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N.D.Junnarkar (Area Chairperson Mechanical Engineering and Chairperson Quality Assurance Committee at Tolani Maritime Institute,Talegaon Dabhade, Pune, Maharashtra)

The faculty members have to make use of variety of methods of teaching.


The overall result of teaching activities should be not as e asy easy repeated , difficult difficult omitted and learning is completed

Teacherhastoperform manyactivities Intheclassroom Outsidetheclassroom

Then what is required with the teacher?


subject Communication language Presentation skills

of the

Basic presentation skills of teaching can be acquired through crash course like TeachersTraining

Is Teacher ready for teaching now?

Facts of Teaching

Constantrepetitionofsinglemethodof teaching would create dullness about the subject and would destroy the interestofthestudents. Methodsofteachingmustbedesigned to foster independence of judgment and originality of thought from students

Individual differences in learning will not attract only one method of teaching inaclass. Effective teaching requires meticulous planning and execution of the teaching planwithfullcommitment. Use of all the five senses of knowledge of students results in better learning of the students.Hence, a judicious mixture of theory and practice in teaching is necessary.

Types of Group of students

LargeGroup(LG) MediumGroup(MG) SmallGroup(SG) Individual(I)


PresentationMethodofTeaching (PMT)
Teachingthrough telling(talking) explaining describing enumerating narrating showing demonstrating dramatizing orthroughsomeothermeans

Utilizedinclassroom,inauditoriumor in a variety of locations through the use of modern means of communications such as OHP, Radio, Television, Slides, Films, LCD or Videos or with multi mediaformat.

IndividualizedMethodofLearning (IML)
A student works at his own pace. Student is actively involved in performing specific learning tasks, and experiences success in learning.

InteractiveMethodofTeaching (lMT)
Interaction(work)withteachersaswellastheir colearners(classmates). Theinteractionthrough Questionsandanswers Discussions Exchangeofthoughts Students and teachers get opportunities to know each other, develop cooperative spirit andsolveproblemsbyworkingtogether.


LectureMethod Method of teaching by which the teacher makes oral presentation of thecontentandthestudentsusually takesnotes.

LimitationsofLecture Method

An effective lecture requires both extensiveresearchandpreparation. An effective delivery skills are requiredtomaintainstudents'attention andmotivation.

Seminar is "a form of class organization in higher education in which a group of advanced graduate students engage in researchoradvancedstudyunderthe generaldirectionofone or more staff members for discussion of problems of mutual interest".

Limitationsof Seminars

Participationfromeveryone Students may lose interest in reading, thinking that informationshared throughseminarissufficient.


Method of learning through open discussionoftopicsinasmallgroup

Inservice improvement activity planned and carried on by teachers and administrators to attack and study problems of such scope that many are interested.

A meeting between a teacher and a single student to discuss some work preparedandsubmittedbythestudent. A tutorial class consists of a smaller number(say6to8)ofstudents

MethodofRolePlaying, Simulation,TeachingGames

Availability of resources and resource persons. Creates a different atmosphere and requires different conventions in the classroom and hence consumes more time. Ensuring accuracy and relevance of whatislearntisachallengingtask.

Teachingshouldnotbelikeeasyeasy repeated,difficultdifficultomittedand learningiscompleted Butitshouldbe`alotistaughtandlot islearnt.


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