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Facilitating Adult Learning For Social Change (FALSCH) Session Planning Template for a Participatory Development Approach

Title: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Time: 30 minutes Participants: Groups 5, 6, 7 (12 people total) Facilitators Intentions (Whats behind the curtain?): To communicate key principles of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Learning Objectives/Participants Take Away: Participants will have a firm grasp on and understanding of the key principles of a Participatory Development Approach titled Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Materials: Notecards, Whiteboards, Tape, Pens, and Markers

Agenda Overview:
Activity Time Needed 5 min. 5 min. 15 min. Materials/Resources

Introduction/Energizer/Ice Breaker Introduce Key Principles Demonstrate/Practice/Facilitate using Aspect of Approach Context/Purpose Matrix to Facilitate Discussion of Relevance of Approach

Notecards and Charades Notecards and Whiteboard Card and Chart Notecards, Whiteboard, and Tape Markers for Whiteboard, White Paper, Notecards, and Tape

5 min

Detailed Description of Activities:

Introduction/Energizer/Ice Breaker and Introduce Key Principles: Incorporation of an icebreaker and introduction of key principles of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). Each participant will receive a card that reads as one of the following, which encompass the key principles of PRA: Introduce yourself.. be honest, transparent, relate as a person They can do it have confidence in peoples abilities Unlearn critically reflect on how you see things Ask them ask people their realities, priorities, advice Dont rush be patient, take time Sit down, listen and learn dont dominate Facilitate dont lecture, criticize or teach Embrace error learn from what goes wrong or does not work Hand over the stick or chalk or pen, anything that empowers Use your own best judgment at all times take responsibility for what you do Shut up!... Keep quiet. Welcome and tolerate silence Each participant will then get a couple of minutes to decide how they will portray their principle detailed on their notecard during the game of charades. The rest of the group a will guess the principle. Demonstrate/Practice/Facilitate using Aspect of Approach: We will use a card and chart approach to facilitate this activity in which the participants, and as a group, will rank each of the principles from greatest to least importance. The participants will post each of the PRA principle notecards on the wall chart from greatest to least importance. Context/Purpose Matrix to Facilitate Discussion of Relevance of Approach: To further reflect upon the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach, and the value of each of these principles as decided upon by the group, we will facilitate a discussion of the relevance of the PRA approach and principles using both a Purpose and a Context Matrix focused on Participatory Development Approaches. Each Matrix will be drawn on the whiteboard, and as a group, the participants will draw Xes to mark each value in the Purpose Matrix that PRA

encompasses, as well as each category encompassed by PRA on the Context Matrix. Both of these Matrices are included below. Further, after the activity with both matrices, a facilitated discussion will touch on the following questions: 1. Who participates? 2. Whose voice counts? 3. Who controls the process? 4. Who decides on who should participate? 5. and who is left out? 6. Who identifies the problem? 7. Whose problems? 8. Whose questions? 9. Whose perspective? 10. Who controls the process? 11. Who decides what is important? 12. Who is marginalized? 13. Who controls the information? 14. Who owns the output? 15. Who benefits? and at whose cost?

Notes To My FALSCH Self (Am I walking the talk?):

How does my content address issues of power and privilege in society? Does it help to build more inclusive, equitable and sustainable communities, societies and social institution? Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is a type of Participatory Development Approach that aims to enable local people to share, enhance, and analyze their knowledge of life and conditions, to plans and to act, and overall to engage local people in the planning and management of their development. Therefore, the content of this facilitation is focused on an approach that has the goal of including local people in the planning and management of their development. With local buy-in and leadership, issues of power and privileged are addressed. Further, since local communities will be collectively designing and implementing their own development efforts, PRA is a much more sustainable and equitable approach than traditional North-South development approaches. How do my facilitation strategies address issues of power, privilege and participation in the session? Are we walking the talk? This 30-minute facilitation is lead by the participants, in discovering key aspects of PRA both as individuals and as a group. Each individual receives a principle of PRA, thus each individual

will get equal time during the icebreaker charades game to act out their principle for the group, balancing participation, thus power. During the group card and chart, each individual will post their principle on the chart with the groups guidance, and thus balance participation. The Purpose and Context Matrix activities will also follow the same pattern. Therefore, by encouraging and balancing participation throughout these activities, we are able to balance power within the room as well.

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