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Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary Colleges purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young women

to be the best that they can be.


T E A C H I N G & L E A R N I N G M O D E L
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Wa y s o f knowing

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Cognitive Models Inquiry


Wa y s o f being

Skills for working

Social Models Constructivist

Direct Teaching Models Behaviourist

Collaborating Constructing Knowledge & Understanding Problem Solving Scaffolding Facilitating Learning skills Acquiring Knowledge Modelling Sequencing Reecting on success Looking forward

Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary Colleges purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young women to be the best that they can be.


Direct Teaching Models: Involve the learning of skills and the acquisition and production of knowledge. These (Behaviourist) models include modelling and sequencing.
Re#lecting on how well the new learning has been acquired and where to from here is important.

Social Models: Are based on learner collaboration and the construction of knowledge and understandings. These models include constructivist approaches and group problem solving.
Scaffolding the learning is important and the role of teacher as facilitator.

Cognitive Models: Involve the processing of information, building of concepts, generation and testing of ideas and thinking creatively. These models include inquiry, inductive learning and teaching through analogy.
Re#lecting on thinking and extending reasoning to new situations is important.

Differentiated Instruction Essential to the Matthew Flinders Model of Teaching and Learning is the concept of Differentiated Instruction (DI). DI is based on knowing the entry point of the learner, their interests and learning proEile, and developing a plan of instruction to ensure individual progress through the teaching and learning sequence. DI covers the tailoring of content, process, products and the learning environment. The Teacher The Teacher is the planner, facilitator and assessor, with an expert base of content knowledge in his/her area of specialisation. In order to differentiate instruction effectively, it is the teachers responsibility to know their students point of entry through careful examination of all of the available data (NAPLAN, VELS, reports and communication with other staff). The Teacher makes decisions about lesson objectives and which model best suits a lesson objective. The Student The Student is a responsible partner in their learning, understanding their preferred learning styles, what they are learning and why. The MFGSC Inquiry Based Learning Model


Petit Inquiry

Rich Task

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