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Gordons Functional Health Pattern

Patterns of Functioning Health Perception Before Hospitalization According to the patient, he perceives himself as a healthy individual. He rarely visits a medical professional unless a health problem exists. He describes his appetite as good. His average days food intake is 3 meals .He loves to eat eat meats, vegetables, fruits and fish .His fluid intake is 6-8 glasses/ day During Hospitalization The patient thinks that he cannot function well the same as before, because of his fracture, but he will try to be healthy as before by following what the medical professionals instructed him. He still describes his appetite, the same as before. Analysis d/t hospitalization, he cant function well, he thinks that because of his fracture/condition which affects his perception about health.

Nutritional Metabolic Pattern

d/t his condition, he thinks that he needs to be aware of his nutritional status, so he maintain his healthy nutritional pattern.

Elimination Pattern

The patient urinates The patient usually frequent but scanty urinates urine. The pt defecates 5 to 7 times a day with twice following a 2 days odorless yellow urine interval with discomfort. and defecates 1 to 2 times a day. No reported pain and difficulty during micturition and defecation. The clients walks a lot, this serve as his main exercise. He considered his work as his exercise. The patient activities are limited because of his fracture on his left leg. He just listen to music/radio and sometimes read newspaper on bed.

The patient has a good elimination pattern ever though he is in the hospital.

Activity/Exercise Pattern

The clients ADL was affected because of his condition.

Sleep-Rest Pattern

Patients sleeping hours range from 8-9 hours everyday. He sleeps at 8pm and wakes up at 5am.He does not have any difficulty going to sleep.

The client stated that he has difficulty in sleeping or either taking a nap due to he present pain he is experiencing.

The client have an inadequate sleep because of discomfort such as pain. It affects his sleeping pattern.

Cognitive/Perceptual Pattern

He has normal cognitive perception. He can comprehend well. He responds appropriately to verbal & physical stimuli.

Nothing is changed in his cognitive perception. He can still respond appropriately to verbal and physical stimuli.

He has normal functioning for her senses and perception. His hospitalization doesnt change his cognitive/perceptual Pattern.

Self Perception

The pt. views himself as a healthy and strong individual that could work and function very well.

Due to hospitalization, the patient cannot do his daily activity. Sometimes he thinks that he is worthless because he cant function very well. The patient sometimes asks the help of his wife in decision making especially in handling finances. He thinks that his wife will be able to help him in decision making.

The patients self perception was extremely affected due to his condition.

Role Relationship Pattern

The patient is married. The patient acts the sole decision maker in their household regarding to finances, health, family and personal matters. He has also strong bond with his family.

In addition to providing an environment conducive to physical growth and health, the family creates an atmosphere that influences the cognitive and the psychosocial growth of its members.

Sexual health is an

Sexual Reproductive Pattern

The patient had 3 children. They are not very open in using different kinds of contraceptive methods.

It was contraindicated in his condition because of his fracture.The patient and his wife decide to focus on their children needs.

individual and constantly changing phenomenon falling within the wide range of human sexual thoughts, feelings needs, and desires. For most people, sexual health is not considered until its absence or impairment is noticed. His coping stress mechanism is to share to his loved ones his burdens. In this way, it lightens his burden. He diverts his stress in doing some relaxing activity which will help him to reduce stress. A coping strategy is a natural or learned way of responding to a changing environment or specific problem or situation .

Coping Stress Tolerance

He tells his problems to his family members and to his friends. The patients asks always guidance to God. Sometimes, he divert his stress in watching TV for relaxation.

He tells his problems to his wife and his brother; because they are the ones who took good care of him while he is in the hospital. He still prays to God, every time he encounters problems.

Value Belief Pattern

Patient is a Roman Catholic. He doesnt go to church every Sunday, but prays to God often, he believes in superstitions.

Even though he is hospitalized, he still has a good faith in God. He doesnt questioned God why he has to experience this condition.

His hospitalization doesnt change his value belief pattern.

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