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32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 Telephone: (949)903-7254

December 20, 2012

Dear School Official: During regular school hours at a school in San Juan Capistrano, an individual armed with a single simplistic firearm can easily walk onto campus without challenge, walk into an unlocked classroom and begin murdering dozens of children. What should the teacher do? What should teachers in neighboring classrooms do? By the time the Sheriffs Department arrives four minutes later, 30 innocents are already dead. As a father of two school age sons and as an elected official representing the good people of San Juan Capistrano, I am quite concerned regarding the health and safety of our most vulnerable members of our community, our children. As we are all aware there has been an escalation of mass shootings over the past thirty years (Despite an overall decrease in violent crime during that same period) in our nations schools culminating in the December 14 attack in Newtown, Connecticut. While we all share a grave concern for the safety of our children, I would appreciate your efforts and attention given to the following matters as they pertain to your school(s) in San Juan Capistrano. Efforts must be taken to empower teachers, staff and parents to protect our children. Our society has been provided a false sense of security with schools partially surrounded by chain link fences with unlocked gates and a one thousand foot gun free zone. It has continuously been demonstrated that neither deter the evil intent of murdering dozens of children. It is time as adults entrusted with the lives of children, we overcome our denial. Train faculty and staff: Work actively and in coordination with local law enforcement and security experts to educate school personnel on what to do in an active shooter situation. Conduct lockdown drills just as we conduct fire and earthquake drills so that responses become instinctive. Arm willing staff, teachers and/or parents. Alternatively hire armed security: There exists an understandable emotional response that if we just prevent firearms from being on campus, no shootings will ever occur. This attitude is tragically nave. Someone intent on murdering dozens of children has no fear of a sign informing him that bringing a firearm to school is a felony. Every mass shooting in recent history has occurred in a gun free zone. These shooters tend to cower from armed confrontation and commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by armed resistance.

2 No teacher or staff member should be required to carry firearms, however many already own and are trained with their own firearms. The firearms can be easily and safely secured in the classrooms. Furthermore, this would require no additional funding. Volunteer parents are also a viable option. Another alternative would be to hire armed security; however this would require a funding source. Regardless security must be armed! While armed security is more costly, unarmed security is no security at all. Secure the perimeter of campuses: These tragic events never occur in inner city schools in large part because these schools are on virtual lockdown during school hours. Develop fencing around the entire perimeter. Lock gates so they may not be opened from the outside and allow only a single access point for guests. Furthermore, lock classrooms and ensure there is only one point of entry. These along with other actions create hard targets that are more difficult to attack. They by themselves do not prevent an attack, but they will deter a potential attack and delay an active attack until law enforcement arrives. In conclusion, please provide information regarding efforts that have been taken to empower teachers, staff and parents to protect our children. If you need any cooperation or resources whereby I may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. Very Respectfully,

Derek Reeve, Esq. San Juan Capistrano City Council member

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