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To help your National Area members make the most of the Double Credit promotion, you’ll want to

remember that online and faxed orders must be received by Midnight Eastern Standard Time on
November 30 to be eligible for November production and Double Credit. Orders mailed or delivered to
the Service Counter must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, November 28 . Please note that all
deadlines are firm.
As November 30 is a Sunday, we recommend that you remind your National Area members to ensure
that funds are available on their credit card when their order is placed to reduce the risk of their order
being held. You’ll also want to remind them that payments made to their credit card may take up to four
business days to be processed by their financial institution. To ensure credit is available to process their
order with the Company and meet the November 30 deadline, they’ll want to make their payment well in
advance of the day they submit their order.

To help you plan for success in the weeks ahead, we’re sure you’ll find the following examples helpful.

Queen’s Court of Personal Sales Contest Credit Examples

Section 1
Section 1 Double Credit November Contest Credit for the
Wholesale Value Queen’s Court of Personal Sales
Retail Personal
Personal Orders

$1,000 = $2,000 $2,000

$2,000 + $2,000 = $4,000 November contest credit
$6,000 + $4,000* = $10,000 November contest
$3,000 = $6,000 $4,000*
$13,000** + $4,000* = $17,000 November contest
$7,000 = $14,000** $4,000*
* A maximum of $4,000 in retail bonus credit counts toward the Queen’s Court of Personal Sales during the
Double Credit promotion.
** A monthly maximum of $13,000 retail production counts toward the Queen’s Court of Personal Sales.

Circles of Achievement and Excellence Contest Credit Examples

Section 1 November Contest Credit for the
Section 1 Double
Estimated Circles of Achievement and Excellence
Wholesale Unit Credit value
Retail unit
$20,000 + $20,000 = $40,000 November contest
$10,000 = $20,000 $20,000
$60,000 + $60,000*** = $120,000 November contest
$30,000 = $60,000 $60,000***
$100,000 + $60,000*** = $160,000 November contest
$50,000 = $100,000 $60,000***
*** A maximum of $60,000 in double credit value counts toward the Circles of Achievement and Excellence during
the Double Credit promotion.

Queen’s Court of Sharing Contest Credit Examples

November Qualified New Team November Contest Credit for the
Members* Court of Sharing
Credit value

1 1 1 + 1 = 2 November contest credit

8 8 8 + 8 =16 November contest credit
15 10** 13*** + 10** = 23 November contest credit
* For the purpose of this promotion, a qualified new team member is one whose Independent Beauty
st th
Consultant Agreement is submitted from November 1 through 30 ,2008 and whose $600 or more
wholesale Section 1 orders are received and accepted by the Company from November 1 , 2008 to June
30 , 2009.
**A maximum of 10 in double credit value counts toward the Queen’s Court of Sharing during the Double
Credit promotion.
***A monthly maximum of 13 qualified new team members count toward the Queen’s Court of Sharing.

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