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Por Ral Silverio Lpez Ortego

Un dios falso se percibe al instante y en los tiempos; aqu, all, ahora y despus. Un dios falso jams se hace ver, y si, para colmo, le hacen creer y decir que es padre de todos, entonces debiera hacer presencia ante sus hijos sino es un mal padre del modo que es el que ellos hoy predican. A un dios falso lo delatan las acciones de los hombres pues ellos lo han inventado; un dios falso es hecho a imagen y semejanza de los hombres, y no a la inversa; un dios falso acta y hace las cosas horribles que hacen los hombres pues dicho ser es un reflejo de los hombres, y no ellos de l. Un dios falso si se equivoca (?) manda a morir a otro por l. Un dios falso es contradictorio (igual a los hombres que lo inventaron), psicpata (igual a los hombres) asesino (igual a los hombres), emite mensajes duales, esquizofrnicos: No matars S matars!; y a madres y a ancianos e inclusive a nios de pecho, mientras que a las niitas en acto aberrante, perverso las repartirn entre los adultos. Los hijos no sern culpables de los pecados de los padres Paso la maldicin de padres a hijos hasta la 4t generacin. No mentirs Y quin ir? Yo, Seor, Y qu hars? Ser espritu de mentira Ve, hazlo. Dios no hace acepcin de personas Todo aquel que sea cojo, manco o tenga el testculo magullado no se acercar a mi (el lugar santsimo) Dios no mira las apariencias, sino el corazn, que es lo que cuenta. Dios es amor; el amor perfecto Matad y matad sin piedad tomars dos cabritos intachables, inocentes y sin mcula de error y a uno (quien representa a Satn) lo separars de su madre, lo llevars al desierto y lo abandonars all, y al otro, quien representa a mi persona, es decir, a la ternura viviente, lo degollars en el acto; etc. Un dios falso hace y siente lo mismo que los hombres: odia y clama venganza: Ojo por ojo, as hars!. Un dios falso no defiende a sus hijos: Si te pegan en una mejilla, pon tambin la otra. Si te quitan el vestido, entrgales tambin la capa. Si te cargan una milla, llvala dos!. Un dios inventado por el hombre necesaria e inevitablemente deba ser similar a l: Mediocre e imperfecto: Y Dios se arrepinti de haber creado al hombre. Falaz: Vengo en breve. Injusto: Por haber pecado Adn y Eva todos los dems morirn. Discriminador: La mujer debe estar callada; prohbo a la mujer ensear!. Pattico y asesino: Tengo sangre hasta los frenos de hollar a mis hijos. Vengador: Diente por diente. Rencoroso: Les di leyes que no eran buenas. Grandilocuente y prometedor de ilusoria riqueza SIEMPRE futura: Los pobres caminarn sobre calles de oro transparente. Dems est decir que aqu no hay que echarle culpas a ningn dios; pobre, rico, malo o bueno, pues es evidente que no hay nadie; ni arriba ni abajo, por lo menos es lo que podemos precisar a travs de millones aos y del invalorable Empirismo Racional; nada hay como la experiencia; miles de aos nos han dejado valiosas enseanzas sobre tanto fraude y engao de hombres audaces que desean dominar a las masas y manipular vidas y extraerles sus recursos. Debemos comprender que quienes inventaron este presente absurdo son hombres totalitarios, intolerantes, asesinos de hermanos, psicpatas y criminales de mentes perversas, pletricas de vidas segadas y sangres derramadas.

Un Dios Cierto se percibe al instante, y en los tiempos; aqu, all, ahora y despus. Est en el opuesto a fetichismos y a supersticiones. Y aqu, en la tierra, la naturaleza nos ha dotados de bellsimos dioses, sumamente reales y PRESENCIALES, y los cuales SIEMPRE estn al lado nuestro. Y SON NUESTRAS MADRES. Y ciertamente que ellas dan vida. Cada ser humano tiene su Dios en la tierra, y es su madre. Si tanto gustan y necesitan de adorar, pues amen y adoren a su inigualable madre! Pocas adoraciones sern tan merecidas y bienvenidas. Una madre jams mandara a matar hijos; ni por errores propios ni ajenos; ni por expiaciones ni por nada que se le parezca; mas an, una madre da la vida para que a NINGUNO de sus hijos les pase un mal trance Una madre VIVE por y para sus hijos; todo lo relega a ellos; una madre SIEMPRE EST. Presente. Nunca escapa a las responsabilidades, ni basa su vida en la injusticia, ni condena a sus hijos y menos an si stos no han nacido, siquiera. Una madre, es decir, un Dios verdadero, defiende a sus hijos; sobrada experiencia tenemos: las madres son leonas defendiendo a sus cras. Qu alguien se atreva a tocarlos, siquiera!, jams toleraran que sus hijos sean maltratados. Una madre siempre est, permanece para siempre, pues el da en que la vida nos la aparte de nuestro lado, ellas estarn en nuestras mentes y corazones de hijos agradecidos. Por el simple y complejo hecho de que ellas son Dioses verdaderos, totalmente ciertos. Seres dignos de nuestro amor, adoracin y respeto. Hace unos das, en TV, vi y escuch la forma deleznable en que ciertos periodistas se burlaban de uno muy prestigioso Sergio Lapehue, quien manifestaba llevar a su madre de vacaciones cuando l parta hacia las sierras con sus hijos y esposa. En ciertos medios de comunicacin algunos hombres y cuyo calificativo menor sera, deplorables, tildan de Falderos o Calzonudos, a quienes dicen amar a la madre, o si la llevan a vacacionar con ellos, es decir, aquellos que dispensan un trato amable a sus madres, a los burlescos les merece desdn y burla; tales energmenos pretenden hacernos creer que son muy machos tras sus palabras burlonas. Ese machismo delirante los condena, pues demuestra el escaso desarrollo intelectual que han logrado. Y son seres doblemente despreciables pues transmiten a la niez y a la juventud que escuchan y ven tales programas que amar a la madre es un acto propio de dbiles. Qu paradoja!, cuando los dbiles de neuronas son ellos, verdad? Muchos de estos cnicos gustan de adorar, es decir, practicar el voluntarismo dirigido, esotrico e impalpable de seres que nunca nadie ve ni toca, y lo hacen por el facilismo que ello depara; no hay que hacer ningn esfuerzo, ya que a la madre de los tales muchos esfuerzos ya les cuesta ir a visitarla en su da de cumpleaos, u otros das de los cuales tambin dicen TENGO que ir a ver a mi madre!. A muchos hijos sus madres no slo les dieron vida, crianza y educacin sino que hasta trabajo, profesin y empleo les consiguieron, y ellos para ignorarla como dioses ciertos prefieren buscar uno inexistente, extraterreno y producto de delirios para ignorarla, mas si tales desagradecidos y peores hijos no merecen la madre que les toc en Suerte, menos an les correspondera tener un dios externo que los beneficie con supuestos milagros. Referente a la falacia predicada sobre dioses extraterrestres, comprobamos que es fraude y cuento; un cuento perverso que slo sirve para que los mismos hermanos se desprecien, odien, persigan y maten entre si. Evidentemente la religin es un residuo nocivo, profundamente malsano. La historia certifica todo ese error y horror.
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Warning: the following text has been translated by means of the instant and automatic translator of Internet. LIMACLARA exposes it thus, and without deepening the perfection of the English Grammar, to the only effect that the reader, that does not dominate the Spanish Language, can have an approximate idea of the themes exposed here


neither up neither down, at least he is what we can need through millions years and of the invaluable Rational Empiricism; nothing there is as the experience; thousands of years valuable teachings have left us on so much boldness, lie and deceit of the crafty men that They desire to dominate to the masses, and to manipulate lives and to extract them their resources. We should understand that who they invented this absurd present are totalitarian men, intolerant, murderous of brothers, psychopaths and criminals of full, evil minds of lives reaped and blood spilled.

Miscellany IV 2,011: By Ral Silverio Lpez Ortego LIMACLARA EDICIONES


A false God is perceived to the instant and in the times; here, there, now and later. A false God never causes sees, and if, to top it all, they cause they believe him and to say that is a father of all, then should do presence before its children but is a badly father of the way that is the one that today preach. To a false God betray it the actions of the men, therefore they have invented it; a false God is done 'to image and resemblance' of the men, and not to the inverse one; a false God acts and does the horrible things that do the therefore said men to be is a reflection of the men, and not they of him. A false God, if is mistaken, sends to die to another by him, that is to say, to a son. A false God is contradictory (as the men that invented it), psychopath (idem), murderous (as the men that invented it), emits continuously messages duals and schizophrenic (idem): "You will not kill" "Yes will kill!; and to mothers, and to elders and inclusive to children of chest, while to the girls in evil and revolting act they will distribute them among the adults". "The children will not be guilty of the sins of the parents" "Step the curse of parents to children to the 4t generation". "Nobody will die for the sin of another" "By to have sinned Adam and Eva, all they will die!" "God is not a man so that repent" "And God repented of to have created the man". "You will not lie" "And who will go? I, Sr, and what will you do? I will be spirit of lie" he see do it". "God does not do meaning of people" "everyone who be lame, invalid or have the testicle bruised will not approach my (the most holy place)" "God does not look the appearances, but the heart, that is what counts". "God is love; the perfect love" "You Kill and kill without piety will take two innocent, irreproachable kids and without macula of error or sinned, and to one (who represents Satan) will separate it of its mother, will carry it to the desert and will abandon it there, and to the other, who represents my person, that is to say, to the living tenderness, will behead it in the act"; etc, etc. A false God does and feels the same thing that the men: hates and clamors revenge: "Eye by eye, thus you will do!" "I have blood to the brakes of so much to tread on to my children". A false God does not defend its children: "If they hit you in a cheek, put also the other". "If they remove you the dress, you deliver them also the layer". "If they charge you a mile, you carry it two!" "The woman should be quiet; forbid to the woman to teach!" An God invent for the man necessary duty be as he: Mediocre and imperfect: And God it repent of catch created the man. Deceitful: I see on short. Unjust: By to have sinned Adam and Eva all they will die!" Discriminative: The woman duty be keep; forbid to woman teach! Pathetic and murderer: I have blood as the bit of step on to my sons. Avenging: Tooth by tooth. Spiteful: I them give laws that not are goods. Grandiloquent and promising of illusory wealth always future: The poor walking over streets of transparent gold. Others he is to say that here one must throw him faults to no God; poor, rich, bad or good, therefore he is evident that there is not nobody;

A Certain God is perceived to the instant, and in the times; here, there, now and later. Is in the opposite one to fetishisms and to superstitions. And here, in the land, the nature has us gifted of most beautiful God, extremely real and EYEWITNESS, and which ALWAYS they are to our side. And ARE OUR MOTHERS. And certainly that give life. Each human Being has her God in the land, and is their mother. If so much they like and they need to worship, therefore they love and they worship their inequable mother! Few adorations so will be deserved and welcomes. A mother would never send to kill children; neither by mistake own neither alien; neither by atonements neither by nothing that seem; but still, a mother gives the life because to NONE of its children them pair a badly trance. A mother LIVES for and for her children; all he relegates her to them; a mother ALWAYS IS. Present. Never it escape to the responsibilities, neither bases their life in the injustice, neither prison sentence to their children and even less if these have not born, even. A mother, that is to say, a true God, defends their children; exceeded experience we have: the mothers are lionesses defending to their young. What someone dare to touch them, even!, never they would tolerate that their children are mistreated. A mother always is, he remains for always, therefore the day in which the life us the aside from our side, they will be in our minds and hearts of grateful children. By the simple one and done complex that they are completely certain, true God. Worthy beings of our love, adoration and respect. Some days ago, in TV, I saw and I listened the negligible in which certain form journalists made fun of one very prestigious Sergio Lapehue, that declared to carry his mother of holidays, when he left toward the saws with his children and wife. In certain mass media some men and whose smaller description he would be, "deplorable", they brand of "ladies' Men", "Pertaining to the skirt" or "weak", to whom they say to love the mother, or if they carry it to vacations with them, that is to say, those that excuse a cordial and kind deal to his mothers to the comic deserve them disdain and mockery; such fanatics intend to cause to believe that they are very 'male' after their stupid and derisive words. That false delirious machismo the prison sentence, therefore shows the scarce intellectual development that have achieved. And they are doubly despicable beings therefore transmit to the childhood and to the youth that listen and they see such programs that to attend and to love the mother is an own act of weak. How paradoxical!, when the weak of neurons are they, truth? Many of these cynical like to worship, that is to say, to practice the willfulness directed, esoteric and impalpable of beings that never nobody sees neither he touches, and they do it for the facility that it grants; one must do no 'effort', since to the mother of the such many 'efforts' already costs them to be going to visit it in their day of birthday, or other days of which also say "I have to be going to see to my mother!". A lot of sons not only them give live, nourish, raising and education but that work, profession and employment them obtain, and them for not know as true Gods prefer search one inexistent, If such unappreciative and worse children do not deserve the mother that touched them in the Land, even less would correspond them to have an extraterrestrial God that benefit them with supposed miracles. Referring to the current fallacy preached on extraterrestrial God, is fraud and story; an evil and cruel story that only serves so that the same brothers be despised and they hate and then they be pursued and they kill among if. Evidently the religion is a deeply unhealthy, harmful residue. The history certifies all that mistake & horror.
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