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SCG 635: Research Methods Interview Protocol: Villaseor

Interview Protocol: Agreement to Participate in Research Researcher Rominna Villasenor Title How does a predominantly white higher education institution conduct outreach to attract students of color from low-income communities to participate in study abroad programs? Write an introduction 1. You have been asked to participate in a research study investigating the factors that might influence the participation of a student from a low-income background in a study-abroad program. 2. If you agree to participate, you will be answering a series of questions during a 60-minute, faceto-face, tape-recorded interview in the DePaul University loop campus, the Teach For America office or a st th location of your choice between February 1 and February 28 . The researcher will provide all forms and materials needed for completion of this study. 3. This study will involve minimal risk and discomfort. The probability of harm and discomfort will not be greater than your daily life encounters. Risks may include emotional discomfort from answering interview questions. 4. You will not directly benefit from participating in this study. Indirect benefits will include the promotion of our understanding of what factors influence the participation of students of color in study abroad programs. 5. There are no alternative procedures

6. Although the findings of this study may be published, no information that can identify you will be included. Your identification will not be printed in any material. 7. There is no compensation for your participation in this study.

8. Questions concerning this research may be addressed to Rominna Villasenor, (773) 742-0228. Complaints about this research may be presented to Dr. Amina Proweller, Department Chair SAC 373 773-325-4320 9. No service of any kind, to which you are otherwise entitled, will be lost or jeopardized if you choose to not participate in the study. 10. Your consent is being given voluntarily. You may refuse to participate in the entire study or any part of the study. If you choose to participate in the study, you are free to withdraw at any time without any negative effect on your relations with DePaul University or any other participating institutions or agencies. 11. At the time that you sign this consent form, you will receive a copy of it for your records, signed and dated by the researcher. 12. You may or may not be asked to join a follow up interview via email or phone. The purpose is to clarify and further understand statements during the first interview. _____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Researchers Signature ______________ Date ______________ Date

SCG 635: Research Methods Interview Protocol: Villaseor

Interview #_______________ Date_______/_____/_______ Interview Protocol Script Welcome and thank you for your participation today. My name is Rominna Villasenor and I am a graduate student at DePaul University conducting my research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Education. Thank you for participating in this interview and it will take about 60 minutes. It will include 7 questions regarding your experiences and what might affect your participation in a study abroad program. I would like your permission to tape record this interview, so I may accurately document the information you convey. If at any time during the interview you wish to discontinue the use of the recorder or the interview itself, please feel free to let me know. All of your responses are confidential. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used to develop a better understanding of how you and your peers view your life satisfaction and what might influence it. The purpose of this study is to increase our understanding of outreach for students of color and to inform universities of potential pitfalls in the current approach to ensuring programs are diverse and inclusive. This research also aims to launch initiatives that would address the needs of students of color and students who come from low-income backgrounds. At this time I would like to remind you of your written consent to participate in this study. I am the researcher, specifying your participation in the research project: Study abroad participation of students of color from low-income backgrounds. You and I have both signed and dated each copy, certifying that we agree to continue this interview. Thank you. Your participation in this interview is completely voluntary. If at any time you need to stop, take a break, or return a page, please let me know. You may also withdraw your participation at any time without consequence. Do you have any questions or concerns before we begin? Then with your permission we will begin the interview.

SCG 635: Research Methods Interview Protocol: Villaseor

Demographic questions: 1. What year are you in at DePaul University 1 year 2

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3 year 4 year 5 year Other (specify): __________________________ 2. Before entering DePaul, what opportunity or experience you have abroad? Or have you participated in a Study Abroad Program? 3. What do you think about Study Abroad Programs? Or Can you share your thoughts around Study Abroad Programs? 4. Can you share your thoughts on how you came to know about Study Abroad Programs? 5. Thinking about your previous answers, what factors would you identify as influencing your decision to participate in a Study Abroad Program? Please explain why you think these are factors. 6. Among the factors the social work literature reports as being influences on students satisfaction and participation are FRIENDS, FAMILY LIFE, and SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS. I would like to discuss these factors with you specifically. (If already covered above, skip or elaborate as needed). a. FRIENDS: Do you think your age affects your participation in the study abroad program? Why or why not? b. FAMILY LIFE: Do you think your family life affects your participation in the study abroad program? Why or why not? c. SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS: Do you think your socioeconomic status affects your participation in the study abroad program? Why or why not?
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7. Before we conclude this interview, is there anything else you would like to share? Note: If participant wishes to discontinue study, ask if they would be willing to share why. Thank the participant for his/her participation.

Questions to consider: Marketing and communication: think of a question Types of supports: think of a question (before, during, and after the program); where is the support coming from?

SCG 635: Research Methods Interview Protocol: Villaseor

Do you think your experiences are different from students who dont have the same identities as you? What kinds of supports do you wish you shad available? How did you make the decision to participate? How did you make the decision on where to go? What challenges do you have in participating in the study abroad program? How did you fund your study abroad experience?

Things to say during the interview: I just want to acknowledge that there are pauses and silences in our interview and its just my brain catching up.

Things to say after the first interview: What did you mean when you said x? This is what you said about y did I understand that correctly?

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