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How To Build an Infinite Future

Firstly, what are some of the major problems facing humanity and the earth environment? Pollution - Atmospheric, water, land, advertising, negative information Environmental Destruction - Deforestation, mining, overfishing, farming Overpopulation - Caused by lack of information and opportunities Poverty - Caused by no access to clean water, food, shelter, information and opportunities Extreme Wealth - Oppresses much of the poorer population Food Shortages - Caused by the failure of agriculture through its poor design Food Waste - Caused by the failure of supermarkets, distribution chains and capitalism Water Shortages - Caused by pollution, too much salt, drought, poor information flow Water Waste - Caused by farming, bad design, poor information flow Extreme Weather - Earthquakes, tsunami, acute storms, cyclones, droughts, fires, floods, etc Education - Perpetuates the problems by teaching the same systems that caused the problems Health System Overload - Poor information flow causes disease, anguish, fear, pain, Over Consumption - Leads to waste, health problems, greed, failure of capitalism Corruption - Inherent in corporations, governments, corporate banks, the global elite Poor Energy Supply - Caused by corruption which leads to pollution, inefficiency, disaster Fear and Oppression - War, law, corporations, governments, crime, scarcity, insecurity

There are many other problems and many ways of looking at these problems but for the sake of this article lets leave it there. So how do we fix ALL of these problems at once? First we have to understand that these are not problems but are in fact Symptoms of other problems which start much further up stream. If we journey further up stream from all of the above problems we can identify that they all stem back to 3 main systemic problems: 1. Poor Flow of Information - Secrecy, a poorly designed information distribution network, a negatively focused media and Laws such as Patents prevent solutions being implemented. 2. Poor and Slow Decision Making - Secrecy, Obsession with Power, Debt, Vested Interests, Poor Information Distribution and Governance Systems that do not connect with the population or collaborate seamlessly slow decision making to a halt. 3. Cost - The Monetary System prevents implementation of the best solutions. With this knowledge in hand, we can Stack the Deck in favour of an infinite and positive future by simply taking out the Negative Cards which cause friction or imbalance in the system and replace them with Positive Cards that make the winning road impossible to miss. The Negative Cards or friction points being; Restricted Flow of Information, Poor Decision Making and the Mother of ALL - Money. This means that to fix ALL of the Problems currently facing humanity we can facilitate a paradigm shift by implementing 3 Positive Cards or new systems. The team at Our Infinite Future have 3 Positive Cards ready to go. When implemented they will create a foundation for all of humanity to WIN an Infinite Future. 1. Vastly Improve Information Flow - A Skills, Values and Competencies Matrix 2. Vastly Improve Decision Making - A Fractal, Collaborative Governance System 3. Vastly Improve Value Exchange - A Time Based Trading System Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

If we let the river of humanity flow downstream from these new systems we can solve Every Problem we experience in our current paradigm with solutions that already exist somewhere on the planet. We can ensure an Infinite Future by Stacking the Deck in its favour. Keep reading and I will tell you how.

Skills, Values and Competencies Matrix (SVCM)

A secure foundation system upon which everything else is built.
Purpose: To connect humanity like a neural network so that information flows fast and naturally to exactly where it is needed, as soon as it is needed. Outcomes: It will speed up the transfer of knowledge around the world, across language barriers, shift the workforce quickly towards sustainable industries to build the infrastructure needed to develop an infinite future. Method: Create a Matrix which links every role in society (past, present and future) with every, task, skill, value and competency level, altogether into one holistic system. To date no one has included Values in such a system because positive values and the monetary system dont mix. Doing this will empower us to create advanced learning pathways to suit any individuals goals, personal preferences and experience, automatically while still considering their privacy. Our goal is to make it completely "Open Source" and "User Generated". Once the initial framework has been built, it will become more like a living, growing, evolving organism than a piece of software. The expansion process will be easily completed as each person who joins the network answers predetermined questions, kind of like a Resume, but structured differently to give far more useful information and insights. The questions will be relative to one's past experience and knowledge as well as future ambitions in the categories of "Roles in Society" where roles can be anything from recreation, family, work, religious etc, then "Tasks Involved in Each Role", the "Associated Skills and Values" needed to complete each task, and finally one's "Perceived Level of Competency" at each task or skill. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

Fractal, Collaborative Governance System

A system to facilitate complex problem solving and decision making with groups of any size, any location and any demographics, up to and including global referendums.
Purpose: To create a "Fractal/Scalable" system that speeds up decision making and includes anyone in all decisions which affect them, no matter what the population demographics, density, size or location of the community may happen to be. Outcomes: It will end the misappropriation of resources, corruption, persecution, secrecy and stagnation of existing pyramid governance systems, as it speeds up every process and gives more accurate results. Method: The system must use "fractal" principles and the contributing population must complete a Skills, Values and Competency Matrix Questionnaire which is used as a guide and a method of connecting everyone across boundaries to share information and opinions. Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

It will also allow automatic identification of any who would be most likely to have an interest in each specific topic via locations, skills, values, experience and personal preferences. Topics can be raised by any group, individual and each individual "Must have the option to say Yes or No to ANY Motion". This is perhaps the greatest problem with democracy, the non-existence of the option to Vote a definite "NO". For Example: A Topic Nomination could look like this: Select the scale of the target audience: Who is the topic relevant to? Local Community, Regional, State or Territory, National, Continental, Global. Urgency of the topic: Extremely High, High, Medium, Normal, Low Importance of the topic: Extremely High, High, Medium Normal, Low Category of topic: Environmental, Technology, Health, Transport etc. Summary of the topic: Video and or written References: For further information on the topic Keywords: Additional information to automatically select the desired target audience Contact details: If you nominate a topic you must be prepared to see it through This information set would allow the system to accurately identify the target audience and select potential stakeholders of various relevance using the skills, values and competence matrix. It also allows the system to understand the values attached to every role in society. Through transparency of the network, it will also empower everyone to become aware of those values in their day to day lives. When people are aware that they "Share Core Values", they can better understand each other and hence will either avoid or quickly overcome negative situations with a positive solution. The biggest arguments seem to arise when values are disguised or omitted and small groups of egotistical people have more leverage than the majority. This can be avoided easily with our system. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

A Time Based Trading System

A positive value exchange system which does not allow debt or exponential profit.
Our goal is to create a simple, fair and workable value exchange system which empowers humanity to be positive, supportive and grow in balance with the environment. The best way we have identified to create such a system is by building up from the foundation of the Skills, Values and Competencies Matrix (SVCM). Once a large number of people have completed the full SVCM questionnaire, we will begin to gain insight into the distribution of knowledge, values, skills and experience of the participating population. From here we can then use this data to create a new value exchange system which is based on time, skills, community needs and environmental needs. The biggest difference to money will be that it will Not allow for exponential profit or for debt as these are the main reasons why money causes so much negativity in the world. Using the Fractal, Collaborative Governance System, which is also based on the SVCM, we can work out the exact mechanics of the new Value Exchange System. The Co-Founders of Our Infinite Future have already created a number of models which will be put forward for the community to discuss once we have data available from the SVCM. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

Moving Downstream From The 3 Positive Cards

Like I mentioned before, if we allow the river of humanity to flow downstream from these 3 systems we will, quickly solve all of the problems we face. But lets not stop there, lets Stack the Deck even further in favour of an Infinite Future by implementing a few more systems for positive change.

A Positive Media Platform

A secure and transparent information distribution platform that focuses on positive and constructive content while always following a topic thoroughly until its completion. is destined to become a leading "Open Source Platform" for "Positive Media That Matters" and "Media with a Mission". It is glaringly obvious that the mainstream media has completely lost touch with the majority of the population and is showing no signs of changing their direction at all. Speculation as to the reasons for this run from scientific, to economic, to political, to incredible conspiracies and Our Infinite Future will not be drawn into this speculation. We have acknowledged the problem and are now implementing what we believe to be a positive and sustainable solution. Empowering the community to connect through the SVCM to create solutions focused news as opposed to fear based news. We will be creating and facilitating positive, investigative, solutions focused and in depth content which follows topics of interest. This is "Media That Matters". In addition to this content we will be creating "Media with a Mission" which is designed to inspire individuals everywhere to collaboratively build an "Infinite Future" that we can all be proud to live in. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

Global Coherence on Emerging Science and Industries

A system for facilitating positive multi-platform global events to distribute information across language barriers, speeding up poverty alleviation and reducing unnecessary duplication.
As our technology continues to evolve at an exponentially increasing pace and our population stretches further beyond 7 billion people, there is an immediate need to share the best of our new discoveries with the rest of the world so that we eliminate poverty, stop then reverse environmental destruction and prevent any unnecessary duplication. At Our Infinite Future, we believe that "Achieving Global Coherence through Collaborative Multi-Platform Events" is an important part of a holistic approach to achieving these goals and increasing the speed of reaching infinity. To date, we know of no equal to the "Social 27 Virtual Events Platform" for taking a physical event and bringing it into the digital dimensions."" has possibly the most experienced and professional virtual events team on the planet to match their advanced "S.A.A.S (Software As A Service)" web and mobile event solutions. They remain our first choice for multi-platform collaboration on large scale events. Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

The following link is to a 1:29 video by Social27 about their Hybrid Events Systems. 34713219 Events27 - Expo Hall by Social27 on I myself have spent a significant amount of time and research to strategically select 13 topics which I believe all demand global coherence. I am certain that the 13 fields listed below are advancing so fast, or are about to be completely disrupted by new advanced technologies, it is imperative that global multiplatform events are staged to share this information. In an Infinite Future no region can be left behind or be kept in the dark on purpose. Everyone of positive mindset must have access to the highest levels of advanced knowledge and technology to help them achieve their true infinite and positive potential. Advanced Health and Living Forever Advanced Sciences and Understanding the Universal Environment Cultural Awareness and Development Global Coherence and Knowledge Transfer Global Food Production and Distribution Global Resilience to Disaster Nano-Materials and Nano-Fabrication Ocean and Waterways Management Power Generation, Storage and Transmission Transport and Logistics Virtual and Augmented Reality Waste Reduction and Resource Management Wild and Developed Land Management

If you wish to have one of these events physically hosted in your town, city or country and you believe that you have the time, energy, resources and connections to assist us in making one of these events a reality, then please make direct contact with us via the link below. These events will be distributed globally and hence will have a massive positive impact on whichever location hosts the physical aspect of any of our global coherence events. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

Preventing Extreme Weather Through Global Coherence

A collaborative system which would lead to balancing the environment through sharing information and teaching humanity to tune into the environment magnetically.
A growing number of Scientists have recently begun to understand and accept that the "Mechanism for the Earth-Life Connection" is Magnetism. With humanities increasingly advanced sensing tools like those used by the "Global Coherence Initiative" of the "Institute of HeartMath", we are now capable of measuring this interaction with ever increasing accuracy. What has resulted from these measurements is "Proof" that human thoughts and emotions are capable of influencing the physical world, by manipulating the magnetic field environment, especially through coherence of many individuals. It seems to be that our emotions and perhaps our consciousness itself is actually encoded and transmitted magnetically and instantaneously throughout the Universal Magnetic Background. Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

What this means for Global Resilience to Disaster is 2 things: 1. "A Global Technology Based, Real-Time Earth-Life Feedback System" is now possible. This would empower humanity to influence Earth's weather and its magnetic fields with specific intent using only our coherent thoughts and emotions. Using the Skills Values and Competencies framework combined with the Multi-Platform Events Communication System we could organise Global Coherence of the Thoughts and Emotions of the entire human race to direct and balance the weather cycles. With the right resources, intentions and team this system could be built in a matter of months and could be integrated with all of Our Infinite Futures transitional systems. 2. This "Magnetic Earth-Life Connection" means that it is also Physically Possible for the human race to learn how to connect to and influence the weather as a "Naturally Learned Skill" through training ourselves in "Heart and Mind Coherence". As our emotions are encoded in the magnetic field and our hearts are our strongest direct connection to this field, we can learn to both sense and influence all of the information contained within the field from any point in the universe. Many can already achieve such things but ALL of us can learn this skill if we remove the disbelief barrier and then put the time and effort into learning the skill and enhancing our ability. It really is just like exercising your muscles. Creating Global Coherence is only the beginning. To save our planet we must collaborate to redesign everything by identifying and polarizing negative human systems to transform our footprint on Earth from a destructive force into a healthy planetary immune system. We must use cutting edge technology in a positive way, everywhere, without restriction and most importantly, we cannot leave any nation behind unless we relegate the idea of Nations to our history as we all move together towards an Infinite Future. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

Resource Sharing - Managing Access Vs Ownership

Using systems to share everything from vehicles to tools to dwellings to public spaces to clothing and even farm land will increase health and access to quality while lowering waste.
For humanity to build an infinite future we must overcome our obsession with ownership and move swiftly towards an era of shared resources and time management. Once people realise they will actually gain access to higher quality goods and services and will have more time to utilize these goods and services it will be a simple and quick transition. For this transition to take place we must have a series of systems ready to facilitate smooth and simple access to what people need to survive and things they like to enjoy while also repairing the environment. There are already many systems around the world which prove the viability of sharing resources in the current economic environment for things such as Transport, Accommodation, Goods and Services etc. However, the founders of Our Infinite Future have designed systems which take sharing and accessing Quality Goods and Services to a whole new level. For more info, Click Here to Contact Luke

Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

Moving Forward From The Present

How you and your peers can move forward from the present to help build an Infinite and Positive Future for humanity and the Earth environment.
Humanity is already demanding an infinite future although it is not yet the popular term. Once this term hits the mainstream every person or company will have two choices, whereas right now you have three choices. Will I start putting my time and resources into a plausible plan for achieving an Infinite Future? Will I choose to continue business as usual and become a Blacklisted Entity? Because you stood out to us as an ideal collaborator, we are offering you this extra ONE OFF Choice: Will I help Our Infinite Future bring this into the mainstream and receive an Amazing PR boost? If you are not contributing towards creating an Infinite Future then you are directly contributing to the downfall of humanity and will be blacklisted by the people who are implementing systems to achieve an infinite future. What does it mean if a company or individual gets Blacklisted? It means that all Supporters of Our Infinite Future, our Partners and our Collaborators will be encouraged to boycott any and all products and services provided by, or associated with, each Blacklisted Entity. In some cases it may even lead to direct competitors being established to cut the market share of the Blacklisted Entity in a bid to force them to close their business and repurpose their lives. Depending on how negative the continued actions of a blacklisted entity are, it may also be subjected to ongoing peaceful protests and conscience deliveries. This will be a powerful new energy which negative entities will have to consider from January 2013 onwards as we shine a light on the mistakes being made. If we are not working towards an Infinite and Positive Future for Humanity and the Earth Environment then we are sealing our own demise. Do Not Support those who value power over Love and Life.

Direct Actions to Support Our Infinite Future

Click Here to Contact Luke to discuss collaboration Click Here to Contact Luke to discuss your company sponsoring Our Infinite Future (OIF) Some Sponsorship Examples include but are not limited to: Creating NEW full time positions to work with OIF to build an Infinite future Creating NEW part time positions to work with OIF to build an Infinite future Establishing a schedule for your current staff to collaborate with OIF Providing OIF access to resources which are available within your network Utilising your network and resources to Co-promote Our Infinite Future Events Click Here to Contact Ari through our Online Donations and Sponsorship Form Some Donation Examples include but are not limited to: Providing your time and energy to collaborate with OIF Providing OIF access to resources which are available within your network Providing one off cash donations or establishing ongoing cash donations to OIF Lets Build an Infinite and Positive Future Together :)

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