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Origins of Regional Innovation Systems

Thinking and Recent Advances from

Analysis of ‘Green Innovation’

Schumpeter’s dynamic evolutionary economic model is weakened by his lack of geographical perspective.
By introducing Jane Jacobs’ ‘economics of diversity’ to the little Schumpeter did write on spatial matters,
we gain insight into one of the probably numerous sources of cluster emergence. In passing, we also
observe the outlines of a Neo-Schumpeterian theory of regional evolution. This is achieved in the process
of examination of the emergence of green clusters. These are focused upon the production of new forms
of non-fossil fuel energy that contribute to the lessening of overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from
human economic activity. They reveal a curious feature of economic evolution the clue to which lies in the
element of geographically proximate convergence that characterises green innovation. As to be revealed
first in the cases of northern and southern California, the type of Clean Technology or ‘Cleantech’ (also
‘GreenTech’) industry emerging there in clustered form evolves from convergence in agro-food, ICT and
biotechnology. Testing these findings in two other cases to be presented – Jutland and Wales we see
something comparable having occurred. This is despite selecting Wales as an intuitively difficult test
of the insight. In each case Schumpeter’s purest form of innovation – regional innovation – by means
of ‘railroadization’seems to have been something of an evolutionary ‘trigger’ from which successive
innovations are still path dependent. Thus California’s Cleantech emerges from ICT, biotechnology and
nanotechnology, but also agro-food ‘railroadization’, while Jutland’s wind and solar thermal clusters are
found in Denmark’s agricultural equipment and marine engineering regions and Wales’ photovoltaics and
biofuels in its mining equipment and agro-food histories. Brief reference is made to the case of Norway,
where green innovation is clustered according to large corporate interests, themselves having passed
through in-house ‘related variety’ episodes.
Los clusters «verdes», se centran en la producción de nuevas formas de energía de combustibles no
fósiles que contribuyen a disminuir el conjunto de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que pro-
duce la actividad humana. La formación de estos grupos revela una curiosa característica de la evolu-
ción económica: analizaremos la convergencia geográfica que caracteriza a la «innovación verde». En
primer lugar analizaremos los casos del sur y norte de California, donde el tipo de industria denominada
tecnología limpia o cleantech (también GreenTech), que está apareciendo allí en forma de clústeres, se
desarrolla a partir de la convergencia de las industrias agroalimentaria, TIC y biotecnología. En otros
dos casos, Jutlandia y Gales, veremos que ocurre algo similar. En cada caso, la forma más pura de in-
novación de Schumpeter —la innovación regional—, gracias a la «ferrocarrilización» parece haber sido
el «desencadenante» evolutivo del que todavía siguen partiendo sucesivas innovaciones. La tecnología
limpia de California emerge de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), biotecnología y
nanotecnología, pero también de la «ferrocarrilización» agroalimentaria.
Kluster «berde»ak erregai ez-fosil izeneko energia-forma berrien ekoizpenean oinarritzen dira, hau da,
giza jarduerak eragiten dituen berotegi-efektuko gasen igorpen-multzoa beheratzen laguntzen duten
energia-forma berrietan. Talde horiek eratzeak, bide batez, bilakaera ekonomikoaren ezaugarri bitxi bat
erakusten du: «berrikuntza berde»a itxuratzen duen konbergentzia geografikoa aztertuko dugu. Lehe-
nik eta behin, Ipar eta Hego Kaliforniako kasuak aztertuko ditugu, non teknologia garbia eta cleantech
(GreenTech ere bai) deitutako industria mota, eta han kluster moduan agertzen ari dena, nekazaritzako
elikagaien industrien, IKTen eta bioteknologiaren konbergentziaren bidez garatu baita. Beste bi kasutan,
Jutlandia eta Gales, antzeko zerbait gertatzen ari dela ikusiko dugu. Dena dela, Schumpeter-en berrikun-
tza-modu garbiena —eskualde-berrikuntza—, «burdinbidegintza»ri esker lortzen dena, izan bide da bila-
kaeraren «txinparta», eta hortik abiatzen dira oraindik ere ondorengo berrikuntzak. Kaliforniako teknologia
garbia, gainera, informazioaren eta komunikazioaren teknologietatik (IKT), bioteknologiatik eta nanotek-
nologiatik abiatzen da, baina bai eta nekazaritzako elikagaien «burdinbidegintza»tik ere.

Ekonomiaz N.o 70, cuatrimestre, 2009

Philip Cooke
Centre for Advanced Studies, Cardiff University
& School of Development Studies, University of Ålborg


1. Introduction
2. The knowledge Economy: What is it?
3. Regional Innovation Systems: Integrating Regional Networks and Regional Innovation
4. Recent Advances in RIS Research
5. Bioenergy from Crops in Wales
6. Related Varity by Other Means: Cleantech in Norway
7. Conclusions and Theoretical Implications

Keywords: innovation; region; system; green innovation; clusters; evolution; neo-Schumpeterian

JEL classification: A14, O33, R11, R58

1. INTRODUCTION as compared with the internalised

organizational innovation of a corporation
As is well-known, for those interested adopting new management methods that
in evolutionary economic geography, gave it an, albeit temporary, competitive
Schumpeter left almost no regional or spatial edge (Schumpeter, 1975). The second
analysis of economic phenomena. From the allusion is even briefer where Schumpeter
evolutionary economic geography and policy mentions innovation such as the department
viewpoints, this is clearly disappointing. His store only being feasible in the large city due
two brief allusions are highly time-space to the level of demand required to sustain
specific. The first concerns Schumpeter’s such an innovation. Hence the city is seen
fifth form of innovation, which he designated as having some economic specificity from
‘railroadization’ – the phenomenon by which its scale attributes, but Schumpeter says
US agricultural lands were opened up to nothing about the dynamics of the entailed
markets by infrastructural investments, processes (Andersen, 1994; Andersen,
not only in railroads but farms, grain silos 2007).
and even agricultural manuals that the
railroad companies of the western USA However, this paper suggests that
had printed so that pioneers accessing bemoaning Schumpeterian neglect of the
cheap land on the plains would know how spatial dimension may be misplaced. His
to farm that land. This ‘regional evolution’ of category of innovation by railroadization
land and markets was, rightly, considered helps understanding of regional innovation
an externalised organizational innovation in which clusters ‘mutate’ through a

Ekonomiaz N.o 70, cuatrimestre, 2009

Philip Cooke

Jacobian (after Jane Jacobs, 1969) related of them. To that extent they make a
variety operating at regional level in places contribution to understanding of regional
like California, North Jutland (Denmark) and and national unequal development between
Wales (UK). Regional innovation through wealth and poverty, the issue that has
cluster mutation is illuminated by the interest animated economics since Adam Smith.
of this paper in ‘green’ innovation, which is
pronounced in those regions. These are Having held out the promise of a Neo-
the only regions to have been examined Schumpeterian theory of regional evolution,
from a ‘green innovation’ perspective that aspiration has to be severely qualified.
thus far to this author’s knowledge 1. A For a more truly evolutionary theory of
possible reason for the illuminative aspect spatial dynamics we have to turn to the
of taking a green perspective is that mid-twentieth century inheritors of Veblen’s
green innovation (such as the burgeoning concept of ‘cumulative causation’. A variant
Cleantech industry) displays a high degree of the biblical ‘Matthew principle’ of ‘to
of innovation convergence across fields like those that have, more shall be given’ this
information and communication technology profoundly disequilibrium perspective
(ICT), nanotechnology, biotechnology, contains the missing dynamic element
agro-food, health, environment, energy, by virtue of Myrdal’s (1957) elaboration
production and materials management, upon the various ‘backwash’ and ‘spread’
and waste treatment. Thus innovation effects associated with regional evolution.
occurs laterally among distinctive parts of Spread effects, on occasions, caused the
what may be described as an innovation dynamic element to seek to accommodate
platform. Other regions for which Jacobian growth beyond its original boundaries.
clustering is probably true are those of the Backwash effects sucked back temporary
Third Italy, which has been studied from gains made by competing locations to the
this perspective by Boschma (2005) also larger, predominating accumulating entity,
from an evolutionary economic geography such as a strong city or regional economy.
viewpoint. He found that apparently different Observations of static relationships in
industrial districts displayed ‘related variety’ the spatial evolution of the ‘knowledge
in their engineering competences and economy’ have led to the preliminary
associated high lateral absorptive capacity postulation of a knowledge capabilities
towards innovations emanating from theory of regional evolution based on
neighbouring industries and clusters. No the distinctive distribution of two key
claim is made here for the ubiquity of this components of the knowledge economy
process, on the contrary Jacobian cluster labour market (Cooke, 2007). Foremost here
regions are probably not in the majority. But are, first, the knowledge intensive business
where they exist they can be propulsive in services (KIBS) such as finance, research,
relation to national economies or aspects media, software and so on. While second,
high technology manufacturing is a mainstay
1 Subsequently, Israel’s cleantech clusters were
of the knowledge economy in computer
examined and found to be similarly convergent with and communications hardware, aerospace
agro-food, ICT and biotechnology. A new one at Be’er and biotechnology inter alia. Empirical
Sheva in the Negev actually coincides with the recent
completion of the railway connection from Tel Aviv to
observation of the static picture for the
that desert location (Cooke 2008c) EU strongly suggested an urban-regional
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

split between the locations of these. The outside primate cities where knowledge-
former predominate particularly in primate intensive business services (KIBS) thrive
cities (such as the major financial centre, to explore innovation at some distance
sometimes, but not always, combining from big cities altogether. Nevertheless
capital city administrative functions); the Myrdal-Hirschman models postulate
latter predominate in specialised satellite innovation as capable of occurring there
towns, often with appropriate knowledge because such cities tend not to localise
centres like national research institutes or high technology manufacturing (HTM).
universities centred in them. This theory, in To that we would add that they do not 5
brief, is consistent with Myrdal-Hirschman2 tend to have functional regional innovation
theses about ‘cumulative causation’ and systems and they are often the home
metropolitan regional concentration of of specialised rather than related variety
knowledge economy activities (Cooke, clusters. The next sections take these
2002). But as noted, the static picture insights and exemplify this by reference to
merely hinted at the dynamism explicit in some ‘cumulative causation’ peculiarities of
the idea of cumulative causation, which innovative industry regions. Those selected
remained to be tested. The first such display innovative convergence among
contemporary test was accomplished by high technology sectors to contribute to
access to and analysis of special runs of cleaner manufacturing, food and energy
Israeli data in a dynamic perspective (Cooke production – the so-called Cleantech
& Schwartz, 2008). This paper relies on sectors, respectively (Cooke, 2008b).
those findings and then explores innovation

The Myrdal-Hirschman theory of economic
development has been influential in the emergence WHAT IS IT?
of ‘new economic geography’ (e.g. Krugman, 1995).
Anticipating the latter’s solution to the neoclassical
It is important to say straightforwardly
location theory impasse by positing ‘increasing
returns to scale’ rather than the rubric of ‘constant that the deployment of knowledge in
returns’ thus demonstrating the growth of cities to economic affairs is not a new thing. Making
be a function of spatial monopoly, Myrdal (1957)
proposed spatial development to be characterised by
a fire is clearly a knowledgeable and, in
‘cumulative causation’ with asociated ‘spread’ and the deep past, powerful, knowledge-based
‘backwash’ effects. This implies increasing returns skill, as the Prometheus myth testifies.
to scale (through ‘backwash’) and developmental
‘spread’ to other nearby areas. Hirschman’s (1958) Hunting, farming, smelting copper, bronze
elaboration on this was that ‘spread’ would be driven and iron, later steel are knowledge-based
by the innovative capacity of competing technology
users. Under ‘knowledge economy’ conditions we
activities. In turn these knowledges became
hypothesise that, over relatively short time periods, the basis for science and its application
primate cities grow through increasing returns (to in early industrial technology. From coal
knowledge) and ‘satellites’ of leading technology
innovators ‘spread’ nearby. Our preliminary static mining grew coal tar production, the
pictures of EU NUTS 2 regions are consistent with origin of the German dyestuffs industry
this, while our dynamic picture of spatial divergence whose aniline products led to branching
in Israel 1995-2002 (Cooke & Schwartz, 2008) is
consistent with Myrdal-Hirschman rather than into pharmacology, the (re-) discovery by
Krugman (2000), who himself admits his ‘two-locations the Bayer Corporation of Aspirin and the
competing’ models are misleadingly simplistic. In this
respect, it can be argued, evolutionary economic
birth of modern pharmaceuticals. This
geography trumps ‘new economic geography.’ industry is now shifting from its synthetic
Philip Cooke

chemistry origins into post-genomics and This allows the following policy inference
other variants of molecular biology and to be drawn from the application of
the science-based biotechnologies of the Myrdal-Hirschman models: it is unlikely
future. that regions aspiring to evolve upwardly
in economic accomplishment will be
Thus the underlying idea of a knowledge able to do so if they concentrate on
economy refers to specific assets that developing a full portfolio of KIBS since
consist in knowledge ‘how to’, ‘who to’ these are more attracted to large, even
and ‘what to’ deploy to create value. It is primate, cities. That is not to say that
an active economic practice rather than some KIBS are not needed, perhaps
a passive information space, upon which consultancy, management accounting,
it nevertheless depends, but in ways venture capital (attracted by university
that express value through the scarcity spinouts, incubators etc.), software and,
of ‘knowledgeable’ expertise. Manuel above all, research both private and public.
Castells (1996) speaks of the knowledge These latter may occasionally involve fairly
economy being one in which productivity mundane economic activity support for
derives from the interaction of knowledge sectors such as agro-food, nowadays
upon knowledge rather than upon raw innovating in such areas as ‘functional
materials. Nonetheless, it is wrong to food’ (food biotechnology), organic food
dismiss traditional or ‘old economy’ (utilising biotechnology for enhanced crop
economic activity as not belonging to the and animal breeding utilising ‘molecular
knowledge economy, as for example the markers’) and of course renewable energy
OECD does. It places the food industry from biofuels. In other words KIBS can
in the low technology category, although be important specialised supports in
Smith (2000) shows it to be heavily scientific knowledge economy regions with HTM
knowledge using more than producing. and medium-tech manufacturing (MTM)
Nevertheless, while ‘functional foods’ requiring also high-quality precision
occupy probably a smaller segment of total production that is difficult to outsource
food sales than the competing organic globally. Jena, for example, with its
food they are both intensive utilisers of universities, polytechnic, research institutes
biotechnology. Surprisingly perhaps, non- and specialist opto-electronic corporations
genetically modified knowledge is used and spinouts has the current appearance of
in organic breeding via DNA or molecular a relatively small-scale innovation system at
‘markers’ that speed-up the breeding sub-regional level. It has some similarities
process for plants and animals. Thus we with some of the induced local innovation
may also usefully speak of ‘pure’ and systems promoted in Sweden by the state
‘applied’ knowledge economy activity; innovation systems development agency
the first captured in genomics, software VINNOVA through its Vinnväxt programme.
and, for example, ‘futures’ or derivatives This is an exemplification of regional
trading in financial services, or conceptual innovation systems thinking translated from
art. The second is in many other sectors the academic arena into the policy field.
that conduct or use R&D even though it is The idea of regional innovation systems
applied to, for example, food production, came from integrating a growing literature
fashion design, or fire insurance. on networks of innovation at regional level
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

with another on innovation policies at SPRI. But above all, the six EITE (now
regional level, as follows. Tecnalia) sectorally-focused technological
centres and further six funded by the
three provincial governments (Cooke et
al., 1991) pointed to a rich innovation
infrastructure. Here three key things were
visible: first, how a de-industrialising region
depended upon possessing intermediary
agencies with innovation and industry 7
The enthusiasm for studying networks
expertise, independent of government
arose in a context of manifest decline in
(though part-funded by so-called generic
the co-ordinating capabilities of states and
project-funding disbursed by the Basque
markets regarding leading edge research
government) and of the then new and
and innovation, which subsequent data
not significantly research active university
(e.g. Chesbrough, 2003) shows set in
sector. These would project Basque
from approximately 1991. But if the central
industry into a new future different from
state had become as debilitated as many
the disappeared heritage of steel-making
large private corporations were to become
and shipbuilding. Second how systemic in
regarding the lack of productivity from their
terms of networking connectivity the whole
large budgetary allocations to research and
and particularly some parts of the regional
development (R&D), the ‘regional state’
economy were, notably the Mondragon
seemed from empirical reportage of the kind
organisation, amongst the most innovative
discussed above to be on the rise. I was
networks observable anywhere at the time.
fortunate to observe the beginnings of such
Third, how networks could sometimes take
regional innovation policy elaboration in a
the form of ‘industrial districts’ or innovative
leading industrial regeneration region, the
clusters which, although composed of
Basque Country, whose currently excellent
micro-firms and small-to-medium ones,
economic indicators are testimony to the
could nevertheless exert global reach.
far-sightedness of those 1980s regional
policy makers. I conducted research
A parallel strand of research had evolved,
in other Spanish regions like Valencia to
which focused on regional innovation policy
notice the importance for different modes
(e.g. Antonelli & Momigliano, 1981; Cooke,
of regional innovation policy elaboration to
1985). Thus the connecting concept of
fit distinctive economic and governance
Regional Innovation Systems evolved from
characteristics of very distinctive economic
this even earlier thinking about ‘regional
and cultural region specificities.
innovation policy’, in relation to ‘regional
In the 1988-91 period when we innovation networks’ (the ‘systems view of
researched the Basque Country RIS, planning’ intruding again). This happened
there were many fewer innovative firms in two publications, the more widely-cited
than now exist, but the governance one being less theoretically and empirically
framework was comparable to a few rich than the almost totally uncited one. The
other EU regions although we realised the difference between Cooke (1992) and (1993)
Basque government had relatively powerful lies in the absence of any bibliographical
ministries, assisted by an innovation agency influence from the ‘innovation systems’
Philip Cooke

literature in the 1992 paper, which thus has regions exemplified each, respectively.
purer lineaments to economic geography. Correspondingly, the ‘exploitation’ sub-
Contrariwise, the 1993 paper which shows system of firms, in the main, could be
the author had by then read Lundvall’s dominated by large firms or oligopolies
(1988) contribution on ‘innovation as an - even foreign ones as with the Asian
interactive process’ to Dosi et al (1988) and transplants to Wales in the 1980s and
was also influenced by Johansson (1991) 1990s. Other regions, like Catalonia had
and Grabher (1991) in probably the first a mix of large (SEAT) and SME ‘district’
proper book on regional development from type innovation relations, while other places
a ‘network regions’ perspective (Bergman, might have innovation regimes in which only
Maier & Tödtling, 1991). small, entrepreneurial firms predominated,
as in places with observable ‘industrial
It seemed necessary to place these
districts’, not only Third Italy but also some
distinctive ‘network and policy’ concepts
newer technology ‘clusters’. Later still,
in relation to each other in a layered model.
these, more entrepreneurial SME systems,
So, the innovation policy dimension evolved
living by venture capital and exploitation of
conceptually into the idea of a sub-system
public research from universities, could be
supporting with knowledge and resources
differentiated further as ‘entrepreneurial’
the innovative firms in their networks.
(ERIS), market-led systems, compared
These formed a ‘superstructural’ sub-
with those, especially in Europe, where
system dealing with actual innovation ‘near
they were more ‘institutional’ (IRIS) where
market’. As we have seen, they had been
state support was pronounced and
spoken of as carrying out ‘networking’ with
‘entrepreneurship’ was less advanced
each other, not only laterally in alliances or
(Cooke, 2004).
partnerships and vertically in sometimes
partly localised supply chains but also
with the innovation policy and knowledge
generation sub-system (Meyer-Krahmer,
1985; Cooke, Alaez & Etxebarria, 1991;
Malecki, 1991; Rothwell & Dodgson
One of the most interesting research
1991). So these also had sub-system
areas opened up in RIS research in the
characteristics related to the governance of
recent past concer ns, once again,
innovation support. Each sub-system was
the insights of Jane Jacobs (1969) and
also seen to interact with global, national
can be referred to as addressing the
and other regional innovation actors, and
challenging issue of ‘cluster emergence’.
even through technological or sectoral
In particular by examining the emergence
systems of innovation. Open systems
of a number of ‘green clusters’ on
a regional canvas, we see emphasis in
Over the years the RIS framework has ‘green innovation’ upon technological
been analysed in terms of many different convergence among diverse industries.
‘varieties of innovation’ relating to localised, These include biotechnology, information
networked and hierarchical innovation technology and nanotechnology (but not
‘governance’ systems. Third Italy, Baden- limited to these high-tech activities) and
Wuerttemberg and French innovative among them we also see a process of
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

cluster ‘species mutation’. Of particular latter than the former case. But anyway,
fascination here is that some regions Jacobian variety rests not within but
have the capability relatively rapidly to among the clusters according to this line
mutate many ‘Jacobian’ clusters – so- of reasoning. Moreover it is likely to occur
called because although different they in the relative geographical proximity of
display evolutionary characteristics of regions. In what follows, empirical evidence
‘related variety’ (Boschma, 2005). A clear is provided of regional evolution through
definition is called for here to denote this innovation of differing intensities ‘mutating’
new concept. The key is the evolutionary through processes of knowledge search 9
concept of variety, whereby some new and selection that happen to give rise to
combinations of entrepreneurial and successive clustering phenomena in
innovative opportunity might present regional ‘platforms’ of related economic
themselves in geographically proximate variety.
space. This would arise from the mixture
of knowledge spillovers and rather high
absorptive capacity among neighbouring
Jacobian Clusters
economic activities.
One such region is Northern California
Hence (Jacobian) variety is both a
whose ICT, Biotechnology and Clean
context and an ‘evolutionary fuel’ for
Technology clusters overlap in proximity
cluster emergence as long as there is not
to San Francisco but also near various
too much cognitive dissonance or distance
agro-food clusters like wine in the Napa,
between neighbouring economic activities.
Sonoma and Russian River valleys and
Hence Jacobian clusters emerge from new
varieties of horticulture in the San Joaquin
combinations of knowledge cross-fertilising
and Sacramento river valleys (see Fig 1).
among, for example, high technology
But notice, Fig. 1 also shows Southern
activities like biotechnology and information
California having prominent Jacobian
technology that may be foundations for a
new clean technology cluster that adopts The content of Fig. 1 is drawn entirely
and adapts elements from both. But, for from secondary evidence supplied by the
example, new combinations from agro- numerous studies of clusters in California
food and automotive industries that are as published in Porter (1998); Scott (2006);
historically not that close in technical terms Saxenian (1994); Cooke (2007); Guthman
may also arise if the new combination (2005), Simard & West (2003). North Jutland
being sought is biodiesel or bioethanol. in Denmark is another such region, as
This is because adjustments in breeding apparently is Wales in UK, as we shall see.
of plants may have to be made if negative North Jutland’s economy is the global centre
effects on engine performance cannot of the wind turbine production industry
be made by the automotive side of the whose profile and evolutionary trajectory
equation. Hence related variety is not fixed was a key beneficiary from the outset of
to sectoral relatedness but embodies also varieties of innovation. As will be shown,
particular and contextuated technological this recently ‘discovered’ cluster has all
convergences. In that respect it is much the required characteristics to warrant the
harder to predict cross-fertilization in the cluster designation, conjoining university
Philip Cooke

Figure 1
California’s Jacobian Clusters

Source: Made by the author from Porter (1998), Scott (2006), Saxenian (1994), Cooke (2007),
Guthman (2005), Simard & West (2003).

research at, for example, Ålborg and Århus ‘… a geographically proximate group of
Universities, the Danish Technological interconnected companies and associated
Institute (DTI) also at Århus, and both spinout institutions in a particular field, linked by
firms and larger, indigenously established commonalties and complementarities’
firms that are involved in ‘green innovation’. With regard to such clusters the most
Denmark’s ‘cluster’ has no geographical important analytical task is to establish the
specificity of the kind Porter (1998) was extent of interconnections, commonalities
rather more sensitive towards. He referred and complementarities since this is what
there to a cluster as: distinguishes a localised.
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

Figure 2
The North Central Jutland Wind Turbine Cluster


U S Services

L Logistics

S Suzlon T
Gamesa I
Siemens º
Arhus A
LM Glasfiber BSB9
L Fiberline

Source: Danish Wind Industry Association Statistics.

Philip Cooke

Figure 3
North Jutland’s Solar Thermal Energy Cluster

Source: Composed from ESTIF Data.

Cluster, its specialisation or differentiation assemblers were differentiated from major

and its potential for exploiting knowledge module suppliers (e.g. fibre-glass blade
spillovers for competitive advantage. In manufacturers) and general components
the research to be reported below, the suppliers from them and services and
Danish Wind Energy Association database logistics suppliers. Some fifty of the seventy
was accessed and the details mapped members were found to be located in
by location and categorised according geographic proximity in Jutland, mostly in
to point in the supply chain. Thus final the more northerly part.
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

O f c o n s i d e r a b l e i n t e re s t h e re i s Then, in the late 1980s this market

Denmark’s political commitment since collapsed because California’s state
1970 to wind energy and what research administration removed its subsidy regime
reveals to be the North Jutland region’s and the Reagan administration cut alternative
wind-turbine cluster has to be addressed. energy research budgets. At this time many
On this, Andersen et al (2006) point to US turbines malfunctioned badly and even
the wind energy industry having passed the superior Danish 3-blade design was
through an early phase characterised prone to breakdowns. Thereafter, the industry
by numerous small and medium-sized recovered as demand in European and Asian 13
enterprises (SMEs) producing domestically- markets rose. Nowadays (Fig. 2) around half
scaled wind power for individual farms global production capacity is accounted for
and householders. But latterly, especially by Danish firms like world leader Vestas Wind
since the government subsidy to domestic Systems of Randers, near Århus (acquirer of
consumers was removed in 2000, exports Danish firms NEG-Micon; Nordtank; Wind
have risen, the scale of equipment has World) and Siemens (Bonus) at Brande and
increased tenfold and sea power from Ålborg. Gamesa Wind Engineering, Spain’s
large-scale offshore wind farms has come largest producer of turbines is at Silkeborg.
to predominate. As wind turbines have only Jutland. Suzlon, India’s leader is located at
some ten years life expectancy, most early Århus. LM Glasfiber of Lunderskov near
wind turbines in rural Denmark will soon Århus in Jutland is the leading supplier of
disappear if they have not already done fibre glass wind turbine blades. The other
so. So the current industry structure is members of the North Jutland cluster
large Danish (Vestas) or foreign (Siemens, are in Fig. 2. Of the Danish Wind Industry
Gamesa, Suzlon) producers and a supply Association’s 70 members, 50 are in Jutland,
platform of SMEs. There may be less local mostly north-central Jutland. More is said on
sourcing of key equipment like gearboxes the etymology of this ‘green cluster’ evolution
than in the early days when North Jutland in the final section of this paper. Universities
shipbuilding firms could adapt to meet the (AV) join DTI (see Table1) as a knowledge
nascent wind energy demand. However, generation sub-system of the RIS.
the scale and adaptability of German
As noted earlier, overlapping this
heavy engineering in cranes and related
substantial and globally leading wind turbine
equipment means they now supply the
technology cluster is the main Danish solar
Danish wind energy input market. Services
thermal energy cluster (Fig. 3). This is smaller
and special logistics firms, the latter
in scope but consists of largely indigenous
capable of transporting the now typically
firms and their suppliers. These involve firms
massive fibreglass turbine blades also
in two types of supply chain as follows:
exist in proximity as do a great many
components suppliers (Fig. 2). — Solar Collectors
— Glazed (Roofs)
Stoerring (2007) agrees with this
• (Flat Plate Collectors)
evolutionary profile pointing out that scale
was also partly induced in the early 1980s — Glass
by huge demand for wind turbines from the — Heat absorbent copper/
US and more particularly California. aluminium
Philip Cooke

— Coatings, paint communications cluster at Ålborg and

— Pipes welded to absorber plate the possibly emergent and overlapping
biomedical technology cluster in close
• Vacuum Collectors
proximity (Stoerring, 2007). Here, the long-
— Parallel glass tubes established wireless telecommunications
— Absorber cluster (Stoerring & Dalum, 2007) has
— Transfer pipes given rise to possible cluster mutation by
— Vacuum is insulator interaction with the healthcare activities
associated with clinical trials and testing
— Unglazed (Swimming Pools) Long
of biomedical equipment. Many of these
activities are closely associated with
• Synthetic absorbent material science and technology commercialisation
• Hydraulics in pool filtration system through academic entrepreneurship at
— Heat storage & back-up heating Ålborg University. In Fig. 5 are shown the
most prominent (though many have yet
— Plumbing & Installation
to be fully researched) of North Jutland’s
Finally, exemplifying North Jutland’s Jacobian clusters which are characterised
Jacobian cluster profile it is worth as emergent clusters or established ones by
considering Figs. 4 and 5, the first of their ‘related variety’ characteristics in relation
which reveals established cluster evolution to each other. This may be understood as
in the shape of the NorCom wireless follows in Table 1. In this graphic may be

Figure 4
Jacobian Cluster Emergence in North Jutland

Biotechnology Clinical / Hospital

Electronics/IT Technology

Source: Made by the author.

Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

Figure 5
North Jutland’s Jacobian Clusters & Related Variety


Clean Tech
Agro-Food (Organ.)
Agro-Food (Conv.)
Engineering (Fish)
Engineering (Pipes)

Source: Made by the author.

seen the stylised history of a significant part ‘entrepreneurial event’ of ‘railroadization’

of the Jutland economy’s evolution since creates evolutionary trajectories that act as
it was radically transformed by nineteenth constrained opportunity sets for regional
century railroadization as proposed by evolution. Activities displaying ‘related
Schumpeter (1975). This process created variety’ to the originating entrepreneurial
certain path dependences or developmental event comprise the selected
trajectories. This kind of analysis is rather
important and useful in explaining the Trajectories as in Table 1. These may
ontology of such regional economies and foster varying intensities of innovation
their clusterization. Recall, for Schumpeter from disruptive (after Christensen, 1997)
‘railroadization’ was the purest, most radical which cheapens (e.g. mobile telephony) an
kind of innovation based upon the creative existing but specialised, uncommoditised
destruction of a preceding state of nature (or technology (e.g. ship-to-shore radio)
at least non-farming economy). The massive t o i n c re m e n t a l i n n o v a t i o n s a ro u n d
Philip Cooke

Table 1
Jacobian Cluster Path Dependences

Technology Path Dependence

Clean technology Agricultural and Marine Engineering (e.g.wind turbine blades

replicate plough and propeller design)
Biotechnology Wireless ICT and Medical Technology
Wireless telephony Ship-to-shore Marine Technology
Agro-food ‘Railroadization’ of undeveloped land in Jutland (conventional,
Organic Food Reaction against conventional intensive food production in
Jutland (mostly dairy)
Furniture ‘Railroadization’, craft schools and the local forestry tradition
Fashion clothing Women’s craft schools skilling farmer’s wives
Fish equipment and Fishing and marine engineering
Pipework engineering
Source: Made by the author.

mobile telephony (first, second, third etc. collective entrepreneurship possible. That
generation mobile telephony). is, infrastructure, education, technical
support, finance and markets. Hence ‘social
There is insufficient space to offer
capital’ remains an important dimension of
a satisfying explanation for the Jacobian
the SME-based collective entrepreneurship
c l u s t e r m u t a t i o n p ro c e s s i n N o r t h
of North Jutland. It makes technological
Jutland but Kristensen (1992) underlines
branching by means of related variety
‘railroadization’ as a key process where
evolution possible. Finally, this is assisted
Jutland as a whole was opened up on a
by the existence of a RIS infrastructure of
smaller scale but with similar inspiration to
technological institutes, technical and craft
that of the Frontier West in the nineteenth
schools and universities, which sustains
century USA. With this came two key
entrepreneurship and localised knowledge
movements. The first was the farmer’s co-
operative movement where farmers supplied
their own production and household needs,
including banks. The second movement 5. BIOENERGY FROM CROPS IN WALES
was the craft schools, established in over
350 centres, followed by the still flourishing One of the most surprising, perhaps, but
Danish Technological Institutes from 1907. unquestionably innovative developments in
Together these made a form of social or the bioenergy field has occurred in recent
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

years in Wales. Descriptively speaking it In 2003, it was realised that IGER had,
involves patented knowledge derived by in the form of these SugarGrasses, an
the Institute for Grassland & Environmental indigenous product to add to its burgeoning
Research (IGER) based at Aberystwyth portfolio of biofuels. Tests had shown that
in rural, central Wales. This UK Biological SugarGrass had twice the calorific value
Research Council-funded research institute of sugar cane, the source of much of
has, for seventy years to 2007 been the the world’s biofuel. IGER thus evolved a
UK’s main, specialist grassland research second string to its grassland expertise
institute. It was tasked from the outset with by developing a renewables research 17
improving the quality of fodder for cattle division. One of the biofuel feedstocks in
and sheep feedstock, which is mainly which it became supreme early on was the
grass. By the early 1980s research, which growing and processing of Miscanthus,
involved not simply breeding richer grasses more popularly known as Elephant Grass,
but understanding the rumen of these an African tall grass that grows on marginal
ruminative animals, had revealed that a limit land. Accordingly it doesn’t compete for
to quality on these mountain-bred animals land with food crops, one of the criticisms
occurred because the enzymes that broke of the US and Europe’s ‘bolt for biofuels’.
down fodder into protein were actually This has seen the ears and cobs of wheat
consuming a significant portion of the and corn being turned into ethanol because
nutritional value of the fodder consumed by of easy availability and major subsidy,
the animal. Following many years of lengthy causing up to 40% increases in the price
field trials and laboratory research, cross- of such cereals, and grief in developing
breeding the basic rye-grass commonly country food markets.
utilised for cattle and sheep fodder with
breeds possessing enhanced sugar content Tellingly, IGER is widely perceived as in
produced optimal results. The enzymes a global class of its own in these specific
took some of the enhanced sugar content, bioenergy sub-fields, the official view being
transforming it directly into energy but left a that maybe University of California, Berkeley,
substantial portion for the animal sufficient may become competitive now they have
for the amount, nutritional value and flavour received a $500 million endowment for a
of the animal to be significantly enhanced. Climate Change research institute from
This came to the market at a time when British Petroleum (BP). Apart from the
consumer demand for leaner meat of the University of Illinois, also mentioned as a
type raised in mountainous areas rose possible future competitor, but only those
significantly and continuous improvement two – IGER has a current lead on both
to the original AberDart strain of rye-grass, of them. But in any case, SugarGrass is
marketed by Germinal Holdings, over the also twice as calorific as Miscanthus
intervening years led to it reaching 50% of and SugarGrass is thus favoured as the
the UK market. It further secured the status technology with the best long-term
of Welsh Black beef and Welsh lamb as prospect to replace oil. And IGER has the
premium products and enabled significant patent for SugarGrass, currently earning
improvements to occur in comparable royalties of £100,000 per year from sales of
upland cattle breeds such as Aberdeen seed varieties for fodder. But as the world
Angus. awakens to the relatively simple processes
Philip Cooke

Figure 6
Solar energy equipment manufactures in Wales


Royce Renewables
PJB Systems
Sharp Solar, Dulas; PV Systems;
Corus Colours, ICP Solar Inntec
Solar, ICE

VE Heating
Bright Light Solar


Sunset Solar Solar Housing

Sundance Renewables
SB Alternative Energy Thermonax
Solarfit McaulSolar
Solarfit ICP Solar
Eco Energy Systems G24i

Source: Made by the author.

of biorefining the product, these are likely to a huge share of the UK’s future energy. But
grow substantially. it is not simply a spinout-venture capital
model that is in mind. Possibly because a
So much so that agreement has been spin-out model doesn’t yet work as well as
reached with Welsh Government officials a commercialisation outsourcing model in
about the promise of funds to help build an this nascent field. For example, Molecular
experimental biorefinery. Thinking had gone Nature, the key spin-out of IGER, burnt–up
as far as to speculate that when oil ceases its venture capital. But because of the value
to be refined at the huge Milford Haven of its patent for biofuels potential as well as
refineries in neighbouring Pembrokeshire, its fodder market, it was acquired by spin-
the pool of talent and infrastructural sunk in company Summit. Moreover, true to the
costs would make them ideal candidates traditions of co-operation among Welsh
for becoming SugarGrass (and Miscanthus) mountain farmers, IGER promotes a new
biorefineries. These would continue to meet vision of mixed farming whereby groups of
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

farmers grow Miscanthus on their poorest multiplication which, from an evolutionary

soil, devote some fields for SugarGrass fuel economic geography perspective can
cropping and raise quality Welsh Lamb or readily be hypothesised. As shown in Fig.
Welsh Black Beef on their best SugarGrass 1, the California Cleantech clusters are to
land. Photovoltaics produce solar thermal be found in juxtaposition to the ICT and
energy as in North Jutland. In Wales, this biotechnology, food and wine clusters of the
has been studied by authors (Hendry et San Francisco region of northern California
al., 2001) comparing the broader opto- and the wireless telecom and biotechnology
electronics cluster, which also specialises in clusters of San Diego in southern California. 19
fibre-optic cabling, with those such as that Indeed, so-called Cleantech is widely
associated with Carl Zeiss in Jena, eastern seen as arising from the combination of
Germany. However, in relation to this biotechnology (including biopolymers and
present discussion about ‘green clusters’, it biofuels), ICT (sensors) and Nanotechnology
is the photovoltaics capability that comes to (catalysts and filtration membranes).
the fore. Fig. 6 reveals the presence of sub- However, while agro-food is also one of
divisions of multinationals such as Japanese California’s key industries, agro-food path
electronics corporation Sharp whose Sharp dependence seems even more pronounced
Solar subsidiary is based at St. Asaph in the cases of Jutland and Wales, as we
alongside Corus Colours, a subsidiary of have seen, while in yet another case forestry
Corus, the UK-Dutch steel manufacturer, is important to Sweden’s biofuels cluster in
acquired in 2007 by Indian giant Tata Steel. Örnsköldsvik (Cooke, 2007).
Utilising polymer science and surface
treatments Corus Colours has innovated
radically a Solar Paint product capable of 6. RELATED VARITY BY OTHER
generating solar energy, especially from MEANS: CLEANTECH IN NORWAY
prefabricated steel buildings. Other firms in
the photovoltaics cluster at St. Asaph are The Norwegian model of developing
indigenous, such as Cardiff headquartered green innovation usually involves large
microprocessor firm IQE and ‘green organizations evolving towards green
engineering’ firm Dulas, headquartered in innovation from intra-corporate related
mid-Wales. variety. Perhaps Norway’s greatest strength
in green energy is Carbon Capture and
Hence, in conclusion, we see that Storage (CCS). In 2007 the Norwegian
numerous indications of clustering among government and Statoil made an agreement
small firms, but also some large firms, to establish a full-scale CO2 capture and
along with an applied and basic research storage project at Mongstad (near Bergen,
infrastructure characterises important Hordaland). To limit technical and financial
locations of ‘green clusters’ mainly, in this risks the project will progress in two stages.
analysis, focused upon the production of The first stage covers the Mongstad
non-fossil fuel energy that contributes to CO2 capture testing facility which will
the moderation of global warming. A key be operational at the same time as the
feature to be discussed in the concluding cogeneration plant starts operation in 2010.
section of this paper is that in some cases The testing facility/pilot plant will have the
there is an element of cluster ‘species’ capacity to capture at least 100,000 tonnes
Philip Cooke

of CO2 per year. The second stage involves. REC is also the world’s largest producer
full-scale capturing of approximately 1.5 of monosilane gas, which in addition to
million tonnes of CO2 per year and will be in being used internally by REC to make solar
place by the end of 2014. grade silicon, can be used by others in
all types of thin-film silicon applications.
The technology development phase
REC is also the world’s largest producer
of the project is currently progressing
of multicrystalline wafers, with a history of
according to the project execution plan.
rapid business expansion and introduction
The main objective for the pilot is to develop
of leading production management
more cost-effective technology for CO2
techniques to increase productivity. REC
capture for a wider international application,
combines high quality manufacturing
i.e. to develop, test, verify and demonstrate
equipment with proprietary technologies to
technology that would allow construction
achieve high productivity. Third, REC Solar’s
of full scale CO2 capture plants with
cell and module facilities are among the
reduced costs and reduced technical and
most automated plants in Europe, and REC
financial risks. A technology company will
is currently developing new technology to
be set up to construct and operate the
strengthen its competitiveness and ensure
capture pilot, CO2 Test Centre Mongstad.
future growth. The facilities are focused on
The government is currently in the process
few products and customers, allowing a
of inviting companies to participate
lean approach to production. REC’s main
in the technology company. The invited
production centres are at Sandvika and
companies are potential users of CO2
Porsgrunn in southern Norway (near Oslo)
technologies and the aim is to establish a
and Narvik and Glomfjord in the north. In
group of participants in May 2007. Several
each case a significant number of specialist
technological solutions will be tested in
suppliers are located nearby.
parallel in the project. This approach should
ensure that technological developments
in Norway could have broad international
relevance. With the Mongstad CCS project
we move from the research/small scale
phase to actual construction of a full scale
By virtue of an examination of the
CO2 capture facility.
emergence of green clusters, often involving
Another larger firm with a leading position the production of new forms of non-fossil
in Norway’s solar energy industry is REC. fuel energy aimed at lessening of overall
This firm is the largest silicon foundry for GHG emissions derived from human
photovoltaics in the world. The company economic activity, a curious feature of
has three divisions: first, REC is the world’s economic evolution has been revealed. The
largest dedicated producer of silicon clue lies in the element of convergence that
materials for photovoltaic applications and characterises green innovation. As hinted
holds all rights to its proprietary production at in the cases of northern and southern
technology. Solar grade silicon produced by California, not studied in detail here but
REC can be used in the production of both examined elsewhere (Cooke, 2007), the
mono and multicrystalline wafers, as well type of ‘Cleantech’ industry emerging in
as wafers based on ribbon technologies. the clustered form described by Burtis et
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

al., (2004; 2006) evolves from agro-food, other cluster forms, the cluster ‘species’
ICT and biotechnology. In North Jutland multiplication giving the region more of a
we see something comparable having cluster ‘platform’ characteristic to its
occurred. Thus the wind turbine and solar industrial organization. On further inspection,
thermal clusters are found in the more both California and Jutland prove to have
agricultural and marine engineering regions spawned many clusters. In the former case,
of Denmark. In writing the history of the wine clusters overlap the horticultural zones,
former industry, Karnøe & Jørgensen (1996) Hollywood’s film cluster is well-known and
and Jørgensen & Karnøe (1995) note how Porter (1998) also profiles other, sometimes 21
the Danish design of wind turbines defeated highly specialised clusters such as the alloy
the main global competitor from where a golf club cluster at Carlsbad in the southern
significant renewable technology demand Californian desert. Further inspection of
also arose simultaneously from the 1970s, the cluster history of Jutland reveals the
namely California. As noted, Danish wind detailed cases of Salling (furniture) and
turbine blade design was influenced by the Ikast (clothing), the even more closely
agricultural engineering industry, notably the studied NorCom wireless telephony cluster
design of modern ploughing equipment. In at Ålborg (Stoerring & Dalum, 2007), the
the experimental innovation phase when emergent BioMedico cluster also at Ålborg,
some thirty firms engaged in the design and as yet unexamined cluster candidates
of prototype turbine blades, knowledge in insulated pipework near Ålborg, and
spillovers from the design of propellers by fish processing equipment near Skagen,
marine engineers in the Jutland shipbuilding at Jutland’s northern tip. At Barritskov,
industry were also absorbed. This resulted east Jutland is the estate that sustains the
in a three blade solution and the idea that Årstiderne Organic Food Network, a co-
the greater efficiency in the operation of operative retail network that delivers 30,000
such blades came from pointing them into boxes per week of organic food throughout
the wind. California’s aeronautics tradition, Denmark. It could also be argued that there
by the 1970s predominantly relying on jet is a high degree of knowledge transfer
propulsion, led to the recovery of historic from varieties of agricultural production
knowledge of propeller-driven aeroplanes. to bioenergy production in Wales leading
This suggested a two-blade solution to possibly nascent cluster-formation,
pointing downwind. The Danish solution but also from glass technology to fibre
proved far superior to the Californian in this optic cables and then photovoltaics by a
technological contest. different route into renewable energy in a
multi-functional opto-electronics cluster.
Hence in these multi-cluster locations, Species multiplication or mutation of this
it is clear that a good deal of technological kind would be perfectly consistent with an
convergence is possible and probably underlying theory of evolutionary economic
necessary. But, interestingly, comparable geography, especially that part referring
technological assets do not necessarily to the opportunities for innovation and
produce optimum solutions from such growth arising where there is related variety
Schumpeterian ‘new combinations’. among industries. Absorptive capacity for
Nevertheless, it is clear that in some regions adaptation to new combinations based on
cluster forms can evolve quite readily from easily understood knowledge spillovers
Philip Cooke

would be the mechanism by which such institutional, and organizational assets,

species multiplication is explained, as the such as those listed below, in addition to
case of Jutland’s wind turbine technology more economic assets concerning related
illustrates especially clearly. variety, knowledge spillovers and high lateral
absorptive capacity:
In other cases focusing upon ‘green
innovation’ cluster specialisation rather — Social Capital
as ascribed to Marshall-Arrow-Romer — Collective Entrepreneurship
(MAR) thinking seems on the face of it
to be more convincing than the idea of — Technological Branching (‘new
Jacobian clustering (after Jane Jacobs’ combinations’ opportunities)
notion of innovation through variety). Yet — Peripherality (perceived distance from
even where limited clustering occurs, as key governance core)
in Rhineland or Brazil previously existing
— Infant Industry Subsidy
industries, whether the coal, steel and
chemicals super-clusters of the Ruhr — Innovation System – Regional
Valley or the sugar producing industry on Research & Technological Institutes,
Brazil are suggestive of the presence of Universities, Regional Innovation
important spillovers from knowledge of Platform Policy & Funding.
filtration and ventilation in the former and The key concluding point of this section
fermentation in the latter cases that were is that, for the first time in regard to new
of profound importance to the evolution industries, we see replication of processes
of new, convergent combinations of that have historically underpinned successful
innovative products and processes. This regional economies that once spawned
tends to confirm clearly the widespread many traditional industrial districts or
and common sense policy experience clusters. Evolutionists like Klepper (2002)
that clusters cannot be easily built for example would also highlight the transfer
in vacuo but may find it a less rigorous of routines from one to another industry by
evolutionary trajectory to emergence where means of ‘mobility of talent’, as in the cases
the regional context gives opportunities of the US, German and Italian automotive
for Schumpeterian ‘new combinations’ and engineering industries (see also
from regionalised ‘related variety’. Where Boschma & Wenting, 2007). Probably the
such related variety is more attenuated, key findings of this contribution in relation
as perhaps with biofuels in Brazil or NE to evolutionary theory are the following.
England, fewer ‘Jacobian clusters’ First, while Schumpeter had little to say
emerge. about regional innovation, his concept of
However, that is not the whole of the innovation by ‘railroadization’ proves to
explanation for Jacobian cluster mutation, be highly apposite as an explanation of at
rather it is an important contextual factor least the case of Denmark’s opening up of
as noted, for example in the work of North Jutland and elsewhere in the west
Cantwell & Iammarino (2003). Other key in the nineteenth century and its modern
features that may be hypothesised, but evolution into an arena of Jacobian
further research is needed, is that Jacobian clustering in related variety industries.
clustering benefits from other more social, Second, the green perspective somehow
Origins of Regional Innovation Systems Thinking and Recent Advances from Analysis of ‘Green Innovation‘

threw the evolution of this kind of industry was said by Schumpeter to be the most
organization into clearer perspective radical kind. Divergent, possibly disruptive,
because it focuses on a horizontal and innovations like the semiconductor in
convergent technology ‘platform concept’ California, mobile telephony infrastructure in
rather than a more traditional industrial N. Jutland cheapened and ‘democratised’
economics perspective that emphasises key technologies based upon new
vertical structures like sectors or clusters. knowledge combinations. That other
Finally, regarding cluster emergence within types of cluster-emergence can evolve, as
a Regional Innovation Systems context the around larger corporate interests in Norway, 23
research reported showed the importance is beyond dispute and a different cluster
of social capital, which even in California biography from the dominant ‘mutation’
may be considered strong, as the work of model discusssed in this paper must be
Saxenian (1994) on Silicon Valley showed, composed. In the main cases discussed
as an evolutionary driver of certain kinds of here, incremental, narrowly path dependent
regional innovation system. Indeed, whether innovation can evolve among cluster firms in
as ‘bonding’ or more institiutional ‘bridging’ proximity. History also shows there may be
social capital it is the key element of the punctuated evolution with the more radical
hidden power of networks, both social and innovations around biotechnology from
institutional, that has always been at the cancer-defeating therapeutics to fodder-
heart of the RIS approach to evolutionary based biofuels as knowledge evolves and
science. Finally, it could be seen that the broader economy regimes, notably that
evolutionary processes described were associated with the chemicalisation of fossil
capable of hosting differing intensities of fuels, approach exhaustion and make way
‘innovative bursts’. Railroadization itself for a potentially cleaner bioeconomy regime.
Philip Cooke


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