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Spirituality 101
Spirituality 101
Spirituality 101
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Spirituality 101

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This book is an introduction to Spirituality to help those who are still asleep to awaken to their true self. It covers the basics along with some more intermediate topics to help the reader wade into the vast universe of contemporary Spirituality and begin their journey.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 15, 2020
Spirituality 101

Randy Jansen

Randy Jansen is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Computer Scientist and Electronics Engineer. He has authored various non-fiction manuscripts and one piece of fiction. He lives with his wife in south-central Pennsylvania.

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    Spirituality 101 - Randy Jansen

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/14/2020


    Chapter 1 The beginning of our Spiritual journey

    Chapter 2 Who are we and where did we come from?

    Chapter 3 What is a Spiritual awakening?

    Chapter 4 How are dead people more alive than me?

    Chapter 5 Do dead people speak to us?

    Chapter 6 What and who are Mystics, Mediums, Intuitives, Empaths and Psychics?

    Chapter 7 What is Earth, why are we here, and are we alone in this universe?

    Chapter 8 Why do we have physical senses and emotions?

    Chapter 9 Science vs. Spirituality

    Chapter 10 Manifesting

    Chapter 11 Homicide vs. Suicide

    Chapter 12 Why do awakened Women (DFs) outnumber Men (DMs)?

    Chapter 13 The DF dilemma

    Chapter 14 Where do we go from here?

    Chapter 15 Our life between our lives

    Chapter 16 Where and when does this all end?


    Chapter 1

    The beginning of our

    Spiritual journey

    The Egg©, by Andy Weir (Please Google this short story) – is meant to enlighten and expand your mind a bit. To give you one possible explanation of our universe. It may be the truth, or it may not, or it may be a mix of both. The fact is, we simply can’t ‘remember.’ I didn’t say we don’t know, I said we can’t remember. Believe it or not, we carry much more knowledge than can fit into our tiny, finite human brain. I’m not talking Gigabits or Terabits worth of information; I’m talking about a quantity of information that we cannot possibly fathom in our current state of being. In other words, being human has its limitations. It also has its challenges and pleasures too. So, what is this ‘journey’ we speak of? Where does it start and where does it end?

    All of our journeys start with questions, such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? Why is life so difficult?

    This book will answer these types of questions and dig much deeper into questions you don’t yet know to ask. The beginning of our journey is as unique to a person as people are to each other. It’s a tailored journey for you and by you. Yes, you designed this journey for this lifetime.

    Wait one minute, you say, what do you mean ‘I’ designed this journey?

    Before we incarnated on this planet, we created a plan of all the challenges/experiences we needed to learn from during this lifetime. If this were our first incarnation, the plan would likely be simple with fairly easy challenges to learn the basics; however, if we are veterans of coming here (to Earth), our challenges will likely be difficult to extremely difficult. Just know for now that you are responsible for your current challenges. They may seem insurmountable at times, but you will thank yourself for planning this excursion after you go back Home.

    So, this journey is unique to us and our current life, and it starts with a simple question, such as Why am I here?, which raises more questions, which raises even more questions. Yes, your journey is fraught with questions, which will become deeper and deeper and will be answered as you move along your path. The word ‘Path’ is symbolic. It’s used so we can measure progress with our finite human brain. Eventually, you won’t need to visualize a path, or anything else, because you will be living your journey from moment to moment. This implies that our journey is a lifestyle we live from moment to moment. A new way of thinking and acting. A new, higher vibration so to speak, which we will discuss in a later chapter.

    Everybody has their own unique, specific challenges. Even if, let’s say, John and Bill seem to have the same challenge, John’s challenges will differ from Bill’s because each challenge is unique to the individual. For example, if Bill’s challenge is a lack of money, it will be different from how John ‘feels’ about his lack of money. So, the difference between Bill’s and John’s challenges is in how they perceive, feel, and react to their challenge. Since everybody is unique, so will their perception of, and reaction to their challenges be unique for this reason. Since challenges are a big portion of our journey, let’s take a deeper look.

    Let’s suppose that Bill was reared in a middle-class protestant family and John was also reared in a middle-class protestant family. Bills Father was an engineer and John’s father was a schoolteacher. Bill learned how to build things and look at problems logically, whereas, John learned how to view the world from an academic perspective. Bill looks at the world through an engineering filter and John looks at the world through an academic filter. In other words, even though they were raised in a similar environment, they see the world from different perspectives. Therefore, they experience the world differently. John may think about going back to school to be able to earn more money and Bill may start gambling to hopefully make more money. This isn’t even taking into consideration the differences in genetics between Bill and John, which essentially wires their brains differently. In short, each human is unique and so is the way they perceive and react to seemingly identical challenges. So, when someone tells me that life is too difficult, I ask them, Compared to what? No two people are the same…not even identical twins. Science is in agreeance with this which is why fingerprints, for one, are used to identify ‘unique’ individuals. Ok, enough of this. We can now agree that, like snowflakes, no two people are identical, and no two people perceive or react to like challenges in the same way.

    Let’s get back to discussing our journey. As we progress through this life, we are bombarded with challenges, some small and some not so small. We each perceive, feel, and react to these challenges in-line with our genetics and how we were raised – among other factors. We can visualize our journey as walking down a path. Our path has many forks in it. We decide whether we take the left fork or the right fork or go straight ahead each time we have a decision to make. Sometimes we perceive more than three forks. Regardless, each direction is fraught with various challenges, and we designate these challenges as good or bad, easy or difficult, fair or unfair, which indicates that challenges cannot be avoided. We cannot avoid challenges because if we had no challenges, life would be extremely boring, and we’d accomplish little if anything! Remember, we are here to learn (like in a school) and death-of-the-body is the only way out. We think that the good challenges are usually those that are easier to resolve, and the bad challenges are more difficult to resolve. In Universal reality, challenges are simply a means for us to learn what we came here to learn. Every challenge is a learning experience. We perceive the challenge, we react to the challenge to gain experience, and we feel our emotions to the challenge, which equates to gaining wisdom. How we react depends on how we perceive it and feel about it.

    For example, suppose you come home from a challenging day at work and you find your basement filled with water from a broken pipe. We can choose to be angry and break something else, or we can choose to rationally find a solution to the problem. Either way the pipe needs to be fixed, so why get angry? So, with any challenge, we will perceive it or see it in our own way; feel it with one or more emotions, such as with anger or fear, or indifference or happily; then we will react to the challenge based on our perception and feelings of it. Our mood at the moment we see the challenge also plays a role in how we perceive, feel, and react to the challenge. Therefore, we can confront a similar challenge at two different times and have two different perceptions, feelings, and reactions to this terribly similar challenge. Suppose we walk into our house in a bad mood and see that the basement is flooded. Now, suppose we walked into the house in a good mood and see that the basement is flooded. Our perception, feeling and reaction to this event will likely be different. Regardless of our mood, if we simply count to ten, or walk away for a while and breathe, we will find that our perception, feeling and reaction will be more positive toward the event and we can resolve it more readily.

    So, does the Universe care about how we react to challenges? No. We are not being judged, only observed. The Universe cheers us onward because It knows that there really is no right or wrong way to handle a challenge. Right and wrong, good and bad are human words and societal beliefs. Besides, challenges are for our benefit to experience and learn from, and so the Universe is all for us learning and evolving. In fact, the Universe is on our side.

    So, what is this bit about there not being any right or wrong way to react to challenges? As we move down our path and reach forks, we choose one way or another. All ways have their unique challenges, so is there really a wrong way to go? The answer is no. I know, I know, you can think of many earthly atrocities where humans hurt or killed other humans. So, there must be wrong turns in this world, right? Remember when I said that you designed your journey? Well, what if you wanted certain specific experiences during this lifetime? Let’s say you wanted to experience killing someone or being killed by someone? Human society will say this is wrong. However, if you designed this experience (with others), how can it be wrong? If you have lived many

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