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MSNr K ^l$!

{$l M>Z MSN-r- -{--]l-l -W. I-s ll-$ MS$ -S- ]l-MS$ A
s -S-Z MS-N-r- A]l-V>--]l-MS$ _ ZOl-]l {-$ Ayl$-VS$-l$--$. C l$VS$
$yl$Z, {Z ^l]l A$MS$ ]l$. tOl$]l MS]lyl, ]l${VSOl$]l
l$s$ M>MS]lyl {V>$ {l A$MS$ {MS* A>$. MSNr
S>$MS, MSNr l A^l {V>$ {l A$MS$ s SMS$ Ol]l]l
MSNr *V>MS _]l {l$MS A>O A]lV>]l MS^ll$MS$ D $
{^lylOl$. D l-lZ MSN-r- -#-r$t-N--l->- ]l$_ Bl$--MS MSN-r- ]l-MS*
A-]l l$ s ]l->-$...s-O >VS- {$...

MSNs (VS]l) Al l ]l$_ MSNr ]l_a. ls Bl$MS MSNr$ ^l

]l$Z 80 >MS OV> AMS, VS]l l l Er$$$. "]l$]lMS$ A]lOl$]l
$ C]lyMS MSNr A]l$$ ^l tOl$]l ]l$ *^l]l]l$ "BVSl'
(Algorithm)' As$. MSNrZ ]l$]l ^l*ylVSVS, MSVSVS V>s MS "zl'
A, A G ^l*Z ^l *^l]l ]l*> "tl' A, B ]l]lZ ^l
]l*]l]l#l MS *]l$ll A As$.
^l{lZ M $ l]lMS$P l {MS$N 6]l Z O^l$ "AMS' Al
]l$]l#]l$ lVS]llOl$]l VS]l M E*W^l$. MS Eyl N$ Eyl AMS
lVSV> VS]l$ ^l$ D kZ MS*y E$. V> $]l u>Z MS*y
*V> l$l$$. y {^ll kZ lVSV> MS {l$l> ]l*]l$
VS$_ s bl^lVS S$]l$ l*$ ^l*]l_a. Cl$-M- ]l *P B
G[MStMS ChVS, Al$MSl BMS ^l]l tMS a r MS lSZ
G[M>tMS ]l*]l$MS Cs{VSr Ayl M>MS$r (ENIAC) $[ 1946Z l*-$
^l>$. 17]l Z MS*ylMS$ ^l ${ P, VS$M>>$ ^l ${ gl
l$$ MS]l$V]lsMS "Bl$MS MSNr {' V> ]l b g 1822Z
ll Cfl]l$ l*$ ^l>yl$. ]l$V> ]l$]l gl (Father of the nation)
A VS$$^l$MS$]lr$V>l b h MSNr l (Father of the Computers) A
{^l VS$_. tstMS s$ l*MS yll Cfl]l$ E*-W^l$. l>l
1833Z b g l*$ ^l]l G]lsMS Cfl C#yl$ ]l$]l ^l*$]l MSNrMS$
*. lVSZ $VS$l, OkZ lVS$Yl l Bl$MS MSNrMS yll CflMS ly

l$. 1833Z $MS AOl MS*ylMS$ N^l $$ ]l$_ MS]l$MS M $$]l VS]l$
^l lVS #kMS$. JMS _]lOk VS Eyl MSNr g$Z stl _]l--V>
Ml ]lyl yls]l$ $MS$ { ^l ]l$]lMS$ A]lOl$]l l$ ]l*^> A^l
{{MS$]l$ {VS yls {VS As$. 13062008&D Q]l$ GOVS
^ll^l$a, A ^l$M]l^l$a. JMS Ms ]lO S AOl yl$ l G$ A]l$M]l^l$a. JMSs,
]lyl$, $]l... C ^ll^l$a. C raw data A]l$MS$s 13&06&2008 A {
^l$yl > C Q$ A]l#l$. *. 13,06,200&08 O., *. 1,30,62,008/&, $
130,62,008/& JMPMSP lZ l$l$ A>]l$ C$. Al AMS ]l l-$
A>^la MSV> A]l$ayll$ {VS. H lV> { ^l*Z lV> C^la Bl>
]l tl A ]l]l$. ]lyl$MS$ {VS > l$ ]l*^V>
*lyMS {r {VS s C.P.U E*VSyl$l$. sZ MS{sZ
s, Al$sMS hMS s Al yl$ V>$$$. Al$sMS hMS sl
A.L.U.A$ A MS*y ]l]l$. VS]lMS$, MSMS$ _]l ]l$ D
s $. MS*ylMS$, ll$, VS$M>>$, VS>$, JMS Q MSs ]l$
Q _]l, l ]ls ]l]l> D VSZl f$VS$$$. D VS]lMS$ A]lOl$]l
AMS]l$ (0 ]l$_ 9 ]lMS$), VS$$]l$ (+,&,, ,=,<,... ]ls) th sZ $]l
E^l$$. VS]l ]l$l ]l^la $]l$ MS*y D sZl Es$$. Cl#s s
> ]lyl yls tg sMS l$. AMSPyl ]l$_ A]lOl$]l AMS$, VS$$$ Al$sMS
hMS sMS l, VS]l$ N*MS W tg sMS ]l_a A]l#s#s s
> $ $rMS$ ]l$$. D $VS$ V> ]l$l ]l$]l* MS{sZ s
^l$. MSNr l$l-yl$- $$. tlZ E]l *^l]l ]l$ {M>
fVSr$, Al$MS]lOl$]l yls tg s ]l$_ Al$sMS hMS sMS, VS]l
A]ll l$ ]l*^> W tg sMS ]l*a ll]l$ MS{sZ s
$. As b g l*$ ^l]l G]lsMS CflZ]l$, Bl$MS
MSNrZ]l$ Cl#s, t, MS{sZ, $, A]l#s#s Al A$$l$ ]lQ V>$$$.
s]l$l l MS lV> Er$.
MSNrZ l V>$

Cl -#-s

A]l#-s -#--s


]l* {$
1) Which of the following cannot be done by a computer?
a)Whether forecoasting

b)Forecasting the price of shares

c)Processing of sensitive data

d)Taking decisions independently

2) What is an ALGORITHM?
a) Finite number of sequential instructions
b) Infinite number of sequential instructions
c) Finite number of random instructions

d) Infinite number of random instructions

a) Hardware

b) Software

3) All those parts which can be seen or felt in a computer are called
c) Humanware

d) Tableware

4) The set of instructions to a computer to complete a specific task is called

a) Hardware

b) Software

c) Humanware

d) Tableware

5) The computer of ancient times was called




a) Pascal

6) Who is called as the "Father of Computers"?

b) John Napier

c) Fortran

d) Charles Babbage

7) Which of the following is considered as the brain of the computer?

a) Input

b) Output

c) C.P.U.

d) Information

8) Which of the following had similar constitution as that of a modern computer?

a) Difference Engine


c) Analytical Engine

9) C.P.U. means
a) Control Processing Unit
b) Central Processing Unit
c) Central Promoting Unit
d) Control Promoting Unit

d) Abacus

10)A.L.U. means
a) Algebric Logic Unit

b) Arithmatic Local Unit

c) Arithmatic Logic Unit

d) Algebric Local Unit

11)GIGO means
a) Gold in Gold out

b) Gold in Garbage out

c) Garbage in Gold out

d) Garbage in Garbage out

3) a

9) b

10) c

11) d

4) b

5) d

6) d

7) c

2) a

1) d

8) c

MSNr --]l$- {MS-]l$.. l>-$

]l*]l]l il ]l$ {MS]l$Z l l]l$ h^lyMS l>$

E*VSyl]lr$V>l.. MSNr El]l ]l$_ ls ]lMS$ fW]l A]l M l>$V>
h^l]l^l$a. JMPMSP l MSNr il M> V>Y C ]ll> ^lyl MStl$.
A$$]lsMS Z zl BV> MSNr l>]l$ ]lYMS^$. Bl$MSl
$VS$l$]lM... tlZ MS*y Cl lOl$]l l> ]lYMS {Ol$.

l$$ls f]ll MSNr$ 1942&1955 ]l$l ^l>$$. D l MSNr$ A

MS*l$ r*$]l$ MSW Eyl. As ]l$M>]l yl*Z MS*y D MS*l$ r*$
Eyl. C ^l$yl {^lyMS Ml ]l$$ st. Ml lylMSP]l l>l
^l$yl {^l. C V> QOl]l. s ilM> . Al$]l Q$a GMS$P]l.
GMS$P]l E~ yl$l ^l$r ]l$~Z E^lyl A]l]l$$. D l
MSNr lV> Eylr JMS^r$ ]l$_ ]l$MS^r$MS ]l*ayl MStV> Eyl. D
lZ l$$ls G[M>tMS MSNr ENIAC ^l$$^l *^l]l]l$ VS MSO
l$^l$. 1946Z { gl l ]l*]l*l MSNr l$l$$Z yls s
*^l]l]l$ MS*y l$^l {{MS$ MS]l$MP]lyl Bl$MS ylhr MSNr BPMS$
f yl. D {{MS$]l$ E*W_ l*$^l]l l$$ls MSNr & G[M>tMS yl{Ps
l$$ BsZl$sMS MSNr (EDVAC). MSNr ^l$$^l tl *^l]l]l$,
]lyl$MS$ A$$]l yls]l$ MS*y ]l*]l$ylMS A]l$$ l> ]l ]l$_, Al lV>Y
M$MS$yl$ yl O]l ]l]lMS$ ]l*a]l $]ll MS*y l ]l*]l*ll. O]l ]l]lZ MS]l
yl (0,1) AMS$]ll$]l VS]lZ lVS V> W.
y l: 1955Z MSNr l*MS MS*l$ r* ]lZ {st$ ylr
y f]llMS AMS$> fW. r* {st$ ^ ^l]lOMS]l, GMS$P]l
]l$MS MSW]l, lMS$P]l lyl llf M>]lyl y l MSNr lVS W, l
lWY. A$Pl MS]l$ yls]l$ {l^l l$V> *W^lyl D lZl
{Ol$. A]l>MS$ E*W^l Common Business Oriental Language
(COBOL), >$ ChVS Zl]lMS$ E*W^l Formula Translation
(FORTRAN) ]ls MSNr $ {^l$ZMS ]l^a$$.

]ly l: Ml Zl]l lVS VSyl ]l MSNr l> i]l]lM> lVS$Yl* ]l_a.

G[M>tMS VSZ Bl$MS Zl]l lV>.. _]l M>l _O AlMS *Ps]l$
A]l$a l 1964Z ylMSZMS ]l_a ]lyl MSNr BP_. sl IC
(Cs{VSsyl *Ps) A ]lyl {^$. MSNr ]l* V> lWY]ll$]l
JMS^r$ ]l$_ ]l$^r$MS MSlyl lOMS. VS^l lVS AlMS r$ W]ll$]l C.P.U
]l$* GMS$P]l ]l$ ]l$l GMS$P]l ]l$MS$ MS ^l$yl lOl$.

$V l: ]lyl MSNr E*W_]l ICZ ]l$_ COl ]lMS$ *Pr$

Eyl. As _]ll Cs{VSl ]l$_ JMS M>l _O ]ll *Pr$ Eyl
]l$ll Cs{VSl.. ]lOl *Pr$ Eyl ll Cs{VSl $$ ]l$_
S *Pr$ Eyl Al Cs{VSl $Vl MSNr$ 1975 ]l$_
^l$yl {Ol$. JMS t t Ok _O l$$l MSNr A]l$a$$MS
sM>i A]l ^l. Al$]l MSNr lVS, MS VSyll$ M>MS.. s l AlMS r$
lWY, ]l*]l$MS$ Al$r$ZMS ]l^a$$. _]l M>>*Z, CsZ MS*y ylVSVS
MSNr$ SOHO Al $ VS{l ^l>$$. ]lMSVSl MSNr ylMS V> W.
l$ ^r E]l MSNr]l$ A]l$^lyl > ls]lPVS ]l A]l$$ZMS
]l_a. MSNr ]l]l$]l$ ^l$M]lyl llO. Cs]lMS$ E]l $VS$ l>
MSNrZ V>Z ]l*$$ ]l^a$$. M> A ^l ]lZ ]l*$ l$. MS]l
lVS, ]l*, lZ ]l*$$ ^$$. G$$ MSyllz ]lZ ]l$
S_]lr$ ^l*]l M> ]l$_ #P> ]l$$Z ]l Jyl$z]l MSNr]l$ ^l$$^l
]lMS$ $MS$]l^a$. M>l _ $l *Pr ]l$_ $$]l *Pr$ A]l$a $$MS
A]l fW... IC sM>iZ ]l*$]ll$ ]l $V l ^ ]ll>$
>Zl$]l A$$ l MSNr...
]l*]l]l l$l]l$ {^l MS ]l$>]l$ MSW Er$l $$. Cs]lMS$
l{lV> BZ_^l MS H l MSNrMS l$. Bryl, r$ yl, MSP$ ^l,
gZ ^l... { ]l*]l]l l ]l*YZl f$VS$l* ]l_a. fl, Al$M>Z
MS{]l$ l$l (Artificial Intelligence) E*W^l MSNr BPMS$ Zl]l$
f$VS$l$$$. D MSNrMS$ tl A]l l$. CW, f ]ls ]l$ A
^l$MS$s$$. ]l$]l ]l*lZ ]l*syl]l^l$a. MS Natural Language Processing
E*VSyl$l$. flZ PROLOG (Programming & Logic) Al MSNr ]l$
A]l ^l {$$ f$VS$l$$$. ClMS$ ]ll$]l $VS$ l> MSNrZ]l$

gl l ]l*]l*l l$$l$st]l ]l$ {MS]l$ *^l]ll A]l$^$. M>, A$$ lZ

MSNr A]l$MSZl ]l$]l*$$ _ Knowledge Information Processing
System {]l$$ l >Z.
]l* {$
1. Vacuum tubes were used in which generation computers?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

d) Fourth

3. ICs were used in which generation computers?

a) First
b) Second
c) Third

2. Transistors were used in which generation computers?

a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

d) Fourth

4. VLSI is used in which generation computers?

a) First
b) Second
c) Third

5. NLP is expected to be used in which generation computers?

a) Fifth
b) Sixth
c) Tenth
d) Fourth

6. If Natural Language processing is introduced

a) Hardware is not necessary
b) Software is not necessary
c) Memory is not necessary
d) C.P.U. is not necessary

7. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of First generation

a) It used vacuum tubes
b) It required air conditioning
c) It was portable
d) It was costly
8. Why was professor John Von Newmann famous?
i) He started using binary system for storing data and instructions
ii) He developed the concept of "stored programme"
iii) He was called brother of the computers
iv) He invented COBOL
a) All the four are correct
b) Only i, ii and iii are correct
c) Only i and ii are correct
d) Only i is correct
9. The usage of programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN came into
existance in which generation?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

10. What is meant by SOHO?

a) Small Office, High Office
c) Small Office, Hot Office

b) Similar Office, High Office

d) Small Office, Home Office

11.PROLOG is being developed in?

a) U.S.A.



12. KIPS means

a) Knowledge Information Processing System
b) Knowledge International Practising Scheme
c) Knowhow Importing Processing Scheme
d) Key Information Processing System

2. b
9. c

3. c
10. d

4. d
11. c

5. a
12. a

1. a
8. c


6. b

7. c

MSNr$ & M>$

MSNr zlZ E*W^l {]l VS... r*, {st, I.., .G.G.I.,
.G.G.I..BV> s l l>$V> ]lYMS^ l$$MS$. AllV>.. A
^l A]l$_, ]l$M M> ]lYMS$ MS*y fV>$$.. A.. A]lVS,
ylhr, O{yl MSNr$!

ylhr MSNr$: Q VS]l$ ^l MSNr]l$ ylhr MSNr$ As$. sZ

QO, AS>O MS]l AMS$V>l VS$. ]lyl yls HOl ]ll$ AMS$V>
]l*a.. VS]l N*MS l$ ]l$ E*W^lMS A]lOl$]l *Z A]l#s#sV>
A$$. D R>.. l> (), O]l (yl$), BMt (G$), M>yl]l$
(l$) BV> ^l$. ylhr MSNr VS]l ]l ]l^la l$ $ ^
MS_alV> Es$$.
A]lVS MSNr$: ylhr MSNr$ *VSZMS >MS]ll$ A]lVS MSNr$
Eyl. C#yl$ MS*y M ]l$MS$ D lOl$]l MSNr ylMS MS*l E. Q
VS]l$ A]l l>Z ]l*]l$ M^ll$MS$ D A]lVS MSNr$
E*W$. E~{VSl, OsZ Jyl, G[MStMS Kth ]ls s MSP^lyMS s
*W$. ^l{MS $, M>$ MSr#yl$ s ^l{MS MSlMS BV>... s lVS,
A {*_]l l* MSP^l y$r MS*y A]lVS MSNrMS E. C
]l*$l$yl ]l*O VS]l$ ^l$]ll$]l $ $]l*$V> Es$$. M
]ll> {MSl ]lMS$ {sZ$ MS$Z {sZ$ $$^l$MS$lr#yl$ O]l ]l*Z
M]lyl lr*...$ ^r$^l $MS$]l l>$ VS$$$$ MS! B ]l$]l$ C#yl$
ylhr MSNr ^l$$$. {]l^l ]l*]l$ MSP^ll$MS$ A]lVS MSNr$
A]lOl$]l#yl$... ylhr MSNr$ B G ^l$$l l > MS? A]lVS
$]l]l$ ylhr $]lZMS ]l*a, l>l A]lOl$]l ]l$$ D MSNr$ ^l$$.
O{yl MSNr$: A]lVS, ylhr MSNrZ ]l$_ S]l$ MS *_]l
MSNrl O{yl MSNr ]l]l$. MSNr$ ^l ]l$ st {lMS ]l$$

^l, A ]l$$ ^lV> MS*y ]lYMS^l]l^l$a. {lMS ]l$$ ^l MSNr]l$ {lMS

S l*$ ^l$. sZ SOl$]l *^l]l$ B {lMSOl$]l ltZ E^l$M
]l*{ll$ *$. Al$]l ]l$ Cl ]l$MS$ B MSNr$ E*VSyl]l#. C M
{lMSOl$]l ]l$$ ]l*{ll$ ^l* E]ll$]l lVSV>, Ol# ^l$$. ]l*$,
MS >MSMS]l$ ${^l VSVS ]l]l$ MS E$. VSlZ MSNr
zl QOl]ll$]l {lMSOl$]l ]l$M MSNr l* Eyl M>l$. {$l s

l$ V> lVSYyl G$$ MSyl]l$, {hrZ l MS]l$ ${^ll$MS$ MS*y

{lMS ]l$$ ^l _ l* AMSOl$.

C.. A ]l$$ ^l!

A ]l$$ ^l MSNr$ H S]l H Ol ^l$VSVS ]l$ MSW Es$$. s
AlYl *^l]l$ Al$MS$ A]l$VS$V>l Es$$. >$ ]l$$ ^l MSNr ]lylyls

lMS$Pl E.. s {VSZ l VS]l$ A]l]l$]l#$$. >$ VS]lZ Cl#s,

A]l#s#s E]ll$]l tg A]l lMS$P]l. M> VS^l lVS GMS$P]l Ey; MStOl$]l

VS]l$ ^l ]l$ MS*y A]l. A]l>MS$ E*W^l MSNr$ MS

NV> ]lMS. {MSylsM>$z $$ *^lyMS VS]l$ lMS$Pl Es$$. M> Cl#s,

A]l#s#sMS$ _]l ]l]l>$ $$]lZ Es$$. Cs]l MS{l {$l

{MSs_]l $ ]l* lMS {*f]l l $ yls ^l$yMS Gl tg
A]l]l$]l#l$ F^lyl!!
MS {$ .
1.Analogue Computer is not useful for measuring
a) Voltage

b) Temperature

c) Pressure

d) Cash

2. Speedometer is an example for

a) Business purpose computer

b) General purpose computer

c) Analogue computer

d) Scientific computer

3. Hybrid computers combine

a)Desirable features of analogue computers and calculators
b)Non desirable features of analogue computers and digital computers

c) Desirable features of analogue computers and digital computers

d) Desirable features of scientific and business purpose computers

4. The limitation of analogue computers is

b) They give accurate results

a) They give approximate results

d) They require lot of space

c) They require air conditioners

5. The advantage with digital computer is

b) They require air conditioners

a) They give accurate results

c) They give approximate results

d) They require lot of space

6. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of special purpose computer

a) They can do only a specific work
c) They have versatility

b) They are very expensive

d) They are used in house hold appliances

7. Complex navigational problems can be solved by

a) Analogue computers

b) Hybrid computers

c) Business purpose computers

d) Special purpose computers

8. Pay roll processing and image recognition can be done simultaneously by

a) Analogue computers

b) Special purpose computer

c) Calculator

d) General purpose computer

9. A special purpose computer can be changed as genral purpose computer by

a) Redesigning the circuits

b) Redesigning a network

c) Redefining the input

d) Redefining the output

10.Which one of the following is not true about a scientific purpose computer
b) Small output

c) Simple processing

d) Thousands of computations

a) Small input

11.Which one of the following is true about a business purpose computer

b) Small output

c) Simple processing

d) Complex calculations

a) Small input

12.Which one of the following is not true about a business purpose computer
b) Millions of transactions

c) Very complex calculations

d) Very simple calculations


2. c

3. c

1. d

a) Large storage capacity

9. a

10. c

11. c

4. a

5. a

12. c

6. b

7. d

8. d

yls]l$ MSNr _ E^lyl Gl ]lQl*.. A]lOl$]l#yl$ B yls]l$ VS$_
$rMS$ $yl MS*y Al ]lQ! ]l$]lMS$ E]lr$V>l MSNrMS MS*y gqMSMS (l$]l$)
E. ]l$# MS]lyl MSNrMS E]l ]l$ ]l$_ S. l M> yls]l$ E_]l
{l> _$]l*]l$ ]lV> VS$$^l$MS$]ll ]lMS$ MSNr *V>MS _]l
]l$$ El]l M>]l#!

V> MSNr l$]l$ ylOlf]l$ yl$ M>$V> ]lYMS^l]l^l$a. A JMSs

[O]l$, y MSyl l$]l$ tg ylOlf. D lZ t ^l]l yls _$]l*]l$
VS$_... {sl ^l$yMS A]lOl$]l ]l$* *MS Osl$ As$. yls]l$ t ^l
]l$ Gl GMS$P]l A$$l Al ]l$_ l]lV> VS$. GMS$P]l yls]l$ t ^l$yll$
M>MS$y.. A lMS$P]l ]l$$Z B yls]l$ yl$M]lyMS $V> {sl ^l$VS ]l$
E]l lMS$ ]l*PsZ G yl]l*yl E. JMS MSZ ^lMs... O]ll
GMS$P]l yls]l$ {l_, llV> B yls]l$ ylsMS $V> $rMS$ A]lM>
MSW*.. lMS$P]l Ql$Z ^l l$ A$! {]l$ tg l$ lMS$P]l
tg ]l$, llV> yls]l$ VS$^l lVS]llOl$]l *MS MS, GMS$P]l Ql$ MSW
Es$$. MSyl tg l S$ Cl$MS$ NV> ]lMSV> Es$$.
MSNrZ yls tg ]l$>S 'Os"Z M$$. JMPMSP OsZ JMPMSP
AS> M>, AMS]l$ M>, VS$$ M> $]l^l$a. MSNrMS$ >l$. A MS]l Myl
> Bfq]l$ ]l*{ll$ A ^l$MS$r$. D Myl$ 1, 0$V> Es$$. MS
Eyls '1"]l$, MS]ly '0" ]l$ VS$$. *PSs N A, MS {]l$s..
lls l, *PSs NM>MS MS MS$s.. y l. ]l$]l CZ l$^leMS
{]l^lyl, Bl]l l s a]l^l$a. D 0, 1 $ l AS>$,
AMS$, VS$$$ VS$^lyMS A]lOl$]l Myl]l$ l*$ ^l$. MSNrMS C]ll_]l
{ *^l]l]l* B MylZMS ]l*a, MS A]l$$r$ ^l$. {VS N$$]l l>l
MSNr A]l#s#s ylMyl ^l$yl > ]l$]lMS$ A]l$$ ZMS ]l*$$. O]l
ylhsZ BIT Al AS>]l$ $MS$ "s' As$. G$ s$ JMS Os. MSNr
l$]l$ ]l$>S M^l A _]l ({l$MS) s Os. $VS$ s]l$ JMS $ A
$$. A VS OsMS$ ]l*]l. Ol]l]l ilZ ]l$]l E*W^l A rZ
MSZ As l$$MS ]l*]l. MSNr VSZ ]l*{l MSZ Al 1024MS ]l*]l.

l> ]l*]lZ BV> r$ l*$$]lr$V>... MSNr l$]l$ yl$

BV> MSP$. yl$ *--Z l$]l$- ]l$->- MSP--$. 210 $]l]l$ MSP...
1024MS ]l*]l A]l#l$. 1024 Or$ JMS MSZ OsMS ]l*]l. ]l$MSV> ^lMs...
JMS MSZ OsZ 1024 AS>$ t ^l$]l^l$a. 1024 MSZ Or]l$ JMS l$V>Os A
]l]l$. C 220 1024 1024 OrMS$ ]l*]l. $$l MSs GMS$P]l AS>]l$ 25
l$V>Os l$]l$Z ^l$]l^l$a. 1024 l$V>Or]l$ JMS WV>Os A $$. C 230
1024 1024 1024 OrMS$ ]l*]l. Z JMS $l MSs GMS$P]l Or$ t ^l$]l^l$a.
1024 WV>Or]l$ JMS s>Os As$. C 240 1024 1024 1024 1024 OrMS$
]l*]l. Cl$Z JMS {s$l Or MSs GMS$Pl _ E^l]l^l$a. 250 OrMS$ sOs A..
260 Or]l$ GM>Os A.. 270 O rl] $ gs O s A.. 280 Or]l$ *sOs A ]l]l$.
]l$]l l yl MSNr ]l$ WV>Or ]lMS Er$. AlMS$ $_]l ]l$
l$$$l {l$ MSNr$, * MSNrMS$ Er$. D r$ l>]l*]l r
MSs ]lV> E]ll$]l s SZ lMS MS$$.
]l* {$
1.Which one of the following is NOT correct ?
a) One byte = 8 BITS

b) One byte = 2 nibbles

d) One MB = 1024 bytes

c) One nibble = 4 BITS

2.Which one of the following is correct?

b) 4 BITS = 2 nibbles c) 8 BITS = 1 byte d) 1 MB = 1000 KB

a) 1 BIT = 1 nibble

3.Which one of the following is NOT correct ?

a) One Terra byte = 1024 kilo bytes

c) One Mega byte = 10241024 kilo bytes

b) 1 Mega byte = 1024 kilo bytes

d) One Mega byte = 2 20 bytes

4.Which one of the following is correct ?

a) 1 KB = 210 bytes b) 1 KB = 220 bytes c) 1 KB = 230 bytes d) 1 KB = 240 bytes
5.Which one of the following equals one kilobyte ?
a) 220 bytes

b) 230 bytes

c) 210 bytes

d) 240 bytes

6.Which one of the following equals one Megabyte ?

a) 240 bytes

b) 230 bytes

c) 220 bytes

d) 210 bytes

7.Which one of the following equals one Gigabyte ?

a) 210 bytes

b) 220 bytes

c) 230 bytes

d) 240 bytes

8.Which one of the following equals one Tera byte ?

a) 210 bytes

b) 230 bytes

c) 240 bytes

d) 220 bytes

c) 210 TB

d) 210 Bytes

9.Which one of the following equals one MB ?

a) 210 KB

b) 210 GB

10. Which one of the following equals one KB ?

a) 210 KB

b) 210 GB

c) 210 TB

d) 210 Bytes

11. The smallest unit in computer memory is

b) Byte

c) Nibble

d) Kilobyte

a) Bit

12. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of primary storage ?

a) Fast access time

b) Small storage capacity

c) Higher costs

d) Lower costs

13. Which one of the following is a characteristic of secondary storage ?

a) Fast access time

b) Small storage capacity

d) Lower costs

c) Higher costs

14. The time required to locate and retrieve data stored in a device is called?
b) Access time

c) Primary time

d) Secondary time

a) Storage time

15.Desirable characteristic of good memory device is?

b) Slower access time c) Faster access time d) High cost

a) Lesser storage

16. How many states can be recognised by a computer ?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three


17.Which one of the following is in ascending order?

a) MB - GB- Byte

b) KB- MB - GB

c) Byte- GB- KB

d) GB- KB - MB

18. Which one of the following is in descending order ?

a) GB - MB - KB

b) KB - MB - GB

c) GB - KB - MB

d) MB - GB - KB

1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. a
16. b

10. d 11. b 12. d 13. c 14.b 15.c

17. b 18. a

MSNr... {]l$ l$l$$!

Ol${M {, Cl MSNr V> ]l$l yls... ]l*^> >MSMSMS$ A]lM>
MS^ll l$l$$. {VS ^l*]l yls]l$, l$ ]l*^> {]l$ l$l$$Z
E^l$l$. {]l$ l$l$$MS _]l ]lQ *$ l$$MS$..!!

{O]l$ tgZ E]l yls]l$ lVSV>, lSl$ $M, E*W^l$MS$l

H>r$l..."BlOl tg' A, >yll$ *MS l$l$$ (RAM) A As$. C
M>MS l$l$$. Gl lVSV> *V>MS ]l$.. Al lVSV> l$^leMS W^lV>l
Al A]l#l$. ]lQOl$]l yls, VS]l$ f$VS$l$ylV>.. l$^leMSZ Al>* ]l
]l*^ ]ltMS$y U.P.S. (AlCrtyl ]l ) E*W$. ]l ]lQ
]l*^> S]l$V> ^l $ MS$VS$l$. MSNrZ fVS VS]l RAMZl
f$VS$$$. MSyl tg lZ E]l sZ.. VS]lMS$ A]lOl$]l yls]l$
]l*{l >yll$ *MS l$l$$ZMS ]l*a, l$ ]l*^> ]l{lMS$ M>, ]l$ $
tg lZ ^l$yMS M> ]l$$.
H MSNr A$$ {^lyMS A]lOl$]l l$^leMS > fVSV>l... A
G ^l*Z ^l *^l]l$, {l$MS gqMSMSZ Eylyl A]l. As
*^l]l$ MSNr E*VSyl Br]l$]l# ]l*]l.D *^l]l$ MS*y ]l*al$MS$
$ MS$y Eylyl A]l. A MSNr ^l$$^l $Ol]l *^l]l]l$ >lOl$]l
ROM (Read only Memory) Z S$$. $Z *__ ]lr$V>l.. D l$l$$ MS]l
^ll]lyMS MS ]l$. ]l*a > A]lM> Eyll$. D ROM Z Eyl *^l]l]l$
MSNr l* ]l$$Z S ^l$. Cl$Z HOl$ ]l*$$ ^l*s... ]l$
l*$yl ]llMS$ $MSl.
MSNr M]l$MS$Pl MS A]lOl$]l {lMSOl$]l *^l]l]l$ S ^l$MS$l
A]lM>> Programmable Read only Memory (PROM) MS$. D PROM _$
lM>Wl ]ls. M]l$V$ $ylMS ]l_a]l *^l]l]l$ Z S ^l$]l^l$a. JMS
*^l]l$ l$^MS... A >lV> Eyl$$. s ]l$ ]l*a A]lM> l$. A
]l*>a]l A]l ]l_a]l#yl$ ]l$Ml Q$aMS$ lyl, ]l$ _ ]l*$aM. Cl$MS$
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) _ MS$. AZl
MS M>.. {]lOl$]l *M> M>.. EPROM Z *^l]l]l$ ]l ^l, Ml
*^l]l]l$ l$^l]l^l$a. Al$]l MSNr l$l$$ l]l$ *M>MS,

A$Pl S{MS$ l*V> E^l]l$ *_$s$.

*^l]l$ W^lyMS B _ MSNr ]l$_ , l*V> E_
^l* Er$. MS$s.. AZl MS *VS ]l MSP]l$]l _Z ylsMS$
{]l*l ^l]l^l$a. A fVSMS$y Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only
Memory (EEPROM) E*W$.
{l$MS l$l$$Z E]l yls]l$ Ol${M { All lVSV> { ^l$. tg
lZ E]l yls.. l$l$$Z A$ lVS, { A$ lVS
lMS$P]l. D yl$ lV>Z ]l ]l { RV> Eyl ]l$$ $VS$l$. {
^l$yMS A]lOl$]l yls... l$l$$ZMS ]l^la]lMS$ Gl$$ ^l*yl MS! D ]l$]l$
AVS$^lyMS C.P.U. {]l l$l$$ ]l$l yls, *^l]l]l$ All lVSV> ]l*aVS
cache memory E*W$. l M> l$l$$ A $$. VS]lMS$ GMS$P]lV>
A]l]l$$ yls]l$, *^l]l]l$.. D M> l$l$$Z E^l$$. Ql$
GMS$POl]ll$]l lMS$P]l ]l*Z *W$.

]l* {$

1. Which one of the following is NOT true about RAM?

a) It is volatile
b) It is very fast
c) It is permanent
d) It is temporary

2. RAM means
a) Random Access Memory
b) Rarely Accessed Memory
c) Restricted Access Memory
d) Retransmitted Access Memory

3. ROM means
a) Restricted opportunities memory
b) Read only memory
c) Rarely obtained memory
d) Random only memory
4. Which one of the following is permanent in nature?
a) Online storage
b) RAM
c) Mega byte

d) ROM

5. Which one of the following can not be changed?

a) ROM
b) RAM


6. Which one of the following is NOT true about ROM?

a) It is permanent
b) It is very fast
c) It can only be read
d) It does not depend on power supply
7. Find the odd man out?
a) ROM
b) RAM



8. Which one of the following can be altered by using ultra violet light?
a) RAM
b) ROM

9. What is the result of the mismatch between processing speed and data retrieval
a) Computer resources are used efficiently
b) Computer processor is kept idle
c) Input is kept idle
d) Output is kept idle

10. Cache memory handles?

a)Data to be stored permanently
b)Instructions to be stored permanently
c)Data and instructions to be stored permanently
d)Data and instructions to be used frequently

11. Which one of the following is NOT true about cache memory?
a) Extremely fast b) Very small
c) Very costly
d) Very cheap

12. The performance rate of the CPU can be increased by?

a) Using UPS
b) Using cache memory
c) Using ROM
d) Using PROM
13. Which one of the following is not addressable by the computer user?
a) RAM
14. Which one of the following is TRUE about CACHE MEMORY?
a) It improves the transfer rates
b) It improves the storage capacity
c) It improves the holding capacity
d) It improves the idle time

15. Which one of the following holds volatile information?

a) ROM
c) RAM

d) Chip

16. The programmers involved in research use

a) RAM
b) ROM


17. The programmers can not change the instructions in


d) ROM

18. U.P.S. means

a) Ultra power supply
c) Uninstalled power supply

3. b
11. d

4. d
12. b

2. a
10. d
18. b

5. a
13. c

6. b
14. a

1. c
9. b
17. d

b) Uninterrupted power supply

d) Unit of power supply

7. a
15. c

8. d

MSyl th... MS$ *MS l$!

MSNr {]l l$l Ql$ GMS$P]l. M>st yls E^ll$MS$ { OsMS A$
Q$a MS*y GMS$Pl Er$. yls {VS MS{Z E^]l yls ^ l>Z
$$]l Or$. M l>Z {s$]l Or$ MS*y Er$. Al yls E^lyMS
A$ Q$a {lMSV> $^lMS$y ^l* El... lMS$P]l Q$a GMS$P]l yls ^l
{]l**]l$ VS$^l {$lZ.. MSyl l$l *^$!!

lMS$P]l Q$a.. lMS$P]l lVS.. GMS$P]l tg ]l$& C MSyl th ]lQ

S$. {]l$, $ th lZ yls]l$ JMS lOl$]l O]l MylZ
E^l$$. l M> MSyl th l VS$_ Cyl$ l$$MS$... th
lZ E]l yls]l$ JMS ]l${MS]l$Z M>.. GMSPyl M>s AMSPyl M>..
$M]l^l$a. ]l$ {MS]l$Z yls]l$ *MS ^l l]l$.. $ *MS
MS$ *MS l$ A As$. sZ E]l yls]l$ Al ]l$Z ^ll]lVS.

]l*VSsMS, s#$: JMS Z EVS$ i$ VS^lyl.. {MSyls M>$z $$

l*$^l$yl.. ]ls ]l$MS$ D l$ O]l. t M>]l]ll$Z ^l*]l
]l$MS$ D l]l$ E*W^l]l^l$a. ll yls]l$ Al ]l${MS]l$Z.. ]l$]lMS$
A]lOl$]l ]l>]l$ VS$^l ]lMS$ ^ll>]lyl D ]lZ E]l ]lQ {MS*l.
]l*VSsMS, s#$ D MSOl$]l lMS$ E$. ]l$]l r$ ]lyMS
E*W^l Byl* s#$ MS*y Cl MSV> ^l. B s#Z M>$z ^l]l ]l$Zl
r$ ]lVS. A r ]l$MS$s.. ]ll$ r ]llV> . MS$s
B r$]l s# V> ]lz ^l*. $ s#O ]l ll$Z MS$ l$yl
> MS*y yls]l$ t ^l$]l^l$a. V> M> ^]l yls M MSyl
th l]l$ *W$. $ s#$ lV>Y yl$ A]lM> E]ll$]l s
E*VS # S_.
ylss: ]l*VSsMS s# ]l$> M]lyMS ylss yls {sls
E*W$. s {ll, s lV> l$ ylss. sO { AVS$Z E^lVSVS
AS>$ Os]l$ st {ll]l$ MSP$. JMS MSylMS ^ll]lVSVS yl]l#]l$
AVS$Z s lVSV> VS$. $ th ]l$.. GMS$P]l yls {ll..
lMS$P]l Q$a.. GMS$P]l {sl lVS.. JMS ^r$ ]l$_ ]l$ ^r$MS lV>Y $MS$lVSVSyl
]l*VSsMS s# $. ]l$]lMS$ A]lOl$]l yls]l$ ]lV> ^ll]lMS]lyl.. A]lOl$]l

yls]l$ ]l*{l ^ll]lyMS GMS$P]l ]l$$ rtyl.. l$]l, l* ]l$_ S^>]lyl..

sZ E]l Cl$$. M>{sylj s{yll s{yll MSs _]lV> Er$. M>
GMS$P]l yls ^l ]l$ MSW Er$. 20 l$V>Os ]l$_ 60 l$V>Os ]lMS$ ss]l$
E^l$l$. ClMSs GMS$P]l yls]l$ E^lyMS ylhr Byl* s {yll]l$
E*W$. C 4 WV> Os yls]l$ MS*y ^l$VS]l#.

1. Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of secondary storage
a) Less expensive
b) Slow
c) More storage
d) Fast
2. Find the odd man out?
a) Secondary storage
c) Main Memory

b) Back up storage
d) Auxiliary memory

3. Which of the following is a characteristic of secondary storage?

a) it is temporary
b) it is permanent
c) small volume
d) stored in different binary codes when compa red to main memory

4. CTD means
a) Cartridge Tape Drive
b) Controllable Tape Drive
c) Casual and Technically superior Drive
d) Constant Tape Drive

5. The capacity of a CTD is approximately?

a) 20 KB 60 KB
b) 20 MB 60 MB
c) 20 GB 60 GB
d) 20 TB 60 TB

6. DAT means?
a) Direct Audio Tape
c) Direct Auxiliary Technique

b) Digital Audio Tape

d) Digital Audio Technique

7. The capacity of a DAT is approximately?

a) 4 KB
b) 4 MB
c) 4 GB

d) 4 TB

8. Which one of the following is in ascending order?

a) Magnetic Tape, Cartridge Tape Drive, Digital Audio Tape
b) Cartridge Tape Drive, Magnetic Tape, Digital Audio Tape
c) Digital Audio Tape, Magnetic Tape, Cartridge Tape Drive
d) Cartridge Tape Drive, Digital Audio Tape, Magnetic Tape

9. Which one of the following is NOT suitable for serial access?

a) Salary Processing
b) Credit Card Filling
c) Airline Ticket Booking
d) Interest calculation in a Bank
10. Which one of the following is suitable for serial access?
a) Balance in a savings Bank account
b) Airline Ticket Booking
c) Train Reservation
d) Salary Processing

11. Data transfer rate can becomputed as?

a) Tape Density Tape speed
b) Tape Density Tape speed
c) Tape Density + Tape speed
d) Tape Density Tape speed

12. CPI in the context of tape density is?

a) Consumer Price Index
b) Cost Per Inch
c) Characters Per Inch
d) Construction Per Inch

13. BPI in the context of tape density is?

a) Basic Price per Inch
b) Bits Per Inch
c) Bytes Per Inch
d) Bits Per Instrument

14. Tape speed is measured in?

a) Characters per second
c) Bytes per second

b) Bits per second

d) Inches per second

15. Normally for a magnetic tape the data transfer rate is in the range of ?
a) one hundred bytes per second b) one thousand bytes per second
c) one byte per second
d) one million bytes per second
16. Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of magnetic tape?
a) Unlimited storage
b) High data density
c) Direct access
d) Portable
17. Which one of the following is the limitation of magnetic tape?
a) Direct access
b) Limited storage
c) Portability
d) Must be stored in dust free environment
18. Which one of the following is congenial for storing a magnetic tape?
a) Airconditioning
b) Specks of dust
c) Uncontrolled humidity
d) Uncontrolled temperature

19. If the tape density is 1600 BPI and tape speed is 200 inches per second.
calculate its data transfer rate?
a) 3200 bytes b) 32000 bytes
c) 320000 bytes
d) 3200000 bytes
20. If the data transfer rate is 80,000 characters and tape density is 800 CPI find
its speed?
a) 100 centimeters per second
b) 100 inches per second
c) 100 feet per second
d) 100 meters per second

4. a
12. c
20. b

5. b
13. c

6. b
14. d

7. c
15. d


8. a
16. c

3. b

Answers :
1. d
2. c
9. c
10. d
17. d
18. a

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