A., wid Aaron S., h 104 Cherry av Zimmerman Mar) J., book gatherer, h 157 Paxton Zimmerman Matilda M., wid John "'Ii., h 1617 N 6th Zimmerman .Morris, conductor, h 2:J5 South Zimmerman Kathan, tailor, h 7118 South Zimmerman Peter S., chief elk, 16 N 2d, h 425 Maclay Zimmerman Rachel, stripper, h 708 South Zimmerman Robert)v1., printer, h 12!) Paxton ZI1tDIERJUN SOUEL H., lawyer, 412 North, h do Zimmerman Samuel N., engineer, h 255 Briggs Zimmerman Samuel S., milk, 211 N 2d, h 1239 Mulberry Zimmerman Sidney M., domestic, 268 Briggs Zimmerman Susan, centre asst Lunatic Hospital, h do Zimmerman Theophillls F., yardmaster, h 516 N 3d Zimmerman Thomas ]., car inspector, h 2()09 N 5th Zimmerman Thomas M., laborer, h 1336 S 13th Zimmerman William, laborer, h 42 Lochiel 4th Row Zimmerman Wm. G., foreman F. and M. Wks, h 525 Camp Zimmerman William H., laborer, h 21:~() Kensington Zimmerman William 0., brakeman, h 429 Boas



Zimmerman William W., engineer, h 1536 N 6th Zimmerman William W., patternmkr, h 1262 Walnut Zinberg Samuel, salesman, 335 Market, h 109 Filbert Zink Edward, brakeman, h 630 Delaware av Zink George A., h 111 Washington Zink Harry, plumber, h 509 North :z: Zink Joseph, car repairer, h 1319 Marion Zinn Abbie M., wid Levi R., h 1940 N 6th Zinn Anson B., baker, 415 Kelker, h do postal elk, h 1940 N 6th 1&1 Zinn Edward c.,car repairsman, h 1602 N 6th linn Frank H., Zinn 1. Newton, machinist, h 1211 N 7th Zinn Percy C, machinist, h 617 Mahantongo Zinn William, laborer, h 1211 N 7th Zoll Addison M., bartender, 1415 N 3d, h do Zoll Salome, saleslady, 334 Market, h Oberlin Zoll William M., engineer, h 222 S 17th Zollinger Bessie B., h 1628 N 3d Zollinger Caroline, wid George, h 1628 N 3d Zollinger Charles S., adjuster, h 215 S 2d Zollinger George].. stoves, 3118 Blackberry av, h 21 S 3d 1&1 Zollinger John F., blacksmith, 115 S Dewberry av, h 602


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ZOLLINGER WARREN A., hats and caps, 13 S 2d, h do Zook Abraham, laborer, h Front c Division

A. B. TACK ~tII~:nc:} lOll PoDer OOd 1lOOO1_1I11.

Boyd's Harrisburg City Directory.
Zorger Anna C, wid Peter F., h 1123 Bartine av Zorge:- Calvin, heater, h :J127 Swatara Zorger Daniel H., brakeman, h 1735 Fulton. Zorger Frank, laborer, h :!():!:J Kensington Zorger Harry E., laborer, h 1934 Kensington Zorger Henry, mason, h 19:14 Kensington Zorger, see Zarger, also Zarker Zonman Florence B., wid Daniel, h 708 N 3d Zudrell Elizabeth S., wid John, h 1641 Market Zudrell Joseph, brushmkr, 15i:! Walnut, h do



Zug Frank V., buyer, 3:l4 Market, h 3:JO Chestnut Zug Harry M., cigars, 7(111 N ad, h 232 N 14th Zug Herbert S., salesman, a:~4 Market, h a;~(l Chestnut Zug Liliah B., teacher, h :!3:! N 14th Zug Marguerite A., h :!:~2 N 14th Zug William B., elk, n 232 N 14th Zugarri Andrea, porter Harris House Zullinger J. Warren, elk, 401 Chestnut, h 1310 Penn Zweifel Thomas, foreman, h 672 Boas Zwieg Frank W., machinist, h 1553 Vernon


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w. H.


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Standard Directories:
Home Oftice: 1411 PerlUomen Ave., Reading, Pa.






'. ...................................................................................................................................../

UDder the Pretense of Borrowing ,


I,r Many have been i,1 Stolen from l Subscnbers--,



Digitized by


~':L:~= lOll roper ond rmdO. snodes nODI A. B. TACK {N.I : : :.. Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 719



ABBRRVIA'l'JOII. USIID IN TRIS DIRBCTORY.-Ab., aboTe; al., alley; av., ave- l1:li nue; bel.. below; bet., between; bldg., bulldlDg; bookkpr., bookkeeper; elk.. clerk; c., corner; do.. ditto; E., eut; ft., 'oot; h . home; IUL, lnIutaDee; la.. lane; mfr., manufacturer; mgr., manager; mltr., maker; nr., near; N., north; C") h., Pennsylvania; P. S. Co., Penna. 8teel Co.; rd., road; R. R., railroad; Iq., Z Iquare; 8., lOuth; 8. S. Co., Steelton Store Co.; W., Welt; wid., widow. ....

,.., r,.., en .... .... "' CI



Burgess-Henry G. Posey. Borough Solicitor-Frank B. Wickersham, Borough Treasurer-Leroy H. Sutton. High Constable-John T. Buser. Council-Harry H. Campbell, pres.; Peter S. Blackwell, H. O. Smith, Michael Harclerode, Edward Lewis, Jerome Hite, Joseph H. Gerdes, William E. Weaver, Stephen J. Boyd, Edward C. Marklev. Secretary of Council-John D. Young. School Directors-l\lason D. Pratt, pres.; James A. Bell, sec.; William A. Attick, William F. Darby, William M.


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Sallngs and loan ASII.U:::=: :D


James, Albert B. Smith, Augustus Peters, J. B. Martin, C David M. Messersmith, Israel V. Buser. Abercrombie Utley S., purchasing agt S. S. Co., h 349 Spruce ABERCROllBIE WYlIAB E., genl .upt Steelton Store Co., h N 349 Spruce Acker Harry, steelworker, h 243 S Front Acker John W., laborer, h 758 S 2d :J: Acri Augustus, laborer, h 385 S 3d Acri Frank, laborer, h 369 S 3d :D Acri Frank, truckman, h 383 S 3d Acri John, laborer, h 385 S 3d Acri Michael, charger, h 383 S 3d U) Acri Peter, laborer, h 383 S 3d Acri Peter J., -laborer, h 385 S 3d ~ Adamovics Zoiva, laborer, h 305 Franklin 64 ADAltS EXPRESS CO., R. P. Garrett, agt, 120 S Front Adams Ira, laborer, h 4311 Swatara Adams John Q., bricklayer, h 413 N 3d Adams Marshall <!., h 100l Adams Adams Nimrod, h IOU! Adams Adams Wilbur, laborer, h lO'J.! Adams Adams William H., laborer, h 109l Adams Aiello Giuseppe, laborer, h 818 S 2d Aikey Thomas c., painter, h H8:{ S Front

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I. KELLEY 8. CO'S ma;!..'='"::.:~~{ .. ,-:~-:.

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

7 20



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Albert Henry V., butcher S. S. Co., h 36 N 4th Albert John A., laborer, h 547 Christian Albert Joseph E., butcher S. S. Co., h 40 S 2d Albert William W., electrician S. S. Co., h 15 S Front Albright Alice J., wid Hironemous, h 161 Frederick Albright Amelia, wid William, h 49 Frederick Albright Jacob, laborer, h 468 ]\Iohn Albright William M., restaurant, 179 N Front, h 605 do Alden Charles A., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 401 Pine Aldinger Susan Mrs., h 243 S Front Alleman Frederick H., contractor, h 144 N 2d Alleman George R., coal, (wholesale), 145 N Front; contractor, 326 Lincoln, h do Alleman John H., stcngr P. S. Co., h Hummelstown Alleman Leah, wid ~lichael R., h 144 N 2d Alleman Mary A., h 144 N 2d ALT:EVAN 14. RUDY, general insurance and real estate, 145 N Front, h do . Alleman Virgilia, teacher, h 223 N Front Allen Charles L., machinist, h 167 S 2d Allen John, laborer, h 3511 Ridge Allen Morris, laborer, h 350 Ridge Allen Thomas, machinist, h 19 Swatara Allison John B., miller, h 163 Frederick Allsbary Henry, laborer, h 82 Furnace


Allsberry A. Jet, h 78 Furnace Allsberry Fannie, wid Gibson, h 78 Furnace Altland David S., laborer, h 319 Christian Altland William, driver, h 409 Bessemer A. M. E. Church, Adams c N 2d Amon Jacob, laborer, h 225 Franklin Andermann Charles H., planer, h 708 N 2d _ Andermann Reinhold, blacksmith, h 708 N 2d Z., Andersen Carl, telephone inspector P. S. Co., h Hbg 4' Anderson Beauregard, laborer, h 417 S Front AndeTson Elizabeth R., wid Valentine P., h 169 Lincoln ., Anderson Evan G., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg .. I Anderson John H., painter, h 340 MyeTs 01 Anderson John W., elk S. S. Co., h 169 Lincoln Z! Anderson RobeTt L., cranetendeT, h 340 11yeTs 4~ Anderson Thomas J., laborer, h 129 Ridge II- AndeTson William, laborer, h 131 Ridge ).c Andes Charles B., laborer, h 372 S 2d It Andrew GeoTge B., riveter, h 453 Main Z. Andrews Samuel J., machinist, h 348 S ....atara -Z Angeli Martin, h 506 Myers ... Angney Kate, wid David, h 346 Swatara I: Apati Anton, laborer, h 448 Mohn 1-- Applebaum Herman, salesman, h 558 S 3d Arbogast George E., laborer, h 413 l\Iain

a: 1&1 >


I. B. TACK}IILL PIPER ::!::::-~-.:! 1,1001 SHIDE3hf';:~8a.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Arbutina Elija, laborer, h 566 5 3d Arc1ica Frank, laborer, h 512 5 3d Aremil Y owan, boarding, 765 5 3d, h do Armingston Roy, templetmkr, h 5:~0 5 2d Armstead Erasmus, laborer, h 320 Ridge Armstrong Elizabeth, wid William H., h 254 N 2d Armstrong Frank, butcher, 196 5 Front, h 304 Walnut Armstrong James W., laborer, h 227 N 2d Armstrong Joseph 5., laborer, h 150 Lincoln Arnold Christian H., laborer, h 245 Christian Arnsberger Charles L., riveter, h 142 Myers Ashbrook Joseph, machinist, h 45 54th Ashby Thomas, laborer, h 334 K 2d Ashby William, laborer, h 223 5 Front Ashby William, laborer, h l\lyers nr Conestoga Asper 5amuel J., helper, h 866 N Front Asseln Emil, chief draftsman P. 5. Co., h Hbg Assembly No. 238, Loyal Americans, meets first and third Friday evenings of each month at 284 Main; Howard E. Hensel, sec Atkinson Horace G., engineer, h 122 Frederick Atkinson McClellan H., elk 5. 5. Co., h 365 5 Front Atkinson William, blacksmith, h 11~ 5 3d Atland William, driver, h 405 Bessemer Attick David M., conductor, h 838 ~ Front

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BAKER~"=~b~~'J:.~~& c!;


Attick Edward C., letter carrier, h 22 Chestnut Attick Harvey H., painter, h 1405 2d Attick John K., elk P. 5. Co., h Highspire Attick 1Iary E., seamstress, h 838 N Front Attick William A., heater, h 357 5 2d Attick William c., bricklayer, h 838 N Front Attick William E., asst supt, 22 5 Front, h 222 Myers Atticks Abraham, h 412 N Front Atticks Charles H., cigars, h 217 Lincoln Atticks John c., carpenter, h 640 X 2d Atticks Mary E., wid John W., h 209 Lincoln Atticks Robert R., laborer, h 634 N 2d Atwell Herdon, laborer, h 147 Adams Atwell John, laborer, h r 139 Adams Atwell Thomas, laborer, h r 139 Adams AZBE FRANCIS 1. REV., rector St. Mary'. R. C. Church, h S 2d Dr Hoffer Babb Charles H., notary public, 145 N Front, h 23Q Pine Babb Harry J., yardmaster P. R. R.. h 230 Pine Babble 5amuel c., elk P. 5. Co., h 342 Pine Babble William H., bridge builder, h 730 N 2d Babic Marko, laborer, h 52:l 53d Babic Pavel, laborer, h 523 53d Bachman August, laborer, h hd Mohn Bachman Frederick, jr., machinist, 1) hd Mohn

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== Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Steelton Directory.



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Bachman John C, laborer, h 251 S 2d Bachman Wilhelm, furnaceman, h 423 :\Iohn Badlam Stephen, asst supt merchant mill P. S. Co., h 309Pine Badu Nicholas, draftsman P. S. Co., h 207 S 3d Baer Josephine, wid Anton, h 157 N Front Baer Mary M., elk, 136 N Front, h 157 do Bailey Frank E., jeweler, 7 S Front, h 9 do Bailey Harry F., messenger, 7 S Front, h 9 do Bailey John T. Rev., h 352 Ridge Bailey Lloyd E., h tI S Front Bailey Newton, blacksmith, h 267 N Front Bailey Silas, laborer, h 352 Ridge Bailey Stephen, laborer, h 352 Ridge Bailey Taylor, laborer, h 247 Adams Bailey William, laborer, h 137 Ridge Bailor Grant J., engineer, It 52() Ridge Bailor John W., h 216 N Front Bailor Washington, laborer, h 216 N Front Bakaley Evan, laborer, h :Main nr Trewick Bakaley John, laborer. h Main nr Trewick Bake Lewis, laborer, h 18 N 2d Bake Martin, laborer, h l\Iain nr Conestoga Baker Albert E., laborer, h :l20 Christian Baker Charles 0., baker, h 420 Lincoln

1110 Tille GoDfODlJ 0IIII Trusl CO If scuno J F.tflllllMt..If Cellrlcla f Beal--""--Bld-K' - ...-,.-.-. '''---l Rear of Pod oaIL... ---------------------

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Baker Charles P., elk P. S. Co . h 229 Walnut Baker David, grocer, 542 S 3d, h 'do Baker George, fireman, h 157 Frederick Baker Harry A., (Spangler & Baker), h 364 Main Baker Henry, laborer, h Cum bier's row Baker Jacob, bridge builder, h 440 Mohn , Baker John, laborer, h 134 Lincoln Baker John A., molder, h 323 Myers Baker Mary, wid Jacob F., h 173 S 2d Baker Onedia E., seamstress, h 174 Ridge Bakovic Yanko, laborer, h 5t-:4 S 3d Baldwin Cemetery, S. F. and A. W. Dunkle, trustees, 192: N Front Baldwin Claude L., laborer, h 167 Myers Baldwin Commandery, No. 108, A. and I. O. Knights of Malta, G. B. Beidel, rec; meets Monday eve., 22 50 Front Baldwin Edward S., bricklayer, h 421 Main Baldwin Hose Co., No.4, 402 River al Baldwin James R., cook, h 127 Adams Balkovic John, laborer, h 151 Main Ball James H., laborer, h 127 Adams Ball J. Sydney, laborer, h 407 Bailey Ball ~1ilford Rev., h 127 Adams Baltimore Jacob, laborer, h 167 Adams


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Baltimore Moses, laborer, h 350 Ridge Baltimore Nero, laborer, h '74 Furnace Bancovich John, laborer, h 319 Franklin Bancovich Marco, laborer, h 150 Frederick Bankovic Mato, laborer, h 2:W Frederick Banks John H., foreman, h 230 Main Bannan Annie D., elk S. S. Co., h 121 S 4th Bannan Harrison W., machinist, h 155 S 4th Bannan William F., machinist, h 121 S 4th Barber Louis, laborer, h 251 Adams Barbucio Gabriel, laborer, h 359 S 3d Bard Jacob, craneman, h 401 N 2d Baringer Oscar, laborer, h r 308 Lincoln Barisch Abraham, grocer, 327 Sad, h do Barksdale Jefferson D., laborer. h 221 Ridge Barley Abraham N., painter, h 6 N 4th Barley Christian E., plasterer, hiS 4th Barley Harry E., plasterer, h 239 Locust Barley Ralph C, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Barley Samuel A., foreman, h 1 N 4th Barley Wilson S., student, h 1 N 4th Barnes Alice M. Mrs., h 89 Main Barnes Harvey, laborer, h 728 S 2d Barnes Jacob, electrician, h 636 S 2d Barnes Louisa, wid Simon, h 712 S 2d 723

~~ ::::}Harrllburg

Sallngl aid Loan Assn. {::

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Barnet Harry X., carpenter, h 212 N Front Barnet John J., carpenter, h 207 N Front Barnet John R., carpenter, h 207 N Front Barnet Walter H., carpenter, h 207 N Front Barota Nikola, laborer, h 570 S :~d Barrick Frank, ironworker, h 527 Bessemer Barrick George, patternmkr. h 25 Chestnut Barrick John W., elk, h 45 S 4th Bartels Henry, laborer, h r :!'20 Lincoln Bartels Joseph E., laborer, h 220 Lincoln Barth Charles W., butcher, h 361 Main Bartholomew John, civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Barto Claude Y., elk P. & R. depot. h 117 S 2d Bartron P. Edgar, steel tester, h 28 :\I' 2d Baskin Oliver P., supt water works, h 150 Main Basom E. Scott, inspector, h a:n Poplar Bass George, laborer, h 12!~i Adams Bass John, carpenter, h l07i Adams Bas)' Travis, laborer, h 406 Mohn Batcher Stieve, driver, h 558 S 3d Batdorf Elsworth. laborer, h 166 Frederick Batdorff Frank E., laborer. h 328 Main Batdorff John W., blacksmith, h 328 Main Bates Charles E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 26 Chestnut Bates Henry L., foreman, h 26 Chestnut Battle Samuel 0., laborer, h 125 Ridge



JI. M. KELLEY 8. CO. }On:ces, :..-:r~:- ~~::::!:} COAL AND WOOD

724 Boyd's Steelton Directory.

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Bauer Stewart W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 427 Swatara Baughman John c., laborer, It 251 S 2d Baum Abram, steelworker, h 171 Christian Baum J. Lauer, blue printer P. S. Co., h Hbg Bausher Carmi I., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Baxter David, watchman, h 179 N Front Baxter James F., telegraph operator, h 179 N Front Bealor Alvin, laborer, h 372 S 2d Bear Joseph K., brick burner, h 830 N Front Beard Edward J., planer, h 720 S 2d Beard George W., blacksmith, h 679 S Front Beard Herman T., heater, h 537 S Front Beard Lewis c., frog builder, h 720 S 2d Beard Samuel G., shearsman, h 720 S 2d Bechtold David J., elk P. S. Co., h 33 S 3d Beck Charles L., h 1~1 S Front Beck Christian F., blacksmith, h 534 S 2d Beck Christian F., electrician, h ~35 Swatara Beck Emma A., shoe operator, h 229 S 2d Beck Esther E., wid Tohn c., h 229 S '2d Beck Ferdinand F., blacksmith, h 211 Swatara Beck Frederick, machinist, h :l37 Swatara Beck George W., bridge builder, h 561 S Front Beck Harry, molder, h 229 S 2d


Beck James, laborer, h 340 Chestnut Beck Jeremiah A., carpenter, h 470 N 2d Beck Lauritz F., pumpman, h 3.'37 Swatara Beck Mabel, elk S. S. Co., h 229 S 2d Beck Peter, laborer, h 337 Swatara Beck Samuel, carpenter, h 268 Main Beck Samuel, machinist, h 229 S 2d Beck William H., molder, h 229 S 2d Becker Stanislaus, laborer. h 3221 S 2d Becket Charles, laborer, h 320 Ridge Beckwith Charles, laborer, h 162 Ridge Beckwith Edward L., laborer, h &;0 N Front Beckwith Harriet, wid Warren, h 856 N Front Beckwith Jesse, laborer, h 850 N Front Behman Arthur K., ~ngineer, h 221 Swatara Behman Henry, lab6rer, h 219 Christian Behman Jacob H .. laborer, h 221 Swatara Behman Lizzie, elk. 116 N Front. h 221 Swatara Rehny G. Walter. shirtcutter. h 354 Locust Beidel Charles H., barber. 45 S Front, h 43 do Beidel George B.. stenographer P. S. Co., h 24 S 4th Beidel Henry F., laborer. h 134 S 2d Beidel John 1\1., shoemkr, 41 S 2d. h 136 do Beidel John W., laborer. h 2R Pine Reidel Joseph E .. steel tester P. S. Co., h 26 S 4th

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REDMOND {~~it!~ddby~~~e


A. B. TACK}Wall Pauer and Window Shades{~~::~

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Beide1 Philip D., grocer, 26 S 4th, h do Beider Emma, h 2d ab Franklin Beider Philip, rigger, h 2d ab Franklin Beider Philip, jr., laborer, h 2d ab Franklin Beinhauer Irvin E., hooker, h 315 S 2d Beinhauer William A., laborer, h 315 S 2d Beinhower Kate, wid Adam, h 203 l\Iyers Bell Alexander, laborer, h 391 S Front Bell James A., elk P. S. Co., h 340 Pine Bell Vance D., laborer, h 503 Main Bellows W. Scott, engineer, h 15 N 3d Benciz Joseph, laborer, h 523 S 3d Bender Daniel G., laborer, h 315 N Front Bender David, machinist, h 534 N 2d . Bender Frederick W., machinist, h 534 N 2d Bender Jacob, templetmkr, h 101 Locust Bender Joseph H., laborer, h 375 S 3d Bender Lewis P., engineer, h :~33 Lincoln Bendorf Edward, shearsman, h :310 Christian Benhart John, bridge builder, h 462 Mohn Benkovic Janka, laborer, h 521 S 2d Bennett Edwin W., planer, h 3:19 Poplar Bennet John, helper, h 232 S 2d Benson Charles G., rigger, h :n5 S 2d Benson Richard, laborer, h Cumbler's Row
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Bent Henry B., steel inspector P. S. Co., h Hbg Bent Luther S. School Building, 3d c Bessemer Bentley Agnes, domestic, 33 S 3d Bentley Artalissa I., teacher, h 17 Swatara Bentley Margaret A., housekeeper, 17 Swatara Benton Gilbert L. Very Rev. V. G., rector St. James' R. C. Church, h 407 N Front Bentz A. Westley, laborer, h 32:1 S Front Bentz George, laborer, h 132 Frederick Bentzel Irvin, painter, h 356 l\1yers Benzing Mary, wid Edward, h 1341 S 2d Benzing Samuel B., asst chemist, h 338 S 2d Beregofski Samuel, grocer, 143 Mam Bererstock Charles W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Berkstresser Willis L., elk P. S. Co., h Middletown Bernard John, laborer, h 363 S 3d Berry John B., telegrapher P. S. Co., h Hbg Bertolette Benneville S., butcher S. S. Co., h 173 Lincoln Beshore Amos H., dairyman, h 235 Swatara Beshore Charles F., elk Steelton Nat Bank, h 235 Swatara Beshore Harry A., stenographer P. S. Co., h 349 Main Beshore William R., bricklayer, h 2:)5 Swatara BESSEJrIEB, HOUSE, . A. Oberc8sh, 243245 lIain Bethel John, patternmkr, h 546 ~ 2d Betz Tobias, laborer, h 446 :Mohn




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No 1230





Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

.; Bexic Joseph, laborer, h 624 S 3d Beyrent Harry J., planc!", h 246 S 2d . . Bickel Evan, driver, h 35 S :~d li Bickel Miles c., elk P. S. Co., h 35 S 3d . . Bickle Christian A., driver, h 506 Main Bickle Irvin M., hostler, h 5116 Main Bickle William A., foreman P. S. Co., h Hbg Biddinger Charles W., laborer, h 124 Lincoln c:: Billet Benjamin, helper, h 324 Myers Billet Harry, laborer, h 241 Myers Billet J. Emmet, elk P. S. Co., h 324 Myers Billow G. Winfred, laborer, h 283 Main Bingaman John H., bricklayer, h 394 S 2d i5 Bingaman Ray L., jeweler, h :394 S 2d Bingham Hugh, laborer, h 266 Myers . . Bishop Joseph, laborer, h 325 N Front ~ Bitner Bella Mrs., h 177 Lincoln . U) Bitner George B. McC., laborer, h 414 Swatara Bitner Tilghman, foreman, h 231 S Front Bitterman Jacob W., elk P. S. Co., h 3 N 4th Bitting John W., foreman, h 555 N 3d Bixler Howard W., barber, h 262 Main Bixler Ira N., helper, h 728 S 2d . , Blacekovic Jose, laborer, h 617 S 2d ~ Black Benjamin G., janitor S. S. Co .. h 19 S 2d

-= a



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j b.... Tille GloronlJ ODd Tlwel co ,,1crItItII. 1 ..... II """"'" '1IIr EllJI.,... ( I .., If .... 1If!k. II~ .._. C.trlCllrI 'I~ I., eau....



o o

Black Carrie F., elk S. S. Co., h 19 S 2d Black James M., elk, h a71 S Front Black Margaret c.. wid Robert, h 19 S 2d BLACKWELL PETER S., editor Steelton PreIS, grocer, 116 Adams, h do Blain James G., lincman, h 7'13 S Front Blair Andrew c., brakeman. h 249 S Front Blair David 0., boilermkr, h 319 Lebanon Blakey Battle, laborer, h 25:3 Adams Blakey Bernard, janitor P. S. Co., h 200 Adams Blanchard Charles M., draftsman P. S. Co., h 220 Pine Bland James E., laborer, h 251 Adams Bland Thomas, laborer, h 251 Adams Blank Eberhardina, wid Frederick, h :152 S 3d Blankfield Julius, elk, H7 S Front, h Hbg Blasi Joseph, bricklayer, h 3:~6 Bessemer Blattenberger Daniel W., h 21) Adams Blaziner Jacob, laborer, h 557t S :.Jd fj Bleyer John W., laborer, h 435 Catharine Blick James W., barber. h 424 :\Jycrs Q Bloser Benjamin Coo carpenter, h :!5:; Myers I&J Bochner John, stone mason. h 384 S 2d ... Boganowitz 1Iichael, foreman, h 7:n S 3d Boger Lyman, laborer, h 327' S 2d ~ Bogner Clarence E., laborer, h 152 Bessemer


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Boyd'. Steelton DirtOtory.

- M a k. . allpedalQ 0 1 - {1.18N.adll&.


Bogner John F., laborer, h 152 Bessemer ;: Bogner Samuel Y., leverman', h 66:1 N Front Boland Margaret, wid John, h 207 Myers =a Boland Mary F.,housekeeper, h 207 :;"lyers ~ Boland Peter, laborer, h :1:n Franklin :. Boland Thomas N., chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Bolbeher Adam, laborer, h 615 S' Front CD Bolbeher Kate, wid Adam, h 613 S Front 5: Bolen Wilson E., elk, h 233 Main 6_ Bolling Edward W., laborer, h 220 Bailey :. Bollinger George W . laborer, h 315 Christian CZI Bollock Michael, engineer, h 5:14 N 2d ... Bolton Edward 1., bridge builder, h 41 S 3d ~ Bolton Edward J., gasmkr, h 41 S 3d .... Bolton George S., teller Steelton National Bank, h 11 S 3d Bolton George Y., barber, 183 S Front, h 41 S 3d Bolton James W., barber, h 41 S 3d Bolton John F., bridge builder, h 41 S 3d Bomberger Philip L., carpenter. h 274 l\lyers w:;:; Bomgardner Abraham, jr., elk P. S. Co., h 385 S Front _ Bomgardner Andrew P., laborer, h 410 Ridge c: Bomgardner Harry G., machinist, h 387 S 2d Bomgardner Newton J., laborer. h 14H Ridge .... C; Bomgardner Stephen M., laborer, h 149 Ridge :. Bond J. Harry, elk, 20 S Front, h 346 Locust --


= =5i


.r:.lrri'.~c:r~ ~ Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. ~ ~

== :t

Bonotus Alius, laborer, h 775 S 3d Booker John, fireman, h 3 Canal al Booker John H., driver S. S. Co., h 343 S 3d Books Charles c., elk P. S. Co., h Penbrook Books Elizabeth, wid Samuel J., h 372 S 2d Books Grace, elk S. S. Co., h 372 S 2d Books Jennie, elk S. S. Co., h :172 S 2d Books Sylvester A., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Boon Charles P., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Booser Aaron, sec S. L. H. and P. Co., h 327 S Front Booser Henry, h 449 S Front Boozer Elias F., laborer. h 3:~6 Lincoln Borata Nikola, laborer, h u70 S :~d Boric Y ovo, laborer, h 72H S 3d Boroskei Frederick. laborer, h 442 :;"1ohn Borstyann John, laborer, It 211 Christian Bosley Howard, laborer, h 124 Adams Bosnak Frank. laborer. h 5:~2 S 3d Bosnak John, laborer, h 524 S :~d Bosynak Reza, laborer, h 57:! S 3d Botja Stephen, driver. It 558 S 3d Botts Henry, blacksmith, h 2():! Myers Boudman Clarence E., foreman Merchant Mill, h 172 S 2d Boudman John H., foreman :'Ilerchant l\Iill, h 113 S 2d Boward Frank, roller, h 155 S 2d
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> iJ .... > aJ

POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No'Jaa-':::"':.oogle


H M KELLEY &CO {I North ScI RlYeeI.. loth State ....


Bowen Charles, stonecutter, 350 e: Bowers WiIIiam P., butcher, hh251j350Myers Bowen bricklayer, h ::\Iyers .. Charles J., Frederick Bowers Edwin N., laborer, h 360 Swatara .- Bowers Frank A., laborer, h 247 Christian ::c ~ Bowers Frank R., lahorer, h 401 Catharine c:;:) Bowers George J., steelworker, h 24i Christian :ill: Bowers Henry J., grocer, 231 Main, h do Bowers Herman R., steelworker, h 247 Christian Bowers Letitia, wid Andrew, h 247 Christian Bowers Samuel, h 1:!~ Lincoln Bowker Thomas, laborer, h :~25 S 2d. :E Bowman Edward, barber, 175 )J Front, h do ..... Bowman Frank B., foreman, h 7a4 S 2d ~ Bowman Harry E., blacksmith. h a69 S Front -c Bowman Robert, machinist, h 369 S Front a: Bowman William R.. jr., machinist, It 369 S Front Boyd Harry M., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 325 Poplar Boyd Harvey H., planer, h 215 Myers ~ Boyd Stephen J., planer, h 215 l'Iyers .- Boyd William H., pipe fitter, h 314 l\Iain ~ Boyer David N., sawyer, h 4111 X Front :> Boyer Frank ~r., machinist, h 607 i'J" 2d

t:i .....


Boyd's Steelton Directory.


~ Bowers David ~L, laborer, h 279 :\Iain

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Boyer George E., steelworker, h 154 Lincoln ... Boyer George H., weigher, h 164 Lincoln


z a: l&I >

BOYD W. B". CO., Guy It Boyd, mgr,. publishers Harrisburg, Steelton. and other standard directories;. home office, Wanner bldg, Reed c; Court, Reading, Pa.

o := 3i

(Ta"DE ."aK).

Boyer Boyer Boyer c::::a BO"er ..... Bo\:er

John B., yard foreman P. S. Co., h 350 Spruce John c., laborer, h 32 S 3d :Martin T., foreman, h 608 N 2d :Maude A., housekeeper. h 32 S 3d Samuel, laborer, h 24 Adams !Z BO~'les Harry H., helper. h 3flll S 2d ~ Bradley Joseph S .. asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg QI' Bradley ~Iichael ]., laborer, h ;WO Canal al ~ Bradley William H., barber, 247 X Front, It Hbg .- Bradnic John, laborer, h 2d nr Chamhers ~ Bradshaw Tames G .. hammerman. h lifi Lincoln Bradshaw Samuel \V .. draftsman P . S. Co., h 176 Lincoln:

~~s:ueetl.:&! ANDREW

REDMOND{3d a d..R.11y StI. oogle

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B. TACK rl Fl



1216.011D lbUd tIIMt Gllill


:Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Brady Cora, elk S. S. Co., h ti311 N 2d Brady :Mary N., wid John P., h 636 ~ 2d Brady Wesley A., roofer, h 636 N 2d Brair Frank, laborer, h 415 Mohn Brakovic Cilie, grocer, 243 Frederick, h do Brandt Aquilla, sawyer, h 331 Myers Brandt Elmer G., justice, 127 S Front, h 377 S 2d Brandt Herman A., steelworker, h 331 Myers Brandt John A., liquors, 51 S Front, h 53 do Brandt Joseph S., laborer, h 633 N Front Brant Charles, laborer, h 36 Furnace Brant Charles H., laborer, h 846 N Front Brant Grant, patternmkr, h 347 N Front Brant John J., laborer, h 313 Adam~ Brant Milton, machinist, h 260 S 2d Branyan Elizabeth W., teacher, h 251 N 2d Bra&hears Charles V., machinist, h 1 S Front Brashears George R., laborer, h 1 S Front Brashears G. 'Webster, elk, 1 S Front, h do Brashears Harry :1\1., laborer, h 362 Swatara Brashears Robert E., laborer, h 395 S 2d Brashears \V. Franklin, elk S. S. Co., hIS Front Brashears William M., laborer. h 162 ~Iain Bratina Fabian, grocer, 519 S 2d, h do Bratton Harry, butcher, h 43 N Front



MILLER BROS. " BAKER i ~~~t,_&~-:'~~IE

Braune Gustave l\f., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Breckenridge John, foreman, h 235 S Front Breckenridge William W., planer, h 3:U S 2d Breheny Michael, laborer, h 521 X Front Breheny Patrick, meher, h 521 X Front Brehm Fannie c., wid Samuel, h 234 Locust Brehm Samuel A., inspector, h 9 N 4th Brenizer George A., laborer, h 239 Main Brenizer Harry, laborer, h 239 Myers Brenizer Jane Mrs., h 239 Myers Brenizer William L., laborer, h 521 Lincoln Brent Jackson J., laborer, h 313 Adams Bretz Abraham T., conductor, h 714 S 2d Bretz Benjamin F., jr., machinist, h 425 Swatara Bretz Clarence H., engineer, h 840 S 2d Bretz Frank, laborer, h 448 Mohn Bretz Jesse, laborer, h 437 Catharine Bretz John J., laborer, h 437 Catharine Bria Frank, laborer, h 578 S 3d Bricker Daniel, laborer, h 263 Christian Bricker Godfrey, laborer, h :;25 Bes~emer Bricker John F., craneman, h 539 S Front Bricker John G., laborer, h 13 N ad Bricker Joseph W . engineer, h 1:~ N 3d Bricker Winfield B., machinist, h 13 N 3d

iii P" ~






Boyd's Steelton Directory.

1&.1 Q

Briggs George W., laborer, h 302 Ridge Brightbill Samuel hI., supt S. and H. Brick Co., h 103 S 4th . . Brinjac Anthony, laborer, h 5!)4 S 3d Brinjac Joseph, laborer, h 594 S 3d elk, Front, h jII Brihser Abram F.,L., (c.51L.SBrinser & 49 do h Hbg Brinser Christian Son), _ Brinser Claude E., (c. L. Brinser & Son), It Hbg U Brinser C. L. & Son, (c. L. and C. E.), hardware, 140 N Front Brinser Olivia M., wid Jacob, h r 15 Locust Brinskele Valentine, laborer, h 15S Frederick Brinton Edwin S . conductor. h 361i l\lvers Brinton George E., blacksmith. h 2-l Pine Brinton John M., steelworker. h 3115 Myers Brinton John W., helper, h 327 Conestoga Brisco William H . laborer, h r 144 M vers Broadus Dudley, laborer. h 143 Adams Broadus Edward A., laborer. h 128 Adams Broadus Robert, laborer, h 219 Adams II) Broadus William, laborer, h 1-l1 Adam;; Brock John P., laborer. h ll-lO Locust Broderic Anton, laborer, h 210 Frederick 1&.1 Broderic Johan, laborer, h 850 S 2d .J Broderic Joseph, laborer, h 624 S 3d C Brodkin George, grocer, 485 Myers, h do





Brogno Pasquale, laborer. h 367 S 3d Brooke Charles \V. S., patternmkr, h 3d c Felton Brookens Frank D., laborer, h 211 Main Brookhart Sallie A. ::\lrs., h 116 S Front >- Brooks Harry M., butcher, h 212 N 2d z Brooks Robert, laborer, h 412 Ridge -c A. Brooks Samuel. laborer, h 108 Ridge E Brooks William, laborer. h 166 Adams C) Brougher Miles 1\1., elk, 6 S Front, h 205 Pine u Brown Arthur L., laborer, h 84 Furnace ....;I Brown Catharine, wid Charles, h 74 Furnace ..: Brown Charles A., blacksmith. h 221 S Front o Brown Charles H., laborer, h ]05 Adams u Brown Charles M., labortr, h 62 Furnace Q Brown Christopher c., bricklayer, h -l13 N 3d z: Brown David, laborer, h Cumbler's Row Brown Edgar, laborer. -c Brown Eliza, domestic, h 128 Adams 232 Pine fj Brown Farmer T., restaurant, 117 Adams. h do Brown George E .. laborer, h 546 Lincoln Brown George B., laborer, h 110 Ridge Brown Harry. driver, h Cumbler's Row Brown Harry \V., elk P. S. Co .. h Enhaut Brown Jackson, laborer. h 110 Ridge Brown James M., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 221 S Front


The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the HOII~i~!~d !~~~~l'k



Brown John riveter, h 303 S 2d Brown John c, bather, Ihh Adam2L, h U do Brown Lewis, laborer, h 44 Furnace Brown Lizzie R., wid Peter, h HI S ~d Beown :,Iack, laboree, h 514 Hidg2L Brown Phoebe ~., wid George, h 19 Pine Brown Rachel A., wid Alexander, h 110 Ridge Brown dO!tH,~,tic, :t.J9 Brown Rebecca, wid Jeremiah, h 110 Ridge Brown Reuben, shoemkr, 637 N Front, h do Beown Bichard R., deeman, 86~ Fr.>!t! Brown Thomas, laborer, h 128 Ridge Brown William, laborer, 11 176 Adams lIrowndl Joho R., h Brubaker Harry D., laborer, h.20bd j.\lain Brubaker John Z., laborer, h Cumbler's Row Heubaker \V laborer, d9 LOf'i?st Brubaker \VilIiam tapper, h 3:!t lIine Brubaker William L., engineer, h 352 Swatara Itntce ()Iiver, lIborrr h Ht? Bdams lIrune Charles, laborer, h 30H S 3d Brunhouse Alfred, electrician, h 65S N 2d CrUnhf?U'Ze Charles firem?Tn, h K hront Hrunhouse wid :,ViIIiarn, h K 2d Bruno Augustus, laborer, h 32:l S 3d


Harrldbdrg bddings

nhn, laborer h 323 S 3d Cuccien Peter laborre h S 3d Buckler Clarence, laborer, h Reading c Ridge Gi?ides Sc, telederph h 446 Lincoln 446 Buffington William H., tracer P. S. Co., h 575 S ~d dilhrman William moldra h 372 MyerT? Bilkoves Michael, h56 dd Bulot Nikolo, laborer, h 568 S 3d klattic, wid Andrew h Hll Frances Burget a27 Burkholder Noah S., planer, h 258 S 2d Curkholder iUiam dL, foreman, 401 Front Curns John, Aboree, Front bel nlton Burns Martin, h 183 Christian Burns Aobo! c, boikrmkt 44 Front lsurns hailliam F., 607 3d Burrell Kevan, laborer, h 129 Adams CiirreU Aichatd D., hborea lOB /\dams Burrows Gensge, laboser, \26 ,b\ams Burton Florence F., wid Robert T., h Front nr Heagy Hbb Buser Israel V., elk, Trevick c Canal, h 230 Main Btsser ohn high h Swatara
_ _~ _ _

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a-&~~'!..~~w;}H.I. KEllEY &CO.{I':'~':"=" 732 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Bush Harry E., foreman, h 203 Swatara Bush James, craneman, h 409 Catharine Busic Michael, laborer, h 258 ~Iain Butala Martin, laborer, h 765 S 2d Butler Ada Mrs., h 207 Adams Butler Charles \,y., laborer, h 549 Iron al Butler Dora, domestic, 241 S 4th Butler Eber, health officer, h 33 S 3d Butler Frank, laborer, h 257 Adams Butler Horace, laborer, h 224 Bailey Butler Richard, laborer, h 130 Ridge Butler Robert, laborer, h 109 Adams Butler Robert L., waiter, h 225 Adams Butler Wiliiam B., machinist, h 379 Myers Butler Willis, laborer, h 222 Ridge Byers Albert H., blacksmith, 333 Frederick, h 323 do Byers Peter, laborer, h 223 Christian Byers Robert R., elk. 328 N Front, h 337 Myers Byers William H., laborer, h 351 Swatara Byrd John D., laborer, h 409 S Front Byrem William A., elk S. S. Co., h 31 River av Byrod George B., letter carrier, h 11 S 4th Bysch Samuel, laborer, h 773 S 3d Calder A. Russell, supt foundry P. S. Co., h 223 Walnut Calder Eliza D., wid James, h 347 Pine

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Calder Wallace R., electrician, h 347 Pine Calhoun Charles W., laborer, h 325 N Front c .a:: Callaghan Charles F., h 323 Lincoln ...0 Callaghan Dennis J., foreman, h 325 Lincoln Callaghan Eleanor, telephone opr, h 323 Lincoln . u.I Callaghan John J., helper, h 323 Lincoln :::a:: Callaghan Julia, h 323 Lincoln ,~ Callaghan Mary, teacher, h 323 Lincoln Callaghan Matthew M., bricklayer, h 323 Lincoln I't 328 Lincoln 11.1 Callaghan l\1ichael, 323 Lincoln Callaghan Rose, h Callaghan William P., draftsman P. S. Co., h 323 Uncoln Caiman Alma F., elk, 166 N Front, h 432 Swatara 11.1 Caiman Arthur H., helper, h 432 Swatara Cameron Malcolm G., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 303 Pine Cameron Raymond D., draftsman P. S. Co., h 346 Locust Front Z Campbell Charles A., laborer, h 173 SFront Campbell Edward, plumber, h 633 N Campbell Gertrude, milliner, h 173 S Front Campbell Harry H., genl mgr P. S. Co., h 2d ab Pine Campbell Joseph A., laborer, h 363 Myers 11.1 Campbell Justin W., Stlpt testing dept P. S. Co., h 2d ab Pine Campbell Newton, laborer, h 860 N Front (.) Campbel\ Roy, laborer, h 157 Adams







~L ....

Radmond's Wagon Works {=~t.;'!:~} 3d anllRan, Sts.

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A. B. TACK t:&~~ Ion puoor 0Ild IIndOI_ ~lHr~31l

:Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 733

Campbell William A., engineer, h 616 S 2d Camphor Charles, laborer, h 153 Adams Canning James A., laborer, h 149 Myers Canning Patrick, laborer, h 167 Main n Cannon John, steelworker, h 630 N 2d C Canton Steelton, No. 41, Patriarchs Militant,meets second and fourth Wednesday at 22 S Front; Robert Morris, sec ~ Capello Benjamin A., laborer, h 335 Lincoln Capital Steam Laundry, (Tippett & Stouffer), 166 N Front Cappelo Jacob, foreman, h 541 N Front Caracot Michael, laborer, 11 317i S ::ld Carbaugh Nicholas N., grinder, h 107 Frances Carey Benjamin, laborer, h 224 Bailey Carey Edward L., laborer, h 161 Adams Carey John H., laborer, h 162 Main Cargill Ira L., student, h 412 Swatara Cargill Samuel S., laborer, h 412 Swatara Caricato Charles, fireman, h 325 S 3d Carichner Emma E., wid John, h 101 Main Carl Charles, laborer, h 401 S Front Carl Henrietta, teacher, h 186 S 2d Carl John F., elk P. S. Co., h 186 S 2d Carlson Erik J., steelworker, h 319'N Front Carney Frank D., asst genl Sl1pt P. S. Co., h 422 Spruce


Carpenter Robert, laborer, h 330 Canal al Carpenter William L., engineer, h 238 Christian Carr Edward J., laborer, h 61 Frederick Carr Ernst W., laborer, h 408 Reading Carr John, laborer, It 401 N 2d Carr l\largaret, h 137 Lincoln IE Carr William, laborer, h 404 Reading It Carson Harry, elk, 319 K Front Carter Isaac, laborer, h 113 Adams ~ Carter Tames D., laborer, h 214 Ridge Carter James L., laborer, h 405 Bailey Carter Joseph W., laborer, h 214 Ridge Carter Lewis J., steelworker, h 514 Ridge Carter Richard, laborer, h 76 Furnace =~ Carter Robert, laborer, h 1191 Adams Carthage Lodge, No. 194, K. of P., meets Wednesday eve ;:; at Red :Men's Hall; E. R. Jenkins, sec CD Casey Annie K., clk,' h )38 N 2d Casey John, helper, h 538 N 2d Cashman Clarence G., cranetender, h 355 Myers Caskey Jennie 1\1., wid James, h 453 Myers Cass WaIter S., laborer, h 528 S 2d Cassner John D., molder, h 346 Main Cavric Ivan, laborer, h 54 Conestoga Cenic Nicholas, laborer, h 153 Main

if .





No 1230 ARCH STREET f'HH.'., Pr,

t Ie


Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Centenary U. B. Church, 222 S 2d . Central Baptist Church, Rev. F. No Thomas, pastor, Main c Trewick 'C CENTRAL HOTEL, Shelley :Bros., propn, 129135 S Front CENTRAL PENNA. PU:BLISlIING CO., LTD., publiahers Advocate aud Verdict, N. Y. Parthemore, editor and c.:I mgr, 285 N Front Ceraso Frank, laborer, h 601 S 3d c.:I Cerjancu Peter, laborer, h 525 S 3d Ceyanic George, laborer, h 236 Frederick Challenger Charles W., helper, h 318 Christian _ Chambers Charles, laborer, h 260 Myers U Chambers James F., machinist, h 260 Myers Chapman Eben L., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg -= Chapman Edwin J., cranetender, h 3.'16 Christian , . Chapman James E., laborer, h 3.'36 Christian ~ Chapman James M., laborer, h 428 Main fI) Chapman Martin F., laborer. h 483 Catharine Charles Ada E., teacher, h 185 N 2d Chatman Elizabeth, housekeeper, 228 Adams Chatman George, laborer, h 228 Adams t- Chatman John, laborer, hh 228 Adams Chatman Lacy, laborer, 529 O Chatman Levina, housekeeper, Christian 228 Adams C Chernitz John, laborer, h 222 Frederick




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Chick Walter E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 416 Spruce Chrissinger Edward F., planer, h Cumbler's Row Chubb William H., helper, h r 943 S Front Chunn Charles, fireman, h 74 Furnace Church of God, 909 S Front Citizens' Band of Steelton, meets Tuesday and Friday eves at 162 S Front; D. A. Peters, sec Citizens' Fire Co., No.1, 58 ~ Front Clair Frederick H., bricklayer, h 236 Pine Oancy Annie, laundress, h 419 N 3d Clancy James, laborer, h 419 X 3d Clancy James P., laborer, h 419 N 3d Clancy John, laborer, h 419 N 3d Clancy Margaret, teacher, h 419 N 3d Clark Ebenezer, machinist, h 325 Bessemer Clark Ellen, wid John, h 325 Bessemer Clark Peter, laborer, h 868 N Front Clark Washington, labort:r, h 152 Ridge Clarkin John, laborer, h 154 Main Clarkin John A., laborer, h 154 ~lain Clarkin Michael, laborer, h 51 Frederick Clausen Erasmus, rigger, h 311 S 2d Clausen Jacob, electrician P. S. Co., h 311 S 2d Clave Angus, laborer, h 517 S Front Clemens Cyrus, l~borer, h 2!l3 Pine

If You Don't Read the PATRIOT You D.8i:tl"~.

Boyd's Steelton Direotory.


Clemens George E., local express, h 17 S Front Clemens John H., hooker, h 2~3 Pine Clendenin Charles, elk S. S. Co., h 23 S 4th Clepper James F., laborer, h 323 Trewick Clerical and Professional Relief Assn, meets first Monday night of each month at 162 S Front; C. N. Mumma, cor sec Clifton Adaline, charwoman, h 152 Ridge Cline Chester H., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 340 Pine Cline William W., elk, h 147 Christian Clipp Eugene W., laborer, h 236 Myers Clouser Emery I., engineer, h 123 Penn Coates John 'vV., laborer, h 551 Iron al Coates Mary c., foreiady, h 112 Main Coates William A., bricklayer, h 112 Main Coats Thomas, laborer, h 224 Bailey Cobean Winfield P., elk P. S. Co., h 145 S 4th Coble Herman, laborer, h 832 S 2d Cocklin Frank c., heater, h 579 S 2d Cocklin Mary A., wid William D., h 279 Main Cocklin Samuel A., charger, h 325 Myers Coder Clark M., rougher, h 303 Myers Coder Edward, steelworker, h 317 Myers Coder Eugene, brakeman, h 303 Myers Cohen Charles, barber, 221 S Front, h do


Sayings and Lean Assn.{::=:

,. ::u < ,. ::u


Cohen Fred W., engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Cohen John, drygoods, 61 Trewick, h do Cohn Benjamin, elothing, 102 N Front, h do Cohn Harry M., notions, 518 S 3d, h do Cohn Max, elothier, 37 S Front, h 43 do Cole Charles H., laborer, h 112 Adams Cole Israel, laborer, h 474 Myers Cole Jeremiah, laborer, h 85S N Front Cole John W., elk S. S. Co., h 4]5 S Front Cole Moses, h 119 Adams Cole Samuel, laborer, h 415 S Front Cole Samuel, jr., laborer, h 415 S Front Coleman George C. Rev., h 174 Adams Coleman George W .. stenographer P. S. Co., h Enhaut Coleman Harry F., (Kraemer & Coleman), h 23 S Front Coleman James A., laborer, h 21 Walnut Coleman Margaret, wid William J., h 369 Main Coleman Samuel, laborer, h 166 Adams Coleman William S., machinist, h 3G9 Main Coles George B., engineer, h 342 Befsemer Collier William J., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 355 Swatara Collins Elizabeth Mrs., elk, h 152 Lincoln Collins James, hammerman, h 243 Main Collins James J., elk P. S. Co., h 243 Main Collins John, laborer, h 327 Lincoln .

POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No"~"ci;~=y~oogle 4.6

=.:, H. M. KELLEY" CO'S ~O:==~{ ~-.:.a:a:..~

736 _ Boyd's Steelton. Directory.

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Collins Michael, h 152 Lincoln Collins Patrick, h 4116 Lincoln COllFORT SlIOE STORE, (E. S. Gerberich), boots and shoes, 19 B Front Compton William, messenger P. S. Co., h 402 Ridge Conklin Daniel M., U. S. N., h 515 ~ Front Conklin David P., laborer, h 224 Locust Conklin Edith L. Mrs .. 11 :J39 S Front Conklin George H . h 515 N Front Conner Benjamin F., laborer, h 155 Christian Conner Morris, laborer, h 159 Christian Conrad Ella R., wid Franklin B., h 143 S 4th Conrad John Vtl., carpenter, h 328 Locust Conrad Milton, inspector, h 328 Locust Conrad Solomon K., elk P. S. Co., h 260 S 2d Conti Nicola, laborer, h S 2d ab Hoffer Conway William, laborer, h 302 Ridge Cook George R., laborer, h 214 Conestoga Cook Ralph B., bookkpr Steelton Kat Bank, h 322 Pine Cooke William B. Rev., h 105 S 4th Cooney Catharine E., wid David L., h 416 S 2d Cooney Dav,id B. S., elk P. S. Co .. h 416 S 2d Cooney Harry B., elk P. S. Co., h 416 S 2d Cooney M. Isabella, elk S. S. Co., h 416 S 2d Cooper Charles, templetmkr, h 2d c Locust



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Cooper Edward M., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Cooper Frank M., draftsman P. S. Co., h Camp Hill Cooper James ~I., jr., draftsman P. S. Co., h 238 Pine Cooper William T., templetmkr, h 18 S 2d Coover Harry, (Steelton Tea Co.), h 184 ~Iain Coover Sarah c., h 142 Lincoln Copland John A., laborer, h 407 River al Corbet Wilham A., laborer, h 22f1 X Front Corbett Harry L., restaurant, 3831 S Front, h 3631 do Cord as Dmitar, elk, 247 S Front, h 864 S 2d Corder Charles, laborer, h 317 S Front Corl Aaron H., driller, h 154 IVlain Cornman Anna E., wid Samuel, h 3W :\1 vers Couffer Bros., (Samuel. Charles JI. and' Samuel S. Couffer), carpet cleaners, 428 N Front Couffer Charles M., (Couffer Bros.). h 452 K Front COUFFER HOUSE, Edward 1. Sheesley, propr, 169171 :&' Front Couffer Samuel, (Couffer & Sultzaberger and Couffer Bros.), treas Dauphin Hosiery Co., pres S. L. H. and P. Co., h 256 N Front Couffer Samuel S., (Couffer Bros.). h 236 ~ Front Couffer & Sultzaberger. (S. Couffer and D. Sultzaberger), coal and feed, 238 X Front Coulson James V., driver S. S. Co., h 1~2 S Front

I. B. TACK} IILL PAPER e:~-::! 111001 WIlES h,';;::~~8a.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Coump Martin, hostler, h 242 ~'Iyers Coump Sarah 1., housekeeper, 242 Myers Council Chamber and Lockup, 114 Walnut Cox Ernest L., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Cox Horace, elk P. R. R., h 265 N Front Coyle James, machinist, h 174 Lincoln Crabb Wellington P., laborer, h 541 Iron al Craig John c., roll turner, h 161 Lincoln Cramer Carl J., laborer, h 406 N 3d Cramer Harry J., slate roofer, 264 N Front, h do Cramer Reese S., machinist, h 104 :N Front Crampton Henry, laborer, h 256 Ridge Crampton John L., laborer, h 256 Ridge Crampton Oliver E., laborer, h 256 Ridge Cranston John P., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Craver George M., laborer, h 20a Christian Craver Walter N., brakeman, h 872 N Front Crawford Andrew J., lather, h Front c Felton Creamer Earl, laborer, h 325 Conestoga Creamer Malinda, wid Robert W., h 325 Conestoga Cresswell Harry M., tracer P. S. Co., h 408 Spruce Cresswell Joseph F., elk P. S. Co., h 408 Spruce Crist Annie M., wid Henry, h 429 Swatara Crist Clayton L., elk P. S. Co., h 431 Swatara Crist G. Addison,-car inspector, h 177 Christian



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Crist Henry A., helper, h 178 IVlyers Crist John, laborer, h 247 l\lyers Criswell John W., fish warden, h 319 S 4th Critchley Arthur 1., steelworker, h 149 Lincoln Critchley Frank 0., overseer, A 31 S 4th Critchley William E., foreman P. S. Co., h 253 Lincoln Critchley William W., elk P. S. Co., h 253 Lincoln Croft Charles G., laborer, h ~88 S Front Croll John P., draftsman P. S. Co., h 249 Lincoln Cromwell George, laborer, h 121 Adams Croson Charles, laborer, h 267 N Front Cross Mary, wid Nicodemus, h 101 Main Crouse Nora c., teacher, h 1~9 S 2d Crowley Dennis, laborer, h 457 N 2d Crozier Edward, steelworker, h 51 S 2d Crozier William B., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg CrumbIer Charles c., supt, S Front nr limits, h Highspire Crumlich Jacob A., laborer, h .107 Catharine Crummey Sheridan, laborer, h 86 Furnace Crump George, machinist, h 254 Christian Crusade Castle, No. 73, K. of M. c.. meets each Tuesday eve. in G. A. R. Hall, S. F. Jenkins, sec CUCl10t Paul A.. draftsman P. S. Co., h 306 Chestnut Cuddy Charles H., restaurant, 401 S Front, h 403 do Cuddy James, janitor, h 4.01 S Front


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Bra,1DII Paint M.dlclne Stlni.::s:=..u:.

:Boyd'. Steelton Directort'.



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Cuddy Thomas, laborer, h 403 S Front Culp John F., chief surgeon P. S. Co., h 343 Spruce Cumak Lovro, laborer, h 762 S 3d Cumbler Elizabeth E., wid Jacob 0., h 33 S 3d CUJOLEB. HORACE K., dentist, 34 S Front, h 33 S 3d _ Cumbler Wilmer H., elk, S Front nr limits, h 354 Locust c; Cummings Owen T., machinist, h 420 Spruce Cuniak Lovro, laborer, h 762 S :ld Curley Joseph, molder, h 214 K Front Curran Samuel B., elk P. S. Co., h 349 Swatara Curry Charles c., laborer S. S. Co., h 464 N Front Curry Georgianna, wid Joseph, h 13 S 3d Curry Levi, watertender, h 464 }; Front Cussack John J., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 177 Myers Cussack Matthew, foreman P. S. Co., h 177 Myers Cussack Matthew M., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 177 Myers . . Cussack Thomas P., elk P. S. Co., h 177 Myers Cyrus Amanda Mrs., h 529 Iron al Dailey Cornelius, foreman P. S. Co., h 19 Walnut Dailey Cornelius M., student, h 19 Walnut Dailey George W., laborer, h 533 N Front Dailey James, laborer, h 85 Main Dailey James H., oiler, h 216 Conestoga Dailey Morris M., elk P. S. Co., h 19 Walnut Dailey Patrick, charger, h 47 S 2d



Dailey Thomas, laborer, h 168 Frederick Dailey William P., elk P. S. Co., h 19 Walnut Daily George W., ironworker, h 93 Main Daily James H., laborer, h 93 Main Daily Patrick F., engineer, h 93 Main D'Alberti Charles, elk, h 31 Che&tnut Dalton James H., laborer, h 134 Ridge Daly James P., steeh'ltorker, h 226 N 2d Daly .\largaret, wid Philip, h 226 N 2d Daniels George W., foreman P. S. Co., h 164 Frederick Daniels Wiliiam, laborer, h 176 Adams Danley Alice, wid Harry H., h 120 Franklin Danneker John )1. Rev., h tj2~ S 2d Danneker !\lary .F., housekeeper, 628 S 2d Danner Edna A., elk S. S. Co., h 710 S 2d Danner Edwin G., laborer, h 710 S 2d Darby George W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg 1;11 DAR:BY WU,T.UK F., lawyer, 146 N Front, h 246 Pine ~ Daron E. & Son, (Edward L.), pianos, 41 N Front Daron Edward Rev., (E. Daron & Son), h Hbg Q Daron Edward L., (E. Daron & Son), jeweler, 41 N Front, ~ h 1!) Locust DARON ELLSWORTH 14., job printer, 60 N Front, h 62 do z: Darr Charles W., laborer, h ~28 Myers C Darr Reuben L., laborer, h 328 :\lyers


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Darr Samuel A., laborer, h 328 Myers Daughters of America, Camp No. 10, meets every Friday night in Old G. A. R. Hall; Lottie Rockey, sec Daughters of Liberty, No. 158, meets every Friday night at Woodmen's Hall; \\iilliam Otstott, sec ID Daughters of Naomi, Mary Logan Assembly, No. 26, K. of c:: M. c., meets every Monday evening at G. A. R. Hall; ~ Mrs. l\Iary Gallagher, sec Dauphin Hosiery Co., E. A. Hirner, pres; S. Couffer, treas, en 166 N Front Davidson Viola J., wid Samuel, h 343 N Front Davidson vVilliam H., electrician, h 470 N Front Davies Frank H., elk P. S. Co., h 3901 S 2d Davies Henry, ins solicitor, h 604 N 3d Davies Lawrence, cigars, 223 N Front, h 604 N 3d Davies William H., laborer, h 604 N 3d Davis Charies S., prin High School, h 183 S 2d Davis David, laborer, h 236 Lincoln Davis George H., laborer, h Adams nr Harrisburg Davis George H., laborer, h 405 S 2d Davis George W., laborer, h 153 Adams Davis 1. Clinton, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Davis John L., laborer, h 249 Myers Davis John W., elk P. S. Co., h 185 S 2d



0 GM ::::} Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {=::::

Davis Morris M., laborer, h 5114 S 2d Davis Robert, laborer, h 123 Ridge Davis Robert, laborer, h 348 N 2d Davis Sanderson, laborer, h 173 Adams Davis Thomas J., laborer, h 265 Main Davis Watkins, grocer, 152 Lincoln, h 236 do Day Alden A., laborer, h :~8(} Myers Day Alfred, buggyman, h 313 Ridge Day Peter R., constable, h 380 Myers Dayhoff Harry L., laborer, h 448 Swatara Dayhoff James, brakeman, h 416 Reading Daylor Michael J., bar elk, :l47 N Front, h do Daylor William J., steelworker, h 510 X 2d Deabler George, grocer, 221 Franklin, h do Dean Charles, laborer, h 340 N 2d Dean Frank, laborer, h 340 N 2d Deckard William, laborer, h 977 S Front Decker Harvey, patternmkr, h 421 Swatara Deen John c., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Defranko RatTaeli, laborer, h 400 Mohn Defranko Salvatore, machinist, h 805 S 3d DeGray John, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Dehner Catharine M., elk S. S. Co., h 171 Lincoln Dehner Joseph F., sawyer, h 171 Lincoln Dehner William E., letter carrier, h 171 Lincoln

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H. M. KELLEY" CO. }OR!ces. ::~ ~::::.} COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

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Deibler Frank J., laborer, h 369 X 2d Deibler Harper, laborer, h 24 X 2d Deibler James :\1., blacksmith, h 601 ~ 2d Deik Arthur G., bricklayer, h 3i9 S 3d Deik Carl, laborer, h 379 S 3d Deik Harry, elk P. S. Co., h 3i9 S 3d Deiner Catharine :\Irs., h 713 S Front Delaney William, gasmkr, h 43 Sad Deluca Raffaele, grocer, 502 S 3d, h do De:\lark ~Iichael, laborer, h 323 S 3d Demmy Avery S., student, h 425 S Front Demmy Bessie, shirt waistmkr, h iot ~ Front Demmy Christian A., stripper, h 26 Pine Demm)' Harry :\1., jr. test roller P. S. Co., h 23 Walnut Demmy Henry E., h 701 X Front Demmy Isaac I., molder, h i01 X Front Demmy John C. driver, h 425 S Front Demmy Riley W., rougher. h 701 X Front Dengler Frederick, h 237 S Front Dennis Charles H., laborer. h 3211 Ridge Dennis Joseph. laborer, h 5:31 X ,Front Derflinger G. Leonard. cooper. h 319 Trewick Derflinger Walter, plumber. h 321 Trewick Derr John D., machinist, h 240 :\Iain Derr Philip, laborer, h 438 ~Iohn


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deSchweinitz P. Bernard, mech eng;r P. S. Co., h 333 Spruce Deshler David L., engineer, h 5i Conestoga Detweiler Charles G., elk, Conestoga c Frederick, h 217 N Front Detweiler James P., mgr, 240 S Frotlt, h :~45 Swatara Detweiler John c., engineer, h 519 Lincoln Detweiler Samuel G., mgr rnited Ice and Coal Co., h 217 N Front Devlin David c., timekeeper, h 581 S 2d Devlin Joseph c., laborer, It li3 Conestoga Devore Annie S., wid George W., h Hi8 S 2d Devore George G., machinist. h 1flS S 2d Devore Harry, steelworker, h Iii :\lain De\Vitt Elmore, civil engineer P. S. Co., h 34~ Spruce Dice Sarah E. :0.1 rs .. h 2:\S M vers Dickinson Bayard T., physidan. :143 ~ Front, h do Dickinson James L., steelworker. h :305 X Front Dickinson William ]., laborer. h 221 Franklin Dickson :\Iary. wid James, h 30fl Ridge Diegel David L., laundry, 116 ~ Front, h 432 Lincoln Diegel Jacob, steelworker, h 301 flcssemer Diegel John J., driver, h :l:,)2 Bessemer Dietrich ~Iary. wid Joseph, h 328 X 2d Diffenderfer Edward, rail straightener, h 12 Strawberry av


A. B. TACK}Wall PaDlr and Wlndol Sbadllh:::l1:~

Boyd'. Steelton Direotory.
Diffcnderfer Isaac T., foreman, h 360 S 2d Diffenderfer John C, laborer, h Front nr Frances Diffenderfer Jonah G., mgr, 50 N Front, h 187 S:!d Dill Hiram Y., laborer, h 3d c Felton Dill William, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Dinely John, laborer, h 403 S Front Dintilllan Eliza, wid George, h ad c Felton Dintiman Luther L., draftsman P. S. Co., h!leI c Felton Dion Israel P., laborer, h 342 Swatara Ditlow William, engineer, h 141 S Front Diveley George L., laborer, h 406 Reading Dively Charles A., watchman, h !l64 Swatara Djakovic Tlya, laborer, h 648 S 3d Dolinar Michael, laborer, h 616 S 3d Dolinar Peter, laborer, h 594 S 3d Dolson Thomas A., laborer, h lfi2 ~Iyers Domenico Intriev, laborer, h 750 S 2d Donahoe James B., laborer, h 43 S 3d Donahoe :Matthew ]., laborer, h 43 S 3d Doncevic Jandro, laborer, h 508 S 3d Donitel Jeremiah, watchman, h 821 S 2d Donley George D., laborer, h 209 Christian Donley James A., rigger, h 31~~ Christian Donley John W., rigger, h 326 Christian Donnelly George H., watertender, h 404 S 2d


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Donoghue William J., barber, :183 l\Jain, h Hbg Donovan John M., elk P. S. Co., h 41 N 3d Dorman Edward, laborer, h 504 S 2d Dorris Harvey, tinsmith, h 171 Christian Dorsey Harry, laborer, h 529 Iron al Dorwart Emma M., wid David, h 248 l\lyers Dorwart Henry C, laborer, h 71 Frcderick Dougherty James, gas supt P. S. Co., h 19 S !ld Dougherty John W., genl supt P. S. Co., h 212 Harrisburg Dougherty Kate, knitter, h 134 S 2d Dougherty Sabina, wid Hugh A., h 134 S 2d Dougherty Thomas 0., laborer, h 677 S Front Douglass Charles, laborer, h 320 Ridge Douglass Charles C, engineer, h a:n~ S Front Douglass Francis R., laborer, h 4:1 S 4th Douglass Francis R., jr., timekpr P. S. Co., h 11!l S 4th Douglass Jeremiah B., helper, h 5S:~ S Front Douglass John, laborer, h 133 Adams Douglass John C, helper. h 20 S 2<1 Douglass John \\1 .. laborer. h 341 S Front Douglass Joseph, laborer, h 133 Adams Downing Albert, janitor S. S. Co., II 34 Furnace Downs Abraham, stable boss, h 2:W Locust Downs Clara, nurse, h 249 N Front Downs Fred W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 249 N Front



No 1130 ARCH STREET P>I'\ ,\


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Downs Harry 1., boilermkr, h 230 N 2d Downs Henry J., draftsman P. S. Co .. h 249 N Front Mill P. S. 331 Short "Ii Downs John B., supt RailS. S. Co., hCo., hLocust Downs Lawrence A., elk 2a6 Downs Thomas, supt Forge Dept P. S. Co., h 249 N Front c :t Doy James, laborer, h 145 Ridge ..: Doy John, laborer, h :l06 Ridge c :t Doy Reuben, laborer, h 216 Ridge W Dragovic Juro, laborer, h 560 S ad CII) Drawbaugh E. Allen, teacher, h 383 S Front Drawbaugh Eli c., teacher, h 11 N 4th Drayer Adam, laborer, h n Frederick DRESS GEORGE W., job printer, 551 S 2d, h 553 do Dress George W., jr., h 16:J S 4th Dress John, laborer, h 392 Mohn ....- Dress John]., laborer, h 165 S 4th Dress Wilhelmina K., elk S. S. Co., h 163 S 4th Dress William, laborer, h IH.'J S 4th Drmes Mike, laborer, h 314 Frederick DubIe Henry Q., mgT, 143 N Front, h 33 S 2d Duey Mary, wid George K., h GGo'J N Front Dugans Laura A., wid John \V., h 173 Adams Alby, elk .P. S. Co., h c( Duncan William, laborer, h 121Highland Duncan Adams Duncker 'William F., carpenter, h 346 Main


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Boyd's Steelton Directory.




flileGBOrDDlY ODd TnlSI CO.,:::~ ~ a.:.~=,,=~~.~ ~==.=

Dundoff Tusko, laborer, h 359 Cnristian Dunkle Abraham B., (Dunkle & Knoderer), h 120 Lincoln DUNKLE AlIOS W., (1. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co. and Dunkle Bros.), justice of the peace, 192 N Front, h 251 N 2d Dunkle Arthur ]., elk, h 120 Lineo!n DUNKLE BROS., (Samuel F. and Amos W.), insurance and real estate, 192 N Front Dunkle J. A., Sons & Co .. (Josiah A.), (estate), Samuel F. and Amos \V. Dunkle), real estate and exchr..nge, 192 N Front Dunkle Margie 1., h 251 N 2d Dunkle Mary, wid Josiah A., h 251 K 2d Dunkle Peter F., carpenter, h 363 Pine Dunkle Samuel F., (J. A. Dunkle, Sons & Co. and Dunkle Bros.), h Hbg DUNKLE & KNODERER, (Abraham B. Dunkle and D. Frank Knoderer), funeral directors and embalmers, 180 .. Front Dunkle & Knoderer Co-Operative Assn, A. B. Dunkle, pres; D. F. Knoderer, sec, lRO N Front Dunlap James, engineer S. S. Co., h Hbg Dunlap Joseph E., puddler, h ;)08 Smith al Dunmore Amanda]. Mrs., It 139 Adams Dunn James, laborer, h 535 N Front Dunn Joseph, lahorer. h Cumbler's Row



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Tha PATRIOT'S Sporting Paga GIVES FU~~:~ED~ALL SCOaBS Digitized byCoogLe

I. B. TACK}~~-=~"~{:::::;'a:.:!
Boyd'. Sieelton Direotory. 743
Dunn Urial K., supt, 50 N Front, h 228 Elm DUlln William, laborer, h 535 N Front Dunstan George, laborer, h 205 :Main Durborrow Samuel T., elk, h 26 S 2d Durnan Joseph B., foreman, h 207 Myers Durnbaugh Irvin M., bartender, h 324 N 2d Durolle Ura, laborer, h 228 Frederick Durz Leonard 5., farmer, h Lincoln opp cemetery Dutton Francis B., mech eng P. S. Co., h 232 Pine Earisman Cbarles E., molder, h 232 Locust Earle Thomas, asst supt B. and C. Dept P. S. Co., h 324 Catharine Earnest Frank N., machinist, h 25 S 2d Earnest Jane E., wid Franklin c., h 25 S 2cl Earnest Luther J., patternmkr, h 25 S 2d Earnest Mary, wid John M., h 4 N 3d Earnest Ralph W., machinist, h 25 S 2d Earnest Robert M., machinist, h 25 5 2d Eaton Evan, laborer, h 2lO Adams Eaton Lewis, laborer. h 210 Adams c :: Ebersole l\Iary C. :\Irs . h 5113 Main Ebner George F., jr.. elk P. S. Co., h Hbg CD Eby Mary J., clressmkr, h 21~ Elm ~ Eby Susan. housekeeper, IS7 S 2d Echlin Gideon 0., electrician, h 2!l7 Myers


} Harrisburg SaYIngs and Loan Assn. {~ =.


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Eckard Jacob. painter, h 453 Myers Eckenrode James A., foreman, h !l27 \Valnttt Eckert Joseph H., printer, h 18 Pine Eckles Lawrence, meat, :-l2~ X Front, h 3311 do Ecton John W., laborer, h 118 Main Edge Charles, h 25 N 2d Edgerton Ralph W .. civil engr P. S. Co., h Hbg Edwards Alfred, driver. h 111 Adams Edwards Glen, bricklayer. h 2211 Ridge Edwards Joseph, blacksmith. h 74H S Front Edwards Llewellvn X .. draftsman P. S. Co., h ~[jddletown Edwards Willianl, steelworker, h i14 S :!d Eiler Henry, laborer. h 547 Myers Eisenberg John, laborer, h 411!l Catharine Eisenhart E. Katie, saleslady, 21 N Front, h 225 Locust Eissner Harry. asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Ellenberger Allen W .. draftsman P. S. Co., h Enhaut Ellenberger Sarah J., wid John. h !l60 Swatara Ellenberger L. Grant. driver. h 405 Bessemer Elliot James 0., laborer. h 129 Ridge Ely Carl B., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Ely Eliza, housekeeper. 3~6 Swatara Ely John A., blacksmith, h 229 Christian Emery Jacob c., assayer, h 337 Bessemer Emery Jacob c., jr., helper. h 408 S 2d
Digitized by

POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {N;rl..-c=.::':lIii:oogle G


H M KELLEY a CO {I NcntIl .II&ate at. o. t . 10th aDd . ~


Boyd's Steelton Directory.




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Emery William, laborer, h 7&-.: S ::!d Enders Edward, laborer, h 356 ~Ivers Enders Xelson, watchman P. S. C~., h Hbg Enders \Valter E., foreman, h 356 )1 vers Engle Henry B., elk, 204 N Front, h :1 X 4th Engle Mary A.; bookkpr, 194 S Front, h 3 N 4th Engst Stephan, laborer, h 505 )'lyers Enney George W., jr., foreman, h 354 S 2d Ensminger Harry E., laborer, h 429 Catharine Ensminger William H., carpenter, h 555 N 3d Epler Criah, laborer, h 175.Myers Eppinger Charles D., agt, h 210 K Front Eppinger Oscar L., assessor, h 103 Lincoln Erb Grace, wid Hermann, h 35H Bessemer Erb Paul A., machinist, h 350 Bessemer Ernst John, laborer, h 658 S ad Eschenhour Annie F., wid Jacob G., h 416 N Front Eshelman Jacob K., laborer, h l:!O Frederick Eshelman Reeder H., elk, h 120 Frederick Eshelman William 1., butcher S. S. Co., h Enhaut Etheridge Maggie A., seamstress, h li4 Ridge Etter George W .. asst supt, h 244 Pine Ettinger Henry C, laborer, h 9(17 S Front



Evangeline Degree Lodge, No. 163, Daughters of Rebekah, meets first and third \Yednesday of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, George H. Roberts, sec Evans Emma, wid Weslev, h 407 River al Evans Evan, laborer, h 201 S 2d Z Evans George J., laborer, h 215 X 2d Evans John M., h 221 S 2d Evans John W., machinist, h 155 S 2d Evans William B., laborer, h 403 Reading Everhart Charles A., laborer, h 305 Frances 1&1 Everhart John W., foreman, h 705 X Front Evitts Arthur W., engineer, h 304 X Front Ewing Frank V., laborer, h 327 Frances Eynon James H., laborer, h 246 Lincoln Eynon John, laborer, h 303 Swatara Eynon Lewis, laborer, h 246 Lincoln ~ Eynon Lewis, jr., laborer, h 246 Lincoln Eynon William G., laborer, h 119 Walnut ~ Fackler Michael H., elk P. S. Co., h Enhaut Fahnestock Frank G., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg C Failor Andrew, h 34 S 2d is Fair Sarah A. Mrs., h 312 :\Iain ~ Fairfax John H., laborer, h 168 Adams C Fairlamh Emma 0 .. elk, 8 S Front, It ::!5 N 4th ti:i Fairlamb Jane, milliner, 8 S Front, h 25 N 4th CD Fairlamb Louisa, h 25 ~ 4th Fairlamb Robert V., news, 1-3 S Front, h 222 Myers



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~":!u-::~ ANDREW

REOMONO{3d aaU.11I sa. l:.oogTe

Digitized by

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Fallinger Elias B., laborer, h 340 S :!d Farconi Mike, laborer, h 816 S 2d Farina Frank, grocer, 681 S 2d, h do Farley Cora M., bookkpr, 50 X .Front, h Hbg Farley Edna c., stenographer, 50 N Front, h Hbg Farner William, riveter, h 243 S Front Farrar Earnest, laborer, h' 2'27 N Zd Farver John, laborer, h 456 Mohn Farver Jonas, laborer, h :mo S Front Feehrer E. Ross, machinist, h 22 S Harrisburg Feehrer George N., draftsman P. S. Co., h Highspire Feehrer Kewton S., butcher S. S. Co., h 137 S 4th Feeman Ida C. Mrs., h 113 Lincoln Feidt Charles, elk P. S. Co., h 377 S Front Feight Peter, patternmkr, h 305 Swatara Fein Abraham, laborer, h 465 ~fyers Feirick Edward, laborer, h 244 Christian Feirick Jacob G . boilermkr. h 244 'Christian Feirick Percival A., helper, h 244 Christian Feirick Richard, driver S. S. Co., h 244 Christian Felker Abraham S., jeweler. 48 N Front, h do Felker Harvey, machinist, h r 335 S 2d Felker John R., section boss, h 319 S Front Felker Lulu M., seamstress, h 48 N Front



FELTON EDGAR C.~ pres Pennsylvania Steel Co., h Haverford Felton Hall, Walnut c 4th Fencil Nathaniel S., stoves, &c., 41i X Frollt, h 5 S 2d Ferencic Anton, iaborer, h :!12 Frederick Ferguson Martin, pitman, h 174 Ridge Ferguson William H., laborer, h 222 Ridge Ferio Charles, laborer, h 814 S 2d Ferlan Joseph, laborer, h 617 S 2d Ferlan Michael, laborer, h 606 S 3d Fernau George, laborer, h 319 N Front Fernsler Irvin, foreman, h 347 Myers Ferraro Ralph, shoemkr, 305 S Front, h do Fessler George A., salesman S. S. Co . h 231 S Front Fessler Maxwell W., barber, 2:31 S Front, h do Fetrow Abram M., foreman. h :!41 Swatara Fetterhoff Austin 1., elk, h 375 Myers Fetterhoff Ephraim B., laborer. h 125 S 2d Fetterhoff William, lahorer. h 554 S 2d Fickes Alice. wid Jacob, h 307 S 2d Fickes Oarence W., driller. h 34H S 2d Fickes Clifford, trimmer, h 307 S 2d Fickes Edward K., laborer. h 307 S 2d Fickes George \V., steelworker, h 340 Lincoln Fickes William S .. elk P. S. Co., h 418 X 3d



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lIdell'. Paba EDermiDa..... _ CboIeIa lIorbaa, n,-n'ery.enaJll, ~ ClDIdI, Q!dn81.1U1euma&1ma, TooCbaeh8.IJore ~ Ape. ~ . . . _ . . . .

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Fidinger Christian L., laborer, h 364 S 2d Fields James, laborer, h 134 Ridge "!I ydds J~l,[?S L., h Ridg:'[? iiliclds J W., S. h 25t Ridge . . Fields Pelon F., laborer, h 13H S 2d 'I Fields Robert :M., laborer. h 105 Adams

~ Fiz~se N1Z;:;~;'J~bfttttc


S Front Fijanic Anna, wid Joseph, h H24 S 2d Fillmore Charles A., carpenter, h 409 Mohn FiHlllor'[? John, 400 dkhn, k3 S FillmoretVilliam , h 413 Front l;'inegan Bernard, foreman, h 712 S 2d n:~t Charles.,E., drafts~~n P Co., h Camphill

g. !~d

:~ BmIt Ro., h


Fink W., t~TI2 Finkelstein Samuel, grocer, 443 ~Iyers, h do a Finley John A., elk P. S. Co., h 215 Lincoln ;;; IInery, irotfworkee ;44 Besezzmer Va::' First Chuedz~ Adame nr Bai]n~ First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. A. F. Taylor, pas1&1 tor, Front c Pine .J diest Preehvterian Church~ hd c c:a: Fizst RiHfzs;yzed 2d Swatarzz 1&1 Fischer Joseph, laborer, 421 1\[ ohn


... Fircher Fouis G., zhaftsmayz h Hbg Fish William c., laborer, h 41 Frederick Fisher Addis, laborer, h 84 Furnace Fisher En 405 Fwnt Fisher (Jzarles c., draftsman . S. Co., h Highspire Fisher Charles P., laborer, h 2H2 Ridge Fisher Edward H" elk P. h, Co., h Vi Cumberland Fisher stYderick enginsee h 334~ Smatara Fisher George, steelworker, h 38:{ S Front Fisher Harriet, wid Levi, h 14!lt Adams Fiy,her eny, labccer, h 3V:! 3d Fisher Jamz's A., dsyyman, hhO Fisher James E., laborer, h 148 Ridge Fisher John H., draftsman P. S. Co., h ~liddletown Fi'zher Joho L., h ;t08 Limol Fisher Jo"ttzph H.. draftz.rnzm P. h Fisher Paris F .. molder. h 618 S 2d l&I Fisher Susan Mrs., h 543 I ron a1 ~ Fisher Waaren S,. elk P. S, Co., h Charlet< h 2h fb7 Main Ittlnngec Rena, Fishinger Margaret. wid Bartholomew, h 167 Main Fitzhugh William. laborer. h 854 N Front Fhnck laborzyc h 1Fi, :\lain Fkager hmlpson, 2G1 S Front

lhe PATRIOT} ANewspaper for the Home {SII Cantu Wadk



"}ploJI_bm~wwk_.beDeeODI7""{ A B TAC a ...... aDd . . . . . . WcddooelDlIDJJIU'&oflltllle. ISle Id8&.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Fletcher Alfred, elk, 117 S Front, h 18 Walnut Fletcher Ernest, laborer, h 251 Adams Fletcher Henry L. T., laborer, h 306 Christian Fletcher Joseph A., hotel, 117 S Front, h do Fletcher Lillie, domestic, h 120 Adams Flink G. Adolph, laborer, h 620 S 2d Floger Joseph, laborer, h 18 N 2d Flowerfield Frederick E., elk P. S. Co., h Enhaut Floyd Hezekiah, machinist, h r 250 S 2d Floyd Walter, electrician, h 125 S Front Flynn James, laborer, h 245 Christian Flynn William M., h 210 S 2d Foley James, laborer, h 616 S 2d Foley Margaret, elk S. S. Co., h 176 Frederick Foley Richard E., pitman, h 176 Frederick Folkers Samuel V., laborer, h 351 S 2d Foltz William, laborer, h 935 S Front Foot Forrest, driver, h 850 N Front Ford John, laborer, h 704 S 2d Ford Maud, housekeeper, 201 S 2d Foresters of America, No. 186, meets Wednesday, G. A. R. Hall Forster Arthur G., accountant P. S. Co., h Hbg Fortenbaugh Abram P., bookkpr, 240 S Front, h Hbg Fortino John, laborer, h 351 S 3d


Sayloll and Loan Also.{==

Fortney Harvey S., helper, h 109 Main Foster Benjamin R., machinist, h 27 S 3d Foster Robert R., machinist, h 27 S 3d Fothergill School, 2d c Mayberry al Foust Daniel E., bartender, h 239 Christian Fox Emma Mrs., domestic, 22 N 2d Fox Frank, butcher, h 701 S 2d N Fox George W., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox Harvey H., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox John A., laborer, h 283 Main Fox Minnie E., dressmkr, 247 Swatara, h do J: Fox Robert L., laborer, h 126 S 2d Fox Robert 0., bricklayer, h 247 Swatara Fox Sarah L., wid John H., h 247 Swatara Fay Elizabeth c., wid Samuel G., h 342 Main Fay Samuel R., laborer, h 340 Main Frady Julia E., wid George M., h 857 S Front Fraker Joseph E., ins sol, h 107 Lincoln Francis Ebenezer, supt P. S. Co., h 342 Spruce Frank W. Francis, pumpman, h 373 S 3d Franke W. Berkley, timekeeper P. S. Co., h 14 Harrisburg Franklin Charles, laborer, h 348 N 2d Franklin Edward, laborer, h 12~ Ridge Franklin Leah, wid James, h 226 S Front Franklin William, laborer, h 222 Bailey

z ,. :u < ,. :u

,. o
,:u. en




M. KELLEY & CO. {,.:.::Sta ....


Frantz Allen R., elk, 131 S Front, h 129 do c::a Frantz Daniel E., laborer, h 169 Main Frantz Edward S., mail messenger, h 169 Main ~ Frantz Michael A., h Front nr Heagy ~ Frazier Susan, cook, 1191 Adams L Frazier Virginia, wid Fate, h 3US Ridge ~ Frederick William L., steelworker, h 343 Christian ~ Free John A., plumber, h :..'t)9 Christian c$ Freeburn J. :\lorris, machinist, h 56:J K 2d : : Freeburn John :\1.. ins sol, 22 S Front, h 268 Myers C Freeburn \Valter \V., steelworker, h 270 Myers t:i Freeburn's Hall, 284 Main u.I Freeland Annie, wid R. Emory, h 675 S Front Freeland George A., chipper, h r 935 S Front 04 Freeland John H., fireman, h 243 S Front c::a Freeman Harry K., dentist, 4 S Front, h 332 S 2d !5 Freese Ralph, machinist, h 569 S 2d ; : Frejanic Lovro, laborer, h 527 S 3d ::z: Frey Doctor, laborer, h 2]6 Ridge Frey John, laborer, h 539 S Front c::a Frey Joseph, laborer, h 440 Mohn z: Frey Martha A., domestic, 401 Pine Frey Robert M., general store, 109 N Front, h do _ Frey Ross M., elk, 18 S Front, h 109 N Front Frick Charles T., draftsman P. S. Co., h 109 N Front



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.




Fries Aletha P., cigarmkr, h 323 Swatara

Fries Joseph c., foreman P. S. Co., h 323 Swatara Fries Mary E., cigarmkr, h 323 Swatara Friskey Jacob S., engineer, h 735 N Front u.I Fritz Adaline M., wid Robert, h 150 Lincoln ::z: Fritz Bertha Mrs., h 150 Lincoln Fritz William D., elk, 140 N Front, h 302 N 2d Frumin Max G., optician and jeweh!r, 37 N Front, h 55 do 1&1 Fry Adam, laborer, h 460 Mohn Fry Agnes, wid Harry, h 2.18 Christian Fry Alonzo, laborer, h 120 S 2d Fry Edward G., laborer, h 80 Furnace Fry Eliza M., wid Daniel h 120 S 2d II: Fry Franklin S., laborer,' h 202 ~1 vers Fry George, laborer, h 503 Myers' Fry James, laborer, h 210 Adams Fry Jefferson D., helper, h 80 Furnace Fry William, laborer, It 411 S Front Fry William M., laborer, It 126 S 2d II: Fuller Charles 1\1., oiler, h 3U8 Main 1&1 Fuller Walton B., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Funk David W., laborer, h 472 Main Funk George E., laborer, 472 Main Funk Jacob L., laborer, hh415 Main

... ~

== !!:

z: Fries Edward D., machinist, h 327 Swatara



Radmond'. Wagon Works {=I=~-'-=~-TlriDi--!-i~-~e~-by-d~-O-~o-~-~-e

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Funk Jacob M., laborer, h 472 Main Funk John E., charger, h no Main Funk Luther A., engineer, h 6:m K Front Funk William P., engineer, h :!U1 Christian Furcich Spiridon, steamship agt, 1-14 Apple ai, h do Furie James, laborer, h :~55 s ad Furie Joseph, laborer, h 414 1\lohn Furie Peter, cigars, &c., HWt S Front, h :{:!7 S :td Furjenic Peter, laborer. h 540 S ~d Gabler John R., driver, h 215 Christian Gabriel Leon, laborer. h 387 S ~d Gad Charles, master machinist, h Front nr Heagy Gaddis Harriet, wid Thornton. h 1H2 Ridge Gaffney Honora ~1.. elk. I~O :\ Front. h 114 N !:?d' Gaffne)' James F .. tel opr P. S. Co .. h 114 K :!d Gaffney John, melter, h 517 K Front Gaffney John G., machinist, h 517 N" Front Gaffney Mary A., wid Thomas, h 114 N 2d Gaffney Mary c., elk S. S. Co., h 114 N 2d Gaines Henry M., watertender, h 85~ N Front Galbraith William E., drug elk, 189 S Front, h 230 Locust Gallagher Amos L., watchman, h 19(1 S 2d Gallagher Charles A., foreman, h 669 S Front Gallagher Charles A., jr., rivetmkr, h 565 S Front

Gallagher Frank B., laborer. h Chambers c S Front Gallagher George H., coremkr, h 561 S Front Gallagher Joanna T., telephone opr, h 113 Lincoln Gallagher John H., machinist, h 190 S 2d Gallagher John 11., machinist, h 7~9 S Front Gallagher Michael, shearsman, h 11~ Lincoln Gallagher Thompson K, laborer, h Chambers c S Front Galloway Arthur H., laborer, h 129 Adams Gallus Joseph, laborer. h :!:! :\f 2d Gamby Henry E., laborer, h :t~fi S 2d Gardner Annie, teacher, h 142 Lincoln Gardner Eliza A., elk S. S. Co., h ~() N 2d Gardner Fannie c., wid Adam, h 1:5:! Lincoln Gardner George S., draftsman P. S. Co., h 142 Lincoln Gardner Henry, laborer, h 656 S ~d Gardner John, steelworker, h ~O N 2<1 Gardner Margaret, wid John, h 30 N 20 Gardner :Mary L., wid James E., h 146 Ridge Gardner Thomas V., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 32 N 2d Gardner William H .. painter. h ~74 S ::!(I Garnett David, laborer, h 14fi Ridge Garnett Reuben, laborer, h :W8 Ridge Garraty George, machinist, h ~6~ Spruce Garraty George D., asst chemist P. , ..Co .. h ~6~ Spruce Garrett Franklin K .. bartender. 24:{ ?llain, h 24-2 do


.', '0 TECTIV'E 8GENCY '



No'. 1~30 ARCH STREET , ""llA .. l'iI.



1e1lO11 Pall Eltnlnatar ::~_-:.==-:..~~ ... ~


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

540 S 2d

..: Garrett Raymond P., agt Adams Express, 120 S Front, h


.. ...


c: Garonzik Michael, furniture, 377 S Front, h 407 do



0 0



.Ii! ftI

c a:
0 0 >Z


Gemmill William N., watchman, h 241 S 2d Genl. Reynolds Circle, No. 34, G. A. R, meets every Thursday, 2 P. M., G. A. R Hall; Mrs. M. H. Frantz. sec Genstein Samuel J., draftsman P. S. Co., h Highspire ca: George Annie R., wid Edwin, h 41 S 2d a.. George Charles L., clk P. S. Co., h 117 Penn E George Isaac W., clk P. S. Co., h 41 S 2d 0 George J. Elmer, paymaster P. S. Co., h 355 Pine U Georgeowitch Adza, laborer, h 325 Franklin ...J Gerberich Enos S., (Comfort Shoe Store), h 17 N Front ..: Gerdes Albert B., patternmkr, h :-t41 N Front 0 Gerdes Arthur R, patternmkr, h 113 Lincoln u Gerdes Bessie A., housekeeper, 113 Lincoln C Gerdes Joseph H., hotel, 347 N Front, h do z Gerdes Robert, patternmkr, h Lincoln ab 2d Gerhart John F., bricklayer, h 359 Main Gerhart Mary B., wid Isaac, h 143 N Front (aI u German Lutheran Church, 209 S 2d Gerretz Augustine, laborer, h 226 Frederick C Getz Edward, fireman, h 619 S Front (aI Geukes Fannie F., wid John H., h 515 S Front f- Geyer George W., miller, It 345 Poplar Z Gibb John H., laborer, h 529 S Front 0 Gibbs James E., laborer. h IUi Ridge

Gartlan Mary H., teacher, h 37 S 2 Garver Ida M., butcher, h :-J79 Myers Gates Jane, charwoman, h 553 Iron al Gatewood Charles, laborer, h 1119 Adams Gaul Ross 0., clk, 140 N Front, h 103 do Gault Edward L., elk S. S. Co., h 461 N 2d Gearhart Lillian, telephone operator, h 569 Main G< ary Mary, charwoman, h 330 N :.!d Geary RObelt, laborer, h 40 Furnace Geesey Robert, barber, h 43 S Front Geiger John, laborer, h 468 Mohn Geiger William E., rail straightener, h 554 N 2d Geist Frank, driver, h Ui S 2d Geist Minnie c., domestic, 15 S 2d Geistwhite George M., grocer, 329 S Front, h do Geistwhite John H., heater, h 333 S Front . Geistwhite William F., steelworker, h 333 S Front Gellinek Stephan, laborer, h 421 Mohn Gelnett Elenora J., cigar packer. h 3U2 Myers Gelnett Jacob, cranetender, h 362 Myers Gelnett Seth K., helper, h 362 Myers Gelsinger Amos, machinist, h 101 N Front TIlU '~I.. n AI. flail co. {........ _11I1lrI1, ~_. . .1111111.,} .......... _
- e f ............T..........UII_ Id ., JMlcI.1

11... ..If

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1r~~:;;"':== lOll roper and IlndOIShOdes nODI A. B. TACK {N.1

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Gibbs Sarah M., teacher, h 145 S 4th Gibler Harvey H., laborer, h 73~ S 2d Gibler Matthew, laborer, h 73~ S 2d Gibson Jacob T., porter, h 113! Adams Gibson James R., laborer, h 1451 Adams Giffin Mary, wid Henry, h 157 Frederick Giffin William W., laborer, h 157 Frederick Gilbert Daniel F., steelworker, h 622 S 2d Gilbert Harry, clk, 129 S Front, h do Gilbert Rachel, wid William, h 115 S 4th Gilbert William J. W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Gilb~rt W. Kent, elk P. S. Co., h Camp Hill Giles WaIter, electrician, h 431 Mohn Gilger David M., laborer, h 13 S 3d Gillbaugh Edward, molder, h 254 S 2d Gilmore Alfred G., elk, h 209 Lincoln Gingrich Sallie, wid George, h 203 Myers Gistwite Annie, wid H. Romanus, h 89 Main Gistwite Hervey, steelworker, h 89 Main Gistwite Jennie, cigarmkr, h 89 Main Gistwite S. Morris, oiler, h 89 Main Given Oara E. Mrs., h 160 M vers Given Frank, laborer, h 180 Myers Given William W., plumber, 158 Myers, h 204 do


c: .... .....


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SaYings and Loan


< ,.

Givler Joseph H., helper, h 535 N Front C Givler Matthew, laborer, h S 2d nr limits () Gjuro Salaji, laborer, h 409 Mohn Glad Adam, milk, 361 Frederick, h do Glancy Margaret D., clk, h 419 N 3d N Gland Andrew J., h 321 Swatara Gland Jacob M., helper, h 321 Swatara Glaser Benedict, laborer, h 311 Francis J: Glazer Thomas, shoes, 181 N Front, h 349 Main Gledhill Jas. H., asst supt furnaces P. S. Co., h 135 S Front Gleidic Michael, laborer, h 157 Main :D Glenn Enoch, engineer, h 101 Frances Gloss John, carpenter, h 404 N 3d Godfrey William H., carpenter, h 122 S 3d Goff John B., laborer, h 218 Bailey Golaner Florian, laborer, h 32~ Franklin Golden Willow Tabernacle, No. 78, Galilean Fishermen, c.oo (colored); meets every Tuesday evening at 132 N == Front; Mrs. Sarah Brown, sec EF Golles Andrew, laborer, h 621 S 3d Golobic Jose, laborer, h 617 S 2d Good Arthur, molder, h 243 S Front Good David E., marker, h 465 N 2d Good Enos W., furniture, 430 and 431 Mohn, h do Good George E., laborer, h 349 Pine

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~~ H.

M. KELLEY &. CO'S ~o:=::.:.!~{ .. ~~a:.:..-&

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


~ Good John, laborer, h 5:~2 X 2d

Good Jacob \V., laborer, h 243 S Front

Good Lawrence J., laborer, h 212 Myers Good Lulu L., cigarmkr, h 24!l S Front Good Maggie, wid Jacob, h :!12 ~Iyers Good Mary E., wid Amos, h 24:J S Front ~ Good \\iilliam, laborer, h 385 S 2d ~ Gordon Ira L., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Gordon Jacob L., steel tester P. S. Co., h lIHddletown CI Gore Alice 1Jrs., domestic, 12S Adams Gore Joseph H., constable, h r 1:!() Adams - ' Gorrup Thomas, laborer, h Canal al nr Trewick Goshear John, laborer, h :\lain nr Trewick Gottlieb David, grocer. 555 S 3d, h do Gottlieb Raymond, laborer, h 555 S 3d ~ Gouse Joseph. laborer, h lil:! K !ld Grace United Evangelical Church, Ltncoln bel Harrisburg ~ Grand Army Hall, lU X Front 1&1 Grand Army Post, Xo. :~51; org June, 18&1; meets Friday L.. eve., G. A. R. Hall: D. W. Neron, adjt Grandonis Nicholas, laborer, h !lH7 S 3d r Grant Jasper, laborer, h 407 River al 1&1 Graso I van, laborer. h 528 S :~d Grass Joseph, machinist, h 662 N 2d Grass Peter, sawyer, h 6fi2 N 2d



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~ Go.RGASfF~IR-PRiCED-D-R-U6-61-ST-{1-6- -3-dSL
Gratison Moses J., hostler, h 2:12 Adams Graves Robert, steelworker, h 24!l lIIain Gray John, laborer, It 142 Ridge 1&1 Gray John W., laborer, h 404 Swatara Gray William, laborer, h 54 Furnace Graybill Frank G., draftsman P. S. Co., h a:m Walnut Graybill John, farmer, h 630 S :!d _ Greco Rocco, laborer, h Ull S Front Z. Green Abram H., laborer, h 239 S Front C. Green Bessie A., elk S. S. Co., h 239 S Front Green Cecelia J., wid Wilson T., h :~:!7 Swatara Green Charles E., craneman, h 411 Reading III Green Charles \V., contractor, h 315 Adams' 0.. Green Charles \V., laborer, h 1:!0 S Front Z.!: Green Christian S., heater, h 205 Swatara C.c Green Earle, elk P. S. Co., h 3US S 2d II- Green Frank M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg ).c Green George A., elk P. S. Co., h New Benton It Green Isaac, laborer, h 227 N 2d Z0 Green James C, laborer, h 147 Ridge Z Green John, laborer, h Cumbler's Row Green Mary A., h :!:n Christian Green Oliver laborer, h 412 Reading L- Green \VilIiam, machinist, h 3:O::l S Front r Green William F., laborer, h 145 Christian

a: > d


l. B. TACK}W1Il PAPER r!::'e~~':.'! WilDOI SHIDESh,~~8&.

BoyY's St;eelton
153 Greenawalt Charles \V., riveter, h 512 S 2d LO., Hbg (;reen;nyalt How;ird, dryftsmYH P. Greenawalt \Vinfield S., asst supt O. H. Dept P. S. Co., h 332 Pine ,reeHt' John "enynneer, 410 "'.GU"" Gregoric l.Jra, laborer, h ;!:~o Frederick Gregory Benjamin, laborer, h 82 Furnace elregrrrv Jan>rr" forrman S. h N Front Greguric Anna, wid Joseph, h 6:!:! 3d Greist William P., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 30 Walnut (irexGn John, labnrvr, h dH;~ Pinn Gribble Jacob L., laborer, :303 Fronk Griffee Edward, heater, h :l43 Lincoln ;rill Fadie rs., h bn5 Chrirtiart Grills William R., laborer, h 135 Gdam', Grim Nettie, wid John, h 379 S 2d elrimv'i Emanuel l, laborrr h Linrnln Grimm Hemy B., lrtborer, 124Frederlrk Groom Ernest, buggy runner. h Hi7 IVIyers Groomr L., ;{57 Gine t;rosia Juro, Gborer, h 5:';b S 3d Gross Andrew ?-.L, lahorer. h 41!! Catharine (;rosr h 1d2 Mein 4th ~~; James B., ~t~!~tte~l~r~I~~nL;~~~'I~







Gross Cross Gross Grove Grovr Grove Grow (;rove Grove


J. Parker, laborer, h (iii N 2d t,estrr labon"r, h N Fsoot :Martin, laborer, h :~:!1 Franklin Charles J., laborer, h 4H~ Swatara Jacob F., laborer, :Sl7 l\ht'rs John L., insurance, h 178 S 2d lohn ., forrman, h IH N 4th 'John . F" lrtborm h 1(in Front 'Lulu, seamstress, h 165 S Front

~;~~~~~r d~~t,t;:'n l~:, drnftsmaH F.h r1~o~! Hbg Gruber Harry J., bricklayer, h ;{f)8 Myers Grub,,? labon'r, h S (irundan Aliey, wid Martin H., :~1H S Grunden Alva R., teacher, h :~01 S 2d Grund"n Edward foreman P Co, 363 S 2d Cuistwite Ch:rles "laborer, h b~,8 Frederick Guist\\;te Samuel, shoemkr. 284 Myers, h 321 Conestoga (;ullins William R. :'54 l,incoln t;ushie Joseph, lah'itcr, Ganal 111 nr 'fsewic Gustin Matteo, grocer, 22(i Frederick, h do Gutshall \ViHiam labon:r, h 482 Main Ciuttaoberg ryers. h Fwat bel bwatasa Guttenberg Sarah A. :Mrs., h 280 Conestoga Waher L., dk P. S, Co., h Hbg

liiiiiiM. . . . .

CURI'S:::-J Drug ad Patlot Medicine Storl{=~u.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

. . Gwinner Jacob, laborer, h 25 N 2d J: Haas Charles, laborer, h 354 Swatara G4 Haas George]., laborer, h 248 S 2d 1! Haas James V., machinist, h 446 Swatara .;! Haas John, hostler, h 243 Main .: Haas l\fartin L., roller, h 421 Catharine Ii Haas Samuel, laborer, h 389 S Front U Hafleigh Charles G., draftsman P. S. Co., h 30 Pine .: Hagen John F., laborer, h 425 Catharine o u Hager John W., laborer, h 79 Main Hager Joseph, laborer, h 33~ Christian Hagerman John A., laborer, h 240 Christian Hagerty James, gasmkr, h 271 Main _ Hagerty John, gasmkr, h 271 Main U Hagerty Morris, gasmkr, h 271 Main ~ HalO' Henry W., molder, h 623 S 2d Hain George W., laborer, h 65 Frederick 1& Hain Harry B., elk P . S. Co., h Progress !! Haines James W., constable, h 322 S 2d U) Haines Walter, steelworker, h 504 S 2d laborer, h 418 Swatara II: Hakt:r John, H., laborer, h 418 Swatara Haker John IIJ Haker Ross 0., machinist, h 428 Swatara .J Hale Daniel M., barber, 283 Main, h 217 do C Hale Edward, shearsman, h 424 N Front

IIJ Of ICUlrol. tu- l Real BRa&e BId". C Tille GUorODtJ ODd Trust CO. fE.... 1 htfIl...t ., C.lrlcll r Rear of PoR 011<:..
j - . .,,......


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Hale Lewis H., butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg Hale Rosanna, wid Jacob, h 3U1 S 2d _ Haley Benjamin, laborer, h 215 Adams Hall George W., laborer, h 152 Main Hall Harvey, laborer, h 164 Ridge Hallman Christian, laborer, h 464 Myers a. Hallowell Harry F., brakeman, h 223 Chlistian E Hamilton Cordelia H. Mrs., tailoress, h 17 S 4th o Hamilton Frank P., elk S. S. Co., It 13 S 2d U Hamilton Georgianna, dressmkr, h r 284 Myers ....I Hamilton John B., laborer, h 309 Frances ...: Hamilton Martin L., laborer, h 128 Adams o Hamilton William B., laborer, h 17 S 4th U Hammaker George H., laborer, h 405 Catharine Q Hammersla Florence Mrs., h 315 Myers z: Hammond Edward W., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg ~ Hammond Harry c., laborer, h 555 Iron al (;II Hanby Charles, hammerman, h 436 Swatara U Hanby George W., laborer, h 442 Swatara Handlein Adam, laborer, h 396 Mohn Q Handley Charles P., machinist, h 259 Christian (;II Handley James, engineer. h :m4 Main Handley John, engineer, h 259 Christian z: Handley John, laborer, h 547 Christian ::;, Handley :\Iichael, watertender, h 536 N 2d




thl PATRIOT} ~II:NN-:" {Harrilburg'IDi!~Z~ b~e



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Handley William J., bricklayer, h 706 S 2d Haney John S., laborer, h 20 Walnut Haney Robert W., engineer, h 20 Walnut Hangroff Michael, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Hankin Bennett A., c1k P. S. Co., h 341 Spruce Hannis John, laborer, h 619 S Front Hanshue Sarah, wid Samuel, h 343 N Front Hanson Gustav, florist, 136 N Front, h Hbg Hanson William, laborer. h 347 Christian Harclerode Albert P., h 233 S 2d Harclerode Catharine, wid Philip. h 233 S 2d Harclerode Charles E., c1k P. S. Co., h Enhaut Harclerode Emma B., stenographer, h 233 S 2d Harclerode George A., planer, h 352 S 2d Harclerode Michael, laborer, h 233 S 2d Harclerode. William M., vocalist, h 233 S 2d Harder Ella G., wid James L., h 266 :\lain Harder Frank, asst chemist P. S. Co., h 363 Main Harder J. Bert, machinist, h 266 Main Hardy Benjamin F., chipper, h 327 Frances Hardy Warren C., c1k P. R R, h 265 N Front Hargraves Jane, wid Edward, h Cumbler's Row Harlacher Joseph, laborer, h 206 Myers Harlan Arthur, laborer, h 705 S Front Harlan Benjamin S., c1k, 163 S Front, h 273 S 2d 755 ~

r; .... :c


mA::::}Harrilburg SaYings and Loan Assn.t:::::

> o
> ;J .. > rJJ

Harlan Horace c., frog builder, h 705 S Front Harlan Joseph, steelworker, h 705 S Front Harlan Millard F., grocer, 163 S Front, h 273 S 2d Harm Wilhelmina, wid Christian, h 648 N 2d Harrington Thomas B., laborer, h 121 Adams Harris Charles H., laborer, h 5f) Furnace Harris Jennie, operator, h 866 N Front Ha'l'ris John, laborer, h 128 Ridge Harris Samuel, laborer, h 249 Adams Harrison James, laborer, h 222 Bailey Harrison William J., laborer, h 120 Ridge Harrison William T., laborer, h 260 Ridge Harrod Arthur A., laborer, h 88 Furnace Harrod Hayes, laborer, h 48 Furnace Harrod Lewis, laborer, h r 139 Adams Hart Samuel W., c1k P. S. Co., h Hbg Hartman Aaron, laborer, h 256 Lincoln Hartman Edward 1\1., ironworker. h 326 N 2d en Hartman George N., ice cream, 307 l\iyers, h do == Hartman Harry, molder, h 124 S 2d Hartman Harry A., livery, 448-450 N Front, h 107 Lincoln Hartman William c., steelworker, h 256 Lincoln Co4_~ Hartman William R., baker. 40H Bessemer, h 405 do So Hartwick Henry, laborer, h 613 S Front Harvatin Peter, laborer, h 238 Frederick

-... I


H. M. KELLEY 8. CO. }On:ces, :.:.~:. :.~:rr.::} COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

t::; Harvey William N., foreman, h 22 N 3d

z o z a: 1&.1 >

E a:

a: Hastings Daisy Mrs., h 19 S 2d Hatcher Wilson, laborer, h 227 N 2d CI Hause Jacob, bricklayer, h :129 Myers a: Hawk James c., engineer, h 43 Penn Hawkins Bennett A., elk P. S. Co., h 341 Spruce Hawkins Charles, laborer, h 129 Adams a: Hawkins Charles A., laborer, h 1:33 Adams c z Hawkins Edgar M., chief engr P. S. Co., h 426 Spruce en Hawthorn Theodore, butcher, h 2:H Locust Hawthorn Thomas, rodman P. S. Co., h Hbg Heagy Fannie F., wid Henry, h 171 S 2d Heagy John M., livery, 104 S Front, h 39 do Heagy Kate, h 171 S 2d Heck Andrew J., steelworker, h 317 Swatara 1&.1 Heck William W., foreman, h 261 SFront Heefner John c., laborer, h 481 Main Hegarty Morris, gasmkr, h 271 Main Heicher John, elk, 135 S Front, h 31 do Heicher John H., elk, 129 S Front, h 31 do Heicher Levi F., steelworker, h 31 S Front Heiges Leo S . steelworker, h 38.1 S Front Heikel Annie R., wid Thomas R., h 855 S 2d Heil Frank W., driver, h 232 N 2d


i! e:


Heimerdinger Fred W., butcher, h 652 N 2d Heiney Mary, h 346 Pine Heiser Frances A., wid James, h 441 Catharine Heiser Morris A., laborer, h 441 Catharine Heisey Samuel c., laborer, h Cumbler's Row Heisler Aaron, laborer, h :~44 Christian Heisler Charles, laborer, h 344 Christian Helm J. Calvin, shipper, h 45 Penn Helm J. Charles, elk P. S. Co., h 45 Penn Hemperly John H., laborer, It 325 N Front Hemperly \ViIliam H., helper, h 102 Frederick Henderson Elijah, laborer, h 109 Adams Henderson Ernest c., foreman. h 249 Swatara Henderson Henry, laborer, h 58 Furnace Henderson Louisa A., wid Charles, h 858 N Front Henderson Mary, wid Samuel, h Front nr Jefferson Henderson l\Iary E., wid Dr. William B., h 41 S 2d Henderson \Villiam, elk, h 171'1 :\lyers Henderson William M., estimator P. S. Co., h Hbg Hendricks Charles E., agt. h :US! S 2<1 Hendrickson William 1\1., elk P. R. R, h 1i~ ~.ryers HENERY CHARLES R., baker, 104 and 106 Trewick, h 104 do Henery Walker 1.., baker, :?Iil Main. h do Henry G. William. teacher, :l:!5 Walnut

= ==

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... .....

~ =:=


.L B. TACK}Wall Puar and Window Sbadaa{~.r.i:~

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Hensel Ada B., elk P.O., h 342 Myers Hensel Harry, laborer, h 342 Myers Hensel Howard E., curver, h 342 Myers Hentzlyman Annie, housekeeper, 221 Franklin Hepler Charles E., hooker, h au N 2d Hepler George, laborer, h 34 N 2d Hepler John G., laborer, h 27 N ad Hepler Minnie R., h 34 N 2d Herman Adam D., laborer, h 832 S 2d Herman Agnes, housekeeper, 166 Bessemer Herman George W., machinist, h 110 Frederick Herman Frank G., engineer, h Hifi Bessemer Herman John B., laborer, h 168 Bessemer Hernel Frederick, butcher S. S. Co., h 267 N Front Hernjak Daniel, laborer, h 159 Main Herrman Elmer E., cigars, h 146 S 2d Hersey Arthur W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Hershberger G. Ettie, boarding, :?til Myers, h do Hershey Edward W., laborer, h 147 Lincoln Hershey Grace c., teacher, h 1:13 S 4th Hershey Harry L., grocer, 168 Lincoln, h do Hershey Harvey T., foreman, h 168 Lincoln HERSHEY HENRY F., postmaster, 2 S Front, h 133 S 4th Hershey Isaac, roller, h 732 S 2d Hershey Justus V., It 13:l S 4th

I =0



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MILLER BROS. &. BAKER~ ~:S~b&~:'~~1I: -;a

Hess Abraham R., grocer, 2~ N 4th, h do Hess Christian, surveyor, h :~:q S 2d Hess Dwight, elk P. S. Co., h 3531 S 2d Hess Edgar J., fireman, h :l2f~ S 2d Hess Harvey G., planer, h ::128 Lincoln Hess Hiram A., planer, h 459 N 2d HEBe 10D, coal, wood and sand, 400 N Front, h do Hess Linnie A., teacher, h 28 N 4th Hess Merton \V., miller, h 35:3! S 2d Hess Minerva D., bookkpr, h a5:~! S 2d Hess S. Agnes, wid William, h 319 Lincoln Hetrick George W., laborer, h 5:n N Front Hetrick Nicholas, laborer, h 311 Frances Hetzel Jacob, watchman, h 656 N 2d Hickey John, laborer, h 539 S Front Hickman George L. K., vet surg, 185 S Front, h do Hickman L. Blanche, elk, h 11"5 S Front Hickman 1\1. Luclla, h 185 S Front Hickok Daniel W., draftsman P. S. Co., h :147 Poplar Higgins Blair, engineer, h 151 Christian Higgins Charles H., supt yard dept P. S. Co., h 175 S 2d Hilderbrand Harry, laborer, h 519 Myers Hiler John H., mclter, h li41 N 2d Hill Alice Mrs., h 111 Adams Hill Annie, wid Andrew, h 555 Iron al

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Meld's CDIIIPllllon Pills :.~l::;J':ocsC::~=-Jal!: 30S Broa.

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Boyd'. Steelton Directory. ..= 758 " a Hill Edward, fonman P. S. Co., h 257 S 2d 1& Hill Ella, domestic, 102 Adams "C Hill Frank, elk P. S. Co., h 219 Lincoln Hill George W., laborer, h Cumbler's Row 1:1 Hill Harriet, wid John W. S., h 162 Adams C Hill John, laborer, h 115l Adams ..: Hill John A., janitor S. S. Co., h 138 Ridge c Hill John A., laborer, h 115l Adams Hill Maggie C, wid ~lahlon, h 219 Lincoln cw:t Hill Pearl A., teacher, h 257 S 2d Hill Robert, ~ II Hill William,laborer, hh109 Adams laborer, 312 Lincoln HiII William A., laborer, h 111 Adams Hilsee Guy H., draftsman P. S. Co., h 35 S 2d Hilton George ......., Hilton William,E., steelworker. h 243 S Front brakeman, h 255 Christian (/J Himes George W., laborer, h 40i Bailey II: Himes Samuel A., laborer, h 68 Furnace Locust 0 Hiney George F., steelworker, h :lasCo., h 402 Spruce Hiney Isaac S., supt real estate P. S. Hiney Solomon, jr., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 356 Spruce ... 0 Hintermever Franz, h 001 5 2d Hinterme)'er Joseph, butcher. 418 1\10hn. h do C 5. 5. II: Hippensteel Elmer, special officerCo.), hCo., h Hbg Hirner E. A., (Dauphin Hosiery Allentown


E Z rUle loronlJ ODd Tn.1 ItA ., Iau.... 1 CIa........ lid ., '.......... rl .... Elllh ..... IIUiI 00. ..... CHltI II"" "'Utll.. 0 Hite Jerome, h 342 N Front 0 Hoad Frank 11., draftsman P. 5. Co. h 35 S 2d
j ..... " " " " " ' " fir

--= z

Hoch Benj'lmin 5., laborer, h 389 5 2d Hoeh Edgar ]., policeman P. 5. Co., h i40 S 2d ca: Hoch Howard R., steel tester, h :l81-t 5 2d a.. Hocli Mary L., wid Samuel, h 414 Reading E Hoch Otto M., draftsman P. 5. Co., h 305 Pine 0 Hock Frank, tailor, 50:J 5 Front, h do A U Hoeh Mary, wid Glarles, h Front nr Highland ...J Hockenberry Margaret D. Mrs., h 59 Frederick C Hocker Harriet E., wid William L., h 24 X 4th 0 Hoeker Martin M., heater, h 359 S Front u Hocker Martin P. Rev., It 103 K 2d Q Hocker Walter C, elk P. 5. Co., h Hhg IE Hockey Joseph E., laborer, h 2]1) N 2d C Hoerner Robert K., foreman, h 621 N Front '. ~ Hoffer Elizabeth, wid Christian, h 146 N 2d u Hoffer Jacob H., elk, Trewick c Canal, It 146 N 2d Hoffer James 1\1., foreman P. 5. Co., h 320 Pine Q Hoffer John. (Paxton & Steelton Flouring ~1ilIs), h Hbg ~ Hoffer John. jr., elk. Trewick c Frederick, h Hbg Hotlert Charles P . machinist, h 221 Walnut I E Hoffman Charles, machinist, h 28 5 2d ~ Hoffman Cora M., knitter, h:J 5 ad Hoffman David R., attendance officer, h 125 Lincoln

.... -


lbe PATRIOT'S Sporting Page


FU'E~.::;I!:D~ALL I'iCUH&;



~ PubU" Bufldlapla PlaIa TIll..

MaIl_ 8peelalb

0'-- {D18 N. ad ... EaU..,.. 111.759

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Hoffman George, engineer, h 664 N 2d Hoffman George W., steelworker, h 145 Lincoln Hoffman Harry 0., carpenter, h 3d nr Felton Hoffman John, laborer, h 417 Mohn Hoffman Lewis, filer, h 23 S 2d Hoffman Mary E., dressmkr, h 159 S Front Hoffman Robert c., salesman, h 324 Pine . Hoffman Samuel H., steelworker, h 20 N 3d Hoffman W. Guyn, elk, h 335 Locust Hoffman William L., elk S. S. Co., h 335 Locust Hoffman Zacharias, engineer, h 3 S 3d Hoffmaster Erwin, plumber, h 260 S 2d Hofford Jacob, h 145 S Front Hogan Ella, wid Nelson, h 149 Adams Hogan Harry S., butcher, h 2 Canal al Hoke Harry B., plumber, 263 N Front, h do Holden Matilda B., wid Thomas, h 365 S Front Holler Charles H., machinist, h 246 Christian Holler Frank, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Holler Henry J . draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Holler Morris A., machinist, h 246 Christian Holler Philip T., laborer, h 246 Olristian Hollern David, laborer, h 153 Christian Hollern Dennis, foreman P. S. Co., h 356 Pine Hollis Josephine, wid Thomas B., h 209 Adams


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}Harrisburg SaYings and Loan Assn. {

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Holmes Alfred, watertender, h 764 S 2d Holmes Catharine Mrs., h 309 Ridge Holmes Daniel, constable, h 402 Ridge Holmes George, laborer, h 402 Mohn Holmes Gilmore, laborer, h 309 Ridge )Holmes Richard, laborer, h 505 Main Holmes Walter A., laborer, h 505 l\lain Holmes William, laborer, h 226 Adams Home Building and Loan Assn, ]. C. Fink, sec; meets )last Tuesday evening of each month at 144 N Front Hood George, laborer, h 2:~ Lincoln ~ Hoon Clarence B., mgr, ft Frances, h New Cumberland Hoopes Charles A., laborer, h 4()3 N 3d )Hoopes Esther, saleslady, h 18 Pine Hoopes George, finisher, h 18 Pine Hoopes Howard, tinner, h 354 Locust Hoopes John B., laborer, h 214 Myers ~ Hoopes John 0., conductor. h 376 I\Iyers C'-I Hoopes Sherman, elk, h 18 Pine I: : ::r Hoover Charles. bartender. !l47 S Front, h do Hoover David M., h 171 Christian ....:. -. Hoover Julius, laborer, h 420 ~Iohn 0. Hoover Mary c., wid Daniel H . h 2:12 Locust ;r Hoover Samuel c., elk, h 184 :\Iain a Hoover Susan, wid Harry, h 356 l\Iain

0 0







Boyd's Steelton Directory.

H M KELLEY a D . {I North ltd Street. D. CO lCKh aDd State _

! ~~~ ~~e~~'F~;;~~;ic~:l;~~:;IST{
~ 1&.1

t::i Hopp Joseph, mason, h 621 S Front ..... Hopp Louisa, wid Stephen, h 621 S Front Hoppes John S., stenographer P. S. Co., h Hbg MI Horanto Philomena, laborer, h ~IS S 2d C) a: Hornell Frederick, butcher, h 267 ~ Front ;: Horner Christian, driver S. S. Co., It Churchville ..... Horvat Anton, laborer, h 549 Christian :c Horvath Frank F., barber, 521 S 2d, h 546 S 3d Horvath Joseph, notions, 541i Sad, h do ~ Hose Solomon, bottler, h 2:31 Christian en Hott Edward A., laborer, h 219 Adams Hottenstein Elizabeth, teacher, It 11)0 S 2d :: Hotz Elizabeth, wid William H., h 3:-\1) Poplar . ; Houdeshel George M., foreman P. S. Co., h 164 Main ~ Houdeshel John H., steel tester P. S. Co., h !J04 N 2d :IE Houdeshel Levi F., test roller P. S. Co., h 430 Lincoln' ..... Householder Harvey E., tester, h 150 Main Householder John T., gasmkr, h :156 Locust Houser George F., laborer, h 259 Franklin Housman Charles, heater, h 34:3 S 2d Housman Henrv, laborer, h 1\lohn ab 3d Housman John J., molder, h ;-w~ S 2d ~ Houston William A., asst supt P. S. Co., h Hbg ..... Howard Arthur S., timekeeper, has !Jd


== = = ==

16 N. 3d


z a: >

Howard George E., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Howard Harry H., bookkpr P. & S. F. M., h 129 S 2d Howard John, barber, :323 N Front; restaurant, :321 do. h: 541 do Howard John M., laborer. h 2Hi S 2d Z Howard Joseph, laborer, h 128 Ridge Howard Lewis, boarding, 227 N 2d, h do Howard Nathan A., laborer, h 256 Ridge Howe Eliza, wid William, It 176 Adams Howerter Alvin H., telegrapher P. & R depot, h Hbg. 1&.1 Hoy Clarence S., laborer, h 29 Locust Hoy William c., laborer, h 341 Poplar Hoy William R, helper, h 2!) Locust Hoyer Thomas J., laborer, h 6 N :ld Hoyle William H., machinist, h 21 Walnut ~ Hren Frank, laborer, h 252 ~lain ~ Huber Joseph, h !)l-\a S Front Hughes Hudson, inspector. h :lfi9t S 2d Hughes John, laborer, h ~54 N Front Hughes William, machini~t, h 1811 Myers Hughes Winfidd S., plasterer, h 225 S 2d Hull Reuben R., elk P. R R., h 265 N Front Hull Sherman T .. engineer, h :342 Pine Humer Wiliiam H., painter, h 246 Myers ; Hummel Charles F., carpenter, h 249 S Front



D&COII ..TING . . . ~&CI"LTY.


121610nD tDIIlItIfIIIII 0II1i11


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Hummel Clara "V., h 249 S Front Hummel Dora J., bookkpr, h 255 S Front Hummel Eiizabeth, ironer, h 255 S Front Hummel Elmer c., elk, h 247 S Front Hummel Jacob G., planer, h 152! Lincoln Hummel Jos. B., mess Steelton Nat Bank, h 303 Swatara Hummel Martha N., telephone opr, h 152! Lincoln Hummel Mary, wid Joseph, h 255 S Front Hummel Ralph E., machinist, h 171 S 4th Hummel Roy E., mail carrier P. S. Co., h 247 S Front Hummel \Villiam E., ironworker, h 130 Frederick Hummel Winfield S., carpenter S. S. Co., h 35 N 3d Hummer George, fireman, h 543 Bessemer Hummer Jacob, h 543 Bessemer Hummer Samuel H., mgr Baldwin Cemetery, h do Humphrey Thomas, laborer, h 128 Frederick Humphreys James W., driller, h 180 Main Hunsicker Walter c., draftsman P. S. Co., h 17 N 4th Hunter Emma M., wid James H., h 852 N Front Huntsberry \Vatter H., carpenter, h 254 S 2d Hurley George W., engineer, h 517 Christian Hursh Abraham B., mgr, 161 S Front, h 348 Myers Hursh Daniel 0., machinist, h 348 Myers Hursh Edna E., teacher, h 34R Myers

MILLER BROS. " BAKER{ ~~~t,~~-:;.~~.

Hursh Lawrence R., elk, h :148 Myers Husic Mary, wid John, h 152 Frederick Husic Peter, laborer, h 223 Frederick Hygienic Hill School, Dailey bet Adams and Ridge Hyland Bessie E., wid Michael J., h 406 S 2d Hyler Jacob, steelworker, h 650 N 2d Hypsch Frances, wid William, h 305 Swatara Hypsch William, laborer, h 305 Swatara Ickes William I;I., laborer, h 167 Lincoln Ilic Lazo, laborer, h 332 Franklin Ingram Harry c., bricklayer, h 32 S 2d International Correspondence School, H. Q. DubIe, mgr, 143 N Front Intrieri Antonio, laborer, h 323 S 3d Intrieri Emilio, laborer, h sua S ad Intrieri Frank, laborer, h 3fi7 S 3d Intrieri Joseph, laborer, h 319 S 3d Intrieri Michael, laborer, h ~O.~ S ad Intrieri Peter, laborer, h 319 S 3d Irvin Alvin G., confectioner, 181 ~ Front, h 613 S 2d IRVIN ELJrtEB. G., bottler, 58 S Front, h 326 11 Front Irvin John F., foreman, h !M Chestnut Iversen Harry, electrician, h an S :!d Jacks Annie c., wid Solomon S., h 145 S 4th Jackson Allen, laborer. h 31; Ridge


. !.

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

i .....


Jackson Charles, laborer, h 120 Ridge Jackson Charles, laborer, h 260 Ridge Jackson Charles W., laborer, it 401 Bailey I : Jackson Chester 1\1., cranem3n, h 344 S 3d ~ Jackson Daniel, laborer, h :!55 Adams Jackson Howard P., laborer, h 373 S 3d ::I Jackson James, laborer, h 219 Adams ~ Jackson James E., laborer, h 473 Christian ~ Jackson John E., laborer, h :'i1l2 Ridge ~ Jackson Kate S., wid Charl~s, h 40t Dailey Jackson Maria C, wid William L .. It 124 .\dams Jackson Martin, laborer, h 17f) Adams Jackson Nelson L., laborer, h 412 Ridge _ Jackson Reuben, laborer, h 149 Adal1H Jackson William, grocer, 1:1:) Adams, h :!fjO RIdge _ Jackson William, laborer, h 107 Adams Jackson \Villiam, laborer, h 176 Adam~ Jackson \Villiam B., laborer, h 'H3 S ;1J Jackson \ViIliam L.. machinist. h :~:)l Locllst Jacobs Carrie, housekeeper, 104 Trewick Jacobs D. Wilson, elk P. S. Co .. It Hhg Jacobson Andrew, laborer. h li09 S ;:c1 Jacoby Charles E., elipper, h :I~:; S :!.l Jajic Rade. laborer, h 597 S 3d Jakeway George, templetmkr, 11 ::35 LO('llst



Jaklic Anton, laborer, h 46:1 Nlyers Jaklic Frank, stocker, h 461t :\lyers Jalsevac AntO!l, laborer, h 521 S :!d James Charles R., laborer, il 40!1 Lebanon James Charles W., laborer, h -l09 Lebanon James Clinton L., barber, 1~:q Adams, h 11)6 do James Harriet Mrs., h 113! Adams James Jolm C, (James & Shanafeltz), h 2H Lincoln James Julia, domestic, 139 Y'\ Front James Lewis E., laborer, h 166 Adams James Stella, h 149 Adams James Vernon, e1evatorman S. S. Co., h 409 Lebanon James \ViIliam, laborer, h 541 Iron al James William H., driver, h 166 Adams J ames William 1\1., sec, treas and supt Steelton Planing Mill Co., h 220 :\Iain James & Shanafeltz, (John C James and John F. Shan afeltz), plumbers, 25 X 2d Jefferies Joseph C, frog builder. h 364 Locust Jeffers B. Butler, physician, 3() N Front, h 31 do C Jefferson Frank L., elk, h 213 Adams ;~ Jefferson Henry, laborer, h :102 Ridge _ Jefferson John E., laborer, h 213 :\dams .z: Jefferson John B., watertender, I: 171i Adams Jeffries William A., steelworker. h :~:t? S 2d

BmploJa none bal 8ntoc1_ wwkma. - - GIllY JtrrI.{ A B TACK} lIcui_tllDdwunalL W~kdoa.IDUlJ"'oI"" . . . ...

Boyd'. Steelton Directory. Jenkins David J., electrician P. S. Co., h 243 Main Jenkins Edward A., machinist, h 3:W Locust Jenkins Edward R., elk, h 3:.m Locust Jenkins Howard \V., timekeeper. h :329 Locust Jenkins S. Frank, letter carrier, h 266 1Iyers Jenkins Susan, wid :Yloses, h 42 Furnace Jiras Joseph, elk S. S. Co., It 31 Chestnut Johnson Alonzo, laborer, h 139 Adams Johnson Anna E., wid Jacob S., h :!:!6 Elm Johnson Annie B., wid Oscar V., h 556 N 2d Johnson Cbarles, laborer, h 255 Adams Johnson Earley M., student, h 141 S 4th Johnson Floyd, gasmkr, h 215 Adams Johnson Frank, laborer, h 249 Adams Johnson Frank, laborer, h 502 Ridge Johnson George, laborer, h 856 N Front Johnson Harry, laborer, h 103 Adams Johnson Henry, laborer, h 147 Adams Johnson Henry C, gas producer, h 311 Adams Johnson Heywood, laborer, h 125 Adams Johnson Isabella B., teacher, h 556 N 2d Johnson John \V., laborer, h 128 Ridge Johnson Lewis E., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 241 S 4th , Johnson Lucy, domestic, 115i Adams Johnson Martin, laborer, h 125 Adams



':;~-=-0i. ~ Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn. {:

Johnson M. Meli5sa Mrs., t~acher, h 141 S 4th Johnson Oscar J., elk S. S. Co., h 265 N Front Johnson Oscar V., laborer, h 556 ~ 2d Johns-on Ottoway, laborer, h 210 Ridge Johnson Peyton W., blacksmith, h 864 N Front Johnson Richard, plasterer, h 103 Adams Johnson Richard M., laborer, h 222 N Front Johnson Samuel, helper, h 437 Lincoln Johnson Samuel, laborer, h l09i Adams Johnson Thomas, carpenter, h 53 Frederick Johnson Thomas, laborer, h 208 Ridge Johnson Travis, laborer, h 140 Ridge Johnson Walter H., laborer, h 529 Christian Johnson William, laborer, h 125 Ridge Johnson William, laborer, h 529 Iron al Johnson William M., laborer, h 244 Ridge Johnston Julius, blacksmith, h Hi5 Lincoln, Jones Ambrose, driver, h 701 S Front Jones Ashby, laborer, h 217 Franklin Jones Bebley, laborer, h 145 Adams Jones Charles, laborer, h 109 Adams Jones Charles A., helper, h :no N 2d Jones Charles S. Rev., h 254 X 2d Jones Clarence 1., laborer, h 220 N Front Jones Clinton, laborer, h 129 Adams

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Ellen, wid John H., h 860 N Front ;~4') Swatara beoege \\ 117 @:el al Handy, fireman, h 166 Adams Harry, baker, (ja~ S :!d, h do h@CkCkS, h 3R Adame @In@hUa s@@Jnorke, Hi(; j~nes G~~\;is k:~l-;I;~rer, 111 Main ~ones l\1arie, wid Wyatt, h lO9 Adams J 'mes wid Kinsey, 7H7 JhneS E., James. 3407svatara Jones Mary H., wid John, h ~60 N Front Jones Oscar, laborer, h ~ijO 1\ Front @ ~mes .Reuhen L.. eelwoTk&;'T, h iW4; 2d Jones WIlliam laborer hd Ri:15~f Jones William H., laborer, h 638 S 2d Jones William laborer, h hd Ridge Jordan hzl;Qrer, h 1;8 Adams !ordan h Adanl;@ @Tordan Gilbert, laborer, h 1:2:1 Ridge Jordan Gilbert E., laborer, h 12S Adams

a~;eH::a. ezt:~~!:l~;;t~n~71I~~~r%~::~,s

::: Tordan William, steelworker, h 565 S 2d -- 'Joslin Charles, engineer, h :l65 S 2d


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Judge Elizabeth E., wid Thomas, h 517 N Front Judy William, laborer, h 381 S 2d lulius h Adams : nmpeT . well rJi;-@ger hrina' Joseph, labo;~r, h S 3d Kabelner George. laborer, h 609 S Front .1.1.1 :z: l@~acevar Stephen laborer 1;64 S Aambi;; Joseph, &';:":9 S 2;1 Kambic Marko, laborer, It 525 S 2d Frank, 1&.1 Kampare hzzie butcher, h 222 Frederick Kanllie;325 Catharine h.antz enh:mner, h Renn Karako Joseph, laborer, h 371 S 3d LLI Karlots Valent, laborer, h Chambers nr 3d Myer;;, do .1: Karmaln Morris. ~;mcer, !hatzman Samuel, "atzman & Yoffa), h HSK (Samuel Katzman and Harry Y offe), Z Katzma.n ~ Yoffe,Front varieties, 14 S ~ auffman Clem. :{67 Oliirtian h.aufman Mary, hh1 Kautz Benjamin F., laborer, h 13:{ Lincoln Kautz John F., electrician, h :{38 Lincoln LLI !'@:lutz alter A .. ;;leelwork0Sr, h 1hsj Aincoln j.avka ,norge, h S 3d Keagle Howard E., fireman, h 373 Myers


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HJdmOhL's WaghJ Works ~:'~;-;-ld~::'-~-::~:-\i-~H~':""'~:-na-~-~-L-Sh-zt8@jl-'-I,--

A. B. TACK t:.~~ Ion PUDer 0IId IIndOI_ r.;w. felll

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Keagle Sarah E., wid George W., h 35:l Christian Keammerer John, h 545 Bessemer Keammerer ~lartin, foreman, h 307 Bessemer Keammerer Peter, h 545 Bessemer Kearns \ViIlis c., machinist, h 161 Christian Keckler John F., laborer, h :US Main Keefer David J., laborer, h 388 S 2d Keefer Henry c., carpenter, h 3S8 S 2d Keefer Morris W., buyer S. S. Co., h mm Pine Keener Thomas C., re~taurant, 355 N Front, h do Keeney Catharine 1., elk, 11~ N Front, h 319 Short KEENEY FREDERICK E., supt and genl mgr, 118 N Front, h 319 Short Keeney John A., engineer, h 172 Frederick Keeney John W., electrician, 11S N Front, h 319 Short Keets David A., brakeman, h :U3 Frances Keil John, butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg Keim Charles E., grocer, m~:~ S Front, h do Keim Harry A., steelworker, h 309 Main . Keirn Hubert I., laborer, h 175 Lincoln Keirn John, elk, h al'\:l S Front Keirn Laura A., wid Oliver 1., h 175 Lincoln Keim Thomas L., laborer, h :l1'\5 S Front Keim \Varren B., draitsman P. S. Co., h Hbg




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i .

Keim William H., elk, a~-J S Front, h 552 N ad Keiser Austin A., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Keister \Valter F., student, h 187 N Front KEISTER WnUAM A., grocer, 187 N Front, h do Keileher Patrick, laborer, h 557 N 2d Keller Ambrose A. \V., barber, 369 S Front, h 350 S 2d Keller David, painter, h 134 Lincoln ' Keller Henry W., laborer, h 367 S Front Keller James G. B., window trimmer, h 155 Lincoln Keller Jennie A., dressmkr, 309 S td, h do KELLER lOHN G., wall paper, 32 N Front, h 30 do Keller Louis, machinist, h 605 N 2d Keller Samuel D., fencemkr, h a09 S 2d Keller Sebastian, machinist, h 19 Chestnut Keller William E., machinist, h 21 Walnut Kelley Clarence 0., U. S. A., h 461 N 2d Kelley Earl, oiler, h 445 Christian Kelley Jerome c., plumber, 154 N' Front, h Hbg Kelley Margaret A., asst postmaster, h 18 Adams Kelley Mary A., wid James, h 18 Adams Kelly Adaline Mrs., dressmkr, h 158 Lincoln Kelly Edward, laborer, h 874 N Front Kelly Hiram, h N Front ab Gibson Kelly James, bricklayer, h 114 N 2d Kelly John L., barber, h HiS Lincoln



-----------------------&. BUTLER
No 1230 4RCH STREET.

plnu. . PA

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Mclail's Pain EJtarminator ~"~\::e~:n.s,,~&{ao:~~


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

..: Kendall Clement, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Kennedy J. Griffith, shearsman, h :.;9 ~ Front li! Kennedy L. Jane, h 39 N Front .;'! Kennedy Thomas L., steelworker, 1, :19 N Front - Kenney Eliza A., housekeeper, 233 Locust ~ Kenney James, laborer, h 233 Locust ::::a ~ Kenney Patrick, watchman, h 327 Walnut - Kenney William, steelworker, h :!a:J Locust ~ Kenny Frank M., puddler, h 157 S 4th Kensington Walter, laborer, h 317 Frederick Kerkley Milton, laborer,h 128 Ridge Kerns John, engineer, h 122 Main Kerns Willis, laborer, h 161 Christian Kerstetter David W., planer, h 302 Christian KESTY CHARLES E., genlsee Y. II. C. A., h 47 S 3d -= _ Key James, laborer, h 145 Ridge a Kidman Lucinda, candies, 182 S Front, h do ", Kift Robert L., draftsman P. S. Co .. h Hbg VI Killinger John H., inspector, h 15 Mohn Kilmore Oscar, patternmkr, h 334 Lincoln King Florence, elk S. S. Co., h :J2!J N 2d I- King Harry 1\1., brakeman. h 320 Frederick King John T., shoenikr, 322 N 2d, h do King William E., engineer, h 322 ~ 2d c( Kingston David L., h 340 Locust



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Kinney Emma D., wid John P., h 18:,S S 2d Kinzer George S., physician, 2(',,1 Main, h do Kipila John, laborer, h 607 S 3d Kirby Cecelia B. Mrs., h 18 Adams Kirby James G., steelworker, h 266 S 2d Kirby Thomas J., electrician, h 431 Catharine Kirk Jacob E., paperhanger, h 178 Main Kirkwood John, laborer, h 118 Franklin Kiselic Joseph, laborer, h 231 Canal al Kister Robert F., tinner, h 24 N 6th Kistler William H., engineer, h 196 S 2d Kitchen Guy G., elk P. & R. depot, h 117 S 2d Kitchen Richard S., machinist, h 222 Elm Kittner Allen, laborer, h 161 Christian Klaiss Abner W., puncher, h 149 S Front Klaiss Frederick c., steelworker, h 149 S Front Klaiss George 0., steelworker, h 207 Lincoln Kleckner Henry S., laborer, h 317 Christian Klepech Peter, laborer, h 208 Frederick Klerner George F., laborer, h 21 Walnut Kline Bertha, cigarmkr, h 579 S 2d Kline Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h 150 Lincoln Kline Elizabeth, wid William E.. h 504 N 2d Kline Ephraim, bricklayer, h 155 S 2d Kline Imogene V., stenographer, h 142 Myers

H Yoa Don't Raad the PATRIOT You D%~~t'!~.

~=c=a lOll tOll8r DOt ,intO, ShOtes Irom

Steeitl%3:l DirrctOl';? ~ Kline John, h 124 Franklin Kline Jt'seph, labolcr, 142 Kline \Villiam, produce, 3t'2 Myers, h do Kling tanldin R~ ph),~ieian~ l{1I2 do Kloc Joseph, driver, h 409 Mohn Knnudnd lilian, h:borer, h 477 Myers Kn,~ily Geoq,~tl, heeter, 20 ~i1pan!!l Knezaoic Rade, laborer, h 615 S 3d Kniseh Abreham ., men's S 2d Kniseh John P., 4 S Front h 3114 S 2d Knisely Levi K., , h 4n:~ l\bm Knoderer Andrew c., carpenter, h {j6l N Front Knode!!lt D~ (Shmkl'l & Kmldel 164 Knoderer Jacob, carpenter, h 412 N Front Knode!!n!! Mihon ih~, burdlec ~m Elm Knojler Frehericlt, laborer, ~24 ~\lohn Knuth August, laborer~ h UU9 ~ 3d Knuth Frederick, labonr, h wn 3d Kob Jacob S., elk P. S. Co., h 11iddletown Konevar Martin, butchnl'~, 52;5 S h do Kocevar Stif, laborer, h 5{j4 S ad Koch Ella]" housekeeper, h :~2:3 S :!d K,xh Fredem'k cal pentar, h S Koch John F., ins agt, 22 S Front, h 2(i7 S 2d

h 3hJ



CJ ......





~~=0b.} Harrisburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. 1 ~;; i:


hoeher Joh,], elk, 1 Elm Kocher Walter, elk, 302 Myers, h Hbg Kofalt ~\lareo, grolEd, S From, h Sl;P S 21 Kohler David, laborer, h 4~3 Catharine Kohler Geol Ee, lelsorer h 41!i l\lohH Kohler Jacoll; laboter, 413 Cathlldne Kohler John, fireman, h 35U S 2d KohlhalE J. . lL timd:eepcc h :3;~8 Swatara Kohlhaas John F., laborer, h 227 Swatara Kohn elk, IiI :~d Kolenc Lovro, laLot'er, h 5t'li S 3d Kolic John, labon!' h 141 Main KoHer 'hillip, 45Ti }lohn Komel Joseph, laborer, h :3(;5 Frederick Kone 'larezKl" III hurec, 4,lz0 ~lanE Kone Lydia W. :\\rs., h 440 :\lain Klmecm JOhn, la 61!? S 3d Koons Jacob L., S. 0., Hill Koontz 11iIton O. machinist, h :US S 2d KUllkul hIoilL laboLer, 766 2d Kostelac Marko, laborer, h 616 S :~d Kfll,telil: l\'lalT, wid Ura, h 21;? Fn,derilk Kostellac John. laborer, h 5,6i S 3d Kostellac :\latthew. laborer, h 557 S ikl KOl'tellac 1\1 l haeL labol cr, ad



~. 'rU of

H I KELLEY II CO'S Blacl<DlamODCl...... { .,........ .. . .. 0. DeB ord.... . ... .

I I -,.08


Boyd's Steelton Directory.



Kostetter David W., laborer, h Christian nr Conestoga Kostrevec Yahan. laborer. h Cumbler's Row Kotrianz Mikola, laborer. h 3fH Christian Kough Harry B., engineer, h au S 3d Kovac Philip, helper, h 521 S 2d Kozjan Michael, laborer, h 85:1 S Front ~ Kozzan Marco, laborer. h 76:l S ad ~ Kraemer John H., (Kraemer & Coleman), h 26 S Front 0... Kraemer & Coleman, (J. H. Kraemer and H. F. Coleman). ~ barbers, 26 S Front Krall John E., laborer, h 4fi8 X 'Front Krancevic Pantelija, h 717 S 3d -I Krantheium John, laborer, h 439 :\10110 C :z Kraszewic Martin, milk, h 147 :\Iain c::. 010 Kraszewic Stephen, laborer, h 567 S 2d a: Krause Albert C, driller, h 548 Lincoln 0... Kraybill Benjamin. teacher, h 630 S 2d Kraybill John E . farmer, h 63fl S 2d Kraybill Walter E., elk P. S. Co., h 630 S 2d b.I Krestak Tvnac, laborer, h 542 S 3d C, cigarmkr, 519 :\Iyers l- Krider Frances laborer, h 355 hFrederick Kriston Frank, I- Krizon Vinco. laborer, h 184 S Front LLI Krohn John, blacksmith. h 213 Swatara Krohn Sophia 11., wid George P., h 21:l Swatara




Krout Spangler G., laborer, h 125 S Front Krujaic Juro, laborer, h 5::W S 3d Krzyzosiak Kayeton, laborer, h 347 Frederick Kucbler Mary, wid David, h 726 N 2d Kuhn Ernest, laborer, h 167 Main Kunkle Charles E., laborer, h 336 Q1fistian Kunz Frederick C, consulting engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Kura Joseph, laborer, h 254 Main Kvako George, laborer, h 623 S 3d Kyler Charles E., machinist, h 272 :\Iyers Lafferty James, laborer, h 419 :\Iain Lafferty Samuel, helper, h 419 ~fain Lafferty William H., laborer, h 419 Main Lai John, laborer, h 258 Main Lambert Charles Rev., h 2d c Ridge Lamka Charles, hooker, h 853 S 2d Lamke Albert, laborer, h 252 K 2<1 Lamke Bertha, wid August, h 252 ~ 2d Lamke Frederick J., machinist, h 221 Jefferson Lamkins Andrew, laborer, h 17:{ Adams Landis Harry J., laborer, h 226 S Front Landis Henry B., elk, 6 S Front, h Hbg Landonia Frank, laborer, h 2fl9 Mohn Landregon Catharine. wid :\Iichad. h 269 :\lain Lane Joseph R, machinist, h 21 Chestnut

a: lIJ >

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Lane Winston, laborer, h 154 Ridge J: Langdon Oaude A., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Lange Torleif H., draftsman P. S. Co., h 7 N 4th Lantz Gackano, fruit, 157 N Front, h 649 N 2d Lantz Louis, laborer, h 209 Mohn Lanza Lewis, painter, h 317* S 3d (/) Lanza Michele, grocer, 398 Mohn, h do Lape David, farmer, h Front bel Felton J: Larkin Thomas P., timekeeper P. S. Co., h Highspire Larkins Thomas, foreman, h 548 Lincoln t ;) LAUDERJrIILCH REUBEN N., Baldwin HOUle, 373 and 375 J: S Front, h do I Laurie John F., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg t;) Lawler James T., brakeman, h 174 Main Lawless Cecelia V., laundress, h 417 N 3d Lawless Mary, wid John, h 417 N 3d Lawless Thomas F., steelworker, h 420 Swatara Lawless Winifred, bookkpr, h 417 N 3d PI Lawson James C, laborer, h 856 N Front Lay George, laborer, h 267 N Front (/) Lay Robert, puller, h Lincoln nr Front Layton Charles, laborer, h Cumbler's Row ." Leader George E., laborer, h 455 Myers PI Leader Joseph, laborer, h 474 Main (/) Leader Morris, laborer, h 474 Main

,. r


,. c


Leas Joseph, h 372 S Front Lease Robert B., salesman, h 30 S 3d Lechthaler Roy M., elk P. S. Co., h ~ew Cumberland Lee George W., laborer, h 126 Adams Leedom Alice, wid David, h 236 Elm Leeds Albert F., chief elk B. and C dept, h 483 N Front Leeds Isaac N., station agt P. & R. depot, h 135 Lincoln Leeds Warren L., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 135 Lincoln Leedy George '+tV., heater, h Front c Felton Leedy James A., steelworker. h 182 Main Leeper David, cngincer, h :l~4 Christian Lees John, florist, h 171 N 2d Lees William, laborer, h 171 N 2d Lefski Rosa, wid Herman, h 9 N Front Lehn John, laborer, h 547 Myers Lehman Alonzo B., rail stamper, h 455 Main Lehman Benjamin F., laborer, h 541 N Front Lehman Harry K., carpenter, h 345 Myers Lehman John W., laborer, h 455 Main Lehman Simon c., confectIOner, 171 S Front, h do Lehmer J. Clayton, baker, h 170 Frederick Lehr George B., laborer, h :lUO N 2d Lehrman Bros., (Solomon and Louis ].). ~rocers, 300 S 2d Lehrman Louis J., (Lehrman Bros.), h 3~4 S 2d Lehrman Simon Rev .. h 2d c Chestnut


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Boyd's Steelton Directory. ':70 Lehrman Soloman, (Lehrman Bros.), h 324 S 2d Lehy Patrick, steelworker, h 616 N 2d Leidig Joseph L., foreman, h 3:.!:.! ~lyers Leiseming William P., laborer, h 364 S 2d Lendle John, laborer. h 5C12 K :.!d Lenhart Susan, domestic, 101 Locust Lentz Edwin Rev., h 347 Swatara Lentz Peter, laborer, h 244 Main Leo Frank, laborer, h :~63 S 3d Leo Peter, g:-ocer, Highland, h do Leo Salvatore, helper, h 34!1 S 3d Leo Tony, laborer, h 363 S 3d Leonard James H., laborer, h 506 S 2d Leonhard Clara M., elk, 168 Lincoln, h do Leonhart George W., elk S. S. Co., h 20 S 2d Leonhart Jacob J., bricklayer, h 648 N 2d Lerch Nelson D., carpenter, h 235 S Front Lesher Daniel, janitor, h 5:.!0 X 2d Lesher Wilson N., molder, h :n:.! ~lain Lesko Andrew, laborer, h 6:.!5 S 3d Levinson David J., draftsman P. S. Co., h 112 :-..r Front Levitz Louis D., grocer, :U8 Franklin, h do Levitz Max, clothier, 40 N Front, h do Lewars Harold S., teacher, h :~25 Walnut


1.&1 o

Lewis Anna, wid Alexander, h 1711 Ridge Lewis Annie, wid Laban, h 528 Lincoln Lewis Charles, laborer, h 3:~6 Swatara Lewis Daniel, laborer, h 105 Adams >- Lewis Daniel B., steelworker, h 528 Lincoln z ..: Lewis Edward, foreman P. S. Co., h 211 Mvers a. Lewis George E., foreman P. S. Co., h 119 S 4t1'\ E Lewis Gideon R., undertaker, h 128 Adams C) Lewis Jacob, helper, h :~40 S 2d u Lewis James, janitor, h 2d c Walnut ...I Lewis ,Tames E., foreman, h 3i8 S 2d Lewis Jane 0., h 228 Elm o Lewis Julius, laborer, h 332 Canal al u Lewis Lindsay, laborer, h liO Ridge Q Lewis Roger R., laborer, h li2 Ridge Z Lewis Sarah, wid Ephraim, h 361 S ad ..: Lewis \Valter, laborer, h 240 Ridge W Lewis William H., blacksmith, h 154 Ridge U Lewis William R.. planer. h 5:.!8 Lincoln Lichtenwalner Nathaniel, laborer, h 216 Elm Q Lichty 1\Ioses, h 25R Frederick W Lichty Watson K., laborer, h 258 Frederick Lickens James 1\I., laborer, h 123 Ridge Z LIGAN EDWARD H., meat market, 144-148 S Front, h :: 159 do







Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 771 Light Samuel, laborer, h 254 S 2d Lightner Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Lightner Frank, laborer, h 267 N Front Lighty Albert, blacksmith, h 547 Lincoln Lighty Frank M., blacksmith, h 405 Lincoln Lighty Harry D., elk P.O., h 405 Lincoln Lighty Margaret, wid Daniel B., h 405 Lincoln Lighty Susan, teacher, h 405 Lincoln Lighty Thomas B., elk S. S. Co., h 405 Lincoln Linard Eugene V., elk, 103 S Front, h do Linas Abraham, shoemkr, 202 N Front, h do Lincoln Abraham, laborer, h 153 Adams Lincza Joseph, laborer, h 359 Frederick Lindsay Alexander M., teacher, h 2a7 Pine Lindsey James S., carpenter, h 222 Lincoln Lingle John H., laborer, h 546 Lincoln Linn Cletus c., driver, h 108 S Front Linn John A., laborer, h 368 S 2d Linn John W., laborer, h 931 S Front Linn Joseph F., laborer, h 368 S 2d Linn ]. Wister, machinist, h 368 S 2d Lio Yeorge, laborer, h 615 S :-M .....Lipp Benjamin F., salesman S. S. Co., h 424 N Front Litch John R., h 49 S :Jd Litch John E., tobacconist, h 4!l S 3d


~~ ::::~Harrlsburg

----------------SaYings and Loan Assn. {:: ::=

Little James E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 341 Spruce Litzenberg Homer L., stenographer P. S. Co., h 303 Pine Lloyd Joseph, carpenter, h 4fi:~ Main Lodge Edward, helper, h 52a S Front Logan Richard, h 152 Ridge Lonbeck Frederick, laborer, h 707 S Front Loncar Frank, laborer, h Chambers nr Front Loncaric August, grocer, 614 S 3d, h do Loncaric ~Iagda Mrs., h 614 S 3d Long Albert D., laborer, h 28:J :\lain Long Amanda E., wid George \V., h 4:U Swatara Long Elizabeth R., teacher, h Hbg LONG GEORGE X., drygoods, 21 N Front, h do Long Joseph P., laborer, h 300! Christian Long Samuel D., cabinetmkr, h 162 S 2d Longenecker Albert P., laborer, h 41H S 2d Longenecker Annie c., wid \Varren F . h :J2t Frances Longenecker John Ho, craneman, h 22fl N Front Longenecker Samuel, laborer, h :l9!J S 2t1 Longenecker William Ho, rail chipper, h !J~O S 2d Longnaker Hiram, barber, h :;:~7 S Front Lord Bert N., paperhanger, h 27 Olestnut Losh Adam, machinist, h :Ui:l Christian Lott Harry, laborer, h 427 S Front Loveland George Eo, draftsman P. So Co., h H!lg


> o 1 > ;0 ... > rn




H. M. KELLEY 8. CO.}(Krces, :~rla~:~!'}COAL AID WOOD

5 -=
..... ~


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

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1&1 1&1
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Loy Frank P., laborer, h 2.~7 Walnut Lredanovich Philippe Rev., h Highland Luba Paul, laborer. h 169 Christian Lucas Charles A., barber, 217 l'\ Front, h 43 do Lucavio Peter, laborer, h 5.'34 S 3d Luckett William, laborer, h 165 Adams Ludes Harry G., student, h 559 1\ 2d Ludes Matthias F., shoemkr S. S. Co., h 559 N 2d Ludes William, asst chemist P. S. Co . h 549 N 2d Ludwick Charles C, laborer, h 212 Pine Ludwick Edward S .. rougher, h 323 Bessemer Ludwick John J., roll turner, h 325 S Front Ludwick Peter M., policeman P. S. Co., h 212 Pine Ludwig Joseph B:, laborer, h 383 ~Iain Lukanic John, laborer, h 583 S 3d Lukat Celia, laborer, h Chambers nr Wood Lukic Pava, laborer. 11 3:!O Franklin Lupfer Albert K., elk P. S. Co., h 222 Pine Lupfer Henry F., steelworker, h 111 S 2d Lupp George \V., carpenter, h 2:1 \Valnut Lusor Frank, laborer, h 316 N 3d Lutz Frank. laborer, h 613 S Front Lutz John, laborcr, h 613 S Front Lynam Nicholas, supt machine dept P. S. Co., h 356 Pine Lynch Catharine, wid Thomas. h 251 N Front

a: 1&1 >


Lynch Charles A., laborer, h 251 N Front Lynch Mary A., h 251 N Front Lynch Thomas F., postal elk, h 251 ~ Front Lyne Albert L., laborer. h ;~;;:! ~lyers Lyne Mary A. Mrs., h u:n S Frunt Lyter Cyrus, labcrcr, h 554 X 3d Lytle James H., laborer, h GGO 1\ 2d Lytle Mary E. l\Irs .. h Cumbler's Row Mace U. Grant, elk. 34i S Front, h a69 do Mace William, conductor. h ~18 Frederick Mach Frank, laborer, h 417 Mohn Madden George F., fireman, h 4()2 Ridge Madden Peter A., genl storekeeper P. S. Co., h 323 Pine Madden Rebecca, wid Richard, h 409 S Front Madison Kanc\', wid Alexander, h lill Furnace Magaro Carl, iaborer, h an S 3d Magaro Salvatore. laborer, h :n2 S 2d Magee James. policeman P. S. Co., h 740 S 2d Maginnis William F., mgr, 11'\3 X Front, h 121 Lincoln Magna Charies, laborer, h 31i3 S 3d Magna Peter, laborer, h 363 S 3d Magnelli Joseph, laborer, h 357 S :ld Magnelli Peter, laborer, h a51 S 3d Mag-nelli Peter. laborer. h 75() S 2<1 l'vlaguire Joseph, asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg



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..... :;





REDMOND {~~ti!~~y~~~~e


A. B. TACK}Wall Puer and Window Shadel{J'1':K~~

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Mahon X ora T., h 339 Locust Mahon Patrick C, foreman, h 339 Locust -c Mahon William A., machinist, h 3:m Locust Mahoney Cornelius, gasman, h 1(j8 Frederick Main Street Church of God, Rev. George Sigler, pastor, 336 Main Malehorn Bros., (John D. and Omri E. B.), painters, :!14 Lincoln Malehorn John B., C:\Ialehorn Bros.), h 214 Lincoln Malehorn John G., ins agt, 11 21:! Lincoln Malehorn Omri E. D., (:\Ialehorn Bros.), h 5:!2 Lincoln Maicv Patrick. laborer, h :l!"3 S Front Mamacher John J., laborer, h 223 S Front Manherz John H., molder, h 336 X Front Manmiller Joseph, laborer, h 149 Christian Manning \\'illiam, laborer, h /j;:)1 i\ :!d Manning \Villiam S., laborer, h 31!1 Frederick Mansberger Harry R.. sttehvorker. h 22 Adams Manum Clinton S., laborer, h 511 i\ Front Margesson Glaries W., draftsman P. S. Co., h 23 N 4th Margolis !\athan, laborer, h 245 Frederick Marinjak George, laborer, h 6U3 S 3d Mark 11elanchton S., elk S. S. Co .. h Enhaut Marklev Abraham A., meat. :l41i S Front, h :145 do Markley Daniel, laborer, h 616 S 2d

Markley Edward C, butcher, h r 371 S Front Markley Jacob A., butcher, h 377 S Front Markley Milton, elk, h 345 S Front Markley Sadie, dressmkr, 345 S Front, h do Markoontz John, laborer, h 533 Christian Markoontz Marie :\lrs., h 5:13 Christian Marks Albert W., machinist, h 153 Lincoln Marks Lillian, wid Carlton, h 473 Christian Marks Mary E., h 473 Guistian Marney Stephen, laborer, h 147 ~lyers :Maros Joseph, laborer, h 525 S 2d Mars Ada M., milliner, 38 S Front, h 401 do Mars Harry, laborer, h 40i S lIront Marshall John, laborer, h 66 Furnace Marshbllnk 'William T., h 223 N Front Marsico Frank, confectioner, 121 S Front, h 353 S 3d Marsico Frank, truckman, h 317 S 3d Marsico Gabriel, laborer, h :182 S 3d Marsico Joseph, grocer, 355 S 2d, h 3i'12 S 3d l\brsico Lewis, laborer, h 369 S 3d Marteniz Lovre, laborer. h ;m:l S :M Martere Frank, laborer, h 803 S 3d Martin Abraham L., planer, h 174 Lincoln Martin Charles A., electrician, h r 15 Locust Martin Gustav F., elk P. S. Co., h 167 :\Iyers


1I.leH'1 COlPlelion PlIII :,~~~:S~~: 306 BrIM


Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


...: Martin Harry, machinist, h 229 S Front Martin Harvey E., laborer, h 41 Frederick E Martin Jacob B., supt Bessemer Dept P. S. Co., h 141 Lincoln "1: l\lartin Levina, wid John, h :W!'i S :!r1 _ Martin Mary, wid Abraham, h 174 Lincoln c.:t Martin Mary, elk S. S. Co., h 174 Lincoln ;& Martin William F., supt, h 300 N Front c.:t ~Iartz C Sophrona, dressmkr, h 55 N From Martz Elizabeth, wid William K., h 55 N Front Martz George H., contractor, h 154 Bessemer :\Iartz Roscoe L., elk S. S. Co., h 2:!6 Elm MARTZ wrrJJAM: X., druggist, 55 N Front 0 Pine, h do Martzan Frederick, laborer, h 519 K 3d Mason James W., laborer, h'150 Ridge . . Masters Valentine, engineer, h 842 S 2d ~ ~Iastner Philip. bricklayer. h hd ~Iohn fI) Matan Ivan, laborer, h 240 Frederick :Matchett George, machinist, h 250 S 2d :\Iathews Daniel E .. laborer, h an2 Ridge ~Iathias Benjamin F., carpenter, h 253 S Front ~ l\lathias Charles F., h 261 S 2d Mathias Geo. D., foreman Steelton Plan ~Iill Co., h Hbg Mathias Harry C, elk P. S. Co., h Highspire ~Iathias John W., painter, h 2d c Strawberry al


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lin J EeIItI ... Tille Gaoronl' 0IId ""'1 00. " ........ 1 "dI,1 S.".,...I, fir EIIJIIIIM, rtlul,,,I'IIt ... IIUel ...... CelI"eflra CIIIII ...

~Iathias William H., elk P. S. Co., h 246 Pine Matier Wiliiam, h IS4 :\1ain ;\Iatjasic John, top filIer, h 529 S 2d ~latjasic Joseph, laborer, h 529 S :!d ~ratjasic Jure. elk, 247 S Front. h S(i4 S 2d ~Iatjasic MIchael, grocer, 5511 S :ld, h do Matthews Charles F., laborer, h :l:~4 Swatara ~Iatthe\\"s lllanche, domestic, 171 S 2d l\lauhews Louisa Mrs., h 147 Adams . Matzinger John \V .. special officer S. S. Co., h Hbg ~faurer Clayton L., elk P. S. Co., h 2f1 Adams Maurer Heiuy. machinist. h 20 Adams ~Iaurer Jennie A., shirtmkr, h 2f1 Adams ~Iavretic ~larko, laborer, h 7(i6 S 2d Maxwell Aaron M., laborer. h S5f1 N" Front ~ray Adam, laborer, h 541 l\lyers l\Iaze Benjamin. laborer. h 2:14 Ridge .\IcAfee John H .. watchman. h 411 Main ~IcAllister George W., machinist. h 370 S 2d ;\IcCaffrey Bernard. frog builder, h 26f1 ~Iyers l\IcCaffrev Marv, elk S. S. Co., h 26f1 MYers l\IcCaffrey SlIllon, bridge builder, h 269 ~Iyers l\IcCaffrey 'nlOmas, oiler, h 2ml :\lyers McCall Andrew II .. shl'arsman, h 1~7 Lincoln ~lcCal1 Catharine. elk S. S. Co., h 137 Lincoln

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page GIVES Fr~\iM:~O~S'c


~ PabUo BaDdJDp 111

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ofPJalD TlDte E.U,... ....


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

McCall Ellen, wid Patrick, h 137 Lincoln McCall Hugh, watertender, h 173 Myers McCall James J., machinist, h 137 Lincoln McCall John J., steelworker, h 508 N 2d McCall Mary, bookbinder, h 173 Myers McCall ~ ellie M., elk S. S. Co., h 137 Lincoln McCall William F., elk P. S. Co., h 173 Myers McCarney James, hostler, h 514 N Front McCarthy John E., laborer, h 350 Christian McCarthy \Villiam, laborer, h 347 Christian McCauley Hiram, bricklayer, h Front c Felton McCleland William, shoemkr, h 472 Myers McCloskey Hugh J. 1\1., elk P. S. Co . h Hbg l\lcClurg James, laborer, h 33!) N Front McCord Abraham A., molder, h 62Zi S Front McCord Edward J.. driver. h 412 Front McCord Hugh J., laborer, h 11'5 Main McCoy Charles W .. steelworker, h ii5:! S 2d McCreary Elizabeth ~lrs., milliner, 44 S Front. h do McCURDY lOHN A., druggist, 20 S Front, hIS 3d McDonald James, plumber. h 31)3 :\!yers McDonnell George R.. frog builder. h :121 Frances McDonnell Patrick J . laborer. h 1 H l\lyers 1\1cElroy Charles \\'., laborer. h 17 S 2d McElroy Ernest R., elk S. S. Co .. h 17 S 2d ---,



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lH arrIsburg Sngs d L A 18d Stroot ay i an oan SSI. 18 Nor&b

McElroy Frank T., (Steelton Hosiery ~lills), h 14 N 3d McElroy l\Iargaret E .. wid Robert. h 17 S 2d :McEntee John J., ironworker. h :!:!:~ ~lain l\lcEntee l\largaret, elk S. S. Co .. h :!:!3 ~lain l\lcEntee Peter J., bricklayer, h :!:!:~ l\[ain l\IcEntee Thos., Sllpt O. H. Dept P. S. Co., h 477 ~ Front l\lcFarlan Albert, laborer. h 14!l1 Adams McFarlan Scott. laborer, hUll! Adams l\lcGallagher Thompson, laborer. h 1:~ Chamhers :McGeehan Anthonv. hricklayer. h 2i5 l\lvers 1\lcGeehan Edward' F .. steelworker. h :!:!5 l\lvers l\fcGinnes Lemuel E . supt schools. h 15~ S 2C! l\fcGroney Frank Rev., h :td c Blueherry av McGuire Clvsses. laborer. h l-\56 ~ Front McHazell Wilson J.. laborer, h a6:~ j\lyers McHose Kern W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hhg McHugh James. laborer, It Christian lIT Trewick McIlhenny John K .. lahorer, h 4:!:J S",'atara lHcKamey Caroline. wid Joseph, h !!1~ Bailey l\lcKamey George. lahorer. h 21~ Bailey McKamey Lee D., driver S. S. Co .. h 15:~ Adams l\lcKamey Xewton. hostler. h 21~ nailev l\IcKame\' vVallace. lahorer. h 21X naile'\, McKav Arthur. hricklayer. h :n7 S Fro~t McKeivy George G., laborer. h 131i S 2d

> o


> iJ > r.n



H M KELLEY C D . {I North lid 8tno-L D. CO 10th aDd state


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

McKim William]., driller, h 820 Main McKune James H., ladleman, h 22!1 Christian 1\lcKune Robert, steelworker, h al't~ l\'lain McLoughlin Hugh L., planer, h 207 ;\lain McLucas Benjamin F., barber, h ;j S 3d McLucas Charles A.. barber, 217 N' Front, h 43 do McNamee John, laborer, h 512 Lincoln ?vlcNamee John, jr., laborer, h 503 Lincoln ~IcNau Claude M., elk P. S. Co., h :\liddletown :i\IcXaughton William F., puddler, h 866 :'.lain ~lc1\eal Harry B., telegrapher, h ;!<.!t'J Locust McNeal H. Lee, elk S. S. Co., h 13 S 2ci l\IcK ear Arthur G., machinist, h 144 S :!d McNear Benjamin F., foreman, h 144 S 2d McNear Benjamin F., jr., grocer, 301 ;\Iain, h 303 do McNear Gertrude, elk, h 144 S 2d McNear Harry K., driller, h 144 S 2d McSwine Harry, carpenter, h M2 Main Meals Ferdinand V., butcher S. S. Co., h 364 Myers :Ylechanics' and Helpers' Relief Asso meets \Vednesday eve. after each pay day in G. A. R. Hall; C. E. Scott~ sec Mechanics' Building and Loan Assn, C. Hess, sec, :12 S Front Meckley Benjamin F., engineer, h 443 Lincoln







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Mecolic Michael, laborer, h 607 S 2d Megary Irvin, laborer, h 756 S 2d Megary Joseph, h 756 S 2d Megary Waiter J., fireman, h 756 S 2d Melhorn Edward L., supt, h 306 Walnut Mellen Nancy Mrs., h 357 S Front Mellon Benjamin, grocer, 14-3 Adams, h do Melman David, grocer, 652 S 3d, h do 1&1 Mendle Wilhelmina, wid Frank, h 550 S 3d Mengle Edwin H., cashier P. S. Co., h 235 Walnut Mercer Charles H., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 251 S 4th Meredith Albert S., machinist, h 23 Locust Merle John, laborer, h 479 Myers Merrill Philip P., accountant P. S. Co., h Hbg ~ Merryman George L., pipe coverer, h 203 Lincoln Merskell Joseph, laborer, h 382 S 3d ~ :Yleshey Jacob G., stred commissioner, h 316 Pine ~ ~lesiano Antonio, laborer, h 818 S 2d :c Mesiano Domenico, laborer, h 818 S 2d g Messersmith David 1\1., carpenter, h 509 S Front ~ Messersmith James W., engineer, h 349 S Front C MESSINGER BROS., (W. L. and H. S.), marble and granite l:i:i mfra, 124 S Front CD ~Iessinger Harry S .. (Messinger Bros.), h 13 Swatara .Messinger William L., (~lessinger Bros.), h 15 Swatara

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Boyd's Steelton Directory.


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Messner Harry E., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 12 ~ ad Metzenthin Ernst Rev., h 206 S 3d ~letzenthin Selma, teacher, h 206 S ad Metzenthin Waldeman Prof., h 206 S 3d Metzger Albert G., elk P. S. Co., h 227 Locust Metzger Clara A., h :!25 Locust Metzger Edward, elk P. R. R., h lOB ='J Front Metzger William, engineer, h 225 Locust Michael Fannie. grocer. fil:! S 3d. h do Middleton William]., physician. 155 X Front, h do Midland Cemetery, S. F. and A. \V. Dunkle, trustees. 1112 N Front :Mihal John, contpactor, h 608 S 3d Mihalic Matijor. laborer, h G29 S :!d c.-. ~lihaljon Bias. laborer, h 5W S 2d Mihalzevic :Marian. laborer. h 52 Conestoga Mikula George, laborer, h ao~ Frederick :;\1ilaukovii Lava, laborer. h ,Hl9 :\lo11n Milavic Peter, laborer, h 514 S 3d ~ Miles Samuel S . laborer, h 166 Frederick CD Millar Jabe H., timekeeper P. S. Co . h 126 Lincoln Millard John A.. carpenter, h 19 ~ 4th Millard Michael. h 390i S !!d Millard Robert K, draftsman P. S. Co. h 19 N 4th Milleisen Henry R., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg


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Miller Albert, laborer, h 610 N 2d Miller Anna E., wid John F., h 543 Christian MiIler Anna R., wid George C. h 355 Myers Miller Arthur S., molder, h 707 i\ Front MiIler Carl R., elk P. S. Co., h 511 Lincoln Miller Charles A., laborer, h 641 ~ 2d VUT.EB CRADLER B., physician, 198 S 2d, h do Miller David W., foreman P. S. Co., h Hbg Miller Earl R., elk, h 511 Lincoln Miller Edwin, laborer, b 548 Lincoln Miller Elmer E., conductor, h Front c Mohn Miller Elvin, conductor, h 116 S Front Miller Frederick, laborer, h 211j MaIm Miller Harvey C, laborer, h :n 7 S Front Miller Henry, constable. h ti41 N 2d Miller Henry, laborer, h ;125 ~ Front Miller Irvin, laborer. h 391 S 2d l\HIIer J abe H., elk, h 126 Lincoln :Miller Jacob, laborer, it :134 Christian Miller Jacob M., plant'r, h 414 Harrisburg :;\1iller James, laborer, h 860 N Front Miller James G., laborer, h 4]2 S 2d Miller John, laborer, h :137-k S Front Miller John F., carpenter, h 25 S 4th Miller John L., laborer, h 471 Myers




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Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller

Boyd'. Steelton Direoto17.


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1&.1 ...I

John M., elk S. S. Co., h 3~ S 2d John S., steelworker, h 160 Lincoln Joseph, laborer, h 539 S Front Joseph K., laborer, h 349 Lincoln Joseph S., elk S. S. Co., h Hbg Lee H., laborer, h 41~ Harrisburg Mary A., wid James, h 317 S Front ~Iiller Mary J., wid David ~1., h 707 N Front Miller Mary K., saleslady S. S. Co., h Highspire Miller Monroe S., plasterer, h 315 Myers Miller Nancy M., wid George, h 641 N 2d Miller Peter N., elk, h 25 N 2d 1filler Philip, driver, h 472 Molm Miller Robert J., foreman, h 553 N 2d ~Iiller Samuel, bricklayer, h 350 S 3d ~liller Thomas c., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Miller Thomas F., elk P. S. Co., h 511 Lincoln Miller William, steelworker. h 383 S Front ~IIiller William F., laborer, h 171 Christian Miller William G., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Miller William M., laborer, h 8:14 S 2d Alil1er William R., laborer, h 337! S Front l\liller William R.. stenog-rapher P. S. Co .. h Hbg ?1i11er Winslow A., elk P. S. Co., h 180 S 2d Mills Charles E., laborer, h 424 Swatara

1&1 TIl _DIY ODd TrU8t CO.

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Mills S. Ralph. elk P. S. Co., h 971 S Front 1\Hlls William S., machinist, h 971 S Front Miloicon Peter, laborer, h 514 S 3d ~Iiner Charles, painter, h 443 Christian Minnich Lydia, housekeeper, h 263 N Front Minnick Michael, laborer, h 538 S 3d Minor Henry A., laborer, h !!:!:! Bailey Minsker Henry, laborer, h 11H Conestoga Minter Allen W., laborer, h :!17 Christian Mitchell Amos, helper, h 34~ Cltristian Mitchell George 1\1., laborer. h :n 7 Trewick :\1ixell Clark B., laborer, h 473 Myers Mixell Jacob, laborer. h 47a Myers :\Iixell Lewis H., puddler, h 47:~ :\Iyers :\I!at kovic Joseph, laborer. h 51l~ }l yers :\Ioats Landrv S . steelworker. h 1i7 Frederick ~lobley Benjamin, laborer, h :!:{:! Ridge :\lobley 1\Iartha 1\., wid Dennis, h Hi:! Adams :\Iockley David. laborer, h :!55 Adams ~lockle\' Oscar. laborer. h :!55 Adams Moder 'Stefan, moldel'. h 745 S Front :\folnar Joseph, laborer, h 4711 Mohn :Monahan David A.. elk P. S. Co., h 168 Myers :\lonahan Elizabeth L.. h 168 :\1 vers ~Ionahan ~11chael P., foreman P. S. Co., h 16K Myers

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The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for the


~~_eba'~1JCJI'k_.beDeeODI~{ 1.1. A B IACK} _ ..... and IDIareII&; Wark clolieIDUI)" JlN&of II.... IlL

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.


Monk Samuel A., laborer, h 410 Ridge Monn Elizabeth, wid James, h 34.6 :\Iain Monn John L., laborer, h 455 Myers Monroe Burrel, contractor, h 565 S 2d Montgomery Samuel L., laborer, h 168 Ridge Montt William A., laborer, h 216 Ridge Moore Bessie, dressmkr, h 164 Frederick Moore Charles J., ma~hinist, h 1:!1 Penn Moore Henry, iaborer, h 407 River al . Moore Isabella A., saleslady S. S. Co., h 25 N ad Moore John F., cooper, h 25 N 3d Moore John \'v'., labort'r, h 4117 River al Moore Laurenc.e C, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Moore Samuel, laborer, h 545 Christian Moore Samuel B., bricklayer, h 426 Main Moore William Q., laburer, h 158 Main Mordesevic Frank, laborer, h 531 S ad Mordhorst C Julius, chemist P. S. Co., h 416 Swatara Morgan Alfred, laborer, h 351 S Front Morgan James L., foreman, h S Front bel Fe:ton Morgan John H., laborer, h 943 S Front Morgan Philip J., laborer, h 236 Myers Morningstar Lawrence E., cooper, h 1:!2 S 2d :I Moro Temple, No. 44. L. G. E., meets every Saturday eve )II in Odd Fellows' Hall, Jennie A. Keller, sec


SaYinga and Loan Asanl{~=

Murrett Albert A., engineer, h 358 Myers Morrett Clayton D., boilermkr, h 3:!::l Conestoga Morrett Dayton C, boilermkr, h 35S Myers Morrett Jacob \V., engineer, h 440 Swatara Morris DeWitt, machinist, h 107 S -lth Morris Howard F., elk, :U!l 1lain, h 121) S 4th Morris Jacob, grocer, 4.50 Mohn, h do Morris John J., painter, h 145 1lain Morris Robert L., bricklayer, h :l41i S 2d Morris Sarah, wid :\Iilton K., h 12!1 S 4th Morris Spottwood D .. laborer, h 4 Canal al Morrison Annie, elk S. S. Co., h 2211 Elm Morrison Ephraim. boilermkr, h 220 Elm Morrison Eugene T., bridge engineer P. S. Co., h Paxtang Morrison Harry L., machinist, h 20!l S 2d Morrison T. Edward, draftsman P. S. Co., h 102 N 2d Morrissey \ViIliam, laborer, h 6:~5 ~ Front Morrissey William J., laborer, h 6:15 N Front Mortoff Benjamin F., driller, h 255 Christian Moser Charles, blacksmith, h S 3d bel Felton Moser Emma R., music teacher, h 115 S 4th Moser Henry H., foreman 11erchant ~IiIl, h 115 S 4th Moss John E., driller, h 721i S 2d 110ss Maggie H., wid Richard. h aH X 2d

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KELLEY & CO. {1.:.:r.:..=..



Boyd's Steelton Directory.











..... Mulvihill Ella E. Miss, h 407 N Front c.:t z: Mumma Catharine, wid Joseph, h 134 Lincoln Mumma C. Nissley, h 20 N 4th ~ Mumma Edward L., supt Dept Labor P. S. Co., h 23 N 4th !! Mumma Isaac, steelworker, h 205 Myers ..... Mumma Jacob B., electrician, h 150 Conestoga ; : ,\1 umma Mark, tax collector, h 221 Pine Mumma Norman, laborer, h 134 Lincoln Muras Joseph, laborer, h 525 S 2d Murphy Charles R., h 151 S 2d I&J l\lurphy Jacob W., blacksmith, h 3!"l4 Myers Murphy John, laborer, h 360 Canal aI Murphy John H., machinist, h 5:19 N Front Murphy John P., machinist, h 539 N Front Murphy Joseph, fireman, h 540 N 2d Murphy Michael, foreman, h 406 S 2d Murphy Richard, laborer, h 565 iI: 2d Murphy Thomas, h 151 S :!d .\lurry Perry E., laborer, h 547 Irol1 al Myers Abraham R. Rev., h 49 S 4th '\Iyers A. Guy, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg I&J Myers Anna, music teacher, 49 S 4th, h do .\Jyers Benjamin F., elk P.O., h 138 N 2d :\lyers Florence, asst cashier S. S. Co., h 138 N 2d cj l\Iyers George ~1. c., brakeman, h 417 Catharine

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Moten Turner, laborer, h 64 Furnace Motten George, contractor, h 402 Ridge Motter George 0., patternmkr, h a47 N Front .\lotter William H., laborer, h 224 Main :\Iount Zion Baptist Church, Locust nr :!d .:'.lowery Adam A., laborer, h a4 S 2d Mowry John G., straightener, h a!"l9 Pine l\loxley Pierce A., laborer, h 227 Adams l\loyer Anna, wid .Henry B., h lUi Main Moyer Catharine S., h a19 S Front l\loyer Charles \V., laborer, h 501 Bessemer ~loyer George R., laborer, h 156 Bt!ssemer Moyer Jeremiah, laborer, h 520 Lincoln Mraovic Kikola, laborer, h 646 S ad Mrayic Milo, laborer, h 765 S 2d Mrazovic Mato, laborer, h 590 Sad Mrokavich Janka, laborer, h Front nr Heagy Much John, laborer, h 353 Frederick Muchavich Simon, interpreter, h 383 S Front Mucher John, steelworker, h 2d bel Lincoln .\Iuckley David, laborer, h 255 Adams l\Iuckley Oscar, laborer, h 255 Adams Muldoon Joseph M., weigher, h 43 Frederick Muldoon Thomas J., laborer, h 39 Frederick Mullen William F., helper, h 630 S 2d




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A. B. TACK =,~~ lOll POper IBId IlDa .1t1lml

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Myers George S., machinist, h 138 X :!d Myers Hewitt C, physician, 33:! S :!d, h do Myers Ira F., cashier S. S. Co., h 1:18 ~ :!d Myers Jacob L., steelworker, h 138 N 2d Myers J. Edward, printer, h 733 N Front Myers John H., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Myers Joseph H., rougher, h 73.'1 N Front Myers Lucinda, wid Harry, h 7:l;{ N Front Mvers Marv, h 73.'l N Front Myers Mau'd L., cigarmkr, h 417 Catharine Myers Percy B., ice cream, 104 Conestoga, h 34 S 2d Myers Sarah, elk S. S. Co., h 73il N Front Myers Thomas, weigher P. S. Co., h 138 N 2d Myers William C, laborer, h 273 Main Myers William 0., (Paxton & Myers), h ~H Myers Nace Oscar C, elk P. S. Co., h ]2:1 S 2d Nangle Edward F., laborer, h 116 Main Naseff Peter, varieties, 367 Frederick, h do Nathan Simon, tailor, 110 N Front, h Hbg Nauss Abraham B., laborer, h 426 Swatara Nauss Bertram S., foreman, h 315 Pine Nauss Delanson C, foreman, h 19 Pine Nauss Harry W., molder, h 214 S 2d Nauss John W .. helper, h 422 Swatara Naylor Ernest W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg
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Kaylor John D., foreman, h 43 Penn Neabaum Frank, machinist, h 381 S 3d Nebinger Oayton, finisher. h 233 Main Nebinger Eliza B., elk, h 157 S 2d Kebinger Jacob, blacksmith, h 214 Pine Nebinger Ida M., milliner, h 214 Pine N ebinger Lewis, machinist, h 157 S 2d Kebinger Oscar C, helper, h 214 Pine Nebinger R. Sigmond, machinist. h 230 Elm Nebinger Sarah, wid Jacob A., h 157 S 2d Xeff David, rail straightener, h a3!J :Myers ~eff George W., elk P. S. Co., h 12 S Front Neff Jacob, helper, h 34;1 Myers Negley Joseph, planer, h 1(; Adams Negroni F. M. Rev., h :l~3 S Front Neidig James M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Neill George, bricklayer, h 125 S 4th Kein George F., bricklayer. h 2a2 Elm Xell Jacob E .. teacher. h 2:!II Pine Kell J. Edwin. stenographer P. S. Co., h 2;)0: Lincoln ~cll Levi H., gauger, h :!58 Lincoln Xell \ViIliam H., cashier People's Dank, h 19 Locust X clley Thomas J., hotel, 947 S Front, h do Kelson John, lahorer. h 543 Iron al Nelson SamuelS . laborer. h :!48 :\Iyers



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Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Nemanic John, laborer, h 617 S 2d __ NERON DAVID W., notary publio, fire insurance, real estate and pension agt, 392 S 2d, h do =a- Neron Elmer E., painter, h :l9~ S 2d Nesbit Ellen, wid Winfield S., h 262 Myers .!! Nesbit John H., helper, h :.!li S Harrisburg Neubaum Frederick A., laborer, h aS1 S 3d Newbaker John J., master mach Merchant Mill, h 192 S :!tl Newcomer Frank, butcher, h 369 ~\lyers Newcomer John, laborer, h 3 N 3d Newcomer Samuel S., elk, h 3 N 3d Newman David M., tailor, '..'77 Myers, h do Newman Mary, wid Henry, h 34! S Front Newton Sarah Mrs., h Adams ab Harrisburg -I Ney Jacob H., elk S. S. Co., h ao Chestnut Ney Paul M., special officer S. S. Co., h 139 S Front ......... Nicholas Frederick, cutter, h 259 Main U) Nicholas Howard, carpenter, h 23 \Valnut Nicholas John P., carpenter, h 243 Myers Nicholas Morris, laborer, h 243 My(;rs .~ Nichols Joseph F., carpenter, h 32H :\Iain Nichns James, laborer, h 123 Ridge O ~ickens Nancy, cook, 251 S 4th Nickens Rollin H., laborer, h 411 S Front

..; Nemanic Catharine, domestic, 947 S Front

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Nickey WilHam J., laborer, h 424 Harrisburg Nidergorn Joseph, laborer, h 407 lIohn Nisley John, elk, 1~ N Front, h Oberlin Nisley Maria, wid Samuel, h 131 Lincoln Nissley Amos H., elk Steelton Xat Bank, h Oberlin Nissley H. Hoyt, elk P. S. Co., h 35 S 3d Noggle John T., laborer, h 212 S tel Noll Harley H., laborer, h 122 S Front Noll Jacob, shooting gallery, 137 S Front, h 122 do Noll John J., grocer, 267 N Front, h do ~01l Wilson P., carpenter, h 151 S td Noonan John F., foreman, h 636 N 2d Noonan Michael]., steelworker, h 636 N 2d Nordendahl Enar, draftsman P. S. Co., h 23 N 4th N orris Allison H., machmist, h 364 Spruce Norris Francis A., elk P. S. Co., h 364 Spntce Norris Patrick, steelworker, h 604 N 2d Norton Harriet Mrs., h 545 Iron al ~ Norton John B., h 3t;:l Main ~ ~ovosel Tenio. laborer, h 6liO S 3d Nunemaker Benjamin A., watchman, h 346 Main ~ Nunemaker Benjamin A., jr., laborer, h 346 Main ~ Nunemaker Daniel, laborer, h 502 Main Nunemaker John H., laborer, h 311~ Christian ~ Nunemaker John N., laborer, h_5_02_M_ai_n_ _ _ _ _ __

Y':~L:~= IOU roper and IlndOI ShOdes Iroo A. B. TACK {N.1

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Nunemaker John W., laborer, h 205 Main Nunemaker Nicholas, h 502 Main Nunemaker William H., laborer, h 346 Main N usbidle Rudolph, fireman, h 2:!9 Swatara Nye 1. Walmer, electrician, h 121 S Front Nye Jacob E., music teacher, h 121 S Front Nye Jacob H., laborer, h 30 Chestnut Nye Mabel M., dressmkr, 121 S Front, h do Nye Sadie A., weaver, h 121 S Front Obercash Julia, wid Jacob, h 243 Main OBERCASH mOHAEL A., Bessemer House, 243-241 1Iain, h do O'Brien Daniel, laborer, h 23; Christian O'Brien John, chief police P. S. Co., h 32 S 4th aO'Brien Luiu D., embroidery, 32 S 4th, h do CI Obrus Jacob, laborer, h 626 S 3d Odd Fellows' Hall, 138 Adams Odell J. Burr, teacher, h 22 N Harrisburg O'Donnell A. Curtin, laborer, h 402 S 2d O'Donnell Bentz, driver, h 402 S 2d O'Donnell Hugh, carpenter, h 363 Myers O'Donnell John G., machinist, h 632 N 2d O'Donnell Patrick, steelworker, h 632 N 2d O'Donnell Thomas ]., bricklayer, h 632 N 2d Oglelsby Boyd M., stenographer P. S. Co., h Hbg

N l>


Saylngl and Laal AISD.U:==:

O'Gorman Jeremiah, steelworker, h 51 S 2d Ohail W. Logan, draftsman printer P. S. Co., h Hbg Ohlson Carl G., draftsman P. S. Co., h 19 N 4th Ohmit Annie M., wid Christian, h 340 N Front Ohmit Byron M., elk, h 117 Lincoln Ohmit George W., watchman P. S. Co., h Enhaut Ohmit J. Christian, laborer, h 340 N Front Oken Annie, wid Joseph, h 810 S 2d Olsevski Victor, laborer, h 349 Frederick O'Neil Sarah E., domestic, 345 Pint! O'Neill James J., elk P. S. Co., h 350 Myers Onjenavic Elijah, laborer, h 510 S 3d Only Odis, laborer, h 306 Ridge Opperman Karl T., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Orasgant Peter, laborer, h 775 S 3d Orndorf Oyde R., elk P. S. Co., h 333 Locust Orndorf John W., carpenter, h 333 Locust Orndorf Maude J., music teacher, h 333 Locl1st Orndorf Velma E., teacher, h 333 Locust Orndorff Samuel ]., blacksmith, h 322 Locust Orris Belle, teacher, h 171 S 2d Orris H. Eugene, roll turner, h Front nr Heagy Orsinger Paul, engineer, h 963 S Front Ort Ella, domestic, 141 S 4th Orth John G., baker, 11 S Front, h 91; do

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Digitized by




H I KELLEY m CO'S HlaekDlamOord.... - { .......... ... P. aezt ..U ...... . MIl . . ......


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

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Osman Horace K., drug elk, 147 N Front, h Hbg Otey Horace, laborer, h 339 Orchard av O'Toole Edward, laborer, h 87 Main Otstot Franklin G., student, It 211 N 2d Otstot William F., carpenter, h 211 N 2d Ott Harry, machinist, h 376 S 2d Ott Levi, laborer, h 401 S Front Otto Benjamin J., roller, h 313 S 2d Otto Catharine, dressmkr, h 313 S 2d Otto Charles J., laborer, h 313 S 2d Otto John M., contractor, h 313 S 2d Otto Peter H., watchman, h 313 S 2d Otzen Carl, electrician P. S. Co., h 317 S 2d Oyler Daniel A., 364 S 2d Oyler George A., laborer, h 24 S Harrisburg Page Braxton, laborer, h 2:~2 Adams Page Charles, laborer, h 405 Bailey Page Daniel A .. driver, h 596 N Front Page George W., laborer, h 405 Bailey Page J. Edward, steelworker, h 28 S 2d Page Louisa Mrs., h 130 Ridge Page Luman B., elk P. S. Co., h Oberlin Page Robert, laborer, h lao Ridge Paine Moses, laborer, h 154 Ridge Painter David. blacks'11ith, h 155 Frederick






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Palmer Charles, laborer, h 237 Myers Palmer Jesse, laborer, h Cumbler's Row Pannell Clarence l\L, elk P. S. Co., h 151 S 4th Papich Andrew, laborer, h Main nr Trewick Parik Stanislaus, laborer, h 447 Myers Parker William, laborer. h 113 Adams Parks Carrie, elk, h lill S Front Parks George W., sewing machines, 177 S Front, h 179 do Parks Robert R., dentist, h 179 S Front Parsons George \V., h Spruce c 4th Parsons Harry H., painter, h {i27 S Front Parthcmore Harvey E., bar elk, 37:l S Front, h Enhaut Parthemore Kisley Y.,editor and mgr, 265 N Front,h Hbg Parthemore William A., driller, h 348 S 2d Pasceri Anton, shoemkr, 229 S Front, h do Patrez Martin, laborer, h Sl1 S 3d Patriotic Sons of America, Camp No. 102, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows' Hall, ]. C. Wetzel, sec Patschke William G., foreman, h 425 S Front Patterson Charles E., templetmkr. h 313 Walnut Paul Howard 1>.1., timekeeper P. S. Co., h ~l41 Locust Paul Robert, steelworker, h 425 Swatara Paulsen Nils, draftsman P. S. Co., h 241 Main Paulus Conrad J., laborer, h 49 Frederick

L B. Tiel} IILL PAPER e:.!:~-=: lilDOI SHIDE3hf~~'"

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Paxtang Council, No.2, D. of P., meets Tuesday eve. at 12 S Front Paxtang Hook and Ladder Co., 320 N Front Paxtang Tribe, No. 243, 1. O. R M., organized Jan. 1882, J. Oscar Russell, C. of R, meets Thursday eve., 10 S Front FUTON AliD STEELTON FLOUB.ING IIILLS, (lob Hojfer), Trewick c Frederick Paxton John M., (Paxton & Myers), h 231 Myers Paxton Lodge, No. 16, A. Y. M., (colored), meets at 140 Adams second and fourth Tuesday eves. of each month; George F. Madden, sec Paxton & Myers, (J. M. Paxton and W. O. Myers), milk and ice cream, 104 Conestoga Payne Harry, laborer, h 244 Ridge Payne James, laborer, h 227 Adams Pazak John, cutter, h 605 S 3d. Pazderac Ella, dairy, 558 S 3d, h do Peace Charles L., craneman, h 140 Myers Peace Goyd, laborer, h 260 Frederick Peach Garence, laborer, h 313 Frances Pearson James W., laborer, h 342 N 2<i Peck Alvin M., laborer, h 330 Christian Peck Elizabeth, wid Harry, h 2:17 Myers Peck Frances M., elk, h 237 Myers


BAKER1~=~b.~T.~"';;1I: ;:.

Peck Jacob, steelworker, h :l.'lO Myers Peiffer James R, bridge builder, h 346 Lincoln Peirce Andrew E., jr., electrical engr P. S. Co., h Hbg Peiter Frederick, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Pelen John W., planer, h 358 S 2d Pellman Charles, engineer, h 256 Christiau Pendleton Frederick, laborer, h 214 Ridge Pendleton William, laborer, h 11:3 Adams Penn William, laborer, h 168 Adams Penner Charles W., laborer, h 33 River al Penna. R R Depot, ft Trewick PENNSYLVANIA STEEL CO. (THE). mfrs steel rails, rail road switches, bridges, &c., E. C. Felton, pres see adv back cover Penna. Telephone Exchange, John A. McCurdy, mgr, 20 S Front Penteck Matthew, steelworker, h 222 Frederick FEOPLE'S BANK, 18 S Front, D. B. Traver, pres; W. H. Nell, cashier Peric Mila, laborer, h 477 Main Pericok Jure, laborer, h 519 S 2d Peris Adolphus, driver, h 3~ Poplar Peris Nicholaus U .. steam fitter, h 329 Poplar Perri Michael, laborer, h 389 S 3d Person William. draftsman P. S. Co., h 129 S Front


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v.t PETERS D. AUGUSTUS, pharmacist, 189 S Front, h 191 do ... Peters J. Markwood, physician, UJ5 S Front, h Eberley's :; Mills 1& Peters Rose Mrs., h 238 Christian . ~ Petre Anthony, tailor, 159 S Front, h Hbg S Petrosic John, laborer, h 855 S 2d Petrosic Marco, laborer, h 866 S 2d =5 Petrovitz Jocko, elk, Conestoga c Frederick, h do ~ Petteroff Michael, laborer, h all Frances Pezdiric Ulena, wid Martin, h 558 S 3d ~ Pfeiffer John P., laborer, h 419 Mohn Pharo Harvey E., drug elk, 27 N Front, h 25 do :I Phillips Harriet, teacher, It 162 Adams Phillips Sophofronia, h 119! Adams Phillips Walter A., machinist, h 276 S 2d -Ii Phoenix Edward, watchman, h 46 Furnace Phoenix Wilmer, laborer, h 46 Furnace Pickelhaup Daniel, laborer, h 405 Mohn U) Pierce Jordan, laborer, h 128 Adams Piewatski Anthony, laborer, h 475 l\bin l&.I Piewatski Vadeslaw, laborer, h 247 Frederick ...I Pilger George, laborer, h 311 Franklin Pin Robert, laborer, h Adams nr Bailey


CLARK'S =:.: Drug and Patlat .Idlclal Stare {

786 Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Peters Cassadella, wid Lewis, h 304 S 2d

j; Peters Dallas W., molder, h 238 c'nristian



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z: :;:,

Pinkett James, laborer, h 147 Adams Pinkett Martin, laborer, h 109! Adams Piservic Jacob, laborer, h 471 Myers Pisle Charles A., frog builder, h 26 S 2d Pisle Cora M., elk S. S. Co., h 24 Walnut Pisle David T., blacksmith, h 149 S Front Pisle George B., elk S. S. Co., h 2.1 Walnut Pis Ie William K., fireman, h 555 N 2d Pitshler William, laborer, h 37 River av Pizzino Peter, laborer, h 377 S 3d Plank John R., physician, 106 N Front, h do Plasac Michael, laborer, h 250 Main Plosser Mike, laborer, h 250 Main Plough John, elk S. S. Co., h 111 S 2d Plowman Charles W., elk P. S. Co., h 355 Main Poles Samuel R., laborer, h 121 Ridge Poles Woodson, laborer, h 66 Furnace Pollock Amanda, h Chambers nr Wood Polston Jane, wid George H., It 164 Ridge Polston Lloyd,pool, &c., 120 Adams, h 119 do PoltI Herman, bookkpr, 58 S Front, h Enhaut Ponsil Caroline, wid Ludwig, h 435 Mohn Ponsil Paul G., laborer, h 435 Mohn Ponton Cicero, laborer, h 404 Mohn Pope Elizabeth C, laundress, h 313 N Front


Boyd's Steelton Directory. 787 Pope Frank, laborer, h 313 N Front Porr John L., druggist, 147 N Front, h 139 do Portas Lewis, laborer, h 464 Mohn Porter Dudley, laborer, h 223 Franklin Porter James W., laborer, h 535 Christian Porter John, laborer, h 223 Franklin Porter John, waiter, h 165 Adams Porter Joseph, laborer, h 539 Iron a1 Porter Lee, laborer, h 313 Adams Porter Leonard, molder, h 407 Bailey Porter Major, laborer, h Adams ab 2d Porter Robert, laborer, h 112 Ridge Portzline Charles F., conductor, h 122 Franklin Posey Grace, teacher, h 143 N Front POSEY HENRY G., burge.., notary public, real estate and fire insurance, 143 N Front, h do Posey Susan, wid Nathan. h 378 S 2d POST OFFICE, Henry F. Hershey, P .. , 2 S Front Postal Tel Cable Co., L. E. Bailey, mgr, 7 S Front Poston Jane, wid George H., h 164 Ridge Poston William J .. laborer, h 164 Ridge Potter Philip A., draftsman P. S. Co., h 241 Pine Potter Ralph D., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Potticher Cora M., dressmkr, h 329 Swatara Potticher Elmer A., roller, h 329 Swatara

GM :::: ~ Harrisburg SaYIngs aD~ Loal Assn. {=

Potticher J~anna, looper, h 329 Swatara Potticher William C, elk, h 329 Swatara Pottiger Thomas, laborer, h 409 N 3d Potts George N., laborer, h 522 Ridge Pounder Joseph H., machinist, h 45 S 4th Powden Charles E., elk S. S. Co., h 418 Harrisburg Powell Lewis, laborer, h 84 Furnace Powell Samuel E., engineer, h 20 S Harrisburg Power John W., laborer, h 146 Ridge Powers Charles 1\1., machinist, h 5111 S 2d Pozega Kazimir, steamship agt, h 546 S 3d Prager Edward, laborer, h 405 Mohn Prater Charles, laborer, h 3:!O Ridge Pratt Mason D., civil engineer P. S. Co., h 330 Spruce Pretz George R., student, h 105 N 2d Pretz Samuel L.; salesman, h 105 N 2d Price Jacob R., laborer, h 220 Bailey Prosser E. Clyde, cigars, 391 S Front, h 343 do Prosser Willard L., elk, h 343 S Front Prosser William H., bricklayer, h 343 S Front Protestant Episcopal Church, Pine ab N 2d Proud Anthonv, machinist, h 119 Pine Proud Robert 'E.. machinist, h 234 Elm Prowell Abram M., laborer, h 273 Christian Prowell Albert, laborer, h 340 Christian

== o


> o > ~ > fIJ





H. M. KELLEY &. CO.}On:ces, :.:r.:.~:r;:JCOAL AND WOOD

Boyd's Steelton Directory.
Prowell Amy M., saleslady, h 544 N 2d Prowell Andrew S., carpenter, h 253 Christian Prowell Charles H., engineer, h 270 Christian Prowell Edward, fireman, h 25S Frederick Prowell Frank M., engineer, h 349 Christian Prowell Jacob A., carpenter, h 203 Main Prowell Jeremiah M., bottommkr, h 544 N 2d Prowell Tolbert, drug c1k, h 25 N Front Prowell William, grocer, 204 N Front, h do PROWELL WIl,LYA. 1, physician and druggist, 27 B en Front, h 26 do Pruss Annie 11rs., h 810 S 2d PRYOR WILLARD, groceries, tobacco, &0., &1 'bewick, h do Pugh John D., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Pugliese Frank, laborer, h Highland l&.I Pugliese Joseph, laborer, h 3691 S 3d Pugliese Ralph, (Steelton Boot and Shoe Making and Repairing Co.), h Highland Puller Edward, laborer, h 226 Adams Pullman John, laborer, h :l~5 S ad Purver George 1\'1., draftsman P. S, Co., h Highspire Putnic Michael, laborer, h 502 Myers Putt Frank Ho, electrician, h 117 Walnut Putt Harry Y., machinist, h 117 Walnut Putt Harvey R., steelworker, h 117 Walnut




z z


Quick Edward, pipe fitter, h 36~ Main Raad Joseph, laborer, h 309 Franklin H.accr Maede, laborer, h 202 Mohn Rachrele Greogris, laborer, h :n 7 S :~d Radaievi Stanko, laborer, h 5:14 S:1d Radasavewich Vasa, laborer, h 545 l\Jyers Radelja Thomas, laborer, h 243 Frederick Radocaj Karl, laborer, h 578 S 3d Rados John, laborer. h 256 Main Rager Samuel H" laborer, h 9!,~ S Front Rahll Otarles, helper, h 115 Lincoln Rahn Irwin J., boilermkr, h 420 1\ Front Rahn Mary E" seamstress, h 115 Lincoln Railing Sila!', asst' surgeon, h 248 N Front Rajzic John, laborer, h 521 S 2d Raker Mary ]., wid Solomon, h 3d nr Felton Rakovski F. Lyubomir, grocer, 571 S 3d, h do Ralph William, tender, h ;tm Walnut Ramio Yoro, laborer, h 765 S :ld Ramp Charies, laborer, h 317 S Front Ramsey Oliver Ho, c1k P. So Co .. h Enhaut Rantz Isaac Po, coremkr, h 711 S Front Rashinsky Louis, clothier, Conestoga c Frederick, h do Ratkovic John, laborer, h Canal al nr Trewick Rauch Arthur HOI machinist, h :{47 ~ Front

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-------------------D1c=~RB} ANDREW REDMOND {~~iZ~~!Yel8j~e

A. B. TACK1Waii PaDar and Window Shadas{':::J.u~

Boyd's Steelton Directory. 789

Rauch Clarissa, wid Peter, h 39 S Front Raunick Wilhelmina, wid Augustus, h 241 N 2d Raver Samuel H., laborer, h 413 Christian Hay Jacob E., laborer, h 53 Frederick Rav William, driver, h :!:! N :!d Ra\rmond Charles, laborer, h 59 Frederick Raysor Kenneth W., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Read Seymour, laborer, h 1:14 Ridge Reagan Cornelius, laborer, h 619 N 3d Reager Samuel H., laborer, h 992 S Front Rebeck Jacob, laborer, h a20 N 2d Reber Robert G., elk S. S. Co., h 19 S 2d Rebling George B., engineer, h :!al'l Pine Rechter Benjamin, laborer, h 5fi5 S 2d ReckordCharles M., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Redkovic Alois, laborer, h 523 S 3d Redman Minor, laborer, h 215 Adams Reed Carrie, operator, h :n3 S 4th Reed Grant, laborer, h 2fi6 Myers Reed Harry F., fireman, h 4; Frederick Reed Harry K., molder, h :U3 S 4th Reed Jeremiah, laborer, h 89 Main Reed John c., foreman, h 429 Lincoln Reed Samuel, laborer, h 313 S 4th

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Reed W. vVesley, carpenter, h 151 Christian Reeder John T., laborer, h 38.3 S Front Reehling Bros., (c. A. and C. F. A.), grocers, 302 Myers Reehling Charles A., (Reehling Bros.), h 3()4 Myers Reehling Charles F. A., (Reehling Bros.), h 304 Myers Reehling Charles H., elk, h 304 Myers Reehling Mary A., saleslady, 3H'2 l\Iyers, h 304 do Reel Charles H., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Reese Elsie G., wid George W., h 242 Main Reese James D., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Reese John N., supt furnaces P. S. Co., h 150 S 2d Regan Eliza, wid Malachi, h 616 N 2d Regan Ellen B., h 616 N 2d Regan James P., laborer, h 616 N 2d Regan Lizzie, milliner, h 616 N 2d Regan Matilda M., teacher, h 616 ~ 2d Regan Michael C, laborer, h t-l7 l\Iain Regan Thomas]. M., laborer, h 616 N 2d Rege John, laborer, h :!56 Franklin Reichert Lizzie, charwoman, h 822 S 2d Reider John R., furnaceman, h 210 ~1Yers Reider William ]., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 447 Lincoln Reigart Daniel M., engineer, h 435 Lincoln Reigart William M., roller, h 4:15 Lincoln Reinhart Harry, laborer, h hd Lincoln



Boyd's Steelton Directory.

.; Reinoehl Charles W., supt F. & S. dept P. S. Co., h Hbg Reinoehl Nelson A., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg 1i! BEISCH CHARLES F., painter and paperhanger, 476 Main, .. -C h do a Reisch Edward E., laborer, h 356 S Front Reisch Louisa, wid Daniel A., h 413 Main c:a Reist Harry W., millwright, h 346 Christian =5 Reist John H., laborer, h 356 Myers c:a Reitzel Frank S., elk P. S. Co:, h 346 Pine Reitzel John H., foreman P. S. Co., h 341 Pine Reitzel Samuel E., carpenter, h 316 S 2d Reizinger John, laborer, h hd Mohn .I Rengers Mary, housekeeper, 2d nr Hofler & Rescan John, laborer, h 811U S :ld Rex Reed J., laborer, h 561 S Front Reynders John V. W . supt bridge dept, h Hbg Reynolds Isaac, laborer, h 42 Furnace Rheam Annie, saleslady, h 66.~ N Front UJ Rheam . John H., grocer. 663 N Front, h do Rhoads Eva, dressmkr. 553 K 2d, h do Rhoads George M., baker, h 35.3 Lincoln Rhoads driver, h 401 Lincoln I- Rhoads Jesse,J., conductor. h 401 Lincoln Levi Rhoads Mirna, wid Albert H., h 159 Christian C Rhoads William H., elk S. S. Co., h ~l53 Lincoln

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/!IIomnlY 11110. len..... ani Ell." ..... CIIIIfI I- Tille au DOd Tmel co .. ...... 1J .....11....,...1. ,. E......... I .II'''1'wIt 1tIIC. Z Rhodes John, laborer, h 53 Frederick
CIolrlC.... 1l1li1. '.,

Rhodes Joseph B., supt, Iflll N Front, h Hummelstown Riboric Frank,. laborer, h 860 S 2d Rice Jeremiah, patternmkr, h 169 S 4th Rice Thomas, steelworker, h 317 S Front Richards Nicholas, laborer, h 349 Pine Richmond Charles H., draftsman P. S. Co., h 324 Pine Rickabaugh Frank, laborer. h 243 S Front Rickert George B. ~L, loftsman, h 257 Main Rider Charles H., driver, h 159 Frederick Ridinger John E., driller, h li25 ~ Front Ridinger Nettie, dressmkr, h li25 N Front Ridinger Robert C. weigher. h 2:31 Christian Riegel William, laborer, h 301 S Front Riley Alfred W., laborer. h 550 S 2d Riley John, gasmkr, h 416 :\Iohn Riley Oscar S., riveter. h 575 S 2d Rinehart John, h Cumbter's Row Ritchcreek Jesse. steelworker. h 410 Lincoln Ritchev Charles \V .. rail fitter. h r !la5 S Front Ritter "Alexander :\1.. laborer. h 104 Frederick Ritter James \V., engineer. h 1114 Frederick Ritter J. Frank, elk P. S. Co .. h Hbg Rittner Erdman. laborer. h 46:1 Chr!stian Roat John. fireman. h 5:19 S Front

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page OIVE.~ FU~-VB:;K ~~~ ~gltlzePbY {JUU tt::

-B& l. B TACK} lI'NHo1Dc I <..

allpeclal&y 0 1 - {l.18N.adS&. PubUc Ba1ldiDp lD Plaia TlDta f.u _ _ 111_

Boyd'. Steelton Dirt'Ctory.

Roberts Albert G., laborer, h 412 Ridge Roberts B. Howard, laborer, h 66 Furnace Roberts Charles A., machinist, h 346 Locust Roberts Charles A. H., elk P.O., h 142 Main Roberts David W., laborer, h 261 Myers Roberts George, laborer, h 227 Adams Roberts George H., foreman, h 142 Main Roberts George W. H., machinist, h 142 Main Roberts Hugh, laborer, h 383 S td Roberts John R., laborer, h It3 Adams Roberts Joseph E. H., letter carrier, h 13 S 4th Roberts T. Arthur H., machinist, h 142 Main Roberts William S., laborer, h 1451 Adams Robin Abraham, elk, h 2(11 1Hohn Robin Joseph, grocer, 2111 Mohn, h do Robins Frank,. A., machinist, h 321 Poplar .Robinson Ashby, steelworker, h 311 Ridge Robinson Frank W., steward P. S. Co., h Hbg Robinson Harriet, wid William, h 311 Ridge Robinson Henry, laborer, h 36 Furnace Robinson Jesse, labort:r, h 15:~ Adams Robinson Susan, domestic, :l64 Main Robinson Thomas, laborer, h 308 Ridge Robinson Thomas R., laborer, h 404 Mohn Robinson Travis, gasmkr, h 366 Front


.r:.Ir~~\~ ~ Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. ~

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Robinson William N., helper, h 3 S 3d :Robinson William N., laborer, h 411 S Front Robnic Marko, laborer, h 568 S 3d Rock George F., helper, h 333 N Front Rock George S., laborer, h 438 Main Rock John F., laborer, h 438 Main Rockey Mary, wid William, h 466 N Front Rockey William M., helper, h 466 N Front Rodacaj Carlo, laborer, h 578 S 3d Rodaniwich Peter, laborer, h 509 S 3d Rodanovic Marco, laborer, h 765 S 2d Rodasevic Stanko, laborer, h 534 S 3d Rodemaker Henry, laborer, h 853 S 2d Roden David, laborer, h 424 Swatara . Roden Silvanus, machinist, h 124 Swatara Rodfong George M., draftsman P. S. Co., h Middletown Rodfong Walter K., car tracer P. S. Co., h Middletown Rodgers John, laborer, h 156 l\Iain Rodgers 'WilIiam, craneman, h 156 Main Roebuck George W., laborer, h 304 Ridge Rohacek Andrew, taborer, h 451 Myers Rohlfing Charles F., baker, h 159 Christian Roknic )1:atijor, h 719 S 3d Roknic Michael, h 771 S 3d Roknic Pero, h 769 S 3d ---- ----


=~G ~:k"D}H.

M. KELLEY 8. CO. n~-=l:.s::

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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Roland Edgar, laborer, h 201 S 2d Rolar David c., elk S. S. Co., h 404 N 3d Rollins Earnest, laborer, h 133l Adams Roney John, laborer, h 3111 S Front Roop William S., elk P. S. Co., h Highspire Roper Ralph R., elk S. S. Co., h 461 N 2d Rose Jacob, laborer, h Cumbler's Row Rose Lizzie E., charwoman, h Cumbler's Row Rosenberg Ellis, clothier, 112 N Front, h do Rosenberg Isaac M., elk, 112 ~ Front, h 2711 S 2d Rosic Mato, laborer, 11 646 S 3d Rosinski Stanislaus, laborer, h 247 Frederick Ross John E., painter, h :160 Myers Ross Mary Mrs., dressmkr, :J60 Myers, h do Roth Anna M., teacher, h 25 S Front Roth Conrad, laborer, h 452 Mohn Roth James P., bricklayer, h 25 S Front Roth John, laborer, h 452 Mohn Roth Levi B., letter carrier, h 20 N Harrisburg Rothermel Henry, laborer, h 501 Myers Rothrock James A., engineer, h 112 Frederick Rothrock Mary H., wid John H., h 118 Frederick Rouch Jacques W., laborer, h 391 S Front Rouch Noble H., machinist, h 57:1 S 2d Rourke Martin F., laborer, ~_fi_)9_F_re_d_e_ri_c_k _______



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Row Eva L., wid John H., h :H2 Myers . Rowan Robert, conductor, h :128 Christian Rowe Albert L., foreman, 120 N Front, h 43 Penn Rowe George W., laborer, h 15:1 Frederick Rowinskey Amos W., laborer, h 935 S Front Rowland Edgar M., shipper, h 201 S 2d Royer Simon R., laborer, h 277 Myers Rozic Mela, laborer, h 521 S 3d Rubendall Wm. H., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 223 Christian Rubin R. Dora Mrs., h Wood nr Chambers Ruby Thomas, helper, h 304 Main Rudisill Paris, carpenter, h 51 N Front Rudman Lawrence, steelworker, h :a6 Frederick Rudolph Annie B., housekeeper, S Front bel Mohn Rudolph Mary Mrs., tailor, S Front bel Mohn Rudy Jacob, shoemkr, 401 N 2d, h do Rudy S. Clarence, elk P. S. Co., h 414 N Front Rumberger Emanuel, clk, h 303 Bessemer Rumple John P., helper, h 241 Christian Rumple Lottie Mrs., boarding. 2:17 Christian, h do Rupp Abraham L., clk, h 225 N Front Rupp David E., track foreman, h 389 S Front Rupp George F., laborer, h 225 N Front Rupp H. Russell, elk P. S. Co., h 225 N Front Rupp Luther, laborer, h 3~9 S Front


REDMONn{3d .IUlIII~" ~,g,t,zed by\.J(J(JoLe

I. B. Tiel} FI:'~O~!lTTN:WAA:-p'ilA~fy~R {121610nn

Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Rupp Mabel, bookkpr, 198 S :?d, h 2:!5 N Front Rupp Mary E., wid Patrick, h 103 Main Russ John, laborer, h 232 Frederick Russ Mike, steelworker, h 159 Main Rus~ell Albert S., machinist, h 3~~2 Christian Russell Charles, laborer, h 320 Ridge Russell J. Oscar, teacher, h 138 Lincoln Russel! Joseph P., laborer, h 212 S 2d Russell William, barber, 124 Adams, h do Russell William H., salesman, h 13S Lincoln Rustom Gabriel, salesman, h 340 Frederick Rutherford Catharine 1., elk, 116 N Front, h 305 S Front Rutherford J. Percy, shipping elk P. S. Co., h Hbg RUTHERFORD ROBERT M., pres Steelton National Bank, h 247 84th Rutherford 'Crias A., carpenter, h 305i S Front Rutherford William S., mgr Dept ?\o. 4, P. S. Co., h Hbg Ryan Andrew, machinist, It 213 Myers Ryan Bridgct Mrs., h 269 Main Ryder Hardware Store, W. F. Maginnis, mgr, 183 N Front Sadler William A., elk, 187 N Front, h do St. Ann's R. C. Church, R(:v. F. McGroney, rector, 3d c Blueberry av St. James' Convent, Sisters of Mercy, 427 N Front

MILLER BROS. & BAKER{"~~t,~2.I.~~K

St. James' Parochial School, 2d bet Conestoga and Jefferson St. James' R. C. Church, Rev. G. L. Benton, rector, 423 N Front St. James' Temperance Legion, James O'Neil, pres, 259 Myers St. John 'S German Catholic Church, Rev. John M. Danneker, rector, G2~ S 2d St. John's Lutheran Church, Rev. M. P. Hocker, pastor, 2d c Pine St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lincoln c 2d St. Mary's R. C. Church, Rev. F. J. Azbe, pastor, 2d nr Hoflcr Saie Frank, machinist, h 850 S 2d Salager Michael, laborer, h 232 Frederick Salerna Frank, laborer, h 752 S 2d . Salinger Joseph, laborer, h ~6G S 2d Salinger Leros, laborer, h 30G Frederick Salinger Lovro, laborer, h 2111 Frederick Sakngar Laure, laborer, h 30G Frederick Sal:.. ich Neil E., elk, h 179 ~Iyers Salvatore Lio, laborer, h 34!l S 3d Sample Jerome, foreman, h 965 S Front Sample Samuel, watertender, h 420 ~ Front Samsel William A., engineer, h 440 Lincoln


No. 1230 ARCH STREET . PI.




Steelt~n Direc~ry.

Sanders David F., bartender, h 113 S Front Sanders George H., laborer, h 113 S Front Sanders Harry J., molder, h 345 S 2d Sanders John W., laborer, h 113 S Front Sanders Penrose 0., repairsman, h 113 S Front Sansom Chambers R., engineer, h 26 Adams Sansom Philip W., engineer, h 265 :\lain Santanno l\lichael. steelworker, h :{8:3 S '>d Saul Otarles H., physician, :?8 Locust, h do Saul James B., asst chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Saul Ross D .. timekeeper P. S. Co., h 35i S Front Saul Samuel S., foreman P. S. Co.. li :l5i S Front Saul William J., foreman, h !!57 S Front Savidge Harry F., fireman. h 2".!O Lincoln Savoy Robert, hostler S. S. Co., h 163 Adams Savoy Washington, laborer, h H'>3 Adams Savior Charles F . laborer, h 260 ~Iain Saylor Harry, helper, h 391 S Front Scaromella Raffaele, cigars. 235 S Front. h do Schade Gustav H., tracer P. S. Co., h :U8 Lincoln Schade Herman. machinist, h :348 Lincoln Schade :\largaret. wid Henry P., h 348 Lincoln Schadler Albert, laborer, h 22:1 Locust Schadler Andrew C, electrician, h 22:l Locust Scheetz George \V., carpenter, h 132 Frederick

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Schell Adam, laborer, h 3!H S Front Scherer Henry, laborer, h 4:38 :\lohn Scherer Henry, laborer, h 543 ~Iyers Scherer John, laborer, h 543 :\lyers Scherich Ambrose, elk, h li6 Myers Schilwechter Adam, laborer, h 658 S 3d Schlaufman \\"iUiam, laborer, h 5"5 l\Iyers Schlein Charles, laborer, h 212 S 2d Schlessman John P., laborer, h 41J2 Reading Schlessman Theodore H., letter carrier, h 110 N Front Schmick Charles, laborer, h 611"J X ad Schmick Martin, laborer, h 22'2 :\lain Schmidt Joseph. butcher S. S. Co . 11 1:'12 lI.lain Schmidt Stephen, laborer, h 609 S Front Schmiedel William, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Schoppert Charles, laborer, h 52:3 Christian Schraedley Katie. wid Fred B., h :~2!1 Walnut Schreiner Edward B., draftsman P. S. Co., h Enhaut Schriver William J .. elk, h 175 :.\Iyers Schriver \Villiam J., laborer, h 514 Lincoln Schroll Joseph, carpenter, h 2:{ Walnut SChll John, laborer, h 416 Swatara Schllbauer Carrie, wid \Villiam, h 2-:"'7 Swatara Schllkofski Ferdinand, roller. h 413 1\1ohn Schukofski Frederick, roller, h 411 Mohn _ _ _ _ _ __

Tha PATRlOnA Nawspap.r for tha HOma1!i~!edCb~eJo';

Boyd'ii Steeltun Dired<:iry.

J: lit ~;~~O:'}Harrisburg Sayings and Loan Assn.{:~=~ :0 < Seiders Samuel F., foreman, h 2d c Ft:lton l>
Seiff Jacob, peddler, h 2::9 S Front Seltz Emanuel C, rail straightener, Ii 234 Elm Seitzinger Frank, butcher S. S. Co., h Hbg Selemo Frank, laborer, h75:: S 2d Sellers Aibert]., foreman P. S. Co., h jH9 ~,~ Front Sellers Benjamin F., pumpman, h 177 :Maio Sellers Edward H., frog planer, h 234 N 2d Sellers Frank V., engineer, h 315 Swatara Sellers Harry c., elk, h 425 Lincoln Sellers Harry L., steelworker, h 17 Pine Seltzer Charles K., plumber, h 153 },lY4Cr', Seltzer Mary E., domestic, 103 N 2d Selway George, laborer, h 7 S 4th Sendi (irat, laborer, it 357 S 3d Sendi Nicholas', laborer, h 369 S 3d Serbic Joseph, laborer, h 51,2 S ;1d Serof Frank, laborer, h 601 Sad Set John, laborer, h 440 .Mohn Settine Pietro, machinist, h 3691 S 3d Severs George \V., laborer. h 2:;4 Ridge Sexton Stephen, laborer. h 21 \Valnut Shaar Jacob, salesman, h 101 LOCHst Shaffer Geary, bricklayer, h :m7 S Front Shaffer George, teamster. h rnmt bd Felton

SdHikdski Lmisa, wid .Adam, h 411 Mohn Sdmld;zies Jona, laborer, h 460 Mohn SZ'hdte Hugn, elk S. S. Co., h Enhaut Sdluster Anthony leborer. h 317 Franklin Seott Ch;:zrlee E.:dk P. S. Co., J::i H7 S 2d Scott C. Linford, Hipt. h 1112 N 2d SZ'ott :M:emie M 7S., h ;jar Iron al SCiztt l'.Iayberry B., elk P. S. Co., h 3~1 Poplar Seull Charles. plumber, h 421 Swatara Sz:ull John. cnnduetor, h :308 Lincoln Seabold Edward D., a',st chemist P. S. Co., h Hbg Seacaeist Ruhy stz:nngrapher, h lOu N 2d Seactetzt Sudie E .. stengt Tn wick c Frederick, h i05 N 2d SE;! Eugene F .. elk P. S Co, h 3:~ S 3d Senrs Willard T., mt:chanical engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Seasa Arm5had. h 856 N Front Sease Tames P., labOtez', h 307 Frances Seftd ~Lewis. elk, 109 S Front, h do Seibert Annie 1L, h 2H S Front SEIBERT WII.HA:M R, M. D., physician and surgeon, 31 S Frzmt, h 21) do; office hours. 7 to 9 s. lll., 12 to 2 and 5 to 8 p. m. Seidd Edward H., conductor. h 416 'I Front Seid<'rs Emanuel, foreman. h 977 S Front Seiders ~,lo!"ris E., steelworker, h a2:5 Loctlst

o o .



- - - - - - ---CLEANING WORKS {1(~~'!o~80fE@.


Boyd'i Steelton Directory.

Shaffer Henry, steelworker, h 440 Ivlohn Shaffer Howard D., brakeman, h -127 Catharine Shaffer John, laborer, h 438 Mohn Shaffer L. James, driller, b 2U6 Pine Shaffer Samuel J., heater, h 673 S Front Shaffner Catharine J., wid William H., h 1 S 4th Shaffner John F., steelworker, h 24 N 3d Shaffner John H., helper, h :n9 Frances Shaffner John H., laborer, h 338 Christian Shambaugh George W., brakeman, h 103 Main Shammo Samuel. helper, h 391 S Front Shanafeltz John F., (James & Shanafeltz), h 2:H S Front Shank Calvin L., laborer, h 245 l\lyers Shank Lyman c., tracer P. S. Co., h Enhaut Shanley Henry A., machinist, h 253 Christian Shannon EIten, wid Patrick, h 104 N 2d Shannon John, steelworker, h 225 Christian Shannon 1\Iartin J., bricklayer, h 22!'i Christian Shannon Martin J., yardmaster P. S. Co., h 104 N 2d Sharavskey Dora, milliner, h 151 S Front Sharavskey Ellis 1\1., grocer. 202 Frederick, h do Sharavskev Israel, elk, 149 S Front, h 151 do Sharavskey l\1ary, milliner, h 151 S Front Sharavskey Minnie, elothier, 149 S Front. h 151 do Sharon Elizabeth E., wid Laurence, h 355 Christian


Sharon Thomas L., rivetmkr, h 35;) "Christian Sharp Michael, helper, h 317 Myers Shatto Charles 1\1., molder, h :-130 S 2d Shatz Jacob, laborer, h 504 Myers Shay Charles W., elk, h Front nr Heagy Shay Robert c., engineer. h 155 Lincoln Sheaffer Charles E .., laborer, h :341 Swatara Sheaffer Harper L., molder, h 115 Frances Sheaffer John L., laborer, h 241 Christian Shearer David E., hod carrier, h 616 S 2d Shearon John H., laborer, h 209 Adams Shears Wilson, elk, h las S Front Sheeler \Villiam, laborer, h :J5() Swatara Sheesley Adam c., stop liner, h 24L Lincoln Sheesley David, carpenter, h :352 S Front . SHEESLEY EDWARD 1., Couffer HOUle, 169171 11 Front, h do ~heets Abraham, driver, h 413 Reading Sheets David F., laborer, h 519 Lincoln Sheets George, laborer, h 415 Reading Sheetz Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h 174 N 4th Sheffer Peter, h 2G;{ N Front Shell Benjamin, carpenter, h 415 Mohn Shell Daniel, h 1:'22 S 2d Shell Edward, switchtender, h 310 Lincoln

Redmond's Wagon Works {::.r~~b'!;-::-::~--:-:TirIDi-:--:-}-::-3d-a-nllR-81-1'-Sts-.

Digitized by


A. B. TACK ~~~ 1011 puper ontt IIndOI ShOoes P:II\~ all

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Shellenbt:rger B. Frank, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Shellenberger Harry 1'\'1., meIter, h 318 Main Shellenberger Ira S., stenographer P. S. Co., h 32 S 2d Shellenberger Robert, miliman, h 163 S Front Shellenberger Susan, h 33 S 2d Shelley Abraham, elk, h :~3 N Front Shelley Bertram, (Shelley Bros.), h :~2 Walnut SHEI.I.EY BROS., (Kirk and Bartram), Central Hotel, 129 04 135 S Front ::. 'Shelley Edith c., teacher. h 33 N Front Shelley Henry c., mgr. 3u K Front, h 33 do ::a Shelley Kirk, (Shelley Bros.), h 135 S Front Shelley Prudence H. Mrs., oysters, 35 N Front, h 33 do :;; Shelley Ralph, restaurant, 103 S Front, h do Shelly Reuben, laborer, h 106 Frederick CI Shenberger George R., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg CD Shenk Adam H .. telegrapher, h 2(;5 N Front ! :. Shepherd Clara J., music teacher, h 111 S 2d Shepherd J. \Vilbur. elk P. S. Co .. h :~9 S 4th e. Shepherd James 1'\[,. laborer, h l:W Ridge "a Shephud John, laborer, h Reading c Ridge Shepherd Roy A . elk P. S. Co .. h :m S 4th Shepler t:riah, shoemkr, 173 S 2d. h 214 Elm Shepler William H . plasterer. h 214 Elm Sherer David B .. laborer, h 61H S 2d

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MILLER BROS. &: BAKER{ 'U5~b=~:'~~1E

Sherer H. Wilson, elk P. S. Co., h 129 S Front Sheriff George B., laborer, h 255 Christian Sherk Andrew L., foreman, h 17~ Main Sherrbocker William, laborer, h 470 Myers Shickley \Vilsol1, laborer, h 54:{ Christian Shields Rachel, nurse, h 212 Harrisburg Shields \Y. Wesley, laborer, h tito S 2d Shimko Johr:, laborer, h tiU:; S jd Shimmel Mary, teacher, h 17 Swatara Shipman Jo!m A., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Shipp Harry H., laborer, h 35ti Swatara Shirer Arthur E., drug elk, :)5 N Front, h 401 Myers Shirer George, supt S. and H. B. Co., h 401 !vIyers Shires Harry B . steelworker, h 363 S Front Shively Frederick, laborer, h lU7 l\,I ain Shively Harvey, laborer. h 163 S Front Shlaes Zundel Rabbi. h 11 N Front Shockey Samuel, laborer, h 455 Myers Shoemaker Harry W., elk P . S. Co., h Highspire Shoop Joseph, h : n Christian m Shoop William F., laborer, h 3:m Christian Shoop Wilham H., lahorer, h 241 S Front Shope Annie E ., nurse, h 20 N 4th Shope Benjamin H., laborer, h 384~ S 2d Shope Charles E., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg



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McNIII's Pain Extlrminator ~i'~\.-:e=~lfb~6{1108'"':~~

798 Boyd's Steelton Directory.





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Shope Miles, hostler, h 305 S 2d Shorts Daisy, h 48 Furnace Shott Ida, Wid J~mes, h 857 S Front Shoumper William E., laborer, h 634 S 2d Shrauder Arthur R., laborer, h 319 Frances Shrauder Samuel, planer, h 337 Christian Shrauder Winfield S., riveter, h aa9 Christian Shriver William, warehouseman, h 175 Myers Shugars Otis H., crane runner, h 103 Frances Shugart George A., laborer, h Conestoga bel Front Shughart John A., miller, h Conestoga bel Front Shuler Edward E . laborer, h 418 Lincoln Shuler Milton. oiler. h 113 Frances Shumaker Samuel D., laborer, h.3561 S Front Shuman Luke, machinist, h 737 S Front Shunk Francis R., salesman, h 223 Myers Shunk Royal, elk P. R. R., h 223 Myers Shupp Elmer E., patternmkr, h 153 S 2d Shupp John, laborer, h 403 S 2d Shupp John E., elk, 237 N Front, h 403 S 2d Shupp Roy, laborer, h 403 S 2d Shutter Charles, plumber, 187 S Front, h do Sidle Leah, wid Latimer c., h 383 S Front Sieg James Y., printer, 154 S Front, h 150 S 2d nTU .lAIdn 'II" co. { ............IrI..... E_"", .....1 tlnl E .... ..... 1M&.
- t I ............'1811. . 1111 aU .... Midi" JMld11 Till" f I ..ref


Sieg P. \Villiam, laborer, h 417 Main SIEG WILT.TAM H. H., publisher Steelton Reporter, 154-15& S Front, h 150 S 2d see adv Sieg William P., scalemkr, h 419 Swatara Sieg William S., laborer, h 422 Myers Sigler Clarence H., elk, h a32 Main Sigler George Rev., h 332 Main Sila John, laborer, h 319 Franklin Silks Lucinda, domestic, 2g:~ S Front Silver Bros., (S. and J.), grocers, 434 Mohn and 764 S 3d Silver Joseph, (Silver Bros.), h 434 Mohn Silver Selig, (Silver Bros.), h 434 Mohn Simmons Ellen, h Lochiel Farm Simmons Harry A., farmer. h Lochiel Farm Simonic Frank, laborer, h 156 Frederick



---SatabllaJ.aed 1n 18811.,---

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Driven by E1eetriclty.

All Rome PrInt, and the Only Paper PrInted In 8teelton. The Best A.dvertlalng Medium In the County. GoeR Into aU Romu. of Every Deeeription Neatq E:lr.eeuted. The Late ..t ~tyleR of Typootll and FaIt Prieee Low for Good Work. A.ddre8R.

~ W. H. H. SIE6. Publisher. 154 and 156 S. Frant, Cor. Ell, Steelm_, PI.

If YIU Don't Read thl PATRIOT You DO~~gL!~!~o!~

~=~=II'OIrondIDldOISIJOdesIrOlA. B. TACK{II.'::tt.
Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Simonic John, laborer, h 155 Main Simons George, laborer, h 447 Catharine Simons H. Walter, boilermkr, h 441 Catharine Simpson Samuel, laborer, h 41.0 Ridge Simpson William, laborer, h 222 Ridge Simtich Martin, laborer, h Trewick nr Canal al Singer Annie, wid George, h 268 Main Singiser Harry c., blacksmith, h 109 N 2d Singiser Mary E., stenographer, h 109 N 2d Singiser Nellie V., music teacher, h 109 N 2d Sinkfield Richard H., constable, h 137 Adams Sites Milton, laborer, h 327 Conestoga Sizer Jacob D., brakeman, h 411 Catharine Skaroski Mike, laborer, h 526 S 3d Skof John, laborer, h 161 Main Skukon Peter, laborer, h 628 S 3d Slabonich Michael, heater, h !0!48 S 2d Slat Michael, laborer, h 248 Main Slater Henry, laborer, h Ridge nr 2d Slater Park, laborer, h 121 Adams Slater William H., laborer, h 136 Ridge ~ Slaybaugh Clyde M., weigher, h 2'65 N Front J> Slaybaugh Samuel S., carpenter. h 265 N Front Slaybaugh Stella M., h 265 N Front Slaybaugh William W., bartender, 169 N Front, h 265 do


Sayings and Loan Assn.{~::.r::

::u < :. ::u


Slike William H., agt, h 375 S 2d Sloger Joseph, laborer, h 18 K 2d Sloger Martin, laborer, h 18 N 2d Sloop George W., surveyor, h. 101 Lincoln N Sloop Samuel, janitor S. S. Co., h 101 Lincoln Smeaker John, steelworker, h 159 ~lain Smee Elmer H., blacksmith, h 505 S Front Smeigh Frank H., chemist P. S. Co., h 426 N Front ~ Smeigh Wilbert, weigher, h 451 Main Smeigh William D., laborer, h 426 N Front Smeltzer Charles E., steelworker, h 426 Harrisburg Smiley W. Herman, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Smith Albert B., sec, 40 S Front, h 640 N 2d Smith Alfred, helper, h 323 Poplar Smith Alvin, laborer, h 8:W Conestoga Smith Arthur A., mgr Dept ~ o. 2, P. S. Co., h 139 S 2d ~ Smith Charles F., laborer, h 5!) Frederick :: Smith Charles L., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Smith Clement G., elk, h 340 Locust Smith Daniel A., teacher, h 148 Lincoln Smith Daniel K., teamster, h 963 S Front Smith David, grocer, h 227 Christian Smith Edgar J.. mgr, 223 N Front, h 616 N 3d Smith Emma, wid Henry, h 123 S 2d Smith Emma K., wid Irvin, h 303 S 2d


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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {ior:.-co:a:.= ""oogle

60 Digitized by'-.:J

~:, H.

I. KELLEY" CO'S --;:.o.==.:~{ "~~"t

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

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SItITH FREDERICK E., wholesale liquor dealer and bottler, 237 11 Front, h do Smith George, laborer, h 26 N 2d Smith Harry E., driver, II' 155 Frederick Smith Henry 0., foreman P. S. Co., h 221 S 2d Smith Henry W., steelworker, h 514 Ridge Smith Hugh B., machinist, h 305 Pine Smith Isaiah, laborer, h 146 Ridge Smith James M., engineer, h 855 S 2d Smith J. Harvey, machinist, h 120 Main Smith John, junk, h 261 Franklin Smith John, laborer, h 228 Locust Smith John, laborer, h ri39 S Front Smith John c., foreman, h 616 X 3d Smith John H., laborer, h 319 N Front Smith John L., machinist, h 36 S Front Smith John N., laborer, h 135 Adams Smith John N., laborer, h 411 N 3d Smith John R., laborer, h 1491 Adams Smith Joseph, clothing, 29 N Front, h do Smith Joseph, laborer, h 528 S 2d Smith Letta Mrs., h 348 N 2d Smith Milton A., draftsman P. S. Co., h 616 N 3d Smith Rachel, laundress, h 76 Furnace Smith Samuel. laborer, h 348 N 2d


Smith Susan H., wid William D., h 31 S 2d Smith Webster, laborer, h :~48 N 2d Smith William P., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Smith William R., laborer, h 138 Ridge Smojlovovic Lozos, laborer, h 660 S 3d Smothers John, laborer, h 314 Ridge Smothers Sylvester, gas producer, h 413 Lebanon Smrekore John, laborer, h 159 Main Smythe Elizabeth, wid John A., h 418 N 3d Snavely John H., notary, 32 S Front, h do Stfavely John N., laborer, h 4!!7 S Front Snell Asher L., puller, h 3:36 Myers Snell Elizabeth H., wid Henry, h 306 Main Snell Frank, bricklayer, h a:~6 M vers Snell Harvey, craneinan, h 42 S ;~d Snell "John A., driller, h 336 ~I\"ers Snell Lloyd, roller, h 279 l\Iain" Snell Robert L., laborer, h 237 :\lyers Snell William H., driller. h aS2 S !!d Snyder Emory A., ice cream. :~1I1 S Front. h do Snyder George W., clk P. & R. depot. h 42 S 3d Snyder Henry B., janitor, h a46 Main Snyder James E., plumber, h 252 ~[yers Snyder James F., engineer, h :3:~!1 S 4th Snyder J. Clyde, helper, h :Wl S Front

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ANDREW REDMONDJ ~G!:i ;Ihoo~f3"l ~\7~ ."'-kJIL D,gh,ze'l


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Snyder Lydia K., wid Christian D., h 346 Main Snyder Samuel J., shoemkr, h 220 N Front Soliemunic Stephen, driver, h 303 S 3d Sollenberger Charles M., laborer, h :-J22 Christian Soloor Gjuro, laborer, h {);l:J S :-Jd Sostor Matthias, butcher, h 551 S 3d Soulliard Adam J., laborer, h 468 N 2d Soulliard John H., painter, 11 468 N 2d Southerland Willis, machinist, h 47 S 2d Sowers Joseph 0., laborer, h 747 S Front Spahr George W., elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Spahr Mary E., typewriter, h 148 Lincoln Spangler Adam, laborer, h 364 Main Spangler Charles E., (Spangler & Baker), jeweler, h 364 Main Spangler George A., puddler, h 468 lHyers SPANGLER & BAKER, (Charles E. Spangler and Harry A. Baker), new and second-hand fnrnitnre, 148 11 Fror.t see adv Spencer Benjamin, driver, h 112 Adams Spidle Edgar A., elk, h 396 S 2d Spidle Harry H., laborer, h :-J96 S 2d Spidle Samuel, foreman, h 396 S 2rl Spink Arnold B., extractor, h 306 Main Spink Frank B., operator, h 27 Locust

MILLER BROS. &: BAKERt "=~b~~l:.~",;;&

Spire Harry A., conductor, h 352 Lincoln Spong J. William, laborer, h 166 Frederick Sponsler John H., pipe fitter, h 170 Main Sponsler William L., boilermkr, h 164 S 2d Spoonhour Joseph, laborer, h 475 Myers Spotts Elizabeth J., wid William, h 220 Main Spot wood John A., barber, 2:-\7 S Front, h Hbg Spratt William, cranetender, h 713 S Front Sproul John, helper, h 209 N 2d Sprow Charles B., riveter, h 376 Main Sprow John A., helper, h 209 K 2d Sprow John H., foreman. h 359 Myers Sprow Philip, rigger, h :-\59 l\Jyers Stabnaue William, roller, h :-\a:~ Swatara Stabonic Jacob, laborer, h S Front nr stone quarry

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Dealers In New and Second-lland.



148 North Front Street, 'E U n TEflTIVE RHENey \BUTLER. IRWIN

=. .... Steelton, Pal ~I

, 1:1"
&. BUTLf:R

No 1230 ARCH STREET P!-lllA



== Drug and Patent Medicine


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

I 11 1




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Stahler Adam ]., steelworker, h 209 N 2d Stahler Frank W., elk, 237 N Front, h 209 N 2d Stahler James Y., engineer, h 250 N Front Stahler Margaret M., elk S. S. Co., h 209 N 2d Stair William J., conductor, h 358 Swatara Staley Abrahain, foreman, h 990 S Front Staley John, ladle runner, h 114 Main Stambaugh Annie M., saleslady, h 29 S 4th Stambaugh George B., stenographer P. S. Co., h 29 S 4th Stambaugh HeQry J., draftsman P. S. Co., h 29 S 4th Stambaugh John c., carpet mfr, h 29 S 4th Stambaugh John Z., machinist, h 29 S 4th Standard Saving and Loan Assn., A. B. Smith, sec, 40 S Front Stanton Lee, laborer, h 219 Franklin Starasinic Mathias, laborer, h 617 S 2d Starasinic Michael, grocer, 602 S 3d, h 598 do Stare Clara, canvasser, h 530 S 2d Stare John, laborer, h 530 S 2d Starner Alfred N., machinist, h 238 Myers Staudt Daniel E., foreman, h 351 Lincoln Stauffer Harris c., laborer, h 356 Main Stauffer William, c1k, h 150 Lincoln Stauks Skarlj, laborer, h 538 S 3d


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Stazewski Lawrence, laborer, h 43iJ :Mohn Steel \Vorkers' Building and Loan Assn., J. J. Barnet, sec. 171 N Front Steele Clarence H., ins sol, 22 S Front, h 31 N Front Steele Permilla J. Mrs., h 218 Elm STEELTON ADVOCAT.B AND VERDICT, published every Thursday, N. Y. Parthemore, editor and mgr, 265 Front; terms, $1.00 per annum STEELTON AND HARRISBURG BRICK CO., INC., E. E. Fieae, treas; W. E. Abercrombie, sec; S. II. Brightbill, suptj brick mfrs and general hauling, 6 S Front Steelton & Harrisburg Local Express, 17 S Front Steelton Board of Health, Dr. J. M. Peters, sec, 195 S Front Steelton Boot and Shoe Dept S. S. Co., 6 N Front Steelton Boot and Shoe Making and Repairing Co., (Ralph Pugliese), 305t S Front Steelton Duilding and Loan Assn., C. E. Scott, sec, meets. W Saturday, 171 N Front ~ Steelton Camp, No. 5689. :\1. \V. of A., meets every ThursQ dav eve in \Voodmall's Hall, 130 N Front, W. H. W Whitebread, c1k to- Steelton Clothing Dept S. S. Co., 2 N Front Steelton Conclave, Ko. 106, I. O. of Heptasophs, J. J. ~ _ _K_'cw b_ak_e_r_,s~ec~,~rollt_~Loctls_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __


Boyd's Steelton Directory. 803

Steelton Council, No. 162, Jr. o. U. A. M., Charles W. Biddinger, sec; meets every Thursday eve. at Ziegler's Hall, 284 Main Steelton Council, Royal Arcanum, Ko. 933, Albert Lupfer, sec; meets second and fourth vVednesdavs of each month, 2 S Front . Steelton Encampment, No. 278, I. O. of O. F.; org. Aug. 1888; George H . Roberts, scribe ; meets second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 22 S Front Steelton Ferry Co., C. B. Hoon, mgr, ft Frances Steelton Free Library, L. E. McGinnes, sec, Fulton Hall Steelton High School, 4th c Elm STEELTON HOME GAS CO., A. C. Sickels, pres; 1. G. Dieffenderfer, genl mgr, 50 N Front Steelton Hosiery Mills, (F. T . McElroy), 120 N Front STEELTON ICE AND COAL CO., ice, coal and wood, 1. P. Detweiler, mgr, 240 S Front Steelton Light, Heat and Power Co., S. Coufier, pres; Aaron Booser, sec; F . E. Keeney, supt, 118 N Front Steelton Lodge, A. O. H., Div. No.1, meets first and second Tuesdays each month, William J. Dunn, pres, 144


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~ Steelton Looge, No. 411. K. of P.; org. June 10, 1892; ........


meets Thursday eve, 22 S Front ; J. 'Weir Zimmerman, K. of R. and S.

~~ ~8::}Harrlsburg

Sayings and Loan Assn. n:::..r:

Steelton Lodge, 1\0. 184, 1. O . of O . F., org. August, 1896; Edward E. Zerby, sec, meets Friday, 2'2 S Front Steelton Market Co., M. R. Alleman, mgr, 130-136 ~ Front STEELTON NATIONAL BANK, Fl'ont c Locust, capital, $75,000; Robert JrI. Rutherford, pres; W E. Abercrombie, v-pres; H. W. Stubbs, cashier ' STEELTON PLANING JrlILL CO . W. JrI. lames, sec, treas and supt; mill work, &c., 520 N Front see adv STEELTON PRESS, P. S. Blackwell, editor, 116 Adams STEELTON REPORTER, William H. H . Sieg, publisher, 154156 S Front see adv Steelton Stone Quarries, S Front nr limits STEELTON STORE CO., LTD., general merchandise, wholesale and retail, Locust c Canal, W. E. Abercrombie, genl supt

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Digitized by


H. M. KELLEY" CO. }on:ces. ::'':'~~.'i::}COAL AND WOOD


Boyd's Steelton Directory.








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STEELTON TEA CO., (F. E. StouJfer and H. C. Coover), teas, coffees, spices, fine groceries, &c., 184 Jrlain Steelton Tent, Ko. 410, Knights of the ~[accabees, meels the first and third Wednesdav eves at G. A. R Hall, G. B. Byrod. K. of R . STEELTON TRUST CO., capital, $125,000; Robert . Rutherford, pres; W. E. Abercrombie, v-pres; H. W. Stubbs, sec and treaa, Front c Locust Steelton Water Department, O. P. Baskin, supt, 282 Christian Stees Daniel R, elk, h 243 Swatara Stees Edith G .. teacher. h 115 S 2d STEES JrlARDOCHEUS :t., furnaces, metal roofing and cornicemaker, 198 S Front, h 115 S 2d Steever John Voi., rivetmkr, h 515 S Front Stefani Martin, laborer, h 5~2 S 3d Stefanic llartin. laborer, h ti02 S 3d Stefonic Anton, laborer, h R60 S 2d Stefonic Matija. laborer, h 860 S 2d Stehman Benjamin H., fireman. h 722 S 2d Stehman Edward. laborer. h 150 Main Stehman Jacob, laborer, h :Hi5 S :~d Steigleman Jacob G., molder. h 1 HI Lincoln Steinman John A., keeper, h 24 S Front Stekovic 1latija, laborer, h Front nr Heagy


Stengle Samuel E., laborer, h 466 ::\Iyers Stephens Sylvester, laborer, h 145 Adams Stephcy Luther c., elk, 373 S Front, h 519 do Sterline Chas., asst chemist P. S. Co., h Kew Cumberland Stetler Charles, elk S. S. Co., h !W5 K Front Stevenson Charles 0., engineer, h 514 Ridge Stevenson Jefferson, laborer. h 514 Ridge Stevenson John G., foreman, h 34(1 5pruce Stevenson Joseph H., laborer. h 1~l!J Adams Stevenson William, engineer. h 10~ Ridge Stevick Kewton E., laborer. h :no ~[ain Stewart C. Earl. elk P. S. Co., h 377 Myers Stewart Clara n., stenographer. h 152 S !!d Stewart Edward, laborer. h )0\54 K Front Stewart Frank S . elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Stewart George \V., elk, h :J77 hi) ers Stewart James D., helper, h 4(12 ~watara Stewart Margaret, wid George W., h 3ii ~Iyers Stewart Mary, elk S. S. Co., h -til!! Swatara Stewart ~latilda. wid William J .. h 152 S 2<1 Stewart K ellie M., teacher. h 152 S 2d Stewart Roger, elk P. S. Co., h 152 S :M Stewart Roy, laborer, h 312 Ridge Stewart William, laborer, h :312 Ridge Stewart William J., fireman, h 418 K Front



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A. B. TACK}Wall PaDlr and Wladn Sbadll{.:::n~

Boyd's Steelton Directory.
Stickel George, laborer, h 446 Mohn Stickel John, laborer, h 454 Mohn Stickle John, laborer, h 454 ~Iohn Stickle John, steelworker, h hd M'ohn Stidler Levi, laborer, h 3:~4 Locust Still Emma J. ~Irs., h 372 Frederick Still Jeremiah,' constable. h a66 S 2d Still Levi H., elk, h 504 S 2d Still William E., machinist, h 301 Frances Stingel Eleanor, wid John, h 254 N 2d Stober Bertha ~L, telephone opr. h !) S 4th Stober John W . machinist, h 9 S 4th Stober Robert S., laborer. h 117 S 2<1 Stoey Elmer E., bricklayer. h H29 S Front Stojakovic Ziva, laborer, h 307 Franklin StoIa Yowana. laborer, h 587 sad Stoll George H . chief engineer. h 2i1 Christian Stoll Margaret A., wid Reuben c., h 17 N 4th Stone John W., driver S. S. Co., h 205 Pine Stoner Charles 0., conductor. h 351 ~rain Stoner Ellwyn M., agt P. R. R. depot, h 179 Myers Stoner Eva F., teacher, h 28 N 4th Stoner Frank D., laborer, h 3UI Conestoga Stoner Joseph A., machinist, h 351 l\-1ain Stoner Luther M., laborer, h 351 Main 805

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.MILLER BROS. I: BAKER~"J5~b&~~~~& ~

Stonesifer George H., tailor s. S. Co., h 17 S :ld Stonesifer William H., cutter S. S. Co., h 204 Pine Stopic Jovan, bricklayer. h 186 S Front "' Stoudt Saliie M., dressmkr, h 3:!9 Lincoln Stoufer Frank E., (Steelton Tea Co.), grocer, 184 Main, ~
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Stouffer Albert B.. (Capital Steam Laundry), h :339 S 2d ;. Stouffer Wiliiam M., bookkpr, Conestoga c Frederick, h C. 150 Lincoln .. Stough George E., laborer, h 163 S Front ::a. Stough Lanah, wid Jacob P .. h 16:l S Front Stout Edward W., foreman. h 211 Pine I!!I Straub George c., laborer, h 225 S Front Straw Benjamin F., helper, h 40G Swatara .' Straw Verna, elk S. S. Co., h 406 Swatara ;..0 Straw \Villiam H., laborer, h a5:! S Front i~ Strazewski Lawrence. scaleman. h 43:3 Mohn ~'I Strickland Benjamin H . elk P. S. Co., h Hbg III,. Strickler Elmu n.. laborer, h :!:!(l ~I vers !=tt Strickler Howard K., teacher, h :~:!5 \Valnut M'I Strine Charles, bartender. h 3&1 l\Iain Strine Clvde. bartender. h :If(.1 :\Iain , Strine George c.. hotel. 38:l :\Iain. h do ~: Strine l\lyrtle. cigarmkr, h 15 Swatara "'tt Striplin Benjamin A .. bellman. h 215 :\ 2<1








IIIIIU's ClmplalllD PUis :,~~o::.%-=~r: 306 BrIM

806 Boyd'. Steelton Directory.
Strock Frederick, molder, h 21~ N 2d Strominger David H., blacksmith, h 3d c Felton Strother Fannie Mrs., h 137 Adams Strother Newton, barber, 134 Adams, h 120 Ridge Stroud Joseph E., conductor, h 905 S Front Strunk Oliver, h 325 Walnut Strusa Peter, laborer, h 521 S 2d STUBBS RARB.Y W., cashier Steelton National Bank, h 324 Pine Stuetz Louis, machinist, h ~~u Swatara Sturn Kate, domestic, 256 K Front Styles Frank C, laborer, h 219 Swatara Styles Margaret L., wid R. Henderson, h 219 Swatara Styles William H., laborer, h 219 Swatara Sugar Joseph S., laborer, h 539 l\Iyers , Sullivan Albert J., green grocer, 17 S 2d, h do Sullivan Dennis, laborer, h 87 Main Sullivan James J., ladle turner, h 126 Frederick Sullivan John L., laborer, h 87 :Main Sullivan Michael, laborer, h 87 Main Sullivan Patrick J., fireman, h 417 Otristian Sullivan Timothy. helper, h 416 ~lohn Sultzaberger Daniel 0., (Couffer & Sultzaberger), h 2'23 N Front Summers Annie, wid Richard, h 862 K Front

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Summers l'Ioward H., teacher, h 862 N Front Summers Mary, cook, h 54 Furnace Summons Daniel, laborer, h 167 Adams Sunday William H., steelworker, h ()36 K 2d Sundstrom Alfred Y., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg Sunjek ::Vlako, laborer. h 52;; S ad Surghnor Annie, h 215 Main Susquehanna Tribe, ~o. 298, 1. O. R. ~I.; org. Dec. 1, 1890, A. ~lartin, C of R.; meets ~Iondav eve. old G. A. R. Hall Sutton Leroy H., elk P. S. Co., h 324 Pine Sutton Rankin B., foreman, h 324 Pine Sutton Scott D., helper, h ;~27 Poplar Suydam Eugene W., foreman, h 222 Locust Suzic Nikola, laborer, h 629 S ad Swain Clement, physical instructor, 2d c Walnut, h Hbg Swain Rodney R., laborer, h 264 Main Swamberry Jacob, foreman P. S. Co., h 176 Main Swartley Benjamin, engineer, h 479 ~Iain Swatara Council, No. 55, Pocahontas Lodge, meets Tues.-. day eve, at old G. A. R. Hall, !\Irs. Jane Roberts, C. ofR. Swatara Lodge, 1901, G. IT. O. of O. F., G. Frank Madden. sec, meets 140 Adams Sweeney Ellen C, wid James, h 544 N !ld

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Paga GIVES J!'U~.::;EJS~L SCOJUaJ




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Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Sweeney Grant VV., steelworker, h 544 N 3d Sweigard Aaron M., craneman, h S Front nr Heagy Sweigard Harry W., laborer, h S Front nr Heagy Sweigard Noble T., craneman, h S Front nr Heagy Sweigert Albert M. Rev., h 228 Lincoln Sweigert Samuel, conductor, h 321 Bessemer Sweitzer Charles, painter, h 325 Frances Sweitzer Charles S., laborer, h 3681 Main Sweitzer George W., molder, h 102 Frederick Sweitzer Howard, engineer, h 279 Main Sweitzer James C, riveter, h 541 Lincoln Sweitzer William, rougher, h '81 Main Sweitzer William H., draftsman P. S. Co., h 36 N 4th Taggart Emma Mrs., h 352 Myers Tate Kate Mrs., h 130 Adams Tate William, iron carrier, h 147 Ridge Tatum William. laborer, h 209 Adams Taylor Alfred F. Rev., h 300 Pine Taylor Charles, carpenter, h 415 Catharine Taylor Grace E. Mrs., saleslady, h 25 S 2d Taylor Henry F., laborer, h 68 Furnace Taylor James R., laborer, h 1171 Adams Taylor Lee A., laborer, h 523 N' Front Tenney Frank, asst to pres P. S. Co., h Haverford Tepsic Gajo, laborer, h 521 S 2d


I:U-O-rla~o~ } Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {~::::



Terrell Edward, laborer, h 553 Iron al Terrell John W., laborer, h hd Ridge Terrell :\fatilda, wid John, h hd Ridge Terry William C, draftsman, h 227 Walnut Tessmer Herman, laborer, h ;:)51 N ad Tezek Anton, laborer, h 206 Frederick Tezek John, laborer, h 146 Frederick Tezek Martin, laborer, h 146 Frederick Thomas Cyrus W., molder, h 321 S 2d Thomas Daniel, laborer, h :!(j() Ridge Thomas David, laborer, h 74fi S :!d Thomas Eliza. wid T oshtta, h 300 X 2d Thomas Frank H., engineer, h 3 S 3d Thomas Frank N. Rev., h 304 Main Thomas George, driver, h 565 S 2d Thomas George P., mech engr P. S. Co., h 422 Spruce Levi, laborer, h 410 Mohn Thomas Marv, wid Adam. h :l51 Lincoln Thomas Walter G.. filer, h 113 S 4th Thomas William, laborer, h 746 S 2d Thomas William, jr. laborer, h 746 S 2d Thompson Beverly, laborer, h 227 N 2d Thompson Charles, elk, h 639 N :.!d Thompson Charles \V., stedworker, h 268 Christian Thompson Clinton W., elk P. S. Co., h 349 Poplar




> ... > r.JJ



POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {No"J..c=.~ogle by'-.::rU


H KELLEY a CO f10th aDCIad 8tre~.. o. t . 1 North U



Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

c:; Thompson Edmund, laborer, h l:!U Ridge ..... Thompson Edward Mo, machinist, h 432 :\I 3d Tholllpson Ellsworth, painter, h mm X ~d . . Thompson Gehret Wo. engineer, h Conestoga bel Front c:::a Thompson Ho~:t, laborer, It 639 X :?d !!5 Thompson James, carpenter, h (i:~!1 X 211 Thompson James B., laborer. h mm :IJ 2d z:: Thompson James R., draftsman Po So Coo, h 29 S 4th Thompson James Vo, laborer. h 355! S 2d Thompson Jeanette, wid James, h 511 S Front CD Thompson John So, frog builder. h Front nr Heagy _ Thompson Owen]., laborer,"h 4:12 N 3d Thompson Ralph R., steelworker, h 335 Pine Thompson Richard Bo, asst chemist Po So Coo, h 335 Pint: Thompson Richard J., frog builder, h :W~ Christian :IE Thompson Robert R, engineer, h :~35 Pine ..... Thompson Robert Vo, laborer. h ~24 Elm Thompson Sandy, laborer, h 120 Ridge Thompson Sarah Ao Mrso. h Hil Chdstian ::::t Thompson Sarah A. l\lrso, h 126 Adams Thompson Thomas, laborer, h 639 K 2d - Thompson \Valter So, foreman, h a35 Pine ~ Thompson Wesley. laborer, h 232 Ridge to- Thompson William B., laborer, h f;:.m :IJ 2d ~ Thompson William Vo, laborer ~ _511 S Front


== == =:


= = == =



~ La.I

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c:; CD

Thompson Wmo Wo, printer, h 268 Christian Thorain Henry, laborer, h 394 ~lohn Thorain John, laborer, h 394 Mohn Throne Robert 1\1., laborer, h 175 Christian Thumma Adaline, wid Samuel 0o, h 415 Main Thumma Barbara, wid Henry, h 385! S Front Thumma Hanrey Eo, roll turner, h :11'151 S Front Thurman Herman, stone mason, h ~84 S 2d Tiers John, laborer, h :125 N Front Tinsley Lewis, laborer, hal:! Lim'oln Tinsley Louisiana, wid Lewis, h 1411 Ridge Tinsley Lydia, wid John, h :112 Lincoln Tippett Claude, (Capital Steam Laundry), h Hbg Tlemericic Toso, laborer, h Mil S :M Todd Emma K, salesladv, Ii 223 ~lain Tokowich ]';lela, laborer, 'h 50!) S 3d Tome 'John, laborer, h 147 Main Tonawich Joseph, laborer, h 515 S 3d [oOlney John To, laborer, h Hili Lincoln Toomey Michael Jo, melter, h 367 ~lain Toskov Anton, laborer, h 54H Christian Townsley Edward Eo. puncher. It 304 Christian Townsley Lewis Ho, brakeman, h 174 ~laiJl Trace Harvey Eo, laborer, h 63 Frederick Trautman Jacob, fireman, h 6119 S Front

I. B. rACK ~FI:~~O~!lTTN:Vt:-"~C~,,~~y~R{ 121610nb mlnlSlleei

Boyd'. Steelton Directory. 809
Trautman Konrad, laborer, h 507 1fyers Trautmann Carl, laborer, h 438 Swatara Traver David B., pres People's Bank and physician, 145 S Front, h do Traver John B., laborer, h 271 Christian Traver Samuel N., asst surgeon P. S. Co. and physician, 28 S Front, h do Travitz Harry H., dril!er, h 411 l\lain Trawitz Mary, wid Henry, h 121 Lincoln Trawitz Williapt E., laborer, h 16:! Lincoln Trego Charl~s E., engineer, h :l44 S 3d Tremp Frank, draftsman, h 17 N 4th Trice John C, laborer, h 310 Ridge Triece Amanda M. Mrs., h 321 Bessemer Triece Charles E., asst chemist P. S. Co., h 305 Bessemer Triece Nathiin, helper, h 319 Lincoln Triece William, laborer, h 550 S 2d Trinity Episcopal Church, Pine ab 2d Trinity German Lutheran Church, 207 S 2d Troup Daniel L., foreman P. S. Co., h 536 S 2d Tucholski Emma, domestic, 247 S 4th Tucker James M., laborer, h 13:l-t Adams Tuckey Jacob, watchman, h 333 Lincoln Tuckey James A., laborer, h 108 Frederick

MILLER BROS.' BAJ(ER~"~~bli2.l'.~~1E

Tuckey John W., chipper, h 108 Frederick Tuckey William H., laborer, h 344 Bessemer Tulcholski J Oh11, engineer, h 415 Mohn Tuptenowski Frank, fireman, h N :~d nr Franklin Turan Louis, h 389 S 3d Turb,an David, laborer, h 605 S td Turk Wheeler, laborer, h 112 Adams Turner Charles H., laborer, h 34 Furnace Turner Edward, laborer, h 167 Adams Turner Emanuel, laborer, h 173 Adams Turner George "V., laborer, h 306 Ridge Turner James, laborer, h 165 Adams Turner Joseph, fireman, h 74 Furnace Turner Lucian, laborer, h 167 Adams Turner Robert, laborer, h 364 S 2d Turner Thomas, laborer, h :~:14 N 2d Turpin Charles C, engineer, h :375 S 3d Turpin James H., h :li5 S ad Turpin Mary E., wid James P., h 375 S 3d Tutt Rufus, laborer, h 214 Ridge Tyson Newton H., engineer, h 515 Lincoln Uhler George M., molder, h 85:j S 2d lJIrich Aaron D., elk, h 1~1 S Front Clrich John A, milk. :!:m Lincoln, h do Ulrich Samuel, steelblower, h 639 N Front




No 1230 ARCH STREET PHil . p"



Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Ulrich laborer 213 Linroln Underduz:: Jaakson, lahC:E:r h 334 Tndenvoo:l J. Arthur, elk . S. Co., Union Veteran Legion Encampment, Ko. 67, meets first and third Tuesday eves of each month at G. A. R. Hall' C E. Scott: k:nen mnd nnery United llrc:tb::rhood /\merican 1C:4 N Fr: Sun:!:,: ::fternoon UNITEl:! AND C:!bll :!O., S. lle1weiler, mgr, 2onestoga c Frederick Vnited Telephone and Telegraph Co., 41-43 N Front Updegraff Clyde H., timekeeper P. S Co" h 232 ~lvers Urich 166 h do Urich , h 161)


S 3d



Valcis George, laborer, h 611 S 3d Valentine Charles, laborer, h 5.51 Iron al Valentine Wells \V .. helper, h 55 Conestoga Vanatta C, , h 443 brine Vanatta H., foaemen, h 439 Catherine Vanatta M., blad",m:th, h 4"1:1 C::harine Vance Antonia. laborer, h 209 Molm Vanhouser John, carpenter. h Mohn ab 3d Varner George P., chemist P. S. Co., h 229 S 4th bannam:m Jacob, cranasman, h 12h ont

VanSkiver Ira J., draftsman P. S. Co .. h 220 Pine Van\Vagner Lawrence. stenographer P. S. Co., h Hbg Varniele Samuel, h 321 a:"a Vass laborer; Furnac:" Vass labon::: ~'i65 S 2:1 Vataha Joseph, laborer, h 605 S 3d Vaughan Daisy, wid James E., h 34l S 2d Vaughan Frederick J., planer, h 321 S Front Vaughan ;Shaophilus, h 581 ll,ont Vaugha:: bl:::mas E., h 321 Front I:lencia labore: Mohn Verbos Franco, laborer, h ()07 S 3d ..: Verbos Irvin, steelworker, h 513 S 3d o u Verbos Joseph, laborer. h 563 S 3d "erbos CO\TO, laborer E':n S 3d Verbos labor:;r 529 S 3d ern stone 111:::,:,,: :n7~ S Vickery Gilbert S., civil engineer P. S. Co., h Hbg l&I Viher Anton, laborer. h 621 S 3d U ::!her l\'1iko, gr~)Cer, 536 S 3d, h do :: mcent l'r::::l:::nck, lal::::::: h 129 ,\lohn "ise Jol:::; l::l:orer, h Tladitch elk, h 5:'+E'i ;E'd Vlado :Miletic, laborer, h 3:10 Franklin Z :;:, '"!tere Sylvester, laborer. h 321 S 3d





lbpq. 11m fIIR.d_ workmen, IleDce ODI~ A 8 TACK} tIaIi ....IIIICl iDIaIah. Work doGe ID aa" lIUSoi { 1.18 aclSt.

Boyd'. Steelton Directory.

Vogel George, ironworker, h 963 S Front Voglesong Frank E., foreman, h 634 S 2d Volcus John W., laborer, h 471 Myers Voll Reinhold, shoemkr S. S. Co., h Hbg Voncas Michael, laborer, h 231 Frederick Vranesevic Mico, laborer, h 521 S 2d Vranic Juro, laborer, h 610 S 3d Vucinic Luka, laborer, h 309 S 3d Wade Peter W., laborer, h 168 Adams Wadsworth Elmer P., bridge builder, h 45 S 4th Wagenbach Ernst F., engineer, h 1~2 Lincoln Wagenbach Frederick E., elk S. S. Co., h 132 Lincoln Wagenbach John A., machinist, h 163 Myers Wagner Charles E., elk P. & R. depot, h 117 S 2d Wagner David F., electrician, h 25 K 2d Wagner Elizabeth A., wid Jesse, h 261 l\bin Wagner Frederick K., laborer, h 45 Frederick Wagner George M., frog builder, h 228 N 2d Wagner Harry E., electrician, h 121 S Front Wagner Jacob M., bricklayer, h 357 Main Wagner Jennie, wid Joel E., h 28:1 :\Jain Wagner Jesse S., laborer, h r 425 Lincoln Wagner John, laborer, h 405 Myers Wagner John, laborer, h 212 Conestoga Wagner John c., ironworker, h 314 N 2d


~.=:.-:. ~ Harrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {:

Wagner John 0., barber, h 212 Conestoga Wagner Lewis, stone mason, h 171 Christian Waidley Frank K., barber, 175 N Front, h do Waidley George W., planer, h 301 }Iain Walk Frank c., laborer, h 117 Steel av Walker Charles H., laborer, h Cumbler's Row Walker Charles L., planer, h 165 S 2d Walker Doctor F., engineer, h 113 Adams Walker Henry, laborer, h 210 Adams Walker James, laborer, h 210 Adams Walker James, laborer, h 539 Iron al Walker James, laborer, h 247 Adams Walker James B., elk P. S. Co., h Paxtang Walker J. Merrill, draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg Walker John L., special officer S. S. Co., h Hbg Walker William J., laborer, h 147 Adams Walley George W., steelworker, h 201 Lincoln WaIte meyer Mahlon, laborer, h 305 S Front Walter Harry A., teacher; h 337 Locust Walter Lewis B., steelworker, h 128 S 2d Walter Lewis H., buyer S. S. Co., h 241 Pine Walter Roy L., machinist, h 128 S 2<1 Walter Samuel, fireman, h 231 S Front Walters Blanche, saleslady S. S. Co., h 128 S 2d Walters Charles A., laborer, h 454 N Front

,. ::= ,. <
::D ::D

,. o ,. ,-. en




Boyd's Steelton Directory.

;= ~~~~~~:rH~~~)? ~icttli~eyl;~Or~ic~i1~1;~~!b~::anon
Y.I 10&.1

\Valters Emanuel, steelworker, h 223 Christian \\., chacger, h ;5~1 S \th ~ \\'altrrs bcicklayz:r, 307 N Front ~ Walters William \V laborer, h 265 S :!d C) iz: \\alkn ,\20 Front A.. \Valton drivea 1:!5 ,dG ~ Wanzer James E., porter S. S. Co., h 226 Bailey :3 Warhnv \V;;laren F., st{ll1ographe{ P. S. Co., h Hbg Ct \\'l,t'ner Andrew steelworker, h 231 S Front ~ . d c:a Warner Andrew D., helper',h :!~,~ 2, ,
!C Waltaas




~ \Viisilington Cai'rol1 G" laborer,

Washer Lorenz, bricklayer, h 6li S Front 2F7 Adauis \Vashington Edward T, porter, h 1a2 Ridbe Washington James, laborer, h 314 Lincoln

~:~~i~~~~~ )~~~', 1~~o~I~:e~li;2 ~fd::dg(l

Washington John P., laborer, h 4()::! Ridge I;: \Vashington Robect L condUdot, h 13h Ridge Ct \Vashington Wade, laborer, h 407 Bailey :z Washington William ., laborer, h la:;; Ridge Watkins William, h@:s8 Watson Harry, machinist. h 19 N ad \\' atson Hasry laborer, h dl4 Reading


\Vats011 Jacob E., planer, h 415 Swatara Wetson John 11., laborer, h 19 N 3d \\T earb Jamet A.. , riaeh'r, 5dlij S 2d \V caver Bent L., asst supt P. S. Co., h S Front nr Felton W taver :Bruce J., craneman, h 26:'; Christian W' "a""r cnok 33:1 S t l rl1"e W~a~;I' George'W~, eX;ire~s~~in, h S14 Fmnt \V eaver Harry A., frog .uilder, h 19 S 4th \Veaoer Bamuel H .. labornr, 2W; Frederick Weaver Samuel R, elk S. S. Co" h HI S 4th al \Veb~lier Nicholas, laborer, h :';14 Ridge W rbrter William, buyer S, S. Co, h 20l. S 3d Wegener Wilhelm F., laborer, h :!02 Mohn Wcigir George, helper, h :;;:21 l'.Iain \V1"ig"r Toh" F b';ckby'" 11 136 H M"Yin W ~ig~rt" He'i'nri~h, iab~~e;: 'h '452 :\l~hn W cimlulll Franklin, laborer, 13 N Front Wrimer Rachel A., wid John, h HO 2d Weimer Susan N., seamstress, h 40 S 2d Wliner Abraham, h '101.3 Myers \Ydnlias! laborer, 4:i:'.! Mohn ~inmal~Fran~~olisher, h 132 Frederick




;: .--.

!= ~~~E;L ~r:i~;):;:Ii:, l~~l;'~l: :~d~d~~il~~e III






cj \\

Redmond's Wagan WOrks{:=~~~} 3d and ,H111I SIL_ .

. .

A. B. TACK l::&tb.:.=:a~ IOU Pooer 1IlII . . . .

Boyd's Steelton Directory. 813 'Weintraub Jacob S., salesman, h 61 Conestoga Weir Michael, laborer, h 540 S 3d Weirich Jacob L., dentist, 161 N Front, h do \\'eirman Walter, laborer, h 125 S Front \Veisenford John M., printer, 154 Front, h 415 Christian Weisenford John \V., laborer, h 311 Swatara \Veiscnford Milton A., laborer, h 311 Swatara Weisenforci Simon F., laborer, h 311 Swatara Weiss Xicholas, laborer, h Mohn bel 6th \Veiss Peter, conductor, h Mohn ab ad Weitzel Conrad, laborer, h 426 ::VIohn Welder Conrad, laborer, h 452 Mohn Weller Abraham. laborer. h 2:n S Front Wells Austin, laborer, h 74 Furnace Wells Charles E., steelworker, h 22 S 2d Wells Frank, laborer, h 111 S Front \Yells Joseph c., confectioner, 215 ~ Front, h do Wells Samuel N., elk, 215 N Front, h do Welsh John W., painter, h 408 S 2d Weltmer Jacob A., boilermkr, h 6()7 N 3d WeltmeT Martha, wid Henry S., h 607 N 3d Wentz Samuel, leverman, h 317 Conestoga Wertz James R. laborer, h 448 Ridge West Edmund, laborer, h 306 Ridge West Side Hose Co., No.3, 285 Myers


'yVest Side School, Main ab Conestoga Westbrook Harry S., rail straightener, h 333 S 2d Westbrook John A., laborer, h r 425 Lincoln Westbrook Nancy, h 374 I'dyers Westbrook Ralph c., elk P. S. Co., h a74 Myers \Yestbrook Sarah, housekeeper, h 445 Lincoln Westbrook William A., laborer, h 374 Myers Western Union Tel. Co., L. E. Bailey, mgr, 7 S Front Westhafer Ancevilla, wid Daniel, h 315 N Front Westhafer Lucius A., hammerman, h 315 N Front \Vesthafer Oscar, steelworker, h r 355 N Front Westley Edward, laborer, h 306 Ridge Wetzel Charles A., timekeeper P. S. Co., h 147 S 4th Wetzel l\IiIes, tinner S. S. Co., h 147 S 4th Wetzel Stanley E., elk S. S. Co., h a09 Pine \Vheeler John W., laborer, h 762 S 2d Whisler Annie M., wid Jacob, h 272 Main White Alexander R, elk S. S. Co., h 500 Lincoln White Bessie, elk S. S. Co., h 500 Lincoln 'White Dennis, laborer, h 543 Iron al White John S., rail marker, h lao S 2d \Vhite Lewis A., rail straightener. h 16 Harrisburg White :\Iary R, teacher, h 17 Swatara White ~'Iyrtle, elk, h 130 S 2d White Xettie J., elk, h 500 Lincoln








No 1230 ARCH STREET p'm . ,'A


~ ~

Boyd's Steelton Directory.

..: White Ruth E., teacher, h 17 Swatara White Samuel E., cJk S. S. Co., h 19 S 2d .White Sarah, saleslady S. S. Co., h 500 Lincoln -I! Whitebread Annie E., h 26 N 4th ;: Whitebread Melvina, wid William, h 26 N 4th I Whitebread William H., fruit. &c., 251 N Front, h 26 N 4th c.:I Whiteman John R., foreman, h 1:1 )J Front Whitley Annie Mrs., h 346 N 2d Whitley Elias, laborer, h 38 Furnace ~ Whitley Julia, domestic, 39 S Front cw:t Whitley Reuben, laborer, h 332 ~ 2d Whitman Edwin E., draftsman P. S. Co., h Hbg == Whitman Henry, cJk, h 465 N 2d '1$ Whitman John 's., machinist, h 28 S Front Whitman Joseph, steelworker, h 401 S Front -I Whitmoyer John c., blower, h 342 N Front !! Whitney George E., elk P. S. Co., h 327 Pine U) Whittington Charles, painter, h 321 Bessemer Whittington Joseph, steelworker, h 321 Bessemer Wickenheiser Emanuel A., laborer, h 233 Christian Wickenheiser John A., laborer, h 162 N 2d I- Wickenheiser Robert, laborer, h 320 N 2d Wickersham Frank B., lawyer, h 156 S 2d ." Wickersham Oscar G., lawyer, 22 S Front, h 4l)2 Pine Wickersham William B., ins sol, 22 S Front, h 43 N Front


o it



TITLEI'''U'TY '" nIB' ce. {,...., , ..........,...1dItI, .. ......, , ..,ta } .... If ..... 1IIICe fan............ ~ __ - f ............. ....... l1li .., ..... __

Myen, h 176 do o WIEGER FRANK, groceries, drygoods, notions, &c., 172 Wier John, laborer, h 140 Myers
:::: Wierman Ellen W., wid John. h 141 S Front \Vierman Rose M., housekeeper, 141 S Front ~ Wigfield Frederick, timekeeper P. S. Co., h 271 S 2d A. Wikel:J ohn J., bricklayer, h 2.15 Main Ie Wilbur William, laborer, h 134 Lincoln o "Vileman William H., laborer, h 484 Main U Wilhelm Charles W., laborer, h.256 Christian .,J Wilkins Stock, laborer, h 406 Mohn IIIIIIC Wilkshelm Mary A., wid John, h 105 Adams o Will David H., laborer, h 181 Christian U Williams Ava Mrs., elk, h 33 S 3d Q Williams Carl A., laborer, h 121 Adams z: Williams Earl G., ins sol, 22 S Front, h 405 N 3d IIIIIIC Williams Edward, laborer, h 221 Franklin (;IJ Williams George, plasterer, h 131 Ridge U Williams Henry, laborer, h 848 N Front Williams Henry c., laborer, h 221 Adams Q Williams John, laborer, h 130 Adams (;IJ Williams John, patternmkr, h 236 Lincoln I- Williams Loren L., molder, h 22 S 2d Williams Mary, wid John, h 340 N 2d ~ 'Williams Nathan, laborer, h :!21 Adams


Boyd's Steelton Directory.


Williams N ezza, elk P. S. Co., h Hbg Williams Oto, laborer, h 133 Adams Williams Samuel, laborer, h 848 N Front Williams William, fireman, h 232 Adams Williams William R., laborer, h 256 Ridge Willis John E., laborer, h 247 Adams Willis Viney, wid William, h 247 Adams Wilsbach Julia Mrs., dressmkr, 458 Mohn, h do Wilson Alexander M., engineer, h 445 Catharine Wilson Henry, laborer, h 138 Ridge Wilson John, blacksmith, h 235 N Front Wilson John, laborer, h 83 Main Wilson Lizzie, wid Charles W., h 232 Adams Wilt Francis R., blacksmith, 300 S l'ront, h :l20 S 2d Wilt George L., driver, h 108 S Front Wilt Harry, furniture, 46-50 S Front, h 30 Pine Wilt Harry, jr., student, h 30 Pine Wilt Lee G., elk, 46 S Front, h 137 S 2d Wilt Robert, elk, 50 S Front, h 30 Pine Wilt W. Russell, elk, 46 S Front, h 179 S 2d \Vinand Charles M., steelworker, h 120 Franklin Winand John A., elk S. S. Co., h 122 Lincoln Windowmaker Joseph E., laborer, h Front nr Halfway House Wing Moch, laundry, 42 N Front, h do

Winkelman Charles, car inspector, h 716 S 2d Winkelman William F., laborer, h 239 Christian Winks William E., laborer, h 217 l\lyers Wino John, bricklayer, h 167 Main Wise Aaron B., steelworker, 223 Christian Wise Charles W., machinist; h 741 S Front Wise John, laborer, h 316 Main Wise Joseph, laborer, h 623 S Front Wise Mary, wid Andrew, h 557 S Front \Vise Owen W., laborer, h 316 N 2d Wise William H., carpenter, h 344 S 2d Wolf Alfred, laborer, h 159 Christian Wolf Benjamin, shoemkr, 150 N Front, h do Wolf Edward E., laborer, h 386 S 2d \Volf George A., patternmkr, h 40~ Lincoln .i \VoH Gertrude, cigarmkr, h 217 Christian Wolf Harry G., pipe cutter, h (i25 X Front Wolf John, laborer, h (i05 S 2d Wolf Joseph G., dairyman, h S;;2 !'\ Front Wolf Leroy, laborer, h 217 Christian Wolf l\lartin, patternmkr, h 408 Lincoln WoH Samuel H., laborer, h 217 Christian WaIlcott Henry]., chief miller P. & S. F. Mills, h Hbg Wollet Benjamin F., h 376 Myers WoIlet Harry, steelworker, h 37() ~Iyers

------lJ .!:r-:'":='0;' ~ HaRtlburg Salllgl .. Loan Alii. {:: :::: C

,. < ,.

,. o ,. ,-. en



------WORKS h,oJ.. ~.= !lIP ..







Black BbBamo,mBb when _Y'H' next '~"rlb,r.-

1 '1rI~ DC illMt. l@l~ 1M i'blb III.



Boyd's Steelton Directory.

a: ~

\Volkt John ., cOifper, PG1 Frederick \Voman's Olristian Temperance Luion mcets l\Ionday eve. at home of members, Mrs. C A. CampbelL sec cc tVondcdick Benjamin E, bborcr h!H S Fro ii '- \\' onderlick David W., h 941 S Front ~ 'yV oo~ J ?.Illli driveri h 320 Ridl[c , c;::) \VoO([ il:lcholkS, Istlorer, 12<1 ,?dam? g: \Vood Richard, laborer, h 173 Adams CI \\'oocl 'William, laborer, h 255 Adams ztVoodman\ iall N Frlont cc W ork'~'pich' Eiio,' laborer, h 777 S ~d ~ W orkapich Michael, laborer, h 771 S ~d ~ tVorbpich Ftephs", laborer, h S 3d v. \V orkman Benjamin. steelworker. h 2:n S Front ffi Worth Joseph A., cIk P. S. Co .. h 2U() Pine e:\Vrikht A\ch71 P., h Loctl,;t ::::. tVright Arthur R., carpenter, h a():.; Locust :> Wright Ephraim B .. contractor, :{f;~ Locust, h (:0 W tVrittht G. Ii hn!) S Front f-Wright Harry c., contractor. 4:;H Swatara, h <10 Wright James c., labor~r,. h 509 S Front \Vrif.;ht Jantz,'? 0., ,n"ChlnI;;t, h S UJ tVright Jessie 1\1., tcacher. h H620cust Wright John. timekeeper P. S. h ~:~4 Locust hVrioht Ron assi chen!!?,t, h Lonlst






N~ 3d si~


hVrihht Thonlas, ~'42 Wright William B., pipe fitter, h 2J2 S 2<1 \Vuechinski lbert \V., :s09 S ,yytara It ;W(j .:\ Front \Vuhrl Augn'ilus, \Vuschinski August A .. cIk P. S. Co .. h 4:; S :!<1 tVUSi Hnski Frank labon's h (mib Front hVuschinski ;ottfri, d, cIk S. h S :ld \\'t1schinski Herman G .. machinist. h 4:; oS :~<I \Vvnn Harn' laborer, h N 3d \V~'nn !\l., elk C,., 21 :sd \V~'nn Mary. wid Thomas. h 21 S :ld ya-ic labore> h 727 :1<1 Yaic ltade, horec, 5!1d Bd ):anyanin Sto,jan, laborer. h mHi, S :~<1 ] atel, lar" liook,,>pr, h S 2n av movic 'hhorer, h n:;h S :1(1 Yeager Daniel \V .. hammer driver, h Front c Hcagy lal irer, h:!:~ 'ront Tohn, blacki.mith, 47 t"ront Yeager Samuel F., driver, h 474 .:\Iain Yestadt nerl ha E" 1;")4 vcr', Yest"d, Fn'dz'rick draftsn>a;l p, Co., Hi'R ver,i Y estadt John W., foreman P. S. Co .. h 1;;4 ;\hers YcstiCdt Lal' c.,' h ;; . Y cttc, Davd H .. hborer,

ANDREW REDMOND} In::g~~:;;d ~;~tg~~;,{3d


Boyd's Steelton Directory.

Yetter Francis F., planer, h 301 )flyers Yetter Harvey H., bricklayer, h 35!j S Front Yetter Henry, heater, h 304 Main Yetter Jeremiah, heater, h 367 Christian Yetter Jeremiah M., helper, h 416 Harrisburg Yetter John A., h 301 Myers Yetter John R., laborer, h 301 Myers Yetter LeRoy, frog builder, h 284 :Main Yetter Milton, timekeeper P. S. Co., h Hbg Yetter William S., bricklayer, h 355 S Front Yinger Mary, wid Henry c., h 323 Pine Yinger Oscar, laborer, h 444 Swatara Yoder Arthur L., teacher, h 337 Locust Yoder Frank E., draftsman P. S. Co., h 102 N 2d Yoder James, laborer, h 328 S 2d Yoffe Harry, (Katzman & Yoffe), h Hbg Yoffee Kopel, varieties, 537 ~Iyers, h do Yohnos Joseph, laborer, h 503 S 3d Yohnos Stephen, laborer, h 503 S 3d Yokop John, laborer, h 660 S 3d Yoselowitz Jacob, jeweler, 985 S Front, h 868 S 2d Yoselowitz Theodore, varieties, 868 S 2d, h do Yost Andrew, h 225 S 2d Yost Charles H., buver S. S. Co., h 330 Locust Yost Charles W., miller, h 185 N Front






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~s!=::D}Harrlsburl SaylnlS and Llan Allo.{== ~


Yost Thomas 1'.1., mechanical engineer P. S. Co., h Mid- C dletown Young Bros., (H. G. and C. ].), grocers, 201 and 203 S 2d Young Charles J., (Young Bros.), h 201 S 2d Young Edith E. D., teacher, h 227 Walnut N )II Young Elizabeth V., clk, h 329 S 2d Young Enoch, farmer, h S Front nr limits Young George, laborer, h 438 Mohn :t Young Harvey G., (Young Bros.), h 201 S 2d )II Young J. Garfield, machinist, h 3:.!9 S 2d Young John, laborer, h 422 ).Iohn :II YOUNG JOD D., sec of bQ1'ough council, 114 Walnut, h ) II 227 d. YOUNG JrtEN"S ClIRISTLUl ASSOCIATION, C. E. Kesty, renl sec, 2d c Walnut Young l\loses B., helper, h 329 S 2d Young Samuel B., engineer, h 947 S Front Younkins Emery, laborer, h 353 S 2d Youtz John, h 177 Lincoln Youtz Walter J., foreman, h 177 Lincoln Yozawitz Senor, laborer, h 544 S 3d Zabcic Peter, laborer, h 809 S 3d Zaccano Frank, laborer, 11 209 Mohn Zaeks Joseph, clothier, 113 S Front, h 109 do Zalo Diomsius, laborer, h 389 S 3d

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POWNALL'S PASTE WORKS {if~"(l=.~oogle

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Boyd's Steelton Direotory.


~ L..

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Zarker Ezra 0., tracer P. S. Co., h Hbg Zebic Joseph, laborer, h 542 S 3d Zeiders James \V:-, laborer, h 329 Lincoln Zeiders Sallie, saleslady, h 329 Lincoln Zeigler Charles E., laborer, h 410 S 2d Zeigler Charles W., laborer, h 265 ~dyers Zeigler Cora 1\1., elk S. S. Co., h 64:1 ~ Front Zeigler George W., rec elk S. S. Co., h 643 N Front Zeigler Jacob M., engineer, h 337 S 4th . Zeigler John F., puncher, h 363 Main Zeigler Joseph H., laborer, h 31:1 Frederick Zeigler Mary E., h 643 N Front Zeigler Obadiah J., driller, h 328 Locust Zeigor l\'lartin M., auctioneer, h 863 S Front Zentner Frantz, fireman, h 617 S Front Zerance John, boarding, 65 Conestoga, h do Zerance John, boarding, 513 S 3d, h do Zerby Charles M., laborer, h 228 Main Zerby Cyrus, h 209 l\Iain Zerby Edward E., elk P. S. Co., h 203 Pine Zerby Melville c., tongsman, h 334 S 2d Ze~by William H., elk, h 844: Locust Ziegler's Hall, 284 Main ZIEGLER WILLIAIt L., physician and druggist, 284 .aill, h do

Ziegler William L., jr., druggist, h 284 Main Zimmerman Alton E., machinist, h 241 S 2d Zimmerman Amos c., molder, h 344 Main [berryav Zimmerman Arthur M., printer, 154 S Front, h 14 Strawl&I Zimmerman Charles S., elk Steelton Trust Co., h Hbg Zimmerman Charles \V., driver, h 378 Myers Zimmerman Christian T., brakeman, h Front ab Gibson (.) Zimmerman Harry S., machinist, h 343 Poplar Zimmerman Jas. M., picture frames, &c., 35 S 2d, h 33 do Zimmerman Jeremiah F., meher, h 365 Christian Zimmerman John D., well digger, h 903 S Front I. Zimmerman Joseph H., steelworket', h 581 S 2d Zimmerman J. Weir, elk P. S. Co., h 350 Pine III Zimmerman Peter S .. bricklayer, h 415 Christian 0" Zimmerman Philip A., dairyman, 241 S ~d, h do It!: Zimmerman Samuel c., h 413 Christian CJ: Zimmerman Simon E., tel opr P. S. Co., h 242 S 2d It- Zimmerman \Villiam, laborer, h 441 Mohn lJ: Zlogar John, laborer, h 525 S 2d If Zmaic Frank, laborer, h 363 Frederick S. Co., h 331 Locust Z' Zook Harry, elk P. auctioneer, 338 S Front, h 863 S 2d Zorger Martin M., Zorovic John, laborer, h 524 S 3d I: William B., elk S. S. Co., h Hbg ~- Zunic Ovetozoir, laborer, h 481 Myers





-.. z C.:


gOREW REDMONDJ~.=.~cm.{3d and RaJ" SIL

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l. B. TACK} IAlL PAPER l!:'::-in-:! 111001 SIIAIlES {N~~*Benevue, &c" BU8ine88 Directorie8,



Principal Towns in Dauphin County.

BENEVUE. Paul Aaron, stone mason Paul & Miller, saw mill Briner J. J., coal Clugston J. L . genl store, coal, Shirley George, blacksmith Snyder Renl'y A., shoemkr sand and postmaster Snyder H. H ., hotel Demaree B . F., coal Werrel Joseph, shoemkr Garman Samuel. merchant Lukens H. H., coal and genl store CURTI:S-. Zeigler J. G . Lebo Jonathan, harness ROIUBERGER H. A., genl store and I)()stmastet' BERRYSBURG. Schreffler Aaron, vet surg Bishofr P. W ., undertaker Schreffler Isaiah. carpenter Brugger J . brooms Bru&"ger J. M., shoemkr D.U.' PHIN. Deibler P . F ., huckster Deibler ,Yo R., barl:>er Hatlets W. A .. notary Deibler & HeUer, sawyers Brooks Maggie, dl'essmkr

Foster H . G ., genl store Hartman Jacob, '1lour mill Hoover Bros. Mtg Co. Hoover R., contractor Hoover John R ., contractor Hoover W. L ., undertaker Kambel J., dining Keboch Charles, meat Keboch Isaac Klinger T. S., stage Kocher F. E., Insurance Lebo Charles, carpenter Lyter E . E., vet surg Matter H . H., barber Miller A . N ., blacksmith MII,LER J. FRANK, postmaster Miller W. H., harness Morris Daniel, shoemkr Osman F. B .. hotel Romberger J. F., genl store Shoop Emanuel, hides Stine P. E ., creamery Stroup J. C., physician Wade George, agrl Impits Walters William, slater Weaver D. E., painter Weaver Henry, painter Woodside A . N., paperhanger

Braeuer H. F., hotel Dietrich S. A., carpenter i'lscher Simon, blacksmith Miller I. P., agr! huplts Miller artery B., carpet weaver

Bufflngton <C. \Y., paperhanger Coble A. C. Dr., druggist Crouse ",r. K., meat Dauphin Bridge and Construction Co. Fisher H. M., confectioner Garverich \V. G ., genl store Gerberlch H . I.. cigars Gordon Edward, coal Gordon Ellwood A., shoes Hinkle George H., shoemkr Hottman David. hotel Kinter George M., R. R. agt Kinter \V. D., undertaker 1\falehorn John , barber Maus L. H., coal McNeely Etta, milliner Mowry Samuel. painter Pofrenberger W. L., blacksmith Porter John R ., baker Reed W. F ., genl store Reynolds H. L. Mrs., barber Shade G ., news Shoop G . W., lee Shoop G. W .. jr.. grist mill Shoop S. T ., grist mill Singer David W .. bricklayer Sponsler J. C., genl store Steckley Richard, shoemkr Sweitzer '1'. G., tinsmith Talley C. W., shoes Thompson G. L., stone mason Umberger J . R., physician Wolf John, undertaker


No 1230 ARCH STREET. PHlt . .. P.\ .


CURl'S =:eJ Drug and Pateat IMlllae Starei=:='&lJM

820 Deodate, &0., Bu.ine.. Direotorie.
Enderlin R . blacksmith l"arver J. S . fencemkr }'OLTZ CHRISTI.\X M., Roke Ira M . hardware Hoke Jacob, nursery Hoke James W., plasterer Hoke 'Villi am G .. contractor Kelter C. F., vet Burgeon Kerstetter George M., genl store Kopenhaver C. B., plasterer Kopenhaver J. M .. huckster Lebo J. B., saddlel' Leiter George K . contractor Lenker P. M. Mrs., dre88mkr Lentz James, cigars Lykens Tele and Telephone Co. Lykens Valley Mutual Fire Ins Co. Martyn C. N., physiCian Martz Jonas, tailor Matter George, mason Mattis Charles T., mason Mattis Isaac W., barber Messersmith James, mason M\IIer H. 0.. huckster M1IIer Isaac, painter M1I1er James, I'eal estate M1I1er Max M., genl store Ml11er Perry Mrs.. laundry M1I1er Theodore. painter, &cr Naylor M. A. Mrs . novelties Naylor W. E .. dentist Penna. Telephone Co. Radel George W., station agt Reichard Adam, mason Rlest William, carpenter Romberger A. M., genl store Romberger John A., grain. &c:



sture and po.!t.master Faltz J. E . creamery Hoffer John M . carpenter Landis J. C . meat Shenk S. K . meat Shenk J. N., horses Stoll John G . wagonmkr DERRY CHURCH. Hershey A. E., creamery Hershey Bros., creamery Hershey M. L . physician Miller J. H. K., shoemkr Moyer J. H . coal Patrick R., live stock Rider H. M., barber Shaft'er E. B.. physician and dentist Shenk A. H.. stone Shenk J. R . meat I"precker Levi. mason ~tauffer John E . blacksmith f:trickler J. M., justice WE'itmer D . produce Wesner W . barber and restaurant Yetter J. r.... blacksmith Zentmoyer Henry, painter ZIMMERMAN H. M., gen) store and postmaster

l I

la.I ..J la.I



J -en....... '111BIde rl ,lll .rnnNIB\d Y-I CO If ICIlITIII. 1 hIfI..... II c.tnclt tCB_1 ...... OIIIce ,iii IUln, 1110. ...... Bear 01 POI&





Adams Express American Telephone Bauder W. A., baker Bender Ledru, carpenter Bonawitz 1. N., contractor Bressler A. J., broom mfr Bufflngton I. T., planing ml1l Bufflngton Kate, dressmkr Cooper Harry M, shoemaker Cooper John. meat Daniel I. S., shoemkr Dubemlorf .John, blacksmith Eagle Tanning Co.. Inc. Eby Charles F., confectioner Ehy Joseph M., jeweler Eby Samuel L., grocer Ellzabethv1l1e Gas Co. Elizabethville Water Co. Enders Otto, cigars Fawber Frederick, cigar mfr Fawber John, carpenter Fedrow George, huckster Fetterhoff Isaac, painter FtcklngE'r J. R., medicines Flcklnger & Hoffner, meat First Katlonal Bank Forney Charles E . news agt Fox Andrew, reAtaurant Hawk Lydia, milliner Hawk Philip, timber



.....J o4:l

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Romberger Josiah, medicines Romberger S. B. & Sons, hides. &c Roshon C. S., photographer Sheetz John Mrs., dre88mkr Shreffl~r Charles, art goods Shreffler H. W., carpenter Smith A. H., publisher Snyder Hiram. decorator Snyder John, maLIon Specht Harry W., blacksmith Sponsler A. G., notions Stine D. M . clothier ~tlne H. W .. genl store Stine Samuel T .. huckster Stroup C. B., druggist Stroup M. E., lawyer Stroup N. W., physician Swab Aaron. carriages Swab Isaac, four-del' Swab Wagon Co. Temple George, carpenter Uhler Oeo. W. & Co . genl store 'Veaver & Son, distillers 'Verner Daniel, carpenter Wert Samuel, carpenter Wise Allen J., jeweler Wise John, mason Wise William, teas, &c Zeigler Frederick, plumber ZIegler Lewis H.. stoves. &c Zimmerman A., publisher EI,I,ENDAI,E FORGE. See Dauphin.


Bnterline, &0., Bu.ine.. Direotoriel.
A1l1tz John, miller Alwood Samuel W., carpet mfr Bixler C., creamery Brandt C. H., miller HAUM:\N (1. F'., gen. store,


printer and posbnaster

Harman }4'red, blacksmith Hoffman B., huckster Hoffman Peter, saw mill Kehres Charles, carpenter Lebo J., miller Rettinger D. & Son, carpenters Sheetz Wash., saw mill Shoop C. C. & Bros., lawyers Swlgard Amos, genl store FISHERVILLE. Bixler & Snyder, creamery Bowman S. F .. hotel Bowman Uriah, painter Enders G. W. D., grocer Erb Peter, shoes Fawber John B., confectioner Fawber J. A., carpenter Killinger J. G., justice Killinger & Snyder, agrl Implts Kocher E. E., blacksmith Laird & Co., genl stol'e Lebo O. G., genl store Loudermllch F., shirt mfr Loudermllch F. C., painter Nohlet Joseph, carpenter Noblet U. J., carpenter

GRATZ. Blyler C. M., saloon BOWMAN C. T., clothing Bumngton J. Jacob, saddler Daniels Israel, hotel DORNIIEIM RLT))OLPH, furniEvitts B. J., tailor Fiddler Frank, contractor GroBS A., genl store Hartman Michael, tanner Helper Isaac. merchant Hepler George, huckster Hoffman E. E., stoves Klehner J. G., carpenter Klinger George, jr., Klinger T. S., stage KIInger & Bro., genl store Krotzer C. U .. blacksmith Lebo W. E., physician McNOLDY JACOB, furniture and undertakt.'r Miller J. H., undertaker Miller & Bro., genl store MoUer Jonas, stage PffiLLIPS J. ,,'., postmaster Rabuck Aaron. saloon Ritzman A. S .. justice Ritzman F. M .. saloon Schmlnky G. M., physician Schmlnky I. S., physician Schoffstall H. D., shoemkr Tobias H. W., drover Tobias O. '1'., carpet weaver


E ...

Gl!r~ :8::} Harrisburg

S.II1gs aId Laan ASSD. {::

== p
> o :x > ~ ... > Ul


F'ORT HUNTER. Blosser David, genl store and postmaster Brown George L., physiCian Christman J. M., posts Dawson T. B., dining Hoover Charles, hotel Hoover J. E. & D., gent store HouRer Henry, carpenter McAlIIstp.r James H., justice Miller W. H., gent store Ott F. M., lawyer Ream L. A. & H. R .. flour Reily J. ""T., Iron forge Rudy A. E., painter Straw William, carpenter Trlbbens S. K., wagonmkr Western Union Tel. Co. Wilson Cora J., R. R. agt

HALU'AX. Baker C. C., undertaker Bishoff H. W., phYSician Bitterman Jacob, treasurer Bottomstone J. S., stonecutter Bowman G. 'V., meat Brubaker Harry, blacksmith Chubb Hiram, carpenter CLEMSOS J. W., produce Cratzer F. ii, genl store Fetterhoff George A., hotel }'ETI'ERllOI<'}' H. L. & BRO.,

Forney H. C., saw mill Fortenbaugh A., genl store' Gilbert I., genl store Gray W. B., justice HALIFAX GAZETTE, C. U. Shope, IJropr H.\J,U'.\X INSURANCE CO. HALU'AX NATIONAL BANK,

GRANTVILI,E. Bickel A. J . blacksmith Cassel G., fertilizers Cassel John, tanner Fausnacht A., genl store Hess I. C., paperhanger Hess ,V. L., furniture Keirn 13. R., hotel Lnntz A., miller SHERK .JACOB S., gen. store

Isaac Lyter, cashier

Halifax Shoe Co. Koppenhef'fer B .. restaurant Koppenheffer C., sto\'es, &c Koppl'nheffer J. P., stone mason Lelbrich G. T .. surveyor I ...oudermllch R., gardener Lyter J. E., genl store Mayer J. H., physician Metzger John, genl store Motter H. E., carpenter MoUer C. E., barber Nace William B., druggist

.... -

and postma.'Iter

Shertzer B. F .. harness Wagner R. ~ .. tinware Wahl J. R., physician



H. M. KELLEY &, cO.}On:cos, :..~-::'~~:';:!JCOAL AND WOOD


.... a=


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'= c:::: -=


Novinger Cyrus, jeweler Pikes A. M . (estate), grain P,enzel & shoe Pntt A. tailor l'otteigel' B., c,,!non ter Richter C., barber and justice Richter G. 1\1., news agt nYA~ L. W., postmaster o;nwyers Pln!mas,5, ,urveyol' 'Sheesley carpenlnl' "Ihnesley Geurge 0., haker Shultz G. W., notary Tonery W. L., local express ,,'ert G. genl Sf! Pnager Pents, flour mHl r,m!merYmu' C., rurtle work ZnIMER)fA~ C. C., Uvery mGHSPiGK <51stllle!' n len PeL! dressmn, ..HUcks 1\1., 8tock Aurend R. E., milk BLlJXDIN J, N., T!;u!lmer G<1ward, Honholsr!< blncho nlih Ru"er Ira, ftour milt Cover A., machinist Cover M. V., meat <,nmbler
A lien J.

I: I&J

Bare M. E., photographer Bender David, carriages F. D., ston( Boltun J" im,uranc'< Bolte ,],<hn, b<, Bordner J. P., cigar mfr Brlghtbm J. M., lumber Brinser D .. meat BROWh;;TONE dTORE 0]0., ge& ntore Burkholder Josiah, coal Crist Nile, dentist Early Joseph, blacksmith Early S., h02,'1 Earnot hTapol,'"'' trees Earnest W. H" 1 wyer Emerich Levi. meat Engle & Longenecker, lime Ernest R. J., shoemkr Espen,,<1ade L. dressmhl' Ettel" H., Ettel' Z., groee, FAR~(ERS' BANK. capital, $50.000: Incorporated Apr., 1885: Allen K, Walton" Lres; Frante I;',ank, z<are,er Garrett Simon, Ice Garrett W. R., painter Gensler J., shoemkr Greenawalt & marn'e


Ulrich, ,y""hier

o z a:
Green O. P., hotel Hoover John, contractor Kaufman B. S., justice Gaufman ,. la\n M, barber J. .. justicr Learch R. W., liquors Leedy Boarding House Lehman J, genl <rtH'e :rl<rthlas ., gfnl tore lrl('Dannel Dr., dn(Pdlst )f<>NEAL Sl'E, postmaster ~Iohler E. R., genl store )IORROW BROS., coal D!x,rman G<h'"ard,

g~~~eh jr;hnc~';::'~{!;~~t
HENDRICKS WILLIAM Hummelstown Sun D{!{!{!GIST { Holler Charles, coal Holler C. I., eating house Hoover A, D., restaurant Humrn,,? Carrie notaw<1 Hummr? F. J., y!rr'er Hummel F. L .. harness Hummel Harry J., genl store 'Hummel L. G., gent store HUMaffebLSTO,i':C; BRO ST{bh?f'TI CO., J. 'LntTI"<D, ,uIIH, 'Post (F,Erce, '';,'e&kon,-Ule, Danphln County Hummel~town Electric Light, Heat and Power Co. Humrnehdown Ht.1l\few';,TIN!STOWD ~i~~~~~:~:~~:~ t~~!(Xhr cap@,o" $50,0%0%; Roher & Morrow, glue No,'. J882: John Rupp H. J., milk pre,,: John P. ~Is"ley. cashier Ruth I. C., genl store HF~OIFLSTOWN SHOE "'''''., Joce'pkc S. StrfI'OY,'r, peo, sec J tock and fH<1f' <ner M. ,Y., station '<gt HF}(l\IEJ,STO\\'N S{'N. W. R. 'Vensell Emily. milliner Hcndricks. propl' WILSON DISTILLERY CO., Hummelstown Wate(' Co. I,TD. Hursh F., hot,,< , <merman HOI., 1I<a Imbo!},'r' % Ibert, n!,'ry Karm,wT' WlllIe,rn, furnlt ,re Keller George HOo !'hoemkr Hl~OIEI,STOWN. Keystone Knlttln'l' !\-fllls Albert F. JOo baker KII,T,OUGH SA)f{'EI, M" drugKKdER';,';,'&LLIA~[ gi"t & F"nm,cht, KilmeT J., w:el(mkr ,!'iRAt'; HIR Kopp . G., m<!;('H< sUIanct'. FllnDt'r'" Lerch EOo carriages R.,

o -= =C




A.. B. TACK1Waii Pu.r and Window Sbad.s{Jl::la:~

Hummelstown, &c., Business Directories.


Miller C. H., men's furngs Reigle D. & S., well diggers Murray John M., grocer Relmert J. H . meat Muth F. T., jeweler Rhein E., dentlst -c ~(UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Rhein E. R., saloon CO. OF HUMMELSTOWN, J. Schaner J. H., harness P. Nissley, sec Seltzer A., harnel's Nissley J. P., Insurance Shuey William, shoemkr Nlssl~y Maltln F., genl store SlUITlI C. H., l)hysfcJan Nye John B., justice Smith G. C., hotel NYE It CONRAD, hardware Smith J. P., physician Page Jacob, hotel Zimmerman W. G., cablnetmkr Pennington W. H., barber Phlla., Rdg. & P'vlJle Tel Co. Phlla. & Reading R way Co. Reigel D. H., sewing machines LOY.-\LTON. Remsburg John T., real estate RHOADS D. C., horse dealer and' Boyer J. W .. agrl Implts IlOstmaster Eby J. 'll., watchmkr Ricker H., meat Fisher J. C., miller Sanders Phlllp. blacksmith Good D. A. & Sons, m1llwrlghts S<~HAEFFEU L"RIAH R., ph)'. Gral'!: P. F . shoemkr sl('lan Harner Charles. constable _ Schat'fner Frank J., lawyer Hot'fman SybllJa A., asst post- ~ Shope P. H., sewing machines master Shuey W. P., contractor Hot'fman William L., postmasShull 'VlIJlam M., physician ter Slecher H. F., harness Hoffman & Johns, genl store Thomas Jacob, livery Kessler R.. dlstlJler U. S. Express Co. Klinger Daniel, watchmkr Walmer H. G., carriages Lower C. W., wagonmkr Walters Joseph, agrl Implts MlJler Joel A., blacksmith Weh~r F. H., tailor Schat'fstall WilHam, carpenter Wheeler M. M. Mrs . candy Snyder N. E., blacksmith Whitmer J. C., livery Wiest D., hotel Wise J. H., baker Zerbe J., hotel

Adams Express Co. Atlantic Refining Co. Baker J. ~., dentist Bellis H., grocer Bingaman G. J., hotel Bingaman John, livery Blah' C. A. lI.irl'., dressmkr Boeckler Henry, barber Boeckler William, barber Boedde Mary B., milliner LINGLESTOWN. Bowman Henry. meat BALTHASER ELIZABETII E., Budd C .. pool postmlUo1:er Bueck Frank, liquors Bergner John. carpenter Bueckler C., barber Care C. B. & Son., genl store Buffington H. E., lawyer CARE R. SHERMAN, lawyer Coble R. & Sons. genl store Cassel E., fencemkr Coles George \V., lawyer Daniels Elmer, shoemkr Collier A. F., marble Farling M.. flour mlJl Cook ARley, ~rocer Feeser E. T., painter Cooper W. H .. grocer l<'~esser U. F., mason Delaney JO'3eph I., genl store Felty W., genl store Douden F. J .. contractor Good Samuel H., painter Dt.:Nt'.-\X JOSEPII, founder Good William, painter and ma('hlnlst Hess Moses, produce Dun~an 'Valter & Co., hosiery Hess & Bros., tinsmiths Eby .T. H., barber Kleopfer Alfred, wagonmkr Eby J. H. & Co., shade brackets Koons H. D., cattle dealer EnderI' \V.. grocer KOOXS IRVIX, auctioneer PEIXDT HEXRY, postmaster Koons Michael, meat Fennel E. H., painter Lenker Luther, carpenter Fisher John R., grocer Lingle C. D.. barber Fisher & .Jones, hosiery and METZGER D., ooachmkr paper mill Painter Valentine, blacksmith Fox H. W., grocer

Wolaver Harry, stoves Yingst Daniel, m~at Yingst P., meat Youtz J., otis Zearfoss I. M., miller ZEITER SAMUEL, genl store Zeiter WlIJlam C., tailor Zerfoss Samuel E., justlce_





Idd's COllplilloB PUls :.~l::iJ'::.cs~~~,!: 306 Broad

824 Lykens, &0., Business Direotoriel.
Shuler J., coal Skelton G. W., paperhanger Smith E. G. Mrs . mUllner Smith Harold E . tailor SIUITH WELLINGTON J., physlelan Snyder R .. livery Snyder Charles T .. saloon Snyder N. E . jeweler Springer Brewing Co. Stanley A. G . druggist Stein Charles M .. dry goods St~11T BRAYCH MUHNG ('0., R. A. Quln, mgr, S 2d Summit Branch R. R. Co. Tallman H. H .. hotel Thompson A. F .. lawyer Trout Jncob. blacksmith Troxell C. W .. shoemkr lTLSH JOSEPH A., physician U. S. Express Co. Wallace S .. eating Werner John. green grocer "'estern 1:nlon Tel. Co. \\,]LLI,UIS Y.U.LEY LIGHT. HE.\T AXD POWER CO. \VlIllams Yalley R. R. Co. 'Vltmer C .. truck Witmer John W., harness "'olcott Charle", justice "',,nn Frank. music YOl'NG WALTER S . Justice or the peare, 308 Market Fritz Albert, restaurant Gemberling H. H . baker Gerdom H. E.. photographer Gibble S. S., dry goods Henry Emmet, baker HENSEL T. A., men's rurngs HolT Bros.. hardware Hoft'man Joseph. clothier Hof'fman Lewis. hotel Hof'fman M. P., hotel Holwlg Monroe. varieties HlTBER .J. H., druggist Irving William. hotel Kalnes A. W . physician Kauderman W. F.. hardware. tinware. plumbing, &c., Market c N 2d Keen & KnUe)'. hosiery Klain r., clothier Klingler K. E. Mrs . dressmkr Kolva Calvin. blacksmith Koppenhef'fer & Son. meat Kosier George. express Kramer Joseph. hotel Lebo Edward. stoves Lehman Emanuel. shoemkr Lehr Henry. box mtr I.EIIR MONROE D., physician Lltz John. candles Long A. C .. books . Ludes John M .. barber LYKENS BREWING CO., \\'entzler Bros., props, South IIr Market





j '.E_"", lll.1 It... - .... Tille lomnt' ODd Trnet co "I_ta. 1 IeUI II ""trU" ,.,. Ceurtl... r ..., II r.t .... 1100 ...... C8at".t... In

I.YKENS STANDARD, S. B. Coles & Son, pubs LYKENS VALLEY COAL CO., R. A. QUill, mgr, S 2d T. & T. Co. .--. Lykens Valley 'Vater Co. Lykens Valley ~ Martz H. E.. shoemkr IE Matter William. Ice oC McMillan S. C.. varieties J . grocer A- Miller John C (est). stationer Miller Miller M. S . t~'pe cutter MINERS' DEPOSIT BANK. J. B. \Vhltney, pres; F. H. \'oss, U cashier ....J Mitchell V., restaurant W. S . -C MusserGeorge, station agt Myers dentist F . u MyersJ.Johnshoesconfectioner Nutt J . Q Omalla Paul, shoemkr Overholset A. C .. cigars IE Parfet George V.... genl store Penna. Tel Co. oC Pittsburg Organ and Piano Co. 1&1 Potter O. R. & Co., wall paper U Prudential Insurance Co. Radel Maille E., milliner Relf'l' John R. fUl'nlture Rettinger Edward. meat Homberger Cyrus. flour Romherger "V. H .. saloon Row George. Ice Rozelle 1.. shoes Sheesley H., brush mtr


MA...'IIAD.' mLI,.
Bashore David. produce Cassell Christ. justice Hinkle Frank. blacksmith Kramer R .. flour mm R.U'CH JOHX M.. and postma!ltt'r Schubauer Jacob. grocer


)IIDDJ.ETOWN. Ackerman John M .. meat Adams Ex. Co .. John Musser. agt Adams F .. bottler Allen J. D . dry goods Antrim A. J . cigars Antrim Ellie. gl'ocer Antl'lm T. J .. confectioner Antrim Tillie. milliner Arndt A. P .. grocer Atlantic Refining Co. Baker Charl('s H., baker Baker C~'rus G .. barher Danks Bro!' .. varieties Barl' Frank H .. Insurance Bauder A. & I"on. hldel' Bauder BIos.. florists and grocerl' Raud"r H. R .. hlacksmlth Raumhach Henry. shoemkr Raumhach YaJentine. shoes Baxtres~er Bros .. I'hoes Reard C. F .. grocer Beck "'lllIam. shoem kr

The PATRIOT'S Sporting Page _GI_V_ES_F_U~~'::';~D~~~L IK)UBBlt Google

Digitized by

I. 8. TACK}~==;.!I:;;'t.~U=::;'-:':;
Kiddletown Buw.. Directory.
Brandt B. F., liquors BresUe G. E. & Bro., undertakers Brestle Michael G., undertaker Brinser Bros., cornmeal Brinser E. C. & Son, agrl Implt8 Brown E. C., cigars Buck Henry W., cigars Cain Levi. grocer Claster E. Mrs., clothier Cohen I., agt, drygoods Croll Abner B .. agt, hardware Croll Harry, meat Croll Willtam A., justice Datley George, laundry Dasher H. D.. genl store Deckard I. K., vet surg Deckard Jacob B., agt, flour Deckard Levi L., dentist Deitl'ich D. P., dentist Demmy E. K.. postmaster Detweiler E. C., baker Detwetler H. C., meat Doup Jacob, shoemkr Doup Jacob W., cigars Eal'lsman C. B., meat Ebersole S. S., grocer DfA"lTS ORPHANS' HOUSE, W. A. Croll. prln Enterprise Mfg and Repair Foundry ErrER A. L., prop Middletown Journal





Jennings C. T., hotel Keever W. F., stoves Kelm Lewis C., hotel Klahr E. H., jeweler Klawansky A., clothier Klelndopf J., birds Kline Henry H., hotel Kramer J. A., hotel Landis J. H., coal Landis J. J., saloon Lauman W. M., (est), lumber and mtll works, 32 E Main Laverty Dewitt C., physician Laverty Eugene, druggist Lenhart H., stoves Lenne~' J. M., photographer Lingle John C., physician Longenecker 1. K., confectioner Longenecker & Bausman, cattle Lorentz Andrew, meat Luckenblll A. H., marble Lutz W. V., barber rMansberger J. W., grocer McCord K. R., liquors F;; McCreary W. W., saloon McKee II., auditorium McNeal Frank "'.. pool c: McNeal H. B., Insurance and J.

= =.-


Melcholr John, shoemkr Metropolitan Lite Ins. Co. Middletown Car Works Middletown Drainage Co.


.. ~

"Eves P. W. Mrs., (est), mtlliner FARMERS' BANK, capital, $50,000; surplus, f50,OOO; B. S. Peters, pres; A. H. Rel~r, cashier Farrington G. W . justice Few C. S., druggist Fisher Walter R., stationer Fortney J. J., blacksmith Freedman R., gent's furnisher Fry J. M., boarding Fuernelsen Walter, jeweler Fuhrman N. C., barber George W. H., physician 'Gllbert M. H., grocer Glngrlch S. B., restaurant Glpe R. M., shoemkr Gotwald W. D., milk Grundon S. M., grocer Hammaker & Bro., plumbers Harley S. P., barber Harley Willtam T .. barber Hartltne C. C., justice Hartman E. F., grocer Hartman U. A .. grocer Hatz Harry, meat Hlckernell S. S., justice Hipple John H., coal Hipple R. D., coal Hoffer C. H . surveyor Hoffman J. E. Mrs., milliner nOSTER A. W., pension attorney Huntzberger D. W., grocer

MIDDLETOWN Fl7RNITURE CO., E. L. Croll, prop. Emaus cWood Middletown Gas Light Co. MIDDIJETOWN J 0 URN A L, (dally and weekly), A. L. Etter. prop MIDULETOWN PRESS, (weekly). I. O. Nissley, prop Middletown Roller MtIl Miller A. L., plumber Mish George F., physician Moek Toy, laundry Monaghan & Leggore, produce Mulrony P., flour MUlIo CIPAL ELECTRIC .. LIGH'l' PLANT Myers }o~. W.. livery National Tube Co. Nicely A. T., shoemkr Nisley J. L., agrl Implts Ober C . hardware Parthemore F. A., cigars Pease Charles E., physician Penn'a. R. R. Co., E. O. Hendrickson, agt Penn'a. Telephone Co. Peters B. S. & Son. drygoods Phil a .. Rdg. & P'vllle Tel. Co. Phlla. & Rdg. R. 1\. Co., W. H. Howden. agt Poist Charles B., barber Rambler L. C .. men's (urngs Rank W., barber Raudabaugh W. A .. grocer

> o :x > ~ ... > rJJ




Raymond J., laundry Raymond Mfg Co., stoves Raymond R. P., hardware Reitzel W. W., grocer Rewalt John \V., druggist Rhan Francis L., bottler Rhodes H. H., physician Rife John W . Leather Co. Rife J. & Bro., real estate Ringland J. H., dentist no~ers B. W., confectioner Romberger H . A., hosiery Roop John S., grocer Roth H. S., undertaker nUHL JOB." B ., physlclan Saul Harry R., carrlagemkr SehaelTer M . B., bottler SchaelTer O. 0 ., druggist Schiefer H. G., shoemkr :-'::chuetz Frederick, meat 8chuetz \Vllllam, shoes Seiser Samuel S., stoves Seltzer C. A., saddler Shale Brick Co. Shaneor George W., painter Shellenberger H. H., harness Shireman W., coal Sides W. 8., contractor Silberman J . & Bro., rags Singer D .. second-hand goods Slack F. D., cigars Smeltzer John. oils Snyder John H., hotel Snyder Martin . hotel Sohn Arthur E ., tobacconist

KELLEY &CO.{~~cn::d~
Bowman Simon S., lawyer Brubaker A., tinsmith Brubaker \V. L. & Bros., dies Carmany H . August, grocer Coldren E. Y. B., grocer Corbett J. 1:..., justice Culp Chester, tailor Day C. W . brooms Day 'V. F. & Co., jewelers Ditty Joseph, jr.. cigars DOl'DEN ALFRED, planingmill Etzweller Jerome, candy Etzwellpr JOli'lah. candy Faust F. M.. barber Feldt David E., furniture Feldt Robert. baker Jo'IRST NAT BANK, J. W. BolI1I1an, rn~hler '. Fralick Frank, dining Frank John N., drygoods Frank P . N .. furniture Freck N. M., hotel Gilbert A. C. Mrs.. genl store Gilbert Harry S., tobacconist Hatter G. W. Mrs., undertaker Heckert J. S .. marble Helnsling J. H., physician HERALD WEEKI,Y, J. B. Seal.. pub Herrold R. Mrs., grocer John!' J. R . Mrs .. dressmkr .Tohnson Ralllle Shoe Co. Johnson Bros., plumbers .Tohnson J. M ., contractor

Kiddletown, &0., Businesl Direotories.

1&1 -------------------------------1&1



Johnson Samuel, plumber Kawel S. N. & Co . genl store Keel' L . W ., flour mill Kline G. 'V., carpets Knouff Frank L . shoemkr Landon F. L., planing mill LARK B. L., lawyer Leffler Era'ltus H .. dentist Lenker F. K., machinist Lenl{cr H . C., distillery Light S. T., flour Long Thomas, hardware Mackert John, bottler Martz J. C., tailor Matter C. E., baker Meck J . E. & Son. shoes l\I\IIer Mark, barber ~nJ.],ERSBll RG BAlIi'K, J. S. Gilb('!t. cM,hler ~ln.LERSHl!RG B OARD OF 'rR .IDE, S. . Bowman, pres; H. ,V. Bowman, sec ~Il LLERSBUR G FIFTH WHEEL )fFG CO. Millersburg Hardware Co, MfllerRburg Roller Mills MII,LERSBl'RG SENTlNELr H. ,,'. Rowman, pub Neagley E. E ., genl store Neas-Iey H . C . genl store Newbold Bros.. meat Noll C. W .. photographer NOYinger R. 0 .. carpets Pick S. S .. ('Iothlng Plambeck \Vllllam, tailor






Spencer S. B.. dentist Springer Robert H., varieties Stehman J. B ., tax collector Sturn J., grocer SWARTZ BROS., lawyers Swart/.!: O. M., grocer Sweigard Daniel. coal Sweigard S. A., cigars Teghtmeyer A. E ., dressmkr Trump M. Mrs., dressmkr 1:'nlon Clothing Co. United States Express Co. \Vaguer John, meat "'eaver Webster, blacksmith \\'eller J. L . coal \Vendllng Hiram, tailor \"estern Union Tel. Co. \Vhlsler N. I., grocer \Vhltman Morris, baker \Vlse Edward, grocer 'Vlthauer William B., restaurant Yetter S. L., Insurance Yingst Andrew D .. tailor Young Leah, milliner

Adams Express Co. Aldinger F . B., hotel Atlantic Refining Co. Bashoar A. Y., flour Bowman John R., genl store Bo\yman Levi R., stoves Bowman Levi E ., drygoods Bowman n., plumber

~~..: ANDREW

REDMOND{3d aadGdog e Belli S

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I. B. TACK ~FI!l!o~"TN:WAA~."&cfA~f.,~R~ 121610l1Il

lIillerlburg, &c, Buinesl Directories.
Potrenberger W. L., blacksmith Polk A. J. & Son, dies Ransom Thomas H., barber Richards Emma, milliner Rowe J. H. & Sons, Insurance Sausser Jeremiah, harness Seebold Frank P., dentist Sherk L. A., physician SNYDER C. J., foundry SnydE"r H . shoemkr Starr J. W., druggist Steele & Son, livery Steever C. C., druggist Troutman H. N., meat Troutman J. B., flour Ulrich M., physician Uhler Charles, blacksmith United T. and T. Co. Voss Mary, genl store Weaver John H., shoemkr Weaver & Co., meat Weimer & Fairchild, furniture Williamson A. N., cigars Wingard F. H., brooms 'WooDSIDE R. E., tn811l'ance and postmaster Yeager John, carriages


OBERI.JN. Attlcks Harry, milk Atticks J. B., milk Berkheimer J. M., milk Blnehour Isaac, undertaker

DAUPIU:S- COL"1l.'TY TIMES, L. V. Williams, editor Elcenser P. C., tailor Fishburn S. A., genl store Heck U. A., pumpmkr Hocker D., dressmkr Houck George, agrl Implts Keever E. P., tInsmith Knupp John, milk Knupp & Bro., marble Koons J. A., contractor Lime D.. mason LlJDWIG E. S., genI store and postmaster Ludwig George. meat I,udwlg M. L. 6t Bro., \lve stock McElhenny A . meat McGarvey J. "V., painter Miller A. D . contractor Mumma J . milk Packer J., milk Ream Ed . meat Ream Shell. real estate Reichert D. E. Mrs., dressmkr Roads D. D.. grocer Rohrer & Son. real estate Shope A. L., physician Snoddy John. wagonmkr Snyder Joseph, baker Urich Daniel. plasterer Wlrt C. L., harnessmkr Wlrt W., barber and constable Wise E. W.. stoves Zeigler J. B . phYSician

MILLER BROS. l BAKER ~ "~~t,~2.J;.~~E

BROWN S. S., genl store and PILLOW. postmaster Andre John. shoes Durr John. blacksmith Aunspach J. S., photographer Eshenawer G., carpenter Bingaman & Buffington, marble Eshenawer H. G . milk Bohner D. M., genl store Jones Harry, meat Bohner H. M., grist mill Look William. milk Bowman W. H., undertaker Nissley C. M . milk Boyer Levi, mill roller Peck John H., barber BRUA JOHN, postma.'1ter Putt M. 0.. physician Buffington C. F., justice Shope A. H . painter, &c Buffington & Bro., wheelwright'! Smith J. H . hotel Deibler W. H., hotel Stengle G. A., genl store Dockey E. 'V., justIce Stouffer E. A . painter Fenstermacher F. S. YottE"Y W. F., painter Garis James, shoemkr Messner Charles, painter PAXTON. Moyer H. J., genl store Chubb Simon. shoemkr NoveleU J., harness Kautrman Webster. genl store Pillow Grange Store Lemon & Snyder, phosphate Raker W., phYSician MeRsner I .. carpenter Reed F ..T., physiCian ORNDORFF C. NELSON, post- Sheafter J. A., barber master S:S-YDER FRA:S-K, tron founder Searer H. W . carpenter Snyder L. A. Mrs., milliner Troutman S. A. Mrs., confec- 'VI est M. T. & Bro., meat tioner Wllller David, barber PENBROOK. Barnhard Sarah, dressmkr Boak 'VllIlam, milk Bollinger Frank, driller Bonholtzer H., blacksmith BooRE"r Jacob, Insurance BooRer Joseph, milk Condran J. H., barber POWL'S VALLEY. Baker J. H. & Son, undertakers Bowman C .. genl store Chubb Elizabeth, weaver Chubb Henry "\V., blacksmith Chubb Henry 'V.. jr., painter Chubb John R., shoemkr BUTLER
P \



Corsnltz F. E .. flour mill GLJ'hecE I., 'he%5nl 'he!ffre 4fBd POHi 1tUl44%5B Hot'l'man James M., phosphate Kelter H. \V . flour mill Meref3fth F., gen1 stiire Meredith J. E., genl store Rutter H., jr., produce Selteer S. Z' bUi"her ['?traw W, Sweigard C. produce Swel'?erd Juhn H., ca"punter Wagi er L., wagonmkr'

Hoerner Isaac R., hotel Hokr G. mil'? Knupp Geurge, t,',ck Knupp Helll~. meat Kramer Cah'ln, milk l'acPei Re,4i,en, milk CETEHS "ILLLU( )1., genl W'\'Y~ES\'ILLE. store, mlllt'r and po!'tmastt'r HiCKS \\'., L4'OCE'e ant' post HelC'hert D'ilel, rpentHr mA.'!",'r Eldr]j Mc(., painz,'r Jury Jeremiah. grocer Rldell \Vllllam, painter MlIIer Charles, blacksmith Rud.<, ""lI1lm, mrat <faul V;lIl1r'H{. mi Sheesley John, lime WEST HANOVER. Shuey Daniel, shoemkr REf,iYEH D. geHB storu ant' i.~~~rn:~B~~~I~~~:k~;f~ h J)ostmal'ltf'r Early Amos, gunsmith Weaver W .. milk

Kuhns A. M., wIre fence mfr Landf:z L .. just ;n:: Lponhninl E. L., taifr,r Light M .. hotel Lnng i'iank. t,lacifi,mlth M.ifler nmos, fiarne4' Miller H. D .. carpellter Peiffer grocer t'feil sta<fO H.amler John, nlasoll Rap!) William H., genl store ifd,ae;oi' Frenif, tffil,fr SSr,rtzh' Hem" cuuper Shertzer Mary, dressmkr ~hoop John, pfdntef' fCtaut'l'er F. C. & CH mWors ""aguer Adam, separators ~'agller Clayton. bricks, &c CPHgnar Heney brir'hs ,'fagnf'r johH cunrtable ""almer Monroe, paInter



EqrJy mifff" {{{ve" Jeremiah. taEior Hooyer Peter, mason iimm"T Denjqmin, i,lder Humm,", G. L hote' SWATARA STATION. Hummer Samuel, blacksmith Balsbaugh J, H., lUStl"f' of tRfe Koons Juhn H merchant .Ingle LEarn, 1arp,',,'er pe Lingle \L P., cablnetmkr Boyer Philip, carpenter A. Curry J. B .. graill. coal Shell \YlIliam E .. justice Si,mt 15quben i'hoiimkr Emerfr'h 8., ,'ontrfH'tor iiguer N .. coa4'i,mkq S. M., If,ffe .0 Glng"i,'h John, hotel Hoerner Longoneckr'r BeH,bmln, coal \VIf. 4.,DNIS1T', ffellef . S. hlaciifmithf ....I Seller George Co .. station agt H., Botdort'l' John H., news C Staut'l'er Addison, surveyor 15 "dorYL P .. teaf, f'watr Stnf,e and Lime Co. Byerly mli1iqer 'U ",Vitman F. S .. carpet weaver Christman C. D .. physIcian \Vltman Harry, genl store Cook A. E., bilker Q Lunneny Jami'''' b,,'her DI'iscoll !'.Iary, milliner l;~'10X DEPOSIT. Enl.ns Reese. candy ,\111'1' 1\1.. iigrl lmpJt," Ff'erhue Samuel, hbck44Df fth (AI f:UREEY i,fLJ .L'heM 'hen., IUhii- Gnnlon ., g"''''er ture. undt'rtaklng and post- Gingrich Hetti.,. drel'smkr 'U nmster 'flU'man C. JUS1 14f Earnii4z S. phnqclan ,man E .. ilnsmltb ,(Isenhower Israel, ttnl'mlth HF.~SEJ, l\(JCIL'EI., postmA.'1iel' Fausnacht .John, candy Hunter 'Y., harber ,"ausn"cht ,nil,a 111fiel ,del 1hoes iild CishbnTn B., i"i:C'slc Jone,.; EYan MIS .. grocer Hetrick Daniel, "leat Kaufman John, grocer Jones John "al'l"'nter K,'pn & Bro., i,lIl1nb,'r P41er. heel ,'TIght Ki
RGt'K\'f f .LE



See Fort Hunter.



The PATRIOT}A Newspaper for

Wiconisco, &c., Business Directories.

1:f~~~f,1f{~lIarn, gJ~1;;odS
Koppenheffer meat Long John J., genl store Lykem? Valle,S' 'r. and Co, 7Vlach:rn?er J grooef Marke John fl., shoemkr Matter L., hotel r,l es!'!" ff?' E, ., rO:?fauraat 'ff'Tessnnr T., Metz H. G., tinsmith Miller Adam, candy [fTllle?' ?famuS'], dryga ?frS I,fossa], & Co" j'foslef'" [,'[ueher G., barber Murphy J. J., hotel Pinkerton G, A" justice :'ontlu33 J. hotel PRO],?']' JACGG S., f!:?33ggl33t Seip A., milliner Shalfer W. R., dairy Sours W., b?'ucer Fjteever & Sml, newr Tippins Lizzie, candy Wert J. M., grocer bLiconfrllO Dyniug Co, 'WI con ]nno Kn li fing Williams A. Q., eating Witmer D. K., constable

K rr-

Adams A., plumber Adamn Landlr, barbef Allen L., T hyslclan

G ?i?len J, h'[rs . f'll ff?y GOl,lon insurance Green \Valter, tailor Griffith J, W., gr ffnr Hfff331 Rkd33?'d p" physiei+ln Hnin G. ., justi"n Hall \V. T., hotel Hancock .r. R. lIrs .. milliner F:rnf?ock Tfif'hard, dothind H?Hlman .Tncob, rfwemif?' Heberling J. F., hotel Hess Julia Mrs., hotel He:?:? T. 1\5" Turnftn?'e Hfhrfns inrtallment Holf H. C., express agt Hoffman O. C., green groeer HoLman E., hou:?e H:?hhes D., Hummel C. Mrs .. grocer James \V. Mrs., candy Jones & BS't'ry, StOf" KS'mp Danlfl, noS'ellles Klnll!lton ;S"muel, "Rfoes Klinger Levi, grocer Lautenhaeher I. L .. druggist Lnbo Amo", stov,.:? Lflt,f' D. meat Lelnln~r William, blacksmith Lesher J. R., genl store LOif3 f 'r J03'f'y?h, mllric , Lyhi'ns \V1Il1i',ms Lalley Electric Rway Lykens Valley T, and T. Co. Ldlhfh E:I?'f,?rd, uiumbe?' 1\,733el, J, mea?







II: CD m






GIll ......


~ =-

~':*.:::.o:. rHarrisburg

SaYings and Loan Assn. {~== ::rJ

Armbr33rter Gerry, h"her Baddorf Daniel, grocer Baird Robert R., Installment Bakel' N., dYntist Barthei Ernst, tallo?' Batdorf C., co'ntractor Battor! William, candy Berry Edwa?'d, candy ALAL AING ,LHIEh mhe,?'?, Rlannlng William, notary Bordner W., grocer Brown hen I Ludd . (esta!i'), tln'?3)ifr Buggy J. P .. genl store CARl. LINCOLN C., lawyer Chestn,' R. A,Lrs., henl stO?'" Cox rnmes, hTf,fter Curtis Charles F., hotel Dando James Mrs., liquors Lavis B., ifeuggllf! Day S?','fRng m,fchlnelf Day Rlchll.r,i W .. furniture Donley Cyrus, bottler Durbin J. W, Son, lienl ifl.f?'e anff fffislei'? Durbn J" 1nwyer Eby Aaron. watchmkr ENDERS LEVI J., physician Deldt Woo pf'yslCinn '[('ettef'f'oi'f Gf"'ff'he, jr" ffalnt".?, Fitch P .. harber ~ Fitzpatrick E. Mrs., mllIlner CrlRrh .Joseph. dothif'lhf {lelst ,xo3)n H" hotel

J.\<f?f 1ch & ,xl?adh' lttmbcr Ma!'lon E. W. Mrs., fancy goods Meehan P. H., hotel Melfffersmlfh John, blachlfmith M:'jf'opo(ff?fn Ins, Miller E. C., grocer Mlller George, insurance Morris Jomf,s, baf'l'fnr Mom? Rotff,,'t, gen tftore Moyer E. E., hotel Moyer J. Roo genl store Ntf?':? J. B" real efllfffe Pfftt l S. S, cewlnh machlne:? Penn'a Tel. Co. Pritchard A. L., contractor Rldph fut'nifure Rff.lph A t1cn, Rank E. D., dentist Rank J. H .. shoes Rfl"" P. (est( denl Rffi'flg F .. ttnker RelRlg Val, (est), baker Row \V. 0., meat Rnfl! E. builder ~. Rl,,,land ,Ilfmes. storn ' Row land & E., milliners ROWLA~D T .. photographer Rubendall C. \V" station agt Rtt nfJergn,' ~ Sf't,oei'fer I?Y l,ses, Shadle F. M .. justice C4' Shissler Joseph, candy Sf Danlf" 1\1., 1nfnran: e Sf1!flr G, ph}'e: dan

,. < ,.

::D' O


,. J: ,. lJ' ,C& -.


- O U R JIIOTTO ' - - l II-' BOD_& WeJCht r


H II KELLEY CCO. )101...... U 11P. 1




Williamstown Business Directory.

"'iliaI'd J., genl store \Vllllams James. grocer WIU.IA~lS VALLEY BANK Williams Valley L., H. and P .


..... .....


Stokes W. G., cigars Thomas Robert. hardware Thompson J. C., genl store Thompson R. B., cigars Thompson R . H ., clothier

A. GORGA'S}FAIR ...... Unrivaled Hosiery Mills PRICED DRU881ST{16 N. 3d ESL, WlJJLIA.'ISTOWN TIM S

5 .....


...... ... .....


C) ~

Walklngshaw A., novelties Walklngshaw A .. jr., genl store Watkeys D. G., oarber Weir Andrew. candy 'Whittle J., genl store

Times Pub Co., pubs

Wl'en G. W .. tailor Zimmerman A. D., shoes Zimmerman A. S., barber Zimmerman J . F., barber



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::c ....




z o z


Home Omce: 1411 Perlliomen Ave., Reading, Pa.

Redmond's Wagon Works {!'nU:'W:.tb-::~} 3d and RiI
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UDder tbe Pretense of Borrowing ,

.,r Many have beeD

f(lr' 1;1 Stolen from ~ Subscribers--,

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