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5.1. The System of Curricular Documents
In 2001, a new system of curricular documents for education was introduced to the educational system depending on the new principles of curricular policy in the National Programme of the Development of Education in the Czech Republic. (FEP BE 2007, 9) The curricular documents are expanded in two main levels; the state level and the school level. The state level denotes the National Education programme, which describes education as a whole and Framework Education Programme, which defines individual stages of education (hereinafter FEP BE).1 The school level covers the School Education Programme (hereafter SEP). The Framework Education Programme is considered to be indispensable for the realisation of the School Education Programme. On the basis of SEP, the education at individual primary school is realized. (FEP BE 2007, 9) This document will be further described in the practical part of this work in accordance to the school where the research was held.

5.2. The Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education

The FEP BE determines the mandatory education framework and delimits the standard educational content for the stated phases of education. The aim of the FEP BE is to help learners acquire and progressively improve their key competences and to provide them with authentic basis of real life situations. (FEP BE 2007, 6-8) This document specifies ten education areas, however, for the purpose of this work, only the area of Language and Communication through language is further characterized. The requirements of foreign language education are derived from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (hereafter CEF)2. The CEF establishes a unified system for assessing the degree of proficiency in foreign language for all major European languages. In other words, it provides a basis for the mutual recognition of language qualifications, thus facilitating educational and occupational mobility. (COE [online])

Framework Education Programme for Basic Education [online]. Dostupn z WWW: <>, cit. 20. 03. 2012, further on just the document will be cited ( FEP BE, 2007) 2 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is a document developed and piloted by the Council of Europe.

According to CEF, foreign language proficiency is described in six levels. These levels are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The six ascending proficiency levels are specified in terms of can-do statements which were the result of a project of the Swiss National Science Research Council that took place between 1993 and 1996. (North 2000, .) In order of deeper enlightenment on those levels a more detailed overview is necessary. Such an overview is presented in Appendix 4. Nevertheless, in the field of Foreign Language, the basic education should lead the learners to the acquirement of the A2 level. The Common Reference Levels A1 and A2 account for the term Basic User. (COE [online]) According to this division: Level A2 does appear to reflect the level referred to by the Waystage specification. It is at this level that the majority of descriptors stating social functions are to be found, like use simple everyday polite forms of greeting and address; greet people, ask how they are and react to news; handle very short social exchanges; ask and answer questions about what they do at work and in free time; make and respond to invitations; discuss what to do, where to go and make arrangements to meet; make and accept offers. (CEF 33-34 online)

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