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Science and Orthodoxy


On alleged christian fundamentalism in interpreting genesis literally. Against fr. Doru gnosticism of st andrews college

first clear scriptural enunciation of this doctrine is in II Maccabees 7:28: "I beseech thee, my son, look upon the heaven and the earth and all that is therein, and consider that God made them of what was not (of what did not exist)"; and so was man made likewise"

The designation fundamentalists derives from the western tendency to polticise religion into brokering parties. This had its paradox in the medieval ages and such terminology, although imposed and enforced, has no place in the orthodox church. Kallistos ware has separated between two types of orthodox, the extremists and fundamentalists/ doves. Such delineating and trivalising orthodoxy according to worldly political standards has no place in the orthodox church. The orthodox fathers believe categorically that those that adhere to doctrine are true orthodox and those who do not are heretics. Creation in the genesis account is a mystery that is beyond our intellectual and reason alone to conceptualise and understand. How the lord created out of nothing is a mystery that cannot be speculated about. The fathers and saints of the church who testified and witnessed revelation in the church were imparted with the gift of receiving the uncreated energies and knowledge of god. The orthdox church does not rely on academics or worldly termed theologians that use reason and speculation alone to form doctrine, especially when it contradicts with the faith and consensus of the fathers of the church. Academics do not participate in the impirical traditions of the church to have received enlightenment of knowledge about these topics, but rather rely on the tenets of their own faith, struck in humanism and western scholatism, that is in discord with othodox christianity. .True knowledge can only be imparted through the experience of enlightenment where reason is free from passion and vice, it isTherein the heart and mind faculties are cleansed and purified, and receive the illumination of god's knowledge that leads to theosis and understanding of all secular knowledge. Orthodoxy does not divide knowledge between mundane and the divine which are separated gnostically. God has implanted within us an intellect and conscientiousness that allows us to discern between right and wrong. So if an expert in secular reasoning with his pseudo foolish sciences makes a diagnosis as playing god and predicting the future,as a magician, holding in his hands to power to foresee the very hour and second we will live or die, [prognosis] we know inherently through our consciousness and the power of the holy spirit within us that god always gives us hope and that through faith,man is cured. This is not just true spiritually, but also physically and physiologically.

Orthodox do not separate the body and soul or separate from what is the spiritual and the mundane as diametrially opposite polarities of dualistic gnostic reality[like the west has done and thus,* the episodes of medieval folly witnessed in the feudal medieval west, can be subscribed to this gnostic heresy that found root since the barbarians capture of rome. True reason true science is always in sympthony with spiritually. Their is a uniformity, a beauty in symmetry and form,like the love of nature the ancient greek philosophers acquired who desired wisdom and knowledge of all things. Secular scientists, as fallen priests, presume that their authority is unquestionable, not by virtue of true information/ experience and knowledge, but by virtue of their position, compound origins of disease, not from trully scientific grounds as they potulate, but according to follisitcal gnostic ones. Namely that man's absolute natural state of being is one riddled with disease and without man's intervention, the gnostic world of doom and random chaos will vengefully predestine those who live and those who die. Their are no redeeming features in nature , their is no positive uncreated energies of god that constantly illuminate us and heal us. The concept of scientific progress and the preaching of how scientists will one day find the holy grail of scientific discovery which will lead us into a disease free society is based on this gnostic ideology. When one lives in harmony with the world, then these conditions create a community disease free,. Science will never prolong life. The extent of this folly can be seen today with the scientific communities efforts to create a treatment that can eradicate aging . Science sees this as a disease, while christians see it as part of the fall. The reason for these medical product releases promising new benefits is for money which demonstratably can be observed and seen to have no improvments to longevity whatsoever. Only through nature and cultivating and harnessing its benefits can be live long and healthy lives on this earth. The reason why these academics categorise literal creation as fundamentalist, [fanatical] is because they do not believe in the authority of the fathers as having a knowledge gained through spiritual asceticism that is beyond their secular mind of reasoning. The very fronima and foundation of the church is formed with this mindset. The consensus of the fathers who have guided and witnessed christ in every generation so to direct the laity towards the nourishment of true spiritual fruits through the ascetic ideal and life of the orthodox church can testify to this. Doctrine is life. It is not separate to nature and creation. Their is no dualism, so if a lifestyle is contrary toorthodoxy in a christocentric way and which obstructs our path to enlightenment, [foretaste of heaven on earth] and theosis, it is then not a true science and reason with sound doctrine . This reality can also be proven onto their own standards and measures of[categories] of their scientific method in discovering the truth. Any discrepency or discord in the natural sciences with orthodox doctrine always means their was an anomaly or distorting filter like greed love for fame, or rigging of statistics that influenced their scientific findings. because their greatest goal is not love for selfless truth but worldly accolade and acclaim. This is the essence of western folly in this epoch & time of environmental degradation we live in. Science is constantly justifying itself as the only beacon and salvation of man. However their claims of increasing life expectancy, saving us from death and infection are not, the result of their wonderous man made creation, but on the contrary, it is because of the improved sanitation measures of the 21st century.which is not scientific discovery, but is a measure more compatible with simply rectifying nature into its proper place.[ie.deficiency, excess of nature as cause of disease in greco roman orthodox pyschsomatic thinking] In this case not allowing manure to mix with cleaning and drinking water. And the practice of addressing sanitation and hygiene in delivering babies reversed infant mortality in the 19 th century. However the romans and greeks knew about hygiene and sanitation many many years before and also knew the role it played in disease and infant mortality.

Infant mortality in ancient greece and rome were low. Their is evidence of this, however modern science is based on evolutionary scientific progress, so for them the presumption is impossible that in the past, technology of medicine was superior to todays. The reason is because they practiced with the priority of money and therefore exploitation rather than true love, compassion and faith which is the only source of cure. Science ignores completely the fact it's not responsible for the improvement and quality of mankind, but has been instrumental in worsening it. Scientific consensus concedes that 95% of cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors, yet science still holding on to medieval presuppositions hashed through their false enlightenment, that it is genes[suseptibility] more than environment, that are responsible for disease. However the search for disease through the discovery of genes is less about technology and more to do with medieval forms of wealth acculalation. For example, the medieval establishment ignored how a DCA substance actually eradicated cancer, however this news reports cited the reason why you cannot have it is because the pharmaceutical companies cannot patent it and make money from it. reference[dca [cancer cure discovered but you can't have it ] money is made in the treatment and not the cure, it is commonly recited amongst alternative circles. This is nothing more than medieval predestination in the implication is clear, God's genetic design is to blame, not man 's sin and his tendency to reform the environment according to his own distorted image. Orthodoxy practices the doctrine of life and finds no disharmony between the two spheres spiritual and physical, which does not subscribe to a worldview like the west inhabited that the soul needed to saved at the expense of the evil body and that the provisions of sanitation and other facilities that improved the condition of man were unnecessary for salvation and therefore ignored. In contrast constantinople and roman civilisation ensured proper sanitation and hygiene and not only knew about its role in protecting man from disease, but also understood that essentially creation is good and man is free to participate with nature and enjoy its fruits as orthodoxy believes that man can foretaste heaven on earth. Man is free, through creation to participate in the uncreated energies of the holy spirit. Western europe did not have these sanitation measures in place until the 19th century and only after many years of struggle, despite technological advances, that they finally located germs with a microscope and discovered the basic ancient greek philosophical principal to medicine, that is commonly recited in the bible that pollution and bad provisioning of human waste in communities causes disease. However a philosopher does not need a microscope to understand the nature of things, that when nature is distorted whether the constitution of the body or physical earth, disease will enviteably form. Man's interaction with the environment affects our health totally, however modern medicine gnosticially ignores this fact by separating disease from the degradation of the environment when really the two are mutually interconnected and bound to eachother. Man will never conquer nature is the repeated lesson of the generations that is ignored because of man's greed for accolade and money. This truth can be demonstrated according to their own scientific grounds of measure, but is over the periphery of this particular paper] God adorned and decorated creation for good and so the architects of constantinople and the greco roman love for nature and harmony emulated this by harnessing this glory with urban infrastructures and planning to better man's condition and inspire beauty to the prototype omnipresent in creation, namely, forums, baths, gardens, grand monastery buildings and churchs, fountains and legislation like justinians civil code, laws against abuses of power, preserving of public land as sacred,[ when the west viewed public land as a fief and private property for exclusive rights for the landlord baron] . Laws of inheritance were established to ensure the right of man to transfer his wealth to his children and not like in the west, do people have to transferr them to the baron lord for his fiefdom]The book of the prefects demonstrates how all facets of society were organised to ensure big business and large landowners never had the opportunity to usurp all resources and wealth of the common people like we see today and to preserve the integrity of local regional communities to have adequate wealth and self sufficency to

enjoy life and participate in it. This ensured fresher produce, greater diversity and greater well being. Compare the communal obligations of people to pay tax, collectively, democratically in constantinople to that of the sinister tax havens we witness today where corporations making incredible amounts of money pay virtually no tax because they are part of an ellite feudal circle. Barbaric feudalism has reached its apex in todays world of international finance and globalisation where a few companies own the world's resouces and how the disparity of income between the western world and thethird world, and between rich and poor in general are astronomical.home ownership outright in australia is 10-13% , while in constantinople it was more like 75%plus/ The protection of the dowry was placed to preserve the nucleus of civilised society which was considered the family. Today their are no such safeguards. The urban prefect role in constantinople was to ensure wastage is separate from the water supply, something which the present anglo saxon world still has not managed well and now treat bad water with chemicals that affect our health and wellbeing. So much for progress and technology when one breaks it down and analyses what function science actually assumed. Another paper will discuss how the myths of romans punishing debtors were created in victorian england so to justify jailing debtors in her society. The safeguards and protections in place, even in pagan rome were very conservative in that mortgage loan holders were protected from the event of foreclosure. [This is outside this papers jurisdiction but will be concenrated in another.] [law of pignus and hypotheca] also how today's political system has no people branch, the tribunes,[as the romans did] but merely represents the feudal interests of the corporate ellites. Powerbrokers and factions were not characteristic of the roman senate as like anglo saxon parliamentary systems The medieval west believed that no form of good could manifest in material society, for example, the activity of bathing were considered evil in charlemagne's feudal fiefdom[not kingdom] and therefore sanitation played little part in her history. A orbid gnosticism is evident. Scientific folly of modern science[like their medieval predecessors] refuse to connect the true scientific reality that as environmental degradation worsens, disease becomes more prevailent. This two fundamental realities are inextricably linked and connected and cannot be separated.[hence the gnostic tendencies of modern science] sin bears a real and tangible cause and effectand is the cause of all our infirmities and diseases. As we accumulate wealth,whilst refusing to acknowledge new green technologies for our fuel that are 100% sustainable, as we continue to treat food as a commodity by increasing production through genetic manipulation and chemicals, man's well being and harmony will be affected, not matter what scientists claim to discover and invent in the future! Modern science with its gnostic tendencies may concede at times to the role of lifestyle and environment to disease, but keeps postulating nonsensical notions that it is god's genetic code that is inherently responsible for disease and not man. This is the idolatry of science in practice. As romanides mentioned, the problems of society are all caused by man's neurotic sickness and man's state of fall and vice, not the lack of scientific discovery with its evolutionistic presuppositons. Academics today use the foolish materialistic and humanistic sciences to speculate on doctrine and authority. Where their form of reason is not in accord with virtue and is not in accord with orthodox doctrine of the degrees of spirituality[orthodox psychotherapy[ authors on subject nafpaktos, romanides] that allow true knowledge to be imparted which can only be affectuated through the experience and enlightenment within the orthodox church and Tradition. When one contemplates in nature with ascetic and hesychastic struggle,as the fathers have done, they receive inspiration and enlightenment to understand what can only be described with words and symbols in communicating to laity who inturn will be inspired and infused with the holy spirit to see the language of the fathers of which whom are obedient to as they have reached the level of spirituality called theosis. Th efathers are therefore sanctified to witness and testify to christ within each generation and become

our examples as they, like the icons, represent the source of its derivation, the prototype of our lord jesus christ our saviour. They are not attached to worldliness and are not attached to vices, so their reason and intellectual faculties are not distorted and subordinated to this world. Knowledge is not changed through distortion of filters such as attachments, motives, love for fame, greed etc. True reason and true science is free from interference of the vices and attachments which enslave us this world. When the mind and the heart are working in corresponding harmony, the light of god is able to enter unhindered and true knowledge of things are then sewn. The thessalonica school which produced the likes of romanides, nafpaktos are fathers who have professed and defended this hesychastic orthodox tradition as the true scientific method. This is true intellectualism which is exactly how the ancient greeks and the roman christians view science which is afforded into its proper course and place and not imbued with supersitution and gnostic medieval ramble like the medeival west and the modern scientific fronts affirm. Materialistic and humanistic thought and manufacturer of science as saviour of mankind One of the prime tenets of nominal orthodoxy is to subscribe, assign, departmentalize issues of profound theological doctrine to secular persons and institutions. When An academic proposes a theory contrary to the fathers of the church whom are literally vessels of the deifying uncreated energies of god and the holy spirit and witnessed revelation, they are building ideas not just against the church and against the commandments of the lord jesus christ but against true reason, logic and nature. Dark and abyss as describing nothing with words as symbols, not as pre existing matter or as a metaphors.Science viewed as idolatry is the ramification. When fr. Doru presupposes that an elder or theologian cannot talk of science because he is not trained as a scientist, he falls into gnostic dualistic tendencies which raises science as a religious infallible authority unto its own categories of thought that claims to assemble tenets of truth independent to christian doctrine. When the fathers of the church speak of a literal creation[quotes down bottom of paper] they are not temporary codes of expression subject to its particular and contemporary time epoch, or are simply, created to appeal to the prevailing ideas and currents of the time, but are timeless and universal binding ontological prophetic meanings that are relevant always. In other words, they were not fables and myths created to appeal to past illiterate and uneducated audiences who could not grasp the intricate and elaborate rendered story of creation. We cannot reinterprete the fathers in light of new scientific discovery. Nafpaktos on science is useful on this point. Science which always changes,[eg like each study contradicting the findings of the other is more a science of the distorting lense and filter causing the dilusion, the results dependent on which corporations are funding the private research to produce these contradictory findings]is contrary to the greco roman orthodox idea that truth that is universal and unchanging. Otherwise they concede to unscientific evolutionary principals based on medieval feudal thought. Darwin thought some organs performed no function and were wastage left overs from the evolutionary process.* medieval monti pyhon folly. The conditions that gave rise to disease in the past are the same for today. Only today we are witnessing levels of pollution that are unprecedented and hence their are more diseases. Especially lifestyle diseases unknown before the advent of manufactured and processed food, overperscribed and dangerous drugs posing as medicines and making people more sick are all characteristic of the stresses of modern day living and the increasing prevailence of chronic illness.

Academia's interpretation of history is not in accord with the churchs view of history as salvation, but is the interpretation of materialistic science that perceive history in a anthropological and evolutionary light. Like the technique used in theological colleges that have no similarity to gregory palamas idea of what constitutes a real theologian, is not the rationalistic speculatory scholastics pursuits academics and pseudo intellectuals are known for, but true theologians discover what always was['eternal modes of uncreated] through praxis, theoria[contemplation[observing and appreciating the processe and beauty of life] and experience through the illumination of the fathers the saints of the church. In other words, history is viewed from an evolutionary and materialistic point of view that presupposes the view that without the reigns of todays advance science, how could the fathers understand this mystery of creation, since, it is surmised, they are only theologians conducive of spiritual and unseen things and are not authorities of physical phenomena that only scientists in their own field can begin to understand[dualist tendencies of Fr. Doru on this account has to be concluded] This is the standpoint of modern academia and theological colleges and it is untrue and false. The discipline of theology can pronounce on issues of creation as only it has the periphery and gauge to explore the view point from a totally interdisciplinary multifaceted view, being the true empirical experience encompassing spiritual and material realities. Not like protestants which explore merely the spiritual or the academics who peer merely into the material as studying them in isolation without the other, produces unpresentative results of the true state of reality and nature of creation. Sciences role is to affirm and correlate physical data or account for anomalies and then make a inference based on a sequence of observed events.Today's modern Impirical science[greek means experience] uses pre determined and predefined filters and frameworks that are governed, not just by techniques of science that are not representative of the whole, but can be filtered by private donations, ideologies,political correctness, agendas which are all based on the vices. For example medical science believes in can understand the disease of the body without affirming the existence of the soul. It believes it can understand the part without taking into account the whole. True impericism has determined that many diseases are caused not by random germs of doom, but by deficiency and excess[greco roman holistic medicine and byzantine psychsomatic tradition]that can only be caused by vice through our behaviours and this is also in sinc with the orthodox view of disease. Modern science pre determines disease as predestined by god, camouflaging their science with medieval and dire presuppositions, they have repackaged it as the unquestioning saviour of man which presumes through scientific discovery, man can live in a disease free world irrespective of the level of degradation in the environment[ which is inextricably related to our health and livelihood]. For example, mainstream science identifies causes of diseases to our genes; foolishly ignoring the overwhelming evidence and data that pollution in the environment is the cause of our diseases and pollution is caused by man's sins. They do so because genes can be patented and this justifies the making of medicine around this patent. [interdisciplinary field of study for another thesis] science of gene medicine follows western medieval ideas of augustines predestiny and predisposition. This is where theology meets science. As science does not deny life and theological doctrine, as there is no dualistic separation of the body and spirit, so to is their is no division between the mundane and the divine,as western christians gnostically postulated. Their is a distinction between the created and uncreated energies of god, the west found no distinction and viewed the whole world and everything that is in it as evil and filthy without any chance of redemption, unless they were predestined to be saved, the rest were predestined to hell. Pseudo Science cannot speculate on the existence of god, or on the nature of creation.

The reason for this is that pseudo science is based on idolatrous medieval religious beliefs of evolutionism and materialism. In other words it is a religion[ in orthodox tradition and reason, a religion is a man made institution of idolatry ] its basic standpoint is that of a belief system based on a leap of faith[ without substance, experience or reason or paradigm of eternal revealed truth or anything similar like those of the ascetical fathers and their illuminating experiences of receiving god's uncreated knowledge through the nous eye of their soul as their hearts were pure and could receive this knowledge. A knowledge that does not separate the physical from the spiritual as we become enlightened with the holy spirit through god's good creation. The fathers know of the nature of things that god creates good, god is omnipresent forever healing mankind and that man is the true cause of sin and disease. From this knowledge of the fathers all True Science [ based on philanthropy and philosophy]actually springs from. This is the true cultural and intellectual tradition of europe distorted by the renaissance that attempted to separate religion or the christian experience from reason with folistical results. Ancient greeks never separated the sciences from philanthropy and philosophy and this is connected with the idea of creation made good by god, god left us the sciences as confirmation of not just for our knowledge of his existence, but also as a sign and material proof of his love and good ness, his great economia in that even when we sin,he loves us,[as opposed to anselm and calvin atonement and vengeful god of necessity **] because through his undefined love, the logos desires us to repent and be therapeutically healed from the passions of the fallen world. The conception of adam and eve for the orthodox is different to the west which believed that man fell so much to the degree that every person received adam's personal sin. However for orthodox we believe that we only inherited the condition of adam's fall, which is death and tendency to sin. Sin and death are interlinked. Adam and eve were spiritual infants who did not create such a fall as to render the world into a morbid of gnostic evil and predestination which the west wrapped around in association with this story. The west terms it the original sin, the orthodox term it the ancestral sin. All eternal modes of truth are fulfilled in consensus with people who are enlightened and have the gift of prophecy and discernment. Illuminated fathers and saints also know about physical truths of life when they become enlightened as they participate through creation and nature to reach deification. True science in medicine, psychiatry and any other form of science is based on understanding and respecting nature and observing its cycle and its affect on the constitution of the human body in the form of deficiency of nutrients[nature or excess of overconsumption[interruption of nature... Like the ancient greeks believed all scientific understanding comes first in understanding and observing nature[this is true impirical knowledge, not the pseudo western tradition of science and knowledge that is based on superstition, folly and vices which is love of money through conflict of interests that subordinate the art of science for profit and exploitation as we see today on a mass scale with environmental degradation. So their sciences have no logic and no reason. A paper will be published on the reasons why basil believed philosophy was important to understand christianity. Exactly this point raised above.** Feudalism , the Expert and infallibility The concept of the expert is based on feudal class system of thought of infallibility that pronounced that once a person became educated with pseudo scientific ideas which are imbued with religious ones, His authority in that area is unquestionable. This is in contrast to greco roman and christian ideals that true science comes from philanthropy and true pursuit for the betterment of man through the harmony of his environment, through love of nature and observing cycles, which is the view of ancient greek philosophers. Learning about the nature of things, of cycles in seasons, the nature of disease, the symmetry of life and how all these scientific fields are interrelated and are not treated as separate entities that western scientists have done in the course of history.[see gnostic medieval tendencies of the west by nicholas Reference]. Eg the pricipal in mechanics of changing oils so to prevent motor failure is the same principal in medicine which is an

issue of adequate intake of the rights liquids to cool the bodies immune system against overheating. Modern science which does not make use of this important component of true science namely, philosophy and true imperical observation of nature and rather and observed through the diluted lense of the labatory and petri dish opt instead for some unseen and superstitutous force that needs to be discovered so to prolong the envitable this cause the unnown and mysterious disease with no cure] The cause and origins of illness and disease are identified in the real world.[that encompasses both spiritual and material spheres and personifies true reason in nature]. The division of psychiatry from medicine is folly as both are interrelated and yet both teach different contradictory views of things and have no results. However holistic medicine that recognises all human faculties essential to a healthly body and soul, with its proven and authentic impirical methodology based on life and true experience,[ has proven more successful than mainstream medicine]which is based on vice and greed, conflict of interest and exploitation. Evolutionary and darwin science is based on a leap of faith and belief system not the result of true experience, observation evidence through either true scientists, true philosophers or true theologians. Nor does it have the necessary inferential data of evidence to justify the assertion of their belief. The belief is overlayed and imbued with religious connotation, darwin a cult leader and a demi god to his followers still seeking the allusive missing fossil, despite 100 years of not finding one, on the contrary they have found overwhelming evidence for a young earth. They have identified irreducible complexity in lifes organisms which through scientific inference can only conclude that creation of life is created by a mysterious intellectual force. The first law of thermodynamics is just one aspect of true science that supports creationism by postulating thatNothing can never be destroyed but continues in a different form. [for another paper]*. This respected law in physics contradicts many other scientific fields dependent on darwinism and evolutionism. For example,Science can explain how a seed turns into a flower or a fruit tree, but it cannot explain why. Darwinism was instrumental to justify imperial and colonial pursuits, as it demolished the morale barriers, prevailent at the time, against slavery. There is a consensus of historians with this belief**.if man is just an evolved ape, this meant that the third world man was still unevolved and therefore can be treated as non human and be exploited for colonial/feudalistic/capitalistic pursuits.[history of western europe since fall of rome] Astonishly many pseudo christians still try to incorporate darwin ideas to their christian belief. Such as the comical guy freeland who contends darwin as an innocent biologist when history has recorded his very words of blatant racial prejudice and contempt for christianity. One can identify the shameful episode of victorian working homes,unhygienic cespits and ghettos, mental asylums torture treatments and removal of the brain to enforce cold and clincial compliance of patients; reminsicent of medieval style flagellation, like catholic medieval ritual processions of bishops self flagellating for the gnostic hatred of the flesh and the evil of this world, best illustrated by the movie, in the name of the rose. Or the tortures of catholic inquisitions and barbarous western mediaeval secular courts to purge the devil out of the person by killing the body, in hope of saving the soul.[see nicholas lazarou gnostic west thesis found on scribd] today's science is based on the medieval folly of the past but it has masterly repackaged itself and conditioned people to believe in its infallible power and authority. Modern science is based not on philanthropy or philosophy where observation of nature and creation conform to christian thought and theology, but rather it is a made religion of idolatry[ as opposed christian orthodox is revelation] Many myths of scientific progress, of a age without disease of an age that man can thrive without god through the discoveries of science is based on medieaval occultism and this can be traced in a thesis**. Eg. Francis bacon and the royal society.

The concept about the doctor as an infallible authority can be perceived through the writings of bernaise, the father of propaganda or [termed after the war public relations], who admited that the trick is the believe I am the doctor and have that unquestionable authority. In medieval england the doctor experimented, poisoned and created disease and death more than the disease itself and still received acclaim and proclaimed inhallibility and indoctrinated the idea that people some how would still have been worst off without the poisonous mercury and opiates that were administrated and with all the infant mortalities they created because of lack of hygiene, they manipulated the statistics to make it appear that before the holy idol and saviourship of scientific medicine in the age of progress and optimism,[ that promised huxley's the brave new world] , people were dying like flies from infection before the advent of penicilin and vaccines. [when true statistics irrefutably show that it was sanitation and hygiene methods[new urban sewerage and drainage developments] that changed life expectancy in the 19th century], science had raised itself up as idol and infallible authority that has saved man from the doom of the chaotic and evil world is 'the underlining gnostic message. .But this tenet is in stark contrast to holistic greco roman ideals of medicine and the orthodox christian view of the body needed to be treated holistically as a psychsomatic entity. Eg a latin roman axiom of medicine proclaimed that if the mild acute disease is left on its own, it will cure itself and this principal of science can be observed with impirical precision and it cannot be refuted.[unless plenty of money is involved] Also look at myths of longevity from penicilin / antibiotics/ vaccines versus improved sanitation another paper** in this interdisciplinary multifaceted study*. So pseudo science creates man made rules, they set unrepresentative sample rates, methodologies, budgets, corporate sponsors, recreate conditions of life in the biased confines of a laboratory, not through experience and participation of everyday life, they merely play political football to legally win the loop hole to release the product on the market. The idea that a drug bottle can cure your every ill comes from early marketing intiatives like the snake oil sales man, that a bottle is all you needed to cure yourself without any impediment or inconvenience to your lifestyle choice. We live in an age of absolute cultural illiteracy where people cannot even discern the nature of things, but leave it to private interests whose only goal is to their share holders and their stock prices. We as private commodities, not persons of the church* nafpaktos] and consumers are expected to act and purchase what they promote and sell us without questioning the status quo or what the truth is. Or their version of the truth. Since they are experts above us and more superior to us. Their degree somehow gave them the religious authority to diagnose as like crystal ball readers predicting between life and death.[thesis doctors prognsosis**} What if the person became sick through slothfulness or dispondency? And will the disease flee if the underlining root and cause of the problem is not addressed? No .they only claim temporary relief with side effects that breaks hippocrates first rule of medicine. Do no harm. the law of philosophy and nature dictate with true reason and logic, that if the product or medicine does bad,[difference between drug and medicine from a fundamental point of science thesis**] it cannot be doing good. But medicine won the masses over with her reigning idolatrous promises that drugs and medicine is all you need for your well being and you can sin all you like is the overwhelming message.. side effects that prove to be worst than the disease it is supposed to be treating for,proves the medeival folly of their science and how it is more a religious superstituous ritual than one of true science that focuses on true, identifiable, measurable, observable tenets of scientific foundation and methology . The idea that an early father was restricted by his elementary knowledge of science because he lived in a pre modern scientific age is gnostic and lends support to raising science as an authority within itself as an idol, as the fathers speak of many idols in this world and emphasis science as prodominant. Greeks and romans forbade dissection of the human body and when the medieval italians started it, it was surmised that naturally we would learn more about the disease than the ancient greeks, unfortunately they were wrong.** Issues like sanitation,[ a bibical requirement to prevent disease} see healing herbs of the bible**were not existent in medieval europe as they discovered no connection with

disease, despite new scientific discoveries which was more about rectifying and rechanneling nature to its proper place and thus by addressing this deficiency or excess, a cure was affectuated. The greeks and romans knew about this connection because their scientific reasoning and deducting methology was intergral to their principals and views of philosophy /philanthropy, that is, the respect of nature and that if appreciated the good and beauty therein, can be channeled for the betterment of man and not for its exploitation. Greek philosophy understood that all life was to be respected and that all life was interdependent and supported in an eco system and this ecosystem supported man and man can harness nature, in harmony, to direct its channels of energies to flow for mans benefit and this is the basis of real science. Reinterpreting fathers in true theology through gnostic idolatry When fathers rendered genesis literal they did not mean that it ought to be allegorical or metaphorical taken as Fr .Doru concedes, so to appeal to the spiritual grade of the catechumens to simplify a hidden encoded message for the purposes of lent or a homily. The fathers did not hide anything, nor did they imply creation happened in any other way than what they already stated, as they stated explicitly, the literal rendition with their mouths. If they really meant evolutionary ideas[that scientific advancement will re interprete theology in a new light], according to Fr. Doru] or interprete the advent of creation, from pre existing matter, the simplified message to the catechumens would then conclude with very different language than the explicit expression found amongst the consensus of the fathers who unanimously espoused ex nihlio or creation out of nothing doctrines through their explicit statements of a literal 7 day creation. There is no doubt fr doru is interpreting the fathers through the biased filter of science. With reference to dark and abyss he perceives through 'his contemporary rose tinted glass filter' as inferring to pre existing matter. He subordinates all categories of thought in this way, rendering fathers, unharmonious, especially ephreim the syrian. He further states that the greek fathers speak of the essential 4 elements, [pre existing matter]however concedes that st basil concedes there was no need to mention the elements. He adds,Fathers tried to grapple with the elements and how moses kept quiet omitting the 4 elements.
Note the basis for the spiritual authority of the fathers.The bible affirms that there are spiritual stages of understanding, jesus said when asked why he speaks in parables, he replied, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

Father doru then proceeds to give further examples of metaphors for the light and dark concepts used in creation narratives. This shows the silliness or over extension of his metaphorical use of dark and light in the bible, despite its obvious ontological meanings. He Vainly attempts to harmonise these metaphors while denouncing any literal function of the holy spirit creating out of nothing. So the energia or action of the holy spirit is merely in the capacity of a metaphor. In other words, the holy spirit act of creation is dependent of the categories of creation itself and does not literally create[ impossible in the minds of the balaam rationalists to speculate] This exposes his idolatrous marveling of modern evolutionary scientific discourse that has no credence of evidence attached to it. Fr. doru is merely reinterpreting the fathers in the light of scientific discovery,having a humanistic view of history. He claims the fathers did not mean literally or ex nihilio because creation is a mystery. This is paralogical because the fathers emphasise mystery not to disclose the unavailable scientific knowledge of the time, or that they did not know or did not have the expertise,

but rather they did so because there is no way to draw similarities or a parallel of paradigm to something that our minds alone cannot comtemplate. The fathers in witnessing revelation have testified this to be true and seeked to express this inexpressible and incomprehensiveable through the use of words which are finite and are symbols which never really can express the essence and experience of the fathers. This happens to form the beautiful harmonious bedrock of the orthodox church and is the reason why we are obedient to them in spirit of the orthodox church's ecclessiological view and tradition of apostolic succession. Fr. doru has taken the symbols of abyss and darkness as something the mind can conceive of according to his own categories of the world and acccording to what he finds similiar with the world. For example, The fire in hell is not created fire that has tangible similarity to that found physically on earth, but is spiritual fire and the bible explicitly uses the word fire because it is the closest approximation or paradigm to express what is eternal and infinite and which is incomprehensable to the mind and has no similarity to the created physical fire[ the intellect acting on its own accord without the function of the nous subject to passions and vices distorts the view and image god in creation] T o postulate from a secular anthropological interpretation of history by citing and subjagating all literal renditons and accounts of literal narrative of the fathers to individual interpretations of mythological conditions and circumstances of the past that have no parallel or precedent today, is outside the church's understanding of history as salvation where god works through real historical events to pave the path for men's salvation. Doru, by Citing the reasob why the fathers used literal narratives of creation, rather than presumably evolutionary ones]is for the purposes of keeping it simple for the masses who were not educated with science so as to prevent scandal or to save time, or in comtempt for the people's intellect, or producing simplified literal renditions for the purposes of secretly concealing what the father really meant; is painfully esoteric and gnostic. Overuse of allegory and metaphor is from augustine and origen . The seeds of western catholic gnosticism and error Applying this subject with the use of allegory and metaphor have no place as they are distinct from the parables of christ which have a lesson and an underlining message. The lesson of the parable has a clear meaning. Just because Noahs boat symbolises christs church,does not mean it did not historically happen. As christ affirms, as the days of noah and the flood will past so shall be the coming of the son of man God is not dependent on time, on matter and he is not coerced to create. He created out of his own free will. Their was no calvinistic or anselmatic idea of satisfaction or the atonement. The theological meaning is clear in a orthodox patristic context. God made the world, not out of necessity, but out of love. Fr. doru pronounced use of origen and augustine's ideas,[ that prevailed in the west], are quite significant and apparent. In popular circles in st andrews, gnostic pro augustine and oriegen ideas are prevailent. Despite the fact that most of augustine's work has come down to us through acquinas a catholic theologian and despite the fact that augustine's manicheism tendencies of genesis and origen's theory of an illiteral rendition of creation' are heretical and it is these two works that fr. Doru imposed and falsely represented as the consensus of the fathers although he did not explicitly used consensus, it is apparent he does not adhere to the orthodox and patristic understanding of the authorities of saints forming a bedrock ecclessiology to the christian orthodox church. He rather likes to re categorise sainthood according to his own ideals that are foreign to the orthodox church. Contradictions are always a sign of diplomacy and rhetoric manoeurving. Saying manicheism was not a heresy and then refers to it latter as being so. Saying creation out of nothing cannot be and then saying it can. This can be contextualised from the point of view that god created organised matter from the chaos, leaving open that god did not make his creatures as definitive ontological persons of creation, but as evolved apes.[did not directly infer man came from apes in this talk

november st spyridon 2012. the cambrian fossil record shows an instanteous multicomplex muti diverse range of living creatures that cannot be traced to any transitory fossil records, leaving creation a mystery for those that like to use science for its true role and purpose, that is through philanthropy which is a a virtue as opposed to ts misuse, through the false sciences that are used for vice and other idealogical agendas entrenched and prevailent within the medieval and follistical darwin theory of creation. Darwinistic presumption forms the bedrock and foundation of modern scientific thought, just like the catholic church dogmatically imposed augustine as the sole authority for catholic doctrine whilst the orthodox church has not just one alleged father, but a consensus of fathers, saints and the 9 ecumenical councils to confide in for the narrow pathway of truth and salvation.** conclusion literal rendition of creation is in keeping with the patristic tradition and spirit of the orthodox church. Ecumenists drawn into romanides concept and definition of man made religion define things according to poltical realities not ontological eschatological or ecclessiastical and sotirological realities. In the guise of intellectual bigotry and false intellectualism that the lord sees a foolishness, they label as fanatic any patristic enterprise that claims to supercede natural law deduced from speculatory reasoning. [Or what i term to medieval intellectual follistical thought dialectic*] Strewn in idolatry and vice, science is the new god and light for the new world order and mankind. God blinds those that have no love for righteousness, who see god's creation not just for the evidence of his power and creative energies[that must be out of nothing] but also his indescribable love for mankind. Gnosticism and esoteric thought has its premise that god abides in nature through the evolutionary process. The god in creation that is nature herself. When one looks into creation science, one witnesses the insurmountable evidence that god created out of nothing and that god , the trinity is independent to his creation, not dependent on it cause otherwise he is made subject to the same changes of tides and motions as that of the earth and subject to changes of truth according to each century. This is what fr. Doru implies. However the lord is constantly engaged with creation with his uncreated energies. Once again true science is compatible with theology. Yet the gnostics[darwinists] follow false beliefs based on folly and since they had no love for righteousness or god's good creation, and rather continue to prefer to perceive the world as a dermurge of evil that the evolutionary god worked within creation and who effectively changes truth according to season. This is the essence of idolatry and the implication of the mindset of those citing genesis as an evolutionary darwinistic narrative. Their tendency to make appellations of literalists as fundamentalist fanatics, according to fallen worldly political thoughts is the irony of the gnostics following this evolutionary god of change and pseudo scientific progress which believes man as a god needs no god as he is in charge of the evolutionary process on earth. The hypocrisy is that god provided evidence for a young earth and his creation ex nihilio, yet although they claim to love science, they ignore it. So their love is not science, but a belief faith system in a western sense, which is based on idols of prestige, vice and the passions of the fallen world. Man as enslaved to the world and idolises it as god within itself. When they chose to compare literalists as fundamentalists which is a man made created political line created in a temporal world of political brokering and in fighting according to vice and passion. That is exactly the barometer and the benchmark by which they categorise and compare orthodoxy from the vantage point of a fallen world and its praised idols in the form of every sin and vice. Especially the acclaim and honour of

institutionalism and writing works that are original but are absolutely wrong, but nethertheless win acclaim for their cult personality status these academics enjoy. Todays modern society worships pluralistic thoughts and this is seen as progressive and democratic. By contrasting orthodoxy to the standards and categorises of man rather than the categories of spiritual fruits of god, they prove their allegiances. Fathers have pronounced against the darwinistic founding of the isms[capitalism and socialism] that brought great injustice in the history of europe. Condemned in the orthodox council against reformation and humanistic beliefs in the era of the 15th century. Darwinism and humanism are co related and are born from the pens of western scholatism which was built on embarrassing catholic and medieval foundations Many fathers** have spoken against socialism and capitalisms, presume themselves as authorities on the subject because orthodoxy abides by every doctrine, is Life. Emphasising the experience over western rational speculation, as the superior parameter for scientific evaluation. This Is experience.True impiricism. The impirical method of life and freedom is to observe and appreciate the beauty of this world as a free participant through the orthodox hesychastic tradition of the orthodox church. A feudal class of ellite do not have the sole right of dispensing with a certain form of education, unless you subscribe to education is for the upper class who were considered smart while the peasants were considered dumb[ going back to augustine predestination and how peasants and the morally insane were predestined for hell or how in victorian england predestination was translated into scientific discrimination through darwinism, that prostitutes and criminals were genetically disposed '[augustine predestination] to such a life. The role of the environment to their plight were ignored and compassion and empathy was replaced by the crude of scientific darwinism. When a lifestyle is damaging to one's soul and encourages the normalisation of the idolising of the vices, then the church mandates against it. Socialism and capitalism are bio products of religion as political modes of humanistic and therefore fallen modes of expression and goverance, that seeked to replace revelation for a society envisionaged not by god but by man eg. Socialism paradise on earth. As can be proved with a histography on the matter. These systems of governance are Derived from western feudalism and papism [thesis]***, they seeked to replace the vacuum left by the spiritual void of a scandalous religion in the name of protestanism and catholicism with a workers paradise. A paper shows how marx intended to repackage feudalism into the promise of a new age of productivity and commercialism. Work was above family and welfare and it provided the greatest material purpose of life on earth. Participation in the forum and the market place[constantinople. paradigm] and the engagement of people in the state's political life , [as plato's had envisionaged the role of citizens in the republic ought to be] is disallowed in britain cultural landscape and reality, as the pseudo philosopher hobbe's stated[ reinforcing england's view of thepeasant as the abhorrent ] and also bernaise and freud, who claim that man is inheritly evil and brute and cannot be trusted in government and so needs to coerced into line. These enlightened principals follow feudal ideas of aristocracy of the medieval dark ages literally and are not products of thought of greco roman extraction which were really republian and demoncratic and not feudalistic. Study how consumerism and pluralism is perceived as democratic discourse**. The detail on the subject is not necessary for this paper other than to cite it. The point being that orthodoxy is validated and is impirical and is witnessed and confessed as the truth and all secular science that points to other realities are sciences masquarading as science when they are instruments for private profit and not for the betterment and welfare of mankind and most importantly for Truth..


Some Sources in corroboration, lending against evolutionism from a orthodox patristic point of view.

Lawrence krauss militant atheist states creation out nothing from a particle point of view in science physics/ contradicting darwinistic ideas of evolution.

Origen, a third-century philosopher and theologian from Alexandria, Egyptone of the great intellectual centers of the ancient worldprovides an example of early Christian thought on creation. Best known for On First Principles and Against Celsus, Origen presented the main doctrines of Christianity and defended them against pagan accusations. Origen opposed the idea that the creation story should be interpreted as a literal and historical account of how God created the world. There were other voices before Origen who advocated more symbolic interpretations of the creation story. Origens views were also influential for other early church thinkers who came after him.1 St. Augustine of Hippo, a bishop in North Africa during the early fifth century, was another central figure of the period. Although he is widely known for Confessions, Augustine authored dozens of other works, several of which focus on Genesis 1 2.2 In The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Augustine argues that the first two chapters of Genesis are written to suit the understanding of the people at that time.3 In order to communicate in a way that all people could understand, the creation story was told in a simpler, allegorical fashion. Augustine also believed God created the world with the capacity to develop, a view that is harmonious with biological evolution.4

CREATION "OUT OF NOTHING" 4. "In the beginning" the Holy Trinity created the world (heaven and earth) "out of nothing" (ex nihilo) and not out of preexistent matter. The world is a production of God's free will, goodness, wisdom, love and omnipotence. God did not create the world in order to satisfy some need of His. Rather he created it without compulsion and without force in order that it might enjoy His blessings and share in His goodness. God then brought all things into being out of nothing, creating both the visible and the invisible. 5. "Out of nothing" (ex nihilo) finds its first expression in the Bible. "Beholding the heavens and the earth, and seeing all that is there, you will understand that God has created it all from nothing" (2 Macc. 7:28). Thus, the creation springs into being or passes into being out of non-being. As St. Gregory of Nyssa affirms, "It begins to be, and the very substance of the creation owes its beginning to change". This transition from nonexistence is a change brought about by God's creative Word "who has established the world so that it shall not be moved" (Ps. 93:1). he fact is that it has not always been interpreted in this way. Justin Martyr, for example, thought that the chaos over which the Spirit hovered was indeterminate matter on which God imposed form and order. e first clear scriptural enunciation of this doctrine is in II Maccabees 7:28: "I beseech thee, my son, look upon the heaven and the earth and all that is therein, and consider

that God made them of what was not (of what did not exist)"; and so was man made likewise"

the mystery emphasised The revealed dogma that there was no pre-existence of creation or of any matter, but it sprang into existence completely and instantaneously only at the word of God by His will, was impossible for carnal man to conceive. Material man can only conceive of a material universe, since he has had no experience of anything. He is limited by the boundaries of his nature. Even men's thoughts and conceptions are material, both in themselves, since our thoughts are formed in the brain by bioelectrical energy, and in the image which the thought visualizes. Even when we say "created of nothing", an image forms of a black space, but necessarily with a border since the image is contained in our mind. We cannot imagine a void or the infinite, because we ourselves are finite and material.

We are bound by the limits of our nature. All our conceptions and mental images and words are necessarily material, and when conceiving something spiritual or noetic or the divine, the mind objectifies it necessarily. The ancient mythmakers and philosophers, therefore, could not conceive a creation ex nihilo since it was entirely outside their experience. As Plato said, everything is bound by the necessity of its nature, i.e., nothing can surpass its own limitations or the boundaries of its capacities. A dog cannot preach a sermon, nor, to quote a famous author, can a man suddenly grow eighteen inches. We cannot lift ourselves by our own bootstraps. Consequently, the cosmic linear time of the Bible is unique in religion. Creation and matter had a definite beginning, and, therefore, could have an end; a foreign conception, even unthinkable, to the mythmakers and philosophers, who only perceived cosmic time as a cycle of constant recurrence in eternal matter

St. Athanasius' first chapter in "On the Incarnation" to affirm this: Quote Such are the notions which men put forward. But the impiety of their foolish talk is plainly declared by the divine teaching of the Christian faith. From it we know that, because there is Mind behind the universe, it did not originate itself; because God is infinite, not finite, it was not made from preexistent matter, but out of nothing and out of non-existence absolute and utter God brought it into being through the Word. the Shephard of Hermas (Book 2, par. 1): Quote Believe thou first and foremost that there is One God Who created and arranged all things and brought them out of non-existence into being.

The Church Fathers also consistently affirm that each species of the animate creation came into existence instantaneously, at the command of God, with its seed within itself.[24] Basil the Great for example takes this literal view in the Hexmeron, a work consisting of nine homilies delivered by St. Basil on the cosmogony of the opening chapters of Genesis, providing one of the most detailed

expositions of the six days of creation to come down to us from the early church. Basil writes in Homily I that: "Thus then, if it is said, "In the beginning God created," it is to teach us that at the will of God the world arose in less than an instant,..."[25]

The calendar is based on the Julian calendar except that the year started on 1 September and the year number used an Anno Mundi epoch derived from the Septuagint version of the Bible. It placed the date of creation at 5509 years before the Incarnation, and was characterized by a certain tendency which had already been a tradition amongst Jews and early Christians to number the years from the foundation of the world. (Latin: Annus Mundi /Ab Origine Mundi(AM)).[note 2] Its year one, the supposed date of creation, was September 1, 5509 BC to August 31, 5508 BC.

lexandrian Era The "Alexandrian Era" (Greek: ) developed in AD 412, was the precursor to the Byzantine Era. After the initial attempts by Hippolytus, Clement of Alexandria and others[note 7], the Alexandrian computation of the date of creation was worked out to be 25 March 5493 BC.[12] The Alexandrine monk Panodoros reckoned 5904 years from Adam to the year AD 412. His years began with August 29, corresponding to the First of Thoth, or the Egyptian new year.[13]Annianos of Alexandria however, preferred the Annunciation style as New Year's Day, 25 March, and shifted the Panodoros era by about six months, to begin on 25 March. This created the Alexandrian Era, whose first day was the first day of the proleptic[note 8] Alexandrian civil year in progress, 29 August 5493 BC, with the ecclesiatical year beginning on 25 March 5493 BC. The Alexandrian Era of March 25, 5493 BC was adopted by church fathers such as Maximus the Confessor and Theophanes the Confessor, as well as chroniclers such as George Syncellus. Its striking mysticism made it popular in Byzantium especially in monastic circles. However this masterpiece of Christian symbolism had two serious weak points: historical inaccuracy surrounding the date ofResurrection as determined by its Easter computus,[note 9] and its contradiction to the chronology of the Gospel of St John regarding the date of the Crucifixion on Friday after the Passover.[3]

Accounts in Church Fathers St. John Chrysostom St. John Chrysostom says clearly in his Homily "On the Cross and the Thief", that Christ: "opened for us today Paradise, which had remained closed for some 5000 years.".[16] St. Isaac the Syrian St. Isaac the Syrian writes in a Homily that before Christ:

"for five thousand years five hundred and some years God left Adam (i.e. man) to labor on the earth.".[17] St. Augustine Blessed Augustine writes in the City of God (written AD 413426): "Let us omit the conjectures of men who know not what they say, when they speak of the nature and origin of the human race...They are deceived by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousands of years, though reckoning by the sacred writings we find that not 6,000 years have passed. (City of God 12:10).[18] Augustine goes on to say that the ancient Greek chronology "does not exceed the true account of the duration of the world as it is given in our documents (i.e. the Scriptures), which are truly sacred." St. Hippolytus St. Hippolytus of Rome (ca. 170235) maintained on Scriptural grounds that Jesus's birth took place in 5500 AM, and held that the birth of Christ took place on a passover day, deducing that its month-date was 25 March[19] (see Alexandrian Era). He gave the following intervals: "...from Adam to the flood 2242 years, thence to Abraham 1141 years, thence to the Exodus 430 years, thence to the passover ofJoshua 41 years, thence to the passover of Hezekiah 864 years, thence to the passover of Josiah 114 years, thence to the passover ofEzra 107 years, and thence to the birth of Christ 563 years."[19] In his Commentary on Daniel, one of his earlier writings, he proceeds to set out additional reasons for accepting the date of 5500 AM: "First he quotes Exod. xxv. 10f. and pointing out that the length, breadth and height of the ark of the covenant amount in all to 5 cubits, says that these symbolize the 5,500 years from Adam at the end of which the Saviour was born. He then quotes from Jn. xix. 14 ' it was about the sixth hour ' and, understanding by that 5 hours, takes each hour to correspond to a thousand years of the world's life..."[19] Around AD 202 Hippolytus held that Jesus was born in the 42nd year of the reign of Augustus[note 10] and that he was born in 5500AM. In his Commentary on Daniel he did not need to establish the precise year of Jesus's birth; he is not concerned about the day of the week, the month-date, or even the year; it was sufficient for his purpose to show that Christ was born in the days of Augustus in 5500 AM. Quinisext Council It is referred to indirectly in Canon III of the Quinisext Council, which the Orthodox Churches consider as ecumenical, its canons being added to the decrees of the Fifth and Sixth Councils, as follows: "... as of the fifteenth day of the month of January last past, in the last fourth Indiction, in the year six thousand one hundred and ninety [6190], ..."[20]

he Church Fathers also consistently affirm that each species of the animate creation came into existence instantaneously, at the command of God, with its seed within itself.[24] Basil the Great for example takes this literal view in the Hexmeron, a work consisting of nine homilies delivered by St. Basil on the cosmogony of the opening chapters of Genesis, providing one of the most detailed expositions of the six days of creation to come down to us from the early church. Basil writes in Homily I that: "Thus then, if it is said, "In the beginning God created," it is to teach us that at the will of God the world arose in less than an instant,..."[25]

As the Greek and Roman methods of computing time were connected with certain pagan rites and observances, Christians began at an early period to adopt the Hebrew practice of reckoning their years from the supposed period of the creation of the world.[42] Currently the two dominant dates for creation that exist using the Biblical model, are about 5500 BC and about 4000 BC. These are calculated from the genealogies in two versions of the Bible, with most of the difference arising from two versions of Genesis. The older dates of the Church Fathers in the Byzantine Era and in its precursor, the Alexandrian Era, are based on the Greek Septuagint.

For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years shall it be concluded. And for this reason the Scripture says: Thus the heaven and the earth were finished, and all their adornment. And God brought to a conclusion upon the sixth day the works that He had made; and God rested upon the seventh day from all His works. (Genesis 2:2) This is an account of the things formerly created, as also it is a prophecy of what is to come. For the day of the Lord is as a thousand years; (2 Peter 3:8) and in six days created things were completed: it is evident, therefore, that they will come to an end at the sixth thousand year. (Irenaeus Against HeresiesBook 5 Chapter 28 emphasis mine)

Irenaeus is discussing the end of the age, but plainly believed the days of creation to be literal. For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand years shall it be concluded. Irenaeus believed that the world would end after six thousand years precisely because the creation was finished after six days

theophilus of Antioch, born around 115 A.D. and died about 185 A.D., was a prolific writer of the early church. Theophilus was an apologist especially concerned with refuting the false teachers of his day. Theophilus, writing to Autolycus an Idolater and Scorner of Christians, states concerning the six days of creation that, Of this six days work no man can give a worthy explanation and description of all its partson account of the exceeding greatness and riches of the wisdom of God which there is in the six days work above narrated. (Theophilus: Book 1, Chapter 1) He later says, But the power of God is shown in this, that, first of all, He creates out of nothing, according to His will, the things that are made (Chapter 8). He thus establishes that, contrary to Greek thought, there was nothing before God began His work of Clement of Alexandria Clement of Alexandria, who lived from 153 to 217 A.D., is considered one of the most influential of the early Church Fathers. He was a prolific writer who so eloquently articulated many matters of faith in his generation. He wrote briefly but succinctly concerning the time frame of the creation:

For the creation of the world was concluded in six days. For the motion of the sun from solstice to solstice is completed in six months in the course of which, at one time the leaves fall, and at another plants bud and seeds come to maturity. And they say that the embryo is perfected exactly in the sixth month, that is, in one hundred and eighty days in addition to the two and a half, as Polybus the physician relates in his book On the Eighth Month, and Aristotle the philosopher in his book On Nature. Hence the Pythagoreans, as I think, reckon six the perfect number, from the creation of the world (The Stromata Book 6, Chapter 16)

Hippolytus Hippolytus was a bishop of Rome who lived from 170 to 236 A.D. and was a student of Irenaeus. In his book, The Refutation of All Heresies(book 4, chapter 48), he says, For in six days the world was made, and (the Creator) rested on the seventh. What does he mean by six days, though? Could it be that he is referring to six ages ages in which millions and billions of years might have elapsed? How can we know precisely what he meant by six days?

creation. Exnihlio by Nicholas lazarou . franks and fools series.

Origen and Methodius

At this point we need to consider Origen and Methodius, both of whom were on Hugh Rosss list of Church Fathers who supposedly believed in non-literal days of creation and hence an old earth. We need to consider them in tandem since they are better understood together rather than separately regarding creation. Origen lived in Alexandria from 185 to 254 A.D. He was a follower of Jesus Christ, who, unfortunately, began interpreting the Scriptures in a manner that was considered heretical by the Christian community of his day and for centuries after.

Origens Disturbing Doctrines Of all the Church Fathers that we have examined so far, Origen is the only one that truly did reject the literal interpretation of the text of Genesis in favor of an allegorical

approach in order to resolve some of the seeming difficulties of the text. While Origens love for God is not in question, his method of interpretation is. For in caring more about the hidden meaning of the text than the literal and plain meaning, mixed with the NeoPlatonistic thinking of Alexandria, Origen wrote some most disturbing things concerning doctrines which are essential to orthodox Christianity, and if one merely follows the plain meaning of Scripture, cannot be missed. Though Origen was perhaps the first to systematize a doctrine of the Trinity, his conclusions are not derived from the plain reading of Scripture, but from mixing Greek philosophy, allegory and Scripture together. Below is an excerpt from Origen on the Trinity:

The God and Father, who holds the universe together, is superior to every being that exists, for he imparts to each one from his own existence that which each one is; the Son, being less than the Father, is superior to rational creatures alone (for he is second to the Father); the Holy Spirit is still less, and dwells within the saints alone. So that in this way the power of the Father is greater than that of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and that of the Son is more than that of the Holy Spirit, and in turn the power of the Holy Spirit exceeds that of every other holy being. (Moore 2006)

Origen obviously holds to a completely unorthodox position of the relation of the three persons of the Trinity to such an extent that it sounds much like the modern day cult of Jehovahs Witnesses who hold that Jesus is the first of all of Gods creations but is not equal to God. Obviously someone holding to such a position is unstable in their interpretation of the Bible and should not be looked to for guidance on interpreting the creation account of Genesis. We might be tempted to give Origen the benefit of the doubt concerning his heretical view of the Trinity. However, it is not only this issue but many others that call into question his teachings.

Another example which is nowhere to be found in the pages of Scripture, but purely from his own imagination is the creation of souls. This teaching held that not only were there many beings created prior to the act of creation which originally fell away from their creator, but that the soul of Christ was among that number. Augustine] accepts spontaneous generation of organisms and the four elements of Greek thought. He expends considerable effort in relating Genesis I to the four elements and to the Greek theory of natural places: One must surely not think that in this passage of Holy Scripture there has been an omission of any one of the four elements that are generally supposed to make up the world just

because there seems to be no mention of air in the account of sky, water, and earth. (Young 1988)

[ecumenism is like a poison distorting doctrine to the spirits of this world and they are blinded for their deeds. Byzantine psychosomatic medicine (10th- 15th century). Eftychiadis AC. Department of Philosophy and History of Medicine, Medical School of Athens University, Athens, Greece. Abstract Original elements of the psychosomatic medicine are examined by the most important byzantine physicians and medico-philosophers during the 10th -15th centuries. These topics concern the psycosomatic unity of the human personality, the psychosomatic disturbances, diseases and interactions, organic diseases, which cause psychical disorders, psychical pathological reactions, which result in somatic diseases, the psychology of the depth of the soul, the psychosomatic pathogenetic reasons of psychiatric and neurological diseases and suicide, the influence of witchcraft on psychosomatic affections, maniac and demoniac patients. The psychosomatic treatment has a holistic preventive and curative character and encloses sanitary and dietary measures, physiotherapy, curative bathing, strong purgation, pharmaceutical preparations proportional to the disease, religious disposition, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy with dialogue and the contribution of the divine factor. The late byzantine medical science contributed mainly to the progress of the psychosomatic medicine and therapeutics. The saint woman physician Hermione (1st -2nd cent.) is considered as the protectress of psychosomatic medicine.

All sources are implied and verified through Wikipedia and corroborated by the orthodox fathers of the orthodox church and forms the doctrine of the church. Foot notes are preserved to help corroborated facts and sources to demonstrate a consensus and a transparency of documentation and substantiation.

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