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COMPREHENSION (4 points: questions 1-3, 1 point each; 4-5, 0.5 points each) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-3 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. NOTA: aunque en el enunciado se te pida expresar la respuesta en tus propias palabras, segn los criterios de correccin en cada una de las tres primeras preguntas obtendras 0,50 puntos copiando textualmente los pasajes relevantes, por demostrar comprensin. El esfuerzo de formular la idea en tus propias palabras te dara los 0,50 puntos restantes.

Why was the narrator going to meet Frank Gehry? The narrator needed official permission from Frank Gehry for a building project. NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Copiando del texto, la respuesta sera: [The narrator] wanted to build a housing project and the plans needed his approval. (LINES 1 & 2) Aade tu propuesta y la comentar.

How did the accident happen? Explain. The narrator was distracted, because he was lost and feared he would be late for his meeting, and his car hit the dog.

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Copiando del texto, la respuesta sera: [The narrator] was paying more attention to finding [his] way back downtown than to the road. That's when [he] felt a hard bump. (LINES 3 & 4) Aade tu propuesta y la comentar.

What does Frank Gehry thank the narrator for? Explain. Killing his dog. Neither Frank Gehry nor his wife could bring themselves to have it killed but it was old and very ill.

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Adaptando mnimamente el pasaje relevante del texto, la respuesta sera: [The narrator had] done [Gehry and his wife] a great favour. [Their] dog was old and blind and had cancer, and neither [Gehry] nor [his wife had] had the courage to put him to sleep. (LINES 11 & 12) Aade tu propuesta y la comentar.


The woman felt nervous when she knew about the accident. FALSE: She looked out and said calmly, "That's my dog." (LINE 6)

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Aade la tuya y la comentar.

The narrator felt worried when he discovered who the owner of the dog was. TRUE: "Great," I thought. "I need this man's approval, and I've just killed his dog." (LINE 9)

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Aade la tuya y la comentar.


USE OF ENGLISH (3 points: questions 6-9, 0.25 points each; 10-13, 0.5 points each)

GIVE ONE OPPOSITE OF "approval" (noun) AS IT IS USED IN THE TEXT (LINES 2, 9). refusal, denial, disapproval Otra propuesta correcta recibida (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): prohibition Propuestas incorrectas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver la explicacin): disaccept negative

FIND IN THE TEXT ONE WORD MEANING "the central part and commercial area of a town or city." downtown (LINE 3)

FIND ONE SYNONYM FOR "bravery" (noun). courage (LINE 12) NOTA: se ha recibido una consulta acerca del enunciado de esta pregunta, por no ajustarse a las directrices publicadas. Haz clic aqu para ver mi comentario.

GIVE AN ADJECTIVE WITH THE SAME ROOT AS "sleep" (verb). sleepy, sleepless, sleeping, asleep


COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONAL SENTENCE: If I had been you, I would have told your parents.

NOTA: La oracin propuesta es una CONDICIONAL TIPO III. Cualquier oracin que emplease el CONDICIONAL PERFECTO (would have o could have + PARTICIPIO PASADO) podra en principio valer como continuacin, siempre que se cuidasen su sintxis, ortografa y sentido.

Otras propuestas recibidas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver los comentarios): if i had been, you would have seen me. If I had been you, I would have shopped her other dog.


REWRITE THE SENTENCE WITHOUT CHANGING ITS MEANING. BEGIN AS INDICATED: "The race was so long that I couldn't finish it." It was such a long race that I couldn't finish it. It was such a long race I couldn't finish it. Propuesta incorrecta (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): It was such a long race so I couldn't finish it.


GIVE A QUESTION FOR THE UNDERLINED WORDS: "His sister's boyfriend was quite funny." Whose boyfriend was quite funny?

Propuestas incorrectas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver la explicacin): Who boyfriend was quite funny of? Who was quite funny? Who of boyfriend's family was quite funny?


TURN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO THE PASSIVE VOICE: Someone stole my wife's car yesterday. My wife's car was stolen yesterday. My wife's car was stolen by someone yesterday.

Opcion B



COMPREHENSION (4 points: questions 1-3, 1 point each; 4-5, 0.5 points each) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-3 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. NOTA: aunque en el enunciado se te pida expresar la respuesta en tus propias palabras, segn los criterios de correccin en cada una de las tres primeras preguntas obtendras 0,50 puntos copiando textualmente los pasajes relevantes, por demostrar comprensin. El esfuerzo de formular la idea en tus propias palabras te dara los 0,50 puntos restantes.

How are the rainforests affected by meat consumption? They are cut down to make way for cattle farms to provide meat for consumption. NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Copiando del texto, la respuesta sera: ...rainforests are being chopped down to raise cows... (LINES 4 & 5) Aade tu propuesta y la comentar.

Why is eating too much meat so bad? It leads to diseases which cause thousands of deaths each year and it also has negative effects on the environment.

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles.

Copiando del texto, la respuesta podra ser: Eating too much meat, particularly processed meat, is unhealthy because it can involve consuming more fat than official guidelines recommend. (LINES 6 & 7) Pero al usar la palabra bad en el enunciado en lugar de expresiones ms especficas como hubiesen sido bad for your health o unhealthy, entiendo que tambin valdran como respuestas ms generales: Widespread change to low-meat diets would stop 31,000 early deaths from heart disease, and 9,000 from cancer... (LINES 2 & 3) Dramatically reduced meat consumption would slow down climate change and deforestation in South America... (LINES 3 & 4) Aade tu propuesta y la comentar.

What arguments do meat producers give to defend themselves? Give two. Most people already eat less meat than they should. Reducing meat consumption would have little effect. Red meat is good for people's health.

NOTA: estas respuestas son simplemente unas propuestas entre otras posibles. Copiando del texto, las tres posibles respuestas seran: The vast majority of consumers eat less than average recommendations of red meat already. (LINES 10 & 11) It is over-simplistic to say that changing one element of the diet can have such a dramatic result. (LINES 11 & 12) Red meat has a valuable role to play as part of a healthy diet. (LINE 12) Aade tus propuestas y las comentar.


"Eating meat twice a week is bad for you," experts claim. FALSE: More than 45,000 lives a year could be saved if everyone began eating meat no more than two or three times a week, health experts claim today. (LINES 1 & 2)

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Aade la tuya y la comentar.

Propuestas incorrectas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver la explicacin): TRUE: More than 45,000 lives a year could be saved if everyone began eating meat no more than two or three times a week, health experts claim today. (LINES 1 & 2) ... eating meat no more than two or three times a week... (LINE 1)

Diets containing big amounts of meat can cause heart disease and cancer. TRUE: Widespread change to low-meat diets would stop 31,000 early deaths from heart disease, and 9,000 from cancer... (LINES 2 & 3)

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Aade la tuya y la comentar.


USE OF ENGLISH (3 points: questions 6-9, 0.25 points each; 10-13, 0.5 points each)

FIND IN THE TEXT ONE WORD THAT HAS THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: "distributed over a considerable extent" (adjective). widespread (LINE 2) Propuestas incorrectas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver la explicacin): exported (LINE 5) vast (LINE 10)

FIND IN THE TEXT ONE SYNONYM FOR "illness" (noun). disease (LINE 3) Propuesta incorrecta (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): healthy (LINE 12)

FIND IN THE TEXT ONE OPPOSITE FOR "worse" (adjective). better (LINE 9)

GIVE ONE SYNONYM FOR "look after" (verb) AS IT IS USED IN THE TEXT (LINE 7). take care of Otra propuesta correcta recibida (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): protect Otra propuesta recibida (haz clic en ella para ver el comentario): to take care of Propuestas incorrectas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver la explicacin): save (to) care care about be careful take care



It is unhealthy to eat red meat Propuestas incorrectas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver la explicacin): Red meal it is unhealthy to eat. To eat red meat it is unhealthy. To eat red meat it's unhealthy. Red meat is unhealthy to eat


JOIN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING A RELATIVE. MAKE CHANGES IF NECESSARY: John is an excellent pianist. He plays professionally. John, who is an excellent pianist, plays professionally. John is an excellent pianist who plays professionally. John is an excellent pianist, who plays professionally. John is an excellent pianist that plays professionally. Otra propuesta correcta recibida (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): John, who plays professionally, is an excellent pianist. Propuesta incorrecta (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): John who plays professionally, is an excellent pianist.


COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONAL SENTENCE: If we were taught to respect wild life, the world would be a better place.

NOTA: esta respuesta es simplemente una propuesta entre otras muchas posibles. La condicin est expresada en VOZ PASIVA y en el tiempo PASADO SIMPLE. Existen por tanto varias maneras de continuar la oracin, e infinitas respuestas correctas. La interpretacin ms obvia sera ver la oracin como una CONDICIONAL TIPO II referida a un presente irreal e hipottico: If we were taught to respect wild life, the world would be a better place. Tambin podra verse como una CONDICIONAL TIPO II referida a una condicin de improbable cumplimiento en el futuro: If we were taught to respect wild life, (in next year's new syllabus,) we could learn how to save species(, but I don't think we will, because our school doesn't care about the environment). Adems estn las CONDICIONALES MIXTAS, combinando la condicin irreal del presente dada en el enunciado con consecuencias igualmente hipotticas e irreales tanto futuras como pasadas: If we were taught to respect wild life, (as part of our current syllabus,) our descendants could be enjoying a much healthier environment a hundred years from now. (FUTURO) If we were taught to respect wild life, (as part of our current syllabus,) many animals wouldn't have become extinct. (PASADO) Como vemos, en la oracin resultado se usa sobre todo el CONDICIONAL: would o could + INFINITIVO pero tambin pueden usarse: el CONDICIONAL CONTINUO: would be o could be + FORMA -ING y el CONDICIONAL PERFECTO: would have o could have + PARTICIPIO PASADO Estas construcciones ni siquiera agotan todas las posibilidades. Aade tu propuesta y la comentar.

Otras propuestas correctas recibidas (haz clic en la que te interese para ver el comentario): If we were taught to respect wild life, we would be happy. If we were taught to respect wild life, I would be happy. If we were taught to respect wild life, we would be environmentally friendly.

Propuesta incorrecta (haz clic en ella para ver la explicacin): If we were taught to respect wild life, the enviroment would be saved.


TURN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO THE PASSIVE VOICE: They heard a strange noise at the other side of the door. A strange noise was heard at the other side of the door A strange noise was heard by them at the other side of the door

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