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"..' .'1 .. l .
July 19B)
Contract No. 68-01-6287
Prepared for
Economic and Technology Division
Office of pesticides and Toxic Substances
Washington, D.C. 20460
1401 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22209
!. ........................
. 0.... er:iew................................
13. Product i on process ...........
PrOC'Jcers ....................
and .........
Uses <II .
1. Industrial Grade 2-phenoxyethanl.......... 4
a. Latex Paint Systems................... 4
b. Paint Removers and Household Cleaners. 5
c.. Dye Carrie!" ".................................... "
d. Adhesive and Ink Pormulations......... 7
e. uses.................... 7
2. Cosmetic Grade 7
F. i tutes ..
1. Industrial Grace 2-Phenoxyethanol ....
a. Coalescing Agent in Latex Paint Systems 3
b. Paint Removers and Household Cleaners. 10
c.. Dye Carrier .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10
d. Adhesives and Inks Formulations .. 11
2. Coametic Grade 2-Phenoxyethanol 11
A.. Tea t f nfJ cos t _ 12
B. Anaysis 13
1. Demand s.nsitivity 13
2. Market Expectations 15
3. Industry Cost Characteristic 16
4. Industry Structure 17
s. Conclusions 111 Ill' , 17
Appendix A. Typical Dye Carrier for Polyester Fiber.... 24
LI ST OF T A f \ L E ~
Table 1. 2-phenoxyethano1 Producers and Plant Location... 3
Table L. Estimated Test Costs........ ..... ...... ... 13
t\. Ol.;erview
The 12th report of the Interagency Testing
UTe) (TSCA- ITe 1983) has recommended 2-phenoxyethanol '':0.
122-99-6) as a candidate for testing. 2-phenoxyethanol is a
colorless liquid with a high boiling point and faint
2-Phenoxyethanol is manufactured in two grades: industrial
and cosmetic. The industrial grade -- the predominant product --
is used mainly as a coalescing agent in latex paint systems, The
cosmetic grade serves as a preservative and is fragrance for
items. Total produition of 2-phenoxyethanol has been
estimated to be at least five million pounds in recent years.
B. Production Process
2-phenoxyethanol 1s commercially manufactured b\
lytically reacting phenol with ethylene oxide using a batch
process. Based on the amount of raw materials const lmed, the
process is rated approximately 90 percent efficient. The remain-
ing ten percent of the phenol and ethylene oxide is con&umed 1n

the formation of a byproduct -- diethylene phenyl ether --'" ,-,"-
. 4.AJ ../_ <!"t e..;,....
(Dow 1981, Emery n.d., Fujita Nakamura 1969, Fujita 1975, _.....
Lebedev et al. 1975, USEPA 1977). The overall production procI;:
Is illu8trated in the following equationl
In adcition to producing 2-phenoxyethancl, pr0cess
may to other
example, Dow Chemical, the major producer of 2-phenoxyethanol,
can a} wi tf- the equ ipment by
replacing phenol with butanol and varying process conditions. In
addition, Dow produces other ethers, including propylene glycol
phenyl ether, diethylene glycol ethyl ethgr, and diethylene gly-
col n-butyl ether, which are used mainly in latex paint systems.
C. Producers
The 1977 TSCA Inventory lists five firms as producers of
2-phenoxyethanol -- Dow Petrolite, Rohm and Haas, Union
Carbide and Haven Chemical (USEPA 1983). No current address or
reference could be found for Haven Chemical in the technical
literature and it apparently has gone out of business. The other
four firms still manufacture this compound. Emery Industries is
also a current producer of 2-phenoxyethanol CUSITC-SOC 1982).
Emery manufactures both the industrial and cosmetic grades of
this compound (Emery 1983), while the other producers appear to
produce only the industrial grade. These current producers and
their respective plant locations are listed in Table 1.
The TSCA Inventory also lists four importers of 2-phenoxy-
ethanol: BASF wyandotte Corporation, Proprietary Perfumes
Limi ted, Corporation, and V. Mane Files Incorporated
(USEPA 1983).
Fi nn
Do,", Chemical
Emery Industries, Inc.,
Subsidiary of National
Distillers and Chemical
petroli te Corporat ion t MI'I1\.3
Tretol ite Oi v \ '1 '/ J
(c:,-t-, 'I >.L _ lJ..
Rohm and Haas, co";-
union Carbide Corp.,
Speciality Chemicals and
Plastics Division
Mauldin, South
Institute, West Virginia
Source: SRI 1982, USEPA 1993, USITC-SOC 1982
D. Production and Trade
Annual production data on 2-phenQxyethano1 are not pub-
lished by the USITC. A recent estimate that total annual
production of 2-phenoxyethanol was at lea$t five million pounds
from 1980 through 1982 (Dynamac 1982). Irl a typical year, the
iPduStriAl grade composes between 96 to 9J percent of this pro-
duction with the remaining one to four per'cent cosmetic grade
(Dynamac 1982).
Dow is believed to be by far the largest domestic producer
of 2-phenoxyethanol. production volu... of other producera are
believed to be very U. Por exple, Roh. and Ha produc.c3
15,000 pounds of in 1981 for u" 801s1r ..
chemical intermediate in active agents.
Rohm and Haas does not foresee ani
in the future (Rohm and Haas lQfl'3).
Data are not available on the annual import and export
levels of 2-phenoxyethanol.
List prices of 2-phenoxyethanol are not reported in the
trade literature. Dow, the apparent price leader. quoted a cur-
rent price of 63 to 71 cents per pound for the industrial grade
(DOW 1983). Another producer stated that the current price of
industrial grade ranged from 70 to 84 cents per pound and cosme-
tic grade ranged from 9q to 114 cents per pound, depending on
purchase volumes and method of.. !lhipment (Emery 198). In gen-
eral, 2-phenoxyethano1 would appear to be closely linked to
the cost of ethylene oxide and phenol (petrochemical raw mater-
ials). Any increases in these costs probably would be followed
by higher 2-phenoxyethanol prices.
1. Grade 2-Phenoxyethanol
Industrial grade 2-phenoxyethanol is used primarily
as a coalescing agent in latex paint systems. It also used as
an ingredient in cleaners, a dye carrier for polyester fibers,
and a solvent in inks. (TSCA-ITC 1983).
a. Latex Paint SX5tems
is used chiefly as a coalescing
agent In acrylic and polyvinyl acet& latex peint ayet... (five
to ten pounds of 2-phenoxyethanol to 100 gallona of
n.d. c,f). Addition of t:. coalescing agent lmprC\'es :;1')55.
adhesion, anc of the An
firmed industry source tr.dt this ... se ;;l3:"
-----"- ------........
/90 total dema:1d for the industrial grade
..--....-.--- ---
choice of a coalescing agent for latex paints
on: soillellcy for latex polymers; low affinity a
high boiling point (Dow n.d. b,e). High solvency for late)';
particles and low water solubility are necessary so that the
coalescing agent gets into the latex polymer particles and is not
absorbed into porous surfaces on application of the paint. A
high boiling point is desirable in that it allows the coalescing
agent to achieve proper the latex particles therehy
enabling formation of 3 smooth durable film.
2-Phenoxyethanol meets and frequently exceeds these perfor-
manee standards in many latex paint systems. Since it
slowlx than most competing compounds, the paint will
exhibit a longer curing time but will have superior film quality
and, in turn, greater durability (Rikales 1970, 1971, Dow n.d.
b. Paint Removers and Household Cleaners
2-phenoxyethanol is used as a penetrant in paint
removers and as a solvent in hpu,ehold gyM cleaners (Dow n.d. b,
c). In paint removers it increases the efficiency of the formula
by aidino in the softening and swelling of the old paint. Due to
high point, 2-phenoxyethanol aleo the
ation of the paint remover, thus preventing crusting and readhe-
aion of the old coating before physical re.oval.
In oven cleaners, 2-phenoxyethanol aids in the of
grease and foods through its excellant solvent power
low evaporation rate that keeps food residues in a softened
state. further, because it posesses both "polar and nonpolar
characterist ics an a] Cpbll and an e..l.!lt!: group), 2-phenoxye-
th",nol can forTn elltu.lEiol15 of cleaning grease (a nonpolar com-
pound) witl) water (a polar solvent) (Do'", n.d. b,e).
In other cleaners, 2-phenoxyethanol is used to impart anti-
septic qualities to the formulation.
e. Dye Carrier
Industrial grade 2-phenoxyethanol is used in
textile applications as a dye l:arrier for polyester fibers,
polyamide fabrics and textile printing It may be used by
itself or in combination with other carriers.
When used in combination with chlorinated hydrocarbons 2-
phenoxyethanol provides for rapid solvent dying of polyester
fabrics. Its lunetion in the dye bath is to aid in the transfer
C2f. dye to the fabric and flow and i propert ies.
This results in rLcher cglQrs in the dyed fabric. A
typical carrier formulation for polyester fibers using 2-phenoxy-
ethanol is given in Appendix A. 2-phenoxyethanol is also as
a carrier for dyes used for polyamide fabrics.
Another textile use of 2-phenoxyethanol is in the manufac-
ture of. ink paste. used to print cellulose acetate and polyester
fabrics. In this application, it also functions as a carrier,
aiding in the penetration of the dye into the fabric (DOw n.d.
a. c)
2-phenoxyethanol is also used in various dC-
hesive and ink formulations. In adhesives it is desirable
its rate of evaporation. Recause it
is a high boiling dye solvent, 2-phenoxyethanol also is used
?tamp ball point, pen and speciality inks. When used in
these inks, it promotes the free flow of resin, pigment, and dye
materials without clogging or drying out (Dow n.d. b,c,
e. Miscellaneous Uses
Since it has tructure of benzene and ethanol,
2-phdnoxyethanol can work as a solvent for many industrial mater-
ials such as cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate, ethyl cellu-
lose, vinyl resin, ester gum, dewaxed dammar, rosin, linseed oil,
phenolic and alkyd resins (Mellan 1977).
2-Phenoxyeth3nol is also used as: an intermediate for the
production of plasticizers used in vinyl, phenolic and alkyd
ester resins: an emulsifier adjuvant in oil-water emulsions: a
solvent for photographic processing: an anti-corrosion ingredient
in slurrying compounds !nsecticidal formulations (Dynamac
1982, DOw n.d. c,d, Mellan 1977, TSCA-ITC 1983).
2. Cosmetic 2-Phenoxyethanol
As an in cosmetics, 2-phenoxyethanol
offers good humectancy, emolliency, solvency, and
characteristics. It al.o haa a low toxicity and no objectionable
wr.ich further enhances its value in cosmetic
Tn 2-phenoxyethanol acts to
responsible for the scent and as a after the is
applied to the skin. Due to its low rate of evaporation, 2-
phenoxyethanol acts to "hold" the scent on the body
the scent producing compound from evaporating too quickly. Tn-
sect repellants also use these solvency and fixing properties to
prevent premature loss of the active ingredients from the surface
of the skin. In each case 2-phenoxyethanol prolongs the active
period of the formulation (Akiyama et al. 1977, Jellinek 1970,
Katayama and Umikawa 1979).
Similarly nail polish use of the solvency and
high boiling point characteristics of 2-phenoxyethanol. It pre-
vents rapid evaporation of the laquer remover, thereby enabling
complete and easy removal of the polish (Emery, n.d.).
Hair care products, cleansing creams, antiperspirants, de-
tergents, and oral hygiene preducts use 2-phenoxyethanol for its
bactericidal properties (Brenner et al. 1975, Chakrabarti
Gritz et al. 1976, 1978, Hashimoto and Tokihara 1979, Hashimoto
et al. 1979, McArdle 1969). Its functions are to act as a pre-
servative microbial of the product after
opening and to impart an antiseptic quality to the product. 2-
PhenoxyethanQl is unj que in that it also contributes to the
moisture retentive and w_teninQ in hair care
products and creams _(Lancant and Cambard Saintonge 1969, societe
1973, Tucker and Schwartz 1972, Zviak and Ghilardi
F. ;;;U(\5tltutes
1. Industrial Gr-a ',:, 2-phenoxyethano:
a. Coalescing Agent in Latex Paint Systems
Coalescing agents can be separatec into two
'2 1\.\ l . ) I.:.
typf'!s: (ll water' soluble; and (2) those not mi'.::ible lNith lNzter
(such as 2-phenoxyethanol). Generally, there is a higher degree
of coalescing efficiency associated with the second type although
more care must be taken in formulating the paint (Gaynes et al.
Two other glycol ethers offer similar performance
istics ir. this use (Dow n.d. c). O;,ethylene glycol n-butyl ether
and propylene glycol phenyl ether have been found to work equally
as well as 2-phanoxyethanol. Also, the use of propylene glycol
phenyl ether the problem of emulsion breakup (i.e. paint
separation) with addition of large quantities 2-
phenoxyethanol. Further, these glycol ethers have a slight price
advantage, with propylene glycol phenyl ether and diethylene gly-
col n-butyl ether currently selling for 62 to 70 per
and 57 to 62 cents per pound respect i vely compared to '.3 to 71
cents per pound for 2-phenoxyethanol (CMR-Price 19P3, ::0\', 1983).
other glycol ethers such as d1propylene glycol methyl ether,
diethylene glycol methyl ether and diethylene glycol ethyl ether
have been identified as possible substitutes for 2-phenoxyethanol
in this application (Dow n.d. c). Indications are, however, that
there is considerable 10 of coalescing performance when the
compounds are eXClusively used for thia application.
b. Paint Removers and Cleaners
As explained in section i.Ll.b., 2-phenoxy-
ethanol is also used as 3 rant in pa j:1": r",l11("'!vers 3
solvent in houshold cleaners. Other penetrarlts ._
paint removers arp- petroleum sulfonates, amines and glycG:
ethers (Kirk-()thmer lOOlb\. Glycol ethers other
ethanol m3Y be used in household cleaners. Use of these compoumdz
as substitutes do not appear to reduce the performance of either
since most of in these applications
also have a price advantage over the latter
c. Dye Carrier
An effective dye carrier provides complete pene-
t rat i on of the dye into the fiber and/or a 110'018 the use of non-
water soluble dyes in the dye bath. Many organic solvents are
used as dye carriers with most compounds being aromatic in char-
acter (such as 0- and p-phenylphenol, biphenyl and dimethyl and
diethyl phtna1ate (Kirk-Othmer 1979).
The choice of a dye carrier can be influenced by type of
fiber, type of dye, process equipment, availability and price of
competing carriers and-proprietary considerations (Kirk-Othmer
1979). In terms of price, 2-phenoxyethanol is intermediate in
relation to competing dye carriers. 2-p
xy.thanol is
considered to be a carrier, it Ula:t--be.ltu.
able to substitution.
for resins, anrl other components tr.e
In both
allow good disperson and fluidity of compo-
nents throughout the mixture and prevent premature drying of the
ethers appear to offer comparable properties in ink formulations
.::.. t; !_;
..... "- .l.rc......
,... ,
-7'-"'-,,,-, .
.". .
..... .
Several other glycol better of substrate material.
applied compound. In inks, slower drying time also results in
appear to substitute well in these applications without loss of
desirable properties.
and are less expensive. Diethylene glycol methyl ether, dieth-
ylene glycol ethyl ether, and diethylene glycol n-butyl ether
2. Cosmet ie Grade \.
Cosmetic grade 2-phenoxyethanol finds use as a fixa-
tive in perfurmes and as a bactericide in cosmetic products.
Incorporation of 2-phenoxyethanol into such compounds has the
added benefit of increasing the moisture retentiveness and
softening abilities of the product.
Most suitable sUbstitutes for 2-phenoxyethanol in cosmetic
applicdtions are diethylene glycol ethyl ether and dipropylene
glyccl methyl ether, (both glycol ethers) (Dow Neither
of these compounds embody all of the desirable characteristics of
2-phenoxyethanol. Because of this, 2-phenoxyethanol i.
be Ie vulnerable to substitution In the ca-tic .ark.t.
r:. Econcmic Evalt.:ation
A. Testing Costs
The estimated test costs for 2-phenoxyethanol are based
on t ~ e health effects tests recommended by the Interagency Test-
ing Committee (-:-SCA-ITC 19B3). The costs of these teste:: are
presented in Table 2. The cost range reflects possible varia-
tions in testing protocol and cost differences among laborato-
ries. These costs may be r e ~ l s ~ d when the proposed test rule is
To permit consistency of comparison, the total costs are
annualized. This is done using a cost of capital of 25 percent
over a period of 15 years, which is believed to be r.epresentative
of the chemical industry (Dupont 1980). These values also may be
revised if additional information suggests more appropriate fig-
ures. Thus, the annualized test costs for this compound r3nge
from 543,000 to S129,300.
These annualized costs are then divided by the estimated
total dcmestic production (i.e., imports are not reported) of the
test substance to derive unit test costs. As noted in Section
1.0., estimated domestic production of 2-phenoxyethanol was at
least five million pounds in 1982. The unit test costs then
range from 0.9 to 2.6 ~ per pound. In relation to current
price of 63 cents per pound for this compound, these costs are
equivalent to 1.4 - 4.1 percent of price.
Table 2. Est imated Test Costs
Test Cost Range
(19!l2 dollars)
Health effects
Terntogenicity S 18,000 - 54,000
Short-term genotoxicity 50,000 - 150,000
Reproductive effects- 1. 53,000 - 160,000
Subchronic tuxicity 45,000 - 135,000
$166,000 - 499,000
Source: Borriston 1982
B. Economic Impact Analysis
1. Demand Sensitivity
The sensitivity of demand to change in price influ-
ences the ability of firms to pass on cost increases to buyers.
Price elasticity typically indicates a high potential for substi-
tution and/or inability to pass along cost increases: price
inelasticity implies the opposite.
The major use for industrial grade 2-phenoxyethanol is as a
coalescing agent in latex paint systems. In general, a coales-
cing agent is used to enhance the 0101s. scrub
sian and durability of a Several performance characteris-
tics ('.0., bigh solvency. high boUiAg point. low water 101ubil-
2-phenoxyethanol are particularly uful 1n acrylic and
polyvinyl acetate latex paints, enabling proper fus\on and film
While these properties of 2-phenoxyechanol are highly desi-
!:"able in this use, they generally can be matched by two sut'sti-
tutes propylene glycol phenyl and diethylene glycol n-butyl
ether. In addition, these compounds currently have a slight
price advantage (or one and six cents per pound for propylene
glycol phenyl ether and diethylene glycol n-butyl,
over Furthermore, assuming the unit test costs
(Le., almost three cents per pound in the upper pound case) are
fully passed on to the price of 2-phenoxyethanol, this advantage
would be widened.
At this time, sufficient information is not available to
compare the performance features of 2-phenoxyethanol vis-a-vis
these two substitutes in specific blends of latex paints. If the
effectiveness of a coalescing agent varies considerably by speci-
fic paint formulations, opportunities for substitution may be
restricted and performance considerations probably would precede
small price changes. If 2-phenoxyethanol and its two substitutes
are comparably effective in the same paint systems, however,
product deliland may be highly sensitive to price changes.
Industrial grade 2-phenoxyethanol also has minor uses in
paint removers, household cleaners, dyes and adhesive and ink
formulations. As a dye carrier, 2-phenoxyethanol is used mainly
on polyester fabrics, offers certain performance and price advan-
tages, does not appear bighly vulnerable to substitution. In
the.e other applications, however, the perforaanee fe.ture. of 2-
phenoxyethanol generally can be matched by other, lower-pr-ice"l
glycol ethers. fhis situation, in turn, peinaniy account:s [')1:
its I il i ted usage in these markets.
Pinally, 2-phenoxyethanol is also available in a
grade for use in perfumes and personal care products. Whl1e
overall market is small (Le., one to four percent of total
product ion ina given year), it is relat i vfJly secure due to the
performance qual i ties (e.g., moisture retent iveness, softening
ability) of 2-phenoxyethanol.
2. Market Expectations
Market are an important factor in the
evaluation of economic impact. High market expectations tend to
reduce the potential for adverse economic effects from the test
requirements, while low expectations tend to raise it.
demand projections are not for
oxyethanal. Future demand growth for this compound, however,
probably will be linked primarily to trends in its major market,
latex paint systems. overall, the usage of paint additives (like
2-phenoxyethanol) is expected to expand rate
through 1985 (Chern Bus 1982). Furtherluore, there is a strong
trend in the coatings industry towards latex paints due to both
emission restrictions and increasing costs of solvents in oi1-
based paints. Thus, demand expectations for additives in latex
paints systems to be very favorable.
3. Industry Cost Characterisitics
The behavior of production costs at the plant
anafor firm level can be a key indicator of the probability of
impact. Many factors, as a proprietary process, captive
supply of raw materials, geographical locations and the
of co- and/or by-products, may place a producer(s) in advan-
tageous position within a industry. If such factors cause varia-
tions in production costs among firms, producers may be in a
better position to absorb regulatory costs.
While five firms currently produce industrial grade 2-phen-
oxyethanol, Dow apparently is predominant producer. Further-
more, at least several of producers -- Rohm and Haas,
Emery Industries -- captively use this compound to
make various low volume, speciality items (e.g., surfactants).
Thus, competition among producers may be limited by these usage
Dow captively produces the two raw materials, phenol and
ethylene oxide, used in 2-phenoxythanol production. These mater-
ia18. however. are manufactured at plants in Texas and Louisiana
and then transported to Dow's glycol facilities in Midland.
Related transportation costs may reduce any advantages
associated with captive supplies of raw materials.
Any advantages associated with 2-phenoxyethanol production,
however, may be linked to the flexibility of process equipment.
By varying process conditions and switching raw materials, Dow
produce. a variety of glycol ethers at its Midland, Michigan
complex. In Dow also produce. propylene gylcol
phenyl ethe', diethylene glycol n-butyl ether, and di'?t:,yle:l'"
in the latex paint additive applications. Consequently, if the
imposition of the unit test casts caused a drop in
nol demand, Dow might be able to compensate for these
through minor adjustments in process operations and/or marketing
larger quantities of substitute products.
4. Industry Structure
Industry structure, or the number and size of
that compose the industry, often reflects degree of competition.
In a competitive industry, typically cannot manipulate
price. Alternatively, a small number of firms may imply monopo-
listie pricing, whera price exceeds marginal cost.
While five firms compose the industry,
these firms serve different end do not
-+ (:: M.t. Il..> -;> b-;;" ...6-"-"""--'- ' ,,,,-
appear to compete among themselves. At the same time,
the high availability of substitutes for 2-phenoxyethanol tendS
to place external competitition on these producers. Entry into
this industry does not appear restricted by process technology (a
standard batch operation) or raw material availability (ethylene
oxide and phenol), although limited product demand probably would
discourage prospective firms.
5. Conclusions
At this time, sufficient information i& not avail-
able to determine if the estimated costs would impose ad-
ver.e effects on the 2-phenoxyeth.nol induatry.
Reproduced from
best available copy
verse effects. These are:
o the availability of lower priced substitutes thIS
substance; and
o the magnitude of the unit test cost (almost
per pound under worst case assumptions).
Alternatively, other factors suggest this potential can be
minimized or absorbed within existing industry These
o the relatively favorable market expectations for paint
additives, the main use for 2-phenoxyethanol; and
o the flexibility of the batch process technology
allowing Dow, the leading producer, to manufacture
other glycol ethers on this same equipment.
To complete this evaluation, additional economic information
is needed on production levels and specific product advantages of
2-phenoxyethanol. When this information becomes available, a
recommendation on a Level II analysis will be made.
Akiyama T,
(Aug. 26).
Fujita M, Saeki Y, Veno Y, Ogawa and Co., Ltd., 1977
Telephone disinfectant composition. Japan patent
(As reported in :hem Abstr 88:55112k).
sorristan. 1982. Sarristan Laboratories, Inc. Cost Analysis
Methodology and Protocol Estimates. TSCA Health Standards and
PIPPA Guidelines. Washington, DC: Office of Regulatory
Analysis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Rrenner w, Erlemann G, Horst P, Hoffman - La Roche. F., and Co.,
A-G. 1975 (Aug 28). Antiperspirants. German
Offenlegungsschrift 2,507, 532. (As reported in Chern Abstr
Chakrabarti PM, GAF Corp., 1977 (Feb. 24). Composition for
dissolving dirt. German Offenlegungsschrift 2,635,034. (As
reported in Chern Abstr 86: 142007g).
Chem Bus. 1982. will chemical specialities measure up?
Chemical Business. pp. 9-11. April 5, 1982.
1983. current prices of chemicals and related
Chemical Marketing Reporter. May 30, 1983. pp. 30-
Cos & Tol. 1981. phenoxyethanol - a cosmeticaily acceptable
preservative. Cosmetics & Tolietries. pp. 83-85. March 1981.
Dow. n.d.a. Product literature. Dowanol EPk glycol ether in the
textile industry. Dow USA., Midland, MI. Form No. 110-
Dow. n.d.b. Common end uses for DOWANCL glycol ethers. Dow
Chemical USA., Midland, MI. Form No. 110-375-81R.
Dow. n.d.c.
Midland, MI.
The glycol ethers handbook.
Form No. llC-363-Bl.
Dow Chemical USA.,
Dow. n.d.d. DOWANOL EPh ethylene glycol phenyl ether. Dow
Chemical USA, Midland MI. Form No. 110-371-81R.
Dow. n.d.e. Coalexcing aid performance studies in an interior
gloss RHOPLEX Ac-64 latex paint. Dow Chemical USA, Midland. MI.
Dow. 1981. Material data sheet.
ether. Dow Chemical C.,S.A., Midland, MI.
Downanol EPh glycol
MSD. 0065. November
Dow. 1983. Letter to MATHTECR, Arli'ngton VA, reoarding
information on DOWANOL PPh and Dalpad A., from Tony Butler of
the Dow Chemical USA, Rlch-end VA. June IS, 1983.
DuPont. 1980. E.!. du Pont de & Company. comments on
proposed chemical specific testing rules. Washington, DC: nf-
fiee of Pesticides a:ld Tcxic 7':-::-
teet ion Agency. October 31, 1980. Docket NOS. 80T-125 and 80T-
Dynamac. 1982. Letter to TSCA-ITC, Washington, DC., regardin;;;
2-phenoxyethanol fr0m t. Borghe of Dynamac Corporation,
RocKville, June 24, 1982.
Emery. n.d. Product Ii terature. Emeressence 1160- Rose Ethers.
Emergy Industries, Inc., Cincinnati OH.
Emery. 1983. Price information. Emeressence 1160-Rose Ether
and Emery 6705. Emery Industries, Inc., Mauldin, SC. May 17,
FUjita, Yasuhiro, Nakamura Isao, Mitsui Petrochemical Industris1,
Ltd. 1969 (Nov. 15,. Phenol glycol ethers. Japan Patent
6,927,570. (As reported in Chern Abstr 72: 90052g).
FUjita yasuhiro, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries Ltd. 1975 (June
25). Glycol ethers of phenol. Japan Patent 7,517,976. (AS
reported in Chern Abstr 84:
Gaynes NI et al. 1967. Danziger GN. Trade-sales coatings,
water-based. In: Formulation of rrganic Coatings. Princeton
NJ: D. Vannostrand Company Inc. pp. 204-205.
Gritz HA, Hofman E, 0, Beecham Group Ltd., 197E (Feb.
25). Composition mouth care. German Offenlegungsschrift
2,534,034. (AS reported in Chem Abstr 84:155690h).
Gritz HA, Rofmann E, Vlazak 0, Beechman Group Ltd., 1978 (June
14). Oral hygiene compositions. British patent 1,514,469. (AS
reported in Chern Abstr 89:1R6081f).
Hashimoto M, Ichihara H, Sans I, Kanebo Ltd., 1979 (Oct. 20).
Nail lacquer removers. Japan Kokai Tokkyo Koho 79,135,235. (As
reported in Chern Abstr 92:135141s).
Hashimoto M, Ichihara H, Ltd., 1979 (Nov. 1). Improved
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(As reported in Chem Abstr 72:82905X).
Appendix A. Typical Dye - Carrier for Polyester fibers
(Basis: 100 tctal
sodium Gleoylmethyltamine
Sodium Chloride
Source: Schack 1957
O. e
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