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Several examples of multiple-degree-of-frecdom systems, (heir schematics, and equa tions of motion are presented in this section. The art" in vibration analysis and de sign is often related to choosing an appropriate mathematical model to describe a given structure or machine. The following examples arc intended to provide addi tional 'practice in modeling and analysis.

F.xumplc 4.8.1
A drive shaft for a holt-driven machine such as a lathe is illustrated in Figure 4.21(a). The vibration model of this system is indicated in Figure 4.21(b), along with a frce-body diagram of the machine. Write the equations of motion in matrix form and solve for the = ^2 ~ ~ 10 kg m2/rad.A:i = k2 m 1 0 ' N* m/rad. c = 2 N m s/rad for zero initial conditions and where the applied moment M(t) is a unit impulse function.

M 03 - 0j) c(& - *,) 2

c(8 j 62

Figure 4.21 (a) Schematic of the moving pans of a lathe. The bcannp that support the routing shaft axe modeled as providing viscous damping while tin. shaft* p vide stiffness and the belt drive provides an applied unque<b) Free-bodydjagrams of the three inertias in the rotating system of part (a). I he shafts are m^ ckd ^ . viding stiffness. or as rotational springs, and the beanngs are modeled as rotational dampers.

Solution In Figure 4.21(a) the bearings and shaft lubricant arc modeled as lumped vis cous damping, and the shafts are modeled as torsional springs.The pulley and machine disks are modeled as rotational inertias. The motor is modeled simply as supplying a moment to the pulley. Figure 4.21(b) illustrates a free-body diagram for each of the three disks, where the dam ping is assumed to act in proportion to the relative motion of the masses and of the same value at each coordinate (other damping models may be more appropriate, but this choice yields an easy form to solve). Examining the free-body diagram of Figure 4.21(b) and summing the moments on each of the disks yields = 9i) + 81)

J#i =

* , ( , - e; ) + c(43- e ,) - * ,( e , - ,) - c(; 9j) c(03 0;) + M (l)


where 0,, 02, and 6, are the rotational coordinates as indicated in Figure 4.21. The unit for B is radians* Rearranging these equations yields 7j0i + c6|+ /ct0, - c02 kx Q2 0

j 2 + 2fe2- cfl, - c03 + (*, + ot

*2)o2 - AfjO, - *2,

o M(/)

7,0, + C0J - c02 In matnx form this becomes

k,0j +AtjBt =

1 jt*



j2 o o /,j

c -c 0 -c 2c -c
0 c c

o ________________

0 -f

*, + * 2

-k2 ^2 _

0 0 0 - * ( 'L

where 0(/) - [0j(/) ously, this becomes


)]r. Using the values for the coefficients given previ-1 2 -1 <) -1 1_ 0 +1 0*

1 1 0 /0 + 2 - I 0

1 -1 0

-1 2 -1

0 -1 1_ 0

0 0

Note that the damping matnx is proportional to the stiffness matrix, so that modal analy* sis can be used to calculate the solution. A bo note that
1 -1 0 C = 0.2 -1 2 -1 0 -1 1_ i k = io 2 - l * _ 0 -1 2 -1 o' -1 1_


Following the steps of Example 4.6.1. the eigenvalue problem for K yields - 0 \ = 100 2 * - 300

Note that one of the eigenvalues is /ero.Thiis the matrix k is singular. The physical meaning of this is interpreted in this example.The normalized eigenvectors of K yield 0.5774 0.7071 p = 0.5774 0 _ 0.5774 -0.7071 Further computation yields PT CP = diag[0 0.2 0.6] PrK P * diag[0 PtM 1 F(/) = /2 100 300] 0.4082 -0.8165 0.4082 _ 0.5774 0.5774 PT = 0.7071 0 _ 0.4082 -0.8165 0.5774 -0.7071 0.4082

0.1826 -0.2236 8(/) 0.1291

The decoupled modal equations are ?,(/) 0.18265(f) r2 (l) + 0.2r,(f) + 100r2(f) - -0.22368(0

rs / + 0.6r3 f + 300r}(f) () ()
Obviously,u>j * O.w* * 10 rad/s. and

- 0.12916(f)

= 17.3205 rad, *.

Comparing coefficients of r, with 2C*>, yields the three modal damping ratios

2( 10) "

0.01 0.01732

2(17.3205) quencies become

so that the second two modes arc underdamped. Hence the two damped natural fre

W = 2V l ~ C ! * 9.9995 rad/s (/2 = <> v T ~ *> = 17.3179 rad/s

Figure 4.23 Response of each of the disk* of Figure 4.21 to an impulse at 0, with out the rigid-body mode, illustrating the vibration that occurs in each disk.

% The three solutions 6t(f).e 2 (/),and tt3(r) arc plotted in Figure 4.22. Figure 4.23 plots the three solutions without the rigid-body term. This represents the vibrations experienced by each disk as it rotatct


since the spring kx experiences a displacement x - /,0 and k2 experiences a displacement jf + /jO. Similaily. the velocity experienced by the damper c, is x - /t0 and that of c2 is x 4 /20. Taking moments about the ccnter of gravity yields -

ye - c,/,(i - /,8) - c,/j(i + /;0) +

- (,) -

k,lx + /;8)


where J mr. Here r is the radius of gyration of the vehicle (recall Example 1.4.6). liquations (4.152) and (4.153) can be rewritten as


+ (c, + c2 + (/jCj )jr

lci)8 + (fc, + k3 x + (lk2- Z,*,) * x ) 2

/wre + (c2/ c,/t)x + (f|c2 + /fcje + (ft2/ - Ac,/,X-v + (/f/c, + o 2 2

In matrix form, these two coupled equations become /mT1 1.0 ] * r c* +Cj ^ c2 ~ * - i * * + ki t L/zCj - t\ { /fo + f f a j C LM l - M l


^ \ *1*1 +/!*?_]

(4.155) where the vector x is defined by r* (o

Reasonable values for a truck arc r 0.64 irr A, * m - 4000 kg 20,000 N /m

c, = c 2 - 2000 N s/m l2 - 1.4 ra

k2 *

/, = 0.9 m

With these values, equation (4.155) becomes f 4000 I. 0 0 1_ . f-WXH) 1000~1 . 2560J * + [_1000 5540 J ' f 40,000 10,000*] + | 10,000 55,400 J * _ ro l |_0J


Nole that C = (O.t )A',so that the damping is proportional. If a moment * to the angular coordinate 0(f) the equations of motion become I 4000 O'], [*4000 10001 . ^ f 40,000 10,000 I

M{t) is applied
0 1 ,

= f

L 0

2560 J X ^ |_1000 5540J *

[_10,000 55.400J X L m o J
, ,_

Following the usual procedures of modal analysis, calculation of M 1 yields /1 M l/2 Thus ' (* 1.0000 0.31251 L-3125 2.1641 r = r 10000 3.1250*] 13.1250 21.6406J
T 0.0158 0 0 0.0198



Solving the eigenvalue problem for K yields 0.9698 0.2439 with eigenvalues 0.24391 0.9698 / '= ( " 09698 "-2439l

an L0:24390.9698J

= 9.2141 and \ = 22.4265, so that the natural frequencies arc 2 u>i 3.0355 rad/s and w2 = 4.7357 rad/s

Thus Pr /e/> = diag[9,2141 22.4265] and PrCI> * diag[0.9214 2.2426]

Comparing the elements of F rC P to u>i and w2yields the modal damping ratios


Usingthe formula from Window 4.7 for damped natural frequencies yields (* 3.0003 rad/s and ,, 4.6009 rad/s. The modal forces are calculated from

rw i/ r 0 1


r 0.0153 - 4 .S 8 ( 0 ] r 0 ] L0.0039 19.2 8(1) JLM')J

r-4.8 6 ( ,n L *9.2 8(f)J

The decoupled modal equations become

r,(/) + (0.9214)r,(f) + (9.2141 )r,(f) -0.00488(f) = r2(/) + (2.2436)/2(/) + (22.4265)r2(/) * 0.01928(0

From equation (3.6) these have solutions

r , ) = " i A e - w Sin /(ujr, = 7TT7, (1 >(3.0003) (3.0003/)

= - 1.6066 e-*7 sin (3.0003/) ' r2(f) = sin (4.6(X>y,)

= 4 .1 6 5 9 ^'1 * sin (4.6009/) 2 The solution in physical coordinates is obtained from [ * (0

which yields *(/) = -2.41 X 10"V <k rf sin(3.0003/) + 1.606 X 10 V 1 2 * sin (4.6009/) Lw 11 0(/) . 7.744 X lO 'V 04'"7sin(3.0003/) + 7.915 X 10 V ,,2,, sin (4.6009/)

5 4

2 1 0 1 2

lime (s)
Figure 4.26 Plot of the bounce and pitch vibrations of the vchicle of Figure 4.24 os the result of the engine being shut off (in meter* versus seconds).

fhese coordinates arc plotted in Figure 4.26.


Fxamplc 4.8.3

The punch press of Figure 4.27 can be modeled for vibration analysis in the x direction as indicated by the three-degrce-of-frecdom system of Figure 4.28. Discuss the solution for the response due to an impact at w, using modal analysis. Solution The mass and stiffness of the various components can be easily approximated using the static methods suggested in Chapter 1. However, it is very difficult to estimate values for the damping coefficients. Hence an educated guess is made for the modal damping ratios. Such guesses arc often made based on experience or from measure ments such as the logarithmic decrement. In this case the values of various masses and stiffness coefficients arc [in mks units and /(f) = 10006(f)] mj 400 kg A = 300,000 N/m rj m2 * 2000 kg k} = 80,000 N/m = 8000 kg * , = 800,000 N/m

bas* Isolation mounting pa<J


Floor Figure 4.27 Schematic of a purvch-press machine.

Figure 4.28 Vibration model of the punch press of Figure 4.27.

from frec-body diagrams of each mass, the summing of forces in the the three coupled equations
- - * ,(* ! - * 2) + / ( ' ) = ^ 3(^1 * 2) k x 2 * * j) m 3*3 - - * 3x* + k ^ X i - at,)

x direction yields

Rewriting this set of coupled equations in matrix form yields

where x * (*i(f)

x2 (t)

Aj(f )]r. Substituting

the numerical values for m, and k, yields

-30 38 10006(f)

'0.4 (10) 0 0

30 30 0

) 2 0 x + (104 0 8_


1 -8 * = 88 1

0 0

Following the modal analysis procedure for an undamped system yields "20 M xn _

0 44.7214 0

0 0 89.4427 _ M 'K =

0 0

0.0500 0

0 0.0224 0

0 0 0.0112

and 750 K -335.4102 0 -335.4102 190 -20

Solving the eigenvalue problem for K yields -0.4116 P and X, = 29.0223 \ = 113.9665 2 X3 = 907.0112 The modal force vector becomes ~10005(f)" 0 0 Hcncc, ihc undamped modal equations arc r,(f) + 29.0223r,(f) = -20.58058(f) F2 (f) + 113.9665r2(/) - -5.10265(f) r,(f) 4 907.0112r*(f) = 45.28145(f) SB


0.9056" PT -

'-0.4116 -0.1021 0.9056

-0.8848 -0.1935 -0.4239

-0.2185' 0.9758 0.0106 _

-0.8848 .-0.2185

0.1935 -0.4239 0.0106 _ 0.9758

< , - 5.3872 !>

< > = 10.6755 xj

u - 30.1166 3

"-20.5805" -5.1026 5(f) 45.2814 _

To model the damping, note that each mode shape is dominated by one element. From examining the first column of the matrix P,the second element is larger than the other two elements Hence if the system were vibrating only in the first mode, the motion of jr?(0 would dominate. This element corresponds to the platform mass, which receives high damping from the rubber support. Hence it is given a large damping ratio of i - 0.1 , (rubber provides a lot of damping). Similarly, the second mode is dominated by its third element, corresponding to the motion of s a predominantly metal part, so it is given a low damping ratio of fc - 0.01. The third mode shape is dominated by the
first element, which corresponds to the mounting pad. Hence it is given a medium damp ing ratio of = 0.05. Recalling that the velocity coefficient in modal coordinates has the form 2&w,, the damped modal coordinates bccome 2:to, = 2(0.1 )(5.3872), 2 ^ 2 = 2(0.01)(10.6755), and 2fcw3 2(0.05)(30.1166).There fore, the damped modal equations become
r,(/) + 1.0774?,(I) + 29.0223r,(r) = -20.58055(f) r2(f) + 0.2135r->(f) + U3.9665/-2 (r) - -5.10268(f) r3(/) + 3.0117r,(/) + 907.0112r(/) = 45.28148(f)

These have solutions given by equation (3.6) as r,(f) = -3X3956-*** sin (5.3602/) r2(f) = -0.4780e'alt**' sin ( 10.6750r) r,(f) = 1.5054e- so sin (30.0789:) 1 s' Using the transformation x(/) = M ' -zPr(i) yields A,(f) * 0.0790e~05 8 ' sin (53602/) + 0.0024e'aM ' sin ( I0.6750f) + 0.0682<rL *sin(30.0789f) 57 *s S .vz(f) = 0 .0760c A J8 'sin(5.3602f) + 0.002le '* 16 sin(10.6750/) - 0.0143e lMS* sin(30.0789/) S 7 0* *,(/) = 0.0094e'a53*7 sin (53602/) - 0.0052e olwusin(l0.6750f) + 0.0002r ^ ' These solutions are plotted in Figure 4.29. sin(30.0789/)





Figure 4.29 Numerical simulation of the vibration of the punch press of figures 4 27 and 4.28 as the result of the machine tool impacting the tool base.

I his example illustrates a method of assigning modal damping to an analytical m odel.This is a somewhat arbitrary procedure that falls in the category of an educated guess. A more sophisticated method is to measure the modal damping.This is discussed in Chapter 7. Note that the floor, .t3(/), vibrates much longer than the machine parts do. This is something to consider in designing how and where the machine is mounted to the floor of a buildinc.

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