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Charlemagne was the new emperor, crowned by Pope Leo III. NO emperor for more than 300 years.

Charlemagne means the GREAT. Carolingians was the family Charlemagne belongs to. Charles Martel was his grandfather war leader for the Frankish king. Hammer Pippin III was his father he became the first king of Carolingians dynasty. Papal state made up a region in central Italy that was under the control of the pope. Charlemagne establishes a permanent capital at Aachen. (Germany) He chose officials called Counts to rule bound by oath to obey him. He built school to preserve ancient writings. He made the law to be written down. Vikings are from northern Europe. They lived in Scandinavia.( Norway, Denmark, and Sweden) also called as Norsemen of the Northman. Theyre good at navigation. Sagas long Icelandic stories about great heroes and events. Magyars were from central Asia, they are nomads and they are skilled riders. King Otto the Great of Germany crushed a huge Magyar army, ending the Magyars raid. Muslim was from North Africa. They went to Spain first. Knights are highly skilled soldiers who fought on horseback. Fief is the land given to a knight for his services. Vassal are people who accepter the Fief. This system is Feudal system. The promised of loyalty is called Fealty. Serfs are like slaves, but cannot be sold away from the manor. If the parent is a serf then the son is a serf. Alfred the Great drove the Vikings to north. He died without an heir. Harold, angle- Saxon, William will fight for the throne. Harold was named king over William. William took the throne by force. William the Conqueror. Domesday Book book he used to create a central tax system for England. Magna Carta contained many provisions that restricted the kings power because of king john. Otto the Great was crowned to become an emperor by pope the John XII. Reconquista is when the Christian were trying to retake the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslim. Capital was Crdoba. Moors are the Muslim. Piety is a persons devotion to his or her religion. Leo IX reformed the church and put more power to the pope. Simony is the buying and selling of church offices. Patriarch- was excommunicated because they rejected Leos authority. The church was split in to two sides. The Roman Catholics are the ones that agreed with Leo and the orthodox didnt.

Pontifate is a papal term in office. Pope Gregory VII want to change who pick the bishop because usually the king picks the bishop, at the time is was Henry IV. Cluny was the most influential monastery. Cistercian has no contact with other people. They are very strict. Crusades were a series of religious wars. (Take Jerusalem from the Muslim and the area around it) Fatimids are north African Muslims. Pope Urban II called church leader to council in Clermont, France. God wills it! Holy land was separated into t states, centered on the cities of Jerusalem, Edessa, Antioch and Tripoli. King Louis VII of France and his wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine went with the crusaders. Saladin was the new leader of the Muslim, took the holy land back. King Richard the Lion-hearted was the only one that fought in holy land. The effects of the crusades were: trade increased, kings gained more power, knowledge of Muslim culture spread throughout Europe and relations between Christian and Jews became increasingly stained. Merchants had control on trades in Italy and Europe. Venice is the most important trading cities in Italy. Other cities are Genoa, Florence, Pisa, and Milan. Hanseatic League is a group of northern German cities and towns that worked together to promote and protect trade. Trade Fairs were held in towns and drew huge crowds. Credit is a promise of later payment. Heavy flow increased the amount of crops people could grow on their land. (Water mill and wind mill) Guild is a trade organizer. The functions of the guild were to restrict competition. Apprentice is how a child starts when he wanted to learn a craft. Journeyman is a person that already learned the basics of his career. Church was made gothic style flying buttress new type of support; support the building from the outside. Illumination is the process of decorating a written manuscript with picture of designs. Hildegard of Bingen is an artist, poet, and a composer. Shes good at Religious song and poetry. Most of the epics and romances had to do with King Arthur. Troubadours are wandering singers. Vernacular is a language that people use every day. Canterbury by Chaucer is about daily life. The divine comedy by Dante is about Dantes trip to the afterlife. Alchemy is an early type of chemistry. Thomas Aquinas is a teacher at the University of Paris. He believes that truth was revealed by God and depended on faith. It is called scholasticism.

Heresy is a belief that opposed the official teachings of the church. Inquisitions are the primary method used to fight heresy. Friars are the member of the new religious orders to spread Christian teachings by Francis of Assisi and Dominic of Osma. Pope Innocent III called for a crusade against a group of heretics who believed in dualism. Hundred years war is when king Edward II of England and King Philip VI fight for the throne. King Philip VI won. Joan of arc is a 14 year old peasant girl. She said that god told him that she should rule an army. War of Roses is a war about two families trying to fight for the throne in England. Lancaster used red roses York used white roses.

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