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Archive 1009 II Advaita Quotes A Wisdom Archive on Advaita Quotes Advaita Quotes A selection of articles related to Advaita Quotes: Advaita: Advaita ("nonduality"): the truth and teaching that there is only One R eality (Atman, Brahman), especially as found in the Upanishads; see also Vedanta advaita: (Sanskrit) "Non dual; not twofold." Nonduality or monism. The philosoph ical doctrine that Ultimate Reality consists of a one principal substance, or Go d. Opposite of dvaita, dualism See this and more articles and videos below. Advaita Quotes Archives on Advaita Quotes Advaita Quotes The truth of non-duality will always remain beyond intellectual comprehension, f or intellectual comprehension is mind and mind is dual and many-faceted. With it s help we can never approach the idea of Advaita or Turiya., Spiritual Quotes, T ruth, Mind Abide as That in which there is neither any defect nor good quality, neither ple asure nor pain, neither thought nor silence, neither misery nor austerities prac ticed for getting rid of misery, no "I-am-the-body" idea, no objects of percepti on whatsoever - and be always happy, free from all traces of thought.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes Abide as That in which there are no Holy Scriptures or sacred books, no one who thinks, no objection or answer to it, no theory to be established, no theory to be rejected, nothing other than one Self - and be always happy, free from the le ast trace of thought.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy By constantly thinking of the undifferentiated Supreme Being and forgetting ther eby all thoughts, including the thought of the Supreme Being, you will become th e all-comprehensive Supreme Being. Even a great sinner who hears and understands this teaching will get rid of all his sins and become the undifferentiated Supr eme Being.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes Abide as That, on realizing which to be oneself, there is nothing else to be kno wn, everything becomes already known and every purpose accomplished - and be alw ays happy, without the least trace of thought.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Adv aita Quotes, Happy, Purpose Abide as That which is absolute Truth, supreme Tranquility, eternal Being, absol utely attributeless, the Self, the absolutely undifferentiated Supreme Being - a nd with the conviction that you are That, be always happy.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Rib hu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Eternal

Abide as That in which there are neither thoughts nor a thinker, neither the ari sing nor the preservation nor the dissolution of the world, nothing whatsoever a t any time - and be always happy, free from all traces of thought.Ribhu Gita Quo tes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, World Abide as That in which, when the mind is absorbed in It, one remains without a s econd, nothing other than oneself is seen to exist and incomparable bliss is exp erienced - and be always happy, without the least trace of thought.Ribhu Gita Qu otes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Bliss Abide as That which is truly the Supreme Absolute Reality, the Supreme Formless God, the absolutely pure Being, the Supreme State, Absolute Consciousness, the S upreme Truth - and with the conviction that you are That, be always happy.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Reality Abide as That in which there are no concepts or anything else whatsoever, the eg o ceases to exist, all desires disappear, the mind becomes extinct and all confu sions come to an end - and with the firm conviction that you are That, be always happy.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Ego Abide as That which leads to the complete cessation of misery when the mind is a bsorbed in It, and the extinction of all ideas of "I", "you" and "another," and the disappearance of all differences - and be always happy, without the least tr ace of thought.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Mind Attaining purity of mind by constantly thinking that everything that is known is the Supreme Being and that Supreme Being is oneself, and thereafter abiding in the state of complete identity with the Absolute Reality, liberation can be atta ined here and now.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Purity, Mind Pure and impure thoughts are a feature of the mind. There are no wandering thoug hts in the Supreme Being. Therefore, abide as That and, free from the pure and i mpure thoughts of the mind, remain still like a stone or a log of wood. You will then be always happy.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Mind Abide as That in which there is no need for listening, reflecting and practicing , no meditation to be practiced, no differences of sameness, otherness or intern al contradictions, no words or their meanings - and be always happy, free from t he least trace of thought.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Listening Abide as That in which, when one is completely merged with It, one experiences p ure bliss, never experiences misery, sees nothing, does not take birth again, ne ver thinks oneself to be a separate individual, becomes the Supreme Being and wi th the conviction that you are That, be always happy.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ribhu Gi ta, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Birth Abide as That which does not, when scrutinized, show any duality in the form of these various objects or the least trace of cause and effect, That in which, whe n the mind is absorbed in It, there is not fear of duality at all - and be alway s happy, unshakable and free the fear arising from duality.Ribhu Gita Quotes, Ri bhu Gita, Advaita Quotes, Happy, Fear * Spiritual YogaDictionary IV on Advaita Advaita:

Advaita ("nonduality"): the truth and teaching that there is only One Reality (A tman, Brahman), especially as found in the Upanishads; see also Vedanta (See also: Advaita, Yoga, ) * Hindu -Hinduism Dictionary on Advaita advaita: (Sanskrit) "Non dual; not twofold." Nonduality or monism. The philosoph ical doctrine that Ultimate Reality consists of a one principal substance, or Go d. Opposite of dvaita, dualism. Advaita is the primary philosophical stance of t he Vedic Upanishads, and of Hinduism, interpreted differently by the many rishis , gurus, panditas and philosophers. See: dvaita-advaita, Vedanta. (See also: Advaita, Hinduism, Body Mind and Soul ) Home P Home

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