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Wide Area Protection of Power Systems using daptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems

Farhad Namdari, Leila Hatamvand, Maryam Nourizadeh Engineering Department Lorestan University Khorram Abad, Iran Email: Keywords- Wide area protection, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, Fault type recognition Abstract Complexity of power system operation conditions needs new methods in all areas. Wide Area Protection (WAP) is one of attractive features in new studies that uses collected data from whole of power system for protection aims. This paper, describes using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference systems (ANFIS) in WAP for power systems. Proposed idea has been implemented on IEEE-8 busbars electric network that contains 7 transmission lines. Network simulating is performed in Alternating Transient Program (ATP). ANFIS architect is produced by MATLAB. Results obtained from simulations, represent the validity of the proposed idea in WAP. In other words, the proposed technique can be used as an algorithm which increases efficiency for wide area protection of power system.

and busbars as major components in this part, are of the most important concerns in protection systems. For this reason protection from Transmission lines and busbars is of vital importance in maintaining the stability and reliability of a power system. One of the new techniques for increasing the reliability of protection systems is Wide Area Protection (WAP) [1-10]. In this protection method the collected data from all electrical nodes are transferred into the protection control center and primary protection scheme detects the faulted region. Fault type recognition is of vital importance in some main and backup protection schemes like single phase tripping. Using intelligent techniques like genetic algorithm and ANNs have recently increased WAP performances [10-11]. This paper proposes using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as fault position and fault type detection algorithm in WAP. That means an initial fuzzy inference system is created and by assistance of a neural network, this ANFIS is completed and help the manner.

Power systems generally include three parts named generation, transmission and distribution. Because widespread domains of transmission part; protection for lines

Wide Area Protection of Power Systems using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
27th International Power System Conference II. USING A.



Wide area protection Nowadays the abilities of WAP have been proven in improving protection performances of equipments in power systems against failure or fault conditions. In this scheme, electrical information related to all nodes of electrical network is measured online, and then these data are sent to a central control system. This unit is responsible for management of all equipment performances. In fact, all tripping signals to/from the relays can be compared with this part of protection system. Conventional protection schemes, act in small zones because of limitations in communication channels and information of other parts of the system. Such structures have lower efficiency and in many cases, may result incorrect relays operations or even cascading outages in power systems. In WAP; phasor measurement units (PMU), located in various points of power system, measure all electrical signals and synchronize by global positioning system (GPS) to eliminate the effect of data communication delays. Then, data will be transmitted and collected in central control system via communication channels like optical fibers, power line carriers (PLC), modems This unit manages all relays functions and acts based on configuration of whole system. Consequently, general protection system detects fault and therefore faulted region is isolated from other parts of the system [9]. Therefore, the survival of power system can be guaranteed with a higher reliability.
B. ANFIS structures

exist an experimental pattern which helps such systems to achieve more suitable performance. On the other hand, artificial neural networks are intelligent networks like a small part of the humans brain, can analyze the problems because of their adaptive structure. They work based on internal relation between input and output data. These networks can desirably follow the behaviors of input-output data and owing to their adaptive architect , learn how exhibit suitable performance. If it is expected that the fuzzy system be such, fuzzy structure must be trained like ANN, so that the fuzzy system parameters be adaptive. This matter has been resulted in creation of combinations for neural networks and fuzzy systems. One approach to achieve this goal, is using of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). ANFIS is the composition of fuzzy system which is capable in expression uncertainties as fuzzy logic and is like the neural network because has variable structure. In fact, neural part determines the kind of membership functions and fuzzy part, adjusts suitable relationships between input-output data. ANFIS structure uses the combination of Back-Propagation (BP) training and least squares of errors algorithm generally is called hybrid algorithm. Because ANFIS has all capabilities of artificial and fuzzy systems together, this system has high ability to analyze the various problems, especially in nonlinear systems, when artificial or fuzzy systems alone, have not enough abilities.

Capability of a fuzzy system in derivation of human knowledge, lies in the laws and rules. After this, a base of rules will be produced like man skills. Therefore, fuzzy system can analyze the various kinds of mathematical problems in many applications. Sometimes it is necessary to

ANFIS based Wide Area Protection of Power Systems Intelligent techniques have been used during last 2 decades in various fields of power system studies and they have increased flexibility and reliability of power systems [10-14].

Wide Area Protection of Power Systems using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
27th International Power System Conference

This paper proposes the idea of using ANFIS in WAP. With this respect, simulated real current signals from all electrical nodes of the system are being used as ANFIS inputs and fault positions and fault types or no-fault conditions are being defined as outputs of central core of WAP. Then WAP core detects the faulted region and type of the fault for studied and new simulated cases.

III. SIMULATIONS A. Studied network

Proposed idea in this paper has been implemented on IEEE 8 busbars electric network (Fig.1) that contains 7 transmission lines, 2 generators and 2 transformers. Rated voltage and frequency and based power for the system are 150kV, 50Hz and 100MVA. Network data have been presented as Appendix. Studied network is simulated using Alternating Transient Program (ATP); then output current signals have been conditioned by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to make RMS values using MATLAB.
B. ANFIS Training as WAP core

Figure 1: Single line diagram of 8-busbars system [15]

ANFIS networks are being trained using input-output data so if they are asked to show proper reaction, could should response correctly. In this paper, ANFIS trained by composition of backpropagation (BP) and minimum least squares (MLS) of errors algorithms. Intelligent network is as WAP core for studied power system. Basic parameters like as number of rules, kinds of membership functions for input-output data are adjusted by trial and error. General schematic for studied network is shown in Fig 2.

Figure 2: General schematic for proposed ANFIS Inputs for fault simulations of ANFIS have been performed by implementing different fault positions along the lines for simulating faults on transmission lines (9 fault locations in steps of 10%; 10%~90% of the line length) and positioning of faults inside busbars for simulating faults on busbars (with 9 different resistance values). Single-phase-to-earth (LE), double-phase (LL), double-phase-to-earth (LLE) and three-phase (LLL) faults have been

Wide Area Protection of Power Systems using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
27th International Power System Conference

simulated as fault types with different fault resistances. On the other hand, no-fault conditions are being simulated by varying load conditions and out-of-zone faults for ANFIS. RMS values of phase currents for each side of all the transmission lines (3 phases * 2side of each line*7 lines) are considered as ANFIS inputs and outputs represent faulted line or busbar and fault type. All RMS values of sampled current signals beside of output digits, presented by a conventional definition, are collected in a matrix as data matrix. 95% of all obtained data from simulations with their equivalent outputs have been used for training and 5% for ANFIS evaluation. Normalizing the data values improves convergency and faster training of ANFS. This act has desirably performed for this system. Output values those are fault type and fault position, are defined by digits 1 up to 61. From 1 -28 for lines, 29 for no-fault conditions and 30-61 for busbars. Each consecutive 4 digits are related to one line or one busbar, so that by beginning from digit1,1means LE in line1, 2:LL in line1, 3:LLE in Line1, 4:LLL in line 1, 5:LE in line 2,, 29:no-fault conditions, 30:LE in busbar 1,,and digit 61 presents LLL in busbar 8. Proper network performance has been presented in figures 3-5.

Figure4: Comparing real and target outputs

Figure5: Comparing real and target outputs For ANFIS structure in this research, a Sugeno-type fuzzy inference system (FIS) is generated by using subtractive clustering. GENFIS2 of MATLAB as a fuzzy function can be used to generate an initial FIS for ANFIS training by first applying subtractive clustering on the data. GENFIS2 accomplishes this by extracting a set of rules that models the data behavior. The rule extraction method first uses the SUBCLUST function to determine the number of rules and antecedent membership functions and then uses linear least squares estimation to determine each rule's consequent equations.

Figure3: Training process of ANFIS

Wide Area Protection of Power Systems using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
27th International Power System Conference IV. TEST RESULTS

ANFIS network must be trained by inputoutput data to adjust its parameters and be learned. After this, intelligent network must be tested. In this paper, response of network for familiar and non-familiar data

is good and it can truly recognize the location of fault and also fault type. Some of these testing results have been shown in table 1 show the effectiveness of the method in detecting fault type and fault position.

Table 1: Test Results for different cases

Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL ANFIS output 1.01185521 2.011578399 3.00608713 4.009933712 ANFIS output 9.004675025 10.00351739 11.00285632 11.99566377 ANFIS output 20.99430657 21.99971405 23.18799735 23.99001525 ANFIS output 13.00111291 14.00411329 15.00075353 16.00103356 ANFIS output 33.80375 34.92221 35.87227 36.86124 ANFIS output 45.80294 46.87745 48.12794 49.16059 ANFIS output 28.98326405 28.9944165 LINE 1 Expected output 1 2 3 4 LINE 3 Expected output 9 10 11 12 LINE 6 Expected output 21 22 23 24 LINE 4 Expected output 13 14 15 16 BUSBAR 2 Expected output 34 35 36 37 BUSBAR 5 Expected output 46 47 48 49 Expected output 29 29 Detection error -0.01185521 0.011578399 --0.00608713 -0.009933712 Detection error -0.004675025 -0.00351739 -0.00285632 0.00433623 Detection error 0.00569343 0.00028595 -0.18799735 0.00998475 Detection error -0.00111291 -0.00411329 -0.00075353 -0.00103356 Detection error 0.196252 0.077785 0.127731 0.138764 Detection error Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL Fault type LE LL LLE LLL LINE 5 Expected output 17 18 19 20 LINE 2 ANFIS Expected output output 5.001246683 5 6.002350262 6 6.999585658 7 8.005512049 8 LINE 7 ANFIS Expected output output 25.00227041 25 25.98810647 26 26.98715317 27 27.98604403 28 BUSBAR 6 ANFIS Expected output output 50.18925 50 51.20307 51 51.99243 52 53 53 BUSBAR 1 ANFIS Expected output output 30.1937 30 31.18984 31 31.95916 32 33.1434 33 BUSBAR 4 ANFIS Expected output output 42.10225 42 43.02446 43 44.25054 44 45.05847 45 ANFIS output 17.00576391 17.99669577 18.9950117 19.99400762 Expected output 29 29 Detection error -0.00576391 0.00330423 0.0049883 0.00599238 Detection error -0.001246683 -0.002350262 0.000414342 -0.005512049 Detection error -0.00227041 0.01189353 0.01284683 0.01395597 Detection error -0.18925 -0.20307 0.007568 0 Detection error -0.1937 -0.18984 0.04084 -0.1434 Detection error -0.10225 -0.02446 -0.25054 -0.05847 Detection error 0.02786884 0

Fault type 0.197057 LE 0.12255 LL -0.12794 LLE -0.16059 LLL Without fault

Detection error 0.01673595 0.0055835

ANFIS output 28.97213116 29

Wide Area Protection of Power Systems using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
27th International Power System Conference

CONCLUSION Main purpose of this paper is using ANFIS as central core for fault detection in WAP. Idea was implemented in IEEE 8-busbars electric network. ANFIS for "Transmission lines" and "Busbars", was trained using BP and least squares of errors algorithm for different fault types and fault positions, and also no-fault conditions. Simulation results show the trained ANFIS can significantly recognize faulted line/busbar and fault type. That means, the proposed method can be used as internal algorithm for wide area protection of power systems.

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APPENDIX Data for simulated network are as per given on tables A1&A2 [15].

Table A1: Generator data for test system

Generator number 1 2 position 7 8 R() 0.0018 0.0018 X() 0.0222 0.0222

Table A2: Line data for test system

Extreme nodes 1 1 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 R(/km) 0.004 0.0057 0.005 0.005 0.0045 0.0044 0.005 X(/km) 0.05 0.0714 0.0563 0.045 0.0409 0.05 0.05 Y(S/km) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 L(km) 100 70 80 100 110 90 100

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