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Minutes of the mee;ng held on Thursday 1st December 2011 Present: Stan Amey, Malcolm Bromley, Barbara Jappy, Edward Mackay, Gerry Wood, Councillor Deirdre Mackay, Penny Kane Apologies: The meeBng was opened by Deirdre Mackay, who welcomed all to the new session of the Community Council. ElecBon of Ocers: Chairperson: Deirdre explained the role of the Chair. Stan Amey, with his consent, was proposed by Gerry and seconded by Edward. Stan asked for the full support of the Council Vice-Chair: Edward Mackay, proposed by Malcolm, seconded by Barbara Treasurer: Barbara Jappy, proposed by Edward, seconded by Malcolm. Secretary: Stan asked Penny if she was prepared to conBnue as minute secretary (no voBng rights.) Penny agreed to this. Stan took over the Chair 1. LeRer regarding changes to N ISA from the Highland Licensing Board was read out for informaBon, no acBon required. 2. Police report: There was one incident of shop liXing from Kellys giX shop, probably not anyone local, otherwise no problems this month. Malcolm expressed concern about the high speed of trac both north and south bound over the A9 bridge, including people overtaking. Police are aware and are pu[ng on a programme of traps in Helmsdale, Brora and Golspie. 3. East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum: There will be a joint Ward Forum with th Tain and Easter Ross and Cromarty Firth Wards at 7.30pm Tuesday 13 December 2011 in the Main Hall, Duthac Centre ,Shandwick St, Tain. 4. Membership of Helmsdale and District Community Council: There are currently only 5 members of the Council, which gives the opBon of voBng on 2 more co-opted members who have full voBng rights, as well as inviBng other people to be associate members who have no voBng rights. There was discussion around this and names were put forward. The Council agreed to ask Evelyn Mackenzie to be an associate member because of her role with the Windfarm Group. The Council also wish to ask whoever gets the post of D LO to be an associate member. Barbara proposed and Edward seconded Alison Cowie as a co-opted member. Penny to write to Evelyn and Alison and the successful applicant for the D LO job as soon as this is known. 5. AOB Deirdre: Bridge Car Park improvements. The Highland Council has money put aside need to decide what to do. Discussed emigrants wall, a viewing plagorm with informaBon boards. The toilets are in need of demolishing, but

this money cannot be used. The proposal is to become involved in the Highland Comfort Scheme where local businesses will be subsidised to provide toilet faciliBes which will be well adverBsed on the noBce board/s/ signs. This will also be discussed by the Development Group. The Council agreed that they were in favour of demolishing the exisBng toilet block. Edward raised the query of ownership of the car park. Is it shared? A full invesBgaBon will be done when the car park is improved. A disabled slot was requested for the car park Gerry reported that work was being done to Bdy up St Johns Well. This work is being done among other things by James Innes on a voluntary basis. Penny to write a leRer of thanks. Penny reported large puddle across the footpath to the Memorial Statue. It was felt nothing could be done. Malcolm wished to thank Barbara for ge[ng the broken bench along Strath Road removed. The second tranche of money from the wind farm will be discussed in January Deirdre had been talking to Andrea Madden and seen a quesBonnaire called Health, Wealth and Happiness. This is a good way of asking people what they like/need or dont like in the village. Deirdre will scan and send to Penny for the next meeBng. Housing Project: Please see aRached report Barbara reported that someone was turned away from the 08.30 bus as he had not booked a place and therefore could not get to work. Brora and Golspie Service Point can book seats so Barbara to nd out if Helmsdale can get this service, Deirdre to support this. Deirdre says Stage Coach would be happy to come to the next Community Council meeBng to talk to them about any concerns (came about 2-3 years ago). Penny to contact them to discuss local transport issue in Feb Telford Bridge: The trac survey is complete and being analysed. Lorries are currently using the bridge occasionally. One of the reasons for this may be the poor parking down Dunrobin Street making it very dicult for them to get through. The car park next to Rapsons Garage was discussed to see if that too could be made more easily accessible. It was felt there should be a crash barrier at the Shore Street end of Trentham Street to prevent a repeat of an incident last year when a vehicle slid over the edge when the road was icy. The meeBng closed at 8.45 pm. Next meeBng: Thursday 2nd February 2012 (NB no meeBng in January)

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