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Item Class Date Time Number of pupils Theme Topic Skill Integrated skill Previous knowledge Curriculum specification

Content 5 Setia Thursday (7/2/2013) 10.35am- 11.35am 43 World of knowledge Travel and adventures Writing Speaking Pupils already know about brochures and its usage. 4.1.1 Copy words, phrases, sentences, questions, in clear neat etc. 4.3.1 Fill in missing words and phrases in statements and questions in messages, letters, instructions etc. At the of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Fill in the blanks parts in the passage with answer given during discussion. 2. Write at least 3 answers correct based on the information given in the passage. 3. Copy the exact brochures. Multiple Intelligences (verbal-linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence) Identifying information To love our country

Learning outcomes

Pedagogical principles CCTS Moral Value

Reflection: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Step/Stage Set induction (5 minutes)

Content / teaching aids AVA: - Pictures

Teaching & learning activity 1.Teacher asks pupils to draw a picture that show an image of Cameron Highland on the whiteboard (Strawberry, roses, tea & butterfly) 2. Teacher asks them to guess the picture. 3. Teacher and pupils talk about the picture. Pupils are expected to give an appropriate response based on the questions asked by answering the questions. Instructional Language: 1. Class, what picture is that? 2. Where can you find this? (Cameron Highland) 3. Have you ever been to Cameron Highland? Then teacher explains about the activity that will be conducted. 1. Teacher shows a brochure as a sample. Then teacher asks: What can you see in the brochures? Expected answer: Pictures, flowers, trees, etc. (accept all logical answers.) 2. Tell pupils that they are going to do a brochure on Cameron Highland. 3. Discuss with pupils how the brochures are written and what makes them attractive. 4. Discuss with pupils what type of information should be put in a brochure. 1. Discuss with pupil steps to write a brochure. Example: state the name of the place, where it is, what is interesting about the place and how to get there. Teacher writes the keyword which is the answer that pupils guessed correctly on the white board. 2. Teacher shows pupils a sample brochure. 3. Teacher prepares the information on the whiteboard with some part of it blank. Pupils should fill in the blanks with the answer that had been discussed before. 4. Asks pupils to copy in their exercise book and they need to complete the sentences. 5. After done with the informative part, teacher encourages pupils to decorate their brochures. 1. Teacher recaps the lesson with some simple question regarding the brochure has made. Moral Value: To love our country

Rationale/ remarks Rationale: To draws pupils attention Thinking Skill: Identifying information / details Moral value: To love our country

Development Step 1 (Pre-writing) (10 minutes)

AVA: -Brochures Activity: -Discussion

Rationale: -To collect ideas and information from pupils from their experience or previous knowledge. Thinking Skill: - Identifying information

Practice writing (15 minutes)

AVA: Word cards o Rose farm o Bee farm o Tea plantation

Step 3 Post writing (10 minutes) Closure (5 minutes)

Question: Why you write a brochure? Why do we need to keep the place clean?

Rationale: To tell pupils about to keep our country clean and safe so that can attract tourist to come.

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