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Chapter 1

The World & Quests

On the planet Aporia, humanity lived peacefully, incredibly advancing in technology for over 3,000 years until that day. That day in which they started to appear. Rifs, portals to another world called the Abyss started opening, and horrifying creatures, which were later called Purgers, came through, murdering every human they lay eyes on. All of society was nearly thrown into the ruin. Other creatures that came through the Rif, called Daemons, meant the Humans no harm. They came through, running away from the Purgers as well. However, terror flled the humans, since they knew not that the Daemons were no threat to them. The Daemons bonded to humans, making them their hosts. Hosts of Daemons were granted supernatural abilities from their type of Daemon. There are 6 types of Daemons: Psiodaemon. Pyrodaemon. Fortadaemon. Astrodaemon. Hyperdaemon. Necrodaemon. However, the Humans didn't see that the Daemons were on their side. Afer all previous Government had been dissolved, the new theocracy formed, called The Restoration. The Restoration believes the Abyss, and everything that comes from it, is pure evil. Hosts and Purgers are killed on sight. It is better for a man to be wicked, but part of the Restoration, than to be extremely kind, and a Host. Hosts were quickly dehumanized, believing to have been completely taken by their Daemons. The Purgers continue to massacre humans, their Rifs only opening at night. They stay afer dawn, however, killing as many humans as they can before they themselves are killed. They seem to target Hosts specifcally, however. It seems as though they have a hatred towards the Daemons. No one knows the true purpose of the Purgers, but all fear them. The Hosts live mostly in Wastelands making their residence in Enclaves, buildings in where groups of Hosts live together. The Restoration dares not attack these Enclaves because of the great number of Hosts there. They avoid them as much as they can. The Hosts live in true anarchy. They work crimes against The Restoration together, trying to stay alive. What do the Purgers have to plan against Aporia? What mysteries does the Abyss hold, and what can be done to stop it?

1.1: Aporia
Aporia used to be called Earth before the horror started. Extremely advanced in Technology and existing in complete peace, the human race thought that no worry could ever come upon them again. Utopia had been achieved, and what could stop that? However, the humans had no knowledge of the truth of the Multiverse theory. Once the Purgers came through the Rifs, the whole world was thrown into complete panic. Humanity had forgotten about stress; about sorrow. About loss. The apocalypse had arrived, and they had no chance. Cities were ruined, massacred, and the world's population decreased. You can still see the tall skyscrapers and buildings remaining today. However, none occupy them, and they are aged. Now, hundreds of years later, Aporia is covered in ruins, and such hate and confusion flls the air, that most of humanity doubts that a Utopia could ever be achieved again. Occasionally, artifacts remaining from the previous civilization can be discovered. These items are usually powerful weapons, armor, and accessories. As the GM, you will have to make these up. The Aporians call the previous inhabitants of the planet The Ascended. The Ascended were the humans that were greatly advanced in technology and has their great cities. Now, The Ascended are gone, and only the Aporians remain.

1.2: The Abyss

The Abyss is a mysterious, twisted world, full of nightmares, and the true fear of individuals. Most brave venturers to this world ofen end up going completely insane. As a wasteland full of disease, death, and fear, it is the most terrifying thing to enter existence. Players usually have a continuous Phobia efect in this world. The Abyss centers its creations and hallucinations around the witnesses' fears. The subconscious of beings in the world are read, and created as true horrors. A constant nightmare, the Abyss is feared by all. The Field of the Dead is the place in the Abyss in which the Spirits of Hosts reside afer death. Any deceased Host can be reached here. If your players, for some reason, travel to this world, think of the most disturbing things you can think of. This will help you describe this world. Lots of dead bodies, hallucinations, blood, disturbed spirits with their mouths stuck open in a scream, stuf like that. It's just plain scary. A constant fog covers the world, and Purgers can be found in every corner. WARNING: DO NOT READ TO YOUR PLAYERS: They should fnd this out by themselves The Abyss is the result of corruption. A group of creatures, called the Eternals, cursed the world with a Crystal guarded by a terrifying creature called the Elder Purger. No one knows for sure if it exists, but legend says it does. The Daemon's Overlord protected his people from being corrupted afer the Eternals rose to power, but that didn't last long afer the Purgers, creatures who used to be the natives of that universe before it was corrupted, quickly attempted to destroy the Daemons' cities. The only way to break the curse is to destroy the Crystal being guarded by the Elder Purger. This is an extremely di?cult task, considering that you have to kill the Elder Purger to get to it.

1.5: The Daemons

The Daemons are highly noble creatures that originated in the world of the Abyss. They, for unknown reasons, (wink, wink) were not twisted in the Abyss like the Purgers. They had incredible cities, artifacts, and temples dedicated to their Gods. They became extremely advanced and peaceful, trusting in their Divinity and religion. They had a ruler. His name was the Overlord. His subjects loved him, and believed him to be a divine creation. They were powerful, with incredible abilities and power. But nothing can stop an army powerful enough. The Council of the Elders is a group of Daemons that, afer the Overlord's death, took control of the Daemon government. They claim that the Overlord's spirit still communicates with them, giving them guidance and advice. However, a large portion of the Daemon population does not believe they have any guidance. The members of the Council were the ones who frst told the Daemons to travel to Aporia. The Daemons themselves don't even know what happened to their world. Centuries ago, the Abyss was a beautiful, unharmed world, able to sustain life. Then they awoke one day to a horror. Their world was full of pollution, toxic gases, and pure nightmares. The Council quickly spread the word to Dee, and the Astrodaemons opened Rifs for their people to travel to. The Daemons knew about Aporia before, and they believed the humans could help them. Sadly, many didn't believe in the Council, and decided to stay behind. However, the Purgers came and destroyed the creations cities of the Daemons, desolating their sacred land, and also killing many of them. The Daemons who escaped quickly lef to Aporia, fnding a Host as fast as they could. Daemons are unable to use their powers in other Universes without being bound to a Host. These creatures are real, and they tangible. They do not change anything about their Host except give them powers when merged. The Purgers followed the Daemons through the Rifs. WARNING: DO NOT READ TO YOUR PLAYERS: The reason the Purgers want to kill the Daemons is because the Eternals control them, and the Eternals are angry that the Daemons escaped their curse, and so they want all of the Daemons dead.

1.3: The Restoration

The Restoration is the group of humans that have not yet been killed, or been bound to a Daemon. The Restoration is lead by a man called The Prophet. He despises the Abyss and all Hosts, and has no tolerance for them. If any Restored (member of the Restoration) is caught harboring a Host, they will be put to death along with the Host. The Restoration remains in the only in-tact city in the world. This city is called Sanctuary. It is regulated, law-enforced, and governed by the Restoration. This city is an astounding metropolis, over-crowded with citizens and tra?c. It has giant walls with high security surrounding it, over the entire metropolis is a Suppressant. A suppressant is a forcefeld that keeps Rifs from opening inside. This prevents Hosts from teleporting in, and Purgers from entering Aporia inside of the city. The Restoration keeps some Hosts constantly Exorcised as fail-safe defense mechanism against the Purgers. They brainwash them, break them down and crush them to humility. These Hosts are almost always Ragers. The Restoration only uses them when necessary, and when they aren't using them, the Hosts are treated as animals, chained in sealed cells, given barely any food, and beaten ofen. The law enforcement of Faundor is enormous. Thousands of Restored participate in it, and they ofen venture out of the city, hunting down Hosts and Purgers, going on month-long massacres. They are highly trained to fght against Purgers, and against Hosts. There are some, however, that believe that the Restoration is wrong. They believe that they are wrong about that Hosts, and that the Purgers are the only ones who are a threat. They are ofen the ones who harbor Hosts in Faundor, keeping them safe and alive. Some humans have formed a small rebellion against the Restoration. Nobody believes that this rebellion will succeed, considering the strength and power of the Restoration. Over a hundred people are killed by the Restoration each day. Humanity has not fallen, and it will not fall to any evil put to it. --The Prophet

1.4: The Hosts

Most Hosts lived in Sanctuary before they became Hosts. The Daemon chooses its Host, and most Hosts wake up to see their Daemon in their room. When they are bound, Hosts usually feel fear, and despair. They know they will never be accepted into society, and most likely killed, or tortured if discovered. Being a Host is incredibly depressing. Ofen their entire families are killed by Purgers breaking through the Suppressant, or by the Sanctity itself. The Hosts live in hiding in large buildings called Enclaves, owned by men called Lords. The majority of Enclaves lie in the Wastelands, an impossibly large desert into which no sane person attempts to enter. The art of using a Daemon's abilities is referred to as Incumancy. Daemons and Hosts are usually friends. When a Host sleeps, their spirit travels to the Abyss until they awaken. This is why Hosts usually avoid sleep. While sleeping, the Host feels as though they are awake, but participating in the horror that the Abyss presents them. Read more about the Abyss to understand what goes on. Insanity is fairly common among Hosts. Hosts who have gone completely insane from sleep or from too much fghting are called Ragers Most Enclaves occasionally have mandatory Sanity tests, where every member of the Enclave is required to answer a bunch of strangers. These are used to prevent Ragers from cracking inside the Enclave. If the member taking the test answers the questions angrily, jokingly, or just insanely, they will be determined as insane. If an Enclave member is found to be insane, they are brought outside the Enclave and killed immediately. Both the Restoration and the Purgers are out to kill them. They try to survive as much as they can. Your players are Hosts. May the Fates be on their side.

1.5: Quest 1: Descension

Legend says that the ruins of the great cities of the Ascended hold treasures unimaginable by the average human. Ikarr, the Lord of the powerful Itaran Enclave in the Wastelands, has heard of a great temple in the nearby ruins of the giant city Crypt. These rumors, he claims, come from a reliable source. However, there is a problem. Crypt is notorious for its great number of Ragers. Many souls have wandered there, only to lose their mind in the process. Will the group make it through the dangerous city? Is the treasure even real? Secrets lie beneath the earth
Your players are inhabitants of the Itaran enclave. They will be chosen, by Ikarr to accompany him on this quest to Crypt. They will take the Aetran, an advanced jet, to the city, and then continue on foot. Keep in mind Crypt is an enormous city. Bigger than New York City in today's world. The buildings are tall, strong, and inhabited. The players will be fghting many Ragers here, and also many Purgers. Some Ragers are sentient, being able to communicate and make deals with others. However, this is a risky thing to do. Ragers have an extremely violent mind.

A weak Incumancer, who isn't much one for fghting. He prefers to just sit back and watch as others do the dirty work for him. This is why he is having others guard him on this trip to Crypt. No one even knows what type of Daemon he has. No one living, anyways.

A Rager, who live in Crypt. He oversees all that goes on in Crypt, and he knows a lot about the ancient city. He holds a lot of secrets in his mind, and this makes him a valuable resource. Hyperdaemon.

Other notes:

Ikarr's Secret
Ikarr isn't actually an Incumancer. He's just a normal person, power-hungry. How he became the Lord of an Enclave, no one knows. But he can still take an Incumancer full-on, and kill them. But why would you have to fght him?

The Temple
The temple and the artifact both do exist, however, no one has ever found them. The artifact will grant the user incredible power. That's what legend says, at least. 8

Chapter 2

How To Play

2.1: Character Creation

Pick a name and a gender. The name can be anything you wish, but you just need a name. Write it down, along with your gender on your character sheet. Choose a Daemon type. This is the most important part of your character. See Daemon types and their abilities on page 17. Choose a starter ability and two skills. The starter abilities have no levelrequirement. Pick one of these. Also, you may make up some skills, or pick one from the list on page 27. Place your stats. In the boxes to the right of where it says STR (strength), MOB (mobility), MIN (mind), and PSI (magic), put the numbers 3, 2, 1, and 0 in the order of your choice. In the HP, put your STR multiplied by 15. Make sure to check if your Daemon give you extra stats or HP. You start at Level 0, but you will easily advance. See how to advance on page 13. Choose your armor and weapons. You start with 50g. You can spend it on equipment in 3.4 on page 29. The g you don't spend you put next to the g on your character page. Be sure to give out G while going throughout the game. Choose a phobia. Every character must have a phobia. Whenever you are afraid, (in the presence of your phobia) you lose two dice from each roll. However, whenever you succeed while afraid, you get an XP. You can choose your own phobia or look at the list on page 27. Choose a backstory. Every human being has a history. Provide some answers. How long has your character been a Host? What happened when they became one? What's their story? For example of a good character, meet Kiaara. She is 25 years-old, and a very good Incumancer with her Pyrodaemon. She became a Host when she was 21. She told no one, even her husband what she was. But when a Purger broke into her home, killing both her 3 month-old child and her husband, she knew she had to leave Faundor. She now keeps her hair short in honor of her lost family, and swears revenge against the Purgers for destroying her world. Character sheet is on page 32. Each player receives 10 d6's for their dice-pool.


2.2: Natural feats

Whenever a player does an action that the GM considers necessary to roll for, and that is an action that a normal creature (not a host) can perform, this action is a Natural Feat attempt, and the player must roll in order to succeed. The GM decides what stat that the player will roll. If it requires mobility, use MOB. If it requires strength, use STR. If it requires perceiving or intelligence, use MIN. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, so he should use MOB. The GM also decides if there is a skill that would help the player accomplish this task. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, so he is using MOB, and his climbing skill should also help him succeed. The GM fnally decides how di?cult the task is to accomplish. See di?culties on page 28. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, and that would be very di?cult and dangerous, so I, the GM, give that action a di?culty of 4. Add up the dice. First, the player gets on free d6 for every natural feat they try to accomplish. Then take the number next to the stat the player is using for the action, and put in that many d6's. Then, take the number of skills that would help the player complete the task, and add that to the number dice the player is using. Then allow that player to use up as many dice in their dice-pool as they wish. EX: Ankaa gets 4 dice because his MOB is 3 and he has a climbing skill. He put 3 dice from his dice-pool in, so he has a total of 7 die-sixes. Roll the dice from your stats, skills and dice-pool. Examine the dice that you rolled. A 4, 5 or 6 are successes. The amount of successes needed to complete the action is how di?cult it is. If you succeed, the dice you used from your dice-pool go away. If you fail, you get your dice that you put in the roll from your dice-pool, and an additional d6 for your pool. EX: Ankaa rolled his 7 dice and got the following results: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Ankaa only got 3 successes, so he does not succeed and/or something bad happens, which the GM decides. For example of something bad happening, he alerts someone in the house because of a loud noise he makes, or he falls.


2.3: Supernatural feats

Whenever a player does an action that uses his/her Daemon's powers, use this system of success. Make sure the player has the correct abilities to do this. Maybe a player will try to throw a fre ball when they are, in fact, an Astrodaemon. They can't do that. If the player has the ability, continue. Determine the di?culty. Most Supernatural Feats have a reasonably high di?culty. All abilities have set di?culties, but you, as the GM can modify them as you like. Add the dice. First, give them at least one die. They always have at least one chance. Then, look at the player's PSI stat. (or, if for some reason, the supernatural feat requires a diferent stat, use that one instead.) Whatever rank it is, add that many dice. Then, see what level the ability they are using is. Add that many dice. Then, the player may add as many dice as s/he wants to from their dice-pool. Roll the dice. Successes work in the same way as Natural feats.


2.4: Leveling Up
Leveling up is fairly simple. Whenever you roll an action, (you do not have to succeed) you get to lightly color in a box to the right of the stat you used. EX: Ankaa tried to climb up into the window, and even though he failed, he gets to color in a box next to MOB because he used MOB for the action. When all the boxes next to one stat are flled, you erase them all so they are empty and mark an XP point on the bottom of the character sheet. When a certain number of boxes in the XP section are flled in, you level up and get to erase all the boxes in your XP section and fll in a box in the Level section underneath your stats. You can also gain XP from succeeding during the phobia efect. Afer you advance a level, see the chart on the next page to see what you can do on each level gain. The XP needed to advance to the next level is 2 times the level you're trying to achieve. For example, to get to level 1, you need 2 XP. 2, 4; 3, 6; 4, 8; etc. The max level is 30. If you, as the GM, wish for them to continue advancing, start the level-gaining chart over again at Level 1. You can do 5 things afer leveling up if the level allows: +1 max HP. Raises the max HP of the player by 1. +1 Stat. Raises a chosen Stat of the player by 1. Level up ability. Raises the level of a chosen ability that the player already has. New Skill. You may make up another skill or add one from the list on page 27. Add Ability. The player may choose another ability from their Daemon's ability list, (starting on page 17) as long as they have the level that is required.


Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Level 14: Add Ability Level 25: + 1 max HP New Skill Level 26: Level up Ability + 1 max HP Level 27: Add Ability Level 28: + 1 Stat + 1 max HP Level 29: +1 max HP Level up Ability Level 30: Add Ability + 1 max HP New Skill Level up Ability + 1 Stat Add Ability + 1 Stat + 1 max HP Level 24: Add Ability + 1 Stat New Skill +1 max HP + 1 max HP Add Ability Add Ability Level 19: New Skill + 1 max HP Level 20: +1 max HP Level up Ability Level 21: Add Ability Level 22: Level up Ability New Skill Level 23: +1 max HP Level up Ability New Skill + 1 max HP Level up Ability + 1 max HP Level 18: Add Ability + 1 max HP + 1 Stat Level up Ability + 1 max HP Add Ability + 1 max HP New Skill Level 17: +1 max HP + 1 max HP Level 16: Level up Ability New Skill

Level 5:

Level 6: Level 7:

Level 11:

Level 12: Level 13:

Level 15:


2.5: Special Case

There are some special feats that have certain rules. They are listed here. Merging: In order for a Host to use their Daemon's ability, they must Merge, which is when the Daemon turns into an intangible matter and enters the Hosts mind. This is when a host tries to combine with their Daemon in order to use their abilities. This gives you the capability to use your abilities. As long as the player is not Exorcised, no roll is required for this. It is automatic. It does not give you XP. Demerging works the same way.


Chapter 3



3.1: Daemons
There are 6 diferent types of Daemons. Here is a list of them, along with their Abilities and bonuses:


Mind Read

+2 MIN +3 max HP Di?culty 4 Pulse

All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 3

Allows the Caster to listen to the thoughts of the target for a limited amount of time.

The Caster deals 2 damage (+ PSI) to target.


Causes the target to become slightly afraid of Blocks any Psiodaemon efects on a group or the Caster, causing the target to become individual of targets. more easily submitted to the Caster's will.

Di?culty 4 Wall LvL 3 REQ

Di?culty 3 LvL 3 REQ


Gives everyone in the Area, except the Caster, the Phobia Efect.

Di?culty 4 Communicate LvL 6 REQ

Allows the Caster to communicate with any reasonable target through their mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ


Dampens the target's emotions (emotion can Deals 1 damage to a target whenever they try be specifed), making them more calm and to perform an action as long as the ability is serene. in efect.

Di?culty 4 Torture LvL 6 REQ

Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Amplifes the target's emotions (emotions can be specifed), making either more passionate, scared, angry, etc.

Di?culty 4 Frenzy LvL 9 REQ

Causes the target to temporarily lose all sense and go completely Insane.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


While the target is sleeping, the Caster may enter the dreams of the target.

Di?culty 5 Add LvL 9 REQ

Allows the Caster to add a memory to the target's mind.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Allows the Caster to control the mind and actions of the target.

Di?culty 5 Erase LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 Split LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to erase a memory from the target's mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


Creates an illusion in the minds of everyone in the area.

Causes the target's mind to be temporarily separated from the rest of his body, rending him motionless, and unable to use any of his/her senses.



+6 max HP All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 3 Torch

Di?culty 2

Allows the Caster to shoot a ball of fre from Creates knives of Dame extending from the his/her hands, dealing 2 damage (+ PSI). Caster's fsts. Good for hand-to-hand combat.


The Caster may warm up anything to an uncomfortably, or even deadly heat.

Di?culty 4 Ignite LvL 3 REQ

Allows the Caster to ignite anything on fre.

Di?culty 3 LvL 3 REQ


Creates a large wall of Dames, threatening anything that desires to cross.

Di?culty 4 Smoke LvL 6 REQ

Creates a large amount of smoke to restrict vision and sight.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Causes the Caster to shoot Dames from his mouth, dealing 4 (+PSI) fre damage to whoever it hits.

Di?culty 3 Protection LvL 6 REQ

Makes the Caster, and/or others near him invulnerable to all heat and fre.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Allows the Caster to temporarily control the growth and direction of previously existing Dames.

Di?culty 3 Explode LvL 9 REQ

Spontaneously causes an explosion to erupt.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Propels the Caster in a desired direction, including up.

Di?culty 4 Scorch LvL 9 REQ

Shoots a wall of Dames that burns and lights fre to anything it touches, dealing 5 damage.

Di?culty 3 LvL 9 REQ


Shoots multiple freballs from the Caster's fsts, Dying in multiple directions.

Di?culty 4 Dehydrate LvL 12 REQ

Removes all water from an object, making it completely dry.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Brings a large amount of hot magma from under the planet's surface to the surface.

Di?culty 4 Melt LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to melt a targeted item, wall, pillar, anything that is meltable, and not too large in scale.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


Shoots a beam of super-heated plasma, dealing 6 (+ PSI) damage.

Di?culty 5 Inferno LvL 12 REQ

Creates a large amount of fre that deals 8 (+ PSI) damage to everything it touches.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


Short-range Teleport

+2 MOB All abilities use PSI unless specifed. +2 max HP Di?culty 3 Light Telekinesis Di?culty 3
Lifs and moves light objects with the Caster's mind.

Creates a Rif that the Caster is sucked into, teleporting them to a desired, close by location. Around up to 100 f.


Creates a Forcefeld that resists all damage directed to what it is surrounding.

Di?culty 3 Long-range Teleport LvL 6 REQ

Creates a Rif that the Caster and all nearby are sucked into, teleporting them to a desired, far away location.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Turns the Caster temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 4 Moderate Telekinesis LvL 9 REQ

Lifs and moves medium-weighing objects with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ

Self Telekinesis

Lifs and moves the Caster with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 ReDex (MOB) LvL 9 REQ 4

Di?culty LvL 12 REQ

Whenever the holder of this ability fails a Dodge roll, or a roll that would have been determined by reDex, the player may cast this as well to dodge.


Opens a Rif to the Abyss. Purgers ofen come through the other side.

Di?culty 4 Journey LvL 12 REQ

Sends the target's spirit on a temporary trip through the Abyss. Hopefully without killing him/her.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Poly Telekinesis

Lifs and moves multiple selected objects with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 Morph LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to change their body into anything. The change is permanent. The Caster must cast this again in order to return to true form.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


Creates a Suppressor, preventing any Rifs from opening from inside the area.

Di?culty 4 Cosmos LvL 12 REQ

Summons comets that rain down on the area, dealing lots of damage.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Heavy Telekinesis

Lifs and moves any weight of objects with the Caster's mind. 20

Di?culty 5 Poly Conceal LvL 15 REQ

Makes a group of targets temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Strength 1

+2 STR All abilities use STR unless specifed. +7 max HP Di?culty 2 Size Change (PSI) Di?culty 4
Changes the size of the Caster to either normal, twice the size, or half the size.

Temporarily add +1 STR Strength Bonuses are stackable

Strength 2

Temporarily add +1 STR and +1 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 3 Strength 3 LvL 3 REQ

Temporarily add +1 STR and +2 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ


Allows the Caster to have damage dealt to a target dealt to the Caster instead.

Di?culty 3 Strength 4 LvL 6 REQ

Temporarily add +2 STR and +2 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ

Share (PSI)

Allows the Caster to give a target part of their HP.

Di?culty 4 Courage (MIN) LvL 9 REQ 4

Di?culty LvL 9 REQ

Removes all Phobia efects on the Caster.

Barrier (PSI)

Raises a Stone wall to protect people who take cover behind it.

Di?culty 3 Pierce LvL 9 REQ

Afer an attack is successful, this may be cast to ignore all armor the target is wearing.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Recover (PSI)

Cast for the target to regain 5 HP. Self can be targeted.

Di?culty 5 ReDect (PSI) LvL 12 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast, and when successful, the damage directed towards the Caster is directed to the Attacker instead.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Strength 5

Temporarily add +3 STR and +3 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 5 Absorb LvL 12 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast, and when successful, half of the damage directed towards the Caster is absorbed.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ

Battle Cry

When cast, multiple targets around you temporarily gain +3 STR.

Di?culty 5 Titanium LvL 15 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast this to ignore all damage. Can be cast once while being attacked, even if being attacked by more than one person.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ



+2 PSI +3 max HP

All abilities use PSI.

Di?culty 3 Deafen

Di?culty 3

Creates a large Dash of light that temporarily blinds everyone in the area.

Creates an extremely loud sound that temporarily deafens everyone in the area.


Creates a large cloud that makes it impossible to see anything while covered by it.

Di?culty 4 Protection LvL 3 REQ

Prevents the Caster and/or other target(s) from being efected by loud sounds and bright light.

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ

Darken Control

Darkens the area in which it is cast.

Di?culty 3 Brighten LvL 6 REQ

Brightens the area in which it is cast.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ

Controls the movement of existing shadows. No movement from the source of the shadow is required.

Di?culty 4 Silence LvL 9 REQ

Prevents the Caster from being capable of producing any sound.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Allows the Caster to be able to see no matter what light level there is.

Di?culty 4 Light Beam LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 4 Animate LvL 9 REQ

Shoots out a beam of light that deals 4 damage (+ PSI) to what it hits.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Makes a targeted shadow tangible, allowing it to deal damage, and pick up items.

Causes a targeted Shadow to become sentient, being able to talk and think for itself.


Shoot out a ripple of tangible shadows, knocking everyone in the area besides the Caster, of their feet.

Di?culty 4 Sonic LvL 12 REQ

Shoots a powerful, inaudible sound, with such force that can break down walls, and kill people. Has a bit of a kick.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Changes the gravity in the area. Makes it stronger, weaker, and/or changes the direction in which the gravity in the area pulls.

Di?culty 4 Targeted Shif LvL 12 REQ

Changes the gravity of an individual, or a group. Makes it stronger, weaker, and/or changes the direction in which the gravity pulls on the targets.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


The Caster releases a loud sequence of Dashes of light and loud sounds, rendering all who are not protected blind and deaf for quite a while. 22

Di?culty 5 Poly Silence LvL 15 REQ

Temporarily makes a group of targets incapable of producing any sound whatsoever.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Summon 1

+1 PSI +4 max HP Di?culty 2 Gamble

All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 2

Summons an undead minion that has 3 HP. Only one minion of the same level may be existing at a time.

When cast the Caster rolls a d6. On 4-6, you gain 5 HP. On 1-3, however, you lose 4 HP.


Turns the Caster temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 4 Summon 2 LvL 3 REQ

Summons an undead minion that has 5 HP and 1 STR. Only one minion of the same level may be existing at a time.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Gives everyone in the Area, except the Caster, the Phobia Efect.

Di?culty 4 Mount LvL 6 REQ

Summons an undead horse that the Caster may use as a mount.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Captures the Target as a spirit, which may be put away and dealt with later.

Di?culty 5 Communicate LvL 9 REQ

When cast, the Caster may communicate with the spirit of a selected deceased individual.

Summon 3

Summons and undead minion that has 7 HP Summons an undead minion that has 10 HP and 2 STR. Only one minion of the same and 3 STR. Only one minion of the same level level may be existing at a time. may be existing at a time.

Di?culty 3 Summon 4 LvL 9 REQ

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


When cast at the beginning of a turn, the Caster may perform 2 more actions.

Di?culty 5 Apocalypse LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 Revive LvL 12 REQ

Summons 7 undead minions that have 6 HP and 1 STR.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


When cast on a dead body, the Caster may envision a short time before the corpse died.

When cast, it brings back a target from the dead with half the HP.


Makes the Caster intangible, allowing anything to pass through him/her, such as walls and bullets.

Di?culty 4 Familiar LvL 12 REQ

Summons a familiar that cannot attack, but cannot be seen by anyone besides you. This familiar may collect items, eavesdrop on conversation, or whatever the GM allows.


When cast, the Caster has a vision that s/he is Summons an undead minions that has 15 HP talking to a spirit, that ofers him/her and 5 STR. Only one minion of the same level guidance. may be existing at a time. 23

Di?culty 5 Summon 5 LvL 12 REQ

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

3.2: Antagonists
There are multiple types of creatures that the players will be fghting against. GM, refer to here for diferent types of creatures. If any other Antagonists enter the battlefeld that you make up, make up traits for them, such as HP, STR, MOB, etc. Antagonists get no dice-pool.

A large wolf-like creature with long claws and no eyes. How it knows you're there, no one knows.

Abilities: Poison (STR)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Armor: Weapon: Di?culty 3

35 5 0 0 0 3 +2

When cast, the Ripper shoots out its long tongue, and everything it touches receives Poison and 3 damage.


A fast, small creature that latches onto the back of others' heads. It then madly controls them, using their abilities and weapons.

Abilities: Corrupt (PSI)


5 0 4 0 2

Di?culty 3

When cast, the Corrupter jump up, latching onto the head of another, taking control of them.



A tall, lanky, terrifying creature that absorbs dead bodies to become them, acting just like them and being able to use their abilities.

Abilities: Absorb (PSI) Dissolve (PSI)


12 0 0 3 5

Di?culty 3 Di?culty 3

When cast on a dead body, the Deceit absorbs the corpse, turning into its form. When the Deceit is in a form, this may be cast for the Deceit to turn into its true form, dissolving the previous corpse inside itself.


A bulky, strong creature that uses its freakishly deformed, large fsts to maul its victims.


HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Weapon:

25 5 3 0 0 +3

More Purgers may be added if desired.


The Restoration:
A usually skinny man or woman who heals his/her teammates.

Abilities: Recover (PSI)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Di?culty 4

20 0 1 2 3

When cast, the Cleric may restore 5 HP to any target, including himself.


A large, strong man who deals a lot of damage and can take a lot of damage.

Abilities: Pierce (STR)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Armor: Weapon: Di?culty 5

30 3 2 0 1 2 +1

Afer an attack is successful, this may be cast to ignore all armor the target is wearing.


A feared mage that is rarely seen. Can temporarily make it impossible for a Host to merge with his/her Daemon.

Abilities: Exorcise (PSI)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Di?culty 5

25 0 1 2 3

When this is Cast on a Host, the target cannot Merge with his/her Daemon for some time.

More Restored may be added if desired.


3.3: Skills, Phobias, and Di?culties

Gunnery Stealth Magic Abyssians Endure Acrobatics Gears Locks Mounts Empathy Etiquette Chemistry History Blades Jumping Hunting Basic Construction Healing Armor Piloting Mimicry Survival Falling Hypnotism Robotics/AI Smuggling Brawling Disguise Religion Lifing Physics Invention Driving Mining Crafs Parrying Astronomy Cooking Technology Climbing Persuasion Plasmology Navigation Martial Arts Hacking Escape Pickpocket Maneuvering Clubs/Maces Biology Engineering Mythology

Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. Autophobia- Fear of being alone. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of Dying. Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria. Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets. Claustrophobia- Fear of confned spaces. Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons. Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges. Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia- Fear of blood. Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things. Hoplophobia- Fear of frearms. Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Iophobia- Fear of poison. Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat. Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises. Malaxophobia- Fear of love play. (Sarmassophobia) Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs. Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes. 27

Pathophobia- Fear of disease. Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts. Technophobia- Fear of technology. Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death.

1 A one is a very easy task to accomplish, so it doesn't happen very ofen. 2 A two is an easy task. It happens occasionally, but still, not very ofen. 3 A three is a moderate task. It takes some skill, but not much. This is the average task. 4 A four is a hard task. This requires a fair amount of skill, and ofen stress, shock, injuries or danger has something to do with this. 5 A fve is a very hard task. Only experts should attempt this. If the player would have a very hard time succeeding while accomplishing a task, and ofen stress, shock, injuries or danger has something to do with this, then it would be a fve.


3.4: Weapons, Armor, and Items

Weapons are used to kill stuf. That's why they were made. To use, take the number next to it and add your STR to it, and add that to a roll on a d6. That is how much damage you deal. EX: A +2 weapon will deal 2 + STR damage.

One-handed Weapons
Plasma Pistol -- G: 20 -- +1 Just a simple plasma pistol used for shooting the guts out of your enemies. Plasma Whip -- G: 40 -- +3 A whip made out of plasmic energy. What more could you ask for? Energy Sword -- G: 50 -- +5 A sword made out of pure energy, which will never break. Plasma Sword -- G: 30 -- +2 A sword that can slice your enemies clean in half. Energy Zapper G: 55 -- +5 A small gun that will stun your enemies. It has to recharge, however. Shatter Pistol G: 65 +6 Shatter weapons split the bullet they fre into countless smaller ones. Ouch.

Two-handed Weapons
Plasma Mace G: 60 -- +6 A blunt object with an exceedingly large end that will knock someone's teeth out. Especially since it's made of plasma. Energy Claws G: 70 +7 Shatter sword G: 75 + 8 Claws made from pure energy. They A sword that will leave behind shards will never break, and they help you everywhere it slices. Ouch. It's stuck beat someone up. inside of you. Shatter Rocket G: 80 +8 Drainer Rife G: 75 +5 It's as bad as it sounds. This A rare weapon that will drain the rocket launcher is a brutal weapon that magical powers out of the target for will put millions more shards than a their next actions. Has to recharge for pistol. Ouch again. a while.

Plasma Claws G: 55 -- +6 Claws that you put on both of your hands to make Fist-Fighting a little more interesting.

Helmets are used to protect the most vital part of your body. To use, if you get attacked successfully in the head, the number to the right reduces the damage by its value. EX: A thug strikes you in the head with a club that deals 3 damage. Your helmet has a 1, so it only deals 2 damage.

Hat G: 10 1 This thin cloth hat barely protects you. It's just for luck.

Weak Helm G: 20 2 This helmet is weak, but it's better than nothing.

Small Force Field G: 30 3 Medium Helm G: 40 5 This device attaches to your neck and This helmet is the average metal, puts a small force feld around your providing medium protection. head. Hooray! You look ridiculous! Passer G: 25 3 Strong Helm G: 70 10 This incredible invention will turn A strong helmet. The best of the best. your head intangible most of the time. Get a four or higher on a d6 to have it work. OtherMINe, it's just 3 armor.

Body Armor
Use by subtracting the amount of damage by the number when attacked in the body. (anywhere besides the head)

Cloth Clothing G: 15 1 This is what normal people wear. You are not normal. Force Field Armor G: 40 3 It puts a force feld around your entire body! Idiotic! ReDector G: 35 3 This armor reDects anything that hits it most of the time. Works the same as a Passer.

Weak Armor G: 30 2 A weak metal that's rusty and stupid looking. But it's better than those clothes. Medium Armor G: 50 4 A normal metal that most warriors wear. Hooray Strong Armor G: 70 6 Strong armor. What else is there to say?

Gloves are awesome, but expensive. They can lif large objects, crush anything, throw freballs and lasers at people not really, but still. To use, just have the player be able to use the ability that comes with the glove like a normal action. Use PSI.

Strong Gloves G: 55 These gloves give you +1 STR while you're wearing them.

Time Gloves G: 60 These gloves let you freeze time temporarily, giving you an extra action before anyone else acts. Relatively long cool down. Cold Gloves G: 60 These gloves can freeze anything and control ice. Earth Gloves G: 55 These gloves let you control rocks and the Earth beneath your feet.

Climbing Gloves G: 60 These gloves let you climb up anything. Even sheer walls. Plated Gloves G: 45 4 These gloves are just like armor. 4 armor.

Accessories are AWESOME! Pretty much as cool as the gloves. They give you all sorts of useful abilities and stuf. You can equip two at a time. Use just like the Gloves, unless it's one-use only.

Jump Ring G: 50 This accessory gives you the ability to jump higher and farther. Be sure to wear a helmet Protection Ring G: 60 This ring will save you when in your most distress, by teleporting you to the nearest town! Only works when desperately needed. Healing Bracelet G: 45 This bracelet restores your HP to its maximum whenever. Even when you're dead. One use only.

Cloaking Amulet G: 50 This gemmed necklace gives you an extra die when doing a stealth action or casting Conceal. Saving Stone G: 60 This stone lets you bring someone (or something) back to life. Of course, the someone (or something) must have lived once before. One use only. Force Brace G: 35 3 This brace give you armor. 3 armor.

Chapter 1

The World & Quests

On the planet Aporia, humanity lived peacefully, incredibly advancing in technology for over 3,000 years until that day. That day in which they started to appear. Rifs, portals to another world called the Abyss started opening, and horrifying creatures, which were later called Purgers, came through, murdering every human they lay eyes on. All of society was nearly thrown into the ruin. Other creatures that came through the Rif, called Daemons, meant the Humans no harm. They came through, running away from the Purgers as well. However, terror flled the humans, since they knew not that the Daemons were no threat to them. The Daemons bonded to humans, making them their hosts. Hosts of Daemons were granted supernatural abilities from their type of Daemon. There are 6 types of Daemons: Psiodaemon. Pyrodaemon. Fortadaemon. Astrodaemon. Hyperdaemon. Necrodaemon. However, the Humans didn't see that the Daemons were on their side. Afer all previous Government had been dissolved, the new theocracy formed, called The Restoration. The Restoration believes the Abyss, and everything that comes from it, is pure evil. Hosts and Purgers are killed on sight. It is better for a man to be wicked, but part of the Restoration, than to be extremely kind, and a Host. Hosts were quickly dehumanized, believing to have been completely taken by their Daemons. The Purgers continue to massacre humans, their Rifs only opening at night. They stay afer dawn, however, killing as many humans as they can before they themselves are killed. They seem to target Hosts specifcally, however. It seems as though they have a hatred towards the Daemons. No one knows the true purpose of the Purgers, but all fear them. The Hosts live mostly in Wastelands making their residence in Enclaves, buildings in where groups of Hosts live together. The Restoration dares not attack these Enclaves because of the great number of Hosts there. They avoid them as much as they can. The Hosts live in true anarchy. They work crimes against The Restoration together, trying to stay alive. What do the Purgers have to plan against Aporia? What mysteries does the Abyss hold, and what can be done to stop it?

1.1: Aporia
Aporia used to be called Earth before the horror started. Extremely advanced in Technology and existing in complete peace, the human race thought that no worry could ever come upon them again. Utopia had been achieved, and what could stop that? However, the humans had no knowledge of the truth of the Multiverse theory. Once the Purgers came through the Rifs, the whole world was thrown into complete panic. Humanity had forgotten about stress; about sorrow. About loss. The apocalypse had arrived, and they had no chance. Cities were ruined, massacred, and the world's population decreased. You can still see the tall skyscrapers and buildings remaining today. However, none occupy them, and they are aged. Now, hundreds of years later, Aporia is covered in ruins, and such hate and confusion flls the air, that most of humanity doubts that a Utopia could ever be achieved again. Occasionally, artifacts remaining from the previous civilization can be discovered. These items are usually powerful weapons, armor, and accessories. As the GM, you will have to make these up. The Aporians call the previous inhabitants of the planet The Ascended. The Ascended were the humans that were greatly advanced in technology and has their great cities. Now, The Ascended are gone, and only the Aporians remain.

1.2: The Abyss

The Abyss is a mysterious, twisted world, full of nightmares, and the true fear of individuals. Most brave venturers to this world ofen end up going completely insane. As a wasteland full of disease, death, and fear, it is the most terrifying thing to enter existence. Players usually have a continuous Phobia efect in this world. The Abyss centers its creations and hallucinations around the witnesses' fears. The subconscious of beings in the world are read, and created as true horrors. A constant nightmare, the Abyss is feared by all. The Field of the Dead is the place in the Abyss in which the Spirits of Hosts reside afer death. Any deceased Host can be reached here. If your players, for some reason, travel to this world, think of the most disturbing things you can think of. This will help you describe this world. Lots of dead bodies, hallucinations, blood, disturbed spirits with their mouths stuck open in a scream, stuf like that. It's just plain scary. A constant fog covers the world, and Purgers can be found in every corner. WARNING: DO NOT READ TO YOUR PLAYERS: They should fnd this out by themselves The Abyss is the result of corruption. A group of creatures, called the Eternals, cursed the world with a Crystal guarded by a terrifying creature called the Elder Purger. No one knows for sure if it exists, but legend says it does. The Daemon's Overlord protected his people from being corrupted afer the Eternals rose to power, but that didn't last long afer the Purgers, creatures who used to be the natives of that universe before it was corrupted, quickly attempted to destroy the Daemons' cities. The only way to break the curse is to destroy the Crystal being guarded by the Elder Purger. This is an extremely di?cult task, considering that you have to kill the Elder Purger to get to it.

1.5: The Daemons

The Daemons are highly noble creatures that originated in the world of the Abyss. They, for unknown reasons, (wink, wink) were not twisted in the Abyss like the Purgers. They had incredible cities, artifacts, and temples dedicated to their Gods. They became extremely advanced and peaceful, trusting in their Divinity and religion. They had a ruler. His name was the Overlord. His subjects loved him, and believed him to be a divine creation. They were powerful, with incredible abilities and power. But nothing can stop an army powerful enough. The Council of the Elders is a group of Daemons that, afer the Overlord's death, took control of the Daemon government. They claim that the Overlord's spirit still communicates with them, giving them guidance and advice. However, a large portion of the Daemon population does not believe they have any guidance. The members of the Council were the ones who frst told the Daemons to travel to Aporia. The Daemons themselves don't even know what happened to their world. Centuries ago, the Abyss was a beautiful, unharmed world, able to sustain life. Then they awoke one day to a horror. Their world was full of pollution, toxic gases, and pure nightmares. The Council quickly spread the word to Dee, and the Astrodaemons opened Rifs for their people to travel to. The Daemons knew about Aporia before, and they believed the humans could help them. Sadly, many didn't believe in the Council, and decided to stay behind. However, the Purgers came and destroyed the creations cities of the Daemons, desolating their sacred land, and also killing many of them. The Daemons who escaped quickly lef to Aporia, fnding a Host as fast as they could. Daemons are unable to use their powers in other Universes without being bound to a Host. These creatures are real, and they tangible. They do not change anything about their Host except give them powers when merged. The Purgers followed the Daemons through the Rifs. WARNING: DO NOT READ TO YOUR PLAYERS: The reason the Purgers want to kill the Daemons is because the Eternals control them, and the Eternals are angry that the Daemons escaped their curse, and so they want all of the Daemons dead.

1.3: The Restoration

The Restoration is the group of humans that have not yet been killed, or been bound to a Daemon. The Restoration is lead by a man called The Prophet. He despises the Abyss and all Hosts, and has no tolerance for them. If any Restored (member of the Restoration) is caught harboring a Host, they will be put to death along with the Host. The Restoration remains in the only in-tact city in the world. This city is called Sanctuary. It is regulated, law-enforced, and governed by the Restoration. This city is an astounding metropolis, over-crowded with citizens and tra?c. It has giant walls with high security surrounding it, over the entire metropolis is a Suppressant. A suppressant is a forcefeld that keeps Rifs from opening inside. This prevents Hosts from teleporting in, and Purgers from entering Aporia inside of the city. The Restoration keeps some Hosts constantly Exorcised as fail-safe defense mechanism against the Purgers. They brainwash them, break them down and crush them to humility. These Hosts are almost always Ragers. The Restoration only uses them when necessary, and when they aren't using them, the Hosts are treated as animals, chained in sealed cells, given barely any food, and beaten ofen. The law enforcement of Faundor is enormous. Thousands of Restored participate in it, and they ofen venture out of the city, hunting down Hosts and Purgers, going on month-long massacres. They are highly trained to fght against Purgers, and against Hosts. There are some, however, that believe that the Restoration is wrong. They believe that they are wrong about that Hosts, and that the Purgers are the only ones who are a threat. They are ofen the ones who harbor Hosts in Faundor, keeping them safe and alive. Some humans have formed a small rebellion against the Restoration. Nobody believes that this rebellion will succeed, considering the strength and power of the Restoration. Over a hundred people are killed by the Restoration each day. Humanity has not fallen, and it will not fall to any evil put to it. --The Prophet

1.4: The Hosts

Most Hosts lived in Sanctuary before they became Hosts. The Daemon chooses its Host, and most Hosts wake up to see their Daemon in their room. When they are bound, Hosts usually feel fear, and despair. They know they will never be accepted into society, and most likely killed, or tortured if discovered. Being a Host is incredibly depressing. Ofen their entire families are killed by Purgers breaking through the Suppressant, or by the Sanctity itself. The Hosts live in hiding in large buildings called Enclaves, owned by men called Lords. The majority of Enclaves lie in the Wastelands, an impossibly large desert into which no sane person attempts to enter. The art of using a Daemon's abilities is referred to as Incumancy. Daemons and Hosts are usually friends. When a Host sleeps, their spirit travels to the Abyss until they awaken. This is why Hosts usually avoid sleep. While sleeping, the Host feels as though they are awake, but participating in the horror that the Abyss presents them. Read more about the Abyss to understand what goes on. Insanity is fairly common among Hosts. Hosts who have gone completely insane from sleep or from too much fghting are called Ragers Most Enclaves occasionally have mandatory Sanity tests, where every member of the Enclave is required to answer a bunch of strangers. These are used to prevent Ragers from cracking inside the Enclave. If the member taking the test answers the questions angrily, jokingly, or just insanely, they will be determined as insane. If an Enclave member is found to be insane, they are brought outside the Enclave and killed immediately. Both the Restoration and the Purgers are out to kill them. They try to survive as much as they can. Your players are Hosts. May the Fates be on their side.

1.5: Quest 1: Descension

Legend says that the ruins of the great cities of the Ascended hold treasures unimaginable by the average human. Ikarr, the Lord of the powerful Itaran Enclave in the Wastelands, has heard of a great temple in the nearby ruins of the giant city Crypt. These rumors, he claims, come from a reliable source. However, there is a problem. Crypt is notorious for its great number of Ragers. Many souls have wandered there, only to lose their mind in the process. Will the group make it through the dangerous city? Is the treasure even real? Secrets lie beneath the earth
Your players are inhabitants of the Itaran enclave. They will be chosen, by Ikarr to accompany him on this quest to Crypt. They will take the Aetran, an advanced jet, to the city, and then continue on foot. Keep in mind Crypt is an enormous city. Bigger than New York City in today's world. The buildings are tall, strong, and inhabited. The players will be fghting many Ragers here, and also many Purgers. Some Ragers are sentient, being able to communicate and make deals with others. However, this is a risky thing to do. Ragers have an extremely violent mind.

A weak Incumancer, who isn't much one for fghting. He prefers to just sit back and watch as others do the dirty work for him. This is why he is having others guard him on this trip to Crypt. No one even knows what type of Daemon he has. No one living, anyways.

A Rager, who live in Crypt. He oversees all that goes on in Crypt, and he knows a lot about the ancient city. He holds a lot of secrets in his mind, and this makes him a valuable resource. Hyperdaemon.

Other notes:

Ikarr's Secret
Ikarr isn't actually an Incumancer. He's just a normal person, power-hungry. How he became the Lord of an Enclave, no one knows. But he can still take an Incumancer full-on, and kill them. But why would you have to fght him?

The Temple
The temple and the artifact both do exist, however, no one has ever found them. The artifact will grant the user incredible power. That's what legend says, at least. 8

Chapter 2

How To Play

2.1: Character Creation

Pick a name and a gender. The name can be anything you wish, but you just need a name. Write it down, along with your gender on your character sheet. Choose a Daemon type. This is the most important part of your character. See Daemon types and their abilities on page 17. Choose a starter ability and two skills. The starter abilities have no levelrequirement. Pick one of these. Also, you may make up some skills, or pick one from the list on page 27. Place your stats. In the boxes to the right of where it says STR (strength), MOB (mobility), MIN (mind), and PSI (magic), put the numbers 3, 2, 1, and 0 in the order of your choice. In the HP, put your STR multiplied by 15. Make sure to check if your Daemon give you extra stats or HP. You start at Level 0, but you will easily advance. See how to advance on page 13. Choose your armor and weapons. You start with 50g. You can spend it on equipment in 3.4 on page 29. The g you don't spend you put next to the g on your character page. Be sure to give out G while going throughout the game. Choose a phobia. Every character must have a phobia. Whenever you are afraid, (in the presence of your phobia) you lose two dice from each roll. However, whenever you succeed while afraid, you get an XP. You can choose your own phobia or look at the list on page 27. Choose a backstory. Every human being has a history. Provide some answers. How long has your character been a Host? What happened when they became one? What's their story? For example of a good character, meet Kiaara. She is 25 years-old, and a very good Incumancer with her Pyrodaemon. She became a Host when she was 21. She told no one, even her husband what she was. But when a Purger broke into her home, killing both her 3 month-old child and her husband, she knew she had to leave Faundor. She now keeps her hair short in honor of her lost family, and swears revenge against the Purgers for destroying her world. Character sheet is on page 32. Each player receives 10 d6's for their dice-pool.


2.2: Natural feats

Whenever a player does an action that the GM considers necessary to roll for, and that is an action that a normal creature (not a host) can perform, this action is a Natural Feat attempt, and the player must roll in order to succeed. The GM decides what stat that the player will roll. If it requires mobility, use MOB. If it requires strength, use STR. If it requires perceiving or intelligence, use MIN. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, so he should use MOB. The GM also decides if there is a skill that would help the player accomplish this task. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, so he is using MOB, and his climbing skill should also help him succeed. The GM fnally decides how di?cult the task is to accomplish. See di?culties on page 28. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, and that would be very di?cult and dangerous, so I, the GM, give that action a di?culty of 4. Add up the dice. First, the player gets on free d6 for every natural feat they try to accomplish. Then take the number next to the stat the player is using for the action, and put in that many d6's. Then, take the number of skills that would help the player complete the task, and add that to the number dice the player is using. Then allow that player to use up as many dice in their dice-pool as they wish. EX: Ankaa gets 4 dice because his MOB is 3 and he has a climbing skill. He put 3 dice from his dice-pool in, so he has a total of 7 die-sixes. Roll the dice from your stats, skills and dice-pool. Examine the dice that you rolled. A 4, 5 or 6 are successes. The amount of successes needed to complete the action is how di?cult it is. If you succeed, the dice you used from your dice-pool go away. If you fail, you get your dice that you put in the roll from your dice-pool, and an additional d6 for your pool. EX: Ankaa rolled his 7 dice and got the following results: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Ankaa only got 3 successes, so he does not succeed and/or something bad happens, which the GM decides. For example of something bad happening, he alerts someone in the house because of a loud noise he makes, or he falls.


2.3: Supernatural feats

Whenever a player does an action that uses his/her Daemon's powers, use this system of success. Make sure the player has the correct abilities to do this. Maybe a player will try to throw a fre ball when they are, in fact, an Astrodaemon. They can't do that. If the player has the ability, continue. Determine the di?culty. Most Supernatural Feats have a reasonably high di?culty. All abilities have set di?culties, but you, as the GM can modify them as you like. Add the dice. First, give them at least one die. They always have at least one chance. Then, look at the player's PSI stat. (or, if for some reason, the supernatural feat requires a diferent stat, use that one instead.) Whatever rank it is, add that many dice. Then, see what level the ability they are using is. Add that many dice. Then, the player may add as many dice as s/he wants to from their dice-pool. Roll the dice. Successes work in the same way as Natural feats.


2.4: Leveling Up
Leveling up is fairly simple. Whenever you roll an action, (you do not have to succeed) you get to lightly color in a box to the right of the stat you used. EX: Ankaa tried to climb up into the window, and even though he failed, he gets to color in a box next to MOB because he used MOB for the action. When all the boxes next to one stat are flled, you erase them all so they are empty and mark an XP point on the bottom of the character sheet. When a certain number of boxes in the XP section are flled in, you level up and get to erase all the boxes in your XP section and fll in a box in the Level section underneath your stats. You can also gain XP from succeeding during the phobia efect. Afer you advance a level, see the chart on the next page to see what you can do on each level gain. The XP needed to advance to the next level is 2 times the level you're trying to achieve. For example, to get to level 1, you need 2 XP. 2, 4; 3, 6; 4, 8; etc. The max level is 30. If you, as the GM, wish for them to continue advancing, start the level-gaining chart over again at Level 1. You can do 5 things afer leveling up if the level allows: +1 max HP. Raises the max HP of the player by 1. +1 Stat. Raises a chosen Stat of the player by 1. Level up ability. Raises the level of a chosen ability that the player already has. New Skill. You may make up another skill or add one from the list on page 27. Add Ability. The player may choose another ability from their Daemon's ability list, (starting on page 17) as long as they have the level that is required.


Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Level 14: Add Ability Level 25: + 1 max HP New Skill Level 26: Level up Ability + 1 max HP Level 27: Add Ability Level 28: + 1 Stat + 1 max HP Level 29: +1 max HP Level up Ability Level 30: Add Ability + 1 max HP New Skill Level up Ability + 1 Stat Add Ability + 1 Stat + 1 max HP Level 24: Add Ability + 1 Stat New Skill +1 max HP + 1 max HP Add Ability Add Ability Level 19: New Skill + 1 max HP Level 20: +1 max HP Level up Ability Level 21: Add Ability Level 22: Level up Ability New Skill Level 23: +1 max HP Level up Ability New Skill + 1 max HP Level up Ability + 1 max HP Level 18: Add Ability + 1 max HP + 1 Stat Level up Ability + 1 max HP Add Ability + 1 max HP New Skill Level 17: +1 max HP + 1 max HP Level 16: Level up Ability New Skill

Level 5:

Level 6: Level 7:

Level 11:

Level 12: Level 13:

Level 15:


2.5: Special Case

There are some special feats that have certain rules. They are listed here. Merging: In order for a Host to use their Daemon's ability, they must Merge, which is when the Daemon turns into an intangible matter and enters the Hosts mind. This is when a host tries to combine with their Daemon in order to use their abilities. This gives you the capability to use your abilities. As long as the player is not Exorcised, no roll is required for this. It is automatic. It does not give you XP. Demerging works the same way.


Chapter 3



3.1: Daemons
There are 6 diferent types of Daemons. Here is a list of them, along with their Abilities and bonuses:


Mind Read

+2 MIN +3 max HP Di?culty 4 Pulse

All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 3

Allows the Caster to listen to the thoughts of the target for a limited amount of time.

The Caster deals 2 damage (+ PSI) to target.


Causes the target to become slightly afraid of Blocks any Psiodaemon efects on a group or the Caster, causing the target to become individual of targets. more easily submitted to the Caster's will.

Di?culty 4 Wall LvL 3 REQ

Di?culty 3 LvL 3 REQ


Gives everyone in the Area, except the Caster, the Phobia Efect.

Di?culty 4 Communicate LvL 6 REQ

Allows the Caster to communicate with any reasonable target through their mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ


Dampens the target's emotions (emotion can Deals 1 damage to a target whenever they try be specifed), making them more calm and to perform an action as long as the ability is serene. in efect.

Di?culty 4 Torture LvL 6 REQ

Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Amplifes the target's emotions (emotions can be specifed), making either more passionate, scared, angry, etc.

Di?culty 4 Frenzy LvL 9 REQ

Causes the target to temporarily lose all sense and go completely Insane.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


While the target is sleeping, the Caster may enter the dreams of the target.

Di?culty 5 Add LvL 9 REQ

Allows the Caster to add a memory to the target's mind.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Allows the Caster to control the mind and actions of the target.

Di?culty 5 Erase LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 Split LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to erase a memory from the target's mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


Creates an illusion in the minds of everyone in the area.

Causes the target's mind to be temporarily separated from the rest of his body, rending him motionless, and unable to use any of his/her senses.



+6 max HP All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 3 Torch

Di?culty 2

Allows the Caster to shoot a ball of fre from Creates knives of Dame extending from the his/her hands, dealing 2 damage (+ PSI). Caster's fsts. Good for hand-to-hand combat.


The Caster may warm up anything to an uncomfortably, or even deadly heat.

Di?culty 4 Ignite LvL 3 REQ

Allows the Caster to ignite anything on fre.

Di?culty 3 LvL 3 REQ


Creates a large wall of Dames, threatening anything that desires to cross.

Di?culty 4 Smoke LvL 6 REQ

Creates a large amount of smoke to restrict vision and sight.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Causes the Caster to shoot Dames from his mouth, dealing 4 (+PSI) fre damage to whoever it hits.

Di?culty 3 Protection LvL 6 REQ

Makes the Caster, and/or others near him invulnerable to all heat and fre.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Allows the Caster to temporarily control the growth and direction of previously existing Dames.

Di?culty 3 Explode LvL 9 REQ

Spontaneously causes an explosion to erupt.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Propels the Caster in a desired direction, including up.

Di?culty 4 Scorch LvL 9 REQ

Shoots a wall of Dames that burns and lights fre to anything it touches, dealing 5 damage.

Di?culty 3 LvL 9 REQ


Shoots multiple freballs from the Caster's fsts, Dying in multiple directions.

Di?culty 4 Dehydrate LvL 12 REQ

Removes all water from an object, making it completely dry.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Brings a large amount of hot magma from under the planet's surface to the surface.

Di?culty 4 Melt LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to melt a targeted item, wall, pillar, anything that is meltable, and not too large in scale.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


Shoots a beam of super-heated plasma, dealing 6 (+ PSI) damage.

Di?culty 5 Inferno LvL 12 REQ

Creates a large amount of fre that deals 8 (+ PSI) damage to everything it touches.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


Short-range Teleport

+2 MOB All abilities use PSI unless specifed. +2 max HP Di?culty 3 Light Telekinesis Di?culty 3
Lifs and moves light objects with the Caster's mind.

Creates a Rif that the Caster is sucked into, teleporting them to a desired, close by location. Around up to 100 f.


Creates a Forcefeld that resists all damage directed to what it is surrounding.

Di?culty 3 Long-range Teleport LvL 6 REQ

Creates a Rif that the Caster and all nearby are sucked into, teleporting them to a desired, far away location.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Turns the Caster temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 4 Moderate Telekinesis LvL 9 REQ

Lifs and moves medium-weighing objects with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ

Self Telekinesis

Lifs and moves the Caster with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 ReDex (MOB) LvL 9 REQ 4

Di?culty LvL 12 REQ

Whenever the holder of this ability fails a Dodge roll, or a roll that would have been determined by reDex, the player may cast this as well to dodge.


Opens a Rif to the Abyss. Purgers ofen come through the other side.

Di?culty 4 Journey LvL 12 REQ

Sends the target's spirit on a temporary trip through the Abyss. Hopefully without killing him/her.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Poly Telekinesis

Lifs and moves multiple selected objects with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 Morph LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to change their body into anything. The change is permanent. The Caster must cast this again in order to return to true form.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


Creates a Suppressor, preventing any Rifs from opening from inside the area.

Di?culty 4 Cosmos LvL 12 REQ

Summons comets that rain down on the area, dealing lots of damage.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Heavy Telekinesis

Lifs and moves any weight of objects with the Caster's mind. 20

Di?culty 5 Poly Conceal LvL 15 REQ

Makes a group of targets temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Strength 1

+2 STR All abilities use STR unless specifed. +7 max HP Di?culty 2 Size Change (PSI) Di?culty 4
Changes the size of the Caster to either normal, twice the size, or half the size.

Temporarily add +1 STR Strength Bonuses are stackable

Strength 2

Temporarily add +1 STR and +1 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 3 Strength 3 LvL 3 REQ

Temporarily add +1 STR and +2 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ


Allows the Caster to have damage dealt to a target dealt to the Caster instead.

Di?culty 3 Strength 4 LvL 6 REQ

Temporarily add +2 STR and +2 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ

Share (PSI)

Allows the Caster to give a target part of their HP.

Di?culty 4 Courage (MIN) LvL 9 REQ 4

Di?culty LvL 9 REQ

Removes all Phobia efects on the Caster.

Barrier (PSI)

Raises a Stone wall to protect people who take cover behind it.

Di?culty 3 Pierce LvL 9 REQ

Afer an attack is successful, this may be cast to ignore all armor the target is wearing.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Recover (PSI)

Cast for the target to regain 5 HP. Self can be targeted.

Di?culty 5 ReDect (PSI) LvL 12 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast, and when successful, the damage directed towards the Caster is directed to the Attacker instead.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Strength 5

Temporarily add +3 STR and +3 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 5 Absorb LvL 12 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast, and when successful, half of the damage directed towards the Caster is absorbed.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ

Battle Cry

When cast, multiple targets around you temporarily gain +3 STR.

Di?culty 5 Titanium LvL 15 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast this to ignore all damage. Can be cast once while being attacked, even if being attacked by more than one person.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ



+2 PSI +3 max HP

All abilities use PSI.

Di?culty 3 Deafen

Di?culty 3

Creates a large Dash of light that temporarily blinds everyone in the area.

Creates an extremely loud sound that temporarily deafens everyone in the area.


Creates a large cloud that makes it impossible to see anything while covered by it.

Di?culty 4 Protection LvL 3 REQ

Prevents the Caster and/or other target(s) from being efected by loud sounds and bright light.

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ

Darken Control

Darkens the area in which it is cast.

Di?culty 3 Brighten LvL 6 REQ

Brightens the area in which it is cast.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ

Controls the movement of existing shadows. No movement from the source of the shadow is required.

Di?culty 4 Silence LvL 9 REQ

Prevents the Caster from being capable of producing any sound.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Allows the Caster to be able to see no matter what light level there is.

Di?culty 4 Light Beam LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 4 Animate LvL 9 REQ

Shoots out a beam of light that deals 4 damage (+ PSI) to what it hits.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Makes a targeted shadow tangible, allowing it to deal damage, and pick up items.

Causes a targeted Shadow to become sentient, being able to talk and think for itself.


Shoot out a ripple of tangible shadows, knocking everyone in the area besides the Caster, of their feet.

Di?culty 4 Sonic LvL 12 REQ

Shoots a powerful, inaudible sound, with such force that can break down walls, and kill people. Has a bit of a kick.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Changes the gravity in the area. Makes it stronger, weaker, and/or changes the direction in which the gravity in the area pulls.

Di?culty 4 Targeted Shif LvL 12 REQ

Changes the gravity of an individual, or a group. Makes it stronger, weaker, and/or changes the direction in which the gravity pulls on the targets.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


The Caster releases a loud sequence of Dashes of light and loud sounds, rendering all who are not protected blind and deaf for quite a while. 22

Di?culty 5 Poly Silence LvL 15 REQ

Temporarily makes a group of targets incapable of producing any sound whatsoever.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Summon 1

+1 PSI +4 max HP Di?culty 2 Gamble

All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 2

Summons an undead minion that has 3 HP. Only one minion of the same level may be existing at a time.

When cast the Caster rolls a d6. On 4-6, you gain 5 HP. On 1-3, however, you lose 4 HP.


Turns the Caster temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 4 Summon 2 LvL 3 REQ

Summons an undead minion that has 5 HP and 1 STR. Only one minion of the same level may be existing at a time.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Gives everyone in the Area, except the Caster, the Phobia Efect.

Di?culty 4 Mount LvL 6 REQ

Summons an undead horse that the Caster may use as a mount.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Captures the Target as a spirit, which may be put away and dealt with later.

Di?culty 5 Communicate LvL 9 REQ

When cast, the Caster may communicate with the spirit of a selected deceased individual.

Summon 3

Summons and undead minion that has 7 HP Summons an undead minion that has 10 HP and 2 STR. Only one minion of the same and 3 STR. Only one minion of the same level level may be existing at a time. may be existing at a time.

Di?culty 3 Summon 4 LvL 9 REQ

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


When cast at the beginning of a turn, the Caster may perform 2 more actions.

Di?culty 5 Apocalypse LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 Revive LvL 12 REQ

Summons 7 undead minions that have 6 HP and 1 STR.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


When cast on a dead body, the Caster may envision a short time before the corpse died.

When cast, it brings back a target from the dead with half the HP.


Makes the Caster intangible, allowing anything to pass through him/her, such as walls and bullets.

Di?culty 4 Familiar LvL 12 REQ

Summons a familiar that cannot attack, but cannot be seen by anyone besides you. This familiar may collect items, eavesdrop on conversation, or whatever the GM allows.


When cast, the Caster has a vision that s/he is Summons an undead minions that has 15 HP talking to a spirit, that ofers him/her and 5 STR. Only one minion of the same level guidance. may be existing at a time. 23

Di?culty 5 Summon 5 LvL 12 REQ

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

3.2: Antagonists
There are multiple types of creatures that the players will be fghting against. GM, refer to here for diferent types of creatures. If any other Antagonists enter the battlefeld that you make up, make up traits for them, such as HP, STR, MOB, etc. Antagonists get no dice-pool.

A large wolf-like creature with long claws and no eyes. How it knows you're there, no one knows.

Abilities: Poison (STR)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Armor: Weapon: Di?culty 3

35 5 0 0 0 3 +2

When cast, the Ripper shoots out its long tongue, and everything it touches receives Poison and 3 damage.


A fast, small creature that latches onto the back of others' heads. It then madly controls them, using their abilities and weapons.

Abilities: Corrupt (PSI)


5 0 4 0 2

Di?culty 3

When cast, the Corrupter jump up, latching onto the head of another, taking control of them.



A tall, lanky, terrifying creature that absorbs dead bodies to become them, acting just like them and being able to use their abilities.

Abilities: Absorb (PSI) Dissolve (PSI)


12 0 0 3 5

Di?culty 3 Di?culty 3

When cast on a dead body, the Deceit absorbs the corpse, turning into its form. When the Deceit is in a form, this may be cast for the Deceit to turn into its true form, dissolving the previous corpse inside itself.


A bulky, strong creature that uses its freakishly deformed, large fsts to maul its victims.


HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Weapon:

25 5 3 0 0 +3

More Purgers may be added if desired.


The Restoration:
A usually skinny man or woman who heals his/her teammates.

Abilities: Recover (PSI)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Di?culty 4

20 0 1 2 3

When cast, the Cleric may restore 5 HP to any target, including himself.


A large, strong man who deals a lot of damage and can take a lot of damage.

Abilities: Pierce (STR)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Armor: Weapon: Di?culty 5

30 3 2 0 1 2 +1

Afer an attack is successful, this may be cast to ignore all armor the target is wearing.


A feared mage that is rarely seen. Can temporarily make it impossible for a Host to merge with his/her Daemon.

Abilities: Exorcise (PSI)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Di?culty 5

25 0 1 2 3

When this is Cast on a Host, the target cannot Merge with his/her Daemon for some time.

More Restored may be added if desired.


3.3: Skills, Phobias, and Di?culties

Gunnery Stealth Magic Abyssians Endure Acrobatics Gears Locks Mounts Empathy Etiquette Chemistry History Blades Jumping Hunting Basic Construction Healing Armor Piloting Mimicry Survival Falling Hypnotism Robotics/AI Smuggling Brawling Disguise Religion Lifing Physics Invention Driving Mining Crafs Parrying Astronomy Cooking Technology Climbing Persuasion Plasmology Navigation Martial Arts Hacking Escape Pickpocket Maneuvering Clubs/Maces Biology Engineering Mythology

Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. Autophobia- Fear of being alone. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of Dying. Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria. Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets. Claustrophobia- Fear of confned spaces. Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons. Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges. Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia- Fear of blood. Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things. Hoplophobia- Fear of frearms. Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Iophobia- Fear of poison. Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat. Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises. Malaxophobia- Fear of love play. (Sarmassophobia) Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs. Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes. 27

Pathophobia- Fear of disease. Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts. Technophobia- Fear of technology. Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death.

1 A one is a very easy task to accomplish, so it doesn't happen very ofen. 2 A two is an easy task. It happens occasionally, but still, not very ofen. 3 A three is a moderate task. It takes some skill, but not much. This is the average task. 4 A four is a hard task. This requires a fair amount of skill, and ofen stress, shock, injuries or danger has something to do with this. 5 A fve is a very hard task. Only experts should attempt this. If the player would have a very hard time succeeding while accomplishing a task, and ofen stress, shock, injuries or danger has something to do with this, then it would be a fve.


3.4: Weapons, Armor, and Items

Weapons are used to kill stuf. That's why they were made. To use, take the number next to it and add your STR to it, and add that to a roll on a d6. That is how much damage you deal. EX: A +2 weapon will deal 2 + STR damage.

One-handed Weapons
Plasma Pistol -- G: 20 -- +1 Just a simple plasma pistol used for shooting the guts out of your enemies. Plasma Whip -- G: 40 -- +3 A whip made out of plasmic energy. What more could you ask for? Energy Sword -- G: 50 -- +5 A sword made out of pure energy, which will never break. Plasma Sword -- G: 30 -- +2 A sword that can slice your enemies clean in half. Energy Zapper G: 55 -- +5 A small gun that will stun your enemies. It has to recharge, however. Shatter Pistol G: 65 +6 Shatter weapons split the bullet they fre into countless smaller ones. Ouch.

Two-handed Weapons
Plasma Mace G: 60 -- +6 A blunt object with an exceedingly large end that will knock someone's teeth out. Especially since it's made of plasma. Energy Claws G: 70 +7 Shatter sword G: 75 + 8 Claws made from pure energy. They A sword that will leave behind shards will never break, and they help you everywhere it slices. Ouch. It's stuck beat someone up. inside of you. Shatter Rocket G: 80 +8 Drainer Rife G: 75 +5 It's as bad as it sounds. This A rare weapon that will drain the rocket launcher is a brutal weapon that magical powers out of the target for will put millions more shards than a their next actions. Has to recharge for pistol. Ouch again. a while.

Plasma Claws G: 55 -- +6 Claws that you put on both of your hands to make Fist-Fighting a little more interesting.

Helmets are used to protect the most vital part of your body. To use, if you get attacked successfully in the head, the number to the right reduces the damage by its value. EX: A thug strikes you in the head with a club that deals 3 damage. Your helmet has a 1, so it only deals 2 damage.

Hat G: 10 1 This thin cloth hat barely protects you. It's just for luck.

Weak Helm G: 20 2 This helmet is weak, but it's better than nothing.

Small Force Field G: 30 3 Medium Helm G: 40 5 This device attaches to your neck and This helmet is the average metal, puts a small force feld around your providing medium protection. head. Hooray! You look ridiculous! Passer G: 25 3 Strong Helm G: 70 10 This incredible invention will turn A strong helmet. The best of the best. your head intangible most of the time. Get a four or higher on a d6 to have it work. OtherMINe, it's just 3 armor.

Body Armor
Use by subtracting the amount of damage by the number when attacked in the body. (anywhere besides the head)

Cloth Clothing G: 15 1 This is what normal people wear. You are not normal. Force Field Armor G: 40 3 It puts a force feld around your entire body! Idiotic! ReDector G: 35 3 This armor reDects anything that hits it most of the time. Works the same as a Passer.

Weak Armor G: 30 2 A weak metal that's rusty and stupid looking. But it's better than those clothes. Medium Armor G: 50 4 A normal metal that most warriors wear. Hooray Strong Armor G: 70 6 Strong armor. What else is there to say?

Gloves are awesome, but expensive. They can lif large objects, crush anything, throw freballs and lasers at people not really, but still. To use, just have the player be able to use the ability that comes with the glove like a normal action. Use PSI.

Strong Gloves G: 55 These gloves give you +1 STR while you're wearing them.

Time Gloves G: 60 These gloves let you freeze time temporarily, giving you an extra action before anyone else acts. Relatively long cool down. Cold Gloves G: 60 These gloves can freeze anything and control ice. Earth Gloves G: 55 These gloves let you control rocks and the Earth beneath your feet.

Climbing Gloves G: 60 These gloves let you climb up anything. Even sheer walls. Plated Gloves G: 45 4 These gloves are just like armor. 4 armor.

Accessories are AWESOME! Pretty much as cool as the gloves. They give you all sorts of useful abilities and stuf. You can equip two at a time. Use just like the Gloves, unless it's one-use only.

Jump Ring G: 50 This accessory gives you the ability to jump higher and farther. Be sure to wear a helmet Protection Ring G: 60 This ring will save you when in your most distress, by teleporting you to the nearest town! Only works when desperately needed. Healing Bracelet G: 45 This bracelet restores your HP to its maximum whenever. Even when you're dead. One use only.

Cloaking Amulet G: 50 This gemmed necklace gives you an extra die when doing a stealth action or casting Conceal. Saving Stone G: 60 This stone lets you bring someone (or something) back to life. Of course, the someone (or something) must have lived once before. One use only. Force Brace G: 35 3 This brace give you armor. 3 armor.

Chapter 1

The World & Quests

On the planet Aporia, humanity lived peacefully, incredibly advancing in technology for over 3,000 years until that day. That day in which they started to appear. Rifs, portals to another world called the Abyss started opening, and horrifying creatures, which were later called Purgers, came through, murdering every human they lay eyes on. All of society was nearly thrown into the ruin. Other creatures that came through the Rif, called Daemons, meant the Humans no harm. They came through, running away from the Purgers as well. However, terror flled the humans, since they knew not that the Daemons were no threat to them. The Daemons bonded to humans, making them their hosts. Hosts of Daemons were granted supernatural abilities from their type of Daemon. There are 6 types of Daemons: Psiodaemon. Pyrodaemon. Fortadaemon. Astrodaemon. Hyperdaemon. Necrodaemon. However, the Humans didn't see that the Daemons were on their side. Afer all previous Government had been dissolved, the new theocracy formed, called The Restoration. The Restoration believes the Abyss, and everything that comes from it, is pure evil. Hosts and Purgers are killed on sight. It is better for a man to be wicked, but part of the Restoration, than to be extremely kind, and a Host. Hosts were quickly dehumanized, believing to have been completely taken by their Daemons. The Purgers continue to massacre humans, their Rifs only opening at night. They stay afer dawn, however, killing as many humans as they can before they themselves are killed. They seem to target Hosts specifcally, however. It seems as though they have a hatred towards the Daemons. No one knows the true purpose of the Purgers, but all fear them. The Hosts live mostly in Wastelands making their residence in Enclaves, buildings in where groups of Hosts live together. The Restoration dares not attack these Enclaves because of the great number of Hosts there. They avoid them as much as they can. The Hosts live in true anarchy. They work crimes against The Restoration together, trying to stay alive. What do the Purgers have to plan against Aporia? What mysteries does the Abyss hold, and what can be done to stop it?

1.1: Aporia
Aporia used to be called Earth before the horror started. Extremely advanced in Technology and existing in complete peace, the human race thought that no worry could ever come upon them again. Utopia had been achieved, and what could stop that? However, the humans had no knowledge of the truth of the Multiverse theory. Once the Purgers came through the Rifs, the whole world was thrown into complete panic. Humanity had forgotten about stress; about sorrow. About loss. The apocalypse had arrived, and they had no chance. Cities were ruined, massacred, and the world's population decreased. You can still see the tall skyscrapers and buildings remaining today. However, none occupy them, and they are aged. Now, hundreds of years later, Aporia is covered in ruins, and such hate and confusion flls the air, that most of humanity doubts that a Utopia could ever be achieved again. Occasionally, artifacts remaining from the previous civilization can be discovered. These items are usually powerful weapons, armor, and accessories. As the GM, you will have to make these up. The Aporians call the previous inhabitants of the planet The Ascended. The Ascended were the humans that were greatly advanced in technology and has their great cities. Now, The Ascended are gone, and only the Aporians remain.

1.2: The Abyss

The Abyss is a mysterious, twisted world, full of nightmares, and the true fear of individuals. Most brave venturers to this world ofen end up going completely insane. As a wasteland full of disease, death, and fear, it is the most terrifying thing to enter existence. Players usually have a continuous Phobia efect in this world. The Abyss centers its creations and hallucinations around the witnesses' fears. The subconscious of beings in the world are read, and created as true horrors. A constant nightmare, the Abyss is feared by all. The Field of the Dead is the place in the Abyss in which the Spirits of Hosts reside afer death. Any deceased Host can be reached here. If your players, for some reason, travel to this world, think of the most disturbing things you can think of. This will help you describe this world. Lots of dead bodies, hallucinations, blood, disturbed spirits with their mouths stuck open in a scream, stuf like that. It's just plain scary. A constant fog covers the world, and Purgers can be found in every corner. WARNING: DO NOT READ TO YOUR PLAYERS: They should fnd this out by themselves The Abyss is the result of corruption. A group of creatures, called the Eternals, cursed the world with a Crystal guarded by a terrifying creature called the Elder Purger. No one knows for sure if it exists, but legend says it does. The Daemon's Overlord protected his people from being corrupted afer the Eternals rose to power, but that didn't last long afer the Purgers, creatures who used to be the natives of that universe before it was corrupted, quickly attempted to destroy the Daemons' cities. The only way to break the curse is to destroy the Crystal being guarded by the Elder Purger. This is an extremely di?cult task, considering that you have to kill the Elder Purger to get to it.

1.5: The Daemons

The Daemons are highly noble creatures that originated in the world of the Abyss. They, for unknown reasons, (wink, wink) were not twisted in the Abyss like the Purgers. They had incredible cities, artifacts, and temples dedicated to their Gods. They became extremely advanced and peaceful, trusting in their Divinity and religion. They had a ruler. His name was the Overlord. His subjects loved him, and believed him to be a divine creation. They were powerful, with incredible abilities and power. But nothing can stop an army powerful enough. The Council of the Elders is a group of Daemons that, afer the Overlord's death, took control of the Daemon government. They claim that the Overlord's spirit still communicates with them, giving them guidance and advice. However, a large portion of the Daemon population does not believe they have any guidance. The members of the Council were the ones who frst told the Daemons to travel to Aporia. The Daemons themselves don't even know what happened to their world. Centuries ago, the Abyss was a beautiful, unharmed world, able to sustain life. Then they awoke one day to a horror. Their world was full of pollution, toxic gases, and pure nightmares. The Council quickly spread the word to Dee, and the Astrodaemons opened Rifs for their people to travel to. The Daemons knew about Aporia before, and they believed the humans could help them. Sadly, many didn't believe in the Council, and decided to stay behind. However, the Purgers came and destroyed the creations cities of the Daemons, desolating their sacred land, and also killing many of them. The Daemons who escaped quickly lef to Aporia, fnding a Host as fast as they could. Daemons are unable to use their powers in other Universes without being bound to a Host. These creatures are real, and they tangible. They do not change anything about their Host except give them powers when merged. The Purgers followed the Daemons through the Rifs. WARNING: DO NOT READ TO YOUR PLAYERS: The reason the Purgers want to kill the Daemons is because the Eternals control them, and the Eternals are angry that the Daemons escaped their curse, and so they want all of the Daemons dead.

1.3: The Restoration

The Restoration is the group of humans that have not yet been killed, or been bound to a Daemon. The Restoration is lead by a man called The Prophet. He despises the Abyss and all Hosts, and has no tolerance for them. If any Restored (member of the Restoration) is caught harboring a Host, they will be put to death along with the Host. The Restoration remains in the only in-tact city in the world. This city is called Sanctuary. It is regulated, law-enforced, and governed by the Restoration. This city is an astounding metropolis, over-crowded with citizens and tra?c. It has giant walls with high security surrounding it, over the entire metropolis is a Suppressant. A suppressant is a forcefeld that keeps Rifs from opening inside. This prevents Hosts from teleporting in, and Purgers from entering Aporia inside of the city. The Restoration keeps some Hosts constantly Exorcised as fail-safe defense mechanism against the Purgers. They brainwash them, break them down and crush them to humility. These Hosts are almost always Ragers. The Restoration only uses them when necessary, and when they aren't using them, the Hosts are treated as animals, chained in sealed cells, given barely any food, and beaten ofen. The law enforcement of Faundor is enormous. Thousands of Restored participate in it, and they ofen venture out of the city, hunting down Hosts and Purgers, going on month-long massacres. They are highly trained to fght against Purgers, and against Hosts. There are some, however, that believe that the Restoration is wrong. They believe that they are wrong about that Hosts, and that the Purgers are the only ones who are a threat. They are ofen the ones who harbor Hosts in Faundor, keeping them safe and alive. Some humans have formed a small rebellion against the Restoration. Nobody believes that this rebellion will succeed, considering the strength and power of the Restoration. Over a hundred people are killed by the Restoration each day. Humanity has not fallen, and it will not fall to any evil put to it. --The Prophet

1.4: The Hosts

Most Hosts lived in Sanctuary before they became Hosts. The Daemon chooses its Host, and most Hosts wake up to see their Daemon in their room. When they are bound, Hosts usually feel fear, and despair. They know they will never be accepted into society, and most likely killed, or tortured if discovered. Being a Host is incredibly depressing. Ofen their entire families are killed by Purgers breaking through the Suppressant, or by the Sanctity itself. The Hosts live in hiding in large buildings called Enclaves, owned by men called Lords. The majority of Enclaves lie in the Wastelands, an impossibly large desert into which no sane person attempts to enter. The art of using a Daemon's abilities is referred to as Incumancy. Daemons and Hosts are usually friends. When a Host sleeps, their spirit travels to the Abyss until they awaken. This is why Hosts usually avoid sleep. While sleeping, the Host feels as though they are awake, but participating in the horror that the Abyss presents them. Read more about the Abyss to understand what goes on. Insanity is fairly common among Hosts. Hosts who have gone completely insane from sleep or from too much fghting are called Ragers Most Enclaves occasionally have mandatory Sanity tests, where every member of the Enclave is required to answer a bunch of strangers. These are used to prevent Ragers from cracking inside the Enclave. If the member taking the test answers the questions angrily, jokingly, or just insanely, they will be determined as insane. If an Enclave member is found to be insane, they are brought outside the Enclave and killed immediately. Both the Restoration and the Purgers are out to kill them. They try to survive as much as they can. Your players are Hosts. May the Fates be on their side.

1.5: Quest 1: Descension

Legend says that the ruins of the great cities of the Ascended hold treasures unimaginable by the average human. Ikarr, the Lord of the powerful Itaran Enclave in the Wastelands, has heard of a great temple in the nearby ruins of the giant city Crypt. These rumors, he claims, come from a reliable source. However, there is a problem. Crypt is notorious for its great number of Ragers. Many souls have wandered there, only to lose their mind in the process. Will the group make it through the dangerous city? Is the treasure even real? Secrets lie beneath the earth
Your players are inhabitants of the Itaran enclave. They will be chosen, by Ikarr to accompany him on this quest to Crypt. They will take the Aetran, an advanced jet, to the city, and then continue on foot. Keep in mind Crypt is an enormous city. Bigger than New York City in today's world. The buildings are tall, strong, and inhabited. The players will be fghting many Ragers here, and also many Purgers. Some Ragers are sentient, being able to communicate and make deals with others. However, this is a risky thing to do. Ragers have an extremely violent mind.

A weak Incumancer, who isn't much one for fghting. He prefers to just sit back and watch as others do the dirty work for him. This is why he is having others guard him on this trip to Crypt. No one even knows what type of Daemon he has. No one living, anyways.

A Rager, who live in Crypt. He oversees all that goes on in Crypt, and he knows a lot about the ancient city. He holds a lot of secrets in his mind, and this makes him a valuable resource. Hyperdaemon.

Other notes:

Ikarr's Secret
Ikarr isn't actually an Incumancer. He's just a normal person, power-hungry. How he became the Lord of an Enclave, no one knows. But he can still take an Incumancer full-on, and kill them. But why would you have to fght him?

The Temple
The temple and the artifact both do exist, however, no one has ever found them. The artifact will grant the user incredible power. That's what legend says, at least. 8

Chapter 2

How To Play

2.1: Character Creation

Pick a name and a gender. The name can be anything you wish, but you just need a name. Write it down, along with your gender on your character sheet. Choose a Daemon type. This is the most important part of your character. See Daemon types and their abilities on page 17. Choose a starter ability and two skills. The starter abilities have no levelrequirement. Pick one of these. Also, you may make up some skills, or pick one from the list on page 27. Place your stats. In the boxes to the right of where it says STR (strength), MOB (mobility), MIN (mind), and PSI (magic), put the numbers 3, 2, 1, and 0 in the order of your choice. In the HP, put your STR multiplied by 15. Make sure to check if your Daemon give you extra stats or HP. You start at Level 0, but you will easily advance. See how to advance on page 13. Choose your armor and weapons. You start with 50g. You can spend it on equipment in 3.4 on page 29. The g you don't spend you put next to the g on your character page. Be sure to give out G while going throughout the game. Choose a phobia. Every character must have a phobia. Whenever you are afraid, (in the presence of your phobia) you lose two dice from each roll. However, whenever you succeed while afraid, you get an XP. You can choose your own phobia or look at the list on page 27. Choose a backstory. Every human being has a history. Provide some answers. How long has your character been a Host? What happened when they became one? What's their story? For example of a good character, meet Kiaara. She is 25 years-old, and a very good Incumancer with her Pyrodaemon. She became a Host when she was 21. She told no one, even her husband what she was. But when a Purger broke into her home, killing both her 3 month-old child and her husband, she knew she had to leave Faundor. She now keeps her hair short in honor of her lost family, and swears revenge against the Purgers for destroying her world. Character sheet is on page 32. Each player receives 10 d6's for their dice-pool.


2.2: Natural feats

Whenever a player does an action that the GM considers necessary to roll for, and that is an action that a normal creature (not a host) can perform, this action is a Natural Feat attempt, and the player must roll in order to succeed. The GM decides what stat that the player will roll. If it requires mobility, use MOB. If it requires strength, use STR. If it requires perceiving or intelligence, use MIN. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, so he should use MOB. The GM also decides if there is a skill that would help the player accomplish this task. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, so he is using MOB, and his climbing skill should also help him succeed. The GM fnally decides how di?cult the task is to accomplish. See di?culties on page 28. EX: Ankaa is trying to climb up into a window, and that would be very di?cult and dangerous, so I, the GM, give that action a di?culty of 4. Add up the dice. First, the player gets on free d6 for every natural feat they try to accomplish. Then take the number next to the stat the player is using for the action, and put in that many d6's. Then, take the number of skills that would help the player complete the task, and add that to the number dice the player is using. Then allow that player to use up as many dice in their dice-pool as they wish. EX: Ankaa gets 4 dice because his MOB is 3 and he has a climbing skill. He put 3 dice from his dice-pool in, so he has a total of 7 die-sixes. Roll the dice from your stats, skills and dice-pool. Examine the dice that you rolled. A 4, 5 or 6 are successes. The amount of successes needed to complete the action is how di?cult it is. If you succeed, the dice you used from your dice-pool go away. If you fail, you get your dice that you put in the roll from your dice-pool, and an additional d6 for your pool. EX: Ankaa rolled his 7 dice and got the following results: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Ankaa only got 3 successes, so he does not succeed and/or something bad happens, which the GM decides. For example of something bad happening, he alerts someone in the house because of a loud noise he makes, or he falls.


2.3: Supernatural feats

Whenever a player does an action that uses his/her Daemon's powers, use this system of success. Make sure the player has the correct abilities to do this. Maybe a player will try to throw a fre ball when they are, in fact, an Astrodaemon. They can't do that. If the player has the ability, continue. Determine the di?culty. Most Supernatural Feats have a reasonably high di?culty. All abilities have set di?culties, but you, as the GM can modify them as you like. Add the dice. First, give them at least one die. They always have at least one chance. Then, look at the player's PSI stat. (or, if for some reason, the supernatural feat requires a diferent stat, use that one instead.) Whatever rank it is, add that many dice. Then, see what level the ability they are using is. Add that many dice. Then, the player may add as many dice as s/he wants to from their dice-pool. Roll the dice. Successes work in the same way as Natural feats.


2.4: Leveling Up
Leveling up is fairly simple. Whenever you roll an action, (you do not have to succeed) you get to lightly color in a box to the right of the stat you used. EX: Ankaa tried to climb up into the window, and even though he failed, he gets to color in a box next to MOB because he used MOB for the action. When all the boxes next to one stat are flled, you erase them all so they are empty and mark an XP point on the bottom of the character sheet. When a certain number of boxes in the XP section are flled in, you level up and get to erase all the boxes in your XP section and fll in a box in the Level section underneath your stats. You can also gain XP from succeeding during the phobia efect. Afer you advance a level, see the chart on the next page to see what you can do on each level gain. The XP needed to advance to the next level is 2 times the level you're trying to achieve. For example, to get to level 1, you need 2 XP. 2, 4; 3, 6; 4, 8; etc. The max level is 30. If you, as the GM, wish for them to continue advancing, start the level-gaining chart over again at Level 1. You can do 5 things afer leveling up if the level allows: +1 max HP. Raises the max HP of the player by 1. +1 Stat. Raises a chosen Stat of the player by 1. Level up ability. Raises the level of a chosen ability that the player already has. New Skill. You may make up another skill or add one from the list on page 27. Add Ability. The player may choose another ability from their Daemon's ability list, (starting on page 17) as long as they have the level that is required.


Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Level 14: Add Ability Level 25: + 1 max HP New Skill Level 26: Level up Ability + 1 max HP Level 27: Add Ability Level 28: + 1 Stat + 1 max HP Level 29: +1 max HP Level up Ability Level 30: Add Ability + 1 max HP New Skill Level up Ability + 1 Stat Add Ability + 1 Stat + 1 max HP Level 24: Add Ability + 1 Stat New Skill +1 max HP + 1 max HP Add Ability Add Ability Level 19: New Skill + 1 max HP Level 20: +1 max HP Level up Ability Level 21: Add Ability Level 22: Level up Ability New Skill Level 23: +1 max HP Level up Ability New Skill + 1 max HP Level up Ability + 1 max HP Level 18: Add Ability + 1 max HP + 1 Stat Level up Ability + 1 max HP Add Ability + 1 max HP New Skill Level 17: +1 max HP + 1 max HP Level 16: Level up Ability New Skill

Level 5:

Level 6: Level 7:

Level 11:

Level 12: Level 13:

Level 15:


2.5: Special Case

There are some special feats that have certain rules. They are listed here. Merging: In order for a Host to use their Daemon's ability, they must Merge, which is when the Daemon turns into an intangible matter and enters the Hosts mind. This is when a host tries to combine with their Daemon in order to use their abilities. This gives you the capability to use your abilities. As long as the player is not Exorcised, no roll is required for this. It is automatic. It does not give you XP. Demerging works the same way.


Chapter 3



3.1: Daemons
There are 6 diferent types of Daemons. Here is a list of them, along with their Abilities and bonuses:


Mind Read

+2 MIN +3 max HP Di?culty 4 Pulse

All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 3

Allows the Caster to listen to the thoughts of the target for a limited amount of time.

The Caster deals 2 damage (+ PSI) to target.


Causes the target to become slightly afraid of Blocks any Psiodaemon efects on a group or the Caster, causing the target to become individual of targets. more easily submitted to the Caster's will.

Di?culty 4 Wall LvL 3 REQ

Di?culty 3 LvL 3 REQ


Gives everyone in the Area, except the Caster, the Phobia Efect.

Di?culty 4 Communicate LvL 6 REQ

Allows the Caster to communicate with any reasonable target through their mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ


Dampens the target's emotions (emotion can Deals 1 damage to a target whenever they try be specifed), making them more calm and to perform an action as long as the ability is serene. in efect.

Di?culty 4 Torture LvL 6 REQ

Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Amplifes the target's emotions (emotions can be specifed), making either more passionate, scared, angry, etc.

Di?culty 4 Frenzy LvL 9 REQ

Causes the target to temporarily lose all sense and go completely Insane.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


While the target is sleeping, the Caster may enter the dreams of the target.

Di?culty 5 Add LvL 9 REQ

Allows the Caster to add a memory to the target's mind.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Allows the Caster to control the mind and actions of the target.

Di?culty 5 Erase LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 Split LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to erase a memory from the target's mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


Creates an illusion in the minds of everyone in the area.

Causes the target's mind to be temporarily separated from the rest of his body, rending him motionless, and unable to use any of his/her senses.



+6 max HP All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 3 Torch

Di?culty 2

Allows the Caster to shoot a ball of fre from Creates knives of Dame extending from the his/her hands, dealing 2 damage (+ PSI). Caster's fsts. Good for hand-to-hand combat.


The Caster may warm up anything to an uncomfortably, or even deadly heat.

Di?culty 4 Ignite LvL 3 REQ

Allows the Caster to ignite anything on fre.

Di?culty 3 LvL 3 REQ


Creates a large wall of Dames, threatening anything that desires to cross.

Di?culty 4 Smoke LvL 6 REQ

Creates a large amount of smoke to restrict vision and sight.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Causes the Caster to shoot Dames from his mouth, dealing 4 (+PSI) fre damage to whoever it hits.

Di?culty 3 Protection LvL 6 REQ

Makes the Caster, and/or others near him invulnerable to all heat and fre.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Allows the Caster to temporarily control the growth and direction of previously existing Dames.

Di?culty 3 Explode LvL 9 REQ

Spontaneously causes an explosion to erupt.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Propels the Caster in a desired direction, including up.

Di?culty 4 Scorch LvL 9 REQ

Shoots a wall of Dames that burns and lights fre to anything it touches, dealing 5 damage.

Di?culty 3 LvL 9 REQ


Shoots multiple freballs from the Caster's fsts, Dying in multiple directions.

Di?culty 4 Dehydrate LvL 12 REQ

Removes all water from an object, making it completely dry.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Brings a large amount of hot magma from under the planet's surface to the surface.

Di?culty 4 Melt LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to melt a targeted item, wall, pillar, anything that is meltable, and not too large in scale.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


Shoots a beam of super-heated plasma, dealing 6 (+ PSI) damage.

Di?culty 5 Inferno LvL 12 REQ

Creates a large amount of fre that deals 8 (+ PSI) damage to everything it touches.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


Short-range Teleport

+2 MOB All abilities use PSI unless specifed. +2 max HP Di?culty 3 Light Telekinesis Di?culty 3
Lifs and moves light objects with the Caster's mind.

Creates a Rif that the Caster is sucked into, teleporting them to a desired, close by location. Around up to 100 f.


Creates a Forcefeld that resists all damage directed to what it is surrounding.

Di?culty 3 Long-range Teleport LvL 6 REQ

Creates a Rif that the Caster and all nearby are sucked into, teleporting them to a desired, far away location.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Turns the Caster temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 4 Moderate Telekinesis LvL 9 REQ

Lifs and moves medium-weighing objects with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ

Self Telekinesis

Lifs and moves the Caster with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 ReDex (MOB) LvL 9 REQ 4

Di?culty LvL 12 REQ

Whenever the holder of this ability fails a Dodge roll, or a roll that would have been determined by reDex, the player may cast this as well to dodge.


Opens a Rif to the Abyss. Purgers ofen come through the other side.

Di?culty 4 Journey LvL 12 REQ

Sends the target's spirit on a temporary trip through the Abyss. Hopefully without killing him/her.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Poly Telekinesis

Lifs and moves multiple selected objects with the Caster's mind.

Di?culty 4 Morph LvL 12 REQ

Allows the Caster to change their body into anything. The change is permanent. The Caster must cast this again in order to return to true form.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


Creates a Suppressor, preventing any Rifs from opening from inside the area.

Di?culty 4 Cosmos LvL 12 REQ

Summons comets that rain down on the area, dealing lots of damage.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Heavy Telekinesis

Lifs and moves any weight of objects with the Caster's mind. 20

Di?culty 5 Poly Conceal LvL 15 REQ

Makes a group of targets temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Strength 1

+2 STR All abilities use STR unless specifed. +7 max HP Di?culty 2 Size Change (PSI) Di?culty 4
Changes the size of the Caster to either normal, twice the size, or half the size.

Temporarily add +1 STR Strength Bonuses are stackable

Strength 2

Temporarily add +1 STR and +1 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 3 Strength 3 LvL 3 REQ

Temporarily add +1 STR and +2 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ


Allows the Caster to have damage dealt to a target dealt to the Caster instead.

Di?culty 3 Strength 4 LvL 6 REQ

Temporarily add +2 STR and +2 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ

Share (PSI)

Allows the Caster to give a target part of their HP.

Di?culty 4 Courage (MIN) LvL 9 REQ 4

Di?culty LvL 9 REQ

Removes all Phobia efects on the Caster.

Barrier (PSI)

Raises a Stone wall to protect people who take cover behind it.

Di?culty 3 Pierce LvL 9 REQ

Afer an attack is successful, this may be cast to ignore all armor the target is wearing.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Recover (PSI)

Cast for the target to regain 5 HP. Self can be targeted.

Di?culty 5 ReDect (PSI) LvL 12 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast, and when successful, the damage directed towards the Caster is directed to the Attacker instead.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ

Strength 5

Temporarily add +3 STR and +3 max HP Strength Bonuses are stackable

Di?culty 5 Absorb LvL 12 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast, and when successful, half of the damage directed towards the Caster is absorbed.

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ

Battle Cry

When cast, multiple targets around you temporarily gain +3 STR.

Di?culty 5 Titanium LvL 15 REQ

When attacked, this may be cast this to ignore all damage. Can be cast once while being attacked, even if being attacked by more than one person.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ



+2 PSI +3 max HP

All abilities use PSI.

Di?culty 3 Deafen

Di?culty 3

Creates a large Dash of light that temporarily blinds everyone in the area.

Creates an extremely loud sound that temporarily deafens everyone in the area.


Creates a large cloud that makes it impossible to see anything while covered by it.

Di?culty 4 Protection LvL 3 REQ

Prevents the Caster and/or other target(s) from being efected by loud sounds and bright light.

Di?culty 4 LvL 6 REQ

Darken Control

Darkens the area in which it is cast.

Di?culty 3 Brighten LvL 6 REQ

Brightens the area in which it is cast.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ

Controls the movement of existing shadows. No movement from the source of the shadow is required.

Di?culty 4 Silence LvL 9 REQ

Prevents the Caster from being capable of producing any sound.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ


Allows the Caster to be able to see no matter what light level there is.

Di?culty 4 Light Beam LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 4 Animate LvL 9 REQ

Shoots out a beam of light that deals 4 damage (+ PSI) to what it hits.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Makes a targeted shadow tangible, allowing it to deal damage, and pick up items.

Causes a targeted Shadow to become sentient, being able to talk and think for itself.


Shoot out a ripple of tangible shadows, knocking everyone in the area besides the Caster, of their feet.

Di?culty 4 Sonic LvL 12 REQ

Shoots a powerful, inaudible sound, with such force that can break down walls, and kill people. Has a bit of a kick.

Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ


Changes the gravity in the area. Makes it stronger, weaker, and/or changes the direction in which the gravity in the area pulls.

Di?culty 4 Targeted Shif LvL 12 REQ

Changes the gravity of an individual, or a group. Makes it stronger, weaker, and/or changes the direction in which the gravity pulls on the targets.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ


The Caster releases a loud sequence of Dashes of light and loud sounds, rendering all who are not protected blind and deaf for quite a while. 22

Di?culty 5 Poly Silence LvL 15 REQ

Temporarily makes a group of targets incapable of producing any sound whatsoever.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

Summon 1

+1 PSI +4 max HP Di?culty 2 Gamble

All abilities use PSI. Di?culty 2

Summons an undead minion that has 3 HP. Only one minion of the same level may be existing at a time.

When cast the Caster rolls a d6. On 4-6, you gain 5 HP. On 1-3, however, you lose 4 HP.


Turns the Caster temporarily invisible.

Di?culty 4 Summon 2 LvL 3 REQ

Summons an undead minion that has 5 HP and 1 STR. Only one minion of the same level may be existing at a time.

Di?culty 3 LvL 6 REQ


Gives everyone in the Area, except the Caster, the Phobia Efect.

Di?culty 4 Mount LvL 6 REQ

Summons an undead horse that the Caster may use as a mount.

Di?culty 4 LvL 9 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 9 REQ


Captures the Target as a spirit, which may be put away and dealt with later.

Di?culty 5 Communicate LvL 9 REQ

When cast, the Caster may communicate with the spirit of a selected deceased individual.

Summon 3

Summons and undead minion that has 7 HP Summons an undead minion that has 10 HP and 2 STR. Only one minion of the same and 3 STR. Only one minion of the same level level may be existing at a time. may be existing at a time.

Di?culty 3 Summon 4 LvL 9 REQ

Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


When cast at the beginning of a turn, the Caster may perform 2 more actions.

Di?culty 5 Apocalypse LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 5 Revive LvL 12 REQ

Summons 7 undead minions that have 6 HP and 1 STR.

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ Di?culty 5 LvL 12 REQ Di?culty 4 LvL 12 REQ


When cast on a dead body, the Caster may envision a short time before the corpse died.

When cast, it brings back a target from the dead with half the HP.


Makes the Caster intangible, allowing anything to pass through him/her, such as walls and bullets.

Di?culty 4 Familiar LvL 12 REQ

Summons a familiar that cannot attack, but cannot be seen by anyone besides you. This familiar may collect items, eavesdrop on conversation, or whatever the GM allows.


When cast, the Caster has a vision that s/he is Summons an undead minions that has 15 HP talking to a spirit, that ofers him/her and 5 STR. Only one minion of the same level guidance. may be existing at a time. 23

Di?culty 5 Summon 5 LvL 12 REQ

Di?culty 5 LvL 15 REQ

3.2: Antagonists
There are multiple types of creatures that the players will be fghting against. GM, refer to here for diferent types of creatures. If any other Antagonists enter the battlefeld that you make up, make up traits for them, such as HP, STR, MOB, etc. Antagonists get no dice-pool.

A large wolf-like creature with long claws and no eyes. How it knows you're there, no one knows.

Abilities: Poison (STR)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Armor: Weapon: Di?culty 3

35 5 0 0 0 3 +2

When cast, the Ripper shoots out its long tongue, and everything it touches receives Poison and 3 damage.


A fast, small creature that latches onto the back of others' heads. It then madly controls them, using their abilities and weapons.

Abilities: Corrupt (PSI)


5 0 4 0 2

Di?culty 3

When cast, the Corrupter jump up, latching onto the head of another, taking control of them.



A tall, lanky, terrifying creature that absorbs dead bodies to become them, acting just like them and being able to use their abilities.

Abilities: Absorb (PSI) Dissolve (PSI)


12 0 0 3 5

Di?culty 3 Di?culty 3

When cast on a dead body, the Deceit absorbs the corpse, turning into its form. When the Deceit is in a form, this may be cast for the Deceit to turn into its true form, dissolving the previous corpse inside itself.


A bulky, strong creature that uses its freakishly deformed, large fsts to maul its victims.


HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Weapon:

25 5 3 0 0 +3

More Purgers may be added if desired.


The Restoration:
A usually skinny man or woman who heals his/her teammates.

Abilities: Recover (PSI)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Di?culty 4

20 0 1 2 3

When cast, the Cleric may restore 5 HP to any target, including himself.


A large, strong man who deals a lot of damage and can take a lot of damage.

Abilities: Pierce (STR)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Armor: Weapon: Di?culty 5

30 3 2 0 1 2 +1

Afer an attack is successful, this may be cast to ignore all armor the target is wearing.


A feared mage that is rarely seen. Can temporarily make it impossible for a Host to merge with his/her Daemon.

Abilities: Exorcise (PSI)

HP: STR: MOB: MIN: PSI: Di?culty 5

25 0 1 2 3

When this is Cast on a Host, the target cannot Merge with his/her Daemon for some time.

More Restored may be added if desired.


3.3: Skills, Phobias, and Di?culties

Gunnery Stealth Magic Abyssians Endure Acrobatics Gears Locks Mounts Empathy Etiquette Chemistry History Blades Jumping Hunting Basic Construction Healing Armor Piloting Mimicry Survival Falling Hypnotism Robotics/AI Smuggling Brawling Disguise Religion Lifing Physics Invention Driving Mining Crafs Parrying Astronomy Cooking Technology Climbing Persuasion Plasmology Navigation Martial Arts Hacking Escape Pickpocket Maneuvering Clubs/Maces Biology Engineering Mythology

Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. Autophobia- Fear of being alone. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of Dying. Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria. Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets. Claustrophobia- Fear of confned spaces. Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons. Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting. Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges. Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia- Fear of blood. Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things. Hoplophobia- Fear of frearms. Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Iophobia- Fear of poison. Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat. Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises. Malaxophobia- Fear of love play. (Sarmassophobia) Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs. Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes. 27

Pathophobia- Fear of disease. Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts. Technophobia- Fear of technology. Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death.

1 A one is a very easy task to accomplish, so it doesn't happen very ofen. 2 A two is an easy task. It happens occasionally, but still, not very ofen. 3 A three is a moderate task. It takes some skill, but not much. This is the average task. 4 A four is a hard task. This requires a fair amount of skill, and ofen stress, shock, injuries or danger has something to do with this. 5 A fve is a very hard task. Only experts should attempt this. If the player would have a very hard time succeeding while accomplishing a task, and ofen stress, shock, injuries or danger has something to do with this, then it would be a fve.


3.4: Weapons, Armor, and Items

Weapons are used to kill stuf. That's why they were made. To use, take the number next to it and add your STR to it, and add that to a roll on a d6. That is how much damage you deal. EX: A +2 weapon will deal 2 + STR damage.

One-handed Weapons
Plasma Pistol -- G: 20 -- +1 Just a simple plasma pistol used for shooting the guts out of your enemies. Plasma Whip -- G: 40 -- +3 A whip made out of plasmic energy. What more could you ask for? Energy Sword -- G: 50 -- +5 A sword made out of pure energy, which will never break. Plasma Sword -- G: 30 -- +2 A sword that can slice your enemies clean in half. Energy Zapper G: 55 -- +5 A small gun that will stun your enemies. It has to recharge, however. Shatter Pistol G: 65 +6 Shatter weapons split the bullet they fre into countless smaller ones. Ouch.

Two-handed Weapons
Plasma Mace G: 60 -- +6 A blunt object with an exceedingly large end that will knock someone's teeth out. Especially since it's made of plasma. Energy Claws G: 70 +7 Shatter sword G: 75 + 8 Claws made from pure energy. They A sword that will leave behind shards will never break, and they help you everywhere it slices. Ouch. It's stuck beat someone up. inside of you. Shatter Rocket G: 80 +8 Drainer Rife G: 75 +5 It's as bad as it sounds. This A rare weapon that will drain the rocket launcher is a brutal weapon that magical powers out of the target for will put millions more shards than a their next actions. Has to recharge for pistol. Ouch again. a while.

Plasma Claws G: 55 -- +6 Claws that you put on both of your hands to make Fist-Fighting a little more interesting.

Helmets are used to protect the most vital part of your body. To use, if you get attacked successfully in the head, the number to the right reduces the damage by its value. EX: A thug strikes you in the head with a club that deals 3 damage. Your helmet has a 1, so it only deals 2 damage.

Hat G: 10 1 This thin cloth hat barely protects you. It's just for luck.

Weak Helm G: 20 2 This helmet is weak, but it's better than nothing.

Small Force Field G: 30 3 Medium Helm G: 40 5 This device attaches to your neck and This helmet is the average metal, puts a small force feld around your providing medium protection. head. Hooray! You look ridiculous! Passer G: 25 3 Strong Helm G: 70 10 This incredible invention will turn A strong helmet. The best of the best. your head intangible most of the time. Get a four or higher on a d6 to have it work. OtherMINe, it's just 3 armor.

Body Armor
Use by subtracting the amount of damage by the number when attacked in the body. (anywhere besides the head)

Cloth Clothing G: 15 1 This is what normal people wear. You are not normal. Force Field Armor G: 40 3 It puts a force feld around your entire body! Idiotic! ReDector G: 35 3 This armor reDects anything that hits it most of the time. Works the same as a Passer.

Weak Armor G: 30 2 A weak metal that's rusty and stupid looking. But it's better than those clothes. Medium Armor G: 50 4 A normal metal that most warriors wear. Hooray Strong Armor G: 70 6 Strong armor. What else is there to say?

Gloves are awesome, but expensive. They can lif large objects, crush anything, throw freballs and lasers at people not really, but still. To use, just have the player be able to use the ability that comes with the glove like a normal action. Use PSI.

Strong Gloves G: 55 These gloves give you +1 STR while you're wearing them.

Time Gloves G: 60 These gloves let you freeze time temporarily, giving you an extra action before anyone else acts. Relatively long cool down. Cold Gloves G: 60 These gloves can freeze anything and control ice. Earth Gloves G: 55 These gloves let you control rocks and the Earth beneath your feet.

Climbing Gloves G: 60 These gloves let you climb up anything. Even sheer walls. Plated Gloves G: 45 4 These gloves are just like armor. 4 armor.

Accessories are AWESOME! Pretty much as cool as the gloves. They give you all sorts of useful abilities and stuf. You can equip two at a time. Use just like the Gloves, unless it's one-use only.

Jump Ring G: 50 This accessory gives you the ability to jump higher and farther. Be sure to wear a helmet Protection Ring G: 60 This ring will save you when in your most distress, by teleporting you to the nearest town! Only works when desperately needed. Healing Bracelet G: 45 This bracelet restores your HP to its maximum whenever. Even when you're dead. One use only.

Cloaking Amulet G: 50 This gemmed necklace gives you an extra die when doing a stealth action or casting Conceal. Saving Stone G: 60 This stone lets you bring someone (or something) back to life. Of course, the someone (or something) must have lived once before. One use only. Force Brace G: 35 3 This brace give you armor. 3 armor.

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