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10th Lord indifferent house: One should assess the strength and benefic influence of the 10th lord

and 10th h ouse for high prospects in life. If the 10th lord is weak and afflicted there wi ll be obstacles and the profession will be ordinary and routine. Lagna: `1f the 10th lord is in lagna, native rises in life by dint of self emplo yment. If the 10th lord and lagna lord conjuncted in lagna, the native engaged i n social work and establishes social institutions. 2nd house: The native is fortunate. The native is engaged in family trade, or e arns by use of intellectual and speech such as lawyers, judges, teachers, counse lors, or karma kandi pundits etc, but Mercury should be strong and 10th house sh ould be influenced by benefic planets and 10th lord should be strong.. The 2nd h ouse also indicates food and mouth, so the native gets prosperity in catering, r estaurant or hotel business. The malefic influence on 10th and 10th lord causes losses in business. 3rd house: The native have to travel on short journey. He will be good writer o r speaker if the 10th lord is strong and under benefic influences. His siblings will help him to rise in profession. If the 10th lord is posited in trik houses in Navamsha chart or in enemy nakshatra or afflicted, the rise in career will be slow. If the 3rd lord is afflicted, there will be rivalry between siblings and may lead to reversals, obstacles or losses in career of the native. 4th house: The native will be generous and famous in learning and will be lucky. If the 10th lord is strong and has benefic influence he will receive respect an d government favor. He will deal in immovable properties, agriculture, vehicles etc depending on the nature and strength of the planet. If the 4th , 9th and 10th lords are strong and beneficially disposed and related to one another, the native will be great politician, authority, president or he ad of the institute. If the 10th lord is afflicted or conjuncted with malefic pl anet or the lord of trik houses or posited in trik houses in navamsha, the nativ e will be depressed and serve others. 5th house: Since the 10th lord is in the 5th, the native will excel in real e state deals as a broker and in speculation. They are inclined to Religion and Ph ilosophy and lead a simple life with prayer and meditation. They are interes ted in learning from early childhood and adhere to Truth. They will be blessed with all the comforts of life. They will have powerful friends. As the 5th is 8 th from the 10th, they will have reverses in profession and may be subjected to vicissitudes. They will have powerful enemies also who will try to block their progress and development. He may become head of the orphanage or remand home if the 10th lord is in trik house in Navamsha. 6th house: Since the 10th lord is in the 6th, the native will shine in occupati ons which are connected with the judiciary, hospital or prison. They will hol d responsible posts. They will be known as impartial men and will be held in hi gh esteem for his character. There may be transfers and changes in their enviro nment. They will subject to trouble through enemies. As the 6th is 9th to the 1 0th, they will have professional luck and people will recognise them as professi onals. They will wield political power and have wealth beyond the dreams of avar ice The lucky breaks come to them automatically. If Saturn aspects or conjuncted with 10th lord in 6th, he may have to work in a low-paying job with not much respect. If benefic planet aspects or conjuncted wi th 10th lord, he may have post of authority. If Rahu or afflicted malefic is con juncted with 10th lord, he may suffer disgrace in his career. He may be exposed to criminal action and face imprison. 7th house: Since the 10th lord is in the 7th, this is a powerful position for

professional life. Their IQ will be above the average & they will be renowned for their communication skills. They will be blessed with a partner who becomes a cause for their career development. They may travel abroad for business. Their managerial abilities are well known as they fill their targets in time. They be lieve in people and in delegation. Hence all ventures initiated by them prove t o be successful. As the 7th is 10th from the 10th, their professional fame will surpass all boundaries. If the 10th lord is afflicted in 7th, the native will be sexual perverted and in dulged in every kind of vice. 8th house: Since the 10th lord is in the 8th, changes or breaks in career are to be expected. Anyway they will have a regal status in their profession. They may become mystics & choose the path celestial. They will be blessed with good longevity. They are noble-minded & high principled and uphold lofty princi ples. They will be well appreciated by their juniors & associates. As the 8th is 11th from the 10th, they will have high gains via profession. Their broth ers also ascend the ladder of success. If the 10th lord is afflicted in 8th, the native will have criminal propensities and commits criminal acts. If the Jupiter influences 10th lord in 8th, he become mystic or spiritual teache r. If Saturn influences the 10th lord in 8th, the native earns through service in b urning-ghats or graveyard. 9th House: Since the 10th lord is in the 9th, the native will become a sage & a mystic. They will become exemplars and guides to those who walk the path ce lestial. Fortune will favour them generally and they will be well off. A hereditary profession will be taken up by them viz that of a teacher, preacher or healer. Their father will play a dominant role in their de velopment and they will prove dutiful to him. They are basically altruists and c haritable. They will shine as psychological counselors. They will have a regal status and bearing and will be respected for their talents. 10th house: Since the 10th lord is in the 10th, the native will shine in their p rofession as this position is conducive to professional brilliance. They may turn to asceticism during a particular stage in life. They respect their seniors and get respected thereby. People will find them trustworthy and they always pr ove to be good assistants who can be depended on. They can wield immense politic al power & always have contact with those in the Government. A powerfully pos ited 10th lord confers professional enhancement & reputation. People will look up to them for guidance. If the 10th lord s weak and afflicted, the native will not have self respect and cry for help and favor. He will be dependent on other all through his life. He will be fickle minded. If the 10th lord is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th in Navams ha, the native career will be routine and ordinary. 11th house: Since the 10th lord is in the 11th, the native will earn merit & rep utation along with money. They display a happy exterior always and show bonhom ie and geniality. This earns them good reputation and good will among the public. They will be in a position to give employment opport unities to many a people. And this makes them the most sought after individuals with many friends. As the 11th is 2nd from the 10th, profession will fetch the m immense largesse. Fame and reputation will be theirs. The professional enhance ment is indicated. If the 10th lord is afflicted in 11th, his friends will become his enemy and cau se him every sort of hardship to him. 12th House : Since the 10th lord is in the 12th, the native is likely to resi de abroad and will be beset with many problems and obstacles. He will have to work in far-off place. He will face many difficulties in life and will not have

comfort. They will be after Self Actualization. They should be cautious in mat ters of tax or when dealing with government organizations. Beware of involvement with politicians which will result only in major loss for them. They may have a vocation linked to rituals and religion. Income, may be from ecclesiastical so urces. They may have many enmity & problems in profession. They are advised to t urn to remedial measures for problem solution.

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