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Algebra Vocab.

- Absolute Value: Also called numerical value. the magnitude of a

quantity, irrespective of sign; the distance of a quantity from zero
- Associative Property: The evaluation order does not affect the value
of such expressions, and it can be shown that the same holds for
expressions containing
- Base: the number that serves as a starting point for a logarithmic or
other numerical system
- Coefficient: a number or quantity placed (generally) before and
multiplying another quantity
- Commutative property: It states that changing the order of addends
does not change the sum
- Coordinate plane: The plane determined by a horizontal number line,
called the x-axis, and a vertical number line, called the y-axis,
intersecting at a point called the origin
- Distributive property: Distributive Property states that the product of a
number and a sum is equal to the sum of the individual products of the
addends and the number
- Domain: Domain of a relation is the set of all x-coordinates of the
ordered pairs of that relation
- Equation: An Equation is a mathematical sentence that uses the equal
sign (=) to show that two expressions are equal
- Equivalent equations: Equivalent Equations are the equations that
have the same solution
- Exponent: An Exponent is a mathematical notation that implies the
number of times a number is to be multiplied by itself
- Function: Function is a relation in which each element of the domain
is paired with exactly one element of the range
- Function Notation: A notation that describes a function. For a function
ƒ, when x is a member of the domain, the symbol ƒ(x) denotes the
corresponding member of the range
- Identity property: Identity property of addition states that the sum of
zero and any number or variable is the number or variable itself.
Identity property of multiplication states that the product of 1 and any
number or variable is the number or variable itself
- Inequality: An inequality is a mathematical sentence that uses symbols
such as <, ≤, >, or ≥ to compare two quantities
- Input: Output table: A table used to describe a function by listing the
inputs and outputs
- Integer: Integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites
- Inverse operations: Two operations are said to be Inverse to each other
if one operation undoes the effect of the other operation
- Like terms: Like terms are monomials that contain the same variables
raised to the same powers. They can be combined to form a single
- Linear equation: Linear equation is an equation of the form Ax + By =
C, where A ≠ 0 and B ≠ 0
- Linear model: A linear function that is used to model a real- life
- Numerical expression: A numerical expression is a mathematical
phrase involving only numbers and one or more operational symbols
- Order of Operations: Order of operations refers to the precedence of
performing one arithmetical operation over another while working on
a mathematical expression
- Ordered pair: An ordered pair is written in the form (x, y) where x is
the x-coordinate and y is the y-coordinate
- Parallel: Parallel Lines are distinct lines lying in the same plane and
they never intersect each other
- Perpendicular: Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at right
- Point- Slope Form: The equation of a non vertical line that passes
through a given point with a slope of m
- Power: Power or Exponent tells how many times a number is
multiplied by itself
- Properties of equality: The rules of algebra used to transform
equations into equivalent equations
- Range: The difference between the greatest and the least numbers in a
set of data
- Rate: Rate is a ratio that compares two quantities of different units
- Rate of change: The ratio of the change in the output value and change
in the input value of a function is called as Rate of Change
- Ratio: A ratio is a comparison of two numbers by division
- Real number: Real Numbers include all the rational and irrational
- Reciprocal: If the product of two numbers is 1, then the two numbers
are said to be reciprocals of each other
- Relation: A set of input and output values, usually represented in
ordered pairs, refers to a Relation
- Slope: Slope is the measure of steepness of a line
- Slope- intercept form: A linear equation written in the form y=mx+b
- Solution: The answer to or disposition of a problem
- Standard form: Standard form of numbers is a way of writing numbers
using digits
- Term: the parts that are added in an expression
- Variable: Variables are (usually) letters or other symbols that represent
unknown numbers or values
- Variable expression: A variable expression is a combination of
numbers (or constants), operations, and variables
- X-intercept: The x-intercept of a line is the point at which the line
crosses the x-axis
- Y- intercept: The y-coordinate of the point where a line intersects the
y-axis is the y-intercept of that line

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