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AN ECLECTIC CIRCLE CEREMONY Durwydd, 1989-90 Preliminaries WATER : Blessings upon thee, O creature of water, I cast out from

thee all impurities and uncleanness of the spirits of phantasm, confusion, or any other influence not for the free will of all. SALT : Blessings be hindrance be forth thence thee and invoke thee, upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and cast from, and let all good enter therein. Wherefore I bless that thou mayest aid me.

MIXING : I take this salt of the Earth, Blessed with the will of Fire; I take this water of spirit, Exorcised with mind of merit; I mix them with words of power, Dedicated to every Tower. By the power of moon and sun, By the power of Spirit, earth and sea, God and Goddess are part of One, As I Will, so mote it be! Casting Of The Circle I conjure thee, O circle of power, As thou encircle every Tower. That thou beest a place of Truth, Joy and love, Encircling Flight of Eagle, Hawk and Dove. Mighty Aegis of the Lady and Lord, Rampart of thought, action and word. To work in Peace, Powerful and Free, Who walk between two worlds conjure thee; A boundary to Protect, Concentrate and Contain, That Power raised here be not in vain. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia. Sealing Of The Circle (seal with water/salt mixture) With potion of earth and water, I seal the sacred circle, Linking air and fire! With potion of earth and air, I seal the sacred circle, Linking fire with water! With potion of earth, air, and fire, I seal the sacred circle,

Linking water with the Earth! As the four directions are brought to merge, Let influence of the mighty ones converge! (Seal with Censer) With Incense and air of Mind, East to South, I do Bind! With Incense and air of mind, South to West, I do Bind! With Incense and air of Mind, West to North, I do Bind! With Incense and air of Mind, North to East Completion Find! (Seal with Candle) With the Fire of emotion and will East to South, our dedication fulfill! With the Fire of veneration and Will, South to West, our allegiance fulfill! With the Fire of Devotion and Will, West to North, our consecration fulfill! With the Fire of Commitment and will, From North to East, This inscription fulfill! Within the circle All wills be free, The circle is sealed, So Mote it Be! Setting The Watchtowers Ye Lords of the Eastern Tower, Airy Lords of Spirit; Let your influence of Power, Aid our minds with merit! I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and the circle. Ye Lords of Southern Power Fiery Lords of Will. Pray do grace your Tower, Your Powers to fulfill! I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and the circle. Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Watery Lords of Death and Initiation;

to guard

to guard

to guard

I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and the Circle. Ye Northern Lords of the Earth, Though we be yet but Mortals; Bless our work with worth, Boreas, guardian of Northern portals. I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and the Circle. Goddess and God, I would know, As 'tis above, so 'tis below Blessings on this work, please bestow! This be my will, true and free, I do so will, so mote it be

to guard

Invocation Of The Elements Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Elements of astral birth, I call you now; attend to me! In the Circle, rightly cast, Safe from curse or blast, I call you now, attend to me! From cave and desert, sea and hill, By wand, blade, and pentacle, I call you now, attend to me! This Is my will, so mote it be!

Full Moon Ritual Full Moon Ritual Sweep With this broom, tool of my will, I do cleanse, purify and prepare this space. From this circle now I banish all fear, malice and misfortune, that this circle may be a fit meeting place for gods and men. As I do will, so mote it be. Tool Making

Creature of earth, thou firm salt of law, thou sharp salt of truth, be thou purified and sanctified as a tool of my will. Creature of water, gentle and receptive, be thou purified and sanctified as a tool of my will. Be now one, the salt sea-water of the Mother's womb, to bless and purify all who partake of this rite. So mote it be. Purify People I purify you by the firm salt of law and the sweet waters of birth. Blessed be. Cast Circle Thrice about the circle is cast. Let nothing remain within save that which is in accord with my Will and the intent if this rite. This is a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time, between the worlds and beyond. Let all bewelcome who would share the blessings of this ritual. So mote it be. Calling Quarters East Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the East, thou gentle sprites and airy sylphs, soaring eagle and sweet butterfly, Eurus master of the Eastern wind, be with us in laughter and in thought, bring us the bracing dawn wind and memories of fragrant Spring. I do summon, stir and call you up- Come! Be welcome in this our rite. Blessed be. South Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the South, thou leaping salamanders and firey ones, lion in passion and dragon in power, pheonix arising pure an whole from the flame, Notus, master of the South wind, be with us in passion and in truth, bring us the warmth of the hearthfire and the summer sun, and the clear sight of noonday. I do summon, stir and call you up- Come! Be welcome in this our rite. Blessed be. West Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the West, thou deep-dwelling undines and

swift-flowing naiads, loving dolphin and hidden eel, Zephyrus master of the Western wind, be with us in feeling and in vision, in the evening tide's mystery and the upwelling autumn dreams. I do summon, stir and call you upCome! Be welcome in this our rite. Blessed be. North Lords and Ladies of the Watchtower of the North, thou Gnomes of the within the earth and oreads of the mountain forest, bear slow and sure and bull of great strength, and tunneling worms whose work insures life, Boreas master of the north wind and ruler of the winds, here at the dwelling place of the gods be with us in solid strength and permanence, giving us sure knowledge of nature's ever-renewed cycles, the safe womb of night and the slow movement of winter. I do summon, stir and call you up, Come! Be welcome here in this our rite. Blessed be. Goddess Invocation Arianrhod, white moon mother, come to moonlight shining bright, we call to you by will secrets you bear, honor we give you, knowledge have made a place, be here with us and show welcome. Blessed be! God Invocation Arawn, horned hunter, come to us with joy and wonder. You who offer death and return, we call to you with hearts that burn. Yours the law and yours the choosing, and yours the wild hunt's grand career. We welcome you freely, our guest and our master, you teach us not to be trapped within fear. Within this circle our hearts are open, be here with us - this candle's the toke n. Horned one, be welcome. Blessed be! The Charge of the Goddess Now listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, us as love to lover. In the and right. to share. us grace. Magic and wisdom, Within this circle we Bright one, be

Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other names. Whenever ye have need of any thing, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach things that are as yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings. Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it, let naught stop you or turn you aside; for mine is the secret door which opens upon the land of youth, and mine is the cup of wine of life, and the cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of immortality. I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man. Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold, I am the Mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the earth. Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess; she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, whose body encircles the universe. I am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man. Call unto thy soul; arise and come unto me; for I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and

humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knowest the mystery: that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Charge of the God Listen to the words of the Great Father, who of old was called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by many other names: "My Law is Harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth. I give the knowledge of life everlasting, and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the father of all things, and my protection blankets the earth." Hear the words of the dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons: "I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me. For I am the flesh of the earth and all it's beings. Thru me all things must die and with me are reborn. Let my worship be in the body that sings, for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals. Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself, within me, all beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wine Blessing M: The male holds the power and is the reservoir of power. F: The female taps the power in him and channels it. B: Neither one can work without the other; one without the other is incomplete.

M: The god is a god of life and death. F: The goddess is of birth and renewal. B: To learn you must struggle, to live you must be born, to be born you must die; the beginning, the continuation and the end, over and over and over. M: The sun gives forth light. F: The moon holds it in darkness. M: As above F: So below M: As the athame is to the male. F: So the chalice is to the female. B: And together joined they are one in truth, for there is no greater power in a the world than that of an man and woman joined in the bonds of love. Working Chants We are a circle In a circle with no beginning And never ending We are a circle In a circle with no beginning And never ending Spirit of Fire come to us We will kindle the fire Spirit of Fire come to us We will kindle the fire We will kindle the fire Dance the magic circle 'round We will kindle the fire We will kindle the fire Ground Cakes and wine Unwinding Thank the Quarters for their help Open circle


Insert after general Esbat and before cakes and wine. You can dance around circle chanting the names of the goddess. Chant ; " Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna"

Chant as often as you like. Then kneel before the alter and say "Dark is the night as we reach this turning point. Here is a time of death; yet a time of birth". Endings and beginnings Ebbing and flowing A journey done; a journey yet to start. I honour now the crone-mother darksome and divine. I give of my strength and in return see rebirth. Arms raised "BEHOLD, the Lady of Darkness; Mother, Grand mother. Old yet ever young. I honour and love you now and always. As the wheel turns we see birth, death and rebirth. I know from this, that every ending is a beginning; every stop a fresh starting point. Maiden, Mother, Crone... you are all of these and more. When ever I have need of for you abide within me. Even at single spark to warm me and the night over me, in strength and in love. ending of all time. Blessed Be." Go to cakes and wine. any thing, I can call upon you and your Lord the darkest of times, when there seems no seems blackest of all, You are here watching You are she who is at the beginning and the

PROSPERITY RITUAL To be done on the Full Moon. Materials: cachet made out of green cloth, leave the head open chamomile, rosemary, basil

needle and thread Directional elementals (earth, incense for air, fire, water) Set the altar. Cast the Circle as follows and invoke the Goddess and the God: Casting the Circle As you walk deosil around the circle three times, imagine a green, soothing mist trailing from your fingers, enveloping you and enclosing your magick circle. "I conjure the magick circle I am safe within the Goddess' womb A sacred place, a world apart Where enchantment births and magick starts With Air and Fire, Water and Earth I circle round the Mother's girth This circle is sealed" Drawing Down the Moon Stand holding your athame, legs slightly apart, arms at your side. Breathe deeply. Raise the athame to your lips, holding it with both hands, and then point it toward the moon. Feel the energy of the moon move through the athame, down your arms and into your whole being. Meditation and Chant to the Goddess Sit with your spine straight, legs crossed, hands in your lap. Close your eyes and visualize the Goddess, however she appears to you. Feel her arms around you in a protective embrace. When you have the vision firmly planted, begin chanting softly. "Starry Goddess, Full of Light I honor you this Full Moon Night" Repeat, feeling your energy grow. This energy will be used during the following spellworking. Spellworking Cleanse and bless the cachet for workings of magick. Stuff it with the herbs Sew the opening closed. "Goddess of Opportunity Bring good things in life to me I'll be alert to all you send Goddess be my helpful friend"

Repeat 3 times, envisioning the opportunities you wish to come to you. Cakes and Ale Reverse Lunar Draw Raise the athame to the moon, then bring it to your lips and back down to your side, releasing the energy you built during the Drawing. Thank the Goddess and God Release the Circle Walk back around the circle, pulling the mist back into your hands. Place the cachet in your closet, your car, your handbag or somewhere else close to you. You can re-work this spell at the next full moon if you feel it's necessary.


To be done at the time of the New Moon (within the 3 day period following the Dark of the Moon). Items needed: (in addition to normal working tools and supplies) Prosperity Incense Moon Goddess Incense A green candle A small cauldron (to burn paper in)

Ground and center. Light prosperity incense and the green candle. Focusing on your monetary _needs_ (not your wants), write each down on a separate piece of paper. (Making an ink out of powdered herbs which are specific for prosperity would bring even more power to the working.) Light the Moon Goddess incense. Then, taking each piece of paper, read what you wrote on it and, while focusing on that specific need, pass the paper through the mixed smoke of the incense. Then light it from the green candle and put it

in the cauldron to burn out. Take the other slips of paper and do the same. After all of the slips of paper have been burned, focus on actually _getting_ the money (from whatever source you believe would work,) and while raising energy by moving around the altar/circle in a deosil direction three times, say the following once for each time you go around the altar: Lord and Lady Hear my plead Send to me The funds we need. Harming none And helping all Lord and Lady Hear my call. Lord and Lady Grant this boon Of money With the new born moon. After the final circle, release the energy. So mote it be! Ground and center again. Then just sit quietly for a few minutes and visualize - as clearly as you can getting the money you asked for. End the ritual.

Protect This ritual was written by Gypsy: "It is to be done by one person (cats

optional) who is about to go through a court date. The person it was originally written for was in fact guilty, but the penalty if found so would have been far more severe than necessary. The ritual is not written for an innocent person, hence the use of the word 'triumph.'" (Bathe or shower while thinking of a positive outcome.) (Light a dark coloured candle and a protective incense, such as High John the Conquerer. Place a stone or other talisman on the altar before the candle.) (Walk the circle, casting, while reciting:) Hail to the goddess of dark and light! Hail to the god of day and night! Hail to the ones above and below. Grant me my triumph in all that I sow. (Face east): Hail to the east, and the spirits of the mind. Bring me understanding to help me triumph. (Face south): Hail to the south and the spirits of the will. Bring me the strength to help me triumph. (Face west): Hail to the west and the spirits of the heart. Bring me the beauty to help me triumph. (Face north): Hail to the north and the spirits of the soul. Bring me peace to help me triumph. (Face the altar, and hold up the talisman.) Lady and Lord, I call to you-Lady Ma'at, ancient eastern one, Mistress of Justice! See into my soul, that my cause is just. See into my heart that I have learned. Imbue, then, this object with your justice. Balance for me the scales, and protect me, Lady of Balance, from the tipping of the scales by the forces of unyielding laws, against me. Lord Thoth, ancient eastern one, Lord of Learning, you who are judge even of Osiris and Ra! Look upon my life and see it turning to the better. Look upon my

actoins and see the changes I have made. Imbue, then, this object, with your fair judgment. Protect me, Lord of Wisdom, from a loss of what I have learned and gained. (Hold the object to the east): Powers of the east, in your wisdom, and through this object, protect me. (To the south): Powers of the south, in your strength and through this object, protect me. (To the west) Powers of the west, in your compassion and through this object, protect me. (To the north): Powers of the north, in your endurance and through this object, protect me. (Stand at the altar facing the candle, holding the talisman. Focus, or channel, the protective energy from the candle and from the incense - it is okay if the incense goes out, it'll still work - into the object. When you feel the talisman felled with energy - it may vibrate or tingle or feel suddenly heavier - replace it gently on the altar.) (To the altar): Lady Ma'at, Queen of Balance

Lord Thoth, King of Judges Thank you for sharing your wisdom, your understanding, and your protection. Go now in peace, and with my love and thanks. (To the east): Spirits of the East, thank you for your help and protection. Go now in peace, and with my love and thanks. (To the south): Spirits of the South, thank you for your help and protection. Go now in peace, and with my love and thanks. (To the west): Spirits of the West, thank you for your help and protection. Go now in peace, and with my love and thanks. (To the north): Spirits of the North, thank you for your help and protection. Go now in peace, and with my love and thanks. (Bring down the circle)

Protection Ritual - Simple #2 Protection Ritual - Drawing Off Negativity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preparations Go out into the woods, find a few pieces of wood. Properly thank the tree. You will need as many pieces of wood as there are entries to your room or house, or whatever area it is you wish to protect. Ritual Bring the wood to your altar. Light a white candle. Sprinkle the wood with lavendar oil. Say "wood is of a shield. please protect my home" Concentrate on protection and pour this energy into the wood. When you sense the wood is pulsing with the shielding energy, take it up, and place it around your house, near all entrances, and then return to your altar. See the shield around your house. and the Lady for enabling this. Say a prayer of thanks to the wood,

Re-do this when the wood no longer smells of lavendar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This ritual should be done after the area to be protected has been cleansed and purified in some fashion.

Protection Ritual -Simple Protection Ritual, Drawing Off Negativity, II

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preparation Buy one small clay pot for each room in your home. soil or sand. Ritual Within a circle, energize the sand. Charge it to remove all negative energies and emotions from your home's energy field. Envision the negative energies being pulled into the soil and being grounded. Once a month, empty the pots into running water. If no stream is near, pour it onto the ground, and pour fresh spring water over it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This ritual should be done after the area to be protected has been cleansed and purified in some fashion. Fill it with fresh

FULL MOON / PROSPERITY RITUAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Materials: cachet made out of green cloth, leave the head open chamomile, rosemary, basil needle and thread Directional elementals (earth, incense for air, fire, water) Set the altar. the God: Cast the Circle as follows and invoke the Goddess and

Casting the Circle As you walk deosil around the circle three times, imagine a green, soothing mist trailing from your fingers, enveloping you and enclosing your magick circle. "I conjure the magick circle I am safe within the Goddess' womb A sacred place, a world apart Where enchantment births and magick starts With Air and Fire, Water and Earth I circle round the Mother's girth

This circle is sealed" Drawing Down the Moon Stand holding your athame, legs slightly apart, arms at your side. Breathe deeply. Raise the athame to your lips, holding it with both hands, and then point it toward the moon. Feel the energy of the moon move through the athame, down your arms and into your whole being. Meditation and Chant to the Goddess Sit with your spine straight, legs crossed, hands in your lap. Close your eyes and visualize the Goddess, however she appears to you. Feel her arms around you in a protective embrace. When you have the vision firmly planted, begin chanting softly. "Starry Goddess, Full of Light I honor you this Full Moon Night" Repeat, feeling your energy grow. This energy will be used during the following spellworking. Spellworking Cleanse and bless the cachet for workings of magick. (You may want to check my page on the Wiccan Household if you are unsure how this is done.) Stuff it with the herbs Sew the opening closed. "Goddess of Opportunity Bring good things in life to me I'll be alert to all you send Goddess be my helpful friend" Repeat 3 times, envisioning the opportunities you wish to come to you. Cakes and Ale Reverse Lunar Draw Raise the athame to the moon, then bring it to your lips and back down to your side, releasing the energy you built during the Drawing. Thank the Goddess and God Release the Circle

Walk back around the circle, pulling the mist back into your hands. Place the cachet in your closet, your car, your handbag or somewhere else close to you. You can re-work this spell at the next full moon if you feel it's necessary.

Full Moon/Prosperity Full Moon/Prosperity Ritual Within four days after this ritual, my husband and I received a total of $400 from various unexpected sources! Tools: poppet made out of green cloth, leave the head open chamomile for money, rosemary for luck, basil for success needle and thread Directional elementals (earth, incense for air, fire, water) Altar Devotion Casting the Circle As you walk deosil around the circle three times, imagine a green, soothing mist trailing from your fingers, enveloping you and enclosing your magick circle. "I conjure the magick circle I am safe within the Goddess' womb A sacred place, a world apart Where enchantment births and magick starts With Air and Fire, Water and Earth I circle round the Mother's girth This circle is sealed" Drawing Down the Moon Stand holding your athame, legs slightly apart, arms at your side. Breathe deeply. Raise the athame to your lips, holding it with both hands, and then point it toward the moon. Feel the energy of the moon move through the athame, down your arms and into your whole being. Invocation to the Goddess

"Wondrous Lady of the Moon Mistress of all magick and protectress of all Wicca Life-giving mother I greet you at the waxing of the moon's power I invite you to attend my Full Moon rite" Invocation to the God "Radiant King of the Heavens Master of beasts wild and free Horned stag I greet you at the waxing of the moon's power I invite you to attend my Full Moon rite" Meditation and Chant to the Goddess Sit with your spine straight, legs crossed, hands in your lap. Close your eyes and visualize the Goddess, however she appears to you. Feel her arms around you in a protective embrace. When you have the vision firmly planted, begin chanting softly. "Starry Goddess, Full of Light I honor you this Full Moon Night" Repeat, feeling your energy grow. This energy will be used during the following spellworking. Spellworking Cleanse and consecrate poppet for workings of magick. Stuff it with the herbs Sew the opening closed. "Goddess of Opportunity Bring good things in life to me I'll be alert to all you send Goddess be my helpful friend" Repeat 3 times, envisioning the opportunities you wish to come to you. Cakes and Ale Reverse Lunar Draw Raise the athame to the moon, then bring it to your lips and back down to your side, releasing the energy you built during the Drawing. Thank the Goddess and God Release the Circle Walk back around the circle, pulling the mist back into your hands. Place the poppet in your closet, your car, your handbag or somewhere else close

to you. You can re-work this spell at the next full moon if you feel it's necessary.

EMPOWERMENT RITUAL You will need: A set of crayons, including red, orange, yellow, green sky blue, dark blue, violet, black, gray, white, silver and gold. A medium to work on cloth or paper on which all the colors will show up. A red candle Fiery scented incense such as sage or cedar First, establish your working circle after you've gathered all your materials together. Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit and draw. You'll be here a while. Face the east and say: Spirits of the East, powers of Air I ask that you be present at this spell working. Help me find inspiration and visualize the symbols clearly That I may partake of their essence. Face the south and say: Spirits of the South, powers of Fire I ask that you be present at this spell working. Help me find the spirit within to empower the symbols And tune into their color energy. Face the west and say: Spirits of the West, powers of Water I ask that you be present at this spell working. Help me to seek the mystery within, That the symbols I draw here may work upon my emotions for my Highest Good. Face the north and say: Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, I ask that you be present at this spell working. Help me to manifest the symbols in the third dimensional world So that their energies may become a part of my physical existence. Face the sky and say:

Father Sky, I ask that you watch over me in this spell working. Lend me your wisdom so that I may safely link my inner vision With the outer self. Place your hands on the earth and say: Mother Earth, I ask that you watch over me in this spell working. Let me ground myself deeply in you and draw on your strength and energy To sustain me in my work. Face your altar in the center of the circle and say: Sacred Center, Spirit of all that is, of whom we are all only aspects, Unite this sphere into a protected space for the spell working I plan to do here. Using the red crayon, visualize the color of life essence. Draw a human body using a star-like shape. Draw the first symbol that comes to your mind when you think of strength and power. (Draw it in red, below the human body shape.) Now take the orange crayon. This color represents vitality, potency, courage. Draw the first symbol of these qualities that comes to mind, slightly above and to the left of the last symbol. With the yellow crayon in hand, concentrate on intellect and your request for knowledge. Draw a symbol of this directly to the left of the human body shape. Using the green crayon, visualize expansion, abundance, prosperity, growth. Love. When you have felt its energy, draw a symbol of it above and to the left of the human body. Take up the sky blue crayon and feel its energy of expression, communication, spiritual gain, joy, and self achievement. Draw a symbol of these directly above the central symbol (body). Using a dark blue crayon, draw a symbol to the lower right of the last symbol. This one should represent synthesis and inner wisdom. It should align with the green shape. In violet, which represents spirituality and guidance, draw a symbol of those traits directly to the right of the red central sign.

White is used to link the life force. Draw a symbol that represents a cycle or strong bond below and to the right of the central symbol. This main pattern is complete. It should resemble a circle of colors and symbols surrounding the body. Now trace from the central body, directly to the left. Here you should come upon the yellow symbol. To the left of that symbol, you will draw another sign in silver. Hold the silver crayon and feel its energy. Imagine the journey you are embarking on and draw a symbol for it. Take the gray crayon and visualize flexibility, endurance, persistence and resolve needed to accomplish the changes you desire. When you feel its energy, draw a symbol of those strengths at the very top center (above the human body and above the blue sign). The gold crayon represents activity. Draw you symbol of activation to the far right (lined up horizontally with the silver symbol). Using black, feel and see the changes you want occurring, the power of this ritual going to work. Draw a symbol of this directly beneath the red symbol under the body. (The bottom of the page, centered). Give blessings to all invoked gods, goddesses and spirits using a chant to each quarter, like this: Spirits of the East, powers of Air Thank you for your presence and aid in this work. Depart in peace, my thanks and blessings. Open the circle, releasing the energy, and say: To all Spirits visible and invisible that have been present in this ritual, Depart in peace, my thanks and blessings. Hang the resulting picture up somewhere where you can see it often. When you need any of the specific traits energized in each symbol, simply think of that particular color and symbol as depicted in your masterpiece.

Ritual for Growth, Healing, and Renewal written by Amy D. Guthrie Tools Black candle White candle Athame Goblet filled with water note: this is best performed skyclad, but the same effect can be obtained while fully clothed. Diety: Ereshkigal, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of the Underworld, known for the ability to shed dead skin to grow and the deep power of renewal. Setup Facing north, place the black candle on the altar at south, the white candle at north, and the goblet in the middle. Cast the Circle Invocation: Light the black candle. "Oh, great goddess Ereshkigal, join me in this sacred place. Help me to grow and leave behind the petty ways of the world. Assist me in healing the scars that I have been inflicted with through other's cruelty. Teach me to respond with love and kindness." Passing your athame three times through the fire of the black candle, say: "Great goddess of the Underworld, as this black candle burns, help me to also burn away the blackness in myself." Feel and envision yourself burning away the blackness that you carry with you. Blow out the candle. Take a drink of water from the goblet. Say: "With this drink of purity, help me to flush away the cinders left by the burning, so that I may be completely free from maliciousness." Take a drop of water from the goblet and place it on the wick of the black candle.

Light the White candle. Reflect on the purity of the color and the healing power of the light. Say: "Ereshkigal, assist me in this time of renewal. Help me to heal from the scars that the world has left on me and to rejuvenate myself. Through this renewal, I will be better able to act with compassion and patience towards those that seek to hurt me." Take time to reflect on this renewal proccess. Feel every part of your body become stronger, healthier, and more pure. Say: "Oh, Great goddess Ereshkigal, help me to carry this growth and renewal with me in daily life." Extinguish the white candle. Open the Circle

THE CIRCLE OF STONES The Circle of stones is used during indoor rituals, for energy raising, meditation and so on. First cleanse the area with the ritual broom. For this circle you will need four large, flat stones. If you have none, candles can be used to mark the four cardinal points of the circle. White or purple candles can be used, as can colors related to each direction - green for the North, yellow for East, red for South and blue for West. Place the first stone (or candle) to the North, to represent the Spirit of the North Stone. In ritual when you invoke the Spirits of the Stones you're actually invoking all that resides in that particular direction, including the elemental energies. After setting the North Stone (or candle), place the East, South and West Stones. They should mark out a rough square, nearly encompassing the working

area. This square represents the physical plane on which we exist - the Earth. Now take a long purple or white cord and lay it out in a circle, using the four stones or candles to guide you. It takes a bit of practice to smoothly do this. The cord should be placed so that the stones remain inside the circle. Now you have a square and a circle, the circle representing the spiritual reality. As such, this is a squared circle; the place of interpenetration of the physical and spiritual realms. The size of the circle can be anything from 5 to 20 feet depending on the room and your desires. Next, set up the altar. The following tools are recommended: * A Goddess symbol (candle, holed stone, statue) * A God symbol (candle, horn, acorn, statue) * Athame * Wand * Censer * Pentacle * A bowl of Water (spring, rain or tap) * A bowl of Sea Salt (it can also be placed on the pentacle) * Incense * Flowers and greens * One red candle in holder (if not using point candles) * Any other tools or materials required for the ritual, spell or magickal working Set up the altar according to the plan shown here or according to your own design. Also be sure to have plenty of matches, as well as a small heat-proof container in which to place them when used. A charcoal block is also necessary to burn the incense. Goddess God Symbol or Symbol or Candle Candle Censer Bowl of Bowl of Salt Pentacle Water Red Candle

Cup Incense Cauldron, or Spell Materials

Knife Boline

Wand Bell

Suggested Altar Layout Light the candles. Set the incense smoking. Lift the athame and touch its blade to the water, saying: I consecrate and cleanse this water that it may be purified and fit to dwell within the sacred Circle of Stones. In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God, I consecrate this water. As you do this, visualize your athame blasting away all negativity from the water. The salt is next touched with the point of the athame while saying: I bless this salt that it may be fit to dwell within the sacred Circle of Stones. In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God, I bless this salt. Now stand facing North, at the edge of the cord-marked circle. Hold your athame point outward at waist level. Walk slowly around the circle's perimeter clockwise, your feet just inside the cord, charging it with your words and energy. Create the circle - through your visualization - with the power flowing out from your athame's blade. As you walk, stretch the energy out until it forms a complete sphere around the working area, half above the ground, half below. As you do this say: Here is the boundary of the Circle of Stones. Naught but love shall enter in, Naught but love shall emerge from within. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! When you have arrived back at the North, place the athame on the altar. Take up the salt and sprinkle it around the circle, beginning and ending in the North,

and moving clockwise. Next, carry the smoking censer from the altar, and finally sprinkle water around the circle. Do more than carrying and walking; sense the substances purifying the circle. The Circle of Stones is now sealed. Hold aloft the wand at the North, at the edge of the circle, and say: O Spirit of the North Stone, Ancient One of the Earth, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! As you say this, visualize a greenish mist rising and writhing in the Northern quarter, over the stone. This is the elemental energy of the Earth. When the Spirit is present, lower the wand, move to the East, raise it again and say: O Spirit of the East Stone, Ancient One of Air, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! Visualize the yellowish mist of Air energy. Lower the wand, move to the South and repeat the following with your upraised wand, visualizing a crimson Fire mist: O Spirit of the South Stone, Ancient One of Fire, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! Finally, to the West, say with the wand held aloft: O Spirit of the West Stone, Ancient One of Water, I call You to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones! Visualize the bluish mist, the essence of Water. The circle breathes and lives around you. The Spirits of the Stones are present. Feel the energies. Visualize the circle glowing and growing in power. Stand still, sensing for a moment. The Circle of Stones is complete. The Goddess and God may be called, and magick wrought.

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