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Archive 1009 II Adi Shankara Quotes and Sayings A Wisdom Archive on Adi Shankara Quotes Adi Shankara Quotes

A selection of quotes by Adi Shankara, Adi Shankara ( ) was the first the principles of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes Archives on Adi Shankara Quotes Quotes by Adi Shankara One should never permit carelessness in one'ss adherence to God.Adi Shankara Quo tes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes One cannot become a king just by saying, "I am the king," without defeating one' ss enemies and taking possession of the country.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankar a, Hindu Quotes So long as one has any association with this awful sense of being the doer there cannot be the least achievement of liberation which is something very different .Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes The ignorant who are bound to the senses by the strong, hardly breakable bonds o f desire, are borne here and there, up and down, in the control of their own kar mic impulses.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes He who has killed the shark of the senses with the sword of firm dispassion can cross the sea of samsara without impediment.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, H indu Quotes, Words Only he who is free from the terrible hankering after the senses which is so har d to overcome is fit for liberation, and no-one else, not even if he is an exper t in the six branches of scripture.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quot es God is the Truth and the world is unreal. It is this realisation that is conside red discrimination between the permanent and the impermanent.Adi Shankara Quotes , Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Truth As long as you are fit to make an earning, so long will your kith and kin be sol icitous about you, but no sooner your limbs become infirm and your earnings ceas e, none will care for you, not even your own home-folk.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes Enticed by the physical glamour of a woman, do not lose your senses; the body is nothing but a conglomeration of flesh, do not forget this any time.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body Like very muddy water, which is clearly water again when the mud is removed, one 'ss true self shines forth again when the contamination (ignorance out of mind)

is removed.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Mind A mind directed towards the senses dwells with imagination on their qualities. F rom imagining finally comes desire, and from desire comes the way a man directs his activity.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Mind When the supreme reality is not understood, the study of the scriptures is usele ss, and study of the scriptures is useless when the supreme reality has been und erstood.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Reality There is no liberation for him who is deliberately attached to the body and such things, while there is no self-identification with such things as the body for a liberated man.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body When the mass of desires for things other than oneself obscuring the contrary de sire for one'ss real self are eliminated by constant self-remembrance, then it d iscloses itself of its own accord.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quote s, Desires As the mind becomes more and more inward-turned, it becomes gradually freed from external desires, and when all such desires are fully eliminated self-realisati on is completely freed from obstruction.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Desires When youth is gone, where is lust and its play? Where is the lake when its water s have dried up? Where are the kinsfolk when riches are gone ? When Truth is rea lised, where is the snare of Samsara(world)?Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, H indu Quotes, Truth The primary door to union with God is cutting off talking, not accepting possess ions, freedom from expectation, dispassion and a secluded manner of life.Adi Sha nkara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Life, Freedom When the force of the desire for the Truth blossoms, selfish desires wither away , just like darkness vanishes before the radiance of the light of dawn.Adi Shank ara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Truth, Desires He who is attached to the idea of himself as the body is desirous of physical pl easure, but how could some-one devoid of such an idea seek physical pleasure?Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body, Pleasure As long as there is life in your body, your people may have concern for you, but once the life-breath ebbs out of your body, even your own wife will run away fr om you.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Life, Body Recognising one'ss true inner self, the witness of the mind and its operations, and reflecting on the truth of "I am That", get rid of this wrong opinion about oneself.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Truth, Mind It is owing to people'ss worldly desires, their desires for scriptures, and thei r desires concerning their bodies that they do not achieve realisation.Adi Shank ara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Worldly Life, Desires When the senses are favourable it is happy, and when they are not it is unhappy. So happiness and suffering are its attributes, and not those of the ever blissf ul self.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Happy, Bliss Abandoning the concerns of the world, abandoning concern about the body, and aba ndoning even concern about scriptures, see to the removal of wrong assumptions a bout yourself.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Body, World

When by the effect of constant meditation, the purified mind becomes one with Go d, then samadhi, now freed from images, experiences in itself the state of non-d ual bliss.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Bliss, Samadhi An illness is not cured just by pronouncing the name of the medicine without dri nking it, and you will not be liberated by just pronouncing the word God without direct experience.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, God, Words Reality can be experienced only with the eye of understanding, not just by a sch olar. What the moon is like must be seen with one'ss own eyes. How can others do it for you?Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Reality, Understand ing The pleasures and riches of worldly life are deceptive appearances. Understandin g that they are all but a passing-show, be detached and dispassionate, cultivate renunciation and seek Brahman.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Life, Pleasure Darkness and the mass of evils produced by darkness no longer exist when the sun has risen. Similarly, when one has tasted undifferentiated bliss, no bondage or trace of suffering remains.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Bli ss, Suffering Who indeed is your beloved and who indeed is your son? Strange indeed are these family bonds; who belongs to you and to whom you belong? whence did you come, Oh brother! Reflect on the truth of it all.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hind u Quotes, Love, Truth Seek Govinda(god)! Seek Govinda! Seek Govinda! Oh ignoramus, at the time of deat h the rules of grammer, which you are trying to cram and master, will not be abl e to rescue you at all.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Death an d Dying, Time Beyond birth, creed, family and tribe, free from the distortion of attributes of name and appearance, transcending locality, time and objects, you are That, God himself. Meditate on the fact within yourself.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara , Hindu Quotes, Birth, Time To be free from bondage the wise man must practise discrimination between self a nd non-self. By that alone he will become full of joy, recognising himself as Be ing, Consciousness and Bliss.Adi Shankara Quotes, Adi Shankara, Hindu Quotes, Bl iss, Consciousness * Encyclopedia II - Adi Shankara - Shankara's dates All modern scholars do not agree to the dates in the 8th century, though it has proved controversial to reach agreement on Shankara's precise dates of birth or death. The protagonists of the 8th century CE cite the quoting of Dharmakirti,a Buddhist scholar of the 7th century CE, in the Brahmasutra Bhashya. According to other scholars the Brahmasutra Bhashya was not a work of Adi Sankaracharya beca use while commenting on a verse in Bhagavad Gita, where there is reference to Br ahmasutra, Adi Sankara in his Bhagavad Gita Bhashya refers to a ver ... Read more here: Adi Shankara: Encyclopedia II - Adi Shankara - Shankara's dates * Hindu -Hinduism Dictionary on Dashanami Dashanami: (Sanskrit) "Ten names."

Ten monastic orders organized by Adi Shankara (ca 800): Aranya, Vana, Giri, Parv ata, Sagara, Tirtha, Ashrama, Bharati, Puri and Sarasvati. Also refers to sannyasins of these orders, each of whom bears his order's name, with ananda often attached to the religious name. For example, Ramananda Tirtha. Traditionally, each order is associated with one of the main Shankaracharya pit has. See: Shankaracharya pitha, Smarta Sampradaya, Shankara. (See also: Home P Dashanami , Hinduism, Body Mind and Soul) Home

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